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The BA Times


And Bnos Achdus takes off for yet another amazing, fantastic, stupendous, unbelievably incredible week! Bnos Achdus is really beginning to turn into one big happy family you can simply feel the ruach bursting from the walls random outbursts of cheering, dancing, aerobics, or water- pouring will spontaneously occur just cuzbut dont be alarmed- its all part of the BA spirit heres a sneak peek at what s happening: Monday- Welcome to Vineland New Jersey- and welcome to none other than Holly and Mollys chicken farm! Yes,

thats right you just never know with Bnos Achdus it just so happened that the chickens were all sleeping when we landed, so we had to wake them up (waithow do chickens wake up?), which ended up being no problem at all thanks to our earthshattering ruach as we sang our BA songthe day was packed with EGGciting, EGGstravangant, EGGxellent eggy, sticky, EGG goop making (which was initially a tragic failure, or a fake-out in BA terminology, as nothing is a failure in Bnos Achdus so we put our thinking caps and ran downstairs to try a different recipe and BH much to everyones relief, we succeeded), and our main activity, EGG TOSSING,

get violent. Stay tuned Tuesday- Destination England!! Certainly a culture shock from the chicken farm With manners ever so fine, we gracefully sat and heard as Chevy Kay, Chana Coleman, and Chana Bluma Lynn- all of British descentdescribed to us what its like to have a parent from England. Soon enough, we all cordially made our way to the Buckingham Palace for tea and tea biscuits, and from there to the royal theatre where we rehearsed performances to put on for the queen. (Girls also painted stunning ceramic teddy bears!!!)

Bnos Achdus looks on in fascination as the fireworks pop!

the winners of which were Chana Bluma Lynn and Atara Goldman, with Shani Arbiv and Freida Leibman close at their heels! Things did get a little messy when head counselors Chaya and Meira broke out into an egg fight, but the eggs ran out before things could coucougorepudiandae, his et facilisis vituperatoribus. Mei eu ubique altera senserit, consul

Thursday- July 4tth ! Still in England, we had to fly on BA Airways to make it back to America in time for Independence Day at the White House! With an official welcome from President Barak Obama, the White House greeted Camp Bnos Achdus with an astounding fireworks show and barbeque (all kosher, of course). YUM! And thus began a most heated, intense, competitive game of Capture the (American) Flag between the three oldest bunks. With team United on one side, and team States on the other, the competition was on as each team began strategizing just how to safely cross the other teams territory and capture their flag! Brave attempters were caught, and the jails began filling up! The tension was mounting. With just five minutes left to the game, team States knew that something had to be done. Freida Leibman took the chance and ran and the flag was captured! Congratulations to team States! Good game everyone! Red, white, and blue ices were enjoyed by all as the day concluded! Friday- We began with davening and Shiur with our new Shiur counselor, Bassy Ungar, as we learned about Parshiyos Mattos and Masey! Swimming was a blast, as usual, and we hurried back to make our challahs with Bassy! We concluded with a DELICIOUS Shabbos partyYUM! What an amazing week we had here in BA! Have a Gut Shabbos- cant wait to see you all next weekStay tuned and keep up your BA smiles Love always, Meira and Chaya!
NEWS FLASH! MAYTAV minibus contacted by policeeveryone must be sitting while bus is in motion!

CIT counselor, Nechama Ribiat, has escaped from prison while awaiting trial!

$10,000 reward!

Wednesday- Hee hee hee hmm ha ha! Why is everyone so giggly today? Can it be? Are we going to Giggleberry Fair??? We sure did!! BA headed onto our trusty MAYTAV busses and made our way over for the trip of a lifetime!!! For the next good hour plus, we kept ourselves entertained on the busses with several rounds of Guess About Bassy, (Congratulations to the winning Team B), kumzitzes, telephone, sleeping (about 50% of the preschool bus), and cheering weve got ruach to the other bus and before we knew it, there we were at Giggleberry Fair!!! WAHOO! We had the time of our lives jumping, climbing, sliding, running, yes, dancing, riding on the carousel, and shaking hands with Giggle wonder whats planned for trip day next week? MESSAGE TO CAMPERS- Do not even try to guess this timeeverything is TOP SECRET

Exclusive Interview with our Head Specialty/ Challah Baking/ Shiur Counselor, Bassy Ungar:
I: Good evening, Bassy! B: Good evening, Bnos Achdus! I: Bassy, on a regular basis, what time would you say you wake up each morning? B: I set my alarm for 7 AM sharp! I: What are your first thoughts as you walk through the doors of Bnos Achdus every morning? B: Yay! I am super excited to begin another wonderful day at Bnos Achdus!!! I: How many times do you visit the office daily? B: Well, truthfully, theres usually some sort of commotion going on in the office so I try to stay out of the way maybe 3 times? 4? I: What is your favorite part of Bnos Achdus? B: Challah baking, of course! I: Is there any message youd like to impart to your BA campers? B: Enjoy every moment- its not every day that you get to travel to England, China, Icelandand make sure to thank your head counselors- you have no idea what goes on behind the scenes! Have a great Shabbos! *Bassy will be our new Shiur counselor this summer. Looking forward to hearing her words of wisdom!


- Davening takes place in camp; please make sure your daughters bring a siddur with them to camp. - Dismissal Is 4:00 on Monday-Thursday, and 2:00 on Friday. Please make an effort to be on time. - Please send your daughters with bathing suits every day. We will not be swimming during the nine days, but there will be water activities for which bathing suits may be needed. - Absolutely no peanut butter is allowed in camp. - The head counselors can be reached at either (267) 226-2820, or (215) 266-6359. Feel free to call us any time, in camp or out! Were here for you whenever!

This past Thursday was Mrs. Sveis last day as Shiur Head. Thank you so much, Mrs. Svei, for inspiring us with your shiurim, songs, and projects- we will miss you! Yashaar Koach to Leah Goldman and Anna Chasky for being the first BA-ers to complete the five stickers in their Tefilla passports! Keep davening! Our CAMPERS OF THE WEEK: CITS- Freida Leibman High Flyers- Tehilla Wachs Hong Kong Ching Chongs- Dassy Kolodny Hawaiian Girls- Anna Chasky Kindergarten Kites- Raya Nadav Nursery- Miriam Goldshmidt WERE SO PROUD OF YOU! Keep up the sterling middos, outstanding ruach and positive attitudes!

Have a Gut Shabbos!!!!!!!!

NEWS FLASH! Eagle spotting on roof of Bnos Achdus! Or

vulture? BA birdwatchers still discerning

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