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83rd. ArlilOred ReconnaiSsance Battalion..
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!PO 253, U. s ..,
RIPOi1' or N;lIOH
-'ift!8ll1;e ot th1. VDit ... tirst anion against the eDeIV on the 8ftDi.Dg
7 Juq '", wbeD "D" ... attaabed to OC"B", Third A:Noreci J)!v1siOA, to
perf'ora reooDDaiaS&DOe t_ that unit to enable thea to exploit a break through
ade b7 30th lDturV7 DlY1a1oa in rlo1n1t7 of .ARIEL. " This W&S &1so
to CC"B- 1D the area or POI!' HEBERT UDtU H JulJ ... when it mened to batt&lion
OODVol tor replaa...-ta aDd retitt1Dl. JlUr1DI tbe Jdcht of 7 " the COIIpaD.7
oo_mder, Capt. 1'011 BOIWfNOI, ... 1I'OIIIIded., aDd Lt. ROBER! D. BlVDIS ... liven
ot the 00llPUT. IUriDI the POft HEBIR! eaceceaent ODe plaWGD ot light
tants from ColIpaD7 IIC" w.. attaahed to CoIipeD7 "))II. The OoaplUV' tought weU in
tace ot atrouc local opposition.
On the mom1Dg or 8 JUl " CoIIPUT "B" ... att_bed to CC".", Third ArIm'ed
Division, to perf'on reooDn&1sBaDOe to the into the enellF SOII.8 troa 478748 to
& line generall7 .f.29n9 to U6745. platoon of taDta tro. 00IIP8D7 ftC" was attached
to CompeDT nB", and the compaD1' prooeeded in the.1r SODe to rlc1n1t7 LE DESERT where
the tank platoon leader, Lt. E. R. II:KIlfSTRI W&8 wounded, when his taut was knocked
out by anti-tank tire The com.fl8llY met .stift resistance at that point, and was
pulled back to a line generall.y 471746 to 461759. At this position the comparJY'
cODlDl8Ilder, Capt. "JOHN B. GAGE, was wOl.mded. CoJllP8DY "B" was relieved, and mverted
to battalion control at approximately Jul1 44. .
At glagSJ6B .HlY 44, "A" less one pktoon, plus one platoon ot t.anka
trom "cn was attached to 12Sth Cava.lrT Squadron tor an attack IIouth of l1r
JEAN DE DAD. The was engaged tor about six (6) bours, and reverted to
battallOl'l control at lf668) July 44
. . The batt-.J.ion DIOved trom .vicinit)" gr ;EAI DE DAYE to vioinit)" LE DESERT (446
734) 1 CoI8palJy "B" was jetached to guard the Division Co-.Dd Poet in same
general vicinit7.
The battalion remained in this area until 28165f6B maintenance and
retitting until Company "D" moved out on operations "COBRA" at 27{66f6S attached to
,,,, Third Armored Division, with area in viCinit)" COUTANCES as objective. The
battalion (less "D") Jll)Ved to vio1n1t1' south ot CARANTILLY at 2816.
Battalion (less Comp8l1Y' I'D") JllDved to vio1n1ty- gr DENIS LE VEl'U Companies
"A" and "B" moved out from that point at 3919Js5f6 to push reconnaissance south to
vic1n1"t7 ot the bridges over the SIENNE tor the division. Opposition was light
and 5f6f6 prisoners were taken. The triendlT DIOved up, and
the battalion moved into a bicouac in vicin1t7 of gr DENIS LE GAS!. At Sl.l..,.B
JUl.7 44, the battalion .was attached to Task Foroe IS of CC"B" UDder the OO-.M
ot Lt. Col. COCKEFAIR with objective north VILLADlEU LES POLES. Coap
8ZfT "D" reverted to battalion control 5f6f6S3f!l

, ,
,.I, .
T ~ Force #5 moved to vicinity LA BOUTIERE, where they were shelled heavily
but IlUleceecled in pushing across the River SIENNE with jompany "B" spearheading the in tace of strong e n e ~ resistance
. 1
As a whole-, aDd as det.hed companies, the unit has fought well against all
aorta ot deiif' troops including paratroops and SS troops. We have had ap,:)roximately
1. enlIeted men casualties, and 11 ofticer casualties. Capt. J O ~ B. GAGE, Company
"B", and starf Sergeant NORBERT C. LENZ, Company nn", have been awarded the Silyer
star, aDd IIIaD1' Bronze stars have been awarded.
P.l"ob$ly the saddest experience of the period was the 1'atal wounding 01' Capt.
MARVIN C. COOlE, K.C, whUe he was attempting to rescue wounded men from an armored
car aouth ot ST JEAN DE DAIE. Capt. COOKE had not been with the battalion long,
but by his .. I 7 %1 Md10al support to CoIlPlll17 lIB", he had endeared himself to
that COJlPllll1' as well as the whole battalion.
; - ~
'." ..
1)4 Azaor.a eoDDaianoe Battalion
APe 25', V. s.
ID8t ,. DaY
tUft' c.p-. to a !uk I'orce froa -cc. eo
'1 Col. COCDrA.1ll, oroe4 the SieDJl. 1l1ver north .ut of La
aa4 tnaht lIIlt11 1,* l.t Aquat at .hiLa tille th.y. Plled
back ...tIl ., til. n ....r mad.r a h'a" art1ll.ers . J)'priDg
tll. -=Eat ther., I.t ))A.VD J!DYADCS, ud E. aalUl
"1'. wo ... CeapD7 -A- ... attaell.4 to a 'uk I'oroe cOllllaad.e.
bs Col. .., alIA ... fiPtiq aorth of VIJaT,wDISV pam_. .tult'ora re.1.tao. all dal. Coapu1 -0 _
-D- "1'. 1Il '.'taUoa r rYe 4ur1D& eqq__t. . i' ' .
91111 'I' D&HI All 'hre. aeooua1aDCe OoapaD1, -A-, B- I
were. aohed to 'ask ror ot -CC.-, aDd .oved UDder cover
of duDe.. ,. Y101a1'y of COVI.OUYBAY to cure the h1J[h ,round,
urtll of st .oD. o_p&l11e, foQht with the 'uk 'orce in thi.
area _til re11....84 's 4th IIltantr, D1v1.ioa. Dl1r1118 thi. t1ght Lta..
80. .am.Ift ad ,. I. aICCA .ere .0UD4e4. At 16__
4 Aqua, Coapaai.a .J., wO-, aDd .attalion attached
to tie 'uk 1'01'0. eo-8114ed " 001. CQlWOQ, aD4 a' 17'11 aove4 to
Y101Ja1t7 of 1 ...II. !OW. At thi' tiae Coap&l11 WA.W ... .0rkiDa
with Col. OOODl'AD'S 'uk I'orce and COIlpany wDw with Col. ROYSDOB'S
, ..k I'oroe.
rout" ad 11t'Ju Coapall1 wAw aDd Dw r_1Ded with the1r 'uk
'ore, aDa woried ,eaerall, aorth aDd of B111 211 toward S' ,
"D, lnlt C-PaDl -.- with 'Uk :rorce uacl.r Col. COBOO .a. aoat ot 00
the aoti.. ill the I.E as.IL tOVE are, where the .neay reai.tance ... \.
part10ularll .tubbom. the attack be,arl at d.,light 5 Auaust 44,
aDA proareed ver1 .ell. !he ! ..k Force Command Po.t .a. ahelled,
aDd L'. IIOIROJ: J I POlDSU... aortal11 .ounded, one san from Rcn \.
Platoo. 234 Eq1Jleer.... killed, aDd S,t. mOMAS and Cpl. VAlBIRG \.
of Battalion H.adquarter, .er01Dl4ed. Capt. PUGB loat hia .econd
peep -BIROIC IIw. , ..k :roree ... relieved b. the )Dth lDtantry
Divi.ion the atterDOon of 5 AQauat. Durins the 5th the !ask :rorce
.a8 ,trated aDd bo.bed b1 the Luft.affe.
Sixth aDd Seveatha .atta110n .aa &I...bled near at appro
iliilely , xu.u.t 1D wCC.w area for a propoaed re.t period.
!he un .pent the atteraoOD and evuhas oi 6 Au8l18t eleaa1ug their
araa, .ehicle., and clothe.. Early on the aorniDC of 7 Ausu8t the
_e.., 1D the aOR'l!AIB area, and wCC.- ... moved out
attached to Division to .top the attack. COIlPauy wA
... qa1ll attaohed to Col. CORKOG's '!..k Force and Comppy was attach
ed to Col. BOGAl'. , ..k roroe. !he.e unita acved back 1nto an area
Jlear I.E IIISIJIL tOU to :tiPt qa1D. C08pany -C with di.mounted meD
.. ':' '\
" \
,"1'...., OD Bem. iOD to.ar4 and "'AUto ..oerta1D
ther or DOt the .. ... _iN 'h. rou. 1D ,hat ar.. for 'br.ak
throqh. thel returu4 l.t. 1D the Jl1Da of 7th Au8ut hav1D& COD
tacted DO ....,. .
Bilhth. lattal1qn II1.Du CoapaD1 wA
&D4 w. __v.el at _5, to Tic1ll1tl
i1A dAB .., .outh of IVVIGft. O-PAIl)' wAw ... attached to Col.
COImOG'. , ..k "oro., aD4 CoapaD7 ..- to Col. BOOM'. 'ask :roro
CoapaDJ wJ)w ... o.'po.'lDc u .....t &D4 .ou'h...t of LA JOCAB.
CoaPaDJ wC ... 1D r rYe.,
.1DSh: .att&11OD oonaDd po.t r ..a'lD.4 1D 10catioD, 'aIl4 coap&D1e.
"1'. attached to wl1'. Lt. Col. aD4 par'l .eD' to
iTi.i0D CIP. ...- UDII. to a.e' the D.. d1n.loD co_md.r, Br1sa41.r
GeIleral UDIlIC& aasa. Geural aos. .'at.4 th.' h. 1Dt.nd.d to us. the
'batt&l10D UDd.r din.10D ooatrol thaD d.tacbiQ1 ooapaD1.. tot11e
coa'.', ancl , ..k 261'0... th. IAat'.atte 'OIIla.4 1D 'h. ,eural
area of the ,.ttalioD C.P. aDd L' JOBB " USI.Ell wheA 'b_la
land.d a'bout t.n (10) t t from hi. tank.
, ..Ul, IleY8Dth, f !welntha .attalloD and coa,Pani r.aa1D6ed in e
area attaoli.a to .... rut.. DQriq thi. per10d of at1ft flghtlDg Lt. :
U.DLBIl, aDd Lt. LAIlBEY of CoapaDl wA .ere .01U1ded, tosether w1th :
Lt. SlID. of COIIPaD1 Bw and. eral _Dl1.t.4 hoa both coapanie
Lt. IlBDLER la'.r d1.d of .0un4a. !he battalion aoyed fro. the JUVIGBY I
sect10n to GARRAB .ut of JlAlcl., and clo.ed 1n the n area at
1,t. ADsuat. I.eryon.... mt1c1pat1ns re.t and
msiDZrDsDYr prt10f, but r.ceived orders to reconnoiter 1n front of
the d1rt.ion 1D aD .ttaok t of IlAlIDE with the ult1llate ob3ect of
g01D& ...t and Dorthwe.t to piD the G.1'II&D.8 iD aga1D.t the Orne R1ver.
'.rh1rte.D'hl ttalion jUllp.d off at With A
on the south,
and CoapaD7 W. OD the Dorth. Koyed aloDg to Y1c1n1ty PRE D PAIL,
where the C.Pi with Bw and -Cw 1eaguered for the I11ght.,
Coapany ...... to Yic1n1t, of RABBIS, .here they, r. to p.r
fora reconnaissance for-CCA
at l'th Aucua'.
Fourteenthl Battal10n moved to area 80uth of RAlIJmS, and l.aaun
Ihe iiljli'. Coapan1es aDd. WDW .ere gin al.sion of screening eaat WAW
flank of diY1s10D .. div1s10n moved OD fROMIBTAL and BCOVCHi.
ran into aDd tank fire. platoons of Cw
Company ..r. attached, and cont1nu.d prsure throughout night of t5th.
Fift!p.thl .attallOD C.P. aowtcln d1n.ioD C.Poutht of RARDS
and re..IDded there two da,ith Company w.w .creeDiDl left flank of
CC. on their dr1ve to lROMEB'.rAL, and Coapan1e. -B" and "DscreeDing
right flank of wCCB- a. they puahed north towaa4 ECOUCBI.
Seventeenthl Battal10D C.P. aoved to 168142, South.est of ECOUCBE
. Company iD' ... ma1ntatntDg contact with french Armored Div1s1on at
ECOUCHE. Company wA
... outpo.tlDg to .eat of BCOUCHE. Company "B
rema1nded work1Ja& .1th CCA .outhwe.t of FROIEBTAL.
BiOteenth. B.ttalion o1.osed in on area northwest- o"f RAIDS at 17[6[6
lor ..lDieDallce, aa4 re"fitt11l1. Coapany "A" e8tabli8hed liaison with
'rench Armored Division at ECHOOCBE, and the battalion was directed to
establiah roviDg patrols to west and north o"f divi8ion area in
o"f Rd'BES.
B1nthteenth thru Battalion remainded in area o"f lSth,
',iii iilDieDaDce, 1. ., 'athiDS, and te"fittilll 8enerally until ls[6[6
20th August, when Capt. 1111.' took a billeting detail to new are.
south ot CBATEAUJlEvr. Returned 1,H 21 A\lBUst, and Co.panie8 "B" and
"D ,.oved out at lS__ At 1845 they were ordered to coil in place,
and whole UD1t aoved out .t 117* 22 AU8Ust tor .ew area. Closed in
area at 17__ 22 and put out Dine outposts to northeast ot
division area.
twentythlrd and BattalioD remainded in CHATEAUN,EOF vic
, and reorgani,ation until noon 24
when Co.pany D" sent out reconnaissance parties to vicinity
ot JlliCY to select routes tor moving the divi8ion to that area.
Battalion began .0viDg to UEBECY area at [61__ 25th August.
r:entytifthl Coapanie. were sent on mis.ions ot locating triendly troop'
the area, aDd .t approximately __ 25th August received order to
tollow 4th Cavalry Group acr08S the Seine River at !ILLY (southeast ot
twentf!izthl Cro.8ed Seine at ;8[6. 26th August anl moved to divi.ion
as... area. Coapany "A worked ea.tern .eot10n of division zone
w1th "CCA and Company "D" worked wes tet'n seotion with "ee".
B" and C", and Battalion lieadquarters moved 1nto an area 80uth ot
PO.T CARRE, where they b1youaced tor n1ght near 4th Cavalry Group BQ.
twentYs.Yenth. CoapaD1e. eA" and wDw cont1nued to push northeast in
theIr re8p.ciiye zones. Co-panie. "B- and C" cleaned up pocket. of
re.i.tanc. in area around the battalion C.P. Bat ta110n movej, C.P.
with loapaBie. -B" and C" to out.kirt. ot Pel! CARRE, and Major !UCKER
... inatruote4 b. G.neral ROSE to take oommand ot battalion for a tew
lrentfei:'fP' B.ttalion moved out to pertorm reconnai.SEiCn6 for the
Vi. d1vis1on objective at SOISSORS. Battalion C.P. with
Co.panie. C sad "D"olo.ed in an mbly area just .outh of SOISSOBS.
Co.pany .. outflanked road....t ot the oity and Company WA" was with
CCA to east ot the d1v1s10n zone.
iI1atynint81 Coapan1ea WI" and D" spent the day reconnOitering the
Vit at S 119018 tor a oros.iDs, and orossed the river in the
oity at 1745. Battalion Headquarters w1th one platoon moved near
the d1vision C.P. at an area juat ea.t ot SOISSOBS. Companies "Bw and
D north toward LAO
!h1rtie'h. Col. CABAllSS w.. reliev.d ot command, and Major TUCKER
took co..aDd. CoapaD1e. "A", "I", and -D" worked on toward LAOI
outposte4 area north and 8Ut ot that town. Battalion 8 pent night Juat
t01lth of LAO.'

fh1rt 1rltl Besan reooanailsance in front of divilion to division
o ect ve at VIIBBI, and area northwest thereot. At about l ~ ~ we
.ere ordered to ooil, and wail tor orders. Reoeived ordera at 14'5
chaQgiDg division objeotive to. VERVIIS and HIBSOB and order'" the
battalion to reconnoiter to front ofd1v1s10n advance to those points
unt1l atopped, and then to secure division flanka. C.P. followed
co.panies to an area just south ot ViRVIBS, where they coiled for the
. D1Bht.
SVIDIARY. !he .u.aU'J ot the 0" t1_ for the .onth included all
t1Pe. ot operationa 1Dclu41Da recoDD&1.sance, .opp1ns up, and. front
line tishtiq. !he operationa around RAIBBS .u very b1-ster with
tierce eneay resistance aroubd the pocket before it was t1nally closed.
!he batta110nautfered aany casualties duriDg thia period and accomplish
ed aany feat. of UDU8ual acoo.plisbaent and bravery tor which many
.edals were a.arded. After leaving RABIES the battalion encountered
stift eneay rearsuard action in aome placea, but tor the most part the
enemy retreat waa disorsan1sed and in some cues chaotic. Unite of the
battalion aeoounted tor many enemy oasualties in vehicles and men.
Friconers ot War often ~ d e r e d ojr operatione as they were captured
in such larse nUllbera.
1st Lt, 8,d Armd Rcn Bn,

134 Araored Reconna1ssance Batta110n
A.r. 0 25', u. s. hrmy
On the morning of 1st September 1944 tne Bn was given toe order
to lend -D- Co.pany with the R1ght Col;mn -A- with
BIClKt on Route, and .'w with r.r JUDINOT on Left
ColUJID tp Rcn 1n front of the1r respect1ve columns to i.,GIlS t the Di v.
0'3eotive. One platoon C- Co.pany attached to each company.
Coapany enoountered heavy ene.y resistance and was by passed by TtFI
Mu.x.s in atternoon. By nightfall the 0 ther two companies had reached
north on a line with LA CAP&LLE and were by passed. Several enemy At
guDI and ene.y tanka were encountered here by the T.I'.. -I- Coapany
wal in contact with the enemy throughout the night. lorward Echelon
and -Cw Company (-) b1vouaced east of LA CAIELLi for the night.
Co.panies oontinued toward their objective with their T.F.
Many columns mov1ng east toward Germany were intercepted and
destroyed. !he highlight of the morning was a German officer in a
statf car that oame down the main road past several unit C.PI. the
officer Waved to the OtS. troops as he went by. w._ Company captured
some important maps and documents which showed proposed routes of the
enemy's escape to Germany. the J'orward Bchelon with -Cw Company crossed
the lelgia. Border at 1500 .hortly atter the advanc& elements. Lt.
JOHI REILLY was killed in action on this date. All units fought runnine
t:r.e enemy. Many prisoners were taken. All
coapaniel at night just south of aONS. wD
Company with T.F.
MILLS by passed stitt resistance 1n the1r sector and continued on center
route. .
!he oompanies were released back to In during day and Bn assembled
on southern outskirts ot MOBS. MOBS was cleaned up during day. AD
enemy column was caught about 500 yards to our right flank. Jiiany of tIle
vehicles were destroyed and personnel dis.lersed.
J'ourthl .
wA and -I- companies with two platoons of tanks were given the
mission of assisting the 1st Division in reestablishing contact with
their arty which had been out off by the enemy. This force
oners and mopped up in the area of Div. Sq. At 1,00 -D
to carry out the In mission of screening the north flank of Division .
which was advancing on IAMUR. The rema1nder of the Bn joined at dark
On D1vi810n's north route. !hey experienced dificulty in crossing
the river HIE. ot MOBS since the EDgineers brid.e was taken up b."re
WA", w.w, and "C Companies reached there, having been delayed on pre
vious mi8s10n. In spent night west of rLEURUS. The reception of th*
11berated civilians was mos.t enthusiastic. Enemy tanks reported in
immediate vicinity throughout night. -A
Company sent at 2000 to assist
WD" Company.
Advance towards HAMOR continued with WA" and -I" Companies with
tank platoons attached screening I. tlank abreast ot Division advance.
One disabled light tank captured a bycycle platoon complete. The Bn
assembled north of HAMOR for the night after encountering considel'able
art11lery and small arms there in atternoon. Gas became a critical item.
In was to jump at daylight to cover tour routes of Division
vaDCe on -Dw on N, "Aft Company on two center routes either siJe
ot ..rSE R1ver, -B- Company on south. -D- Company encountered severe
A! tire with mortar and small arms. "BW Company encountered difficulty
in crossing into their zone for the bridge was out. "AM Company recon
on the north ot river, but was unable to get south of the
river. All companies had their mission changed at 1500 and proceeded
toward HUY to sei,e bridges there. The:in 1- WD" Company) assembled
for night west ot Huy
-1 I
After bridges at BUY were found secure, Bn was given the mission
01 getting to by route to seize bridges. "D" Company
had pat! ols in at 1500 from B. 1.., "B" Company got just south of
by 1600. Bridges in town' found out. "A" (e) and "D" Companies
Sl ent nic;ht N'iY of LIEGE with Task Force. One platoon "A" Company, "c"
Company \-), F'orward Echelon and "i" Company s,ent night SW Ln;Gi.
tank columns were in area throUghout night.
A bridge was found in south of LIEBE. CC BOUDINOT and D"
crossed in the early moraiBg. Forward Echelon and tIC" tal
and one platoon A" Company crossed at 1400 and bivouaced near Division
c.r. SE of LIEGE for remainder of day until "B" was sent '0
seize and secure the town of VEhVIEhS at 1600. They reached a point
half way to with little enemy aesistance coiling 1n that
pOSition for the night. "B" and "D" Companies rema1nded NW ot LIEGE
during the nicht.
At 0500 "A" and "D Companies were ordered to seize and secure *
the town of'il,:RVD:RS and "i" Company was d1verted to the north _qh
DISON with the siss10n of .e*.tua and securing the daa 51 of
After encountering some enemy resistance A" and "D" Companies arrived
at their oboective at 1500. They outpoated the town and secured the
high ground eaat thereof w1th "D" Company on the n onh and "A" Company
on the south. The town was so occupied tor 24 hour .hen the task
force arrived on the scene. "B Company arrived .. ot LIMBOUiQ by
nightfallafter encountering stiff enemy resistance during the day.
forward Echelon and "C" Company (-) bivouaced for the night near DI501.
"A" and tiD Companies continued to outpost B 'Company
encountered enemy small arms, mortar. and arty fire and were stopped
in the town of GOE. they directed air and arty on many very prot1table
targets. Many enemy vehicles were destroyed. Bn C.P. moved I part ot
The in was to rcn ahead of the Division'Sthree columns with EWPa
as objective. All tn. companies met stift resistance and .ere soon
bypassed by the task forcea. They then screened their columns to the
north. The in assembled in area just west ot EUPBI tor the
The Bn was given the mission ot reconnoitering route to Oerman
Border through the .ood 5E ot EUP.iI. All companies re sent on
mission with -D- Company on south, A" Company. OD Dorth. and wB Company
and two platoons of tanks acting as general support in center. !he
terrain proved impassable. The en..y had constructed very strong aD
blocks in the close wooded area. Some ot the Rd 'leeks were defended.
At 1900 the Bn .al called off of their miss10n to tollo. Tl LOVElADY
bivouaced in vicinity of tIle TF and prepared to carry out rcn mission
at first light. All companies (- A Company) and Forward Echelon
bivouaced .W ROI!OIB for night.
'X' Company closed in assembly area at 0600. "B and A Comp
anies began a rcn west and n ot ROETGIB at 0630. The:ln Ilission ot
outposting ROE!OEl to 5 and SW. Ihe Bn assembled south ot .01101.
The Bn occupied the town. !his was the first German town occupied by
the Allied Forces. The proclamation .aa reported to be the first pro
clamation ever to be issued by an Allied Army to any Oeram civilian
!he Bn continued t'heir outposting of RORTGE.. Units releived by
the 9th Infantry Division at 1)00. The Bn then moved vicinity Divi8ion
.' .. _- ---- ---
'I', aDd "0" companies mopped up behind CCA and CCD as far
h"E as KOWlELMUJl8!IB. "AM Company outposted the town of A.OBNELlioUNSTl!:,rt
after up. The Bn (- "AM Company) bivouaced for the night
Juat west ot KORNELMUNSTER. MD" Company had Jut night patrol in BUS-
Company and two squads of Engineers and two platoons of
BACH and met bazQoka and small arms tirE:. '
Tbe Bn moved to assembly area east of KORBELMUISTER at 0800. "D"
scout sections from "B" Company were sent to push through that sector
of the around BUSBACE. they met heavy enemy resistance and
were passed through by Division reserve TV with one Bn of 16th,Infantry
attached at 15)0. Upon being passed "0" Company shored up Wflank of
TF. Lt. Col. P. E. YOE!iAKS assumed command of the battalion.
Comp'any attached to CCA at 1530. "B" Company was sent to
maintain liason between elements of CCB and 47th infantry in BUSBACll
area. Both companies to remain under Bn control. Capt. 3IMON was
given command of "D" Company.
All Companies remain4ed on same mission. TF was pulled out of
BUSBACH at 0630 on the 19th at time Lt. Col. YOEIiiANS was instruc
ted to conduct vigorous patrolling to,[b.rd dragons teeth north of .BUS
BACH. At 0630 on the 19th a heavy<:,tratio.n of arty fire landed
in "il" Company's p03ition and *hey were forced to withdlaw a short
distance. Since the enemy was present in some strength reinforcements
were sent t"l lo-,,'_ :- .... '" j t fn the night d;ofensi ve fields
were laid. "A" and "B" Companies continued on mission with combat
:t. Col. YOEkJUiS was given command of a Task Force consisting of
one infantry, one platoon medium tanks in addition to "D" and
"C" Companies with the mission of cleaning up BUSBACH and tlw area
east thereof. TF regained 19th pOSitions by 1330. At cross roads at
928412 the attack went east against particularly heavy bazooka, AT,
and small arms fire. TF coiled night at 934413.
Attack of TF YOElAANS resumed at "'"'''igne1
O"lt . " t" rany prisoners and dead. l:eceived 150mm. arty on position
at 1300.
Hecel vea orders from Di at 0900 to hold positions m'1(1
Ten of area east of 3USBACH. Completed by 1200, no enemy encountered
on mission. Given BUSEACH as assembly )osition for reorganization
and refitting battalion. Battali.on Trains and liB" Company rejoined
En _y 1500.

b" Company assigned as Castle Guard, Division BeaJ.quarters. "A"
C0:11Pa."lY closed in assembey area at 1100. Bn given mission of conduct
i'1e rcr. ene". ... ')ivision area. "A" and "B" companies
will conduct 2-5 hour patrols each day, dUring reorganization period
to prevent enemy infiltration.
Twenty-Fourth through Thirtieth:
:Battalion assembled in and around 3LS.I3ACH. Rcn and security
patrols continued d4ring the period. Battalion was reequirped, re
manned and reorganized. ii. thorough inspection was made of all cou..panies.:
enemy arty fire was received during peliod with some casualties
resulting. L .......
Capt., 83d Armd. hen. .on.
Assistant S - 3
! .'
.,. Araor.d Reoeaaa1aac. Jattal10a
APO 25', V. s.
4 )iove.ber 1944
rlrat tkrOU&A S1xta.
Battali r a1.ed i. b11 po.it10. at IUabacn wher. 1t had 2,rd Septa.ber 44. DuriDC th1. p.r1od wnw CO.PaDY guard;.c
'a. Div1.10. Co_aJIld no.t, aad. wA
aRd WI Co.paaie. coaduoted two (2)
patrolaoa da111 tarousaout th. ar.a. Dur1a& the
t batta110. was r.fitt.d, s.d the .e. had a great .aay recreatioaal
taci11tie. at th.1r 41.pal - aevie., bath., how., etc. Ta.
C.....d Fo.' .a. aoy" 0. to a h.avy .h.lli.g wAile located i.
t .oll.bach achool.
At Lt. Col. Y.oaa celled by Col. S.ita cis, aad ia
tor..d taat t battalio. would go d.t...iv. poait10a i. t.e Stol
b.rctor ot th. divi.ioa zo.. o. the follo_tag day. Capt. Robert.o.
r.ported to Gral B1ck.1 at hie headquart.r. at 18;; to g.t t.. d
t t"8 arrang' at Stolb.r!, ..d wa. iafor4 that the Ge.era! 4.
air.d that Lt. Col. aaa. a t hi. at H.adquarter. ia BU.bach at
Coaklaay Co_andera and battAlion .t$if'f' m.t :<it to
aak. plaa. tor the .ove.
Lt. Col. Y...... a.d Capt. Rob.rtaoet Geaeral Hickey at TfX
H.adquarter. at _8169_t. G.lleral Hickey, Col. Donn (TF.
Col., and Capt. Robert.o. vt81ted 1.t Ba., ,6th AIR (Col. oar)
at Stolber" and got the 41.po.1t1oll of hi. troop.. At the ,
loapaa#_ COlbla.nder., Oapt SIl1th, 51.011, Stal'l' lIade reraonal reco.- "
.ai.suce of the ar.a with t.. Iataatr1 C.apaa1 Co_aad.r.. T aov.
wa. cpleted a\ wit. C.apaa1 i. th. lett .ector, "BW Coap
aa1 1a th. oter, _d wA
Coap..y e. t right uad.r co..ana of Col.
Kaae. A a.41um taak coapaa1 froa Col. Kaa.'. battalio., ,2.d A.h. w.. .
attach.d. to t;he batta110. a. wa... 81_ aOJ'tar platoo.. The
aau;1-t pas w.r. fora.d. i. \atterJ ju.t uth of BU..baoA, coa- , .'
aaad of Capt. Thoaa., .. Lt. Staple., to give light artillery .upport
to t battalio.. Everyt.iLg was qui.t through out tne of Oct.
8t. - 9th.
Everything quiet until .0915 whe. the "Ii" Co.panJ C.P. wahell.d
..d Capt. S.L. Wilaon of Arl1ngto1'\, Va., was .light11 wOUlldedo H. w..
ot evacuated. Ge.eral Hickey viai ted tl;,. C .I.., and plall.j \;'jere .l,de
to th,. gap "A" ar,d ":s" Co.pauies by "C
CoapllJlY to T.F. Lt. Company -B", was il.t to Tii.. Head K.....
quartera 8.8 liai.o. oft'ic..r. Artillery, aad Mortar l. iJ. Lh.
battalion zone throughout the day. :Patrols froll and liD" Coaplllllie "jj"
re .ent to probe the enJ 1...diately to their Lt ...,
Coapaay "DW patrol , diti aft .xc.llt job of patrol, and .ecured
qui te a hit of' y wi thout ally ca.ualtiea.
'r"th. ,
At "DW Co.paay'. }rd platoo. was awakenad very audjeAly wh
a Ger... orept uader 0 of wi.dowe. aad to ed i. a haad I.e.ade.
I. oaaualti , but ev.ry aan becaIIlt aore ale:.'t. Lt. J:3auow1.z, 3J1.t
l.A. B f1:ced .ight illCh gunlill 01'\ hon.A whioh waa a .ua
p.oted laz1 Headquarter.. Ltc. Fleming and Hora, Capt. Thomaa re
p.rted that the re.ult. were wxc.lle.t. Geral Hick8Y visited C.P.
Co.pamt.a -.- aad -Dw received aporadic art1llery and lIortar fire all
day. I. the aft.rao Lt Sherrill ("D
Co), &ad Ca.vouR (wBw Co) re
ported the C.P. tor patrol 1tructions the Bight.
was quiet tor the day. .
M. o.n.u n .... Jda .. a' _'. d'.r Z.O.j,YM
-.rtar ... MM'- ... 1., IJlenUl r.pn_ ..... , ..
- dYe ..un.. """ _ au _ .. 1.., ... _.__,"
........ .... ill ...... ... 'leek - ...u MY. _._ UM area
d... .a1a' 1 - r.braa4 ._ ,..4 lmatrH pr48 b t.. ...., 41D'1aC
, .. aad ... plao" .lr.o'17 .or... tk. .tr..t tr.. a -- Ope
.., flI'Pt . !ru.. ..r _U" tU .arl, -D1JI8 MU"., ...
... (I) ....r. kUl", aa4 , .. (2) ..wa4.4 ... r ul.\.
...., out h_ -.-, -1)-, ... ..,1ae.rita .p.ciflc
lutruot1... t aptU" pu...r. s. prI....r 1'. ,aba, It.v.r
..- .., C..paai p.trol. 414 1& k.uca.
Eac1ar p.'rel, .......0" p.'r.l lett at"... ",1&0.1' patr.l
r Yioiaj,'J ot .ckl aeaa. 1. Italb.rS 'h., obrv.d
na.,: pr.parlq 'br.a.ktu'. en- Co.p..,'. p."r.l 104 ., Lt. Sa.r1'l1l
r.acll.' tll. vlc1ll11:7 .'t ,It.. r.d .lk 'by So1ul1.4t. Itr' .11.1'. th., .. tlr04 tr, .'t ta. oaaal. )au _ ld:ll.d. R.aa1a
...r .'t dq qui.t tor .b.lling .t battalloa (10)
w.r. wouaa.el, .., civill.. till.d. -B- COMpaa,'. C.P. w cl.Mo11
Il., (150-) artillery t1r.. C.P......YN t. a ... 1.c.t1... .
ifU (,)" ." " aisat 12-1'. o.e h_ -- C.,aIIf,
.... Lt. Zt..eraaa ...t to' ct1. wt .f Sckaidt Strt. Bo ca.ua1'1
Lt. r Patr.l, r.tura.' at _...., &ad -B C.-paay patr.l
r.tura., at Xu.... ., " 1I111er 4:a&ri.aC ,_
...,. .., artlll.r) r.o.iv.d. X., 11......r. ov.r-
It.... all .via droppl& tlar... I b. 1..d.' ar .- aad wD
01 ar
L'. Col.' 0'.....4 of whole '01' 18 S'olrg ar,
",.att b... dlr.otl, Qator 0.....4 .to-COA-. C.P....
aull... 4ur1q '''' ... (1) .ir.e' la1' ... ..01'.4. .0 cuual.
utf.r.d. wor. c.a4uct., Aurlal &1Iat .t 14-15. ...., .
... v.ry activ. _"'., ... flar \llxoUC)aout ar
Pur1ag the aisht of 14th-15th the ar.a receiv.d tatera1ttent
alt..lliaC, od the lAdtwa'tt. tr.pp." 'bo.b. Our fl..D. S.rl.'"
._...... C"PaAJ wB- .a. kill.d )7 .ortar f1r. dur1a& the .ight aad
wD- had sa. pi..e" 1& the bt ot 0.. of the1routpo.'
kou. wb.... elropp.t a )o.b rb,.V.ual patrol actlv
1t7 ... oo.duct.d dur1-a the a1ght 14ta.15t. O.toa.r 44. Ho pr1aora
Qui.t throughout day. Pl... were .ado to rolieve this uait wit
battal10. 36ta AD. Durag ta. upt ot 16th-17ta ar.a 1. vic1Jllt7
ot the road .looka werubJ.ot to ea-.y ..rtar ..d artlll.ry fir
Beut1Jl. patroll..... co.tuot.. thrOQSAout the aight without .ufferl..
S.vt ....'h.
Da, .a. .pt 1. troa Stolberg to Kau.bach.
Cloo.4 ia Mauobaoh ar.a at 21",. i truct.d tk.t would rel1.v.
2,1'4 iagia._r B , o. lIau.b.oh road blocD, ... - ........... aoqiq
of th. 18th. Ua1' 1& arv. wad_r oO_3Jld .t Col. Kouiz.,
,6t. AIR.
lIlocka r. 'ak ov.r EqiJar BIl., at Col.
y ...... i p.cted road blook., and eert9ia chaagehich ro
_d.. Soa.tul1'. pr.par.d. o. aho.., .hor., aad oth.r r.creat10.
al act1v1t1a.. l.crd y artill.ry 1. Kauabacb the day_
Col. Houiz., ooaaaaQiag Rerv., &ad Col. Yeoa... in.p.c
t,d bill.t. in. Capt. Pugh was trauf.rred to Coapaay "D",
&ad Cap'. RabiAovitz a,poi.t.d Battal10. Surg.o.. Rabi.ovitz
0_. to ....quar\.r. f:ro. "D". Capt. Stapp .u
c...aad ot Ooapaay -B", aad Capt. ITsriot placed in
Today'. activity con.isted a&1al, ot Lt. Buge.t's patrol of
(4) meD att..pttag to go to E.c.weil.r to cur. iRforaation ot ta..y
troop coaot:ratiola, IULd i tallation. thare. Patrol left ,6th AIR
adquart.r. at 19'5. Capt. Siaon was evacuated, Lt M.Jt Stimao.
took oo..aa4 of Coapaay -D". U&ual amouat of 84e11- '
lag dur1a8 period, &ad .0.. .h.ll. whi.tled daascrou81y to the
b.tta110. C.P.
Ltuge.t'. patrol advaacsd about 500 yardt of
}6th AIR forward po.itio and beca bogged dow. by difficulty wita
booby trap., or hMDd gr.nade. LL. anu three (,) of hi.
t.ur were ...-Ae4. Patrol r.tura.d to pit10 wh.r.
' Y reaa1ae4 uatil ..,11I.t, th.y w.r. .vuat.d by way of
adquart.r.. a..a1ad.r of was quiet, aBd waa .peat 1a
.&king plan. for .0 to CCB- d.teive areR. Mov. to be made to
Ba'tal10. (Qi.aouat.d) .ov.d to -CaB- d.r.aliv. aector. Clod
1& .e. ar.a at 21__ Night was quiet, and waa do..
1& our ar.a.

.S,.., 4&7 1& toldul aad COAduot.d .or_l patroliq at
-1&llt. 10'a1q uauual.
, ...ty-FoUl't
Cki.f activ1ty of day ta. fir1ng ot the 8 iAch gum. a* a Loue
of Oreatoa ...r. Lt. Latkovic'. platooa had 8l
b10101. aot1Y1tl 1& taarly aorai-c. Gool r ult.. patrol.
oo.duct.d, ..d auoh y Gart .ov...nt ard during the night.
S.v.r.l ..rtar ploy.d 1a break1nl up aove
DAJ ....p.' ....ual - .a1tlq, ..4 tc.lag. Gr.l
Yi.1te4 battalio. a.adqu.rt.r.. Col. Y.o.... vi.ited head
taart.r. 1& aft.raGoa, ..4 was told that he would be relieved by dark
1& the D10pUca-Dutft.r ar.a (cca), would abl. 1. ne1a
1'1 of Vic.t for ta. ai!bt. Mov. .t
R.oo..a1....c. Co.paai (- 1 pl.too.) plua o.e taak platooaoll
olod 1a ... ar v101a1tJ of .t Battalioa he.dquart.r
... C.-paa, C (rry.) r 1a.d 1. v1c1a1tJ VicAt. Very 1ittlo
activitl 4ur1q t 'q ..4 pereoa..l .1- t 'a, 1& aak1ag :reco..a1.- ... of ar... ar.... _ 10t10.., aad. i. orean1zing c04tact patro18
to 2941:& ",1Mu r ....bla.
Iweatl-S.Y.. (1&clu8iv.). /
a..'1M patrelo t. &queer rodltl.oa .or. co.tiDeA tJar.q_llt
'ez1..... ... .pea' qaite a 1.' of tla. oa .eloa 1&t....o.,
...._ral Vor, qui.t 'uri.. perio" .xe.p' oco..loaal
-'1llezor .un 1a u
... ,"
the pa.t .o.t. tAi, uait Aa. p.rtora.4 1af.. ai1oa.
o. tar 1 D.f4iag Stolb.rg, oocupyi., diouat.d d.tiv.
pe.itio i. t t.r ar.a, aad ....1.. road bloo.. 1a
.au.bach ctor. Ca.ualti for t period aav. b... 11!At, aad t
otticer., aAd aavjoy.d livias 1. bill.t. a !ood portio. the
Du.riag ihi. period tJu 1l.,a111i gua crew. h.-v. had their .Olt ex
,xp.rie.o. in operating :.111 tbll g>..1J13 of battalio. :u a
batt.r, 18 .upport ot ground troop
For the .Battalion CODl'ln:l
It : b.
ROE c.
2.d Lt., 83d Arad. Rca. B ,
\ '
. "
8}d Armored anc. battalion
APO 253, U. S. AraJ
3 Vecember 1944
In complianc. witb Administrative .emorandum Number 3, Head
quarters VII Corps, APe '07, U. s. Army, dated 30 July 1944, a8
..ended, the rollow1Dg report is submitted 1 .ovember
1944 to 1 U.c....r 1944.
Original Unit: - 10 chang
Change in Organizationl- Bon
At Beginning of Period: Officers -
i. o. J. G
E. M. - 824
At End Period: 5u
w. O. J. G. - 1
E. M. - 822
St.tionsl- .on
March.s:- (See narrative)
CaapaigD8l- .on. announc.d (S.e narrative)
CoaaancU.q Ofricers in Important i:ngagementlll- Lt. Col. P. E.
lEOMABS - 016454.
1.0 in Aotions- (S attached compilation)
and Prnt b.r. who Bave DilltiQSUillhed !hemaelves
in ActioDI- (See attached compilation)
- -
83d Armored
A20 u. s.
AJ:'TEh ACT l:.JN Hli:.rOhT
November 1:144
Battalion remained 1n fe.!ens1ve pos1tion
raission was to c1estroj' all:'" which m1&Lt l.n111t1-:_.te
thrOu&h, or D.tween t.he road Dloc.1ts which were by 294til t.1J.l;ineer
(0) Battalion 11l that. area.

When the AnciAaer (C) .Battalion moved. up to es tttb11511 i J 0
pos.d road block& Just soutbeast 01' ilAUShACli in IHJ""TG.t.:N lore::t, tAlC),
ran 1nto trouOl., ana we moved. troops to centrrdlJ' locatect posi tlona,
ano to tne remain1DC blocks to prevent the into
the .uivision area. .uur1n,; tbls Blli.t 0:1" troops, est3 ot pro,tJosea roact OJ.OC1[8, 1.t ""t. JOHN li. wi t11
:1'rom the tn JIonc1neer l C) Jja t taJ.l.on were (?)
or blocJC8 in tn. rorest east ot 2.wwEn'ALL.
1-01..1.1' (4) ol'.J.1cers
ol!d the l1ne
were to road. unaer the superv1ulon or
.... t. Col. E. l:EOI;J\.!i;,i, vrf1cer, Armol'( d
sane. Matt.l1on at Col. lEOiaANS was c11rected. b) ueneral HuJE to
l1quidat rea18tance so that the .nc1neer8 (294thJ could
l1sb the roaa At.tack becan at but was 8J.OW, and
O-'J.ctive .as not reacned.. .ncountered enemy mortar, artlJ.l.erJ, f..lnd
saaJ.l arms 1'ire. aaD.) 1'r1endl;y and enemy trap8 \Yere encountere,,-,
&Dc1 tour (4) oasualties re8ultea.
;-our'th to "1,hthl
- Ulllt hela. <i.rensive po.i tions eas t 01' unt1l ij
44 Ce. movecl to rear assembly position, and prei-area to bathe,
and re-olothe men who bad been on line.
Batta110n replacec1 2na ltatta110n, 'btn Armored In.rantr;, l1eg11Jtent
in area unc1er the control or \.,;ombFlt
Command .w until the lSatta.1.10n was passea by COIWI;Bud II J:i".
Mothine new ror toe un! t. remained in poai t10na as taken Ul
on 9 .oaber 44. 4.2Iom mortar., and as:iau.l t ,uns weI e 1n pos1tion to
r1re on call t"rolD the JSatt:..110n. Capt. was 1n or t14t:m
al.1.. ana starr were brierea on situation.
A German .1.ouc1.... ea.ker was beara. 1.n c1v1nc us a
-'rOaCloa.t. .&.1ttl. or DO activity was reportea by the com.i-ruues otller
tban the routine art1J.ler)" mortar, and. Idl occ8Siona.1. burst 01
aachine CUR qUite out.
"-. -' ._.
'{.e1ve 6;. th1rte... n te.:
st.irt.J..l.f1j; -;;Ct.i'/, eli,e,:.:, .. ... rl
All:l tbere was tl.ll :',..'. hl ell t ill tUAeLI.. 1 e ...
d\a1nc tne "e1'104. 6roal.1cast "'as in ;,1 .. .. l. h;:l_.1.n 0:. n.e nifit
)'OlU"teeD\b .til: 11!'teeuttu
:&0 aoly1t
J..t. tL...,l"i.l-., bJ ... r.i'lY'-., Ojl 14t1
. waa on
.u - Att.aok. JUQ.. ec 01'r at v.l"teJ BU Ull\!
alor VUI' a&&ault f":Ur&8, CAort&%ti, ',"U b\lC" PI,lI
tiel-proteCl 1.11 t"e pre.. srat101l. JSat ta...10D headQuaTtel S ;r.' veu to '/l.c11"&1 to'.
Ulb.A?i.,lii..lCllAft. 0% i-'eraonnel. 1n pos1t1011 ptSB 0\1
tbroucn OJ tne attaO.iD& rore

- lI.m.l.l.on (les8 COlilphn) -J\- .blatl WE'S in
uUllii.NTk..1"i - u111 28" J be"aD mOt>..,inc u}': area 011 either 21.:1e 01' trie rocd
l"J"OIll ulll;rUU.ICWtJi to cfi.. m. un.1.ts a%rlovea. in iH.,Th l'lJ/Jp,
weat into poa1t10D l'or n14t.. t. IW-8J.,r went to at
to \aM;. clUlrge 01' UIU t!.lere. 1J\U'lnC tL.e n1r ht 01 tl.e loti. l.OVe!l,;.
bel' 1:#44 r.D armo.rea. Car was sent to to re.l.a\ xro=. '.'1' oJ to
CO&&lut. \,;orumnnc1 .. b.... .
was spent lon oonao.J..l.a& 10rces ot Ta.. .\. !Len,
8A(1 Velll.o.les 'ere sent to ttL lit l114 -il" i'., tan& platoon 1rOb
C" was nt tf.ichec. to ootn It.l" ana -:j" llli"
... att.actled. to 'tl: LOV'"..... BllU Col. :.:i ..ll\b, 1nrorme\l -...s n l .....
COJllPaD)' woula. De to Cowa.anC1 "0" on nt.Ol't 11ot1.(;e.
itA" Cor-14.p6Dj moveCl lrom rtl"tt'" to t) o.i. .ulLllil: .. J.,. .... ' vj.t., in new area at l!1J6f6. ,:..t lienera.l '.(;.... L cfil.le(1, I",iil (lllCctt;;J.
we sena. cont et pat,roJ.a ll()rth or ,J\..i,t.h: to cont;ct
pat,:roJ. Irorn .l.nrautr

l'at.loJ.c to cont,&ct 41 ttl neVel" tl5ae contt:jct 1.l1t-" t t'l" 10:'.
der 0% was ."ent. l.n ..., . . '::ll- .. .... .J:.; --
DUl i i.A'Il:.h area %or stUCk V.,"l.C.l.a
f ... a
.de anotner ot ffrea kf' J e ' l.n nU.l.YCll
or Ve!l1.ej.8s, o.let.r..Lit8 roailS 01 anG. Ci.L.j.;.. t:"U1.I""f,cnt
...t. Was eVHcu't;Q oec::tuce 01 l't:CelVI,;,l t:.:,. t:,}.; .. j.:n;:&.GJ.
01 RJl ar'1.L..Ler), ariell.. to JJlv1sion .f':fi' lve. "h"
Co..... reJ.l.eveu 11'0;:. CombEst UO!lu:,,:na "lI ....
Si.11t':"i6g r:.lounu 1n f,. . 'J(:lJ
was ...oved. D1.ll. ... :.&.11, :)1 . : , e,<cc t I .., ..
COmpau), .deb relI"Wl.nea at wi t.h fl11 r:. t t,tm..: ;:l:,t(H,)H" J.
to fw(:nt,) -nl.nttu
:' 01 l.Dt.erest. occureU. c1U2'11lf; j..erl.nCl. (;. ,.
waa trallalerr(a to ,(1 ".tt, .l.1044, 'bt.ll "rmoz.d .111!Rntrj
as LX.CUt.!". ort1ce%, ). fie R...l:i \"ai-.t. :I. lUGt., "ere
....euat_. .ut. 4 If..... .0_.... 01 -A- G8iA..
.tid,. \.1e t.A,
... qU1et. \;8A8raJ. 1'0..,. V1.l.tcCl ",.F. 'ille attn
tne al '8rnoOll Dj l.r.g t.he .0'11. , aDa 8 ned CJ 0 Club::,oD1J.
ne COIl e. a.a4 ClOUBI'.nu,
"e.,a,l. \!I!It!Z'J I
'the .att.al1oD .....U\ \i;. " 1.J1
'ne are.. .'rl.ct!, aa aD4 8
go04 JO.. ualt.1ere lor 'Ae but '11. uD.1' .i.oa'
.everal. go04 men 0% 'renoa 100'.
Awards tor the Month of November
II/Sgt Oharles P. Mlsevlch
Bronze Star
George A. Dange. 37112096 Oak Leaf Oluater to Bron star
slsgt Imll C. Goeden
Oak waf Cluater ta Broa.e Star
Sgt Julius C. Gardocky 1305?606 Bronze Star
Sgt Wlll1_ D. Bolan
38064414 Brons. Star
Sgt Joha E. Springer
Brone Star
Cpl Wllliaa J. Sweeney 36167843 Oak Leaf C1uater to Bro.,..e Star
Cpl Thomas J. DOnal
3701623' Bronse Star
Teo 5 Richard ~ . Brighton 36106852 Bronz,. star
Joseph C. walker: 39840697 Star
Ptc George G. Goblaakaa 31261258 Bronze . Star
Pto Kenneth G. IDtt 36118519 Bronze star
Pto Merle J. Relnelt 36l.17991 Bronze star
Pto Charles E. Tinoher 36038214 Bronse star
Pvt Gill Ml tohel1 ,Jr. " 37536599
Bronse Star
PTt Zzgmond Nowak 32548127 Bron.e star
1st Lt John R. Xel1y 01012244 Broue Star
~ / ..

JtZmor\.iQ A800nnai88&l.ce
A.&'O 25'. 1.1. I\rmy
it!e :ro.1..10.108 report is suomi t tea. lox' pe:r 10d 1
to 1 tI un1ts- "0 cUliuge.
\..tU:Lnge 111 vrgau1.zatioll: - Il0ne.
trenetiu - of rer10a: vt .licel S 5v
... v. d. U. 1
J!.. .... -
Ana 01 rer10a: 48
jf. v. "'. v. - 1
Co all - ( ,u


v:r:.!l.cen; l.n .allgs,t;eIOleots:- J..t. ","01. J
- u1b454.
-,,08ses 1.U "ct.lOIU - at'ta.cneu. cOll::l..J.a t.ion)
.; orwer and z'resen't ilNemoors who !l.llve u1st1nj.:u1sbea. 'l:nemsel. VGS
...n hoctl.On: - lit tn.Cileu compl.l.at1011)

B)d Araore4 atta110n
APO 25', u. Ara1
14 "anuary
"at,ta.l1on ", .1'. at .u1epenlinchen w1th. "Art and. "U" "lS"
locateo. at lter'l'l. .l.l.on conc1ucteCl tru.1n1r.g in d.riv11l8,
firing ana At 17vu and "'.
to &Juabacb.
;,econCl to
.. ti11ng w tnrou,gn,out tIl. aet"t04. ilo&4 reconnaissance
.as tnrougn tne area. tra1Dins. %irlDi. <1rlV1Dg
.1naLruC:101ona, ano. lectures were cona.uctell clurl.Ilg period. Sergeant
"j\-, .a. g1ven tne Dattal1on'8 first Dattlet1ela.
on , uecemDer 44.

t.;ompan) 8.Wl alor tar ,,latoon attacned to liCl(. ...verythl.Dg .1.8e
negatlve lor perioG.
... tnrougnout lOne perl.oa. as
.arlier in tn. per10a was conoucted "A", and C"
".I)" \;ompani, Iillll.1 ...ortar attaoneG to ",Ch (bVit""a.) jumpea
011 on Acbtz .o%""r. part,1Cl.pateci in prepuat10n flre., anG
e.lell.lents 01 ....1'. 0.11.C1 upon to establ1sn road bloCJai on
tbe r1gbt tlank or at
vJ.atooD "1;" \Jompall)' was reliev.a trolD roadblocu at Aoth
ilauB, and jOiL!ea 01 Vl.C .....ngerwebe. .ilate in the
JOl.nea \#01 at Mortars movea to Ue.1oh
3nG continued their t1res from there.
-A", U", and oontinued their tra1n1Dg
and _ortaTs remained to CC1\, and at 22U5, G-,
instruotea to send ".1)" plus a aquact ot ADCin.era
to "u up tne gu1de at usbacA, and .8re
gu1aeC1 1nto tAeir area at .chtz.
"Aft spent tne moving fro. uiepen11ncben to tbelr new
b1.l.J.eta in ;,tolberg. -.11" Coak,an) , S billets tbe .,tolberg area are
n.el<1 't.lem :tor a part or their bea"quartp.ra plstoon. re
t.r.e d.&J was spent ill rout1ne tralning duties.
.... )
aa4 u .., .. to D.,t.lloD control aD4 r.turaed
to ::.'olb.rc tro- bOVeD aD4 i.Ob's. laoth .,.eel v.r:J hal'}:)' to 'b.
b.c& in ' ar.a. ... or 4&, ".'iva, .xcept tb.
_"&llon ... plUM OrA a t..a hoUl' al.r' ina,.a4 OD a '.0 hour aler'.
....,1,...U01l8AO\l' kt."uar tra.1.lUn was Conc1\lctec1 throqh
ou, p.s-iOCl.

liua ._ bav. b.1D Qropp.c1 ill our area. JrdleaJ
.....'lv. and para'roop.rre reported down 1D
'A. 11.r ar... ..,t.110D was placed on a ODe hour .l.r'
,. oop. with aDf a1r'0rD8 op.ratioD. ... 1Da'ructea to nd
p.trol. \A. zone on 0oDdarl ro.48 to search ou,
par.,roop.ra. AS'IOO hoU%a 'a"&lio.... lnatract.d '0 tabllsh
point. 'h. roa4 bloOka ..ln'ain.4 'Y Combat Comaan4.ra with
in ta, 41Y1.a1oa .....
MO' .uGh 4uriDC tb. 48) otner tDan p.trol and
-.1a,.,P'nI 11."D1B& po.t. 1a 'A. 41Y181oD are.. the U,rm.1l threat
1. tAe aou\b 1. of gr 1n',r.a' to all cono.rned. weren't
lQ1 auGh a tb%.a'
CCA ... a't .ald to V Corpa. aDd forward .lemant. moved out at
,. '944. unit toolt over thelr sector ot the c11Via10B
zon.. ...iD4er or 4lYlaian w p!aoea OD three hour alert. At 14)0
the wa. plaoect on ODe hour lI.lert, and told tbat tbeJ would
be tor &U1411l& 'he divi8lon into the Dew
010a.4 ia ax.. .t 0)00 ao D.oember 1944.
Aa aoOl1 \U'l1t 010el 111 tiottoll area the eet.bllahed
ro&40100&8, aDd the a'aft ""SaD ...Sag plana tor emplo)ing a toree
the oO'-aDd ot Col. l&OMAlS. oompoait1on of the forc.8 were as
Lt; COj.
.iD. AnlCl X.8t. (-)
A Arm4 and hA 4bbth (h.)
)rcl l" ... eo C 8'r4 amd heD .&til.
, .l5qra, 11.011. Plat, 2)r4 Arm .Ingr lin.
ht COii BUUA.Ji
., "rei Ar.m4 h'et. {-}
.a.- Co, i.rmcl aD.
1st xl.t., Arm4 hen OD.
-A- 54.h J<\rm4 ).A. JIll. aDd AA &80t1011 trolli 486th l'V\(hti') .on.
Mail' TuckJl%
, B Armc1 ilOll _.
2DQ rl-t., Co C, BlCl IU'IDd i\OI1 !jD.
1 'lUl.U rrOil 'r4 ml, "rc1 Armn degt.
-b- .&ttr), 54th I-tZJId l.A .ltD. and AJ... Section from 4-86th r.fl"i\}

,.. .."..
Tbe task toroe .ere tbe of attaoking Yio1D1t) Hottoa
("88) - La UJ'UUle Pre to Mia.t aDd Soutb Jliaat, and deetroyiJ;\&
all reststance 1D zone ot aotton aDd .ecure the road aanba, (5',
576852 - HGUrtalt&e (&1U120}. All toroes -oved torwara
rapt411 1D tbetr zone until in the afternoon .h.n Tr beldup
at UOObalip. b)' tanks. ancl ao%tar tire. He .oved one rcn
pla'OOil torward to aAd another one to the eaat of Ai.
. ri' reac.bed. h1. obJeotive at 1615, aDel TJ' BOGAl, who bad made oon
tact v10 50071', .as to. hold tilere unt!.l !i' 'l'UCiJIat bad cleaned
out (5U481}). fhe battal10n dtsplaced torward to
(448874). 't' posttion at and Uochaap ere iDf1ltrated
by eneay 1Dtantry. and taDke. Be went in'o poa!. tion tor tbe D1ght 1n
the ViC1nitJ ot 471845 tor th. n1gh'.
T.ent, J'1rst
raa. Major tiOGAM, aD4 re.uaed
the .tt;'ok at tirst 11gbt. Uk1t aDC1 aWAa .e' bea." re.1atanoe, and l'
aoon become apparent tbat we had me' aD dz'1ve head OD. caa too.
up .trons detena1Y8 post,tODa 1n tbe hOGAM took
up pos1t10na at lette. aD4 ran oontaot patrol. to 82D4 on hi.
"battalion C.P. moved to vio .. (450904). tra1na looated
Just iii .... 1Iotton reoelv.d a OOUD'er attau at u600, and
evaauatec1 to vlo1n1t)'.
rwent.x ;a ecoD4
kost act1v1t)' dur1D period c.ntered aroUD4 !f Okk'. poeiti...
lie rt:ce1ved nWller10ua oounter-attacu, aDd. withe'_. thea
witA the &1d ot tan& de.tro1er., aDd 1ntan'ry reinforoe
m.nt.. .as" order.A to tak. Uooaaapa. an4 Ate attaak &ot
and he IIldvanced. to .1th1D a 1000 ;Jar" ot IUs rtOOAll.ur
roundea, and 41. auppli are being dropped to b1a. Ue s attached
to \,C1\
pOSition s.... to be fa1rl1 well staDal1zed. aAMA'. po.ition
seem to have become stabal1ze4 Manba,. (5"902), Le (5au
882). La )088. (51088'J. reyneux (515864), Lamora.nil \505862).
Twenty )'our'th
cont1nued to hold, received counter-attack atter oounter
attack. but oontinu.d to bold. Lt. Col. took over oro
roads vic 576853 on 2,rd moved iato area, and took over
cOllllLanci lector. Uoved his C.P. to tieyd, aDd 854 ArIlCl acm lin .a.
_ttacDed to bim. Col. and Capt att.Dd.d a meeting
at hi. WitA Col. u.u. I.K., 75th I.D. are to
attack ." 08UO, ana SeCu.I"e a Jar.nslve liDe of the Ar-.aDhQ roa4.'
.Y. what a Christmas ev.1 Th. broke turOub at Uanbay, and .
Grand Menil. Th. Whole C.P. was tbrown uto h1ah .ear. Colu....
c.u. 628th ana quite a nuaber of oth.r persona .er.
tner. doing tbeir best to hold the .ne-w attaok.
l'went) i1tth
Vayl th se... to bav. b en halted in hie on"rush.
fbe 2d9th !.tt. moved forward, and staba11zed the l1ne.
/ ...
" '
.. vel')'tlll.Dg t81.1'1) quie' at !!;r.z... an4 a b111.et1ng d.ta11 was
sent to' wrbUJ' to b11.&.et MA- and "1)"
"ompanJ moved. to that a.rea. Jl;v.rytr .I.D8 el.e "uiet.

...ttal1on C .P. lIov84 to uurblQ, "A 1A DuJ'buy, MD" ,Coa.
pan,;, 1A Del -.- CoapaDy was located at A&loA1Jle.. Iiver)'th1ng
was tor a coupl. or 4&)'. rebab11at1oD.
Jl: 1chth
ComPaAl IIOv84 rroa AIIona to d.ptOD ar.a. At 1UW hOur.
battal10D .as al.r,.4 to move baok to .... to 80 !Ato rerT.
10D to 1.' in ca.. 'Ae throuah th. paratroop.r. puah.4
tGroUCh the woOda .outa or r0a4. oaaualt1'
and 11'tl. oppo.it1on r.oe1ved..
b.nti M1A\l!
uA1 ... qui., 1D otor. .111"1Da party .eDt to aav.
lang. to b111., "attal1oD.
'lAArt1'tb - 'i1rt, a'1I.t
_attalioD oloa" 1A alaag. ar.a, and ..... to b. fairl, well

i"roa til.....lnn
D ot the act10n arOllD4 the tt.'toa-Kr....-M ..,.,
otor tDi. was 1D OODa'aat oODtao' with ai'l.r- .......
Ih'l touant ..11 .r.a' 0448, and ca a .0041 aoGOUR' ot ....
lve.. aotlGD ... p1'o.a'11 the tOQlbe.' ...isa-.D' (bat ... or
th1. batt&llOD bav, ...en .1..n )'.t.
- --_. - _.- - '-. ------- ... {" , .. .

rw- . ....... ---
.. .

S,d Armored heoonna1ssance
APO 25" U. S. Army
fhe :following report is- submitted for period 1 1945
to 1 j;ebruar) 1945.
vrig1nal Unit.- No change.
Chang. in Organization.-

At aeginning of Period:
Of'ficers 48
.w. O. J.
G. - 1
l!,;. Ai.
At 01 Period:
Vi. O. J. li. - ,
B .w.
Stations:- None.
(See narrative)
Campaigns 1- !fone announced.
(See narrative)
l& Officer in Impcrtant - Lt. Col. j;: .is.
- 016454.
Losses ill J.\ctiODS- (See compilatiOn)
l'ormer and Present iJ18rubcrs who Have TlleJllselvea
Aotion:- attaobed compilation)
S,d Araor.d Battal10D

APO 25', U. S. Army
2 j'ebruary 1945
th. Dattalion plus attached eD8ineer8 r ...1Ded in a8sembly area
1D kT.lange, .a;ela1wa r.8ting, and refitting for tutur. operations.
. At 1500 this dat. the battalion r.c.ived Order No. 20, Hq.
3rd Armored D1Y1810D. the _.ttal1oD ... to provide guard8 tor the
41Yi81.0D 0O'P'Dau4 po.t WAW COJllpaDJ plus on. platoon troa
wBw and wDw Coapani.8, .ho had 10.t .11 ot Y.h1ol with !.I'.
BOQAII, ... to b. llOunted 111 tnoD aDd IIlOyed to an _bIy ar.. in
the Yic1n1.ty ot Ooqu1.r, )).1811111 (P"502,) with the BattaJ.1.on b'a1D
lattalioD ainus -A- COJIlPaD1, and BattalioD !raiDs JIlov.d out at
14,0 tor an .....bly area in the Y101.n1ty ot (P525977). The road
jamaed with elements of the 2nd Araor.d D1Y1s1OR and the 75th Int.
DiviSion, and the 1lU'0h to the ....bly ars ftrJ .10.. At 0530 011
, January 45 the laBt .leaente ot the UD1.t 0184 1.D the Baa80D (1'538
014) area. fa. D1Y1sion C.P. had aotuall1 gODe 1I1to po.it1on 1D the
Y1c1D1ty of Wer'b_ont (P5400oo), an4 tro. the battal1oD'. poeit1on at
Basson .e re able to .ecur. the are
At 1000 the UDit aoved to the vic1ni:ty ot (P5'7945)
.ith the Divie10D C.P., and eeta'bliehed r0a4 blooke 1D that area to
.ecure tbe Divis10D Co...nd Group aaaiDat 1Dtl1trat1Qs Ger.ana. At
.bout 2200 Col. ... caJ.leel to Din.1oD Bea4quart.r., &Del liveD.
the mi8sion ot oleaniuS out the areuth ot 101. 4eGrouaont, aD4
.io1. 4e Bouby (vio P590875) bentu4 O._.t Oo-a"" w 1I0.t ot tlle are.
was h wo.0484 ancl ha4 not 'be. touchecl _y the araor.4 001,.... .t .
the Ooab.t 0_a
4 .Moh op.rated OIl the roaa. At 2250 Oapt. S. L.
WILSOB, CoaPaD7 OO_aDder ot CW OoapaDJ, ... oriere4 to the C.P. to
take co__aDd ot the Battle Group whioh w.. to olean the area de.ori)ad
abov.. the Battle Group ... ooape4 ot CoapaDJ plus the attaohed
JJ.sht tank platoon troa wcw CoaPaDJ, aDd q1l&4 of eq1De.r. OD the
r1sht, and -Dw OoapaDJ plus attaaaed 11gat tank platooD, and aqua4 of
ens1nrs. All ele.eD.ts re 41aaouated.
Lttle Group lID4er the oGUau" ot S. L. WIlSOIl with Lt. J.
B. S9P:md as .00Dd. 111 0_aD4 oft troa a l1De ot 4epart11r.
alOD& MwUbll)'' .. r .....t 1215, aJMl _TN to .,.. ar.a
Y101n1ty .lhout-.i-PloUlt - -.I._pr. __a thQ' 01 for tlle
aD4 .
ni iiiite puh. south to their 0).1e.'1......tne. 1"atMs- hY)'
aortar &Del arti1l.ry :tire wll10h ... .. ... to woo....
t.rraiD. . .
_n tapzo....., ... tlut 'a"tali.. 0.......OYM to
;;;;;;I......wlatt.110n (- A
Company) moved into Lierneux (P615890)at 1100.
wA Company remained in a position at Bois-de-Houby. The
companies at L1erneux cleaned their equipment, refitted and organized
for future operations.
)l1ilth .
Arrangements were completed to relieve elements of "A
Company at
Boi8-de-Hou)y by a defensive torce oomposed of a platoon from
e.oh of the three (,) reconnaissance companies. A
Company minus the
platoon at .ioi.... d.-RouDy .oved into l!'rai ture, and closed there at 1045.

Coapanie. began moVing to assembly area at j'ratture at 0815, and
whole unit clod there at 1500. Col. iEOMANS returned to the C.P. at
15:50 f'rolll a tiDe .ith G.neral hOSE where he had received ordel's to
attack in the .e.tern .eotor of the division zone, and cut tl.e main road
running t Mont-l.-on (p645785). H. had a company oommander's
ting at 2100, and i.sued a warning order to them. At 2200 we received
j' .0. lio. 22, and plau to move to a forward assembly area at :a;iha1.n
(P626842). .
laitalion _de plans to move into lt1ha1n, but was inatructedby
d1vision not to mov. until !iow.ver, at 1430 General hOSh!
d1reoted that .e move into town, and. aecure it. hOGAN waD attacking
.outh of tnwa to relieve the pressur. on it. All companies olosed in
:i1ha1n .t 2100. 'they r.ceived constant artillery (Uld mortar fire through
out night. Battalion C.P. remained at Hebronval (P6,2858).
C.Poved to Bibain, and oompanies attaoked to the south at first
!bay reoeived heavy mortar and fire as .ell a6 sporadic
s.. arma tire. y night tall thel were as tollowsl wDw Comp
&DJ and attachment. vic P626817 to 620816. "A and "BW Companies P6,O

Ail unit. moved forward against harra8sing mortar and artillery fire
an4 at approximately 14)0 .ere on the h1gh ground at p6'5766 wbere
organ1z.4 tor an attack on Somaeratae. At 1700 the attaoK got off but
was .topp.d heavy tank, and A.!f. tire from the town, and a strong
roa4 .as eata)11shed at P6,87i2 outting the la8t main 8soape route
the fleeiDe Germans in the Bulge. At thi. time th1& batta110D wa&
tarther terward than any other unit in the I'irst UDited ::;tates ArlAy, and
re b.ttl1Dc all type. of fleeing UeZB8D8.
It ... 4uriDg thi. day's operation that A oaptured the
C.P. of th. 54 .efer .agt, and the 008llanding ctt'1oer togetiter wi. th ".'. 41w1.ional f'ield order.
lat &liOD organized, and iaprove4 positions in the vio1n1ty 01 the
roa4.look, aDA in the .004. north thereof. In the late afternoon of
14th we were direoted to tai118h a road Vio P640752. OompaDl
of 1Dtaatry and a oompany of tanks from '.1'. HOWZE was attached
to the \atta11on at 1800, and Joined at approxtaately ?100.
. )..
. !ioad wae out Vio P640752 by min.. aDd tire duriD8 night ot 14-15
January 45. The whole area now reaembled a wild west radeo with Germana
going in all direotions in a attempt to extrioate themselves trom
the trap. OUr torces received mortar, artillery, tank, and S.P. fire
all day as well as small arms fire. During the night of 15-16 January
a patrol was sent into and the trail south of the block at
P640752 was out.
Batta110n captured So__raine this morning at The remainder
of the day was in organizing the town, and preparing for its de
fense in oase of a counterattaok. Units from f.i.h. revertted to their
Battalion remained in position in So_erain., and an aclvance billet
ing party reoonnoiter.d a. aD aembly area. Col. was
told that w. be by the 4th Oav Group. "B" Coap
any was alerted to be attached to C.C."".
wSw Company moved out at 0800 attaohecl to C.e."B" (f.F. WELIORi),
and joined them at Cherain (P665775). 0 The re..ind.r ot the battalion
moved to rear are... :Battalion O.P. and. "D" CompBn1 moved to
J:)iba1n, "A" eOlllpany to Hebronval, and e" Comp8ll.Y to Repe. When the
battal10n closed in that area at 1700 the Sommeraine Campaign ended for '
this battalion. DuriDg thi8 baiile under the most advaaae conditions
and in the faoe of deter.1ned resistance this unit moved forwar4,
took its objeotive, destroyed fifty. (50) vehioles of all type. -
trucks, motorcyoles, staff oar8, Amerioan !D (oaptured), and towed
artillery pieces, and played a major role in closing the BUlge north ot
Battalion rem.ined in &a.embly area refitting. At 1)00 W" CoapaDl
reverted to battalion oontrol, and moved into an ".,,81y ar.a at Regne
Battalion r ine4 1D alt11 are.. at Repe, hebroDval, aDd Biha1D.
Billetins partie. .er. .ent to arvaux to arraage for iillet1n& the
battalion there.

!wenti-t1rst to ..
AttanOn olosed iii iarvaux ar.a at 1800 21.t January. lhlr1aa tbe
remainder of tne month i' rematne4 1D that are. r t1Qs and retitttaa.
Qa1te numlter men .er. ,iven reoreational p..... to Pari. aD4
VerTier8& An orientatioD oourse ... ,ivan tor all ot lb. reoent r.iD
foro_ents, and on '1 JaDU&%')" General ROSE the )attal101l.
pre.ented. .1% (6) Silver S1% (') Od Clutar. to .....
Stars, and. tb1rty-tbree (,,) Brons. Star. to a.'b.n of ........
r .
- - t .
APO 253, U. S. Army
.iU Ha:rch
The fOl10wlrig report le submltted for perlod
to 1 March
Urlglnal Unlt:- No change.
Change In Organlzation:- None.
St'rength: ..
At Beginning of Perl0d: Offl.oere
W. O. J. G.
- 'J.'
'. ' E. M.

At End of - b!
W. o. J. G. - 1
E.... M. '.!U None
Marohe8:- (See 'narrattve)
CempSl..gna: Non8 aJUlouced
Battlee:- (Se.'
Commandlng Officers in important Engagements :!- .Lt. Col. P. E.
, In Actlon:-, (See attached compl1Ftl0n)'
Forner l=!nd Pr.eeent members who have Dl.stlngUl.shed Ttlemsei:vea
in Actlon:- (See attached compl1stlon)
, .

" .
I ,
! '
....... ,
8'4 AI, Reooanal.aance 3attal ,/4
APe 25'. U. 8. Armr
: I
I I '
. IV

-. , 4J Qq.. Ci f - 7;,"
. ", '""'. 'Cl'#:i!
C'n...." :'':t .. l.:: =..=-'t.:':l :::Ci .
lde na oNJt '

, ,
.. -.'
... ... ..... .,....7
eCR." -;::::_.' - ' _ ' . .... .
W. ad" . ionia .' .,. ....,. .....".w
"'=1:' ....... te *_ .... ,. tab ...... , ' ,
pn.... to .---....... zr.: ........ 1a E".
A.I...... iIn.l1 _, '. " ... 1 .... , ........ U ..... '
ol...,ac oat tU 'oa. " 1_ ...1__ ..... sa ..
.... 1M tone '*iota .......... ......., .11 I . JI!aI-
Da__t lleJ'. . _ . ..' .
At 2_ ......... '--'_ attAIIII _..............
'JlOU_ '0 taU Ii...... MIA.. '-ita' ...... ..,.......,..tI.
tile -.,.,. bat ........ __ ... .. . . .
.. '. ..... _..,......... .
'eft. , .....,
-'M ""
IaItl4 aM ta'"'.. ,.... .. JHIii. "I."
IIea7 uno', ... laUftet -Ille ,............
.e. .. .
--... .... 11 .
'".: :;..
.aft... ..., ,.....l ......
--W.......... ....
.... ' ..
. ......
,f, 4

, .7. '
. t':;" ,
5 April 1945
... feU_.. n,.... 1-. tv ,..104 1 rrarch 1945 '&0 .
1. II... ....U.S - '1M ."Iead -JlUaUa>
1 A.JII'11 1M',!
a---.a; - At ....M1. at Pen..:
StilUs., - __
_aM: - (See JlaraUft)
e s...
Ott1Mn .
I. O. J. I.
.&. a.
o. o. J. a.

- 61
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----------- --------- ---._- ----
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
" \.
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Jl8Ik t;Wloa .. at anti Jt,O't'I,t' 'tt:' :.f ju::f' r;f .Ii odor:
where it UIltUl.600 -::.t Nh1ch tille it t-:iov,-,d tl) L:!lt-..1"-n. ,'t 1,. .'

the tUM ,J, off C'S. ntl at." 01
J"3itM!' wen wltA __flU in1: ntr1 tbe
...tate_ tOCftlaU- Witb "t!'1e t(::1'''' tn.
vt ill' (-4
, t;. J t, >.' . :.It:;,. . !" of:
''8'1, '" tea: t f'" fif:.!' lJ'P;on :: ,ht;:'y ,1,
n to .!'.O.f"I r: at ,"f:/" .n(: Tv':. (.:1 'I ; i, -: 1.". ..
dc' ei:et tn;"n, ";0 !l:OV 1,".. '., ','" ( ' ....:':
aad B t",
L. ..: Wilt .', f' )'.. ,_' ''''.
. 1"('I1':i; tel; :37 ,i ::1 t :'. C', '; . r,
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'J.l u.....1te oontinu.6 to hoid their d8feASi.,. p ).tioa. OJ). th4 weat
o the Rhine. D moveA into Warrineen tc defeda that sector of the
ActivitY' for the da3' we.. s All units recelTed all types of
'. nd direct tire trom. east of the Rhine. Three river croasers
came into B te::lJll' S ;. rea during night.
'Jh'Y .
at aiion remaInod in defensive positions on west of Rhine
thl"oughout the period. Dur1l'lg the roving river O1'ossers were
picked UT>! [lnd s!>or':.:dic nrti11ery fire was rccei..ed tuoagllout the seotor .
On lb 1945 the bathi110Jl wae rt;:;1ieved 111 the sector,
UM moved to Konigsdort.
Sl,XTB:';;lif tl
on remaiiei in an usseablT pOSition 1a Kleia XoeDigsdort
it cond\lcted tr.'1niJlg, maintenance. D.nd Botldag W1\laua1
iJapcrtallce oocured du.:'ing the perio4.
Capte.1n V':4uBhn, C.O. "AI' OOIlPaJIT. left for a leaTe 1A 1D61a.Jl4, and
Lt. wa.s {liven oOlll.JlL8Ad of the OOll,.., dllr1Dg Onptata VauchntaabseJDe-
fiJttai!on moved troa Ileia to a assemblY area 1a
the vicinity of (661338). 010' there at 1515.
on rema e Do
assembly area in vio1n1ty of Bellinghausen
pl::nn1ng tor ;ottack f/hioh the d1vi.iOl1 we,. 't 0 launoh Oil 24 I,jaroh 1945.
Lt ;. cl:1nstry reported to " Welborne 11a810a eftlcel'.
T. 4Iy-r1e, .
the a t:alion C.Pe' aoye4 to Ylo1n1t,. ot 131352 in the G_ ad
the ooapan1es were to the Borth. an4 east keeP:lD8 oontaot with the tail ot
"COB" on the .oat roate in the zone. (
. ,
Bat headquarters .ovedabout AOOIl to the Tio1ait7.of 811342.:
The ooa.paJl1es r8lllained lorth, and east of conwaad group keepiq ooatact
vdth the elea.nte of on rout. 1 ill
f':9J!-.EVag ..' \
- Ba'itatloa followe4 ,001" Oil 1a aU'tun ,ortioa of cl1...181a sou keep.
ing coatBot w1t1l real' of 00.. 0011e. tor the tile ...lc1a1V ttl
I>tz auotll. .
Hll"- _ .,.... t .t .. r.j,lattu of tIae '14.' ,
. ..... til_ 18".1, t.f at>' the 1,. .t:a
rat .......'''liu 1Ja Siat".- tlA! ... t
t, .:r,.,.... .a4 "u.rM_ ' .' .
. ,. ....01.... al.'W; ___ ... "m
"'....... t. n.... ,.J.11.W u... '-
.. , ..',f
, . l 1945 '- 1 1M!> u.1t f,m\1lnt."
'1'" t t 0'1l of K.lafJlcms, l:M lICe",.!! two 1'1J"eU: fire'
:'1., '11' of' tb. .. ,''ft!1 to t11. itt;.,UH '<n4
'.!It'Srat t-Ne QIl1t of thAt ...., ttl .w tt. .';'O$,t on th. 3b1r;', ::j
,;;.x,nat. tM 4
5lH r1! 0:' "
:i-J C!t" tha e!l.fiaC ...., -0::" ...Oft't t ,
4( :'oa!:ir.-J, aa.,,::.. 1tr.:l
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