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ILIGAN MEDICAL CENTER COLLEGE College of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Aide NCM ______ RLE Resource Unit

TOPIC DESCRIPTION: URINARY ELIMINATION ( CATHETERIZATION) ENTRY COMPETENCE: GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The students will be able to listen and understand the definitions, assessment process, and management in dwelling with patients with urinary problem, same

as to express their insights about the lecture.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1. Review the basic concepts of urination 2. Identify factors that influence urinary elimination 3. identify common causes of selected urinary problem 4. Describe nursing assessment of urinary function 5. Develop nursing diagnoses, desired outcomes and interventions related to urinary elimination. 6. Explain the care of clients with retention catheters or urinary diversions.

Introduction of the Concept 1. Brief Anatomy and physiology of the Urinary System 2. Disturbances in Urinary Elimination 3. Nursing Assessment Health History Family Health History Client Health History


Participative Lecture and Discussion


B. Developmental factors Infants Preschoolers School age Elders Psychosocial Factors Pathologic Conditions Surgical Procedures C. Altered Urine Production Altered Urinary Elimination Frequency and Nocturia Urgency Dysuria Enuresis Incontinence Retention

30 min

Participative Lecture and Discussion

Post test

10 min

Participative Lecture and Discussion

Post test

D. Nursing Assessment
Health History Family Health History Client Health History Assessment of Hematologic System Diagnostic Examination and its nursing responsibilities Non invasive procedures Invasive procedures Blood and urine studies Hemodynamic monitoring Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Urinary Elimination Risk for Infection Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity Self care deficit Risk for fluid volume deficit/excess Deficient knowledge Planning Maintian or restore a normal voiding pattern Regain normal urine output Contain urine with appropriate device/catheter Implementation of the nursing process to specific disturbances for health maintenance and restoration across the life span E. Client Teaching Urinary Elimination in the home setting Maintaining Normal Voiding habits Bladder training Guidelines in Urinary Catheterization

30 min

Participative Lecture and Discussion

Post test

Participative Lecture and Discussion

Post test

Participative Lecture and Discussion

Post test

30 min

Participative Lecture and Discussion

Post test


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