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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater 08:00:14 08:00:34 08:01:04 08:01:34 08:02:24 @ukedchat

What is progress? How can we achieve it?





08:04:25 08:04:28 08:04:32


08:04:52 08:04:59 08:05:17

It's 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @Msfindlater - 'What is progress? How can we achieve it?' @ukedchat Progress is being better at something than @chrishildrew you were. How we achieve it? Much trickier! #ukedchat A question we ask constantly, of ourselves, our pupils, @MakeMathsMatter our lessons etc. problem is there isn't one answer?? #UKedchat @chrishildrew @ukedchat Like that definition of @chaloner88 progress, Chris. Simple but effective #UKedchat OFSTED say... What s your understanding of this? @MsFindlater How can we achieve and show this? #UKedchat #ukedchat Progress to me is about moving forwards. @jillberry102 Encouragement, support and appropriate challenge can help us achieve that. #ukedchat Progress in knowledge seems @chrishildrew straightforward - they know this now, they didn't then. In skills, also assessable - they are better. #UKedchat students sometimes don't believe they've @Miss_was_here made progress. Trick is to equip them with the ability to talk about it #ukedchat real progress - young people becoming @chrishildrew more rounded, grounded, capable adults - is hardest to assess, but most important. @chaloner88 @chrishildrew @ukedchat often enabling @MsFindlater progress is all about keeping it simple too. @#UKedchat Tonight's #ukedchat tonight again - 'What is progress? @ukedchat How can we achieve it?' with @Msfindlater as host. #UKedchat Important to stress student starting point. @MadameMoodle Many feel they've failed bc they haven't reached that ideal finishing point. #growth Progress is achieved by having a good knowledge of @School_LN individuals academic needs and differentiating to meet these needs #UKedchat Liking #UKedchat definitions of progress. Ofsted seem @michaelrose to want to see that "getting better" in every lesson. Engagement and attitudes vital. @chrishildrew @MsFindlater #ukedchat but how do @csf0961 you measure progress of understanding @EmmaMoss74 @Miss_was_here #UKedchat I agree, the pupils struggle to verbalise their own progress - what tools do

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?

08:05:27 08:05:38

@tammiie_ @Miss_was_here

08:05:57 08:06:04 08:06:16

@MsFindlater @MsFindlater @evgenymilyutin



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@jillberry102 @School_LN @Miss_was_here





08:08:23 08:08:35 08:08:48 08:08:57 08:09:31

@cherrylkd @MsFindlater @EmmaMoss74 @JamesTheo @chrishildrew

you suggest? @ukedchat Progress is taking a little step forwards towards achieving a giant leap #ukedchat #Ukedchat progress in lessons can be s-l-o-w. we shouldn't panic if it is. Help kids keep the big picture in mind. @MadameMoodle teaching the learning journey with all it's ups and downs is very important to promote progress. #UKedchat Top tips for assessing progress in a lesson? #UKedchat progress: making lots of mistakes -> making less mistakes -> making no mistakes -> new challenge #UKedchat @michaelrose plenty of blogs have exploded the myth of "progress in a lesson" - here's my fave: #ukedchat @kevbartle @chrishildrew Is it straightforward, though Chris? Is knowing it the same as fully understanding it? #ukedchat reflection is key #UKedchat #ukedchat since i started to learn to drive I have seriously re-thought my views on progress and now have profound empathy with kids :) Progress is all about the starting point? Do we need to make sure that progress is more than just distance travelled. #ukedchat @csf0961 @MsFindlater #ukedchat agreed, this is tough to quantify in any "test" but teachers can tell you in a lesson who has "got it". Progress is the difference between a starting point and current position I believe eg start of KS to end of KS #ukedchat Topic tonight is Progress, what is it and how can we achieve it? #UKedchat @MsFindlater #UKedchat Pupils can tell you what they can do now that they couldn't do before...but as previously said, not all can do this! @chrishildrew "more rounded, grounded" is also subjective #ukedchat @cherrylkd yes - but in what? #ukedchat Are we

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?

08:09:54 08:10:31 08:10:45 08:10:59 08:11:23




08:14:07 08:14:18 08:14:22 08:14:35 08:14:47 08:15:37

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measuring the right things? @School_LN #UKedchat Yes - unfortunately a @MakeMathsMatter challenge to execute and reason for the widening gulf between outstanding and inadequate teachers #ukedchat progress is individual and should not be @aknill used as a stick as not a linear process. @Miss_was_here Yes - really good to learn things @jillberry102 when you're a teacher. Makes you realise it's a complex process! #ukedchat @MsFindlater a template I use for assessing progress @School_LN in a lesson #ukedchat @chrishildrew @MsFindlater that is so true but how do @csf0961 you ensure that inspectors are aware of this - sadly that is the key thing #ukedchat Q is how do we assess progress in attitudes and @Magicfullstop opinions. Rather than skills and knowledge, sometimes that the only progress made #ukedchat @JamesTheo #ukedchat and laden with value @chrishildrew systems, ideologies and prejudices. Dangerous business, education! #ukedchat progress is movement, distance from @BMS_MrHarrold starting point - in essence how much better are you now than you were. #UKedchat @EmmaMoss74 Hi. Shared learning + @Miss_was_here progress words+phrases are v powerful. 'Where are we on our journey?' 'my next steps are' etc @EmmaMoss74 is it important to teach them how to @MsFindlater do this? Beneficial to them or us? #UKedchat Progress has to be measured over time and triangulate @Riggers2 all information. #UKedchat Progress is what schools should be measured against @JamesJMatthews not attainment. Children with low attainment may have made HUGE progress! #UKedchat #ukedchat progress also never linear, and the process @BMS_MrHarrold is reliant on multiple factors. @csf0961 @MsFindlater #ukedchat very sadly. Ensure @chrishildrew the conversations happen explicitly in lessons - "well done, I can see you've got that" @MadameMoodle #UKedchat Starting points - yes. @MakeMathsMatter Observed many lessons with great potential that were just inappropriately aimed at pupils @violetjo3010 @aknill agree! I believe we should look at key

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?

08:16:03 08:16:12 08:16:17

@Magicfullstop @cherrylkd @incensu













08:17:35 08:17:47 08:18:15 08:18:36 08:18:45 08:18:49

@csf0961 @MsFindlater @incensu @aknill @violetjo3010 @jillberry102

landmark moments for a pupil - will be different for different kids surely #ukedchat When do we measure the progress? End of lesson? End of term? End of Keystages? Does it matter? #UKedchat Progress in a single lesson is achieving LO. This is different to progress over a given time. #ukedchat #UKedchat Have you joined @MiddleLeaders yet? For HoDs, HoFs, HoYs, ASTs and aspiring middle leaders. RT to invite colleagues. @chrishildrew @JamesTheo Yes, but SO fascinating! If it were easy it wouldn't be nearly so satisfying! #ukedchat #ukedchat progress over time much more important than progress over an hour. Needs to be deep learning - there in 6 months time and secure @JamesJMatthews yes! It needs to be an individual measure for each pupil. The journey travelled! #ukedchat #Ukedchat @MohammedSidat hard if we're being observed, don't you think? When the Big O were in a know I was too anxious re progress Is progress the same as learning? We can measure learning at the end of the lesson but is progress different? #UKedchat #ukedchat Once students discover the intrinsic motivation and satisfaction of working/solving/improving,they're hooked as learners. @chrishildrew @MsFindlater #ukedchat but how do record that so that you can demonstrate this progress is cumulative @chrishildrew @csf0961 perhaps the students and other students benefit from this? #UKedchat #UKedchat Look out for 'Question of the day', 'Tip of the day' and 'Recommended company of the day' at @MiddleLeaders. Come and join in. @BMS_MrHarrold #ukedchat agree secure progress over time. Help pupils identify next steps. #UKedchat so how DOES ofsted measure / expect to see progress in a 20min snapshot of a lesson? #ofsted any inspectors out there?? @chrishildrew I like the idea of thinking & then

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?



08:19:07 08:19:18 08:19:22




08:20:45 08:20:49 08:20:56

08:20:59 08:19:07 08:19:18 08:19:22

rethinking to reach deeper understanding. Really important but diff to measure. #ukedchat "@BMS_MrHarrold: #ukedchat progress also never @Miss_was_here linear, and the process is reliant on multiple factors." Agree! @chrishildrew Mostly we're doing as we're told & @cherrylkd measuring core subjects. More important things in life especially for SEN #UKedchat @Magicfullstop good question, also is single point in @Winstanley_John time measurement, relying on end of a keystage a good measure? #UKedchat @BMS_MrHarrold oh yes, of course. Pointless LO @cherrylkd otherwise #UKedchat @Magicfullstop #UKedchat Not necessarily. % mark @MadameMoodle "progress" in scores but HOW the material is presented/created will demonstrate learning. @BMS_MrHarrold does progress in a lesson mount up @MsFindlater to progress over time? Is it just different progress? #UKedchat @MsFindlater #UKedchat possibly more for us but still @MakeMathsMatter useful for them to clarify their learning and understanding within the lesson. #ukedchat it's the rate of change of @A_Weatherall development/learning we should be interested in measuring. That's the progress. @csf0961 @MsFindlater depends what you're @chrishildrew assessing - but holistic assessment of portfolio at regular intervals should work. #ukedchat @MsFindlater Progress within a lesson - myth or reality? #UKedchat @chrishildrew @JamesTheo Yes - I love the idea of @jillberry102 being supported to be 'your best self' - pupils and staff and leaders too. #ukedchat @cherrylkd @chrishildrew yes!So important to parents @violetjo3010 of #sen pupils as they care about the whole child not just academic mileposts #ukedchat "Sustained progress overtime" how is this observed in @Magicfullstop a twenty minutes observation? #ofsted #UKedchat #ukedchat Learning is demonstrated via original @MadameMoodle product from a student- not rote regurgitation. @MsFindlater progress within a lesson is real & @chrishildrew possible - but not the be all and end all. Must be sustained over time. #ukedchat

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater 08:19:35 08:19:47 08:20:31 @Miss_was_here

What is progress? How can we achieve it?



08:21:35 08:21:49 08:22:03 08:22:20 08:22:34 08:22:54 08:23:02 08:23:09 08:23:48 08:23:51


08:24:29 08:24:32

"@MsFindlater: Progress within a lesson - myth or reality? #UKedchat" interesting - not sure i dare answer ! @BMS_MrHarrold then why does progress within the @violetjo3010 lesson feature in so many observations?? #ukedchat Do pupils develop greater subject knowledge? Can @thingsbehindsun they apply this knowledge to solve problems? Test them; do they understand? #UKedchat @MsFindlater of course it's a reality, but it's not what's @A_Weatherall important in the long run. Progress over long term more important #ukedchat @violetjo3010 @cherrylkd not just #sen - we should @chrishildrew care more about the whole child for all children! #ukedchat @MsFindlater I actually think you CAN see it if you @jillberry102 really focus/look for it, but sustainable progress over time much more imp. #ukedchat @MsFindlater @Miss_was_here DO IT! #UKedchat @Magicfullstop #UKedchat all of the above! It's a @MakeMathsMatter constant the variable is the method and the snapshot taken. @MsFindlater Reality if it contains a Eureka moment? @Riggers2 #UKedchat Try to measure pupil progress against individual @thingsbehindsun capability, not against overall targets #UKedchat It's a myth that Ofsted are looking for progress in the @A_Weatherall 20 minute observation. And a dangerous one at that #ukedchat @JamesJMatthews AMEN!! #ukedchat ( chiming in @MadameMoodle from California, where it's noon on Tursday) @MsFindlater @A_Weatherall inextricably linked? #UKedchat @MsFindlater @Riggers2 we all love a eureka moment! #UKedchat @Magicfullstop They don't observe "sustained @JamesTheo progress overtime" in a lesson. They look for evidence of it. #ukedchat @chrishildrew @MsFindlater Spooky - I just typed @jillberry102 'sustainable progress over time' before I read Chris's tweet. Twilight zone. #ukedchat #ukedchat because it encourages us to think of ways @A_Weatherall of demonstrating progress, in our lessons rather than how to develop the learning? @Magicfullstop @JamesTheo and what would that look like?

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?





08:25:10 08:25:17








#UKedchat @Magicfullstop #UKedchat Love this Q! Is this the @MakeMathsMatter difference between progress in a lesson and overtime? Sound so similar but unfortunately This. "@A_Weatherall It's a myth that Ofsted are @JamesTheo looking for progress in the 20 minute observation. And a dangerous one at that #ukedchat" #ukedchat @MsFindlater progress in lesson can be @Miss_was_here staggeringly accelerated or NOT and God knows this is NORMAL! @thingsbehindsun @MsFindlater Yes - progress @jillberry102 should be about how you compare with your former self, not compare with others. #ukedchat @violetjo3010 @chrishildrew #UKedchat Very true. @cherrylkd Again, this is true of all children but more so for those who struggle i2i Partnership web page is now live! Pls take a look & @i2iPartnership RT #UKedchat #sltchat Worth referring to @kevbartle's evidenced demolition of the myth of progress within lessons here: @chrishildrew #ukedchat As I've said before, the thing is: progress is a vector and attainment is a scalar. http://a@A_Weatherall #ukedchat [1/2] @A_Weatherall is it beneficial to other student perhaps @MsFindlater not making that progress to SEE the progress that is possible? #UKedchat @MsFindlater progress in a lesson is the start of an @School_LN understanding that then needs to be embedded #UKedchat @MsFindlater Here's how I assessed progress using a @TeamTait target and some post it notes p=339 #ukedchat @chrishildrew Agree - we've struggled for some time @jillberry102 now with balancing what's meaningful and what's measurable. #ukedchat Who on earth said progress was an 'OFSTED thing'? @MsFindlater Shame on them! What was progress before everyone attracted the 'O' word to it? #UKedchat

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater 08:27:24 08:27:46 08:27:49 08:27:55 08:28:00 @Magicfullstop

What is progress? How can we achieve it?





08:29:26 08:29:29 08:29:32



08:29:56 08:30:26

.@MakeMathsMatter I'm interested in the evidence of sustained progress over time and how this is evidence/checked in a lesson? #UKedchat @MsFindlater #ukedchat went a bit capital letter @Miss_was_here crackers there :-/ Sorry @BMS_MrHarrold @A_Weatherall love it! #UKedchat What I mean by that is that the direction of learning is @A_Weatherall most important. And that's what should be measured #ukedchat [1/2] Ideally progress should be measured in terms of the @tmeeky process/effort, not just the end product #ukedchat @MakeMathsMatter @Magicfullstop The only thing we can really measure in a lesson is performance. @JamesTheo #ukedchat Interesting DfE can't define starting point for exp. levels @Riggers2 of progress from KS2 in '13. Is Eng KS2 level PSG/Reading/combination? #UKedchat The Benefits of #BYOD for m-Learning @Sheffield68 #engagingstudents #edtech #ukedchat @MakeMathsMatter yes, discussion highlights the @Winstanley_John difference between understanding, measurement, progress and timespan - interesting #UKedchat @Magicfullstop @MakeMathsMatter I think this is @BMS_MrHarrold possible if you make it clear what (as a subject) the core capabilities are #ukedchat @JamesTheo @Magicfullstop and this is where quality @School_LN marking with dialog comes into it. #UKedchat @Magicfullstop @MakeMathsMatter in books/folders, @chrishildrew on class data (should be available in each lesson), in spoken interactions. #ukedchat @Magicfullstop Discussion with pupils, looking through @JamesTheo books, quality of teaching and learning, observing performance. #ukedchat @cherrylkd @chrishildrew #UKedchat Are you saying @MakeMathsMatter progress is academic?? Yes its measured/tracked more but progress in ALL areas matters @MsFindlater Am old enough to have started teaching @jillberry102 before Ofsted was a twinkle in anyone's eye and we talked about progress then! #ukedchat @BMS_MrHarrold @Magicfullstop @MakeMathsMatter and then consider

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?



08:30:37 08:30:46 08:30:56




08:32:20 08:32:34 08:32:54

08:33:02 08:33:09 08:33:48 08:33:51

how these can be shown through task design within lesson #UKedchat @violetjo3010 @BMS_MrHarrold That's mostly down @cherrylkd to SLT. Ofsted ask for 'progress over time' rather than within a lesson #UKedchat @MsFindlater I'm not saying don't do it, but it's not a @A_Weatherall requirement. As someone else said, progress in lesson moving through SOLO, #ukedchat .@School_LN @JamesTheo totally agree - quality @Magicfullstop responsive marking in pupils books is so important #UKedchat @JamesTheo @School_LN @Magicfullstop Yep. #ukedchat For our new joiners, we are discussing progress @MsFindlater tonight. What is it and how can we achieve it? #Ukedchat I think a lesson has value-add rather than progress ... @tmeeky what value has the lesson had on the students... #ukedchat @MakeMathsMatter @chrishildrew No! I'm saying @cherrylkd that's what it often comes down to and it shouldn't #UKedchat @MakeMathsMatter @cherrylkd no no - we were @chrishildrew saying that we have more important things than just academic progress to worry about! #ukedchat @chrishildrew Yes - it's about our preparing them for @jillberry102 the challenges & experiences they'll have in the rest of their lives. #ukedchat #ukedchat Just catching up. Progress is working @SENConsultancy towards achieving: a target @thingsbehindsun direction of learning: up, steeper @A_Weatherall gradient usually better, though sometimes can progress too fast. [1/2] #ukedchat @tmeeky love that idea! What value has the lesson @chrishildrew added...that's more nuanced than progress. Nice one! #ukedchat @HeadDownEyesU @aknill #ukedchat Really agree. Progress is not linear. p Nor should we expect it to be. Is academic progress most important or are there other @MsFindlater areas of progress we should be thinking of? #UKedchat How do we assess non academic progress? @Magicfullstop #UKedchat

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater 08:34:03

What is progress? How can we achieve it?

@thingsbehindsun #UKedchat Again understanding

@MakeMathsMatter the starting points of the individuals not just the class

08:34:12 08:34:32 08:34:40

@tmeeky @SENConsultancy @A_Weatherall

08:34:53 08:35:40 08:35:51 08:36:03

@chrishildrew @SENConsultancy @MsFindlater @jillberry102











08:37:55 08:38:01

@ScienceTVRadio @DrChips_

from target. Knowledge not number! Progress can't be forced, only facilitated. Progress more likely to happen when pressure for progress takes a back seat #ukedchat #ukedchat in #Sen have overall objectives/targets that goes across all subjects. Monitor all small steps @thingsbehindsun trouble if progress was shallow or declining over long term, over short term maybe ok [2/2] #ukedchat. @Magicfullstop through behaviour tracking, "soft" data on attitudes & engagement with learning, through interviews & discussion #ukedchat @Magicfullstop #ukedchat easily. Ask any SEN teacher. We do it all the time @tmeeky love this idea. All in the planning and preparation. Covert progress. #UKedchat @tmeeky Do you think that teachers just have to create a climate within which progress is possible - if it can't be forced? #ukedchat @tmeeky True #ukedchat Progress is different for all. Huge effort by some results in little progress over time but is 'outstanding' 4 them @MsFindlater The Eureka moment fits the spiritual aspect of SMSC. I recognise and promote that as progress #UKedchat .@MakeMathsMatter using relevant data + professional judgement to determine capability. Pupils like being treated as individuals! #UKedchat One of my favourite blogs on the subject of progression is by @kevbartle #ukedchat @MsFindlater academic progress is critical - the bottom line for opening doors in the future - but it's not the whole picture. #ukedchat You are watching Science club (8pm BBC2) aren't you (sorry distracted by #ukedchat) - review later. #ASEchat Progress could be an increased enjoyment of a subject or the 'lighting of a spark'. Harder to measure perhaps,

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?






08:39:34 08:40:26 08:40:41


08:41:26 08:41:53 08:42:21 08:42:42

08:42:57 08:43:21

thankfully. #UKedchat How much of a part do the right, skills focused, lesson @MsFindlater objectives play a part in attaining and assessing progress in a lesson? #UKedchat #UKedchat good to keep an eye out for progress in lots @Miss_was_here of diff areas, not just the academic. Helps students prepare to be decent citizens @MsFindlater #UKedchat Indeed - I hate it when I hear @MakeMathsMatter "we don't do APP" seriously! Measuring progress is not new!! @chrishildrew @MsFindlater Agree - schools have a @jillberry102 responsibility to help learners achieve the best they can academically (& more). #ukedchat @thingsbehindsun Absolutely, it is a soundbite, to @A_Weatherall remind us what's important. What graphs do you use? What do you measure? #ukedchat @MsFindlater objectives are critical to set the @chrishildrew parameters for what you are measuring against. Not just in lessons but over time. #ukedchat Topic of choice tonight is progress. What is it and how @MsFindlater can we achieve it? #UKedchat @MsFindlater helps students to demonstrate their @franloxley progress in a lesson or over a number of lessons, can see the learning journey #UKedchat @MsFindlater absolutely crucial to it. Also crucial to @BMS_MrHarrold AFL - which is futile if objectives not set correctly #UKedchat RT @MsFindlater: Topic of choice tonight is progress. @tmeeky What is it and how can we achieve it?> this topic is a indiv as each studt #UKedchat #UKedchat LOs need to be clear and show how to @aknill deepen understanding #ukedchat Measuring outcomes from the objectives @SENConsultancy states progress @jillberry102 @tmeeky absolutely! We want children to @tammiie_ want to progress rather than feel they have to because the teacher says #UKedchat @MsFindlater It's hard to gauge whether you've got @jillberry102 there if you don't know where you were going in the first place! #ukedchat @MsFindlater @chrishildrew have been reading practice prefect by Douglas Lemov so been mulling this over in detail.

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?

08:43:45 08:43:53

@JamesTheo @School_LN

08:44:23 08:44:36 08:44:28 08:45:06 08:45:14 08:45:34 08:45:58

@tmeeky @jillberry102 @JamesTheo @MsFindlater @SENConsultancy @BMS_MrHarrold @tmeeky



08:46:24 08:46:36 08:47:19 08:47:22

@A_Weatherall @MsFindlater @chrishildrew @BMS_MrHarrold

08:47:34 08:47:36 08:47:37 08:47:39

@tammiie_ @MsFindlater @jillberry102 @MsFindlater

#UKedchat @DrChips_ I think it is dangerous to conflate 'progress' with 'enjoyment'. #ukedchat @MsFindlater I'd say clearly defined success criteria play more of a role in measured progress than the lesson objective. #UKedchat @SENConsultancy: #ukedchat Measuring outcomes from the objectives states progress> assuming the outcomes, obj and measures are fit 4 purpose @tammiie_ @tmeeky So it's all about motivation, maybe? #ukedchat @MsFindlater Sarah, we really need to stop talking about 'progress in a lesson'. We are perpetuating a dangerous myth. #ukedchat @BMS_MrHarrold some teachers scoff at AFL - that is a shame. It is an amazing tool! #UKedchat #ukedchat just ask my child how does he know he's progressed in a lesson. Needs to think about it. @School_LN @MsFindlater same thing? #UKedchat @jillberry102: @tammiie_So it's all about motivation, maybe? > motivation (from purpose, owenrship, interst etc HAS to b the start #ukedchat @JamesTheo @MsFindlater progress in a lesson is fine - possible, achievable, helpful. But it's not the most important thing. #ukedchat @MsFindlater SOLO allows teachers to develop and students to see progress into learning outcomes #ukedchat @School_LN linked? #UKedchat @JamesTheo @MsFindlater nor is it what the big O are looking for. #ukedchat @MsFindlater been discredited when used ineffectively - definitely part of the process, but used carefully and planned for! #UKedchat @jillberry102 @tmeeky I think motivation plays a big part They may not always progress but they won't give up at the first hurdle #UKedchat @JamesTheo just asking the questions. ?? #UKedchat #ukedchat This discussion is really making me think, and rethink some things. I'm making progress??? Gd not to be inflexible in our thinking How do you know progress has taken place? What do

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?






08:48:08 08:48:10 08:48:12 08:48:15




08:48:42 08:48:48

you look for? #UKedchat @chrishildrew @JamesTheo @MsFindlater If we keep @cherrylkd saying it enough times people may believe it. It's not an Ofsted thing #UKedchat @chrishildrew @MsFindlater I disagree. It is @JamesTheo impossible to measure and NOBODY is asking us to measure it... #ukedchat 15 minutes remain of #ukedchat. We are discussing @ukedchat progression. Did you know that there is a UKedchat everyday @8pm (except Sundays)? Pls RT If you're enjoying #ukedchat tonight, use my @TeamTait infographic on 'Twitter Chats' to get more of your colleagues involved #ukedchat having seen NC levels split and possibly @aknill going, how do others model progress? I increasingly use #solotaxonomy. @chrishildrew @MsFindlater ...except perhaps SLTs @JamesTheo who have misappropriated Ofsted's guidance. #ukedchat #ukedchat intesting chat with my child. Knows in some @SENConsultancy subjects what meant to be achieving but not in all. @chrishildrew @JamesTheo @MsFindlater why does @KerryPulleyn everyone think that's the case, I wonder? #UKedchat Yep. "@cherrylkd: @chrishildrew @JamesTheo @JamesTheo @MsFindlater If we keep saying it enough times ppl may believe it. Not an Ofsted thing #UKedchat" #UKedchat Not trying to promote my blog but all I have to say about progress is in here. @kevbartle s=Myth+progress+&submit=Search #learningnotprogress @BMS_MrHarrold @MsFindlater objective,to draw a @School_LN house, which would be better? we need success criteria to measure #UKedchat #ukedchat Have you seen @York_Science ? All about embedding @damianainscough formative assessment in a subject + uses backward design. @MsFindlater The spark in the eye sometimes! @jillberry102 #ukedchat @MakeMathsMatter @MsFindlater #UKedchat Satisfaction and pleased understanding faces :-) its not just about providing fun

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?

08:48:56 08:49:01

@MsFindlater @franloxley







08:49:30 08:49:32 08:50:01 08:50:08 08:50:12

@TeamTait @JamesTheo @tmeeky @BMS_MrHarrold @drmattoleary







08:50:47 08:50:53

@LibWithAttitude @BMS_MrHarrold

activities to increase motivation Practical advice for enabling your students to progress? #UKedchat @MsFindlater can my students confidently achieve what I set out in my l/o's and importantly, do they know WHY they are doing it! #UKedchat @KerryPulleyn @JamesTheo @MsFindlater my theory? When SLTs simplify Ofsted criteria for T&L to a single-lesson tick sheet. #ukedchat @aknill @MsFindlater me too! Students like #solotaxonomy- it's clear and easy to use to show progress. #ukedchat A great deal of willingness to share new computing/computer science resources! #ukedchat #uked @MsFindlater Carefully constructed success criteria helps students understand when they are making progress in lessons #ukedchat @KerryPulleyn @chrishildrew @MsFindlater ...the myths that hold us in fear and under stress. #ukedchat We need to use measures carefully-what?, why?, who devised etc.I assess my girls' development+ignore the schl measures + i teach #ukedchat @School_LN @MsFindlater I think that wouldn't be a good objective! #UKedchat @JamesTheo @chrishildrew @MsFindlater. Important 2 hold onto your pedagogic principles & challenge Ofsted rather than just comply #ukedchat @MsFindlater I use l/o's as a checklist for students and they can either tick as they achieve or colour in - green, orange or red #UKedchat It's all down to SLT. Need to change the wording from 'progress' in a lesson observation to LO achieved or not. #ukedchat @LisaFarrell3 @MsFindlater #ukedchat i am investigating how #solo became so central in NZ and what could UK learn from this? RT @ukedchat 15 mins remain #ukedchat. We are discussing progression. Did you know that there is a UKedchat everyday @8pm (except Sundays)? @MsFindlater tackle barriers to learning - whatever they may be. #UKedchat

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater 08:51:03 08:51:09 @cherrylkd

What is progress? How can we achieve it?



08:51:37 08:51:48 08:52:06 08:52:08 08:52:12 08:52:15

08:52:20 08:53:28 08:53:29 08:53:44 08:53:49 08:53:51 08:53:53

@kevbartle #UKedchat Your post has had tons or RTs Kev :)) #ukedchat Knowing what progression looks like and @damianainscough being flexible and responsive to assessment outcomes so that the assmt is truly formative RT @MsFindlater: Practical advice for enabling your @tmeeky students to progress?>spport, understnd, encourage,believe... #UKedchat The raspberry pi special my son and I just made! @davidhunter #ukedchat what do you think? @drmattoleary @chrishildrew @MsFindlater But O's @JamesTheo guidance is pretty sound. It's when guidance is interp. by schools we have probs. #ukedchat @aknill @LisaFarrell3 interesting, I dipped my toe in @MsFindlater but couldn't love it. Any adivce? #UKedchat Progress Champions - getting students to talk about @Jivespin progress in your lessons #ukedchat @cherrylkd #ukedchat id LOs not achieved SMART @aknill feedback easier to do. @cherrylkd #UKedchat So progress can't be made @MakeMathsMatter unless an objective is achieved??? @drmattoleary: @JamesTheo @chrishildrew @tmeeky @MsFindlater hold onto your pedagogic principles & challenge Ofsted> have self belief #ukedchat @JamesTheo @chrishildrew @MsFindlater absolutely @KerryPulleyn the right thing, but sometimes it can put a lid on potential learning - #UKedchat @BMS_MrHarrold @MsFindlater only had 111 @School_LN characters hope you got my point. #UKedchat @JamesTheo @chrishildrew @MsFindlater especially @KerryPulleyn in English when themes can be complex. #UKedchat @MsFindlater Help them feel it's a safe environment in @jillberry102 which they can have a go. Establish +ve relationships & build trust. #ukedchat @aknill Yes. I agree with that. #UKedchat Better than @cherrylkd what we have now. #ukedchat the raspberry pi with its 'guardian angel' @davidhunter looking after it on top! @damianainscough . @cherrylkd Hi C. An issue with that may be the *extent* to which it is achieved. 'Achieve' needs

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?







08:55:51 08:56:08 08:56:38 08:56:39 08:56:42 08:56:44 08:56:50 08:57:15 08:57:36 08:57:52

defining. See @York_Science #UKedchat This: RT @jillberry102: Help them feel it's a safe @chrishildrew environment in which they can have a go. Establish +ve relationships & trust #ukedchat "@davidhunter: The raspberry pi special my son and I @TynanPG just made! #ukedchat what do you think?" Great?Air Server? Leo:) My blog on progress. lessons.html More to come following tonics discussion! #UKedchat How about a #ukedchat where we all agree on the @JamesTheo damaging myths in education and then agree to stop perpetuating them? @MsFindlater @aknill @LisaFarrell3 #UKedchat Also @MakeMathsMatter not a great fan. Unfortunately behaviour can be a huge barrier. Just 5 minutes of #ukedchat remain. Final thoughts? You can continue the discussion after 9pm on the @ukedchat forum at @JamesTheo good luck on getting "we all agree" - but @chrishildrew it's a #ukedchat I'd like to be part of! @ukedchat #ukedchat final thoughts? Progress is @Ezzy_Moon subjective to the observer and the learner RT @YanoParenting: BBC News - Teacher pay 'should @tmeeky have performance link' #ukedchat @damianainscough @York_Science Will do. @cherrylkd #UKedchat Things that have made me think this year @shaun_allison #ukedchat @JamesTheo. Ok, here's one myth to start you off, @drmattoleary Ofsted have an important role to play in improving T & L #ukedchat @MsFindlater Final thoughts please... #UKedchat We all progress, don't we? Diff people at different rates @davidhunter #ukedchat @chrishildrew I'll start with "progress in lessons" and @JamesTheo the labelling of "outstanding teachers". #ukedchat @ukedchat Two minutes of #UKedchat remain - Got more to say? Check out the forum @

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ukedchat Archive 25h July 2013 Hosted by @MsFindlater

What is progress? How can we achieve it?

08:58:15 08:58:25

@School_LN @oldandrewuk



08:58:47 08:59:25 0.37809 08:59:29 08:59:49 09:00:07 09:00:59

@LisaFarrell3 @aknill @JamesTheo @MsFindlater @ukedchat @educatedmaths @ukedchat

2/ukedchat-topics/ & next week's poll at @BMS_MrHarrold @MsFindlater unfortunately misinterpreted by many #UKedchat #ukedchat Problem with "progress" being shown in observations is how arbitrary the judgement of whether it is enough is. #UKedchat Been a easier to participate. Looking forward to reading all the tweets/links at leisure re:progress. @MakeMathsMatter @aknill @msfindlater with right group they really 'get' how they make progress. Helps them be more independent! #ukedchat #ukedchat if interested in #solo as a possibility get in touch - all age groups, all subjects considered. @drmattoleary I dislike Ofsted as much as the next teacher, but I also believe they we need to be regulated. #ukedchat Thank you one and all. Happy #UKedchat night. Great chat tonight. Join @ICTmagic for next week's #ukedchat. See the poll at . Interested in hosting? Contact @UKedchat for more details. ukedchat ?@ukedchat 5m It's 9pm. Huge thanks to @Msfindlater for hosting tonight's #ukedchat. The archive will be at soon.

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