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Ay Nicaragua, Nicaragita La flor ms linda de mi querer Abonada con la bendita, Nicaragita, Sangre de Diriangn. Ay Nicaragua sos ms dulcita Que la mielita de Tamagas Pero ahora que ya sos libre, Nicaragita, Yo te quiero mucho ms Pero ahora que ya sos libre, Nicaragita, Yo te quiero mucho ms Carlos Meja Godoy

ALFORJA CAMPESINA Alforja campesina pinolera, Sos el mero escapulario de mi tierra; Cuando vienes del pueblo bien cargada Te pareces a una indita embarazada. Alforja campesina proletaria, Olorosa a trigo nuevo y a quebrada. Yo te quiero por ser hija de mi brazo, Y hermanita menor del calabazo. Dicen que en un chilamate Juan Camenate muri, Los pocoyos siempre cantan Donde el campesino cay. Ya viene la fiesta de agosto, Ya los chinamos ya estn en pie, Ennavaja el gallo giro Que a don Casimiro le merqu. Novia ma, en esta noche Un regalo para vos. Una flor de Sacuanjoche Que cort en la cuesta del Coyol. Yo te ofrezco en esta ronda Mi inflamado corazn, Que es una cosa redonda Cargadita de ilusin. Carlos Meja Godoy

NICARAGUA MA Con un pedazo de cielo mi Nicaragua se form, por eso es lindo este suelo: el suelo donde nac yo. Sus lagos son serenatas, maravilloso talismn, son dos leyendas de plata el Cocibolca y Xolotln. QU LINDA, LINDA ES NICARAGUA, BENDITA DE MI CORAZN; SI HAY UNA TIERRA EN TODO EL CONTINENTE HERMOSA Y VALIENTE ESA ES MI NACIN! SOY PURO PINOLERO, NICARAGENSE POR GRACIA DE DIOS. La raza nicaragense sabe de luchas y de honor, y luce altiva en su frente los esplendores de su sol. Slo en Daro se explica la inmensidad de su creacin, tena que ser un nica del mundo entero admiracin. Qu linda, linda es Nicaragua...! Soy puro pinolero... Bella y valiente de veras es la mujer que aqu naci, igual a Rafaela Herrera que a los piratas derrot. Con un mantn de acuarelas, con los paisajes de un tapiz, con noches de lentejuelas, as se viste mi pas. Qu linda, linda es Nicaragua...! Tino Lpez Guerra

NO SE ME RAJE MI COMPA Cuenta Mercho Maldonado En la bajura del ro platic con tres muchachos Vestidos de verde olivo Teman dijo el campisto Limpia, limpia la mirada Piensen en la serenita exactita al ojo de agua Piensen en la serenita exactita al ojo de agua Coro No se me raje mi compa no se me ponga chispn Que la patria necesita su coraje y su valor No se me raje mi hermano No vuelva a ver para atrs La milpa est reventando Y es tiempo de cosechar Te acords de aquel muchacho el que venda tortillas se sali del seminario pa meterse en la guerrilla muri como todo un hombre all por el cementerio cometi el atroz delito de agarrar la vida en serio cometi el atroz delito de agarrar la vida en serio Coro No se me raje mi compa no se me ponga chispn que la patria necesita su coraje y su valor No se me raje mi hermano no vuelva a ver para atrs que la milpa est reventando y es tiempo de cosechar Me contaba el otro da el que tortur a Ricardo

me daban miedo las chispas de sus grandes ojo claros Jams pudimos sacarle ms palabras que las mismas soy y ser militante de la causa sandinistas soy y ser militante de la causa sandinista Coro No se me raje mi compa no se me ponga chispn Que la patria necesita su coraje y su valor No se me raje mi hermano No Vuelva a ver para atrs La milpa est reventando Y es tiempo de cosechar Dijo Julio Antonio Mega si me pongo reprechero no perdone camarada ni el ms leve parpadeo si me espiaban saseguime si paro empjame y si acaso retrocedo ah mismo liqudame y si a caso retrocedo ah mismo liqudame Coro No se me raje mi compa no se me ponga chispn que la patria necesita su coraje y su valor No se me raje mi hermano no vuelva a ver para atrs que la milpa est reventando y es tiempo de cosechar. Carlos Meja Godoy

LA TULA CUECHO Gertrudis Traa, as se llama, pero en el barrio del Coyolar todos la nombran la Tula Cuecho', por el derecho de calumniar; a flor de labio maneja el chisme, nadie se puede de ella capear, si est inspirada, de una sentada destruye la honra del ms high life', si est inspirada, de una sentada destruye la honra del ms high life'. Tan larga es la lengua de la Tula Cuecho' que cuando la saca y la desempaca le llega hasta el pecho, y segn me cuenta Silverio, el quemn, en la cartera lleva de perenne su alta tarjeta de portacin. Desde las playas de Poneloya, hasta los rieles de la estacin, no hay una lengua ms viperina que se le cuadre en comparacin, todos le tiemblan a la tal Tula, por Cristo, no es exageracin, hasta el caballo de Arrechavala dicen que un da se le corri, hasta el caballo de Arrechavala dicen que un da se le corri. Tan larga es la lengua de la Tula Cuecho' que cuando la saca y la desempaca le llega hasta el pecho, y segn me cuenta Silverio, el quemn, en la cartera lleva de perenne su alta tarjeta de portacin. Cuando a la esquina del Camipro' llega la Tula a tomar pozol, todos le dicen Doa Gertrudis'

con especial consideracin, ella se siente muy bien pagada de las sonrisas de todo Len, pues con su lengua desenvainada no tiene miedo ni al batalln, pues con su lengua desenvainada no tiene miedo ni al batalln. Tan larga es la lengua de la Tula Cuecho' que cuando la saca y la desempaca le llega hasta el pecho, y segn me cuenta Silverio, el quemn, en la cartera lleva de perenne su alta tarjeta de portacin. No es porque me importe meterme en tu vida, pero me di cuenta que ya la barriga te viene creciendo desde que Rosendo te jug maraa, que tens la maa de hacerle caritas a cualquier bayunco, y que hasta el cusuco de la sastrera te hizo ya el mandado hace varios das, que sos la ms zngana de Zaragoza, que me parta un rayo si es falsa la cosa, pues me han confirmado que sos pizpireta, que tens dos nios de Chico Chancleta, que a don Seferino le robaste un radio, que fuiste mujer de Lorenzo y Heladio, y mejor no sigo mencionando jaos, pues la agitacin slo produce dao y con esto basta para todo el ao. (X2) Tan larga es la lengua de la Tula Cuecho' que cuando la saca y la desempaca le llega hasta el pecho, y segn me cuenta Silverio, el quemn, en la cartera lleva de perenne su alta tarjeta de portacin. Carlos Meja Godoy

CLODOMIRO EL AJO En el Barrio La Reynaga al final de aquel atajo vive Clodomiro Artiaga a quin le dicen 'El ajo' Clodomiro es entenado como bien lo sabes vos del celador mal pagado de la farmacia de Cleto Urrs del celador mal pagado de la farmacia de Cleto Urrs Clodomiro, Clodomiro, Para dnde vas tan serio? Voy a ver un partidito all por el cementerio. Y en asuntos de mujeres, cmo te trata la vida? Me defiendo, me defiendo como gato panza arriba En la farmacia surtida del mentado Cleto Urrs tiene bretis Clodomiro, es el 'catchime Boy' el boticario sin dientes a la calle lo mand oigan amigos presentes lo que al ajo le pas oigan amigos presentes lo que al ajo le pas - A ver Clodomiro. - Si patroncito - Andate a la ferretera y me comprs Una libra de clavos y un formn - Una libra de clavos y un formn - No, no, no, no..... ,tens que apuntarlo porque sino se te olvida - No se me olvida patroncito, yo tengo un truquito para que no se me olvide - Cmo es el truquito? - ahhhh, le pongo musiquita - Cmo que le pones musiquita? - oiga Una libra de clavos y un formn (BIS 4X) Clodomiro, Clodomiro, Para dnde vas tan serio? Voy a ver un partidito all por el cem..... Una libra de clavos y un formn (BIS 2X) Y en asuntos de mujeres, cmo te trata la vida? Me defiendo, me defiendo como gato pan.... Una libra de clavos y un formn (BIS 2X)

Clodomiro como siempre en la calle se top con su cuate Picoe Liendre que es un gran vacilador Clodomiro por vergenza la estrategia transform y en vez de la cancioncita, solo la msica chifl y en vez de la cancioncita, solo la msica chifl Clodomiro, Clodomiro, Para dnde vas tan serio? Voy a ver un partidito all por el cem..... (Silbido) Y en asuntos de mujeres, cmo te trata la vida? Me defiendo, me defiendo como gato pan.... (Silbido) Cuando a la ferretera el ajo lleg por fin le pregunt el dependiente En qu te puedo servir? Clodomiro muy tranquilo de su truco musical le silb la cancioncita con toda seguridad le silb la cancioncita con toda seguridad - Esto es lo que vengo a comprar, o, o! (Silbidos) - Bueno, bueno, bueno, pero qu significa ese silbido? hombre, rpido que estoy muy ocupado - Y yo qu culpa tengo si no entends nada, te lo voy a barajar despacito, al suave, al suave, o (Silbidos) SILENCIO - Un momento, o me decs lo que quers, o te saco a puetazo limpio de aqu de la ferretera, ajo tonto - Ahh, es que ya me llev el diablo, fjate que yo me acuerdo bien de la musiquita, pero se me olvid la letra Clodomiro, Clodomiro, Que jue pap! Para dnde vas tan serio? Voy a ver un partidito all por el cementerio. Y en asuntos de mujeres, cmo te trata la vida? Me defiendo, me defiendo como gato panz... Luis Enrique Meja Godoy

SON TUS PERJMENES, MUJER Son tus perjmenes mujer, los que me sulibeyan, los que me sulibeyan, son tus perjmenes mujer Tus ojos son de colibr, ay como me aleteeeeeyaaaannnnn.. ay como me aleteeeeeeeyaaaaaannnnn.. tus ojos son de colibr. Son tus perjmenes mujer, los que me sulibeyan, los que me sulibeyan, son tus perjmenes mujer Tus labios ptalos en flor, como me soripeyan, como me soripeyan, tus labios ptalos en flor. Son tus perjmenes mujer, los que me sulibeyan, los que me sulibeyan, son tus perjmenes mujer Tus pechos cntaros de miel, como reverbereyan, como reverbereyan, tus pechos cntaros de miel. Son tus perjmenes mujer, los que me sulibeyan, los que me sulibeyan, son tus perjmenes mujer Tu cuerpo chcaro mi bien, ay! como me almareeeeyaaaaa, ay! como me almareeeeyaaaaaaa, tu cuerpo chcaro mi bien. Carlos Meja Godoy

PALOMITA GUASIRUCA Palomita guasiruca ven que ya es hora, ven que ya es hora, asmate a la ventana y vers la aurora, y vers la aurora. [BIS] Y al salir ese sol juntos los dos nos iremos, Lolita, t llevaras los remos, yo llevara el amor. Lolita linda, si me quisieras yo te mercara, yo te mercara, una lanchita de remos para que paseramos, para que paseramos. [BIS] Mi guasiruquita, linda palomita, venite mamita, que te voy a acurrucar. Ay currucuchita, mi coloconchita, Venite mamita que te voy a acurrucar. [Se repite todo] Y al salir ese sol juntos los dos nos iremos, Lolita t llevaras los remos, yo llevara el amor. Luis Enrique Meja Godoy

ENTRE REMOLINOS Dejo caer en mi arena sus pies dejo saber en mis labios su sed juntos probamos la noche el suave murmullo, el imn y la flor fuimos casi un muro, casi viento, casi sal fuimos casi nada y todo de una sola vez todo de una sola vez Los dedos iban tanteando entre piel y piel era el reconocimiento de sudores de su nombre fuimos casi muro casi viento casi sal fuimos casi nada y todo de una sola vez todo de una sola vez Coro: Y nos quedamos ah como bordando el dolor como sacando del mar el rostro para llorar y nos quedamos ah con la certeza de estar enredados entre remolinos y su amor Los dedos iban tanteando entre piel y piel era el reconocimiento de sudores de su nombre fuimos casi muro casi viento casi sal fuimos casi nada y todo de una sola vez todo de una sola vez Coro: Y nos quedamos ah como bordando el dolor como sacando del mar el rostro para llorar y nos quedamos ah con la certeza de estar enredados entre remolinos y su amor.(3x) Perro Zompopo

QUINCHO BARRILETE De la marimba de chavalos de la Tirsa este tal Quincho se las gana a los dems con sus diez aos no cumplidos todava es hombre serio, como pocos en su edad. Mientras su mama se penquea en la rebusca Quincho se faja como todo un tayacn maana y tarde vende bolis en los buses para que puedan sus hermanos estudiar. Que viva Quincho, Quincho Barrilete, hroe infantil de mi ciudad, que vivan todos los chavalos de mi tierra, ejemplo vivo de pobreza y dignidad. Que viva Quincho, Quincho Barrilete su nombre, no se olvidar, porque en las calles, plazas, parques y barriadas el pueblo lo repetir. Joaqun Carmelo viene a ser solo un membrete que le pusieron en la pila bautismal, pero su nombre de combate es Barrilete le cae al pelo, con su personalidad. All en el Open, vive desde el terremoto, a hacer lechuzas este Quincho es un campen, por un cheln, te hace un cometa prodigioso para ponerle un telegrama al colochn. El tiempo sigue, incontenible, su camino y el chavalito que vivi en el Open tres no volver a ponerse ms pantaln chingo ni la gorrita con la visera al revs. Un da va a enrollar la cuerda del cometa y muy feliz mirando al sol se marchar enfrentar las realidades de su pueblo y con los pobres de su patria luchar. Carlos Meja Godoy


The dance of the Unsecurities is the representative dance of Nicaragua. His content is eminently loving. It reflects the elegant and urgent courtship of the Spanish to the Nicaraguan indies; a flirting insistent, but chivalrous, exempt from lasciviousness; an invitation to the love, presented in respectful form though carried away. The prominent figures or protagonists, are socially unequal beings, belonging to races and absolutely different civilizations. The male is of better social condition, of white European race, conqueror of these lands and consequently, of dominant category. The woman is a humble indigenous American, of the conquered and dominated lands. THE OLD MAN AND THE OLD WOMAN

It is Carazo's representative dance that satirizes the longevity. This dance is realized in DIRIAMBA, during the Celebrations in honor to San Sebastian. The protagonists are The Old man and The Old woman, characterized by two males masked and disguised with eccentric pomps. The Old man dresses of suit, uses hat, cane and his mask of wood has in the mouth a Havana cigar. The pomp of The Old woman is very colouring (similar to that of the Negresses' Dance), hat uses mask and a handkerchief in the hand that gives him many grace on having danced. They dance to the sound of the woodpecker and of the drum, though nowadays also they dance to the sound of the marimba. This couple of "old codgers" they cause many grace on having danced, since the wideawake old woman moves his beautiful back before the tired elder, who does a great effort not to stay in ridiculously moving since it can.


The dance, according to an expert in folklore, is very ancient and already it has disappeared of the popular tradition. Nowadays only it is interpreted in professional productions. The dance represents the death and burial of the zopilote, negative personage characterized by this bird carroera. The dance is realized by the happy song The zopilote died, that interprets to the sound of chicheros (philharmonic group). MAY POLE

This dance is one of the most important inside the Nicaraguan folklore. The May Pole has as motive call to the life and the rain in order that the crops are productive.

PINTO ROOSTER Ingredients: 1 pound of rice 1 pound of beans Onion Pepper Garlic 1 Laurel's leaf Oil Salt Method: First, set to boil the beans (of preference red Creole nica) with water, salt, a head of garlics and Laurel's leaf. When the beans are cooked, reserve them. Then cook the rice of a traditional way (first fry the onion and the pepper then adds the rice until it should be gilded and add the water double, it stops to cook to strong fire and when the majority of water is evaporated, lower the fire and cover the rice, and it stops to cook approximately 5 minutes more). In a frying pan, he adds oil, cold onion and the beans a bit, then add the rice and a bit of the broth of beans, mix good and after-taste to cook to average fire approximately 8 minutes more. Serve warmly; it is very good as accompaniment or as principal plate with cheese or fried eggs!

BAHO 8 to 10 servings Ingredients Beef brisket, cut into large strips -- 4 pounds Tomatoes, seeded and chopped -- 3 Green peppers, seeded and thinly sliced -- 2 Onions, thinly sliced -- 3 Garlic, chopped -- 8 to 10 cloves Orange juice -- 1 cup Lime juice -- 1 cup Salt -- 4 tablespoons Green plantains, peeled and halved crosswise -- 4 Ripe plantains or bananas, peeled and halved crosswise -- 4 Cassava, peeled and cut into large pieces -- 2 pounds Banana leaves Cabbage slaw -- 1 recipe

Method In a large non-reactive bowl, mix the beef with the tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, orange juice, lime juice and salt. Cover, refrigerate and marinate overnight. Add about 4 inches of water to a tamalera or large (5-gallon) pot. (You may have to use two pots if you don't have one big enough to hold the baho in one batch.) Place a rack in the bottom of the pot, or toss in enough wadded up aluminum foil to hold the ingredients out of the water. Place a plate on top of the rack or aluminum foil. Line the plate and the sides of the pot with banana leaves, letting the leaves hang over the edge of the pot. Make sure the pot is fully lined with leaves, with no openings. Lay the green and ripe plantains on the bed of banana leaves. Remove the meat from its marinade and layer it over the plantains. Top the beef with a layer of cassava. Finally, pour the meat marinade and vegetables over the cassava. Take the banana leaves hanging over the edge of the pot and fold them over to completely cover the ingredients in the pot. Cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid. Bring the water to a boil over medium-high flame. Reduce heat to medium and simmer for about 4 hours. Add water as necessary to keep it from all evaporating.

Baho is traditionally served on a banana leaf. Each diner gets a piece of ripe plantain, a piece of green plantain, a piece of cassava and a portion of meat. This is all topped with a healthy portion of cabbage slaw. NACATAMALES (NATIONAL FOOD) Ingredients Dough Masa harina -- 6 cups Lard or shortening -- 1 cup Salt -- 1 tablespoon Sour orange juice (see variations) -- 1/2 cup Chicken stock or broth -- 4-5 cups

Filling Pork butt, cubed -- 3 pounds Salt and pepper -- to season Rice, soaked in warm water for 30 minutes -- 3/4 cup Potatoes, peeled, sliced into 1/4-inch rounds -- 1/2 pound Onion, sliced into 1/4-inch rounds -- 1 Bell pepper, sliced into 1/4-inch rounds -- 2 Tomatoes, sliced into 1/4-inch rounds -- 2 Mint -- 1 bunch

Assembly Banana leaves, hard spine removed and cut into 10x10-inch rectangles -- 12 pieces Aluminum foil, cut into 10x10-inch rectangles -- 12 pieces Method Place the masa harina, lard or shortening and salt in the bowl of an electric mixer. Blend on a low speed to incorporate the fat into the masa harina and give it a mealy texture. You may have to do this and the next step in two batches if your mixer bowl is not large enough to hold all the ingredients without overflowing. With the mixer still on low speed, add the sour orange juice and enough chicken stock to make a soft, moist dough. It should be a little firmer than mashed potatoes. Increase the mixer speed to medium-high and beat for 2-3 minutes to incorporate some air into the masa and make it fluffier. Cover the bowl and set the masa aside to rest for at least 30 minutes.

Season the pork with salt and pepper. Drain the rice. Assemble all of your filling ingredients and assembly items on a large table or work surface. Gather family and friends to help in an assembly line. Lay out a banana leaf square with the smooth side up. Place 1 cup of the masa in the middle of the banana leaf and, using wetted hands, spread it out a little. Put about 1/2 cup of pork on top of the masa and sprinkle 1 or 2 tablespoons of rice over the pork. Lay 1 or 2 slices of potato on top of the pork and then top with 1 or 2 pieces of onion, 1 or 2 pieces of pepper and a slice of tomato. Top it all off with a few mint leaves. Fold the top edge of the banana leaf down over the filling. Bring the bottom edge of the banana leaf up over this. Then fold in both sides to make a rectangular package. Be careful not to wrap it too tightly or the filling will squeeze out. Flip the package over so it is seam side down. Set the tamal in the middle of an aluminum foil square and wrap it up tightly the same way you wrapped up the banana leaf. Set aside and repeat with the remaining ingredients to make 10 to 12 nacatamales in total. Add 2 or 3 inches of water to a tamalera or pot large enough to hold all thenacatamales. (You may have to use two pots if you don't have one big enough to hold the nacatamales in one batch.) Place a rack in the bottom or toss in enough wadded up aluminum foil to hold the nacatamales mostly out of the water. Add thenacatamales and bring to a boil over high heat. Cover tightly, reduce heat to low and steam for 3 to 4 hours. Add more water as needed to keep the pot from boiling dry. Remove the nacatamales from the pot, take off their aluminum foil covering and serve hot. Each diner opens the banana leaf on his or her own nacatamal before eating.

PINOLILLO (NATIONAL DRINK) 3 or 4 servings Ingredients White cornmeal -- 1/4 cup Milk -- 2 cups Water -- 2 cups Cocoa powder -- 1/4 cup Sugar -- 3 teaspoons Cinnamon -- 1/2 teaspoon

Macu: The drink of the sweet enchantment Ingredients 1 oz of Rum Flor de Caa White Extra Dry 1 oz of guava juice 1 oz of orange juice oz of lemon juice 1/3 oz de Syrup A slice of orange A green stemmed lime cherry

CHILLED PINEAPPLE AND RICE DRINK Ingredients The skin/rind of one pineapple 2 cups of sugar 1 cup of plain uncooked white rice 1 cinnamon stick 3 cloves 10 cups of water


He was a friar in times of the Cologne, which was defending the aborigens and they murdered it on February 6, 1550. They beheaded it and his head rolled about the streets of Len's city. They count that the father without head, walks suffering and it passes the nights crossing the village. Gloria's Saturday was walking along the tunnels that they were communicating to the basements of Len's Cathedral. He says the tradition that one appears to the men and women who go out by night and who the priest haunts them and guides them up to the church of the people where the priest sings mass in Latin. At the moment of the consecration, on having faced the consequences the priest meets him without head and is soaking blood between his hands. Terrified it goes out of that place and stays several weeks without speech.


There is many years, in the first days of the Cologne, the news of the golden deposits that according to reputation existed in the domains of the Chief of Sbaco's third Ville, it took there many Spanish, who were very well got by the Indian, who delivered them golden tamarinds in order that they them were sending to the king of Spain. After the obsequiousness, the Chief asked the foreigners to move away and to return. These showed off to do it, but to a little time they returned; and this time with deliberate intentions of subduing the Indian chief. Having known it this one, he hid his exchequers. Only his daughter knew the secret of the hiding place. The Spanish were defeated. The time happened and having come one of the children of the Spanish defeated old men, he fell in love passionately with the daughter of the Chief, who was very beautiful. This one corresponded the love; and as good she knew that his father would be opposed roundly to the marriage, he fled with the Spanish. Generous, it gave to his European lover the wealths that it was possessing and this one, satisfied, and not waiting anything for any more of the poor Indies, it enclosed it in the cave of a hill and covered his exit; but she, knowledgeable of the place, managed to escape for another place. The attitude of his lover caused the loss of the judgment and turned into the witch The Mocuana... Since then one appears in the ways and invites the transients to follow it up to the cave. The people say that they could never have seen the face; only his long and bending figure and his precious hair.


One hears much speaking about the goblins throughout; they take the children to themselves without baptizing in the blink of an eye. As the people say in the peoples and regions, that the goblins are bad spirits, they are a few dwarfs who have the sole upsidedown, cover dresses of red and walk in Indian (row one after other one), always in groups of five. They live in the mounts. The hour of exit is between nine after eight in the morning any day. It is said that the goblins are invisible for the eyes of the adults, only the small children and the mute ones see them and of the fear they put to cry. Because of it they say that it is never necessary to leave an alone child because the goblins steal it from him and take it to him to the mountain and turn it into goblin if it has not been baptized, though also it is said that the goblins take the children to themselves already baptized to lose them in the mountains. The goblins are like five-year-old children but with old men's face. They are brown with characteristics of Indians, of short, smooth hair. They also like the young girls without marrying. They invite them to that they remain to living with them.

THE GEGENSE In the 17th century, in the streets of a small colonial Nicaraguan city governed by authorities Spanish and lived for indigenous and half-caste, a comedy began to be interpreted dance you of great cultural value that was expressing a rejection to the Hispanic domination of a burlesque, ingenious and creative way. With the time the work happened to be a symbol of identity for the people of Nicaragua for his character of protest, and three centuries after his origin there managed to be declared Alive, Oral and Intangible Heritage of the Humanity by the UNESCO. This historical work of anonymous author is The Gegense or Macho Ratn, the first literary Nicaraguan piece, belonging to the theatre nhuatl. Know later details on the history and content of this main comedy. THE HISTORY The Gegense is born in Diriamba's city, in Carazo's current department. Several theories exist on the date of his emergence, but yes it is known with certainty that his original language of representation was the local nhuatl. The work was appearing as street theatre, in the noses of the colonial authorities civil and military Spanish women. The people of the zone had demonstrated his strong character with a direct rejection and rebelliousness against the Spanish domain from the arrival of the first conquerors. In 1522, approximately, the captain of conquest Fernandez Dvila ran up in the region with the local tribe headed by the chief Diriangn. The aborigens received cortsmente the foreigners and listened to his demands that were including the submission to the authority of the Spanish colony and the conversion to the christianity; they asked a brief time to consider them and on having returned rushed forth furiously at the invader. This episode of the history is considered to be today the first war against the national intervention. The Spanish imposed themselves thanks to his military technology, and the people of Diriangn met decimated and submitted before the invader. His descendants, one century later, were the creative possible ones and the first spectators of a work which content was expressing a pacific resistance before the foreign authority. The Gegense continued appearing in the streets and it was transmitted of oral form of a generation to other one. It was not but until 1942 that his parliaments were compiled and printed by the first time in a book, and eight years later his music is recorded, also for the first time. In modern times the dances of The Gegense and his complete presentation it happened to form a part of the cultural expression during the holidays in honor to the holy employer of Diriamba, San Sebastian, in the third week of January. Though nowadays his dances form

also part of the digest of diverse Ballets professional Folclricos and the complete work is eventually interpreted of form professional or made keen in theatres and colleges all over the country, is during these holidays diriambinas that can be observed to The Gegense and his dances interpreted by his natural inheritors: the inhabitants of Diriamba's community. On November 25, 2005, the United Nations Organization for the Education, the Science and the Culture (UNESCO) granted a world recognition to The Gegense or Macho Ratn, on Heritage of the Humanity having declared it. THE WORK The Gegense is an attractive and very interesting work for the components that shape it as comedy dance you: parliaments, music and dances, as well as for the theatrical apparel of the actors, which is alike the used ones in his origins, on some modifications and enrichments that they have come meeting throughout the time. The name comes from his principal personage, the Gegense, which in turn stems from the word nhuatl "huehue", that old man, wise person means. The work consists of 14 prominent figures. They are half-caste three: the Gegense, his son Mr. Forsico and his son Mr. Ambrosio; four Spanish authorities: the Governor Tastuanes, the Captain Officer Mayor, the Royal Notary and the Royal Alderman; three women: Mrs. Suche Malinche and his two ladies of company; and four "Machos" (beasts of load): the Macho - Motherless, the Macho - old man, the Macho - one playing solo against several and the Macho - guajaqueo (others are called him A Macho - boaqueo). The apparel of the different prominent figures is very showy. The Spanish dress suits and extra colonial elegant with lentils and average discharges, besides masks painted with moustaches and blond or chestnut-colored hair, and blue or clear eyes. The half-caste ones use masks with dark moustaches, hats of straw, less ostentatious clothes, wear sandals or go barefooted and carry a chischil (or rattle) sharp-pointed of metal. The males go barefooted and use jackets with lentils and masks of horses, a mane of rope and also they carry chischil metal-worker. The ladies are not masked and use long dresses, necklaces and earrings. The Gegense is described to yes same as a merchant who travels for the different colonial territories of Mexico and Central America with thin goods. His children are his assistants: Mr. Forsico is his right hand and support, Mr. Ambrosio is his detractor. Four Machos are his animals of load and work. The Governor Tastuanes is the maximum authority and the Captain Officer Mayor his police force. The Royal Notary and the Royal Alderman are governmental local civil servants. Mrs. Suche Malinche is a daughter of the Governor Tastuanes and both ladies are his maids.

The plot has 314 parliaments (according to the first written version) and develops this way: the Gegense is visited by the Captain Officer Mayor, who summons it for the Royal Chapter to arrange the payment of his taxes. Once before the Governor Tastuanes, the capable Gegense uses his ingenuity to convince it to join in marriage Mrs. Suche Malinche and his loyal son Mr. Forsico, avoiding this way to have to pay nothing to these authorities that he despises. In the parliaments, the Gegense extends with mischievousness phrases of double meaning and it simulates frequently a deafness to deceive and to deceive to the authorities of the Royal Chapter; it displays also of his wonderful goods, which it enumerates in repeated occasions. These goods are royal according to his son Mr. Forsico, but his son Mr. Ambrosio expresses with annoyance that they are false, accusing his father of charlatan and liar. Finally the Gegense closes his treatment with a holiday in the Royal Chapter. Alternated with the parliaments there develop the dances, in which the males were intervening originally only, according to some experts, but that nowadays the Spanish prominent figures inform equally. In some not traditional presentations if not professionals, the dances execute with creative innovative choreographies. The work has 14 sones, though at present six are used only in the traditional presentations and in others. The music is interpreted by his original instruments, sample of the cultural syncretism that expresses all this work: a woodpecker (flute) and an indigenous drum, and a violin and an European guitar. The songs are totally instrumental and have an evident influence so much indigenous as Spanish woman in his slow or rapid melodies. The author of the work is not known and brings over of him there exist also some other hypotheses, as which it was a half-caste worship tired of the taxes, or a priest who had good domain of the nhuatl and the Spanish. The literary construction of The Gegense allows a variety of interpretations. For some, the Gegense is a very hard-working, crafty and prosperous merchant who does not want to pay taxes to the government imposed by the Spanish crown. For others, the Gegense is a small capable, crafty merchant and swindler, who uses his thousand skills to fool the Spanish authorities of which not only it manages to avoid the payment of taxes, but also to marry one of his children with the own daughter of the governor. Be since it will be, this excellent and picturesque work expresses the resistance of a people before the invading authorities, and constitutes one of the most important cultural inheritances of the Nicaraguans, for whom it constitutes the Gegense a worthy representative of his character: crafty, crafty and rebellious.

TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS OF NICARAGUA 1. Holy Week 2. The Purest 3. Holidays of the May Pole 4. The Christmas 5. The New Year 6. Washed of the Silver (Chinandega) 7. The procession of Saint Dominic 8. Equine parade 9. The Pastorelas 10. The saucers of the Holy Week

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