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JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH BECKY IMPROVES We want to thank each of you

who have so generously offered

both your prayers and financial aid for the doctor and hospital bills of Becky when she had

Polio. Perhaps some of you didn't know she had Polio, but
on Thanksgiving Day last year
she was in the hospital, and the doctors diagnosed her ill-



ness as Polio. Since then many

prayers have been offered in her behalf by friends who have been very close to us, and other Christians we have never met. She has been gaining strength in her arm (the limb that was paralized) every day and she can "
\ _ ^

move it fairly well, but still


cannot raise her arm from the

sho'older. The therapist, how


ever, are fairly confident that she is gaining strength and in time she will have full use of her arm. We pray for this, "but nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done". Marian gives Becky massages and exercises every evening at

bed time.

She goes everyday to the Treatment Center where she

receives heat lamp treatments or whirl-pool baths and exercises.

She plays everyday and you couldn't miss her if you saw her run ning up the street with her big smile, blue eyes and long blond

At least one full year of treatments will be needed yet. We ask you to continue your prayers for Becky as you have done in the past. We know all things are possible with God. May God bless each of you as you have seen fit to help in these days of trial.

WANTED We are looking for any information leading to the whereabouts of

members of the Christian Church or Church of Christ in the City of El Paso. If you have any information of such persons contact us immediately so that they may be apprehended and brought to this local congregation. Nlany such persons have lost their way because they did not know there was an independant church in El Paso.

Any persons leading us to such information concerning these

Christians will be rewarded, knowing they have helped capture their interest and desire in serving their Lord in El Paso,



The Lord Willing, Ernie and Gene will be at the Kiamichi Clinic

in May.

They are looking forward to this tinie of great fellowship.

It will also give you men an opportunity to talk to them about the work in Mexico, and how much the printing is necessary in the
advancement of Christ in Mexico.

Look for the two pictured above -- you can't miss them!


will want to see you so don't hesitate to come up to them and intro duce yourselves. If you already know them renew old acquaintances,


Last August Ralph and Mary announced to us they were leaving this work in order to devote time to the printing of flash cards and other visual aids. Since that time they have become associated with Southern Christian College.


It has been known by us for some time that the property upon which
the small church in Juarez is located was on unsettled land so it was

no shock to us when we found that we would have to move our building.

It is a small wooden building and we have located ground very close, so services will go on with only the work and expense involved in moving. Pray for the growth and certainty of this work.


Since I was given the advice, by my doctor, to spend some time in a dry climate, I was

orite mission field. Last fall,

my 6 year old son and 10 week old daughter and I came home with Gene and Marian, after they had been to the Missionary Convention in Indianapolis, We stayed for 5 weeks. I not only

k- -


felt much better, but it did my

heart good to see the work first

' I feel that if each member

of oxu: local congregations could just visit a mission field and see


the conditions under which our

missionaries work we would all

much more satisfied with our

nice buildings, song books and

the wonderful furniture we have in our buildings. The zeal and enthusiasm that the children and adults show when they come to services in Juarez where they sit on wooden benches in a room where you can look outside through the cracks in the wall, shoxild put us to

shame when we sit in comfortable pews, in a warm building and seem so indifferent to the saving of so*jIs. It has been such an inspiration to me to be close to the mission work and see how eager the Spanish
speaking people are to learn of our Saviour. I think it is the desire of

every forwarding agent vo go to their own missionary field to experi ence first hand the joys and the heartaches that go along with the
work. My desire now is to be able to visit the work down in the

Chihuahua area which is about 230 miles south, I had hoped to be able to go down there when I came back to El Paso in March, but instead I've been privileged to be able to help a little bit in the print shop where Spanish Bible Study courses are being prepared, and also other printing both in Spanish and English. I feel, that in helping in
and observing the work, I will be much ^nore able to present the work

of printing and the Evangelism of Spanish Speaking People, whenever I am called upon to talk to some of you concerning the Missionary
work and the missionary families. God Bless you all and remember
Your Friend in Christ,

"Christian Evangelism in Mexico" in your prayers.

p. S. When you read this, I will be back in Marshall, iPl, with with the the
rest of my family.

Months may come and months may go, but always there is work to be done here at 7541 Taxco Drive. A letter arrived a few days ago
from Hazel Rathbern in which she said, "I sure could use that Chr
istian workers booklet. ' Another arrived from Herbert Watkins

saying, "Several are asking for the Correspondence Course and I can only tell them I'll mail it as soon as it can be printed. " Still another arrived today from Jerry Watkinson in which he says, "Can you send us a few samples of the D. V. B. S. course?"

These and many others like them coxiie daily and we are doing
our best, but there is so much more to be done. The Correspondence course mentioned is now finished, and we are deep in the work of printing the Anniial for Colegio Biblico. After that comes the Work ers booklet mentioned by Mrs. Rathbern. Then we will have quite a lot of work to do on the DVBS Courses. We will not print a new
course this year, but will spend our efforts on one of the earlier courses making it better and more complete. As soon as that can be gotten out of the way we will then be able to finish one of the books written by Paul Rathbern before his death. We have most of

the work done on one book, but it does take time to get it out. You have, helped by sending to the MEMORIAL BOOK FUND. Enough
material has been bought for about one half of the first book. Do keep this fund need before you that we may be able to finish the

three books that were translated at so great a price, by Paul, in his~laBt and abidingeffort to win soTils for Christ among the Spanish"
speaking people.
A non-profit organisation dedicated to the Evangelisation of North Central Mexico, and all the Spanish Speak ing Worid by means of CHRISTIAN EVANGEUSM PRESS providing Christian teaching aids of aU kinds.

Forwarding Agent: Mrs. Eileen Ellington, 1107 Plum St., Marshall, Illinois General Mailing Address: 6245 Tampa Ave., El Paso, Texas
EUGENE & MARIAN MORGAN 7541 Taxco Drive ERNEST WALDEN 7541 Taxco Drive El Paso. Texas El Paso, Texas

RENEE WASSON 7546 Taxco Drive El Paso, Texas Send all Personal correspondence to individual addresses. Send all General correspondence and funds to either Forwarding Agent or General Mailing Address. Packgaes should be sent to 7541 Taxco Drive, El Paso, Texas.

(Eiprtettmt ^tomtgeltsnt 3n ^extto

1107 Plmn street

Non-Profit Org.

y g poSTAGE


iP A I D
Marshall, Illinois
Permit No. 26

Floren ce



Return Postage Guaranteed


(^risffmn ^lUaiigelism

fjESU^ JChrist-

summer by the mis-sion

staf.^ Durm the two

FALL 1962


very successful VBS,

even though we were a


"little" crowded! The teachers included, besides Mission personnel, Mrs. Henry Friend and Mrs. Larry Blais. We were very grateful for their help.

On July 30, we began our VBS in Juarez.

Miss Teresa Cere-

ceres, our very faithful Mexican helper, was an added teacher of this school. This was two week^ of VBS combined into one, with

two lessons each day. The average attendance was 30. On August 14, Marian, Kathy, 1 eresa, and the two summer workers traveled by bus to Chihxiahua to assist the Freeman Bumps
with the one-week school there. About 65-70 children attended each

day. In spite of a flu bug, we had an enjoyable trip and" a very good VBS. On the last day, there was a pinata for all the children. It is our prayer that through these schools the boys and girls were taught the way of the Lord more perfectly, and that seeds of
Gospel truth which were sown in their hearts will bear fruit.


'i I'l


Some of you have visited us here on the Mexican border and have gone with us to services at the little Chapel in Juarez. It has always been a thrill to have you visit, and you inspire us to try to do more. The Chapel has always been too small, and in need of more work to make it more suitable. You will be happy to know that just now, in September, we have moved the small wooden structure and made way for a larger more adequate room. We

have built of adobe for warmth, and roofed with rool roofing.


finished the back room will be our auditorium and will have a front

entrance along side the frame structure. The frame structure, smaller, will be in front and will be used for a small class group. The interest is keen, and even attei. lance seems to have picked up since we started building. The people themselves have saved their

offerings for some time toward this goal and their money added to money you have sent will make this an adequate and worshipful little church. The plastering is being started this week, even if we still lack some of the roof. You might be interested to know that our plaster will consist of a thick coating of sand and mud mixture,

then topped with 1/8 inch of special cement-like plaster. This may
seem crude to you, but we think it fine and it is a good way to finish a room here. Total cost of the room will not likely go over $125. 00

We will not be able to do all the finishing soon, but it will give us the
so badly needed rooin. Pray for us a.s we progress in Cuidad Juarez. "Mexico* s city of sin."

Several months ago when Ernie
and Gene were at the Kiamichi Clinic

the subject of Bible College was dis-

cussed. Ernie expressed his desire


to attend a Bible College, and after

considering several Colleges decided
he would like to enroll in Midwest

K .


^ Ur

Christian College at Oklahoma City.

So this fall we helped him get his
things packed and sent him on his way. By his letters he is enjoying

the opportunity to study, but wishes,

also, to be back at the mission helping with the 101 things that need to




We here at the mission, of course, miss him in the printing department. With him gone, the print shop isa

task to try to do alone.


We pray God's blessings on Ernie as he labors to study and learn more of God's Way at School, but we are anxious for him to return. You may write to him at the mission address. Con
tributions should be made to the mission and marked for him.

It seems we are never caught up here. Just when I think we are getting along well we have at least half a dozen wanting some thing else. The added load placed on Genes shoulders with Ernest leaving for one year of school makes it really seem to drag. They spent every free minute before Ernie left doing as much correcting of translated copy as possible. There are two books ready to go to press now along with various smaller items which all of the mission aries have requested. The printing has taken more and more of our time, and when we think maybe we should let down a little, floods of letters begin coming in from all the Mexican workers. Even though we may not be the STANDARD PUBLISHING CO. of Mexico we are making every effort to have available, at cost, as much material as possible to help in the winning of the Spanish speaking world. One thing we know we are the only ones doing any amount of true to the Bible printing in Spanish. Pray for this

During the summer, Christian Evangelism in Mexico was privileged , ! I

in having two wonderful

summer helpers. Their
names were Miss Mar-

garet Cook and Miss Shirley Hylton. Miss

Cook is a graduate of
Louisville Bible College

'IHHl ,' i * 5||^B^ p9


ior at Kentucky Christian College. During the summer these girls assisted

and Miss Hylton is a sen-

/il -

working in three different HHjlHHHIIHliHIHB^

Vacation Bible Schools

and calling.



We here at the mission feel that these girls did a good job in serving the Lord. They had experiences which we know that they will never forget. We believe that these experiences will

help them in their future service for the Lord. Thank you, girls,
for giving of your selves that .the mission field here in El Paso and Mexico may grow.
Forwarding Agent:


MEXICO - Eugene Morgan, Director

A non-profit orsaniutioDdedicatedtothe Evangelizatioaof North Central Mexico, andallthe Spanish Speak

ing World by means of CHRISTIAN EVANGELISM PRESS providing Christian teaching aids of all kinds.

Mrs. Eileen Ellington, 1107 Plum St., Marshall, Illinois General Mailing Address: 6245 Tampa Ave., El Paso, Texas
Missionaries: EUGENE & MARIAN MORGAN 7541 Taxco Drive
ERNEST WALDEN 7541 Taxco Drive

El Paso, Texas
El Paao, Texas


7545 Taxco Drive

El Paso, Texas

Send all Personal correspondence to individual addresses. Send all General correspondence and funds to either Forwarding Agent or General Malting Address.
Packgaes should be sent to 7541 Taxco Drive, El Paso, Texaa.

diristiaii ^umigeltsm 3n ^Exico

1107 Plum Street

NoD-Profit Org.


PAID MarehiiU, Illlxiois

Permit No. 26

Ploren ce Flora Illinois


Return Postage Cuarauteed


News From MORGAN^S

Cdtc^Ut messenger

Evangelistic Committee

Our Plans And Needs

Each day t-j;ing3 new encouragement and antici ation for our proposed .work in Mexico. aro ready and anxioxis to
go, but we must be 'paticnt and not run

before the Lord. Hence, wie have tried to proceed de'iboi'ateiy and lay our plans

well. As they aro now developing, we

^shall be serving on the faculty of South

ern Christirn College a,G,ain during the
Fall seme.^ior of 19(U. V7e shall continue

our language study and flight training during this time, then, the Lowi willing,
move to Mexico in time for our son

David to enter the second isemester of

the AmT:ican School in Guadalajara.

We expect to wr>rk with the Cilnton

Looney family in Guadalr.jara, thus

reaching the very heart of Mexico with

the Gospel of Josus Christ. As oipportunPictured above is the Evangeli'-tic Committee of the First Christian Church, Booker,
Texas. It is their respcnsibiiify to oversee t'le wnrk of sponsoring: MCRGANS' MIS

ity affords, ve shall reach out int other cities and villages cf southern Mexico
as virell.


Campbell, Eider.

R. D. Allen, Ekler and Chairman of the Committee;

We hope to secu'e complete livinglink isupport by th?. time we leave the states. However, we are a good distance from this g-^al at the moment. As best
we can est;mate our needs, we shall need at least $500 p. mnnih to remain in Mex

Bernard E. Plumb, Minister; Ray Springer, Deacon; Harry E. Fare, Elder; W. E.

The Looneys Flans

And Needs
Brother Clinton Looncy and his fam ily left their home and v/ork in Vansant, Va., in Juno and have been travelln,? in behalf of the mission over sln':e. They
have now crossed the bordfr into P.Iexi-

tion:. They are trusting the Lord for

t!io rest.

The Looney fairmly are siponsored by i;hi> Church of Christ at Grundy, Va.
Tlieir work v;iU be under the direct

ico. Our ipresent consistent suipport totals only about $250 per month, or about half what v.'e need.

If but a few moi-e churches or indivi

!?!.i;:ei'v;isicn of the elders of this evangel istic cong;regation. Their forwarding agent is Mrs. Stanford Cook, Box 278,
Vansant, Va.

duals would v/rit'.> us into their budget,

our living-l'nk could he as&urod. God

has richly tlessed un in this past year

of preparati:n. and we are confident

co to investigate the possibility of begining wo:'k there'atel:/ in the estaiblishment of New Tcstar.ient Church

that throus'h Ris People He will supply

our efvery need.

In order to deduct your contributions

to the Scuthe:Ti Mevico Christian Miss


After investigation of the needs, possibiljties and li\in<j conditions it vs'ps decided that a wcrk should be opsned in Guadalajara. It is a city of 7."0,000 with no effort at ev?.ri5:cllr:?n3' ibeing carried on by the Christian Churches or Church es of Christ. An ai'artment has been rented, the children enrolled in school and study begun.
The addvc's rn the fiokl is: Sr. Clin


fv'-m your




Our heartfelt thanks and sincere ap

preciation are extended to all those churches and i:idividuals who have en

chorr]-s must ibe made to the siponsoring churches, the mission is not incor porated. Checks for the Morgans should be to the First Christian Church, Dooker, Texas, and designated for Mor
gan-;' Mission to Mexico. Those intended for the Looneys should be made to the Chui'ch of Christ, Grundy, Va., and de signated for the Looney's Mission to Me"ico. Funds for the Morgans should ba MAILED to Mrs. F. A. Kerns, Box 422, Booker, Texas. Funds for the Looneys should be mailed to Mrs. Stam ford Cook, Box 278, Vansant, Va.

tertained, surported, and encouraged us during our summer tour. May our Heav enly Father viehly bless you all for your interest in our work and your con cern for world-wide evangelism.

ton Looney, 810 Circunvalacion, Provdencia, Secto/ nUlalf?:^, Colonia Italia, Guadalajara, Jalisco, P/Iexico.
The Looneys also v.^ill need at Ica'st $500 monthly s'jp^crt. They have about half cf this arao-unt in req,-ular contribu

Our mailing list is constantly being

exT^anded, and v,-e will gladly add thw name of any interested person. Our
newsletter is mailed free to all who re quest it. Juat send ycur name and ad

dress to Mrs. Gladys Morris, Booker,




"go .

teach . . . baptize . . and . .

About a year ago the First Christian Church, Booker, Texas was challenged to the work of sponsoring the Wm. J. (Bill) Morgan family as missionaries to Mexico. Bro. Morgan is a former min ister of the Booker congregation and
because cf his association with the con

teach" as commanded in Matt. 28:19-20.


we experience any car troubld at all. In Indianapolis we bought a battery, near Cedar Lake a tire, and in Chicago our left rear axle broke. However, consider
ing the amount of miles we have travel

gregation the response v/as very favor able- and almost spontaneous. Plans were set in motion by the Elders and Deacons to survey the cpngregatioai to determine to what extent the Morgans could be supported financially. It was also understood, that mere financial as sistance was not enough; but that many other matters must. be handled by the congregation if the missionary family was to iprove effective on the field. Con siderable study was given to the meth

Praise God, from whom all blessing flow! Truly, it has been a busy summer, and in some respects a trjring summer; but all in all, a summer filled with many pleasant experiences and one that has beon profitable for our proposed work
in old Mexico. For these and many

ed (about 10,000 in three months), we have been richly blessed.

Now the long, busy summer is nearly over, and we anticipate another busy
semester with Southern Christian Col

other blessings, we "thank God and take


The summer began for us with the

lege before beginning our new work in Guadalajara in January. We ask for your continued prayers and assistance in tliese final months of planning and
preparation. WHERE IS HOME?

clo?;ing of school at Southern Christian College the last of May. Since then we
have traveled in thirteen different

slr.tes and have spoken in ten of these.

Speaking engagements were met at the following churches: Novelty, Shelbina,

Vimdalia (Missouri); Carlisle, West Van Lear, Galilee ChurchTcQlesboro, Mouth Card, Zebulon, Coal Run CJhurch Pikeville (Kentucky); Sixth Avenue Church, Beverly Hills Church, High-

"Daddy, where is our real home?"

asked our older son David one day. His

question made me realize what a diffi

ods, and examples given in the book of

Acts, especially the relationship of the church a;t Antioch to Paul and Bamaibas, as I'ecprded in chaipters 13 and 14.

cult experience it was for the children

to be moved from place to place. His

perplexity was understandable. He was

The follov/ing method of earing for necessary details has heen worked out: .The missionaiy will ibe considered as this -church's ipreacher in Mexico. (At present,, help is asked from other con gregations until full support can be as

lawn Church-^untington (West Vir

ginia); Zion Church^Pomeroy, Ironton, Pond Creek (Ohio); Haysi (Virginia); Kenosha (Wisconsin); Waukegan (Ill inois); Lamont (Oklahoma); Booker, Borger, Canadian, Dalhart (Texas). Re vival meetings were conducted at Joppa, Illinois, and Ferrell's Creek, Ken tucky. Your missionaries also participat ed in two camps: Junior Week at White Oak Christian Camp near Moberly, Missouri, and Missions Week at Lake Region Christian Assembly, C^ar Lake,

born in Huntington, W. Va., lived in Chapmanville, W. Va., Cincinnati and Moscow, Ohio, and Booker, Texas. For three and one-half years we had made our home in Haysi, Va., before making
our decision for the mission field and

moving to San Antonio, Texas. Now we

were enroute back east for the summer

Details of the work have been placed in .the, liands of the Evangelistic CJommittee, consisting of three Elders and
one Deacoh. This Comamittee will con

sult with the entire body of Elders and Deacons in major decisions. In turn, three ladies were chosen to work in three areas of the work usuallyfalling to the person cailled the "for warding agent." Each lady will have a member of the Evangelistic Committee as "advisor" ih her particular area. 1. One lady and the advisor will
serve as Treasurer. All funds for the work to ibe handled here

with plans to return to San Antonio and eventually- go to Mexico Gityr It-was hard at the moment for me to give my son a satisfactory answer. However, since then I have given much thought to the matter, and if the question is ever aslced again, the answer
will be ready. Where is our real home?

We have had many a joyouis reunion

with old Christian friends and have

made many new ones. Contributions re ceived from these engagements and from our regular supporters have ade quately covered our traveling expenses and paid our living-link salary up to
date. We feel also that new supporters have been enlisted. Several churches have isent us their vacation Bible School

through one account. iSalary, housing and transportation allow

ances and all other fuinids for mis-

Why, it's Heaven, of course. We are mere pilgrims here on earth, where we can tarry but a little while. Yet, how foolishly people spend so much of their time and energies in making themselves an earthly dwelling with little or no thought for the place they will spend

mission, work to come by check

from the Treasurer.

offerings, for which we have been most

grateful. Eversrwhere we have gone, we have

Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Those
who have fine houses and lands on


Another lady and advisor will

. serve as corresponding isecretary.

This includes acknowledging all . funds with receipts anid letters and keeping the mailing list current. 3. The third lady and advisor will be responsible for the editing and

found folk very friendly and hospitable and receptive to our message. What a joy it is to be a part of such rich Chris
tian fellowship!

earth hate to leave them though they one day must. But Jesus has promised that those who give up houses and lands, father and mother, son and dau ghter for His sake and the gospel's
shall receive a hundred fold in this world and in the world to come eternal

Beverly Jean was only two and onehalf months old when we began our

mailing of a newsletter and the

maintenance of visual materials available to interested congrega

tour, and this has made traveling a bit trying for her and Dorothy. Neverthe less, both have stood the experience well

and seem to be in good 'he^th. Now, at

less than six months, Beverly can al

These are a few of the plans being

put into operation as one congregation

end^vors to find Scriptural and practi cal methods of canning out the com mand of Jesus to Christians that they

ready pull herself to a standing position,

and we believe she will walk before she

is eight months old. Only on one leg otf the journey did

life. If Heaven is our REAL home, then our hearts will be there, and one day we shall go there with our blessed Lord. Yes, my Son, "This world is not our home; we're only passing through. If Heaven's not our home, O then what will we do? The angles beckon us from Heaven's open door, and we can't feel at home in this world any more."



May 26, 1960June 30, 1961


Barboursville, "W. Va., Pond Creek, Ohio, Church a


Moscow, Ohio, Church of Christ

Ladies Aid

Youth Rally, Bluefield, Va $121.00 Sixth Ave. Church of Christ, Huntington, W. Va., Missionary
Society Junior Dept 41.20 10.00

Flying Lessons 83.53 Convention Booth (Nat'l Christian Missionary Conv.) 15.00 Clinton Looney (Half of Bluefidd iRally Offering) 60.50

Cincinnati Ave. Church of Christ,

iSan Antonio, Texas First Christian Church, San Antonio, Texas Airline Christian Church,
Oklahoma City, Okla.


$4622.78 50.00

Total Receipts
Total Disbusrsements


Premier Mountain, W. Va, Church

of Christ

Central Christian Chucrh, Ironton, Ohio Friendly Circle Class 196.69

Loyal Sons and Daughters
Class 10.00 31.00

Bloomsburg, Pa., Chri^an


Balance Bills Outstanding

Due on Morgans' Salary for June


Duhring, W. Va., Church of

Christ Ladite Aid

Howell's Mill Christian Assembly,

Ona, W. Va Zion, Ohio, Church of Christ Little Prater Church of Christ, Gnmdy, Va. Vacation Bible

88.00 90.00

Fairmount Christian Church, Richmond, Va Joppa, 111., Ctoistian Church Carlisle, Ky., Christian Church Women's Missionary Society Maysville, Ky., Church of

50.00 .265.00


July 1, 1961August 31, 1961




Novelty, Mo., Christian


Vandalia, Mo., iChristian Church Shelibina, Mo., Christian




White Oak Christian Camp,

Youth Crouip 30.00 Zebulon,Ky., Church of Christ Youth Group 96.00 Vansant, Va., Church of Christ 89.10 Area Rally, Grundy, Va. 118.50 Ferrell's Creek, Ky., Church of
Christ Vacation Bible School 414.34 37.00

Moberly, Mo


Mouth Card, Ky., Church

of Christ

Zebulon, Ky., Church of

Christ 12.59


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reed

Miss Janie Miller


Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Williamson


Booker, Texas, First (Christian

Men's Class

Mr. Sidney Clay 13.00 Elster B. Elswick (Mr. and Mrs.) .^7.00
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stone Mr. and Mrs. Cloud Mills 50.00 30.00

Youth Group Galilee Christian Church, Tollesboro, Ky Coal Run, Ky., Church of


1007.19 15.00

Central Christian Church, Ircnton, Ohio Friendly Circle

Class 20.66

Calvary Christian Church, Baton IRouge, La

13.55 32.54

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arrington Mr. Jerry Yates

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yates

.20.00 6.00

Loyal Sons and Daughters


Brookpor^t, 111., Christian

Church Vacation Bible School

Mr. and Mrs. John Boling Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sayre
Mr. Lethcote

10.00 10.00

Felicity, Ohio, Churdh of

Christ 35.00 75.28 65.62

Alfordsville, Ind., Christian

Church 160.01
2S.90 6.00

Moscow, Ohio, Church of


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pulpan

Mr. and Mrs. Eulice White


Camp Point, 111., Christian

Church Second Junior Class

Pond Creek, Ohio, Church of


Mr. and Mrs. Orby Beard Anonymous iContributor

Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul Bennett

5.00 1.00

Highlaiv/n Church of Christ,

Huntington, W. Va Beverly Hilb Church of Christ, Huntington, W. Va
Howell's Mills Christian

Cocoa Beach, Fla., Christian



Mrs. Edith lone Raney


Mt. Byrd Christian Church, Milton, Ky Mouth Card, Ky., Church of


Mr. and Mrs. IRtfbert Mc-Callister ..10.00


Mr. and Mrs. Archie Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Beagle Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Looney Mr. Blythe Robinson
Mr. Lonnie Bennett

62.00 5.00 2.00 1.00


Mr. and Mrs. Charleis A, Watrous....47.00

Assembly Intermediate Week

25.35 220.70

Versailles, Ind., Church of


Booker Texas, First Christian


Harlandale Christian Church, San Antonio, Texas Community Christian Church, iSchartz, Texas West Van Lear, Ky., Church
of Christ


Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. iSeeger .... 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Day 3.00


Zion, Ohio, Church of Christ Kenosha, Wiscondn, First Christian Church West Van Leair, Ky., Church of Christ
Creek Church of Christ Joppa, 111., Christian Church Vacation Bible School Maysville, Ky., Church of

51.10 29.36

JUNE 30, 1961



PikevilTe, Ky., Contributor, Ferrells

20.00 16.65

New Testament Church, Mercedes, Texas

Hayoi, Va., Church of Christ Coal Run, Ky., Church of

Christ Vacation Bible School

50,00 30.00
129.90 31.85 41.41

Morgan's Salary
Ti'avel Expenses Miscellaneous Supplies
Phone Calls Slides and Film

$3671.83 603.21 9.15

6.71 43.17

Ohriat Youth Group

Total From Churches and

25.00 5.00

Beaver Creek, Ky., Church of




Farmdale Church of Christ,

Printing Postage

01.63 15.00

(Continued on Page 4)


(Continued from Page 3)


Forwarding Agent Committee

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bennett .... $5.00 Mr. and Mrs, Ross Headley 5.00
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watrous
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Sutherland


Mr. and Mrs. Archie Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Boyd Mr. Sidney Clay
Mr. H. G. Proctor

5.00 5.00 10.00


Mr. John Ray Frank Mrs. Irene Springer

Mr. Dee Brewer

10.00 5.00

Anonymous Contributor
Contributors Unknown


Total From Individuals TOTAL RECEIPTS


$225.17 $1123.71

Living Link Salary

Travel Expenses Total Disbursements

$1128.17 170.94

Total Receipts Balance Brought Forward Total


$1123.71 314.92 $1438.63


Pictured above from left to right: Gladys Morris, Correspondence; Lee Kerns. Treasurer; Byrtle Mills, Publicity. These three, in cooperation with the EVANGEL

ISTIC COMMITTEE, carry on the work normally falling to a Forwarding Agent for

Balance Carried Forward


are al.r.ost 750,000 people in the city. I have been told that the literacy rate is

like precious faith.

We have a nice apartment just a few yards from 'the Amei-ican School. The
school seenis to be excellent. The clim


In connection with the annualfi.eld

higher here than anywhere else in Mex ico. P.ipiilation is growing at a tremendciK Many of the-people have good^. If we can establish the work

trip to Mexico by the students and fac ulty of SoutheiTi Christian Ccllege, San Antonio, Texas, Bill Moi'gan will jour ney to Guadalajara, Mexico. This trip will begin November 20 and about a week will be spent enroute and on the

ate here is good; moderate. Medical ser

vices seem excellent. We are about four

hftre, tl'.ese are people who are in a pos ition tr. reach out into the villages and
evr.nreli.-e their own.

blocks from a Baptist hospital. "Cost of living: about the same as in the States. Some things more; some less. Import duty puts American foods out of reach. Small can of pork and beans, 73c, regular can of spam $1.08, regular can of Campbell's tomato soup
about 48c.

"I am anxious to make a beginning

Most of those making the trip will be visiting the Northi*ut) iRanch near Saltillo and visiting churches in that a\"oa. It is felt that it will be profitable for Bro. Morgan to spend this time on the field in person since he and his family will be
moving there shortly after the first of January 1962.

he-tj. .but the language must be learned. I tai!c every chance I have and make a try wiiV. the Mexicans and plan to enroll
in cla.''-2es this month.

"Last week, I met a family from Cal ifo LT.iaAmericanswho belonged to the C'uivrh there. We made arrangemc;r:ts end conducted services in their


"I can't begin to tell you what a field this is. (Guadalajara, Mexico). There
P. 0. BOX 422

hr,me ]:i^t Lord's Day morning. With thfiir children and'oiirs, we had ten pres ent. I-, v/as really a blessing to be with the-m rnl spi'ead the communion table. One docn not feel the need of fellowship so intei\;'.(?Iy until cut off from others of

"Thei'e is a great possibility of begin ning an Eniglish-speaking Church here, but I'm feeling my way along and trust ing in God to lead. We had Bible study in our hcme last Lord's Day evening.


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