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S GIO DC V O TO H NI THI TH I HC NM 2012 Trng THPT Chuyn H Ni Amsterdam Mn: TING ANH Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht, khng

ng k thi gian pht H, tn th sinh: .. S bo danh:... THI GM 80 CU (T QUESTION 1 N QUESTION 80) Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. disappear B. engineer C. education D. attachment Question 2: A. compulsory B. objective C. publication D. statistical Question 3: A. politician B. genetics C. artificial D. controversial Question 4: A. cigarette B. contaminate C. appreciate D. succession Question 5: A. physical B. approval C. recorder D. suspicion Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 6: Its essential that every student _______ the exam before attending the course. A. pass B. passes C. would pass D. passed Question 7: We would very much _______ a reply by the end of the week. A. expect B. require C. value D. appreciate Question 8: Unemployment _______ by 5 percent since the beginning of the year. A. was raised B. has raised C. rose D. has risen Question 9: Can you ________ exactly what it is youre complaining about? A. find out B. turn in C. work out D. pin down Question 10: You ________ out last night. I called several times but nobody answered the phone. A. must be B. must have been C. could have been D. should have been Question 11: No sooner ________ at the bus stop ________ the bus came. A. he had arrived / when C. had he arrived / than B. had he arrived / when D. he had arrived / than Question 12: The tickets for the concert are all _______ out. A. sold B. run C. gone D. turn Question 13: ________ high school, Joe attended a university in the city centre. A. He was finished B. Having finished C. After finished D. Having been finished Question 14: Its obvious that neither the students ________ responsible for it. A. nor the teacher are C. nor the teacher is B. nor are the teacher D. nor the teacher were Question 15: Id rather you _________ your own business. A. mind B. minding C. did mind D. minded Question 16: There are a various number of animals _______ in Africa. A. living B. are living C. that living D. who are living Question 17: After months of rising, the price of petrol ________. A. raised B. leveled off C. has stopped D. fluctuated Question 18: His brother refuses to even listen to anyone elses point of view. He is very _________. A. open-minded B. kind-hearted C. absent-minded D. narrow-minded Question 19: __________ people infected with the disease decreases considerably. A. The number of B. Number of C. A number of D. Numbers of Question 20: On _______ more information about the competition, the man said he would make an announcement later. A. asking for B. being asked C. being asked for D. having asked for Question 21: Staying in a hotel costs __________ renting a room in a dormitory for a week. A. twice more than B. twice as much as C. twice as D. as much as twice Question 22: Do you mind if I smoke? Im sorry, ___________. A. Id rather do B. Id rather you didnt C. I dont D. youre welcome Question 23: _________ on time, he could have gone with us there. A. Should he arrive B. Were he arriving C. Had he arrived D. If he arrived Question 24: Sorry I couldnt come to your party last night.

Thats OK, but you ________ us to let us know. A. must have phoned B. could have phoned C. might phone D. could phone Question 25: Marie Curie was the first scientist _________ two Nobel prizes in science. A. which won B. to win C. who win D. that had won Question 26: Dont make too much noise in here, __________? A. do you B. dont you C. wont you D. will you Question 27: If your brother __________ here now, he _________ us some advice on what to do. A. was / could have given C. had been / could give B. were / could give D. is / can give Question 28: She had changed so much that __________ anyone recognized her. A. almost B. not C. hardly D. nearly Question 29: The university is proud of their students, __________ earn national recognition. A. many of who B. many of whom C. that D. whom Question 30: Today many countries are trying to develop __________ energy sources. A. sustainable B. winnable C. damaging D. bottomless Question 31: Youre quite right. I ____________ you completely. A. rely on B. approve of C. support with D. agree with Question 32: _______ numerous attempts to reach the site of the ancient city, the explorers never made it. A. Although B. However C. In spite of the fact that D. Despite Question 33: Why are you in such a hurry? The librarian said it was important that I _________ this book immediately. A. returned B. was returning C. had returned D. return Question 34: (At the party, host to guests): _________ A. Help yourselves! B. Serve yourselves! C. Be so good! D. Do it yourselves! Question 35: This ticket _________ one person to the museum. A. permits B. admits C. enters D. allows Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 45. Sharks have gained an unfair reputation for being fierce predators of large sea animals. Humanity's unfounded fear and hatred of these ancient creatures is leading to a worldwide slaughter that may result in the extinction of many coastal shark species. The shark is the victim of a warped attitude of wildlife protection; we strive only to protect the beautiful, non-threatening parts of our environment. And, in our efforts to restore only non-threatening parts of our earth, we ignore other important parts. A perfect illustration of this attitude is the contrasting attitude toward another large sea animal, the dolphin. During the 1980s, environmentalists in the United States protested the use of driftnets for tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean since these nets also caught dolphins. The environmentalists generated enough political and economic pressure to prevent tuna companies from buying tuna that had been caught in driftnets. In contrast to this effort on behalf of the dolphins, these same environmentalists have done very little to help save the Pacific Ocean sharks whose population has decreased nearly to the point of extinction. Sharks are among the oldest creatures on earth, having survived in the seas for more than 350 million years. They are extremely efficient animals, feeding on wounded or dying animals, thus performing an important role in nature of weeding out the weaker animals in a species. Just the fact that species such as the Great White Shark have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions of years is enough proof of their efficiency and adaptability to changing environments. It is time for us humans, who may not survive another 1,000 years at the rate we are damaging the planet, to cast away our fears and begin considering the protection of sharks as an important part of a program for protection of all our natural environment. Question 36: With which of the following topics is this passage primarily concerned? A. Sharks are efficient creatures with bad reputations. B. Sharks are some of the oldest creatures on earth. C. Sharks illustrate a problem in wildlife protection. D. The campaign to save dolphins was not extended to save sharks. Question 37: Which of the following is most similar to the meaning of the word warped? A. distorted B. wasteful C. extravagant D. unnecessary Question 38: The word generated means__________. A. consumed B. absorbed C. designated D. produced Question 39: How did environmentalists manage to protect dolphins?

A. They prevented fishermen from selling them for meat. B. They pressured fishermen into protecting dolphins by law. C. They brought political pressure against tuna companies. D. They created sanctuaries where dolphin fishing was not allowed. Question 40: About how long have sharks lived on the planet? A. 25 million years B. 150 million years C. 350 million years D. 500 million years Question 41: The author uses the phrase "weeding out" to mean__________. A. strengthening something that is weak B. feeding something that is hungry C. encouraging something that is efficient D. getting rid of something that is unwanted Question 42: The phrase "to cast away" means most nearly ____________. A. to throw off B. to bring in C. to see through D. to set apart Question 43: What is the author's tone in this passage? A. explanatory B. accusatory C. gentle D. proud Question 44: Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage? A. order of importance B. cause and effect C. statement and example D. chronological order Question 45: What can be inferred from the passage? A. Tuna companies were not allowed to buy tuna from fishermen anymore. B. We are destroying our environment by fishing too many fish. C. We should protect not only the non-threatening parts but also the other important parts. D. Sharks manage to survive better than dolphins. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 46 to 55. The expression on your face can usually dramatically alter your feelings and perceptions, and it has been proved that (46)_________smiling or frowning can create corresponding emotional responses. The idea was first (47)_________by a French physiologist, Israel Waynbaum, in 1906. He believed that different facial (48)__________affected the flow of blood to the brain , and that this could create positive or negative feelings. A happy smile or irrepressible (49)_________increased the blood flow and contributed to joyful feelings. But sad, angry expressions decreased the flow of oxygen-carrying blood, and created a vicious (50)________of gloom and depression by effectively starving the brain of essential fuel. Psychologist Robert Zajonc rediscovered this early subject, and suggests that the temperature of the brain could affect the production and synthesis of neurotransmitters which definitely influence our moods and energy levels. He argues that an impaired blood could not only deprive the brain of oxygen, but create further chemical imbalance (51)________inhibiting these vital hormonal messages. Zajonc goes on to propose that our brains remember smiling associated with being happy, and that by deliberately smiling through your tears you can (52)________your brain to release uplifting neurotransmitters replacing a depression condition (53)_________a happier one. People suffering from psychosomatic (54)________, depression and anxiety states could (55)_________from simply exercising their zygomatic muscles which pull the corners of the mouth up and back to form a smile- several times an hour. Question 46: A. desperately B. inattentively C. deliberately D. decidedly Question 47: A. put off B. put down C. put by D. put forward Question 48: A. aspects B. looks C. expressions D. appearances Question 49: A. laughter B. sadness C. humour D. depression Question 50: A. cycle B. spiral C. circle D. ring Question 51: A. by B. without C. when D. from Question 52: A. make B. persuade C. allow D. decide Question 53: A. through B. by C. after D. with Question 54: A. disease B. illness C. infection D. ailment Question 55: A. recover B. improve C. benefit D. progress Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 65. Experiments have shown that in selecting personnel for a job, interviewing is at best a hindrance , and may even cause harm. These studies have disclosed that the judgments of interviewers differ markedly and hear little or no relationship to the adequacy of job applicants. Of the many reasons why this should be the case, three in particular stand out. The first reason is related to an error of judgment known as the halo effect. If a person has one noticeable good trait, their other characteristics will be judged as better than they really are. Thus, an individual who dresses smartly and shows self-confidence is likely to be judged

capable of doing a job well regardless of his or her real ability. Interviewers are also prejudiced by an effect called the primacy effect. This error occurs when interpretation of later information is distorted by earlier connected information. Hence, in an interview situation, the interviewer spends most of the interview trying to confirm the impression given by the candidate in the first few moments. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that such an impression is unrelated to the aptitude of the applicant. The phenomenon known as the contrast effect also skews the judgment of interviewers. A suitable candidate may be underestimated because he or she contrasts with a previous one who appears exceptionally intelligent. Likewise, an average candidate who is preceded by one who gives a weak showing may be judged as more suitable than he or she really is. Since interviews as a form of personnel selection have been shown to be inadequate, other selection procedures have been devised which more accurately predict candidate suitability. Of the various tests devised, the predictor which appears to do this most successfully is cognitive ability as measured by a variety of verbal and spatial tests. Question 56: This passage mainly discusses the __________. A. judgments of interviewers concerning job applicants B. inadequacy of interviewing job applicants C. effects of interviewing on job applicants D. techniques that interviewers use for judging job applicants Question 57: The word " hindrance " in line 2 is closest in meaning to _________. A. procedure B. assistance C. encouragement D. interference Question 58: The word " they " in line 6 refers to_________. A. interviewers B. applicants C. judgments D. characteristics Question 59: According to the passage, the halo effect _________. A. exemplifies how one good characteristic colors perceptions B. takes effect only when a candidate is well dressed C. stands out as the worst judgmental error D. helps the interviewer's capability to judge real ability Question 60: The word " confirm " in line 10 is closest in meanings to _________. A. recollect B. verify C. conclude D. misrepresent Question 61: According to the passage, the first impression ________. A. is unrelated to the interviewer's prejudices B. is the one that stays with the interviewer C. can easily be altered D. has been repeatedly demonstrated to the applicant ________. Question 62: The word " this " in line 19 refers to A. predict candidate suitability C. devise personnel selection B. measure cognitive ability D. devise accurate tests Question 63: The author mentions all of the following reasons why interviewing is not an accurate way to predict candidate suitability EXCEPT the _________. A. contrast effect B. primacy effect C. halo effect D. cognitive effect Question 64: The paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss which of the following? A. More information on cognitive ability tests B. More information on the kinds of judgmental effects C. Other reasons for misjudgments of applicants D. Other selection procedures included in interviewing Question 65: Where in the passage does the author discuss the effect of comparing two candidates? A. Lines 13-16 B. Lines 7-9 C. Lines 3-5 D. Lines 18-20 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction. Question 66: Measles has not yet been eradicated because of controversial concerning immunization. A B C D Question 67: The skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage rather than having bone. A B C D Question 68: The symptoms of diabetes in the early states are too slight that people dont notice them. A B C D Question 69: Regarding as one of the leading figures in the development of the short story, O. Henry is the

A B C author of many well-known American favorites. D Question 70: Some people believe that humans will never use away all the natural resources of the Earth. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 71: Cigarettes he asked. No, thanks. I said. A. He asked for a cigarette, and I immediately refused. B. He mentioned a cigarette, so I thanked him. C. He offered me a cigarette, but I promptly declined. D. He asked if I was smoking, and I denied at once. Question 72: We arrived late, so we didnt meet the rock star. A. We didnt meet the rock star because we arrived late enough. B. We should have met the rock star but we arrived late. C. We might have met the rock star if we had arrived earlier. D. We cant have met the rock star if we arrived late. Question 73: Most people are curious about the personal lives of the rich and famous. A. A majority of people are interested in the personal lives of the rich and famous. B. Everyone wants to know about the personal lives of the rich and famous. C. Not everyone is amused by the personal lives of the rich and famous. D. The personal lives of the rich and famous is a great concern of many people. Question 74: How did you solve the problem? she asked him. A. She wanted to know how the problem is solved. B. She wanted to know how he had solved the problem. C. She asked him how had he solved the problem. D. She asked him how the problem had solved. Question 75: No, its not me who left the lights on, Tom said. A. Tom refused to have left the lights on. B. Tom denied to have left the lights on. C. Tom admitted not having left the lights on D. Tom denied having left the lights on. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 76: _____________, sheep were then used for wool. A. Having first domesticated for milk production B. Having been first domesticated for milk production C. Because they had been first domesticated for milk production D. Although they had first domesticated for milk production Question 77: ___________ has become an increasing concern. A. Most fast-food meals are high in fat which C. That most fast-food meals high in fat B. Most fast-food meals are high in fat D. That most fast-food meals are high in fat Question 78: ___________ he realized he didnt have any money with him. A. Only after he had finished his dinner C. It was until he had finished his dinner B. It was not until he had finished his dinner that D. Not until he had finished his dinner Question 79: The more development it takes place on the island, __________. A. the native wildlife will less likely survive B. the less likely the native wildlife will survive C. the less likelier the native wildlife will survive D. the less native wildlife will likely survive Question 80: He kept sighing during the lesson, ____________. A. that gave me the impression that he was bored B. this gave me the impression that he was bored C. which gave me the impression that he was bored D. and which gave me the impression that he was bored -------THE END--------

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