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Update From Mary Permoda,

Dear Ministry Leaders, Only five days until our First Annual Ministry Leader, Stewardship Council and Staff Retreat! As you know from our past ministry leader meetings, our mission statement, Christian Disciples in Mission, took about 1 1/2 years to prayerfully birth! It took time to reflect on the life of our community, our actions, how we pray and who we are individually and collectively in light of the Gospel call. When the final form surfaced, there was a great sense of direction that could be relevant for our entire community and ministries. As exciting and engaging as this mission statement is, the challenge could be its vastness. Saturday, July 31, the parish staff went on a full day staff retreat to Our Lady of Joy in Carefree. Through the pillar of hospitality, we reflected on what Christian Disciples meant to each of us personally. In the afternoon we moved to how our personal discoveries may enhance our ministry. By the end of the day we walked away with one or two concrete goals we hope to achieve this upcoming year in our areas of responsibility. It was very fruitful time August 2013

Director of Pastoral Activities

spent! us, saying: It was wonderful to take This upcoming combination part in World Youth Day, to live the retreat will hopefully be as fruitful! It faith together with young people will be a time to explore on a from the four corners of the earth, personal level what Christian but now you must go, now you must Disciples in Mission means as well pass on this experience to others. as how we might live it out Jesus is calling you to be a disciple concretely in our ministries. with a mission! There is still time to r.s.v.p. I have attached the flyer from last month. The goal would be to have e a c h ministry represented so if you cannot attend, World Youth Day Central please Associated Press send a representative. Blessings! I am looking forward to our time together to increase the synergy and to strengthen our partnership! May God bless our leadership efforts by drawing us and our community Mary Permoda, Director of Pastoral Activities closer to our loving God! Little did we know Pope Francis had the same thing in mind! Replace World Youth Day with St. Patrick Community Jesus is speaking to each one of

Special Points of Interest

Bridging the Gap Domain Name Electronic Giving Foster Care Support 2 1 1 2

Welcome Anne Jacobson 1

Welcome Anne Jacobson

There is a new face at the Fenlon Hospitality Center desk welcome to Anne Jacobson! Anne joins Carol LoPorto as our Fenlon Hospitality receptionist team.

Did You Know?

Electronic giving is an easy way to share your financial gifts with the parish. Currently we have 500+ electronic givers! If you want more information, contact Sue Orlando at:

Whats New?
We have secured a shorter domain name! What does that mean? It means our website and email addresses will be changing to! This project is in the works; we will keep you posted. Both new and old website and email addresses will work for an indefinite amount of time.

For any questions regarding the contents of the Ministry Leader Update, please contact Mary Permoda Director of Pastoral




Ministry NewsFoster Care Support Ministry By Tricia Hoyt

Saturday, July 13 was a banner day for the St. Patrick fledgling Foster Care Support Ministry, with almost 100 people in attendance at an all morning workshop and 88 children in childcare from 8:30 to noon! As you may have heard, this ministry aims to offer one-on-one mentoring, assistance with material needs, support groups, an online discussion group and other expressions of support to those who welcome foster children into their homes. After spending the past months developing our leadership team, conducting our research as to the needs of foster parents, and successfully recruiting for CASAs (Court-Appointed Special Advocates) with a video promo before Masses, we were faced with the question, "How do we identify foster parents so we can let them know of our supportive network? The answer, of course, was to host a pair of workshops for foster parents and spread the news via the social service agencies. (Foster parents regularly seek ongoing education, and are also required, for licensing purposes, to complete a certain number of approved courses per year). We knew that would bring the people to us, as indeed it did! Which brings us to Saturday, July 13. Imagine 35 caring parishioners--adults and teens--serving as childcare ministers to infants (about 10 of them), toddlers (25 of them, in two rooms), and primary school-aged children (about 50 of them) in Fenlon! It was a joy to see the children in Fenlon engage in the lively exercise games led by Candace Johnson from KidzKamp, to join in the skit activities offered by Gerri Porteous' intrepid Vacation Bible School team and to see their engagement with the songs and movement led by Jill Bagshaw and her team. Meanwhile, babies were cuddled, fed and changed, and toddlers were played with. Over in our two "Pope" rooms in the Parish Center, the adults were wowed by presentations from St. Patrick team members Judge Bernie Owens, Mark Wheeler and Steve Lee, as well as an insightful workshop from Raising Special Kids. We received countless expressions of gratitude from these foster parents not only for hosting the event but, more importantly, for welcoming the children. Our pleasure, for sure. Stay tuned for news about the next workshop offerings on August 24, .... and do let us know if you would like to help out in any part of that day. Contact team leader Marie Cancilla or Anne Johnson for details, and be sure to like "Foster Care Support Ministry" page on Facebook!

Bridging the Gap Between People

To become neighbors is to bridge the gap between people. As long as there is distance between us and we cannot look in each other's eyes, all sorts of false ideas and images arise. We give them names, make jokes about them, cover them with our prejudices and avoid direct contact. We think of them as enemies. We forget that they love as we love, care for their children as we care for ours, become sick and die as we do. We forget that they are our brothers and sisters and treat them as objects that can be destroyed at will. Only when we have the courage to cross the street and look in one another's eyes can we see there that we are children of the same God and members of the same human family..

Communication News

From Mary Permoda

We are working on a Communication and Marketing guideline so all parish and ministry messaging is consistent. Until the guideline is completed, please place St. Patrick Catholic Community with the logo as a banner on top of all flyers. Logos are available on the website under links and forms.

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