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EZINE 127 ENERO A MARZO 2013 Casa Juillet Ezine "Excellere". Chile. En Castellano , Ingles y Aleman One Long Article in English. Schlielich finden Sie einen Artikel in deutscher Sprache. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Content: Contenido OVNI EN MARYSVILLE................. POR DR. FARTHON CLIMBOR. UFO ALIEN ENTITY..................... BY JOE STANTON DENVER UFOS ARE NOT INSECTS..... BY OUTER LIMITS. MASS PSYCOSIS........................ BY LIEBE GUNDLICH NEUROPSY CHOPHARMACOLOGY........ BY DR. FARTHON UFO NEWS.............................. BY DIRECTOR SHAFER SIGHTINGS............................. BY DR. FARTHON CLIMBOR AUFGABEN.............................X ARNOLD TAUB WATER UFO.............................BY DARTH VADER. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&



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OVNI EN MARYSVILLE.................POR DR. F. CLIMBOR. 22 marzo 2013 Una mujer ha dado un paso adelante Marysville, alegando que ella tambin fue testigo de luces extraas en el cielo la semana pasada. Katie Kinman, de 59 aos, se comunic con el Whidbey News-Times, despus de leer un artculo publicado el mircoles sobre Dick y cuenta Carol Johnson de luces inexplicables sobre su casa Point Bush el pasado sbado. De acuerdo con Kinman, ella tambin fue testigo de extraos objetos iluminados por la noche, pero estos estaban en Marysville, a las 10:30 pm, aproximadamente dos horas despus de que el fenmeno reportado en South Whidbey. "Estaba muy feliz a alguien ms lo vio porque me senta muy sola", dijo Kinman. Kinman fue capaz de grabar secuencias de vdeo del evento. Shaky y con tanto esfuerzo a discernir los detalles, la pelcula muestra al menos una luz de color naranja similar a los descritos por los Johnson. Kinman dijo que estaba conduciendo con ella seis aos de edad, hijastro y se haba fusionado slo sobre el camino de la calle 142a Shoultes cuando vio dos objetos brillantes bajo en el cielo cerca.



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La distancia era difcil de calibrar, dijo, pero eran estacionarios y de la altura de una farola. Tirando ms, Kinman comenz a grabar el objeto cuando se senta una "sensacin extraa". "Como sostuve mis brazos hasta rodar este video, tengo una sensacin de que algo extrao estaba por encima de m, as que levant la vista justo encima de m, a mi izquierda, es por eso que accidentalmente film el terreno", dijo. Uno de los objetos era slo por encima de ella y la experiencia result de una de maravilla aprensin a una de terror porque el "largo y de forma ovalada" embarcacin comenz a moverse hacia ellos. "Mi hijastro comenz a gritar y golpear la ventana para m volver a estar en el coche", dijo. "Me asust tan malo que dej de grabar y salt en el coche. Sacud tan mal que no poda conducir. Luego desapareci." Kinman a casa e inmediatamente llam a una estacin de noticias de televisin para informar sobre el incidente, pero dijo que slo se ri de sus reclamos desesperados. "Me dijeron: 'Vamos a salir al aire en tres minutos y no tengo tiempo para esto" y luego colg ", dijo. Kinman dijo que ella se da cuenta "que parece una locura", y se sinti aliviado de haber ledo muy en cuenta los Johnson, ya que no slo se produjo en la misma noche, pero haba algunas similitudes. "No tena ningn sonido", dijo. Dado cuenta de los Johnson fue publicada el mircoles, varias personas han llamado al peridico para informar de las experiencias propias. Uno de ellos era Jerry Shimek, residente Point Bush que vive al otro lado de la calle de los Johnson. Shimek dijo que tambin vio dos luces la noche del sbado, aproximadamente a la misma hora. Estaban bajo en el cielo y viaja hacia el este, pero l cree que no eran nada ms que lo que comnmente se conoce como "linternas chinas". "Se vean a m como globos de aire caliente liberada slo por diversin", dijo Shimek. Otros Whidbey Island residentes que llamaron ofrecieron su apoyo a los Johnson y les



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pidi su informacin de contacto para que pudieran compartir experiencias inexplicables de los suyos. En cuanto a Kinman, ella cree que ella fue testigo de algn tipo de avin militar secreto, en lugar de algo extraterrestre en la naturaleza. Todo lo que sabe a ciencia cierta, sin embargo, es que ellos no eran los globos de aire caliente. "Al igual que Dick Johnson, yo no bebo, no fumo marihuana y yo no estoy loco", dijo. A Marysville woman has stepped forward, claiming that she too witnessed strange lights in the sky last weekend. Katie Kinman, 59, contacted the Whidbey News-Times after reading a story published Wednesday about Dick and Carol Johnson's account of unexplainable lights over their Bush Point home this past Saturday. According to Kinman, she also witnessed strange lighted objects that evening but these were in Marysville at 10:30 p.m., about two hours after the reported phenomenon on South Whidbey. "I was pretty happy someone else saw it because I was feeling pretty alone," Kinman said. Kinman was able to record video footage of the event. Shaky and with hard-to-discern details, the footage shows at least one orange light similar to those described by the Johnsons. Kinman said she was driving with her 6-year-old stepson and had just merged onto Shoultes Road from 142nd Street when she saw two bright objects low in the sky nearby. The distance was hard to gauge, she said, but they were stationary and about the height of a streetlight. Pulling over, Kinman began recording the object when she felt a "strange sensation." "As I held my arms up shooting this video, I got a strange feeling something was above me, so I looked up directly above me to my left; that's why I accidentally filmed the ground," she said. One of the objects was just above her and the experience turned from one of apprehensive wonder to one of terror because the "long and oval shaped" craft began moving toward them. "My stepson began screaming and pounding on the window for me to get back in the



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car," she said. "It scared me so bad I stopped recording and jumped in the car. I shook so bad I could hardly drive. Then it just vanished." Kinman drove home and immediately called a television news station to report the incident but she said they only laughed at her frantic claims. "They said, 'We're going on the air in three minutes and don't have time for this' and then they hung up," she said. Kinman said she realizes "this sounds crazy" and was extremely relieved to have read the Johnsons' account because it not only occurred on the same night but there were some similarities. "It had no sound," she said. Since the Johnsons' account was published Wednesday, several people have called the newspaper to report experiences of their own. One was Jerry Shimek, a Bush Point resident who lives across the street from the Johnsons. Shimek said he also saw two lights Saturday night, at about the same time. They were low in the sky and traveling east but he believes they were nothing more than what are commonly referred to as "Chinese lanterns." "They looked to me like hot air balloons released just for fun," Shimek said. Others Whidbey Island residents who called in offered their support for the Johnsons and asked for their contact information so they could share unexplainable experiences of their own. As for Kinman, she believes she witnessed some type of secret military aircraft, as opposed to something extraterrestrial in nature. All she knows for sure, however, is that they were no hot air balloons. "Like Dick Johnson, I don't drink, I don't smoke pot and I'm not crazy," she said. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ================================================



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UFO: Alien-like entity cloaks in cloud..........BY JOE STANTON. ufo December 1, 2012 A UFO cloaked as cloud, was observed in the district of New Plymouth, in New Zealand, as reported by UFO Sightings Daily, and published today on The Canadian. The website, UFO Sightings Daily, is coordinated by Scott C. Waring. He had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan. In this report, Scott Waring has published images of the UFO, along with an eyewitness report. The witness report describes where the photo was taken. This was taken over the New Plymouth district, New Zealand... with Mt Taranaki appearing in the distance. My brother-in-law, Jim Paxie took the shot... he says just above the first cloud was a very striking pink glow between the two layers...but this didn't really show on film. It stayed for over half an hour he said....then slowly dissipated. These clouds often appear near mountains....but I thought I'd send you this as it does look rather cool I thought. Mr. Waring mentions that the report was emailed to him and says... The above report was emailed to me at UFO Sightings Daily and is really amazing. He also explains why the UFOs create clouds around them and says...



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Sometimes people ask, why do you believe that UFOs sometimes make clouds around them? To move about stealthily. Scott Waring also goes on to say that a US military personnel had also sighted such a UFO in the past. He sates, A military solider at Fort Belvoir was eyewitness and recorded a metallic ring UFO over his base and took photos of it over several minutes, seeing it create a cloud around itself to hide. This is a US military report called the "The Condon Report," from 1957. The photos he took are below. The report also includes a picture of the alleged ring shaped UFO captured by the mentioned in The Condon Report from 1957. ================= Butterfly expert: Denver UFOs are not insects ufo November 21, 2012 A squadron of UFOs over Vancouver, British Columbia imaged in 3CCD color. On Nov. 20, 2012, FOX31 Denver KDVR television reported their on-camera testimony from an entomologist stating how UFOs captured on video over downtown Denver are not insects. Mary Ann Hamilton, the Vice President of Science and Research at the Westminster, Colorado Butterfly Pavilion, told reporters that After watching the various shots, I do not believe its an insect. The shape is inconsistent with an insect. Entomology is the scientific study of insects, reportedly including related molecular genetics, behavior, biomechanics, biochemistry, systematics, physiology, developmental biology, ecology, morphology, paleontology, mathematics, anthropology, robotics, agriculture, nutrition and forensic science.

Location: denver, colorado 39.740009307861 ; -104.99230194092 . The Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, Colorado combines science education with interactive fun to teach visitors about invertebrates and conservation. Their website describes how



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what was the nation's first stand-alone non-profit invertebrate zoo features five immersive exhibits," including a "rainforest filled with 1,600 free-flying tropical butterflies. This is just one of todays top UFO news stories covered on this mornings edition of UFOAM. Previous editions have featured exclusive interviews with author Eve Lorgen and CeRPERs Martyn Ellis, details of which appear later in this article. Live UFO News Weekdays Click here to watch UFOAM: Todays Top UFO News for Nov. 21, 2012 featuring Denver UFOs and the unconscious secrets of a witness to UFOs at ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake, Washington. UFOAM is a new online public UFO news forum providing access to informed discussions, opportunities to receive feedback and answers to questions concerning one of the world's most intriguing subjects: the mystery of UFO phenomena. Host and moderator Jon Kelly is joined by special guests including veteran experiencers, authors and videographers who drop by to share their latest insights in what promises to be a lively half hour event every weekday at 7 a.m. PST/10 a.m. EDT/3 p.m. GMT. What Experts Said Aviation expert Steve Cowell, who consulted on their initial report, told FOX31 at that time how his review of videos showing UFOs apparently taking off and landing in downtown Denver revealed That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds, I cant identify it. A statement from the Federal Aviation Administration instructed reporters, We`ve checked with air traffic control and no one has had any reports of the activity you describednor have any of our employees observed anything of this nature either visually or on their radar displays. An additional statement from the North American Aerospace Defense Command reads, Our Command Center reviewed their records and they did not have any noted air activity in the Denver area during the times you indicated. The mile-high mystery deepens and FOX31 will hopefully continue with their exceptional coverage of this and other related stories.Mariposa de expertos: los ovnis no son insectos



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Denver OVNI 21 de noviembre 2012 Un escuadrn de ovnis sobre Vancouver, British Columbia fotografiado en color 3CCD. El 20 de noviembre de 2012, FOX31 Denver KDVR televisin informaron de su testimonio ante las cmaras de un entomlogo que indica cmo los ovnis capturados en video sobre el centro de Denver no son insectos. Mary Ann Hamilton, vicepresidente de Ciencia e Investigacin de la Westminster, Colorado Butterfly Pavilion, dijo a los periodistas que "" Despus de ver las tomas diferentes, lo hago no creo que sea un insecto. La forma es incompatible con un insecto. "" Entomologa es el estudio cientfico de los insectos, segn informes, incluidos los relacionados con la gentica molecular, el comportamiento, la biomecnica, la bioqumica, la fisiologa, sistemtica, biologa del desarrollo, ecologa, morfologa, paleontologa, las matemticas, la antropologa, la robtica, la agricultura, la nutricin y la ciencia forense.

Ubicacin: denver, colorado 39,740009307861; -104,99230194092. El pabelln de la mariposa en Westminster, Colorado combina "la educacin cientfica con la diversin interactiva para ensear a los visitantes acerca de los invertebrados y de conservacin." Su pgina web se describe cmo lo que era "la primera nacin independiente sin fines de lucro zoo invertebrado" caractersticas "cinco inmersiva exhibe", incluyendo una "selva tropical llena con 1.600 vuelo libre mariposas tropicales". Esta es slo una de las principales noticias de hoy OVNI cubiertos en la edicin de esta maana de UFOAM. Las ediciones anteriores han ofrecido entrevistas exclusivas con el autor y



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Eva Lorgen de CERPER Martyn Ellis, cuyos detalles aparecen ms adelante en este artculo. Das de la semana en Vivo OVNI Noticias

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Novedades de hoy para UFO 21 de noviembre 2012 con ovnis Denver y los secretos inconscientes de un testigo de ovnis en Rancho ECETI en Trout Lake, Washington. UFOAM es un nuevo foro pblico en lnea noticias OVNI proporcionar acceso a las discusiones informadas, las oportunidades para recibir comentarios y respuestas a las preguntas sobre uno de los del mundo temas ms interesantes: el misterio del fenmeno OVNI. Anfitrin y moderador Jon Kelly es acompaado por invitados especiales como experimentadores veteranos, autores y camargrafos que gota a compartir sus ltimas ideas en lo que promete ser un evento de media hora cada da de la semana animado a las 7 am PST/10 am EDT / 3 pm GMT. Qu dijeron los expertos Aviacin experto Steve Cowell, quien consult sobre su informe inicial, dijo FOX31 en ese momento como su revisin de videos que muestran al parecer ovnis despegando y aterrizando en el centro de Denver revel "Eso no es un avin, que no es un helicptero, esas no son las aves, que no puedo identificar." Un comunicado de los periodistas Administracin Federal de Aviacin instruidos "," Nos `he comprobado con el control del trfico areo y nadie ha tenido ningn reporte de la actividad que se describe ni ... presenta alguno de nuestros empleados observado nada de esta naturaleza ya sea visualmente o en las pantallas de sus radares. "" Una declaracin adicional del Comando Norte de Defensa Aeroespacial de Amrica dice: "" Nuestro Centro de Comando revisado sus registros y no tenan ninguna actividad area se indica en



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el rea de Denver durante las horas que se indican. ""

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El misterio aumenta kilmetros de altura y FOX31 esperamos continuar con su cobertura excepcional de esta y otras historias relacionadas Contact Dreams Click here to watch UFO Psychic Dream on YouTube: Inspired by NASA's 'Gradient Sun', this video re-envisions stabilized video of a Vancouver UFO recorded at a location where precognitive dreams instructed a contactee when UFOs would appear for taping. Gradient filters reportedly help scientists trace light emissions from luminous bodies by intensifying the contrast between foreground and background objects on video. A gradient represents a change in value over distance in one direction such as the slope of a curve appearing on a graph. The soundtrack was composed and performed live using a Korg Monotribe analog synthesizer via the MTribe control interface, both MIDIpal-sequenced and Shruthi-1 SMR-4filtered. Film editor and sound designer Walter Murch once told how, "[Synthesized tuned helicopter blade sound used in] the beginning of the film [Apocalypse Now] was a trigger for the psychic dimension." Stolen Hearts Eve Lorgen, M.A., author of The Dark Side of Cupid: Love Affairs, Energy Vampirism and the Supernatural was the special guest on UFOAM this past Wednesday. In her new book, the author explores how Cupid can take the form of extraterrestrials, angel watchers, troll spirits, or reptilians. Through her early years of alien abduction research, Ms. Lorgen reportedly discovered how ordinary investigative and scientific methods alone could not adequately deal with the reality of otherworldly interference in human affairs. A dedicated consultant with over 20 years of experience in helping people learn how to manage anomalous trauma, her work is helping people to deepen their own soul connection, develop emotional intelligence and wisely discern in the matters of love. Samadhi Party Martyn Ellis, Founding Director of the Centre for Research & Policy on Extraterrestrial Relations (CeRPER) described the nature of yogic Samadhi and its role in ET contact during his exclusive interview on UFOAM from earlier this month.



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CeRPER provides Europe's CE-5 Diplomatic Training Expeditions along with an Intra-personal development center dedicated to exploring spirituality and consciousness to further understand celestial/star-citizen relations under the auspice of universal peace and human spiritual development. CeRPER, is an independent non-profit organisation registered in England and Wales engaged in extraterrestrial contact, research and training, encouraging a non-harmful, nonprejudicial contact with extraterrestrial visitors to Earth. Consequently, the philosophy and fundamental principles supporting peaceful diplomatic human initiated contact, are upheld by CeRPER and reasserted to continue that approach through the promotion of the UK CE-5 Diplomat Training Program. Orientated towards a rational non-anthropocentric understanding of the ETi [Extraterrestrial Intelligence] subject, CeRPER also encourages a synthesis of empiricism and spiritual understanding as a necessary component for successful celestial/ETi contact and communication which to date, empiricism alone, has failed to achieve. Unlike the NASA funded SETI [Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence] project, CeRPER's human initiated contact programme uses consciousness augmented with technical equipment to make direct contact and vector ETi craft into the contact group vicinity. Part of the training includes an understanding of consciousness and meditation which also has a practical application, the ability to enter into a calm controlled state of mind where a close-range CE-5 encounter is about to unfold. The outcome of this proven and sensitive approach, is organised in such a way to facilitate in-depth understanding in Extraterrestrial studies from within a holistic vis--vis spiritual perspective. The CeRPER Aims and Objectives statement outlines the following points : 1. To act as Diplomats for Humanity; when interacting with the Extraterrestrial Civilisations to procure mutual peaceful benefits 2. To help reconcile the apparent dichotomy between the existing world paradigm to the new emerging world paradigm; incorporating sustainable economic & environmental wealth, new sciences, technology, peace and abundance for all of humanity & the Earth 3. To use and develop the CE-5 (Close Encounter of the 5th Kind) Contact Protocols; involving mediation and consciousness as the primary means to interact with Extraterrestrial Civilisations, as well as other proven Contact Protocols -



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4. To train and educate interested parties about the CE-5 Contact Protocols; and how to use them for peaceful contact 5. To educate the public and other interested parties on relevant Extraterrestrial Issues and Implications; the education will be in harmony with the other stated objectives 6. To develop Policy & Conduct Research regarding Extraterrestrial Issues; the Policy & Research will be in harmony with the other stated objectives 7. To set up other relevant organisations; as necessary to deal with specific issues arising from our aims & objectives. Click here to watch UFOAM: Todays Top UFO News for Nov. 7, 2012 featuring an exclusive interview with Martyn Ellis, Founding Director of the Centre for Research & Policy on Extraterrestrial Relations (CeRPER). Volunteers Helped to Tell an Asteroids Story On April 22, a fast-moving fireball flew through the sky over Nevada and California and exploded. Some people witnessed the event, others snapped photos, and a security camera near Lake Tahoe caught it on video. Now, using pictures, videos and rock fragments, 70 scientists from around the world have pieced together the back story. From analyses of dozens of fragments that fell to Earth, they report that the fireball was a small asteroid about 10 feet in diameter belonging to a rare and primitive class of bodies called carbonaceous chondrites, from the inner region of the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. The asteroid was going unusually fast when it entered the atmosphere about 18 miles per second, according to the scientists. Thats twice as a fast as many other meteor falls, said Peter Jenniskens, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., and an author of the report, which appears in the journal Science. Its the fastest meteor impact weve been able to record. Doppler weather radar picked up falling meteorites, giving clues to where to look for fragments, Dr. Jenniskens said. Many of the fragments were found by volunteers. Dr. Jenniskens and a colleague held town meetings to teach people how to identify and handle meteorites.



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It was a big help because it allowed us to collect pieces quite quickly, he said a good thing, because some minerals in the fragments are very sensitive to water and could have been ruined by rainfall. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& MASS PSYCOSIS.......................BY LIEBE GUNDLICH. Inmates in a womens prison near the Chinese border are said to have experienced a collective mass psychosis so intense that their wardens summoned a priest to calm them. In a factory town east of Moscow, panicked citizens stripped shelves of matches, kerosene, sugar and candles. A huge Mayan-style archway is being built out of ice on Karl Marx Street in Chelyabinsk in the south. For those not schooled in New Age prophecy, there are rumors the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012, when a 5,125-year cycle known as the Long Count in the Mayan calendar supposedly comes to a close. Russia, a nation with a penchant for mystical thinking, has taken notice. Last week, Russias government decided to put an end to the doomsday talk. Its minister of emergency situations said Friday that he had access to methods of monitoring what is occurring on the planet Earth, and that he could say with confidence that the world was not going to end in December. He acknowledged, however, that Russians were still vulnerable to blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, floods, trouble with transportation and food supply, breakdowns in heat, electricity and water supply. Similar assurances have been issued in recent days by Russias chief sanitary doctor, a top official of the Russian Orthodox Church, lawmakers from the State Duma and a former disc jockey from Siberia who recently placed first in the television show Battle of the Psychics. One official proposed prosecuting Russians who spread the rumor starting on Dec. 22. You cannot endlessly speak about the end of the world, and I say this as a doctor, said Leonid Ogul, a member of Parliaments environment committee. Everyone has a different nervous system, and this kind of information affects them differently. Information acts subconsciously. Some people are provoked to laughter, some to heart attacks, and some to



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some negative actions. Russia is not the only country to face this problem.

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In France, the authorities plan to bar access to Bugarach mountain in the south to keep out a flood of visitors who believe it is a sacred place that will protect a lucky few from the end of the world. The patriarch of Ukraines Orthodox Church recently issued a statement assuring the faithful that doomsday is sure to come, but that it will be provoked by the moral decline of mankind, not the so-called parade of planets or the end of the Mayan calendar. In Yucatn State in Mexico, which has a large Mayan population, most place little stock in end-of-days talk. Officials are planning a Mayan cultural festival on Dec. 21 and, to show that all will be well after that, a follow-up in 2013. Russians, however, can be powerfully transported by emotions, as the Rev. Tikhon Irshenko witnessed during his visit to Prison Colony No. 10 in the village of Gornoye. In an interview with the Data news service, Father Tikhon said he was summoned to the prison in November. The wardens told him that anxiety over the Mayan prophecy had been building for two months, and some inmates had broken out of the facility because of their disturbing thoughts. Some of the women were sick, or having seizures, he said. Once, when the prisoners were standing in formation, one of them imagined that the earth yawned, and they were all stricken by fear and ran in all directions, the priest said. He lectured the inmates about the signs of the apocalypse according to the New Testament, he said, and after that the populist statements about the end of the world were dispelled and the tension eased. More common are reports about panicky buying. In Ulan-Ude, the capital of the Buryatiya region, citizens have reportedly been hoarding food and candles to survive a period without light, following instructions from a Tibetan monk called the Oracle of Shambhala, who has been described on some Russian television broadcasts. A similar account appeared in a local newspaper in the factory town of Omutninsk, about 700 miles east of Moscow. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Neuropsychopharmacology ..............BY DR. F. CLIMBOR.



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Discovery of pathway leading to depression reveals new drug targets Scientists have identified the key molecular pathway leading to depression, revealing potential new targets for drug discovery, according to research led by King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry. The study, published today in Neuropsychopharmacology, reveals for the first time that the 'Hedgehog pathway' regulates how stress hormones, usually elevated during depression, reduce the number of brain cells. Researchers find new genetic pathway behind neurodevelopmental disorders Researchers at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute have discovered a new genetic process that could one day provide a novel target for the treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders, such as intellectual disability and autism. Researchers investigate impacts of climate change on rare tropical plants Research led by the University of York has found that the impacts of climate change on rare plants in tropical mountains will vary considerably from site to site and from species to species. European 6th Framework/Marie-Curie programme, Leverhulme Trust, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, British Institute in Eastern Africa Molecular Cell Insight into DNA reprogramming during egg and sperm cell development Scientists at the Babraham Institute have gained a new understanding of when and how the DNA in developing egg and sperm cells is 'reset', in preparation for making a new embryo. BBSRC, Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, MRC, Wellcome Trust, European Union Gladstone scientists discover novel mechanism by which calorie restriction influences longevity Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes have identified a novel mechanism by which a type of low-carb, low-calorie diet--called a "ketogenic diet"--could delay the effects of aging. This fundamental discovery reveals how such a diet could slow the aging process and may one day allow scientists to better treat or prevent age-related diseases, including heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and many forms of cancer. Cell Stem Cell A relationship between cancer genes and the reprogramming gene SOX2 discovered Two studies discover the relationship between two cancer genes, CDKN1B(p27) and MEF, and the reprogramming gene SOX2. Immunity Immune system kill switch could be target for chemotherapy and infection recovery Researchers have discovered an immune system 'kill switch' that destroys blood stem cells when the body is under severe stress, such as that induced by chemotherapy and systemic infections. The discovery could have implications for protecting the blood system during chemotherapy or in diseases associated with overwhelming infection, such as



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sepsis. National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, Australian Research Council, and others PLOS Pathogens Vaginal microbicide gel may offer a promising strategy for prevention and protection against HIV transmission A new study shows that a microbicide gel is highly effective in block infection by the AIDS virus in a non-human primate model. In the paper published December 6 in the Open Access journal PLOS Pathogens, Dereuddre-Bosquet and colleagues from the European Combined Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Microbicides Consortium describe the gel's key ingredient, which are small peptides engineered to present a decoy to bind up the virus and prevent it from entering and infecting the cells of the body. PLOS Pathogens New research investigates how the common 'cat parasite' gets into the brain A new study demonstrates for the first time how the Toxoplasma gondii parasite enters the brain to influence its host's behavior. This research was led by researchers from the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University in Sweden publishes today in the Open Access journal PLOS Pathogens. USC scientists turn a harmful greenhouse gas into a tool for making pharmaceuticals A team of chemists at USC has developed a way to transform a hitherto useless ozonedestroying greenhouse gas that is the byproduct of Teflon manufacture and transform it into reagents for producing pharmaceuticals. University of Southern California Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute Science His and hers: Male hormones control differences in mammary gland nerve growth Johns Hopkins scientists have found a surprising mechanism that gives male sex hormones like testosterone control over the gender-specific absence or presence of mammary gland nerves that sense the amount of milk available in breast milk ducts. NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH/National Eye Institute, NIH/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Howard Hughes Medical Institute PLOS Genetics Valuable tool for predicting pain genes in people Scientists in Australia and Austria have described a "network map" of genes involved in pain perception. The work, published in the journal PLOS Genetics should help identify new analgesic drugs. New genetic disorder of balance and cognition discovered



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The family of disorders known as ataxia can impair speech, balance and coordination, and have varying levels of severity. Scientists from the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh have identified a new member of this group of conditions which is connected to 'Lincoln ataxia', so called because it was first found in the relatives of US President Abraham Lincoln. AtaxiaUK World's smallest reaction chamber The world's smallest reaction chamber, with a mixing volume measured in femtolitres (million billionths of a litre), can be used to study the kind of speedy, nanoscale biochemical reactions that take place inside individual cells. By combining two electrospray emitters, not only can such reactions occur but the resulting products can be determined by mass spectrometry. Cell A direct line through the brain to avoid rotten food -- a full STOP signal for Drosophila Consuming putrid food can be lethal as it allows bacterial pathogens to enter the digestive system. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, have decoded the mechanisms underlying an escape reflex in Drosophila activated in order to avoid eating food infected by toxic microorganisms. A super-sensitive neural line is activated as soon as the flies perceive the tiniest amount of geosmin, a substance released by toxic bacteria and mold fungi. Max Planck Society, German Ministry for Science and Education Cell Disgust circuit: Flies sniff out and avoid spoiled food The ability to detect rotten food is so crucial for survival that even flies have a dedicated neural circuit to do just that, according to a study published on Dec. 6 in the Cell Press journal Cell. The brain circuit allows flies to avoid feeding and laying eggs on fruit covered in toxic molds and bacteria and represents a unique, specialized system for detecting a repulsive odor. Science Drought in the Horn of Africa delays migrating birds The catastrophic drought last year in the Horn of Africa affected millions of people but also caused the extremely late arrival into northern Europe of several migratory songbird species, a study from University of Copenhagen published in Science now shows. Details of the migration route was revealed by data collected from small back-packs fitted on birds showing that the delay resulted from an extended stay in the Horn of Africa.



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Current Biology At high altitude, carbs are the fuel of choice Mice living in the high-altitude, oxygen-starved environment of the Andean mountains survive those harsh conditions by fueling their muscles with carbohydrates. The findings, reported online on Dec. 6 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, provide the first compelling evidence of a clear difference in energy metabolism between high- and low-altitude native mammals. European Romani exodus began 1,500 years ago, DNA evidence shows Despite their modern-day diversity of language, lifestyle, and religion, Europe's widespread Romani population shares a common, if complex, past. It all began in northwestern India about 1,500 years ago, according to a study reported on Dec. 6 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, that offers the first genome-wide perspective on Romani origins and demographic history. 000000000000 UFO NEWS...........................BY Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Florida, Hawaii; Indiana, Kansa, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Antarctica, Canada, Dominican Republic, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Isle of Man, England and Scotland in the United Kingdom. Solar Warden - The Secret Space Program US Naval Network and Space Operations Command photo UK News Darren Perks reports since 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been in operation unknown to the public... Is this nonsense, is it a conspiracy or is it simply so sensitive that it will cause uproar around the world? These are my own words after conducting research into the secret program. While conducting an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DOD (department of defense) in 2010, I had a very unexpected response by email from them which read:



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"About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DOD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager. I have run your request through one of our space-related directorates and I'm waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?" The program not only operates classified under the US Government but also under the United Nations authority. So you might be wondering, how do I know this information? Well there are a few people and many others that have tried hard to find out the truth, and have succeeded by leaked information or simply asking questions and have government departments slip up and give away information freely, just like what happened when Darren Perks asked the DOD. One notable contributor is Gary Mckinnon. When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and a secret program called "Solar Warden", he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed "the biggest military computer hack of all time", and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy's Space Fleet. To date the UK has refused to extradite McKinnon McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are about eight cigar-shaped Motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small "scout ships. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising. Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA. Solar Warden"



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We have a space fleet, which is code named; Solar Warden. There were, as of 2005, eight ships, an equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three protectors, which are space planes. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars' orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. This base was established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork. Not everything is, as it seems. We have visited all the planets in our solar system, at a distance of course, except Mercury. We have landed on Pluto and a few moons. These ships contain personnel from many countries and have sworn an oath to the World Government. The technology came from back engineering alien-disc wreckage and at times with alien assistance. So should we just write this off as utter nonsense? No we shouldn't and as time goes on the truth will slowly come out. Many people around the world are now witnessing craft moving around in the skies and sub space that completely defy gravity. Whether they are part of the Solar Warden secret program, military experimental aircraft or not, thousands of people know what they see. In my view is very real and a very strong possibility. So no, I don't think we should rule it out as complete nonsense. Yes, it's a conspiracy because of all the hype and controversy surrounding the facts and information about the program. Sensitive is an understatement. This program would change the world and our views on space exploration and travel, so no wonder that it would be kept a big 'secret'. On 23 June 2009, the Secretary of Defense directed the Commander of U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) to establish USCYBERCOM. In May 2010, the Commander General Keith Alexander outlined his views in a report for the United States House Committee on Armed Services subcommittee: "My own view is that the only way to counteract both criminal and espionage activity online is to be proactive. If the U.S. is taking a formal approach to this, then that has to be a good thing. The Chinese are viewed as the source of a great many attacks on western infrastructure and just recently, the U.S. electrical grid. If that is determined to be an organized attack, I would want to go and take down the source of those attacks. The only problem is that the Internet, by its very nature, has no borders and if the U.S. takes on



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the mantle of the world's police; that might not go down so well." President Reagan's Diary

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On April 13, the National Archive Records Administration made available almost 250,000 pages of documents from President Reagan's administration. It will take several months for researchers to read through the documents. The released material may yield insight into a curious comment found in President Reagan's Diary. The entry for Tuesday, June 11, 1985 (page 334) reads: Lunch with 5 top space scientists. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people. The now grounded Space Shuttle held a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight. Even if all five took off fully loaded it would be impossible to place and maintain 300 astronauts in orbit. Apparently President Reagan revealed the existence of a highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit? Apparently hidden within one of the ten unified combatant commands of the U.S. military, Strategic Command, is a highly classified fleet of aircraft carrier sized antigravity vehicles that operate in outer space. The United States has organized its military forces into ten unified combatant commands respectively led by a single four star General or Admiral who reports directly to the Secretary of Defense. Only these commanders know of the existence of UFOs and appoint who has a need to know. Six of the unified commands span the globe in terms of different geographical areas. In addition, there are four functional commands where specialized military activities are run by a single Combatant Commander. From 1985 to 2002 Space Command was responsible for outer space operations by the U.S. military. In June 2002, Space Command merged with another of the functional commands General C. Robert "Bob" Kehler is Commander, United States Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. which is responsible for a range of space, satellite, missile, nuclear and intelligence activities.



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Rumors that the U.S. has a highly classified fleet of antigravity vehicles have circulated for years. On March 23, 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles, Dr. Ben Rich former CEO of Lockheeds Skunkworks, showed a slide with a black disk headed for space and said: "We now have the technology to take ET home". Corporate and military whistleblowers have come forward to claim firsthand knowledge of classified space vehicles using antigravity technology such as the Aurora and TR-3B. In his book, The Hunt for Zero Point , Jane's Defense Weekly analyst Nick Cook writes about the Aurora: "there has been speculation since the late 1980s about the existence of a secret replacement for the Blackbird, a mythical plane called the Aurora that supposedly flew twice as fast and on the edges of space" (p. 14). Other whistleblowers such as Edgar Fouche, a former contractor with the Department of Defense, have come forward to claim that the Blackbird's [or SR-71] replacement, the Aurora actually comprises two types of hypersonic aircraft used for space flight. He said : "The Aurora comprises the SR-75 capable of speeds above Mach 5, and acts as a mother ship for the SR-74 that can travel at speeds of Mach 18 or more into space to deliver satellites." More significant is the large black triangular vehicle, the TR-3B that Fouche claims generates an intense magnetic field that reduces its weight by 89 percent. He says that the TR-3B uses the Biefeld-Brown effect (created by large electrostatic charges) to reduce its weight so that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing speeds. This would be well above Mach 18 that he claims is the speed of the SR-74. Fouche claims the TR-3B is 600 feet across which would make it similar in size to an aircraft carrier. Ted Twietmeyer writes that a Space Command photograph had the following citation: highlights the team for its exceptional support in keeping the space shuttle, International Space Station and its crews safe from the dangers of orbital debris, spacecraft collisions and other inherent hazards of orbit operations. Neither USAF Space Command nor Strategic Command is publicly known to have any kind of space vehicle that would assist the Space Shuttle or International Space Station from orbital dangers. Normally, both NASA vehicles would require gradual orbital corrections that would take much time and be insufficient to deal with an immediate threat. According to Ted



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Twietmeyer , the citation is circumstantial evidence for the existence of antigravity vehicles with advanced particle beam weapons that could remove orbital debris from the path of NASA vehicles. These triangles must be armed with particle beam or quantum weaponry, chemical lasers or electrically excited reactor powered lasers and other weaponry. These weapons could also be used to destroy objects in the path of the space station or space shuttle. There were several eyewitness reports of hovering black triangles firing at targets in Iraq during the early days of the war. There is a massive anti-gravity energy field surrounding these vehicles which interferes with all electronic devices, making it unlikely anyone could ever get images of them. War has historically been the best proving ground for all new weapons. In the UK, the press and media are forbidden under the UK Secrets Act from covering or reporting on sightings of black triangles. That act speaks volumes about whether or not black triangles exist. The TR-3 has been in service since the mid-1990's, and NASA's space program was nothing more than on-going entertainment to distract the public. The idea that a secret space fleet exists that can intervene to assist the Space Shuttle or International Space Station is also supported by the testimony of a former NASA employee Clark McClelland. On one occasion he claims to have witnessed delta winged antigravity vehicle nearby. The delta shaped vehicle may in fact have been part of a classified Space Fleet attached to U.S. Strategic Command. Important clues may emerge from the recently released Reagan records about Strategic Command's classified space fleet. More significantly, the public may soon learn about the advanced antigravity technologies that have been secretly developed and used for decades to fly military astronauts into deep space. The most famous alien comment by Reagan was on September 21, 1987, before the Unite Nations General Assembly: In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world.



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And yet I ask - is not an alien force already among us? "

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Reagans views about extraterrestrial life were not dismissed by the Kremlin. Gorbachev did eventually respond in a serious way to Reagans scenario of an extraterrestrial invasion. In February 1997, Gorbachev responded to Reagans comments at their 1985 Geneva Summit. At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion. I shall not dispute the hypothesis, although I think its early yet to worry about such an intrusion. Also in May 1990, after Reagan had left office, Gorbachev said: "The phenomenon of UFOs does exist and it must be treated seriously." The Solar Warden Spacecraft indicates the US and the Soviet Union did join forces against and outside alien threat. Clark C. McClelland, former NASA ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC, writes, "On July 16, 1969, the day of the launch of Apollo 11 for the first landing of men on the moon I met Senator Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona who had been the Republican Presidential candidate in 1964." Goldwater asked about sightings during other space missions. I mentioned several during Gemini and Apollo and then I asked him if he had heard anything about a 1956 US Naval aircraft and the huge UFO disc over the Atlantic Ocean? He said he had not. I said, "Senator, it apparently was also kept secret by the Pentagon. During my initial muster with the US Navy Office Naval Intelligence Unit 6-69 at Patrick AFB, in 1959, I was introduced to several admirals and captains who immediately swore me to secrecy, Bible and all. I was an investigator of UFOs for NICAP, and this was apparently well known since I had presented UFO talks at the Philadelphia Naval Base and was a friend of many NASA Astronauts. Captain Rudy Bergholz had me run a confidential film that disclosed a huge disc shaped UFO (400 feet in diameter) spotted by a Navy flight crew in a four engine transport traveling west over the Atlantic Ocean towards Gander, Newfoundland for refueling in 1956. Admiral Delmar S. Fahrney was mentioned in the film as having his own sighting. Goldwater injected a comment, "Yes, I have met Admiral Fahrney, Mac." Captain



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Bergholz said, "I now had a 'need to know' about UFOs because I was to investigate and verify through the German 'Paper Clip WW II scientists at Cape Canaveral, what they had learned at AMC (Air Material Command) Foreign Technology Division at Wright Field, Ohio" I later informed Burgholz that I had discovered at least three Paper Clip Scientists that were assigned to Wright Field following their arrival with Dr. Wernher von Braun in 1946. One named Siegfried Knemeyer, a former Third Reich Luftwaffe Pilot and German Air Ministry Director, Dr. Hans Amtmann and Dr.Alexander Lippisch. I suggested to Goldwater all three are still at Wright-Patterson and Senator could try to contact them there." The Senator quickly replied, "No, not after that experience with General LeMay, Mac!" I said "Senator, you are aware of the military rivalry? He replied, "Yes, I am, I work with the military budgets in the Senate." I continued, "There is a great rivalry between the US military services and since the USAF Foreign Technology Division at Wright Field has captured alien technology the US Navy wanted it shared with ONI. PHOTO OF C-BAND SPACE SURVEILLANCE RADAR. U.S. and Australian militaries have agreed to place two key U.S. space systems in Australia. The Darpa space-surveillance optical telescope (SST) is designed to offer an order-ofmagnitude improvement over ground-based electro-optical deep-space-surveillance telescopes in search rate and the ability to detect and track satellites, they said. The SST gives a wider field of view and can better detect and track small objects at deep space altitudes-about 22,000 miles above Earths surface-associated with geosynchronous orbits. A U.S. Air Force C-band space-surveillance radar-which can track up to 200 objects a day and help to identify satellites, their orbits and potential anomalies is scheduled to move from Antigua in the Caribbean to Western Australia in 2014 and increase coverage of space objects in the South-according to officials, and is expected to boost space-surveillance capabilities for both nations. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Sightings in the United States.............BY DR. FARTHON CLIMBOR. California Disc



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Soledad On November 25, 2012, plain and simple i took two pictures of me with the sun behind me but both in a different position. When I looked closely at them I saw a black empty spot directly in front of the sun. Im not sure if its just the exposure, but am willing to send you the pictures. It was not visible with the naked eye, it was sunny and who I ask can look right into the sun and see? California had 53 reports - the highest reporting state in the nation. Florida Orb Fort Lauderdale -- Every morning I sit on my boat dock and watch the sunrise while having my coffee. On November 29, 2012, about 6 AM, I had my camera with me because I like to take photographs and there are some awesome birds that land on the dock posts. When I go out to the dock, it is pitch black and as it gets lighter, you can differentiate clouds from trees. I took numerous photographs that night and I captured an orb on my camera that I never saw with the naked eye. As the sun came up I took three pictures of the sun per second and I noticed a pennysized bright orb in several photos. So, I stopped my picture taking and looked at the sky. There was NOTHING there. It was very bright light that stood out as the only thing in the picture save for a bluish glow in the sky from the sun coming up. I took more pictures but the orb was there in every single picture I took, yet I still could not see it with my naked eyes. The people on the news reported seeing it before going to bed on the night of the 28th and I saw it early on the 29th. JACKSONVILLE -- I was in my car headed west on I-10 and saw some lights in a triangle formation and one beam of light that appeared to scan the area on September 17, 2012. As it got closer, I saw a solid triangular craft about 50 feet across, and two more of these craft within five minutes. Shortly a fourth triangular craft about 1/4 mile in size with lights on all corners and a light scanning in various directions flew by. Hawaii Abduction Kihei/Maui -- On August 31, 2012, I awoke about 10:45 PM with a black mass hovering over my entire body. I felt a slight burning sensation on my arms and legs. The reason I know the time is because, I could see the time on the cable box. I knew for a fact that it was



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not a dream because I could see and feel the black mass, while my husband was sound asleep. Within a short time, I was in some type of pod with a dark blue/gray metallic like material. I could see some light through a very small foggy window and it felt like I was lying in a slimy gelatinous substance that covered my entire body. Unfortunately, I could not smell anything because I lost my sense of smell several years ago. I was screaming to the top of my lungs, but the rest of my body could not move. I felt the presence of someone or something around me, but could not see anything in clear sight, except the pod I was in! It was horrible! I awoke about 5:45 AM, on September 1, 2012, in a complete state of hysteria at the opposite end of my bed. My hair was soaking wet with a sticky gel like residue and my husband awoke to help me. He said that he awoke at 2:30 AM, and I was gone. He thought that was in my studio painting. The first thing he noticed was my hair and touched the gel. He went to pull this gelatin from my hair and it sparked and dissipated immediately. My hair was still soaking wet, and I had a red rash on my left arm the size of a silver dollar. He immediately placed a cold compress on it. Over the next three weeks the rash/burn healed, but left a visible scar/discoloration. I have no idea what happened to me that night, but it has weighed heavy on my mind for several months. I searched the internet and found a similar story in Hawaii. I am terrified and I am now using sleep aids to fall asleep at night and sleep with the lights and television on every single night! + I keep hearing strange vibration sounds all the time. The burn/scar discoloration is still on my left arm and I am having frequent nose bleeds, including pain to the upper right eye and nasal cavity. I made an appointment to see an ear nose and throat doctor next week. I was awake about 11 PM got up to use the rest room and saw two strange wiggly wire shape light forms just bouncing around the hall. I went to step closer towards them and they were gone. I setup my camcorder in the hall but, did not find anything abnormal on the camcorder the next morning, although I do not remember going back to bed. I remember that night having a weird dream in full color where I was waving to other people in a bubble that was floating or flying in the blue sky. I heard a big a big boom sound and saw very clear water with dark gray slates on the bottom. The entire area seemed very



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familiar to me and I was not afraid. I asked someone in a metallic shimmering hooded robe in my dream When would I be going back home? I awoke the next morning with a round red burn mark on my right cheek. Just when it seems to heal it gets inflamed and red all over. I normally have flawless skin the burn is 3/8? on the left side of my face. This sounds like a classic abduction scenario. The witness is referring to another sighting that was reported at the same location in Hawaii on August 31, 2012. The witness sent photos showing some of the physical damage from the abduction. Indiana Multiple Sightings BLANFORD Richard Bondira has been photographing UFOs on clear nights since January 2012. He sent dozens of photographs of UFO that he has filmed over the last six months. Sightings are continuing in October and November. As many as ten or more UFOs can be seen on some nights. They mostly hover but can be seen maneuvering, spin around, or go straight up. They usually come from the southeast heading northwest. Kansas Spiral Overland Park -- On November 29, 2012, around 4 am, i let my dogs out back and noticed a huge spiral contrail above my house. The moon was pretty much full so it was lit up and easy to see. I have never seen a contrail in that shape before so I grabbed my camera and increased the exposure time to 2 seconds so I could capture pictures in the dark. The pictures you can see the moon and two contrails. In the left of the pictures you can see a normal contrail traveling in the same direction as the spiral contrail. I did not see the object. I just saw the resulting contrail. The large size and cork-screw contrail seem very strange. I edited the photos using Google photo editor to help see detail of the contrail.

Missouri Triangle RAYTOWN I was on my way to work on November 30, 2012 at 4:25 am , and saw a huge black triangle flying low, a hundred feet over my street moving northeast. The object was moving very slow as it crossed over the street and hovered above the house on the east side of the street. The object was black, darker than the night sky with the exception of



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three very bright pulsating lights at each corner and a large bright center light. The lights changed colors but did not appear to have any pattern to the movement. The silent object was absolutely huge and easily covered the entire house and then some. I tried to film it but my cell phone would not come on. So I quickly made a sketch of what I was seeing. The object started to move slowly and I tried to film again and I looked up and the object was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS Nebraska Triangle O'Neill - - My son and I were driving to our cabin about 7:05 PM on November 30, 2012, when I noticed an object with several lights only a few hundred feet high moving slowly. It resembled a combine in the air with one pulsating orange light. Several small lights formed the outline of the object. The first time we saw it for only thirty seconds before all of a sudden it was gone. The second time was a few miles further down the road when my son noticed it again moving northeast. We were driving 70 mph and it was pulling away from us. At first I thought it could be a large aircraft like a B-2 bomber however Ive never seen a plane that could move that slow. The lights easily made it stand out in the dark sky. Its nothing like anything Ive seen before. Thanks to MUFON CMS Note: Several other states including Missouri, Michigan, Washington, Texas and Pennsylvania reported similar low flying, triangle-shaped objects during November. New York Silent V-Shaped Craft Brooklyn Looking across the East River at the Lower East Side of Manhattan from the roof top of my apartment building on November 19. 2012, I smoke a cigarette and pay very close attention to everything in the sky To the northeast is La Guardia airport and almost directly south is JFK. Ive seen plenty of craft that the normal person doesnt see every day. About 12:30 AM, I was enjoying being able to see Orions Belt, as a very mysterious UFO flew directly low over my head! Never, before had any commercial flight flown directly overhead of my building. It was too low for FAA regulations, especially this close to Ground Zero (9/11). It was the length of a football field and in my line of vision for almost ten seconds before it disappeared behind the Williamsburg Bridge.



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It had a typical V-Shape with five lights with one at the tip, then two down each side, perfectly symmetrical and at a perfect angle. The lights were very large, circular and the light emitted was diffused, almost as if they were behind a haze. Other planes that were further away by miles had sharper looking lights and were more visible. There were no FAA navigation lights on it whatsoever. The lights were soft white-yellowish color and did NOT flash. It seemed extraterrestrial, but if it wasnt then it was some sort of topsecret aircraft. I will it remember for the rest of my life. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center Pennsylvania Lights Washington I was outside at work at a small retail store when I noticed a really strange cloud formation and took a picture on my cell phone on May 29, 2012. A few months later I was deleting pictures when I took a closer look and saw a strange formation of lights in the clouds. I dont know if it was one solid object or four separate objects. When I realized it was there I showed a few friends and thought it was rather interesting. I was kind of puzzled as to how I didnt notice it at the time. MURRYSVILLE On November 29, 2012, I was star gazing/moon gazing UFO hunting when at approximately 9:20 PM an unknown craft type came from the south across Route 22 and banked left over my property. The object had none of the normal faa lights but had many other lights round about it pulsating and blinking randomly. The craft was completely silent. It flew west toward Monroeville rapidly until out of sight. I have video of the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS Texas Orbs Mc Allen -- I was looking up when a light distortion caught my attention on November 24, 2012. I first saw it to be a cylindrical object at 4:45 PM. The cylinder then distorted into two silver shaped saucers. I called for my wife when she could see what I was witnessing she hurriedly asked me to get the camera. I took a series of pictures while it stayed motionless before it disappeared into the clouds. I was in awe. Thanks to William Puckett. Worldwide UFO Sightings Antarctica lights



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A very strange phenomena was captured over Neumayer Station III on November 21, and 29, 2012. The strange lights were either a strange object or a natural phenomenon. There are several possibilities such as a reflection of the sun such as lights behind the clouds and that the light was reflected off the ice. There may have been over exposure, frost on the camera lens or a lens flare or even a UFO. Whatever it is, its very unusual. Video link Webcam Neumayer Station III, Canada Orange Glow Newmarket , Ontario -- I drove down my street and I saw multiple bright orange lights with a red glow across the sky in the distance on November 7, 2012 at 7:45 PM. The lights were silent and did not flash as they moved slowly across the sky in a pattern and then turned and headed south. I called my children and my neighbors to come out to see them, my neighbors only saw the last three glowing orange lights flying in a triangle formation. My daughter and I saw one final bright round orange/red light coming across the sky in the same flight path. A comet or something similar shot directly overhead at an altitude of 50 feet. It had a long tail, was grey and disappeared as it reached my neighbors house. I turned to my daughter and said, Did you see that!? and she responded, Yes, and I made a wish! thinking it looked like a shooting star. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center Dominican Republic Flash Santo Domingo -- I don't speak English very well. I was in my truck when I noticed a light different from others in the sky on November 16, 2012 and 11: 40 A m. I saw it approach and immediately tried to video it with my cell phone, but I was unable to do it. The light was moving away from me little by little and then faded. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center Japan Orbs Victor Viggiani writes, Have you seen this video clip from Japan? We feel it is one of the most provocative (but unvetted as yet) UFO videos. Your thoughts?



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Toronto Canada Note: The objects are not aircraft, but they could be balloons. If we know the wind direction and speed we could rule out balloons. Air is often rising below a cloud, but the swirling action of the orbs seems unlikely to be caused by the updrafts. The movement of the orbs seems planned or intelligent and the movement seems to rule out balloons. The orbs seem large and are likely to be unidentified flying objects. Mexico Huge Mass of UFO Lights A mass of multiple lights, a Ufo sighting was filmed over Mexico (unknown city) at 8 PM, on November 18, 2012. Rafael Rodriguez Netherlands Five Minutes Orange Oval Amsterdam On November 13, 2013, about 12:30 AM, while I was walking my dog, I observed a globe like structure, at the height and speed of a sports-plane. It was orange colored like fire flying in a straight northeast line from Coentunne. Before it disappeared behind a building, it seemed to be slowly losing height in the direction of Oostzaan. I half expected an explosion from a crashing plane, but nothing happened. It flew too fast and was too big for a balloon. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center Norway Triangle TELEMARK -- My sister and I were out walking my dog on November 20, 2012, and we were talking about some other UFO sightings, when we suddenly saw a triangle shaped flying vehicle with three bright/yellow lights in each corner, that seemed like there was some light coming from the middle. There was a light at the back of the vehicle on top and at the middle, it seemed to blink red. It flew right over us and just kept going. Almost no sound came from it but there was a "hum" like a vacuum cleaner. It flew rather low as well, we could see its shape clearly but at the same time it was kind of blurry/translucent. Thanks to MUFON CMS Spain Light



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Barcelona -- I was in my living room looking through the window, when I saw a little light in the sky that started changing directions and moving at different speeds. Suddenly much closer two big orange glowing lights flew synchronized around the area for over 30 seconds. I went running with my girlfriend to the roof of the building, but when we got there, we didn't find them. It was really weird. Thanks to MUFON CMS UK/Isle of Man On November 30, 2012, I only saw these two triangle shaped objects when I put the photo on my computer. Thanks to William Puckett, Director UK/England Orpington -- I was lying in my bed at 10:55 PM; on November 19, 2012, when I saw several lights reflect onto my wall from my window. Car lights can cause this but these were extremely bright and went on for a few minutes, so I looked out of the window and over the treeline was a huge anti-riot armored tank like vehicle. It was kind of translucent hovering off the ground and covered with random lights. It was about 16 foot high and about the size of 4 carriages long. It was moving very slowly and was kind of shimmering. It gave off a low pitched whirling noise like a large jet engine. Eventually it moved away out of my vision, but the noise remained at the same volume for a while until it suddenly went silent. It definitely wasn't a train unless they've developed huge armored floating trains made out of shimmering water and random flashing yellow lights. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center UK/Scotland Circle CUMNOCK -- On November 19, 2012, at 10:55 PM; we saw weird lights going from west to east for thirty minutes in Ayrshire, Scotland. v=rVS6gtomtiw19/2012 Dawkins Tells Atheists To "Mock Religion With Contempt," And Ravi's Three days before 20 year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full of Newtown kindergartners, my 13-year old son Michael (name changed) missed his bus because he was wearing the wrong color pants.



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"I can wear these pants," he said, his tone increasingly belligerent, the black-hole pupils of his eyes swallowing the blue irises. "They are navy blue," I told him. "Your school's dress code says black or khaki pants only." "They told me I could wear these," he insisted. "You're a stupid b---h. I can wear whatever pants I want to. This is America. I have rights!" "You can't wear whatever pants you want to," I said, my tone affable, reasonable. "And you definitely cannot call me a stupid b---h. You're grounded from electronics for the rest of the day. Now get in the car, and I will take you to school." I live with a son who is mentally ill. I love my son. But he terrifies me. A few weeks ago, Michael pulled a knife and threatened to kill me and then himself after I asked him to return his overdue library books. His 7 and 9 year old siblings knew the safety plan--they ran to the car and locked the doors before I even asked them to. I managed to get the knife from Michael, then methodically collected all the sharp objects in the house into a single Tupperware container that now travels with me. Through it all, he continued to scream insults at me and threaten to kill or hurt me. That conflict ended with three burly police officers and a paramedic wrestling my son onto a gurney for an expensive ambulance ride to the local emergency room. The mental hospital didn't have any beds that day, and Michael calmed down nicely in the ER, so they sent us home with a prescription for Zyprexa and a follow-up visit with a local pediatric psychiatrist. We still don't know what's wrong with Michael. Autism spectrum, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant or Intermittent Explosive Disorder have all been tossed around at various meetings with probation officers and social workers and counselors and teachers and school administrators. He's been on a slew of antipsychotic and mood altering pharmaceuticals, a Russian novel of behavioral plans. Nothing seems to work. At the start of seventh grade, Michael was accepted to an accelerated program for highly gifted math and science students. His IQ is off the charts. When he's in a good mood, he will gladly bend your ear on subjects ranging from Greek mythology to the differences between Einsteinian and Newtonian physics to Doctor Who. He's in a good mood most of the time.



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But when he's not, watch out. And it's impossible to predict what will set him off. Several weeks into his new junior high school, Michael began exhibiting increasingly odd and threatening behaviors at school. We decided to transfer him to the district's most restrictive behavioral program, a contained school environment where children who can't function in normal classrooms can access their right to free public babysitting from 7:30-1:50 Monday through Friday until they turn 18. The morning of the pants incident, Michael continued to argue with me on the drive. He would occasionally apologize and seem remorseful. Right before we turned into his school parking lot, he said, "Look, Mom, I'm really sorry. Can I have video games back today?" "No way," I told him. "You cannot act the way you acted this morning and think you can get your electronic privileges back that quickly." His face turned cold, and his eyes were full of calculated rage. "Then I'm going to kill myself," he said. "I'm going to jump out of this car right now and kill myself." That was it. After the knife incident, I told him that if he ever said those words again, I would take him straight to the mental hospital, no ifs, ands, or buts. I did not respond, except to pull the car into the opposite lane, turning left instead of right. "Where are you taking me?" he said, suddenly worried. "Where are we going?" "You know where we are going," I replied. "No! You can't do that to me! You're sending me to hell! You're sending me straight to hell!" I pulled up in front of the hospital, frantically waiving for one of the clinicians who happened to be standing outside. "Call the police," I said. "Hurry." Michael was in a full-blown fit by then, screaming and hitting. I hugged him close so he couldn't escape from the car. He bit me several times and repeatedly jabbed his elbows into my rib cage. I'm still stronger than he is, but I won't be for much longer. The police came quickly and carried my son screaming and kicking into the bowels of the hospital. I started to shake, and tears filled my eyes as I filled out the paperwork-"Were there any difficulties with at what age did your child were there any problems with.. has your child ever experienced.. does your child have"



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At least we have health insurance now. I recently accepted a position with a local college, giving up my freelance career because when you have a kid like this, you need benefits. You'll do anything for benefits. No individual insurance plan will cover this kind of thing. For days, my son insisted that I was lying--that I made the whole thing up so that I could get rid of him. The first day, when I called to check up on him, he said, "I hate you. And I'm going to get my revenge as soon as I get out of here." By day three, he was my calm, sweet boy again, all apologies and promises to get better. I've heard those promises for years. I don't believe them anymore. On the intake form, under the question, "What are your expectations for treatment?" I wrote, "I need help." And I do. This problem is too big for me to handle on my own. Sometimes there are no good options. So you just pray for grace and trust that in hindsight, it will all make sense. I am sharing this story because I am Adam Lanza's mother. I am Dylan Klebold's and Eric Harris's mother. I am James Holmes's mother. I am Jared Loughner's mother. I am SeungHui Cho's mother. And these boys--and their mothers--need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it's easy to talk about guns. But it's time to talk about mental illness. According to Mother Jones, since 1982, 61 mass murders involving firearms have occurred throughout the country. Of these, 43 of the killers were white males, and only one was a woman. Mother Jones focused on whether the killers obtained their guns legally (most did). But this highly visible sign of mental illness should lead us to consider how many people in the U.S. live in fear, like I do. When I asked my son's social worker about my options, he said that the only thing I could do was to get Michael charged with a crime. "If he's back in the system, they'll create a paper trail," he said. "That's the only way you're ever going to get anything done. No one will pay attention to you unless you've got charges." I don't believe my son belongs in jail. The chaotic environment exacerbates Michael's sensitivity to sensory stimuli and doesn't deal with the underlying pathology. But it seems like



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the United States is using prison as the solution of choice for mentally ill people. According to Human Rights Watch, the number of mentally ill inmates in U.S. prisons quadrupled from 2000 to 2006, and it continues to rise--in fact, the rate of inmate mental illness is five times greater (56 percent) than in the non-incarcerated population. With state-run treatment centers and hospitals shuttered, prison is now the last resort for the mentally ill--Rikers Island, the LA County Jail and Cook County Jail in Illinois housed the nation's largest treatment centers in 2011. No one wants to send a 13-year old genius who loves Harry Potter and his snuggle animal collection to jail. But our society, with its stigma on mental illness and its broken healthcare system, does not provide us with other options. Then another tortured soul shoots up a fast food restaurant. A mall. A kindergarten classroom. And we wring our hands and say, "Something must be done." I agree that something must be done. It's time for a meaningful, nation-wide conversation about mental health. That's the only way our nation can ever truly heal. pppppppppppp Fascinating search into the Alien agenda and messages sent to earth from other worlds..Ancient alien artefacts ,Giant Ufo's Crop circles and a secret message to our reality.. you have to see this to believe it.. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction The objects seen by the telescope are NOT spaceships - they are highly magnified gaseous clouds - if one has ever USED a telescope,one sees the objects moving in the lens exactly as the ones in the video do due to the rotation of the earth -? there is such rubbish in this video. The "light of God". I wonder what that is. God, a fictitious person, with a beam light. In fantasy, yes. In reality, where? In the mind of the observer? Not even that, is only a wishful thinking backing up by saying it a hundred times over. We could change the world with a blanket of peace and harmony, but only if one world government with an iron fist could? be in control Just what our Hitler wants. But they refuse and now we are in turmoil. So, we get what the Allies wants- chaos.



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Under PR there is a vast world inhabited by them, Grays, they love to play with the Arecibo RadioTelescope and the visitors to El Yunque Rain Forrest. So, you never know what virtual reality you will experience if you get lost there. Enjoy it, if you can, but don't trust your senses while under their influence. Otherwise they will drive you crazy. Hold on to? your Christian faith and subject all experiences to an objective, quantifiable analysis... Once again, Don;t ever trust a Gray alien. Check and double check any message, vision or even virtual experience, like abduction you receive or experience. They love to fool us... to feed from our fears and to use us to build underground cities for them, ever closer to the surface of the planet, yet suitable for their habitation. NEVER TRUST A GRAY ALIEN! If it were up to them, they will lead us to radically transform the surface of? the earth according to their needs, no sunshine, cloudy darkness, which are different from ours... The so called Gray aliens have been native to the earth's underground environment for at least 13,000 years. They live there in the subterranean? world. Physically they are fragile, yet have strong telepathic abilities which connect them as a group creating a collective entity. Using that telepathic ability they can project all kind of ideas, thoughts and even virtual experiences to our minds, So, please don't let yourself be fooled by their messages, visions, etc. etc. etc.. Never trust a Gray! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&




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Aufgaben/Organisation Die SS war das prgende und wirkungsvollste Terror- und Vernichtungsinstrument des nationalsozialistischen Staates. Dies setzte vor allem die vollstndige Vereinnahmung der staatlich-polizeilichen Exekutive durch die SS und die stufenweise Herauslsung der Polizeigewalt aus der Normenkontrolle der Judikative voraus. Doch beschrnkte sich die Expansion der SS nicht auf den polizeilichen Sektor. Niemand konnte im Mrz 1923 anllich der Grndung der ersten "Stabswache" und damit der frhesten Vorluferorganisation der SS durch Hitler die einzigartige Entwicklung der seit dem Frhjahr 1925 so bezeichneten Schutzstaffel(n) der NSDAP (SS) vorausahnen. Als Personen- und Versammlungsschutztrupp aufgestellt, auch mit Abonnentenwerbung und Plakatklebeaktionen zugunsten der NSDAP und ihrer Organe befat und im November 1930 als innerer Polizeidienst der Partei aufgewertet, konnte sich die SS seit 1933/34 schrittweise nicht nur polizeiliche, sondern mit der Waffen-SS und deren Vorlufern auch militrische Exekutivbefugnisse des Staates aneignen. Die SS, sptestens nach den Ereignissen des 30. Juni und des 1. und 2. Juli 1934 endgltig aus dem Schatten der Sturmabteilung(en) der NSDAP (SA) herausgetreten, gestaltete, perfektionierte und beherrschte das gro angelegte System der Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager; sie plante und vollstreckte den rassenideologisch begrndeten Vlkermord an Juden, an Sinti und Roma und anderen stigmatisierten Bevlkerungsgruppen, die sich im deutschen Einfluss- und Herrschaftsbereich befanden. In der nationalsozialistischen Rassen-, Volkstums- und Siedlungspolitik, die in der SS bereits seit Januar 1932 mit den Vorlufern des erst seit Januar 1935 so bezeichneten Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamtes-SS eine institutionelle Grundlage gefunden hatte, war der Reichsfhrer-SS (RFSS) seit Oktober 1939 in seiner neuen Funktion als Reichskommissar fr die Festigung deutschen Volkstums (RKFV) der ausschlaggebende Machtfaktor. Die deutsche Kultur- und Wissenschaftspolitik wurde von der SS seit den dreiiger Jahren vornehmlich mit Hilfe der "Forschungs- und Lehrgemeinschaft 'Das Ahnenerbe' e.V." infiltriert. Die SS, deren Gesamtpersonalbestand sich bis Ende Juni 1944 auf nahezu 800.000 erhhte, diente nicht nur als zuverlssiges Machtinstrument des Fhrerwillens und als bedeutsamstes Trgerorgan der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie; sie konnte zudem im genuinen Herrschaftsinteresse Hitlers als vielseitig verwendbare Alternativinstanz erforderlichenfalls Anpassungsdruck auf konkurrierende Kompetenztrger des zivilen und des militrischen Sektors ausben. Vor dem hier skizzierten Hintergrund wird deutlich: Die



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Wirtschaft konnte im Gesamtgefge der von der SS beanspruchten und besetzten Zustndigkeitsbereiche nur ein Ausschnitt sein, dem gleichwohl in der zweiten Kriegshlfte besondere Bedeutung beizumessen war. Der wirtschaftlichen Bettigung der SS lagen verschiedenartige, teils miteinander unvereinbare Motive zugrunde. Der Reichsfhrer-SS und die Vertreter der SS-Wirtschaft und der SS-Verwaltung verknpften die wirtschaftliche Funktion der SS uneinheitlich, beeinflusst auch von jeweils vorherrschenden Opportunittserwgungen, mit Zielsetzungen der ideologischen Selbstdarstellung jenseits aller Gewinnerwartungen, mit Selbstversorgungs- und Autarkieplanungen wie auch mit zgellosen wirtschaftlichen Ausdehnungstendenzen. Parallel dazu gewann seit 1940/41 auch fr die SS die Perspektive einer knftigen Friedenswirtschaft an Bedeutung; hier galt es, der SS gegenber anderen Interessenten eine gnstige Ausgangsposition zu sichern. In den ersten Jahren des nationalsozialistischen Staates standen die wirtschaftlichen Aktivitten der SS nicht vorrangig unter der Prmisse der Umsatz- und Gewinnmaximierung; wichtiger war in dieser konomischen Aufbauphase vielmehr die einfhrende Auseinandersetzung der Parteigliederung mit betriebswirtschaftlichen und handelsrechtlichen Rahmenregularien. ber die im Wesentlichen lagerintern ausgerichteten Werkstattbetriebe in den Konzentrationslagern hinaus grndete bzw. bernahm die SS seit 1934 Gesellschaften, Vereine und Stiftungen ideologisch-reprsentativer und kulturell-historischer Prgung. Im Spannungsfeld aufrstungsbedingter gesamtwirtschaftlicher Bedarfsdeckungslcken, vor allem auf dem Gebiet des so genannten "Arbeitseinsatzes", und der aus ideologischen Grnden gleichwohl vorangetriebenen stdtebaulichen Groprojekte des nationalsozialistischen Regimes gelangte die SS-Wirtschaft mit der Grndung der Deutschen Erd- und Steinwerke GmbH (DESt) im April 1938 in ein neues Entwicklungsstadium. Mit der Errichtung der Deutschen Ausrstungswerke GmbH (DAW) im Mai 1939 waren, neben weiteren Gesellschaften, die beiden vorerst grten und bedeutendsten SS-Unternehmen im Zeichen der forcierten wirtschaftlichen und politischen Kriegsvorbereitung des Regimes entstanden. Sowohl die mit dem Kriegsbeginn erffneten umfassenden wirtschaftlichen und machtpolitischen Ausbaumglichkeiten der SS als auch die ungnstige und reformbedrftige konomische Anfangsentwicklung der wichtigsten SS-Gesellschaften fhrten im Juli 1940 zur Grndung der Deutschen Wirtschaftsbetriebe GmbH (DWB).



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Die in dieser Holding-Gesellschaft zusammengefhrten SS-Unternehmen bildeten Tochtergesellschaften des nun errichteten SS-Konzerns. Zahlreiche Gesellschaften unterschiedlicher Wirtschaftszweige mit einer Vielzahl von Betrieben waren im DWB-Konzern formiert. Ferner wurden eine Reihe weiterer Gesellschaften, Stiftungen, Vereine, Vermgen ohne eigene Rechtspersnlichkeit etc. unter der Dienstaufsicht des SS-WirtschaftsVerwaltungshauptamtes verwaltet. Nach dem Ende der "Blitzkriege" und unter dem Eindruck der militrischen Winterkrise 1941/42 waren das nationalsozialistische Regime und seine kriegswirtschaftlichen Steuerungsorgane, untersttzt von staats- und privatwirtschaftlichen Interessenvertretern, bereit zur Einbeziehung des Wirtschaftspotentials der SS in den Proze der Rstungsproduktion. Dementsprechend betrieb die Wirtschaftsverwaltung der SS seit 1942 die Umstellung der SS-Unternehmen auf Rstungsprojekte. Im Gesamtrahmen der SS-Wirtschaft war eine bedeutsame Steigerung der Umstze seit 1941 und der Gewinne seit 1943 zu verzeichnen. Die von der SS-Fhrung umfassend angestrebte eigenstndige Verankerung der SS in der industriellen Produktionsplanung und Rstungsendfertigung scheiterte auer an spezifischen Defiziten der SS-Wirtschaft vor allem am Widerstand der staatlichen und der privaten Rstungsindustrie, militrischer Kriegswirtschaftsinstanzen, des Reichsministeriums fr Rstung und Kriegsproduktion und der von ihm gelenkten staatlich-industriellen Rstungsorganisation. Im Gesamtmastab der deutschen Rstungsendfertigung waren dem selbstndigen Beitrag der SS-eigenen Betriebe enge Grenzen gesetzt; die Funktion der SS in der Rstungswirtschaft bestand vorrangig in der Bereitstellung zustzlicher Arbeitskrfte fr die SS-externe Rstungsindustrie. Gleichwohl sicherte die SS ihre kriegswirtschaftliche Position, indem sie die alleinige Kontrolle ber den wichtigsten ihr verfgbaren Produktionsfaktor, das Arbeitskrftepotential der KZHftlinge, behauptete; ferner stellte die SS sicher, dass die in SS-externen Rstungsbetrieben geleistete Hftlingszwangsarbeit den von der SS geprgten Bedingungen des KZWesens angepasst wurde. Das wirklichkeitsferne Ziel eines Fhrungsmonopols der SS-Wirtschaft und des SS-WVHA im Gesamtgefge der deutschen Kriegswirtschaft wurde vom nationalsozialistischen Regime nicht verfolgt. Sein Interesse richtete sich vielmehr auf die mglichst weitgehende rstungswirtschaftliche Ausbeutung der Hftlingszwangsarbeit und auf den von der SS-Wirtschaft als Alternativpotential ausgehenden politischen und



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konomischen Anpassungsdruck auf die staatlich-industriellen Lenkungsorgane der Kriegswirtschaft und auf industrielle Praktiker. Die wirtschaftliche Bettigung der SS war unmittelbar mit dem Verwaltungshandeln der Organisation verschrnkt. Grundstzlich zu bedenken ist, da die SS als Gliederung der NSDAP ohne eigene Rechtspersnlichkeit und eigenes Vermgen war. [2] Die institutionelle und organisatorische Frhentwicklung der Spitzengliederung der SS und insbesondere der SS-Verwaltung gestaltete sich auerordentlich kompliziert. Im April 1934 erklrte Himmler hierzu rckblickend: "In den ersten Jahren der Aufstellung der SS erschpften sich die Verwaltungsarbeiten in der Aufbringung von Geldern und ihrem sachgemen Nachweis, der, der beruflichen Ttigkeit des 'Geldverwalters' entsprechend, von diesem meist in der verschiedenartigsten Form erfolgte. [...] Mit dem Wachsen der SS und ihrer organisatorischen Durchbildung ergaben sich jedoch weitere und sehr wichtige Aufgaben durch Erweiterung der Einnahmequellen, Erhhung der einflieenden Mittel und durch erhebliche vermehrte Beschaffung von Bekleidung und Ausrstung. Durch die Verwaltung dieser Mittel und durch den Nachweis der Beschaffungen hat sich das Aufgabengebiet des Geldverwalters derartig ausgeweitet, da von einer nur 'Geld'-verwaltung nicht mehr gesprochen werden kann, sondern von einer 'Verwaltung' schlechthin."[3] Der Ausbau der Geldverwaltung zu einem allgemeinen Verwaltungswesen der SS erfolgte im Sommer 1932. Von dieser Zeit an ist das zunchst von Gerhard Schneider geleitete Verwaltungsamt-SS (VA-SS) dokumentarisch nachweisbar bis zur Neugliederung in der Reichsfhrung-SS im Januar 1935, durch die das 1932 errichtete SS-Amt (SS-A) in das SS-Hauptamt (SS-HA) umgewandet wurde; eines der mter des SS-Hauptamtes war das Verwaltungsamt-SS (IV). Oswald Pohl, seit dem 01. Febr. 1934 als Nachfolger des SS-Oberfhrers Gerhard Schneider Chef der Abteilung IV bzw. Chef des Verwaltungsamtes-SS, nahm mit Wirkung vom 01. Juni 1935 zustzlich die Funktionen des Verwaltungschefs der SS im "persnlichen Stabe" des Reichsfhrers-SS[4] und des Reichskassenverwalters der SS wahr. Innerhalb der SS war ausschlielich der Verwaltungschef der SS, die oberste SSVerwaltungsdienststelle, zu Verhandlungen mit der Reichsleitung der NSDAP und mit staatlichen Instanzen in Haushalts- und damit verbundenen



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Verwaltungsangelegenheiten befugt. Als Reichskassenverwalter der SS war Pohl Bevollmchtigter und Beauftragter des Reichsschatzmeisters der NSDAP (RSM) und fhrte den etat- und verwaltungsmigen Geschftsverkehr mit der Dienststelle des Reichsschatzmeisters. Angesichts der wirtschaftlichen und exekutiven Expansion der SS wurde mit Wirkung vom 20. Apr. 1939 die Dienststelle des Verwaltungschefs der SS zum Hauptamt in der Reichsfhrung-SS aufgewertet, das die Bezeichnung "Hauptamt Verwaltung und Wirtschaft" (HAVW) erhielt. Der Chef des Hauptamtes Verwaltung und Wirtschaft in der Reichsfhrung-SS, Pohl, war zugleich Chef des Hauptamtes Haushalt und Bauten (HAHB) des Reichsfhrers-SS und Chefs der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Innern (RFSSuCHdDtPol im RMdI). Die Bildung des HAVW war ein Jahr nach der Grndung der DESt GmbH, des ersten groen SS-Unternehmens, ein Anzeichen fr die gewachsene Bedeutung und das untrennbare Wechselverhltnis der SS-Wirtschaft und der SS-Verwaltung. Als Chef des HAVW und nach wie vor als Reichskassenverwalter der SS agierte Pohl auf der parteiamtlichen Ebene und war insoweit fr die von der Partei zur Unterhaltung der Allgemeinen SS geleisteten Aufwendungen zustndig. Demgegenber hatte das HAHB formell ministeriellen Charakter, dem die am 20. Apr. 1939 erfolgte Ernennung Pohls zum Ministerialdirektor beim RFSSuChdDtPol im RMdI, Hauptamt Haushalt und Bauten, entsprach; diese manipulative Konstruktion erffnete der SS-Verwaltung den unmittelbaren Zugang zu den fr die Reichsmittelfinanzierung der SS-Verfgungstruppe (SS-VT), der SSTotenkopfverbnde (SS-TV) und der Konzentrationslager verantwortlichen staatlichen Zuweisungsstellen, sicherte Pohl die direkte Verfgungsgewalt ber die zugehenden Reichsaufwendungen und ermglichte eine fiktive Differenzierung von parteibezogener und staatlicher Finanzverwaltung der SS. Mit Wirkung vom 01. Sept. 1941 wurde das HAVW reorganisiert und in acht rmisch bezifferte "W"-mter untergliedert. Anders als die zuvor fachlich unkoordinierte mter- und Hauptabteilungsstruktur des HAVW folgte das nun errichtete System der W-mter mit den in ihnen vertretenen SS-Unternehmungen einem wirtschaftlichen Branchenmodell. Der Stab des HAVW-Chefs Pohl bestand aus den Fachabteilungen Rechtswesen (R), Wirtschaftsprfung (W) und Betriebsinspektion (J). Am 01. Febr.



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1942 wurden die Aufgaben und Befugnisse der mit Wirkung vom 31. Jan. 1942 aufgelsten Amtsstellen Hauptamt Haushalt und Bauten, Hauptamt Verwaltung und Wirtschaft und Verwaltungsamt-SS gebndelt und vom nun errichteten SS-WirtschaftsVerwaltungshauptamt bernommen. Das SS-WVHA blieb bis zum Ende des Krieges die zentrale Lenkungsbehrde der SS-Wirtschaft und der SS-Verwaltung. Als Chef des SS-WVHA wurde Pohl am 20. Apr. 1942 zum SS-Obergruppenfhrer und General der Waffen-SS ernannt. Das SS-WVHA war seit Mrz 1942 in die fnf Amtsgruppen A (Truppenverwaltung), B (Truppenwirtschaft), C (Bauwesen), D (Konzentrationslager) und W (Wirtschaftliche Unternehmungen) untergliedert. Die Amtsgruppe W bestand analog zu der am 01. Sept. 1941 eingefhrten Gliederung des vormaligen HAVW aus den fachlich nach Wirtschaftsbranchen ausgerichteten mtern W I bis W VIII mit den in ihnen verwalteten wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen der SS. Innerhalb des SS-WVHA dienten der Chef (des Stabes) W und der ihm unterstellte Stab W der berwachung, Koordination und Beratung der W-mter und der W-Unternehmen; der Chef W war wirtschaftlicher Berater des Hauptamtschefs Pohl, den er in seinen Fhrungsaufgaben untersttzte. Die WAmtschefs hatten stndig Verbindung zum Chef W zu halten. Der Stab W war sowohl organisatorisch als auch personell mit der DWB GmbH verflochten. Die nach auen im HAHB / HAVW verankerte institutionelle Trennung von parteimiger und staatlicher Finanzverwaltung der SS wurde mit der Bildung des SS-WVHA wieder aufgehoben; in ihm erfolgte die Bearbeitung aller Wirtschafts-, Verwaltungs- und Bauangelegenheiten des Reichsfhrers-SS gleichermaen in ministerieller Instanz. Eine institutionelle Sonderstellung nahm die Amtsgruppe W ein. Die zum Personal der Amtsgruppe W gehrenden SS-Amtstrger waren fr die einzelnen Gesellschaften - parallel zu ihrer SS-amtlichen Unterstellung unter Pohl als SSObergruppenfhrer und General der Waffen-SS und als Chef des SS-WVHA - formell SS-extern im nichtbehrdlichen und nicht partei- bzw. SS-amtlichen Angestellten- oder Bevollmchtigtenverhltnis nach Handelsrecht ttig; die W-mter befanden sich dezentral an vom SS-WVHA rumlich getrennten Standorten. Die DWB GmbH wurde wie die meisten SS-Unternehmen von SS-Angehrigen, die handelsrechtlich als Privatpersonen mit Zivilberufen auftraten, bzw. ber handelsrechtlich verankerte SS-Gesellschaften auf der Grundlage eines im



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Einzelnen noch darzustellenden Treuhandverhltnisses gegrndet, erworben oder bernommen; diese natrlichen und juristischen Personen zeichneten fr die eingebrachten Stammkapitaleinlagen. Die tatschliche Herkunft der Einzelanteile des stufenweise erhhten Eigenkapitals der DWB GmbH ist allerdings nicht rechtsgltig niedergelegt worden, so da entsprechende Mehrheitsverhltnisse sowohl des Reiches als auch der NSDAP konstruierbar sind. Pohl fhrte den DWB-Konzern als alleiniger Gesellschafter und alleinvertretungsberechtigter erster Geschftsfhrer treuhnderisch fr den Reichsfhrer-SS. Im Oktober 1943 offerierte Pohl notariell die Abtretung der von ihm lediglich als Treuhnder vertretenen Eigenkapitalanteile der DWB GmbH und der Ostindustrie GmbH (Osti) an den RFSS oder einen von diesem zu benennenden Dritten. Das bei der Fhrung der SS-Wirtschaft ersichtliche inoffizielle, freiwillig eingegangene Treuhandverhltnis trug dem Umstand Rechnung, da die SS als NSDAPGliederung und der RFSS keine eigenstndigen Rechtspersnlichkeiten und Vermgenstrger sein konnten und da zudem nach deutschem Handelsrecht treuhnderische Gesellschaftsgrndungen und Kapitaleinlagen nicht mglich waren. Angesichts dieser normativen Rechtsverhltnisse formierte die SS-Fhrung den bedeutenden Anteil der SSWirtschaft nicht als Reichs- oder als Parteigesellschaft, sondern in Gestalt eines privatwirtschaftlichen Konzerns. Dabei bot sich die Chance zur Verwirklichung einer bergeordneten wirtschaftlichen Zielvorstellung der SS: Die privatwirtschaftliche Orientierung und die rechtliche Verankerung des DWB-Konzerns und damit des wichtigsten Teils der SSWirtschaft auerhalb des unmittelbaren institutionellen Rahmens der SS waren grundlegende Voraussetzungen zur langfristigen wirtschaftlichen Verselbstndigung der SS und zur Abschirmung der SS-Wirtschaft gegen mgliche Einfluversuche und Kontrollansprche des Staates und der Partei wie auch privatwirtschaftlicher Interessenvertreter. Die Finanzbehrden des Reiches und der Reichsschatzmeister der NSDAP haben den privatwirtschaftlichen Charakter des handelsrechtlich verfaten DWB-Konzerns anerkannt und auf vermgensrechtliche Ansprche gegen die DWB GmbH, die sich beispielsweise auf die bei den Eigenkapitaleinzahlungen und -erhhungen der Gesellschaft eingebrachten Reichsund Parteimittel htten beziehen knnen, verzichtet. ----------------------------------------[1] Die Ausfhrungen in Kapitel 1 der Vorbemerkung folgen weitgehend der



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Darstellung in: Walter Naasner: SSWirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung. "Das SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt und die unter seiner Dienstaufsicht stehenden wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen" und weitere Dokumente, Dsseldorf 1998, S. 3-9. [2] In diesem Kontext ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass die in 1 Abs. 2 des Gesetzes zur Sicherung der Einheit von Partei und Staat vom 01. Dez. 1933, RGBl I S. 1016, enthaltene Bestimmung ber den Status der NSDAP als Krperschaft des ffentlichen Rechts durch den 4 des Erlasses des Fhrers ber die Rechtsstellung der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei vom 12. Dez. 1942, RGBl I S. 734, aufgehoben wurde. S. dazu die in: Walter Naasner, SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung (s. dazu o., S. IX, Funote 1), S. 289-292, edierten Dokumente (BArch NS 3/1072, fol. 2, 4-6). [3] RFSS-Erla vom 16. Apr. 1934 betr. "Verwaltungsfhrer". BArch NS 31/361, fol. 50 (einschl. Rckseite). [4] S. dazu den RFSS-Befehl vom 01. Juni 1935. BArch NS 3/555, fol. 31; ediert in: Walter Naasner, SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung (s. dazu o., S. IX, Funote 1), S. 209 Inhaltliche Charakterisierung Die Archivalien des Bestandes NS 3 sind ein unverzichtbarer Quellenfundus nicht nur fr die Rekonstruktion der historischen Entwicklung von SSWirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung. Darber hinaus sind sie mit Nutzen auswertbar bei wissenschaftlichen Interpretationen zur Gesamtgeschichte der SS und des NS-Staates. Den quantitativen Schwerpunkt der berlieferung des Bestandes NS 3 bilden eindeutig, um nicht zu sagen: einseitig die in der Amtsgruppe W (Wirtschaftliche Unternehmungen) des SSWVHA klassifizierten Unterlagen; in den entsprechenden Klassifikationsebenen ist wie o. ausgefhrt wurde - auch das Schriftgut des Stabes W und der DWB GmbH integriert. Damit liegt fr den Bereich der SS-Wirtschaft eine verglichen mit berlieferungen zu anderen Gebieten der Geschichte der SS auergewhnlich dichte und aussagefhige archivalische Quellengrundlage vor. Von groer Tragweite sind die erheblichen Lcken in den berlieferungen der Amtsgruppen C (Bauwesen) und D (Konzentrationslager), die nur teilweise durch Ergnzungsberlieferungen (s.u., Punkt 5 der Vorbemerkung) ausgeglichen werden knnen. Immerhin konnte eine umfangreiche, wenngleich unvollstndige Hftlingskartei mit ca. 116.000 Hftlingskarten, die sich bis 1990 in der Zustndigkeit des Dokumentationszentrums der Staatlichen Archivverwaltung des Ministeriums des Innern der DDR befand, dem



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Bestand NS 3 zugefhrt werden (NS 3/1577; Benutzung nur nach Beratung durch das zustndige Fachreferat). Im Vergleich mit den Amtsgruppen C und D knnen die bei den Amtsgruppen A (Truppenverwaltung) und B (Truppenwirtschaft) bestehenden ebenfalls ausgedehnten berlieferungslcken angesichts der in diesen beiden Amtsgruppen bearbeiteten Zustndigkeitsgebiete von der historischen Forschung mit grerer Gelassenheit hingenommen werden. Inwieweit die hier umrissenen berlieferungsverluste in der Kriegs- oder aber erst in der Nachkriegszeit, d.h. vor der bergabe der entsprechenden Unterlagen ans Bundesarchiv, eingetreten sind, muss offen bleiben. Bereits an dieser Stelle ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass bedeutsame Aspekte etwa des Konzentrationslagerwesens und zur Geschichte der Konzentrationslager-Hftlinge nicht nur im Schriftgut der Amtsgruppe D, sondern darber hinaus in Archivalien der brigen Amtsgruppen, gerade auch der sehr gut berlieferten Amtsgruppe W belegt sind. Bestandsgeschichte Welchen Weg die Unterlagen des SS-WVHA gegen Kriegsende und in der frhen Nachkriegszeit nahmen, lt sich heute nicht mehr bzw. nur sehr unvollstndig nachzeichnen.[5] Angesichts dieser Erkenntnisdefizite mssen als frhe Nachkriegsnachweise schon die erst im Februar/Mrz 1952 datierten Formbltter "List of Contents for Shipment of Records" eingestuft werden, in denen von US-Stellen beschlagnahmte Unterlagen des SSWVHA erfat sind; darin ist in der Rubrik "From" jeweils das Berlin Document Center (7771 Document Center, Berlin) ausgewiesen, whrend die Rubrik "To" jeweils offen blieb. Die heute im Bundesarchiv-Bestand SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt (NS 3) formierten Unterlagen gelangten in ihrem wesentlichen Umfang als Bestandteile zahlreicher Rckfhrungen beschlagnahmten Schriftguts aus dem Gewahrsam unterschiedlicher US-Stellen seit 1958 ins Bundesarchiv. In diesem Zusammenhang erwhnenswert sind insbesondere jene Aktenrckfhrungen ins Bundesarchiv, die im Jahre 1962 sowohl aus den USA als auch aus dem Berlin Document Center (BDC) und im Jahre 1966 wiederum aus den USA erfolgten. Ein - allerdings nur geringer - Teil derjenigen Utnerlagen, die vom Ministerium fr Staatssicherheit (MfS) der DDR archiviert wurden un ddie sich seiter der deutschen Wiedervereinigung im Bundesarchiv befinden, war der Provenienz folgend im Jahre 2004 nach einer



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erforderlichen archivischen Bearbeitung dem Bestand NS 3 zuzufhren. Ob und ggf. in welchem Umfang diese Materialien vormals von sowjetischer Seite beschlagnahmt und dann an DDR-Stellen abgegeben worden sind, lsst sich nicht zweifelsfrei klren. ------------------------------[5] S. zur allgemeinen Entwicklung den Beitrag Josef Henkes, Das Schicksal deutscher zeitgeschichtlicher Quellen in Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit. Beschlagnahme - Rckfhrung - Verbleib, in: Vierteljahrshefte fr Zeitgeschichte 30/1982, S. 557-620. Archivische Bearbeitung Die Erschlieungsarbeiten am Bundesarchiv-Bestand NS 3 erstreckten sich - mit naturgem unterschiedlicher Intensitt und Priorittensetzung - ber einen Zeitraum von mehr als vier Jahrzehnten. Neben den Grenzen der Personalausstattung ist dies durch die Abhngigkeit vom sehr unregelmigen Rhythmus der Aktenrckfhrungen ins Bundesarchiv zu erklren. Hinzu kommen die nicht unkomplizierten Registraturverhltnisse im SS-WVHA, der auerordentlich mangelhafte Ordnungszustand der rckgefhrten Akten und die Erfordernisse einer vergleichsweise tiefen archivischen Erschlieung. Ein weiterer Grund fr die lange Dauer der Erschlieung ist darin zu sehen, dass die Archivalien des Bestandes NS 3 seit dessen Bildung im Bundesarchiv von vornherein und ohne zeitliche Einschrnkung benutzbar waren und auch zu verschiedenartigen Zwecken benutzt worden sind, nicht nur im Rahmen wissenschaftlicher Forschungsprojekte, sondern etwa auch von amtlicher Seite zur Vorbereitung von Kriegsverbrecherprozessen oder Prozessen wegen nationalsozialistischer Gewaltverbrechen; eine auch nur vorbergehende Benutzungssperre, und sei es auch zur archivischen Bearbeitung, erschien weder historisch noch politisch vertretbar. Die Erschlieungsarbeiten am Bestand NS 3 wurden in ihren Hauptteilen ber lange Jahre geleistet von Frau Archivoberrtin Elisabeth Kinder und insbesondere Herrn Archivdirektor Dr. Josef Henke; daneben von Herrn Archivamtsrat Johannes Ganser, Herrn Leitenden Archivdirektor Wolf Buchmann und dem Bearbeiter. Bei der Klassifikation des im Bundesarchiv nach Provenienzprinzip gebildeten Bestandes NS 3 konnten - aufgrund von hufig festzustellenden Qualittsdefiziten in allerdings nur begrenztem Ausma und mit hchst unterschiedlichem Nutzen und damit anders als etwa bei vielen Reichsministerialaktenbestnden - die in NS 3 nur sehr lckenhaft



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berlieferten Aktenplne, Teilaktenplne, Geschftsverteilungsplne, Organigramme und andere Organisationsunterlagen und Registraturhilfsmittel verschiedener Einrichtungen und Organisationseinheiten des SS-WVHA und seiner Funktionsvorgnger verwendet werden. Ausgangspunkt fr die Klassifikation des Bestandes NS 3 ist der am 03. Mrz 1942 von Himmler genehmigte Organisationsplan des SS-WVHA[6]. Darin sind - soweit, wie es an dieser Stelle der Vorbemerkung zweckmig erscheint, der Blick auf die Ebenen lediglich der Amtsgruppen und mter beschrnkt bleibt - ausgewiesen: Amtsgruppe A Truppenverwaltung Amt A I Haushaltsamt - Amt A II Kassen- und Besoldungswesen - Amt A III Rechtsamt - Amt A IV Prfungsamt - Amt A V Personalamt Amtsgruppe B Truppenwirtschaft - Amt B I Verpflegungswirtschaft Amt B II Bekleidungswirtschaft - Amt B III Unterkunftswirtschaft - Amt B IV Rohstoffe und Beschaffungen Amtsgruppe C Bauwesen - Amt C I Allgemeine Bauaufgaben - Amt C II Sonderbauaufgaben - Amt C III Technische Fachgebiete - Amt C IV Knstlerische Fachgebiete - Amt C V Zentrale Bauinspektion - Amt C VI Bauunterhaltung und Betriebswirtschaft Amtsgruppe D Konzentrationslager - Amt D I Zentralamt - Amt D II Arbeitseinsatz der Hftlinge - Amt D III Sanittswesen und Lagerhygiene - Amt D IV KL-Verwaltung Amtsgruppe W Wirtschaftliche Unternehmungen - Amt W I Steine und Erden (Reich)



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- Amt W II Steine und Erden (Ost) Amt W III Ernhrungsbetriebe - Amt W IV Holzbearbeitungsbetriebe - Amt W V Land-, Forst-, Fischwirtschaft - Amt W VI Textil- und Lederverwertung - Amt W VII Buch und Bild - Amt W VIII Sonderaufgaben

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Zum 01.Nov.1944 wurde zustzlich das SS-WVHA-Amt W IX Forsten errichtet, auf das Teile der Zustndigkeiten, der Verwaltung und des Personals u.a. der mter W V und W VIII bergingen[7]. Wesentliche Abweichungen von dem am 03. Mrz 1942 genehmigten Organisationsplan des SS-WVHA weist die Klassifikation des Bestandes NS 3 vor allem im Bereich der Amtsgruppe W (Wirtschaftliche Unternehmungen) auf, in dem z.B. das beim Stab W und bei der Deutschen Wirtschaftsbetriebe GmbH entstandene Schriftgut integriert und die vom Stab W direkt gefhrten Unternehmungen wie auch die auerhalb der mter gefhrten Unternehmungen bercksichtigt sind. Insbesondere auf den Klassifikationsebenen der Amtsgruppe W ist den verschrnkten Registraturverhltnissen Rechnung zu tragen; beispielsweise ist, soweit es sachlich erforderlich erscheint, den mtern W I bis W VIII und den Unternehmungen auerhalb der mter teilweise auch Schriftgut zuklassifiziert, das im Stab W und bei der DWB GmbH entstanden ist, teilweise gilt dies auch umgekehrt. Demgegenber erklren sich klassifikationsbezogene Abweichungen vom o.a. Organisationsplan hinsichtlich der Amtsgruppen A (Truppenverwaltung), B (Truppenwirtschaft), C (Bauwesen) und D (Konzentrationslager) vornehmlich aus den mengenbezogenen Schwerpunkten der berlieferung des Bestandes NS 3 (s. dazu u., Punkt 4 der Vorbemerkung). Ergnzt ist die Klassifikation um folgende Funktionsvorgnger des SS-WVHA: Verwaltungschef der SS Hauptamt Verwaltung und Wirtschaft Hauptamt Haushalt und Bauten Unterlagen dieser Funktionsvorgnger finden sich naturgem auch auf den Klassifikationsbenen des SS-WVHA (v.a. bei fortgefhrten Akten).



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Wird im Findbuch das Schriftgut durch die Klassifikation strukturiert, so sind Einzelnachweise durch ausfhrliche Indizes (Personenindex, Geographischer Index, Sachindex) gewhrleistet. Angesichts des bedeutenden Quellenwertes der Unterlagen des Bestandes NS 3 wird eine "tiefe" Erschlieung geboten: Zu den Verzeichnungseinheiten liegen neben den hufig ausfhrlich gestalteten Titeln in vielen Fllen mehrere und ihrerseits detaillierte Enthlt-Vermerke vor. ------------------------------------------[6] BArch NS 3/555, fol. 8; ediert in: Walter Naasner, SS-Wirtschaft und SSVerwaltung (s. dazu o., S. IX, Funote 1), S. 242 f. [7] S. den Chefbefehl Nr. 49 des Chefs des SS-WVHA vom 25. Okt.1944, BArch NS 3/1080, fol. 232; ediert in: Walter Naasner, SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung (s. dazu o., S. IX, Funote 1), S. 227. berlieferungsverweis Eine zentrale archivalische berlieferung zur Geschichte der SS enthlt zweifellos der Bundesarchiv-Bestand Persnlicher Stab Reichsfhrer-SS (NS 19), der bei einer Auswertung des Bestandes NS 3 routinemig gleichsam parallel benutzt werden sollte. Weitere vorrangige Ergnzungen zur berlieferung des Bestandes NS 3 bilden die Unterlagen anderer SS-Einrichtungen, formiert vor allem in den BundesarchivBestnden SSHauptamt (NS 31), SS-Fhrungshauptamt (NS 33), SS-Personalhauptamt (NS 34), Konzentrationslager (NS 4), Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt-SS (NS 2), SS- und Polizeigerichtsbarkeit (NS 7), Ahnenerbe (NS 21) und Sonstige zentrale Dienststellen und Einrichtungen der SS (NS 48). In diesem Kontext sind von weitreichender Bedeutung u.a. auch die Bundesarchiv-Bestnde Reichssicherheitshauptamt (R 58), Reichsministerium des Innern (R 1501), Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei (R 19), Polizeidienststellen in den eingegliederten und besetzten Gebieten (R 70), Reichsschatzmeister der NSDAP (NS 1), Reichsfinanzministerium (R 2), Reichswirtschaftsministerium (R 3101), Reichsministerium fr Rstung und Kriegsproduktion (R 3), Reichsorganisationsleiter der NSDAP (NS 22), Reichskanzlei (R 43), Reichsjustizministerium (R 3001) und Partei-Kanzlei der NSDAP (NS 6). Ferner zu bercksichtigen sind die weitgehend personenbezogenen Sammlungen des



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Bundesarchivs (ehem. Berlin Document Center), Berlin, und die heute im Bundesarchiv, Auenstelle Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten befindlichen Bestnde des ehem. Dokumentationszentrums der Staatlichen Archivverwaltung des Ministeriums des Innern der DDR und der ehem. Hauptabteilung IX/11 (Hauptabteilung Untersuchungsorgan/Abteilung Aufklrung von Nazi- und Kriegsverbrechen) des Ministeriums fr Staatssicherheit der DDR (MfS), daneben auch die personenbezogenen Nachweissysteme der Bundesbeauftragten fr die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR (BStU), Berlin. Im Hinblick auf einschlgige Ergnzungsberlieferungen ist auch an den Nrnberger USNachfolgeproze, Fall IV (Pohl-Proze) zu denken; die in ihm verwendeten Unterlagen sind in unterschiedlicher Dichte und Form in zahlreichen Archiven berliefert, u.a. im Bundesarchiv, Koblenz und Berlin, im Staatsarchiv Nrnberg und in den National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC.[8] Im Bundesarchiv, Auenstelle Ludwigsburg befinden sich u.a. Vorermittlungsakten zu Angehrigen des ehemaligen SS-WVHA. In bemerkenswerter Weise ergnzt werden die im Bestand NS 3 vorliegenden Archivalien einerseits der Amtsgruppe D (Konzentrationslager) des SS-WVHA durch den o. bereits angefhrten Bundesarchiv-Bestand Konzentrationslager (NS 4) und durch den im Zentrum fr die Aufbewahrung historisch-dokumentarischer Sammlungen (ehem. Sonderarchiv) (ZAS), Moskau, befindlichen Bestand Konzentrationslager und Kriegsgefangenenlager in Deutschland (Fond 1367) und andererseits der Amtsgruppe C (Bauwesen) des SS-WVHA durch den ZASBestand Zentralbauleitung der Waffen-SS und der Polizei in Auschwitz (Fond 502 [7310 Archivalieneinheiten]) und geringe Teile des ZAS-Bestandes Frsorge- und Versorgungsdienststellen der Waffen-SS (Fond 1372). -------------------[8] S. in diesem Kontext den o., S. XIV, Funote 5, angefhrten Beitrag Josef Henkes und ferner: Walter Naasner, SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung (s. dazu o., S. IX, Funote 1), S. 10-12. Abkrzungsverzeichnis (.pdf; 23 KB) Amtsdrucksachen - Merkblatt fr die Verpflegung der Waffen SS, Jg. 1940 ff. (ab Jg. 1944 Nr. 55 unter dem Titel: Verpflegungsmerkbltter fr SS und Polizei). Hrsg. vom Reichsfhrer-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei. Hauptamt Haushalt und Bauten (ab Jg. 1942 Nr. 42: Hrsg. vom Reichsfhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei. SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt) [NSD 41/45].



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- Verwaltungs-Mitteilungen fr die Waffen-SS, Jg. 1 (1940). Hrsg. vom ReichsfhrerSS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei. Hauptamt Haushalt und Bauten [NSD 41/14]. - Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsanordnungen (W.V.A.), Jg. 1 (1942) ff. Hrsg. vom Reichsfhrer-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei. SSWirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt [NSD 41/16]. Literatur - Georg, Enno: Die wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen der SS, Stuttgart 1963. - Henke, Josef: Das Schicksal deutscher zeitgeschichtlicher Quellen in Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit. Beschlagnahme - Rckfhrung - Verbleib, in: Vierteljahrshefte fr Zeitgeschichte 30/1982, S. 557-620. - Kaienburg, Hermann: Die Wirtschaft der SS, Berlin 2003. - Naasner, Walter: Neue Machtzentren in der deutschen Kriegswirtschaft 1942-1945. Die Wirtschaftsorganisation der SS, das Amt des Generalbevollmchtigten fr den Arbeitseinsatz und das Reichsministerium fr Bewaffnung und Munition / Reichsministerium fr Rstung und Kriegsproduktion im nationalsozialistischen Herrschaftssystem, Boppard am Rhein 1994. Naasner, Walter: SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung. "Das SS-WirtschaftsVerwaltungshauptamt und die unter seiner Dienstaufsicht stehenden wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen" und weitere Dokumente, Dsseldorf 1998. - Pingel, Falk: Hftlinge unter SS-Herrschaft. Widerstand, Selbstbehauptung und Vernichtung im Konzentrationslager, Hamburg 1978. - Der Proze gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem Internationalen Militrgerichtshof. Nrnberg, 14.11.1945 - 1.10.1946, Bd. I-XLII, Nrnberg 1947 ff. - Schulte, Jan Erik: Zwangsarbeit und Vernichtung: Das Wirtschaftsimperium der SS: Oswald Pohl und das SSWirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt 1933-1945, Paderborn (u.a.) 2001. - Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10. Nuernberg, October 1946 - April 1949, Bd. 5: The Pohl-Case, Washington, DC 1950.



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- Tuchel, Johannes: Konzentrationslager. Organisationsgeschichte und Funktion der "Inspektion der Konzentrationslager" 1934-1938, Boppard am Rhein 1991. - Tuchel, Johannes: Die Inspektion der Konzentrationslager 1938-1945. Das System des Terrors. Eine Dokumentation, Berlin 1994. - Wegner, Bernd: Hitlers Politische Soldaten: Die Waffen-SS 1933-1945. Studien zu Leitbild, Struktur und Funktion einer nationalsozialistischen Elite, Paderborn 1. Aufl. 1982 (4. Aufl. 1990) Benutzungsbedingungen Bundesarchivgesetz, Verordnung ber die Benutzung von Archivgut beim Bundesarchiv Zitierweise BArch NS 3/... Endprovenienz: SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt Bestandsart: Schriftgut Umfang: 26 Meter Bereitstellendes Archiv: Bundesarchiv Benutzungsort: Koblenz; Berlin-Lichterfelde:Mikrofiches

La SS fue el instrumento que define y ms eficaz de terror y destruccin del estado nazi. Esto fue especialmente la coleccin completa de ejecutivo estatal polica precedido por las SS y la separacin gradual del poder de polica de la revisin judicial del poder judicial. Pero se limit la expansin de las SS no el sector de la polica. Nadie fue en marzo de 1923 en ocasin de la creacin de la "guardia personal" en primer lugar y as anticipar la primera precursora de desarrollo nico de la SS de Hitler desde la primavera de 1925, llamada as Schutzstaffel (s) de la NSDAP (SS). Como individuos y escuadrones de la proteccin del conjunto de instalar, relativas a la publicidad de suscriptores y la accin adhesiva de carteles en favor del Partido Nazi y de sus rganos y actualizado en noviembre de 1930 como una polica interna del partido, el SS tiene desde 1933 a 1934 pasos, y no la polica nica, pero con la Waffen-SS y sus precursores y militares adquirir competencias ejecutivas del Estado. Las SS, a ms tardar, despus de los



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acontecimientos del da 30 Junio ??y la primera y segundo 07 1934 finalmente fuera de la sombra de la Sturmabteilung (s) de la NSDAP (SA) surgi, diseado, perfeccionado y dominado el sistema a gran escala del campo de concentracin y exterminio, ella plane, pero completamente rassenideologisch justifica el genocidio de los Judios, los sinti y los romanes y otras grupos estigmatizados, que estaban en la esfera de influencia alemana y dominio. En la poltica nazi de nacionalidad racial, y la liquidacin, que haba sido hallado en la SS desde enero de 1932, con los precursores de slo desde enero 1935 as designado Raza y Asentamiento Oficina Principal de las SS una base institucional, el Reichsfhrer SS (RFSS) haba sido octubre 1939 en su nueva condicin de Comisario del Reich para la Consolidacin de la Nacin Alemana (RKFV) el factor decisivo de poder. La cultura alemana y la poltica de la ciencia era de las SS desde los aos treinta, sobre todo con la ayuda de la "investigacin y la docencia comunidad Ahnenerbe" eV " infiltrado. Las SS, el nmero total de empleados aument a finales de junio de 1944 cerca de 800.000, que se sirve no slo como un instrumento confiable de poder del lder voluntad y como bedeutsamstes llevan miembro de la ideologa nazi, podan tambin en un verdadero Estado interesado Hitler como una instancia alternativa verstil si es necesario, ajuste la presin sobre el elemento de competencia clave de los derechos civiles y ejercer en el sector militar. Visto en este contexto, est claro que la economa estaba en la estructura general de la SS reclamados y ocuparon reas de competencia slo una seccin, que sin embargo fue en la segunda mitad de la guerra una importancia particular. La actividad econmica de la SS estaba basada en diversos motivos, a veces incompatibles entre s. El Reichsfhrer de las SS y los representantes de la Comisin Econmica de las SS y administracin de las SS vincul la funcin econmica de la SS inconsistente, influenciado por la conveniencia que prevalece, con los objetivos de la autodefinicin ideolgica representacin ms all de las expectativas de ganancias, sin pensin y planes de autosuficiencia y econmico desenfrenado tendencias de expansin. Paralelamente gana desde 1940/41 para las SS, la perspectiva de la economa de la paz futura en importancia, donde era necesario para asegurar la SS a otras partes interesadas una posicin favorable. En los primeros aos del estado nazi eran las actividades econmicas de la SS no es



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una prioridad bajo la premisa de ventas y maximizacin de beneficios; importante en esta fase de desarrollo econmico en lugar de la discusin introductoria de la estructura del partido con las empresas comerciales y reglamentos marco de derecho. Durante los talleres de reparacin de valores esencialmente internamente alineados en los campos de concentracin tambin fund y se hizo cargo de las SS desde 1934 caracteres empresas, asociaciones y fundaciones ideolgicamente representante y culturales e histricos. En el conflicto lagunas demanda armamento relacionada macroeconmicas de cobertura, especialmente en el mbito de la llamada "mano de obra", y las razones ideolgicas, sin embargo impulsado grandes proyectos urbanos del rgimen nazi, la economa SS viene con la fundacin de la tierra alemana y Stone Works Ltd. (DEST) en abril 1938 en una nueva etapa de desarrollo. Con el establecimiento de la alemana GmbH equipo (DAW) en mayo de 1939 fueron, entre otras empresas, los dos ms grandes e importantes empresas momento SS creado bajo el signo del forzados preparativos de guerra econmica y poltica del rgimen. Ambos se abri con el inicio de la guerra completas opciones de configuracin de poder econmico y poltico de las SS y el desarrollo de la reforma econmica desfavorable y que requieren temprana de las principales entidades de las SS hicieron en julio de 1940, se crea la alemana GmbH granjas (DFS). El fusionado en este filiales holding de empresas formado SS SS ahora construido Group. Numerosas empresas de diferentes sectores con una variedad de compaas se formaron en el Grupo DWB. Adems, un nmero de otras compaas, fundaciones, asociaciones, los activos fueron manejados etc incorporada bajo la autoridad de la Oficina Central de las SS Econmica y Administrativa. Tras el fin de la "guerra relmpago", y bajo la influencia de la crisis invierno militar 1941/42 fueron el rgimen nazi y sus rganos de control econmico por la guerra, con el apoyo estatal y del sector privado interesados, listo para integrar el potencial econmico de la SS en el proceso de produccin de armamento. En consecuencia, la administracin econmica de la operacin SS desde 1942, la conversin de las empresas SS en proyectos de defensa. En el contexto general de la Comisin Econmica SS un incremento significativo en las ventas y las utilidades desde 1941 se ha registrado desde 1943. En la sede de la SS totalmente dirigido independiente de anclaje de las SS en la planificacin de la produccin industrial y la armadura Enviar produccin fracasado excepto en los



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dficits especficos de la Comisin Econmica SS especialmente a la oposicin del gobierno y de la industria de defensa privada, las instancias militares de guerra econmica, el Ministerio del Reich de Armamento y Produccin de Guerra, y de l dirigi Organizacin Gubernamental Industrial de Armamento. La escala global de la produccin de armamento alemana Enviar la contribucin independiente de las empresas de propiedad de las SS estaban sujetos a fuertes restricciones, la funcin de las SS en la industria de armamentos fue principalmente en el suministro de mano de obra adicional para la industria de defensa SS externa. Sin embargo, asegur la SS su posicin guerra econmica por el control exclusivo de su el ms importante factor de produccin disponible, la mano de obra potencial de prisioneros de los campos de concentracin, reclamando, tambin las SS se asegur de que el trabajo realizado en SS prisionero externo armamento fbricas trabajo forzoso la acuada por las condiciones de las SS el sistema de campos de concentracin se ajust. El objetivo poco realista de un monopolio en el liderazgo de la Oficina Central de las SS Econmica y Administrativa de las SS en la estructura general de la economa de guerra alemana no fue perseguido por el rgimen nazi. Su inters se dirige ms a la explotacin ms amplia posible de mano de obra prisionera armamento forzado ya la SS econmica alternativa saliente potencial de presin poltica y econmica para adaptarse a los organismos gubernamentales Industriales de gobierno de la economa de guerra y los profesionales de la industria. Las actividades econmicas de la SS se entrelazan directamente con el gobierno de la organizacin. Principio a considerar es que la SS era una divisin del NSDAP no incorporada y poseer bienes. [2] El desarrollo temprano de la estructura institucional y organizativa de la SS superior y en particular la administracin de las SS result extremadamente complicado. En abril de 1934, Himmler declar esta retrospectiva: "En los primeros aos de la formacin de las SS que se agote el trabajo administrativo en la aplicacin de los fondos y su prueba adecuada de las actividades profesionales del 'administrador de dinero" en consecuencia, la mayor parte de esto se hizo de la forma ms variada. [...] Con el crecimiento de las SS y de su organizacin a travs de la educacin son, sin embargo, las tareas ms y muy importante por ampliar las fuentes de ingresos, el aumento de la media del afluente y la adquisicin considerable aumento de la ropa y el equipo.



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A travs de la gestin de estos fondos y por la deteccin de la contratacin es la misin de la administradora de fondos se ha expandido de tal manera que slo uno de gestin "Geld" no se puede hablar, sino por una "gestin" s mismo ". [3] La expansin de la administracin del dinero a una naturaleza administrativa general de la SS fue en el verano de 1932. A partir de ese momento en adelante, el primero dirigido por Gerhard Schneider Oficina de Administracin SS (SS-VA) documental detectable hasta la reorganizacin de las SS del Reich Liderazgo en enero de 1935, por la Oficina construido 1932 SS (SS-A) en la SS Oficina Principal (SS-HA) fue umgewandet, una de las oficinas de la Sede de las SS era la oficina administrativa-SS (IV). Oswald Pohl, desde 01 2 1934 como sucesor del jefe comandante SS Gerhard Schneider, del Departamento y Jefe de la Oficina de Administracin IV-SS tom, con efecto a partir del 01 06 1935 tambin realiza las funciones de los jefes administrativos de las SS en el "carcter personal" del Reichsfhrer-SS [4] y el administrador Reichskassenscheine de SS. Dentro de la SS fue slo el jefe administrativo de la SS, el jefe de las SS departamento administrativo autorizado para negociar con la direccin nacional del Partido Nazi y las autoridades gubernamentales en las esferas administrativas y presupuestarias relacionadas. Como Tesorero del Reich de las SS Pohl representante y representante del Tesorero del Reich del NSDAP (RSM) y dirigi el presupuesto y gestiones administrativas en la oficina del Tesorero General. A la luz de la expansin econmica de las SS y ejecutivo a partir del 20 04 1939 elev la oficina de los jefes administrativos de la Oficina Central de las SS del Reich de las SS, que se denomin "Oficina del Jefe Administrativo y de negocios" (SDH). El Jefe de la Oficina de Administracin Principal y Economa en la SS Reich Liderazgo, Pohl fue tambin jefe de la Oficina de Presupuesto del principal y construccin (HaHb) del Reichsfhrer de las SS y Jefe de la Polica Alemana en el Ministerio del Interior (en RFSSuCHdDtPol RMdI). La formacin de la SDH ha sido un ao despus de la fundacin de dest GmbH, la primera gran compaa de SS, una indicacin de la creciente importancia y la interrelacin inextricable de la Comisin Econmica de las SS y administracin de las SS. Como jefe de la SDH y como todava Tesorero del Reich de las SS Pohl actuado en el nivel oficial del partido y fue responsable de la extensin de la fiesta para entretener a los gastos generales de las SS pagados. Por el contrario, tena la HaHb carcter ministerial



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formal, el da 20 04 1939 fue nombrado Pohl por Ministerial en RFSSuChdDtPol en RMdI, Presupuesto Oficina Principal y Construccin conocido, y stos construccin manipulador abierto la administracin de las SS para tener acceso directo a la financiacin del capital imperial de las tropas de las SS (SS-VT), Cabeza de la Muerte SS unidades (SS-TV) a cargo de los campos de concentracin y los organismos pblicos de asignacin, Pohl asegur el control directo sobre la informacin recibida gastos reino y permiti una diferenciacin ficticia de parte relacionada y Administracin Financiera del Estado de la SS Con efecto a partir del 01 09 1941 la SDH se reorganiz y en ocho nmeros romanos "W"-oficinas divididas. A diferencia de las oficinas tcnicas previamente coordinadas y el Departamento de la estructura SDH seguido el sistema ya establecido de W-oficinas con las opiniones expresadas en ellos cosas de las SS un modelo de sector econmico. El personal de la SDH Pohl jefes consista en la Ley departamentos (R), Auditora (W) y el control del funcionamiento (J). A 01 Febrero 1942, las funciones y atribuciones de la a partir del 31 Enero 1942 resolvi Presupuesto Amtsstellen Oficina Principal liado y Construccin, Oficina del Jefe de Administracin y Negocios y Administracin de la Oficina de las SS y la Oficina ha establecido SS Principal Econmica y Administrativa aceptado. El SS Econmico-se mantuvo hasta el final de la guerra la autoridad central de gestin de la economa y la administracin SS SS. Como jefe de las SS Econmico-Pohl fue el 20 de 04 1942 nombrado SSObergruppenfhrer y General de las Waffen SS. El SS Econmico-fue en marzo de 1942 en los cinco grupos oficiales A. (Tropas Administrativos), B (fuerzas econmicas), C (construccin), D (campo de concentracin) y W dividido (empresas comerciales) La Oficina del Grupo W era anloga a la de 01 09 1941 importado de la desintegracin de la ex SDH tcnicamente orientada por las oficinas de los sectores econmicos a WI W VIII empresas econmicas con ellos gestionan en la SS Dentro de la SS Econmico jefe servido (el bar) W y actuando bajo el W bar de supervisin, coordinacin y asesoramiento a las oficinas de W y el negocio de W; jefe W fue asesor econmico del principal departamento que dirige Pohl, que las funciones ejecutivas en su compatible. El jefe de W-agencia tena constantemente para mantener la conexin con el jefe W. El W personal era tanto organizativo como personal entrelazada con la DWB GmbH.



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La anclado fuera de la separacin HaHb / SDH institucional de la fiesta de la gestin financiera moderada y gubernamental de la SS fue abolida con la formacin de las SS Econmica de nuevo, en el manejo de toda la construccin econmica, administrativa y del Reichsfhrer-SS era la autoridad igualmente ministerial. Un lugar especial institucional fue ocupada por la Oficina del Grupo W. El personal de la Oficina grupo W asociado con oficiales de las SS eran para las empresas individuales - paralelo a su subordinacin Pohl oficial de las SS como SS-Obergruppenfhrer y General de las Waffen-SS y Jefe de la SS Econmico - formalmente SS externamente en la norelacin de empleado o representante gubernamental y no partidista y oficial de las SS-opera bajo las leyes comerciales, y la W-oficinas se descentralizaron a las SS Econmicodistantes lugares. La GmbH DWB fue como la empresa ms SS de miembros de las SS que se presentaron bajo la ley comercial como individuos con puestos de trabajo de carcter civil o sobre el derecho mercantil consagrados sociedades SS fundado sobre la base de un individuo sigue apareciendo relacin fiduciaria, adquiridas o absorbidas, todo esto fsicas y jurdicas personas registrado en los depsitos de capital aportado. Los orgenes reales de los componentes individuales del aumento gradual de la equidad de DWB GmbH no obstante, ha establecido legalmente, por lo que las mayoras adecuadas se pueden construir tanto el Imperio y el Partido Nazi. Pohl llevado al Grupo DWB confianza en su calidad de accionista nico y nico poder de representacin primer Director Gerente del Reichsfhrer-SS. En octubre de 1943, Pohl ofreci la asignacin notariada por l representada simplemente como acciones de capital fiduciario de DWB GmbH y Industria (Osti) a la RFSS o de tercero identificado. La aparente en la direccin de las SS Econmico oficial, libremente contrado fideicomiso tuvo en cuenta que la SS podra ser una organizacin nazi, y RFSS no constituyen entidades legales separadas y apoyo financiero, y que, por otra parte, de acuerdo con la constitucin alemana derecho mercantil fiduciario y aportaciones de capital no eran posibles. Teniendo en cuenta estas relaciones normativas legales form el liderazgo SS a la proporcin significativa de la SS imperio econmico no como una parte o de la sociedad, sino en la forma de una corporacin privada. En este sentido, surgi la oportunidad de lograr una visin ms elevada econmico de la SS: La orientacin hacia el sector privado y la



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personificacin jurdica del grupo DWB y, por tanto, la parte ms importante de la econmica fuera del marco inmediato institucional de la SS SS fueron requisitos fundamentales a largo plazo la independencia econmica de las SS y para proteger a la economa SS contra posibles intentos de influir y controlar los requisitos del estado y del partido, as como las partes interesadas del sector privado. Las autoridades fiscales del Reich y el tesorero del partido nazi han reconocido el carcter privado del derecho mercantil escrita grupo DWB y se refieren a las reclamaciones pecuniarias contra la GmbH DWB, que tenan, por ejemplo, al inyectar en los pagos de capital e incrementos en Reich de la Compaa y los agentes de las partes puede , renunci. ----------------------------------------[1] La discusin en el Captulo 1 del Ttulo Preliminar siguen de cerca la presentacin de Walter Naasner: SS Econmico y administracin de las SS. "La Oficina Central de las SS Econmica y Administrativa, y debajo de sus empresas de supervisin econmica" y otros documentos, Dusseldorf 1998, pp 3-9. [2] En este contexto, cabe sealar que el en el 1 prrafo 2 de la ley para garantizar la unidad del Partido y el Estado 01 Diciembre de 1933, Gaceta Jurdica I, pgina 1016, por la determinacin de la condicin de la NSDAP como una corporacin pblica en virtud del 4 de la Orden del lder sobre la situacin del Partido Nacionalsocialista Obrero Alemn, de 12 Diciembre de 1942, Gaceta Jurdica I, pgina 734, fue derogada. Vase sobre esto en: (ver arriba para S. IX, nota 1) Walter Naasner, SS Econmico y administracin de las SS, pp 289 -292, documentos editados (Barch NS 3/1072, fol 2. 4-6). [3] Decreto de 16 de RFSS 04 1934 con respecto a "oficial administrativo". Barch NS 31/361, fol. 50 (incluida la marcha atrs). [4] S. RFSS al mando de 01 Junio ??de 1935. Barch NS 3/555, fol. 31, editado en Walter Naasner, SS Econmico y administracin de las SS (ver arriba a S. IX, nota 1), pp 209 El contenido caracterizacin Los fondos de los archivos de la SN 3 son un grupo vital de las fuentes, no slo para la reconstruccin de la evolucin histrica de la administracin econmica de las SS y SS. Ellos tambin vienen con beneficios evaluados en las interpretaciones cientficas a la historia general de las SS y el estado nazi. Forma el enfoque cuantitativo de la tradicin de las acciones NS 3 claramente no decir: de manera unilateral en la Oficina del Grupo W (empresas comerciales) de las SS Econmicodocumentos clasificados, en los niveles de clasificacin apropiados - como se dijo o tambin los registros de la W y la varilla integrado DWB GmbH.



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Para que el campo de la SS es un negocio en comparacin con las tradiciones anteriores de otras reas de la historia de la base de cdigo SS excepcionalmente densa y significativa de archivo. De gran importancia son las brechas significativas en las tradiciones de los grupos C oficial (Ingeniera Civil) y D (campo de concentracin), que puede ser compensada slo en parte por las tradiciones que complementa (vase la seccin 5 del Prlogo). Al menos tiene un amplio, aunque ndice preso incompleta con aproximadamente 116.000 tarjetas de reclusos que fue hasta el ao 1990 en la jurisdiccin del Centro de Documentacin de la Administracin Estatal de Archivos del Ministerio del Interior de la Repblica Democrtica Alemana, se van a la manada NS 3 (NS 3/1577, utilice slo despus de consultar ) por el departamento asignado. En comparacin con el funcionario C grupos y D, la base del grupo Oficina A (administracin tropa) y B (economa tropas) tambin lagunas extensas tradicin se aceptarn con mayor ecuanimidad en la cara del procesado en estas dos reas oficiales de competencia de grupos de investigacin histrica. El grado en el que se describan las prdidas tradicin aqu en la guerra, o slo en el perodo de posguerra, es decir, se produjeron antes de la transferencia de los documentos pertinentes a los Archivos Nacionales, deben permanecer abiertas. Ya en este punto hay que sealar que algunos aspectos importantes sobre el sistema de campos de concentracin y la historia de los prisioneros de campos de concentracin, no slo en los registros de la Oficina del Grupo D, pero tambin estn ocupados en los archivos de otros grupos oficiales, especialmente los muy tradicionales Oficina del Grupo W. Inventario Histrico Qu camino de los registros de las SS Econmico-fin de la guerra y particip en el perodo de posguerra, se puede rastrear ya no o muy incompleta. [5] Teniendo en cuenta este dficit de conocimiento que evidencia ya en la posguerra ya que en febrero / marzo 1952 formas anticuadas "Lista de contenidos para el Transporte de registros" se clasifican, registran, donde se apoder por agencias de Estados Unidos requiere que el SS Econmico-son, es en el " De "cada Centro de Documentacin de Berln (7771 Centro de documentacin, Berln) report, mientras que el ttulo" To "cada permaneci abierta.



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Los documentos ahora en la Oficina Bundesarchiv stock SS Principal Econmica y Administrativa (NS 3) formadas vino al alcance esencial de la misma, como componentes de Schriftguts numerosas repatriaciones incautados a la custodia de las diferentes agencias de Estados Unidos desde 1958, los Archivos Federales. Vale la pena mencionar en este contexto son, en particular, aquellos archivos devuelve el Archivo Federal, que en 1962 se realizaron tanto de los EE.UU. y del Documento de Berlin Center (BDC), y en 1966, de nuevo de los EE.UU.. A - pero slo pequeas - parte de los Utnerlagen que fueron archivados por el Ministerio de Seguridad del Estado (Stasi) de la ddie RDA ONU para Seiter la reunificacin alemana, los Archivos Federales se encuentran, era la procedencia seguido en 2004 por un tratamiento archivstico necesaria la accin NS 3 Alimentacin . Si, y hasta qu punto estos materiales han sido previamente capturado por los soviticos y luego puesto en libertad a los sitios de DDR, no se puede aclarar ms all de toda duda. ------------------------------[5] S. generales de desarrollo. Contribucin Joseph Henkes, el destino de las fuentes histricas contemporneas alemanas en la guerra y la posguerra Incautacin repatriacin destino, en: Revista Trimestral de Historia Contempornea, 30/1982, pp 557-620. Elaboracin de archivo El trabajo de desarrollo en el Bundesarchiv stock NS 3 ampliado - con mayor o menor intensidad natural y prioridades - en un perodo de ms de cuatro dcadas. Adems de las limitaciones de personal, esto se explica por la dependencia de ritmo muy irregular de presentacin de declaraciones de los Archivos Federales. Luego estn las condiciones no es fcil en el SS Econmico-filing, el estado extremadamente pobre del orden de los registros devueltos y las necesidades de la descripcin archivstica relativamente profunda. Otra razn para la larga duracin del desarrollo es el hecho de que los registros de la poblacin NS 3 desde su formacin en la utilizable federal de archivos desde un principio y sin restricciones de tiempo fueron, y tambin se ha utilizado para diversos fines, no slo en proyectos de investigacin cientfica, pero tambin algunos de los barrios oficiales en preparacin de crmenes de guerra o los juicios por crmenes nazis de la violencia, hay incluso una prohibicin de uso temporal, incluso si es para tratamiento archivstico apareci, ni histrica ni polticamente. Trabajo NS Desarrollo en stock 3 estaban en sus partes principales durante muchos aos de la seora Elizabeth Archivo Oberrtin nios, en particular los Archivos Sr.



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Director Dr. Josef Henke al lado del seor Archivamtsrat Johannes Ganser, seor director ejecutivo Archivos Lobo Buchmann y arreglista. NS en la clasificacin de los Archivos Federales formado por el principio de las acciones procedencia 3 podra - debido a los frecuentes dficit de calidad festzustellenden en slo de forma limitada y con beneficios muy diferentes y tan diferente Reichsministerialaktenbestnden muchos - en NS 3 planes desiguales de presentacin tradicionales, planes de presentacin de piezas, planes de asignacin, organigramas y otros documentos de organizacin y herramientas de presentacin de diferentes instituciones y unidades organizativas de la SS econmico-y su predecesor funcin se puede utilizar. Punto de partida para la clasificacin de la Sociedad Nacional est en stock 3 03 03 1942 aprobado por SS Himmler Econmico-organizacin del plan. [6] Inclua - por lo que es apropiado en este punto aparece en el prlogo, la vista de las llanuras slo los grupos oficiales, oficinas estar limitada - segn lo informado: Official Group Una administracin tropa - Official AI Oficina de Presupuesto - Una caja de Office II y Salarios - Un oficial de Oficina de Derecho III - Un oficial de las oficinas de examen IV - Una Oficina de Personal Oficina V Oficial del Grupo B tropas economa - Oficina de hostelera BI - Funcionario B II industria de la confeccin - Official industria de alojamiento B III - Oficial B IV bienes y la contratacin Oficial del Grupo C Building - C I Generales los proyectos de edificio de oficinas - Diario Oficial C II Sonderbauaufgaben - Oficial C III tcnicas Campos - Diario Oficial C IV Temas Artsticos - Oficina Central C V Construccin de Inspeccin - C Oficina VI Mantenimiento de Edificios y Negocios Oficina del Grupo D el campo de concentracin - Official DI Oficina Central - Oficina D II despliegue trabajo de los prisioneros - Oficina D III servicio mdico de higiene y almacenamiento - Official D IV KL Gestin



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Oficina Comercial grupo W empresas - Oficial W I-Minerales metlicos (Imperio) - Official W II y canteras (este) - Official W negocios nutricin III - Oficial W IV empresas para trabajar la madera - Official V W agricultura, la silvicultura, la pesca - Oficial W VI Textiles y cuero reciclado - Official W libro VII y la imagen - Official W Sonderaufgaben VIII

01.Nov.1944 Adems de las SS Econmico-W-IX Oficina Forestal se estableci, en particular por parte de los poderes de la direccin y el personal Oficinas de W W V y VIII pas por [7]. Las desviaciones significativas desde el 03 a.m. 03 1942 organizacin aprobada grfico de la SS econmico-, la clasificacin de la Sociedad Nacional almacn el 3, sobre todo en el mbito de la Oficina del Grupo W (empresas comerciales) que, en el ejemplo integrado en la barra de W y de Deutsche Farms Ltd. y los registros resultantes de la W bar gestionado de forma centralizada las empresas, as como las operaciones fuera de la oficina las cosas se consideran. En particular, los niveles de clasificacin de la W Oficina grupo es el uso de las condiciones de registro cruzadas en cuenta, por ejemplo, en la medida pertinente que sea necesario, la oficina de WI en W VIII y las corporaciones frente a las oficinas parcialmente zuklassifiziert asimismo documentos que W en el bar y GmbH en el DWB surgido es en parte lo contrario tambin es cierto. En contraste, explicar las desviaciones de la OA clasificacin basada Organizacin del Plan de Grupo Oficial A (administracin tropa), B (economa tropas), C (Ingeniera Civil) y D (campo de concentracin), principalmente desde el enfoque basado en el volumen de la tradicin de las acciones NS 3 (vase tambin u, Punto 4 del Prlogo). Se complementa con la siguiente clasificacin de las SS Econmico-funcin predecesores:



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Jefe de Administracin de la SS Administracin de la Oficina Principal y Economa Presupuesto de la Oficina Principal y Construccin La documentacin de esta funcin predecesor encuentra de forma natural en las llanuras de la SS Econmico-clasificacin (en particular, con continuos actos). Est estructurada en el instrumento de los registros identificados por la clasificacin para referencias de ndices detallados (ndice de personas, ndice geogrfico, ndice de materia) estn garantizados. Dado el importante valor de los documentos originales de la SN stock 3 un "profundo" el desarrollo se ofrece: Las unidades de descripcin son en adicin a los ttulos a menudo ampliamente decorados en muchos casos, ms detallada y, a su vez contiene las informaciones. ------------------------------------------[6] Barch NS 3/555, fol. 8, editado en Walter Naasner, SS Econmico y administracin de las SS (ver arriba a S. IX, nota 1), pgs 242 y ss [7] S. N 49 del mando en jefe del jefe de las SS Econmica al 25 de Okt.1944, Barch NS 3/1080 fol. 232, editado en Walter Naasner, SS Econmico y administracin de las SS (ver arriba a S. IX, nota 1), pgina 227 Tradicin de referencia Una tradicin archivo de claves de la historia de la SS, sin duda, contiene el Personal Bundesarchiv stock Personal Reichsfhrer-SS (ST 19), la SN debera estar en una evaluacin del stock 3 utiliza rutinariamente en paralelo. Otras adiciones prioridad a la tradicin de las acciones NS 3 forman los registros de otras instalaciones de las SS, formado principalmente en el Bundesarchiv-stocks Oficina Central de las SS (NS 31), SS Oficina Principal (NS 33), SS Oficina de Personal (NS 34), campo de concentracin (NS 4), Raza y Asentamiento SS Office (NS 2), las SS y la jurisdiccin de la polica (NS 7), Ahnenerbe (NS 21) y otros departamentos centrales y organismos de las SS (NS 48). En este contexto de significado amplio que incluye los Archivos Federales tenencias de Seguridad del Reich Office (R 58), Ministerio del Interior (R 1501), Polica de Orden Principal (R 19), los servicios de polica en el anexo y de los territorios ocupados (R 70), tesorero de la NSDAP (Nazi 1), Ministerio de Hacienda (R 2 ), Ministerio de Asuntos Econmicos (R) NS 3101), Reich Ministerio de Armamento y Produccin de Guerra (R 3), Reich Lder de



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Organizacin del NSDAP (22), Cancillera del Reich (R 43), el Ministerio de Justicia (R 3001) y la Cancillera del Partido del NSDAP (Nazi sexto Asimismo, deben ser en gran medida las colecciones personales de los Archivos Federales (antiguo Centro de documento Berln), Berln, y ahora en el Bundesarchiv, rama Dahlwitz Hoppegarten sobre las poblaciones del Centro de Documentacin antiguo de la Administracin Estatal de Archivos del Ministerio del Interior de la Repblica Democrtica Alemana y el antiguo Departamento &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& WATER UFO..................BY DARTH VADER. This is a pretty bizarre incident described at where police officers witnessed (and shot at) an unidentified flying object near the port of Tocopilla in the Antofagasta region of Chile on September 23rd/24th, 1971. Witnesses report the UFO changing directions at 'great speed' and the police report about the case describes the object as having 'an approximate diameter of 20 meters, with a helicopter-like cabin totally lit and with sections like windows' - other reports from separately located witnesses also sound quite similar and describe 'a sort of rectangular building with many windows' and 'an artificially constructed object with intermittent lights and round windows like a ships porthole'. After being witnessed by over a dozen people and exhibiting EM effects on a police patrol car, several officers pursued the object to the coast where one shot at it with his rifle apparently the UFO then moved 'extremely fast' in the direction of the officers and 'illuminated the area like daytime' - it was last seen by the entire crew of the fishing vessel Martn Pescador" where it circled around the ship before submerging into the ocean. AGUA OVNI .................. por Darth Vader. Este es un incidente bastante extrao descrito en donde la polica oficiales presenciado (y dispararon a) un objeto volador no identificado cerca del puerto de Tocopilla, en la Regin de Antofagasta de Chile en septiembre 23rd/24th,



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1971. Los testigos de OVNIs las direcciones cambiantes en 'gran velocidad' y el informe de la polica sobre el caso describe el objeto de tener "una dimetro aproximado de 20 metros, con una cabina del helicptero de tipo totalmente iluminado y con secciones como ventanas '- otros informes de forma separada ubicados testigos tambin suenan muy similares y describir "una especie de rectangular edificio con muchas ventanas "y" de un objeto construido artificialmente con luces intermitentes y ventanas redondas como ojo de buey de un barco ". Despus de haber sido presenciado por ms de una docena de personas, y que muestran efectos EM en un coche patrulla de la polica, varios oficiales a cabo el objeto a la costa donde se dispar con su rifle - al parecer, el OVNI se traslad "extremadamente rpido" en la direccin de los oficiales y 'ilumin el rea como "el da - fue visto por ltima vez por toda la tripulacin del buque pesquero "Martn Pescador" donde un crculo alrededor de la nave antes de sumergirse en el ocano. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& THE END. 19:12 23-03-2013



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