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INTRODUCTION As a part of our Msc Nursing program we all are having clinical posting is nt it.

Suppose we are going and coming nobody is there for guiding you what will happens the end of the posting we cannot full fill our objective is nt it . so here is the importance of supervision so today we are going to deal with supervision and management , concepts and principles.

MEANING OF SUPERVISION The word supervision is derived from two words super means above and video means I see , meaning superior power of perceiving .

DEFINITION Supervision is defined as An art or a process by which designated individual or group of individuals oversee the work of others and establish controls to improve the work as well as the worker. Supervision is generally termed as an educational process in which a person with better training or more experience takes the responsibility of training a person with less training or less experience, and in this educational process the leadership of the supervisor and the growth of the supervised combine to achieve and maintain progressively the highest level of performance of which the worker is capable. Supervision is observation and providing feedback to ensure the quality of the program and to enable the staff to perform to their maximum potential. Traditional approaches to supervision emphasized on inspecting facilities and controlling individual performance OBJECTIVES OF SUPERVISION 1. To help subordinate to do their job skilfully and efficiently. 2. To develop subordinates capacity to the fullest extent. 3. To promote team work 4. To promote moral and motivation among workers.

5. To bridge the gap between personal goal and organizational goal. PURPOSE OF SUPERVISION: Improve the quality of work Helping the person doing the work Develop the highest possible standards

PRINCIPLES OF SUPERVISION 1. Supervision should aim at growth in knowledge and improvement of skill of the person. 2. Supervision should improve the ability in thinking and adjusting to the new situation. 3. It should help to formulate objects. 4. Good supervision stimulates their interest and effectors. 5. No undue pressure for achievement 6. Autonomy to subordinate preferred 7. Supervision should have competence 8. Supervision should have receive training 9. Decision making is encouraged 10. Free communication to required 11. No over burdening to staff 12. Good leadership by supervisor 13. Suitable climate for work 14. Give guidance 15. Supervision should encourage innovation allowing free flow of ideas and share positive experiences of personnel. PRINCIPLES APPLIED TO NURSING: Supervision should be focused on the attainment of one goal, the giving of a high quality of nursing care.

Strives to make the ward a good learning situation. Supervision is well planned. It should posters the ability to think and act herself. Helps her to attain objectives stimulates interest and effort

Encourages and challenges her to greater endeavour through adequate approval commendation and by recognition of work well done.

To make pattern for analysis and to analyze continuously her success in reaching the objectives. QUALITIES OF A GOOD SUPERVISOR: Trained person Understand the training background and ability of the supervised. Good knowledge, the local practice Good in health, skills in T.G & PR/t have pleasing manner Good listener.

Supervisor should have leads examplenory life Creative enthusiasm Just impartial human, tolerant and tactful Helpful Good power of judgment. FUNCTIONS OF SUPERVISION

Administrative: Assignment of the work loads of individual and groups according to the level of physical and mental competence (or) preparing the duty roaster.

Identify the needs for supplies and equipment and providing materials and supplies to facilitate the staff performance. Identify the problem and helps to solve.

B. Educative: Orientation Teaching subordinates Plan and conduct in service education program Ensuring staff developments Communicative The supervision act as a communicator between the staff and authorities and other health team members. She facilitates communication She should encourage free communication among persons between worker and community representatives and members of health team. Evaluative: Supervisor is supposed to carryout performance appraisal of all the staff this include identify the cause of difficulty. Providing C E and guidance

OTHER FUNCTIONS ARE: Co-ordinates there of subordinates and agents and promote team worker. Promote social contact with in the team to bring staff together and increases group cohesiveness. Develops mutual confidence Raises level of motivation Develops good IPR Maintains R & R Establish control over the subordinates

STEPS IN SUPERVISION: When supervision is needed the supervisor has to make plan for supervision by using certain steps to follow. 1. Defining of the job to be done 2. Selection and organization of supervisor activities based on available resources. 3. Anticipation of difficulties 4. Establishment of criterion for evaluation determining what extent the programme has met problem / objectives acc to plan. Types of supervision: 1)Direct supervision Face to face talk with worker Points to be considered: - Do not loose temper - Use democratic approach and avoid autographic - Give workers chance to reply - Do not talk too much and too fast - Be human in behavior - Do not give instructions haphazard way. 2) Indirect supervision: With the help of record and reports of the worker and through written instructions. This includes: - Ensuring carrying out allotted work - Analysis of monthly progress input efforts and achievement - Analyzing amount of work allotted - Support and guidance. Methods of supervision: (1) Technical vs. creative supervision (2) Co-operative vs. authoritarian

(3) Scientific vs. institutive (4) Task oriented vs. employee oriented 1)Technical These are basic supervisory skills and which need to be trained group discussion and conference For example: techniques of service study, record construction, time study etc. Creative provides maximum adaptation to the situ Ex. Instead of orientation period of two week for each new staff member, a variable plan in both contents and time according to the needs of each individual should formulated.

2)Cooperative full participation of each member of the group in planning, action and decision. Authorization: supervision responsibility centers entirely on the supervisor, with the staff following his / her orders. Both are needed all to situation. 3)Scientific supervision Relies on objective study and measurement than personal judgment / opinion. Intitutive supervision :It needs to maintain IPR 4)Task oriented supervision emphasize the task more than performer. Employee oriented: Supervisors are more concerned about worker staff their needs and welfare than assigned tasks TOOLS FOR SUPERVISION Checklist Rating scales Nurses reports Nursing rounds Job descriptions Personnel policies Staff educations Problem solving approach


A technique is a way of doing something. Techniques vary with the personality and ability of the individuals who are being supervised, the activities that are being performed under supervision and the immediate circumstances. Any technique used for supervision must be based on sound democratic psychological principles which takes account the nurses individuality THE PROCESS OF SUPERVISION: STAGE 1: PREPARATION FOR SUPERVISION 1. A supervisor should focus on specific issue. - Efficacy of service provided to the - Relevant problems - Efficacy problem utilization management of limited resources. 2. Study of document 3. Identification of priorities 4. Preparation of a supervision schedule STAGE 2: SUPERVISION USE TOOLS: - Job description - Task description - Weekly time table - Check list / rating for each work As a supervisor the following duties has to be performed. Establish contact Review the objectives, targets and norms Review job descriptions Note actual / potential conflict Observe the actual performance. Observe the individual nursing staff carries out his/her tasks. Identify the gaps & needs for follow up action based on feed back data attained through the observation. STAGE 3: FOLLOW UP OF SUPERVISION

Unless actions to follow-up the gaps and needs identified during stage are taken, supervision remains incomplete. Each supervisor must prepare a report on the observations made during supervision. The follow-up action may include: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SUPERVISION DEPENDS ON: 1. Human relations skill 2. Technical and Managerial knowledge 3. Leadership position 4. Improved upward relations 5. Relief from non-supervisory duties 6. General and lose supervision 1)Human relations skill: Supervision is mainly concerned with instructing, guiding and inspiring human beings towards greater performance. For purpose of direction, the supervisor has to rely on leadership, counseling, communication and other determinants of human relation. 2)Technical and Managerial knowledge: Guidance implies a complete understanding of all work problems, for which supervisor should have good knowledge about technical aspect of job and also the managerial aspect . 3. Leadership position The authority of supervisor must be made commensurate with their duty so as to make the job of supervision a satisfying, rewarding and challenging one.

4)Improved upward relations To ensure god quality of supervisors, the supervisors should be regularly allowed to present their views and suggestions to top executive in regard to the personnel and their works performance. 5. Relief from non-supervisory duties To make the supervisory duties purposeful, the supervisors are to be relieved of many routine activities that divert their attention from the real job. 6. General and lose supervision

According to some experience, the general and loose supervision is more productive than close supervision. Here the leader must allow freedom and initiative to his followers for pursuing a common course of action. PROBLEMS OF SUPERVISION PROBLEMS IN NURSING SERVICE: There are no perfect nursing service programs/situations without any problems 1. Shortage of nursing personnel. 2. Individual differences among personnel in interests, capacities and abilities. 3. Lack of information, insight and understanding of changes and developments in the interest of the continuance and improvement of nursing. 4. Lack of clearly defined assignments, multiple responsibility and lack of planning on the part of those to whom personnel is responsible 5. Outdated policies, procedures and guides to workmanship which cause them to be disregarded and unused. 6. Inadequate, unsafe, and defective equipment. 7. . Ill health in the part of personnel 8. Undesirable personnel characteristics with special attention to attitudes MANAGEMENT Management may be defined as the art of securing maximum results with a minimum of effort so as to secure maximum prosperity and happiness for both employer and employee and give the public the best possible service.

John Mee Management is the art of the getting things done through people and the people in formally organized group. Harold D Koontz Management is distinct process consisting of planning, organising, actuating, activating and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish the objectives by the use of people and resources.


PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Meaning of management principles: Management principles are statements of fundamental truth which act as guidelines for taking managerial action. Management principles are derived and developed in the following two steps. (a) Deep Observations (b) Repeated experiments Henri Fayol (1841 - 1925) Graduated from the National School of Mines in Saint Etrenne in 1860 Fayols 14 principles of management 1. 1. Division of Work. Work should be divided among individuals and groups to ensure that effort and attention are focused on special portions of the task. Fayol presented work specialization as the best way to use the human resources of the organization. Specialization allows the individual to build up experience, and to continuously improve his skills. Thereby he can be more productive. Small task, Competent, Specialization, Efficiency, Effectiveness 2. Principle of Authority and Responsibility Authority means power to take decisions. Responsibility means obligation to complete the job assigned. The concepts of Authority and responsibility are closely related. Authority was defined by Fayol as the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. Responsibility involves being accountable, and is therefore naturally associated with authority. Whoever assumes authority also assumes responsibility. 3. Principle of discipline: General rules and regulations for systematic working in an organization. A successful organization requires the common effort of workers. Penalties should be applied judiciously to encourage this common effort.

4. Principle of unity of command: Employee should receive orders from one boss or one manager only. 5. Unity of direction: All the efforts of the members and employees of the organization must be directed to one direction that is the achievement of common goal. 6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest: Subordination of individual interest to general interest the interest of the organization must supersede the interest of the individuals. The interests of one person should not take priority over the interests of the organization as a whole. 7. Principle of remuneration of persons: Employees must be paid fairly or adequately to give them maximum satisfaction. Many variables, such as cost of living, supply of qualified personnel, general business conditions, and success of the business, should be considered in determining a workers rate of pay. 8. Principle of centralization and decentralization: Centralization refers to concentration of power in few hands. Decentralization means evenly distribution of power at every level. Fayol defined centralization as lowering the importance of the subordinate role. Decentralization is increasing the importance. The degree to which centralization or decentralization should be adopted depends on the specific organization in which the manager is working. 9. Principle of scalar chain: Means line of authority or chain of superiors from highest to lowest rank. Managers in hierarchies are part of a chain like authority scale. Each manager, from the first line supervisor to the president, possesses certain amounts of authority. The President possesses the most authority; the first line supervisor the least. Lower level managers should always keep upper level managers informed of their work activities. The existence of a scalar chain and adherence to it are necessary if the organization is to be successful. 10. Principle of Order: Principle of Order It refers to orderly arrangement of men and material a fixed place for everything and everyone in the organization. 11. Principle of Equity: Principle of Equity Fair and just treatment to employees. For the sake of efficiency and coordination, all materials and

people related to a specific kind of work should be treated as equally as possible. 12. Stability of tenure of personnel: Stability of tenure of personnel No frequent termination or transfer. Retaining productive employees should always be a high priority of management. Recruitment and Selection Costs, as well as increased product-reject rates are usually associated with hiring new workers. 13. Principle of Initiative: Principle of Initiative Employees must be given opportunity to take some initiative in making and executing a plan. Management should take steps to encourage worker initiative, which is defined as new or additional work activity undertaken through self direction. 14. Principle of Esprit De Corps: Principle of Esprit De Corps Means union is strength. Management should encourage harmony and general good feelings among employees.

Five Elements: management roles and actions

Purveyance. (Forecast & Plan)- Examining the future and drawing up a plan of action. The elements of strategy. To organize - Build up the structure, both material and human, of the undertaking. To command - Maintain the activity among the personnel. To coordinate - Binding together, unifying and harmonizing all activity and effort. To control -Seeing that everything occurs in conformity with established rule and expressed command. FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT The functions of management have been classified differently by different authors. According to RC Davis there are four functions Planning, organizing, executing and controlling. According to LA Appley Planning, executing, and controlling

According to Breach Planning, motivating, coordinating and controlling

The management functions are defined as broad areas of responsibility composed of many activities aimed at achieving of predetermined objectives

According to Luthar Gullick. POSDCORB 1. Planning It involves the working out the broad outlines of the things that need to be done, the methods or procedures for doing it to achieve the purpose, goal or mission of the organization. 2. Organizing It involves the establishing the formal structure of authority the hierarchy through which work divisions, departments or units are defined, arranged and coordinated. 3. Staffing It involves recruitment, selection and placement of the staff. The training of the staff and providing proper work environment to them to accomplish their tasks is also one of the functions in staffing 4. Directing It involves issuing specific orders, instructions and making decisions. 5. Coordinating It involves inter-relating the various units and parts of the work. 6. Reporting It involves preparation of reports on the progress of various activities. 7. Budgeting It involves fiscal planning, accounting and financial control. IMPORTANCE OF MANAGEMENT
The Value of Studying Management: The universality of management Good management is needed in all organizations. The reality of work Employees either manage or are managed. Rewards and challenges of being a manager

Management offers challenging, exciting and creative opportunities for meaningful and fulfilling work. Successful managers receive significant monetary rewards for their efforts CONCLUSION So far we discussed about the supervision and management. These are important for administration , practice and in the field of education in nursing. ASSIGNMENT Write an assignment on what are the supervisory responsibilities of a nursing superintendent . Bibliography

1. Dr. AG Chandorkar, text book of management for healthcare professionals, paras medical publisher, Hyderabad, delhi. Page 137 2. Joydeep Das Guptha, text book of Hospital administration and management a comprehensive guide, jaypee publishers, New delhi. Page no.3-42 3. B T Basavanthappa, text book of Nursing administration, second edition, jaypee publishers, new delhi.35-68 4. Rebecca Samson, text book of Leadership and management in nursing practice and education, jaypee publications, New delhi. Page no. 3-7 5. C M Francis, Souza De, text book of Hospital Administration, third edition, Jaypee publishers, New delhi. Page no. 46-52


Submitted By Mrs Preetha A K 1st Year Msc Nursing Con, Kmch

Submitted To Mrs Ahalya P Associate Professor Con, Kmch

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