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Chapter 3.

The Sense of Life between the Bible and the New Age

3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5.

Life Meanings and some Definitions Along the Time The Sense of Life and the New Age Culture The Sense of Life and the Mass-media Culture The Sense of Life and The Conspirational Theories The Sense of Life and the Bible message

3.1. Life meaning and some definitions along time Today like in the past, the most import questions of man were and will be probably the issues of life and the meaning of it. Therefore were from the ancient times attempts to explain or to give a reasonable interpretation of such sensible matter of life from where has descended, from where was sparkled from the very first time, which was the purpose and in the end which is the finality of it. Many scribes, researchers, scholars from immemorial time poured their spirit out and strived with their own weakness to find such subtle issue that had not only the physical aspect but also a metaphysical one. Philosophers and man of letters of all times meditated and recorded their thoughts about life meaning. Thus, today these studies on the meaning of life are more than in any other field of human kind. However, many definitions had tried to give and to satisfy these intrinsic needs of man. The Epic of Gilgamesh reveals that life meaning it has been hidden from man and immortality is inaccessible and all must face the inevitable death. Albert Camus considers that Sisyphus Myth had another symbolic message beside many of lifes specific tasks certainly feel futile which he called 'the absurdity of life'.1 Bible story of Job resumes that the meaning of life is suffering to be purified

before God. It seems that Epicureanism, stoicism, skepticism or cynicism of Greek philosophers' concepts is too simplified life-meaning solutions. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in the year 1884 defines in a sixteen chapter of A Confession that the meaning of life for him is limited be comprehended to by his intellect and that the 'unnecessary absurdities' of the theology is concealed in the inexplicable and in the infinity2. Contemporary scholars like Roy F. Baumeister incline to consider that nowadays people are facing a paradox, thus, some have to accept what they are told and have to conform like everybody else or others are creating their one's own meaning for life3. However, psychiatrist Victor Frankl has the most comprehensible definition of all in his book Men's search for meaning: 'We can discover this meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by creating a work or doing a deed; (2) by experiencing something or encountering someone; and (3) by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering. The first, by way of achievement or accomplishment, is quite obvious. The second and third need further elaboration'4.

3.2. The sense of life and the New Age culture Today like never the beliefs of human society has been shaped not only by religious movement but also by economic and political forces. If the religious institutions recognize that their aim is a spiritual discipline of every individual, the business or the governmental parties lobbies seems to intersect the same dimension emphasizing the development of inner power of man whether that is mental, intellectual or soul configuration from a materialistic perspective. Thus, the defunct Soviet-Union, the still-Communist China, the former European communist lager, or today the capitalist wind spread in the Near and Far East countries that struggles for so called freedom, designs a complex structure of beliefs. The most known is the atheism, that promise that the liberty comes only from man's determination. The second is the pantheism, which comes also from ancient times but revived more than ever in these Planet social turmoil. A third branch of this veiled spiritual emanation being a turning of Dark Ages to occult, witchcraft and magic rituals. All this main patterns constitute only a structural New Age movement view. This spiritual phenomena have a deep impact and is more profound at a first look where links between social, political, economical, or conflagrations aspects are involved many times without their awareness in this wave of occult spirituality that encompassed life in all domains and compartments. Here must be counted and accumulated also the Mass-media contribution, the advertisements of a certain type

of life stile world wide hammered on all the channels, the food industry or nutritional programs, the divertissement and stress-relieving relaxation techniques, and everything that refers to the self of man how to become an accomplished super being. The New Age movement is rooted in the Western European philosophy and paganism, Asian and Native American religions, tribal spirituality of Africa, the mystical traditions of medieval origin. Thus, in this context can be mentioned 'Kabala' in Judaism, 'Sufis' in Islam, Catholic mysticism. Transcendentalist and Ralph Waldo Emerson writings and metaphysical cults, using Christian terminology could be the main features of the New Age movement. The closest 19th century group for the movement is the 'Theosophical Society', considered the parent of it, funded by B.P. Blavatsky in 1875. For instance the song 'My Sweet Lord' of Beatles music band proclaims a devotion to a so called Hindu god Krisna, which connects to gurus and swan is teaching activities in America where the central message was 'our oneness with the divine All', whence International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is not being an outsider of such issues in the postmodern pop culture, which in fact is just an insignificant drop in the dense mechanism of the New Age movement correlations. 5

3.3 The sense of life and the Mass-media culture Today there is an overwhelming amount of studies that tries to give a clear perspective on youth education, music, drugs, libertinism, and the new values of the tomorrow human society. The Aquarius Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson points out that the main purposes of such perverted economical, cultural and social manifestations are the destruction of morality and life values in the future human generations for mob's mind total control of the Earth's occult elite6. In this sense the Ken Keseley novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest spread the idea that human society is an invisible cage and the truly 'free' people are the madmen7. The industry of music, cinematography, shows of various sort and TV castings, prepare thus an odd style of life that is being inoculated to every exposed infant came into the world from the very first day. Such generations learn only what has been shown in the above sources; the majority of these arrive at the adult age without reading a book on their completely scholastic period. The life's values of such generations have been shaped by Hollywood industry and by Woodstock festivals and others alike.

The theory of rock music was elaborated by Theodor Adorno who explained in his notes that 'in an imaginary but psychologically emotion-laden domain, the listener who remembers a hit song will turn into the song's ideal subject'8 and the result is an inescapable addiction to a certain ritual of socialization considered by sociologists with very negative adaptation consequences to a normal life which requires a family, a job, sedentary life, a home. Therefore 'the roots of flower power people' is considered due to New Age movement emanations, more preciscly from the ritual of the Egyptian pagan Isis cult, detailed in the 1977 manuscript Isis Unveiled by P. H. Blavatsky.9 There are many other studies over the ideas of songs and over the words used in the lyrics. The language used in the lines with clear messages to what kind of realm they spiritualize. Thus the lyrics of Rigor Mortis Demons Heavy Metal band from 1988, speaks for themselves: We are instruments of evil we come straight from hell Were the legions of the demons that are haunting for the kill Cathedrals are now cemetaries doom is all you see We have come to take the world and give you misery We are pestilent and contaminate the world And make tombs of your cities We come bursting through your bodies, rape your helpless soul Transform you into a creature merciless and cold We force you to kill your brother eat his blood and brain Shredding flesh and sucking bone till everyones insane We are pestilent and contaminate the world Demonic legions prevail We are pestilent and contaminate the world And make tombs of your cities Demons!10 All collections of such lyrics incline to the substitution of an industrial progress humankind to a one of 'spiritualism'. Thus through the New Age movement and its complex phenomena, everything became spiritualized: songs, movies, dances, rhythms, TV shows a so on. There is no place in the Mass media where to be not found this spiritualized strange invasion.

3.5. The Sense of Life and The Conspirational Theories What is life? Life definition is something that needs a long meditation before to be given an answer whether the question is raised by an adult or child. There are so many theories about it that creates dizziness for those who tries to find a good explanation from these. In addition, there are many theories about who control life or who perverts the natural course of it. The conspiracy theories contain many interpretation how life and an elitist group who gives the main social, political, war fare, economical, cultural and life style trend, interfiering directly. Thus, Wikipedia11 is listing the most famous facts of such occult organizations that have only one purpose: mass control by any means. First most important and very fashioned that exists even in lyrics of music, presidents speech and press is New World Order. Supported by the Federal Reserve System, a private international bank, considered to be involved in the last main world and local conflagrations. Second in the list is False flag operations which explain how can be provoked wars in zones with peaces bringing death and suffering to the involved beligerant and huge profit to the outside manipulators. Third theory develops the idea that the main operations being made by the U.S. presidents and C.I.A. The fourth theory Ethnicity, races, and religion exposes how nations being manipulated on these differences, a the third occult part takes the advantages from their bloodshead. The fifth theory Technology and Weapons reveals the patents and the concessions laws that are invented or misused especially to protect those who are against a natural development materialistic and spiritualistic of the humanity. The other main theories of conspiracy like Media, Medicine, Real groups to be said to be involved in conspiracies, Paranormal activity and the like presents the horrendous methods used on the human beings indifferent on race, sex, religion, social state, ethnic origin often without their awareness. Therefore, the second question, which is often connecting to such devious scheme against life and humanity existence, is if there are notes, planes or documents over the time to prove these allegations12. First, the most notorious is the document for which the Russian tsar lost his kingdom and life. Before the bolshevism there has been found, a document named The protocol of the elders of Zion13 published first time in 1903. This document claim to know by whom, why, where and how were all the revolutions and the revolts over the nations of the world were provoked and with what finality. In the literature along the time can be found authors and in their writing elements that contain intersected common points with this world submininative document. For instance Theodor Herzi 'Der Judenstaat' (1896), Herman Goetshe 'Biarritz' (1868) novel, or even a political satire 'Dialogue

in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu' (1864) by Maurice Joly. The second conspiracy document is considered a 25 goals of Adam Weishaupt in his book 'Apologien der Illuminaten'14 (1786) very simmilar to the The protocol of the elders of Zion. The following lines expose the illuminated Weishaupt's ideas: 1. All men are more easily inclined towards evil than good. 2. Preach Liberalism 3. Use the idea of freedom to bring about class wars. 4. Any and all means should be used to reach the Illuminati Goals as they are justified. 5. The right to lie in force. 6. The power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment it has gained the strength that no cunning or force can undermine it. 7. Avocation of mob psychology to control the masses. 8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation. 9. Seize property by any means 10. Use of slogans such as equity, liberty, fraternity delivered into the mouths of the masses in psychological warfare. 11. War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences conducted so that neither combatant obtains territory rights. 12. Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game by those behind the scenes. Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world. 13. Control the press. 14. Agents will come forward after fermenting traumatic situations and appear to be the saviors of the masses. 15. Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food and use this to control the masses or mob and then use the mob to wipe out all those who stand in the way. 16. Infiltrate into the secret Freemasons to use them for Illuminati purposes. 17. Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and

phrases and advocate lavish promises to the masses even though they cannot be kept. 18. Detail plans for resolutions, discuss the art of street fighting which is necessary to bring the population into speedy subjection. 19. Use agents as advisors behind the scenes after wars and use secret diplomacy to gain control. 20. Establish huge monopolies that lean toward world government control. 21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by control of raw materials. Organize agitation among the workers and subsidize their competitors. 22. Build up armaments with Police forces and Soldiers sufficient to protect our needs. 23. Members and leaders of the one world government would be appointed by the directors. 24. Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of fooling, bemusing and corrupting the youthful members of society by teaching them theories and principles that we know to be false. 25. National and International laws should be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control the people. Today life direction is considered to have a strange concidences to mere unconted events that changed the lot of many nations by an invisible enemy. Many researcher and scholars arrived to a muttual conclusion that everything is no more secret or occulted but oficial and published. For exemple the problem of overpopulation in: 'Greeening' Larry H. Abraham, 'World Evolutionary Humanism, Eugenics and UNESCO' by Brent Jessop, Osborn Faierfield, 'Our Plunderd Planet' (1948). The issues of mind control in Nadine Scolla 'Keepers of the keys' (1976), and The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler. Mass-media manipulation strategems in Tower of deception by Barrie Zwicker, (2012), Noam Chomsky and Guvernament Duplicity in 911 by Bob Feldman (2012) and Public Opinion by Walter Lippman (1922). Food and modified nutritional programs for humanity or war fare are already to advertised already on all the chanells to be given further bibliography. All these themes listed before can be found in the disutopic and utopic literature like Jonnathan Swift, H.G. Wells, Aldoux Huxley, George Orwel and Athony Burgess that somehow presented the destiny of odd-deviated societies that have fallen to abominations.


The Sense of Life and the Bible message

There is also a literature of ancient visions, foretelling the future, text of various predestinations, and religious revelations reguarding the past, the present and the future of the human destiny. These literature have been compresed in books like: Nostradamus, Coran, Bible, the Hindu text Divya Maha Kala Jnana (The Divine Knowledge of Time); the 'Mayan Stones Prophecies' explanated in the book of Calleman, Carl Johan, The mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (2004); Budist text of The Haedong Kosung-jon (Biographies of High Monks), the Cinese prophetic text Chen, The Book of Hopi, and Joshep Smith Book of Mormons. In these virtuous texts some are clear some are not in the message send from the forefathers to the humanity, but there is a concidence in all present entangled features of simbolism and terminology where the Bible gains the preeminence from all these odd ancient texts. Thus, The Bible is advantaged also in the Mass-media message emmulation similarities. The economic or the financial disruptions has very similar explanations in the Book of Revelation. The war fare and the population reduction agenda is recorded with very great accuracy. The 'New World Order' idea can be found in various passages with clear indications who, why, when, where and who will bring such change, too. Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist. The Bible most prophetical books that contains the signs of the times are: the 'Book of Ezekiel', the 'Book of Daniel',the 'Book of the Joel', the 'Book of Zachariah' and the 'Book of Revelation'15. All these books are foretelling the things that conicides with the effects and end of the period that the conspiracy theories claim to be ordered or planed ahead by scrupulous groups. The Bible central message is one. God is the creator of humanity, He created the Earth, mankind first cradle. He created man with one purpose to serve God like to a 'spiritual father' until 'The second coming of the son of Man', who will carry to the 'Heavenly Father' those who were loyal and steady in their faith and destroy all those who went astray. After the rapture the Earth and all in it will be consumed by fire. To the 'children of God' loyal human beings to the 'Word of God' will be given a 'New Heaven', a 'New Jerusalem', and a 'New Earth'16. Now as a conclusion, there would be better to invite the readers to meditated on this thigs than to take a hasty decision. What is life? Can someone prove what it is. The highest and the most precise technology and science could not help humanity to find peace and harmony whit all the conventional and unconventional resources at hand. None of the social-politic ideology could answered to human beings necesities whether material or spiritual until today. Even the idea that man was on the Moon is considered a hoax17. How can be proved this? Trough 'Holly Woodoo' industries can be distorted anything. Thus, a lie can become over night a general truth just because someone said or broadcasted on TVs. But the average people who did not see at the very spot how they can believe? Such or other serious life descoveries or truths remain mysteries for the non-initiated. Some claimed that such issues must be believed only because they must have faith that what they have seen through 'a glass box' is true. Yes very true. Therefore untill is not proved to the every human being on planet is just a matter of believing or not. An recent new experiment proposed in these sense is the population of Mars planet with humans beings which has not right to return on Earth anymore after the signed cotract. All such clients has only one ticket for departure. Than, there would be fair to question: 'Is this not another brainwave just for Earth population reduction by any means like in the Soylent Green movie (1973) directed by Richard Fleischer?'18, or could be a too exagerated interpretation of a very useful and greatful planetar/international social program.

Notes 1.Albert Camus, Sisyphus Myth and other essays. Published by Random House, New York 1955, p. 39. 2. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy,1884 A Confession. 3. Roy F. Baumeister, Meanings of life, The Guilford Press, New York, 1991 p.6. 4.Victor Frankl, Men's search for meaning, Random House, New York 1980, p. 111. 5. Aquarius Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson. Published by Los Angeles, 1980, p.19.

6. Ibidem. p.43. 7. Ken Keseley novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 8. Aquarius Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson. 9. Isis Unveiled by P. H. Blavatsky. 10. 11. 12. Ibidem. 13. The protocol of the elders of Zion. Published by The Book Tree, Escondido, 1999) 14. Adam Weishaupt in his book 'Apologien der Illuminaten' (1786) 15. Bible, Old King James Version. 16. Ibidem. 17. Temple of the Center of Time by David Fllyn. A division of Anomalos House Publishing Crane, S.U.A., 2008. 18.

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