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Aula 06 Marcadores Discursivos

Exploding the myth of cultural stereotypes

Americans are pushy and the English are reserved, right? Wrong, says a new study, which reveals there is no truth in this sort of national stereotyping. An international group led by Antonio Terracciano and Robert McCrae at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) surveyed more than 40,000 adults from 49 cultures. Participants were questioned about how neurotic, extraverted, open, agreeable, and conscientious typical members of their own culture are. This data was then compared with participants' assessments of their own personalities and those of other specific people they had observed. The researchers found that there was no correlation between perceived cultural characteristics and the actual traits rated for real people. In contrast, previous studies that have shown that some gender stereotypes, such as the idea that women are warmer and men are more assertive, do reflect real trends. In many cases, cultures had overly harsh views of themselves. "The Swiss believe that they are closed-off to new experiences," says Antonio Terracciano. "But in fact they are the most open culture to new ideas in art and music."

Czech mates
Brits rank themselves as introverted, while Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly disagreeable, neither of which is held up by the data. Czechs think they are antagonistic, but they actually score higher in modesty and altruism than other people. Richard Robins, a psychologist at the University of California at Davis, US, says that the study pulls the plug on claims that perceived differences in national character reflect genetic differences between ethnic groups. "Stereotypes about national character seem to be largely cultural constructions, transmitted through the media, education, history, hearsay, and jokes," he explains.

Terracciano hopes that the results will make people address their own misconceptions. "People should trust less in their own beliefs about national character," he says. "These can be dangerous and the basis for discrimination." Journal reference: Science (vol 310, p 96)


01. Com base apenas no ttulo do texto, faa previses sobre o provvel assunto do mesmo. 02. Agora leia o texto rapidamente, observando cognatos e palavras/expresses que voc j conhece, e descreva em poucas palavras o assunto tratado. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

03. Verifique se as afirmaes abaixo so verdadeiras ou falsas. Seja seletivo, isto , no releia o texto todo, mas concentre-se apenas em trechos necessrios para realizar a atividade.

a) ( ) O estudo realizado buscou contrastar as concepes/impresses dos participantes sobre membros tpicos de suas respectivas culturas com as avaliaes pessoais de suas prprias personalidades e as de outras pessoas especficas que tinham observado. b) ( ) O estudo teve por objetivo demonstrar que diferenas culturais refletem diferenas genticas entre grupos tnicos. c) ( ) Alguns esteretipos de gnero (i.e. relativo ao sexo masculino e/ou feminino) correspondem realidade: as mulheres em geral so mais calorosas/afetuosas e os homens mais assertivos/decididos. d) ( ) As impresses culturais analisadas revelaram uma tendncia a auto-promoo, insto , membros de diferentes naes analisaram suas prprias culturas apenas positivamente. e) ( ) Os esteretipos culturais so transmitidos atravs dos meios de comunicao, educao, histria, boatos e piadas. f) ( ) O estudo realizado revelou que os esteretipos culturais so falsos e perigosos, pois encorajam a discriminao.

04. Justifique de acordo com sua opinio o comentrio reproduzido no final do texto: People should trust less in their own beliefs about national character, he says. These can be dangerous and the basis for discrimination _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Marcadores Discursivos

ADIO furthermore, in addition, moreover, / besides (alm disso) in addition to as well as (alm de) Also; too / as well (tambm) bothand (tantoquanto) not only but also (no apenas mas tambm)

and (e)

CONTRASTE yet / still / nevertheless, On the one hand despite / in spite of Although, though (por um lado) but (mas) (apesar disso / apesar (embora) On the other hand de) (por outro lado) Rather than instead In contrast (to / with), However While / whereas of Unlike... (entretanto, (enquanto que / (ao invs de / em vez Differently from porm) ao passo que) de) (ao contrrio de) CAUSA/CONSEQUNCIA Therefore / thus / because of this / Since (visto que / uma vez que) for this reason / consequently / as so (por isso / assim) Because (porque / por causa de ) a result So that ( a fim deque) (portanto)
01. Nos trechos abaixo, retirados do texto, os marcadores discursivos foram sublinhados. Indique a ideia que cada um deles sinaliza.
a) The researchers found that there was no correlation between perceived cultural characteristics and the actual traits rated for real people. In contrast, previous studies that have shown that some gender stereotypes, such as the idea that women are warmer and men are more assertive, do reflect real trends.

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

b) Brits rank themselves as introverted, while Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly

disagreeable, neither of which is held up by the data. Czechs think they are antagonistic, but they actually score higher in modesty and altruism than other people.

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

02. Indique os referentes dos pronomes sublinhados nos trechos a seguir:

a) Americans are pushy and the English are reserved, right? Wrong, says a new study, which reveals there is no truth in this sort of national stereotyping.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

b) Participants were questioned about how neurotic, extraverted, open, agreeable, and conscientious typical members of their own culture are. This data was then compared with participants' assessments of their own personalities and those of other specific people they had observed.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

c) In many cases, cultures had overly harsh views of themselves. ________________________________________________________________________

03. No texto Exploding the myth of cultural stereotypes, o autor emprega uma srie de palavras/expresses para descrever as diferenas culturais. Classifique-as conforme o significado que expressam, isto , positivo (P) ou negativo (N) e, com base no contexto em que esto inseridas, traduza-as.
a) Americans are pushy and the English are reserved, right? ____________________________________________________________________________

b) Participants were questioned about how neurotic, extraverted, open, agreeable, and
conscientious typical members of their own culture are.

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

c) In many cases, cultures had overly harsh views of themselves. "The Swiss believe that
they are closed-off to new experiences," says Antonio Terracciano. "But in fact they are the most open culture to new ideas in art and music."

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

d) Brits rank themselves as introverted, while Argentineans proclaim to be uniformly disagreeable, neither of which is held up by the data. Czechs think they are antagonistic, but they actually score higher in modesty and altruism than other people.

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 04. Dentre as palavras destacadas no exerccio 03, encontre 3 pares de antnimos e 2 pares de sinnimos. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

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