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G Balakrishnan

Voters decide how you should be ruled or should you be ruined!

Many of you may not know how Taliban functions! Hence this story I write to you. I
was reading a story by Christian Bleur on Taliban Negotiation.

American senators Bill First and Mel Martinez and recently General Petgaeus
suggested it is better to go for negotiated settlement with Taliban. It will
become clear when you read further this story is it at all worth to negotiate?

Taliban negotiate from strength. If you are strong why you should go for
negotiation at all.

Kandahar IA flight India negotiated with Taliban and got released our Indian
passengers flying from Kathmandu to Delhi during NDA Government. Whatever NDA
claims it is a clear case of weaknesses on the part of BJP in saddle. After all
when you know you are surrounded by incorrigible forces and fool hardy forces
failing to understand sense and sensibilities of human being, then you should
develop some meaningful strategies to tackle issues and so you have a Home
Ministry in every country.

If that ministry behaves like any common man why do you need that kind of Home
Ministry and why you should spend scarce resources on such inept men will be the
question that arises in every right thinking man, is it not?

Actually Taliban was in a better bargaining position and they are most unreliable
men for negotiations in the first place.

In this process we had to release a very dreaded terrorist. It shows India was
mentally and strategically weak. . India says it did strategically, what strategic
capability or skill you saw in that situation. Skill means mental ability when
used very strategically and meaningfully. Did we use that skill is the question
before all of us. In fact India showed at that time Indians are no comparison with
Taliban strategies. Analogy is if your military soldier buckles when he sees the
enemy entering your territory, do you call that military ability or skill?

If you say you have done strategically means you should be able to arrest the
dreaded terrorist again but India could not. But what you call as strategy? In
fact, India’s strategy was to surrender. That is the technique of Taliban. That is
what it wanted and it achieved.

In 2001,Osama Bin say ‘ Our Jihad has two fold targets. One is America and other
is Taliban foreign policy’. What does it reflect? Taliban has really asserted and
assumed a status of a sovereign state with power to Militarily over rule if you
fail Taliban.

You will note that Taliban ‘foreign ministry’ is considered to be the moderate

But unfortunately it is un-influential and what all agreements it signs that will
just become a scrape of paper, like Hitler said when some power questioned Hitler
when he failed to honor Belgium neutrality during world war – he said ‘ it is just
a scrap of paper’. He spoke from strength and no body could do anything meaningful
when he broke the Belgium neutrality. Same thing is the technique of Taliban.

Pakistan has very least influence of control over Taliban. Taliban forces Pakistan
to do what they want!.

Pakistan Militia and also ISI have a lot of Taliban sympathizers in them.

Also some of them is said to be very Taliban themselves infiltrated in the forces.

Most of the military men believe women and girls are just toys of men and they
can do what they want and that is the Islamic philosophy.

Military strongly believes that and it never likes to give any freedom to women
or girls

Normally all militia all over the world believes so and hence they misbehave with
women officers and Lady military officers.

Even many military women also believe they are subservient to men. Hence you can
see even American military forces rape their own women and lady officers! So
several times rapes go unreported in military forces!

In the days earlier, AWF (Auxiliary Women Force) in British Army also is to be the
entertaining force of the men of Army.

So all the militia all over the world want to treat women as some plaything. It is
not the story of recent medieval times. It was there time immemorial even in Hindu
Armies and for that matter every Army all over the world!

Talibans seemed to have taken about 1600 Khalgi Communists in their fold in
Afghanistan. Hekmatiyars are opponents of Taliban in 2001. Taliban employed Khalgi
communists (reformed radical communists of Afghanistan). That way Taliban numbers
increased. Taliban always had short-term plans only. They needed technical
military expertise in their forces.

Hence you see, Taliban lures so many technically qualified men, into their forces.
You could have seen they recruit many Indian boys. There are many recruiting
companies fall a prey to the Taliban front organizations as they give huge service
charges to the recruiting companies all over the world. People need jobs and these
companies make hay when the sun shines, not realizing what they are doing against
the humanity!

Yes, greed, greed, greed have taken over every one and it is advantageous to
Taliban kind of organizations. After all perverted men are full in Taliban right
from Osama Bin Laden. Otherwise, why a prince of Saudi Arabia should float this
kind of outfit! He is a pervert with a lot of moneys and he will do what he does!

Similarly in most of the political parties are filled with worse perverts and they
want to advance themselves personally. They will look for power and search for
power. They will go to any extremes. Taliban is certainly a superior class
compared to these political men, all over the world, Indian politician is no
exception. Because of these political perverts, Taliban can really strategically
take advantage of.

Once no longer Taliban requires outside men, their own men will replace the groups
and then marginalize or discard the ‘foreigners’ in their forces of avowed
Taliban. They believed in short term allies in Afghanistan

Rashid Dostan (a Uzbek leader of Jhunbesh) was used by Taliban to eliminate

Comrade Leader Najibhullah of Afghanistan when they captured Kabul they killed him
with help of fellow comrades. Similarly they killed Ahmed Shah Masoud,

But Rabbani Dostan escaped while he was at odds with Pakistan Leadership.

Pakistan strategy wanted Dostan to be in control of North with minimum Taliban

authority in order to placate Rubia and control Central Asia. Pakistan attempt in
1995,1996 to persuade Taliban to allow Dostan to maintain control but Taliban
clearly refused sharing power with Dostan . He joined Massoud, Rabbani, Karim
Khallil and other anti Taliban alliance – Northern Alliance.

Abdullah Malick was persuaded to cooperate with Taliban. Pakistan sent its
officers and diplomats to Mazar to settle final terms (in fact Malick’s brother
was assassinated by Dostan, it is said and yet fact not ascertained).

Taliban assured Malick to put him in power in North until election is held in
return. Once over, Taliban troops went into his defenses and into Mazar, defacto
capital of North causing Dostan to flee his country.

So called terms of settlement never honored at all. Taliban gave Malick a minor
post of Deputy Foreign Minister for Taliban.

Pakistanis failed miserably to renegotiate terms in favour of Malick, sometime in

late 1990s. Taliban disowned the Hazare Militiamen based in the area. Shia Cleric
Hazare Hazare had to fight back.

Uzbek joined Dostan returns and Taliban since defeated again comes back next year
and there was orgy, rape murder, torture and Malick was destroyed and got exiled
in Iran.

Taliban never ever negotiated with good faith. Never it will. Shia cleric Abdul
Ali Mazari was guest and turned him into a prisoner. Taliban engaged Wahdat
militiamen as it entered the city. Hazarat Shia Leader was killed while in custody
of Taliban.

Today Pakistan government is not governing Pakistan. Taliban attacking Islamabad

is warned and US Embassy is asked to close down and it is closed on 10 April 10,

It should be clear they are objective oriented to do anything to reach their


US in fact are in a quandary. No Holbrook can solve Pakistan issues, just because
Taliban is appearing to be in complete control of Pakistan. President Zardari is
practically is in the clutches of Taliban.

In conclusion, world is at its turning point at the cross roads of anarchy,

Anarchy is the self creation of all politicians of the world, as most of the
politicians are self centered and self proclaiming for their own good and not
worried about the people they represent. Till the people electors realize this and
behave very firm with these worthies, countries all over will be in the fluid
state, like ragging in colleges prevalent in spite of Supreme Court strict verdict
in place. (ends)


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