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Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Subtitution polyalphapetic ciphers

Juan Uchuvo Gonz alez Miguel Alexander D az Sebast an Sierra Loaiza
National University of Colombia.

March 30, 2013

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

1 Introduction

2 Vigen` ere Cipher

3 Running key cipher

4 Enigma Machine

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Polyalphabetic Ciphers

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Vigen` ere Cipher

The Cipher is called due to Blaise de Vigen` ere, its misattributed in the 19th century. The cipher consists of several Caesar ciphers in sequence with dierent shift values. At dierent points in the encryption process the alphapet used is not the same in general.

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Vigen` ere Cipher

To encrypt a tableau can be used:

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Vigen` ere Cipher

For example suposse that the text to be ecrypted is: Codebreakers break our Vigen` ere-code, HELP! Remove text decorations (spaces, punctiatins, capitalzation) CODEBR EAKERS BREAKO URVIGE NERECO DEHELP We select the key K = LOVE tadann! the cipher text: NCYIMF ZEVSMW MFZEVC PVGWBI YSMINC YISSGT

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Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Vigen` ere Cipher

For example suposse that the text to be ecrypted is: Codebreakers break our Vigen` ere-code, HELP! Remove text decorations (spaces, punctiatins, capitalzation) CODEBR EAKERS BREAKO URVIGE NERECO DEHELP We select the key K = LOVE tadann! the cipher text: NCYIMF ZEVSMW MFZEVC PVGWBI YSMINC YISSGT
A Cryptoanalysis is sometimes possible with a Kasiski examination

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Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Vigen` ere Cipher

Also encryption E using the key K can be written Ci = Ek (Mi ) = (Mi + Ki ) mod 26 and decryption Mi = Dk (Ci ) = (Ci Ki ) mod 26 Where M is the message and C the ciphertext.

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Vigen` ere Cipher

Despite its simplicity, the cipher is capable of producing a

100% crack-proof :O

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Vigen` ere Cipher

Despite its simplicity, the cipher is capable of producing a

100% crack-proof :O if we used correctly :P

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Vigen` ere Cipher

Despite its simplicity, the cipher is capable of producing a

100% crack-proof :O if we used correctly :P

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Choose a key that is as long as the plaintext message. Build the key from random characters. Never use the key again. Dont use text decorations (spaces, punctuations, capitalization). Protect the key.

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Running Key cipher

In this cipher a text, typically from a book, is used to provide a very long keystream. Unlike a Vigen` ere chiper, we dont repeat the key we just continue on from the key text hence the Kasiski examination is useless. To encode the start point on the keystream is to be used a indicator block.

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Running key cipher


For example we choose as keystream the book Don Quijote de la Mancha(2198907) and we are using the Trithemius tableau. First we choose a starting point, for example the line number 36229, encode this number into digits and it will be the indicator block and we will insert as the antepenultimate block DGCCJ .

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Running key cipher


. . . Amor, cuando yo pienso en el mal que me das, terrible y fuerte, voy corriendo a la muerte, pensando as acabar mi mal inmenso; mas, en llegando al paso que es puerto en este mar de mi tormento, tanta alegr a siento, que la vida se esfuerza y no le paso.. . . Miguel de Servantes Saavedra

Running Key(321)
. . . En tanto que en s vuelve Altisidora, muerta por la crueldad de don Quijote, y en tanto que en la corte encantadora se vistieren las damas de picote, y en tanto que a sus due nas mi se nora vistiere de bayeta y de anascote, cantar e su belleza y su desgracia, con mejor plectro que el cantor de Tracia.. . . Miguel de Servantes Saavedra

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Running key cipher


Ezhrp nodxs cbhdy rdjin peust tivmq xejme gfzml gpzyp uthys bqbhl qnbws ypnfu rkhuj irfln fcrl egndae fipoc ifqzv khuej iawlw jazdg dpeiu cjyci fiurk heyre knwpu vdwyq lsfde ibgmi rkedp fgp e licqx oduwn oomfa fxejx ofvkl dgccj cmojw jdwg

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Running key cipher


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Replace de traditional tableau. Permutation generated running keys Cyphertext appearing to be plaintext

Polyalphabetic Ciphers The Codebrakers Introduction Vigen` ere Cipher Running key cipher Enigma Machine

Enigma Machine

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