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MEGALIVING - resumed
OM PURNAMADA PURNAMIDAM PURNAT PURNAMADACHTE PURNASYA PURNAMADAYA PURNAMEVA VASHISHATE Every human being has the potential for a Perfect Life . My every thought and my every action is directed towards my Life Goals therefore i am bound to be success-full. I continue to cultivate my mind, body and character so my life takes on powerful dimensions that I must have only thought only in my most elevated fantesies. Studies have shown that it takes at least 21 days for perceptible changes to appear. However this is the age of speed. Full concentration, complete will-power and discipline, useful patterns of thinking and personal influence are the tools that emerge from the best use of my thought power. By making the best use of my mind and all powers I enjoy every moment of my life and I achieve everything that I have ever wanted. A powerful mind creates thoughts of success and brings unlimited opportunityes for realising my desires. To begin with I can train myself to go weeks without even one negative, weack thought. My natural and true nature is like this: - I experience a deep sense of well-being and happiness - I am fully confident in the self, others and God - I create and maintain reach relations that really last - I am very knowledgeful of self mastery and peack performance - I have a deep understanding of life and I experience peack health youth and longevity - I am in my highest health, highest energy and great enthusiasm - I am a radiant personality with traits of stability, peace, serenity, faith, patience... - I am financially established & free and I my complete prosperity is well earned and long lasting - I am in control of all my powers, abilities, talents, qualities, of my life and destiny. Today I continue to be Perfect and live this Perfect day of my Perfect life. This perfect life is mine to shape into anything long lasting truly wonderful that I wish. Today is the first day of my new life. This perfect life is mine to shape into anything long lasting truly wonderful that I wish. I am making the best of my full mental, intellectual, physical, financial and spiritual potential. There is nothing more noble than to be the best of me. I accept my full potential with great energy and I welcome myself to the new reality of Perfection. PAKKA! I am perfect in all my levels and in all the ways and everything I do is perfect. There is no such thing as negative circumstance. It simply does not exists. Every event is my own creation and it has a specific purpose. All circumstances are there to give birth to new powers and potentials. I accept every experience with gratitude and make the best of the opportunity it presents. I am the sole architect of my life. My potential is completely unlimited. If someone tends to have about 60 000 thoughts every day 95% tend to be same as previous day. A master of own mind only thinks useful thoughts of his aim and objective. His thoughts are very few and very powerful and they instantly create reality. His every single thought is one that flies him ahead to his perfect self, perfect life and perfect world. By taping the tremendous energy of my mind I turn my mind into my most wonderful and powerful tool to serve my highest purposes. This great soul refused to accept any limitation to what, how and when he can do. He was fully aware of the totally unlimited nature of his potential. He knew that whatever the mind can conceive and believe can be achieved. He had the unshakable faith that he is VIJAYATI at each and every second irrespective of what it may seem to be. The awakening of this great soul awakened enough people and removed the influence of the empire of sorrow with passive resistance. His determination to be perfect in the perfect world made him first perfect by building his mental full power and toughness and creating great discipline, law and order in his life. Armed with te self knowledge that his cause was just this human being led the whole world to complete independence. The mind is like a muscle. I create the powerful habit of unlimited thinking by practicing MegaThinking every day and every moment. This complete prosperity mind set is developed in such a way that it reaches the point where it is swataha.

MY NATURAL NATURE IS SELF MASTERY OF COMPLETE AND FULL SUCCESS, HAPPINESS, LOVE, PEACE & SERENITY, RICH RELATIONSHIPS & PROSPERITY, IDEAL HEALTH, FULL LIFE SPAN AND EVERLASTING YOUTH. By believing my life is worth living my elevated belief creates this fact and makes my life worth living. Time is like a point. There is just one second - the present one, and I am making the BEST of it. There is this gold mine inside of me and from there I use what I wish, when I wish and how I wish to use in my perfect life of glory, joy and abundance. By using the spiritual treasures they continue to increase. This knowledge is like atomic dynamite which has completely vanished the sanskars weakness and sorrow from their very seed in such a way that even the name and trace of sorrow is completely forgotten as if it has never existed. This is how the perfect world of completion, power, peace, happiness, wealth and entire truth has started. By mastering my thoughts in this way, I master my mind therefore I master my power and my life and therefore I master my own destiny. My mind is like a highest security fortress in which only useful thoughts are allowed. With the power that is saved from saving my thoughts I can create anything I wish by just deciding to make that change and taking determined action to realize it. For example if I wish ideal relationships I make myself the kind of person who sustains such relationships. I have the full knowledge of performing those precise actions that bring me my desired result. That is why: - I am my champion in life - I have full mental power - I experience perfect health - I am in my highest energy and vitality - I am having so much fun in my life - All my dreams are fulfilled - I have all the serenity I wish in my life - I have powerful sanskars of complete soul power - I have all the adventure I wish in my life - I swataha live my entire life span - I am in complete mastership over my self and all my powers - be it physical or subtle - and abilities. It was said that the purpose of life is a life of purpose. People are happyest when they feel they are contributing in some way to the world. Inspired by a great purpose or some extraordinary project, all of my thoughts breack their bonds and past patterns, my mind transcends limitations, my consciousness expands in all directions and my highest self uses full power potential to accomplish my aim and objective of perfect self, perfect life and perfect world. Everything is already accomplished in the time seed. I have made the firm decision to tap into my full potential of my mind, body and spirit. therefore powerful forces are set into action and trigger such events in my life and the whole world. I appreciate how easy and fun it is to live a lifelong success and full self Mastery. I can see improvements in my life already therefore my confidence is unleashed, my enthusiasm is great and my passion and energy are at highest point. This way I create opportunity after opportunity of accomplishment in every aspect of my perfect life. ~ One ESSENTIAL point that I now understand is TATWAM / HUM SO-SO HUM - I am that which I want to be. I m the same - I already am all that I want to be, all that I am supposed to be and all that God wants me to be. I am that. ~ Another key for success is that I run my own race. There is no one else involved in this except me, I and Myself. Not in being greater than others, an eastern proverb says the true nobility is in being greater than the previous self. It is also important that I manage my time and thoughts meticulously, and I use my power of knowledge to best results, I am living a disciplined and principled life. To maintain my youth I tap my energy reserves and sustain my mental clarity. For personal effectiveness I manage my time and relationships very well. By making small, daily changes on a gradual and consistent scale success is bound to come. Discipline is formed by studying every day even in the days when it seems harder than usually. By maintaining my program soon these low energy days become fewer and far between until eventually completely finish. By implementing consistent changes every day my personal energy grows exponentially and my desire takes hudge proportions. By charting the progress in the Success Log in this book my interest and enthusiasm greatly increase and by publicizing my commitment to the course I get tremendous leverage for my ultimate destination - a perfect self master with a perfect life in a perfect world .

Man is made by himself and it is him who fashions the tools he builds heavenly mansions of joy, strength and peace for himself. By the right choice and true application of thought he ascends divine perfection. Nar-Narayan / Nari se Lakshmi method is the method of constant and endless improvement. It means daily endeavor to advance in the direction of one's Laksh. Personal mastery is like a bank account. By worrying, sleeping too much, eating too much and watching too much TV it decreases. However, it increases by daily practice: be it exercising, reading, visualizing or forging better relationships. In this way I make regular gold and platinum deposits in my Personal Excellence Account. Unstoppable - nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped. I realize the magic secret of true happiness: Above there is always clear skies. Even if clouds may come I rise myself above them and breath into my perfect sky. I dedicate myself to such self enhancement each moment of my life that I rise above any could to live with lasting bliss in the blue sky of life. In this way I have become a champion of peace and happiness. I remember the destination of happiness is the method for every second of the way to my place of real freedom and joy where all dreams are rich and they come true, the place of self -mastery. This is the place called MegaLiving. Although the answers to a life of perfection and bliss are as abundant as I need, A SINGLE POWERFUL IDEA IS ENOUGH TO CHANGE MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER. Daily physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to arrive at the state of personal excellence. Longevity, super energy, relaxation and serenity, concentration, will power, productivity and creativity, physical and mental tonus and beauty, joy and happiness, hope and optimism are just few of the benefits of a healthy body. Swim, run, walk, take up Karate, cycle, garden, yoga, Pilates, aerobics.... I relax my mind and body and jump lift my life up to my highest potential. The body and mind are like a high performance racing viman. Such a viman performs best when cool and well-oiled. The right fuel is also essential. There is the food for the body and the food for the mind. THE SOUL THAT MOVES IN THE WORLD OF SENSES AND KEEPS THE SENSES IN HARMONY ... FINDS RECOVERY IN STILLNESS - a translation from the Bhagwad Gita. My body and mind are intimately linked and when my body is toned, fresh and relaxed my mind can easily be stable in a stage of tonic freshness and relaxation. By taking such a good care of my mind I tap my truly enormous potential and allow myself to be my best. I can develop my own strategies for controlling my mind according to the different requirements. Together with that it is also important that I PRACTICE RELAXATION AND STILLNESS OF THE MIND EVERY SINGLE DAY. That creates like a bank account of peace and mastery of my own mind. I am a knowledgeful soul and I recognize the value of a calm, disciplined and relaxed mind. A peaceful and quiet mind fixes everything. In the East, a daily period of silence is as common as fasting in the West. Together with MAUN, BREATHING, YOGA, MEDITATION, STRECHING, SELF MASSAGE, SPORTS, CONTACT WITH NATURE are also part of the program for the Self Renewal and Self Mastery for a perfect MegaLife. To use the tremendous power reserves of my mind the first step is that I become aware of the nature of thought. Thought is a vital, living force, the most subtle and irresistible force that exists in the universe. Thoughts are living things. They are born from my mind and tour the whole universe with amazing speed. In their journey then meet other similar living thoughts which add to their power and by the time they reach back to their creator they become so amazingly developed and powerful. That is why I have to be so amazingly careful to the thoughts I create through my mind. This is the second step where I CREATE MAGIC IN MY LIFE BY THINKING UNLIMITED AND DREAMING GREAT DREAMS AND THIS WAY I SET INTO PLAY POWERFUL FORCES AND WONDERFUL THINGS HAPPEN . 12 Golden rules for Mental Mastery: 1. Mastery is in the DNA of life. I master my mind by mastering my every thought of every second, of every minute of every day of my life. In any one instant there can only be one thought. 2. What I think of is what influences me. By mastering my inner world I master my outer world, my life and destiny. 3. I alone am responsible for what I think and feel. 4. My positive expectation of super success attracts opportunities after opportunities for manifesting my super success - according to the Law of Attraction. 5. Work Hard although I know I am already that which I wanna be - the full Master of My Mind, Intellect and Sanskars. This game of working hard allows me to feel I have full right to this attainment and it has such a great value to me that I will want to treasure it forever. People use this hard to get principle in order to make others think that their love is valuable. However the true value for each individual is inside of the self mastery.

6. Mind works through images therefore one of the keys to better life is to change my self-image for the better. I imagine how I look when I am the best of me and I do all I can to look like that now itself. 7. I focus my mental and physical energy on a single purpose and constantly keep it at the front of my mind. This way unlimited great forces are sparked into action to manifest anything I faithfully and honestly believe I can achieve. 8. My subconscious mind is a very important companion in my life. I use my subconscious mind for the maximum achievement. Only I have the key to stimulate it with mental pictures and verbalization. 9. There is a Success Mechanism in my mind. By default it uses memories of success to attract similar success again and again. My meditation, visualization and optimism I can create the memories of a greater and greater success to feed the Success Mechanism with. 10. PAST IS PAST. It has no relevance whatsoever to the unlimited potential I can use even from now on without being too late. At any moment I can make a determined thought to unprecedentedly make the best of my life. I can bring profound improvements in the way I feel, in the passion I live my life with, in my energy levlels, health and youth, in my financial resources and in the richness of my relationships . 11. By experiencing success every moment of my life the sanskars of easy natural success are created and the successful nature becomes a swataha way of living. 12. Focus is a great power. When I focus on something I see it everywhere. In fact my attention only picks the relevant information and it suddenly seems that everywhere I look I see that which I need. Once I make the decision to focus on a perfect life and master all of its components I find signs of excellence and positivity everywhere. By focusing on that which is good in my world, the knowledge required to make it even better just catapults me to the next level. I start seeing abundant strategies and techniques and ideas that get me where I wish to reach. My knowledge provides all the training for meeting all goals and all the means for achieving my objectives. Technique: 1. Set a goal, 2. Develop a plan, 3. Create a product 4. Find all the available knowledge on the product, on the market, on the clients... 5. Find out the mind set of those who have succeeded in same business, what they read, where they got their info, what they did in the morning at waking up and during the day....know the things they did to get their results - this technique is called SUCCESS IMAGING. Become a mirror image of the person who has succeeded in same - emulate their physiology - walk like them, talk like them, eat like them, think like them, react like them, study their diets and eat the food they ate.... By doing this I am bound to get the same results as they did. Get into the daily habit of talking to new people and tapping their minds. Ask question after question. Read new articles and listen to tapes on the subject. Knowledge is power and it gives unshakable confidence and unstoppable momentum. I expand the limits of my mind and allow my unlimited nature to emerge. I am well educated enough, intelligent enough, fit enough, rich enough, happy enough , etc. to make this life a masterpiece . I accept all the success I richly deserve. Man is the responsible one to turn the alloy of modern experience into the platinum of self mastery and character. His success is up to himself. He carries on the fire of self correction and self discipline. He lives the imperative of life's highest ideal. With discipline and mental persistence I find the means to my aim and objectives. I gain the personal toughness to apply the principle of Nar-Narayan for the man inside me. Most importantly, the development of discipline ensures that I am always focused on my life goals and I am moving powerfully and consistently towards them. Discipline and will power are like the biceps - they can be conditioned and built up. SUCCESS IN ANY ENDEAVOUR IS BASED ON A FOCUSED MIND AND REGULAR PRACTICE. Discipline and will power deliver me to the highest level of living possible and once these muscles are consistently exercised into a habit, great rezults appear and tasks that once were difficult now become easy. With discipline I raise the standards of my physical and emotional fitness, I tap into the amazing reserves of knowledge within myself, I start and finish major tasks, I control my diet, I multiply my energy levels, I build my character, and I enhance my personal relations. Discipline frees me from worry and shapes the tremendously important habit of mind control and positive thinking. Discipline dramatically improves my self confidence and my productivity - it helps me put first thing first. It increases my mental power and toughness, my agility, my personal power and my attention and focus. By refining my biceps of discipline and will-power I access the key to self-management and mastery which is the key ingredient of managing and leading a given corporation or team, etc. It is considered a man of character is one who sets up a reasonable objective and pursues it right to its accomplishment. Once he has a worthy desire, he exerts totally concentrated mind and efforts on it therefore no one and nothing can move him from the path or discourage him. Instead he continues to move consistently on the way to his success.

* Discipline and will pwer are two gems to be polished and refined continuously for a life time. * The secret of constantly conditioning them is to USE THEM: I exert and push my memory to remember more, I exert and push my imagination - I visualize the perfect ME and experience being that person. In this way I very soon become that. * I have Great Hopes and think Good Thoughts. * There is a sparkling spring of will power bubbling inside me. By using it frequently it floods my life with an unstoppable current of power. * I am a will power winner. The MegaLiving program on one hand reminds me to remove all disempowering thoughts and on the other hand win over the impulses that drain energy so that by saving my energy I access and use my unlimited potential to unlock my ideal health, emerge my perfect wealth and experience a trully happy and magical existence. The first step to remove mental fatigue is to control every thought of my mind. A powerful and tough mind never allows the fight of worry or doubt. As soon as I notice a thought of worry I replace it with a thought of Hope. Also in order to avoid doubt I use the power to decide. This way I have developed the habit of disciplining my mind myself and my life. Such a disciplined mind works wonders and makes fatigue a thing of the past. All of the sudden all the drowsiness and tiredness vanish and instead of them my joy and enthusiasm for life bubble inside me and bring me to a state of fulfillment - Paa Lia Jo Pana Tha. Having develloped this habit of discipline of the mind I have saved a huge amount of energy that is now available to be used for my aim and objectives. Now larger goals become available and my confidence soars. I experience mental strength and lasting happiness. One of the greatest success tips is that all of life's happiness comes from achieving goals. I experience an elevated life due to my personal achievements. My key to this success is that I have achieved Discipline and Will-Power to the extent that it makes all my goals easily achievable. The MegaLiving program is a holistic life style that includes every facet of my life and rises it to its highest level by unleashing all my potential including the exceptional power of my mind, my super memory, my ideal health, my most elevated character and highest integrity and self respect, my ever increasing abundance and prosperity. Feel Good Principle: At this point I look within myself to see the motivation that has made me perform actions by now. I am checking to see if it is that need to feel good or is it that I am already feeling good and together with that I have to just practically express myself and live my life. An elevated level of freedom is when I do exactly that which I have to do and I enjoy every moment of my life. Joy, happiness, peace, power, etc. are things that I cultivate witin myself and I experience them in life irrespective of what I do. I Feel Good by doing that which I have to do. Technique to make powerful and lasting transformation in life : 1. The DECISION: Today I take the decision to change my behavior. I write the decision to improve my life and tape it next to my bedside. I read it 10 times before I go to bed and when I wake up. This way it enters my subconscious mind which ultimately governs all my actions. 2. The CHANGE: I am constantly monitoring my mind. As soon as I see a slide of unwanted behavior I isolate it and I call upon my highest awareness to break the disempowering thinking pattern and bring the time to permanently remove negativity from the Kingdom of my Mind. 3. The NEW REALITY: I replace the unwanted slide with a positive, empowering one that shows me doing what I should be doing at that very time. 4. Think GOOD THOUGHTS: I Keep on replacing the unwanted slides with positive slides untill the new powerful type of thinking becomes a strong thought and behavior pattern. I believe in myself and I have faith. I program myself for total success and self confidence because I know that what I think is what I become. I know that my self confidence is the basis of my success and happiness. The quality of my life is the result of the thoughts I consciously cultivate in my mind. Thoughts are living things and they have a powerful impact on the physiology of matter. The powerful healthy thoughts in perfect shape that I am sending out into my body are messengers of power, health and beauty for my body and for the world. Such living thoughts are filling my body with energy and releasing health into my every cell; they enhance my performance and increase my life span. I see the wonders of my world and celebrate life. Attaining my goals is simply a matter of believing - of mastering my inner world & powers - that is my thoughts, feelings and experiences - and applying them for the result I wish to attain. To attain best results I train my mind to adopt the habit to focus on winning and peak performance. By controlling the thoughts swirling around the garden of my mind I can attain whatever I wish. The waste thoughts will then become fewer and fewer and eventually totally disappear.

The champion in sports have special diet of the body and mind and general body training. They harvest the mind's exceptional psychic energy to create the desired results. This can be done by visualizing success at the event, going through rituals in preparation for the event and practicing meditative exercises designed to calm the body, exercises to remove toxins and to empower the body with energy. Visualization to the playing field and also extended to the rehearsal areas for the ideal performance over and over again before the actual even takes place is a tool in the success kit of every peak performer. Super Memory, a Laser Beam Focus, Genius Creativity, the Discipline of an Indian Yogi and much more than this I can attain by training my mind to adopt the powerful habit of a winning attitude, a winning mindset as powerful thought pattern. The limitless attitude in my mind factory is imprinted into my limitless life of success and attainment. I definitely expect to win at the game of life that is I expect to fulfill my complete potential in life and attain complete attainment. My whole game is attitude. I think positively and achieve the impossible. As I prepare for each day or a special event , I run a perfect video of the perfect result on the screen of my mind. I see as many details of the activity as possible I smell the air, I feel the temperature, I experience myself smiling and meeting the success as I want it to be. This is called CREATIVE VISUALISATION and is a tool in my self-mastery kit box. Today I decide that I am the most positive person I can imagine. I cultivate the spirit of joy and positivity in every area of my life. I am a true adventurer who sees lifes experiences as those who allow me to gain more and more wisdom and clarity, higher and higher awareness. I have learned to love adversity and to flourish on it. I use the magic that turns adversity into benefit. Nothing can stop someone with a successful attitude from achievement. CLEAR GOALS are essential for success and life mastery. Precise objectives for every faced of my life both for the near future and for the long term, are those who channel my energy towards lasting Self Mastery and a life of excellence. I know precisely where I am going MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALY, SPIRITUALLY, FINANCIALLY, etc. MENTALLY discipline, determination, agility, promptitude, smart, sharp intellect, full knowledge, full yuktis, full faith, focus, memory, stability; PHYSICALLY ever healthy, ever young, ever fit, completely pure and powerful body; EMOTIONALY joy, enthusiasm, peace, happiness, energy, master and stable I choose and use the emotions I experience; SPIRITUALLY complete perfection full master of the self and a practical life of perfection. Nashtomoha, Manjit, Mayajit, Prakritijit, Nindrajit, Karmateet, Gyanswarup, BapSaman, SampurnSampan, Balak so Malik, Bhandanmukt, Jivanmukt, MAlmightyA. FINANCIALY I have all I need when I need it FAMILY loving and detached RELATIONS emphatic useful relationships, get a friend and go out more. CAREER own business (SPA, unghii) WORLD Heaven on earth. I take my time to set and regularly review my goals so my mind spots the opportunities to allow them to manifest. This is how I make my dreams come true. I constantly focus on my objectives with great emotion and expectation so they become reality instantly. I set precise goals, develop a clear plan and I take dedicated action . Every day I take some action to advance confidently in the direction of my destination. My every thought is a useful one that boosts my energy for the accomplishment of my wishes. 1. I know what I want 2. I set precise goals with a defined date of accomplishment and I develop a strategy 3. I always have my goals in my thoughts 4. I use pressure to my own benefit 5. Support join people who go in the same direction 6. 21 days in a row do the thing and create pakka sanskar 7. Enjoy the journey, have fun and reward yourself. 8. I am prepared to making small sacrifices for the larger good of my life goals. Having set my goals I wake up with fire in my belly and a passion for the day. I feel productive, confident, and deeply happy. I understand life has a new meaning and I experience fulfillment in life. I know the purpose of life is a life of purpose. I am a creator in full control of my destiny. With goals, I tap my human potential and realize my perfect life. Goals serve as my personal lighthouse.


1. My master plan for life mastery a brief mission statement that includes my values and my goals: i.e. I am a person of true character and integrity. I have a superb family and professional life while I build everlasting wealth. I am full of energy and in peak health physically, mentally, emotionally and in all th e spiritual levels. this statement works better when I place it where I can see it regularly beside my bed, in my office, beside the bathroom mirror, on the fridge 2. My personal mastery goals includes one year, five year and ten year plan. I think of how fit I am, of my personal qualities, of how I feel, look and think, how my intellect works and how my memory is . having accomplished all my goals. 3. My material and fun goals. 4. Physical body goals 5. Financial goals By setting specific goals in this way I draw attention to my mind that these are the thoughts it has to focus on and think about. Having set clear goals and specific picture in my mind about my aims I now apply the 5 steps formula for success based on autosuggestion in which I believe and which I knowingly apply for a period of several months. 1. During the day I place my aims at the forefront of my consciousness and I remember my goals and picture the attainments in my mind every night before I go to sleep. 2. I repeat aloud my mission 10 times before I sleep / 10 times a day with belief and intense experience. 3. I develop a clear plan of how I achieve the goal and accept all opportunities. 4. Write the plan on a piece of paper. 5. Fix a date for its completion. 5 steps for longevity 1. I breath my way to perfect healthy; I chew well. 2. I am always aware of my perfect posture, I keep my back straight and my head high and I walk with purposeful steps in a smooth strong cadence while smiling 3. I live with passion, zest and enthusiasm; I exercise flexibility and I learn new things, new languages; I cultivate sense of humor and laugh daily. 4. I practice yoga 5. I practice creative visualization of youth 2-3 times a day I close my eyes and see myself in peak heath, I see the brilliant glow of my face and eyes, I notice the smooth tone of my skin and muscles, I see myself laughing and I experience great energy. I know that the energy of thought influences the energy of matter. MY CHARACTER Private Victory and Public excellence A good gardener always keeps the weeding process alive. Similarly in the building and developing a character the process of growing only the good seeds has to always be alive. A strongly disciplined thinker is assured of a strong, unstoppable character. A rich character full of integrity, courage and trustworthiness is the foundation of a lifelong success. The quality of my life is determined by my interpretation of what happens to me. I am pro active means that no longer do I remember any past failures, any family background or any hand that dealt me. The key is that I am the only one responsible for everything that happens in my life. And I also realize I have the power to take these specific actions to have what I want. This proactive attitude has to be exercised like a muscle to create and sustain the mindset of a true winner. A successful character recycles setbacks, failures and mistakes and turns them into wonderful opportunities to grow. He turns pain into a teacher and so his life is full of positive and useful outcomes. This essential habit of thinking effectively reveals the reality that I am having the infinite power to shape my destiny. Being pro-active means that I make my own circumstances. I have the choice and the power to interpret any event according to my wish and in a manner that empowers me. I always maintain my highest self respect of Master Creator and maintain my state of happiness, good wishes and pure feelings. I know I am too great to mind any circumstance. My happiness and my stage are greater and way more important than my life. I can make my existence blissful just by being pro-active. Pro activity is an important step in sef mastery. THE ESSENTIAL ATTITUDE IS THAT I CHOOSE TO RUN THESE MUSCLES EVERY DAY: USEFUL THINKING, FOCUS, PRO ACTIVITY, WILL POWER, DIET, SPORTS, EXERCISES FOR MENTAL AGILITY Another great importance in self mastery is the MOMENTUM: I start with minor changes, exercise each day and gradually increase the parivartan until I reach a point when I can do whatever I wanna do instantly. I can direct my beliefs

and focus with a simple commitment to focus and a daily dose of practice for at least 21 days and then maintain my gains by daily practice. Such actions profoundly Improve the quality of my life and the lives of others around me. The same momentum that propels my mind to its highest levels now takes me to physical mastery too. I have awaken the deep fountain of perfect health inside me. I tap into this ocean of peak health and allow it to express itself within my being. It is like this that I realize the bodys real and full potential for physical excellence. The best cure and nourishment is a mind full of good thoughts like happiness, peace, power, hope, courage, strength, bliss, etc. In addition, by feeding my body a healthy diet of water containing foods it maintains a youthful form and energy. In diet too, by making small and significant changes I gain an unstoppable momentum that builds and sustains HABITS OF HEALTH. These habits provide me with the discipline to eat healthy for the rest of my life, giving me a perfect body, perfect health, and perfect wealth. MISSION STATEMENT: with a concrete life plan and precisely defined goals, the boat of my life is heading straight to the destination. I attain my continuous and lasting success and natural nature of self mastery by charting my course in advance, planning for the achievement of my dreams and preparing to deal with the wonderful curves that life deals along the way. It is essential that I take my time to think deeply about what I want in my life and about the meaning I want to give it. With a mission statement in pace, the meaning of my life and the course of my path are set. It is also possible that as I develop and progress through life I may wish to adjust my mission according to my wish. However, the mission statement serves me when opportunities and challenges present themselves - I meet them effectively because I am certain of my direction and my ultimate destination. A mission statement concentrates my mind and powers on those actions which are most important to my lifes success. It allows me to live with greater integrity and points my life towards my objective. I can immediately recognize and choose the opportunities that take me there. By creating my mission statement I allow My Hig hest Self to create my lifes opportunities according to my aim and objective. And by choosing my right attitude at every step I take such actions that I never have to regret even one second in my life. Amongst the benefits of my mission statement are also the following: - It keeps me motivated - It acts like a laser beam light house - It gives me the greatest sense of balance - It allows me to define lifes priorities - It enables me to manage my time much easier - It emphasizes those activities that can take me to 100% success - By breaking the chain of gravity I explore my true potential, my highest and most successful living Today and every day I tap the magical source of mastery that is my true potential and I continue to be all I can be, all that I am supposed to be, all that I am. Attracting Wealth And Prosperity One of the greatest attitude is that of wealth, prosperity. I have a clear vision in my mind of what wealth means to me and this is essential in realizing my lasting wealth. I remember happiness is a journey. Therefore I choose to be happy every step of my way to each and every success and attainment. It is all that happiness requires a conscious choice from me. By thinking wealthy I develop my prosperity consciousness. My faithful intellect and my inner power are my inner treasure house of power which brings me all the wealth and prosperity I can imagine. Prosperity is one of my most essential human quality. Every human being in this world was born to be prosperous and successful. It begins by tapping and using that inner magical power that I now fully understand and master. The subconscious mind contains infinite wisdom and means. It responds to my own suggestion of verbal meaning and the visualizations I choose to empower. I create a prosperity state of mind by repetition of prosperity phrases and prosperity images in my mind. The beliefs that I hold in this mindset are impressed on the subconscious mind which brings forth an abundance of opportunities for a real and lasting wealth. The key is that I experience myself to be rich, wealthy and prosperous. Every thought of my mind is of this essential wealth nature and I experience peace, happiness and prosperity with my every thought. In this way I always feed my subconscious with only the very best quality nutrition of prosperity. I create my own mantras that I repeat over and over again when my subconscious is in this Ideal Stage of Action. Technique: 1. I get into a very relaxed state 2. For 10 minutes I mentally visualize with great detail my prosperity 3. I express in words my prosperity statement and that the result is already accomplished.

The more relaxed, the more receptive is my subconscious to my own suggestions. It acts on my every wish and makes things happen. I imagine I am prosperous and see how I look like, I see how I feel about myself, I see how my house, car, family look like and how they are. Whatever I believe true in my minds eye is bound to come true. My reality becomes shaped by what I think of all day long. That is why all day long I am fully applying the concept of prosperous thinking and the awareness of prosperity. The more I focus on my prosperity consciousness, the more I believe it deeply, the more every thought in my mind is prosperous, the more prosperity I receive. For example: throughout the day I repeat I AM ATTRACTING GREAT PROSPERITY AND WEALTH AT EVERY MOMENT. EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY I AM GETTING BETTER AND BETTER. I AM THE BEST OF ME. I AM A COMPLETE SELF MASTER ALLMIGHTY AUTHORITY I CONTINUE TO ALLIGN MYSELF WITH THE SOURCE OF UNLIMITED POWER AND PROSPERITY I am all I should be, I know it, I see it and I use it for my success. I have created my winner mindset and I have developed my character to the fullest and got into my super shape.

The Art of Effective Personal Management

The essence of effective personal management is effective mind discipline that is controlling every thought of the mind to ensure that each thought is a positive and useful one. Every thought focused in the direction of my wishes is like a golden coin advancing me confidently in the direction of my lasting wealth. My every thought is in the direction of where I wanna reach in life so my every action follows my aim and becomes a productive one.
In the heart of the triangle my every thought is in the direction of my goals & dreams.




What I truly want in my life, my lifes mission and meaning is my HOME.




I first create the blueprint in my mind and then I methodically create the action in reality. The guiding principle of effective personal so mind management is: I PUT MY LIFEGOALS FIRST. I have learned that all of my dreams and wishes are attainable. My thoughts and actions performed through my physical body are the seeds that enable my other subtle bodies and the Universe to get my wishes done. One of the best keys of the Successful Living is that I RECOGNIZE WHICH ACTIVITIES ARE STEPS TO MY AIM AND I FOCUS MY ENERGY AND ATTENTION ON THOSE ACTIONS. To reach in the heart of the triangle I enthusiastically commit myself to focus on the unlimited possibilities of my life. In the heart of the triangle my life takes on enormous power. I am the all-powerful master of my mind, body and character. I reach this level of thinking where I realize everything is possible. This is the place I BELONG to with other people who raise their lives to the infinite where all hopes and desires come true. The triangle of Personal Management is a very freeing way of organizing my life it is a time management matrix a life management matrix. TIME IS LIFE and it is the MOST VAUABLE treasure. Sun rotates around the earth in 24 hours. Successful people use the 24 hours. Balance is another key ingredient of the highest success achiever. Bhagwat Gita was written in india and it says that one should never life a life of extremes one should always maintain a balance in life between burning desire and

coolness. Ok I have my eyes firmly planted on the target of my aims and in the same time I maintain the balance of joy of life. There is nothing more joyful than a life of attainments. My lifes mission is sufficiently thought of to m aintain the essential balance of my life.

The times I live in are very fast. People are capable of very great pleasure and happiness in life. In the mastered activity I - the master live purely in the moment. Hours pass by like minutes and I experience Bliss and Joy. Nothing of what is around matters. I have to consider what mastery is all about. Mastery is a state of performance where every action reflects subconscious excellence. That is easy and natural sanskars of excellence/ success/ victory and swataha attainment. The state of the true master where I USE each individual second of time in the performed activity can be called the state of FLOW . I continue to tap the flow of time while I am in the stillness of each second. This means I have reached complete mastery of my mind, body and spirit with all my powers. Flow is simply that ideal state of concentrated attention and it provides a magical experience of life. The state of MASTERY meets FLOW at the point of living in the moment. I the Master have developed the skill of making every moment count. I have removed all trivial thoughts and I am only thinking of what matters most in my life at every moment. In the state of FLOW Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I set my goal I master my body, mind and nature (sanskars) with discipline, persistence and effort I focus my attention on my goal with the force of a laser beam I take dedicated action to get what I want with total faith in my attainment All other thoughts are removed and powerful forces are set into play I experience flow all the time I am completely peaceful and blissful I enjoy every moment of my life and realize my life in indeed perfect I know the laws of nature and the nature of my mind my mind does what I instruct it to do; I am free from worry and full of FAITH; I enjoy each moment of my life and in the same time I set into play incredible forces of accomplishing my dreams and plans; I realize my life is indeed a perfect life.


1. DESIRE AND COMMITMENT Here it is essential to know what I want and the outcome of mastering that specific activity. I make a decision to reach the point of mastery and commit myself to do whatever it takes to reach my goal . Then I see myself and I experience myself as a master in the desired activity. As a person of strong will I push myself towards achieving the desired goal. 2. KNOWLEDGE AND INSTRUCTION Here it is where I collect all the knowledge I need for achieving my goal. The answers to everything I wish to know are already here. All I have to do is look and see; seek out the very best instruction and I listen to what I am told. I associate a tremendous amount of pleasure with learning. 3. Nari se Lakshmi method of CONSISTENT PRACTICE Here I do something every day to achieve my goal. This is simply practicing the development of good habits and it helps me reach the highest levels. Every time I push myself forward on the path of success I become stronger and the next time becomes a little easier.

4. PERSISTENCE No path is free from challenges. Whenever tests appear on the way they offer opportunities to refine and expand myself. It is here that I learn a lesson and move forward. Just as difficulties come so they go and leave me with valuable golden coins of wisdom and power to use for moving ahead. PERSISTENCE is a valuable key for self mastery. Nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped. For each samasya there is a samadhan and persistence is the key to reach it. 5. ALWAYS RAISE STANDARDS HIGHER AND HIGHER Here I exert my will power on daily basis against interesting resistance. I remove fear and make it vanish by doing that which I fear. I remove procrastination and just get things done. Each time I overcome these tendencies I take a step ahead towards my dreams, I make hard things easy. I accept only the very best from myself. This is my essential nature. 6. CONTINUE TO LEARN Here is where I always keep an open mind. There is no one on this planet that cannot learn more, improve and live a better life. I keep my full self mastery path opened by always being opened to new ideas and opportunities. I can learn from every person that I meet every day. 7. SHARE KNOWLEDGE AND SERVE OTHERS The past has no relevance to the achievements I am capable of. I can do whatever I want. When I have said and done and achieved everything I wanted to then the quality of my life is measured by the quality of my contribution to the world. It is here that I practice acts of random kindness and beauty every day. 8. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF LIFE By applying all these self mastery concepts every day I am assured of reaching a state of lasting Bliss. Here I live for each day and celebrate every moment. I seize and savor every single day because it is a miracle. Happiness is not just a destination, it is also the way and the manner of living each second. I NOW REALIZE THAT EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY IS PURE PERFECTION. Everything happens for a reason. I am playful and have fun every step of the way.


1. SATVIC SLEEP. Most people only need 6 hr sleep to maintain an excellent state of health. That is because quality has to be balanced with the quantity. 2. START WELL. Use one hour every morning for personal development matters such as meditation, visualization, read or listen to motivational words, watch the sunrise or be with nature, vitalize and energize the body and mind for the day ahead. 3. MAKE THE BEST OF MY TIME AND ENERGY. Time management is life management therefore I watch my thoughts with great care. 4. FOCUS. I only think of the most positive aspects of my life. I see the positive to get the positive in life 5. AUTHORITY. Convey authority on the phone. Show enthusiasm on the phone and appreciation for the caller. Good phone manners are essential. I use my mission statement to focus and direct my energy. 6. NOTES. Always have a pen and paper at hand to note any great ideas. Then place them in a coiled notebook and see them from time to time. 7. SUNDAY EVENING. I use this time to plan my week, visualize my encounters and what I want to achieve. I read new material, inspirational texts, listen to soft music and simply relax. This helps my focus and motivation for the whole week. 8. SANCTUARY. I make my home an oasis of heaven. In the evening when I read I light a candle besides me. That creates a soothing atmosphere of relaxation. 9. WALK AND BREATH. Count the steps and focus on the breath while walking. This enhances concentration, focus and energy levels.

10. BREAKS. Powerful breaks are essential for preventing loss. If a negative thought comes to my mind I immediately recognize it and replace it with a positive one. I become a powerful positive thinker. 11. HUMOUR. I keep a humorous attitude throughout the day in order to remove tension from the difficult situations and attain multiple physical benefits. This also creates an excellent atmosphere wherever I am. In some tribes people wake up in the middle of the night to tell each other jokes. Laughter activates many beneficial chemicals in our body and also balances the condition of the body. 12. SILENCE. The mind is like a child usually it is quite noisy and wants to move from one subject to another. A master always knows how to discipline his mind and therefore he attains things of substance and peace. To begin with 20 minutes in the evening and 20 in the morning should be enough. 13. STILLNESS. It is said that silence is golden. Deep powerful silence is indeed golden. It is the space between the seconds that makes the time. 14. WILL POWER. Keep focused all the time. When doing a task think of nothing else. This way my mind understands that I am holding the reins. Eventually my mind becomes as still as the light of a candle where there is no draft. I can also practice restraint in my conduct with others to strengthen my will power. 15. TONIFIED MUSCLES. First exercise then push muscles to make them stronger. This involves short term pain, but in the long run my character develops in the most positive way. 16. SPEAK LESS, SPEAK SWEETLY AND SOFTLY. To be popular and also to gather more and more wisdom I listen more and I speak less. Also I refrain from gossip or from condemning others. I stop complaining and instead I develop a cheerful, vital and strong personality with great influence on others. 17. QUALITY COMMUNICATION. Good communication with others and with myself is essential. 18. TIME MANAGEMENT. First of all I know my priorities and then I make a plan with a time limit. I bring forth the things that matter most and also accomplish the small things that matter less. Perfection from the beginning through the middle to the end and also in the big and small things. 19. GOOD COMPANY. Positive, focused people who are committed to constant improvement and always aim to the best that life has to offer they are a very good company. 20. WONDERFUL EXPERIENCES. I live on this planet for a certain period of time and my life is only devoted to the most wonderful experiences. I look around with eyes to see only the riches of my life and I see them all and nourish my soul. I eventually make a list or at least a special time to remember them in silence. 21. TRANSFORMATION. There are no negative experiences only experiences for moving forward, growing and attaining more power. There is no failure just lessons. No one can hurt me they can only have a relationship with me. There is no pain there is just pleasure. 22. SPEED READING. Helps digesting large quantities of material in short time and can give me many years of experience in just a few hours study.


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