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Review What are the components of the blood? Enumerate the function of each component of the blood

B. Motivation Study the picture of the composition of the blood. Tell something about the picture.

What are the functions of each component of the blood? C. Pre-Laboratory Acitivities 1. Preparation of Materials 2. Setting of Standards 3. Discussion of Precautionary Methods 4. Unlocking of Difficulties- erythrocytes, leukocytes

II. EXPLORE A. Activity Proper Let the pupils utilize the activity worksheets entitled Function of Each Component of the Blood This activity must be performed by group. Observe and facilitate closely how do pupils do the activity cooperatively. The pupils must be able to fill-up the tabular data and answer the guided question. III. EXPLAIN A. Post Laboratory Activities 1. Reporting 2. Discussion, Analysis and Interpretation of Data Guided Question: What are the functions of each component of the blood? B. Generalization Enumerate the functions of each component of the blood. IV. EXTENDED A. Application Let the pupils play a game entitled PINOY HENYO. Two pupils will be called, one will be giving the function and the other one will be guessing the blood component that corresponds to the given function. V. EVALUATE Give the functions of each component of the blood. 1. Plasma 2. Red Blood Cells 3. White Blood Cells 4. Platelets

ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY Draw the components of the blood and write its function on a bond paper.



Objective: Enumerate the function of each component of the blood I. OBSERVATION Study the picture. Tell something about the components as well as the function of each component of the blood.


QUESTIONS Try to make relevant questions based from your observation.


_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ IV. EXPERIMENT A. Materials: Drop of blood Microscope

B. Procedures: 1. Proceed to your respective groupings. 2. Get your materials. 3. Observe closely and identify the components of the blood using the microscope. C. Result C.1 Tabular Data Write the components of the blood and their functions. PARTS 1. 2. 3. 4. C 2. Guide Questions: 1. What are the components of the blood? 2. Enumerate the functions of each component of the blood. FUNCTIONS


CONCLUSION Each component of the blood has function to perform so that __________________ _____________________________________________________________________.

COMPETENCY: Identify the different blood vessels. I. ENGAGE A. Review Through Game The teacher asks the pupils to pass the box while singing a science song. When the song stops, the one holding the box will get a strip of paper inside it and tell the function of the part of the human heart written on the paper. B. Motivation Look at your wrist. Can you see a green line? What other parts of your body can you see green lines? What do you call these lines? C. Pre Laboratory Activities 1. Preparation of Materials 2. Setting of Standards 3. Discussion of Precautionary Measures

4. Unlocking of Difficulties veins, capillaries, arteries II. EXPLORE A. Activity Proper Let the pupils utilize the activity worksheet entitled Lets Identify! This activity can be performed in the classroom. Work in a team of five (5) members. Observe and facilitate closely how the pupils do the experiment cooperatively. The pupils must be able to fill up the tabular data and answer the guided questions. III.EXPLAIN A. Post Laboratory Activities 1. Reporting 2. Discussion, Analysis and Interpretation of Data Guide Question: Are there different kinds of blood vessels? B. Generalization What are the different kinds of blood vessels? (Possible answer: The different kinds of blood vessel are arteries, veins and capillaries.) IV. EXTEND A. Application What do you think will happen if one of your blood vessels is cut? V. EVALUATION Identify the following: 1. the smallest blood vessels 2. the largest blood vessels 3. carry deoxygenated blood to the heart 4. tiny vessels that are joined together to form veins. 5. the passage ways of blood. VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES On a short bond paper, illustrate the different blood vessels. Below it, write something about each kind.

K12 LESSON PLAN SCIENCE GRADE VI MARICEL A. MARANAN FORMAT A Republic of the Philippines Region IV-A CALABARZON Department of Education Division of BatangasCity Batangas City South District CALICANTOELEMENTARY SCHOOL BatangasCity ACTIVITY WORKSHEET LETS IDENTIFY! OBJECTIVE: Identify the different blood vessels. I. OBSERVATION Study the picture. Tell something about it. Arteries

Capillaries Veins

__________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ II. QUESTIONS (Try to make relevant questions based from your observations.) 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ III. HYPOTHESIS __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ IV. EXPERIMENT A. Materials diagram, charts B. Procedure 1. Examine your clenched first. Look for the bluish lines at the outer part of your hand. 2. Look at the drawing of the Circulatory System. 3. Identify and label different blood vessels seen.

C. Results C.1 Tabular Data

Kind of Blood Vessels 1. 2. 3.


C.2 Guide Questions 1. How many kinds of blood vessels do we have? 2. Name them. 3. What are the smallest blood vessels? 4. What are the largest blood vessels? 5. Which have thinner walls compared to arteries? V. CONCLUSION The three kinds of blood vessels are ____________________________________. VI. APPLICATION What do you think will happen if one of your blood vessels is cut? VII. TEST YOURSELF Identify the following: 1. the smallest blood vessel 2. the largest blood vessels. 3. carry deoxygenated blood to the heart 4. tiny vessels that are joined together to form veins. 5. the passage ways of blood. VIII. INVESTIGATE MORE On a short bond paper, illustrate the different blood vessels. Below it, write something about each kind.

COMPETENCY: Describe each kind of blood vessels. I. ENGAGE A. Review Instruct the pupils to rearrange the jumbled words to form words about the past lessons. cplaisailre reisatrs oldobeslsvse tzoar nsvei selnuev D. MOTIVATION Look at the picture of the road.

What can you say about the road? What passes through the road? Your blood vessels are like the roads where bus, jeepneys and cars pass. The main road branches to smaller road that lead to different places. It is through these blood vessels where blood flows. E. Pre Laboratory Activities 1. Preparation of Materials 2. Setting of Standards 3. Discussion of Precautionary Measure 4. Unlocking of Difficulties characteristics, pliable, II. EXPLORE A. Activity Proper Let the pupils utilize the activity worksheet entitled Lets Describe! This activity can be performed in the classroom. Work in a team of five (5) members. Observe and facilitated closely how the pupils do the experiment cooperatively. The pupils must be able to fill up the tabular data and answer the guided questions. III.EXPLAIN A. Post Laboratory Activities 1. Reporting 2. Discussion, Analysis and Interpretation of data Guide Question: Do all blood vessels have the same characteristics? B. Generalization How do we describe arteries? Veins?Capillaries? (Possible answer: Arteries are thick-walled and elastic blood vessels. Veins are blood vessels which have thinner walls compared to arteries. They are elastic and have bigger diameters. Capillaries are very thin and have tiny openings in their walls.) IV. EXTEND A. Application Let the pupils compare the different kinds of blood vessels using Venn diagram.

V. EVALUATION Describe each kind of blood vessels by completing the organizer below. Use the words in the box.

Elastic and have bigger diameters Very thin and have tiny openings in their walls Thick walled and elastic Have soft and pliable Tough and less pliable VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES Make your own model of the three kinds of blood vessels using materials at home.

ACTIVITY WORKSHEET OBJECTIVE: Describe the different blood vessels. I. OBSERVATION

__________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ II. QUESTIONS (Try to make relevant questions based from your observations.) 1______________________________________________________________ 2______________________________________________________________

III. HYPOTHESIS __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ IV. EXPERIMENT A. Materials Water mixed with red eye, plastic squeeze bottle, glass tube, (20cm long and 5mm inside diameter), rubber tubing (18cm long, 5mm inside diameter) two-hole rubber stopper, and a basin. B. Procedure 1. Fill a squeeze bottle with colored water. 2. Insert the glass and rubber tubing moistened with soapy water into the two hole rubber stopper. 3. Insert the rubber stopper with the tubes in the bottles mouth. 4. Rest the meter stick and the tubes horizontally on one end of the wash pan. 5. Ask a classmate to squeeze the bottle hard two or three times. 6. Record the results. C. Results C. 1. Tabular Data (cm) Trial Height Glass Tubing Rubber Tubing

C. 2. Guide Questions 1. In which tube was the water pressure higher? Lower? 2. Which tube would you liken the arteries? Why? 3. Which tube would you liken the veins? Why? 4. Based on the results, in which blood vessels is the pressure greater? 5. Which blood vessels are soft and pliable? 6. Which are tough? 7. Which are very thin and have tiny openings in their walls? 8. Which are thick walled?

V. CONCLUSION Arteries__________________________________________________________. Veins___________________________________________________________. Capillaries_______________________________________________________. VI.APPLICATION Let the pupils compare the different kinds of blood vessels using Venn diagram.

V. TEST YOURSELF Describe each kind of blood vessels by completing the organizer below. Use the words in the box.

Elastic and have bigger diameters Very thin and have tiny openings in their walls Thick walled and elastic Have soft and pliable

Tough and less pliable VI. INVESTIGATE MORE Make your own model of the three kinds of blood vessels using materials at home.

Differentiate the Different Kind of Circulation

Activity Worksheet Kinds of Circulation


Observtion: Study the pictures. Tell something how blood circulates.


Questions: (Try to make relevant questions based from your observation) 1. 2. 3.




Experiment A. Materials Pictures of 3 kind of Blood Circulation B. Procedure Group yourself into 5. Find out how blood circulate and try to know how each system differs from one another. C. Result C1. Tabular Data Parts to where it flows 1. 2. 3. C2. Guide Questions 1. How blood circulates? 2. What are three main pathways through which blood flows, each time the heart pumps? 3. What does heart needs to be able to function well? Kinds of Circulation


Conclusion: To differentiate the kinds of blood circulation.


Differentiate the different Kind of Circulation


COMPETENCY: Differentiate the different Kind of Circulation


ENGAGE: A. Review What are the functions of each part of the blood?

B. Motivation 3 Pictures of Heart with three main pathways

What is the different Kind of Circulation? How each circulation differs from one another? C. Pre Laboratory Activities 1. Preparation of materials 2. Setting of Standards

3. Discussion of Precautionary methods 4. Unlocking of Difficulties: Pulmonary, systemic, coronary circulation


EXPLORE A. Activity Proper Let the pupils utilize the activity worksheet entitled Kind of Blood Circulation This activity must be performed with pupils together with their groups Work individually as well as their group Observe and facilitate closely how the pupils do the activity cooperatively The pupils must be able to fill up the tabular data and answer the guide questions.


EXPLAIN A. Post Laboratory Activities 1. Reporting 2. Discussion. Analysis and Interpretation of data Guide Questions: What are the different Kinds of Blood Circulations? B. Generalization Differentiate the different Kinds of Circulation.


EXTENDED A. Application: Illustrate the different Kinds of Blood Circulation

1. Coronary Circulation 2. Pulmonary Circulation 3. Systematic Circulation


EVALUATE Differentiate the three kinds of Blood Circulation. (5 points)


ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES On a sheet of paper draw the three kinds of blood circulation and label each.


Format A Objective: Describe the common ailments of the circulatory system. I. OBSERVATION Study the picture of a person whose blood pressure is being measured.

Tell something about the picture. II. QUESTIONS Try to make relevant questions based from your observations. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ HYPOTHESIS _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ACTIVITY A. Materials Readings about some common ailments of the circulatory system. B. Procedure 1. Study the ailment assigned to your group. Readings for Group 1 and 2 a. Ailment: High Blood Pressure or Hypertension This characterized by an abnormally high pressure in the arteries and increases the risk of problems such as stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney damage. If the blood pressure is too high, it can rupture a blood vessel and can cause bleeding in the brain or other complications.



b. Ailment: Heart Attack or Myocardial Infarction These results when the blood supply of the heart is suddenly restricted or cut off, causing heart muscle to die from lack of oxygen. This is a medical emergency. c. Ailment: Arteriosclerosis This is a general term for several diseases in which the wall of the artery becomes thicker and less elastic. Example: a. Arteriosclerosis is a condition wherein a fatty material or cholesterol accumulate under the inner lining of the arterial wall. b. Coronary Artery disease happens when fat deposits accumulate in the walls of coronary artery causing to reduced blood, thus depriving the heart muscle with oxygen.

2. Tabulate your answer in a table similar to the one below. Ailment Signs Description

V. VI.

C. Guide Questions What are the common ailments of the circulatory system? What are their signs/descriptions? CONCLUSION What are the common ailment of circulatory system? APPLICATION Your mother is not feeling well. Her doctor says that she is suffering from coronary artery disease. What could be the symptoms of this disease? What advise can you give her? TEST YOURSELF Match the circulatory ailment in column A with their description in


column B. Column A Column B 1. Heart Failure a. Bleeding disorder caused by deficiency in one of the blood factors. 2. Anemia b. Lack of red blood cells. 3. Leukemia c. It is abnormally high pressure in the arteries. 4. Hypertension d. Cancer of the blood; characterized by high white cells count. 5. Hemophilia e. It is a serious condition in which the quantity of blood pumped by the heart minute is insufficient to the needs of the body f. Inflammation of the heart and joints. VIII. INVESTIGATE MORE Read about the effects of eating fatty and salty food in the circulatory System. List down five examples of foods to be avoided to keep the heart healthy. Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON Division of Batangas City Batangas City East District ACTIVITY WORKSHEET B NAME THE AILMENTS OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Format A Objective: Describe the common ailments of the circulatory system. VIII. OBSERVATION Study the picture of a person whose blood pressure is being measured.

Tell something about the picture. IX. QUESTIONS Try to make relevant questions based from your observations. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ HYPOTHESIS _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ACTIVITY D. Materials Readings about some common ailments of the circulatory system. E. Procedure 1. Study the ailment assigned to your group. Readings for Group 3 and 4 Readings for Group 3 and 4 d. Ailment Congenital Heart Disease This is an incomplete or malformation of the muscles of the heart and major blood vessels that produces abnormally in the flow of blood. Congenital means present at birth. This develops while the baby is still in the mothers womb. A baby with congenital disease is sometimes called blue baby. This is because the baby has bluish color around the lips and at the tips of the fingers and toes when he/she cries. The following are often the causes of the diseases. a. Abnormalities in the genetic material of the developing embryo b. Infection of the pregnant women such as German measles c. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages by pregnant mothers d. Intake of certain drugs by pregnant mothers e. Ailment: Heart failure ( congenital heart failure ) This is a serious condition in which the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute is insufficient to meet the bodys normal requirements for oxygen and nutrients. f. Ailment: Rheumatic Heart Disease or Rheumatic Fever This happens when the joints are inflamed (arthritis) and the heart (carditis) resulting from a streptococcal infection usually of the



throat. Sore throat or strepthroat is an infection by streptococcus bacteria which leads to rheumatic fever. When the fever is not attended, it can develop into rheumatic heart disease. 2. Tabulate your answer in a table similar to the one below. Ailment Signs Description


3. Guide Questions What are the common ailments of the circulatory system? What are their signs/descriptions? CONCLUSION What are the common ailment of circulatory system? APPLICATION Your mother is not feeling well. Her doctor says that she is suffering from coronary artery disease. What could be the symptoms of this disease? What advise can you give her? TEST YOURSELF Match the circulatory ailment in column A with their description in column B.


Column A Column B 6. Heart Failure a. Bleeding disorder caused by deficiency in one of the blood factors. 7. Anemia b. Lack of red blood cells. 8. Leukemia c. It is abnormally high pressure in the arteries. 9. Hypertension d. Cancer of the blood; characterized by high white cells count. 10. Hemophilia e. It is a serious condition in which the quantity of blood pumped by the heart minute is insufficient to the needs of the body f. Inflammation of the heart and joints. XV. INVESTIGATE MORE Read about the effects of eating fatty and salty food in the circulatory System.

List down five examples of foods to be avoided to keep the heart healthy.

COMPETENCY: Describe the common ailments of the circulatory system I. ENGAGE

A. Review Complete the two blood circulation below. A. Pulmunary Circulation Blood from 1)________ atrium 2)________ ventricle pulmonary 3)________ right and left 4)________ pulmonary 5)_________ 6)________ atrium B. Systemic Circulation Blood from 1)_________ arteries 2)_________ventricles atruim different parts of the body 4) _________ atrium 3)_______

B. Motivation Show a picture of a person whose blood pressure is being measured?

Why is it necessary to measure our blood? C. Pre Laboratory Activity 1. Setting Standards II. EXPLORE Divide the class into four groups. Let group I and II utilize activity worksheet A. Let group III and IV utilize activity worksheet B. Let them fill up the table. EXPLAIN A. Post Laboratory Activties 1. Reporting 2. Discussion, Analysis and Interpretation of the Data Guide Questions What are the common ailments of the circulatory system?


What are their signs / description? B. Generalization What are the common ailments of the circulatory system? What are their signs / description? IV. EXTEND A. Application Your mother is not feeling well. Her doctor says that she is suffering from coronary artery disease. What could be the symptoms of this disease? What advise can you give her?


EVALUATE Match column A. With column B. Choose the letter only. Column A Column B 1.Heart Failure a. Bleeding disorder caused by deficiency in one of the blood factors. 2. Anemia b. Lack of red blood cells. 3.Leukemia c. It is abnormally high pressure in the arteries. 4.Hypertension d. Cancer of the blood; characterized by high white cells count. 5. Hemophilia e. It is a serious condition in which the quantity of blood pumped by the heart each minute is insufficient to the needs of the body. f. Inflammation of the heart and joints. VI. ENRICHMENT Read about the effects of eating fatty and salty food in the circulatory System. List down five examples of foods to be avoided to keep the heart healthy.

COMPETENCY: Practice Health Habits to Prevent Ailments of the Circulatory System

I.ENGAGE A. Review Let the pupil describe the common ailments of the circulatory system B. Motivation Did you eat well? How many hours did you spend sleeping? Do you practice healthy habits for yourself? C. Pre Laboratory Activities 1. Preparation of Materials 2. Setting Standards 3. Discussion on precautionary measures 4. Unlocking of difficulties habits, prevent II.EXPLORE A. Activity Proper Let the pupil utilize the activity worksheet # 15 entitled Health Habits to Prevent Ailments of the Circulatory System This activity must be performed inside the classroom Work in a team of four (4) Observe and facilitate closely how the pupils do the activity cooperatively The pupils must be able to fill-up the tabular data and answer the guided questions III.EXPLAIN A. Post laboratory Activities 1. Reporting 2. Discussion, Analysis and Interpretation of Data Guided Question: What should we do to prevent ailments of the circulatory system? B. Generalization Can you practice those health habits to prevent ailments of the circulatory system? IV. EXTEND A. Application

Knowing the ailments of the blood, what will you do so that the different blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells) will be in the normal level or amount? V.EVALUATE Listed below are some health habits to prevent ailments of the circulatory. Encircle the one that you can practice. A. B. C. D. E. Minimize your salt. Get enough rest, sleep and proper exercise. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid fatty foods. Avoid harmful drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES Practice the different health habits to prevent ailments of the circulatory system at home.

FORMAT A Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON K-12 Lesson Plan Grade Six- Rosa l. Tiamsim

Objective: Practice health habits to prevent ailments of the circulatory system I.OBSERVATION Study the illustration below. Which practices do you practice at home.Which are not? A. For Your Heart

B. For Your Blood Vessels

II.QUESTIONS: (Try to make relevant questions based from your observations) 1.____________________________________________________________________________ ____. 2.____________________________________________________________________________ ____. III.HYPOTHESIS

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________. IV.GUIDED QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why do we keep our circulating system healthy? How do we care for your blood vessels? What must be avoided to keep our hearts healthy? Why do we need to avoid cigarettes, alcohol and harmful drugs? Why is regular check-up needed?

V.CONCLUSION Practice health habits._______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________. VI.APPLICATION Your mother is not feeling well, the doctor says that she is suffering from coronary disease. Why could be the symptoms of this disease? VII.TEST YOURSELF Put a check mark on the practices that you did at home to prevent ailments of the circulatory system and cross if not. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Minimize your salt. Get enough rest, sleep and proper exercise. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid fatty foods. Avoid harmful drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

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