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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:00:03 08:00:19 08:00:22 08:00:25 08:00:25 08:00:35 08:00:35 08:01:04

08:01:09 08:01:12 @ukedchat @batttuk @batttuk @fod3 @clairegowland @batttuk @Angry1TGuy @MissDCox @batttuk @russeltarr

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?





08:01:35 08:01:36 08:01:57 08:02:25 08:02:25 08:02:32 08:02:46 08:02:52

@RachSmith82 @SwayGrantham @Cornish_Girl @clairegowland @ChrisChivers2 @batttuk @Cornish_Girl @cherrylkd

Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @batttuk Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next? So... #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Dear #ukedchat - can we start with some support for those teachers who stood up for education by taking strike... @ukedchat @batttuk Good question #ukedchat #ukedchat - most schools will just keep them.. Surely? @clairegowland You'd have thought so... as @redgierob said earlier: a level by any other name... #ukedchat @PaulDSharpe I run our page along with a couple of delegated members of staff #ukedchat #Ukedchat measuring without numbers is impossible? #ukedchat Tonight is all about levels, so who wants to share initial thoughts? @batttuk @ukedchat Hope the chat goes well and that the archive at proves useful! #ukedchat Will the disappearance of levels actually change teachers' mindsets? They will still look at a piece of writing and say: 4B #ukedchat 50 Great Resources for iPads in Education : #ipaded #ukedchat #edchat Joining #ukedchat tonight on the disappearanc of NC Levels (one of MANY changes to teaching in 9 months away from the job) #timetoreturn @batttuk @jackieschneider there was a strike? #ukedchat Important to measure progress.Equally important to not insist on change at school level just because you can move away from levels #ukedchat #ukedchat the students know them and I wonder what I could do that would be better We all need a frame of reference against which to make judgements. FOR=FORmative assessment. #ukedchat Check @russeltarr's handy twitter fall: #ukedchat Why invest in years to ensure consistency in judging to progress to then throw it all away? Would be a foolish move #ukedchat Very interested in this one. I intend to keep levels so can
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

08:03:03 08:03:24 08:03:46 08:03:52 08:03:53 08:04:00

@SwayGrantham @rashush2 @batttuk @MrWaldram @LisieDavies @batttuk

08:04:03 08:04:15 08:04:15 08:04:22 08:04:35 08:04:37 08:04:52 08:05:05 08:05:20

@ChrisChivers2 @batttuk @clairegowland @batttuk @ukedchat @RachelSwinburn e @Super_Work @Sundayteatime @cherrylkd

08:05:24 08:05:26 08:05:34

@RachSmith82 @narthernlad @MrAColley

show progress. Am interested in other ideas please #ukedchat @batttuk how do you measure progress without levels? #ukedchat What happens to RAISEonline and league tables? #ukedchat @swaygrantham: "@batttuk how do you measure progress without levels? #ukedchat" Well, how do you? It's important when measuring progress to talk about points. Points make prizes! But where do we get point from... #ukedchat #ukedchat I actually like levels. I think they show progress well RT @mrwaldram: It's important when measuring progress to talk about points. Points make prizes! But where do we get point from... #ukedchat @MsFindlater #ukedchat Could be a game changer? Primary school grading system to be overhauled via @Telegraph @lisiedavies Do you use points as well? #ukedchat #ukedchat - maybe we could just change them to letters to mirror the change to numbers for GCSE!? ;0) RT @rashush2: What happens to RAISEonline and league tables? #ukedchat Do private schools rely on levels? #ukedchat Anyone know? I often wonder how meaningful current levels are to students and parents? #ukedchat They're replacing levels with a simple 'pass' or 'fail.' #ukedchat @Super_Work: They're replacing levels with a simple 'pass' or 'fail.' #ukedchat what happens to the fails... Is the freedom of not levelling a freedom we didn't actually want? Other freedoms would've been more beneficial. #ukedchat Will each school have to devise their own method of assessing progress? Will there still be any form of national benchmarking? #ukedchat #ukedchat how many people sub the sub levels? + or _ etc? @cherrylkd We ICT/computing bids have a BIG opportunity to rewrite meaningful progression fwks in relation to the new POS. #ukedchat
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:05:36 @ShaunRenton

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

08:05:55 08:05:56 08:06:07

@nightzookeeper @batttuk @fod3



08:06:30 08:06:32 08:06:37 08:07:16 08:07:26 08:07:30

@djphillips1408 @ShaunRenton @batttuk @MrAColley @fod3 @chrismcd53





08:07:38 08:07:41 08:08:03 08:08:06

@SwayGrantham @batttuk @batttuk @cherrylkd

The whole idea of not levelling confuses me, I'll always level even if its just for personal uses to feed into my long term plans #ukedchat @SwayGrantham I would say that there are lots of different ways to assess progress. It has just been diff to think outside of Lev #ukedchat #ukedchat Hello WEMBLEY (other suburbs are available)! Are we ready to PARTY?! Maybe it will just shift our focus onto how students can develop skills rather than being pre-occupied with levelling #ukedchat @LisieDavies #ukedchat I'd consider a differentiated approach to levels, APP for diagnostics, whole levels for rest, especially in Primary. levels - to be honest I just made them up as I went along for ICT. No idea how they worked, nor any interest #ukedchat @narthernlad we have + if they are top end of APS points #ukedchat @ukedchat "Do private schools rely on levels? #ukedchat Anyone know?" @mrlockyer @chrisleach78 The cynic in me can see national end of KS pass/fail tests hiding just behind that hill over there. #ukedchat How ironic that the one thing abolished is the one thing everyone wants to keep #ukedchat This is a very interesting project from @StephenCarrickD "Screenless week" #ukedchat @djphillips1408 "levels - to be honest I just made them up as I went along for ICT. No idea how they worked, nor any interest #ukedchat"... It will be interesting to see how Ofsted expect us to measure it. How are they going to understand & measure progress?! #ukedchat @RachelSwinburne problems with inconsistencies KS2/KS3 level 4s being different - it looks like chn not making progress to parents #ukedchat @djphillips1408 #ukedchat How did you track progress, if at all? Should primary students achieve 'mastery' of English? From a post and noted by @mrtomgarner #ukedchat @MrAColley #ukedchat that is true. New curriculum and new progression. ICT leading the way :)
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:08:13 08:08:26 08:08:31 @LoopyLou186 @mrlockyer @rashush2

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?











08:09:26 08:09:27 08:09:38 08:09:52 08:09:56

@nightzookeeper @mrthomson @mrlockyer @ShaunRenton @MissDCox



08:10:26 08:10:35

@jackieschneider @MrAColley

The one pro is at least the ties of ks3 targets to ks2 level s e.g. disparity between 5@ks2 and 5@ks3 will disappear! #ukedchat @batttuk @ukedchat @chrisleach78 Used as part of a benchmark, yes. Partly catchment-depended. #ukedchat Also seems strange to mess with the assessments just as performance-related pay comes in... how to validate appraisals? #ukedchat I think it is diff to imagine an edu system without levels cos they've been there for long time, good opp for better system #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat The use of sub levels is often completely arbitrary and ill-judged/inaccurate way of measuring short term progress. Levels have 'straightjacketed' teachers for years. Now that they are released, people are complaining. Is this not freedom? #ukedchat #ukedchat - how will there be any comparison nationally? How will we know where they are at if all primary feeders do it differently! All very well giving autonomy to schools to design their own assessment systems but do they have the capacity and knowledge? #ukedchat @fod3 I would say that a lot of levels focussed on skills already, but agree with you, the 'whole student' will be considered now #ukedchat .@ukedchat surely they'll just come up with another system? Still need to measure progress... #ukedchat #ukedchat We use the @rosBIGWRITING Criterion Scales. Wonder what her view is? @narthernlad yeah, especially in maths as it is easier to 'score' and quantify #ukedchat #UKedchat a colleague predicted the loss of money to exam boards from jan exams will be repaid with year 7/8/9 exams..... @batttuk all grades in moodle, average them out, kids at top = higher levels. kept y7 between 4c and 5a, 8 between 5c and 6a #ukedchat #ukedchat - as a primary music teacher levels haven't affected me or the kids in the slightest & they STILL make progress without em @batttuk @djphillips1408 I suspect you weren't alone. Difference between 5a & 6c across 9 strands in 1hr per
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

08:10:58 08:11:23 08:11:27 08:11:43 08:11:44 08:11:57

@SwayGrantham @MrWaldram @batttuk @cherrylkd @batttuk @SWGfLjulia



08:12:24 08:12:39 08:12:40

@MrBoneY5 @ukedchat @ukedchat



08:12:44 08:13:05 08:13:25

@fod3 @clairegowland @cherrylkd





wk anyone? #ukedchat @MrWaldram what about new teachers? If theyre taught not to then that attitude will die out... #ukedchat Does anybody out there NOT use levels to record progress already? #ukedchat Does anybody out there NOT use levels to record progress already? #ukedchat @MrAColley: The cynic in me can see national end of KS pass/fail tests hiding just behind that hill over there. #ukedchat >> Me too @informed_edu #ukedchat Indeed. Are we lamenting their loss simply because it has come from #gove? #ukedchat teach KS4? @Cyberchallenge exciting new cyber security challenge launches in Sep, register now @rashush2 schools will still have assessment methods, but may deal more with happiness, confidence, creative arts etc.. now #ukedchat @ukedchat It all depends on what the replacement is. There will need to be some kind of scale to measure 'progress' against. #ukedchat @ChrisChivers2 Were they not the good old days? #ukedchat @philallman1 So it's a game by Gove? Give teachers a freedom, and they moan...!!! Who looks like the villain? #ukedchat RT @captaingove: We're not having levels 1-7; it's just ludicrous. We're having grades: A-G. New, fresh, sexy. #ukedchat @nightzookeeper Agree. Instead of ss asking what level is this, however, they may now say what did i do well, how do i improve? #ukedchat #ukedchat it has to be a national thing though, iright? We can't all do it differently surely. @informed_edu #ukedchat Special schools designed own systems for years. Too easy for Ofsted to pick holes in it. Consistency required @nightzookeeper depends if the hi stakes remain in whatever new system comes. If people's jobs still at stake, little will change #ukedchat MT @philallman1: #ukedchat absolutely. But that has been his game all along. False autonomy all round esp on curriculum.
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:13:29 @narthernlad

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?























08:14:47 08:15:00 08:15:10

@rashush2 @aknill @CQEdD

So let me get this right, we have to show progress but we don't have to use levels? We can use any way we wish? #ukedchat @SWGfLjulia @Cyberchallenge Perhaps try not to promote a product during a #ukedchat - doesn't paint the best picture... APP sheets more useful for suggesting next steps/progression in particular strands rather than working out ch's overall levels #ukedchat Shared national understanding of the quality of learning is important, but we can probably all agree that levels as were not ideal #ukedchat My problem is that most of us have become more comfortable and familiar with levels, so it almost seems a shame to change it now #ukedchat RT '@Sophos_News: Help our friends @Ceiduk design the best cloud #ICT services for #education, ' #weict #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat The most important thing is the quality of the feedback. Progress should be judged on how they've actioned their target. @mrlockyer @rosBIGWRITING she will be laughing all the way to bank when she devises yet anothe progress limiting scale. #notafan #ukedchat @emmaannhardy hiding Gove is signposting it with new curriculum. Hes Hoping desperately that all hate it and become academies #ukedchat #ukedchat Could be a game changer? Primary school grading system to be overhauled via @Telegraph #ukedchat - no child is a 4a or any other number. I am personally sick to the back teeth of hearing kids described as arbitrary levels @anneglennie: Assessing without levels - blog post by @rosBIGWRITING #bigwriting #assessment #ukedchat seems to be some confusion over whther govt will impose new system eg at end of KS2? #ukedchat #ukedchat are we looking at achieving a pass or holding pupils back a year? @narthernlad as I understand it yes. Surely that can be seen looking through exercise books over a period of
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

08:15:14 08:15:25 08:15:31 08:15:44 08:16:03 08:16:12 08:16:19 08:16:24 08:16:25 08:16:25 08:16:27 08:16:37 08:16:42 08:16:47

@chrishildrew @informed_edu @jackieschneider @rashush2 @ukedchat @philallman1 @mregan63 @aknill @batttuk @MrAColley @cherrylkd @batttuk @CQEdD @mooshtang

08:16:52 08:17:02 08:17:06 08:17:13

@batttuk @cherrylkd @batttuk @chrishildrew

time? #ukedchat Here's my take on Assessment Without Levels: #ukedchat Also, where is the expertise about creating assessment systems that we can all draw on? Is there capacity there? #ukedchat #ukedchat - do teachers genuinely have confidence that levels are meaningful & helpful? If so Ill shut up! @aknill good question! #ukedchat Is the withdrawal of levels the professionability that teachers have been calling for all along? #ukedchat More formative than summative? The mere fact professionals are debating this means the govt havent thought it through #ukedchat @jackieschneider no don't shut up shout it from the rooftops. #ukedchat #gogirl #ukedchat freedom and autonomy is fine if that's what we get. However, comparing progress across ages primary / secondary will be harder. #ukedchat Would it be fair to say that we don't let levels define our pupils? Is this whole #ukedchat because data has become king in judging schools? Don't levels encourage a falsely linear view of learning? @ukedchat #ukedchat this freedom not wanted. Levelling is needed. It's a 'pretend' freedom to show they trust us. RT @aknill: #ukedchat are we looking at achieving a pass or holding pupils back a year? @jackieschneider I'm with you. I have no confidence in levels at all! #ukedchat They won't actually go through with removing NC levels will they? Then they won't have a stick to beat us with! #ukedchat @mracolley "Is this whole #ukedchat because data has become king in judging schools? Don't levels encourage a falsely linear view of... @clairegowland #ukedchat What will happen when children move area? RT @teachertweaks: @ukedchat #ukedchat The most important thing is the quality of the feedback. Progress should be judged on how they've... Essentially if you use levels as intended - as a holistic summary of attainment over a key stage - they're still fit
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?







08:18:16 08:18:20 08:18:20 08:18:25 08:18:25

@batttuk @clairegowland @jackieschneider @chrishildrew @TeacherTweaks



08:18:28 08:18:29 08:18:36

@James_ShMore @MazTrow @ShaunRenton



08:18:52 08:19:11 08:19:13

@nightzookeeper @batttuk @ukedchat

for purpose. #ukedchat @aknill well Gove does like looking at foreign models. Not like the American system that holds kids back isn't in crisis #sarcasm #ukedchat RT @mooshtang: They won't actually go through with removing NC levels will they? Then they won't have a stick to beat us with! #ukedchat Agree @fod3 @nightzookeeper. Black Box AFL stuff says if you feed scores back to children, they focus on these. #ukedchat OK, LET'S HIT THE PAUSE BUTTON: What else could we use instead of levels? What would we be happy with? #ukedchat #ukedchat I am really interested in what the alternatives actually are? Frankly I'm more worried about the impact of savage cuts on kids families. Will have more impact on their learning than us #ukedchat NC levels went wrong the moment we tried adapting them to a single piece of work rather than a portfolio. #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat I was overjoyed when they scrapped SATs but would prefer external test if it means teachers don't have to make up levels Are teachers scared of the withdrawal of levels, as they have known it for too long? Is it 'all' about accountability? #ukedchat #ukedchat @fod3 @nightzookeeper No levels might mean we focus on competencies that underpin each level rather than the number? #ukedchat as I understand it you will still need to track progress so there will simply be a replacement. @jackieschneider it's disheartening when a child who naturally progresses slowly is told they've made inadequate progress #ukedchat @batttuk #ukedchat Will we report the % of end of year/phase expectations met? Interested to see how value-added measured as system changes. @jackieschneider I would second that. Schools I have worked for have changed their teaching philosophy cos of levels... #ukedchat #ukedchat Do any teachers have to level work more regularly than they think is appropriate? RT @HTBruce: #ukedchat It's like having a comfort
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

blanket removed. I'm convinced that they do restrict children's achievement as they label Worst thing about levels was the foolish notion that 08:19:25 @informed_edu children make linear avg progress in sub-levels across all areas of learning #ukedchat @ChrisChivers2 Please use #ukedchat and not the @ 08:19:31 @ukedchat account. Thank you :0) @jackieschneider #ukedchat And no graduate is a first, 08:19:35 @ChrisChivers2 2;1, 2;2? Grade criteria, not arbitrary. Frame of reference. @skychaserhigh79 is going to be a new head this 08:19:44 @batttuk September - what do you think, buddy? #ukedchat RT @chrishildrew: levels went wrong the moment we tried 08:19:46 @clairegowland adapting them to a single piece of work rather than a portfolio. #ukedchat: AGREE! RT @mregan63: #ukedchat So many inaccuracies, so 08:19:53 @ukedchat many keeping pupils back just to make sure they have achieved the level 17 times over RT @chrishildrew: NC levels went wrong the moment we 08:19:53 @batttuk tried adapting them to a single piece of work rather than a portfolio. #ukedchat RT @andrew_cowley23: #ukedchat It isn't so much levels 08:20:03 @ukedchat but the APS going that is the key- how is effective progress going to be shown... @chrishildrew levels as a holistic measure made sense, 08:20:05 @aknill but we lost that ages ago (shame) #ukedchat @batttuk I'd be happy with no grades on work - formative 08:20:09 @chrishildrew comments only. Then a summary level of a wider body of evidence. #ukedchat @batttuk - NO! Schools DO define kids as levels - well 08:20:16 @jackieschneider some anyway #ukedchat @batttuk a tick chart for achieving dif. areas of a subject, 08:20:17 @ShaunRenton like APP grids but without associated level. All children move dif. #ukedchat #ukedchat DfE leaked the death of levels and would 08:20:23 @Yorkshire_Steve announce replacement ... then couldn't find a better alternative that met all needs! @ukedchat agreed, potential for assessing a broader 08:20:25 @nightzookeeper range of skills, knowledge and subject areas is much higher now! #ukedchat RT @chrishildrew: NC levels went wrong the moment we 08:20:26 @rashush2 tried adapting them to a single piece of work rather than a portfolio. #ukedchat 08:20:27 @MazTrow #ukedchat levels, certainly in creative subjects are so
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

subjective and in drama very wooly! @chrishildrew Unfortunately, holistic can become 08:20:34 @MrAColley 'baseline' if the intention is misunderstood. #ukedchat 08:20:42 @fod3 @clairegowland Me too #ukedchat Kind reminder, Please use the #ukedchat hash tag, and 08:20:43 @ukedchat avoid using the @ account. Thank you #ukedchat Pre-1987 NC able children left Primary 08:20:54 @ChrisChivers2 equivalent to 3a/4c border. Levels helped upgrade expectation all round. Clear criteria. @clairegowland "#ukedchat I am really interested in what 08:20:56 @batttuk the alternatives actually are?" me too. IDEAS... @clairegowland look at what is being used in EYFS, it is 08:20:57 @mregan63 likely to be similar to that #ukedchat @MrAColley quite right. Assessment becomes the slave 08:21:00 @chrishildrew of the accountability system rather than teaching and learning. #ukedchat @ChrisChivers2 But no one judges my teaching by my 08:21:10 @jackieschneider degree level! Kids on the other hand ... #ukedchat #ukedchat Parent liked levels because they gave a 08:21:13 @Yorkshire_Steve 'flavour' of how their child is doing compared to peers nationally and locally. Secondary people would it bother you if kids came up with 08:21:13 @rashush2 no "levels" at all? It's not like you trust ours anyway :-) #ukedchat @charlotteSISRA yes, I've heard of school doing that. But 08:21:24 @chrishildrew they're just levels called something else in my view. #ukedchat #ukedchat so, how will teachers' accountability be 08:21:36 @MrGsBrain measured in terms of pupils' learning and progress? #ukedchat Levels are far from perfect ... but is no national 08:21:45 @Yorkshire_Steve benchmarking at all an improvement? At the end of the day, isn't it all about the pupils, rather 08:21:46 @ukedchat than the accountability agenda? #ukedchat @ukedchat instead of putting all the focus on the most 08:21:56 @nightzookeeper 'important' subjects. #ukedchat @batttuk Modelling solids liquids and gasses bring fourth your 08:22:02 @LawfordMr suggestions and ideas #asechat #UKedchat #teachscience @aknill yes, shame. But now we have a chance to do our 08:22:04 @chrishildrew own thing could we reclaim holistic assessment? #ukedchat 08:22:14 @RachelSwinburn Saw a nice example yesterday of 1, 2, 3 used to assess e practical DT lessons? Same as using RAG to assess?
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

#ukedchat @ukedchat "At the end of the day, isn't it all about the 08:22:23 @batttuk pupils, rather than the accountability agenda? #ukedchat" Unfortunately not... #ukedchat It's the data need and uses attached to 08:22:23 @ChrisChivers2 levelness that has caused the straight-jacket. @mregan63 @clairegowland #ukedchat but how will we 08:22:24 @cherrylkd know when they first arrive? #ukedchat GCSE and A2 grades equally flawed in that the 08:22:25 @Yorkshire_Steve are just a 'best fit' measure of skills. Perhaps we should change from using the word 08:22:27 @ukedchat "accountability", perhaps schools should concentrate on 'Responsibilities' #ukedchat @clairegowland I'm looking at SOLO as a way of showing 08:22:28 @MrAColley & communicating progress and standardising across strands. #ukedchat @ukedchat "Kind reminder, Please use the #ukedchat 08:22:28 @batttuk hash tag and avoid using the @ukedchat account. Thank you" as @ICTmagic gets a full inbox Yep @redgierob trick might to be not turn something 08:22:45 @James_ShMore complicated like learning into straight forward progress up a no. line #ukedchat @ukedchat #ukedchat Would rather have list of things 08:22:53 @TeacherTweaks students need to know/do before end of KS and tick off as we go when see the evidence. Learn how to fight the boredom monster via a short 08:22:55 @julieschell course on flipping the classroom #flippedtip #ukedchat I know music is different but I am perfectly able to judge 08:23:03 @jackieschneider where kids need to go next & measure their progress without being told #ukedchat #ukedchat it's been said before but the problem with 08:23:03 @ian_bec levels is that they were stretched way beyond original function as end of KS grades @batttuk #ukedchat I use #solotaxonomy stages to 08:23:13 @aknill develop work, KS3 pupils find it an easier way to follow. Not a wholesale answer though. @batttuk: @clairegowland "#ukedchat I am really 08:23:24 @Mrarnoldsmaths interested in what the alternatives actually are?" me too. IDEAS..." Checklist of skills? @mregan63 @clairegowland I think sometimes teachers 08:23:34 @nightzookeeper depend too much on levels and SATS... #ukedchat 08:23:34 @travelgeordie Excited #futurefest hopefully inspire more exciting
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

curriculum project ideas #pbl #designthinking #ukedchat #edchat RT @aknill: @batttuk #ukedchat I use #solotaxonomy 08:23:35 @batttuk stages to develop work, KS3 pupils find it an easier way to follow. Not a wholesale... @mregan63 @clairegowland assessment is really 08:23:35 @nightzookeeper thorough at that level because teachers have to be more creative with it! #ukedchat RT @rachelswinburne: Saw a nice example yesterday of 08:23:35 @batttuk 1, 2, 3 used to assess practical DT lessons? Same as using RAG to assess? #ukedchat @Yorkshire_Steve Where does it say no benchmarking? 08:24:04 @mregan63 #ukedchat look EYFS model with a formal pass/fail end of KS exam #ukedchat I've seen too many lessons where progression 08:24:05 @ian_bec by a sub level was the overriding focus. That's driven by inspector expectations. > #ukedchat I like list of skills idea, but how do you feed that 08:24:13 @clairegowland data into SISRA etc. Are OFSTED going to change their 4 levels of progress? @chrishildrew #ukedchat Couldn't agree more! To be fair 08:24:43 @TeacherTweaks to APP it did start out as making judgement on a body of work but schools twisted it @Yorkshire_Steve - I didn't & neither did my neighbours! 08:24:46 @jackieschneider Confused when they stayed on same number but had clearly made progress #ukedchat #ukedchat Question is how to feed that back to parents in 08:24:53 @Yorkshire_Steve schools limited to 40 word reports once a year + 5 minute parents evening slots @batttuk @chrishildrew #ukedchat Now that's a fair point. 08:25:18 @cherrylkd Whole portfolio is a better judge than single piece of work @jackieschneider #ukedchat U were judged to get the 08:25:22 @ChrisChivers2 degree classification, addressed criteria.Teaching judgements against standards=criteria Following #ukedchat with interest tonight re:levels I don't 08:25:23 @misscnewton82 see how schools will prepare for a complete overhaul within a year? Personally I have always felt a bit uncomfortable with 08:25:24 @mooshtang putting a level on writing in particular. Qualitative not quantitative! #ukedchat @chrishildrew And we're on to the purpose of education! 08:25:24 @MrAColley #ukedchat #getcomfy 08:25:33 @ian_bec #ukedchat > but you end up learning more about national
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?















08:26:18 08:26:34 08:27:23

@informed_edu @jackieschneider @cherrylkd









curriculum attainment criteria than the topic or subject at hand. Levels for Eng/maths at primary have value. Other subjects too subjective. Simple, keep for E/M ditch for rest. #ukedchat S X must write in do you move S X towards doing this in terms of feedback? Level not needed dialogue is #ukedchat Let's utilise the innovative technology out there to show pupil progress! So many good tools! #ukedchat @ICTMagic @ClassrmMonitor Any gd tchr can teach wthout levels. But giving enough evidence to get a pay rise or survive OFSTED? System evolved to "need" data #ukedchat #ukedchat worst thing I have seen. On a piece of work displayed in a school entrance hall pupils name and target grade @maztrow "#ukedchat worst thing I have seen. On a piece of work displayed in a school entrance hall pupils name and target grade" Urgh...... Levels and SAT in primary are taking too much away from foundation subjects since schools are judged solely on big 3 #teachscience #ukedchat At the very least DfE should fund @Inst_edu_assess to produce guidance for all schools on good practice & get staff trained #ukedchat @julieschell - looks like spam if you use #ukedchat to flog yourself & not join in discussion :-( #boo @lancslassrach #ukedchat Fair enough. As data leader I have to show whole sch progress compared to last year. Tricky without levels Characteristics of effective learning with DIY equipment! The children LOVED it! #ukedchat #earlyyears Literacy plasters. Speeds up marking books. Print for most common mistakes. #ukedchat @chrishildrew @aknill unlikely as the accountability system is still driving things, even more so with the intro of school prp #ukedchat @MrTomGarner #solo is a great structure which is wiser to follow than LNG statement banks and can be applied in most areas #ukedchat
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:27:52 @Yorkshire_Steve

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

@jackieschneider #ukedchat Have led parents conferences on this matter and at my school it's 80/20 in favour. What would students want to be assessed with? Could we @RachelSwinburn 08:27:52 adopt a system such as @mozilla open badges? e #ukedchat @redgierob @batttuk The irony that you lot are discussing levels whilst I'm 08:27:59 @CaptainGove sitting in the mud at Glastonbury sipping cider is not lost on me. #ukedchat @mregan63 #ukedchat But surely a pass/fail exam at end 08:28:07 @Yorkshire_Steve of KS will focus everything on borderline & ignore v weak or strong like C/D at GCSE Anyone else a bit concerned about a pass/ fail end of KS2 08:28:12 @rashush2 test? #ukedchat #ukedchat The worst outcome of the end of levels would 08:28:24 @ian_bec be schools pressured to spend on off the peg corporate assessment solutions. #ukedchat Mum has my old junior reports- 'v good' and @andrew_cowley2 08:28:27 'tries hard' aren't exactly informative- parents have a 3 better u/s of levels now I will be glad to see levels go. Fed up of being told we are 08:28:42 @andee1980 failing if kids dont make 3 levels of progress as the end of ks3. #ukedchat Yes @mooshtang and to expect each bit to smoothly 08:28:44 @James_ShMore move upwards over the year? Bit silly perhaps? Not sure my tweets are improving #ukedchat RT @nightzookeeper: Invent-ed is a new place for 08:28:52 @batttuk teachers to share new ideas for #edtech #ukedchat... @batttuk @MazTrow I refuse to put their target grades in 08:28:59 @ShaunRenton their book covers and focus on them all making as much progress as poss #ukedchat @cherrylkd @chrishildrew @batttuk you can judge v little 08:29:02 @Heatherleatt about progress & what they don't yet get without body of work to assess #ukedchat RT @astsupportaali: Literacy plasters. Speeds up 08:29:03 @MrWaldram marking books. Print for most common mistakes. #ukedchat Brilliant @ian_bec #ukedchat Or at least perceptions of inspector 08:29:06 @Yorkshire_Steve expectations Seems an odd mix to move further towards progress08:29:07 @fandabbydoz related accountability & do away with levels, points progress, etc. at same time #ukedchat
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:29:16 08:29:25 @James_ShMore @jackieschneider

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

















08:29:58 08:30:02 08:30:24 08:30:35

@chrishildrew @batttuk @jackieschneider @batttuk

08:30:35 08:30:35

@ShaunRenton @nightzookeeper

Assessment got to be over the course of many pieces in many contexts @mooshtang #ukedchat @Yorkshire_Steve - have you talked to yr 7 parents? Levels between primary & sec sch look like a shambles lots of parent unrest #ukedchat @RachelSwinburne @mozilla @redgierob @batttuk no you are thinking! I think methods like that could just be one of the tools used!! #ukedchat @digitaldaisies @chrishildrew #ukedchat this is where accountability and data do us a dis-service - numbers to justify numbers... @ian_bec sub levels are a work of fiction in music, they don't exist. Yet I'm still meant to make one up on a report 3 times a yr. #ukedchat @jackieschneider But that comes with experience, and so many students are told to use levels like a bible... #scaredtodeviate #ukedchat The original idea of broad levels wasn't bad. People are conflating bad use of data/targets/tracking with assessment here I think? #ukedchat #ukedchat I worry that some heads will continue levels to give spurious justification for PRP decisions. 3.25 sub levels of prog to get pay. @nightzookeeper @mregan63 @clairegowland teachers/ schs focus on levels cos of the extreme pressure that currently rests on them! #ukedchat OfSTED will need to produce reports on school who do well without levels. The problem is, everyone would do that then! #ukedchat @ian_bec yes, the mention of "working with publishers" in the DfE statement made me fear the march of the shiny folders. #ukedchat How do parents feel about the scrapping of levels? #ukedchat @fod3 - me! No, I'm a professional teacher. Either trust me or replace me! #ukedchat :-) RT @chrischivers2: #ukedchat Would you rather tell a parent that child is yr 5, working at yr2 level, or that they are level 2 and offer... @rashush2 me. So if you fail is that you out of education at age 11? Any 16 yo who fails GCSEs feel like their edu is #ukedchat @RachelSwinburne @mozilla @redgierob @batttuk more
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

assessment methods that are actually relevant to the world ch will be entering #ukedchat @rashush2 #ukedchat Very! Focus will all be on 08:30:36 @Yorkshire_Steve borderline and if you are able (or weak) you'll not be priority - just look at C/D at GCSE Yes! As a teacher and as a parent. @rashush2: Anyone 08:30:36 @LisieDavies else a bit concerned about a pass/ fail end of KS2 test? #ukedchat @MrAColley @clairegowland this has slowly been 08:30:53 @SophGoll introduced in out school and I love it! #ukedchat #ukedchat Would you rather tell a parent that child is yr 5, 08:30:58 @ChrisChivers2 working at yr2 level, or that they are level 2 and offer routes to progress? @lancslassrach yes. It's tricky. Part of me is against 08:31:02 @cherrylkd levelling but I have to show progress somehow. #ukedchat 08:31:05 @mrlockyer @rosBIGWRITING We're discussing levels on #ukedchat 08:31:13 @jackieschneider @ModernCassie - that is a problem. #ukedchat @ukedchat you need SOME way of judging whether 08:31:24 @Heatherleatt pupils are moving forwards. #ukedchat #ukedchat @aknill We're devising SoW around #SOLO & 08:31:33 @TeacherTweaks in dream world would love to measure progress using these stages. No need for numbers. #ukedchat Levelness Supports Inclusive Practice. 08:31:35 @ChrisChivers2 @aknill @digitaldaisies #ukedchat I agree, though data is 08:31:36 @chrishildrew important and helps inform good teaching - as I blogged: Absolutely @informed_edu and also L4 for KS2 becoming 08:31:53 @James_ShMore a hurdle for everyone to jump rather than an average? #ukedchat @ian_bec we seem to be levelling every sentence a child 08:31:53 @SophGoll writes at the moment. Obsessed is not the word! #ukedchat @Yorkshire_Steve #ukedchat now let me see, does a tory 08:32:00 @mregan63 govt give a toss. I am not promoting the idea just think its what they will do @Heatherleatt Do you? Is your professional judgement 08:32:05 @ukedchat not good enough? #ukedchat @rashush2 #ukedchat Mind you it would also blow 08:32:13 @Yorkshire_Steve @ofqual's comparable outcomes methodology apart for preventing 'grade inflation' at GCSE
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:32:23 @Heatherleatt

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

@informed_edu agree with this. Plus ill advised pressure to make sub levels of progress regularly. Learning & pupils not like that #ukedchat Unfortunately levels in many schs have become the object 08:32:34 @nohandsup of learning rather than the means of assessing learning #ukedchat Lots of people suggesting SOLO as the way forward 08:32:45 @fod3 #ukedchat @fod3 - hoping to survive teaching for a while longer of 08:32:59 @jackieschneider course! #ukedchat @7january1610 @HFletcherWood #ukedchat I disagree. 08:33:14 @chrishildrew Trying to quantify what is good about this work and better about this is helpful IMO. @little_mavis Exactly. Common assessment framework is 08:33:21 @informed_edu a reasonable idea =/= bad (mis)use of data. #ukedchat #ukedchat - I bet parents would prefer honest words & 08:33:23 @jackieschneider less education levels jargon. Didn't @chrishildrew write a blog on levelling? Why's he 08:33:26 @batttuk keeping quiet about it? ;-) #ukedchat Is a KS2 science test going to make a re-appearance? If 08:33:32 @batttuk so, how will it be measured? #ukedchat @SophGoll @ian_bec #ukedchat Sophie - you've 08:33:42 @Yorkshire_Steve expressed your views well using appropriate language. Level 6a for this tweet! @philallman1 #ukedchat Science too then I'm happy 08:33:52 @cherrylkd please. ICT is totally different. @ukedchat well it is, but *professional judgement* without 08:33:53 @Heatherleatt standardisation is not enough. How do you standardise? #ukedchat Really interesting #ukedchat this eve. Sorry I have to 08:34:19 @nightzookeeper leave. Thanks to @batttuk for hosting! @ukedchat I tweaked the APP grids so they read from top to bottom if 08:34:21 @MrWaldram anyone wants them? #OCD #ukedchat @jackieschneider: #ukedchat - I bet parents would prefer 08:34:22 @aknill honest words & less education levels a parent, yes! @batttuk @chrishildrew there's alsi blog from 08:34:24 @chrisscarth @oliverquinlan on new curriculum and assessment which is def worth a read #ukedchat @Heatherleatt Can you standardise pupils? Are they not 08:34:42 @ukedchat individuals? #ukedchat {playing devils advocate} 08:35:02 @mrlockyer @rosBIGWRITING Interested in your thoughts! #ukedchat 08:35:22 @James_ShMore I heard Tim Oates from Camb. assessment say 'children
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

used to collect stickers, now they collect levels' @nohandsup #ukedchat "Really interesting #ukedchat this eve. Sorry I have to 08:35:24 @batttuk leave. Thanks to @batttuk for hosting! @ukedchat" Pleasure, thanks @nightzookeeper "Really interesting #ukedchat this eve. Sorry I have to 08:35:26 @MrWaldram leave. Thanks to @batttuk for hosting! @ukedchat" Pleasure, thanks @nightzookeeper 08:35:30 @davidhunter #ukedchat @Heatherleatt @chrishildrew @batttuk #ukedchat Most 08:35:32 @cherrylkd definitely. Especially for my SEN gang who vary within a subject. Exams: Have a poor predictive quality because they only 08:35:35 @urban_teacher judge a student's ability under set conditions and limited time #ukedchat #sltchat @jackieschneider #ukedchat Perhaps not with 40 words 08:35:38 @Yorkshire_Steve max per student per year by the union guidelines. RT @chrishildrew: Here's my take on Assessment 08:35:40 @batttuk Without Levels: #ukedchat As a parent I despair of the jargon ridden reports I 08:35:42 @jackieschneider recieve. I don't want schools to agonise over arbitrary levels - just educate #ukedchat @batttuk *grins innocently* who, me? BLOGPOST PLUG: 08:35:46 @chrishildrew Assessment without levels: #ukedchat #ukedchat just an idea, but how about attempting to return 08:35:51 @andee1980 to a culture where teachers are trusted to know how and what to teach. #ukedchat @Heatherleatt Without frame of reference, 08:35:53 @ChrisChivers2 work judged as good, better, best? Need progress descriptors, already there. Upcycle? #ukedchat parents don't need levels.they need next steps 08:36:02 @davidhunter to work with their children at home on. @ukedchat no, but judgements are always standardised: 08:36:05 @Heatherleatt SATs; GCSEs;A Levels... #ukedchat "Don't just label us with values. Value us." Another of our 08:36:05 @SparkyTeaching #MessagesThatMatter #ukedchat >> @ukedchat @Heatherleatt #ukedchat - as long as all 08:36:10 @aknill pupils achieve "above average" govt. will be happy (;-/ ) What about writing a child's summer report in <140? 08:36:20 @batttuk #ukedchat 08:36:21 @MrWaldram What about writing a child's summer report in <140?
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

#ukedchat #ukedchat it seems absurd to scrap levels - babies and 08:36:42 @chrismcd53 bath water spring - improve fine - but replace with nothing... @mregan63 #ukedchat I think they wanted to get shot of 08:36:52 @Yorkshire_Steve levels - leaked early - and have now been caught out that no easy alternative exists! #ukedchat There does seem to be a stronger voice from 08:37:11 @batttuk Primary regarding levels. Do Secondaries use them differently? @chrisscarth @batttuk @oliverquinlan yes - it was good. @debrakidd did a really thorough summary too: 08:37:14 @chrishildrew #ukedchat @andee1980 "#ukedchat just an idea, but how about 08:37:18 @batttuk attempting to return to a culture where teachers are trusted to know how and what to... @davidhunter: #ukedchat parents don't need levels.they 08:37:20 @aknill need next steps to work with their children at home on. Hoorah agreed. Private schools ignore levelling. Do we think their kids get 08:37:21 @jackieschneider a worst education than ours? #ukedchat True. But they also like to know they've progressed 08:37:53 @LisieDavies @davidhunter: #ukedchat parents don't need levels.they need next steps to work on @ChrisChivers2 Who says what is good, better, best? 08:38:03 @Heatherleatt What I think is best you might think is good (or worse) and vice versa #ukedchat @aknill @ukedchat @Heatherleatt PLEASE can 08:38:11 @ShaunRenton somebody check the govmnt's knowledge of statistics and how averages work #ukedchat @batttuk I guess by end of KS3 secs move to GCSE 08:38:12 @rashush2 grades rather than levels, whereas in primary it's all we have #ukedchat #ukedchat parents rarely ask me about levels, they ask 08:38:16 @andee1980 how is their child doing? The answer is not a number, its my professional opinion. RT "@ukedchat: At the end of the day, isn't it all about the 08:38:21 @Super_Work pupils, rather than the accountability agenda?" HA!!! NO. #ukedchat RT @ASTsupportAAli: Literacy plasters. Speeds up 08:38:24 @JamiePortman marking books. Print for most common mistakes. #ukedchat >> Like it!
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:38:30 @Yorkshire_Steve

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

@7january1610 @chrishildrew @HFletcherWood #ukedchat Federer is level 7740 @Yorkshire_Steve - please find me a parent that would 08:38:30 @jackieschneider prefer an automated level statement than an honest sentence from a teacher! #ukedchat 08:38:32 @Heatherleatt @aknill @ukedchat that is an oxymoron #ukedchat 08:38:35 @James_ShMore Ta-dah! @MrWaldram Could do better #ukedchat Our last round of teacher obs, no grade. Teachers wanted @RachelSwinburn 08:38:37 the grade, perhaps students would feel the same and e need a benchmark #ukedchat @ian_bec #ukedchat already happened in special 08:38:40 @cherrylkd schools I'm afraid. @mregan63 @MooreLynne1 @batttuk I think the theory 08:38:42 @chrishildrew of APP is sound but its practical application is fraught with problems. #ukedchat 08:38:46 @batttuk Are grades A-G any different to levels? #ukedchat 08:38:50 @MrWaldram Are grades A-G any different to levels? #ukedchat @jackieschneider Actually, some Private schools do use 08:38:51 @batttuk levels. #ukedchat @jackieschneider: #ukedchat - I bet parents would prefer 08:39:14 @btnhoveNUT honest words & less education levels jargon. ---> Oh yes! Really would like to know how private schools manage 08:39:22 @ukedchat levels. Any more insight? #ukedchat @narthernlad #ukedchat we use + for sub levels since 08:39:26 @Referoo Sims calculates average points. And a 3a+ is CERTAINLY NOT a 4c-! #ukedchat Would be interesting to ask kids how they feel 08:39:30 @lennyvalentino about levels esp in high school. A sense of ownership of learning perhaps? Still after some ideas for Ks3 literacy intervention 08:39:33 @kate_bray resources worth buying. Any ideas? #ukedchat @Yorkshire_Steve #ukedchat You only had to look at the 08:39:34 @mregan63 draft curriculum to know they were getting rid of levels. they had to go @lennyvalentino "#ukedchat Would be interesting to ask 08:39:42 @batttuk kids how they feel about levels esp in high school. A sense of ownership of... @jackieschneider #ukedchat None - but an automated 08:39:48 @Yorkshire_Steve level statement + an honest sentence ... lots at my last parents focus group @MrWaldram Not really - potato, potato. Hmm...that 08:40:26 @frackham_edu doesn't really work in writing. #ukedchat
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:40:31 @jackieschneider

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

@andee1980 - way to go! With you all the way! #ukedchat @chrishildrew @batttuk Shush! I've already emailed it to 08:40:32 @cherrylkd myself :) #ukedchat At our school, we tell our Y6 not to worry about SATs. 08:40:40 @Super_Work 'Why not?' they tend to ask. 'Because they're not about you.' #ukedchat @batttuk we would just end up sub-levelling A1,2,3 rather 08:40:42 @ShaunRenton than 4a,b,c #ukedchat @mregan63 #ukedchat Gove says coherence comes at 08:40:51 @Yorkshire_Steve the end of the process. Currently coherence seems a long way away! #ukedchat here are my APP 08:40:54 @davidhunter ladders. You can fit every chd on one sheet and use to group by AF (if that's your thing) @batttuk the complexity of a subject like English or Maths 08:40:55 @chrishildrew means that you can only ever focus properly on small aspects. #ukedchat @jackieschneider: As a parent I despair of the jargon 08:40:57 @RobGTweet ridden reports I recieve.Surely that's more a problem with the school then #ukedchat My blog on lessons to be learnt 08:41:10 @StephenPerse from China and they are not what Gove thinks #ukedchat #learning #PISA Ofsteding Ofsted. What Ofsted look for in a lesson. 08:41:13 @Primary_Ed #ukedchat #edchat Just been @ launch of new Dana the new Danish school 08:41:42 @dick_taylor who areusing hybrid Danish & English model but accountability not mentioned #ukedchat @batttuk trying to summarise all of "English" into pupil08:41:52 @chrishildrew friendly grids and target sheets was doomed to drown in coloured paper. #ukedchat @ian_bec #ukedchat Of course! Hadn't made the 08:41:55 @cherrylkd connection. I'm obviously a bit slow tonight! 08:42:07 @CaptainGove Guns don't kill people, levels do... #ukedchat #rappergove @Yorkshire_Steve @jackieschneider we find the same 08:42:10 @frackham_edu with colour coded level + handwritten comment from teacher #ukedchat @ian_bec @SophGoll #ukedchat Sophie - I think the last 08:42:13 @Yorkshire_Steve teacher must have inflated your level so he looked good in his performance management 08:42:31 @eezipezi @ASTsupportAAli: Literacy plasters. Speeds up marking
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

books. Print for most common mistakes. #ukedchat @ASTsupportAAli: Literacy plasters. Speeds up marking 08:42:35 @MrKerrPE books. Print for most common mistakes. #ukedchat @jackieschneider Do they? I just had a report card from a 08:42:38 @davidhunter private school with levels all over it... #ukedchat accountability just entered a whole new level! This could @MakeMathsMatt 08:42:43 see schools even more isolated. We are already a er profession in turmoil. #ukedchat @batttuk doh. it's done now on another tweet. Here it is 08:43:03 @davidhunter again - #ukedchat Schools should be moving Away from > Exam Skilled 08:43:11 @urban_teacher Experts. Schools should be moving Towards > Life Skilled Experts. #ukedchat Having just come bk from parents eve & explaining levels 08:43:12 @JE55 to all my parents, i'd be happy to see the back of them 2day! #ukedchat Ofsted have done an amazing job of destroying teacher 08:43:39 @jackieschneider professionalism. We now self police ourselves & colleagues & follow rules #ukedchat independnet schools have their own inspection system byt 08:43:47 @dick_taylor still have to ahve OFSTTED every 5 years #ukedchat 15 minutes left on #ukedchat this evening, hosted by 08:44:10 @ukedchat @batttuk RT @ASTsupportAAli: Literacy plasters. Speeds up 08:44:27 @janeconsidine marking books. Print for most common mistakes. #ukedchat <Ouch ;) @Heatherleatt #ukedchat I am fully aware of the silliness 08:44:31 @aknill of my above average statement. @andee1980 @jackieschneider yes yes yes! #ukedchat 08:44:42 @Starshine_Music #EducationWithoutFrontiers @ShaunRenton @batttuk #ukedchat B-, B, B+ appeared 08:44:52 @Yorkshire_Steve on my reports when I was at school. #ukedchat Progress= the words that describe the 08:44:58 @ChrisChivers2 progress not the level; that's for the data hounds. @batttuk @lennyvalentino #ukedchat Ours like being able 08:45:09 @Yorkshire_Steve to 'see' their progress. Shame that they view progress as a number and letter. RT @CaptainGove: Guns don't kill people, levels do... 08:45:23 @sjeeves #ukedchat #rappergove #Mfpilot2013 08:46:17 @TeacherTweaks @MrGsBrain @redgierob #ukedchat Interested in what they can do over time; so you've got 3 years to learn
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

these things to prepare for GCSE. @jackieschneider Surely the education jargon is for 08:46:47 @little_mavis management & Ofsted & the extra comments are the bits for parents #ukedchat @Yorkshire_Steve @ShaunRenton @batttuk #ukedchat 08:47:21 @ChrisChivers2 And me, and those grades really told us how to get better? Maybe we were the lucky ones. #ukedchat - are the levels genuine indicators? Do they 08:48:32 @jackieschneider actually help the child? If no then abandon @MrGsBrain @narthernlad #ukedchat The difference is 08:48:43 @Referoo huge between 3a+ and 4c-, especially in Y6. 4c- doesn't exist in sims, yet I hear of it! 08:48:50 @Starshine_Music @Super_Work followed cos I like your bio! #ukedchat @ChrisChivers2 It does. Can you imagine standards that 08:48:54 @Heatherleatt vary from school to school? We had 70+ feeder primaries!! #ukedchat Punctuation tallies as stickers L3-5 ;-) 08:49:07 @MrWaldram #ukedchat RT @Starshine_Music: "@Super_Work followed cos I like 08:49:21 @Super_Work your bio!" Ha ha! Thanks! #ukedchat RT @captaingove: Guns don't kill people, levels do... 08:49:31 @batttuk #ukedchat #rappergove @jackieschneider Very true. How many levels do you see 08:49:32 @ukedchat being stuck in pupils books to show them the NEXT level? #ukedchat Motivator? RT @mrwaldram: Punctuation tallies as stickers L3-5 ;-) 08:49:37 @batttuk #ukedchat Can anybody send me links to ridiculous CPD resources? 08:50:44 @NBowater #ukedchat Ask @davidhunter for his level ladders - helpful 08:50:52 @batttuk #ukedchat @Heatherleatt I've already imagined that chaos. Criteria 08:50:59 @ChrisChivers2 need to be standardised/ national to have coherence. #ukedchat @chrishildrew @batttuk shameless blog post plugging 08:51:03 @Heatherleatt #ukedchat Everyone focusing on the negatives here - surely we are @MakeMathsMatt 08:51:22 using them well somewhere? Wasn't change needed er rather than abolishment? #ukedchat @astsupportaali seen these: similar to 08:51:43 @batttuk your literacy plasters via @MrWaldram #ukedchat @narthernlad @Referoo Good qu! The next classic qu for 08:51:52 @MrGsBrain #ukedchat !! Is a L4 a L4 in every year group?!?
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:52:14 @Yorkshire_Steve

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

@lennyvalentino @batttuk #ukedchat It's a fine line some kids get motivated by "what do i need to improve to move to level 6" ... @Heatherleatt @batttuk I clearly have no shame...but 08:52:21 @chrishildrew then this #ukedchat topic does rather lend itself to that post! And you get a mention! 08:52:35 @Heatherleatt @ChrisChivers2 Poor teachers #ukedchat We've got the poll for next week #ukedchat now live. Vote 08:52:37 @ukedchat via @ukedchat @Heatherleatt let's face it the whole thing is 08:52:39 @Starshine_Music bonkers! #ukedchat @Mrarnoldsmaths @charlotteSISRA fair point. We still use this conversion table for equivalences: 08:52:40 @chrishildrew #ukedchat 10 minutes for your suggestions on positive alternatives to 08:52:41 @batttuk levels - what do you use? #ukedchat @lennyvalentino @batttuk #ukedchat ... but others get 08:52:44 @Yorkshire_Steve hung up on the level and no their areas of strength and weakness. @MrWaldram Love them! I gave out cool points for full 08:52:47 @mrlockyer stops once. #ukedchat #ukedchat - we are in severe danger of confusing 08:52:51 @jackieschneider schooling with education. levelling seems more important for schools than kids learning RT @ukedchat: We've got the poll for next week 08:52:55 @batttuk #ukedchat now live. Vote via @rashush2 @Heatherleatt If they all did, then we could 08:52:56 @ChrisChivers2 move SATs/equivalent to year 7, but they'd all need to do the same testing. #ukedchat 08:53:05 @davidhunter @mooshtang @aknill interesting. primary? #ukedchat This year I have not once discussed levels with my 08:53:20 @nohandsup students. I provide formative feedback. Levels promote a performance culture #ukedchat @rashush2 @ChrisChivers2 They do. But who judges if 08:53:28 @Heatherleatt tests and starting points are the same from school to school? #ukedchat 08:53:34 @mooshtang @davidhunter @aknill Yep primary #ukedchat @kohlmand Bicarb + vinegar = Bag Boom! 08:54:03 @mrlockyer #science #brilliant #ukedchat 08:54:10 @Toryedumacatio #ukedchat NCL Levels should be replaced with pics of n Gove stuck into pupils books. Diff facial expression shows
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:54:23 @Heatherleatt

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

progress. #HappyGoveLevels @chrishildrew @batttuk I do?? #ukedchat @MrWaldram would like you all to know that 08:54:36 @batttuk #coolpoints are totally his idea. @mrlockyer #ukedchat @batttuk late comer to this! Why do we need levels. 08:54:37 @Debsgf Specific targets to promote profession are much more beneficial. #ukedchat 08:54:42 @ukedchat Just 5 minutes of #ukedchat remain. Final thoughts? It seems our education system now IS what #Dickens 08:54:45 @Starshine_Music wrote about in #HardTimes... Govegrind/Gradgrind #ukedchat @Heatherleatt Sorry, missed this; "Year 2" level as 08:54:49 @ChrisChivers2 described in draft NC, with "know and understand" assessment. #ukedchat 1 thing that doesn't seem to have been mentioned.When 08:54:51 @davidhunter at school, I lived for levels.All I cared a means to an end. #ukedchat 08:54:57 @Heatherleatt @chrishildrew @batttuk Plug away! #ukedchat @jackieschneider True. I regularly tell PGCE students 08:55:25 @nohandsup that they must always remember who the ultimate user of assessment data is #ukedchat When did education become a competive race ? 08:55:52 @jackieschneider #ukedchat 08:55:58 @Heatherleatt @ChrisChivers2 Yes, but that will be no more. #ukedchat @Heatherleatt @rashush2 @ChrisChivers2 #ukedchat @Toryedumacatio 08:56:01 lets just admit that all schools cheat at NCL. #GoveIsTruth n #ukedchat @nohandsup totally agree with you. Levels do no 08:56:04 @Debsgf promote reflection of understanding. I do the same thing #ukedchat #ukedchat #solo #solo #solo #solo there I have stated my 08:56:09 @aknill bias @batttuk I use my knowledge of my subject, my 08:56:13 @andee1980 experience and my understanding of the child to help advice them on how to progress #ukedchat However much we disagree can we remember that it is 08:56:14 @jackieschneider Gove who is true enemy of promise? #ukedchat @batttuk: RT @captaingove: Guns don't kill people, 08:56:14 @njthurly levels do... #ukedchat #rappergovehahahah @mooshtang @aknill ever written about it? blog post etc. 08:56:23 @davidhunter what age do you start this at? #ukedchat 08:56:32 @Yorkshire_Steve @rashush2 @ChrisChivers2 @Heatherleatt #ukedchat Not in my experience - other than for specific things (eg.
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

08:56:38 08:56:43 08:57:14

@TeacherTweaks @Toryedumacatio n @Heatherleatt

reading ages) #ukedchat What worries me is Gove saying examples of best assessment practice will be shared with schools. Translation? Purchase new model. @Starshine_Music I know. Isn't it brilliant. #ukedchat

@chrishildrew I'd forgotten but I remember tweeting the baby/bathwater thing. #ukedchat What School League Tables Don't Tell You! - Social 08:57:20 @urban_teacher Issues - Hardships - Barriers - Committed Teachers Sweat & Tears - Passion #ukedchat #ukedchat When Gove was in opposition one of the ideas 08:57:22 @Yorkshire_Steve floated was for KS2 tests to take place in week 1 of secondary school .... @aknill That's all fine and good, but where do you stand 08:57:32 @batttuk on #solo? #ukedchat @Toryedumacatio @Debsgf @nohandsup #ukedchat typical teacher 08:57:43 n nonsense. How can you tell which kids you are failing. @mooshtang @aknill i'm gonna soak these in in a bit. 08:57:57 @davidhunter That sounds very good indeed. #likeyourstyle #ukedchat @MrGsBrain @narthernlad We moderate as a staff at 08:58:12 @Referoo least half termly, focussing on a level. We are usually consistent, if not harsh #ukedchat One more little share of my motivational poster: 08:58:21 @CaptainGove #govetationals #ukedchat 2 minutes of #UKedchat to go. Vote on next week's topic 08:58:30 @ukedchat before you disappear Levels rule schools & thats sad. More consultation with @RachelSwinburn 08:58:36 students, parents, teachers & this could be an exciting, e relevant change #ukedchat @redgierob @batttuk written feedback with specific and 08:58:40 @Debsgf helpful targets for pupil reflection. Not a number or level. #ukedchat @Yorkshire_Steve @rashush2 @ChrisChivers2 Lots do 08:58:43 @Heatherleatt CATs/ NFER/ reading & writing assessments. Common practice. #ukedchat RT @toryedumacation: #ukedchat NCL Levels should be 08:59:30 @batttuk replaced with pics of Gove stuck into pupils books. Diff facial expression shows... @narthernlad #ukedchat 1 point progress (+sublevels)is 08:59:32 @chrisscarth now activated by more schools than not in @ClassrmMonitor (despite my feelings!) 08:59:43 @Yorkshire_Steve #ukedchat but would still be used for Primary School
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UKedchat Archive 27th June 2013 Hosted by @batttuk 08:59:45 08:59:50 @jackieschneider @jodieworld

Views on the disappearance of levels. Where next?

08:59:52 08:59:54 09:00:12

@batttuk @cherrylkd @ukedchat

accountability. Who trusts the levels? #ukedchat My old primary reports had test results on. Not levels but 81/100 or whatever and underneath (class average 70) so knew where at #ukedchat @mrlockyer would like you to all know that @mrwaldram SHAMELESSLY plagarises some of his catchphrases without due provenance. #ukedchat batttuk batttuk @batttuk 3m It's 9pm. Huge thanks to @batttuk for hosting tonights #ukedchat. The archive will be at soon.

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