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A302A206EN-真社會主義 True Socialism-True Socialism JCW, 2009/05/15.版權所有.


界與人民的問題其實是我人未來世界裡的世界聯邦究竟應該採取哪一種政治經濟策略 (It is not the

problem of pro-communism or anti-communism, and neither pro-capitalism or anti-
capitalism, annoying the World and its people. It is rather the question of what
a political-economic policy the government of the World Federation should practice
in the Future .)

政治經濟策略關係著人民的福利 (The political economic policy means welfare of people.)。

我人的現實界內,西方政治巨人一向實行資本主義而少數東方政治巨人則實行著共產主義 (So far in this

reality, western giants have been practicing capitalism while several eastern
giants had communism.)。這共產主義和資本主義就是十九世紀以來東西雙方爭論的根本所在;然則,在二

(Communism and capitalism have been the principle argument between the east and
the west ever since nineteenth century, while in mid twentieth century the two
east communist giants started practicing capitalistic measures for a quick
economic development and succeeded.)。但是,執政的共產主義當局卻聲稱它們無意放棄共產主義,它

們只是在依照馬克斯預言,替終極目標 "共產" 實行社會主義而已 (Yet, the ruling communists

claiming that they are not by any means giving up communism, but they are
practicing socialism "for final communism" as per Marx's prediction;)。我認為這顯是它


是從業已成熟而可怕的共產制度現實裡撤退並轉向資本主義 (obviously, it seems to me a highly

skillful talk because, as they started adopting capitalism measures of free
trading, they did not start from capitalism, they drew back from their well-
established terrible communist realities.)。它們聲稱 "据馬克斯主義所示,社會主義和共產主義


會主義乃是正常行止,絲毫不足為奇" (They say "According to Marxism, socialism and

communism are interchangeable terms for communism", and "Socialism is for
communism", so that a communist regime practicing socialism is nothing but
normal.)。但是,事實上它們則的確是從幾已 100%成功了的共產現實裡撤退並轉向,該幾已 100%成功的共產

現實卻正是馬克斯所說的共產主義之終極目標(However, the fact has been they drew back from

almost 100% successful communism which, according to Marx, is the final stage, and
the goal of communism.)。


的處置卻是一大失著,此所謂財政風險業已在本世紀初顯現(To me, it is a statesman-like move

when they drew back,; but, when they drew back without far-reaching preventive
measures, started all those financial risks that the world is currently enduring
since beginning of the current century.)。此所謂風險者則源自我人類天性之兼有無限貪婪 (The

risks are because of human nature, endless greediness.)。

我堅信,我人的未來政治經濟的最佳選擇須是 "真社會主義" (I strongly believe, best for the

Future, the political economic policy should be True Socialism.)。真社會主義意指後現代


不進入那真正的兩極範圍裡……絕對的共產主義和毫無節制的資本主義只足以危害我人,卻於我人類無益 (It
means a post-modernism and reformative, revisionist socialism, always at certain
appropriate place mid-way of communism at the left and capitalism at the right,
while the two are the extremes, neither is to be reached……Absolute communism and
un-controlled capitalism will only do harm other than good to people in concern.)。



受;那種生存情形其實違反我人類的人權與自由 (It was the innocence of simple-minded people

in the past centuries that they believe in a money-less, class-less (by means of
class struggles), even state-less society with unrequited obligatory jobs and
every personal daily need in ration; it is nothing but an unendurable life; it is
against human right and freedom.)。


說辭;引述於下 (I always say that the "socialism" those communist regimes have in
mind is rather "too close to communism". In a talk, some pro-socialists said to
me, quote:):
「…是已足証你對社會主義此詞的認知與我們並不相同 (……that suggests your understanding of

this term (socialism) differs from ours.)。 共產主義一詞始於 1830 年代的法國革命團體 (The

word "communism" originated in the revolutionary groups in France in the 1830s.)。

其同時,英國的歐文氏大同社會主義組織則啟用了社會主義此詞 (At about the same time, Owenite

groups in Britain were first using the word "socialism".)。馬克斯與恩格斯以該兩詞為可以

交替使用者 (Marx and Engels used both words interchangeably.)。事實上馬、恩兩氏早年在歐洲

大陸上咸自稱並稱呼工人階級運動的人為共產主義者,較後才改稱為社會主義者 (In fact, in Marx and

Engels' earlier years on the European continent they usually referred to
themselves, and the working class movement, as communist; later in Britain as
socialist.)。在 "評論 1875 年歌德計劃<JCW 擅譯>" 著作裡,馬克斯依 "共有",將 "共產主義" 分割為

先後兩個階段 ( In his "Critique of the Gotha Programme (1875)", Marx made a

distinction between two stages of "communist society", both based on common
ownership:),即;(1).較初階段:個人日常需用一概<可能憑參加勞動的工時積點記錄卡>配給 (a lower
stage, with individual consumption being rationed, possibly by the use of labor-
time vouchers, and),次則為(2).較高階段:各人皆儘一己才能之所及為社會效力,其日常需用的一應物資

可依所需向公共倉儲檢取 ( a higher stage in which each person contributes to society

according to ability and draws from the common stock according to needs.)。 該兩階段
將皆為無貨幣的經濟社會或國家(In both stages, however, there would be no money economy

or state.)。

「列寧在他 1917 年的"國家與革命<JCW 擅譯>" 著作裡對該兩個階段描述為相對的社會主義及共產主義兩詞,且

曰:在作為進階共產主義的,作為暫時過渡階段的社會主義階段,仍可能是有貨幣的社會或國家 (Lenin, in
his State and Revolution (1917), made famous the description of these two stages
as "socialism" and "communism" respectively, in which there would be a money
economy and state in the transitional society of "socialism" to "communism".)。 社

會主義者將社會主義和共產主義兩詞視作可以交替使用者而以之名 "共有制度的社會",乃否認列寧的 "需有過

渡階段的社會" 之說 (Socialists use the words socialism and communism interchangeably

to refer to the society of common ownership, thereby denying the Leninist claim
that there is a need for a transitional society.)。」
是故,顯然是依此定義的 "社會主義" 原則上 (Obviously, the "socialism" so defined refers

to, in principle,): (1). 須是指 "人民共有" 的共有制而非為政府或國家公有的共有制 ("common

ownership (by people)" rather than "government or state ownership"; and),而 (2).

須是不再有貨幣方式的 "無貨幣",而並非 "無鈔" 的社會或國家(No money or moneyless society and

state rather than a cashless society and state.)。這兩個要點即是我所稱他們的社會主義 "太

近似於共產主義",而且根本有別於我在 "未來世界的政治主張" 裡所主張的 "真社會主義" (And, these

two are basic differences between their socialism (which is, I claim, "rather too
close to communism") and the "True Socialism" that I am advocating in my "Politics
for the Future".)。

依我之見,真社會主義必需是具有 "無鈔社會制度" <按:無鈔制早已在漸次形成之中>,土地、天然資源、重工

業、金融業 <包括銀行及保險業>、運輸和通訊、國家公共建設的團隊、醫事、教育機構悉皆國有國營;但私人工



之,都是違反我在 "未來世界的政治主張" 裡所主張的,作為道德基準的 "共存" (In my ideas, True

Socialism should involve cashless society (which is already in its way), national
ownership of land, natural resources, heavy industries, financial institutions
(i.e. banking and insurance services), communications, governmental public
construction groups, hospitals, educational institutes; but, private ownership of
business and industrial setups, and free trading, under planned economy scheme, is
to be allowed. Yet no stipulation of any kind is to be allowed or encouraged, such
as short term deals of stocks, futures, options; stipulation is by all means
gambling, aiming at quick, labor-free profit, and contributes to financial
upheavals, and in other words against "coexistence" the suggested backbone of
morality in my "Politics for the Future".)。

我懷疑向來曾有真社會主義行之於世 (I doubt such a True Socialism has ever existed in the

past.)。我知道華醫孫逸仙所著 "三民主義" 的國有制曾一度為國民黨政權所力行;但旋即變相 (I

realized it is very close to what Chinese Dr. Sun Yat-Sen claimed in his Three
People's Principles that once followed then turned away by the KMT regime in term
of "national or government ownership".)。但是我仍堅信,早早晚晚,在這個世界上,真社會主義必

將為我人帶來世界大同的未來 (I strongly believe only a True Socialism will bring about a

utopian future for this World, sooner or later, in the time to come.)。


無異,都只是空論、玄想、意識形態而已 (In short, socialism is not only an interchangeable

term for communism, the two are both synonyms of the other; and this kind of
socialism is nothing but kind of ideology as communism is.)。兩者都違叛人性,故,人終必

棄之 (They both are against human nature that people will not support in the long

run,),然而,該兩者亦已因能利用人性而存在並流傳 (yet, they take advantage of human nature

to exist and to spread.)。我人的未來需有務實能行的社會主義政治經濟政策及措施;非真社會主義莫屬

(The Future needs a realistic and practical socialism as its political economic
ism and measure, which is but the True Socialism.)。
[附件 Encl]:A206EN-只要一句話! JCW, 2009/03/12.版權所有.

★◎★ 未來世界需要的政治經濟(經濟政策)、只要一句話就說明了(There is but one expression needed

to explain the political economic policy that the Future requires):------

☆☆ 馬克斯推測說(Carl Marx predicted):

(To Begin with)CAP------->----------(Path)SOC------------------->COM(Goal)
☆☆ "未來世界的政治" 主張( "Politics for the Future" advocates):

(左)共 ||| <--------社(可能修正的範圍) ---------> ||| 資(右)

(Leftist)COM ||| <-----SOC(Range for Adjustment) -----> ||| CAP(Rightist)
[註 Remarks]:

共 = 共產主義; 社 = 社會主義;資 = 資本主義。

COMmunism; SOCialism; CAPitalism

|||<--- 和 --->||| 是指永不達到的 "極端" 和 "無節制"。

|||<--- and --->||| Points that will never be reached;wherein, to the left is
"extreme" communism
while to the right is un-regulated capitalism.。

有疑問嗎 (Objection)?

歷史証明共產主義者已走回頭路 (History proved that communists have turned back)。

=== End Of File ===

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