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Circle From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the shape and mathematical concept.

For other uses, see Ci rcle (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve th is article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be ch allenged and removed. (November 2010) Circle Circle illustration showing a radius, a diameter, the centre, and the circumfere nce Area (where r = radius) A circle is a simple shape of Euclidean geometry that is the set of all points i n a plane that are a given distance from a given point, the centre. The distance between any of the points and the centre is called the radius. It can also be d efined as the locus of a point equidistant from a fixed point. A circle is a simple closed curve which divides the plane into two regions: an i nterior and an exterior. In everyday use, the term "circle" may be used intercha ngeably to refer to either the boundary of the figure, or to the whole figure in cluding its interior; in strict technical usage, the circle is the former and th e latter is called a disk. A circle can be defined as the curve traced out by a point that moves so that it s distance from a given point is constant. A circle may also be defined as a special ellipse in which the two foci are coin cident and the eccentricity is 0. Circles are conic sections attained when a rig ht circular cone is intersected by a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cone . Contents [hide] 1 Terminology 2 History 3 Analytic results 3.1 Length of circumference 3.2 Area enclosed 3.3 Equations 3.4 Tangent lines 4 Properties 4.1 Chord 4.2 Sagitta 4.3 Tangent 4.4 Theorems 4.5 Inscribed angles 5 Circle of Apollonius 5.1 Cross-ratios 5.2 Generalised circles 6 Circles inscribed in or circumscribed about other figures 7 Circle as limiting case of other figures 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links Terminology[edit] Arc: any connected part of the circle. Centre: the point equidistant from the points on the circle. Chord: a line segment whose endpoints lie on the circle.

Circumference: the length of one circuit along the circle. Diameter: the longest chord, a line segment whose endpoints lie on the circle an d which passes through the centre; or the length of such a segment, which is the largest distance between any two points on the circle. Radius: a line segment joining the centre of the circle to any point on the circ le itself; or the length of such a segment, which is half a diameter. Secant: an extended chord, a straight line cutting the circle at two points. Sector: a region bounded by two radii and an arc lying between the radii. Segment: a region bounded by a chord and an arc lying between the chord's endpoi nts. Semicircle: a region bounded by a diameter and an arc lying between the diameter 's endpoints. It is a special case of a segment. Tangent: a straight line that touches the circle at a single point.

Chord, secant, tangent, radius, and diameter Arc, sector, and segment History[edit]

The compass in this 13th-century manuscript is a symbol of God's act of Creation . Notice also the circular shape of the halo The word "circle" derives from the Greek, kirkos "a circle," from the base kerwhich means to turn or bend. The origins of the words "circus" and "circuit" are closely related. Circular piece of silk with Mongol images Circles in an old Arabic astronomical drawing. The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. Natura l circles would have been observed, such as the Moon, Sun, and a short plant sta lk blowing in the wind on sand, which forms a circle shape in the sand. The circ le is the basis for the wheel, which, with related inventions such as gears, mak es much of modern machinery possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle ha s helped inspire the development of geometry, astronomy, and calculus. Early science, particularly geometry and astrology and astronomy, was connected to the divine for most medieval scholars, and many believed that there was somet hing intrinsically "divine" or "perfect" that could be found in circles.[citatio n needed] Some highlights in the history of the circle are: 1700 BCE The Rhind papyrus gives a method to find the area of a circular field. The result corresponds to 256/81 (3.16049...) as an approximate value of p.[1] Tughrul Tower from inside 300 BCE Book 3 of Euclid's Elements deals with the properties of circles. In Plato's Seventh Letter there is a detailed definition and explanation of the circle. Plato explains the perfect circle, and how it is different from any draw ing, words, definition or explanation. 1880 CE Lindemann proves that p is transcendental, effectively settling the mille nnia-old problem of squaring the circle.[2] Analytic results[edit]

Length of circumference[edit] Further information: Pi The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is p (pi), an irrational c onstant approximately equal to 3.141592654. Thus the length of the circumference C is related to the radius r and diameter d by: Area enclosed[edit] Area enclosed by a circle = p area of the shaded square Main article: Area of a disk As proved by Archimedes, the area enclosed by a circle is equal to that of a tri angle whose base has the length of the circle's circumference and whose height e quals the circle's radius,[3] which comes to p multiplied by the radius squared: Equivalently, denoting diameter by d, that is, approximately 79 percent of the circumscribing square (whose side is of length d). The circle is the plane curve enclosing the maximum area for a given arc length. This relates the circle to a problem in the calculus of variations, namely the isoperimetric inequality. Equations[edit] Cartesian coordinates[edit] Circle of radius r = 1, centre (a, b) = (1.2, -0.5) In an x y Cartesian coordinate system, the circle with centre coordinates (a, b) a nd radius r is the set of all points (x, y) such that This equation, also known as Equation of the Circle, follows from the Pythagorea n theorem applied to any point on the circle: as shown in the diagram to the rig ht, the radius is the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle whose other sides ar e of length x - a and y - b. If the circle is centred at the origin (0, 0), then the equation simplifies to The equation can be written in parametric form using the trigonometric functions sine and cosine as where t is a parametric variable in the range 0 to 2p, interpreted geometrically as the angle that the ray from (a, b) to (x, y) makes with the x-axis. An alter native parametrisation of the circle is: In this parametrisation, the ratio of t to r can be interpreted geometrically as the stereographic projection of the circle onto the line passing through the ce ntre parallel to the x-axis. In homogeneous coordinates each conic section with equation of a circle is of th e form It can be proven that a conic section is a circle exactly when it contains (when extended to the complex projective plane) the points I(1: i: 0) and J(1: -i: 0) . These points are called the circular points at infinity. Polar coordinates[edit] In polar coordinates the equation of a circle is: where a is the radius of the circle, is the polar coordinate of a generic point on the circle, and is the polar coordinate of the centre of the circle (i.e., r0 is the distance from the origin to the centre of the circle, and f is the ant

iclockwise angle from the positive x-axis to the line connecting the origin to t he centre of the circle). For a circle centred at the origin, i.e. r0 = 0, this reduces to simply r = a. When r0 = a, or when the origin lies on the circle, the equation becomes In the general case, the equation can be solved for r, giving the solution with a minus sign in front of the square root giving the same curve . Complex plane[edit] In the complex plane, a circle with a centre at c and radius (r) has the equatio n . In parametric form this can be written . The slightly generalised equation for real p, q and complex g is sometimes call ed a generalised circle. This becomes the above equation for a circle with , sin ce . Not all generalised circles are actually circles: a generalised circle is e ither a (true) circle or a line. Tangent lines[edit] Main article: Tangent lines to circles The tangent line through a point P on the circle is perpendicular to the diamete r passing through P. If P = (x1, y1) and the circle has centre (a, b) and radius r, then the tangent line is perpendicular to the line from (a, b) to (x1, y1), so it has the form (x1 - a)x + (y1 b)y = c. Evaluating at (x1, y1) determines th e value of c and the result is that the equation of the tangent is or If y1 ? b then the slope of this line is This can also be found using implicit differentiation. When the centre of the circle is at the origin then the equation of the tangent line becomes and its slope is Properties[edit] The circle is the shape with the largest area for a given length of perimeter. ( See Isoperimetric inequality.) The circle is a highly symmetric shape: every line through the centre forms a li ne of reflection symmetry and it has rotational symmetry around the centre for e very angle. Its symmetry group is the orthogonal group O(2,R). The group of rota tions alone is the circle group T. All circles are similar. A circle's circumference and radius are proportional. The area enclosed and the square of its radius are proportional. The constants of proportionality are 2p and p, respectively. The circle which is centred at the origin with radius 1 is called the unit circl e. Thought of as a great circle of the unit sphere, it becomes the Riemannian circl e. Through any three points, not all on the same line, there lies a unique circle. In Cartesian coordinates, it is possible to give explicit formulae for the coord inates of the centre of the circle and the radius in terms of the coordinates of the three given points. See circumcircle. Chord[edit] Chords are equidistant from the centre of a circle if and only if they are equal in length. The perpendicular bisector of a chord passes through the centre of a circle; equ ivalent statements stemming from the uniqueness of the perpendicular bisector ar e:

A perpendicular line from the centre of a circle bisects the chord. The line segment (circular segment) through the centre bisecting a chord is perp endicular to the chord. If a central angle and an inscribed angle of a circle are subtended by the same chord and on the same side of the chord, then the central angle is twice the ins cribed angle. If two angles are inscribed on the same chord and on the same side of the chord, then they are equal. If two angles are inscribed on the same chord and on opposite sides of the chord , then they are supplemental. For a cyclic quadrilateral, the exterior angle is equal to the interior opposite angle. An inscribed angle subtended by a diameter is a right angle (see Thales' theorem ). The diameter is the longest chord of the circle. If the intersection of any two chords divides one chord into lengths a and b and divides the other chord into lengths c and d, then ab = cd. If the intersection of any two perpendicular chords divides one chord into lengt hs a and b and divides the other chord into lengths c and d, then a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 equals the square of the diameter.[4] The sum of the squared lengths of any two chords intersecting at right angles at a given point is the same as that of any other two chords intersecting at the s 4p 2 (where r is the circle's radius and p is th ame point, and is given by 8r 2 e distance from the center point to the point of intersection).[5] The distance from a point on the circle to a given chord times the diameter of t he circle equals the product of the distances from the point to the ends of the chord.[6]:p.71 Sagitta[edit] The sagitta is the vertical segment. The sagitta (also known as the versine) is a line segment drawn perpendicular to a chord, between the midpoint of that chord and the arc of the circle. Given the length y of a chord, and the length x of the sagitta, the Pythagorean theorem can be used to calculate the radius of the unique circle which will fit around the two lines: Another proof of this result which relies only on two chord properties given abo ve is as follows. Given a chord of length y and with sagitta of length x, since the sagitta intersects the midpoint of the chord, we know it is part of a diamet er of the circle. Since the diameter is twice the radius, the "missing" part of the diameter is (2r - x) in length. Using the fact that one part of one chord ti mes the other part is equal to the same product taken along a chord intersecting the first chord, we find that (2r - x)x = (y / 2)2. Solving for r, we find the required result. Tangent[edit] A line drawn perpendicular to a radius through the end point of the radius lying on the circle is a tangent to the circle. A line drawn perpendicular to a tangent through the point of contact with a circ le passes through the centre of the circle. Two tangents can always be drawn to a circle from any point outside the circle, and these tangents are equal in length. If a tangent at A and a tangent at B intersect at the exterior point P, then den oting the centre as O, the angles ?BOA and ?BPA are supplementary. If AD is tangent to the circle at A and if AQ is a chord of the circle, then ?DA Q = 1/2arc(AQ). Theorems[edit] Secant-secant theorem

See also: Power of a point The chord theorem states that if two chords, CD and EB, intersect at A, then CA DA = EA BA. If a tangent from an external point D meets the circle at C and a secant from th e external point D meets the circle at G and E respectively, then DC2 = DG DE. ( Tangent-secant theorem.) If two secants, DG and DE, also cut the circle at H and F respectively, then DH DG = DF DE. (Corollary of the tangent-secant theorem.) The angle between a tangent and chord is equal to one half the subtended angle o n the opposite side of the chord (Tangent Chord Angle). If the angle subtended by the chord at the centre is 90 degrees then l = r v2, w here l is the length of the chord and r is the radius of the circle. If two secants are inscribed in the circle as shown at right, then the measureme nt of angle A is equal to one half the difference of the measurements of the enc losed arcs (DE and BC). This is the secant-secant theorem. Inscribed angles[edit] See also: Inscribed angle theorem Inscribed angle theorem An inscribed angle (examples are the blue and green angles in the figure) is exa ctly half the corresponding central angle (red). Hence, all inscribed angles tha t subtend the same arc (pink) are equal. Angles inscribed on the arc (brown) are supplementary. In particular, every inscribed angle that subtends a diameter is a right angle (since the central angle is 180 degrees). Circle of Apollonius[edit]

Apollonius' definition of a circle: d1 / d2 constant Apollonius of Perga showed that a circle may also be defined as the set of point s in a plane having a constant ratio (other than 1) of distances to two fixed fo ci, A and B.[7][8] (The set of points where the distances are equal is the perpe ndicular bisector of A and B, a line.) That circle is sometimes said to be drawn about two points. The proof is in two parts. First, one must prove that, given two foci A and B an d a ratio of distances, any point P satisfying the ratio of distances must fall on a particular circle. Let C be another point, also satisfying the ratio and ly ing on segment AB. By the angle bisector theorem the line segment PC will bisect the interior angle APB, since the segments are similar: Analogously, a line segment PD through some point D on AB extended bisects the c orresponding exterior angle BPQ where Q is on AP extended. Since the interior an d exterior angles sum to 180 degrees, the angle CPD is exactly 90 degrees, i.e., a right angle. The set of points P such that angle CPD is a right angle forms a circle, of which CD is a diameter. Second, see[9]:p.15 for a proof that every point on the indicated circle satisfi es the given ratio. Cross-ratios[edit] A closely related property of circles involves the geometry of the cross-ratio o f points in the complex plane. If A, B, and C are as above, then the circle of A pollonius for these three points is the collection of points P for which the abs olute value of the cross-ratio is equal to one: Stated another way, P is a point on the circle of Apollonius if and only if the cross-ratio [A,B;C,P] is on the unit circle in the complex plane. Generalised circles[edit] See also: Generalised circle If C is the midpoint of the segment AB, then the collection of points P satisfyi

ng the Apollonius condition is not a circle, but rather a line. Thus, if A, B, and C are given distinct points in oints P satisfying the above equation is called a ither be a true circle or a line. In this sense a f infinite radius. Circles inscribed in or circumscribed about other the plane, then the locus of p "generalised circle." It may e line is a generalised circle o figures[edit]

In every triangle a unique circle, called the incircle, can be inscribed such th at it is tangent to each of the three sides of the triangle.[10] About every triangle a unique circle, called the circumcircle, can be circumscri bed such that it goes through each of the triangle's three vertices.[11] A tangential polygon, such as a tangential quadrilateral, is any convex polygon within which a circle can be inscribed that is tangent to each side of the polyg on.[12] A cyclic polygon is any convex polygon about which a circle can be circumscribed , passing through each vertex. A well-studied example is the cyclic quadrilatera l. A hypocycloid is a curve that is inscribed in a given circle by tracing a fixed point on a smaller circle that rolls within and tangent to the given circle. Circle as limiting case of other figures[edit] The circle can be viewed as a limiting case of each of various other figures: A Cartesian oval is a set of points such that a weighted sum of the distances fr om any of its points to two fixed points (foci) is a constant. An ellipse is the case in which the weights are equal. A circle is an ellipse with an eccentricit y of zero, meaning that the two foci coincide with each other as the centre of t he circle. A circle is also a different special case of a Cartesian oval in whic h one of the weights is zero. A superellipse has an equation of the form for positive a, b, and n. A supercir cle has b = a. A circle is the special case of a supercircle in which n = 2. A Cassini oval is a set of points such that the product of the distances from an y of its points to two fixed points is a constant. When the two fixed points coi ncide, a circle results. A curve of constant width is a figure whose width, defined as the perpendicular distance between two distinct parallel lines each intersecting its boundary in a single point, is the same regardless of the direction of those two parallel lin es. The circle is the simplest example of this type of figure. See also[edit] Affine sphere Annulus (mathematics) Apeirogon List of circle topics Sphere References[edit] ^ Chronology for 30000 BC to 500 BC. Retrieved on 2012-05-03. ^ Squaring the circle. Retrieved on 2012-05-03. ^ Measurement of a Circle by Archimedes ^ Posamentier and Salkind, Challenging Problems in Geometry, Dover, 2nd edition, 1996: pp. 104 105, #4 23. ^ College Mathematics Journal 29(4), September 1998, p. 331, problem 635. ^ Johnson, Roger A., Advanced Euclidean Geometry, Dover Publ., 2007. ^ Harkness, James (1898). Introduction to the theory of analytic functions. Lond on, New York: Macmillan and Co. p. 30. ^ Ogilvy, C. Stanley, Excursions in Geometry, Dover, 1969, 14 17. ^ Altshiller-Court, Nathan, College Geometry, Dover, 2007 (orig. 1952).

^ Incircle from Wolfram MathWorld. (2012-04-26). Retrieved on 2012-05-03. ^ Circumcircle from Wolfram MathWorld. (2012-04-26). Retri eved on 2012-05-03. ^ Tangential Polygon from Wolfram MathWorld. (2012-04-26). Retrieved on 2012-05-03. Further reading[edit] Pedoe, Dan (1988). Geometry: a comprehensive course. Dover. "Circle" in The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive External links[edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Circle geometry Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Circles Hazewinkel, Michiel, ed. (2001), "Circle", Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer , ISBN 978-1-55608-010-4 Circle ( website) Weisstein, Eric W., "Circle", MathWorld. Interactive Java applets for the properties of and elementary constructions invo lving circles. Interactive Standard Form Equation of Circle Click and drag points to see standa rd form equation in action Munching on Circles at cut-the-knot Area of a Circle Calculate the basic properties of a circle. MathAce's Circle article has a good in-depth explanation of unit circles and tra nsforming circular equations. How to find the area of a circle. There are many types of problems involving how to find the area of circle; for example, finding area of a circle from its radi us, diameter or circumference. Categories: CirclesElementary shapesCurvesConic sectionsPi Navigation menu Create accountLog inArticleTalkReadEditView history Main page Contents Featured content Current events Random article Donate to Wikipedia Interaction Help About Wikipedia Community portal Recent changes Contact Wikipedia Toolbox Print/export Languages Afrikaans Alemannisch ???? ??????? Aragons ??????? Asturianu Aymar aru Az?rbaycanca ????? Bn-lm-g ??????????

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