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1 Week:3 Project Day:1 The Categorization of Departments/Sections 2 Deliverables o 2.1 Morning module o 2.2 Evening module o 2.3 Evaluation Criteria

Week:3 Project Day:1 The Categorization of Departments/Sections Objectives:Categorize books, rac arranging Module introduction: All the books inside the library are classified into subject / department such that it is easy for customers to search related books. A library classification is a system of coding and organizing library materials (books, serials, audiovisual materials, computer files, maps, manuscripts, realia) according to their subject and allocating a call number to that information resource. For the staff/librarian to arrange books inside each of these departments, we need code to input different departments into the library information system. User (here librarian) will be asked to enter new departments, update existing department, remove a department, and view existing departments. Now you need to understand how the books are organized inside a department. All the books in MSIT library are stored based on subject in different floors / library location. Each of this departments handle the books inside RACs labeled in alphabetical order. A RAC will have six levels (or bins), each level will have 20 books (on average). Total number of books stored inside a rac is 120 (6 X 20). Racs are arranged in alphabetical order, this means based first letter of book title a rac is assigned. All the books inside a rac are stored in order of library book number (unique book id). Visualize location of a book with this image, the value of book location is stored inside book structure (from morning book structure).

Task description: Write a C program, which can categorize library books. The program must save all departments / subjects, create new departments, update new departments in library, and remove department. Details of all departments are stored inside files. Inside books structure there is variable listed for department, before arranging books in library each book must be updated with department. Initially all departments have 26 racs, corresponding each alphabet. Along with the department details, book structure must be updated with rac label, and level inside the rac. For example: Let us C, book could be stored inside computer science department, RAC - labeled L , and level inside the rac (bin) depending on book id for example like level 2. Book locations are stored inside book file (created in the morning). In the run time when a new book is added location is calculated and stored in book details file. Hints: If alphabet labeled on rac exceeds 120 books, new racks are added like A,A1,A2 and so on. Inside department number of racs is dynamic depending on number of books. Inside rac all books are in order of unique book id. Code help: typedef struct Racks{ no_of_books_available; no_of_sections; //the bins or draws totalCapacity; assignedAlphabet; }; //This is a structure for one rack typedef struct Department{ deptId; departmentName; int totalRacks; Racks allRacks[26]; }; //Inside a department you have many racks represented with a pointer or a array. Example: How to use Structure in a Structure 1. Download

A moodle assignment will be created for this Programming in C Week 3 Project day 1, please zip all C code files (*.c),along with the data files and README file with screen shots as mentioned below with naming convention and submit the zip file with naming Must be submitted in evening half of today before 6:00PM.

Morning module

Morning module solves setting up book infrastructure for the library , the program must start with comment that contains purpose, roll number, name and other program specific details like assumptions. You could also paste their test cases in which program works. Use structures, files, functions, and interfaces as required in the task description. Submit C file proper indentation,comments, and reasonable variable names with file name as learningcenter_rollnumber_week3_module7.c must include this inside zip file mentioned above.

Evening module
Evening module solves setting up of departments and arranging books (by saving location of book into book structure) for the library , the program must start with comment that contains purpose, roll number, name and other program specific details like assumptions. You could also paste their test cases in which program works. Use structures, files, functions, and interfaces as required in the task description. Submit C file proper indentation,comments, and reasonable variable names with file name as learningcenter_rollnumber_week3_module8.c must include this inside zip file mentioned above.

Evaluation Criteria
This day task is evaluated for 60 marks in total: Morning module (30 marks)

Creating book structure (unique book id, default values storing): 4 marks Saving books into data file (preferably binary mode): 4 marks Menus and user choice: 2 marks Add books function: 5 marks Update books function: 5 marks Remove books function: 5 marks Display all books: 5 marks

Evening module (30 marks)

Creating racks structure: 2 marks Creating departments structure: 2 marks Calculating location of a given book: 5 marks Creating location value (in CSE/A/1 type ID), and storing it in book details (file): 5 marks Populating and runtime of all stacks in a department: 4 marks Storing department details inside file: 2 marks Add department function: 1 mark Update department function: 3 marks Remove department function: 3 marks Delete department function: 3 marks

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