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(1) Ted Wallerstedt

Favorite Quotations
When someone says, "There ought to be a law...", they are almost always wrong. Ted Wallerstedt -----------"Until men learn that of all human symbols, Robin Hood is the most immoral and the most contemptible, there will be no justice on earth and no way for mankind to survive." - Ragnar Danneskjld | Atlas Shrugged -----------There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. Daniel Webster -----------I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction." Prometheus (AKA Equality 7-2521) | Anthem -----------As a child, I regularly pledged allegiance to the Flag, and to the country for which it stands. As an adult, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And I reaffirmed that oath each time I re-enlisted. But in doing neither of these was I intending to support the statist, collectivist, socialist, fascist tyranny that exists here today. I was pledging allegiance to the ideals behind the Declaration of Independence. That all people are created equal. That by our nature we have certain unalienable Rights (including but not limited to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness). That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it. I was vowing to support and defend the ideals in the Bill of Rights. Freedom of Speech Freedom of Association The right to own property, and the right to self-defense The right to be secure from unwarranted government intrusion in our person, our homes, and in our lives And the right to self-government My pledge stands strong, and my oath stands forever. But if you are an enemy of FREEDOM, foreign or domestic, you are MY enemy. I will never initiate violence. But I will not stand for the usurpation of our freedoms and trampling of our liberty. Ted Wallerstedt -----------Let me be clear on the subject of rights. By the nature of my existence, I own myself and my mind. I own the fruits of my labor (property rights). I have the right to defend myself and defend what is mine (self defense). By extension, I have the right to possess and carry the means to defend myself and my property. The right to bear arms is a natural human right

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6/26/2013 1:47 PM

(1) Ted Wallerstedt

I have the right to defend myself and defend what is mine (self defense). By extension, I have the right to possess and carry the means to defend myself and my property. The right to bear arms is a natural human right belonging to everyone, no matter where they live. No other has the right to take my life, liberty or property. I owe others only non-aggression. Ted Wallerstedt -----------What part of 'shall not be infringed' is unclear? No restrictions are acceptable. No registration. No 'permits'. No infringements. Period. We spend our time arguing over the definitions of assault rifle and magazine vs. clip, when instead we need to be clear. No infringements. Period. There should be no restrictions, ever. I have the natural right to arm myself with whatever I need to defend me and mine against any and all aggressors, including the state. And so do you. This includes all conventional munitions, vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, and more. The 2nd Amendment only enumerates a right that exists naturally. Shall not be infringed includes any weapon that the state has access to. This includes grenades, rocket launchers, and (whether we like it or not) nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. I do not want to argue over stupid restrictions like who can own an automatic weapon and who can't, or how many rounds a magazine should hold. No infringements. Period. We need to repeal the 1934 National Firearms Act and the Gun Control Act of 1968. No infringements. Period. Ted Wallerstedt

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6/26/2013 1:47 PM

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