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Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that rejects compulsory school as a primary means for learning. Unschoolers learn through their natural life experiences including play, game play, household responsibilities, personal interests and curiosity, internships and work experience, travel, books, elective classes, family, mentors, and social interaction. Unschooling encourages exploration of activities initiated by the children themselves, believing that the more personal learning is, the more meaningful, wellunderstood and therefore useful it is to the child. While courses may occasionally be taken, unschooling questions the usefulness of standard curricula, conventional grading methods, and other features of traditional schooling in maximizing the education of each unique child. The term "unschooling" was coined in the 1970s and used by educator John Holt, widely regarded as the "father" of unschooling.[1] While often considered a subset of homeschooling, unschoolers may be as philosophically separate from other homeschoolers as they are from advocates of conventional schooling. While homeschooling has been subject to widespread public debate, little media attention has been given to unschooling in particular. Popular critics of unschooling tend to view it as an extreme educational philosophy, with concerns that unschooled children lack the social skills, structure, and motivation of their peers, especially in the job market, while proponents of unschooling say exactly the opposite is true: selfdirected education in a natural environment makes a child more equipped to handle the "real world."[2]

1 Philosophy 1.1 Children are natural learners 1.2 Different approaches to learning 1.2.1 Developmental differences 1.2.2 Learning styles 1.3 Essential body of knowledge 1.4 The role of parents 1.5 Criticism of traditional school methods and environments 2 History and usage 2.1 Complementary philosophies 3 Home education 4 Socialization 5 Criticisms 6 Other forms of alternative education 7 See also 7.1 Persons of interest 7.2 Adult unschoolers of note 8 References 9 Further reading 9.1 Print: books 9.2 Print: articles 10 External links 10.1 Websites 10.2 Organizations 10.3 Videos 10.4 Audio 1/10


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Children are natural learners
A fundamental premise of unschooling is that curiosity is innate and that children want to learn. From this an argument can be made that institutionalizing children in a so-called "one size fits all" or "factory model" school is an inefficient use of the children's time, because it requires each child to learn a specific subject matter in a particular manner, at a particular pace, and at a specific time regardless of that individual's present or future needs, interests, goals, or any pre-existing knowledge he or she might have about the topic. Many unschoolers believe that opportunities for valuable hands-on, community-based, spontaneous, and real-world experiences are missed when educational opportunities are limited to, or dominated by, those inside a school building.

Different approaches to learning

Unschoolers note that psychologists have documented many differences between children in the way that they learn,[3] and assert that unschooling is better equipped to adapt to these differences.[4] Developmental differences Developmental psychologists note that just as children reach growth milestones at different ages from each other, children are also prepared to learn at different ages.[5] Just as some children learn to walk during a normal range of eight to fifteen months, and begin to talk across an even larger range, unschoolers assert that they are also ready and able to read, for example, at different ages, girls usually earlier, boys later. In fact, experts have discovered that natural learning produces far greater changes in behavior than do traditional learning methods, though not necessarily an increase in the amount of information learned.[6] Traditional education requires all children to begin reading at the same time and do multiplication at the same time; unschoolers believe that some children cannot help but be bored because this was something that they had been ready to learn earlier, and even worse, some children cannot help but fail, because they are not yet ready for this new information being taught.[7] Learning styles People vary in their "learning styles", that is, how they acquire new information. However, research has demonstrated that this preference is not related to increased learning or improved performance.[8] Students have different learning needs. In a traditional school setting, teachers seldom evaluate an individual student differently than other students, and while teachers often use different methods, this is sometimes haphazard and not always with regard to an individual student.[9]

Essential body of knowledge

Unschoolers sometimes state that learning any specific subject is less important than learning how to learn.[10] They assert, in the words of Holt: Since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it is senseless to try to teach it in advance. Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever must be learned.[10] 2/10


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It is asserted that this ability to learn on their own makes it more likely that later, when these children are adults, they can continue to learn what they need to know to meet newly emerging needs, interests, and goals;[10] and that they can return to any subject that they feel was not sufficiently covered or learn a completely new subject.[10] Many unschoolers disagree that there is a particular body of knowledge that every person, regardless of the life they lead, needs to possess.[11] Unschoolers argue that, in the words of John Holt, "[I]f [children] are given access to enough of the world, they will see clearly enough what things are truly important to themselves and to others, and they will make for themselves a better path into that world than anyone else could make for them."[12]

The role of parents

Parents of unschoolers provide resources, support, guidance, information, and advice to facilitate experiences that aid their children in accessing, navigating, and making sense of the world.[4] Common parental activities include sharing interesting books, articles, and activities with their children, helping them find knowledgeable people to explore an interest with (anyone from physics professors to automotive mechanics), and helping them set goals and figure out what they need to do to meet their goals. Unschooling's interest-based nature does not mean that it is a "hands off" approach to education. Parents tend to involve themselves, especially with younger children (older children, unless new to unschooling, often need less help finding resources and making and carrying out plans).[4]

Criticism of traditional school methods and environments

Unschoolers question schools for lessening the parent/child bond and reducing family time and creating atmospheres of fear, or atmospheres that are not conducive for learning and may not even correspond with later success. Often those in school have a community consisting mainly of a peer group, of which the parent has little influence and even knowledge. Unschoolers may have time to share a role in their greater community, therefore relating more to older and younger individuals and finding their place within more diverse groups of people. Parents of school children also have little say regarding who their instructors and teachers are, where as parents of unschoolers may be more involved in the selection of the coaches mentors their children work with and with whom they build lasting and ongoing relationships. According to unschooling pioneer John Holt, "...the anxiety children feel at constantly being tested, their fear of failure, punishment, and disgrace, severely reduces their ability both to perceive and to remember, and drives them away from the material being studied into strategies for fooling teachers into thinking they know what they really don't know." Proponents of unschooling assert that individualized, child-led learning is more efficient and respectful of children's time, takes advantage of their interests, and allows deeper exploration of subjects than what is possible in conventional education. Unschoolers may question the school environment as one that is optimal for daily learning. According to Brain Rules by John J. Medina, "If you wanted to create an education environment that was directly opposed to what the brain was good at doing, you probably would create something like a classroom..." According to the Victorian Institute of Teaching here: [15] "Studies about student academic achievement and building condition conclude that the quality of the physical environment significantly affects student achievement. 'There is sufficient research to state without equivocation that the building in which students spends a good deal of their time learning does in fact influence how well they learn' (Earthman, G 2004:18)...research has acknowledged that 3/10


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'student achievement lags in shabby school buildings...": Others point out that some schools can be non-coercive and cooperative, in a manner consistent with the philosophies behind unschooling.[13] Sudbury model schools are non-coercive, non-indoctrinative, cooperative, democratically run partnerships between children and adults, including full parents' partnership, where learning is individualized and child-led, and complements home education.[13] Success and schooling also show little correlation according to some studies, and this is a subject for debate. In the United States, school often takes a well-rounded approach that may attempt to compensate for students' weaknesses rather than building upon individual strengths and skills that they will eventually utilize professionally. Further, many highly successful people, including US presidents, scientists, actors, writers, inventors, and educators were home-schooled or dropped out of school, suggesting that education is a matter of curiosity and desire rather than academic achievement.

History and usage

The term "unschooling" probably derives from Ivan Illich's term "deschooling", and was popularized through John Holt's newsletter Growing Without Schooling. In an early essay, Holt contrasted the two terms: GWS will say 'unschooling' when we mean taking children out of school, and 'deschooling' when we mean changing the laws to make schools non-compulsory...[14] At this point the term was equivalent with "home schooling" (itself a neologism). Subsequently, home schoolers began to differentiate between various educational philosophies within home schooling. The term "unschooling" became used as a contrast to versions of home schooling that were perceived as politically and pedagogically "school-like," using textbooks and exercises at home, the same way they would be used at school. In 2003, in Holt's book Teach Your Own (originally published in 1981) Pat Farenga, co-author of the new edition, provided a definition: When pressed, I define unschooling as allowing children as much freedom to learn in the world as their parents can comfortably bear.[15] In the same passage Holt stated that he was not entirely comfortable with this term, and that he would have preferred the term "living". Holt's use of the term emphasizes learning as a natural process, integrated into the spaces and activities of everyday life, and not benefiting from adult manipulation. It follows closely on the themes of educational philosophies proposed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Paul Goodman, and A.S. Neill. At Holt's death the newsletter GWS ceased. Thereafter a range of unschooling practitioners and observers defined the term in various ways. For instance, the Freechild Project defines unschooling as: the process of learning through life, without formalized or institutionalized classrooms or schoolwork.[16] New Mexico homeschooling parent Sandra Dodd proposed the term "Radical Unschooling" to emphasize the complete rejection of any distinction between educational and non-educational activities.[17] Radical Unschooling emphasizes that unschooling is a non-coercive, cooperative practice, and seeks to promote those values in all areas of life. Catherine Baker and Grace Llewellyn emphasize unschooling as a process initiated and controlled by the learners (as opposed to their parents).[18][19] These usages share an opposition to traditional schooling techniques and the social construction of schools. Most emphasize the 4/10


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integration of learning into the everyday life of the family and wider community. Points of disagreement include whether unschooling is primarily defined by the initiative of the learner and their control over the curriculum, or by the techniques, methods, and spaces being used.

Complementary philosophies
Radical unschooling families may incorporate the following philosophies into their lifestyles. Unconditional Parenting and Punished by Rewards, parenting and education books by Alfie Kohn. The Continuum Concept, Attachment Parenting, and Attachment Theory, theories and practices attempting to encourage the child's development. Voluntaryism: the idea that all forms of human association should be voluntary, as far as possible. Consequently, voluntaryism opposes the initiation of aggressive force or coercion.

Home education
Unschooling is a form of home education, which is the education of children at home rather than in a school. Home education is often considered synonymous with homeschooling. Unschooling contrasts with other forms of home education in that the student's education is not directed by a teacher and curriculum. Unschooling is a real-world implementation of "The Open Classroom" methods promoted in the late 1960s and early 1970s, without the school, classrooms or grades. Parents who unschool their children act as "facilitators," providing a range of resources, helping their children access, navigate, and make sense of the world, and aiding them in making and implementing goals and plans for both the distant and immediate future. Unschooling expands from children's natural curiosity as an extension of their interests, concerns, needs, goals, and plans.

Concerns about socialization are often a factor in the decision to unschool. Many unschoolers believe that the conditions common in conventional schools, like age segregation, a low ratio of adults to children, a lack of contact with the community, a lack of people in professions other than teachers or school administration, an emphasis on the smarter children, shaming of the failing children, and an emphasis on sitting, create an unhealthy social environment.[20] They feel that their children benefit from coming in contact with people of diverse ages and backgrounds in a variety of contexts, benefitting from having some ability to influence and be influenced by people they encounter, and the contexts they encounter them in. Unschoolers cite studies that report that home educated students tend to be more mature than their schooled peers,[20][21][22] and some believe this is a result of the wide range of people they have the opportunity to interact with.[23] Critics of unschooling, on the other hand, argue that unschooling inhibits social development by removing children from a ready-made peer group of diverse individuals.[2][24]

See also: Homeschooling controversy and criticism Children won't learn what they need to know in their adult lives.[24][25] A child may not learn the same things a regular-schooling peer does, unless an educational professional controls what material is covered.[26] Unschooling children ages 510 scored significantly below traditionally educated children and academically oriented home schooled 5/10


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children.[27] Most unschooling parents are unfazed by this criticism, believing that their children need not know or study for the things on standardized tests. Their long-term goal is to make their children productive caring citizens of the community, not perform well on tests. Moore argued that many subjects have been taught too early to students and this has helped cause burnout in school children.[28] Because schools provide a ready-made group of peers, unschooled children need other ways to make friends in their age group.[2][24] A child might not encounter people of other cultures, worldviews and socioeconomic groups if they are not enrolled in a school.[24] A child could be completely unmotivated and never learn anything on their own.[29] This can be especially true when one encounters a teenager recently removed from traditional school. Some unschooling blogs are fond of repeating the saying, "It takes one month of recovery for every one year of school, before a child is ready to lead their own learning."[30][31] Some parents may not have the skills required to guide and advise their children in life skills or help them pursue their own interests.[25][26]

Other forms of alternative education

Many other forms of alternative education also place a great deal of importance on student control of learning, albeit not necessarily of the individual learner. This includes free democratic schools, like the Sudbury Valley School, Stonesoup School and "open learning" virtual universities.

See also
Alternative school Anarchistic free school Autodidacticism Democratic education Deschooling Society Gifted education Homeschooling Montessori method Not Back to School Campan annual gathering of over 100 unschoolers ages 13 to 18 School-at-home Special education Sudbury Valley School Taking Children Seriously The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education UnCollege Waldorf Education

Persons of interest
Catherine Baker Albert Cullumelementary school teacher from 1960s Sandra Doddadvocate/author/speaker John Taylor GattoNew York City's 1989 Teacher of the Year, New York State Teacher of the Year 1991 John Holt (educator) Grace Llewellynauthor/advocate/speaker/camp director Dayna Martinunschooling advocate, author, and conference speaker 6/10


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Wendy Priesnitz Ken Robinson (educationalist)

Adult unschoolers of note

Peter Kowalke Jedediah Purdy, author and Professor of Law at Duke University Astra Taylor, filmmaker Sunny Taylor, painter and disability activist (also younger sister of Astra Taylor)

1. ^ Billy Greer. "Unschooling or homeschooling?" ( Retrieved 2008-09-04. 2. ^ a b c "Readers share heated opinions on "unschooling"" ( 200610-31. Retrieved 2008-09-04. 3. ^ Vosniadou, S: How Children Learn? The International Academy of Education, 2001. [1] ( 4. ^ a b c Hunt, Jan. "Evaluation" ( Natural Child. Retrieved 6 January 2013. 5. ^ Vosniadou, S: How Children Learn?, The International Academy of Education, 2001. [2] ( 6. ^ J. Scott Armstrong. "Teacher vs. Learner Responsibility in Management Education" ( 7. ^ Holt, John C. (1964 (revised 1982)). How Children Fail ( Classics in Child Development. ISBN 10: 0201484021 Check | i s b n = value (help). 8. ^ Pashler, H.; McDaniel, M.; Rohrer, D.; Bjork, R. (2009). "Learning styles: Concepts and evidence". Psychological Science in the Public Interest 9: 105119. doi:10.1111/j.1539-6053.2009.01038.x ( 9. ^ Learning through home education Retrieved 2011-02-20 ( 10. ^ a b c d 11. ^ Noll, James Wm. (2008). Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Educational Issues 15th ed. ( McGraw-Hill. pp. 25 26. ISBN 10: 0073515205 Check | i s b n =value (help). 12. ^ 13. ^ a b J. Scott Armstrong (1979). "The Natural Learning Project" ( Journal of Experiential Learning and Simulation (Elseiver North-Holland, Inc. 1979) 1: 512. 14. ^ Holt, J (1977). Growing Without Schooling. 15. ^ Holt, J (2003 originally published in 1981). Teach Your Own. 16. ^ "Unschooling & Self-Education" ( Retrieved 2008-07-15. 17. ^ "Is there a difference between a radical unschooler and just an unschooler?" ( Retrieved 2008-07-15. 18. ^ Catherine, Baker (1985). Insoumission l'cole obligatoire. Barrault. 19. ^ Llewellyn, Grace (1991). The Teenage Liberation Handbook. Lowry House. 20. ^ a b Bunday, Karl. "Socialization: A Great Reason Not to Go to School" ( Learn in Freedom!. Retrieved 2008-09-04. Unknown parameter | m i d d l e =ignored (help) 21. ^ Shyers, Larry. Comparison of Social Adjustment Between Home and Traditionally Schooled Students. Unknown parameter | m i d d l e =ignored (help) 22. ^ Liman, Isabel. "Home Schooling: Back to the Future?" ( Retrieved 2008-09-04. 7/10




25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30. 31.

information.html). Retrieved 2008-09-04. ^ Bunday, Karl. "Isn't it Natural for Children to be Divided by Age in School?" ( Learn in Freedom!. Retrieved 2008-09-04. Unknown parameter | m i d d l e =ignored (help) a b c d ^ Common Objections to Homeschooling (, by John Holt, originally published as Chapter 2 of Teach Your Own: A Hopeful Path for Education. New York: Delacorte Press, 1981. ^ a b Unspooling Unschooling, by Bonnie Erbe, in "To the Contrary" blog on US News and World Report website, November 27, 2006 ^ a b A new chapter in education: unschooling (, by Victoria Clayton MSNBC, October 6, 2006 ^ Martin-Chang, Sandra; Gould, O.N., & Meuse, R.E. (2011). "The impact of schooling on academic achievement: Evidence from home-schooled and traditionally-schooled students" ( Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science /Revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du Comportement 43: 195202. doi:10.1037/a0022697 ( Retrieved 7 January 2013. ^ Moore, Raymond and Dorothy Moore (1975). Better Late Than Early: A New Approach to Your Child's Education ( ^ Unschooling Leads to Self-Motivated Learning, ^ McGrail, Jennifer. "FAQ" ( Unschooling support website. Retrieved 7 January 2013. ^ Bell, Amy. "Amy Bell's Natural Learning Page" ( Latter Day Saints Oregon Home Education Association. Retrieved 7 January 2013.

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Further reading
Print: books
Mary Griffith (2010). The Unschooling Handbook: How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom ( Random House, Inc. ISBN 9780-307-48970-8. Grace Llewelyn (1998). The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education ( Lowry House Pub. Grace Llewelyn and Amy Silver (2001). Guerrilla Learning: How to Give Your Kids a Real Education With or Without School ( Wiley. John Taylor Gatto (2000). The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling ( Odysseus Group. The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto (complete download) (

Print: articles
"Why Schools Don't Educate - Teacher of the Year acceptance speech" ( Everything We Think About Schooling Is Wrong! ( Interview with Gatto (PDF file download) "Institutional Schooling Must Be Destroyed" ( 8/10


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"The Tyranny Of Compulsory Schooling" ( Kinza Academy (, Homeschooling with the Classics. Gatto is on the Advisory Board. Collection of essays ( Gatto is a regular columnist for The Link Homeschool Newspaper Transcript of radio interview with Jerry Brown ( "Against School" ( originally published in Harper's Magazine, September 2003 "The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher" ( originally published in Whole Earth Review, Fall 1991 A set of quotes from Gatto and links to original essays ( "The Public School Nightmare: Why fix a system designed to destroy individual thought?" (, article published by Diablo Valley School "A Short Angry History of American Forced Schooling" ( Book reviews ( by Layla AR A set of quotes from Gatto and links to original essays (

External links
Unschooling ( at the Open Directory Project Joyce Fetteroll's unschooling site ( John Holt - Growing Without Schooling Archive ( The Lew Rockwell Show, Aug 25, 2010 ( John Taylor Gatto (

Unschool Adventures ( Camp With Wings, Australia ( Homeschool Resource Centers (

The Board of Education (2012) ( Video of Gatto interview, broken into topic sections ( Do Schools Kill Creativity TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson ( v=iG9CE55wbtY) PBS Independent Lens: A Touch of Greatness ( Surfwise (2007) ( 9/10


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4th Purpose Promo ( Trailer for The Fourth Purpose Collection of John Taylor Gatto quotes and videos (

Unschooler Experiment Podcast ( School Sucks Project ( Speech at a home schooling Conference by Radio for Peace ( op=program-info&program_id=8005&nav=&) (MP3) Bartleby Project 2010 ( on YouTube Retrieved from "" Categories: Homeschooling Pedagogy Philosophy of education Alternative education Deschooling and criticism of the school system This page was last modified on 17 August 2013 at 00:35. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.


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