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Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Rhyming Song

3rd Grade

Karalee Harris Educ. 4340 PM Music/Language Arts Integrated Original Idea Learning Centers

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Rhyming Song 3rd Grade
3rd Grade Music Target: Create new verses to familiar songs retaining the metric patterns of the original song but featuring events or topics from the lives of the students. Language Arts Core: Standard VII: Comprehension Students understand, interpret, and analyze narrative and informational grade level text. Objective 3: Recognize and use features of narrative and informational text. b. Identify different genres: fairy tales, poems, realistic fiction, fantasy, fables, folk tales, tall tales, biographies, historical fiction. Lesson Objective: Create New Lyrics for the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Materials: Utah State Songbook CD Paper and pencils for each group. Lesson Outline Cue: Play and sing the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star from the State Songbook. Tell the students to sing along when they know the words. Sing it 2-3 times. Into: Discuss Poetry: What do you know about poetry? What makes something a poem? The song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is a poem. What makes this song a poem? The last words in the first line rhymes with the last word in the second line. (It has rhyming words.) What are rhyming words? Words that sound alike. What are some words that rhyme with the word_____________? (Brainstorm lists of rhyming words.) Through: Create a Class Poem: Today we are going to write our own poems to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Do you think you can help me? Write a new verse to the song and then sing it as a class. Lets write our poem about our moms. How does the song start? .... Thus, our song will start, Mother, Mother (write one the board.) Brainstorm ideas of what to write to finish the first line. Make sure to count the syllables and make sure the new poems with the same amount of syllables.

Next, what would rhyme with the last word in first line? Create the next line. These two lines will also be the last two lines of the poem. Now we just need the middle two lines. Brainstorm ideas and write the middle lines. Beyond: Write Group Poems and Sing: Separate the class into groups of about 4 students (each table separated into two groups). Now its your turn to write a poem. Have the students write their own poems. Tell the students to write the names of all group members on the top of their paper. Next, pick someone to write about (sister, mother, father, cousin, teacher, best friend, etc.) When writing the poem, remember that the first two lines are the same as the last two lines. Lines 1 and 2 end with rhyming words and the lines 3 and 4 end with rhyming words. Also make sure each line has the correct number of syllables. Give each group ten minutes to come up with their poem. When groups are done, have them practice singing their poem to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Have each group sing their verse to the class. Assessment: Students will be assessed through observation and review of their written poem.

Little participation.

Participating most of the time.

Active participating the majority of the time.

Did little singing.

Sang part of the song. Song had some rhyming, and somewhat followed the tune.

Sang the song with group.

Song did not follow the tune and did not rhyme.

Song rhymed and followed the tune.

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