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Intro to ethical media practice

What is ethics?


way people behave based on how their beliefs about what is right and wrong influence the behavior comes from the Greek word Ethos meaning character or what a good person is or does to have a good character (Jay Black and Chris Roberts, Doing ethics in media, pp. 17)


system of standards, principles, and values defining what is right in terms of professional conduct.
medical doctors have ethical standards and lawyers have theirs, so do journalists.



other words, ethics refers to the understanding among journalists about what is proper behavior.

Why the need for ethical standards?

Skills Critical thinking Ethical decision-making

SPJs Basic ethical principles in journalism

From the Society of Professional Journalists

the truth and report it as fully as possible. Act independently. Minimize harm. Be accountable.

Seek truth and report it as fully as possible


honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Inform themselves so that they can competently inform the public. Give voice to the voiceless. Hold the powerful accountable.

But in seeking truth, journalists must avoid deception as much as possible

Deception occurs when


(false identity) Hidden camera / recorder Entrapment

When is deception justified?


prevented by reporting the story > harm caused by the deception When all other means of getting the important story have been tried but still failed When journalists are willing to justify the reason for deception

When is deception justified?


the motivation is ratings and outscooping the competitors reporters/ media just want the shortest way to get the story


But you also have to weigh the importance of the story and the implications of the methods to be used in the getting the story

Journalists should act independently


not accept bribes and favors Avoid conflict of interests Should only have an obligation to the publics right to know Resist pressure from sources Pay their own way

Minimize harm and act with compassion


interviewees as human, not merely as means to journalistic ends Honor your word with your sources. Respect confidentiality, if thats what they want. Do not endanger y Respect sources right to privacy

Journalists should be accountable


by the same high standards to which you hold others. Clarify and explain news coverage and invite dialog with the public over journalistic conduct. Admit mistakes and correct them promptly. Expose unethical practices of journalists and the news media.

Philippine Journalists Code of Ethics

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