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1-14 MAY 1944
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,BUIOOING T-5, (T-1782)/ .
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,'V"' ...
- - - .'Wr:. _ .
APO 2S4, U. S. Army
3uLscMGT: After action report for period covered 15 AU6\.<st 1914 to 31 August 1944.
TO A.djutant General, iiashington, D. C.
1. In con:?liance with AR 345-105 the followinb action reports are
subr:ri. tted,
a. The 66th Atmd Field Artillery En, a part.of C.C. -A." arrived ia
.. bivouac 3 miles south-west of st Calais.. France, near St Cerotte, France at,
0615 15 august 1944. This completed a 157 mile march in 21 hO\.<TS &nd '5
at 1105 the p6thArmdField Artillery Bn moved with C.C. "A" toward Orleans,
!.:ission 1vas to knockout brirtbes between Tours" and BlOis, Iraa.. _
seize Orleans. France. :10 r'3sisi tance was encountered until the battalion r .. .
en the area near The went into"position at 1800 and wa. regist
ered, but fired missiO!:s.. The coordinates of position were 47 .88--44.1&-,.
night it WI.:; decir'e" tha.t Task Force Bailey would attack Ormes, Franee ..,
16 .:"uE;ust 1944--B..tteries ttn" & "c" -..r"'re to support this Btt-y -J." ...
to supf-lort Tksk Force Oden which w. s to move north to Cere ot and theJi s
France. Observers were attached as B
of the 35th TK En)j Lt Moorby ("C" of the lOth In:.... Bn). Task Force Odsn- 1....11;4
(35th TK Bn); Lt Hampton ("A" of the 10th Inf Bn'. On the 16th nf AUGust 1944 :1II1e
attack started a.s planned. Btry "A". 66th ..\rMd FA Bn with Task Foroe OdMl
nositions follawinr, the attack and this Task Foroe moved into .
f8w casua.lties. Batteries "Bit and "C disnla'eed 'as i'ollows: at.'
JPOO and registered, Btry ..c.. 57.3--44.4 at 0800. No Missions wfl{'e ti"<li.... Jt.ak .'
Forr.e Bailey moved into Orle.ns, France,.,.i th very few casualties.
r,a'lua.l ties in the Artillerv. A Combat from the 35th I)lv relefved be'
the 66th Arrlld Field B1 into a.'" ..ssemblv are'. a.t
we ...... established to the of Orleans and concentration. "';.'1111.
to protect
h. On the 11th of A.Ur;ust the Bn rester. lUld'tenanee. C..1
Clarke. CC "a" COllll'llall.der. presented a"'.rds to thf' "oll.owing men. and offleer. at 'he , ),
. (
Tb.: Lt .John Uaher--cluster for the &ir TnAoal--L+: l:ah<1r hr...s 92 hours comba.t flying . ,
Silver St!lTS ,'ere presented to the fol1ovrin;: me. for their actions at Rennes,
; ,
1st VQ.nderpool" Sgt Yellin, Tee 5 Tet",nha.un" Sgt & Tec 5 0aMI:"_
7h' StAr was prespnt!'ld to Cnl Dell, Tee 5 Lauterio. and PFC Huey. CO-A- "", .
-1.;1) th0 :5Sth piv a.nd warned to be ready to move on short notice. '4 tentatiye .
;, s ent of uui ts T)lkcEd us in Force Odon wi th Btr." "A" 66th Armd Field Artill .
bn in the Adv!Ul.ce rInard position. Observers to btl'! as signed' as follows sLt
Levit+:: Vii th ConpanJ "c" of 3'?th 'E Bn, whicl: WII.S 5.n Task Force i1est. il'llllediately
, ?hi YJ(; 7,'sk :'orcp j Lt R8."lp+'o'l +'0 CO:!lpany of the 10th Inf Bn.
Ur.. 1S of' AUgust 1944 the En rema:i.ned in the saP.le area rioing
d. On +:he 19th of AUGUS+:: 1944 CC"A" received 3 Bn's of hled Arty; two of
whi(\h "rcre to ref' at One Bn 155 How were attached to CC"A" for
Did no+, so J'll&intenance was continued,
T (
, I . 1,..
After '... ction report f covfJred 15 Jl.llGt.:st 1944
e. On the 20 August 1944 pasitior1 s far ,.!'T".< :<'.1. Bn
which occ'lpieci. the posit10Y!s in tf.e ... "+'''rnorm. iJ) 'p".. iVf'(l yo; -l-;('
..nd hold Sense Observers wE:re to be cssiLner
kS follows: L..... to liSa ",."
of the 35th TK'Bn. set to Co ''B" of the '':;Sth'K !3n 'nrler 01-; ...'!'+:." '':'r)rtrol.
Opl Lewis R. Fox: or Btry "Bit recebrer +'he Sil',-pr fran Col C1::l.rlr , ':;C"n,":;O"l:la.ncer.
f. On the 21st of August] 944 thn Pn moved Ill1+; at (JP.()O and at 1900
in a BivouaC( position at 77 .7--66.7, havb1
"trli."p,lec. JO miles. ::r:rch WI'lS
controlled well and resistance wa.s There no ::\1+;}-", :;h
Btry ".." occupied 4 positions am' joined by Btrv3 !,''In "C; It ir: +;"lu ",f'
F(lr the first time in FrMllc e the was opera ir.. '.:'hl" !"rll1'r{" of'
one Btry near the hfJad of the calumn has pro,rl'm saund. ':""1 th,> {'6th .. rf1rl Field
Artillery Bn has tr..veled 653 les, all of which been thrall::h te!Ti
157 miles from Nantl'!fl, Fr&l1ce to st Calilc"-s. JOO(l bt
has been evirlent (lUI'! to thp sma]1 of' !';.:.l1-vL+:S. O,:r position i'.t
77.7--65.7 was nsinE a. 1/100,000 n",p. Cav ".n,:. had ('1:+' so flOor i
.. Was not +:n
. g. On the of Ausust 1944 -':;he fiE3th .h.rI'ld F5eld Artillerr Br, l'!h:'r.h had ,
about forgotten what it's own suns soundet( , the soum] of itA"
a long silence. Patrols ha.r moven () to Vi1leneu';e L 'arche;p-':t.:e, l)ut
in the early morninG they VTere clri'l"'P 1>ad: to ?oissy. F'remce. It that
Btry Ita" would s-upport an on Ville reuve L so It.. " Was ciis
placed to 68.9--80.9. Durinb this successful Iltto.c::, thr of t'1' Bn
dispb.ced to the same vicinity. Btr7T itA" firec 380 rounds of amm''Yli ";ion h!
attaokiand several and n:m;r Germans f
lt the ef+ects oJ' -this firf'. Felr
the first time in France a :;rounc< OF 1.'>'''S estiblished und the C.O. "r,ins thi s OP
fired on enemy Inf. On occasions Lt Pfahler one -l-;'lr:,;pt ,,+;:11'''; of
two J..T.. Gl"ns. He directer' a.rtillerv fire '1Don tte nms :u:.d c: then; he tr.en
"wa,lked:" artillery f,'re tl"roughthe set tine .. tj on or; c.'i re l'.nd
routipg the rel'1.l..ining lr:ornlil,ns. Lt La tchel1 firec missions on Inf his avrr. ;)0 Cal
MG oould be heard "rhen he transmi.L..ted. His use of ti"'le f5're accann for'
some of the German dead. The Executive of Db-;' "A", L+; l"la' e the
that he had so many fire r.tissions at th'e t:1("t abRerv"rs were -l-;a qU2qu4(
up and ..wait their turn. on t;l,E T'T:,\S anr to f'ire "On
0 .. 11 tt missions th",;ht.
h. On the 23 b.ugust 19'4 there vms -,f';';" lit'-:le Il.ct'!_'Ti-l-;'T.
of vehicles IU'd cleaninr of clothin':. "n
Wf;.S ,ul"r:oP,"cj.
i. On th.., 24th of Au::;ns+' 1944 vrt.S no ty, r:l 1t pJ 'nsf")r the
25th of August 1944 have been un. The "5th i...r-1r1. Fidei 21". "'i JIbe
in 'task'force Odin 1'!iUi Btry "e" :'n t}- fo!"w'1'''-' L+' is to ;.... the'I'ith Co. "C" of' t'1A JOth I'i' Er. Y'[Al' of +r.f' I;> h'''1'! ;,1 a VAry
high state of morale and ar.xioits .1:0 keel) >:10'riT6.
j. On'the 25th of aUf;;us"t 1344 th"l T';p1rl ::,: '"-".'<Q out
. d t" t: 1"30 + lL <" ,- "''I V f.')"'C'" 0 . ",v' "o':.t'1Y'
t 0750
a.nd occupl.e POS1 {, !i\.J ." --')c'.i:::. ';'J!8 .'.S.. -(,.' -' -'
"'hich was to by pass Troyes, l'Y'LPGP "hr; :f',un: :'S 1 Ly,,:,. u!". The Ln
supported crossing l'Thich rAciuired 4 Ene' rri':l:PS. i.r-til:;" r:r fi "'C ',"C;, r:o+:
a.t this The 1n nNPcl kaross 2.... t ,"J 5() ii.!"
"Ant ',te, ..... ;230.
The night was very black !Ole dust I::.dded to +'he of' 'l"j''-ip,>
" 2
1-. ':If" A lJ':>.i .. c... Jl II
:_""(1 ,;00 to"'r.le f::n< on +'he
':'ro.-e::;, 0 ':'}V" 0" l',n 'T:\S II. 20 nT1 AA Unit
fOlmC: on +:hF' road t,v ajr 0' S'Jrvp .. Lt Lill.h"r. His :'irinp: cirone the enemy into
a WOOf:::; "3" fire" 70 rOiln(ls ';he "fOO"S. Th0 trf:es "aye the desired air i
and lat- r' I'!x[", 11i nll.t50n credite(l UH '.;i th 20 vehicles IlI!d many
killen. Observers brou2'l,+, fire ,01'1. Ir,f 1}1' se;Jurii.l O:,'C an:. as
"n".. d LayinG hI' a.rar ". Th"l of' t,:e '1",n vrh"'n' is f1Ting
to be 'l'hFly hs,ve Y''''''P''' 0:' Wi; the la.l1yaro l'Ie1come the
report':: of thp effect of fir". Cnr observers ei thFlr no targets or: they , \. BO m{AI'Y that thA!"" :is no ti:'1e for ..n aC'Jurate disr.ript'on bf th"'! effect. n"li!"
hl.s b",pn o;')nortl1,.,it,! to fire of' all Btrys on onp tkrget
hecause of requests for fire received I,t onA t:!.',e. "c" of the
191st En, v'hieh had he"n attnch0u to this Bn for th" March was to it'.
1. On thA of AUG'lS+' 1944 ther<; WI.S no Bn perforM.ed. maint-'
f-:nGr..ce "-::-l:.2 c: equ5pnent.
m. On thJ ?8th of s_U6ust 1944 the 66th AraL F:i.eld. Artillery Bn moved a:t
0705 ant;'1. w,.s I,t the l,:arne River lil.t 1230 of 1la.irigny-sur-I.!arne). Positicm
.;:.reii 'Wf:c, Lts Hampton a.nd Pfahler ext"b1ished OP'c. On the ms.rch we
in j'['SK Force Abe with 1tr:' "Btl !l.S f01"y
arrl Btry. Observers were with units I,Ii f'Qll
Lt of t:h,"1 ? Bn), Lt P.:'E.h1er (Cu ",iJ" of -t;he 37th XI Bn), Lt
(Co "c" +:he 10+:h lnf 13n), s-t (Co "C" of the 37t;,. '!'k Lt
(Co ",,!" of th,,-,';n: 1:1::'t'), 1.:issions 'VT0re fired usinG brOlll'ld as well Air obaw,.
vation on tf:i.rgets d'1finate1y Fire VTIlS ..dju:;ted on roao.s ..nd enemy"""s
allowed Jco'ri'Fe into it. '2:'h( bri(tge-he&0. secu.. pc, the En Moved to' 60l2--i156 ..t
1640. This ;::>o:::ition VTaS SE of ChdO'lls-Sur.}:larne. Btrys "B" and "C"
upon O'ccup,ring position. Btry ,.c" vms -A" WIlS displaoed,
recei'Ted in,ij a.rti 11ery 'fire upon entflri:q:; pew position, 80 they returned
ori:::;in.. l position. TherA were no ca.sua1 300 rounds interdictory fire l"&1;/ir
durin; the night. ::try "c" of -the 191st FA En, vrhich l'ras ..ttllched to us, fir8d
r ouncl s inter01:ctory
n. the morr:ing .of 1944 the Fre' French report"!!d that tr...ere
were no Jer1"l1U1S ir. to';;1, but the French, don 't allr Ar+'" fir.... Pn fired .. 4'
'!" .. epar:J.tior. at 11,,0 lmrler .0i7 A.rt;r C!ontrol. to"In after pre
'01l.ra.tion, no resisitance. ':'hI" FrE'e French VTPrf' r\;1;t

o. Or.. the .,)0 AUbust n0VCC at 0900 and was position ..t
13-]0 !l.t Fest oJ:." 3t Dizier, 'ne.. r St EU,llien. France. jje were
s U 9;:'osed to reCr')Up in this Ilreor but 'Jr(:8rs are to LO on. to Con."'lercy tOr.1.orrow. In .. ,:
-:rLS registered, but die no ot:'l"r i'iriq;.
p. On the 31 1944 the 3n l1uved a.t 0'/:30 in. :::' Force Abe with
ctse-r-,rprs .-,s follows: Lt"P',J:1er (l:p "D" of the 37t>-t ':'r: En), Llit8hell (Co
)"-';:. Th lin), Lt l!a:1;;ton (Co "C" 0:' the loth .Ln:' Sgt R jrat (C'o "c" of
',/'th rk Dr.) 0 l!tr:r ' ..:.. " the fOI"':rarc ::;tt;r. The Er: occupiee. position r:.t 421 O...
ju:;t west of: iJommrc;T, France r...t 12/,:,). no firinb was done. fIn occupied pos1
:;..t t103J1E-2156fi jUGt south-east of at It r:;;.in",d u!'til objective wa.s
TO A ' . t
t '"
enera., ,ii\.S
r h . + " C
l',on .' .
1. Ir cO"lpliaI1ce with A.R '-r;J0'+:S ar'
submi ttedc
Twelve [J J:;:;1;.> str::-i'fing and r,t, cur
position greeted us the first day of Septffl'lber. 7he u.+'+A' beGan r.t 1330, '.'Ihile
we wC'P"e in peaition E. of Vignot and l:a.sted about t3l1. minutes. J .. pp... the
targets \",ere O1'r CP tents where I1::.",,_cti0o.1ly all our e ... tip/, rtlEultc-.4. '::uring
the attack the f:.en of liea.dqulI.rter-s Pattery' conductecl t:il"'l"''.:elvcs by
firing More effectively. PIC Joh.'1 Co KinG continued to man his bun
although woundedo The DetachLlent. Hci Capt. Sidne:r Gnce,
treated the ca.suG.ltics while' under "fire'. In a.ll, the courage, coolness anj
soldierly conduct of the men of""'E Batter:r w'hi le being bomcpc} ;:,.,nd
straffed,was superb.
three hours lator our .. c.. Battery recai"cd counter-bat-l";8ry
fire. Five nen of t:h81t :JJ,ttery VFerp, wounded.
_jor .A.D. ;"'ickard replaced Lt. l:pn 11. as
Command.,r. Lt. Colonel Wallace Wf;.S vrounded and eVllcun.ted durinG the straf:::'n;.
Capt.. R.E. KUl."J;.s made Battalion e.nd Lt. Atkinson "rf>.S [\.:,:r'0inted
Asstt S - 3 .1" se Changes lasted only dayB vrhen Lt. Colonel .,allace
returned to and rf'lsurned command once again.
I ' ,.
On September 13th we cfossed the l:ose lIe River &. t Dieulouo.rd. On r-eJ.':ldn,:;
the east bank of the River enemy a.rtillery shelled us hea.vily. Our "Dlt Ct: "ell
Batteries sustained minor ca.sua.lties. Nevertheless vre'drove or. and [ou,::ht our
way ahead bf'lfore we went into posl+:':'on :;:..r)rroximatp.l;:r I'JOG east of
en-Sa.ulnois wnich was fi.rout 4000 yards !:;v{ of Ch.. t(3?u-3a15 .. ined -th"'r3
over night and pushed on -'ehe next afternoon iI,nd went into pOBi+;ion in the vicinity
of A'rraceurt (South of \1e occupipC: '::ilis 8,rea for 'bire 176 da;rs when
we moved to an altern3,te posi tio:}' or. CJrder of our 'j)j vision 0 Our
ment being. "to CI. nore Active dsf8nse". Duril"'b our- brelv, s-!;8.?
our tanks heavy los:::;os on the ener:y, :!is ta,J'1.Y.:s 4ni vehicles.
a.nd radio cO:r.Jr.entators referrAd to ... 8 -!-;hc'\;re'"test +;"Y'k Si'1.0C I; - Day".
The remainder of the nonth finds us further ng to,t;,=
enemy, his tanks. vehicles and artillery. Ou: J Gs,es lC:;'::C:,l::.o;;;'t nc)i:, ':he
followine; swnnarv :: (Y.'Crs ener:w losses :"'.00r-b'- ::',0;'" 12 to ':;c,!+;r:,J"T J VI?:
Prisoners .. _.......3JjJ
Eneny Killed................. 3 J'10
'lr Eneny . oun e c.t : ..c J
T[tnks Dp.s-::"".,.rn:. yv,.... l., IJJ
....:1 - L;<...n:<: JJ! r
'\\... 1
;:tr t5..11 r: 0 .3troyet4.. f, 7,
la.r'... .... s dr- G9
Other dos-f:;'t" ':.. rec ... '. .. 511
__"''''F c... c
Enemy str,,- ",nt' n o!, :3 .. t 1. 4
1 "t
Lt; lon... ld "'_'Tl1"'''
( P r . F")

m/(:O-t -'l-rlpr
(Ir: 11 "",) (Ef' ;?t:r,r'
I ) o v ..... "'- .. I.j .,. ...1 ... , ..... - \
\.4 I '"
Tee 4 J. Eu.sheme (Killed) (SV Btry)
Cpl Earl J. Nys ) (rtq Bt:ry)
Cill Thonas J. Dwyer
(Hq Btry)
Cpl Ra:JT_ond A. Sas.uet (Killed)
Lt Col lJeil H. '.ic.lbce (:-rcu.l1Je d-evaeua.ted) (Bn Hq)
tt ' Bernard J. l''uncheoa (Hq Btry)
1st Lt Gr::l.nt H. (Hq Btry)
t Jule J. :7eiss (Li::: =:t.rJ)
" "
Ghlllrlcs ;:). Grah8.r1 (Bn Hq)
Crl l:ornan (Hq ptry)
,. "
l'ec .) Glenn ';. Glass (Hq Ltr:r)
.. II
Tec iIH30uorc: lie Huber Btry)
It tt
7eu J,':. .... v.d.l)r (Hq Bt!7)
we (Hq Btry)
t. It
PF0 : .. l:'r<,(: :I .1eissman (Hq Btry)
It It
PFC John C. Kin;; (liq Btry)
WC Devona Vandevere
(Hq Btry) A.
tt ..
p...rt Joseph G. (Hq Btry)
Pvt Ja.ek :;r:terson
(Bn Hq)
Enemy artillery on Septenber 1st,
fit Robert Javidson (Killed) .. Btry)
?vt Bern... rd Lipky (Wounded-Eva.cuated) ("C" Bt.ry)
.. ..
PVt Leroy.l. ii:;msen ("C" Btry)
Enemy artillery on 3ept:e;wul' 14tlH
01'1 John ()[oune; ,d-i::v:) d) ( 11 c" P+; ry)
PFe H. CanTer (. ;0unJ.d-Eva.cua.ted)
tt 3try)
Lt (;01 1.: .. ':.'al1r>.ce (cluster)
!.1sMj .i",YlJ.rC?T D.
';3.p';; Jolm ,t.'.
1st JiSt .1l"rGU (c hi.ster)
L+: .'>::,t '::Elir;.!:l :'. ;:elin
:teGin;;..ld K.
'" /, t -- J
\.1,wr.;<:; lj. olmson
::;ar 1 ::)'ni th
':'ec 4 ii'h. .. .:.1 lie Laban
reG 0 Crld.rlc:J 1i.
Cpl Albert Gajdos Pvt Geort;e G. Kar8.ffo..
Cpl Ra.ymond A.. Pi -:;zen Cpl Earl T. Dell
Teo 5 Hubert Davis Pvt Iv;,.;: C .a:..tcher
l'rC Stanl.Y' Dombrowski Pvt John Pewick
we a.l......tore C. Conti oS,:t Peter Ye.eek
. QplC.oilRoua.son
Tee 4 Charles C.
M l'rancis lI. Russ 0 Tee 5 Cotanch
Smith ?Fe Henry A.
lf8gt George E. lIaynard Tec 4 Walter J. Zureck
-r HarrY' P. Flanagan
J. Scheetz
Pd 'n.nklin C. Durgin
Pvt Elbert C. Andrews
Henry 4.. 4 Rene Meirsonne
S,t Joseph A. Povick Opl Roy I. Crockett
Cpl Willia.m R. Mulgrew . Pvt H. 'iihite
John J. Golden F-.rt L. Jone.:i
Pvt Barl T. Eklund 3 Benjamin :. Stahl
epl Daniel J . Deacon Tec Charles P. Graham
!Fe Kartin G. Ba.ird Pvt Jack
Teo 5 -uulius J. Wise PFe James lie Shl!l.nks
M Alrl"'ed J.. :Iendricks 1st Lt Fred S. Pra.hler
agt Alex s:. Nuszar Sgt A.rthur W. Hirschmiller
Pvt John E. Greer Pvt Frederi9k W. Sohwaderer
Pvt J1aroi lIe J. Mayo Tec 5 Rando1?h J.
PFC George W. Ca.nnon ;
Tee 5 Glenn T. Glass Pvt Micha.el J. ChristofL"lO
For the
.. , t
S - 2
1 locI -'Overlays
, (7 sheets)



1st Lt.,



", I ..

Alter e.ctior:. re Dort for per '.od 1S J.t:.bust 19

H to ! 1 A,llt;UL t 1944.
but olea.ret so that observers' on hie;h ekst of Vi&:not coule' "fT!1U':'
tarGets. All of our Btrys as well Iil.S attache': 155 Eov
f'-:'rpc nan::r times.
400 vrere fired destroying one 1ocoJnotive, snvf;r91 "cl';cle: :J.!L(;. 1:i11i'.'
many Cler:m.a.ns. Observation wasfroIa 5000 Yrlrcls, v/hich nfldeit
icult.. Firing. was done a.t maxirnun ranges. Firini; ce:':'Re('. a.r c <,rk.
For the
t_":. \
1st Lt f;6th .'>.r:1d F.ii. En
S 2

. ..,
1i ...
- fI?L:) J"RTILli.:RY E1>.TTAUOlr
it.1\) 2fj, , U. S. A1';Tj / .
..... -. - ,-,m.
-.JU l. t.. -' J 1.
Washington. D.
. 1. In conpliance with AR 345-105 the follcming action reports Q'e
ao The 66th Arnd FA left the "rea near Southhamoton at
Li. July En vTas. dividecl enroute. Sone tUlits of En on Libert)"
"Joseph story" others'left on Libyrty Ships "John i.. i..lliryt:t" and J.
unit to land in France vms Battery "B", 66th Armd Fa an on 14 ,July first 'j
ep. ,:"san .I.;ion .H/T of Lt set Flar..",an, ..1.eo S'
Da..vl.s, alncl P--.r;s Br:;.dt;es. Raml.eri and PaesesthroUfh .
.. c1 lI.nd tll,;n -thru trxlsit il..relL B 21. Proc.eded to bivouac a1l .. ' 'j'
inioltes 08.3-i:11.3, 1/10u,O()0. vicinity of ur:ml.:e Dime. On 17 1944: Db:.......... '
ordered to relieve thH 4th Il f Div Harth of Franct. Bn in1l8 pecs1'\ieA.\ .. I
2130 on the 17th July 1944. No 6prOtUld observati'On. so Bn .. r.,istered trGa th....1r' !

by V. Maher. 1st rotUlu .arec on rench soil rras b'T Btry Il Lntd i'A C.1 _ i ,:(
Div A.rty CO, pulled +'ho b.nY1rd. Gun C1",,,,r Make-up Sgt E. Pelpuld. Cpl . - ..,I'!
Kozuch, Tec 4 EdTTlur..tlson, ?Fe's Todd, Schott, Leiby, a.nd OIl 18 Juq It44.:,!:2
Bn :ired harassir..b fires wei Lt Lrr. hlp.y VTIlS to the 53rd Inf' a.torwfrdh
W".-d later to tn.!" lOth rnf En. Lt w;.,s to the 53rdI'!1 En and f
hter to the 10th Inf Bn liS forvrard observer. lue to poor [; observation " <
of fire unobserverl. Lt L. ;1. Ma.y vras i:illed in action tm'the l;)tti'ot Ju1T 19'-
while servjnb wi th the 10th In!' Bn. St;t NichOlson. his reconna.1ssance 'Je' oen1linu ..'" ,', >J
:iring after ivhl.:' t, '..T'..d completed the nil'sior:- fire wa,"Nrrlt vy...: .. .............).'. Mortar .1 :,
In tl-)"! .:'rn
+; 1::'l"P,. 3g+- and Shenks Lt Ua.y block trOlll the f'ronil." .
line 'tnt hlld to hil'1. tn shellin; . l-t ReggiO of B1Jry ." .
10th Inf Bn in a in force 1'lear S+ Germa:n SfI'!ve,"'$ ....\
d... :..rty hd(: n01!J!l bv Lt Rebr;io p',.p\.+:b, Co "C" of theW_lilt" -N' -''i."
wi thrr"lw wj.th0Ut h,.",.., T',unber of casual tie!'!. Patrols were flown trea'OSQo:;,. !'Ilo", Jf
ir.; l.m'tiJ 2230 in th", evenir.c by Lts '.:a.hf'r M.r and Passer. apo1;t1D& em ;}...
nosi tions vrLS accPr1plished IUlC
. il..S t.he pl.. W',Te in air firinll' line' t
troops by 'enel"lY was lessened. Other observere to units f'rf>nt :lin e. . J
"F'l"" Lts PfH.hl"r, HlUpton. W'i1Jis, .nd l.IQ1ett.o Capt l:endersOD and
10t ,",:1 as:1it;ned. to the S. ". of thE: Inf Ens -to .r:t as coordina.tors af obser ' ;J....'
vers. On 22 1944. the Bn vras to support 1Ul. hy 90th Inf ::)iv .. r
on line wi th out; front. At present the Division still '1101
3 the salient toward R.. i
f:--om the period 2:1 July 19l.4 l!ntil 28 1944 '-t{l,er- .... ras n6 ch!'lnge jn our posi :
P r fired he.ra.ssins !4T',rl on c",11-nissions for fl'w'\( (:5.v.13rd lnf Div was on left, flank. i .:"l.
n.oving fOM7Ud on aline with the :lOth Inf Jiv. . .\" \
On 28 July 1944 e,.i;230(l unit, recei;re' information that we ..
v'ere to nove Sou+:h to vich:.i L", JOllrr; .. mtic'rc. to hold roac' !lets in the vicird . h
:llved our IDfleti!l.-; sporacic reAi.:;itllnce to positions a'D'lt ? r>iles north of Cout';'-'
311\1'.11 lU",'"cs fi,.p r,ther heavJ ''While En moved into Some
i"s "T-:or". suf-t'ered. Bll in this nove well over 200 prisoners. 1/4-1'00 C & R truolc:, .
"'':''::: in bv r.r;.nc. '::'v:o men of 'Btr" ."C" were seriouslv wounded. "
Un July' 1944 Bn !!loved liort;h of Ctwt,,>,,('es +'0' '.rea North of La "\
Ie in posi -\;i')n Horth of Avn..nches, It'r!l.nce fire was delivArecl on enemy ":0 ",'lI
n... 'I','. l" c re,r. ,.,' r- :;.o"" -0,,2. Durio; '.t. ni o! 30 ;Cd, 19' 4 I' - on one 7' o! the
ZO f
.. ' .;-........
aGtion report f, 'l">e:iocl eO"l'lrerl. n Jul.\' } ":" " 1.
VI' ':r".s ('es' ':rf'c!. due t) enemy B"-zcJok;;., r: ;rJ"r'c' q "'''c,:' "':::GoJr
up positio':. -Gout 3 niles Qllr' " ... '" '"; )--:: ,. ',' 'c," '::;"'. of'
A'.rT"\oo'."1.c}:es. hac
Gont:) :r:i2P='"' 'j '., - rr... , t .... -f-.r. ./. -- : ...
the 3n S-2 \'ThS kil1c( i:r. "-I") ;...., 'l"r,'1) of ('1 r ,"r
Lt Peter of Etr:' "G",' "r" :'.8 ,; ':." , 0: ". il .... '(:,3
'.vounEied eneJllY Ii.S ;trl(: eV;"C:1Jter> H,e. "".," -'p ; ...... ": "Ji' .:...t Le,' io's
crew'tras rot.Tninc frnn +;hp. city 0f ..'l'''!lChes :'<. i::'-,l/. :1 ;".';.c"l t"rk.
Sgt Rejrat or(;ere;' his (:river tu raj: tank. s; :'oi'b' CL!,;:'''' J....1l!: J':lr'
not fire on. dne to the lent.., th 0;' +;'lbe 0" +;h, !'Qn'" S"7-, .. ,', .. !- -!;::"ll (l""
round of HE md several rounrls of ::'3Ii.+: +:hx'oJ:c"h +;l,r -1-:.;)",' . 0''': n,:' +: ,. 1, .r:1: '",)"'e. tiis
own taLk turned OVtT u ditch "w
+'0 111!rr,' '.('jr..+ ''''''r ...
oned the tank and returned to the :<n position. On 1 .:.ll',;l!st +,j,c; r "1 o'+;
at 1100 displacinG by b:r.t+;eries. It suon r.ecar,[e 1"1.11 :'::o,,f;).-, :.. posi
tion was taken np 1"P!ar France ou+:side th; C'+;'T of RAT''''':.; .11U'" +:".8 Bn ';:fl-s
movinG iT'.to nosi tion vie vrere SUllJ8CtAC +;., ';' :,"+;:lllorv. .. :i..'" 1.1
arms fire. tie s suffer"o hr t;h5:: En ,rerA ;:;4. .iE +s OP, ; '-.r:r lie"
CO:tllID1Ulder was kille(l IUlr' Lt F. W[S 8
+: \':.'(;"""1'101, 1:-;t Jc;t
of Etry "C" took over thr. 1+;r;' [:.::.1 '';,..1 :c :f':n0 jo"::J ;11 +:5,1 ,elr;i'reu 1 . .1 :u ,). of'
the Div Arty. Li S.V. .!illi&.raf), Officer was J.-illed l'." In
to go baC!k ! reT'lmTf' 'body TC1'1n10":on 'i,d' ']er
iously. 1st Sgt Zelin of' Btrv "E", who "', .:i:::;t eli.!,' not nt rn.
He has of!'id as [ccti.on. 'Li.;h-t 1"3 '"'.A:ie
t;}>at +:he 66th Ar::1c' FA En r'i ,. ts r,!"c' ir :JO'1.P
ca.-ses in f'ront of' tho 11",f.
'"et ,',j"
out of thier hi.lf-tr'J.C' "" SUe jCr:t3,' ":,, :;>'ic,ll ?r:1S ar.,l fir". r""'d."'Y
cases they dUb in and did not atteT'lpt to send out patroJ s. The s on 2 Au;
ust \Aras l)G,ck :'rO!1 t!1e posi o(;cupi3
1 cav 1
before. of 8. rmch ne0d ed nat1]r' "'c.s .; 'yn. ..
move to Josc;cln. Plpns 1.'rel'c ;"s 0f +;1'1e ::: ,.ll':;USt ",r..(1 C:; "A" .:.. 50
mile march around the Horth Sh:A 0: ?AEEes, Jo'xt}-, 1 l,:essac, :3rst tf) 1':";.1'1 r'.c . ;--jr::J..
1nd t.l-ten Harth to Lal"'Ol'f;. I+; ",'Taf, ' opos;+,ior oj,.., 6'
Fn re1"la.i.ned in is pos:Lt;.on i':,!"ed or ')hlT"J's :.... rom i
H.ennes. lSL.!A a force 0.( v'hic!1 <] n'rt '10"p.c1 ;"'0' th to' 'k >'elf l,r 1"(>
France. resisithllcp l"I'IS LP(:, ,,:r.c ';n onrc v.t;:::..i.n t021: quit,. a ,
. . " l' t -I- t . I ,. , " 'r t
er 0
Arr17CU lP 11'\' Q. "'.)U.;:J." 'I lJ0J.n 1)1: 3:",'P' (); .,jes. I
France; Col R.i... Bixby, Div arty t,1'1: ':0
a.nd enlisted men of -::;his Lt .Jon:ld .;. LunrUl, 2!,u ';0;1[' ...: , .... 1-"'r, and
2nd i,t Jeroue R. rec")ived the ::ed'ls ::'J'c' (Jf l'"':ry "Ett I
received the Silver star fOl' bc.1:'.y\tr:' ir Oh"r>rvrTS l:p1'''' sr:t 01;+: out
posts on main roads out of VaTlT'eS to Y!Cs+;, :"'tor+;'. ,.!,r\ p::.s+;. '!' ('01'1/".
On the 8 Ansust 1941 the LT'. rHcpive:i :'iq enlist,,:'...en :},d 2
2r:d Lt 1Iartin and Lt llorby 'Here fcssi;neJ t,) >i ;)t,;T :lrr; n,,,,,, Y'sS)'C:.:t'fely.
Some vehicles "J"p-re 6 l/f. +;on trus'ks XJl 2 v;i th
outposts were as follons---Lts r' i:;tt IT' ,Ij,.., +;')[l. ..t dH
on the of 10 i..ugust 1944 )'n nul out :l!": 8. ,">+-0 1 a,::' '01'" "d '
iiorth of :t!,),ni;es, Prane. Eo -!;h rL<"';'T'. i.+; Cnl : .. ,':;11 ',' "'<'3 ",..e.
sentpd 1'!ith the S::'lvl"r S-':::t.r for gu'l'mtr:,r ir. ar' (lut;;i;.rJ\>r" ",":''l'' at
Col Clarke th" nres""nt')tior. ..,..... h"h'll" n"' Dil,' ::; ';"" rc
Durine;; the nprioo 11 to 13 r.U;:;1,l -I- 1 r/ .. til'"'''' "'r' r no
in the situ..ion. On 14 1 f'n ')I:r 03:S0 ,.Y ,'<C',' ';i. 1 J r0r;i
2350. ... o \Ji-:1L ".rr2-"r;;,..'. -1-1.-
on the lSt;h '1i'L.UgltSt 19l 1l.h. uy -. ..... !"" ;"Y':' Ar; ...
:.rt (-'01'l"L;n ,t t.l'.0 GllCiV. . 0 .... s "hr,.-,\ 2.
: ...,.
.--' .... "
1:1 E A U ART 'E R S
APO 254. U. S. Army
- -.
StJ13J3CT: After L.ction repo..-t ('or ::>eriod covered 1 ta 31 October 1944
TO ; , Aajut11lt GeItera.l,W!lshfngtcm, D. C;'
, .. .' .'. l" - .... . " ..,
1. In c9!'l?liance with AR 345-105 thetollow1n& alter ao... are
a. SUMHARY, " '; ':!-;<i
ThiS period .ft.S, the most unexoitint and uneventful an. aince' our (
in France. Our iring consisted .mainly: of re&iaterini;' h-.ra'uilt& ,.tire,.. from 1 "
Octob6r to 22 October 19<.14._ On Ootober Batter,... of
to this Bn. On October 23rd 'fie disp1a.ced IE ot J.thienville t.rteT be1D&' P ....... UII!1&.
the 263rd 1!.6. Btl (25th DiY), our lussion then beug general sU.Pllort,' ..
Battalion was still v'ithlri range the schedule consistedo"t "1ntf:l_allp. .....
sho....'ers, passes to md Paris) after 107 consecutive 4.aYs . _ ..._,-
. . On 'Jotober 30th we tothe 35th Div1sionai'e....
IrR of " ,'. ," ___
Attached are True Copies of ail inspeo,ting
Corp who recen.:t;lY inspected our Bathlion &nd a. 1st' Indors..-:lt hoa W . __"'1IJ!I!I
Coramander Who complimetlted us further. Also attaohed 1s a. Ti1l1t ..
from l:ajor General Eddye'. , - .
, b. the following list, .by Btrys, is e. cOJ!lplete
(Silver' Star, Bronze Star .. __of',AtjI Air Wedal and Purple Heart.'. 'DD,M
KII.J.ED IN ACTION. Thin oovers tb.!'! 17 ,JUly to- 31
tiotK o:r'fleers f4t({' enlisted men:'
J. G. Kalbfleisoh
1st Lt D. E. MUlIL"!Itl
1st Lt E.V. Williams
Pv"RPI1: __ SILVER su.R.
Lt Col it.M. Wsl1flCA Lt Col itlf.
'!.,' \
Ka.lbi'leisch BRONZE STARS
Lt D.E. Piekard
1st Lt Williams
B.S. Smith .. AIR lIEDAL
P. Yaoek 1st Lt D. E. KUMmI.
Cp1 1;. R. Male
Cpl E.C.
. .
Tee 4 C. Graham '5 S.B. Garci&
.... 5 'Jri.".+,
?Fe C.W. Ca.ble
PFC treissm&n P.FC G.' H. Free
.;. Erne rs on
BAT'T'ERY' "'.
r,!\ lie'- 1
.. w .:..... cy_e 1st l:.t D.A.. Levitt to Cllpt
Cpl '!'. J. 2nd Lt G.lh Malett to 1st
Cpl J. !"i:ls ,2nd Lt S.E. "i{illill to 1st Lt' . 7>:.
Cpl R.. L. Saqur't Lt J.R. Waters to 1st Lt
t E.A. 2nd, '.f'
. " ... .. - ' ....
! '
\ '
. ,
i' BATTER';" "A"
", '\
.., , ,. ., j
PlJRPLE P.'i::J:TS ';'F. Vogel

:rt T "',
.... ,..,
1 ,: ''''r

n /"""t
b .-,.) 'J.
S t -r J <, t: .... %' l'-t
g .. .I... '7tw .. #.() .....
fee 4 . L. Rov to S .'lot
Cpl J. J. .Te: s:; to Sgt
. i
Cpl A. GajctoE to
Cpl S. G. to SLt
PFe R.i". IJemanich to... Cpl
PFC R.L. S,quet to Cpl
Tee 5 L. ari):) tl) CpT
..-t E. 'laushn to ::::,1
P,lt: R. K. Gor(:on to Cpl
PFC J. C. 3till to :ec 5
PFC Stnmp to Tee 5
?FC D. A. to 7ec 5
Pvt K. '.I. l.iernin to ree 5
SI Llr3R ST.h.RS
2nd Lt B.A.
PFC J.C. lU_ng
1st Lt J.R W6l.ters (2 c lustflrs)
2nd Lt J.M. lo1l;.her (1 e )
2nd Lt B.C. Wulf (1
T/Sgt G.N. Johnson
Tee 3 C.E. ..1ip
Sgt A. Gc.gdos
Tee 4 P'. 1. Will; "'lilS
Tee 5 st8l!l.P
PFC A. Christ .
FPC L. J. Costano
TJ\ '0"" .L
2110 t" l,t It
2r_d Lt :}. p. r.:orrison t,.., l:,t Lt
'+. '1:' M , .... r)
J ;:.. .... .6. 'v oJl;...J
4: \.1 :\.r, -'-;()

S;sst S.S. llate
(. /"'f- ,'" 1." 'm ft'" d
0.)1 ,:... e . .....
3i;;t J. noel
Sgt S. J. S,,-cchir-1
S;t A. s. Nuzzer
4 Petkovieh
'T'",c 4 R. ravis
Sgt C. Sr.rlth
Tee 4 J. DrQ.bik
Cpl R. Hendricks'
Cpl R. I.
Tee 5 C.P. MUrphy
Tee 5 C. Ro1:eon
Tee 5 S. C. Conti
PFC A. J. lIrozol:
1?vt F. P. Ta:rlor
Pvt W. 'Joubert
no S. Dombroski
PFC J.'I. Burgess
Pvt {I. H. Carver
Pvt O.L. Jolllw
P,rt R.R. Pitzen
Pvt F.M. :-.usso
Pvt M.A. Pi-:fS;ash
Pvt M. T. fuse a.r
Pvt J. Marshall
Pvt . 91.
Pvt J. E. Greer

PFC Ao Shenton
PFC '". Eenson

Pvt E. 1. Eolt
Pvt F.F. lia. t!"'ob
Pvt P. J. Re:molds
Pvt J. Serra

Pvt J. C. !?'. Chea. tvlood

Tee 5 V. L. Yecker
PITt ,T.P. I.(!ihy
1st Lt L.!T. t:o.;T
P"v'RPlE EE:t...
ht Lt L. E. L..hY
1st Lt F.S.
t Flar..asan
Sbf- J. ..... Povl ir, k
Col J. a. lit'llti
PBC .. 'J. Cn.nron
.frC J. ll. S:uo.nks
PFC P. C. Durf;in
p,;t C. H. l'lhitc

Tee 5 S.B. Za.zensl:i to tee 4
Toe: 5 A.. Tf'!C 4
Toe 5 E. to
5 e. H. Olson t9 Teo 4
?Fe ll. 1... Peroek to Opl
R.I. to Cpl
C.P'. Hyntt to Tee 5
PFC D. WilSon to Tee 5
PFC J. Sebulsky to Teo 5
PFO S.S. -Conti to Teo 5
Cpl A. S. Uuz?er to Sgt
Tee 5 F. E. to Cpl
ITt G. Koen to Cpl
PFe W. E. Kluk to 5
PFC A. O. toOpl
PFC J. H. rettto Opl
t .
1st Lt F. B.Hampton
1st Lt F.B. Hampton
S/Sgt H. YeHin
Cpl F. E. Hosmer
.C)"'Il E.J. Meze!
Cpl A. J. Weber
. .': ,
PIPO W. R. Huey'
Pvt C. R. Jii&
Pvt O.L. Willianson.
I\rt l{. :7oodrum
Pvt P. C. Snllulding fl,
Pvt 11. L: Berstein . I,
Pit. A.S. Beyer
,., "r , . , 1
e; '.I. '. Ron
C!,l L. rr. Fox'
C21 J. p.
?vt 1('1 1r.J.
l'E lOllS
2nd ,Lt P.S. Pfahler tn Lt
s/Sbt to 1st Sgt '
Tee 4 ,lMliA to 7:Sgt '.
'l'ec 5 J l"ox f;() ::;, SE;t
5 A.S. Tr.. to Tee 4
r.E. Kohler to Tee 4
A. R. Cirillo to Tae 5
F.P. C'111and to 5
r.:- .

, .


b. CONT'u
''B It
ITF.1L!{:;:; :X:0: !r'\:' :01;S
Pv+. J. P. :iartin Pvt G. E. lJeek ,:'ee 5
Pvt ?. C. F:a.rdin
'l''Jc :; -:. L. Yecker
Pvt C. F. 1!al- 3h
Pvt L. 'lfp 1
?vt R. C. lIoLnuchlin
I Capt R.S. Watson r. 1,:. s
I !Fe J. A. Dross let Lt P. EeC;:"io
Pvt R.S. Carty 2nd Lt J. G. Vanderpool
Pvt H. LoO BroYln Jr
hi; Lee BRONZE ST1.R
Pvt E; Cross
Cpl B.E. Dell
hi; O.w. Ainsworth Tee 5 D. E.
Pvt R.M. Davidosn
Oapt R.S. iTatson 1st Lt F. 1.1. Edwards to
iat Lt P, Reggio lst Sgt J. 1. Vanr'er,lool to 2nu Lt
1st 1..1; ,P;. J. Ga.veinski Cpl J. leno"
s.,t Ai"'. Hirschmiller Cpl B. E. to
,_1; j.J. Golden
PFC R.X. Clarke to
<Sit l.C.Ha.tcher PFC o. F. Sciarrk to Cnl
", G. W. ?Fe E. Byrd to Tee 5
Opl,J. H,..rtman rvt J. ,,,eil to Tee 5
ep\- I.L. Jones
Cpl't.!:. r:"ll
C,pl'D. J. Des.oClll 1st Lt F. I.:. Edwards
Cpl". R. Mult;reVl 2nd Lt R. :Y. 'Livincston
cpr J. R. Obrosk;r 2nd Lt F. II. Aloorby
1'C j.'W. S8-nders PFC F. K. Hright
J'!i'C J.; A. Dross PFC C. P. ::;tacl:e
PPC'H.L. -Schelhorn P:'C: D. F.
m A'. A. Gena.zzio PFC R. I'oc! s on
PFC M. G. Baird PPC D. P. Marie
Pvt R.S. -Ca.rty Pvt l . 1l&.rzolf
Tee 5 L.D. Joddard Pvt J. a. Eenned:'
Tee 5 Pvt F. Lohr
Tee 5 J. L mbardo Pvt ::.'"J" ::i 1. ....'J
Tee J. hmtck Pvt F. L. LcCarth:,"
Pvt H. L. p,.'JWn p,-t :,. R. l.or)'is::n
Pvt P. T. PITt ': .0. 7op,?
Pvt J. D. Jreemrell Pvt f:. ,J. Dhvid3:m
iVt C. T. "!oklund
p./t D. E. ;;:,.vi::;
Pvt B. J. Kara.!'f'r.. Pvt C. J. 11"'83
P-.rt C.I"(. Ainaworth
Pvt E.:;'.
Pvt B. F. Lipk"l
:o.,t n. !<'. Li T'b'l
Pvt R. n. Davison
Pvt 7;. Ll)('
Pvt F. 1!. Schvmdl'!re
lr. R. JOc,s
..!. .J. L:;..yo
,;. T'rhnsen
Pvt J.
. Sros !:l
Pvt J. I.:i,tchell
cor!'! 'D
7GC II. :.z.
" \J.
PIll.ti'l. P..EAaT
Tee 1; R. J. H,.,lle:
T",c:': Ii. lInbar

2nd Lt P.. S. Lees
1st J,t 3 .!.
KI",lliD nr ACTIOli
Tee 5 P. J. i ..
Tee 3 B. L.
Teo 5 P. J. AllUreJn'slci

C&.:?t S. Q.... ace
<.i. o. ":Iest
eo 5 L.
'...'ec 5 "S. c;,U"uso

PFC T. D. lIt>stror>ietro
":i. J. Gc)()ciwir..
P-:-t G. 1.:;. Hancoclo::
PvtJ. D. Dunn
Pvt c. H:'le:

1 Inel:
Inel # 1 - Overlays(9 sheets)

f1'or, 5 .. ,t'nr.. ""1 70c 4
5 If'. G. 11 to T:]c 4
'JorGon ...
-eo 5
SlJeC1-: to .. "'ec 5
Pvt it". s. A,";?'1t to ec 5
?Fe L. to Tee 5
Cpl W .. L. Sha.
m'T.W. Washburn
Pv't 11. Glovic,r
Pvt G.J. Santora
Pvt !:ieMn
PFe J. T. DUnn
Pvt A. lJwin
Pvt J. "11.

PITt H. w. ::endr:'ckson
Pvt ... '.. L. Landi'ied
Pv-t ' Ra.ce
'.;t Lt., F.A.. Bn
,. iI-..,r
,l}"wi;o' rL<' 1:1') "'crt ':"nto I:Orp3 .0::0r,,-1 SUP"l):'''; .....L(' :i;(".1 nrcp<.;.r;.l."::it'r. ':'ires
r.,'c':;a01: 0: th/) ,i5ti, I11;n: c!:-I-:ry IJir:":.on. UL E1r 10, IG44 VTe jo:inArl e.1".(l
18ft our ::,oc;it'"o:!': (lODG :rr1s ;..l(\ :."oved ';0 ()f :.()l-villl3 - sur
:11'" ne=-:': r::,," n.rdSJ'!II:.l1 /i.rns
f'irp. il!b, c..!: '.F' to !b.:nor...L;, n.r'r
tl,en SOi::l.6 5.!'to ..
:'03it i on f::n' -':; ,.: r;.: of' p,lpr:1A n+-s the 26th Division I
"\--'X: '1is<;ion it VI;;.3 -':;0 to',''11 0:; r:;h<.... . eO'l 1'1l.t conlr' !Oot dl1e to pnp:M.Y 1
rc;qu .L.h0 1'las
,- 0"(' -';1", road ...... " BaJ:+:ery If'.ir: irpct fir'" Or' the to"''''. '
.:'('1; 1:' en).}' J :i -';h 10, ini':,nt .=' -';hp. 2(; -';.11 J v:' s ion" 0 3:;11 f"ce tl-l< ir "'lj "s ion.
'["" our rlwr.p.s+ rh.:, 01' 1".:A."""',,"i;:;!' 0'" 7" :;oveT1bf"'r 1944, 'r1l',n tr:
... 3',,0 ""1!rc
s J'" of a.rtillery in our
T!':",'ll+r:" ... +;,,,' 'h, fire, a.t-';Rcker1 o.r from
-';hp Ollr 'J,,,,+;';"!.l,,,,,:,, I',t -I-:},e '1.t? 0" 750 <inel
th' "n""1:' -';0 (:is;):c rse tlll(' !10Vn leck. AJ.t::O'l";1' Gone :'nf,>y,tr
r approached
(1'''''' ;';).)'';'' S of than '750 V,p n:)+; :;'1tt ll'ry fire on them.
... .. 4-;0 -,r}_th(l.r&.VT fro":'l .2oirlhc after
""'+:' ..' p .. fJl1_! - ':;n"'-""- L+; Cn' r!pllac-. --rry-p""'!.+.-
-,',-, 0:-':'" '];+: tl".3 ":;he cr"vT '-.J
.1,'" "reO I)!, -';',,: :...:'+;c;:'..' G',S hi +:,,',n:c fire. l:urr.t ah()l'+; :'ace" ,
+:!,'", Colmel c.L', ',},> ':r:,'; :;.",l:'rp,+;';,"}',p: p"-'r':' ".r''s [,1,(1 fl!il.chi.r.e -un
w:n.Ger .. l <J e.t: :.. :?()si "titJn to h::'t;n {
=',:u:r :V\J f-rl')r'l l'Io,,"'a:1lr;r _, fi: 0 3
:: 2" j -:0 r'
r ( i i + ?5 ,ave; ..
__ , Li .:t:t ' ('\1',!'
01:" .).-r laf .,. 'P 1
.1 11"" -:- c" ""-1

( J-'
nr 11
''; 1 ..,

--'-," r ' -' "'I"; -:; (V


tv' . \, ,
On 5 moved forwnro to kr.l sout. .J: ___ i n sc1 orf 1T.+'Arn. YTe '.'lent
into (jver night, novinr forward t(: U. o:,ition
21100 S011t'-1. v'('!st of Dehlincen J "'here we firen t:'or! firr s. P,!lC! on .:-n ...,t
illery anti-tank-gUll8, vehiclas and U?1til uecenhpr 8t!: "'hpp \fA rel
ived 'bv the 12th ArlDd Division for a Vlell c:lrned '11"(' 11')1'[, n 'f,,'ce
rps+;. -;-""l
being Lt Mitchall tlnd his FO }=l cnm firer' +.};c Dr f.'!' "I. soil i 7'(Jl1Y":
They fired a round. of l{E 'I.t J'IIa:r.;iun froTI'J. hjs fOnJ"'1. r rl "'O;j=l ,. r
the honor of firing. the first "'ounn. into lXPl'r;w.,Tp <'m' q,P 6G+;1:-l Th,c tank ',raos
sOrt II,'c"'ew lI'1embers were 1st Lt John '2. Jiit"",,pll, Gpot Pq1'1 "n1 ,:n::';:;.,m 1
Hyde, Tee 5 John &1".' PFC James Camplgell.
." During this period the enem;,' in our ".;cotr cor's;.sted of' "le npts
from the f'ollowtnp' Divisions: ,llth Panze'" Division, 130-1:1: P"nzur Lehr em
25th l'anzer Division an(' the 559th Gnna,cHer Divisi on.
Enemy vehicu1ar1osses durin::; +.Lis perio(1: 6 +;'mks, 1 - 6 Barrelec: (Ne"
elwerfr) Rooket projector.
OUr losses: 2 tanks and 1 "!:;r<l.;_1f>1".
,. Aorlunition (l05!.!!.:) for thf' "Battle: U"';, 17th +'0
,1lovemberc 4th. 1944) - 17 rOlmds.
Ammuni tion. (1011; 1:) p.W!la.nned for th" "Bat+le of (no" 5th to
Qeo 8th. 1944) were 19.LO.
Or> November 18th we fjreda. BattC!.lion fo'" 9J'"l.I.11mition exner1H;ure
of 2,184 rounds in a 24 hour period.
e .. CASUj.I"':;':ES.
2nd Lt Ec!vl!l.Tn. it.. RejrR+', S+'t".ff' 3-no!",:"eP. E".-r:c..elJ, :;nl "'
Cpl P. lTohn 3n,l ?:i'C Y!Uh"'rt :J. SC!l..nlon, kEled.
043 menber!:; of th" B:lttalior. vrounds of veTious types rlnrin6
thia 'period.
. For the Clf .... ic F'r;
I. I

pt;""''St:> rEG, ) .
1st Lt., 6 .Arme' il.A. En.,
S 2'

f _.' .... ;;.
..,.;.,... L
()6T!I A.i1UOl{i!:8 FIELD
liFO u. S. Army
...:....:. (lener ... l, ,"n.;+,on. ='.-.
3 uh'":li"tted:
a.. :he 66th ..rr1d FA En., Lt Uul 1;:. :1!lllace. COl1".r::wJ:!ning a part ot
. . .
COT'l.llat Cor:u-J...:::r "A", 4+;:. Armd DiYision the COT1T"'.-\l1(} of Brit; \.Jen Ernest. was in.
position. "T.ric"inity, GunZwil'.or. . ce. Franca 1st Combat CO!!1r.1l.Ild. ' .
libhtint; in t':ro columns \mder Lt ColonA"s ..n': 'Jest, '35tr.. T:mk Bn. and 10tli
Infll.!! fln.' lJor"",onrl ufficer' s r8 spectivaly. had un -1-;0 date pontratec the
Ita, dofenoes.
':'he rlissir)!1 of Division was to the tovm of Bining .just short.
of' the bor-ier :mrl thn hi;;h CrolTd. to the east. This arell contains manY' of ::;'
"the Ti'tOst iT1.po'"te..!lt l:a:;ino-+; line (lef'flTICeS and a'lso the gtl. into Germany and the
Siegfried line.

of the Bn. dif:f.\laced forWard to a 2! loll ot \
oV"lrnibh-l-;, 'I15.33ion8 on enemy targ8ts from our f'o!"W'ari:l
f'l)rvrnrr; 0":1. f-l;' to a. position 1an south. west .t
insen ".'e rel,?::"ned untiJ thA Di-.rision was relieved by the 12th Armd Divia
on the 8th Dccenbcr 194<1. Fire nissions, (luring'tha "!'le-r.:iod and'
tc..r.::;ets .consisted 0":, onemy r,1o..-tars, tanks. ,rt{llery and piilbox
:.."t::0::13. Our tCl}""YTlJ..rc. Ohscrv"l'"s did a earvelous job. as (lid our Liaison piloti .ltrh.e
daily fron -I;i11 dark. on targets W8..8 excellent, 'however, .......
inflicted b'! our artillery fire could not be estinated.
Eighth of December, 1944, the 66th +'0 "the town of!ii.ce; Fru... '1ue for re t nnd rnaintenance of equipoent wher!'! it remained until 19th
December, The Gerr.l!Ul 00untE;,tck I!.Ild l:rett:kthrouf,r into 3elgium ended our
r"lst perj_od.. The ?n. bein:; !!loved oct leth Decerilbel". AiminG at;(l'lr destina
0130, 20'-h December, 19" 4. The mo+.or march being w.v ()f
Pont-4.. -LiA1JSSOrL <Ul(l _..
m, ,t of Decenbqr the Bn. moved nosi ti')n
>; '..;.+.h of ci-t;! of' hb"in nar"t 0.:' COT1b'+' !I.:-.." a::n u...'1der the col
(}or:.. of Lt tj,lloneJvr' ,.,...... .rr:", co,1"Oosition of C(ln.'"; colunn cosi:-;ted of th" fol
i .-.; units. ::)Sth :'.u.1: Bn 51st Inf'?J..try Bn., 0:' CO'lpa.n'! 24tJ.-, ArT,ld
,:-:rt:l Al'"MU "?1... Bn., iU\ :11" Fi. rpinf'orcirt[; the
T:,f.; Divi!':1'jIl, nry" ,:x,rt of Thi:rd _"!"?S,
to +.n r.'1r4-l,. .ioirl. Fith
J17 of' f.). o""\b+; \;0"""1;jtnr; nl,.11
.....r,7,y was given.'
.10h+' Airborne
-rns routp, ot ..
,'\--Y(e :,.:!.o"' 1--,' ,1-,,,,::.'1 Arlo?' _ . moved to
....' -; left :>.r.> yrr..s nl'corpli.,,"h t'-lc :;i,:::..d:on's Lt Col
... 1"-,, ':;, r_ r.() .,.,,:.;.:.,.1" rop., e .... tl, .'.J.", lOIs"':" l.J:I'Tif;iO!'
"t)t:h lS<i4.

r_"-'l' .
I \

Combat Car "A" a.cVl'nce" 1: - (' ",Y'.'
with fri')nilly forces ut ?nstoSllp., rout< Lr) +;},,.,.
fror,1 the south. The 31st of December f'i.1"C:s onI' :'orC(,:3 )IT.'>'':;';h.' ";1,1 1.::,,'\-""" !-:o
the east which +.h" Gernans des ,erate1:! tr"i.!''t'; to ('nt. Tvro i'ro;n
the east and north east on th" 60th 31st of D"0',"1ber -!!,.,,.. re":
heavy it Was reportl'ld.
The 66th fired on ener.ty o.r+i.}l'
and troop conoentra.tions, expendinr, r"tm(ls of lClSnn x,n1:.r::tion
December to 31st December, 1944. 3046 rOll:n:1:> of ",1"r:
1 ,;'Ti nr, of
ember, 8. record day for armunition eXDi,r.,:,_Ll1re '1011"':'
2!)th of December, t""o P-47's "Ti-th :.lllil'l,l (1,o")ned ':our 1,-),,'1-1:;
strafed 'the Bn. positien without c1a.r'lZ..S or -to '):Y'
Decenber four P-47's anpo ared f'l'Tpr nur Pn pnis::.t0l
... ;) lPS. On of
.L"TO Clf "hich, s-trc:i'ecl
and boml:ed, il'1,r: one r1al1 nnrl 8fJyer1::r''I'olmdi'-b tw,') "'3D. 1,-1".,.-,+, :i'i,<Jat50n
well ,displayed it VTE'..S reportf'd hy "::hf' E1.d_s')y: Q,Pi_C'C'l' ,lith CO'lb(;.t
these phmes 1"1ere I'.ot frienfl;i.
in thc; Bn dur'_l'.i,,' thfO 1 to 01 =lecI',oer, 1:]44
are as follows:
Killed in a.ction -- 1 unrl. 2 '
'dOundf'C in a.ction -- ciec. 0:', vTolm'::'s 2, n1L'+;e(1
Woundeci in ac tion, (:'.l+'y -- 9 IOInlisr,( C nAn.
, t
;, 2
Is'+: Lt.,
/ 5
; .
.3 Eli G
SUEJ2:CT, After action reoort f'qr period I J:ym<i,":' 31 1C,' I
'T'O = Adjutant W.. !l. c. 1
o 0 I '.j
1. In with AP. .345-105 -l;hp- ;' 0;: <-'"'"
a. On 1 En ir "icipi J-:r";Jps
Belg'ium, where it lmtil 9 ';,nn::.r:' 1_04:'5. Corl,?+: It.b.. ..
of which thf'! 66th was still a pfl.rt th7"i" rissi;)I1 of' keeninc thfl rryin
highway rw:lning 'South fr"m +0 ArIon ':,'h," 51st In!' En a,.,rl T'tnk
En p'os1tion east of t.he Plain of F-l;h 1>.rmQ TilV
on\tht'! fhl,k. Bn ob<; ..... vt" ..... s V'8re es foJ] oyrs: 1st Lt Hi +"}1o.1] v'i th Co "G" ?i"ith
Ta.nk Bn, 2nd Lt Csn"rne vrith +hA ':'aT!k n.., f'f) It'''!lt, v'5t}-, Ijo
51st Inf 'Rn. rin; con r)f 1",." '1'" a"l' "; fire:) for';he y;th
Inf Division. 801d w;th ,-";0'.' ,r.rr 1,\.!:ir ;"'1,",oss
ible for pt;.r liaison -';" fly.
On R Janua.r:r IJ4fi +:b", 11'::' ]ii'Tisim in"::'J -I;y'"
a.ll availttbJi" bui]r'in::s. The 66th "1',',1 thF' fire dir
>ct:0r 1,,,,-,,,,1
i"'t..-+::ely 1500 y...rds west; of StrLincha-::1ps to the of rp"'l.. in'ir.l." ')Vf'r
On 3 Jnrt..arJ 1945 +.r0 'Qn f'c:c'"' .... Y,; to 1<. 'rl in "::1'" vicinity
:)f Bastogne, :r3el.;;ium, ,)6.0-5.7:::, a."ls'fprjr,..: caJls ":'1e lOlst "r!
.:1!"borne ",.. 0'1:;''':' "..,,1 700DS !1:Jvements. .. "'" n1fC";,r :)oserVi.t.. ;.;

ion z;ood.
Or 10 Jnnu!.!":' 19'15 4+:h Di vision ':o'ard :;0""" I th'
its Combat COJ"l.nands ..brp.a,st. TJ--I" Rl)th fir'l,l T' .... ".r- (')'1 fo.. nrj or -';0 +;h... . 'J
att"ok. .."...F' -+::;1'" tII+:+'ack the 4th I"orne. DivisiCJn i'fIlS r",li6,,""'! t'" Armd 1
'Division, goin;; into a rest ..rea Sbuth of the r of '3rd <:: I
Army Re serve. d
The 66+;11 So sed,ll"r in tho vic ini of a.pproximately.
14 kmI S fr O!'! lJivision V'I'r"" rr f' .. ,y, +;}l(')
anti iCf:lntH'ic..tton l',\r}dn_' s from -':1,;:; '; l('s 1, Ie aYu:.:; .00.:tu
On 12 Jrmu''U":! 1945 -I:he f:c, qO,.-..-l -1::0 vj Li1""er 'ill'! Lu"-em:',,,p1"'6
the OP and 'f'ire"":; i" YO'':': FA -'i-::L .rmd
Division also mmred into an(l h'1+;h IS -",,',.,. !10--- ;-, ;:;er"-r:.>,l
sU'Jport of +h... 4th Infantr:' D;_visj ')11. rr;+), r- f'ir"f: r,"
4th I:nf Div. Firing /"If" '.,"..... .. ::,r :lL

(h'1 of -'-:l:.. rv' e'Jr .-.,...
ty +;he 4th Infantry Di,risiOl'J, Ircf:',;:+;r;T :ivision, ,.pr' -'-.!:n = ... :"!ivil"Hm.
i'ires w"rp, :30 ,'::-;'''':.,,:, lS
, ",1.';r,)-, +:!1'1 fe" ",",
ed hy ";he 94-f;h Arr:d Fia. Bn" v;hich occupicQ ou.r S;.''1e btl,'+"- :'.'.' "0siti_oY'':. ".. m.-",;i
intO' s.rea.appr)Jcy...:.tnlv 7:.Joo
/'i ;)J +;;1 of '.''''r" tiEi'-"( "
of ..... " .. :.lTf J,;.. "-;j: -'-r
i';s rst p(,1'5'0': fro;>, CJ;fl:' (; C U' 0" " ,l.
..... c ._ .. .',
.,.' ,. !
For t":e

....... 14
1st Lt."
S - 2
l[ E A D Q l. R :' I! S T"'
6f,'T'TI L'IEP'
a::D 2:)4, li. i\.rtr_"
. :
":'l:e fo11arrinc list t:-:..l("'l: fiOll rf''Jords
1'7 J'..;1..', ]:;t).tc 01 1945, irrl1.Accc
In o.oo ...... o o 23
\1oU]1.ded In 81
,;oun(lr,r'I. IT'_ A.::+.ioI'. o o 90
Battle -:!nuncls, o ao?
0 " "11Y! ';'[ S, t:'
In oo o.26
1.01" Bat";10 In Ju!"", i}..:.tv13
GO!' t ..:.Y.'lli.ustion" 0 0
i3 J .... 0 0 0
. ..

.......,:... I .
.. . .
s ." , .'
.. 1 E A D QUa R T E R S
66TH ARl10RED F'!SLJ .... '"!':ILLERY Ik:'':'ALIO;.
APO 254 U. S
yrere lost +,hro1lch mterny Ilction or

1st SCth .h.rne: F.A. Pn.,
S 2

--\ ,
. " 11 I A. D QUA. I If I I ! - '
66ft mOlllD rIILD U'f1ttDY 1J.'1'T1LIOI
.&.PO ZS4, U. S .l1"II7
11 'Marca 1945
! .
eport for periOd COTered 1 February to 28 ,ebruary 1945.
to : '.l..,.tut oe_ral, w..a1Dgtoa,
, ,1,_ . III ,w11;Ja .lI 345-105 tile following after action reports are

l(ainte:qance of eqlli,.ent was during
y '.... tile aDd Mn ..ere CiTen six-.our passes to
tW.'1V at , ,
, , , OIl Sta 1945 tlle In lett. rest area at 0900" arri'Ving in
pofitio.aortJl of COltadorf, !,1aem'bovg at l445. We were riven tlle Jlission of
.,port to t)ae 5t1l w. were the fires of tile 46ta ,,
, ,A. tD at _1CA tiae 'Were in)i1rect'npport of tae 10th In! Jiegt, 5th In!. Div.
capt ......ell was LD Off w:i,t1a tAe 46t1l FA. ID.
oa 8t1a }l'eBruary 1945 elements of t1le 10ta W Itegt aM t1le 11ta In!
K-Ct, 5th IDt DiT, crossed t1le sauer R1ver,., the boundary between r.uxemDourg and
, eroas1ngs 'Were made in assault boats Witll great diffieul.ty due to "
)a_V rnistence and the swift current ot t1le river. Firing c9Yisted of
, _ke, au_1oD8 for til. river crossing, counter-1"ttery, harrassing and. interdic
tion t1J:oee oa road juac:tiou, TOT's on towns and fires on enemy ..oops called
,tor: .,. ola.erqrs. GroUDAi oDseroyer trom tile !n manned the 01- was Lt Doran.
..74 '.' !'
, OIl 10ta 1945 tae 5tll :rnt DiT succeeded in building a foot
artdIe across tae river and. tAe s., nigllt heavy vehicular bridgings' were under
oallta 1945 tae Bn displaced to possitions in tae vicinity
of just west of tlle Sauer rtiver. The Batteries were regis.,.
tered fires were continued.
on 13ta feBruary 1945 the 5th In! Div elements were reported making
good across tae river lnd were receiving moderate resistence.
on l4ta }l'eDruary 1945 Lt col wallace and. feep driver r:vt HUbert J.
plecinski. were tAe tirst members of the 13n to enter Germany, crossinE the
river on tlle" JUnrly constructed treadWay bridge between Echternack and Bollendort
at 0925. Lt sanders, len Off of Btry "!" followed r,t col ",rallace crossing the
river, making reconnaisance for a ground OP.
on 15th }I'e'bruary 1945 the 50th FA :en, 5til Inf Div relieved the 46th
FA In and the 66th Armd FA En its general support mission reinforcing
the tires of tlle 50tA 'A Bn. '
on 18th February 1945 the an displaced at 1015 across the sauer River
over ta. just D of Ichternach, into Germany, occupint:;; ,!:ossitions
2 !'.il,?meters west ot Ferschweiller. we were in general support ot the 5th Int Div.
TAe 66th Armd Field Artillery Bn was the first unit ot the 4th Armd Div to enter
Ge1"lD8.IV. order ot JDart'".lt. was "C"" "B", "A", and Hq. The 5th .rnr Div making good
.. -. .
Aftr r tction 'leport period covered 1 Feb to 28 }l'eb continued.
progress against continued moderate resistance and on the 2Sth February 1945 ...
reached the west 'bank of the prum River. an continued missions on artiller.r
batteries, vekieular activity, troop concentratiol18 and towns. ;;t
on 21st rearuaq 1945 !J1 displaced to a position just Norta saankweiler-...
order of marea "A.",., "I", aM. "G". This position was directly belaiM. tile
dug in on tAe river 'bank approxiJaate1y 1900 yards from tae enell)". !Il,d1IPlaoM :'t\
along a route oicA was under oBservation for a,prox:1aately .1111.". S--..... ..u:
ever, the. movement did. not draw any eneIIY firo. Tae !D reu1.ned in '.,
until 2Sta FeBruar.t 1945 firing on targets from compass 6200 to 1600. .'.,
were botA observed and unobserved missions. . ."

A.t 1200 2StA February 1945 tae Btl reverted back to tlle 4tla AJWl ])iTI tile
S12th FA Bn taking over our mission of general support of tlle 5tll :rat DiT.
out at 1400 to an assembly area in tae vicinity of Qeic1lliD&en atter 1IIa1Q.' ....
moved out, arriving in position in the vicinity of BriIlingenat 16SS. !It... ,
mission at tais time was to reinforce tae fires ot tae 22Ju:l 11'IIICl :rA.. JIl, .'tIIl .A.l"III
Div. The 4ta Armel Div was committed in tns area and giTa tu aiasioD cJridilc
east and occupying the hig. ground north of Bitburg. Tile objective .... reuW ,"
by tile 26tlt February 1945 and on tile 21tA February 1945 tae DiT Jwl seevecl'1;M
ground East to the 10"11 River. Tile Bn now in position on tlle laSt .... of.tM
n-u;m. Itiver in tlte vicinity of Hermesdort, remaining in tais positioa at tM ...
of the period. Firing consisted of the usual harrusing and iaterdietion fire"
and observed missions called for by FOI S on enemy strong peate, IDtaatr;r cIac
in, retreating enemy troops and held towns--etfect on all tar,eta was re
ported very good and indicatiorus from our own, and adjacent sectors saa. tllat .'-:
tae famous German Siegfried Line or weet wall is rapidly cruaDliDI. . /
31,063 rounds of 10Smm Ammwrltioll were expended during tae peri04. "
DUring th.e period one memer of tile 'Bn was killed ill action, set ste}a1aell
MYers, and five lightly wounded.
Promotions: let Lt f'eter Reggio to captain and S/Sgt Claude !. l!iddiJtgtoll
acting 2nd lIt was commissioned 2nd Lt 7 reB 1945. Cp1 Norman 11. TIlOllaa to Sgt,
F'FC Leonard Tetenbaum to '1'/4, T/S Melvin Rhodes to S/sgt, and PFC !l"Mst R. JODee
to Cpl.

~ , . e r Action 1teport - contuaUed
In . I. BlAB .
1 incl - Journal File Lt, WaaU7, .
T;;.:....n., .".;n("lJ Lebel.; - COOf.ilH1GQ Ac1,1"'.
66TJ. A.R110RED .'!l-.uLLHY
Aili.. Ll
FIl<..1D r '
lil;k' '.l.h.,:"i!;1'
REPJHT L.:arcrl 1945 v. _
pr, -""_B... :u:-... --_.----,.-
I cLA<;f.;Mr --'" '1
f; .. , ,: .
66m lJlIDtKD 'IELD AllTIU.lfty Bl1"l'J.LICIf
A.POI 254, U. S.ArIII1
SUBaal'a Aft.. Act1. Report tor , ..iod OOY..... 1 )(&rob to 31 llarch 1945
TO A.J1dut 0....1, a8h1npca, D.O.
,L 1 oOllPl1aa.e with AI 345-105 the to1lnmg after action report.
are ..1III1tt...
a. !lae perl0. In to 31ft JllLreb INS partioular1y dianor1
te the (J.-a AntrJ for lt ariB, thl.,tllat tile 'ftl1r. U.8.ArII.J, .ith
tlle JIlcnarUl u-r.. Dl'Yiaioa,...rh_ throup a.r.ay" laft .eto lillo.
Wore tJae Rhia.. ft. hinory-ak1Jlg br.tthrotaP of tho Thir. Arwy threw' tho
Ger ArIIJ' Dt. oapleto cOIltUG" a101l1 tho tIltir.tens tront. x-M1.a:toly
__BJarou....r. ett.ot.. by tho In Arar, the Briti_ 2nd Arar aad tllo
A..-1oaa '1tJa u.,. etao .,r_cl lit. a pr&rl. tiro rithia tho Webrw.cht. Aray
ll r t e r . wer. out .tt c..-i_tioa t... captv... Tko bar.-'r.....
11&.1 taaatl.' trl" ftiIlly to halt our rap1. abeD by. 1Itil1d.ll, ..or., afti1
&1t1. foroe, Do1.tiB, Hlt1..'. 'eorri arar, tho VoltftrD or-Pitoh-tork AnIJ-.
ft000lld p..... of hi.tory-akill, operatiOll tJao oro.81111 ot
tho IUd... at'Y"... Irift a.ftIloo. to tho .an ea. o.t.. ot o.raa,.aa. tho
_ptv. ot illportaat citl iIloa.m, Fraakturt, Baaa1a, Danuta4lt, eacl 04_117
rtaat 'loa. 0'1 J'ri..1turlt .llat.l.... R8I"at.1
011 In llarob 1145 tho !Ii, & pari ot c-bat eo..... -I", bad
oro.... tho '"- Rl'Y8I" ... oooup1.. po.iti ill the rioiDity ot B......ort.
cc-r toot the to.. ot Sett....1oh &.D., obJecti.,.o. a.eip"
tJa. 0_. D th. 80th W Di.,. .octor. Th. 66th ArlIt riol. ArtiUery BIl, reiD
tor... 'Ute tl.... ot tho 2211. ArM 'A BII. OIlpt " eU III ott with the 22nd
fA JIlIt ob" ....... out.
ora h. liar. lN5 tho III D poaitioll Juri Borth ot Natt_hob
ttriaa lIaraia, sa. hrt..4ictiClft aieaiOll'. OO-!- P1Iehecl _at tow.rd 1II.1b01"I,
t.1.atiaC a oroeUag ot tho KyU Ri'Y." OIl 3 ...rob 1'45. Tho river .a oro"
the _ ipt tvth.. to tho ao1lth by ol__t. of tho 5th Iat D1'Y. R_iJlia,
iB plti__til 0430, 5 arch 1945, tho J!Il oro.... tho IC711 RiTer, goiDg
iJrt. poeitt._ 1Jl tho 'Yioirlity of Jleiaburg. Ob.e".rore Lt DOrall with tho
25th ca'Y ea. Lt . ~ r i t h 3,th !Bak BIl. 1I18.iOl1. ca110. tor inclla eD8DIJ
taata, ..., Waatry, haraiD, aad 1BtorticrU,OD ttro
ca 6 ...rob 1945 Oo-B- b.fJUl it. iri'YO to tho RbiJlo and at 0800
tho .. 1IO'Y04 tr_ 1t. po.ltlO1l iJl tho 'YlciJdty .el.burg. Ordor ot _roh
-A-,-r,-O" ... Hq. Dur1Jl, tho arob capt B....r , !try "0- CIIdr, plaOH flIl
-.- !try .... , into po.itiOll at 1000 u. aiJuet... on 8.11 -8DIJ tank .hich
t!.riDi GIl' our col... A _k. aor also la1. do_ at this poiJlt 8I1abl1J1g
our oolulm to pa At 1230 three ...., tulk. toot our 001181 UDcter tiro iD
tho tnD ot Oberetadtfe1 platoOll ot !try -!- went iDto politioD, placiDs
cl!.reot an. OH8I"'YM fire OIl tho t8.Jlks. 2 withclr ... and one was mock.. out.
- 1
. "
Atter lcrU. R.port tor Period Co..... 1 ..rob to 31 Marob lM5('.)
IStI"J "0- Ion t_ K"s to til. tir. ot tla taatl at the .truao. t. til. t_.
It the __ tiM -17 "A" t Sato po.iti_ 8Ilel .1 ....,.n.. ltJ Qapt Yopl
., teaks. 1II0t. lal- the to pall. ft...._ !ido
)o.ltlO1l at UlIIe at 1'30, a liar BaI'&:laS ... iIlt..tirii_ 1Iil ......
?lr". Dal'iIll tlay'. -.roll, r in_o eClllp&l"ltl.el.y U&1I' ......., laU
1.I"IIS, n.bel".t an. tant tir YII" .ocnmt..... .., pri._... " tat
" Mat. 1145 tho vi to the llbill. M... oClll'tSall" with tla. Up
3I"oun4 bet" belemaot ea. l10rtb of OoJrt18IS b.1I1, tb. ell.1.i_
)bJoctl.e. ft. Ba lett at 0100, arri.DI Sa po.ltl_ at 1515 iB the Tl.1IIit,
Jt Ooht.4tmS- 01".11" of _rob -.,.,C",Hq. Roaldae11_ ...
'!Bor.,.l.". __, "'..... tat0 tir.IIil .......U" tor.
C. 8 llaroll 1"5 tho" r_iIlecl ill th.... pltiaa, tir.. the ._1
'iJ1lraiIl, fir 8Ilel 1I11oa. oall.. tor ltJ ob.erY... _ _.., ooa.. u. terrr
3ros.iBp. COWB" ol.r" .nera1 t ...... rilla, toar. tla. Rbia. M .....
lb. 11th ArM Dl..... up 011 0.. lltt fleak with b ......k a.
011 1 II&rab 1145 CC"B" '_1 It. attact tnarcl tla. Bonh ..k ot tla.
lle U at ICar.1a. At the approaola of the col_ the _.., bl. tho 111"1...
l,t '!'rei.. Dr& o_taiB.. the tirn or..l ... r lnec. *i. .. ... 1iII
3roiI1l the X,U Rl....Rlnao. o_l1n" of art, ... aortar tiro, ata
:.aohille-pa.... _11 &I'll. fir., a t. taat.. rlr. 1Iil ....... __
yehlel, taak., urtar., Uf .., .. po.ltlaao. Ob.erY... iIlela." II1t.ll
Jith C/35th ft Ba, Lt Ll.:lapt. witll &/51n Dat Ill, U lIB.... with C/51n :Dat BI,
111. Lt DoraII wi. C/25th ca., ... capt Wll, III 0 wlth 35th ft ... til. I"th
lA Bn r.Worc our tu... Ba 111 politiOl1 iB the .101.l11t, of M.ml1aS- a. re th....tl1 11 llarch 1145, .ariJal which tiM CC"B" e1.r r lne trea
11la,0. iB .octor _ the I bazlt of the MoU. M.... .
011 11 March 1145 tho ..'bat e-.s. IIOY" baok to the )Jorih .1
Jf the hi.....' Nt..a Haabuot .4 ISlllaila,a. Ba. Mh DIt Di...... D, tak1lal tho area frouth of the hi.,..., to til. Mol1. Rl.... III 0 ea. 0'.......
J'" .U" ...ot to the ID.
OIl 13 Mar. lM5 tho III ..... to tho rillap of 8eIIII1tt, r_laia,
JyeralPt aa. 011 tho 14 Marcia 1MS the III .<wet 'back to .... po.ltl.. '
"\t Dantu.. Ob....... BIl. lJ1 0.... ..t ovt a. tollons Lt II1toh.11 with ./37th
rk !D an. capt Wad.ll with 22Dcl Ar1141 rA BD.
OIl 15th Jlaroh 1'45 the BI1 oro.... the Moll. Ri.or u' "hr
brl'geh_cl _ th. IOUth .1 whioh ha4 bo. .1ta'bl1Ih" by the 5th %lit m.
1011 of tho aD to .011. tb. oit, of !a. 11'.-,. to the _st. OC".
3D the ript ... _ _ the lott. Ba iB po.ltl_ ricmlty ot S:t.en.
JanaiDs aac1 1IlterdictlOll 1111 " ... the 0Il1y fir
OD lath Karch tho iri oOl1tiBu" with .l._t. ot Co-B- to tla.
:!&b. River, .ptviJag brielle. iBtact ael cOIltaiBiB, the 11"08' .outh of .....
Irumach. OC"Aw .1.ant. allO ccmt1lluet to the Babo My.. 8Il4 ho1' tho sr-.4
ot Ba.. Kreumaoh. Mi..ions tire4 OIl iBc1ud" flY.., .ehiclo.,Al Qua., ..4
Ut...nlea , ..1.. C4w.... 1 ....... to 31....,.. 1145 (Coat'.)
011 l' .... 1N tJa. !II t!r" 1IaraS ... iat....lotlae tir ...
"........ti_ tiro - tla. t .. et 1'1Irte1" ft. III .... hto po.ltl_ ba til.
.t ,,....,-u lMO ...... r ..1a.. _tll til. 20th of Mar_ 1145.
!lie .. fir.. _ .., tr .,., ...... ...., .. po.itiGll.. ecnat.....
""017 tir r ..o1Y.... til. 18 ...... 1145. wC" 1.n 8D _0 trail..
... wAw it. Ie Vaok. lMJa llaro1l 1145 t1l". 1Iii ......... pletila1
- .., Y-', taak., ... IP , At' 0. r1r. 1Iii ...... &110
.11.. _ a 6-pl... It.....ea. &rill1.,. ..Ia B. bo.U.t eftNt rep.rt..
aU tar.... ., '"....
GIl 10 Mara 1145 tla. GoiY. t. tla. 1UWl. Riy.. a..let... 1'11. lID
lVtoU at 0110 ....oeapi...o.iti ia tho yioWt, of pt......0111 at
1110........ tla.......t !at. ,..lti_ tJar.. t1M., t!riaS ...,. yUlal
W &at J..a" _llot tor ., 00I"Y....
GIl 11 ...... lM5 tla....i.,la... t. po.iti ill tho ot
........, .... lt r ..Ja.. -'11 II llaroJa 1145. 011 22 Jlal'eJI 1145 til. Ia tir..
it. nat of lOs. tit. total upeditvbao.m.u.rt
at .i........,., ".., Jaaq 1', 11M_ 1'1"_ a podtl_ iD tis. nahit, Of _ tJao n 1Iaak .t til. BIdJa. Jl1y.., tho r ... t aor til.
rl...,.tiII...... ... __ taJ"S-'. Lt 0.1 U M. walla, ee...t1aS
1Ift,e.., 1n ,..:uot tit. lola.,.,.. at 1tOI a.dn.. ., _It... ot BatteI"J W.W"
...., .......... .t ....'.Iepl ...tot, 0-.... 'tIs "I11])I"iy...
lie 0IIIpt-. ". DoG.., PI'C ....... PJ'C Ldobtllla ot tlM ... U'''. '!IIU
, 1. 'hia, ............ wU1 It. iIl.eri... arkiB, til0 1_.
aft.. 1d11 ,la." .... til. aro1aiy t tJai. III
11.,..lNS t. at ..... to .. a &1"_ iIa tJa. yloilait, of
..... Al'riYia. at 1'11. Olt.OI"Y".... III otti........ oaU" iDe Di.
5t.1a laI tr.... a...... tJa. JUWa. Rly.. ea. wi4., oporati... bJ tla.
5tIa DIt ...... wial1 .t. 'Ba. 4U at-r. aiI.i.. ef orilas riYOI" .,_
..J.d. ,., lIrUp ... t ..... to JIlt... _It .t JTuaktwt.
At 1115 _ til. 24"ra 1M! tho la, iJl .pport ot ta.t toro. ot_
. ..... _ed_ .e. t ..,ar. til. HatIa tlaak ot CC"Aw ...... to D, ftIlcd.JlI
011 15 .roll tJa. .. r ...iy.. or.... to tall 111 CC'" t. ooa., r.1Btor
tJao na. ,. .. t1l".........D' .n to tla. *111 Ri..., tJa. ooh81 .ptv
a .....i ... 1ataet. KoriIIS aoro the ral1"1... tho III t hto po.itl., the r or4,,8 tr_ hiper h_clq-.rt... to p baok aero the
nnr. .. tIaIa t Dt. po.lti. the yleilait, Groh-Onheia at lM5.
Qa 16 MlLreJa 1'45 the BIl tir.. a pr.,..rati. _ A.ohatt.Im-,.
OIl .., liar_ lNS 'lb. DiY 1Ii.1i_ to attaok Dorth to Yie:balt, ot
, 1 .tt 01" 1at.....t a.... tr.Op. lIO'ria,a., tr. In AnlJ'. attaot
_ ear lott. ft. attack. .aNal" tor 18 Jlal'oh lN5 with tho Diy D two o_bat
eo 1.... QCl'Aw tho riP" ea. CC"B
OIl tho lott. 'lbe 66th fA BIl m
tsroot _pport ef CC"B"; the 221lcl &Jlcl 191 FA !ft. .er. reDtorcmg the 66th A rA BIl.
Qa 28 ..rob 1145 tho III ..... nt at 06OQ. adftllc1Jlg with CC"B" to
....lar Lit'll. r.lin aft. '!II. ]a tir.. re'treatmg ..,. col\1818.
__, PW' er. tak_ sa. __, alli PW'. llberat...
;. - 3

Atter AcrU.oa aeport ter' Ce..... 1 liar... t. 11 ..roll 1..., (o.t")
. .
C. I' JIIlrah til. Dittau" it. Vi, it" ...U. boiai
t..uter'baok. Th. lID Joia" tho at 0'100 ..... r ........bJectl" ...
"or. 1Jl pOliti_ at 1230. a ine,. apt. nr.. ..., ])at. 1Iaraia,
... bat..dioti.. 1Iil
OIl 30 liar. 1145 tho ....... wltll CC"I- at l4QO tr_ pltl
a tho nolaitr .t !Aut...ok t. cndoklrt t Bor.r.U. a.o1n..o....In,,
ot a t .. teak., 1&'00"., _11 &I'll..., _t.p.. tir.. ft. t_ ot Al.t.l
... r in.... h.",w... tiroot ariUlorr ... tDt tir. 01..,... til.
ar.. ft. to. partiallr boia, lNra.. to tIa. ...0....
ca 31 llaroll tM .. Joia.. 00-.....0I.. at 1140. V.iIIl tla....\1.. .._
.i aut__",.ri t. Bak, tho .. arrt.... ia ,..ltl_ at ark. ....,
r in o.tiBu" aHat tho "., .., ia, a t. tat.....IP a.., AA
... _11 al'll Wtwttl ... oyor r.plarlr, .."al utl.,......l ....
.... ...., ... nrataa. Aok-Aok .tt..i ..... oar tittr oalilaer ..., are
k..,iB, tho plea tr_ g-"Dlm .10... ma1m.m, ........ __ltl t.
b.lOS. __itlsp..'" arml,..l ..... 12,'1' r_
o.M_ber. ot the JIll kin.. m ...U ....DI til. p.-1...... a. t.u.n.
1ft Lt at_lor 1,. SaD..... Btrr -,- RO, 'f/f A.A.QJ.obbl, 'f/5 C.:&.n.,.l.,WC 1.1.'-'
Bolor ..d PrC J.W.Baa...., aU ...... t Btrr -CJII ira of til. III .......:.
aotl. ariae tho peri04 .... aa tollona 2Il4 U 10....., 1.... 1.1.1ra"';.
8/8&" J.P. Boptaut, Sst A.W.BirI0t.111.., o,lB..T. '1Mia8t1, Qt1 B.A..... ""
.IJI''' II.G.Bair., .1. II1toho1l, r.Refitt_...... Pri'. J.P. JII.n1a-- ... .r
r. LoIIr
.A_rdl to ...... ot til. BIl ....iIIl p..i ....... Jr... ....l .... ',
slap I.J.W.i.l, Cpl'. 1.'.fi...l,'f/5 C.J).WI1.Pt, 't/5 '01,..1'"'. IoeJ&,
i., B.LDa..... J.A.a_, oat t.t Clun.. to til. Jr.I ..... t. 0,1 .
J.GraU. .
Proarii BIl elvDI til .....tIa " .... Aria, Ia. B.L.....
00-..01.04 2D. Lt, 'I/"4 L. 'tne1l&_' to 'f/3, Op1.. SoIaI.a1.. t. 'f/4,'1/5 I.L .
hriutr t. 'f/f, 't/5 l.e.still to 'f/4, PIC B.L Laiti, t. 't/4,,,,c B.A.....1. te
Qp1,Pn B.J.Pl"Dltl to M V.B.o... t. Cpl, we J ....... t. '1/5 ...
Pri I. 8w1a, to 't/5
t .aeWoro__t.
4urml ,eri04.
Oftlo.l. 2Dd Lt's Jo.oph A. _.worih ... J'ruak" II. I....
Da1in" lie. 'f/4 Pa.1 L. YO_I.
ror th.---eo-aa4.,

, ',Ii/J
2 IDcls: \'6tk BI
1. Journal j"
a - 2
'f '
2. OYerlqa \ \,'
- 4
i' ;-"
fr-' ...
~ ;. BfI.:t..
~ ~ ,
3 llay 1945
SUBJECTs Atter Action Report tor Period Covered 1 April to 30 April 1945.
TO AdjuteDt Galeral, washington, D. C.
1.In compliance with the provisions ot AR 345-105 the following Atter Action
Report is submitted.
At the beginning ot period the Bn, A part ot Combat COJDlmlld "B", left its
position at Honeback, Germany at 0600. Btry "A" was the advance Btry. The general
route _a along the autobahn to positions at Willershauaen. During the drive the
Bn tired on en.-y tank., vehicles and Int, and also a preparation tire tor an attack
on the town ot creulberg. Obaervers were as tolloWBI Lt's Mitchell with C/35th Armd
TaDk Bn,Rolllig with B/35th Armd 'lank Bn, Doran with A/51st Armd Inf Bn,Neuworth with
B/51ri Armd lilt Ba, Livingston with C/5lst Armd Int Bn. Liaison ofticers were Capt
W.del1 with 35th Armd Tank Bn and capt Reggio with 51st Armd Inf Bn.
On the 2 April 1945 the divison established a bridgehead across the river
at creulherg, and the 66th A ~ m d FA Bn crossed at 1800, and went into position on its
ea8't benk. The Bn tired on enemy Int,KG, SP Guns and enemy in town ot Krauthausen.
Ell.,. airoraft were very active and attempted to bomb the bridges at creuzberg.
OIl the 3 April 1945 the Bn lett its position Bad at 0700 Btry "C", the
a d ~ c e Btry, arrived in position at 1145 on NW outskirts ot Gotha. Fired on
nuaerous _em, targets with excellent results, including enemy aircratt on the
airtield at Gotha.
ell the 4th of April 1945 Gotha surrendered about 1000. The Combat COJrllBlld
moved through Gotha and went into positions NE of Ohrdrut. The 66th Armd FA Bn \
occupied a poeition in the vicinity ot liuh1berg. Resistance 1I8.S very light. 0
011 the 5 April 1945 the Bn tired harassing and interdiction tires. Observers,
remained the same. Reei8'tance was light. Enemy aircratt over our position, but they U
did not attack. \
On 6 April 1945 the Third Army _s ordered to hold, reason surmised-
the threat created by the pocketing ot enemy troops in the First and 9th Army
sectors. The 66th Armd FA Bn moved to pOSitions in the vicinity ot Schwabhausen.
Liaison otticers and observers were called in and the Bn in the same
location until 11 April.
General Hoge, 4th Armd Div Cmdr mde a visit to our unit on 8 April 1945.
The 4th Armd Div was relieved by elements ot the 80th and 89th Int Div's.
On the 11 April 1945 the Bn was assigned to Combat Comrne.nd "A", and moved
trom &ChwabbauseD to positions in the vicinity ot Eucha. Observers weres Lt's
Mitchell with C/Sth Armd Tank Bn, Romig with B/8th Armd Tank Bn, Neuworth with
A/Sth Armd Tank Bn, Doran with A/51st Int Bn, Pre.hler with B/5lst Armd Int Bn,
Livingston with C/5lst Armd Int Bn. Liaison otticers were capt Wendell with 8th
Armd Tank Bn and Capt Reggio with 51st Armd Int Bn. Enemy resistance WfLS light.
- 1
.,..:' .J . ..,t'
Arter Action R.port Period eGYered 1 April to 30 April 1945 (COntinued)
On 12 April 1945 the Combat COJIIDB.Dd diTided into two Ta.k roroe'.t
Btry' S B 8: C with one and Btry A with the other. The two colWll'lI adTanced alol1g
paralell routea, CC"A" going into position in the Ticmty ot Bobeok. The 66t11
Arlld FA Bn went into po.ition at Bobeck arriTing at 0020, 13 April 1945.
On 13 April 1945 the Combat CoDalDd IIILrched al a Wlit again, 1.Tmg
p08itions at Bobeck at 0700. The adwnce mGYed Tery nittly, II1ID11 reailtanc.
being very light. llhaay attempted to blow-up bridg along rout. without 1U0C
'nI. 66th Armel FA BD arriTed in po.ition North ot Glauchau at 1830. Fired 011
en.,. gun po.ition, yehiole., Railroad bridge and Dat.
en 14 April 1945 the Br1 .av.d out with tlle COIIbat CoJllllUld at 0905, arriii
ing in p08ition in the Ticinity at Mein.dort. CC"'A- .l__t. alOllg .eotor approx
illatel,. 5 Kilometer. \f ot Cb_itl. During the adftDoe, the col_ rec.iYed a
te.. round. ot eneDlJ artillery tire along the autobalm. It belieY" iater
diction tir. on an inters.ction. 'D1. Br1 tired on a railroad tram, tIl.ay Dat and
and usual and interdiction tire 'D1e DiT r_ined ill position. alonl
this sector UIltil relift'ed by the 76th JIlt DiT.
OIl 20 April 1945 the Diy maTed back into,. ar... tor r.n, relab1l1
tation and _intena.nce ot equipment. 'DIe BIt mOTed to town 01' Vollaerllbam, where
all troop. occupied hou
OIl 24 April 1945 the DiY mGYed il'lto 8!l aS8l111bl,. ar.. iD th. Yiomit, ot
Bayreuth, GeraD,.. Th. 68th Armd FA Bn a iped th. tOWll of Ober-JCollllernreatb it rl1J'll.ined until lilt va,. 1945.
During the period lilt April to 30 April 1945 the BIt tired 4,563 round. ot
105mm ammunition.
Members ot the Bn killed in action dvmg the period inolud. lilt Lt Bertr8!ld
C. Wult, Liaison Pilot, and Pvt William T. lIorri
Wound.d m Acticm dvmg period, Lt Col Neil II. -.llaoe, lfa.1or Robert 1:.
Kulp, Captain Walter H. Wendell, r/sgt Jo.eph -.ldlpurpr, s/ap Gl_ Aunin,
S/Sgt *urioe H. B01llllN1, Sgt John E. Sgt Franci. A....l.h, T/4 Henry
E. Abrecht, T/4 H. Derr, Cpl William L. Shaw, T/5 Hershell Bradllhaw, Pre
William H., Pvts Theodore T. Morton, Allen J. Freer, Eugene Celll1to, Barl
E. Grimes. 'D1e above wounded me all aarded the Purpl. H..rt lIeda1.
Awards received during p.riod werel Silver star lIedal to T.e 4 HarYe,. L.
Schelhorn; Bronze star Medal to lit Lt Robert E. LiTingston, lilt Lt GraDt H.
Kolett,2nd Lt Delos W. Evens, U/Sgt Earl J.II.Betz,T/Sgt8 Harry J. WBrdle.,Jo.eph
waldspurger,Herman C. Zinsmeister, S/Sgt. John P. Hoptaut,Hel'll1ll J. Sheet-I, Sgta
Arthur W. Hir8ebmiller,Alex S. NU8Ier,Thoma. 1,. Qu1ml,Steve Tokach,Alton8o L.
monaco, NorlllLn M. Thoma., Cpls H.A.Dumais,R.L.NeDludch,Richard A.Robinson,
Tee 5' s Kieran w. Kemin,Henry A. Balboni,Norman Gordon,PFC' s Cliftord G. J'ergu.oD,
Riehard G. Banks, Altred J. Hendrickson,J'red R. wittenberg,F.A.Ort8,Pri8 Frank
J. Fuseck, P.C.Spaulding, John ralardo, li.'rIII!UI E. Brook

Att;er Aetian R.,ori tor Pdo. 1 April to 30 April 1945 (Continued)
'Die toU"'. prc.ot101l....e made during period. S/Sgt He1"JllBl1 J. Scheetz
to rrlsgt., '1' R.e C. lIeir.ODDe, Cpl rerri. B. Ho_er and Prl Raymond R. Pitzen
to S/Sgt.. Cpl Leo L. Bota, Cpl RlLJIlODd 1.. Jane. and Tee 5 Tho.s Fulton to ftc 4.
Pre's Leo L. Bolla,Lo1l1. A. Jlariu, Willard C. 'lhCIIIIB.., C2Jarle8 W. Cab1e,Pri
Lewis I.. el.. to Cpl. no'. Harold J. N. ICrebeheane,PY'ts Olarl.. s
P. 'ftIalq, Ltwr..e D. Ooddard, MUe ..... Meek to Tee 5. Pri Elbert C. Anelr....
toTe. 5.
'lb. toUn1Dg reWorct ere received during periods WC'. Leonard r
. Ore._od. anel Al'riD Hoelge, Pri. C. HrOlleick,li:rrol L. Hart,lIichael U.
as.a, D'Ilat B. CJre.eler,Hel.OIl Hottan,Jule. '1'. Joyce, Joseph C. Jones, George
I. Gogta,Doaald Hobkuk aad Ob1e D. SiDl
lor the eo-acl1ng Olticers
Capt, 66th ArIld J'.A.BD.
S - 2
if IRS
l' June
SUBJKCTa Arter act1or1 r"port for period co,ered 1 Ia, to 14 May.

a Adjutant Oeneral, D.e.

1. III o0llp1'ance with Aft the after
reporta are aubaitte4a
1 7 1"5, the 'th Dl.1a1on w 12th
ArMJ R to XI! Corps, 3rd Arm,._ The D!v181on has been
1n ,1VGUIlC are. vIcinity of B.yreutha, German,. .ince 24 ArrJl.
'!'be 66th OccuP7'ng poe1tio"'s v'c Ober lorr:mersreuth, 2 klolT'e:e..-,a
.outh 01 Ba,reuth.
The D' \l1s10!', upon release !"r(\1! n rr:!".erHJ Dtnt\;:s, Imrr.i3c:1LLl.,.
beOIlJ!le oreratlona1 and ;Vb ,_ 0 t1n,. are. south of
aegan, r,ermeD)". of the '01&8 a, move(' out
\(87, followe" bJ CC'B a"1<! reserve COIn,s'rl(:: '.;QY 2Dd. 'the :j5th
'cloaed , r ossemtl'1 aren rtt ,.. , ns' ng, r,err:;any, ;iiOl:th of .1e"an at.
1430, 2nc
.'-. the re':'U11n(\er of U:e d1v1a1or closed 'n U.e!r TGSieC
t1ve !tl! Armorec Q 48 ho"p alert
order to move tCl Prague. '1 he' Germlll1& en"': ltus.1ana Lot.h lLhdr,Q:
tlercely for the c't,.. '1eI'!r'.an trool's "illere to be shoot f c;
many Ci.eehoslovak181'1 C' l' ana ., c terror1z1ng 811 who OPT oaed.
The Ca.ect1 undey'grcl:r.d Al"Il1j ,:ht' tg ... 1tr t he ana 38
118$" tile "'e'mnn N;S. /\ l.zecr: 0) n
H.f.ue "ar; fot' to : .;" ,,117es.
Ground troors and a1r BUrr-Ort uere Je:'er;f,e ;,) t:.e
Czech tol. . __
5th May---iattal'on ..ece' tee t pOl..'te .. ,' Iii;;
to Prague. l'orT'd oLaer ..ers .ere Be:d f"Ti,
51., and 25th Gfll i. u.:!n, . f'; o&r
.!th 35th J.ank ane. Lfl},t.&,n
, di(-i? ..
5th :vIRy__l,t.. 'e1 r. 9r.4- ")' -
ba1ta11on todllY. ',:01. 11::.d -beEti
Commander during Celonel nrahwata :'ror., 'J;t'1
.... -_'i"_ - ............. _
of '/he battn110n int.o lJoa't1o'r. Rt at
1)\). 1;0 reaiatar.ce encountered, no ezpended. The
a "v'T!:'e turned out 0 rJe a 8n1 road Murch.
8th pa,. 1.)15, In l,08--t!or hovna, General
an t 10na1 Burrender of all Oerm.D,.. No e,.."7 ac
t t y, for.arf o. server-a at--11 o':t .... h Uy,H
)+}-.:,..,. lJl5-hoada from tt:e e"ft, were jlUllned .. th
flee1r: .. ('olumna, who -.ere perat81J to .urrendel'
tot b can., thn,D to 'he Ru! aD. although, the,. had b..n
ordered to ; t&1 11'1 place. 'the column. 'Deluded. _tor traD.rort,
flr-H:oref. veU clE'8, ('omnerc' 81 ear., tarm tractor. hau1iDI
tea["',s of t Orae8 arn oxen haul!ng ane cart. h1lDdr.d.a
on foot.
'bBtt!il11on asa'vned eReb batt.17 an area and 'he
d! aor;.-anbjed colutnna iIIt::re herded r,t'the hlgh.aJ. 'nto
CP.llftra. 'de sortr.a.- l'C'ld t! of ans laatee about ttI.o
anC' or:e blllf days. 'itle battal'on vuarded appr.ox!lIIat.e17 12,000 pw'
10 liay the (-(usa 1ana eroase<1 t l.c He.tralning 1'ne a co1uma
rolled 'nto .trnkon' ce. The r.errnan pt. 'oS beo... trent 1(' uron ., ght
of tr.e Rulana ar.d in 80me case. armded guard. anlJ pr.veDt.d
the n.1'lIa". tl'"o. tlee ng.
12 May, an P1rt7 eo,.' .t' ng ot the B.ttal{on la.
cut've Ofne.r, Yalor ltIe,..r a'd ihe aatt.rJ, lert to
r.eonno1ter seleot h111etl!"lg tor bat,ta11011 la 'Ire!., !,eouat7)
or Rott.nbl:rg, our oC'cupntional area.
'('!uard arJ(; 8Urerv a' on of tr.e fler.D PW camp. cont ""4 vat 11
13 y, at wh!cn Urne the olat Infartry Hatteron took 0 1' OUP
1"";1';;;' and larea. t,Btta11on ta,k to the ,,:tolntt7 or R.-r!oe,
J 0,0-1 a, arrrox' telJ 2 }\f1:.8 from oor 01"1 v!nal locat! on
14 Ya'1--':he were mArched eaat--r Haek and
over to Russ!an8 by the to ar 1ntemat10nll1

bs' 8l10n f'E:,.,. ned In bl vouac at Rer' ce,<'lalovald a.
arc< Cftre of was cotducted wh!le a
orders 1'01' !I f'nfll movement t,Alck to our occuJ;:Bt'onal area in "er
lI'or the or:Acer&

\.:apt. j .th 1". A. :'r
S - 2
1 Inci.::

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