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Chapter 11: Herbs that Warm Interior and Expel Cold

Fu zi
radix aconiti lateralis praeparata Aconite accesory root Acrid, hot, toxic HT,KI,SP 3-15 gm Incomp: bei mu, gua lou, bai ji, ban xia, bai lian

1)restores devastated yang (abundant cold yin) - #1 herb to warm interior; diarrhea w/ undigested food, (Si Ni Tang - cold extremities) **assists HT yang to unblock vessels and tonifies KI yang to augment fire and prevent loss of yuan qi 2)warms fire & assists yang impotence, cold womb, (Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan - cold abd pain, SP yang xu), diarrhea, (Zhen Wu Tang -edema from SP/KI yang xu), (Jing Gui Shen Qi Wan- KI yang xu) 3)disperse cold,warm channels, alleviate pain WDC, HA, chest bi Contra: pregnancy; *use with Gan Cao or Gan Jiang to reduce toxicity 1)warms the KI, assists yang, leads fire back to source (mingmen), (descends) (You Gui Wan - KI yang xu), impotence, freq urination, wheezing, **primary herb for upward floating of deficient yang (flushed face, severe oily sweat, rootless pulse) 2)warms SP; expels cold, relieves pain SP yang xu w/ abd pain/cold, reduced appetite, diarrhea; Gui Fu Li Zhong Wan 3)warms & unblocks channels & vessels, alleviates pain deep cold causing qi or xue yu, am/dysmenorrhea, (Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan -DC bi), (Yang He Tang - yin boils, chronic abscess/sores) Caution: pregnancy

positive inotropic and chronotropic effects (inc HT contractility, vasodialtion, inc cardia OP; inc HR); anti-inflamm, analgesic

Gan jiang
rhozoma zingiberis Dried ginger Acrid, hot SP/ST, LU,HT 3-12 gm

1)warms middle, expels cold epig/abd pain, vomiting, diarrhea d/t excess ext cold or (Li Zhong Wan - cold d/t SP yang xu), (Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang SP/ST disharmony) 2)rescues devastated yang & expels cold weak pulse, cold limbs; Si Ni Tang 3)warms LU & transforms phlegm LU cold w/ cough, asthma, thin watery white sputum; Xiao Qing Long Tang

stim GI for peristalsis, antemetic, CNS stimulant

Rou gui
cortex cinnamomi Cinnamon bark of trunk Acrid,sweet,hot KI,HT,LV,SP 1.5-6 gm add near end

dec BP and HR, peripheral vasodilation and dec vessel resistance, sedative, analgesic, stim saliva and gastric secretion, enhance digestive fxn and relieve intest spasms and pain, inc WBC, abx/fungal

Wu zhu yu
Evodio fruit Acrid,bitter,hot,sl toxic LV,KI,SP,ST 1.5-6 gm

Xiao hui xiang

Fennel fruit Acrid,warm LV,KI,SP,ST 3-6 gm

1)warms LV & KD, expels cold, alleviates pain cold hernia ds, low abd pain d/t cold low back pain from KI xu 2)regulates qi, harmonizes ST ST cold w/ epig/abd pain, indigestion, LOA, vomiting

Hua jiao
pericarpium zanthoxyli Szechuan pepper Acrid,hot, sl toxic SP,ST,KI 1.5-6 gm

1)warms the LV channel, relieves constrained LV qi, alleviates pain (Wu Zhu Yu Tang - LV ch ds w/ jueyin HA), epig pain w/ nausea, drooling, reduced taste sensation, pale tongue, wiry/weak pulse, cold anti-ulcer (reduce hernia w/ lower lat abd pain, (Wen Jing Tang dysmenorrhea), also gastric acid), antidamp cold leg qi emetic, antidiarrheal, analgesic, 2)redirects rebellious qi down, stops vomit LV and/or ST positive inotropic and disharmony w/ flank pain, regurg of sour fluid negative chronotropic 3)warms SP, stops diarrhea (Si Shen Wan - diarrhea d/t cold from effect, SP/KD xu), cocks crow diarrhea 4)leads fire down sores of mouth/tongue and HTN (topical on KI-1) Caution: pregnancy 1)warms the MJ, disperses cold, alleviates pain exogenous cold invasion or SP/ST deficient cold w/ cold and pain in abd, vomiting, diarrhea; Da Jian Zhong Tang 2)kills parasites, alleviates abd pain - auxillary herb for abd pain d/t roundworms, and enema for pinworms;Wu Mei Wan 3)dry damp, relieves itch ext use for eczem, itching of skin and genitals 1)warms the middle, redirects qi downward, alleviates pain hiccup, SP/ST deficient cold w/ LOA, diarrhea, vomiting, abd pain; Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang 2)warms the KI, assists Yang impotence, vaginal discharge d/t cold womb

Gao liang jiang

rhizoma alpiniae officinarum Galanga Acrid, hot SP,ST 1.5-9 gm

Ding xiang
1)warms the middle, alleviates pain epig/abd pain, vomiting, hiccups, diarrhea d/t cold in MJ; Liang Fu Wan
flos caryophylii Clove flower bud Acrid,warm SP,ST,KI 1.5-6 gm Antagonist: Yu Jin

Chapter 10A Regulate Blood: Stop Bleeding

A1: Herbs that stop bleeding and Astringe
Herbs are generally neutral or slightly cool and may be used for situations without stasis

A2: Herbs that stop bleeding and Cool Blood

hemostatic, stim GI (low dose), inhibit GI (hi dose); abx, antiparasite, spermacide, antiCa

Xian he cao
herba agrimoniae Bitter,neutral, astringent LU,LV,SP 9-15 gm, up to 60g

Bai ji
rhizoma bletillae Bitter,sweet, astringent, sl cold LU,ST,LV 3-15 gm *incompat: wu tou, fu zi

1)restrains leakage of blood & stops bleeding hematemesis, epistaxis, hemoptysis, bleeding gums, bloody lin, uterine bleeding; (Zhi Xue Tang - upper GI bleed) 2)alleviates diarrhea & dysentery chronic diarrhea (not often used) 3)treats blood xu exhaustion d/t overstrain, fatigue, pale face, ANEMIA 4)kills parasites trichomonas vaginitis, tapeworm (topical/int) 1)restrains leakage of blood and stops bleeding (strong fxn for binding) hematemesis, GI bleeding, nasal bleeding, hemoptysis, (Bai Ji Pi Pa Wan -TB); 2)reduces swelling & generates flesh (top) burns, sores, ST ulcers *tx for int use for non healing ST ulcers and duodenum (Wu Ji San)

Da ji
herba seu radix cirsii japonici Big Japanese thistle Bitter,sweet,cool HT, LV 10-15 gm

1)cools blood,stops bleeding reckless movt of hot blood, epistaxis, blood in urine or stool, uterine bleeding, hematemesis, hemoptysis; Shi Hui San (stronger than xiao ji); 2)reduces swelling & relieves toxicity (better for toxicity than xiao ji) topic/int use for sores, carbuncles, swellings

hemostatic, abx, dec HR and lower BP

Bloody urine

Xiao ji
hemostatic (red bleeding and thrombin time), anti-ulcer, abx herba cirsii Small thistle Bitter,sweet,cool LV,HT 10-15gm; 30-60 g fresh

1)cools blood, stops bleeding reckless movt of hot blood, epistaxis, blood in urine or stool, uterine bleeding, esp for hematemesis, hemoptysis 2)reduces swelling & relieve toxicity topical for sores, carbuncles 3)promote urination (Xiao Ji Yin Zi -bloody lin syndrome) *often mixed with Da Ji to make Da Xiao Ji 1)cools blood, stops bleeding epistaxis,hemoptysis, bloody urine, hematemesis Shi Hui San 2)clears heat, promote urination (Mao Gen Yin - hot/bloody lin), dysuria, edema, jaundice, nephritis, hepatitis 3)clear heat from ST & LU nausea and thirst d/t ST heat, coughing and wheezing d/t LU heat *Goes to blood stage versus Lu genQi stage 1)cools blood, stops bleeding eps for bleeding d/t DH in LJ, (Huai Jiao Wan - bleeding hemorrhoids); blood in stool, ut bleeding 2)relieves toxicity, generates flesh topical for burns, reduces oozing by holding fluids, boils, carbuncles, eczema, burns 1)cools blood, stops bleeding LI DH with bleeding (Huai Hua San - hemorrhoids & bloody dysentery), hemoptysis, epistaxis 2) clears LV fire red eyes, dizziness due LV heat, modern use (Jiang Ya Ping Pian -HTN) 1)cools blood, stops bleeding hematemesis, bleeding gums, nose, hemoptysis, (Huai Hua San - blood in stool) or urine, bloody dys, ut bleeding, (Si Sheng Wan -hot blood ds); 2)stops cough, expels phlegm cough, thick sputum that is difficult to discharge and d/t phlegm heat in LU 3)treats burns and hair loss topical for early stg burns caution for bleeding d/t blood stasis and LU yin xu

Xue yu tan
crinis carbonisatus Charred human hair Bitter, astringent,neutral HT,LV,KI 6-10 gm

1) restrains leakage of blood & stops bleeding, removes blood stasis ie uterine bleeding, epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, blood in stools, blood in urine *safe for all types of bleeding 2)promote urination bloody lin, dysuria

Bai mao gen

rhizoma imperatae wooly grass rhizome Sweet,cold LU,ST,SI,Bl 15-30 gm

hemostatic, diuretic, abx

Zong lu tan/pi
fibra stipulae trachycarpi Bitter,astringent,neutral LV,LI,LU,SP 9-15 gm

Bloody stools, hemorrhoids

1)restrains leakage of blood & stops bleeding uterine bleeding, bloody stool, epistaxis, hemoptysis; Shi Hui San

Di yu
radix sanguisorbae Burnet root Bitter,sour ,sl cold LV,LI,ST 6-15 gm

hemostatic, anti-inflamm and vascular permeability when used topically for burns; abx, anti-emetic hemostatic, maintain capillary integrity by dec permeability and inc flexibility; inc HT output, dec HR, anti-lipid, antiinflamm, anti-spasm, antiulcer, anti-radiation, anti-frostbite hemostatic (fresh>dried), antitussive, expectorant, relaxes smooth mm of respiratory tract, sedative, anti-HTN, abx

A3: Herbs that stop bleeding and Remove Stasis

Bleeding turning into stasis, like bruising, from trauma. Blood stasis is also the cause of bleeding. These herbs are invigorating so are caution/contra in pregnancy, blood, yin xu

Huai hua mi
flos sophorae Pagoda tree flower bud Bitter,sour, sl cold LV, LI 6-15 gm

San qi
radix notoginseng Pseudo ginseng Sweet,sl bitter,warm LV,ST,LI 3-9 gm Crush first

1)stops bleeding, transforms stasis bleeding w/ stasis, (Hua Xue Dan -UJ bleeding), ut bleeding, blood in urine/stool, Yu Nan Bai Yao, Dan Shen Pian 2)reduces swelling, alleviates pain traumatic injuries, chest & abd pain, joint pain d/t blood stasis, CAD or CVD, angina, (Dan Shen Pian chest bi), windstroke, (Tian Qi Pian -surgery pain) contra: pregnancy

hemostatic (dec PTT), anti-platelet, CNS sedative (aerial parts), CNS stim and adaptogenic (roots); dec BP, HR and inc perfusion to CA; immuno-stim

Ce bai ye
cacumen platycladi Biota leaves Bitter,astringent sl cold LV,LU,LI 6-15 gm

Traumatic bleeding

Qian cao gen

radix rubiae Madder root Bitter,cold HT,LV 9-15

Pu huang
pollen typhae Cattail pollen Sweet, neutral LV,HT,SP 4.5-12 gm Decoct in cheesecloth *contra: pregnancy

1)stop bleeding d/t stasis (Pu Huang San) traumatic injury, ut bleed, epistaxis, stool, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria 2)invigorates blood,dispels blood stasis esp menstrual pain d/t blood stasis, p-p abd pain, chest bi; Shi Xiao San 3)promote urination, prevents PUD - (Xiao Ji Yin Zi bloody lin)

hemostatic, inc HT contractility and perfusion, dec BP and peripheral vasc resistance; anti-HTN, anti-lipid, stim ut mm contraction (sm dose); inc intestinal peristalsis and relief of cramps; anti-inflamm, immunologic (lg doses)

Warms the uterus

1)cools blood, stops bleeding transforms stasis,bleeding d/t reckless movt of hot blood or blood stasis -vomit, nose, (An Chong Tang- ut bleed); stool, urine, (Qian Gen San yin xu fire w/ bleeding) 2)invigorates blood to dispel stasis pain d/t blood stasis, esp chest & flank, trauma, joint pain, early stg carbuncle caution: pregnancy

A4: Herbs that stop bleeding and Warm Meridians

hemostatic, abx, antitussive, expectorant, anti-spasm, prevents KI stone formation, immuno-stim

Pao jiang
Deep fried ginger Bitter, astrint, warm LV,SP 3-6 gm

1)warms meridians & uterus, stops bleeding (Ru Shen San bleeding d/t deficient cold), uterine bleeding (Sheng Hua Tang -p-p abd pain), hematemesis, bloody stools, cold dystenric ds 2)warms the MJ & relieves pain abd pain, diarrhea; E Jiao Wan 1)warms meridians/uterus, stops bleeding (tan) (Jiao Ai Tang prolonged menses, uterine bleeding d/t def cold), hematemesis, epistaxis, blood in stool 2)regulates menses, alleviates pain, pacifies restless fetus (Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan - threatened AB), abd pain d/t SP yang xu 3)resolves dampness, stops itching eczema, tinea for topical use

Ai ye
folium artemisiae argyi Mugwort leaf Bitter,acrid,warm LV,SP,KI 3-9 gm

hemostatic, abx, antiasthma, anti-tussive, expectorant, cholagogic

Chapter 10B Regulate Blood: Invigorate blood

B1: Herbs that Invigorate Blood and Relieve Pain
1)invigorates blood, promotes qi movt (strongest in category), relieves pain (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang) qi stag/blood stasis w/ pain & soreness in chest/flanks, hypochondriac regions, hemiplegia; **imp for gyn ds, a/dysmenorrhea, lochieschesis 2)expels wind, moves qi upwards, allev pain (Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang - HA) d/t blood stasis, cold, damp, wind, heat, or blood xu; (Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang bi syndrome); skin ds d/t wind *caution: pregnancy, LV yang rising
vasodilator, dec BP, inc CA perfusion, dec O2 consumption of HT; anti-platelet, anti-coag; inc brain blood perfusion, sedative, mild contraction of ut/intest w/ sm dose, lg dose results in numbness and inhibits contraction; radiation protectant

B2: Herbs that Invigorate Blood and Regulate Menses

1)invigorates blood,regulates menses am/dysmenorrhea, palpable mass, lochioschesis, pain in chest, treat and prevent cardiac ischemia, (Dan Shen Yin - epig); hypochondriac pain, angina pectoris (Dan Shen Pian - chest bi), stroke recovery 2)clears heat, soothes HT, calms spirit (Salvia 10 - restless, irritable, anxious, depressed); palps,(Qing Ying Tang - insomnia d/t ying level heat); (Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan - HT/KI disharmony) 3)cools blood, reduces swelling carbuncles, boils (not used much)
**not used much for gyn ds in classic formulas; considered blood tonic which benefits the blood by clearing old blood for new blood; used more for CVD and CAD and for depression

Chuan Xiong
radix ligustici Acrid,warm LV,GB,PC 3-9 gm

Dan Shen
radix salviae miltiorrhizae Bitter,sl cold HT,PC,LV 6-15 gm *incompatible w/ Li Lu

vasodilator, inc coronary perfusion; anti-platelt, anticoagulant and thrombolytic, abx, hepato-protective, antiCa, CNS suppressant (sedative)

Promote Qi and blood movt

Yan Hu Suo
rhizoma corydalis Acrid,bitter,warm LV, SP/ST,HT,LU 4.5-12 gm *contra: preg

1)invigorates blood, promotes qi movt, alleviates pain (specific to treat pain) blood stasis & trauma esp for dysmenorrhea; LV qi stagnation and heat (Jin Ling Zi San) pain related to chest, epigastrial, abd, menstrual, hernial pain, bi syndrome, (Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang blood stasis below diaphragm), (Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang blood stasis in low abd) 1)invigorate blood, promotes movt of qi, alleviates pain traumatic injury, pain d/t qi stag and blood stasis in chest, hypoch, abd pain, dysmenorrhea (weakest for pain relief) 2)clears HT & cools blood, relieves constraint hot phlegm obst HT orifice, anxiety, agitation, depression, seizures, mental derangement; **good for spirit 3)benefits GB, relieves jaundice jaundice, gallstones caution: pregnancy 1)invigorates blood, promotes movt of qi, alleviate pain cold type chest or epig/abd pain, (Jiang Huang Tang pain/swelling from trauma), am/dysmenorrhea *stronger for pain relief than yu jin ** better for pain in internal organs 2)expels wind, benefits shoulders WDB w/ blood stasis in shoulder, Jiang Huang Pian contra: pregnancy

analgesic, sedative, tranquilizing, antiinflamm, anti-ulcer, dec resistance to blood flow and inc HT blood perfusion, inc hormone secretion from adrenal glands, mm relaxant

Hong Hua
flos carthami Safflower flower Acrid,warm HT,LV 3-9 gm Cook short time

1)invigorates blood, unblocks menses Tao Hong Si Wu Tang amenorrhea, abd pain and/or masses, lochioschesis, p-p abd pain *generates blood (1-2gm); harmonizes blood (3-5gm); invigorate blood (6-9gm); break up blood stasis (10-15gm) 2)dispels blood stasis, alleviates pain blood stasis pain, trauma, sores w/o pus, dark purplish erythema, incomplete expression of measles rash, (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang - chest bi, CVD) *Zang Hong Hua(saffron stigma)stop cough/wheeze, moistens intestine, cool/detox bld, calms shen contra: pregnancy 1)breaks up blood stasis (and menses) menstrual ds, p-partum abd pain, trauma, flank pain 2)invigorates blood, treats abscess- (Wei Jing Tang - LU abscess), (Da Huang Mu Dan Tang - intestinal abscess) 3)moistens intestines & unblock bowels (Run Chang Wan, Wu Ren Wan constipation d/t dryness) Contra: pregnancy 1)promote movt of blood, tonify blood irreg menses, am/dysmenorrhea, d/t blood deficiency, good for blood stasis and/or defic; modern use to build blood esp in conjuction w/ cancer tx 2)invigorate channels & relax sinews bi syndrome d/t blood stasis and/or def; numb ext, paralysis of limbs Caution: pregnancy, excess bleeding

sm dose stimulates HT, anti-platelet, CNS suppressant, adaptogenic, uterine stimulant

Yu Jin
radix curcumae Tumeric tuber acrid,bitter,cold HT,LV,GB 6-12 gm *antagonist to ding xiang

hepatoprotective, antilipid, increases gastric acid secretion and lowers ST/duod pH and inc bile secretion

Tao Ren
semen persicae Peach kernel Bitter,sweet,neutral sl toxic, LI,HT,LV,LU 4.5-9 gm

prevent, facilitate dissolution of thrombi, anti-inflamm

Jiang Huang
rhizoma curcumae longae Tumeric rhizome Acrid,bitter,warm SP,ST,LV 3-9 gm

anti-lipid, anti-inflamm, anti-platelet, cholagogic, uterine stimulant

Ji Xue Teng
caulis spatholobi Chicken blood vine Bitter,sweet, warm HT,LV,SP 9-15 gm

sedative, hypnotic, lowers BP, ut stim

Ru Xiang
generates flesh
gummi olibanum Frankincense Acrid,bitter,warm HT,LV,SP3-9 gm

1) invigorates blood, promotes movt of qi, relaxes sinews, alleviate pain (Qi Li San - traumatic pain d/t blood stasis), chest/epig/abd pain, dysmenorrhea, (Xiao Huo Luo Dan - WDB), rigidity, spasms 2)reduces swelling, generates flesh topical as ointment/powder for chronic nonhealing sores, early stg carbuncles, trauma, redness, swelling, pain in gums, mouth, throat, bi syndrome; contra: pregnancy

Wang Bu Liu Xing

semen vacarriae Bitter,neutral LV,ST 3-9 gm *contra: preg

1)promotes movt of blood, invigorates channels, reduces swelling poor lactation, painful swellings of breasts, breast abscess, am/dysmenorrhea d/t blood stasis 2)promote urination, treats PUD lin syndromes, prostatitis, urinary stones 1)invigorates blood, regulates menses gyn ds ie. irreg menses, PMS abd pain, p-p abd pain w/ lochioschesis, infertility d/t stasis 2)promote urination, reduces edema (60-120gm) edema, difficult urination, esp w/ edema w/ blood stasis, modern use for GN (90-120 gm for nephritis);or severe bloating w/ PMS 3)clears heat, relieves toxicity boils, carbuncles, skin rashes, int/ext use contra: pregnancy

ut stim

Mo Yao
Myrha Bitter,neutral,acrid HT,LV,SP 3-9 gm

Wu Ling Zhi
excrementum trogopteri seu pteromi Flying squirrel feces Bitter,sweet,warm LV,SP 3-9 gm Cook in cheesecloth antagonist: ren shen

1)invigorates blood, alleviates pain am/dysmenorrhea, pp abd pain, epig/chest(Shi Xiao San), low abd pain (Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang), chan/coll(Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang); topical for bone fractures 2)dispels blood stasis, stops bleeding UT bleeding, bloody stools, lochioschesis; Wu Ling Zhi San caution: pregnancy

Promotes urination

1) invigorates blood, dispels and disperses stasis, alleviate pain - (Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang trauma), carbuncles, swellings, immobile abd mass, painful bi, chest/abd pain, amenorrhea 2)reduces swelling, generates flesh topical for non healing sores, (Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin - int use for boils), (Hong Teng Jian - intestinal abscess) contra: pregnancy

Yi Mu Cao
herba leonuri Chinese motherwort Acrid,bitter,sl cold HT,LV,BL 9-30 gm

uterine stimulant, sm dose stim HT, antiplatelet, stim respiratory system to inc freq and depth of respiration (sm dose);

Ze Lan
abx, anti-spasmodic (smooth mm cramps) herba lycopi Bugleweed Acrid,bitter,sl warm LV,SP 9-15 gm

1)invigorates blood,regulates menses am/dysmenorrhea, p-p abd pain d/t blood stasis, Ze Lan Tang, **most used action 2)dispels stasis, reduces swelling carbuncles, abscess, trauma, top/int use 3)promote urination, reduces edema p-p edema, difficult urination, facial edema, esp for edema w/ blood stasis; *modern use for ascites from LV cirrhosis caution: pregnancy 1)invigorates blood,expels stasis (CHUAN) gyn ds d/t stasis, am/dysmenorrhea, lochiaschesis, (Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang - low back/knee pain d/t blood stasis); (Wen Jing Tang deficient cold in Chong/Ren) 2)tonifies LV & KI, strengthens sinews and bones (HUAI) (Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan - pain, soreness/weak back/knees); (San Miao San - weak legs from DH) 3)clears damp heat in lower jiao (CHUAN); promote urination DH in knee or low back, DH lin syndrome(Niu Xi Tang), edema d/t xu(Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan), vag dischg 4)induces downward movt of blood (HUAI) bleeding s/s from: (Yu Nu Jian - ST fire/KI yin xu), (Tian Ma Gou Teng LV yang rising), (Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang - LV wind), dizziness, HA, blurred vision, HTN contra: pregnancy

B3: Herbs that Invigorate Blood and Treat Traumatic injuries Zhe Chong
aka Tu Bie chong eupolyphaga Wingless cockroach Salty,cold, sl toxic LV 3-9 gm

1)renews sinews & joins bones lacerations, contusions, fractures, acute lumbar sprain 2)breaks up & drives out blood stasis abd masses (enlg LV and SP), fibroids, tumors amenorrhea, ectopic pregnancy contra: pregnancy 1)invigorates blood, reduces swelling, alleviate pain traumatic injuries, fractures, contusions, sprains, also for p-p abd pain, am/dysmenorrhea contra: pregnancy


Chuan/ Huai Niu Xi

radix cyanthulae Huai(2/4) defic Chuan(1/3) excess Bitter,sweet,sour , neutral LV,KI 6-15 gm

CHUAN: decreased fertilization HUAI: analgesic, antiinflamm, ut stim, dec fertilization

Su Mu
lignum sappan Sappan wood Sweet,salty,neutral HT,LV 3-9 gm

anti-inflamm, CNS supressant, antiCa, abx

Gu Sui Bu
rhizoma drynariae Bitter,warm KI,LV 6-18 gm

1)invigorates blood, promotes mending of shattered bones & sinews-fractures, contusions, sprains 2)tonifies KI Yang KI xu, weak low back, diarrhea, tinnitus, deafness, toothache, bleeding gums, osteoporosis 3)stimulates growth of hair hair loss, vitiligo, tincture for topical application caution: pregnancy

B4: Herbs that Invigorate blood and resolve masses E Zhu

rhizoma curcumae Bitter,acrid,warm LV,SP 3-9 gm

San Leng Xue Jie

sanguis draconis Dragons blood Sweet,salty, neutral HT,LV 1-1.5 gm

1)dispels blood stasis, alleviates pain trauma w/ fractures, falls, contusions 2)stops bleeding, generates flesh topical use to stop bleeding to ext injury, hemorrhiods, cosmetic use for spider veins, int use for chronic non healing ulcers and bleeding in up GI; Topical: amber salve for spider veins contra: pregnancy

rhizoma sparganii Bitter,acrid,neutral LV,SP 3-9 gm

1)breaks up blood stasis, promote qi movt, alleviate pain abd/epig mass & pain, am/dysmenorrhea, p-p abd pain 2)dissolves accumulations of food severe food stagnation, pain distention, fullness 3)treats cancer cervical w/ local injections; ov, liver, leukemia (beware of metastases) contra: pregnancy 1)breaks up blood stasis, promotes movt of qi, alleviates pain like e zhu 2)dissolves accumulation of food severe food stagnation 3) treats cancer LV,ST,cervical, breast etc. (beware of metastases) contra: pregnancy 1)dispels blood stasis, unblocks menses amenorrhea d/t blood stasis, abd mass, WD Bi 2)promotes lactation insuff lactation d/t blood stasis 3)reduces swelling, promotes discharge of pus toxic swellings, abscess, boils before ulceration, phlegm nodules, int/ext use. (bai zhi) contra: pregnancy

antiCa, abx, prolongs aggregation of platelets and prevents thrombi formation

antiCa, stim smooth mm of intestines to help contractions, inhibits aggregation of platelets

Chuan Shan Jia

squama manis Anteater scales Salty, cool LV,ST 3-9 gm Grind into powder

immuno-stim (inc WBC), inc bleeding time, anti-inflamm

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