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Genetic Of 'Kindness' Jakarta, Sigmanews- Is it true that there are people who are born evil and some

are indeed born to be a good person? Does that make a person tends to behave in a positive, helpful, sympathetic, friendly, understanding, always had empathy? And what about people who have rough nature, crabby, emotional, uncaring, and selfish? Much research has been done about it, and some researchers found that there is a particular gene variant that makes people have different characters and personalities. Alexander Kogan, a psychology researcher at the University of Toronto Mississauga Canada argued that research results indicate the presence of a genetic variation that can be used to predict how a person will act. In the research it was found that if there is a high content of oxytocin in the blood, there will be an increase in prosocial feelings such as trust, empathy, generous, and kindness. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide hormone in the body which is known to be associated with the properties of trust, social, and love. Oxytocin receptor gene affect how well and prosocial whether someone judge others. The research team Dr. Kogan check that there are variations in the oxytocin receptor gene to see whether the genetic variance can be a determinant of how a person would be a 'good person'. The results of research Dr. Kogan showed that a person who has a homozygous G allele in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) tends to be more prosocial than people who carry the allele A in the gene. In the research to identify the genotype of 46 people, divided into 23 couples, whether those people have a gene variation GG, AG, or AA. Thirdly variation of the gene known to have the relationship with maternal instincts, empathy, positive emotions, and a greater ability to face of stress. Every person who is the object of the study was asked to tell a particular event that is considered sad, while others who became her partner will assess how empatikah person who told it. Turns observations showed that 6 out of 10 people who are prosocial have the GG genotype, and 9 out of 10 people who have problems in trusting someone has AA or AG genotype. Conclusions can be drawn from the research serve targeted are the ones with the GG genetic variation were more character and prosocial attitudes than those who have a genetic AG or AA. But Dr. Kogan said that studies conducted with his team is only one small piece of a big puzzle of how to predict the goodness of a person's character. Kogan also mentions that the environment and life experiences also play an important role in shaping a person's behavior. Lara Saslow and Sarina Rodriguez of the University of Oregon also found that the people with a particular gene variant of the oxytocin receptor (GG) turned out to be good at reading the emotional state of others and be able to break away from the stress he faced. Other hormones are also thought to have had an influence on a person's social behavior is the hormone of vasopressin. of vasopressin gene AVPRaRS1 and AVPRaRS3 have 3 versions of the short-short, short-term, and long-term. Long-term version of the genes associated with a greater sense of empathy, social anxiety is lower, and the risk of autism research about the factors that affect psychosocial done by Dacher Keltner of the University of California Berkeley. Keltner found that a nerve, the vagus nerve, associated with the emergence of feelings of being treated, guarded, and protected. The vagus nerve is a collection of nerves that originate from the spinal marrow. This nerve is closely linked to the activity of the body's vital organs like heart, lungs, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.

Research shows that when the vagus nerve is activated, the body produces feelings such as feeling comfortable, warm, or feel 'touched' to something seen or experienced. Therefore referred to as the vagus nerve of compassion, which activates nerve feeling 'sorry' to someone. The vagus is also thought to stimulate certain muscles in the voice-box that is manifested in a communication between a person and another person. Other researchers stated that the possibility of vagus also associated with oxytocin receptor gene. The people with the high activity of the vagus nerve would likely have perasaanperasaan that lead to altruistic traits such as compassion, respect for others, love, and joy. Nancy Eisenberg, a researcher from the University of Arizona said that ank-child with a high activity of the vagus nerve would be able to be more cooperative and would rather give something to others. Research on the influence of genetic factors on the nature of goodness in a person as described above is still the initial steps. As revealed by Dr. Kogan that further research is still needed to determine how the effect of specific gene variants on the behavior and habits of a person who will ultimately determine the character of 'goodness' of the person. Author: Sussi WiDi Kurniasih

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