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1. Any situation in our professional or personal life has one thing in comm on CHANGE.

A problem is not a problem but a change. 2. We find it tough to cope with situations because all our efforts are on controlling the situation which is not in our control. We focus on the problem a nd not the solution. 3. When in pain even the smallest problem appears big. The bigger the probl em becomes the more we will be away from the solution. With the help of Rajayoga , when we draw our attention to the state of being, I the Soul, the biggest prob lem appears small because we become more powerful than the problem. 4. There is only one thing which is always constant i.e. change and change will always be for good if we do not see it as a problem but as an opportunity 5. In every life situation what is always in our control Our Response. 1. We cannot change the situation outside but what we can change is our res ponse to the situation. 2. Situations are never in our control. We put all our energies into changi ng the situation rather than changing our self to face the situation. Wherever a ttention goes energy flows. 3. Often we react to the situation rather than respond to it. Reaction is a utomated where we act without thinking. Response is when we observe the situatio n, think about it and then act. 4. We need to change the quality of thoughts and consciously sit down and a nalysis them. Our thoughts and feelings create our actions. If our actions are b ased on feelings of hatred we will always create a negative result. 5. Change has to be brought on the level of thoughts and not just words and for that we need to first heal our pain. We have to realize that we have create d this thought of pain and not the other person. 1. Meditation is the connection which helps us to see our self, to heal our self and to see our own thoughts. With meditation, we are able to see every sit uation in the right perspective. 2. The thought gets created first and then followed by the feeling. If the thought is right then the feeling and action will also be right. 3. Whenever a situation arises our first reaction is Resistance. This resis tance is because of the deep-rooted fear of losing something that we already hav e. We need to accept the situation not the fear. 4. Acceptance is this is it not what is this . When we get into why, where, when , how, then our mind will keep on creating waste thoughts. We need to put full s tops instead of question marks and this is acceptance of the situation. 5. We are the creators of our internal state, and our internal state is in dependent of the external situation. 1. Our personality and our attitude start with our thoughts and at every st ep we are creating our own destiny. 2. We are not rejecting what is happening outside but we need to take care and manage our self and then the situation will be managed automatically. Howeve r, if we go out of control, so will the situation. 3. Thoughts are based on the information we hear and see around. We need to be careful about filtering the information. Avoid gossiping. 1. We need to see the situation as a detached observer. Detachment is not c oldness. Detachment means to pause, step back and decide our response. If we are not detached then it is a reaction. 2. Whatever we do, we do it for ourselves. When we say we compromise with t he other person, we are doing it for ourselves and not for others. 3. Every person is right from their perspective. We need to be detached fro m the influence of the situation and not from the situation itself. 4. When we get detached from our ideas and perspective; we are able to see

the perspective of the other person. EPisode 24: 1. Self-management is being aware of the self during each scene in the day. 2. Play all roles with the awareness that - we are creating our role. We no t only play our role but also create our role. 3. When we are creative about every role we play, and are aware of the free dom we have to play our role, every scene we play becomes new and enjoyable. 4. When we identify ourselves with the role, we do not experience the creat ivity we can have in every role. We start playing the role according to set beli efs. Episode 23: 1. Do not take tension of keeping attention. Attention is the awareness of the self. 2. We do not need to withdraw from people. We should be with everyone with the understanding of each one s perspective. 3. We need to combine knowledge with power in order to face all situations. Generate power through mediation but keep attention throughout the day so that the power accumulated in the morning does not get depleted. 4. We should be loveful with ourselves not careless. Do not create guilt wh en you make a mistake, but realization and transformation so that it does not ge t repeated Episode 25 1. Thinking is the foundation of every word and action. Spirituality teache s us to choose our thoughts and create the right thoughts. 2. We fear being creative while playing our roles, because we feel that lif e is a competition and we fear failure. 3. Creativity means self-victory. Self-awareness is how we want to create o ur role. Everything we do should make us feel good and it should come from insid e not outside. 4. We are in this world drama to play our roles. We have choices to play th e role, but also remember the scene and the role will fade away but I the actor re mains forever. 5. The basic energy of creativity is love. When we are creative the energy of love naturally flows

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