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Project Report

On Bank Management System


(Affiliated to Uttarakhand University and HNB Garhwal University)

SubmitedToRakesh Arya

Submited BySudeep singh Rawat Shweta Bhakuni

This is to certify that this report embodies the original work done by SUDEEP SINGHH RAWAT , SHWETA BHAKUNI during this report submission as a partial fulfilment of the requirement for the subjectPROJECT(BCA-PR) Bachelors of Computer Application VI Semester, of the H.N.B Garhwal University, Shrinagar.

Dr. PradeepSuri, Director U.I.M Dehradun

Mr.RakeshArya Sr. Lecturer U.I.M Dehradun

Dr HimanshuBahuguna, H.O.D, U.I.M Dehradun

The satisfaction that accompanies that successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless Cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement Crown all efforts with success.

I am grateful to our project guide Mr. RakeshAryaSir for the guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestion that helpful us in the preparation of this project.

I also thank my colleagues, all faculty members who always have helped in knowledge imparting and motivating for successful completion of the project.


SNO Topic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction FEASIBILITY STUDY Analysis Design Implementation Testing Scope Bibliography


We have designed a Project that is like a Bank where we have to trying to some of the basis of the activities that is done in bank. In our project the user can see all the account, can create his own account, can withdraw amount, can deposit and can also update his/her account and delete his/her account. We have seven form the first is form is main which has link to all other forms. In first form we have buttons for Opening a new account, deleted a account , updating the account, withdrawing the amount, deposit and viewing all the account that are present in the database. When user click to open new account button another form appear that some field should be fill be user like user name, account number, fathers name, mothers name and so on. After the user has fill the form he/she can click to Create button for creating the account of given information to reset click to reset button and to go back click to Back button. After the account has successfully created the account message box appear that will give the message that the account is created or not. After the creation of the account now the user can do all activities like depositing amount, withdrawing the amount and updating his/her account. When the user click to deposit button in the main form then a new form appear that take the account number, data of deposition, amount and through which the amount is being is deposited(Cash, Cheque, draft). After filling the field user can click to deposit button for the deposition of the amount to go back user can click to back button. If user has to withdrawn the amount from his account user can click to Withdrawn button. When user click to Withdrawn button a new form appear where user has to fill account number, date , amount and by which mean amount is been withdrawn. To update the account user can click to Update button the main form. A new form appear where first

user has to fill his account number then has to click in Go button, now the required data is present in the required field. Now user can make changes what he/she want to make. After the change user can click to update for updating and back to go back. To see all the account present in the database user can click to View all record in the main form a new form appears that has all the records.

The feasibility study proposes one or more conceptual solution to the problem set of the project. In fact, it is an evaluation of whether it is worthwhile to proceed with project or not. Feasibility analysis usually considers a number of project alternatives, one that is chosen as the most satisfactory solution. These alternatives also need to be evaluated in a broad way without committing too many resources. Various steps involved in feasibility analysis are: 1. To propose a set of solution that can realize the project goal. These solutions are usually descriptions of what the new system should look like. 2. Evaluation of feasibility of such solutions. Such evaluation often indicates shortcomings in the initial goals. This step is repeated as the goals are adjusted and the alternative solutions are evaluated. Four primary areas of interest in feasibility study are:

Economic Feasibility: An evaluation of development cost weighed against

the ultimate income of benefit derived from the development system of product.

Technical Feasibility: A study of function, performance, and constraints that

may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system.

Legal Feasibility: A determination of any infringement, violation, or liability

that could result from development of the system.

Alternatives: An evaluation of alternative approaches to the development of

system or product.

PRODUCT DEFINITION:-We have come to final
Conclusion that after analyzing the existing system of the Solitaire Software. We came to that it is very difficult for the person to maintain records manually same in that case with the person who is managing Books like ledgers etc so in order to provide the bank with such a system that help them easy in maintaining the record of the customers , we are going with this project .The operation perform by this project are maintenance the information of the Customers that are dealing with the bank. 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT a. Data redundancy and inconsistency. i. Difference in accessing data ii. Data isolation. iii. Security problem iv. Communication gap v. Update problem 2. FANCTIONLITY TO BE PROVIDED:i. Maintenance of New Account Holders Records. ii. Maintenance of daily Transaction that areongoing in the bank. iii. Maintenance of Different Account for the annual closing of Account Books. iv. Searching Criterion.

3. PROCESS ENVIROMENT HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE i. Operating system is a platform on which the specified application will be used .once it has been complete ,the software we are about to make , will execute on both client machine and server machine. ii. Configuration:1st O/S- window xp, window vista, window 7, window 8. 2nd RAM- min. 512MB 3rd Hard diskMin. 512 MB

iii. Tool used:1st Front end tool:- Microsoft Visual studio 2012 2nd Back end tool used:- Microsoft access

1. Database design a. Login table
Field Name
username password dept

Data type
Text Text Text

Primary key

b. New_Acc Table
Felid Name
AcNo name FathersName MothersName Address CorrespondingAddress Gender Age Phone IDProof AccountType Card Type Datee Deposit

Data Type
Number Text Text Text Text Text Number Number Text Text Text Text Date/Time number

Primary key

c. Tractions Table
Felid Name
Accno datee Amount type

Data Type
Number Date/Time Number Text

Primary key

This is login form in which only authentically person can access this password

In this form there are two label box two textbox and one button. In the first textbox we will input username and textbox we input password for that user. The login button will check if correct user is enter or not and pass to the next page.

The form is our main of our application in which our main task is done

In this form there are 8 buttons:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Open New account:- This button is for create a new account in bank Withdrawal: - This button is for withdrawal amount from bank. Deposit: - This button is for deposit amount from bank. Update Account:-This button is for updating account of a particular user Delete Account:- This button is for deleting the account of a particular user Report:-This button is for generate report for this project Logout:- This button is for logout the user Exit:- This button is for exit from this software

1. Open New Account: The design of this form is :

This is the form that appears after clicking on the Open new account button which contains 12 labels, 12 textboxes and 3 buttons. This is the registration form that takes the detail about the customer who has to open the account. The information that it take are such as about Name, Fathers Name, Mothers Name, Address, Corresponding Address, phone number, ID Proof, Account Type, Deposited amount, age, gender. It has textboxes for entering information which is asked in the label boxes. It has also comprises of groupbox that has two radio buttons first for male and second for female customer. It also comprises

a group box that has two radio buttons first to take ATM/Debit card and the second not to take it. It also has three buttons first named as Create by clicking on this buttons the given completely filled form will be submitted to the database of the bank and the new account has been created. Second button named as reset button that will reset the current form and implies all the textboxes in the form. The third button is for Back that will close the current form and get back to main form.

2.Withdrawal form: The design of this form is :

This is the form 3 named as withdrawal form which have 4 labels, 3 textboxes, 2 buttons and 1 combobox. In it first textbox is for entering the account number from which the amount has to be withdrawal second textbox is for entering the amount which has to be withdrawal. Third textbox is for entering the data on which the transaction has been made. The third is combobox from which employee of the bank can choose the withdrawal type by which the transaction has been made. They are of two type first is self and the second is by cheque. There are two buttons first is withdrawal by clicking on this transaction has been made and the mentioned amount is been credited from the account. Second button is for Back of

customer dont want to withdraw the amount or if the amount is not sufficient in the account then clicking on this button will closes the form and returns to the main form.

3.Deposit form: The design of this form is:

This is the form4 named as withdrawal form which has 4 labels, 3 textboxes, 2buttons and one combobox. On it first textbox is for entering the account number in which the amount has to be deposit. Second textbox is for entering the amount which has to be deposited. Third textbox is for entering the date of the day for which amount has to be deposited. The third is combobox through which the employee of the bank can choose the depositing type. These are of three types first Cash, second Cheque and the third one is Draft. There are two buttons first is Deposit by clicking on this button the amount entered in the textbox are deposited to the A/C mentioned in the textbox. Second button is for Back if the customer doesnt want to deposit the amount or by the mistake of employee the form opens the employee can back by it by clicking to it and backs to main form.

4. Update Account: The design of this form is:

This form appear when use click to Update Account in main form. This form is used to update the user account. First the user has to enter his/her account number in the required field the then have to click to go button. The record now appear the required field now it ready for updating and the record of the user get updated when the user click to update form. It get back focus to main form when user click to back button .

5. Delete Account: The design of this form is:

This form appear when use click to Delete Account in main form. This form is used to delete the user account. First the user has to enter his/her account number in the required field the then have to click to go button. The record now appear the required field record of the user get deleted when the user click to deleted button form. It get back focus to main form when user click to back button.

6. Report: The design of this form is:-

In this there are 4 buttons:1) View all Account :- This will show all the account

2) Show Transition Between dates

3) Highest Amount of a customer: - This Button will show highest amount on bank of individual account holder.

Testing cases
1) Only Authentic person can use this software

2) Only valid user can be our account holder( age should be greater than 16 and less than 60)

3) The Phone should be equal to 10 digit

4) Initial Amount should not zero

5) In the Create new user account none of the felid should be empty

6) None of the felid should be other than number in deposit form

7) None of the felid should be other than number in Withdrawal form


This project can be handled in future by doing various modifications like: 1) We can go further for Online Banking. 2) We can establish and start various Branches and available help centers for Account Holders Queries. 3) We can also deal through internet by creating WebPages and a banking website for internet dealing. 4) To attract Account Holders we can offer various offers during festivals months. 5) We can also deal in various types of Banking Transactions.


a. B o o k o n V i s u a l B a s i c . N e t 2 0 0 3 B y Steven Holzner


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