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Name of student teacher: Jonthan Olmos Jofré

Name of School: Liceo Politécnico A 23 Alfredo Nazar F.

Number of students: 38

Date: May 12th, 2009 Class: 1 A

The School has stopped its activities since 2 and half weeks, so some
data can be incomplete

Task Nº1: The school

Refer to the general background of the school in a clear and brief way.

• physical location,

It is in the middle of Playa Ancha Hill

- Generally speaking it doesn’t have a bad environment; the school is

surrounded by universities and next to it you can find a sport club.

- There’s a bus stop near the school, so it can be supposed in general

terms that it wouldn’t represent big problem to get their houses.

• organisation,

It receives municipal funds. Its organisation depends on the national

planes y programas delivered from the government. They got the same
organization as any municipal school; a principal, a Jefe de unidad
técnica pedagógica, teachers in charge of a class etc, it does have a PEI,
a school vision, etc

• student population,

The age range is from 14 to 15

They generally come from little elementary schools

• School rules.

It is still Pending.
Task Nº2: The classroom

Comment about:

• The atmosphere of the room

The students show respect for the teacher and their classmates.
Probably is due to the fact that teacher has earned

• The levels of engagement in the room.

They take part as I said before in the games that the teacher prepared
for them but also when he asks them questions for him to know if they
got the content.

• Students seating.

-The seats have been organized in 3 rows, each of them double.

- This order allows the student to

• Space

There’s enough space to move freely through the room

• Whiteboard location

It is in front of the students and next to the teachers’ table

• Classroom equipment.

They have their chairs and tables. Also the government has provided
them textbooks, and most of the time the teacher uses the whiteboard
to teach.

Task Nº3: The teacher

Describe the following:

• Classroom routine.

The class starts with an exchange of greetings, but before that the
teacher waits until everybody is on its coats. The teacher calls the roll
and he brings to the student’s memory the previous contents.

• Motivation activities performed.

The teacher has made up a contest, in which the contestants (students)

compete to win points. One particular characteristic of this activity is
that every wins point whether they are right or wrong in their answers.
The students are required to participate.
• Learning activities conducted.

No Learning activities conducted registered at the time

• Material resourced used.

The usual: Whiteboard, notebooks

• Stages of the lesson.

The teacher brings to the students’ memory the previous contents, but
also wants to know if they retained some data.

In the basis of that information he presents the new contents. He

presents the new contents by writing them on the board or just talking
about them.

He sets up a sort fill in the blanks on the whiteboard show if they can use
the data in different exercises.

The lesson finishes making a brief summary of the contents.

Task Nº4: The learners

In this observation task, focus on the things that help to create conditions for
effective learning and on the aspects that play a part in preventing

• How motivated are the learners? Why?

In humble opinion the students are not motivated with the contents but
they like to play and show how much they can learn, how capable they
are. I think the class is taking slow but decisive steps towards acquiring
greater abilities.

• Are they taking part in their own learning? How?

I would say yes. Because they are expecting learn and participate .

• Are they expecting the teacher to do the work for them?

No, they try to answer the teacher’s questions as soon as possible when
they can get the lesson.

• Do they like to participate in group work? If so, how do they behave?

No, group work activities performed at the moment

• What kinds of learning activities do the students like the most? What do
they like the least?

-They definitely like games, like contests

-they also like to answer thought provoking questions

-They don’t like doing mechanical tasks

- They like to learn approachable contents, if not they got bored

- They don’t like activities in which they can’t talk! In other words they
can’t stop talking.

And the teacher had taken advantage of this.

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