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Construflex es un sellador suave base poliuretano monocomponente, grado construccin.

Sistema elstico, apto para juntas de alto movimiento (hasta 50 % del total de la junta original). Una vez expuesto al contacto de humedad atmosfrica realiza su proceso de curado formando una junta elstica, flexible y resistente. USO/APLICACION Sistema diseado para sellos en juntas de expansin y control de juntas en paneles preformados de concreto, sellado de losas y algunas aplicaciones horizontales, sellado perimetral de puertas, ventanas y algunas otras aplicaciones en paredes de concreto. Una vez curado el sistema forma una junta suave y resistente con buena adhesin sobre la mayora de las superficies usuales de construccin; superficies tales como: cermica, mrmol, concreto, madera, acero, aluminio, paneles fibra cemento, y otros materiales sintticos. ESPECIFICACIONES TABLA 1: Construflex PROPIEDADES ANTES DE CURAR* Propiedades Tiempo de trabajo Tiempo de formacin de piel Tiempo de curado @ 25C Escurrimiento Resultado 62 min. 4 hrs. 2 7 das 0.1 pulgadas TABLA 2: Construflex PROPIEDADES DESPUES DE CURAR* (Despus de 14 das a 25C y 50% HR) Propiedades Dureza (Shore A) Modulo @ 100% Elongacin @ 25% Elongacin Tensile Strength @ ruptura Elongacin a la ruptura Peel Resultado 42 65 psi 45 psi 133 psi 685% >5 piw Mtodo ASTM D 2240 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 412 TT-S-0023C / ASTM C 794 TT-S-0023C / ASTM C 794 ASTM C 793
(Not related to color retention)

Mtodo Basado en mtodo interno. Basado en mtodo interno. Basado en mtodo interno. Basado en mtodo interno.

Capacidad de movimiento de + 25% la junta. Resistencia UV Aprobado

*Los datos mostrados no deben de ser utilizados como una preparacin especfica.
1 de 5 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

CARACTERSTICAS/BENEFICIOS Sistema de fcil aplicacin va pistola de calafateo manual. Buena adhesin a materiales de construccin comunes. Ayuda a mantener buen sello contra intemperismo. Rpida formacin de piel y tiempo de curado. REGULACIONES ASTM C920, TIPO S, GRADO NS, CLASS 25, USO NT, A y M. Especificacin federal US TT-S 00230C (COMB-NBS) para selladores mono componentes clase A, sin mostrar escurrimiento. Especificacin canadiense CAN/CGSB 19, 13-M87. CARB y SCAQMD. Cumple requerimientos VOC para regulacin OTC. LIMITACIONES PARA LA APLICACIN El total de sustratos para construccin es muy amplio y por ende complejo debido a su naturaleza y origen. La qumica o compatibilidad entre sustratos y estructuras puede interferir el desempeo de nuestro sellador. Por tanto se recomienda realizar una prueba de compatibilidad previa para asegurar la adhesin y sellado. Esta prueba se debe realizar previo a iniciar instalacin en campo para evitar posibles fallas. No aplicar sobre superficies hmedas, contaminadas, restos de sellador u otras sustancias que puedan afectar la adhesin. La humedad y sustratos con alto contenido de humedad aceleran el proceso de curado de nuestro CONSTRUFLEX; esto puede causar un exceso de burbujas y espumado entre la capa exterior del sellador y el fondo de la junta. Superficies porosas como mrmol, yeso y granito pueden absorber ciertos componentes de CONTRUFLEX que tornarn un amarillamiento en la superficie de dichos sustratos. El comportamiento final de CONSTRUFLEX depende de un adecuado diseo de la junta, correcta preparacin de las superficies y correcta aplicacin. CONSTRUFLEX no es recomendado para juntas de horizontales o juntas de trfico pesado donde se requiere una fuerte resistencia a la abrasin. CONSTRUFLEX no es recomendado para aplicaciones que requieran inmersin continua en agua u otro fluido. Una vez curado, evite exposicin incluso accidental a combustibles, compuestos clorados, soluciones cidas y alcalinas. No es recomendado para juntas inmersas en agua. El contacto de CONSTRUFLEX con superficies asflticas o compuestos impregnados con aceites, asfaltos, chapopote, brea, pueden deteriorar la fuerza cohesiva sobre los sustratos y por tanto deteriorar la junta.
2 de 5 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

Durante el proceso de curado de CONSTRUFLEX, no se exponga a contacto con silicn, alcohol o materiales base solvente o cidos. Una baja temperatura y humedad relativa extendern el tiempo de curado. reas confinadas, juntas profundas y sustratos de barrera de humedad pueden tambin afectar el tiempo de curado extendindolo incluso a das. No exponer la junta a stress mecnico hasta que haya completado su proceso de curado. Juntas de sellador sin curar no respondern adecuadamente a ciclos de de expansin y contraccin. La superficie de junta de CONSTRUFLEX expuesta a luz UV y rayos del sol mostrar amarillamiento. Este fenmeno puede ocurrir a partir de algunas semanas despus de la exposicin. El cambio de color depende de la capa del sellador y no compromete las propiedades del sello siempre que el diseo de la junta sea el adecuado y el sellador es correctamente aplicado. CONSTRUFLEX puede permanecer con alto tack por algunas horas, por tanto puede atraer el polvo y suciedad del exterior lo cual puede afectar la apariencia del sellador. Revisar tack free time para prevenir este fenmeno. CONSTRUFLEX no es recomendado para aplicaciones de fijacin de vidrio. La junta de adhesin se puede ver afectada por la luz UV a travs del vidrio o policarbonato.

INSTRUCCIONES DE USO Uso de Primer: En general, las aplicaciones de CONSTRUFLEX no requieren el uso de Primer sobre los sustratos, sin embargo algunos sustratos pueden requerirlo. Es responsabilidad de usuario revisar la adhesin de CONSRUFLEX sobre sustratos finales, para esto se debe realizar pruebas de aplicacin antes e incluso durante la aplicacin pues algunos factores ambientales pueden modificar el resultado. Aplicacin: CONSTRUFLEX es un sistema listo para ser utilizado. Corte la boquilla al dimetro de la junta que desee aplicar. Aplique utilizando pistola de calafateo profesional o para sistemas de alta viscosidad. Utilice cartuchos en su totalidad el da en que se han abierto. Aplique CONSTRUFLEX en una aplicacin continua. Evite entrada de aire al interior del cartucho. Puede dar acabado a la junta antes de que CONSTRUFLEX forme piel. No se recomienda el uso de solucin jabonosa ni agua para procesos de detallado final. Los excesos de sellador deben ser eliminados con una tela o para evitar esto se recomienda enmascarar la junta con cinta. . Limpieza: Las herramientas utilizadas y mientras el sellador permanece fresco, pueden ser limpiadas con Xileno, Tolueno o con un solvente aromtico similar. Despus de curado, solo se podr hacer limpieza utilizando sistema mecnico.
3 de 5 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

Tiempo de curado: CONSTRUFLEX es un sellador de poliuretano que cura bajo el efecto de la humedad ambiente. Sobre madera con humedad ambiental de 50% y 73F (23C) formar piel en una hora y curar a razn de .1.5 mm por da. Menor temperatura y menor humedad significa decremento en la velocidad de formacin de piel y velocidad de curado. Pintado y recubrimiento: CONSTRUFLEX puede ser pintado con sistemas de pintura base latex. Sin embargo, el comportamiento de la pintura y las caractersticas de la pintura sobre el sellador pueden afectar el tiempo de secado, la adhesin y la pelcula final de la pintura; por esta razn es necesario realizar prueba de compatibilidad de la pintura o el recubrimiento sobre la junta de CONSTRUFLEX; de esta forma se asegura la compatibilidad entre el sellador y la pintura o el recubrimiento. En general las pinturas base solvente no son recomendables debido a la poca elasticidad y debido a la interaccin con la qumica del sellador, el cual puede hacer que no cure la capa interna del sellador. No pintar la junta del sellador hasta que se haya completado su proceso de curado. ALMACENAMIENTO / TIEMPO DE VIDA Antes de utilizar CONSTRUFLEX se debe revisar el tiempo de vida, no utilizar una vez rebasada su fecha de caducidad pues puede afectar su desempeo o adherencia. Altas temperaturas y altas condiciones de humedad atmosfrica pueden reducir significativamente su tiempo de vida. EMPAQUE Cartucho de cartn 300 ml, Salchicha (foil aluminio) 600 ml. COLORES Blanco, negro, gris. Tabla de cobertura Cobertura para el cartucho de 300 ml.
Ancho 1/8 Profundidad 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 97 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 49 24 32 19 10 24 12 7 5.5 Pie lineal por cartucho
4 de 5 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

19 9 6 5

16 7 5 4

13 6 4.5 3.5

12 5 4 3

Covertura para la salchicha de 600 ml.

Ancho 1/8 Profundidad 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 192 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 97 48 63 39 21 48 24 15 11 Pie lineal por salchica 39 19 11 10 31 15 10 8 27 14 9 7 24 12 7 5

5 de 5 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

Construflex is a one-componet, contractor construction grade, smooth polyurethane sealant capable of dynamic joint movement totaling 50% of original joint geometry (25%). The sealant cures to a tough, flexible rubber when exposed to moisture present in the atmosphere. BASIC USES Designed for sealing expansion and control joints in pre-cast concrete panels, for sealing various roofing and siding applications, and for sealing perimeters of doors, windows, and other wall penetrations. Sealant cures to form a durable, flexible bond with most buildings materials in any convination including stone, masonry, ceramic, marble, wood, steel, aluminum, fiber cement board and many other synthetic materials. SPECIFICATIONS TABLE 1: Construflex TYPICAL UNCURED PROPERTIES* Property Tool/Work Time Skin Time Curing Time @ 77F Flow, Sag or Slump Value 60 min. 4 hrs. 2 7 days 0.1 inch TABLE 2: Construflex TYPICAL CURED PROPERTIES* (After 14 days cure at 77F and 50% RH) Property Hardness (Shore A) Modulus @ 100% Elongation @ 25% Elongation Tensile Strength @ break Elongation @ break Adhesion Peel Joint Movement Capability UV Resistance Value 42 65 psi 45 psi 133 psi 685% >5 piw + 25% Pass Test Method / Note ASTM D 2240 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 412 ASTM D 412 TT-S-0023C / ASTM C 794 TT-S-0023C / ASTM C 794 ASTM C 793
(Not related to color retention)

Test Method Bostik Test Method Bostik Test Method Varies w/relative humidity Bostik Test Method

*Values given above are not intended to be used in specification preparation.

1 de 6 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

FEATURES & BENEFITS Easy gunning. Helps reduce installer's fatigue. Tenacious bonds to common building materials. Helps maintain a weatherseal. Quicker skin and cure times. Helpsreduce jobsite dirt pickup. APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM C920, TYPE S, GRADE NS, CLASS 25, USE NT, A AND M. US Federal Specifications TT-S 00230C (COMB-NBS) for one-component sealants as Class A, non sag. Canadian Specification CAN/CGSB 19, 13-M87. CARB and SCAQMD Complaint. Meets VOC Requirements for OTC Regualtion. APPLICATION LIMITATIONS Construction substrates have become complex and diverse by nature and origin. Substrate chemistries and structures can interfere with adhesive performances of the sealant. Adhesion to Substrate Pretest (ASP) is therefore MANDATORY to assess any adhesion and sealing characteristics. This must be done pre-installation to avoid potencial failures. Do not apply over damp, contaminated, loose surfaces, old sealants or other foreign substances that may impair the adhesion bond. Avoid air entrapment. Dampness and substrates with high moisture will trigger extensive curing of the sealant within a very short period of time. This may cause an excess of bubbling and foaming within the sealant and at the bottom of the bead. Porous substrates such as but not limited to marble, limestone and granite might absorb components of the Construflex leading to staining of substrate. ASP with sufficient is mandatory to assess this potencial issue. The ultimate performance of Construflex depends on proper joint design and proper application with join surfaces properly prepared. Construflex must not be used to seal narrow joints, fillet joints and face nail holes. Smearing and feathering Construflex over joints is not recommended. Construflex is not recommended for horizontal joints or traffic-bearing joints where abrasion resistance is required (walkways, driveways, runways, etc.). Construflex is not recommended for continuous inmersion in water or any other fluid. When fully cured avoid exposure, even incidental, to fuels, chlornated, acid and alkaline solutions. It is no recommended for exterior or interior sealing below the waterline.

2 de 6 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

Contact of Construflex with asphalts (i.e., back coating of window flashing, etc.) and other filler compounds impregnated with oil, asphalt, tar, etc., may deteriorate the cohesive strength of the substrate and ultimately compromise the seal. During the curingof Construflex, do not expose to curing silicone sealants, alcohol, acids or solvent-based materials. Lower relative humidity and temperature will significantly extend the curing time. Confined areas, depp joints and mositure barrier substrates may also affect the full cure time and extent it by many days. Until the sealant is fully cured, do not expose the sealant to any mechanical stress. Uncured sealant will not respond properly to cyclic expansion and contraction of the joint specified for the cured sealant only. The surface of a Construflex seal when exposed to UV rays and sun light will yellow and not retain its gloss. This phenomenon can ocurr within a few weeks after exposure. The change of color is limited to the surface layer of the seal and should not compromise the sealing properties of the Construflex if the dimensions of the joint are proper and the sealant is otherwise properly applied. Construflex may retain tacky for a few hours and attract dust and dirt from the jobsite which may affect the appearance of the sealant. Check tack-free time to prevent dirt pickup. Construflex is not recommended for glazing applications. Bond line strength can be affected by UV rays through the clear material (glass, acrylic glass, polycarbonate, etc.). Construflex is not RTV silicone and therefore is suitable for painting with latex based paints. Paint chemistries and flexibility characteristics of the paint film over the sealant may affect wetting, adhesion and integrity of the paint layer; and it is therefore mandatory to pretest the paint or other coating over the Construflex to ensure the successful compatability between the sealant and the paint/coating after a sufficient amount of time. In general, oil-based paints are not recommended because of their poor elastic properties and because of their potencial interaction with the sealant chemistry, which may create non-curing conditions for the sealant. Do not paint over the polyurethane sealant until it has fully cured.

INSTALLATION PROTOCOL Joint Design: In general, more joint movement can be accommodated in a thin bead of sealant than a thick bead. Construflex polyurethane sealant should be no thicker than 1/2 (12.7mm) and no thiner than 1/4 (6.4mm). In joints between 1/2 and 1, the ratio of sealant width to depth should be approximately 2:1. Sealant depth in joints between 1/4 and 1/2 sholud be 1/4 deep. Joints with dynamic movement should not be designed in widths less than 1/4.

3 de 6 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

Surface Preparation: See limitations about surface preparation. Surfaces must be structurally clean, dry (no frost) and structurally sound, free of contaminants, including but no limited to dust, dirt, loose particles, tar, asphalt, rust, mill oil, etc. If substrate is painted or coated, scrape away all loose and weakly bonded paint or coating. Any paint or coating that cannot be removed must be tested to verify adhesion of the sealant or to determine the appropiate surface preparation if needed. (See Mandatory Adhesion to Substrates Pretest) To remove laitance and any other loose material, clean concrete, stone or other masonry materials with nonalcoholic-based solvent by washing, grinding, sandblsting or wire brushing as necessary. Do not use water to clean substrates. Dust must be thoroughly removed after cleaning. Backer Rods and Bond Breaker Tapes: Bond breakers, including but no limited to closed-cell polyethylene backer rods, are used to control depth of the sealant bead, provide a firm tooling surface and avoid three-sided adhesion. Where the depth of joint prevents use of backer rods, a polyethylene strip or tape must be used as a bond breaker to prevent 3sided adhesion. Do not prime or damage the surface of the bond braker. Refer to instructions given by rod and tape manufacurers for the correct backer rod and tape size realted to joint size. Priming: In general, application of Construflex does not require priming the substrates. However, some substrates may require it. It is the user's responsability to check adhesion of the cured sealant on typical test joints at the project site before and also during application as weather conditions may affect the adhesion results. Tooling: Construflex come ready-to-use. Cut spout or tip to desired bead size. Apply moderate pressure to break seal inside the nozzle. Apply by using a professional caulking gun. Use opened cartidges and sausages the same day they are opened. Apply Construflex sealant in a continuous operation using positive pressure to the bottom of the joint to properly fill and seal the joint. When applying, avoid air entrapment and overlapping. Tool the sealant before the skin forms with adequated pressure to spread the sealant against the backup material at the bottom and sides of the joint. A dry tool with a concave profile is recommended for that operation. Do not use water or soapy water for this operation. Avoid smearing and feathering of the sealant to allow full performance of the cured seam. Excess sealant should be dry-wiped or joints should be properly taped. Cleaning: After dry-wiping uncured sealant from substrates and tools, remaining uncured sealant can be removed by using Xylene, Toluene or similar aromatic solvents. Cured sealant is usually very dificult to remove without altering or damaging the surface to which the sealant has been misapplied. Cured sealant can be removed by abrasion or other mechanical means (scrapers, putty knives).
4 de 6 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

Curing Time: Construflex is a moisture cure, polyurethane sealant. On wood with ambient air at 50% relative humidity and at 73F, polyurethane sealants will generally skin within one hour and cure 1/16 of a inch per day. Lower temperature and lower relative humidity will significantly increase the skin time and cure time of a polyurethane sealant. Painting and Coatin: Construflex is not RTV silicone and therefore is suitable for painting with latexbased paints. Paint chemistries and flexibility characteristics of the paint films over the sealant may affect wetting, adhesion and integrity of the paint layer, and it is therefore mandatory to pretest the paint or other coating over the construflex to ensure the successful compatibility between the sealant and the paint/coating after a sufficient amount of time. In general, oil-based paints are not recommended because of their poor elastic properties and because of their potencial interaction with the sealant chemistry, which may create non-curing conditions for the painted sealant. Do not paint over the polyurethane sealant until is has fully cured. Maintenance: If the sealant becomes damaged, replace the damaged portion by removing the old sealant completely, cleaning the surfaces and reapplaying a fresh and appropriate amount of new sealant in accordance with the directions and information contained in this data sheet. MANDATORY ADHESION TO SUBSTRATES PRETEST A hand pull test must be run before the job starts and at regular intervals during the job. It must be run on the job site after the sealant is fully cured, usually within 7 to 21 days. (Adhesion may develop fully after at least 14 days.) 1. Make a knife cut horizontally fromone side of the joint to the other. 2. Make two vertical cuts approximately two inches long, at the sides of the joint, meeting the horizontal cut at the top of the two-inch cuts. 3. Grasp the two-inch piece of sealant firmly between the fingers and pull down at a 90 angle or more, and try to pull the uncut sealant out of the joint. 4. If adhesion is sufficient, the sealant should tear cohesively in itself. 5. Sealant may be replaced by applying more sealant in the same manner as it was originally applied. Care should be taken to ensure that the new sealant is in contact with the original, and that the original sealant surfaces are clean, so that proper bond between the new and old sealant will be obtainted.

5 de 6 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

STORAGE - PACKAGING - SHELF LIFE Shelf life of Construflex must be checked prior to using the product; do not use past its shelf life. Caulk past its shelf life may not perform or adhere as described by this data sheet. High temperature and high relative humidity may reduce significantly the shelf life of polyurethane sealants. COLORS White, black, stone, limestone, aluminum stone, bronze, med. Bronze, hunter green, tan, almond.

Construflex Coverage Chart Coverage for 10.1 Fl. Oz. Cartridge (298 ml.)
Width 1/8 Depth 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 97 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 49 24 32 19 10 24 12 7 5.5 19 9 6 5 16 7 5 4 13 6 4.5 3.5 12 5 4 3

Linear feet per 10.1 Fl. Oz. Cartridge

Coverage for 20 Fl. Oz. Sausage (591 ml.)

Width 1/8 Depth 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 192 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 97 48 63 39 21 48 24 15 11 39 19 11 10 31 15 10 8 27 14 9 7 24 12 7 5

Linear feet per 20 Fl. Oz. Sausage

6 de 6 Ave. Justo a Tiempo #502, Parque Industrial STIVA Barragn, San Nicols, Nuevo Len, 66425 Tel(81)8042-4200, Fax (81)1231-0048,

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