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Field Address: Asian Christian Mission Brian and Jennifer Smith P.O. Box 180

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Forwarding Agent:
Barbara Kocher

3183 Ferncrest Ct., Apt. #2 Cincinnati, OH 45211


Other Representatives: George and Sandra Smith 2124 Highview Joplin, MO 64801

VOL. 1


NO. 2

. . . To get more acquainted with the people of Thailand in our first few weeks. Spent just one day in Bangkok, and a couple in Chiang Mai, then went on a week long evangelistic trip to Pua {near Laos) with the Filbecks and de los Santos. Next we stayed with a Christian Thai family in Phrao for a week and a half to try and pick up some of the culture and market language.

We are now in language school in Chiang Mai, in the morning, five days a week. There are several weekly Bible studies and prayer groups; and we are, along with others, trying to start regular Bible studies and witnessing at the university. Other means of outreach we are exploring are; teaching English and continued weekend trips to villages
when we can.

Sunday morning Bible School and English Class at Mae Sa.


. . . . To the Loves, who wereour interim family and homeforthefirstmonth. They havesincemadeplanstomovebackuptoa

village where they formerly worked though, so Jennifer and I decided to rent a small, two bedroom house near the university.
We were also borrowing a truck from the Loves, but maneuvering in the city traffic was so difficult and dangerous, we were told and agreed that a small motorcycle would be much betterto learn on. Tom Love took us to a place where we got a very good deal on a new Honda 90 cc, with registration, licensing, and periodic maintenance checks all free. The good gas mileage we get (approx. 150 MPG), and these other details being taken care of have made this purchase a tremendous plus.

. . . Your letters so far have been a great encouragement to us, but what should we do Brothers? We have found ourselves averaging 35 to 40 Airgrams a month, not including plans to send pictures and tapes. We do this gladly, but it has caused us to seriously re-examine our plans to publish our newsletter every other month. We feel we need to make sure we are free to try and fulfill our purpose for being here (telling the Lost), so . . . Beginning with this issue, our newsletter will be sent out every 3 months. We don't mean for this to bean indicator of our down grading correspondence as a priority though. If there are any specific questions or encouragements you have, please do write us. A special note; Our New Address Is: P.O. Box 180, Chiang Mai, Thailand. We no longer use Box 176.



Our safe arrival, and ease through customs. Encouragement, adequate prayer and financial support.
Our co-workers and brothers here.

The grace of God that saves us. The privilege of being sent out to serve. Sombet Bookman's family in Phrao, and the Loves.
INTERCESSION FOR: The lost of Thailand and the world.

Supporters, or others with personal problems, or important decisions to make. The continued stability of the Thai Government: and for neighboring Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and China, all Communist and closed to the Gospel. Us, that we are faithful in learning to spread the Gospel here, and do not become discouraged. Us, that we may be sensitive to the Spirit's leading in the

The unreached Muslim minority here. The 8,000+ students of the University of Chiang Mai. Lost relatives and acquaintances in the States. Three missionary families suffering from loss of/or In adequate support.

More laborers, to get the job done. Deliverance from and victory over the forces of evil, so
active here. The Lord's soon return.

"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the Law of

Christ." Galatians 6:2

Hi! ItalkedBrian into letting mehavesomespace! Really, I felt a need to encourage all of you to keep praying; not only for Brian and me, but for all missionaires everywhere, (yourselves included). Sometimes it gets rough when you're in God's service, but forget, or somehow take your eyes off Jesus. No telling how far we could fall, but Brian and I have really felt your prayers. In turn, we don't want to be left out either! Let us know your special needs so we can pray for you too! We love you,

Qoa Bless. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mis$ion Service* PC Boi 2427

Knoiville. TN 37901 ADORSS COfifieCTION ROUesrD

Non Profit Qrg. U S Pottage

PAID Knoiville. TN 37901
Perinil 1374

Please send all address changes to:

Mission Services Association
PO Box 2427

Knoxville, TN 37901

Field Address: /4s/an Christian Mission Brian and Jennifer Smith P.O. Box 180

Chiang Mai, Thailand Forwarding Agent:

Barbara Kocher

3183 Ferncrest Ct., Apt. #2 Cincinnati, OH 45211 Otiier Representatives: George and Sandra Smith 2124 Highview Joplin, MO 64801


VOL. 2



Rian phaasaa thay ngaay kwaadiaw nii teeyang yaak. What I attempted to say in Thai (written in phoenetics, we don't know how to read or write yet), is that studying Thai is becoming easier, but it is still difficult. We have only studied 3 actual months because of a number of things; but our teachers, Nit and Yuan Geew (pictured right), are very good.
Their skills coupled with your prayers and encouragement

make us feel we are accomplishing this task. Lord willing, we will begin to learn to read next month.

Since David and Ken Filbeck returned to the States we have become more involved in teaching and leading the Saturday night

youth group at the church here. We have also had parties for the youth groupandfriendsfrom the university who are still reluctant to go to church". Jennifer is continuing to teach English to the girls at the university but may not have much longer as they get out
for break after March.

We are still considering helping a friend who teaches at Chiangmai Bible Institute start a church in his home town 200 kilometers
south of here.

-Noorislam - a Muslim friend we witnessed to. but may never see again,

-Raat, Poppy, and Ying - The nicknames of three Thai girls Jennifer is teaching. -Sawat (like the greeting) - A Thai friend who doesn't know the Lord. -A woman in our church whose house burned down. She lost everything she owned.

-For Brothers doing a great work on very little-an orphanage at Maecajan runon the equivalent of $150 a month, or a brother with a
large family living on S250 a month,
-For the unity of the Brethren everywhere.
-For friends and relatives in the States who don't know Jesus as Lord.

Hi, Jennifer here. Wow! Itseems that we are really becoming more and more comfortable as each day passes by. Thank you for
all your prayers on our behalf.

Well, some of you have been asking what it is like here in Thailand. My first thought? Very...interesting! The weather gets hotter
and hotter every day. We are in our winter here, but actually it's been around 70 degrees every day. When summer comes the temperature will get close to 100 degrees. This, plus the fact that the humidity is so high, will make It seem even hotter!

We have available to us most of the same fruits and vegetables as in America (some more expensive, like $1.50 for an apple), plus some of their own. It's weird being able to have watermelon, corn on the cob, and strawberries in Chiangmai this time of year. Most are cheap to buy in the market. Also, the meat available is mostly pork, beef, chicken and fish. So, I guess the food is almost the
same, it just depends a lot on who's cooking it! More later.

Several have written asking if there was anything they could do, or send. Praise God! We are overjoyed that He is blessing you and that you in turn want to share. Here are a few very reasonable and needy requests that we have become aware of, for you to consider, pray about, and meet if the Lord leads you to cheerfully;
1) If you would like to share support: The Virgilio de los Santos Family and the Jerry Thaprom Family would both appreciate it and are absolutely needy and worthy.

2) If you would like to share other things: we know of at least two instances where women's or children's clothing may be needed. Other little things to think about might be birthday or greeting cards ($2.00 each here!), white tube socks, religious
books and/or Christian music or other tapes for the library at Chiangmai Bible Institute, Kool-aid for parties, V.B.S, candies,

Any of these could be sent to our box, P.O. Box 180, Chiangmai, Thailand. And lastly, one thing some of you are already sending and we beg all of you to continue: your prayers! "Thank you, and God's peace from"yaDr^orraTTd~daughter in^tfre faitn.^

Mission Services PO Box 2427

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage


Knoxville. TN 37901

Knoxville. TN

Permit #374

Please send all address changes to:

Mission Services Association PO Box 2427

Knoxville, TN 37901


Asian Christian
Mission Brian & Jennifer Smith

P 0 BOX 176 Chiangroaif


UDOffl mo

Barbai^ Kbcher

31$3 Feincrest Ct#, Apt. ^

Cincinnatii Ohio 45211


George & Sandra Smith

Jopiin, MO 64601

2124 Higjiview



S^ool here* It is srj^^posed to be the best in Thailandf ^d in a classroom situation

C^ss begins Jisie 6f,and we hope to coniplete the entire course by the first of the
year an kicourag^ng sigti for us !

While visiting Bangkok last month we considered attending the Thai Language

fbixr hours a day for the same cost we were studying with ,tutors two hours a day.

one house. Theni we lost it| but we were sure the Ix)rd had something better in mindf utilitiesf etc. Th^ said we could stay from June tlirbu^ Decemberf exectHy the time
we would need!

We looked several times for housing (it is eo^pensive and scarce) j only ftoding

and HE DID I A cot5)le we have never even met personally are. retmning to the states and offered to let us stay in their house iidiile they were gone and only pay

Our new address is: 6l/2 Soi 36 SuWiumvitf Bangkokf lliailand 10110. It mi^t still be better to send larger packages to P 0 H)X lfe| Chiang Maif thou^.

ivities behind too. We asked you to pray about Maecajani and "Uie Ix>^ has provided
Also I the week before lastf 11 people (including nine girls from the Hostel) were
baptized into the Loaxl. As with the ones we tau^t Biglish to at Maerim, we
ion there fuUtime. We had ea<di been taldng tTims preaching and teaching there.

We are excited about coning to Bangkok^ but we realize we are leaving some act**

a Christian minister from Singapore to take over the work with the little ccmgregat-

tau^t and preached there. We did not live with th^f or influence theSj? decisions as Betsy, and the Delos Santos have. Nevertheless, we continue to praise God at Tfdiat has again happened; more souls of people we loaow being added to the Kingdom!

Raat (or Dim), Poppy, Ying, Gung and Quan will be graduating from the University after this semester, then student teaching. So in moving now, there is a chance we may not get to see them again. Ife boii^t them each a Thai Bible viien we were in Bangkok last time. Tliey are some of our closest friends here, and some of the first


we had talked to vdio had never heaixi anything about God before. Please continTie to pray for them, mtil they accept the Lord*s grace and salvation. We have still not been able to sit down and talk with Boon Rap and his wife, and Noorislam has moved to Saiadi Arabia. So please keep them in your prayers also.

^end with them, but we were dose. Please pray for further qpportimities, and for
them to acc^t the Loixi.

Two new contacts ^e girls named Rung and GLk. We only had a co^le of weeks to

offered to henceforth. Th^ have experi^ce in publishing other missionaries* news

letters and mfliling them

Mission Services had been publishing our newsletter, but Bri^t Christian (Siurch
thfdr postal perriiit. arid we were excited pboufc their

offer, accepting without hesitation. The Chxxrch at Bri^t is a continual Messing!

If this issue sesnws any Isiter getting out it is not due to this transition, as much as the fact that the oil^Lhal copy we sent a month ago was never received..

CHiasmS AKDUMD HEtffi ... J ' We have received a number of packages, letters, cards, picttires and even tel^ grams lately, all great and very encouraging. VJe thank you all for yoiir love and support. You may not have realized \ihen you began sending those thijigs v/eeks, or in some cases even months ago, vhat an inportant blessing they would be, or-vdiat an opportune time th^ vrould reach us. Ihank you though, and God bless.


.Concerning some of your letters, they are really encoviraging as we said.


makes our day to hear some of the *1ittle" things happaiing in your lives back home

A number of you have shared with us in your letters, "v^at a great vjork we're doing saving souls." We wish i-ie were doing a great vrork here. Actually, all we are doing is visiting places preaching and teaching iMJ.e we are in language school, and shar ing with the acquaintances we make. Most of you are probably sharing in the exact same ministiy by sajiply talking about the Lord with friends and.acq^laintances \riiere

you 3ive, work and go to school, too. And vAio knows t-^ho will "see" the Gospel for the first time and believe? So, we are glad at vdiat a "great work" our Lord is doing
-throu^ you*

- - -

^- -

The move to Bangkok and loIlg^lage school. A girl named liung vdio is not a Christian. Diane Street as she prepares to come.

That friends migjit have a conlmiued safe, and healthy pregnancy.

Dim, Poppy, Ying, Gung and Quan.

Boonrap and his wife. Ji X'. v


Contacts in Bangkok.
Relatives who vrere i l l . The tense situation on the Cambodian border. " v-'luiiA
'li :>ilT


The lost world, and for laborers.

ro i; -.j iq


. Thanks for victory in God's power and grace!!!

. ,




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PETcMIT # 81

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1 .






July 7, 1983

Dear Supporters of Brian and Jennifer Smith:

Good afternoon I I hope my correspondence finds you well and happy!

Just a note to THANK YOU for your faithful financial and prayerful
support to Brian and Jennifer Smith. Without you, they could not labor in Thailand to tell the Thai people of their true Saviour. Please be advised of their new address in Bangkok:
61/2 Soi 36 Sukhumvit Bangkok, Thailand 10110



Lord willing, I plan to fly to Bangkok for two weeks this Christmas.

If you would like me to take Brian and Jennifer a special Christmas gift

from you, please send it to me in plenty of time.

date - December 17, 1983.

Tentative departure

Enclosed please-find a brochure that should help understand more fully

how to pray for Brian and Jennifer.

God bless, please write or call (513/662-1278) with any questions,

comments or concerns. Keep up the great work! Sincerely,
Barbara Kocher

-TTi^ ClO


Other Representatives: George and Sandra Smith 2124 Highview

Joplin, MO 64801



. NO. 3

NE1-J ADDiaiBS?...


Ne do thank the Lord for providing the Funes* house for

us to stay in this first couple of months in Bangkok, while thay were on furlough# They offered to even let us stay until December, but as they have a large family

ing for sn apartment of our own again. And the Lord met our need. A friend remem

themselves, and as some of them were returning this month (August), we started look

ute v;alk from Language School). Our address is: 9/l9 Soi Pipat, Silom Rd., Bangkok
10500, Thailand.

bered an apartment near theirs, it was available and not expensive. Me took it that same weekend and it has been working out very well ever since (it is about a 5 min
IuEjVDING and VfiJTBIG IN THAI... I wish I could just write some for you in this news


couple of months in Bangkok, but not until this last month did v/e learn how to read and write anything, l/e still have mother months' study in reading and writing, ^d we are far from fluent, but we are very encouraged by the whole world of opport\mities this opea:is up to us. Lord vjilling, we just anticipate 23 more months of lang
uage study I and then, the chance to minister more fully this next year.

We studied conversational Thai about 3 months in Chiang Mai, then our first

E>:CITIMG FELLOUSHIP... lie have known of a number of tribal people from the North ^
of the population of Thailand). So, we v/ere excited when a student of Jennifer's invited us to her church Bangkok Christiaji Church, a couple of weeks ago for the first time. It was started by a Thai Professor who came to the Lord a year ago and
vjanted to help establish the Nevj Testament Church in Thailand.
were there!
their continued vd-tness here.

coming to the Lord in our first year here, but scarcely 5"*10 Thais (who make up 9^/0

There are now over

200 vjorshipping the Lord every Sunday; ajid 6 came to be baptised the first Sunday we
Praise the Lord for this vjelcomed fellowship, and please pray for

NOT AT ALL VJHAT \-lE THQUOiT..* That could describe this past year for us, compared vri-th vdiat we had thought beforohrnd. DIFFEluEI'IT ThMJ-CJid is different than we thought. Many villages, but not much jimgle. Many lost, but also many missionaries
and Thai Christians. Most Thais don't Imow about Christianity any more than most of

us know about Buddhism; yet their ancient culture veils their hearts cJid eyes to the


Modem cities, little so.rnon.q threat fi-om Ocmmunists (despite newspaper art
marriage is better than I thought. A real blessing from God, and a

icles), and very materialistic.


Also, your support of us, without which it would have been impossible to

come, or stay. Your prayers for us literally reinforce us against emotional stress, physical injury, and the forces of Hell. OUU SINCERE /PFRECIATION.*. To Itoy Uagner, and Bright Christian Church for offering to print our newsletter, starting with th-e last issue. Your help in leadership, prayer, finances, and nov;, in taking care of our nevjsletter has given us all-themoro confidence and trust in the Lord to supply 1 our needs, through His people. Thank
you for your helpl

Agent, Barb Kocher, and another friend, Janet Miller, are planning on coming to

CHrasmS'PiiESENTS... We already know of 2 of our presents this year, and they are the best we could ever ask for#*. Christian friends from home. Our Forwarding

Thailand December 19th. We had suggested to Barb before that it would be good for
someone from home to see a little "of what vje are doing, and that it would also be

encouraging for us. Ijid so we ..were excited to hear that both she and Janet, are plan ning on coming. We are sure tha.t they will be a blessing to us, and we hope that,

on returning they can you a better idea of things here as well. OPPORTUNITIES... I wanted to share x-dth you about some opportunities I*ve had in the

last couple months. I saw an a.dvertisement in the paper here for ni^t cla^sses at a secretarial school and signed up! That really opened doors! For one thing, I'm a much better typist, but more iii5>^^rtantly, is "Uiat I*ve met about 10 or so girls and have become good friends with 3 especially. Sue is Chinese and we feel is really searching for the peace that only God can give. She has been to church with us, and we got to have a picnic with her family. The other 2 girls names are Poynsing and
Wanaa. . ' .

I taiigbt 7 diffeinet:, classes at the same school in the afternoons

teach some ^glish classes at the same school in the afternoons. So, for one
some of -ttie other girls. Please pray for them to give their lives to God.

Also, from taking these ni^t classes, there was an opportunity that came up to
I an finished

with these classes now, but we are still in contact with Sue, Poynsing, Vlanaa and
Our "visas and work permits have to be renewed this month. This is our first tim time at trying to do this difficult process. Please pray for the Lord's hand in this this. Thank you, our love and God's grace. Christ,
Brian and Jennifer

Please send all address changes to:

Bri^t Chidstian Church

W 2 Box 243C

Lawrenceburg, IN 47025


im# 2

BOX 243C





f/ (( iO.

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