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Philip the Apostle Byzantine (Ruthenian) Catholic Church

3866 65th street Sacramento, CA 95820
Phone: (916) 452-1888

E-mail: Mobile: (916) 539-1534

O Holy Apostle Philip, Intercede with the merciful God That he may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory for Ever! + Slava Isusu Christu! Slava i vo Viki!

From the Fathers of the Church

St. Hesychios the Priest St. Basil the Great, mouthpiece of Christ and pillar of the Church, says that great help to wards not sinning and not committing daily the same faults is for us to review in our conscience at the end of each day what we have done wrong and what we have done right. Job did this with regard both to himself and to his children (cf. Job 1: 5). These daily reckoning illumine a mans hour by hour behavior. Someone else wise in the things of God has said that as the fruit begins with the flower, so the practice of the ascetic life begins with self-control. Let us then learn to control ourselves with due measure and judgment, as the Fathers teach us. Let us pass all hours of the day in the guarding of the intellect, for by doing this we shall with Gods help and with certain forcefulness be able to quell and reduce evil in us. For the spiritual life, through which the kingdom of heaven is given, does indeed require a certain forcefulness (cf. Mt 11: 12). St. John Chrysostom You cannot pray at home as at church, where there is a great multitude, where exclamations are cried out to God as from one great heart, and where there is something more: the union of minds, the accord of souls, the bond of charity, the prayers of the priests. 1

Our Tithes to the Lord. Last Sunday, 52 souls were present, collection was $

____(tithes: ___, donations: ___, Peters pence collection: __, other (donation for books): ___). May God bless you for your generosity.
Prayer requests. Steve, Oceana, Gary, Ingrid, Walter, Margaret, Becky, Alexis,

Agatha, Norman, Michael, Curtis, Adrienne, Matej, Chester, Rick, Theresa.

Hospitality sign-up sheet: July 14 Belke family; July 21 Baker family. Please sign

up for hospitality for the upcoming Sundays; the list is in the parish hall. Thank you to the Janson family for providing hospitality for us last Sunday.
Fireworks sale. Thank you to all who worked hard this week to keep our fireworks

booth open, especially to Ted Janson and Slawomir Grabianowski. God bless you for giving of your time and bearing the heat of this week in order to help our parish.
St. Peters Pence Collection. You can contribute for another week, please mark your

donation as Peters Pence.

Parish Advisory Board meeting will take place on July 28 at St. Philips, following

lunch, all advisory board members are to attend, please let Fr. Francis know if you are unable to be there.
Pastoral handbook. There is a copy of pastoral handbook in the parish hall, it is to stay

there for all and any parishioner to use and familiarize themselves with this document. It is issued by our eparchial bishop and sets order for parish life, dealing with various aspects of it. It contains helpful instruction both for the pastor and the people. Please make sure you know where to find it and use it as needed.

Liturgical schedule
Tue Jul 9th 6:30 AM Divine Liturgy.

Thu Jul 3

5:30 PM Vespers.


Sun Jul 14th

9:00 AM Confessions. 9:40 AM Prayers 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy.

8th Sunday after Pentecost. Fathers of the Six Ecumenical Councils. Tone 7.

For Confession, please come half an hour earlier to scheduled services, or schedule an appointment. Fridays are days of penance in our liturgical calendar, abstinence from meat foods is observed on that day. Let us support one another through prayer and sacrifices.

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