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So here is Success Managines list of the top 25 Personal Development Books: 1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 2. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie 3. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clayson 4. 9 Steps to financial Freedom by Suze Orman 5. Who Moved My Cheese? by Dr. Spencer Johnson 6. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Peale 7. Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz 8. Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Don Millman 9. See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary Edition by Zig Ziglar 10. Acres of Diamonds by Russel Conwell 11. Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy 12. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen 13. The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill 14. The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn 15. The 7 habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey 16. The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life by Jeff Olsen 17. Become a Better You by Joel

Osteen 18. The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson 19. The Greatest Salesman in the world by Og Mandino 20. Chicken Soup for the Soul by Canfield and Hansen 21. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by W Clement Stone 22. Developing the Leader Within You by John Maxwell 23. Good to Great by Jim Collins 24. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki 25. Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

"Jesus: The Man and His Work" by Wallace D. Wattles - In these days of idol smashing and rapid readjustment of ideals this lecture is most timely. Delivered at the Auditorium, Cincinnati, November 11, 1905,it made so favorable an impression on certain listeners that they determined to have it printed if Professor Wattles would furnish the manuscript. (More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below) "A New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles - This series will not be an attempt to prove something about Christ; it will be an effort to ascertain by scientific study, what He was, how He lived, and what He taught. Too many people have studied Jesus from the standpoint of some preconceived notion of Him or His mission, such an attitude always leads to erroneous conclusions. (More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below) "Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning" by Thomas Troward - The title is self-explanatory: it sets out to expound many of the mysteries contained in the Bible, and it succeeds! An excellent launching pad to a deeper meaning. (More Thomas Troward eBooks Below) "The Varieties of Religious Experience" by William James - It's an intellectual call for serious religious tolerance--indeed, respect--the vitality of which has not diminished through the subsequent decades! "In Tune with the Infinite" by Ralph Waldo Trine - There is a golden thread that runs through every religion in the world. There is a golden thread that runs through the lives and the teachings to all the prophets, seers, sages,

and saviors in the world's history, through the lives of all men of truly great and lasting power.

"The Magic Story" by Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey - Very important and life-changing story. See for yourself! "How to Live on 24 Hours a Day" by Arnold Bennett - So much to do, so little time! Well, not anymore! "Art of War" by Sun Tzu - For more than two thousand years, Sun-tzu's The Art of War has provided leaders with essential advice on battlefield tactics and management strategies. "The Power of Concentration" by Theron Q. Dumont - A book about concentration: its importance, and how to train the mind to concentrate. "The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism" by Theron Q. Dumont - 'Magnetism' is what these old-timers coined what we now know as Energy. This book by Theron Q. Dumont will show you how to harness and use that energy. "The Secret of Success" by William W. Atkinson - A course of Nine Lessons on the subject of the Application of the latent Powers of the individual Toward Attainment of Success in Life. "Thought Vibration" by William W. Atkinson Contents: Law of attraction in the thought world; Thought-waves and their power of reduction; About the mind; Mind building; Secret of the will; Law, not chance; Training the habit mind; and much more. "Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life" by William W. Atkinson - Being a series of Lessons in Personal Magnetism Psychic Influence, Thought Force Concentration, Will Power and practical mental Science. "Practical Mental Influence" by William W. Atkinson - A course of lessons on Mental Vibrations, Psychic Influence, Personal Magnetism, Fascination, Psychic Self Protection. Containing Practical Instruction, Exercises, Directions etc. "Above Life's Turmoil" by James Allen - In this book Allen dissects the human condition and like a master physician, he offers solutions in his haunting and truthful style. "Byways to Blessedness" by James Allen - A very inspirational and popular title. Right Beginnings; Small Duties and Tasks; Standing

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill - This is one of the most famous books ever written; even today, many successful businessmen attribute their success to this book! (Go here for More Napoleon Hill and the Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons.) "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System is the only 24 Lesson presentation of the Creative Power of Thought. It teaches the ultimate principles, causes, effects, and laws that underlie all attainment and Success. "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen - A set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts. One of the best-known books of this kind. (More James Allen eBooks Below) "The Science of Being Well" by Wallace D. Wattles - The Science of Being Well, written in the same spirit of The Science of Getting Rich and Science of Being Great, is geared for healthier living. A great addition to the collection. (More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below) "Acres of Diamonds" by Russell H. Conwell - In these pages we learn the virtues of earning money through honest, hard work. Alongside "As a Man Thinketh" and "Think and Grow Rich", one of the most well known books today. "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles - Guides us toward financial success by providing the tools to spiritual growth through the acquiring of riches. Or, as I like to call it: "A Course in Manifestation." "Fundamentals of Prosperity" by Roger W. Babson - "What They are and Whence They Come". Babson sees clearer and farther than any businessman and has the courage and devotion to say what he sees. (1920). A great addition to any Christian collection. "The Science of Being Great" by Wallace D. Wattles - This is truly a treasure: A powerful message that will be of value to every person who seeks true fulfillment and the awakening of highest potential. "think, Think, THINK" is the message.

Alone; Understanding the Simple Laws of Life; and much more.

life now. Along with his lecture-series: revolutionary. "The Dore Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas Troward - But if we grasp the truth that the thing is already existent in the thought, do we not see that this transcendent Omega must be already in the Divine ideal of every one of us? "The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas Troward - Leads you to understand the Laws of Cause and Effect and The Descent of Spirit into Matter and how to use these Laws to create your own positive unlimited life. "The Power of Silence" by Horatio W. Dresser An interpretation of life in its relation to health and happiness. "Common Sense: How to Exercise It" by Blanchard Yoritomo-Tashi - In these pages, you will learn how to acquire and develop common sense and practical sense, how to apply them in your daily life, and how to utilize them profitably in the business world. "Within You is the Power" by Henry Thomas Hamblin - The enlightened message of this book moves forward in time with grace and ease, and serves to help bring the inner power of mind and spirit onto harmony with Universal Law. "The Life of the Spirit" by Henry Thomas Hamblin - It is simply a beautiful book, one that hits straight and deep in the heart. It is full of truth and undoubtedly God inspired.

"The Way of Peace" by James Allen - As the effect is related to the cause, so is prosperity and power related to the inward good, and poverty and weakness to the inward evil. "Love Does Not Judge" quote.. "The Path of Prosperity" by James Allen Contents: Lesson of Evil; Way out of undesirable conditions; silent power of thought; Realization of prosperity; Secret of abounding happiness; Secret of health, success, and happiness; and much more. "Character-Building Thought Power" by Ralph Waldo Trine - A thought, good or evil, an act, in time a habit, so runs life law, what you live in your thought world, that sooner or later you will objectified in you life. "The Greatest Thing Ever Known" by Ralph Waldo Trine - The moment we fully and vitally realize who and what we are, we then begin to build our own world even as God builds his. "This Mystical Life of Ours" by Ralph Waldo Trine - 52 excerpts from Trine's works, for each week of the year. "The Man who Knew" by Ralph Waldo Trine Contents: Time, need, the man; Getting this, you have all; love and the power of life; I am a man as you are; He called it "The Way"; Sons of men living as sons of God; Source of His genius; and much more. "The Wayfarer on the Open Road" by Ralph Waldo Trine - Being some thoughts and a little creed of wholesome living. "What all the World's A-Seeking" by Ralph Waldo Trine - This book reveals techniques for prosperity and spiritual success.

"A Message to Garcia" by Elbert Hubbard The essay originally ran in Hubbard's magazine, The Philistine, in February, 1899. Inspired by its message, George Daniels of the New York Central Railroad asked permission to reprint and distribute 500,000 copies. "The Power of Thought" by Henry Thomas Hamblin - This book shows that you can , by changing your thoughts and mental attitude, "reverse the lever" and come into harmony with the Divine Idea. "The Mental Cure" by Warren Felt Evans Illustrating the Influence of the Mind on the Body, Both in Health and Disease, and the Psychological Method of Treatment.

"The Analysis of Mind" by Bertrand Russell All of his ideas are clearly stated and made more apparent with the use of simple illustrations. "The Creative Process in the Individual" by Thomas Troward - Asserts that heaven is a state of consciousness and conditions where we experience Light, Joy, Peace, Abundance etc. in

"A Textbook of Theosophy" by C.W. Leadbeater - Discusses the evolution of life, man, the planet and our purpose here without being dogmatic. "The Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes Includes explanations on how to pray and meditate, heal oneself spiritually, find self confidence, and express love. "The Greatest Thing in the World" by Henry Drummond - Lays out his case that Love is the key ingredient to a successful life with precision, logic and eloquence "Self-Help; National and Individual" by Samuel Smiles - A large and interesting tome. The precursor to today's motivational and self help literature.. "The Multiple Mentality Course" by Harry Kahne - The original "multitasking" training system. Want or need to do 2 or more things at once? Read this! "Your Forces and How to Use Them" by Christian Larson - Treatise on the nature of soul and its attributes of Wisdom and Supreme Power.

human behavior and remains one of the greatest works of spiritual and ethical reflection ever written. "The Manual" by Epictetus - Could be called "the very first self-help book." This Greek philosopher wrote a small but powerful tractate on living a content and happy life. "The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran - A brilliant man's philosophy on love, marriage, joy and sorrow, time, friendship and much more. "The Madman" by Kahlil Gibran - Thought provoking collection of life affirming parables and poems. "Walking" by Henry David Thoreau - One of the greatest American authors himself talks about walking; serenity, meditation; peace.

"Siddharta" by Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha's life takes him on a journey toward enlightenment. It parallels the life of Buddha and seems to argue that lessons of this sort cannot be taught but come from one's own struggle to find truth. "Adventures in Contentment" by David Grayson - If you are a person of thought, this book will move you. "Adventures in Friendship" by David Grayson The author gently leads you to rediscover that plainest, commonest and rarest thing friendship. "Great Possessions" by David Grayson - It is a symphony for the five senses, recognizing the best in each of them. "The Friendly Road -or- New Adventures in Contentment" by David Grayson - I invite you to travel with me upon this friendly road.

If you're in a hurry, CLICK BELOW to buy the entire Library of 67 Classic ebooks Now! After payment you will be redirected to the download page.

"How to Find Your Real Self" by Mildred Mann - There is certainly nothing more necessary in the world today than a practical philosophy of life. One which is liveable, useable, expendable. "Self Mastery through Conscious Autosuggestion" by Emile Cou - Arguably one of the most important people of the 20th century, this man invented Autosuggestion (autogenic training) for use in healing and improving oneself. "Fables" by Aesop - A collection of more than 300 fables by the ancient grandmaster of fables himself. Great stuff to think about and read. "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius - A series of spiritual exercises filled with wisdom, practical guidance, and profound understanding of

"The Science of Being Well" by Wallace D. Wattles -The Science of Being Well, written in the same spirit of The Science of Getting Rich and Science of Being Great, is geared for healthier living. A great addition to the collection. "The Science of Being Great" by Wallace D. Wattles- This is truly a treasure: A powerful

message that will be of value to every person who seeks true fulfillment and the awakening of highest potential. "think, Think, THINK" is the message. "Jesus: The Man and His Work" by Wallace D. Wattles - In these days of idol smashing and rapid readjustment of ideals this lecture is most timely. Delivered at the Auditorium, Cincinnati, November 11, 1905,it made so favorable an impression on certain listeners that they determined to have it printed if Professor Wattles would furnish the manuscript. "A New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles - This series will not be an attempt to prove something about Christ; it will be an effort to ascertain by scientific study, what He was, how He lived, and what He taught. Too many people have studied Jesus from the standpoint of some preconceived notion of Him or His mission, such an attitude always leads to erroneous conclusions. "The Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes - Using creative techniques, Holmes guides you in easy-tofollow steps toward mastering the powers of the mind to find purpose in life. Includes explanations on how to pray and meditate, heal oneself spiritually, find self confidence, and express love. "Your Invisible Power" by Genevieve Behrend If you are new to the Science of Mind teachings, or the New Thought teachings as to how your thoughts create your world this book is a must have. Ms. Behrend takes you right to the heart of manifesting "things" or conditions that you want in your Life!

"Acres of Diamonds" by Russell Conwell - In these pages we learn the virtues of earning money through honest, hard work. We learn to look for opportunities to serve others in our own back yard by simply finding a need and filling it. If you wish to be great, begin with who you are right now, where you are right now. Follow these principles, and you will uncover your own acres of diamonds. "The Creative Process in the Individual" by Thomas Troward - Asserts that heaven is a state of consciousness and conditions where we experience Light, Joy, Peace, Abundance etc. in life now. And since heaven is eternal, that means it is past, present and future and forever: This one is revolutionary. "The Power of Concentration" by Theron Q. Dumont - A book about concentration: its importance, and how to train the mind to concentrate. "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen - Partly responsible for the creation of the entire personal development industry. Most contemporary Personal Development authors and teachers credit this little book for providing foundation to their principles. "Thought Vibration" by William W. Atkinson Contents: Law of attraction in the thought world; Thought-waves and their power of reduction; About the mind; Mind building; Secret of the will; Law, not chance; Training the habit mind; and much more. "Just How to Wake the Solar Plexus" by Elizabeth Towne - There is a real sun center in us, the Solar (or Sun) Plexus. This is a great nerve center situated in back of the stomach. When this central Sun, from which all the nerves of the body radiate, is in its normal condition, it steadily radiates a real energy, just as the sun does. "The Eye of Revelation or Fountain of Youth" by Peter Kelder - Tibetan monks have passed down a series of exercises with mystical, agereversing properties. Known as the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation or the Five Rites, these once-secret exercises are now available to you in this remarkable ebook.

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill - This is one of the most famous books ever written; even today, many successful businessmen attribute their success to this book! Here are money-making secrets that can change your life. "Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning" by Thomas Troward - The title is self-explanatory: it sets out to expound many of the mysteries contained in the Bible, and it succeeds! An excellent launching pad to a deeper meaning. "The Varieties of Religious Experience" by William James - It's an intellectual call for serious religious tolerance--indeed, respect--the vitality of which has not diminished through the subsequent decades!

A New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book)

"God: The Servant of Man" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles) "How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book) "Marital Unhappiness: A New Remedy" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Article) "Mind: What is It?" by Wallace D. Wattles (5 Articles) "Scientific Marriage" by Wallace D. Wattles (1 Book) "The Law of Opulence" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles) "The Powerful Life" by Wallace D. Wattles (3 Articles) "What is Truth?" by Wallace D. Wattles (7 Articles)

minds depths to excavate a more rewarding life for themselves. Your better life is already housed within you. It doesn't matter how you grew up, or what you've struggled with in life - your mind is unscathed by any circumstance you've yet lived...and it's phenomenally powerful! This collection of Classic self-help ebooks show you how to excavate the wonderful gem of your mind. Learn from the Classics (as millions before you) how to believe in and act out the greatness of your own mind.
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, by Benjamin Franklin

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, by W. Clement

Stone and Napoleon Hill The Power of Faith, by Louis Binstock Your Greatest Power, by J. Martin Kohe Wake Up and Live, by Dorothea Brande I Dare You, by William Danforth Acres of Diamonds, by Russell H. Conwell The Ability to Love, by Dr. Allan Fromme How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In Selling, by Frank Bettger The Magic Power of Emotional Appeal, by Roy Garn

Excerpts from
The Twenty Secrets of Success by Fenwicke Holmes

Imagine landing on just one solution that catapults you to a life you always wished you'd have, one that's abundantly rich and rewarding in every facet. That solution exists. In fact, it exists today, this very moment - in your own mind! Every person walking this planet carries this key, but few know how to plumb their

As a Man Thinketh, by James E. Allen The Holy Bible

Books written by Mandino

U.S.A. in a Nutshell Cycles The Greatest Salesman in the World The Greatest Secret In The World

The Greatest Miracle In The World The Gift Of Acabar (with Buddy Kaye) The Choice The Christ Commission Mission: Success! The God Memorandum The Greatest Salesman In The World Part II: The End Of The Story

The Ten Ancient Scrolls For Success: From The Greatest Salesman In The World

He Is Tough University of Success (Compilation from other works)

A Better Way To Live The Return Of The Ragpicker The Twelfth Angel Spellbinder's Gift The Greatest Mystery In The World Secrets For Success And Happiness The Greatest Success In The World

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. James Allen The Path to Prosperity (1905) Robert G Allen Multiple Streams of Income (2000) David Bach The Automatic Millionaire (2003) PT Barnum The Art of Money Getting (1885) Genevieve Behrend Your Invisible Power (1921) John C Bogle The Little Book of Common Sense Investing(2007) Richard Branson Losing My Virginity (1998) Warren Buffett The Essays of Warren Buffett (2001) Rhonda Byrne The Secret (2006) Andrew Carnegie The Gospel of Wealth (1889) Felix Dennis How To Get Rich (2006) Peter Drucker Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985) T Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (2005) Charles Fillmore Prosperity (1912) Joel Fleishman The Foundation (2007) Milton Friedman Capitalism and Freedom (1966) Thomas Friedman The World Is Flat (2005) Bill Gates Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire (by Bill Wallace & Jim Erickson) (1992)

19. Michael E Gerber The E-Myth Revisited (1995, 2001) 20. Benjamin Graham The Intelligent Investor (1949) 21. Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G Allen The One Minute Millionaire (2002) 22. Paul Hawken Natural Capitalism (2000) 23. Esther & Jerry Hicks Ask and It Is Given: Leaning to Manifest Your Desires (2004) 24. Napoleon Hill The Master Key to Riches (1964) 25. Conrad Hilton Be My Guest (1964) 26. Joe Karbo The Lazy Man's Way to Riches (1973) 27. Guy Kawasaki The Art of the Start (2004) 28. Robert Kiyosaki Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom (1998) 29. Peter Lynch One Up On Wall Street (1989) 30. Andrew McLean & Gary Eldred Investing in Real Estate (5th edition, 2005) 31. Jerrold Mundis How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously (1990) 32. William Nickerson How I Turned $1,000 into Three Million in Real Estate In My Spare Time (1969) 33. Conor O'Clery The Billionaire That Wasn't: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune (2007) 34. Suze Orman Women and Money (2007) 35. Paul Zane Pilzer God Wants You To Be Rich (1995) 36. Catherine Ponder Open Your Mind To Prosperity (1982) 37. John Randolph Price The Abundance Book (1987) 38. Ayn Rand Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966) 39. Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Revisited (2005) 40. Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer Creating Money (1988) 41. Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez Your Money or Your Life (1999) 42. Anita Roddick Business As Unusual: My Entrepreneurial Journey with Profits and Principles (2005) 43. Howard Schultz Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Step At a Time (1998) 44. Marsha Sinetar Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow(1987) 45. Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations (1778) 46. Thomas Stanley & William Danko The Millionaire Next Door(1996) 47. Donald Trump The Art of The Deal (1987) 48. Lynne Twist The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Life (2003) 49. Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism(1904) 50. Muhammad Yunus Banker To the Poor: Microlending and the Battle Against World Poverty (2003)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Alfred Adler Understanding Human Nature (1927) Gavin Becker The Gift of Fear (1997) Eric Berne Games People Play (1964) Edward de Bono Lateral Thinking (1970) Robert Bolton People Skills (1979) Nathaniel Branden The Psychology of SelfEsteem (1969)

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Isabel Briggs Myers Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type (1980) Louann Brizendine The Female Brain (2006) David D Burns Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (1980) Robert Cialdini Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion(1984) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Creativity (1997) Albert Ellis & Robert Harper (1961) A Guide To Rational Living(1961) Milton Erickson My Voice Will Go With You (1982) by Sidney Rosen Eric Erikson Young Man Luther (1958) Hans Eysenck Dimensions of Personality (1947) Susan Forward Emotional Blackmail (1997) Viktor Frankl The Will to Meaning (1969) Anna Freud The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (1936) Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams (1901) Howard Gardner Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983) Daniel Gilbert Stumbling on Happiness (2006) Malcolm Gladwell Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (2005) Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence at Work (1998) John M Gottman The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (1999) Harry Harlow The Nature of Love (1958) Thomas A Harris I'm OK - You're OK (1967) Eric Hoffer The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (1951) Karen Horney Our Inner Conflicts (1945) William James Principles of Psychology (1890) Carl Jung The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious(1953) Alfred Kinsey Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953) Melanie Klein Envy and Gratitude (1975) RD Laing The Divided Self (1959) Abraham Maslow The Farther Reaches of Human Nature(1970) Stanley Milgram Obedience To Authority (1974) Anne Moir & David Jessel Brainsex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women (1989) IP Pavlov Conditioned Reflexes (1927) Fritz Perls Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality (1951) Jean Piaget The Language and Thought of the Child (1966) Steven Pinker The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (2002) VS Ramachandran Phantoms in the Brain (1998) Carl Rogers On Becoming a Person (1961) Oliver Sacks The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1970) Barry Schwartz The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less(2004) Martin Seligman Authentic Happiness (2002) Gail Sheehy Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life (1974) BF Skinner Beyond Freedom & Dignity (1953) Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton & Sheila Heen Difficult Conversations (2000) William Styron Darkness Visible (1990)

50. Robert E Thayer The Moods (1996)




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. James Allen As a Man Thinketh (1904) S Andreas & C Faulkner (eds) NLP: The New Technology of Achievement (1996) Marcus Aurelius Meditations (2ndC) Martha Beck Finding Your Own North Star (2001) The Bhagavad-Gita The Bible Robert Bly Iron John (1990) Boethius The Consolation of Philosophy (6thC) Alain de Botton How Proust Can Change Your Life (1997) William Bridges Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes(1980) David D Burns The New Mood Therapy (1980) Joseph Campbell (with Bill Moyers) The Power of Myth (1988) Richard Carlson Don't Sweat The Small Stuff (1997) Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People(1936) Deepak Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (1994) Paulo Coelho The Alchemist (1988) Stephen Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1991) The Dalai Lama & Howard Cutler The Art of Happiness (1999) The Dhammapada (Buddha's teachings) Wayne Dyer Real Magic (1992) Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance (1841) Clarissa Pinkola Estes Women Who Run With The Wolves(1996) Viktor Frankl Man's Search For Meaning (1959) Benjamin Franklin Autobiography (1790) Shakti Gawain Creative Visualization (1982) Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence (1995) John Gray Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus(1992) Louise Hay You Can Heal Your Life (1984) James Hillman The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling (1996) Susan Jeffers Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway (1987) Richard Koch The 80/20 Principle (1998) Ellen Langer Mindfulness: Choice and Control in Everyday Life(1989) Lao-Tzu Tao-te Ching (The Way of Power) Maxwell Maltz Psycho-Cybernetics (1960) Abraham Maslow Motivation and Personality (1954) Philip C McGraw Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters (2000) Thomas Moore Care of the Soul (1992) Joseph Murphy The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (1963) Norman Vincent Peale The Power of Positive Thinking (1952) Carol Pearson The Hero Within (1989) M Scott Peck The Road Less Traveled (1990)

43. Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged (1957) 44. Anthony Robbins Awaken The Giant Within (1991) 45. Florence Scovell-Shinn The Game of Life and How To Play It(1923) 46. Martin Seligman Learned Optimism (1991) 47. Samuel Smiles Self-Help (1859) 48. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man (1955) 49. Henry David Thoreau Walden (1854) 50. Marianne Williamson A Return To Love (1993)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Horatio Alger Ragged Dick (1867) Warren Bennis On Becoming A Leader (1989) Frank Bettger How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success in Selling (1947) Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson The One Minute Manager (1981) Edward Bok The Americanization of Edward Bok (1921) Claude M Bristol The Magic of Believing (1948) Andrew Carnegie Autobiography (1920) Chin-ning Chu Thick Face Black Heart (1992) George S Clason The Richest Man in Babylon (1926) Robert Collier Secrets of the Ages (1926) Jim Collins Good To Great (2001) Russel H Conwell Acres of Diamonds (1921) Stephen R Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(1989) Michael Dell Direct From Dell (1999) Henry Ford My Life and Work (1922) Benjamin Franklin The Way To Wealth (1758) Timothy Gallwey The Inner Game of Tennis (1974) Robin Gerber Leadership The Eleanor Roosevelt Way (2003) Jean Paul Getty How To Be Rich (1961) Les Giblin How to Have Power and Confidence In Dealing With People (1956) Baltasar Gracian The Art of Worldly Wisdom (1647) Earl G Graves How To Succeed in Business Without Being White (1997) Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich (1937) Napoleon Hill & W Clement Stone Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude (1960) Tom Hopkins The Official Guide to Success (1982) Muriel James & Dorothy Jongeward Born To Win (1971) Spencer Johnson Who Moved My Cheese? (1998) Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad, Poor Dad (1997 ) David Landes The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (1998) Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz The Power of Full Engagement(2003) Roger Lowenstein Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist (1995) Nelson Mandela Long Walk To Freedom (1994) Orison Swett Marden Pushing To The Front (1894) JW Marriott Jnr The Spirit To Serve (1997) Margot Morrell & Stephanie Capparell Shackleton's Way (2001)

36. Donald T Phillips Lincoln On Leadership (1992) 37. Catherine Ponder The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity (1962) 38. Cheryl Richardson Take Time For Your Life (1998) 39. Anthony Robbins Unlimited Power (1986) 40. David Schwartz The Magic of Thinking Big (1959 ) 41. Florence Scovel Shinn Secret Door to Success (1940) 42. Thomas J Stanley The Millionaire Mind (2000) 43. Brian Tracy Maximum Achievement (1993) 44. Sun Tzu The Art of War (4th century BCE) 45. Sam Walton Made in America (1992) 46. Wallace Wattles The Science of Getting Rich (1910) 47. Jack Welch Jack: Straight From the Gut (2001) 48. John Whitmore Coaching For Performance (1992, 2008) 49. Richard Wiseman The Luck Factor (2003) 50. Zig Ziglar See You At The Top (1975

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Muhammad Asad The Road To Mecca (1954) St Augustine Confessions (400) Richard Bach Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1970) Black Elk Black Elk Speaks (1932) Richard Maurice Bucke Cosmic Consciousness (1901) Fritjof Capra The Tao of Physics (1976) Carlos Castaneda Journey to Ixtlan (1972) GK Chesterton St Francis of Assisi (1922) Pema Chdrn The Places That Scare You (2001) Chuang Tzu The Book of Chuang Tzu (4th century BCE) Ram Dass Be Here Now (1971) Epictetus The Enchiridion (1st century) Mohandas Gandhi An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth (1927) Al-Ghazzali The Alchemy of Happiness (1097) Kahlil Gibran The Prophet (1923) GI Gurdjieff Meetings With Remarkable Men (1960) Dag Hammarskjold Markings (1963) Abraham Joshua Heschel The Sabbath (1951) Herman Hesse Siddartha (1922) Aldous Huxley The Doors of Perception (1954) William James The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) Carl Gustav Jung Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1955) Margery Kempe The Book of Margery Kempe (1436) J Krishnamurti Think On These Things (1964) CS Lewis The Screwtape Letters (1942) Malcolm X The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1964) Daniel C Matt The Essential Kabbalah (1994) Dan Millman The Way of the Peaceful Warrior (1989) W Somerset Maugham The Razor's Edge (1944) Thich Nhat Hanh The Miracle of Mindfulness (1975) Michael Newton Journey of Souls (1994) John O'Donohue Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom (1998)

33. Robert M Pirsig Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance(1974) 34. James Redfield The Celestine Prophecy (1994) 35. Miguel Ruiz The Four Agreements (1997) 36. Helen Schucman & William Thetford A Course in Miracles(1976) 37. Idries Shah The Way of the Sufi (1968) 38. Starhawk The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess (1979) 39. Shunryu Suzuki Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (1970) 40. Emanuel Swedenborg Heaven and Hell (1758) 41. Teresa of Avila Interior Castle (1570) 42. Mother Teresa A Simple Path (1994) 43. Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now (1998) 44. Chgyam Trungpa Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism(1973) 45. Neale Donald Walsch Conversations With God (1998) 46. Rick Warren The Purpose-Driven Life (2002) 47. Simone Weil Waiting For God (1979) 48. Ken Wilber A Theory of Everything (2000) 49. Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi (1974) 50. Gary Zukav The Seat of the Soul (1990)

51. Ten Books to Get Started 52. Heres a quick list of ten not-soself-help books that can get you outside the familiar aisles and into some completely different perspectives: 53. 1. The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli 54. The classic book on power and strategy. Machiavellis writing is ruthless and politically incorrect by todays standards. But his thoughts on achieving power and maintaining it stand in stark contrast to any self-help book youve glanced at before. 55. Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries for heavy ones they cannot. 56. 2. Siddhartha Hermann Hesse 57. A novel about a mans life as he progresses towards enlightenment. A fantastic book that explores our relationship with wealth, poverty, sex and desire without falling into cliches. 58. Was Atman then not within him? Was not then the source

within his own heart? One must find the source within ones own Self, one must possess it. Everything else was seeking a detour, error. 59. 3. Meditations Marcus Aurelius 60. A classic in stoic writings. Stoicism is the ancient philosophical school that suggests that a wise man is completely invincible to suffering, since virtue is sufficient for happiness. Material wealth and poverty can add conveniences to life, but they cannot add to or subtract anything from true happiness. 61. If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. 62. 4. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert M. Pirsig 63. This book has been called the most widely read contemporary book on philosophy. Although it touches on many themes in selfhelp, what sets this book apart is its method of reaching those themes. This book is an exercise in thinking as many self-help titles are heavy on conclusions and light on process. 64. You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in. No one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise tomorrow. They know its going to rise tomorrow. When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kinds of dogmas or goals, its always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt. 65. 5. The Art of War Sun Tzu

66. Ive been told this book is now mandatory reading in some business schools. Being the classic in military strategy, I can certainly see why. This book suggests how to outsmart your opponent, and although it was written for war, it can also be a useful metaphor for many other obstacles you encounter in life. 67. All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. 68. 6. The Stuff of Thought Steven Pinker 69. A lot of self-help books deal with how we use language. The whole concept of neurolinguistic programming is based on the idea that our language and thoughts are intertwined. But few of these books actually explore the science behind how our thoughts interact with our words. 70. 7. The Fountainhead Ayn Rand 71. Few writers inspire as much love and hatred as Ayn Rand. I disagree with at least half of the ideas she espouses in her books, but I can still recognize the values of independence, nonconformity and creative passion in her works. Just as I think there is value for an atheist to read the Bible, I think even the most selfless humanitarian can get a valuable perspective from this book. 72. But you see, I have, lets say, sixty years to live. Most of that time will be spent working. Ive

chosen the work I want to do. If I find no joy in it, then Im only condemning myself to sixty years of torture. And I can find the joy only if I do my work in the best way possible to me. 73. 8. The Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins 74. Evolution doesnt just apply to our genes, but also to our ideas. Dawkins argues that unconscious, self-replicating processes can lead to incredibly complex results. It is in this book that he coins the term meme, an idea or technology that replicates itself through human minds. Evolution is an invaluable perspective when trying to make sense of the complex systems of life. 75. The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry. 76. 9. Outliers Malcolm Gladwell 77. I wanted to include one more recent book in my selection. Outliers is a great book because it explores the staple self-help topic: success. However, it does this in a way completely different from classic self-help, focusing on the environments and opportunities of successful people, not just their personality traits. 78. [T]he values of the world we inhabit and the people we surround ourselves with have a profound effect on who we are. 79. 10. Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu 80.Concise, beautiful and profound. The Tao Te Ching encourages the reader to reexamine closely guarded assumptions. Power is found through weakness. Leadership comes from serving. Progress is

illusory. If you were born in a western country, I would strongly recommend this book since it departs greatly from the Judeo-Christian perspective. 81. To live until you die is to live long enough. 82. Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.
A few of these are Psycho Cybernetics, The Holographic Universe, The Science of Getting Rich, and As A Man Thinketh THE MENTAL HIGHWAY by Thomas Parker Boyd_files

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