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Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Ditulis Oleh: Fanny Nur Saadah NIM 12301241022 Kelas Pendidikan Matematika Subsidi 2012


REFLECTION The Importance of Learning English Teacher: Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M. A. This study has several notes that deliberately created by Prof. Marsigit for now and the future to us as a candidate of mathematics teacher. The importance of learning English for mathematics education is in order to be able to communicate mathematics education. For that, mathematics education is not just made up of two words, they are mathematics and education. But, mathematics education is a whole or complete worldwide phenomenon in all its aspects, they are teachers, students, school, class, curriculum, and so on. In this lesson, Prof. Marsigit convey appreciation to us for making reflections even today still need to continue. Reflection is to collect points. Although the point is only an intermediary purpose. The main purpose is that we used to write, to express our ideas by writing in english. Reflections also have the purpose that we could learn English anywhere and anytime. Reflections on line has a lot of functions. The most basic purpose is to educate. In the philosophy we will also read but in the context of philosophy. The second purpose, we learn to express our ideas wihtout under pressure and this is important. Optimal learning is learning when we love, happy, have high motivation, and not under pressure. Learning should not be afraid. We may be afraid but only briefly as the exams. Thus, we need to learn a lot more outside the classroom than in the classroom. This is to keep away from the negative impacts learning in the classroom because of teachers may be not good, scary, and so on. We exist in mathematics education UNY must understand that mathematics has dimension. The knowledge have dimension. Water has a dimension. High levels of water vapor and the water level being low to the ice. So that, science has the dimension. There is a high level of science and there is a low level of science. There is higher level thinking and there is lower level thinking. Mathematics to college mathematics called formal or pure mathematics or mathematics as a science. However, definitions of mathematics for children are different. For them, mathematics is not the definition but it is activities. As in our lives, it is difficult to define the meaning of love. Besides, it also difficult to define length, short, tall, short, deep, close, and so on. Only people who

think shortsighted and narrow want to define everything. Therefore, mathematics for young children are not defined but is considered as an activity. Ebutt and Strecker school defines mathematics as an activity for patterns or relationships, problem solving, investigation, and communicative. Therefore, notions mentioned above are obtained by intuition. We can not define the meaning of a high but we know the concept. This is the intuition. Because intuition, we dont know since when we can figure out the concept of large, small, high, etc. Mathematics learning problems in school came from adults, parents, and teachers who do not understand. The youngers are innocent. The guilt is that the ruling could be a teacher, father, mother, wife, and so on. Therefore, do not ever blame the students are not interested, less talent, and low ability. It is just a mask to cover up weaknesses teacher. Therefore learn English not only learn grammar. Language is live. Because of that, learning English also live with imitating ways. This means we can imitate those who are expert in english by earing on video or audio visual. Problems experienced lecturer or teacher is how to facilitate all students. For example the website. So if the teacher does not come to class, but students can still learn on their own. Live means not systematic. This is what distinguishes mathematics with other humanities. Thus, the duty of a teacher to be innovative is how to facilitate the student's need to learn. So there must be a 'need' of the students. If students dont need, then it is useless. However, if students are already aware, please, and motivated to mathematics, they will seek and ask again. So, there are a lot of theories or paradigms that require the principle. Learning theory without principles will be chaos. Though the theory with useful principles helps to sort out which theory is synchronous, creative, and will greatly assist suppose to write a thesis or final project. Then we shall describe the theoretical basis of sync as in the world. Consciously or unconsciously we are building a community of learning English. So, because of it we have to look at the world in a comprehensive education. Do not be partial. Then the only solution is to read in order to know better. Then we come to the nature. Many people who read it had their nature. So, every person has the nature of each. Essence there are 2, the subjective and objective nature. Objective we have to essence interactive through. Way interaction is by reading.

Without reading we will be co-opted by the nature of other people. Because it does not get along and do not read, then we will not know. People write scientific papers, thesis, or paper should not confuse with taking all the theories. For example spikologi behaviorist. Previously when people were primitive then the trials with animals. Only psychological stimulus respone is not fit us for who we are not only influenced by the teacher. So, when the teacher makes certain stimulus it is not necessarily going to give pupils the expected response. Therefore the current era is the era unpredictable. Then psychology must be replaced with a holographic psychology. The characteristics of the present era are many things that are difficult to explain. Therefore the only solution is to seek knowledge as much as possible with the filter of our own religion. That is why even drew english but the values of the character can be developed. There are 3 levels of character. The first one for yourself. This character is in the lowest level. Only good for yourself. To improve the character we have to think good to think for others as well. To improve further, we can contribute to the good of the institution, institutional, or networking. This is the level of contribution of the highest virtue. Goodness leader is usually more effective than the distributed members. Once again the main problem is how to facilitate. It is easy to say but hard to do. Usually teachers tend to the traditional lecture method. Lectures are showing off. The second problem is how our role to others to improve English language competency. English can be thought of as formal and informal or normative. The test is formal, but informally we should add english course. From now on we should target toefl score. Live the greater the challenge. Finding a job is not easy. Lecturers must be at least S2. That's life increasingly competitive. Eighty percent is our life in the endeavor. Destiny is determined by our efforts. So, Eighty percent of our destiny is determined by our English language. Then the suggestion above targets are 550 for toefl. Toefl is a reflection of the learning experience. Many scores depend on reading, memory, and intelligence. Characteristic of high intelligence is 8 hours if he thinks he will not be tired. However, there is another theory which says that who could this then he is creative . It depends on the flow. But someone who be bored quickly, he have to do somethings properly. If it can not then it was not good and did not intend. So,

another message conveyed is that Prof Marsigit use learning resources that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. It should be a dynamic experience like Prof. Marsigit. He was always changing his every semester learning. He found the concept of learning is by changing the way. A way that will complement the other way. To communicate mathematics with the English language in it can be made up of teachers, students, methods, theories, etc. Big problem is universal and many people rarely realize it is a problem of accountability and sustainability. We are trusted by anyone and by any. It's called accountability. Believe that there is the circuit. As in a family, we believe in the wife, son in-law, husband, grandson, etc. We believe in clothes to protect ourselves. We believe in the university. Everything we do today is a reflection of our belief that one day we will get a diploma and be able to search for jobs. Thus, accountability is everything. God sees our prayers whether accountability. Moment become teacher we also were asked the accountability us. A good teacher is the Japanese way that let the others to see his method of teaching. Accountability also means transparent and clear rules. If it does not exist, we must bring people expert. Once again, Prof. Marsigit expect for us to collect points for reflection. But the goal is to train us to write in English. We also have to practice to no longer use google tralslater. Google translater may be a novice but then we have to write by ourselves. Now we can compare our present condition with the first lecture in the moment before reading the articles on the blog. Differences must be occur. Therefore this study is the time the eggs hatch. S2 is creative. S3 is the study of life. If the professor is preparing. Thus, at a time when we were healthy we should utilize our best to maintain stamina. Message in the last lecture this semester, we have to continue reflection because it is a the principal amount. For speaking test scores, assignments, and final exams are just for comparison. Accumulation value in the reflection on the blog.

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