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My name is Liana Werner-Gray and I am going to share from the heart human to human with what I know that I am here to share about The Earth Diet. This book is dedicated to our earth and everyone who inhabits here Contents will go like this 1.

ABOUT The Earth Diet

- BASICS of NUTRITION PAGE 7 - Forward by Dr Leonard Coldwell PAGE 8 - Principles of The Earth Diet PAGE 12 - Just 2 things -PAGE 28 - What people are experiencing doing TED -PAGE 30 - What can be healed / cured / improved / reversed PAGE 32 - Weight loss Guide PAGE 34 - Creation of TED & my story PAGE 37 - SELF HEALING PAGE 39 - Benefits of FOODS PAGE 56 - 12 ways to do TED PAGE 69


Recipes -PAGE 72
- Drinks - PAGE 76 - 7 DAY JUICE CLEANSE PAGE 76 - Dessert PAGE 90 - Raw Vegan PAGE 109 - Meat Eaters PAGE 127 - Vegan Cooked PAGE 141

3. Q&A PAGE 148 4. INDEX PAGE 159 5. Thank you PAGE 162 6. References PAGE 163 7. Where TED is PAGE 164
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Ok lets get started! I will allow coming out whatever it must to express


If you want more information on anything said in this book visit the website

First lets start with a disclaimer that please know I have included here for legal reasons only:
This book is based on my own personal experience and conclusions and beliefs and opinion and is not to diagnose, treat or prevent any illness or condition. Use this book completely and entirely at your own risk and responsibility! As with all diets, please consult your preferred medical professional before starting with The Earth Diet. The Earth Diet Book contains general information only. Please note that:

Information provided in this book is not intended as a substitute for advice from a registered physician or other healthcare professional. Information is intended as a guide only. Readers should always conduct their own research and consult with their preferred medical practitioner before making any decisions about matters concerning their health. The information in this book may not be complete, true, accurate, up-to-date, or nonmisleading.

Whilst TED has endeavored to ensure that all information provided in this book is accurate and up to date, TED takes no responsibility for any error or omission relating to this information. TED will not be liable for any injury, illness, loss or damage suffered by you or others through your use of the information provided in this book. The author, publisher and or distributors of this book are not responsible for adverse effects of consequences resulting from any suggestions from this book. You must not rely on the information in this book as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this book.

Always listen to and trust your own advice.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Read my story if youre feeling it, because through my story it may give you some more ideas, insight and or inspiration, and add to what you already know about self-healing, natural remedies, recipes for NUTRITION and

NOURISHMENT and whatever else you came here for.

My ultimate goal is to live a healthy life through proper nutrition and share that with the world!

If youre not feeling to read my story now then skip to the RECIPES and ENJOY!

There is something for every kind of eater, and all ONLY use ingredients that come naturally from earth.

The recipes are designed to provide the body the most NUTRITION possible per bite and per calorie.

The recipes are made with the most nutrient dense whole foods on the planet, grown as organically as possible, and grown as seasonal and local as possible!

You will be surprised how simple this can be to access! And how DELICIOUS they actually taste! Many people are surprised it is health food!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

And right now, heres how I got to be right here where I am and sharing this book with you all. I am pursuing the path where my body is consistently healthy and dis-ease free. I recognize fear and the immediate affects it has on my body; dis-ease. I see fear is becoming unnecessary, other than learning the lesson that it is unnecessary. I am seeing my body be the healthiest it can be, to be youthful and to feel good in more moments than not. I am seeking, practicing, being, becoming more aware, present, and conscious, loving, at peace, at ease and doing whatever is needed to do each and every moment. I aim to better myself every moment, if I had to choose a word. Thats another thing; words can be restrictive and taken in so many contexts other than what I am meaning to say. If it comes down to it every word I am trying to express here is to be used to lead you to the recipes that are going to NOURISH our bodies with the

I am not claiming to be perfect or imperfect; I am completely as every human and have my human issues. I do see myself getting healthier and healthier every day, instead of the opposite. Health in my experience was a CHOICE and IS a choice from moment to moment.


We can either feel good, or we can feel bad, we can either have cancer or not have cancer. I had to do the work and whatever needed to be done to be where I am now and this right here right now is MUCH healthier than I was yesterday and 2 years ago and 5 years ago! Because I am HERE and I am aware that I am here and my body is breathing and working as I am here. It is either alive or it is dead and I much prefer to be here for now, and while I am here I prefer to feel as alive as possible, and in my opinion being alive is being made up of a body that represents aliveness with cells that are well nourished that are building the
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

strongest healthiest fittest body possible. Life is hard enough as it is without having to carry around a sick and burdened body. The healthier my body is the more I can BE somewhere fully and enjoy it for what it is!

We can waste a lot of time feeling unhealthy and toxic.

I realize what I put into my body, whether it be eating or putting it directly on my skin, and also what I absorb from the atmosphere environment

IS WHAT I BECOME as my cells are made up of those atoms.

WE ARE WHAT WE EAT, we are what we absorb.

We all have a responsibility for what goes into our mouths just as we have a responsibility to choose and shape the world and where it is heading. As Oprah says We have a responsibility for the energy we bring to the space. The current inevitable future for us here on earth is more and more illness and dis-ease as more and more people are dying from suffering and pain each year. It can either increase or it can decrease. A lot of us are starting to wake up and realize that immense consistent suffering is no longer acceptable, and taking medications created in labs is not the solution, rather just a quick fix for something that needs to be uncovered. I am talking from the context that we are all one whole, one group of the same species of human, and a giant group at that!!! There are 6 billion of us? And we keep producing more and more every year and our population is growing quite fast. We live on this earth together and we are ALL affected by what happens here. No one excludes it because we are all part of it. We are all made up of the same thing, and the same possibilities exist for all of us. There have been many cases of people self-healing with very natural and simple foods, remedies, proper nutrition, techniques like breathing and can at times be as simple as using the mind. If one person can do it, so can anyone else. People are healing themselves of cancer, incurable dis-eases even on their death bed! Yes there is MUCH proof.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Sometimes my body stresses which hurts and I start to feel that energy wherever it is, and once I locate it, it might be the ear or my digestive system or tension in my face, I can MOVE it, just like that in that moment because thats when a new moment begins and I have the option to turn that tension into ease.

NOW and NOW and NOW and NOW. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it. I WILL do it. I WILL find a way. I can do it, I CAN do it. I WILL do it. I am DOING IT.
Its just a matter of when I choose to move it because I also choose to hang on and linger in the suffering, like the disempowering thought process having it all really cant be attainable. Well it CAN or it CANT. I do know here we are again with an opportunity to renew in this moment. We can literally drop something that quickly and come back to a feeling good space. I look around at the planet and can see the imbalance and the rubbish left to do what it does in the middle of the ocean, and our behaviors have led us to live on a planet like this. And we are also living in VERY GOOD times where we have the ability to do a lot of different and enjoyable things. I love every human being the same. What am I getting at here? Is that we are ALL ultimately at core the same. We are all human, we all CONSUME daily, we ALL eat many times throughout the day and drink liquids. (Apart from the ones who cant get what they need like poverty, or the ones who dont want to eat because they have a certain goal in mind like an eating disorder or those living in caves and ones we have heard about that survive off air and sunlight.) Ok so MAJORITY of us eat foods and drink liquids daily. The earth must be CLEAN and HEALTHY to produce GOOD WHOLE FOODS that provide our bodies with the upmost NUTRITION and PROPER nourishment possible. If the earth is dirty and the soil is depleted (by pollution, technology,
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

pesticides, chemicals etc) of nutrients then our foods are also going to be stripped of nutrients, and if the foods dont have content made up of nutrients we are eating matter that is fiber with no nutrients so the body is working hard to digest foods and for extracting little nutrient energy. We need good clean energy, air and foods to thrive in our bodies and as a human race. Im talking about

PROPER NUTRITION that has our bodies fueled on extremely nutrient

dense foods grown 1) most simply 2) most organically 3) most locally and 4) as seasonally as possible. These are the foods that have been proven scientifically that PROVIDE OUR

BODIES WITH THE MOST NUTRITION per bite and per calorie.
BECAUSE their nutrients are most intact! They havent lost them in the production of harvest, shipping, packaging, through machines etc.


From what I understand this book is the

Complete guide to living a life using only ingredients that earth provides naturally!
And experiencing the kind of abundantly healthy life this brings!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Here is the FORWARD by Dr Leonard Coldwell

Dr Leonard Coldwell is one of the Worlds most respected and well known doctors and experts for healing cancer and stress related illnesses including Burnout Syndrome. He treats his patients in ways that are aligned with The Earth Diet lifestyle, using natural remedies, ideas and solutions. He is also the author of the Mega Best Sellers The Only Answer to Cancer and The Only Answer to Surviving our Illness and your Doctor. Dr C earned 4 doctor degrees, 4 PHDs and recently received an honorary doctor degree in Humanity from the University in Louisiana USA for his achievements for cancer patients and for the improvement of quality of life for humans. His first cure was that of his mother who had developed Hepatitis C, Liver Cirrhosis, and terminal Liver Cancer with a prognosis of just 6 months to live and no hope of improvement. Today, over 40 years later, Dr. Cs mother is still alive and a perfectly healthy 76! This is what Dr Leonard Coldwell says about The Earth Diet book

Lianas book is one of the most important books in the diet field ever
been written! We are what we eat, literally, because the billions of brand new cells that are created every single second of our life can only be built from the building blocks, the material, the food that we provide for our body. If you build a house or a foundation for any building with weak, cheap and rotten material, this house will not last for a very long time. There are some university studies available that state that we have the human potential to live up to the age of 160 and without any ill health or unusual decay of our body, mind and spirit. I know from working with thousands of people one on one and with about 4 million people in my life seminars and millions of reader comments, requests and comments, that most people have good intentions to live a healthy life style and stick with a healthy diet but we are all simply human and we have the tendency if we dont feel life threatened, not to do always the right thing.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

We all know how hard it can be to stick with a healthy diet. Here is where Lianas TED (The Earth Diet ) come in. With all this abundance of great healthy good recipes it is not even a challenge to eat healthy and to stick with it. I personally are a big sinner if it has to do with eating food that is bad for me and since Liana introduced me to her TED and the abundance of great recipes it is all a sudden so easy and simply to eat healthy and to stick with it. Actually living a healthier life style and eating the gourmet foods that the Earth itself provides is so much easier. Thank you Liana for all the research and all the work you have done to put this wonderful book together for us. From now on I will enjoy healthy my healthy diet and it will be fun too. All my readers and seminar attendees will be introduced to this wonderful recipe book for the greatest foods our earth has to offer. With Love to Liana and what she stands for and the best wishes for the huge success this book will have. Dr C also recently worked with me to help a patient, who was told by doctors she had developed a skin rash condition that was incurable. Go to TED website to see the testimonial with photos. I have pityriasis rosea and doctors say there is no cure. 8 days on The Earth Diet and advice from Dr Coldwell it was completely gone - Cate Italiano

More ACCLAIM for The Earth Diet

In a world filled with quick fixes and fad diets it is so refreshing to see someone step up to inspire and teach people to eat healthy and live more congruently. The way nature intended. - Dr. Billy Chow Chiropractor and Wellness Mentor I love how The Earth Diet honors that people know themselves best, and uses that self-knowing to create a custom plan geared to the lifestyle thats right for them. It makes it sustainable and real and fun. Its great that you make that so easy for people of all ages. - Kimberly Carter Gamble Director and Producer of THRIVE
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Eating directly from natureas nature intendedis the only way to eat. If only everyone could realize the long term benefits of healthy fare lifestyleafter all, a healthy body is key to a healthy mind. - Eric Merola Director of Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business Chris Lojac healed himself of testicular cancer with juicing and coffee enemas and now lives an earth plant based lifestyle. I am who I am supposed to be today... and it doesn't stop here. My life is forever changed and I can ONLY improve from here on out.... Donna Dee who did a juice fast for 4 months and lost 45lbs I love the simplicity of the Earth Diet, it's the way we were meant to eat and if we could start from scratch we'd find everything has been created for us to give our bodies exactly what they need. I believe we were meant to live a certain way and given the things we need to survive and since have distorted our reality so much that people are searching for meaning and purpose. - Marilynn Pridham Fitness Model and Personal Trainer The Earth Diet helped me transform my life in so many ways! I was overweight and I lost 15 kilos, and my skin and all my school grades have improved HEAPS! I juiced my mum some beet and made her some raw chocolate peanut butter balls on mothers day, she couldn't believe that the chocolate she was eating was actually GOOD for you! Also, being 15 years old, I used to think that I had to be super skinny and starve myself. Reading your blogs about inner being and just being yourself have taken me so far and have really changed my outlook on life! I can't thank you enough Jade School Student

Read more testimonials and stories on the website

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

The Earth Diet is a lifestyle that focuses on the ABUNDANCE of what earth provides naturally. Naturally meaning the food is at its most natural and WHOLE state possible. When we eat food that is at its most natural and whole state, it provides us with the most nutrition than any other food. In other words The Earth Diet (TED) lifestyle could be what nature intended or even what God intended. The Earth provides us with foods, it just grows and is there for us to utilize. The Earth Diet is eating what earth provides naturally like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, spices, herbs and organics meats for the meat eaters. It is moving away from processed foods created by machines and becoming closer to nature and what it has to offer, while obviously still living and thriving in our current reality. You could live The Earth Diet completely and fully or just incorporate bits and pieces into your life!

A little nourishment is better than no nourishment!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

The Earth Diet accommodates for every type of eater; babies, children and adults, vegetarians, vegans, meat eaters, sweet lovers, rawists, fruitarians, gluten free, lactose free, flexitarians and others. There is something for everyone in this book.

Every one of us can benefit

from eating foods with NUTRITION! Every human body needs VITAMINS, MINERALS and NUTRIENTS to survive and thrive. Principles of The Earth Diet lifestyle include:
To eat foods that earth provides naturally To eat as organically as possible To eat as much RAW living foods as possible To eat as local and seasonally as possible To eat as mono and simple as possible To reduce the intake of chemicals in the body To nourish the body To cleanse and detoxify the body To restore the body to its natural weight To fully embrace, know and appreciate the body To be refined sugar free, chemical free, GMO free, MSG free, preservative free, hormone free, artificial anything (lab created foods) free! To be healthy and fully alive To be feeling good MORE of the time and feeling bad LESS of the time To cure any dis-ease naturally and completely
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

To appreciate every meal and every feed To eat consciously To choose foods from love rather than fear To eat foods that have nutritional value

The Earth Diet is EATING MORE Earth Foods that provide our body with NUTRITIONAL VALUE
and eating less processed foods, chemicals and preservatives.
If youre doing something, anything towards your health, that is better than NOTHING! It is the simple changes, the small differences that make up the matter,

and make a difference! Even if you are ONLY do one thing a day to nourish your body, it is better than doing no-thing! A lemon water a day goes a long way!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

We can all take our health to the next level. And that level is different for each person as we are all at our own level! So we can individually take steps that work for us and take us to that next level of health and wellbeing! We can always cleanse and detoxify our body. I look at it like I am constantly cleansing from here on. It is necessary in todays times because of the environment toxicity. The best part is that no matter where we are at in our lives, we can ALWAYS

start again and again and again and again as who we are now in this moment can be different to who we were a few moments ago!
We ALL have issues. We all have something that takes us out of the present moment, something that takes us out of experiencing the bliss (to give it a word) that exists in each moment exactly the same. The only reason we dont feel this bliss or love or peace at each given moment is because we are blocking it. Usually our minds have created some kind of stress, drama, fear or unhappiness that has us disconnected from feeling peace, joy, health and love. We can experience this in our bodies as discomfort, dis-ease, anything the opposite of feeling good and well-being. Some would call it a disconnection from Self, God, Source, Universe or use whatever word resonates with you, that high being or that something else
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

that is out there that most of us agree on. Most people go from feeling really really bad to feeling really bad as majority of people on the planet are unhealthy, depressed and not at ease. It is possible to be here, be fully present, be fully healthy in MORE moments than NOT without any stimulus or drug. And this world needs it. If we look around we can clearly see an imbalance on the planet, the pollution is everywhere, people are sick and dying of cancer and other illnesses and there is a lot of poverty here. Once we begin from the inside out, and we begin to be REALLY healthy within, our own personal outer lives will reflect this and then the world as a whole will reflect this inner health. This is the goal. For people who believe that the people in power are the root cause of the destructiveness on the planet, the healthier they get and more in tune with their body they will not be able to make destructive decisions based off fear because it just wont resonate with them at all. It is a process yes I agree. For some people who have had an addiction for 40 years, it may take some years to unwind it and practice new healthier things. But it does happen and absolutely can for you or the people around you who you think just wont change. They can and will especially if they see you buzzing with life and energy! And not coming from a place that they are bad or wrong and need to change, but a place of they are

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

loved and change within is needed for all of us for the sake of the health of the planet and our bodies, but it is a process too! YOU ARE A LEADER. It is within you. You inspire people around you all

the time without even knowing it. Most people wont tell you if you
inspire them! Ask them what you do that inspires them. There will be something and maybe a lot! And if someone around you inspires you TELL THEM because it will keep going! Every warrior has a sad day. We have the ability to uplift someone and save their life. You affect people with your energy

wherever you go, whether good or bad. You leave traces of you
everywhere and with everyone. If you walk into a room, you alter the space because you are THERE.

In the end only kindness matters Jewel

So being healthy is not only good for your life, but the life of everyone else around you. Everyone is affected by what is happening here on earth.

No matter how hard the past you can always begin again
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

We all do have a lot in common. We are all equally equal if you look at the fact that we are born from wombs, we go to the toilet, we eat, we drink, we sleep, we have sex and we have the same color blood. We ultimately all want the same thing.


These are the top 5 most common reasons people are doing The Earth Diet:

1. To lose weight
Weight accumulated from processed foods is the first to go and quite naturally and effortlessly! Eating foods with proper nourishment and nutrition has the whole body working in alignment and the natural body weight is restored.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

2. To improve any disease

People are self-healing, improving, repairing, reversing EVERY illness including cancer, diabetes, acne, skin issues, ADHD and incurable disorders!

3. To have more energy

LIVING FOODS = LIVING BODIES It is inevitable that if you eat foods high in nutritional content that it builds your new cells on this and has your body fueled with good clean energy! Experience being the most ALIVE you have ever felt in your life! Get healthier and healthier instead of the opposite!

4. To be guilt free
Become free of addictions and vicious cycles. Break out of habits that seem impossible to break including eating disorders, smoking, binge eating, bulimia, addictions to sugar and more! Instead restore the body with love, proper nutrition and nourishment.

5. To transform the body

With proper nutrition muscle building, exercising and toning become easier and the body works with you!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

If we at least have our health working for us, life will be much easier to be happier. When we feel good within, things on the outside fall into place. It should make sense to every healthy and sane person that fueling the body with proper nutrition through whole organic foods is our best choice for optimum health.

My story on The Earth Diet and WHY I HAD TO DO IT,

I thought one day I would wake up and never crave processed foods (lollies, chips, fast foods) ever again! I waited 5 years and it never happened! I waited for my life to begin and thought this really isnt it yet until I learned THIS


the time to change my health, and I did! I NEVER thought I would be free of the bingeing on junk foods addiction and vicious cycle I was in! And since doing The Earth Diet I have felt the healthiest in my life, I am free of addiction, I havent been sick since, I love and appreciate my body more than I ever have, I have NO regrets! It feels so free and I feel so alive! I know that I

am getting

healthier every day, instead of the opposite! As we grow up we learn

at school and from our surroundings that MOST people as they get older get sick, and fatter and die of illness like cancer! It DOES NOT have to be like that! We do have control over our health, our bodies, our lives and what goes into our body!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

So many people say to me that they know someone who was really healthy but still got cancer, well. They were NOT healthy! Cancer


survive in a health body, if the immune system is strong and the

body is alkaline absolutely no dis-ease can survive or thrive! Science proves this. If someone who eats lets say immaculately gets cancer, well then something else was out of alignment, like the mind. If the mental state is not good then stress and worry and doubt and fear automatically create dis-ease and acidity in the body and that is the perfect environment for cancer and other dis-ease to grow! It is essential

that we FEEL GOOD majority of the

time. At least our time, our experience as being human, should be enjoyed,
and the other feel bad and stressed if thats what you choose. If we feel bad most of the time, our body and health will reflect that! If you do stress more than 50% of the time, you are more likely to develop an illness like cancer! We MUST allow ourselves to feel good. It is important to remember we ALWAYS HAVE a choice! If something happens to us, say I spill my cup of lemon water onto the carpet, I can choose to be super upset and angry about it, or I can choose to laugh about it and learn a lesson perhaps to slow down. At first I may be completely
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

outraged that I made a stupid mistake that will cost me time (to go get another lemon water) and money (what was spent on the water and lemon) but then eventually I must come back to a place of feeling good and peace within my body and mental state! MOST of us are way to judgmental on ourselves, and we dont treat ourselves how we really deserve. We DO DESERVE to feel good. Sometimes we just need someone to remind us to relax, let go, feel good and thank us for being who we are! When we feel good, we feel alive, and every cell in our body is activated. When we are fully present, and consciously aware, and the energy of feeling good (LOVE) is operating our body then our immune system is strong and nothing can bring us down! It is our nature to FEEL GOOD. Most children feel good before they become affected by a life experience. I have had soooo many bad things happen to me in my life that I could be depressed about, I could even have committed suicide about (many do) but that was never an option for me! People who meet me assume because of my happy and positive nature that everything in my life has been smooth sailing. This is NOT THE CASE AT ALL! I choose to learn from every experience and I see the good in everything and everyone! I am aware of the other side of humans who will act from greed and fear and money, but I know innately that at core each one of us is made up of the same thing; the same cells, the same atoms, the same energy and we are
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

innately good. We all innately want to do good in life, it feels better, we want to have fun and laugh, and be successful in our work, and be included in our community and make a difference! We ALL also innately want to feel good and be healthy! Life is hard enough then to have to carry an overweight or sick burdened body around everywhere we go! It is also important our mind is aligned with health and feeling good! When I was 17 I had a smoking hot body! I was fit and modeling and when I look back at photos I am like WOW! BUT when I was 17 my mind would have me convinced my body was not good enough, I was not skinny enough and I never got to fully appreciate, understand or enjoy my body! We can waste sooo much time not enjoying our body! So since doing The Earth Diet I have absolutely

fallen in love with my body, I know I

ALWAYS have parts to work on, muscles to tone and organs to cleanse but I am so happy and so confident and so enjoying the body I have! I appreciate having arms and legs, ears and eyes, toes, elbows ALL OF IT! I did not want to be 40 years old and look back at photos and regret not appreciating what I have! We all are beautiful in my eyes, we all have a uniqueness about us and YOU are the only one exactly like YOU on the planet!

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Ok and a lot of people will say but we have to feel bad sometimes so we can enjoy the good and what I say to that is ok but most people operate from feeling REALLY REALLY BAD to feeling BAD and they never really experience relief, peace or love. This could be considered depression. Majority of people on

the planet are sick and tired, or overweight or have a dis-ease they think can never be cured. If you are someone who has a sickness like
cancer or disorder the doctors diagnosed you with AND you think there is no cure, that is such a disempowering and depressing thought! Try for a moment to agree that there is something that can be done, and it is a process BUT you will do what needs to be done to be free of it, because you deserve to be free of it, and you deserve to feel good! The good news is wherever we are at in our lives, it can be changed, improved, transformed and moved. Like I said I NEVER thought I would be free of my addiction to bingeing on junk foods that I did at least twice a week for 5 years. I believed it was a vicious cycle I would just have to live with! The thought of this was so disempowering though and I could not accept the fact that I would have to suffer in the vicious cycle for my entire life. It took me 3 years to undo it by restoring LOVE and NOURISHMENT back into my body with

The Earth Diet and proper nutrition and I cant believe it (but I can
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

now) that I am free of it! I once said to myself If I could have just one wish I would want to be free of this vicious cycle, and then whatever else I do with my life is a bonus! and it happened! And it can happen to all of us! Someone once asked me just because you did it, why do you think everyone else can do it? and I answered because WE ARE ALL the same, made up of the same things, we all have a body and a mind and we all have the same opportunities IF WE CHOOSE. It always comes back to choice, and then people will say well so and so died of cancer, they didnt choose to die and well maybe they did in a way that they werent aware of what else was possible. When I got sick with my tumor I knew it was possible to heal with natural alternatives BECAUSE I read a book years earlier about other people in the world doing it! It gave me complete confidence that if others were doing it, so could I! So I have made it my mission to share this with the world, stories of health and healing so that EVERYONE knows what is possible!!! If you are reading this, and you were like me waiting for life to begin, waiting to feel good, waiting to get healthy, well DONT! You

can start NOW

and now and now and now even if it is one simple step each day
like a lemon water! Soon your life in this physical realm will be over, so you may
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

as well enjoy it! If you find your mind convincing you that you need to sacrifice and work really hard and be in pain and suffer a lot, then you are right, go about it that way, and eventually we learn that feeling good feels more natural and makes more sense. Remember when we feel good every part of us is alive

and our immune system is strong so no sickness can enter, and accumulated unnecessary weight will naturally and effortlessly drop. If you feel the need to juice fast for 60 days to radically transform your life
than do that!!! If you prefer to take it slower and just incorporate a juice per day into your life than do that! If you are terminally ill then obviously you need to intervene with yourself and ONLY put things into your body that provide you with the most nutrition and nourishment! This book is a great tool for you to utilize BUT I always tell people TRUST YOURSELF, do

what YOU feel is

right BECAUSE YOU ARE RIGHT! Humanity for the past many
decades have lost trust in ourselves and seek to look for leaders in celebrities, doctors and political structures. BUT we must ALWAYS seek to trust ourselves first. I had to do The Earth Diet strictly for 365 days because I needed something to break me out of a 5 year addiction of binge eating on junk foods and refined
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

sugars. This worked for me. I had to blog daily so that readers would hold me accountable to seeing it through! What works for you may be different, you may like to take smaller steps for cleansing and detoxifying. I look at my life now like I am constantly cleansing, WE


environment we live in here on earth requires us to constantly cleanse our system. We take in A LOT of toxins each day from foods and the air, negative thoughts also create toxins in our body, so its important we cleanse these toxins out as well. Now I live my life as a flexitarian to give it a title, I completely live The Earth Diet lifestyle, I juice every day, I eat majority plant based raw vegan foods, I eat organic meats sometimes , but if I am craving fast foods, or processed foods I first notice that, and I can choose to fulfill that craving or not. Sometimes I do, and then other times not. I have STOPPED feeling guilty about it. That is the worse! If you do eat processed foods at least DO NOT feel guilty about it because that just adds to it. Guilt creates acidity automatically in the body. Relieve yourself of guilt as soon as possible. My ultimate goal is to be COMPLETELY living off the earth and as seasonally, organically and locally as possible. If you want to be really healthy, and find yourself eating processed foods just be there fully, enjoy it for what it is, and eventually you will crave those foods
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

less and less. The healthier you get the more you will naturally

resonate towards healthy foods that are of high vibration and leave your body feeling energized.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

If youre sick and tired of being sick and tired JUST DO IT!
Its time to intervene and add NOURISHMENT to your life! At least JUICE once per day for cellular nutrition! (1 small beet, 3 carrots, 3 celery stalks, 1 red apple, 1 small piece of ginger) AND/OR do 1

lemon juice into 1 cup of water every morning!

AT LEAST do those


If nothing else at all just doing those two things will transform your life majorly! You will be receiving nutrition on a cellular level and load your body with essential minerals and vitamins. The lemon also cuts through toxins and fat cells!

Just do something, anything towards your health! We can always take it to the next level and should appreciate where we are at because it can always be worse! Dont think your life can be worse? Just google you will find people who are living without limbs and organs. You can actually completely transform your body and life and it starts in the moment you choose. After that moment you make that choice that that is what you are going to do, you start to do it, your body catches up. Yes you may lapse back to your old life, your old body or old way of thinking, but still once you make that choice you are well on your way to change! You can achieve anything you want in life if you have the COURAGE to dream it, the intelligence to make a realistic plan, and a will to see that plan through to the end. Sidney A Friedman
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

My plan was to stick to The Earth Diet for 365 days NO MATTER WHAT or where I was in the world! I had a strong will to see it through to the end because I was determined to break my addiction and vicious cycle! Just stop feeling guilty about where you are at, guilt is the worse and creates cancer, feel good about where you are and what you have instead! Allow yourself permission to feel good, and feel guilty less! Eating GOOD WHOLE FOODS will leave you feeling fulfilled instead of guilty! We all innately know it is wrong to eat a junk food diet that provides our body with no nutrition. If you do feel guilt then feel it for a few moments, feel the pain of it, learn from it and then shift yourself to feeling good.

A journey of a thousand miles MUST begin with a single step. Lao-tzu

Sometimes its painful yes, but it doesnt last. Soon/eventually we feel good again. From one heart to another. Night has a morning. Sorrow has an ending. This too will pass. This too will make you stronger - Cemalettin Akca aka Mousse

Sometimes we are faced with pain, and must feel it and experience it, learn from it and it will take us to new places.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Here are the most common things people are experiencing with living The Earth Diet lifestyle.
(Go to to read testimonials and peoples stories!)

Natural Weight Loss and/or Natural Muscle Building Effortless body toning restoring and finding the natural body weight New cells that feel so vibrant with life Boosting the immune system so no sickness and dis-ease can survive ever! Healing skin conditions including acne and psoriasis permanently Healing fatigue Ridding cellulite Managing hypothyroid Ridding parasites and candida Balancing hormonal imbalance Healing depression Healing cancer, dis-ease and sickness Healing ADHD Creating healthy breast milk for breast feeding Becoming free from food disorders including binge eating, bulimia and anorexia Cleansing the bowels and be free of a bloated belly Detoxifying, cleansing and removing toxic cells from the body Becoming consciously aware of food choices Relieving bloating, gas and heart burn Naturally curing headaches Increasing appetite Increasing sex drive Increasing energy and quality of life Ridding dandruff Changing dry skin, oily skin and skin conditions to beautiful flourishing skin Fixing mood swings Healing muscle and joint aches Gaining and maintaining an unmovable love and respect for your self
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Feeling so good, complete rejuvenation and nourishment for the body Living in a healthy, alkaline and dis-ease free body Boosting confidence Living free from processed foods Being guilt free Feeling nourished and energetic after each feed Restoring and creating natural digestive enzymes Increasing metabolism Giving permission to live in an abundance of health Discovering new Natural Cures, Natural Remedies and Self-Healing for any sickness and dis-ease! Becoming in tune with the body and aware of what it needs Looking good, glowing and vibrant from the inside out! Transformation in all areas of life! When one is healthy within the outside reflects this Having cravings, instead of cravings having you! Enjoying simplicity Eating Consciously Appreciating the earth and what it has to provide Having a new relationship with food and your self Embracing the power of you

Through proper nutrition The Earth Diet improves the quality of your life!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Here is a list of common acidic disorders (or mineral deficient disorders), that when living The Earth Diet

lifestyle can be healed, improved and completely reversed

with changing the body to a healthy ALKALINE state. Others from around the world are doing it, and so can you! (These are all dis-eases that thrive in an ACIDIC body)
Accelerated aging Acid Indigestion Acid Reflux Acne ADD Age spots Agitation Alcoholic Tremors Allergies Anger Alzheimers Disease Aneurysm Anxiety Disorders Arterial Plaque Arthritis Asthma Back pain Benign Tumors Birth defects Blackheads Bleeding Gums Blood clots Body odor Bone disorder Bone fractures Bone Loss Cancer Candida Cardiovascular Cholesterol Cardiomyopathy Carpal Tunnel Cerebral Palsy Chronic Fatigue Colds Cold Sores Constipation Cysts Diabetes Eczema Endometriosis Estrogen dominance Eye twitches Fatty tumors Fear Fibroid Tumors Fibromyalgia Fingernails brittle Flu Fluid retention Gallstones Gastritis Gout
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Grey hair Growths Hair Disorders Hair loss Headaches Heart Palpitations Herpes High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Hyperactivity Hypoglycemia Hypertension Impotence Infections Infertility Insomnia Irregular Heartbeats Jerkiness Kidney Stones Loss of Appetite Loss of smell Low blood sugar Low Energy Lupus Malignant tumors Menstrual Cramps Mitral Valve Multiple Sclerosis Muscle Cramps Muscular disorders Nasal Congestion

Nervousness Nerve Disorders OCD Osteoporosis Overweight Panic Attacks Parkinsons disease Plaque on arteries Plaque on teeth PMS Poor circulation Sarcoidosis Seizure disorders Skin tags Sluggish Gallbladder Spasms Stiffness Stuttering Teeth Grinding Teeth and gum disorders Tension Tics Tightness Tinnitus Tuberculosis Tumors Twitches Varicose Veins Warts Wrinkled skin

For SPECIFIC FOODS, recipes and remedies that can be used to TREAT and IMPROVE and reverse these conditions visit TED website
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION


1. Really want to lose weight and as fast and natural as possible? If EVERY MEAL was completely TED, that is whole NUTRIENT DENSE foods that is rich in proper nutrition you would notice radical weight loss in one week. When the body is well nourished with whole foods the natural body weight is restored. 2. Eat A LOT of greens like KALE one of the most nutrient dense greens on earth! 3. Eat MAJORITY raw living foods. Check out TED RAW RECIPES! 4. Juice daily. Especially the BEET or GREEN juice for nutrition at cellular level. Beet is one of the most powerful bowel cleansers on the planet and lift compacted waste from the bowel wall. 5. Completely cut all refined sugars. Make your own RAW desserts. 6. Sweat!!! Exercise and sweat in a sauna and or hot epsom salts bath. 7. Drink grapefruit juice, it burns fat. 8. FEEL GOOD. When you feel good energy is flowing through your body and the digestive system will flow and be in harmony. 9. Drink lemon water daily, it burns fat and cleanses entire body. 10.Eat less meat. Meat is hard to breakdown in an unhealthy body. AND if it is not organic the meat has hormones, anti biotics and other preservatives which cause weight gain! 11.Look at the foods that cause weight gain (PROCESSED FOODS) and dont do them anymore! If you do though DO NOT FEEL GUILTY! Guilt adds extra stress in the body, guilt is worse than calories! 12.Breathe in new fresh oxygen and breathe out the stale. Will keep circulation pumping. 13.Jump on a rebounder or with a skipping rope to activate the lymphatic system. 14.Eat as SIMPLE as possible, MONO whenever possible and ORGANIC.


BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

TIPS for IMPROVING any dis-ease:

1. If you have a dis-ease, cancer, illness, sickness, disorder, condition NO MATTER WHAT IT IS, IT CAN BE IMPROVED WITH PROPER NUTRITION. The only thing nutrition is going to do for your body is exactly that, ADD NUTRITION to your body. When the body is loaded on nutrition, healing can begin. When the body is loaded on nutrition, the immune system is STRONG and will fight off any sickness (this is the immune systems job!) and will prevent any sickness from entering. If you are SICK, it is time for a HEALTH INTERVENTION in your life and ESSENTIAL that you add proper nutrition and nourishment to your lifestyle. MAKE EVERY MEAL completely TED, as WHOLE as possible, as ORGANIC as possible, as SIMPLE as possible. Use TED recipes. 2. Eat majority RAW LIVING FOODS that are loaded with nutrients. 3. Juice at least once daily the BEET or GREEN juice. 4. Boost the immune with super foods like ginger, garlic and turmeric. Check out TED recipes that incorporate this. 5. Drink the cleanest water possible. 6. Drink lemon water daily. 7. Get coffee enemas to stimulate the digestive system. For a FULL GUIDE to improving dis-ease visit TED website The idea is that no matter what condition you think you have, or think you are bound to, IT ACTUALLY CAN BE COMPLETELY HEALED, CURED, REVERSED, IMPROVED. You do have control over it. And THROUGH PROPER NUTRITION it can be moved. For more specific guides for particular conditions visit TED website! Guides include for: ACNE, ADD, CELLULITE, other skin issues, CANDIDA, CONSTIPATION, DEPRESSION, specific CANCERS and MORE.

The Earth Diet is a lifestyle concept.

It is NOT a quick fad fix diet.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

This lifestyle has you FEELING GOOD, restoring balance, harmony, love, nutrition and nourishment in the body!!!! It is a consistent constant feeling of being alive, healthy, well, at peace, all is well!!! "Everything should be as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein The Earth Diet works for meat eaters, sweet eaters, people who are chemical sensitive, people with allergies, gluten intolerant, dairy intolerant, lactose intolerant and anyone who has any type of diagnosis from the doctor. Always remember


Cate was told by a doctor that she developed a skin condition that had no cure and she cured it in 8 days. Chris was asked by doctors when he wanted to start chemo as soon as possible to treat his testicular cancer! He opted for juicing, coffee enemas and an earth based lifestyle and completely healed himself and has been healthy and cancer free for 2 years! Their story with photos and more on Doctors are not trained in natural alternatives, and there are soooo many new cases of issues and illnesses popping up in the world today, and they are only
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

trained in a particular way to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs. It is time we all looked outside of the box! We are living in NEW times.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. W. Clement Stone
If we have a HEALTHY IMMUNE system it can fight off any sickness period. The fastest way to a healthy immune system is to eat foods that actually PROVIDE our bodies with NUTRITION! Raw living earth foods provide our bodies with the most vitamins and nutrients than any other food. Processed foods that have gone through processes and probably shipped from around the world, through radiation and flying great distances, through a chemical process give us NO NUTRITION even if the label says so. It is simply just dead matter. Good tasting dead matter - yes at times! But no nutrition. The Earth Diet focuses on fueling the body with living foods that have our cells be fully alive!

The day I created The Earth Diet was Saturday October 24th 2009
I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!!! I could not live another day doing what I did I felt immense pain and suffering. I wanted to experience a FULL life, a healthy life, where I felt so good on the inside and look so vibrant on the outside!!! I wanted to be able to appreciate more moments fully instead of thinking constantly about what I just ate and how long it would take my body to process and digest and what would happen because of what I just ate!!!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

I wanted to create a new relationship with myself and food. I wanted to be free of feeling guilty after eating. I wanted to be free of a vicious cycle that I was doing, binge eating on junk food until I felt so sick on a weekly basis for 5 years. I wanted to be free of spending so much time and energy worrying about food!!! I wanted to be free of knowing the food I was eating was making me fat and giving me cellulite. I wanted to stop eating processed foods, foods that left me feeling great for the minute and then bloated and unfulfilled! I wanted to be free of as many chemicals, preservatives, refined sugars and processed salts as possible! I wanted to break the addiction! I would ask myself

Why am I eating foods that have absolutely no nutritional value at all?

I was tired of being disempowered. The more I would binge eat on junk food the worse I felt. I would eat as much as I could handle before feeling really sick. I hid it well from people and disconnected myself from them. Eventually I didnt want to take any more moments for granted; I wanted to appreciate it all. I wouldnt go to auditions because I had done a binge eat the night before!!! I travelled the world for 3 months; I would have enjoyed it more fully if I was not bingeing on food every other day. It became a vicious cycle and I let it consume me. Every time I would binge on junk

I would say this is the last time and it NEVER was. Until one day it was!
I decided I did not want to wake up one day and be 40 years old still repeating this cycle. I could NOT LIVE ANOTHER DAY DOING WHAT I WAS DOING!!! I refused to!!! It was getting so old and it was so time for something NEW! This was the day I decided to EAT ONLY FOODS FROM THE EARTH for 365 days AND keep a daily blog to hold me accountable!!!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

I figured that if I could eat ONLY healthy foods that actually provided my body with nutrition, I would let go of the addiction (could I really binge eat on a bag of carrots?! Haha) and restore so much love and proper nourishment into my body! This blog was awesome, one because it DID hold me accountable especially because people started reading it and I did no way want to let them or myself down! And also because I researched something new EVERYDAY! I studied daily and I learned so much about health, nutrition, the benefits of particular foods and so much more!

11 months before I created The Earth Diet challenge I once thought that getting really sick, or getting cancer would scare me out of never binge eating again. I thought for me to really appreciate my body maybe I need to have it kind of taken away, like a cancer scare this is how desperate I was for change!!! And then it happened, months later I got really sick one day, it happened in a moment and something in my neck popped. It turned out to be a benign tumor, a clump of mass buildup of cells in my lymphatic system that shouldnt be there and was stopping the flow. My immune was so low that I got glandular fever and became so tired that the doctors said I was on the brink of Chronic Fatigue. I knew I could self-heal and that it was possible because I had read a book on natural cures years earlier. It totally clicked with me that yes other humans have naturally healed their bodies and so I did it too! It took me 3 months to heal with natural alternatives, good food and really going within to discover why this was happening and what lesson I was to learn from it. I remember the exact point of healing, and the moment it took place, because with all healing it has to occur in one split moment and then it is there! I was lying in bed and I was sick of being sick, and I thought well either I will die from this or survive this, and obviously I will LIVE because I want to and there is so much I have yet to do on earth!!! I felt a shift in my body as my mind made up ok its time to start getting better. I then took care of the physical aspect by drinking beetroot juice daily, had colonics, coffee enemas, put bentonite clay on my neck to draw toxins, slept, relaxed, and took Epsom salt baths. I gained an appreciation for my body and health and the sickness helped me see that taking my health for granted was a waste of time and energy. Even after I healed myself and I felt back to normal again with my health, I still continued to binge eat EVEN though I had told myself
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when I was sick once I get well I will never binge eat or sabotage my health again!. So I learned that not even a death scare stopped my binge eating habits and knew I had to create something that was bigger than me, something to hold me accountable, something to restore love and nourishment into my body properly and this time for good! Which is when the 365 day challenge and blog came in.

Earlier life
I grew up mostly in Alice Springs (Outback Australia) and learned how the aboriginals lived off the land for many years without technology and processed foods. I also knew that they did not die of cancer, it just did not exist as they lived entirely off the land. I titled my blog The Earth Diet as it seemed the most appropriate title, and it is not really a restricting diet but a complete lifestyle shift welcoming an abundance of live foods and nourishment. So I began, and I stuck to it, and now I live TED lifestyle every day and I am free of binge eating, free of guilt, I feel the most healthy and alive I have ever in my life. I feel like I am fully embracing me and appreciating the body and health I have. I dont have thoughts of guilt and binge eating consuming me anymore! Woohoo it feels so freeing!!! I experience feeling GOOD way more than I do feeling bad! I once thought I would never be free of it, I thought I was doomed to addiction forever, and that made me sad! That disempowering thought did not feel right!!! Now I am free of it and am so grateful to be where I am. I appreciate the lessons. Life is good and I feel really good within. My outside reflects that, I love my body, it is fit and healthy and toned! I balance a natural weight, I get to work out less because my cells are pumped with such good wholesome fuel and I look good lol I know I do! And I always know I can look better. We are always constantly moving, shifting and evolving. Literally moment to moment things can change. Your decision to be the healthiest most ALIVE you possible happens in a moment, and then it carries to more moments until it become most moments! Life is no good if we have to carry around a sick, tired and unhealthy body!!! Its much better that is supports our mission here on earth and feels good and ALIVE! Every cell active with life and energy!

My life in the beginning

I was born to healthy parents, both who are green thumbs, natural foodies, artists and creative people. I learned from both of them how to appreciate the simplicity and live from nature and I guess that was somewhat embedded in my
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cell make up! My mum was into growing her own vegetables so the first few years of my life was eating majority plant based vegetarian. My parents split when I was 3 and then my mum took us travelling around Australia. Our family got bigger with another sister, step dads and brothers and sisters! I learned to be flexible and would quickly adapt to the new environment we were in every few years! We lived in Busselton, Nannup, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Arno bay, Charters Towers and travelled to a lot of other towns. We always found our way back to Alice Springs though, the center of Australia, the outback! I completed my final year of school here. I was mostly a straight A student, I loved school and getting good grades! I was sport captains, would win a lot in Sports Day and Swimming Carnivals including numerous times Age Champion. I also won a lot of awards for Art throughout my school years and in grade 12 won the Liana Nappi Award for overall Arts and Performance at Charles Darwin University! After this I went to Brisbane and studied acting before becoming sick with the tumor which immersed me into the health field and sharing my story, creating The Earth Diet! From here I started researching and studying health every day! I still work in film and will continue to because I love acting as an art form and creative expression! I was titled Miss Earth Australia by Peoples Choice in 2009 and won Green Achievers Best in Environmental Speech and Innovators Award. I travelled Australia and spoke at schools about the environment and how to do small things to reduce carbon footprints through my organization I Love Earth. I have traveled the world many times and been to over 33 countries and am now majority based in New York USA. I have met thousands of people in my travels and travel the globe to teach raw food classes and about living TED lifestyle.

What motivates you???

What motivated me when I was 16 and 17 to be healthy was to have a good looking body and fit in and look good wherever I went. After living with a bingeing addiction for 5 years what then motivated me to be healthy was to be free of guilt and addiction. NOW what motivates me to be healthy is that I know pure utter bliss is possible and exists in each and every moment if I allow it! And I see a planet where every human being is experiencing this and is living their full potential in a happy healthy body which would in turn create a HEALTHY HAPPY planet earth and a great place to flourish and live for ALL. If EVERY time you put something into your mouth it was purely and completely (The Earth Diet) medicine for nourishment and nutrition, you will notice radical transformation in your life and body within one week.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

The Earth Diet lifestyle is more than just food. It is also about being consciously aware, and in tune with our body and earth! When we eat from the earth we take part in the simplicity, the beauty and grace, and the natural production of it. We become what we eat!


Whatever food we put into our bodies, becomes our cells, becomes our body.
It makes sense to look after our earth because we eat from it!
The healthier we are, our lives transform in every way. It is a way of life. Thing start to become easier and flow with grace.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

The digestive system works well. The body is in harmony with itself.

If we eat foods that contain ingredients that have come from all parts of the world, and travelled long distances to be created for our eating, we are also eating the energy of that production, these types of foods can leave us feeling tired! Foods that have come from other countries by air (planes) are affected by radiation and nutrients are depleted. Be in tune with what your body is wanting and needing! It will tell you, and you will know, if you listen!



The body is a mirror of how we live our lives.
The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Hippocrates
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Did you know? That every person who becomes a doctor in USA signs an oath by Hippocrates agreeing that the greatest force in getting well EXISTS NATURALLY WITHIN US! We seem to have gotten a bit carried away with medicines, and drugs created in labs meant to cure us for some time. But times are changing. More and more people are realizing there is much more to getting well and living an ALIVE life, than what pharmaceutical drugs can do. If you are someone who is coming off an addiction, or vicious cycle or pharmaceutical drugs EXPECT RESISTANCE. There will be an element of you, the old you, that is challenged to let go and live into a new life, one that is abundantly healthy and feeling good. DO NOT DIS-REGARD MEDICINE if you are someone who is currently taking some or a lot UNTIL you first restore love and nourishment into the body AND until your consciousness becomes higher. Really conscious people do not resonate with medicines at all and just doesnt make sense to take them; they do not make sense to a lot of indigenous people or earth people who get natural medicines from plants and herbs. Conscious people are the healthiest people because they are in tune with the earth, themselves and eat only to provide the body with nutrition to support its existence. As you get more conscious you will get healthier and healthier, you will gain more control over yourself and body. THEN you can choose to heal yourself with the power of conscious thought.


The idea of success, for most people, revolves around money or the acquisition of property or other possessions, but we consider a state of joy as the greatest achievement of success. And while the attainment of money and wonderful possessions certainly can enhance your state of joy, the achievement of a goodfeeling physical body is by far the greatest factor for maintaining a continuing state of joy and Well-Being. And so, there are few things of greater value than the achievement of a good-feeling body. Abraham / Esther Hicks
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

I consider this moment to be the measure to my success, I ask myself


If we have this at the foundation THEN WE HAVE EVERYTHING!


Health is everything! If you dont have your health, you have nothing. I know of some of the richest people on the planet who are completely sick and suffering and dying of MS or other dis-eases like cancer. Money cannot make you automatically healthy; it can buy you the best organic produce though! As we go through life and acquire more things we learn that material things cannot make us happy.

Happy people are healthy people, and healthy people are happy people!
Healthy is being in love with yourself, your body, with others around you and the place we live in AND fueling on good whole foods.


If the body feels bad, tired, stressed, painful it needs healing. Most people have a digestive system that does NOT WORK. If you can see from the outside of a person, a bloated belly or pot belly there are major issues on the inside. Once you can see it on the outside, it is showing us there are major problems on the
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

inside that need to be taken care of ASAP! Same goes with acne and skin issues. But keep in mind EVERYTHING can be improved, healed and reversed! It is not the end of the world is a sickness appears, just an opportunity to learn, grow and transform it, then become stronger and healthier than ever!

SEEK and ye shall find

I have accepted that I do not know everything and never will! We must accept that there is sooo much information out there and how could our finite human minds comprehend the expansiveness and infiniteness of the universe??? It is not worth it to be right. We must humble ourselves; learn the lessons of why we have this sickness and what can be done to change it to health! WHAT DO YOU WANT? We are living in NEW TIMES, which have never been lived exactly like this before. There is no guide book, rule book to how to live daily life for each individual person, we are creating it together as a collective species. We do know that eating foods with NUTRITIONAL VALUE create a healthy body which is optimal to live a QUALITY LIFE. The mind must be aligned with health too.. Our mind is the government of our body Bruce Lipton.

The human body has 50 trillion cells.

Cells automatically and naturally MOVE TOWARDS nutrition and nourishment. Cells are bathed in the chemistry you are feeling. If your mind is producing negative thoughts, your cells are going to be affected by that. If you are someone who wants to cure or heal dis-ease/ cancer/ addiction and you start physically taking care of your body, eating ONLY foods that provide the body with nutrition, the cells are going to be affected by that and respond to what you feed them.

LOVE supports healing, rebuilding and re-boosting the immune system.

FEAR cuts off growth mechanisms and weakens the immune system.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

STRESS is BAD chemistry for the body. WE ARE CREATING THIS LIFE.
HARMONY means giving good NOURISHING foods with NUTRITION to the body. Where ever you are at right now in your life is perfect, because you are here right now and

you choose where to go next.

If I could tell the world just one thing it would be WERE ALL OK - Jewel

Believe in YOU. Believe you CAN DO IT. It is better to believe in you, than not believe in you!
You have probably heard of the placebo affect which is the belief that it will work. Studies have proven that when we BELIEVE something will work, it does. Patients were tested with sugar pills and yet their symptoms were healed.


A negative thought CAN KILL YOU. Persistently think negative thoughts and you will die from them. You will suffer in pain. Negativity does NOT feel good. A positive thought will move you to healing, and to living in the body you want. BUT yes it is much more than just being positive. It is a COMMITMENT and INTENTION and you have to actually believe in it with every cell of your body.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

if you dont believe it with every cell, and there is a sub conscious part of you that is manifesting negativity and doubt, keep persistently working on the thoughts you are aware of, make them POSITIVE and eventually you will be made up of POSTIVIVITY. Scientists explain we have a conscious thought, the thought that says today will be a good day, I will do this and this, I will restore nutrition to my body etc but then we also have a sub-conscious thought, the thoughts that we arent aware of that run in the background of our life. If our sub-conscious is programmed to be negative then we can struggle with resistance for a while. Ask yourself whats going on in my life? Where is this stress coming from?. If every day is more stressful than the next, and its getting worse instead of better, it will continue to manifest so much stress in your body and life and how far can that go? Well it usually develops into cancer of the most common now of today auto immune dysfunction or burnout syndrome.

Stress is MORE LIKELY to come from lifestyle choices, than from genes.
Everyday can and should get better and better, healthier and healthier. This is what I experience. If I can so can you! Remember your uniqueness. Most humans feel disempowered with their existence and live in fear of not mattering. We each have a gift, a talent, something GOOD to offer humanity. If you dont know yours yet you will soon.


BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Get to know your body from the inside out! If you really knew what the body did every day and every second to keep you ALIVE you would feel immense appreciation for it and ONLY want to put GOOD NOURISHING things in and on it! Be aware of everything the body is absorbing


The skin is the LARGEST ORGAN of the body. Whatever we put on our skin is absorbed into our body, into our organs, cells and bloodstream! Making your own skincare, deodorant, lip balms, moisturizer, shampoos and more is simple and quick! Use Himalayan rock salt and essential oils for the best skin scrubs ever! Go to for skincare recipes! I use Lemon as deodorant Organic deodorants WITHOUT aluminum Baking soda as teeth whitener Organic toothpaste Coconut oil for skin moisturizer and hair treatments Bentonite clay for clay baths and face masks (natures botox!) Vegan makeup that uses plant based ingredients. (See website for brands)

Heres what I learned from doing The Earth Diet and living it FULLY for 365 days and then maintaining it and making it my everyday life!

How to break an addiction and a vicious cycle of 5 years! How to survive and thrive off the land and what it provides us with naturally How to heal ANYTHING How to lose accumulated and unnecessary weight/fat
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

How to rid cellulite How to tone up easily That the strongest healing force of healing really is within EVERYONE of us! How to make the most divine raw foods including chocolate and desserts that are way better than store bought desserts ANYDAY! ;) How be a natural foodie and how when we learn the basic ingredients we can make anything! I learned how raw foods are so nourishing for our bodies! I learned how juicing is so beneficial to our bodies in todays times because it nourishes our body on a cellular level! And of course so much more!

Ok so I dont have a degree, but I absolutely do consider myself an expert in health and nutrition because I have helped people to

Lose weight Gain muscle and tone Clear acne and other skin conditions Gain love and unmovable respect for themselves Break addictions and vicious cycles Give up smoking Boost the immune system and feel strong and well Heal cancer, sickness and other dis-ease Help with school grades and focus Increase sexual appetite and stamina Increase metabolism Completely transform their lives! And more see TED website for my full bio and testimonials! I learned how we inspire people EVERYWHERE we go! Even if we dont know it, people may just see us walking down the street and looking happy and healthy and that gives them inspiration to choose HEALTH!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION


So NOW?...
I consider myself a flexitarian or intuitarian! Someone who is flexible and eats by intuition, I am very in tune with my body now and what it needs. I eat MAJORITY raw vegan lifestyle, only because it makes me feel so good and the most alive! I juice mostly every day because I love the nutrition that is received on a cellular level! If I am out and about, with friends or at a gathering and other food is going around and I feel like indulging in it, I will, and I dont feel guilty about it! Actually as soon as I eat processed foods or non-organic meats I can feel the acidity in my body, and then the next thing my body wants is something healthier to balance it out, like a juice or kale salad, or smoothie from Organic Corner in New York lol I go by the feeling, but I dont let myself get carried
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

away with feeling so bad and sick and in a vicious cycle of more and more unhealthy foods! To summarize I eat mostly raw vegan, I do eat meat and of course prefer organic, I eat majority plant based diet, if I eat processed foods I DO NOT allow myself to feel guilty or beat myself up, I just feel the energy on a physical level and how that food left me feeling and then move on from it, and of course I focus on foods that earth provides naturally! I feel free around food and I love food and what it does for my body! I realized we ALL participate in eating to survive, and so because its such a frequent thing we SHOULD have a great harmonious relationship with it! So heres how I approached The Earth Diet lifestyle during my 365 days AND now live on a day to day basis. 1. I cut ALL refined sugar from my diet. I rely on other sweet alternatives for my sugar intake like fruits, honey, maple syrup, dates and agave. Processed sugar, especially white sugar is pure poison for the body. It has absolutely no nutritional value at all! 2. I replace my love for processed chocolate bars for making my own chocolate using cacao beans, honey and nuts! 3. I replace table salt to Himalayan rock salt which has 82 nutrients! Table salt has added preservatives and is completely toxic for our bodies. 4. I juice something every day! Mostly beetroot, carrot, celery and ginger juice to cleanse my blood and bowels! 5. I use lemon as deodorant. 6. I use bentonite clay for face masks (natures botox) and I also drink it to remove parasites, worms and toxic cells from my body. 7. I use baking soda as teeth whitener. 8. I use extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and macadamia oil for eating and cooking. Vegetable oil and canola oil are completely toxic. 9. I use coconut oil for skin moisturizer and hair treatment. 10.I use organic products like toothpaste and makeup that are chemical free. 11.I bath in Epsom salts for relaxing my muscles and detoxifying my cells. 12.I sweat regularly from exercise, the sauna and get lots of sunshine!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

13.I move the body daily whether it be walking, singing, dancing, something fun! I enjoy being in my body and can appreciate the full function of it! 14.Whenever I eat meat it is organic and free range. 15.I eat majority raw living foods. 16.I get massages, I nourish and love my body, I go within and have a good relationship with myself. 17.I mostly eat food that I prepare myself. 18.I drink lemon water regularly to flush my body and alkalize it. 19.I do most my business meetings and gatherings outside in the sun, at the park, the beach, or raw food cafes and organic restaurants. 20.I am always prepared and carry ingredients with me everywhere, especially on flights! 21.I naturally resonate towards eating high vibration living raw vegan foods and less meat. 22.I listen to my body and what nutrients and vitamins it is needing. Since living TED lifestyle I continue to do this daily because this way of life just feels so good! I experience feeling so healthy, vibrant and alive within and on the outside! My life has completely transformed in every way! Feels sooo good!

Ultimately we ALL want to feel good! When it comes down to it......... We want to lose weight to feel good, Boost our immune so we dont get sick and feel good, Heal cancer to feel good, Get Better to feel good!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

The Earth Diet lifestyle is the cleanest food and fuel for our bodies and leaves us FEELING GOOD.

The Earth Diet is total nourishment for the body,

If you want to lose

weight, NOURISH the body with PROPER NUTRITION

and watch everything fall into the place, the body will work, weight will effortlessly drop. If you want to FEEL GOOD, nourish the body with PROPER NUTRITION. A lot of people ask me about the science of The Earth Diet.

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. Martin Luther King Jr
The science is that our bodies thrive off foods that provide us with the most nutrition, the most vitamins and minerals. The Earth Diet promotes a lifestyle that is to eat focus on what earth provides naturally, and eating a majority of raw living fruits and vegetables. These foods provide us with optimal nutritional for a great life and abundance of clean energy! To read Doctors and people with degrees acclaim for The Earth Diet visit the website!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Ok so what if you dont feel like being healthy???

You feel like eating a massive burger and chocolate? Do I just have to do it? Or should I wait for the inspiration?????? Each to their own! I had to live completely entirely 100% Earth Diet because I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired; I refused to live another day trapped in a vicious cycle of addiction to refined sugars and bingeing on junk food! I waited every day for 5 years to wake up and have the inspiration to never sabotage my body with junk foods and it didnt happen! I had to make a choice and just made it happen. There is no reason not to do something every day that provides the body with

SOME kind of NOURISHMENT, even at least LEMON WATER!



Some of us are at the point in our health where WE MUST INTERVENE before cancer and dis-ease spread! So in this case it is necessary to resist temptations for processed foods. If the temptations come, let them pass. They will eventually. Here is a list of some of the most nutrient and most EASILY ACCESSIBLE to most!!! It is also what you will find at my house or with me always or whenever it is in season! These ingredients are also all used in The Earth Diet recipes!!! Have these on hand as much as possible to make living TED lifestyle simpler

rich foods on the planet

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Almonds and almond butter:

The abundance of nutrients in almonds makes them ideal brain food to help with intellectual brain function and focus. They also help to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the blood which helps to reduce the risk of Heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Aids in weight loss and is a great ingredient for natural skin care. High in protein, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, zinc, selenium, copper, biotin, riboflavin(vit. B2), niacin(vit. B3), iron and many good fats.

Helps lower cholesterol, fights free radicals, helps metabolism function, helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Rich in Dietary fiber, vitamin C, beta-carotene, anti-oxidants, riboflavin(vit.B2) and thiamin(vit. B1).

Avocado (Alligator Pear) and avocado oil:

Reduces the risk of heart disease, some cancers, diabetes and high cholesterol. Prevents and assists with both rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis. Helps to burn fat and reduce weight. Reduces the signs of aging. High in vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, fiber, potassium, riboflavin(vit.B2), niacin(vit.B3), folic acid and pantothenic acid.

Great source of instant energy. Helps to reduce the effects of fatigue, irritability and insomnia. Reduces cramping of muscles. May help to overcome depression. Fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins B6 and C, magnesium, potassium, serotonin and norepinephrine.

Baking Soda:
Powerful antacid stops heartburn and acid reflux. Tooth paste and whitener. Prevents foot odour and athletes foot. Reduces itchiness and rashes when applied to skin. Gargle with warm water for sore throats. Bicarbonate of soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) is commonly known as baking soda. Sodium bicarbonate has a pH of 8.4 and it is mildly alkaline.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Detoxifies and purifies blood. Powerful bowel cleanser and lifts compacted waste from bowel walls . Boosts immune system. Boosts red blood cells to aid in oxygen distribution. Helps prevent heart disease and cancer. High in pro-vitamin A, C, Thiamin(vit.B1), riboflavin(vit. B2), thiamin(vit.B3) and B6. Rich in fiber, iron, folic acid, iodine, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorous.

Bentonite Clay:
Cleanses the liver, colon and skin. Balancing bacteria in the digestive tract. Improving nutrient assimilation. Strengthening the immune system. Can eliminate food allergies, food poisoning, colitis, viral infections, heavy metals and parasites. Bentonite clay is composed of aged volcanic ash found in different parts of the world and has been used in treating medical conditions since earliest recorded history. The largest and most popular deposit is found near Fort Benton, Wyoming - hence the name bentonite clay.

Black pepper:
Aids in digestion. Enhances metabolism. Reduces flatulence and bloating. Fights bacterial growth in the intestines. Can increase absorption of selenium, B-complex vitamins, betacarotene and other nutrients. Potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, and magnesium, riboflavin(vit.B2), niacin(vit.B3), vitamin C and A.

Prevent and reduce the symptoms of cancer and other diseases. Lowers cholesterol. Increases brain function. Is a strong anti-inflammatory. Prevents muscular degeneration. Promotes urinary tract health. Prevents aging. May help prevent Alzheimers disease. High in anti-oxidants, vitamin C, beta carotene, fiber, manganese.

Aids metabolism. Increases liver function. Improves circulation and decreases blood pressure. Protects against breast cancer and other hormone related cancers. Antidote for X ray and other forms of irradiation.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Protein, Linoleic acid, vitamins B5, E, P, thiamin(vit.B1), Riboflavin(vit.B2), niacin(vit.B3), essential amino acids, chromium, copper, manganese, folic acid and magnesium.

Cacao Butter, Nibs and Powder:

A powerful anti-oxidant to reduce toxins. Promotes heart health. Reduces risk of heart attack and stroke. Increases levels of nuerotransmitters to help with brain function, focus, sense of well-being and reduce depression. Highest anti-oxidant of any food, oleic acid, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and manganese.

Improves vision. Helps to prevent some cancers. Lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. Reduces effects of aging. Helps protect the skin from sun damage. Reduces bile and fat in the liver and aids liver function. Fiber, Vitamins A, C and B6, folic acid, thiamin(vit.B1), pantothenic acid, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phospherous.

Cayenne Pepper:
Improves circulation. Aids digestion and metabolism. Powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Reduces the effects of rheumatoid arthritis and asthma. Neutralizes acidity in the body. Breaks down mucus associated with colds and flu. Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. Reduces risk of heart disease. Reduces flatulence. High in Beta-carotene and capsaicin.

Can help prevent cancer. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Reduces symptoms of arthritic and muscular aches and pains. Helps reduce frequency and severity of migraines. Juiced, makes an excellent electrolyte replacement after workout. High in vitamin C and fiber. Also a good source of folic acid, potassium, Thiamin(vit.B1), Riboflavin(vit.B2), vitaminB6 and sodium.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Relieves pain of arthritis, gout and headaches. Eases the symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome. Helps to protect the skin cells against aging and affects of UV Radiation. Helps with sleep patterns and focus. High in vitamins A and C, anti-oxidants, potassium and anthocyanins.

Chia seeds:
Increases energy levels and mental performance. Lowers cholesterol. Helps with weight loss. Reduces the affects of aging. Expels toxins. Reduces inflammation. Lowers risk of heart disease. Helps thyroid conditions and celiac disease. High in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, fiber, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, niacin(vit.B3) and zinc.

Helps to regulate blood sugar. Can lower cholesterol. Aids in the treatment of leukemia and cancer. Reduces arthritis pain. Boosts brain function. High in manganese, fiber, iron and calcium.

Coconut and coconut oil:

Assists with weight loss. Reduces the risk of heart disease. Lowers cholesterol. Improves diabetes and chronic fatigue. Helps the symptoms of Crohns, IBS, and other digestive disorders. Increase metabolism. Promotes healthy thyroid function. Assists with weight loss. Rejuvenates hair and skin and prevents aging. Moisturizer High in fiber, protein, vitamins C and B5, folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium.

Cilantro (Coriander):
Promotes healthy liver function. Powerful anti-inflammatory. Reduces toxin in the body. Helps regulate cholesterol. Prevents urinary tract infections. Reduces flatulence. Helps reduce menstrual cramping and pain. Reduces bad breath.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

High in vitamins A, C, K, and B6, folic acid, iron and manganese.

Increases brain function. Reduces inflammation. Aids in muscle recovery and growth. Protects against macular degeneration and cataracts. Can aid weight loss. High in protein, choline, selenium, iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, copper, zinc, iron, vitamin D and B group vitamins.

Epsom Salts:
Used in baths: Eases stress and relaxes the body. Relieves pain and muscle cramps. Helps muscles and nerves function properly. Eliminates toxins from the body. Taken internally: Relieves constipation Contains magnesium and sulphate.

Flax seeds:
Was cultivated in Babylon as early as 3000 BC and has 3 main important components. Omega-3 essential fatty acids, Lignans which have both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities and also Fiber (Flaxseed contains both the soluble and insoluble types.)

A powerful antioxidant, antifungal and antibiotic. Cleanses and purifies the blood. Fights common cold and flu. Promotes heart and immune system health. Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Helps prevent some cancers. High in potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium, vitamin C and beta carotene.

Alleviates motion sickness, morning sickness, colds, flus, muscle pain and inflammation, heartburn, migraines, menstrual pain and much more. May be effective treatment of many cancers. High in potassium and magnesium.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Great for detoxing and cleansing. Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. Aids in the prevention of many cancers. Combats cold and flu. Helps eyesight health. High in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A and C, potassium and B group vitamins.

Great for increasing energy levels. Beneficial in asthma prevention. Lowers the risk of heart attack. Can reduce the regularity and intesity of migraines. Alleviates indigestion and constipation. High in thiamin(vit.B1), riboflavin(vit.B2), vitamins C and K, antioxidants, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and selenium.

Green Tea:
Aids in cholesterol reduction and burning fat. Assists the body to detox. May be beneficial in the prevention of cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and dementia. A source of antioxidants, calcium, protein, vitamins A and C.

Himalayan Rock Salt:

Regulates water content in the body. Promotes healthy blood sugar levels. Aids in the abortion of other nutrients. Prevents muscle cramping. Aids in sinus health. Contains 84 trace minerals essential to a healthy body.

Naturally boosts energy. Great natural sweetener. Strengthens the immune system. Soothes sore throats. Beneficial in the treatment of yeast infections, athletes foot and arthritis pain. Aids in the reduction of blood pressure. High in Glucose, fructose and antioxidants.

Boosts immune system. Promotes bone strength. Reduces the risk of many cancers. Protects against macular degeneration. Beneficial in the treatment of Alzheimers disease. Aids in the prevention of colds and flu. Helps protect eyes and skin. Aids metabolism. Increases the formation of red blood cells.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

High in fiber, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, vitamins A, C, K, and B6, calcium, potassium, copper and manganese.

Prevents and treat cold and flu. Dislodges phlegm. Aids in detoxing. Expels gases form the digestive tract. Helps reduce blood pressure. Aids in digestion. Alleviates constipation. Quenches thirst when mixed with water. High in vitamin C, citric acid, folic acid and potassium.

Promotes bone strength. Aids in the production of red blood cells. Helps maintain healthy skin and mucus membranes essential for eye health. Helps to prevent cancer, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, iron deficiency anemia, heart disease and Alzheimers disease. Rich in vitamin A and K, beta carotene, thiamin(vit.B1), riboflavin(vit.B2) and antioxidants.

Macadamia Nuts:
Great source of energy. Help regulate cholesterol. Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. High in protein, fiber, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, thiamin, iron, magnesium and phosphorous.

Increases strength, energy, stamina, libido and sexual function. Improves memory. Reduces stress. Helps to balance hormones. High in vitamins C and B6, protein, potassium, manganese, iron and copper.

Maple Syrup:
Great natural sweetener. Helps promote a healthy immune system. Aids the male reproductive system. Assists with heart health. May be beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. High in manganese, zinc, iron and copper.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Great alternative to eating meat. Aids in weight loss. boosts immune system. Helps lower cholesterol. Can assist in the regulation of diabetes. Reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer. High in fiber, protein, vitamins C, D and B6, thiamin(vit.B1), riboflavin(vit.B2), niacin(vit.B3), potassium, copper and selenium.

Can help reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack. Can help control weight. Helps regulate blood sugar levels and may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. May reduce the risk of some types of cancers. High in fiber, thiamin(vit.B1), magnesium, selenium, phosphorous and manganese.

Olive Oil (extra virgin):

A powerful anti-inflammatory. Aids in the reduction of cholesterol and high blood pressure. Helps prevent many types of cancer. Beneficial for bone health. Aids cognitive function. Vitamin E, beta-carotene, omega-9 fatty acids.

Prevent and treats cold and flu. Alleviate constipation. Regulate blood pressure. Help prevent cancer and heart disease. Purify the blood. Aids in teeth and bone strength. Effective in the prevention and treatment of diseases like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism etc. High in vitamin C, thiamin(vit.B1), folic acid, potassium, calcium and fiber.

Promotes optimal health. Boosts immune system. Helps prevent cold and flu. Can be beneficial for recurring ear infections. Aids in the prevention of heart disease and some cancers. Effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Good source of protein, vitamin E, A, C, K, and b6, thiamin(vit.B1), riboflavin(vit.B2), niacin(vit.B3), phosphorous, zinc, pantothenic acid, fiber, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

(Peanuts are for healthy people). Good for weight gain. Helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Beneficial in the prevention of many cancers, heart disease, Alzheimers disease and age related cognitive issues. Improves the strength of teeth and bones. Helps improve blood flow to the brain. Reduces the risk of suffering a stroke. A good source of protein, calcium, niacin(vit.B3), folic acid, Vitamins E and B6, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper and omega-6 fatty acids.

Rice (brown):
A great source of energy. Helps lower cholesterol. Beneficial for the nervous system. Satisfies appetite and aids in weight loss. Reduces the risk of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Strengthens bones and teeth. Reduces risk of heart attack, stroke and breast cancer. A good source of fiber, manganese, magnesium, selenium, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Increases memory and brain function. May be an effective treatment for Alzheimers disease. Reduces the severity of inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma and atherosclerosis. Effective treatment for the symptoms of menopause - hot flushes and night sweats. A good source of vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, thiamin(vit.B1), copper, fiber, folic acid, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium.

Boosts the immune system. Helps maintain blood sugar levels. Aids in weight loss. Prevents constipation. Helps lower blood pressure. Reduces the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Promotes toot and bone strength and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Promotes a healthy nervous system and brain function. A good source of vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, zinc, fiber, protein, thiamin(vit.B1), riboflavin(vit.B2), niacin(vit.B3), folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper and manganese.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Boost the immune system. Aids in the generation of new cells in the body. Increase the strength of teeth and bones. Lower cholesterol. Helpful in controlling hot flashes, menopause, PMS and fibrocystic breasts tumors. Beneficial in the treatment of pancreatic, colon and leukemia cancers. High in vitamins A, C and K, protein calcium, fiber, thiamin(vit.B1), riboflavin(vit.B2), niacin(vit.B3), folic acid, pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, zinc and manganese. (For how to SPROUT visit TED website )

Helps keep digestion regular and lowers blood pressure. Aids in weight loss. Help detox the body. Boosts the immune system and protects from cold and flu. Helps increase bone strength. Lowers the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. A great source of fiber, vitamin C, manganese, folic acid, and potassium.

Boosts immune system. Helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Reduces the effects of stress. Effective treatment for coughs, bronchitis and chest congestion. Kills a range of bacteria and fungus in the body. Can help prevent some cancers. Good source of vitamin A, C, E and K, thiamin(vit.B1), magnesium, zinc, copper, fiber, folic acid, calcium, iron and manganese.

Detoxifies the liver. Natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns. Can be effective in the reduction of cancerous tumors. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia. Aids in weight management. An effective treatment for inflammatory diseases like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis etc. A source of vitamins C and B6 magnesium, fiber, iron, potassium and magnesium.

Vanilla Bean:
Helps alleviate nausea. Aids in weight loss. Reduces anxiety and stress. Assists with the regulation of menstruation cycles. A good source of manganese, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

For a list of ALL foods that earth provides naturally check out TED website.
(* ALL meaning as much as we could source from around the world to date!) For a list of SUPER FOODS and their benefits check out TED website

EAT LESS or even NONE AT ALL of the following

Fast Food Foods that say FAT FREE Fried foods Foods cooked in canola oil or vegetable oil Foods with CORN or CORN SYRUP as an ingredient Foods with refined sugar Processed foods that have over 20 ingredients (complicated mess) Meat that is not organic Foods that have trans fats SODA (cancer in a can!) Processed Foods Canned Foods Foods from the freezer GMO foods Foods with ingredients that come with a number, and were created in a lab Packaged Foods Foods that have added preservatives, flavors and colors Anything with natural flavors (not so natural) Foods that travelled across the globe to get into your mouth Cooked foods (eat majority raw living foods) Foods that have NO nutritional value
And AVOID VACCINATIONS. For more information on this visit TED website.
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

It is a choice from moment to moment. Notice I am here and then here and then here again. We can just keep rechoosing! Eventually most of us get to a point in life that feels REALLY bad, really really bad, suffering, and from there we can learn that pain feels really bad and feeling good feels better. We innately want to feel good. Eckhart Tolle had his greatest enlightenment at a time that he was suicidal and experiencing immense pain. He surrended and from this experience came his best-selling book The Power Of Now. IT IS SIMPLE,

if we want to FEEL GOOD,

What we eat goes into our body everywhere, through the blood and the organs, absorbed everywhere in the body. If we eat slimy, processed, greasy food loaded with preservatives, lab created chemicals and anti-biotics WELL that fuels the body and the body runs off that! Whatever we absorb in our bodies becomes us. Some people believe they dont have control over their bodies and whether they get cancer or not, and whether we are creating the planet to be a particular way. Well we have CONTROL over our OWN BREATH breath right now a big breath and then out, you can really feel yourself, your
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

consciousness, you are something that exists! If you feel bad now, you can feel different tomorrow, or in an hour, based on what you choose to do and think now! When feeling sad, and un appreciated and un wanted and whats the point and I dont make a difference REMEMBER that you are the only one who is EXACTLY like you on the planet! You make up the one and you make up the WHOLE!!! Together we all make up the whole! Each person has a gift, a purpose, a talent, something good and cool to bring to the table like something awesome to bring to people to make them enjoy their time with you!

When we feel good we attract to us the foods that keep us feeling good! They just come it just happens!
The world IS big, there are a lot of us, and it is also small everyone is so connected and live closely together especially in the cities!

We all do different things, we like different things, but then we are also so similar. WE share the SAME PLANET!!! What is
happening on this planet is happening to ALL of us!!! We are all affected by whatever happens here. Now people are waking up to this and going hang on something is obviously not right and are seeking outside of what is happening at doctors studios and hospitals. We are learning that proper

NOURISHMENT and NUTRITION of foods and good

mental health has us feel who we really should be.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Being TIRED majority of the time is NOT NORMAL. Being SICK majority of the time is NOT NORMAL. Feeling depressed majority of the time is NOT NORMAL. Feeling bad majority of the time is NOT NORMAL. Feeling guilty majority of the time is NOT NORMAL.
It is innate to all of us to feel good. Next time you feel bad or sad really feel it, go into the pain. See what is has to offer, what you can learn from it.

When you feel like I cant do it Remember you can, or you cant!
If you are going to do just

12 things to incorporate The Earth Diet

into your lifestyle here is what I recommend to leave your body feeling the most nourished and alive ever with proper nutrition! These 12 things will also have your immune system BOOSTED so no dis-ease, cancer, illness can survive or thrive, and will prevent it from happening at all!

1. Juice every day! 2. Drink lemon water daily! 3. Replace processed chocolate with CACAO (recipes included!) 4. Eat RAW DESSERTS instead of desserts with SUGAR! Give up refined
sugar entirely! Use cleaner alternatives like honey, maple syrup, agave, stevia and dates instead!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

5. Eat LOTS OF GREENS like KALE, cilantro and parsley! Make epic salads

6. Eat mostly RAW LIVING FOODS 7. Switch your salt to Himalayan salt or sea salt! Table salt is loaded
with preservatives COMPLETELY TOXIC.

8. Switch from dairy milk to nut milk or hemp milk! Dairy milk from
cows under stress loaded with hormones and anti botics (unless raw) provides body with no nutrition.

9. Use cleaner oils like extra virgin olive oil, macadamia, coconut oil.
Canola and vegetable oil completely toxic.

10. 11.

Eat majority raw plant based foods to lose weight and restore

natural body weight Learn about what earth provides us with naturally! Appreciate

the earth too, it does after all support our existence as human beings! The more we nurture the earth, the better the soils are, the better our food is! Replace all your favorites with TED alternatives including hamburgers, hotdogs, tacos, ice cream, cheesecake and the list goes onnnnnnn!


Allow yourself to feel good! No guilt after any food, it just

makes it worse! But do learn the lesson of what it feels like to eat processed, toxic and or fast food!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

There is a natural alternative for EVERYTHING! Every dis-ease, sickness, cancer and incurable anything can be healed naturally. For Natural Alternatives I use myself, and know of others who have used them and it worked, and ones I recommend check out TED website. And For companies, doctors, people and experts I use personally and also recommend visit TED website

We never arrive at a place, Health is constant ongoing process!!!

I believe every day I get healthier and healthier. Even if I have a slip up I learn from it and know for next time and am still in the process of getting healthier and healthier. Just know that wherever you are at in your life is perfect, you are here now and have the ability and opportunity to change it and improve it. LOVE WHAT YOU HAVE, while working towards what you want!


So you can be WHO YOU REALLY ARE. In a healthy body. With a healthy state of mind.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION


There are recipes for EVERY kind of eater including:

Meat Eaters Vegans Vegetarians Pescatarians Flexitarians Fruitarians Raw Vegans, Intuit Arians

For people that are wanting to Detox and Cleanse, For people wanting to Juice Fast For people wanting to Gain weight, Lose weight, Gain Muscle,

Tone Naturally, Restore to the Natural Body Weight

Every recipe has something in common! 1. Every ingredient in them IS naturally provided from the earth. 2. The recipes are designed from WHOLE FOODS that provide the body with the MOST NUTRITION POSSIBLE; meals that provide you with the MOST NUTRIENTS per bite, per calorie. Science proves that FOODS THAT PROVIDE US WITH THE MOST NUTRITION are foods that are organically grown, in nutrient dense soils (healthy earth), seasonally grown, raw and with living enzymes.

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Here are tools that will come in handy for TED lifestyle: 1. A juice machine. Slow juice machines and juice presses are best. 2. A Blender/Food Processor: to blend nuts and make smoothies! 3. A Dehydrator: to make raw pizza bases and so much more! 4. Mortar and Pestle: to mush herbs and spices together, to grind nuts into flour 5. A hand juicer (a couple dollars from a supermarket) to juice lemon, oranges & grapefruits!

For a list of places to purchase them and ones I use and recommend check out TED website!

Some basics to know when making TED recipes

When using milk If you want to consume dairy buy it organic, or better yet if you know a farmer close by who can give you raw milk. The milk today is processed with A LOT of added chemicals to preserve it. Remember back in the day when milk was door delivered every couple of days because that was its shelf life. Now milk seems to last in the fridges for a couple of weeks! Food that lasts for long periods of time has little and probably no nutritional value at all. I recommend nut milk like almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk or rice milk as a cleaner healthier alternative. All of the measurements in this book are just a guide. Do what you feel and taste as you make so you can add more or less for example more honey to make things sweeter, more salt as you like it, more cacao for a richer chocolate, or more herbs! It was a challenge for me to create recipes with actual measurements because I just go off looking and tasting. Alter them as you like. Get creative!

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Use stainless steel 18/10 for cooking! Its always best to use quality
cookwear like stainless steel, ceramic, glass, lead-free earthenware. You want to use cookwear that is non-reactive to the foods cooked in it. Teflon is the opposite, it is non-stick yes but once Teflon is heated it spoils into the food and is extremely toxic! The best pots are thick bottomed. Ultimately slow heat, like cooking your food on a fire or over coals in the healthiest way! Stay away from Teflon, flimsy pots or ones coated with synthetic materials!

ALL recipes are sugar free*, lactose free and dairy free.
*Sugar free meaning refined sugar free. These recipes use natural sweetners instead like HONEY, Maple Syrup, Agave and Dates. I consider dates to be the cleanest source of natural sugars for recipes as it takes the less process to get it from the farm to our mouths.
Some recipes have gluten like the pancakes and bread. Use Rice Flour as an alternative. Look for the recipes that are gluten free! To make a Meat Eaters recipe into VEGAN just remove the meat! There are so many things you can add to each meal or remove for your liking! At each recipe you will see the benefits of that feed. The benefits are based off the most prominent ingredients. When using cook wear go for stainless steel. The non stick Teflon range is highly toxic and leaks into the food especially if it has been scratched. Ideally cooking with slow heat on a fire is the best, but we do what we can in the modern world today! You will also see + ADD which shows how you can add ingredients to a meal to make it a meat eaters, or remove the meat to make it vegan, or add cayenne pepper or chilli to make it spicy and so on! When it says SALT go for Himalayan Rock Salt or sea salt When it says OIL go for Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil or Macadamia Oil unless it is stated then that is the best oil in my opinion of taste for that meal Use filtered water or alkaline water if possible instead of tap water Almond meal is blended almonds made into a flour type consistency

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TED recipes call for measurements in U.S units. See below for conversion.
These conversions are approximate, so results could vary. Metric Conversations for Volume U.S Units 1/4 teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon 1 teaspoon 1/4 cup 1/3 cup 1/2 cup 2/3 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup 1 quart 2 quarts 3 quarts 4 quarts Canadian Metric 1 mL 2 mL 5 mL 50 mL 75 mL 125 mL 150 mL 175 mL 250 mL 1 liter 2 liters 3 liters 4 liters Australian Metric 1 ml 2 ml 5 ml 20 ml 60 ml 80 ml 125 ml 170 ml 190 ml 250 ml 1 liter 1.5 liters 2 liters 2.5 liters 3 liters 4 liters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Inches 1/2 Metric Conversations for Size Centimeters 1.5 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.5 23.0 25.5 28.0 30.5 33.0 Metric Conversations for Weight U.S. Units 1 ounce 2 ounces 3 ounces 4 ounces (1/4 pound) 8 ounces (1/2 pound) 16 ounces (1 pound) 1 pound Canadian Metric 30 grams 55 grams 85 grams 115 grams 225 grams 455 grams 455 grams Australian Metric 30 grams 60 grams 90 grams 125 grams 225 grams 500 grams 1/2 kilogram

1 tablespoon 15 mL

1 1/2 quarts 1.5 liters 2 1/2 quarts 2.5 liters


8 9 10 11 12 13

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The Earth Diet

All drinks are Plant Based, Vegan and RAW (unless it is a hot tea!)

Juice Cleanse

Guide for

7 days
(Read disclaimer first)

Drink daily:
1. Upon rising: Lemon Water 2. Beet Juice 3. Orange Juice 4. Fat Blaster 5. Strawberry Apple Slushy or Coconut Water/Milk 6. Green Juice 7. Green Smoothie
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BEET Juice
For ONE juice Ingredients: 1 small beet 3 carrots 3 celery stalks 1 small piece of ginger 1 red apple 1 lemon with rind Action: Put all ingredients in a juicer! BENEFITS: Purifying the blood Increasing the body`s production of glutathione, which helps the body detoxify cancer-causing poisons Lowering high blood pressure Cleansing the liver Lifting compacted waste from the bowel walls! Body building that helps the creation of red blood cells Accelerates weight loss

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For one drink, drink every morning!!! Ingredients and Action: 1 lemon squeezed into a cup of water BENEFITS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Relives digestion issues High in vitamin C Breaks down fatty deposits Boosts the Immune system Clears the skin Stimulates the Bowels are aided in eliminating waste efficiently Relieves bloating Relieves indigestion Acts as a liver tonic and helps liver to produce bile Dissolver gallstones Relieves heartburn A natural antiseptic medicine Kills parasites Cures throat infections

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For one juice Ingredients: 1 small cucumber 1 green apple 3 celery stalks 1 lemon with rind a handful of kale a handful of spinach a handful of parsley Action: Put all ingredients in the juicer and JUICE! BENEFITS: High in antioxidants High in vitamin A and C Good fiber Reduces Inflammatory Lowers cholesterol Boost immunity Reduces swelling under eyes Reduces black circles under eyes Super cleansing! Energy boosting! Cleansing for the skin 79
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Orange Juice

Rich in antioxidants vitamins & minerals Good source of B complex vitamins Good source of calcium and potassium Loaded with vitamin C

For one juice! Ingredients: 4 oranges Action: Use a hand juicer or juice them in a machine! + ADD 1 grapefruit (great for fat burning and cleansing) + ADD 1 lemon with rind

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Benefits: Cleaner and healthier alternative to dairy milk! Ideal brain food to help with intellectual brain function and focus Lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the blood which helps to reduce the risk of Heart disease, obesity and diabetes Aids in weight loss High in protein, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, zinc, selenium, copper, biotin, riboflavin, niacin, iron and many good fats

Almond Milk

Ingredients: for 3 cups of almond milk 1 cup of soaked almonds overnight (or for 7 hours) 3 cups of water 3 dates or 1 tablespoon of honey 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract + ADD 1 teaspoon of cacao powder for chocolate milk! + ADD cup strawberries for strawberry milk! *Use any kind of nut for this nut milk! Like cashews or brazil nuts! *If you have a nut allergy use HEMP SEEDS instead Action: 1. Pop the almonds out of their skins 2. Add all ingredients to the blender and mix together until a smooth milky consistency!
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Nut Berry Smoothie

Makes one epic smoothie! Ingredients: 1 of water cup of strawberries cup blueberries 2 teaspoons of macca cup raspberries 2 teaspoon of flaxseeds 1 tablespoon of goji berries 2 tablespoon of almond butter 1 teaspoon of honey 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds Action: 1. In a blender mix all ingredients until a thick smoothie consistency! + ADD Cacao to make it a chocolate nut berry smoothie!

Benefits: High in protein, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, zinc, Glucose, fructose, antioxidants, vitamins C and B6, protein, potassium, manganese, iron and copper Increases strength, energy, stamina, libido and sexual function. Improves memory Reduces stress

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Hot Chocolate Milk

Makes 1 Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of cacao 1 cup of boiling water a dash of coconut or almond milk 1 tablespoon of honey, agave or maple syrup Action: 1. Add cacao to the boiling water and stir 2. Add the honey and stir 3. Add the milk and stir


A powerful anti-oxidant to reduce toxins Promotes heart health Reduces risk of heart attack and stroke Increases levels of neurotransmitters to help with brain function, focus, sense of well-being Reduces depression Highest anti-oxidant of any food, oleic acid, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and manganese!

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Strawberry Apple Slushy

Makes 1 slushy Ingredients: 3/4 cup of strawberries 1 red apple Action: 1. In a blender process the apples and strawberries until slushly like consistency! Add water if you need more juice! + ADD a lemon + ADD cup of watermelon Benefits: Helps lower cholesterol absorption, fights free radicals, helps metabolism function, Helps control heart rate and blood pressure Rich in Dietary fiber, vitamin C, beta-carotene, anti-oxidants, riboflavin and thiamin

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Coconut Water
Ingredients: 1 coconut Action: 1. Poke a hole in the coconut and drain the liquid into a cup! 2. Enjoy the coconut water!

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Coconut Milk
Ingredients: 1 coconut Action: 1. Bust a hole open in the coconut and drain the liquid into a cup! 2. Crack the coconut completely open and scrape out the white coconut pulp flesh 3. Add the coconut flesh and water into a blender and process together until a smooth creamy coconut milk! +ADD 1 teaspoon of vanilla Benefits: Coconut milk contains lauric acid, antimicrobial lipids and capric acid, which have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties Fights viruses Aids weight loss

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Green Smoothie
For one smoothie Ingredients: an avocado handful of kale handful of spinach 1 cucumber 1 banana 1 tablespoon honey cup water or almond milk handful of cilantro +ADD 1 tablespoon of spirulina Action: 1. In a blender add all ingredients and process until smoothie consistency! Add more liquid if needed!

Benefits: Boosts immune system Promotes bone strength Reduces the risk of many cancers Protects against macular degeneration Beneficial in the treatment of Alzheimers disease BEof AT EASE. Aids in the prevention colds and flu
Nourish the body with NUTRITION


FAT Blaster

Ingredients: 1 grapefruit 2 oranges 1 lemon Action: 1. Peel the oranges and grapfruit. Juice them in a juice machine or hand juicer! 2. Juice the lemon including the rind! + ADD a dash of cayenne pepper for more of a cleanse kick!
Benefits: Great for detoxing and cleansing Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol High in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A and C, potassium and B group vitamins Boosts metabolism 88
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Green Tea buy the lose leaf if possible!

Benefits: Powerful antioxidants to burn fat Lower cholesterol Fights heart disease Cleanses the body of toxins

Ginger Tea chop 1 small piece of ginger into a boiling pot of water.
Let it boil for 5 minutes. Drink when possible!
Benefits: Alleviates motion sickness, morning sickness, colds, flus, muscle pain Relieves inflammation Heals heartburn, migraines, menstrual pain May be effective treatment of ovarian cancer High in potassium and magnesium


Ingredients: 1 small piece of ginger chopped into cubes 1 garlic clove diced 1 lemon 1 teaspoon of cayene pepper 1 tablespoon of honey 2 cups of water Benefits:

Improves circulation Powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant Neutralizes acidity in the body

Breaks down mucus associated with colds & flu Action: 1. Bring water to boil and add all the ingredients except the honey 2. Squeeze the lemon juice into the water and then chop up the rind and add that 3. Drain the tea water, add honey and stir and drink when possible!

For more drink recipes visit

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The Earth Diet Desserts

These recipes are refined sugar free, dairy free, soy free and gluten free!*

These desserts Vegan* Most of these desserts are RAW, so only requiring putting some ingredients together! Simple AND divine! They are all nourishing for the body and provide nutrition! These are also GREAT SNACK FOOD, workout food and party food!
* The pancakes contain eggs, use oil instead to make them vegan. They also contain wheat, use buckwheat to make them gluten free!
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RAW Cookie Dough Balls

Benefits: Makes 12 balls Ingredients: 2/3 cups of rolled oats (gluten free) 2/3 cups of cashews 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean 2 teaspoons of honey 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt 2 tablespoons of cacao powder 2 tablespoons of cacao nibs (will be the chocolate chips) Rich in iron, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium and zinc Good source of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and protein Rich in copper for good skin Lowers cholesterol

Action: 1. Blend the cashews and oats in a food processor so it makes a flour meal consistency. 2. In a bowl add this blend, along with the vanilla, salt and honey and stir. Once all mixed add the cacao nibs and stir! 3. Taste and add water if needed, or more honey if you like it sweeter. It should be a cookie dough consistency. +ADD Peanut Butter to make it Peanut Butter Cookie Dough 4. Roll the mixture into balls. 5. On a plate roll the balls in cacao powder. * You can make this without cacao nibs 6. Eat and enjoy! Keep in fridge. * Use Vanilla Beans if possible. If not use Vanilla Extract the kind without added sugar check the ingredients on the back! 91
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RAW Ice Cream

Makes an abundance of ice cream to serve one or many For VANILLA. Ingredients: 1 cup of cashews 2/3 cup of water 1 teaspoon of vanilla or 1 vanilla bean 4 tablespoons of honey Action: 1. In a powerful food processor or ice cream maker blend all ingredients until as creamy and frothy as you can make it! 2. Pour the mixture into a container and set the ice cream in the freezer overnight or until frozen. 3. Serve with fresh fruit, nuts and/or chocolate sauce!

Benefits: Cleaner and healthier alternative than dairy ice cream! Helps alleviate nausea Aids in weight loss Reduces anxiety and stress Assists with the regulation of menstruation cycles Good for the heart Rich in magnesium

+ ADD 1 or more tablespoon of Cacao Powder to make Chocolate Ice Cream + ADD 1 tablespoon of Cacao Powder, 3 tablespoons of Cacao Nibs to make Chocolate Chip Ice Cream + ADD 1 cup of strawberries into the blender and make Strawberry Ice Cream + ADD 2 tablespoons of green tea to make Green Tea Ice Cream + ADD 2 tablespoons of coffee to make Coffee Ice Cream + ADD Drop Raw Cookie Dough Balls into half frozen ice cream to make Cookie Dough Ice Cream + ADD a handful of mint leaves and a drop of mint oil to make Mint Ice Cream + ADD A handful of mint leaves & a drop of mint oil & cacao powder to make Chocolate Mint Ice Cream * The more powerful the blender the creamier the ice cream will be * Use 1 cup of dates instead of honey if you choose 92
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RAW Chocolate Avocado Mousse

Serves 2 Ingredients: 1 avocado 2 tablespoons of cacao 2 tablespoons of honey Action: 1. Either blend all ingredients in a food processor and make it smooth and creamy OR mash the avocado with a fork in a bowl 2. Add cacao and honey. Taste it, add more cacao if you want it more chocolate and more honey if you want it sweeter! Benefits: Reduces the risk of heart disease, some cancers, diabetes and high cholesterol Prevents and assists with both rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis Helps to burn fat and reduce weight Reduces the signs of aging High in vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, fiber, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, folate and pantothenic acid For weight loss

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Sweet Pancakes
Makes 10 Ingredients cup rice flour cup whole meal flour 1/2 cup buckwheat cup water (add another 1/3 cup to make crepes) 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup and then more for serving 1 egg Oil for cooking +ADD 2 tablespoons of Cacao Powder to make Chocolate Pancakes +ADD Cacao Nibs to make Chocolate Chip Pancakes * You could use almond meal as an alternative to one of the flours * Use olive oil or coconut oil to replace the egg for a vegan option * Replace the whole meal flour with more buckwheat and rice flour to make it GLUTEN FREE Benefits: Aids metabolism Increases liver function Improves circulation and decreases blood pressure Protects against breast cancer and other hormone related cancers Antidote for X ray and other forms of irradiation High in protein, Linoleic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, E, P, essential amino acids, chromium, copper, manganese, folic acid and magnesium Increases brain function Action: 1. In a bowl mix all the ingredients. Whisk until a fine blend. 2. Heat a fry pan with oil. When the oil is hot pour the batter into the fry pan. 3. When you see bubbles flip the pancake! 4. Serve with maple syrup or honey and fresh fruit! OR RAW ICE CREAM!

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

Benefits: Muscle relaxing High in magnesium which aids weight loss High in protein Rich in Antioxidants

Makes 1 big pie Ingredients: Base cup of cacao butter (113g) 2 tablespoons of honey 2 tablespoons of cacao powder cup almond meal Filling 1 cup of peanut butter Icing 1 avocado 3 tablespoons of cacao powder 4 tablespoons of honey

Action: For the base 1. Melt the cacao butter in the sun or extremely low heat on a stove. 2. In the pot you melted the cacao butter in; add the rest of the ingredients, honey, almond meal and cacao powder and mix well with a spoon. 3. Grease a brownie tray with coconut oil lightly (or use non-stick paper) 4. Pour the base into the tray and wobble tray until the mixture is flat and smooth. 5. Place in the freezer to harden while making the other layers! (Approx 20 minutes!) For the icing 6. In a bowl mash the avocado into a puree. Then add the cacao powder and honey and mix well until a chocolate icing! (You could also use blender!) Putting it together 7. Take the base out of the freezer. Put of layer peanut butter over chocolate base. Then spread a layer of icing over the peanut butter layer! 8. Set in fridge for two hours then cut and eat!!! 95
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Block of Chocolate (RAW)

Benefits: High in magnesium Muscle relaxing Aphrodisiac Aids in weight loss! High in protein Rich with antioxidants!

Makes enough for a good feed Ingredients: cup of cacao butter (96g) 2 tablespoons of honey 2 tablespoons of cacao powder cup almond meal Action: 1. Melt the cacao butter either in the sun or very low on the stove. 2. Add the melted cacao butter, cacao powder & honey to a bowl & stir well so it all blends in together. 3. Add the almond meal and stir well. It should be smooth. 4. Set it in chocolate molds or a baking dish and let it set in the freezer or fridge until hard! + ADD 3 tablespoons of almond butter for a creamier chocolate + ADD whole nuts to make Nut Chocolate Block + ADD raisins, blueberries, sultanas to make Fruit Chocolate + ADD fruit and nuts to make Fruit Nut Chocolate *The finer the almond meal the smoother the chocolate will be 96
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Apple Crumble

Makes a serve for 5 people Benefits: Ingredients: 4 large apples 1 tablespoon of coconut oil 1 cup of almond meal 1/3 cup of desiccated coconut 2 tablespoons of cinnamon 5 tablespoons of honey Helps lower cholesterol Fights free radicals Helps metabolism function Rich in Dietary fiber, vitamin C, beta-carotene, antioxidants, riboflavin, fiber, iron, calcium and thiamin Helps to regulate blood sugar Reduces arthritis pain Boosts brain function

Action: 1. Pre-heat oven at 400F (200C). 2. On low heat in a pan toast the cinnamon, almond, coconut and 2 tablespoons of honey in coconut oil. 3. In a pot, boil apples until they are semi soft. Drain and then add 3 tablespoons of honey to the pot and stir while letting it cook together until apples are soft. 4. In an oven dish place the apple mixture with the toasted nut mixture. Place in oven for 10 minutes until the dish is well combined! 4. Serve with raw ice cream and chunky nuts! 97
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Raw Cheesecake

Benefits: - High in calcium - High in protein - Good fats - Aphrodisiac - Rich in mineral copper good for hair and skin - Good for weight loss - Prevents gallstones - High in magnesium

Makes one large cheesecake Ingredients:

2 cups macadamia nuts (or use walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds but macadamias seem to work best!) 1 1/2 cups cashews 1/2 cup pitted dates 1/4 cup dried coconut 6 tablespoons coconut oil melted 1/4 cup lime juice 1/4 cup maple syrup, honey or raw agave nectar 1 sun-dried vanilla bean or 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract 3 cups mixed berries, such as blueberries and raspberries for garnish Action: 1. Soak the cashews and macadamias in water in separate bowls for at least 5 hours. 2. Pulse macadamia nuts and dates in food processor to a sticky crumb-like consistency. Sprinkle dried coconut on bottom of 8-inch pie pan. Press macadamia nut mixture onto coconut to make crust. 3. Place cashews, coconut oil, lime juice, maple syrup, vanilla and 6 tablespoons of water in a food processor and do it until smooth fluffy puree texture. 4. Pour mixture onto crust, and freeze 2 hours or until firm. Remove from freezer, slice while frozen, and serve with berries!!! Let is defrost to get soft or eat it as a hard slice! 98
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Makes 12 cups Ingredients 100g Raw Cacao Butter (3/4 a cup) cup of almond meal 2-6 tablespoons of Raw Cacao Powder (to taste) 1-3 tablespoons of maple syrup, honey or Agave Syrup (or more to taste) a jar of Organic Peanut Butter Mini or large baking Cups Action: 1. Melt the cacao butter in the sun or on very low heat in a pot. Once it is melted add the cacao powder, almond meal and maple syrup and whisk well. Taste it, if it needs more sweet add more maple! 2. Spoon the chocolate mix into each baking cup to fill the bottom of each one just under half way full! Make sure you only use half the chocolate mix as you will need it for the top half of the cup! Place in the freezer to set for 15 minutes 3. Remove the chocolate cups from the freezer and put a spoon of peanut butter on top. Then add more chocolate mix so you dont see the peanut butter! Place back in the freezer to set!

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Chocolate Brownies
This is also the base for TED RAW CHOCOLATE BALLS!
Makes enough for a good feed Ingredients: 1 cup of almond meal (you can also use any other nuts!) 1 cup of cacao powder 3 tablespoons of maple syrup, honey or agave 2 tablespoons of water

Benefits: - High in magnesium - Great workout food - For weight loss - High in protein - Aphrodisiac

Action: 1. In a bowl mix the cacao powder and almond meal together 2. Add the maple syrup and water and stir! 3. Taste it! If you want it sweeter add more maple, if you want it moist add water! 4. Pat down the mixture in a brownie tray and set in the fridge. Let it set and cut into squares! (You could also roll them into balls to make CHOCOLATE BALLS!) To spice them up + ADD cup cacao butter (they will set harder) + ADD 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean + ADD 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt + ADD 1 teaspoon of essential mint oil + ADD 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

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Choc Peanut Butter Balls

1. Make the RAW CHOCOLATE BROWNIE BASE 2. Add 4 tablespoons of peanut butter! (add more if you like!) 3. Mix it together for a marble affect and then roll into balls! + You could use almond butter as an alternative!
Benefits: - High in magnesium - Great workout food - For weight loss - High in protein - Good amount of folate
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION


Chocolate Coconut Balls

1. Make the RAW CHOCOLATE BROWNIE BASE 2. Roll them into balls! 3. Then roll them into shaved coconut! + Add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil for more of a coconut taste!
Benefits: - Rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals - High in magnesium - Great workout food - For weight loss - High in protein - Good amount of folate 102
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Peanut Butter Balls

Makes 15 20 balls Ingredients: 375g Jar of peanut butter cup of almond meal 4 tablespoon of Honey

Benefits: - High amounts of folate - High in protein - High in vitamin E - High in Copper and Fibre

Note: may require more or less almond meal depending on moisture content of peanut butter Action: 1. Combine peanut butter, honey and almond meal in a mixing bowl. 2. Add more of the almond meal if required (Mixture should form into balls without sticking to hands.) 3. Roll into balls and place in airtight container in refrigerator or freezer until firm!

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Raw Cupcakes

Makes 12 cupcakes

Benefits: - Rich in Omega-3 - High in protein - High in vitamin E - High in iron

Action: 1. Make the RAW CHOCOLATE BROWNIE base WITH WALNUTS instead of almonds (walnuts work best for this recipe!) 2. Add 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt 3. 1 teaspoon of vanilla of vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean and mix well 4. Roll them into balls and press them into baking cups. 5. The icing: The RAW CHOCOLATE AVOCADO MOUSSE 6. Garnish with coconut shavings, chopped nuts, goji berries and cacao nibs! For vanilla cupcakes: In a bowl mix 1 cup of almond meal, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup or honey and water if extra moisture is needed! Roll them into balls and press them into baking cups!

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Ice Blocks

Orange: Juice oranges and pour them into molds in freezer! Add grapefruit and lemon for extra ZING! Chocolate: See CHOCOLATE MILK (made with almond milk and cacao) recipe and pour into molds and set in freezer! Strawberry: See ALMOND MILK recipe and add to a blender 1 cup of strawberries to make strawberry milk ice blocks! Pour into molds and set in freezer! Red: See STRAWBERRY APPLE SLUSHY and pour into molds and set in freezer!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

TED Chocolate (RAW)

Makes enough for a good fix of chocolate! Ingredients: 100g Raw Cacao Butter (3/4 cup) cup almond meal 2-6 tablespoons of Raw Cacao Powder 1-3 tablespoons of maple syrup, honey or Agave Syrup (or more to taste) A chocolate mold Action: 1. Melt the cacao butter in the sun or on very low heat in a pot. Once it is melted add the cacao powder, maple syrup and almond meal and whisk well. Taste it, if it needs more sweet add more maple! 2. Pour the chocolate mixture into chocolate molds! 3. Set in fridge or freezer!

+ ADD 3 tablespoons of almond butter to make it smoother and creamier + Use HEMP SEEDS as an alternative to nuts

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

White Chocolate Blueberry Squares

Ingredients: 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup shredded coconut 1 cup almond meal cup coconut milk cup (90g) of cacao butter melted in the sun or very low heat 1/3 cup of honey 2 punnets of blueberries 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract or shavings of 2 vanilla beans

Makes 10 squares Action: 1. In a blender place the shredded coconut, rolled oats and almond meal and pulse together until flour consistency, a bit of texture left in this mixture is good! Pour into a bowl. 2. Place in all other ingredients except blueberries and mix well until it becomes a cookie dough consistency . 3. In a brownie tray lined with baking paper and/or greased with coconut oil place half the mixture and flatten it out. Then add the blueberries and evenly space. Then add the rest of the mixture on top and press down firmly. 4. Set in the fridge for 2-3 hours. Then cut into squares and serve!
Benefits: High in antioxidants and fibre Good source of selenium Revitalizing properties Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol Good for women postmenopausal

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Chocolate Sauce
Makes 3/4 a cup of sauce Ingredients: cup of honey 3 tablespoons of almond meal 1 tablespoon of cacao powder 2 tablespoons of cacao butter melted in the sun or low heat in a pot Action: 1. Mix all the ingredients together and WHISK well until they are combined. Serve over pancakes, ice cream or fresh strawberries! When you pour the sauce over the ice cream it sets hard like ice magic Benefits: - High in magnesium - Aphrodisiac - High in vitamin E

Cacao Butter is also great as a nourishing skin all over body moisturizer!

Benefits of Cacao Butter: Improves skin qualities including eczema, stretch marks and dermatitis Improves blood flow High in anti-oxidants Lowers cholesterol Boosts immune system

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

The Earth Diet RAW VEGAN

These recipes are all RAW! They are vegan and plant based! RAW Foods are living foods and provide us with the most nutrients than any other food!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION


I never knew kale could taste so good! Now I crave this salad almost daily! This recipe is by Chef Elyse and I am so grateful she discovered a way to make kale so tasty!

Ingredients: Action: Benefits:

Makes a Salad for 2 or 3 Ingredients: 1 head o' kale 1 ripe avocado 1/4 cup Flax oil 2 Tablespoons of Bragg's Liquid Aminos/Nama Shoyu/Tamari 1/2 Cup Nutritional Yeast 2 tablespoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon chili powder 1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds 1/4 cup Hemp Seeds garnish with cherry tomatoes and or capsicum/peppers if desired!

Benefits: - Rich in phytonutrients - Healthy Fats - Rich in Protein - Rich in minerals - Accelerates weight loss - High in dietary fibre so aids in digestion and relieves constipation and bloating - Anti inflammatory

Actions: 1. Massage Kale with Avocado, Flax, and Aminos followed by remaining ingredients until well incorporated. Caution: Super Kale Salad is more filling then expected, so share it with your friends! Hallelujah!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Makes enough for one large salad! Ingredients: 2 cloves of garlic 1 small thumb size piece of ginger The juice of 1 lemon cup of olive oil + ADD 1 tablespoon of honey if you want it sweet! + ADD 1 teaspoon or more of cayenne pepper or chopped chilli to make it spicy! + ADD 1 teaspoon of turmeric for an extra cleanse! + ADD 1 avocado mashed for a CREAMY DRESSING! + ADD sprinkle 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast for a cheesy tasting salad!

Action: 1. Chop the garlic and ginger as finely as possible 2. In a bowl combine all ingredients 3. Pour over salad

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Green Salad
Benefits: High in antioxidants Accelerates weight loss Reduces bloating and constipation High in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals Low in calories and extremely high in nutrients Lowers cholesterol Natural anti-biotic

Makes 1 epically massive salad! Get creative with this. Include all ingredients below, or just the ones that appeal to you, and feel free to add other raw vegetables and fruits! Make it bright! Ingredients: a lettuce ripped into smaller pieces a kale ripped into smaller pieces 10 raw asparagus 1 large radish finely sliced 1 avocado cut into cubes or slices 1 cucumber chopped into cubes 1 clove of garlic diced 1 green chilli chopped into small pieces 1 small piece of ginger diced 1 purple onion chopped in thin slices 1 cup of alfalfa sprouts 1 green apple chopped into thin slices 1 celery stalk chopped into cubes Action: 1. Combine all ingredients together and toss in a bowl! 2. Drizzle with olive oil and a squeeze of a lemon or the SALAD DRESSING recipe! + ADD honey to make it sweet + ADD walnuts to make it crunchier
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For 1 Ingredients: 1 avocado 1 teaspoon of Himalayan salt 1 teaspoon of black pepper 1 carrot 1 cucumber Action: 1. Mash the avocado with a fork in a bowl 2. Add the salt and pepper. Taste it and add more to your liking! 3. Chop the cucumber and carrot into slices 4. Dip the carrot and cucumber into guacamole yum!!! + ADD the juice of 1 lemon for extra cleanse! + ADD diced capsicum/peppers for extra crunch!

Benefits: Avocados have more carotenoid lutein than any other commonly consumed fruit. Lutein protects against macular degeneration and cataracts GOOD FOR EYE HEALTH! Good healthy essential fats High in vitamins, nutrients and trace minerals Lowers Cholesterol High in vitamin E Good for weight loss

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Cheesy Kale Chips

Benefits: - 18 Amino Acids - High Quality Protein - Maintains ideal intestinal ecology - Improves blood production - Accelerates weight loss - High in dietary fibre so aids in digestion and relieves constipation and bloating - Anti-inflammatory - Helps maintain optimum cholesterol levels - Improves liver health and function

Makes a nice amount! Ingredients: 1 bunch of kale 1 teaspoon of Himalayan Salt 1 tablespoon of olive oil 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast Action for oven 1. Preheat oven to 350F. Lightly coat to large baking sheets with olive oil 2. Wash and thoroughly dry kale. Remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite sized pieces. Place on baking sheets and sprinkle olive oil, salt over and nutritional yeast over it! 3. Bake about 10-12 minutes! Watch them, and turn them as they shrink and get crispy! Action for dehydrator 1. Do step two as above and lay the kale out on mesh dehydrator sheets and sprinkle kale with salt, oil and nutritional yeast and place in the dehydrator. 2. For the first hour, dehydrate at 150F, then turn the trays around and lower the temperature to 120F. Check them in another hour and either remove or keep dehydrating to your desired crispiness. 3. Place dehydrated kale chips in a bowl and sprinkle with the oil, nutritional yeast and remaining salt to taste.
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Raw Phad Thai

This recipe was created by Rowan from Organic Corner in NY! It is available there once a week and is divine! People come from afar just for this dish!

Makes enough for 2! Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of almond butter Benefits: 1 tablespoon of tahini - High in vitamin B6 1 tablespoon of tamari - Good source of vitamin C 1 tablespoon of agave or honey - Accelerates wound healing teaspoon of chilli flakes - Produces collagen which helps maintain skins pinch of cayenne pepper youthful elasticity 1 teaspoon of brown rice vinegar - High in vitamin E 10 almonds - High in Iron cup of water - A source of vitamin D 1 teaspoon of plum vinegar - Good source of magnesium 1 large sweet potato - Good source of protein Chopped Chives/spring onions for garnish Action: 1. In a blender process all the ingredients together except for the 10 raw almonds! 2. When mixed together add the raw almonds and pulse so the almonds are chopped into chunks! 3. Make the sweet potato into pasta using a pasta maker or vegetable peeler! 4. Pour the sauce over the pasta! ENJOY!
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Benefits: Cleaner alternative to cheese and dairy Rich in mineral copper Rich in magnesium Good for the bones Good for the nerves Good for weight loss

Makes 2 1/3 cups of cheese! Ingredients: 2 cups of cashews soaked for 6 hours lemon juice 1 teaspoon of thyme pinch black pepper teaspoon of Himalayan salt 1 clove of garlic 3/4 cup of water (more for softer cheese) Add 1 3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast for extra cheesy flavor

Action: 1. In a food processor blend all ingredients together until a smooth consistency! Serve as nut cheese on RAW TACOS, RAW PIZZA or RAW LASAGANA! You could also place in the dehydrator for 12 hours and make parmesan cheese. If you do this add 3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast to the mix! +ADD cayenne pepper or chilli flakes!
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Pasta Pesto

Makes 1.5 cups pesto sauce and serves 4 Ingredients: 1/3 cup of fresh basil 5 cloves of garlic teaspoon of salt teaspoon of pepper sprinkle of crushed red pepper lemon juice handful of spinach 1 1/3 cup walnuts cup olive oil (or more for wetter mixture) 3 large zucchinis

Benefits: - Lowers cholesterol - Dietary ber which aids in digestion, - Prevents constipation - Maintains low blood sugar and curbs overeating - Anti Inflammatory - High in vitamin A and C - Powerful anti-oxidant - Relieves stress - Good for the skin

Action: 1. In a blender process all ingredients together except for the zucchinis 2. Use a pasta maker of vegetable peeler to make pasta from the zucchini 3. Pour sauce over the pasta! 4. Add Cashew Cheese if you like;) 117
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RAW Lasagna

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MAKES FOR ONE LARGE LASAGNA to feed a large family! Meat layer - MAKES 1 cups Ingredients: 1 2/3 cup walnuts soaked for 6 hours 1 1/3 sundried tomatoes 1 tablespoon sage pinch black pepper pinch cayenne 1 teaspoon of fennel seed teaspoon of thyme teaspoon of rosemary teaspoon of marjoram Action: Put all ingredients in food processor and blend until a chunky mixture! Pesto Layer From PASTA PESTO recipe Tomato Sauce Layer makes 2 cups 2 large tomatoes 1 cup sundried tomatoes soaked for 30 mins teaspoon of black pepper teaspoon of chili flakes or cayenne pepper teaspoon of dried basil teaspoon of thyme teaspoon of parsley teaspoon of oregano red or yellow onion 1 garlic clove 1 tablespoon of olive oil Action: in a blender process all ingredients until you have a smooth sauce! Cheese Layer from Cashew Cheese
Benefits: - This dish is extremely nutrient dense, loaded with minerals and vitamins from the herbs and spices - Good for weight loss - Lowers cholesterol - Dietary ber which aids in digestion, - Prevents constipation - Maintains low blood sugar and curbs overeating - Anti Inflammatory - High in vitamin A and C - Powerful anti-oxidant - Relieves stress - Good for the skin - High in vitamin C - Good for the brain - Good essential fats

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Pasta Layer 4 zucchinis cut thinly as the pasta of the lasagna

LAYERING: Ingredients: basil leaves, spinach and tomato chopped finely and oregano for sprinkling! 1. Layer of zucchini pasta strip 2. Sprinkle oregano over the zucchini 3. Do a thin layer of tomato sauce 4. Add Pieces of the meat layer 5. Layer of tomato slices 6. Drop 1 tablespoon of cheese on every tomato 7. Layer of spinach 8. Layer of basil 9. Layer of zucchini pasta strip 10. Sprinkle or oregano 11. Layer of pesto 12. Layer of sliced Tomato 13. Tomato sauce layer 14. Zucchini on top 15. Garnish with capers, capsicum/peppers, fresh basil! 16. Leave overnight to set, it will be easier to slice. If not you can eat it right away!

Rowan makes this once per week at Organic Corner in Massapequa, Long Island, New York!

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RAW Tacos

Makes 12 tacos
Ingredients: FILLING: Meat Layer from lasagna recipe Cheese layer from Cashew Cheese Pesto Layer from Pasta Pesto recipe Tomato Sauce layer from Lasagna recipe 1 avocado chopped in slices or cubes

Benefits: - High in vitamin C and A - Accelerates weight loss - High in anti-oxidants - Good fats - Contains Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids - High in Fiber - Lowers Cholesterol - Reduces inflammation 121
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1 tomato chopped into cubes 1 bunch of lettuce or kale for in the taco! TACO SHELL: (as an alternative use collard greens, lettuce or kale instead of a taco shell!) 1 cup sunflower seeds 2 cups golden flax seeds (ground very fine) 1 cup brown flax seeds (ground very fine) 2 tablespoons minced onion 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon Himalayan salt 1 teaspoon cayenne powder 2 teaspoons cumin powder 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds teaspoon of turmeric Action: 1. Put everything in a food processor, and blend until smooth! Add some water to make it like a batter. Set in fridge for 12 hours. 2. Spread a thin layer of taco batter on Teflex sheets and dehydrate at 100F for 7 hours. OR spread a thin layer on non-stick paper or lightly greased oven tray (coconut oil) and place in the oven at 200F for 2-4 hours or until semi dry (Watch them in oven be safe!) 3. Remove the taco sheets and cut out circle rounds (use a cookie cutter or circle shape!) Fold them up into each other like a taco shell looks and continue to dehydrate for 10-12 hours or in the oven for 3 hours more UNTIL CRISP! LAYERING: 4. Fill the taco shell with fillings! Do first a Meat Layer, a Tomato Sauce layer, a layer of sliced tomato, a layer of Cashew Cheese, a layer of Pesto, a layer of avocado and a layer of lettuce/kale!

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Raw Pizza!

Makes 1 large pizza! Ingredients: Tomato Sauce from Lasagna recipe Walnut Meat layer from Lasagna recipe Cashew Cheese layer from Cashew Cheese Recipe Pesto layer from Pasta Pesto recipe A handful of Fresh basil 1 Avocado chopped in cubes PIZZA BASE Make the Taco Shell recipe and spread a semi thick layer onto Teflex sheets and place in dehydrator at 100F for 10-17 hours until crisp. OR place in oven at 200F for 6-12 hours. Layering: Once the pizza base is crisp, place layers or dollops of each spreading! Enjoy the creative process!
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Raw Zucchini Spaghetti & Walnut Meat Balls!

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Serves 4 hungry people Ingredients: 3 large zucchinis Walnut Meat Layer from Lasagna recipe Tomato Sauce from Lasagna Recipe Cashew Cheese from Cashew Cheese Recipe 4 teaspoons of dried oregano 1 tomato diced Action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use a pasta maker or vegetable peeler to make pasta from the zucchinis Roll the Walnut Meat into balls Put the Walnut Meat balls on the zucchini pasta along with the tomato sauce Put the cashew cheese on top Sprinkle each dish with chopped tomato and 1 teaspoon each of oregano ENJOY

Benefits: - This dish is extremely nutrient dense, loaded with minerals and vitamins from the herbs and spices - Rich source of energy - Omega 3 essential fatty acids - Good for weight loss - Lowers cholesterol - Dietary ber which aids in digestion, - Prevents constipation - Maintains low blood sugar and curbs overeating - Anti Inflammatory - High in vitamin A and C - Powerful anti-oxidant - Relieves stress - Good for the skin - High in vitamin C - Good for the brain - Good essential fats - High in vitamin E 125
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For one cup rolled oats (gluten free) cup raw macadamia nuts cup blueberries cup almond meal 1 cup almond milk (or eat it dry) 1 apple 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (or more if you like the taste of cinnamon!) 1 teaspoon of honey (or maple syrup or agave!) cup walnuts

Benefits: - Lowers cholesterol - High in vitamin E - Good for hair, skin and nails - Anti oxidants - Good for the brain - High in copper and iron - Rich source of energy - GLUTEN FREE - Dietary fiber - Good for the bones - For weight loss

Action: 1. In a bowl add rolled oats, nuts, blueberries and almond meal and toss together. 2. Core the apple. In a food processor blend the apple, cinnamon, walnuts and honey together. It will form a lot an apple crumble type consistency. Add more honey if it is not sticking in clumps. Then roll into loose balls. Add them to the bowl! 3. Pour the almond milk over it! Add more honey if you want your breakfast sweeter! 4. Serve with lemon water and a view of the sunrise! + ADD Raw nuts and fruits of your choice! + ADD Psyllium Husks + ADD Flax seeds

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for Meat Eaters

Whenever buying meat go for FREE RANGE and ORGANIC! If you know a farmer in the area even better! When we eat meat we must be somewhat ok with the process that the animal went through to have the meat in our mouths! Their life, the way they ate and then the slaughter process. Free range and Organic is always best as the animals are allowed to roam, and enjoy organic feed, rather than pumped with anti-biotics and hormones! If we eat meat that is not organic we take in whatever they ate and felt and will usually feel moody and gain weight.
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Savory Crepes

Makes 10 Benefits: Ingredients: cup rice flour cup whole meal flour cup buckwheat 2/3 cup of water 1 teaspoon of turmeric 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1 egg 1 teaspoon of salt Coconut Oil for cooking High in protein Essential amino acids Increases liver function Improves circulation and decreases blood pressure

+ADD More cayenne to make them spicier! * You could use almond meal as one of the flours * Use olive oil or coconut oil to replace the egg for a vegan option * Replace the whole meal flour with more buckwheat and rice flour to make it GLUTEN FREE

Action: 1. In a bowl mix all the ingredients. Whisk until a fine blend. 2. Heat a fry pan with coconut oil. When the oil is hot pour the batter into the fry pan. 3. When you see bubble flip the crepe! 4. Serve with fried onion, capsicum (peppers), diced avocado and cucumber!

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Caramel Prawns
Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 pound (1/2 kilo) shrimp/prawns 3 tablespoons of honey coconut oil for cooking Action: 1. Peel the prawns and cook on high heat for a few minutes until cooked! Or grill them! As they are cooking drizzle the honey over the prawns! 2. Serve with salad! +ADD Cayenne pepper to make them Cajun style sweet and spicy! Benefits: High in protein High in anti-oxidants from the honey

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Beef Casserole
Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 pound (500 g) of stewing steak 1 onion 1 tablespoon of salt 1 teaspoon of sage 2 tablespoons of rice flour Action: 1. Dice the steak into small pieces including the fat 2. Dice onion 3. Fry the onion and meat fat only in a frying pan with oil until caramelized and then remove and set aside 4. Add the beef and salt 5. Brown the beef very well 6. Put beef into an oven casserole dish and add onions back in 7. Put the fry pan as it is back on the stove and place 1 cups of water and clean the bottom of the fry pan with a wooden spoon or egg flipper to lift any residue that is in the pan 8. Taste the water, add more salt if it is too sweet for your taste, or more honey if it is too salty (this will become the gravy) 9. Add 2 tablespoons of rice flour and a cup of water and whisk well. It will start to look like a thicker gravy. Remove from heat and stir and stir and stir and then put it back on the heat and keep stirring until it is thickened 10. Add sage to the gravy and then pour into the casserole dish with the beef 11. Place in the oven for 2 hours on low temperature 150 degrees 12. Serve with mashed potatoes and 130 green beans OR TED Fries/wedges!

Benefits: Increases memory and brain function A good source of vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, thiamin, copper, fiber, folate, calcium, iron and magnesium HIGH in protein Effective in the treatment of menopause Gluten free
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Salmon Teriyaki
Serves 4 Marinade 4 cloves of garlic cup red onion 1/2 cup organic soy sauce or amino acids cup honey 3 anchovy fillets cup water 1 teaspoon of ginger diced 2 fillets of salmon 2 cups of oats 1 apple 1 avocado

Benefits: High in protein Contains omega-9 fatty acids Beneficial for bone health Strengthening muscles Good health fats Good for eye, skin and hair health

Action: 1. Dice the onion, anchovy finely and ginger finely. Add them to a bowl with the rest of the marinade ingredients. Let it marinate for at least 1 hour. 2. Drain the sauce through a siv so you are left with a sauce and no chunks. 3. Add salmon to the sauce and let it soak for 2 hours. 4. Cook the salmon in olive oil and then pour the marinade sauce in. allow the salmon to simmer in the sauce! 6. Serve with cooked rolled oats, and sliced apple and avocado.


*You will find anchovies in supermarkets in a jar. Go for the organic type in olive oil. + ADD Rice instead of oats
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Honey Rosemary Chicken

Makes 10 skewers Ingredients: 1 pound chicken breast (500g) 3 garlic cloves 5 tablespoons of honey 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil 1 bunch of fresh rosemary (can use dried also)

Benefits: High in protein Antioxidants Good for the brain High in beta-carotene/Vitamin A, thiamin/Vitamin B1, riboflavin/Vitamin B2 High in iron and calcium

Action: 1. Chop The chicken into cubes. Dice the garlic. Pull the rosemary off the sticks and dice into small pieces 2. In a bowl stir the honey, garlic, olive oil and rosemary together! Add the chicken and let it soak for 4 hours (you can also just cook it right away, but soaking will have the chicken soak the flavors more!) 3. Put the chicken on skewers (I use the rosemary sticks themselves!) 4. Cook them in olive oil, coconut oil or grill them until ready! Mmm enjoy! 5. Serve with TED wedges and salad!

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Chicken Nuggets

Benefits: Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 pound of chicken (500g) Turmeric Himalayan Salt Almonds Cayenne Pepper Egg High in protein, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, zinc, selenium, copper, biotin, riboflavin, niacin, iron and many good fats Detoxifies the liver Natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent Prevents muscle cramping GLUTEN FREE

Action: 1. In a blender process the almonds, turmeric, cayenne and salt. Put this mixture on a plate 2. Chop the chicken into cubes or nuggets 3. Crack the egg into a bowl and whisk with fork. Dip the chicken into the egg, coat it well and then into the spices! Get as much of the spice mixture onto the chicken! 4. Heat a pain with an inch of olive oil/coconut oil/avocado oil and when really hot drop the chicken nuggets in until cooked! 5. Serve with TED chips and salad!

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Fish and Chips

Serves 4 Ingredients: 4 pieces of fish 1 egg the turmeric spice coating oil for cooking Action: 1. In a bowl whisk the egg and dip the fish into it. Coat it well. 2. Coat the fish with the turmeric spices! 3. Heat inch oil in a pan and when really hot drop the fish in to get a crunchy outside. Do until cooked! 4. Serve with TED Tomato Sauce and Chips! Benefits: High in protein and good fats A source of vitamins C and B6 magnesium, fiber, iron, potassium and magnesium Aids in sinus health and GLUTEN FREE

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Turmeric Chicken
w mashed potato and tomato fry

Serves 4 Ingredients: For chicken: 2 large organic chicken breast fillets (approx. 500gm) 2 eggs (beaten) 1 1/2 cups natural almonds 2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 teaspoon turmeric 2 teaspoon mixed herbs 3 teaspoon dried chilli flakes (or to taste) 1 tablespoon sea salt (or pref. Himalayan rock salt) Extra virgin olive oil. (shallow fry) For tomato fry: 3 tomatoes diced 1 zucchini diced 2 garlic cloves diced 1/2 of broccoli diced oil for frying 1 tablespoon of oregano Benefits: High in anti-oxidants High in protein Rich in lycopene High in vitamin C and A High in vitamin E Rich in good carbohydrates The vitamin C, vitamin B and potassium in potatoes are good source to relieve inflammation GLUTEN FREE

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For potato mash: 4 large potatoes Himalayan salt and black pepper for seasoning macadamia nut oil, olive oil or almond milk Action: 1. Begin with making the mash potato. Peel the potatoes and boil in water until they are soft and ready for mashing. When they are ready mash them with enough oil or almond milk to make them soft as you desire! Season to taste! While the potatoes are boiling start the tomato fry 2. In a fry pan heat the oil and fry off all the ingredients for the tomato fry! Fry on very low heat and allow to simmer for 30-40 minutes until it breaks down to a soft consistency. While it is frying begin the chicken process 3. Place almonds, cayenne pepper, turmeric, mixed herbs, chilli flakes and salt into a food processor and blend until all ingredients are combined. Do not reduce the almonds to a powder. Blend only for a few seconds at a time until you achieve a bread crumb consistency 4. Lay the chicken fillets smooth side down on a cutting board and fillet lengthways. The aim is to be left with 1 full length fillet and 1 smaller fillet of equal thicknesses. This will allow for even cooking times 5. Dip chicken in the beaten eggs, allow excess to drip away and place on a bed of the almond mix. Sprinkle more almond mix over the top and press down firmly ensurely ensuring that almond mix coats the whole surface of the chicken. Lift out of almond mix, shake gently to remove excess crumbs and place on a tray, ready for cooking 6. Shallow fry on a medium heat in extra virgin olive or coconut oil until golden brown. Ensure chicken is cooked right through 7. Serve with mashed potatoes and the tomato fry!

Lettuce Meat Wraps

Wrap your favorite meat dishes in lettuce with avocado, fresh cilantro and turmeric rice! Try the turmeric chicken, the honey rosemary chicken, TED burgers and more! Make them vegan just with turmeric rice! A GREAT snack and also a GREAT party dish! People can even serve their own and make their own wraps with a selection of fillings!

A great alternative to wheat wraps! Lettuce is much lighter and easier to digest! Crispy too!

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Chips and Gravy

Benefits: Good for brain function Good carbohydrates Good for energy Some nutrient like vitamins, calcium and magnesium in potatoes can help reduce rheumatism arthritis GLUTEN FREE

Serves 4
Ingredients: Chips: 6 large potatoes Himalayan Salt


1 tablespoon of olive oil Action: 1 pound (500 g) of stewing steak For chips 1 onion 1. Pre-heat deep fryer full of extra virgin oil or coconut oil OR if you 1 tablespoon of salt dont have a deep fryer use 3cm of oil in a pot/pan (be safe! Watch 1 teaspoon of sage the oil at all times) 2 tablespoons of rice flour 2. Peel the potatoes 3. Cut them into preferred chip size 4. Boil them until they are semi soft (approx. 10 minutes) and then drain thoroughly so potatoes are dry 5. Place them in the hot oil. Cook them until they are crispy on the outside and soft in the middle! (You can skip the boiling of potatoes if preferred but this step makes them divine) 137
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6. Drain on paper towel and sprinkle Himalayan salt! For gravy 1. Dice the steak into small pieces including the fat 2. Dice onion 3. Fry the onion and meat fat only in a frying pan with oil until caramelized then remove and set aside 4. Add the beef and salt 5. Brown the beef very well 6. Add 2 cups of water and add onions back in 7. Add sage, additional salt if needed, and boil for 5 minutes then strain mixture keeping the juice and put it back into pan. Meat can be eaten separately as a snack in a lettuce wrap or on its own! 8. Add rice flour and cup of water in a cup and mix 9. Then slowly and gradually add rice flour and water mixture to the juice in the fry pan whisking constantly. Once all mixed in return to a high heat and continue whisking until gravy thickens. If gravy becomes to thick add more water and continue whisking. 10. Season to taste and serve on chips!

TED Mayonnaise
Makes 1 cup Ingredients 2 egg yolks at room temperature 3 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice Pinch of salt cup olive oil cup macadamia nut oil or avocado oil or coconut oil that is not scented Freshly ground white pepper Action: 1. Place the egg yolks, lemon juice and salt in a large glass bowl. Whisk mixture until it begins to thicken. 2. Mix the oils together in a cup or bowl. Now you are going to whisk the oils in gradually. Pour a few drops of the oil at a time into the egg-yolk mixture and whisk until well combined. If it is added too quickly, there will be problems emulsifying. 3. Now taste it and add salt and pepper as desired. 4. Transfer to a small airtight container or jar. Place in the fridge and is ready to use! Will keep for up to 1 week!
BE AT EASE. is thick, creamy and pale. You need to add the oil slowly Nourish the bodymixture with NUTRITION

138 You could also do this in a food processor/blender until the too.

TED Burgers

Makes 6 burgers Ingredients: 1 pound (500 g) of mince 2 eggs beaten 1 teaspoon of turmeric 1 teaspoon of sage 2 teaspoons of salt teaspoon of black pepper 1 cup of almond meal Serve on The Earth Diet bread rolls, or in lettuce as lettuce wraps! You could also make burgers with the Honey Rosemary Chicken or Turmeric Chicken! Serve with TED Mayonnaise and/or TED sauce!

Action: For meat: 1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly and make into patties 2. Fry on a medium temperature in oil until cooked and browned

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Egg Omelet

Serves 2 Ingredients: 4 organic and free range eggs Olive oil or coconut oil for cooking Himalayan salt and black pepper for taste Action: 1. In a bowl whisk the eggs with a fork 2. Heat inch oil in a pan and when hot pour the eggs in 3. Flip when one side is cooked 4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve with fruit and avocado! + ADD cayenne pepper to make it spicy!

Benefits: Good fats Aids in weight loss Increases brain function Reduces inflammation Aids in muscle recovery and growth Protects against macular degeneration and cataracts High in protein

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These recipes are COOKED


No animals were harmed in the making of the following cooked vegan meals. Add more RAW elements and make the dish HYBRID by adding things like cubes avocado, fresh cilantro, fresh parsley, a squeeze of lemon, great creative! The more RAW you can add the better! Plant Based meals are easier for the body to break down so the body absorbs more vitamins and nutrients in the digesting process!

Turmeric Spice

Ingredients: - 1 cup of almond meal (or other nut meal, use hemp meal for nut allergies) - 3 tablespoons of turmeric - 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper - 1 tablespoon Himalayan salt Action: 1. In a bowl mix all ingredients. * Add more or less salt, turmeric and cayenne depending on your taste!

Use as Salad Dressings, ADD Flavor to Rice, Sprinkle in Vegetable Stir Fries and as a COATING to make crunchy eggplant nuggets!
This recipe was created by Dwayne Peachey who transformed his body, thinking and life with The Earth Diet! His story and photos on
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TED Soup
Benefits include boosting the immune system, high in vitamins, good carbohydrates, calming, good for treating insomnia, depression and anxiety, colds and flus.

Makes a soup for many to share

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of oil 1 onion 2 large potatoes 6 cloves of garlic 5 cups of water a tablespoon of salt 2 large carrots 2 stalks of celery 2 cups of pumpkin (1/4 to a medium pumpkin) 2 yellow squash a broccoli 2 medium zucchinis 2 teaspoons of sage 2 cups of dried 4 bean mix (soaked at least 12 hours and rinsed)

Action: 1. Dice all vegetables in 1cm cubes 2. To a saucepan add onion, celery, carrot and garlic with oil and sautee until onions are clear 3. Add remainder of ingredients and water and boil it for 90 minutes until vegetables are cooked and broken down and tastes good! Season to taste!

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2 Cups of Organic Whole Wheat Unbleached Flour 10g of Yeast 2 Tablespoons of Honey Luke Warm Water 1 Teaspoon Salt Pure Olive Oil

ACTION: 1. Put yeast into a cup with honey and add 1/4 cup of luke warm water. Stir, cover and allow to sit in a warm place for 10 minutes 2. Sift Flour into a warm glass bowl and sprinkle with salt. Make a well in the middle of the flour. 3. Pour Yeast mixture into the well, add some warm water and mix into a soft dough. 4. Turn onto a floured board and knead well. 5. Place dough into an oiled bowl (smooth side up) and rub some oil over the dough. 6. Cover and place in a warm place until doubled in size. 7. Turn onto a floured board and knead again. Divide dough into 8 equal parts and knead each into a ball. 8. Place the 8 balls close together on a baking tray. Place in a warm place and allow rolls to rise again. 9. Place into a hot oven 240 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes. Then reduce to 180 degrees and cook for another 5 to 10 minutes. 10. Done and enjoy! Make your own butter with olive oil and Himalayan salt
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TED Curry

Makes a large curry for 4 or more

Ingredients: 5 large potatoes chopped in 2cm cubes 1 medium sweet potato chopped in 2cm cubes 1 tablespoon of curry powder 1 teaspoon of sage 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon of chilli 2 kaffa lime leaves Milk of 1 coconut 1 onion diced 4 cloves of garlic 1 teaspoon of honey 4 cups of water 2 tablespoons of olive oil Action: 1. Sautee onion and garlic together in the oil until onion is clear 2. Add all spices and fry lighting while stirring constantly for 3 minutes 3. Add rest of the ingredients except for the beans to a deep pot and simmer lightly for 45 minutes or until potatoes are soft! 4. Add beans at the end for raw crunchy or add them 10 minutes before the curry is ready! 5. Season to taste and serve with brown rice or oats!

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Ingredients: 1 onion 2 tablespoons chopped garlic 1 tablespoon chopped ginger 2 tablespoons turmeric 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 carrot finely sliced 2 cups brown rice

Benefits: Chief active component, curcumin, good for treating inflammation, arthritis and pain in the body Natural anti biotic Calming and good for treating high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression Good source of fiber and magnesium Boosts the Immune System and good for treating cancer, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, MS and psoriasis

Actions: 1. BOIL RICE and cook it all the way through to how you like it. 2. Cook onions and carrots in oil until onions are clear and carrots are softer. 3. Add garlic and ginger and turmeric and stir constantly. 4. Fry for one minute stir constantly. 5. Once rice is cooked, strain it and stir through mixture for 2 minutes or until flavors absorb each other.
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Beet Rice

Makes enough for 4 or more!

Make TURMERIC RICE and then add or more of finely diced beet through pan and stir fry for 1 minute or until beet color is distributed through rice.

Powerful benefits of beet, turmeric and brown rice include:

Natural anti biotic Calming and good for treating high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression Good source of fiber and magnesium Powerful healer as boosts the Immune System Good for treating cancer, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, MS and psoriasis Liver cleansing
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION


Makes 4 generous meals Ingredients: - 2 eggplants - 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil - Oil for cooking Action: 1. Cut the eggplants into halves so there are at least 4 good size pieces of eggplant and soak in a bowl in the olive oil (using egg will make the turmeric spice stick better, but if you want to keep it vegan stick with the oil) 2. Make the TURMERIC SPICE, MASH POTATO and TOMATO FRY (from the Turmeric Chicken Recipe) but instead of using chicken use EGGPLANT! 3. Place the eggplant in the Turmeric Spice and coat well. Fry in a hot pan with coconut oil or avocado oil. Fry for a couple minutes each side, eggplant doesnt take much to cook, but cook it to your preferred texture and taste, soft or firm! 4. Serve with Mash Potato and Tomato Fry! + ADD Sprinkle with NUTRITIONAL YEAST for a cheesey flavor!
BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Frequent questions (for more Q&A visit TED WEBSITE!)
Why did you create The Earth Diet?
My intention was to create a balanced healthy lifestyle for myself. How do I start The Earth Diet? You always have to do what is right for you and go at your own pace. If you feel like you want to fully commit and go into it eating ONLY foods from the earth for a certain amount of days, months, years then do that! I needed to be held accountable for 365 days because every week I would break my healthy commitment. Just start with nourishing your body with foods that have NUTRITION. You may just want to incorporate a juice a day into your lifestyle and do more and more as you go. It is entirely up to you. As soon as you start you may experience detox symptoms depending on how long you have been eating processed foods, sugars and chemicals. They will leave your system and can at times be quite uncomfortable. At these times I go deeper within and look for the lesson and am always left feeling better than before.

TED is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. You make it work for you. It can look different for each person and it is entirely up to you how many foods directly from nature you incorporate into your life. Some people thrive off more proteins, or more carbohydrates or more fats and oils. Whatever your body is showing you to eat listen to that, just go for the more natural alternative. Just eat ALTERNATIVES FROM EARTH. If you are craving fries make them at home with potatoes and olive oil, if you are wanting chocolate make your own with cacao, if you are wanting a hamburger get some organic meat and make your own patties, your own bread and eat it with some organic salad. There is an earth alternative to just about everything, and if there isnt it must be so far removed from what nature provides gummi bears are hard to replicate! Your body will always respond and tell you when something is not right, it will be tired and sluggish, grumpy, and bloated. If you eat a lot of sugary processed foods you will probably be constantly hungry because as the body receives the food, the digestive system absorbs it and finds no nutrition so sends a message to the brain to eat more food so it can gather some nutrients, and so we can keep eating and eating and eating. You will find when you eat raw foods they are so dense and fulfilling that you may eat less but at more regular times. Many people when they first start TED find themselves eating so much, because the body is absorbing so much nourishment!!! So just go with it! Visit the TED website if you are interested in a personalized program created by myself and the team. It is individually designed for you based of a questionnaire you complete so we get to know you and where you are at and where you want to be. We help take you to the next level and hold you accountable! Also check out 12 ways to incorporate TED into your life! Is The Earth Diet a hard lifestyle to live?
It is the simplest. 148
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How it is simple?
By focusing on what is already naturally provided with most ease.

How does a person live The Earth Diet lifestyle?

By applying it to the areas of: Food: Focusing on foods that are naturally provided by earth. By focusing on less processed foods and more whole foods. Services choice: Focusing on services that use ingredients naturally provided by the earth. Do they incorporate green practises like using organic products or sustainable energy? Product Choice and Purchasing: By purchasing products that use ingredients naturally provided by the earth and are produced with ease. Every purchase we make we are saying yes make more of this product. The more we purchase and request whole organic ingredients and foods, that is what we will get.

Why would I want to live The Earth Diet lifestyle?

Many reasons and one is to experience an abundance of health and all the experiences health brings with it like feeling good. I believe that health is our most natural state and this lifestyle is a return to inner peace, sustainability and regrowth through nourishment. Another reason would be that it is simple and can be done without complex and expensive products, foods, procedures and services. Another reason would be that the healthier the individual the healthier we are as a whole planet. So as we make healthier choices for ourselves, we are also making healthy choices for the planet. As we purchase something our decision is influencing the manufacturers to produce more of that. Everyone takes part in our current world, and currently we are the fattest and sickest of all time. The Earth Diet may be something you do for yourself to lose weight or live in a chemical and disease free body, but when you become a healthy human being you exude health wherever you go and touch the lives of others.

Does Earth provide us enough to live off?

Our Earth naturally provides us with everything we need for survival as a human being. There is nothing missing from Earth that does not support our existence here. Everything you need for extraordinary health for your body, mind and emotions is available to you now, and this book shares the abundance available to you. This book provides recipes and natural alternatives to almost everything you presently consume. The Earth provides us with abundance, and if we use up one resource there are literally a million others to choose from as we let one area regrow. It is in a constant state of life and flourishment when we let it be ;) Ghandi said Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.

What happens to me when I live The Earth Diet?

Eating whole foods from the earth that are chemical free strengthens and increases your vibrational 149
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frequency. We experience this all in the form of feeling good. Eating foods with chemicals or taking any kind of chemical substances will weaken you and decrease your vibrational frequency. We experience this in the form of not feeling so good. People who live The Earth Diet lifestyle feel good. If you would like to experience feeling good or are interested in experiencing a higher vibration of yourself, than I encourage you to explore The Earth Diet for yourself. Is meat good for me? Some would say yes and others no. Humans have eaten meat for many years as a protein source for our bodies. If the meat is free range and organic it is cleaner than non-organic as heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides and anti-biotics are stored there. I do eat meat on occasions and I choose organic free range. The healthiest kind of meat will come from the wild from animals that graze the land and live off plants and grass. Most meats these days come from animals that are fed wheat and corn to accelerate their growth process so they can be slaughtered earlier to keep up with the demand of people wanting to eat meat. Have you seen the documentary Food Inc? You can see in this film how the animals cannot digest the amount of feed they are being given, so they get sick and so the farmers give them a lot of hormones with antibiotics to ensure they keep growing. I grew up eating meat every day, that is what our family did. Then I learned about the greater picture and how animals were being treated to feed our demand. I choose to eat less meat now because for one my body just naturally does not resonate with it, it is such a heavy dense energy and takes a lot of energy for the body to breakdown, and also that by my eating less meat that means less animals in the world are being tortured and killed to serve my hunger. Go for organic meats and if you know a farmer give them a visit! Are eggs good? Eggs are as good as the bird they come from! Go for free range chickens that are able to range freely in a farm! Some chickens are caged and are cooped up for their entire life span and fed hormones, antibiotics and corn. Best of all, if you can get some chickens for your house they will naturally lay eggs so you have beautiful fresh eggs daily! Some say eggs are high in cholesterol, I believe they are one of the purest foods given to us naturally by a beautiful bird that are adequate in lecithin to emulsify the fats making the egg a whole balanced natural food source that is full of vitamins and nutrients! Cholesterol is needed in our bodies to build healthy cells, and especially necessary if we are stressed or have an inflammation! What are trans-fatty acids? A fatty acid that has been produced by hydrogenating an unsaturated fatty acid (and so changing its shape); found in processed foods such as margarine and fried foods, puddings, commercially baked goods, processed foods and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Structurally trans-fatty acids are closer to plastic then fat. Trans-fatty acid consumption has been linked to heart disease, elevated cholesterol levels, impair lipoprotein receptors in cells which impair the bodys ability to process lowdensity cholesterol in turn increasing their rate of synthesis and eventually elevating LDL levels in the blood. This is usually considered to be unhealthy. Is Margarine good? Margarine is a vegetable oil-based product and notorious for high levels of trans-fatty acids. Harvard 150
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Medical School did a study for eight years of 85,000 women and stated that margarine was linked to heart disease. Not good. No nutritional value. For an alternative use avocado, avocado oil, coconut oil or olive oil! What are Essential Fats? Essential fatty acids are fats that are called Omega-3 and Omega-6. They are found in grain products, meats, leafy green vegetables, oily fish, walnuts and eggs. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to the development of a childs brain and nervous system. They are also vital for the maintenance and repair of the adult brain and nervous system. There are a number of behavioral and learning disorders associated with a lack of Omega-3 and Omega-6 including heart attack, stroke, cancer, obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, arthritis, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimers and more. Why are fats and oils essential for our health? Fats and oils are essential for vital health because they are needed for hormone balance and are also like building blocks for the cells of our bodies. Only high quality fats and oils are effective for the body. Good fats are in avocados, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, fish and olive oil. Should I do oils? Oils are absolutely essential for our bodies and can be so healthy for us. Always go for unrefined organic oils! For cooking the best oils, because they have a high heat tolerance and dont spoil to toxicity are coconut oil and avocado oil. For medium heat cooking use extra virgin olive oil or macadamia oil. Macadamia oil makes a delicious replacement for butter and milk in mash potato! Coconut oil is great for moisturizer and I use almost on a daily basis. The best oils to use for salads and in smoothies, not to cook, are flax seed oil, hemp seed oil and olive oil. Extra Virgin Olive oil is an excellent lubricant for the joints. What oils are the healthiest to cook with? No heat (salads) flax seed oil, hemp seed oil, cod liver oil Medium heat (Light sauting) sesame oil, pistachio oil, hazelnut oil, olive oil High heat (Frying, browning) coconut oil, avocado oil What fats are ok and what fats should I stay away from? Good sources of quality fat include: olive oil, coconut oil, coconut butter, fish oil (check source), hemp seeds, flax seeds, avocados and raw organic nuts. Avoid fats that include: trans-fatty acids, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, vegetable oils and fats from conventionally raised animals and fish. Avoid eating roasted nuts as the roasting causes the fats and oils to go rancid increasing free-radical damage to your body, they make you age quicker. Avoid deep fried foods unless you make them yourself. Use coconut oil for frying. It is best to never eat from fast food restaurants as they use low quality foods and fats that are highly processed. Perhaps if majority stopped eating here the restaurant chains would offer healthier quality foods ;) 151
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How do you eat now? I choose not to be one way, I am not strictly a vegan, or a meat eater, nor a fruitarian, I eat a bit of everything, I travel a lot and I experience new tastes, I listen to my body, I eat majority raw living vegan foods and occasionally meats and sea food. I eat mono whenever possible, organic whenever possible, I go for foods that are in season over foods that are imported, I grow my own herbs and spices and as many fruits and vegetables as possible, I shop at local farmers markets and organic stores. I enjoy paying extra for organic produce, not because I have the extra money to spend on it, but because I have chosen that as a lifestyle choice and every time I make a purchase of organic free range I am saying yes to that producer to make more of that, and perhaps someday organic will be a lot cheaper and more accessible to more of us humans! EVERYTHING I eat is naturally provided by earth unless I am in a country or doing an experiment. I eat mostly plant based foods. I dont eat frozen foods unless it is raw ice cream that I have made myself! I dont eat foods with flavourings, preservatives or added chemicals. I call myself a healthy flexitarian ;) Can I drink alcohol on The Earth Diet? I choose not to drink alcohol often, If I am at a gathering of some sort I may choose to take part but alcohol is definitely not a regular part of my life. If I do drink it will be organic red wine which is made purely from grapes and a fermentation process. I watched my father grow grapes on his vines, squash them all using our feet and then allowing it to ferment for some time in wooden barrels. If you can make your own alcohol that is always best. My mum used to homebrew beer. Beer hops are grown in the poorest soil conditions and provide no nutritional value. Alcohol lowers the immune system as it is a simple chemical structure and is rapidly absorbed through the stomach and intestine affecting the liver and its job to produce energy! Go for organic red wines or make your own by fermenting fruit and vegetables like watermelon, potatoes and apples. Should I clean my fruits and vegetables? I rinse all my fruits and vegetables even if they are organic. You can make your own rinse by adding a lemon to a cup of water OR just cut a lemon in half and wipe it over the food. What are the best ways to lose weight naturally? You can and should lose weight through proper nourishment and nutrition. If you eat majority raw living foods you will see even the most stubborn weight drop off. The more you eat the more your metabolism will speed up and burn the food for energy, just make sure it is good food you are consuming so your body will be running of pure clean energy! The best foods for weight loss are raw fruits and vegetables including juices. Or even eliminating one thing from your eating pattern can result in weight loss, for example if you eat breakfast cereal daily that has sugar and wheat and milk and other processed ingredients, just replacing that with a juice, some buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup, egg omelet will make a massive difference. Visit TED website for 7 day WEIGHT LOSS GUIDE. What are irradiated foods? A lot of foods these days go through a RADIATION process. They are called Food Sanitizers and deliver 152
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450,00 RADS of radiation which is about 150 million times more radiation than the standard x-ray! It is the government agencies who enforce this and say it is necessary for food sanitation. The thing is if food has been radiated it is left with absolutely no nutritional value at all. Foods that are approved for irradiation in the US by the FDA are fruits, vegetables, wheat, eggs, herbs and spices, seeds for sprouting and meats; beef, pork, lamb, poultry. This is why it is optimal to buy organic because these foods are free of the irradiation process. Irradiation can change the flavor, odor and texture of the food for example pork can turn red. It can kill most bacteria in food but does not remove urine, feces, vomit and pus that often contaminate all meat. What are genetically modified foods? Genetically modified foods aka GMF and GMO is the manipulation of plant and animal development by altering the gene expression, which means human interference and machinery. Genetic engineering can introduce an allergen into a food that previously did not contain it. Anything genetically modified does NOT provide us with nutrition and is extremely toxic and dangerous for the human body. The reason for doing GM they say is for convenience and cuts the cost of food production massively. AND get this, the US government does not want to have GM on labels, so we may be eating something that is GM without even knowing! Whats the deal with sugar? Hundreds of years ago humans got the sweet fix from nature with dates, pineapples, sucking cane juice and other fruits. Now we have refined sugar and are the fattest and sickest we have been ever. Refined white sugar immediately weakens the immune system, and stores in our body as fat as we need to do A LOT to burn it off. White sugar expands the liver and is too much for it to break down so sends fatty acids to every part of the body and stored as fat. AND THEN the organs start to slow down and the whole body is affected by tissues that are degenerating and turning to fat. WHITE SUGAR IS POISON. Artificial sweetners and Aspartame are completely toxic. There is absolutely no need to use white sugar in your life ever again. There are so many alternatives now. Use cleaner sweets like dates, honey, agave, maple syrup, stevia. The only exception I have with eating sugar in my diet is organic cane sugar which is in ROCKIN WELLNESS superfood shake that I drink regularly! It comes as organic and whole as possible; it is a orange brown color, not white and is needed in this shake to get into the blood stream. Is salt good for me and if so which kinds? YES salt is absolutely essential and vital for balancing blood sugar levels, for extracting excess acidity from the cells of body, for making bones strong and nourishing the muscles preventing from cramping. It can also aid in weight loss with the right salt! There is a BIG difference between refined salt and natural salt. Refined white table salt is extremely toxic for our body. It is cheap and often contains an anti-caking agent some which are aluminum based. Go for WHOLE SALT ROCKS like Himalayan Salt and Sea Salt. Grind them yourself and most of them come with in-built convenient grinders! Should I go off my meds? Do not dis regard medicine if you are taking them, until you do not even have to ask this question. Until you feel so confident and trusting in yourself, and your ability to heal, and the power of your thought. IT IS EVEN POSSIBLE TO USE THE MIND FOR HEALING! Yes as simple as that and no money is needed!!! 153
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Every doctor who signed the Hippocratic Oath should agree with me on this one...but still they prescribe medicine! Do not disregard medicine until your consciousness is high enough that you can control your health and body with POWER OF THOUGHT and natural intuition and healing can take over. Your body will show you what to do if you are in tune with it, in harmony with it and open. We are all actually intelligent beings. Just got to tap into it. Do you eat frozen foods? I always go for FRESH foods with LIVING ENZYMES over frozen foods. Will you ever take pharmaceutical drugs? Absolutely not. I see absolutely no need for them in my life. They only add toxicity to the body, and the people who actually do see results from them are mostly doing that with their BELIEF; placebo effect. What do you think about vaccinations? Completely unnecessary and completely toxic for the human body. Visit TED WEBSITE for alternatives and more information on vaccinations. How often do you eat? I eat frequently and dont have a set of rules. I listen to my body and if I am hungry I will eat. I do consume food and drink around 6 times per day. I eat smaller meals more often. I stop eating when I feel fulfilled. Do you eat from the microwave? I dont eat from the microwave. I dont like what it does to the food, it changes the molecular structure and leaves the food with little, well I want to say NO nutritional value at all!!! How much sleep should I get? Sleep is just as important nourishment for the body as food is. If you feel like sleeping, sleep! Depressed people usually sleep more because they need it to heal and regenerate. When I was sick and healing I slept A LOT and it was necessary. The more well rested we are the more we can function fully when we are awake. The body needs energy to survive and thrive, and it gets this from food, breathing, water and sleeping. I can feel when my body needs to eat something or when it needs to rest instead. We get energy from sleep just as much as we get it from eating. I used to get it mixed up and when my body was tired and needed to sleep I would eat, which just created more stress on my body as then it needed to use energy to digest the food! Sleep is nourishment. Whenever you can dont set an alarm, allow your body to wake up when it is ready! In my experience, and if we look at the lives of indigenous people, they go to sleep when sun is down and wake when the sun is rising! What is mono eating and should I do it? Mono eating is a very simple way of eating; it means making a meal out of one type of food only. For example a mono meal would be - Eating nothing but bananas for breakfast. - Eating nothing but mangoes for lunch. - Eating nothing but avocados for dinner. 154
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- Eating nothing but dates for a whole day. - Eating nothing but watermelon for a whole week. The benefits of eating a mono meal is that is the easiest meals for the body to digest. It is a great way to eat for someone who is looking to detox, cleanse or lose weight. Eating this way also forces you to eat good quality whole foods. I eat this way often and feel extremely energized after.

What are processed foods?

Process or processing typically describes the act of taking something through an established and usually routine set or procedures to convert it from one form to another. Processed Foods have been altered from their most original form and provide a different molecule structure than what was naturally provided. From food to production you can see how this process takes the nutrition from the food and gives it a new vibration. Processed foods usually undergo a complicated procedure to get it from food to packageGrowing the food and then harvesting > to shipping to a manufacturers which may entail international flying where food is exposed to high radiation > and then often reshaping & restructuring the food > adding other ingredients > packaging > distribution which involves more travel and handling > and then in the stores where we purchase it > and then unwrap it > and earth is to break down the materials the processed food came in! Takes quite a tremendous effort and full production line to produce packaged processed food!

If I live The Earth Diet does that mean I have to give up fast foods that I love?
No, The Earth Diet is not about giving up the fast foods that you love. Earth can be our source for everything. There is usually always a natural alternative and way for every product. You can make the most divine raw sugar free desserts made with the simplest ingredients like cheesecakes, chocolate cakes and ice creams! I would ask why do I want to eat this food that provides me with absolutely no nutritional value? If you still want to include fast foods in your lifestyle you can absolutely do that AND you may like to focus on foods naturally provided by earth at the same time. For example you may eat a hamburger and your next meal be a beet juice!

Where do you source all of your information?

From books, life, tribes, the dictionary, online sources and professionals in the health industry. Visit TED website for full list and links.

What are Whole foods?

Whole foods are unprocessed foods. Whole foods are healthier for us as they provide us with all of their natural nutrients.

What are the most common foods people are allergic too?
1. Dairy 2. Yeast 3. Wheat 4. Gluten 5. Soy 6. Eggs 155
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7. Peanuts 8. Tree Nuts 9. Crabs 10. Lobster 11. Shrimp 12. Fish What kind of water should I drink? The most ideal water is running filtered water. Check TED website to see which ones I use and recommend. Most tap water comes from old pipes and has many chemicals. What bottled water is the safest and cleanest to drink? Based from an experiment I have personally done, FIJI water was the cleanest and most alkaline. Poland Spring and Smart water were extremely acidic. Should I do nuts? When you eat nuts eat them raw or sprouted. Nuts can be challenging for the digestive system to break down especially if you have clogged bowels. Roasted and salted nuts have very little nutrition. Should I eat canned foods? Canned foods have preservatives and gas to keep them keeping for years. No nutritional value. What is difference between organic and non-organic? Eat as organic as possible. If it isnt organic but it is raw living foods like fruits and vegetables you will absorb some chemicals from the farming of them, but at least you are getting nutrition as they are alive and not processed packaged food. Whenever eating meat buy organic and free range. That is extremely important as if the meat is nonorganic you will also be absorbing anti-biotics and hormones that the animal absorbed. Organic food is grown without the use of toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or chemical fertilizers. Organic farming is cleaner and safer for the earth. Much of our soil is depleted of nutrients because of the chemicals that are present on earth and so organic farming restores the soil to its richest so it can produce an abundance of nutrient rich foods. Organic foods are cleaner and provide us with more nutritional value. Am I really what I eat? Yes! You are what you eat. Whatever you put into your body is used as fuel. Consume dirty fuel and your body will operate from that. Consume living foods and your body will be at its healthiest most energetic place! Do you drink milk? I personally choose not to drink cows milk. I never have. Since I was a child I just did not resonate with it, it just didnt feel right. Unless you buy organic raw milk, milk these days goes through a PASTEURIZATION process. The point of this process is meant to be for killing potential bacteria and 156
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preventing disease BUT there have been many outbreaks in the past of salmonella from contaminated milk that WAS pasteurized! This process involves heating the milk which also destroys enzymes, vitamins and amino acids. Milk also goes through another process called HOMOGENIZATION where the milk is passed through a fine filter pressure which causes the fat molecules to become smaller which weakens the immune system because the intestine is unable to digest the protein. AND then most dairy farmers inject their cows with hormones to make them produce more milk than natural to keep up with the demand. The cows then get sick so they pump them full of antibiotics. Milk these days has no nutritional value whatsoever. If you want to drink milk find a farmer who raised free roaming cows, who live off organic feed, and produce RAW MILK. As an alternative make your own (and many supermarkets offer this now too!) nut milk with almonds or cashews, or hemp seeds for hemp milk! You can also make your own coconut milk. Recipes for all of this are in this book! Should I do yogurt? Yogurt is only as good as the source it comes from!!! Most yogurts are made with cows milk which goes through the processes of pasteurization, homogenization and completely depleted of all nutrients. Choose yogurts that are made from raw organic milk. You can make your own yogurt and add blended strawberries or banana! What are dead foods and what are alive foods? Dead foods are foods that are cooked or processed which is most of our available food supply. Living foods are raw organic foods that are grown in prime soils free of chemicals and nutrients are still intact. When we eat mostly dead foods our bodies reflect that and we become tired, depressed, overweight and full of dis-ease. Check out people who eat majority raw living foods and they are naturally toned and abundant in energy. I choose to eat 70% raw foods and 30% cooked foods. Eat as much raw vegetables and fruits as possible. How important is exercise? Exercise is of course important. It is essential to move our body and get the blood flowing and the cells moving. A lot of jobs these days require our bodies to be still and very stagnant. Move for at least 30 minutes a day, whether it is walking, swimming, dancing, stretching, yoga, breathing, doing something you love! Your body will reflect that if you are enjoying what you do! Jumping on a mini trampoline first thing in the morning for 10 minutes will stimulate the cells and body and activate the lymphatic system! Is juicing essential? Yes! I recommend everyone invest in a juicer. I juice almost every day. Juicing is good for detoxifying, cleansing, to heal from illness, to boost the immune and to receive A LOT of nutrients and vitamins at CELLULAR LEVEL. Most of our fruits and vegetables are depleted of vitamins and nutrients because of soil depletion, so juicing we receive as much nutrition as possible straight into our system. You can feel the affects of juicing immediately. I tell people juice every day for 1 week, and if you dont feel better or experience more energy than you have done it and never try it again but just try it! It is a great alternative to healing depression and any skin disorder too. Gerson therapy heal people from terminal 157
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cancer and illnesses with juicing! They understand that healing takes place with proper nutrition! When we juice our body does not have to work hard at digesting it, so energy is distributed to our entire body almost effortlessly. Should I do grains, flour and bread? I do love the taste of bread and I also notice how quickly my body stores weight if I consume a lot of it. Grains slow our bodies down massively because it takes so much energy to digest AND we receive little nutrition from them. We get the most nutrition from grains when we sprout them. Phytic acid is present in the bran of all grains and inhibits the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc which can neutralize our own digestive enzymes and lead to digestion disorders. A portion of the starch in grain is also transformed to sugar hence weight gain. White flour is just bleached wheat flour and has absolutely no nutritional value. Do you eat seafood? I enjoy seafood on occasion. If we look at our oceans today they are not as clean as they were 50 years ago. A lot of fish are now found to be high in mercury which is not at all good for our bodies as mercury settles in our soft tissue and breaks down our immune system and can be hard to shake off unless we are constantly cleansing and detoxifying our system. Should I read labels? Yes! Always read the labels of everything you purchase! Check the ingredients! If there is anything on there you cannot pronounce it is very far from being naturally provided by earth! If you see any of these ingredients they are created in a lab and are purely chemicals and extremely toxic for the human body and environment! DDE, Chlorpyrifos-methyl, fenitrothion, pirimiphos-methyl, alpha-endosulfan, beta-endosulfan, endosulfan-suphate, chlorothalonil, dithiocarbamates, iprodione, pro-cymidone, vinclozolin, dichlorvos, malathion, captan. The more ingredients something has, the more complicated it is. Food is good as it is and stands alone. If it has a lot of ingredients it can be a challenge for the body to break it down and separate. Processed foods usually have A LOT of ingredients! What are books you have read and recommend? Who are people in this world that inspire you with health? Hat are documentaries you have watched and recommend? I am constantly inspired by Eckhart Tolle, Dr Wayne Dyer, Anita Moorjani, Louise Hay, Dr Brian Clement from Hippocrates Institute, Dr Leonard Coldwell, Dr Burzysnki and Mike Wall founder of Rockin Wellness. These documentaries had an effect on my life and continue to inspire my work, Food Inc, Food Matters, and Hungry For Change. For a full list go to TED website!

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. About (Page 11) Acclaim (Page 9, 10) Acidic (Page 32, 33) Acne (Page 32, 36) Addiction (Page 15, 18, 20, 23, 38, 50) ADD (Page 32, 36) Alcohol (Page 151) Alkaline (See Website) Almond Milk (Page 81, 83) Allergies (Page 154) Arthritis (Page 32) Appreciation (Page 22) Baking Soda (Page 56) Bentonite clay (Page 52, 57) Breakfast (Page 125) Cancer (Page 19) Candida (Page 30, 36) Canned Foods (Page 66, 155) Cells (Page 4,5, 48, 67) Cellulite (Page 36) Cheese (Page 116) Cholesterol (See website) Chocolate (See Cacao recipes) Choice (Page 4) Commitment (Page 48) Conversion (Page 75) Cook wear (Page 74) Cooking Oil (Page 150) Cells (Page 42, 46) Dehydrator (Page 73) Depression (Page 36) Deodorant (Page 49) Desserts (Page 90) Diabetes (Page 32) Digestive System (Page 46) Disclaimer (Page 2) Disease (Page 18, 32, 35) Dr Leonard Coldwell (page 8) Eating Disorder (Page 18) Energy (Page 18) Epsom Salts (Page 40, 53, 60) Exercising (Page 156) Fast Foods (Page 154)

44. Fats (page 150) 45. Feeling Good (Page 20,21, 36) 46. Food - Almond Butter (Page 56) - Almonds (Page 56, 81, 96, 100) - Apples (Page 56, 77, 84, 97) - Avocado (Page 56, 87, 93, 112, 113) - Bananas (Page 56) - Beet (Page 28, 57, 77, 145) - Black Pepper (Page 57) - Blueberries (Page 107) - Brazil Nuts (Page 57) - Bread (Page 142, 157) - Buckwheat (Page 57, 94) - Cacao (Page 58, 83, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108) - Carrots (Page 58, 77) - Cashews (Page 58, 91, 92, 98) - Cayenne Pepper (Page 58) - Celery (Page 58, 77) - Cherries (Page 59) - Chia Seeds (Page 59) - Cinnamon (Page 59) - Coconut / Oil (Page 59, 85, 86, 97, 98, 102, 107) - Cilantro / Coriander (Page 59) - Eggs (Page 60, 139, 149) - Flax Seeds (Page 60, 82) - Flour (Page 94, 157) - Garlic (Page 60) - Ginger (Page 60, 77, 89) - Grapefruit (Page 61, 88) - Grapes (Page 61) - Green Tea (Page 61, 89) - Himalayan Rock Salt (Page 61) - Honey (Page 61) - Kale (Page 61, 79, 87, 110, 114) - Lemons (Page 62, 78, 79) - Lettuce (Page 62) - Macadamia Nuts (Page 62) - Maca (Page 62, 82) - Maple Syrup (Page 62) - Mushrooms (Page 63) - Oats (Page 63, 91) - Olive Oil (Extra Virgin) (Page 63) - Oranges (Page 63, 80, 88)

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.

- Parsley (Page 63, 79) - Peanuts (Page 64, 94, 99, 103) - Rice (Page 64) - Sage (Page 64) - Spinach (Page 64, 79) - Sprouts (Page 65) - Strawberries (Page 65, 84) - Thyme (Page 65) - Turmeric (Page 65, 132, 134, 140, 144) - Vanilla Bean (Page 65, 91, 92) - Yogurt (Page 156) - Zucchini (Page 117, 118, 123) Fear (Page 47) Flexitarian (Page 51, 72) Genes (Page 48) Genetically Modified (Page 152) Gluten Free (Page 72, 74) Green Juice (Page 79) Guilt (Page 18, 26, 29) Hair loss (Page 33) Harmony (Page 47) Health Insurance (Page 51) Hippocrates (Page 44) Hormones (see website) Immune System (Page 20, 25, 30, 37) Intention (Page 48) Irradiated foods (Page 151) Juice Machine (Page 73) Juice Cleanse (Page 76) Juicing (Page 29, 34, 76, 77, 156) Labels (Page 37, 157) Lemon Water (Page 13, 28, 55, 78) Liana Werner-Gray (Page 19, 40, 41, 50, 51) Liver (Page 8) Love (Page 46, 47) Margarine (Page 149) Measuring Conversion (Page 75) Meat (Page 149) Medicine (Page 44, 152) Microwave (Page 153) Milk (Page 73, 81, 155) Mono Eating (Page 35, 153) Muscle Building (Page 30)

78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93.

94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

Natural Alternatives (Page 71) Nutrients (Page 55) Nutritional Value (Page 46) Nutrition (Page 68) Nutrient Rich (Page 110) Oil (Page 150) Organic (Page 7, 155) Parasites (Page 30) Pharmaceutical Drugs (Page 37, 44, 153) Placebo Affect (Page 47) Principles of TED (Page 12, 13) Processed Foods (Page 66, 154) Proper Nutrition (Page 7, 12) Q&A (Page 147 - 157) Raw Foods (Page 37, 70, 109 125) Recipes (Page 72) Dairy free (ALL recipes are) Desserts (Page 90 Drinks (Page 76 89) Meat Eaters (Page 126 - 139) Seafood (Page 128, 130, 157) Raw Vegan (Page 109 125) Vegan Cooked (Page 140 146) Salad Dressing (Page 111) Science (Page 54) Seasonal (page 7) Self-Healing (Page 39, 44, 46) Skin (Page 49) Sleep (Page 153)

100. Soda (Page 66) 101. Stainless Steel (Page 74) 102. Stress (Page 47, 48) 103. Sugar (Page 52, 74, 152) 104. Tips (Page 34, 35) 105. Tools (Page 73) 106. Trans Fatty Acids (Page 149, 150) 107. Vaccinations (Page 163) 108. Vicious Cycle (Page 23, 38, 50) 109. Water (Page 155) 110. Weight Loss (Page 17, 25, 30, 34, 54, 151) 111. Whole Foods (Page 154)

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

This page is a THANK YOU acknowledgment page to all the people who contributed to this book being made! People who pre-ordered the book, and people who inspired me along the way! Please get how much I appreciate you and what you do!
Aisi Engblom Alice Ecklund Alicia Brown Alexandra Manning Alexandra Wszola Amanda Koppen Andre Beaulieu Andrea Hannemann Angela Ferguson Angelina Brown Anthony Mainella Arnold Lethe Ashleigh Wilson Bernard Werner Beth Brasher Brenda Hudson Buddy Caitlin Barrett Gray Caleb Lopez TED Recipe Photographer! Carol Lucas Cate Italiano Catherine Branscheid Catherine Trimble Cathy Tucker Chad Oslund Chantelle De Bono Chelsea Dunwoodie Cherylee Bennett Christopher Hansford Christopher Lojac Daniel Lacy David Diclemente Dalyla Sarlo Demetra Stacey Donna Dee Donna Draper Donna Lawrence Dwayne Peachey (YOU ROCK) Dr Leonard Coldwell Eizabeth J Dickson Eleni Simos Eliz Brooks st Elizabeth Lee 1 person ever to pre-order! Elyse Clark Ember Ison Emily Drollett Enzo Rocca Gabrielle Robertson Gillian Beattie Glenn Biever Greg Phillip McGovern Helen Werner HIROKO OOMS Irene Sanpietro James McFadden Janet Garner Janette Merrett Jaron Lopez TED Recipe Photographer! Jason Domenech Jennifer Sarre Jessica Dyer Karla Patterson Kate McFadden Katherine Burson Katherine Johnson Kelly Chamberlain Kendall Perry Kenny Wenke Kerry-Lee Riley Krystel Chavez Labelle Bruno Lauren Hannemann Lindsay Wolkowski Lis Wiberg Lori Chavez Lucas Fleeton Lynne DeMarco Margaret Peachey Margot Mcilwain Marianne Kristensen Marie Finnegan Mark Moore Mary Jane Collins Melanie Thomas Melissa McPike Michael Higgins Michelle Buchanan Nadine Gray Nelly Hemer Nicole Drenovac Nidia Carrero Norm Marple Organic Corner Patricia Hullan Patricia Jones Paul burton Paula Simlesa Peter Sansom Rachael Schilling Randolph Frazee Rebecca Lee Regine Werner Richard Hill Rita R Nakabayashi Rowan Shifrin Roxxe NYC Photography Sally Macmillan Shay Muddle Shawn Baizw Sheri Boswell Sigal Pinto Steph Fleeton Stephanie Johnson Stephanie O'Brien Steven Robalino Susan Bolger Susan Djokoto Tanya Caruana Terri Walker Theresa Brooks Transcendient Light Healing Veronica Daulton Veronika Krelj Vicki Gray my mum! nd Victoria Reynolds 2 person to pre-order! Viking for printing TED on RECYCLED PAPER! Zina Meeker

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

THANK YOU to everyone who I have met or interacted with in my entire life, you have touched and inspired my life in some way, for real. THANK YOU Demetra and Eleni Simos of TopShelf Network inc. for always supporting The Earth Diet. THANK YOU to our sweet, beautiful, lush, nourishing, nutritious, MOTHER EARTH for constantly providing for us and supporting human existence. AN EPIC THANK YOU to this beautiful woman Carol Lucas for all your love, support and financial backing. Carol believed in me and empowered me to complete this TED book, she is a massive reason for us being able to read this book! You never know the difference you can make in someones life just by empowering them! Forever grateful. Carol Lucas

Dr Leonard Coldwell Mike Adams Paul Chek Dr Brian Clement Lynette Pate Lance Armstrong LIVE STRONG organization Eckhart Tolle Anita Moorjani

Dr Wayne Dyer

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

Check out our friends and recommendations on the website! For People, products and companies we can trust that provide our bodies with NUTRITION and well-being!

Organic Corner
for TED RAW Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups, TED RAW Lasagna, TED Pasta Pesto and Rowans RAW PHAD Thai!

in Massapequa, Long Island, NEW YORK

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION


The Earth Diet is a lifestyle that focuses

on the abundance of what earth provides naturally. Liana Werner-Gray created a challenge to eat only foods directly provided by earth for 365 days and kept a daily blog The Earth Diet. In this book Liana shares how this lifestyle transformed her life in ways she never expected including self-healing, and ending a vicious cycle of addiction to refined sugars, pain and suffering. Liana realized that every human body thrives on PROPER NUTRITION for the healthiest state of mind and full life. Liana is considered an Expert in Health and Nutrition and through The Earth Diet has guided people with the following To Lose Weight/ Gain Weight/ Gain Muscle/ Muscle Tone/ Restore the body to natural weight /Rid cellulite To treat and reverse ALL dis-ease including anything incurable, diabetes, cancer, skin disorders, arthritis and more INCLUDING GUIDING HER OWN MOTHERS SELF HEALING OF ADVANCED BREAST CANCER To treat additions, food and eating disorders To detox/cleanse the body and boost the Immune System To Educate in RAW food making and getting the most nutrition out of foods! To live a harmonious life in balance with the Human Body and Organic Seasonal Nature More inside the book!

Over 67 recipes
in this book designed to give the body & mind the

most nutrition
per bite, per calorie.

Copyright 2012 The Earth Diet ISBN 978-0-9859594-1-8

BE AT EASE. Nourish the body with NUTRITION

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