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this monologue is inspired by the recent but not unpredicable killings of gay people in uganda and all the

homosexual people brutalized today and in history if someone dont stop giving bibles to people in some countries in Africa, the situation will never end we, gay people, born with a special stigma..... we born in a world prepared to hate us, brutalize us, hummiliate us and exterminate us.... all for free, we have nothing to do to provocate it, just born gay... welcome to the christian world some religions dances around fear of women, what i dont understand why, because there is nothing more fearsome than a christian woman, i personally think that is not FEAR but they just want women to think that they are not more than a children factories, to shut up and give birht....... of course, there is nothing can bother that religions more that a man who behaves like a woman (in the superficial sense).... its an absolute no-no for their agenda.... you also cant have a man who dont want to reproduce, because that will be catastrophic their absurd and ridiculous ideas, and the already enormus power and greed can be only maintained above the squeezed backs of a very big number of people . Hear it wel.. VERY BIG NUMBER.. (you know, the biggest the irrationality of an idea, the biggest must be the quantity of people to support it, and you will always have control over big crowds because there is no way of intelligent communincation... its like when you mix efficiently different colors, youll obtain just brown or black, never a rainbow..... and there is almost impossible to go back... well, if you can consider that a person who already form part of a sheep herd can be intelligent).... is not that catholic church consider homosexuality as something wrong. But they MUST make world think that it is, and they have the power can you imagine a society what accepts and considers homosexuality as normal and acceptable? they MUST make men and women think that being straight is the adequate thing under the eyes of god.... that sexual identity is black or white...... church will never accept a rainbow, in ANYTHING, because that will make a society very difficult to manipulate.... can you imagine a society what accepts homsoexuality, bisexuality, and all of the beautiful variations that can prevail without the influence of religion? there will be much more men with men and women with women, loving and having sex eachother without any prejudice or inhibition, and MUCH LESS newborn children to become christians and future money donors... not to forget priests sex toys... christianity must cultivate hatred between men, separate them in all the possible ways and makes the most divine human interaction impossible..... the overpopulation of the majority of countries is only a result of christianity and the ignorance and misery oceans it maintains, nothing else.... why you think catholic church is against abortion, euthanasia, contraception methods, homosexuals and intelligent women,... maintaining you ignorant and thinking that there is no other thing what will give sense to your life than a son..... they are not interested in the mother, the mother can die, she already served their purpose... they want the baby..... they are against contraception methods because there will no be brains to wash for their benefit.... thats all the philosophy of the actual christianity.... there is nothing else, self called christian leaders have no other purpose, not matter how phiosofical and society enlightening they can look....homophobic or not, they only want power and control, they flow in a sea of casuistry christianism it's the most horrendous, despicable, unnatural, evil you can conceive and everybody who baptises their children under that influence can be called, without a doubt, a child abuser, a criminal... i know that these parents havent chosed to be a such insane ignorants, they have been victims of the church too, and, in their lost manipulated minds, they think thhey are doing something good,,, but this is not the truth, my blind sheep.... any kind of belief you force to another person makes you its worst enemy, cuz, in that moment, you kill any possibility of exploration and the enjoyment what true life bring.... and that is what most couples had been doing in recent history, and marriage has been created to make the process of killing your babies brains quicker... the unique purpose of marriage is to make the dissemination of catholicism quicker.... did you think that catholic church is really interested in you and your interests? youre an idiot..... they defend the concept of FAMILY, not the concept of freedom....... they only want you to think that a FAMILY means mommy and daddy, and, of course, a CHILD...... no child, there is no family....... no child, your existance means NOTHING........ YOURE NOTHING without giving birth to a child what will become catholic....... wake up, people..... catholic church is only using you for THEIR benefit, your life means nothing, is your baby who interests them of course, as it absolutely logical, marriage for same sex couples will be considered unnatural, society threatening, depupulating thing and all the terms catholic church invented to demonize gays..... can you iamgine accepting same gender unions as something normal? can you visualize the consequences, the REAL consequences... what kind of contribution can gay marriage bring to catholic church? apart from adoption and subsequent secularization of the new genrations... or what kind of education can you expect for a child adopted by two persons who has being called "abominable to the eyes of god" all their lives, bullied, humilliated by everybody, from schoolmates to parents, and who, in one or another way know that christianity is behind every offense they receive... then gay people usually search for other meaning of life, and they discover a much more deep world, becoming immediately aware that religion is a trivial and dry desert..... i mean, at least if they are not enough idiotic to hate themself for dont noticing it, or, even worse, believing that they are

born with a sin or any kind of magical disease..... but well, that kind of homosexuals exists, cuz stupidity have nothing to do with sexual orientation..... in a short and easily understable word, being a gay christian is like being a black member of the kkk because you think that being black is wrong.... homosexual priests are only a result from stupidity and, or, ignorance.. fenomenons what always drives you to self hatred and cowardy gay priests are, self hating cowards did you understand why church disaaproves gay marriage? first, gay marriage will NOT PROVIDE DESCENDENCE, second, gay couples will turn their babies atheists, artists, intellectuals, and, in general, well educated and valuable people.... and that, in a big scale, is an absolute no no for catholic church,

its logical, gay people will always give more value to their descendence because they must do a much bigger effort to have a child..... its very easy to fuck and make a woman pregnant, its very easy to be a rat, and, what easy comes, its as easily disposable....... and that is what the 90% of straight couples do with their children.. treat them like a disposable and useless intruments..... and catholic church nows that.... or how you will call somebody who destroyes his childs life and freedom by making him a catholic? In an short and easily understable sentence: having a child and making him catholic is like having a child and hitting his head with a hammer for now, gay people only can adopt, so, there will be less overpopulation, and with less overpopulation will be less hungry, less misery, less ignorance, and, as a result, less christians..... catholic church needs misery to subsist, needs hungry, needs low self esteem people...... needs stupidity.... why you think catholic organizations insist in making people see the poor and disadvantaged as the ones who god loves? because this is the people who sucumb quicker to the catholic church claws.... that is the people who reproduces more and they immediately have a bible in their hands, instead of a origin of the species book.... a bible is exclusively written to be understood by people who don't have time to think or just dont want to.... you have even all kind of children versions of bible, but i think all versions are for children... will you take seriously a person who appear in the street and tell you that harry potter told him that he must exterminates you because youre a threat to society cuz youre black or gay? its the same thing with the encounter with any christian, so, why you will see the harry potter guy as ridiculous and a christian as right? there is no difference, both are insane, but church has make you believe that the christian is right.. remember that a lie told you 1000 times becomes true... and, how to dont believe a lie what was told you since youre born? after all, you have been pushed by your ignorant parents.... and church understand it very well... and that is the reason because defends marriage so insistently..... you need begin shaping the peoples minds before they develop any crumb of potential of reasoning, or youll not achieve good results... i mean, if islam makes their children explode a bomb on their bodies, why christianity will not convince people that something is wrong in being a homosexual.... that seems easier that convincing you to kill yoursef.... it works like a charm... christianity just give you one more unjustified reason to hate, for their convenience, of course if youre told from early age that there is a lord of the orgasm, you will today walk with a vibrator necklace around your neck... remember, everything is in your mind... in your disgraceefully shaped mind by christianity... that inhumane, boring, infantile, decaying meat smelling vision of life what some people have, cuz is specially prepared to target poor and ignorant and penetrates them like a poisonous innoculation of cancer developing viruses what will destroy their entire life and kill them slowly.... catholic church dont build hospitals, schools and universities because an altruistic desires, they are all forms of mass control.. no matter how collaborative they can appear... they are brainwashing centers, and their unique purpose is to create new followers... in one or another way.... if they really gives you something useful, they will charge it to you 100 times more expensively at least being black is not any longer called unnatural, it was, or, from where you think racism it comes'??? we today know what melanin purpose is, but, with gays, its more difficult because its a psycological trait, and, no matter how much freuds and jungs we had, we know NOTHING about human psychology..... please, having witnessed that all animals practice same sex encounters, and calling homosexuality a disease until not too many years before ..... you must be a person who borderlines retardation, and that is my psychological theory. there is no single monkey who prays, or a single dog who believes in god... so, the unique behaviour i can call unnatural is being a christian... is the unique thing what pushes backwards everything in touches... so, secretly queers, sttop pushing your inner drag queen between the sword and the wall and let her fly out with all her colorful feathers.... gay people are like the most colorful parrots of the jungle, and they insist to be gray because other truly gray parrots told them that color feather are wrong... how many examples you find in real life of miserable gay souls..... married gay, gay bears full with muscles who cant win a fight with a 6 years old girl, gay actors pretending be james bonds, gay politicians who, even with the power to make a change in their hands they have no balls, dignity or intelligence to do ANYTHING, ... and there is the best one, I recently saw a youtube video with four closeted drag queens singing against mitt romney... ok, the 4 guys make it clear that they are gay, but their msculine acting is so staged that it pains watching how hard they want to finish the recording and start to be a buch of girls again.... i have would preferred the song being what you are, at the end, is what you are asking for, no?

dont be stupid.... there is nothing wrong about being effeminat, its your psychological nature.... of course, it bothers church because confirms that reproduction is not the biggest interest of god, and, if we imagine a myth, we can tyell there are more homosexuals than never, just because nature has noticed how disastrous are the conequences of overpopulation and is trying to do something about, but catholic church is, of course, an unnatural, and pushs against against nature, and makes that even gay men finish being married and having children..... how sad must be a life of a gay guy who need to have an encounter with a vagina every night... did you seriously think that you are obligated to pay a such inhumane price for living? can you imagine a straight man being olbigated to suck a cock every night and to be penetrated in the ass all time just to please god? no, they dont need to do it and they will never do it anyways, cuz they are brainwashed to reproduce and nothing else....... for catholci church, men and women are just an intstruments to maintain their parasitical existance, nothing else....... for any kind of chsristian organization, youre not more than a commodity...... they fabricate you, the grow you op, they make a fat pig from of you (sorry for offending pigs with the comparison), and they slaughter you alive for christmas i feel extreme pity for a gay man who sacrifices this way... FOR NOTHING IN EXCHANGE is easier to make a christian think that to pretend becoming a completely "straight" gay man... i know youre afraid of the consequences, we still live in a very primitive and insane world, but other thing is , actually, believing that there is something wrong with you.... that are two very different things.... one thing is being careful, you know that society sorrunds you is insane and dangerous, specially religious people, and other is thinking that the insane are you, and, trust me, you have nothing to worry about... everybody who looks you bad for being gay, is a very twisted mind.... the unique people who is wrong is the ones who think that there is something wrong about being gay and dont come to me with the biggest myth of today, that there are "completely masucline gay men".... that doesnt exist, as youl will never see a straight man who is completely effeminate, and much less wanting to become a woman.... yes, there exist a very good actors, a lot of "active" gay machos who turns into a flamboyant hairdressers with a slightest drop of alcohol...... stop being stupid and trying to accomodate to the stereotypes of what is wrong and what is not, just be what you body and mind asks you to be.... that is what i would call, a REAL MAN..... if i may... if someone deserves being called faggot, is just the one who have no enough balls to be what he want to be and trigger the changes. And that apply for straight men too, well, maybe specially for straight men christianism is like a snack of pure refined sugar... so sweet tasting that it clooyz, lacks in any complex flavor, well suited for retards and little children who have don't delevoped a complex sense of taste (and how they can, after all, if all what they eat is sugar), and remember, sugar damages your health in the long way... dont be one of these children, grow up and learn to appreciate a good wine.... seriously, i dont understand why civilized world is not being quicker at banning religion and legalizing gay marriage, abortion and other ultra necesary things for the sane development of societies... i mean, what you, powerful people with phd degrees are waiting? it is completely obvious that christianism is a primitive set of ideas what maintains your countries in the backwardness.... if you really want a powerful state and less psychiatrists, eliminate religion completely, ban every thing it tries to makes you think that there are magical solutions... too many discusions between a very high I.Q. people and gay people still have no rights...... it catholic church pays you a billion dollars every time you try to legalize them? i cant understand why this is taking too much time...... i understand that in some countries in africa, but im talking about u.s.a and europe... i will never can consider you a civilized worlds until youre under the influence of christianism..... why so much discussion about what harry potter want's or not? its ridiculous at this point.. is not the technology quantity or scientifical advancement what makes a society civilized. . It can contribute, but is not the essence of it. how irnonical is still reading bible on internet a society cant be considered civilized if there is no equality for everybody, if there is no awarness that sexual orientation or skin color doesnt makes us more or less.. there is no civilized country if governments are still forbidding basic rights for gay people.. did you remember the eras when black people had been exterminated, brutalized and tortured? When white people dont allowed black people the bus seats? Well, the exact same thing is happening with gay people today, because of the rampant anti-gay propaganda of catholic church every mind is contaminated, because every mind have the terrible luck to born under a cross forget equality under the influence of Christianity at this era, the UNIQUE solution for a civilized country is the separation of church and state, is the abolition of any privilege for religion, and, maybe, labelling faith as a mental disorder. Just observe islam.. what you are waiting? Christianity is the same thing, but much worse because is more subtle, less notorious much more dangerous people, stop this nonsense..... what the aliens who created us will think about? did you want they extermiante us for watching how unsuccessful is their experiment resulting? Well, only if catholic church isnt quicker at the job

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