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GOD of all wisdom, source of peace, hear our prayers and confessions.

In spite of our arrogance, you continue to be available to us, O Lord. You teach us how to pray and what to ask so that we might receive what is good for our community. Guide us now O Lord as we examine our conscience and confess our sins As members of the Board of Trustees, we confess, amazing God, that we have not always welcome Christ into our lives. We flatter you with our lips, but our hearts are not attuned to your will. We have not wanted to empty ourselves to take on a servants role. In spite of all you have given us, we have been slow to accept direction from you. When you point the way for us, we resist, for we want to control our own destiny. O God help us to set goals consistent with your purposes. We have abused the privilege and misused the responsibility you have entrusted to us. We have not lived up to the expectation as stewards of this Institution. We stand convicted before you and begging for mercy. As administrators, forgive our foolish ways, O God, and save us form our misplaced priorities. Turn us away from selfish gain and empty rituals. We have not lived up to your expectations of us. We go through our busy routines without reference to you. We seek recognition for our projects and accomplishments while forgetting to thank you and the nameless toiling teachers and staff. We have used other people as if they were things. We build walls that divide instead of bridges that connect. We make decisions that exclude rather than reach out to be inclusive. We deserve your punishment, but we plead for your pardon. O Merciful God. As faculty and staff, we admit O God that there are unresolved angers, unfulfilled promises and unrealized good intentions. Some of us dwell too much on our own doubts and hurts and too little on the needs of others all around us. At times we cultivate our disagreements with one another rather than working to improve relationships and find our unity in Christ. We point fingers of blame at people who seem to be responsible while ignoring the possibility of our own sin. O God, we truly want to turn our lives around, to know cleansing and forgiveness. With Christ as our Mentor, we come to you for healing and enlightenment. As students, we see life through glasses stained by self-concern and selfinterest. Me first becomes the order of our lives and leads us into sin. We oftentimes squander the opportunity your school provides, an opportunity that will never come back. We block you out of our thoughts and seldom consult with you when we make decisions. Blinded by our egoism and school preoccupations, we often do not realize the serious problems that burden those who teach and care for us. We have underestimated the value of the school personnel. Lord we feel sorry for our lack of attention we have shown to those who work for us. With Christ as our Advocate, we come to you for forgiveness and enlightenment.

As Alumni, we confess we have not always trusted or believed in you. We take your gift for granted without thanking you. We are motivated by convenience more than by conviction. We find ourselves clinging to money and possessions as if they could save us from terrible times. We have created idols out of the things we possess. We have used our liberty as license for self-indulgence; we have wasted time in damaging pursuits. We have failed to live according to Christs way. We have violated Gods Truth. We have squandered the gift of abundant life. O God, we are ashamed. We fall at your feet, seeking forgiveness. Come Lord Jesus, to heal our lives. Lord God, you have heard our confessions. Hear our prayers. We beg for Thy mercy and forgiveness. Create in us clean hearts, O God, and put within us a new and right spirit. Build among us the bonds of peace and a sense of unity. In Jesus name. Amen.

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