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WHAT IS THE WORLDS MOST ADDICTIVE DRUG Addiction to drugs is the burning topic in the current affairs but

nobody knows what addiction is and which types of drugs are more addictive and in this essay I will explain answers of these burning questions. This essay aligned a piece of knowledge across different domains and shed light on the most addictive substance of the world after careful analysis of different categories of addictive drugs and properties of most addictive drugs. A key factor to explaining addiction is often misjudged by health professionals it is basically association of individual behavior with different objects (Alcohol and other drugs, gambling, pornography etc.) becomes increasingly impulsive. Although earlier concept of addiction evidenced as increased use of drugs by person despite having knowledge of its adverse impacts. Addiction is measured by obsessive compulsive drinking scale for predicting drug dependence behavior in impatiens(Heatherton, Kozlowski, Frecker, & FAGERSTROM, 1991).It measures the compulsive need to drink alcohol and other drugs aiming to measure factors for craving. Now turn our attention towards investigation of main question of most addictive drugs of world and declaration of most addictive drug after careful analysis of empirical evidence in the academic and professional circle. Many people perceive heroine is the most addictive drug but this is not true although heroine is the most dangerous substance of the world but it is not most addictive considering definition of addiction stared above(McKenzie, Olsson, Jorm, Romaniuk, & Patton, 2010). Addictive drugs are classified into three categories according to targeting of brain molecules which are responsible for increase in dopamine concentration. These three categories are; First category binds G-Protein coupled receptors drugs includes opioids, Yhydroxy, cannabinoids. Second category attacks on inotropic channels of brain include alcohol












amphetamine(Lscher & Ungless, 2006). From categories stated above drugs that target nicotine acetylcholine channels with induction of nicotine bond cell is depolarized so this category includes the worlds most addictive drug specially nicotine with almost 98% addiction rate(Agrawal, Lynskey, Madden, Bucholz, & Heath, 2007). Nicotine consumption is highly correlated with the use of cigarettes(Solty, Crockford, White, & Currie, 2009). Health professionals believed that intense use of cigarettes leads to lower yields of Nicotine. Nicotine presence in cigarettes prevents it from adverse regulations of governments and regulatory bodies in the health sector(Benowitz & Jacob III, 1984). This is marketed to young people all over the world despite damaging consequences. By doing this government made it the most addictive substance of the world as most young individuals now addicted to it so regulatory bodies of different countries and health organizations must consider this issue for safeguarding the health of youth.

REFERENCES: Agrawal, Arpana, Lynskey, Michael T., Madden, Pamela A. F., Bucholz, Kathleen K., & Heath, Andrew C. (2007). A latent class analysis of illicit drug abuse/dependence: results from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Addiction, 102(1), 94-104. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2006.01630.x Benowitz, N.L., & Jacob III, P. (1984). Daily intake of nicotine during cigarette smoking. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 35(4), 499-504. Heatherton, T.F., Kozlowski, L.T., Frecker, R.C., & FAGERSTROM, K.O. (1991). The Fagerstrm test for nicotine dependence: a revision of the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire. British journal of addiction, 86(9), 1119-1127. Lscher, C., & Ungless, M.A. (2006). The mechanistic classification of addictive drugs. PLoS medicine, 3(11), e437. McKenzie, Maria, Olsson, Craig A., Jorm, Anthony F., Romaniuk, Helena, & Patton, George C. (2010). Association of adolescent symptoms of depression and anxiety with daily smoking and nicotine dependence in young adulthood: findings from a 10-year longitudinal study. Addiction, 105(9), 1652-1659. doi: 10.1111/j.13600443.2010.03002.x Solty, Heidi, Crockford, David, White, William D., & Currie, Shawn. (2009). Cigarette Smoking, Nicotine Dependence, and Motivation for Smoking Cessation in Psychiatric Inpatients. (English). Rsum : Le tabagisme, la dpendance la nicotine et la motivation de cesser de fumer chez les patients psychiatriques hospitaliss. (French), 54(1), 36-45.

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