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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 2
ABOUT THE AUTHOR ................................................................................................................ 3
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ 4
MY PROFILE ................................................................................................................................ 6
WELLNESS BOOK 1 .................................................................................................................... 7
SUPER FOOD LIST ....................................................................................................................... 8
PERFECT PLAN ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 9
MY #1 SUPER FOOD .................................................................................................................. 12
MY #1 SUPER FOOD RECIPE ................................................................................................... 15
WELLNESS LIFE ........................................................................................................................ 16
WATER & FIBER ........................................................................................................................ 18
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix A .................................................................................................................................. 21
Appendix B .................................................................................................................................. 23
Appendix C .................................................................................................................................. 46
Appendix D 72



A.A., B.A.., attended Mount San Antonio College where in 2010 she graduated with an
A.A. in Behavioral Science. She transferred to Cal State University, Fullerton where in
2013, she received her B.A. in Sociology with a concentration in Social Work and a
minor in Child and Adolescent Development. As a Student of Cal State University,
Fullerton, she was placed on the Deans List three times and was initiated as a member
of Alpha Kappa Delta. She is also currently attending Azusa Adult School where she is
studying to become a Certified Nurses Assistant and expected to graduate in June 2013.
She also recently reapplied to Mount San Antonio College where she is completing her
prerequisites so that she may apply to a broad base of nursing programs where she hopes
to attain an entry level Master s of Science in Nursing and eventualy become a
Registered Nurse.


This book is dedicated to Ildefonso Rodriguez, my grandfather who in 2013
passed away of complications from diabetes. He was living proof that there is life after
being diagnosed with diabetes. In fact he had 42 wonderful years after diagnosis, 17
grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren. Rest in peace grandfather.


This book invites you to take a look at my path to eating and living
well. It is inspired by the opportunity of having enrolled in a Nutrition
Science course at Mount San Antonio College, taught by Professor Betty
Crocker MPH, RD. In addition, you will learn the importance of eating
fruit, particularly red apples, drinking water, and changing daily habits and
turning them into opportunities for living well.

In order to begin to eat well one must have a knowledge base
of what eating well entails. The first step is to determine ones Dietary
Reference Intakes, which is a series of recommended set values for all
vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, lipids, protein, water, and energy.
They are recommendations set forth by a committee of nutrition experts
from the United States and Canada (Sizer & Whitney 30). Of particular
interest for the purposes of this Wellness Book are the Recommended
Daily Allowance (RDA) and Adequate Intakes (AI), used for individual
diets. The Dietary Reference Intakes are based on an individuals gender,
height, weight, age, and BMI. Equally important is ones activity level, if
pregnant, if a vegetarian or vegan, or if a smoker. I am a 27-year-old
female, who is not pregnant, not a vegetarian, not a smoker, am 5 7 and
weight 133 pounds with a BMI of 20.8. That said, I am at a healthy weight
and it is therefore recommended that each day I consume 2,041
kilocalories. Those 2,041 calories should include 48.26 grams of protein,
225.0-325.0 grams of carbohydrates, 44.0-77.0 grams of fat, less than 300
milligrams of cholesterol, 12 grams of omega-6, 1.1 grams of omega-3, 25
grams of dietary fiber, 2.7 liters of water, and no amount of alcohol since
it is not recommended in any amount by the DRI Committee. This book
shows my journey of trying to meet these goals through a series of
explanations and strategies.

See Appendix A

WeIIness ook -1
This veIIness book consisls of me lracking my diel for
lhree vhoIe conseculive days in order lo gage hov veII I vas
meeling my DRI goaIs vs. my acluaI inlakes. Wilhin lhe charl lhal I
crealed via lhe Diel AnaIysis soflvare I found lhal I vas generaIIy
nol vilhin lhe recommended 80%-120% of energy, fal, essenliaI
fauy acids, carbohydrales, valer, vilamins, and mineraIs vilh lhe
excelion of caIcium, iron, and magnesium.

See Aendix

As a resuIl, I formuIaled a second successfuI diel, W 4,

vhere my goaI vas lo change my choice of foods by incororaling
10 secihc foods inlo my diel. These 10 foods are Iisled on lhe nexl
See Aendix C





Suer Iood
Red DeIicious AIe
Though nol on my Suer Iood Iisl, I chose lo use a red
deIicious aIe as arl of a heaIlhy recie lo share vilh olhers
because il is a vhoIe food. This aIe according lo il's nulrienl
rohIe, vhich vas crealed vilh lhe Diel AnaIysis soflvare is a good
source of nulrienls. According lo Cander, a medium sized aIe
conlains 4 grams of hber, vhich is imorlanl for mainlaining
olimaI coIon heaIlh and bIood sugar IeveIs (70).
See Aendix C
The Red DeIicious AIe is grovn al Oak GIen AIe
Grovers Associalion in Oak GIen, CaIifornia Iocaled in lhe San
ernardino NalionaI Ioresl. According lo lhe grover's vebsile, Oak
GIen is neslIed in lhe hearl of aIe counlry vhere summer lime is
cooI and vinlers have Ienly of snov for fun. The business cIimale
is described as a six-miIe Ioo of more lhan lhirly businesses. Ior
examIe, lhere are shos, reslauranls, vedding venues, ranches,
farms, lour guides, and camsiles, lo name a fev. Deending on
lhe lye of aIe, guesls are aIIoved lo ick lheir ovn fruil and can
have lhe oorlunily lo make lheir ovn cider. The lime in vhich
lhe Red DeIicious AIe is besl grovn is during lhe middIe of
Selember lhrough earIy November.
To romole oIIinalion during lhe overing season, lhe
aIe grovers hnd lhal honeybees are mosl heIfuI in carrying
oIIen lhroughoul lhe orchard. The lrees are said lo be al risk for
fungaI and bacleriaI diseases and of course insecls may aIso be
deslruclive. Some lyes of diseases lhal lhe lrees are suscelibIe lo
are ahids, aIe scab, and miIdev, vhich causes lhem lo under
deveIo. To counler lhis concern lhe lrees are srayed vilh
chemicaIs lo romole an olimaI harvesl, lree heaIlh, and quaIily
aIes. Al harvesl each aIe lree gives aroximaleIy eighly-eighl
lo four hundred forly ounds of aIes.

Suer Iood
Red DeIicious AIe
The mosl inleresling lhing I found on lhe grovers
associalion vebsile is lhal research suggesls lhal aIes may reduce
lhe risk of coIon cancer, roslale cancer and Iung cancer. Il aIso
suggesls lhal of lhe many fruils, aIes are rich in hber and are
good for assisling in normaI boveI movemenls. AIes are aIso
said lo be heIfuI in mainlaining a heaIlhy veighl and choIesleroI
There has nol been any informalion in lhe nevs IaleIy
aboul red aIes in CaIifornia, bul in Washinglon il vas reorled
by lhe Iruil Grovers Nevs Magazine lhal record numbers of red
aIes vere harvesled. Il is eslimaled lhal 129 miIIion busheIs of
aIes vere harvesled in 2012. This resuIled in more red aIes
being harvesled and Iover rices for aIes in our suer markels. I
aIso checked my IocaI suermarkel vhere aIes are being soId for
$ 00.69-1.29 each ound. I chose lo make an AIe WaIdorf saIad
for lhe labIe resenlalion vilh Iov fal yogurl.

Apple Waldorf Salad
Serves 2
1/2 cup chopped, sllghLly LoasLed walnuLs
1/2 cup celery, Lhlnly sllced
1/2 cup red seedless grapes, sllced
1 sweeL apple, cored and chopped
3 Lablespoons plaln or vanllla nonfaL yogurL
1 Lablespoon fresh lemon [ulce
1/4 Leaspoon nuLmeg
8uuer leuuce leaves for garnlsh
1.! ln a medlum slzed bowl, whlsk LogeLher Lhe
yogurL and Lhe lemon [ulce, Lhen add 1/4
Leaspoon of nuLmeg
2.! Mlx ln Lhe apple, celery, grapes, and walnuLs.
Serve on a bed of fresh leuuce.
8esL served lmmedlaLely or wlLhln 1 hour of
preparauon. 1op each servlng w/ a sprlnkle of

SuL8 lCCu

My WeIIness Life
I have a Iov risk of deveIoing hearl disease according
lo lhe risk assessmenl looI for eslimaling one's 10 year risk of
having a hearl auack. Thal said, I am a lvenly-six year oId femaIe
and I am hve feel seven inches laII veighing one hundred lhirly
lhree ounds. My body mass index is al 20.8. Il vouId aIso be
imorlanl lo rovide lhe informalion lhal I am nol regnanl and
regreuabIy have Iived a sedenlary IifeslyIe for lhe Iasl six monlhs.
On lhe olher hand I am hay lo reorl lhal I am nol a smoker nor
do I drink aIcohoI. I have never had any ma|or medicaI issues
excel a recenl oulbreak of lhe very ainfuI shingIes of vhich my
doclor auribuled lo a veak immune syslem and slress. Hovever,
my famiIy hislory is concerning lo me because diabeles seems lo
run ramanl in my famiIy. Ior inslance, my molher mosl recenlIy
vas diagnosed as a lye 2 diabelic. In addilion, my uncIe vas aIso
diagnosed vilh diabeles many years ago and unforlunaleIy even
had lvo loes amulaled. Hovever, il does nol end lhere, my lvo
aunls, my molher's sislers, aIso have diabeles. IinaIIy, lhis asl
AriI my grandfalher assed avay afler having aIso had diabeles
for forly-lvo years. In his oId age his body vas no Ionger
recognizing lhe medicalion and his diabeles vouId lend lo gel oul
of conlroI. Anolher condilion lhal runs in my famiIy is
hyerlension vilh many of my famiIy members aIso having lhe
condilion. I reaIize lhal by lhese diseases being a Iarge arl of my
famiIy hislory lhal I am al risk for lhem if I do nol Iive a more aclive
IifeslyIe or if I eal unheaIlhy foods nol conlaining enough nulrienls.
To counler lhese diseases laking hoId of my body and heaIlh, I have
sel some reaIislic veIIness slralegies. The veIIness slralegies lhal I
came u vilh for lhe carbohydrale calegory is lhal I need lo drink
al Ieasl one gIass of miIk a day because I knov and can feeI lhal my
bones are nol as slrong as lhey couId be. AIso I vouId Iike lo have
chiIdren in lhe near fulure and making sure lhal I have an adequale
amounl of caIcium inlake is imorlanl for my heaIlh and my chiId's
deveIomenl. I

My WeIIness Life
I aIso slralegized |usl as My IIale suggesls, making haIf
my Iale vegelabIes and fruils aIong vilh consuming more
Iegumes. Anolher imorlanl slralegy for oblaining good amounls
of carbs is lo hrsl eIiminale drinks lhal are high in sugar of vhich I
have aIready comIeled by eIiminaling soda comIeleIy lvo years
ago. In regard lo my veIIness slralegies for lhe Iiids calegory, I
decided lhal since I nov knov hov lo read lhe nulrilion facls aneI
I need lo ay cIose auenlion lo il and use il as a slarling oinl on
vhal lo buy and vhal nol lo buy. AIso, I decided lhal slaying avay
from red and fauy meals is imorlanl vhich in lhe Iong lerm is an
exceIIenl slralegy for Iovering lhe risk of hearl disease. I aIso
delermined a fev slralegies for consuming roleins, vhich are lo
choose beans, hsh, and ouIlry over rocessed food Iike hol dogs
and fasl food. I have aIso decided lo carry a bag of nuls vilh me
vhen I gel hungry inslead of going lo lhe Mounlie Slo and buying
exensive and unheaIlhy snacks. AIso, I am concerned aboul my
uid inlake, secihcaIIy valer so I slralegized lo carry a rehIIabIe
valer bouIe vilh me and erhas ul some fresh slravberries in il
lo add avor. As for my aclivily IeveI, il is nol anyvhere near
vhere il shouId be. As a resuIl, I have decided lo make lhe eorl lo
go on a brisk vaIk afler I eal dinner. AII lhese are imorlanl
slralegies in mainlaining veIIness. WeIIness is imorlanl lo me
because I do nol vanl lo deveIo diabeles Iike many of my aunls
and uncIes have aIready done. Il is lhe focus on diabeles in cIass
lhal has broughl il lo my auenlion hov ramanl diabeles is in our
nalion and even more so in my ovn famiIy. Il reaIIy oened my
eyes lhese Iasl couIe of monlhs since diabeles is vhal my
grandfalher died of. This Iesson viII dehnileIy be of vaIue lo me in
lvenly years because I viII nol have diabeles because I refuse lo
Iive an unheaIlhy sedenlary IifeslyIe.

See Aendix D


Waler & Iiber
Waler is signihcanl lo our human body because il is vilaI in
suslaining Iife. Wilhoul il ve can onIy survive for days. Waler
makes u aboul 60 % of an aduIl's body veighl and has many
imorlanl funclions. Ils funclions are lhal valer acls as a soIvenl,
cIeansing agenl, Iubricanl and a cushion, and a cooIanl. Il's roIe as
a soIvenl is usefuI for our bodies because il dissoIves amino acids,
gIucose, and mineraIs. Il is aIso a cIeansing agenl in lhal il assisls
lhe kidneys in excreling vasles from lhe bIood lhrough urinalion.
(Iokin, D'Anci, Rosenberg 2010). In lhe roIe as a Iubricanl and
cushion, valer rolecls lhe |oinls and olher sensilive body lissues.
As a cooIanl valer is vilaI because il mainlains our body
lemeralure lhrough sveal ridding ilseIf of excess heal. If il did nol
rid ilseIf of heal il vouId be dangerous for our body. Mainlenance
of uid baIance aIso romoles heaIlhy hydraled skin vhere il
reduces dry skin. Adequale hydralion is aIso associaled vilh lhe
reduced incidence of exercise aslhma, hyergIycemia in diabelic
keloacidosis, urinary lracl infeclions, hyerlension, and falaI
coronary hearl disease.
Waler is aIso imorlanl in heaIlhy boveI funclion |usl as
hber is and I beIieve il is imorlanl lo incIude valer in meaI Ians
ralher lhan |uices or sodas. This is because il can heI in veighl
managemenl because valer has zero caIories lhereby eIiminaling
excessive or emly caIories. As vas shovn in lhe relhink your
drink arlicIe a sugar hIIed soda conlains 136 emly caIories vhere
as valer conlains none al aII. As for |uices, lhough nol aII conlain
added sugars, according lo lhe relhink your drink arlicIe, a gIass of
100% aIe |uice conlains 192 caIories and again valer has zero
My consumlion of valer in my hrsl diel record vas
beIov my goaI, vhich vas 2.7 L a day vhere as I onIy drank aboul
1.6 L. In lhe second diel record I made lhe conscious eorl lo lake
in more valer er day because I Iearned of il's greal imorlance. I
succeeded in lhal by geuing cIoser lo my DRI goaI al 2.59 L.

Waler & Iiber
I have Iearned lhal lhough hber is indigeslibIe by lhe human
body, il is exlremeIy imorlanl for many reasons. Il is imorl in heaIlhy veighl
managemenl, revenling obesily, disease revenlion, salialion, and emly
caIories. Iirsl, hber Iays a vilaI roIe in mainlaining a heaIlhy body veighl
because il is found in many nulrilious vhoIe foods lhal are Iov in fal and
added sugars. Some of lhese foods incIude vhoIe grains, vegelabIes, Iegumes,
and fruils. One shouId slay avay from emly caIorie foods Iike soda or donuls
because lhey do nol oer adequale amounls of hber, bul do conlribule lo high
caIorie inlake. IeoIe lend lo vanl lo eIiminale vhoIe foods such as lhose rich
in carbohydrales, bul vhal lhey do nol reaIize is lhal many of lhem have good
amounls of hber and hylochemicaIs. The reaI issue is being abIe lo conlroI
one's orlions of foods and caIorie inlake. This goes hand in hand vilh hber
revenling obesily and romoling salialion. Ior examIe, lhe hber in our foods
absorb valer from lhe digeslive lracl vhich makes il sveII heIing lo creale lhe
feeIing of saliely, or feeIing fuII. Iiber is aIso imorlanl in reducing lhe risk of
severaI diseases. Ior examIe, hber is essenliaI in minimizing lhe risk of
hyerlension, in Iovering bIood choIesleroI IeveIs, and conlroIIing bIood
gIucose IeveIs, Wilh lhal said, hber is imorlanl in minimizing lhe risk of
deveIoing diabeles and hearl disease (Sizer and Whilney 2012). Iiber aIso
romoles heaIlhy boveI funclion by soflening slooIs and making il easy lo
ass lhrough lhe inlesline, revenling conslialion, hemorrhoids, aendicilis,
diverlicuIa. Ioods rich in hber are foods lhal are generaIIy nulrienl dense.
Though I have menlioned lo consume adequale amounls of fruil
many of us may misinlerrel lhal il is adequale lo mereIy drink fruil |uices
aIone. Hovever, lhis is nol as adequale as ealing vhoIe fruils. The lrulh is lhal
fruil |uices lend lo have added sugars and conlain fever nulrienls and more
caIories lhan an acluaI sIice of meIon. My suggeslion |usl as My IIale aIso
suggesls is lo make haIf of one's Iale vhoIe fruils and vegelabIes so lhal lhe
hber and hylochemicaIs are oblained lhal vay.
As for my ovn consumlion of hber I loo made lhe mislake of
lhinking ineaIe |uice aIone vas adequale in my hrsl diel record. Afler
Iearning lhe concel of nulrienl densily, I consumed more vhoIe fruils in my
second diel record. Ior examIe, in lhe hrsl diel record I did nol meel lhe
recommended inlake of hber and feII shorl al 72%. I did hnd oul lhal inlo
beans are nol onIy a good source of rolein, bul aIso of hber so I increased lhal
aIso in my second diel. In lhe second diel record I did lake in an adequale
amounl of hber al 107%.

Cander,Chris.IruilforeuerHeaIlh.Mcns |iincss.
}uI/Aug2012,Vc|. 28 (7)70.
Waler,Hydralion,andHeaIlh.Nuiriiicn |cticus Vc|. 68
Sizer,S.Irances&IIIieWhilney.Nuiriiicn Ccnccpis an!


DA Plus 10 Page: 1
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average

DRI Goals
Active Profile: Juliana Raya
Height: 5 ft. 7 inches
Weight: 133.0 lbs.
Age: 26 years
BMI: 20.8
Gender: Female
Pregnancy: Not Pregnant
Activity Level: Sedentary
Smoker: No
Strict Vegetarian/Vegan: No
Nutrient DRI
Kilocalories 2046 kcal
Protein 48.26 g Daily requirement based on grams per
kilogram of body weight
Carbohydrate 225.0 - 325.0 g
Fat, Total 44.0 - 77.0 g No recommendation
Saturated Fat < 20 g Less than 10% of calories
Monounsaturated Fat * No recommendation
Polyunsaturated Fat * No recommendation
Trans Fatty Acid * No recommendation
Cholesterol < 300 mg Less than 300mg recommended
Essential Fatty Acids
Omega-6 Linoleic 12 g
Omega-3 Linolenic 1.1 g
Appendix A-1
Dietary Reference Intake


DA Plus 10 Page: 2
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Nutrient DRI
Dietary Fiber, Total 25 g
Sugar, Total * No recommendation
Water 2.7 L
Alcohol * No recommendation
Thiamin 1.1 mg
Riboflavin 1.1 mg
Niacin 14 mg
Vitamin B6 1.3 mg
Vitamin B12 2.4 g
Folate (DFE) 400 g
Vitamin C 75 mg
Vitamin D (ug) 15 g DRI Adequate Intake
Vitamin A (RAE) 700 g
Vitamin A (IU) 2333 IU
Alpha-Tocopherol 15 mg
Calcium 1000 mg DRI Adequate Intake
Iron 18 mg
Magnesium 310 mg
Potassium 4700 mg DRI Adequate Intake
Zinc 8 mg
Sodium 1500 mg DRI Adequate Intake

Macronutrient Ranges
Recommended Actual Intake
Carbs Protein Fat Alcohol
1, 000
1, 100

DA Plus 10 Page: 3
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Macronutrient Ranges for Apr 26, 2013, Apr 27, 2013, Apr 28, 2013

Recommended Yours
Carbs 45%-65% 921-1,330 kCal 52% 824 kCal
Protein 10%-35% 205-716 kCal 21% 327 kCal
Fats 20%-35% 409-716 kCal 28% 438 kCal
Alcohol 0% 0 kCal 0% 0 kCal
Appendix B-1
Wellness Book 1 (Diet Record 1)

DA Plus 10 Page: 4
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Fat Breakdown for Apr 26, 2013, Apr 27, 2013, Apr 28, 2013

Source of Fat 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Saturated Fat 9%
Monounsaturated Fat 8%
Polyunsaturated Fat 4%
Trans Fatty Acid 0%
Unspecified 7%
* Transfat data is not yet reported by all sources and therefore may be under-represented.

DA Plus 10 Page: 5
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Intake vs. Goals for Apr 26, 2013, Apr 27, 2013, Apr 28, 2013

Nutrient DRI Intake 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Kilocalories 2046 kcal 1,570.25 kcal 77%
Protein 48.26 g 81.85 g 170%
Carbohydrate 225.0 - 325.0
206.01 g
Fat, Total 44.0 - 77.0 g 48.7 g
Saturated Fat < 20 g 15.66 g 78%
Monounsaturated Fat * 13.3 g
Polyunsaturated Fat * 7.72 g
Trans Fatty Acid * 0.57 g
Cholesterol < 300 mg 348.6 mg 116%
Essential Fatty Acids
Omega-6 Linoleic 12 g 5.86 g 49%
Omega-3 Linolenic 1.1 g 0.73 g 66%
Dietary Fiber, Total 25 g 18 g 72%
Sugar, Total * 74.83 g
Water 2.7 L 1.63 L 61%
Alcohol * 0 g
Thiamin 1.1 mg 1.39 mg 127%
Riboflavin 1.1 mg 1.58 mg 143%
Niacin 14 mg 22.05 mg 158%
Vitamin B6 1.3 mg 1.77 mg 136%
Vitamin B12 2.4 g 4.44 g 185%
Folate (DFE) 400 g 794.19 g 199%
Vitamin C 75 mg 222.87 mg 297%
Vitamin D (ug) 15 g 4.56 g 30%
Vitamin A (RAE) 700 g 398.1 g 57%
Vitamin A (IU) 2333 IU 2,952.94 IU 127%
Alpha-Tocopherol 15 mg 3.64 mg 24%
Calcium 1000 mg 982.93 mg 98%
Iron 18 mg 17.04 mg 95%
Magnesium 310 mg 261.88 mg 84%
Potassium 4700 mg 2,497.31 mg 53%

DA Plus 10 Page: 6
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Nutrient DRI Intake 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Zinc 8 mg 9.34 mg 117%
Sodium 1500 mg 2,754.02 mg 184%

DA Plus 10 Page: 7
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
MyPlate Analysis for Apr 26, 2013, Apr 27, 2013, Apr 28, 2013

Goal* Actual % Goal
7.0 oz. eq.
6.5 oz. eq. 92.9%
3.0 cup eq.
0.5 cup eq. 16.7%
2.0 cup eq.
2.6 cup eq. 128.2%
3.0 cup eq.
1.4 cup eq. 45.9%
Protein Foods
6.0 oz. eq.
8.1 oz. eq. 135.8%
Empty Calories
290.0 191.3 66%
Your results are based on a 2046 calorie pattern.
Make Half Your Grains Whole! Aim for at least 3.5 oz. eq. whole
Vary Your Veggies! Aim for this much every week:
Dark Green Vegetables = 2.0 cups weekly
Orange Vegetables = 1.5 cups weekly
Dry Beans &Peas = 2.5 cups weekly
Starchy Vegetables = 2.5 cups weekly
Other Vegetables = 5.5 cups weekly
Oils: Aim for 6.0 teaspoons of oil a day.
*MyPlate contains recommendations only for calorie levels up to 3,200
per day. If Diet Analysis Plus recommends more than 3,200 calories per
day for you, talk to your instructor for guidance on how to use MyPlate.
**CAUTION!Recipes are not included on the MyPlate Report, as plate
values for these cannot be calculated.

DA Plus 10 Page: 8
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Intake Spreadsheet for Apr 26, 2013

Item Name Meal Quantity Wt(g) Kcal(kcal)
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal Breakfast 1 cup(s) 28 100
Milk, Low Fat, 1% Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
244 102.48
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft Lunch 2 item(s) - 1
item is 1 taco
204 420.24
Beans, Pinto, Boiled Lunch 0.5 cup(s) 85.5 122.26
Rice, Spanish Lunch 1 cup(s) 243 211.41
Strawberries Lunch 1 cup(s) - Whole 144 46.08
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned Lunch 16 fluid ounce(s) 500 265
Shrimp, Steamed Dinner 1 serving(s) 129.26 180.29
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
Dinner 0.5 cup(s) 82.5 96.53
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
Dinner 0.5 cup(s) 82 64.78
Water, Bottled Dinner 16 fluid ounce(s) 474 0
Orange Snacks 2 item(s) - 2 5/8
in. diameter,
262 123.14
Water, Bottled Snacks 16 fluid ounce(s) 474 0
2,952.26 1,732.21
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 8.22 12.18 2.37 1.54
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft 18.87 41.27 19.89 8.48
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 7.7 22.42 0.56 0.12
Rice, Spanish 4.67 40.68 3.64 0.52
Strawberries 0.96 11.06 0.43 0.02
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned 1.8 64.35 0.6 0.04
Shrimp, Steamed 34.54 1.55 2.94 0.56
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
1.8 20.71 0.41 0.01
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
2.02 14.57 0.91 0.13
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Orange 2.46 30.78 0.31 0.04
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
86.05 279.56 34.07 11.46
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.68 0.09 0 12.2
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft 6.62 3.22 0.82 51
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.11 0.2 0 0
Rice, Spanish 1.15 1.72 0 0
Strawberries 0.06 0.22 0 0
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned 0.07 0.21 0 0
9.92 7.72 0.82 321.73

DA Plus 10 Page: 9
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Shrimp, Steamed 0.43 1.14 0 258.53
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0.06 0.01 0 0
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
0.18 0.34 0 0
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Orange 0.06 0.07 0 0
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
9.92 7.72 0.82 321.73
Item Name Omega-6(g) Omega-3(g) Diet Fiber(g) Sugar(g)
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0.53 0.02 3 1
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.07 0.01 0 12.69
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft 2.78 0.32 5.92 3.2
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.08 0.12 7.7 0.29
Rice, Spanish 1.52 0.19 2.67 7.19
Strawberries 0.13 0.09 2.88 7.04
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned 0.12 0.09 1 49.9
Shrimp, Steamed 0.05 0.02 0 0
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0.01 0 0.5 0
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
0.33 0.02 1.56 2.49
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Orange 0.05 0.02 6.29 24.5
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
5.67 0.9 31.51 108.3
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0 0 0.38 0.43
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.22 0 0.05 0.45
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft 0.12 0 0.37 0.27
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.05 0 0.17 0.05
Rice, Spanish 0.19 0 0.22 0.11
Strawberries 0.13 0 0.03 0.03
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned 0.43 0 0.29 0.1
Shrimp, Steamed 0.1 0 0.05 0.05
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0.06 0 0.06 0.01
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
0.06 0 0.01 0.02
Water, Bottled 0.47 0 0 0
Orange 0.23 0 0.23 0.1
Water, Bottled 0.47 0 0 0
2.54 0 1.85 1.63
Item Name Niacin(mg) Vit B6(mg) Vit B12(g) Fol (DFE)(g)
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 5 0.5 1.5 460.32
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.23 0.09 1.15 12.2
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft 5.88 0.12 1.71 195.84
22.55 2.19 6.14 1,239.64

DA Plus 10 Page: 10
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Niacin(mg) Vit B6(mg) Vit B12(g) Fol (DFE)(g)
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.27 0.2 0 147.06
Rice, Spanish 2.96 0.31 0 89.91
Strawberries 0.56 0.07 0 34.56
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned 1 0.5 0 90
Shrimp, Steamed 3.91 0.16 1.78 5.1
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
1.43 0.04 0 97.35
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
0.58 0.05 0 28.7
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Orange 0.74 0.16 0 78.6
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
22.55 2.19 6.14 1,239.64
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 6 1 150.1 500
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0 2.93 141.52 478.24
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft 0.2 0.15 38.76 324.36
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.68 0 0 0
Rice, Spanish 26.49 0 17.01 1137.19
Strawberries 84.67 0 1.44 17.28
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned 50 0 0 25
Shrimp, Steamed 2.72 0 0 275.54
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0 0 0 0
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
1.31 0 1.64 36.9
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Orange 139.38 0 28.82 589.5
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
311.46 4.08 379.29 3,384
Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Calcium(mg) Iron(mg) Magn(mg)
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0.19 100 8.1 40
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.02 305 0.07 26.84
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft 0.51 250.92 3.41 38.76
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.8 39.33 1.79 42.75
Rice, Spanish 1.8 77.76 3.13 36.45
Strawberries 0.42 23.04 0.59 18.72
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned 0.1 65 1.55 60
Shrimp, Steamed 1.87 88.44 3.69 62.93
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0.01 6.6 1.46 4.12
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
0.06 3.28 0.45 10.66
Water, Bottled 0 47.4 0 9.48
Orange 0.47 104.8 0.26 26.2
Water, Bottled 0 47.4 0 9.48
6.25 1,158.97 24.5 386.4

DA Plus 10 Page: 11
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Potas(mg) Zinc(mg) Sodium(mg)
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 170 3.75 190
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 366 1.02 107.36
Tacos with Beef, Cheese and Lettuce, Soft 328.44 2.79 1142.4
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 372.78 0.84 0.86
Rice, Spanish 468.99 0.83 699.84
Strawberries 220.32 0.2 1.44
Juice, Pineapple, Unsweetened, Canned 650 0.55 10
Shrimp, Steamed 283.19 1.89 251.72
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
7.43 0.4 3.3
Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Whole Kernel, Canned,
113.16 0.28 152.52
Water, Bottled 0 0 9.48
Orange 474.22 0.18 0
Water, Bottled 0 0 9.48
3,454.52 12.74 2,578.4

DA Plus 10 Page: 12
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Intake Spreadsheet for Apr 27, 2013

Item Name Meal Quantity Wt(g) Kcal(kcal)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat Breakfast 2 item(s) - 2
large eggs
120 156
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked Breakfast 2 item(s) - 2
48 162.72
Tortilla, Flour Breakfast 1 item(s) -
tortilla (approx
7-8" dia)
46 138.46
Juice, Orange Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s) 248 111.6
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch Lunch 1 item(s) - 1
item is 1
252 530
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured Lunch 10 item(s) 12 56.28
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared Lunch 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 2.37
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
Dinner 1 item(s) - 1
item is 1
268 589.6
Water, Bottled Dinner 16 fluid ounce(s) 474 0
Banana Snacks 1 item(s) -
Medium (7 in. to
7 7/8 in. long)
118 105.02
Milk, Low Fat, 1% Snacks 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
244 102.48
2,067 1,954.53
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 12.97 2.51 10.03 3.35
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked 9.33 0 13.61 4.39
Tortilla, Flour 3.68 23.56 3.08 0.75
Juice, Orange 1.74 25.79 0.5 0.06
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch 21 46 30 6
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured 0.6 8.57 2.18 0.32
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared 0 0.71 0 0
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
46.07 53.25 21.57 8.33
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Banana 1.29 26.95 0.39 0.13
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 8.22 12.18 2.37 1.54
104.89 199.51 83.74 24.88
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 3.75 1.31 0 397.2
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked 5.94 1.79 0.11 40.32
Tortilla, Flour 1.62 0.66 0 0
Juice, Orange 0.09 0.1 0 0
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch 0 0 0.5 45
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured 1.19 0.51 0 0
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared 0 0.01 0 0
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
7.9 5.04 0.19 123.28
21.22 9.58 0.8 618

DA Plus 10 Page: 14
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0 2.04 147.6 658.17
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked 0.34 0.34 5.76 19.68
Tortilla, Flour 0 0 0 0
Juice, Orange 124 0 24.8 496
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch 18 0 0 500
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured 0 0 0 0
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared 0 0 0 0
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
11.79 0.27 93.8 962.12
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Banana 10.27 0 3.54 75.52
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0 2.93 141.52 478.24
164.39 5.57 417.02 3,189.73
Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Calcium(mg) Iron(mg) Magn(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.92 93.6 1.72 15.6
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked 0.26 6.24 0.65 8.16
Tortilla, Flour 0.09 48.76 1.53 9.2
Juice, Orange 0.1 27.28 0.5 27.28
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch 0 100 3.6 0
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured 0.26 15 0.1 5.16
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared 0 0 0.05 7.11
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
1.63 254.6 3.67 85.76
Water, Bottled 0 47.4 0 9.48
Banana 0.12 5.9 0.31 31.86
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.02 305 0.07 26.84
3.41 903.78 12.19 226.45
Item Name Potas(mg) Zinc(mg) Sodium(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 181.2 1.19 435.6
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked 141.12 1 359.52
Tortilla, Flour 70.38 0.25 315.56
Juice, Orange 496 0.12 2.48
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch 0 0 930
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured 86.52 0.05 76.08
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared 87.69 0.05 7.11
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
605.68 3.59 1688.4
Water, Bottled 0 0 9.48
Banana 422.44 0.18 1.18
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 366 1.02 107.36
2,457.03 7.45 3,932.77

DA Plus 10 Page: 13
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Banana 0.04 0.09 0 0
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.68 0.09 0 12.2
21.22 9.58 0.8 618
Item Name Omega-6(g) Omega-3(g) Diet Fiber(g) Sugar(g)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 1.1 0.04 0 2.68
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked 1.58 0 0 0
Tortilla, Flour 0.61 0.02 1.06 2.02
Juice, Orange 0.07 0.03 0.5 20.83
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch 0 0 5 5
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured 0.48 0.02 0.58 0.6
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared 0 0 0 0
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
4.35 0.57 3.22 12.54
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Banana 0.05 0.03 3.07 14.43
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.07 0.01 0 12.69
8.32 0.72 13.41 70.79
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.09 0 0.07 0.49
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked 0.02 0 0.14 0.09
Tortilla, Flour 0.01 0 0.23 0.06
Juice, Orange 0.22 0 0.22 0.07
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch 0 0 0 0
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured 0 0 0.04 0.01
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared 0.24 0 0 0.02
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
0.14 0 0.46 0.5
Water, Bottled 0.47 0 0 0
Banana 0.09 0 0.04 0.09
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.22 0 0.05 0.45
1.51 0 1.25 1.79
Item Name Niacin(mg) Vit B6(mg) Vit B12(g) Fol (DFE)(g)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.1 0.14 1.16 34.8
Sausage, Pork, Link, Cooked 3 0.16 0.57 1.44
Tortilla, Flour 1.67 0.02 0 92.46
Juice, Orange 0.99 0.1 0 74.4
SUBWAY Sandwich, Tuna, Wheat, 6 Inch 0 0 0 0
Chips, Potato, Baked, Restructured 0.49 0.06 0 0
Tea, Decaffeinated, Unsweetened, Prepared 0 0 0 11.85
Sandwich, Club, Grilled Chicken w/ Bacon,
Tomato, Cheese, Lettuce & Mayo
14.94 0.79 1.26 96.48
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Banana 0.78 0.43 0 23.6
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.23 0.09 1.15 12.2
22.21 1.79 4.14 347.23

DA Plus 10 Page: 15
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Intake Spreadsheet for Apr 28, 2013

Item Name Meal Quantity Wt(g) Kcal(kcal)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese Breakfast 1 item(s) 93 190.65
Juice, Orange Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s) 248 111.6
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
Lunch 3 ounce(s) 85.05 193.21
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
Lunch 0.5 cup(s) 82.5 96.53
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored Lunch 2 tablespoon(s)
- Mix to make 1
11 40
Quesadilla, Cheese Dinner 1 item(s) 54 189.54
Water, Bottled Dinner 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal Snacks 1 cup(s) 28 100
Milk, Low Fat, 1% Snacks 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
244 102.48
1,082.55 1,024.01
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 6.84 29.04 5.63 2.15
Juice, Orange 1.74 25.79 0.5 0.06
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
25.28 6.94 6.62 1.62
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
1.8 20.71 0.41 0.01
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored 0 9 0 0
Quesadilla, Cheese 7.73 15.28 10.77 5.24
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 8.22 12.18 2.37 1.54
54.6 138.94 28.3 10.63
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 1.17 2.07 0.1 4.65
Juice, Orange 0.09 0.1 0 0
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
2.66 1.73 0 66.53
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0.06 0.01 0 0
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored 0 0 0 0
Quesadilla, Cheese 3.61 1.34 0 22.68
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.68 0.09 0 12.2
8.76 5.85 0.1 106.06
Item Name Omega-6(g) Omega-3(g) Diet Fiber(g) Sugar(g)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 1.74 0.31 3.91 1.61
Juice, Orange 0.07 0.03 0.5 20.83
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
0 0 0.21 0
3.58 0.56 9.08 45.38

DA Plus 10 Page: 16
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Omega-6(g) Omega-3(g) Diet Fiber(g) Sugar(g)
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0.01 0 0.5 0
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored 0 0 0 9
Quesadilla, Cheese 1.15 0.19 0.97 0.25
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0.53 0.02 3 1
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.07 0.01 0 12.69
3.58 0.56 9.08 45.38
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 0.05 0 0.18 0.09
Juice, Orange 0.22 0 0.22 0.07
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
0.04 0 0.08 0.1
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0.06 0 0.06 0.01
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored 0 0 0 0
Quesadilla, Cheese 0.02 0 0.11 0.15
Water, Bottled 0.24 0 0 0
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0 0 0.38 0.43
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.22 0 0.05 0.45
0.85 0 1.08 1.3
Item Name Niacin(mg) Vit B6(mg) Vit B12(g) Fol (DFE)(g)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 1.88 0.09 0.15 119.04
Juice, Orange 0.99 0.1 0 74.4
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
10.98 0.47 0.26 0
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
1.43 0.04 0 97.35
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored 0 0 0 0
Quesadilla, Cheese 0.9 0.03 0 32.4
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 5 0.5 1.5 460.32
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.23 0.09 1.15 12.2
21.41 1.32 3.06 795.71
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 0.37 0.09 23.25 107.88
Juice, Orange 124 0 24.8 496
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
0 0 0 16.45
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0 0 0 0
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored 60 0 0 500
Quesadilla, Cheese 2.38 0 58.32 186.5
Water, Bottled 0 0 0 0
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 6 1 150.1 500
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0 2.93 141.52 478.24
192.75 4.02 397.99 2,285.08

DA Plus 10 Page: 17
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Calcium(mg) Iron(mg) Magn(mg)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 0.5 115.32 2.2 31.62
Juice, Orange 0.1 27.28 0.5 27.28
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
0 18.59 1.05 24.68
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
0.01 6.6 1.46 4.12
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored 0 100 0 0
Quesadilla, Cheese 0.43 189.54 1.04 13.5
Water, Bottled 0 23.7 0 4.74
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0.19 100 8.1 40
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 0.02 305 0.07 26.84
1.26 886.03 14.43 172.78
Item Name Potas(mg) Zinc(mg) Sodium(mg)
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 242.73 0.8 523.59
Juice, Orange 496 0.12 2.48
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Breaded, Baked
or Fried
222.63 0.84 450.16
Rice, White, Long Grain, Enriched, Instant,
7.43 0.4 3.3
TANG Drink Mix, Orange Flavored 0 0 0
Quesadilla, Cheese 75.6 0.87 469.26
Water, Bottled 0 0 4.74
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 170 3.75 190
Milk, Low Fat, 1% 366 1.02 107.36
1,580.38 7.82 1,750.89

DA Plus 10 Page: 18
Apr 30, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Energy Balance for Apr 26, 2013, Apr 27, 2013, Apr 28, 2013

Date kCal Consumed kCal Burned Net kCal
Apr 26, 2013 1731 1592 139
Apr 27, 2013 1954 1592 362
Apr 28, 2013 1025 1592 -567
Total: 4710 4776 -66
Daily Caloric Summary kCal
Recommended: 2046
Average Intake: 1570
Average Expenditure: 1592
Average Net Gain/Loss: -22

A B=A*.1 C=A*.2
L 2.7 0.27 0.54
Kcal 2046 204.6 409.2
g 48.26 4.826 9.652
g 225 22.5 45
g 25 2.5 5
g 44
g 20
EFA: n-6
g 12 1.2 2.4
EFA: n-3
g 1.1 0.11 0.22
mg 1.1
0.11 0.22
mg 1.1
0.11 0.22
mg 14
1.4 2.8
mg 1.3
0.13 0.26
mcg 2.4
0.24 0.48
mcg 400
40 80
Vitamin C
mg 75
7.5 15
Vitamin D
mcg 15
1.5 3
Vitamin A (RAE) mcg 700 70 140
Vitamin E mcg 15 1.5 3
Calcium mg 1000 100 200
Iron mg 18 1.8 3.6
Magnesium mg 310 31 62
Potassium mg 4700 470 940
Zinc mg 8 0.8 1.6
Sodium mg 1500


Intake vs.
Goal (%)
L 2.7 0 1.63 60%
Kcals 2046 0 1570.25 77%
g 48.26 0 81.85 170%
g 225 0 206.01 92%
g 25 0 18 72%
g 44 0 44 100%
Saturated g 20 0 15.66 78%
EFA: n-6
g 12 0 5.83 49%
EFA: n-3
g 1.1 0 0.73 66%
1.1 0 1.39 126%
1.1 0 1.58 144%
14 35 22.05 158%
1.3 100 1.77 136%
2.4 0 4.44 185%
400 1000 794.19 199%
Vitamin C
75 2000 222.87 297%
Vitamin D
15 4000 4.56 30%
Vitamin A (RAE) mcg 700 3000 398.1 57%
Vitamin E mcg 15 1000 3.64 24%
Calcium mg 1000 25000 982.93 98%
Iron mg 18 45 17.04 95%
Magnesium mg 310 350 261.88 84%
Potassium mg 4700 0 2497.31 53%
Zinc mg 8 40 9.34 117%
Sodium mg 1500 2300 2754.02 184%
DRI GOALS WB1 3-day Analysis
RDA/AI UL Intake

Intake vs.
Goal (%) Intake
Intake vs.
Goal (%) Intake
Intake vs.
Goal (%)
A B C D E=(A-C) F=(D-B)
L 2.7 0 1.63 60% 2.72 101% -1.09 40%
Kcals 2046 0 1570.25 77% 2003.05 98% -432.8 21%
g 48.26 0 81.85 170% 119.04 247% -37.19 77%
g 225 0 206.01 92% 276.25 123% -70.24 31%
g 25 0 18 72% 33.9 136% -15.9 64%
g 44 0 44 100% 44 100% 0 0%
Saturated g 20 0 15.66 78% 9.74 49% 5.92 -30%
EFA: n-6
g 12 0 5.83 49% 17.6 147% -11.77 98%
EFA: n-3
g 1.1 0 0.73 66% 2.57 234% -1.84 167%
1.1 0 1.39 126% 1.89 172% -0.5 45%
1.1 0 1.58 144% 3.08 280% -1.5 136%
14 35 22.05 158% 22.06 158% -0.01 0%
1.3 100 1.77 136% 3.01 232% -1.24 95%
2.4 0 4.44 185% 7.55 315% -3.11 130%
400 1000 794.19 199% 845.82 211% -51.63 13%
Vitamin C
75 2000 222.87 297% 126.14 168% 96.73 -129%
Vitamin D
15 4000 4.56 30% 8.71 58% -4.15 28%
Vitamin A (RAE) mcg 700 3000 398.1 57% 1588.79 227% -1190.69 170%
Vitamin E mcg 15 1000 3.64 24% 12.94 86% -9.3 62%
Calcium mg 1000 25000 982.93 98% 1945.08 195% -962.15 96%
Iron mg 18 45 17.04 95% 20.84 116% -3.8 21%
DRI GOALS WB1 3-day Analysis WB4 3-day WB1 vs WB4

Intake vs.
Goal (%) Intake
Intake vs.
Goal (%) Intake
Intake vs.
Goal (%)
DRI GOALS WB1 3-day Analysis WB4 3-day WB1 vs WB4
Magnesium mg 310 350 261.88 84% 645.51 208% -383.63 124%
Potassium mg 4700 0 2497.31 53% 5270.68 112% -2773.37 59%
Zinc mg 8 40 9.34 117% 16.71 209% -7.37 92%
Sodium mg 1500 2300 2754.02 184% 1694.68 113% 1059.34 -71%
ENTER NUMBERS ONLY! From WB1 enter DRI Goals, Intake (column A), and Intake
vs. Goal (column B)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Banana Watermelon
Fat Free Milk
Fat Free
Pinto Beans Fish
Whole Wheat
Flour Tortilla
Whole Wheat
1 ea 1 cup 1.25 cups 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 2 oz 1 Med 1 slice 1 ea
1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0
1.0 0.8 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.5
1.0 0.3
3.0 1.0 3.0 6.0 4.0 2.3 2.5 1.0 2.0 1.3
Use numbers and decimals for each food used to reflect the quantity and the meatime. Each must be used at least once.
Total Used
Snack 2
Snack 1
Snack 2
Snack 1
Snack 2
Snack 1
List Super Food
Portion Size

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fat Free
Fat Free
Pinto Beans Fish
1 ea 1 cup 1.25 cups 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup 2 oz 1 Med 1 slice 1 ea
Water L 0.09 0.14 0.07 0.22 0.21 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.12
Kcals 105.02 45.6 11.98 83.3 137.2 61.13 48.76 68.04 127.88 22.14
PROTEIN g 1.29 0.93 0.87 0.22 14.04 3.85 8.64 5.67 3.86 1.08
CHO g 26.95 11.48 2.32 12.15 18.82 11.21 0 9.41 23.64 4.78
Fiber g 3.07 1.75 1.48 0 0 3.85 0 0 2.76 1.48
LIPIDS 0.39 0.23 0.21 0.2 0.44 0.28 1.34 0.85 2.48 0.25
Saturated 0.13 0.02 0.03 0.14 0.28 0.06 0.31 0.11 0.37 0.03
EFA: n-6 g 0.05 0.08 0.03 0 0.01 0.04 0 0 1.21 0.1
EFA: n-3 g 0.03 0 0.08 0 0 0.06 0 0 0.15 0
Thiamin mg 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.11 0.12 0.08 0 0.14 0.14 0.05
Riboflavin mg 0.09 0.03 0.05 0.45 0.57 0.03 0 0.05 0.1 0.02
Niacin mg 0.78 0.27 0.22 0.23 0.3 0.14 0.72 0.79 1.83 0.73
B6 mg 0.43 0.07 0.05 0.09 0.13 0.1 0 0 0.09 0.1
B12 mcg 0 0 0 1.23 1.49 0 0.74 0 0 0
Folate mcg 23.6 4.56 95.88 12.25 29.4 73.53 3.4 0 35.88 18.45
Vitamin C mg 10.27 12.31 2.82 0 2.2 0.34 0 0 0 16.85
Vitamin D mcg 0 0 0 2.94 0 0 1.98 0 0 0
Vitamin A (RAE) mcg 3.54 42.56 307.38 149.45 4.9 0 6.8 0 0 51.66
List Super Food
Portion Size
140 70

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Calcium mg 5.9 10.64 23.26 298.9 487.55 19.67 14.17 57.83 15.18 12.3
Iron mg 0.31 0.36 0.68 0.07 0.22 0.89 0.13 1.25 1.43 0.33
Magnesium mg 31.86 15.2 9.87 26.95 46.55 21.38 12.47 0 37.26 9.87
Potassium mg 422.44 170.24 174.13 382.2 624.75 186.39 111.7 0 144.44 291.51
Zinc mg 0.18 0.15 0.16 1.03 2.38 0.42 0.22 0 0.69 0.21
Sodium mg 1.18 1.52 5.64 102.9 188.65 0.43 205.82 0 159.16 6.15
Enter minimum quantity for good and excellent from tab 1. Color
code the appropriate cells "good", "excellent" or "N/A" use grey
for all 10 Super Foods

DA Plus 10 Page: 1
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average

DRI Goals
Active Profile: Juliana Raya
Height: 5 ft. 7 inches
Weight: 133.0 lbs.
Age: 26 years
BMI: 20.8
Gender: Female
Pregnancy: Not Pregnant
Activity Level: Sedentary
Smoker: No
Strict Vegetarian/Vegan: No
Nutrient DRI
Kilocalories 2046 kcal
Protein 48.26 g Daily requirement based on grams per
kilogram of body weight
Carbohydrate 225.0 - 325.0 g
Fat, Total 44.0 - 77.0 g No recommendation
Saturated Fat < 20 g Less than 10% of calories
Monounsaturated Fat * No recommendation
Polyunsaturated Fat * No recommendation
Trans Fatty Acid * No recommendation
Cholesterol < 300 mg Less than 300mg recommended
Essential Fatty Acids
Omega-6 Linoleic 12 g
Omega-3 Linolenic 1.1 g
Appendix C-1
Wellness Book #4

DA Plus 10 Page: 2
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Nutrient DRI
Dietary Fiber, Total 25 g
Sugar, Total * No recommendation
Water 2.7 L
Alcohol * No recommendation
Thiamin 1.1 mg
Riboflavin 1.1 mg
Niacin 14 mg
Vitamin B6 1.3 mg
Vitamin B12 2.4 g
Folate (DFE) 400 g
Vitamin C 75 mg
Vitamin D (ug) 15 g DRI Adequate Intake
Vitamin A (RAE) 700 g
Vitamin A (IU) 2333 IU
Alpha-Tocopherol 15 mg
Calcium 1000 mg DRI Adequate Intake
Iron 18 mg
Magnesium 310 mg
Potassium 4700 mg DRI Adequate Intake
Zinc 8 mg
Sodium 1500 mg DRI Adequate Intake

Macronutrient Ranges
Recommended Actual Intake
Carbs Protein Fat Alcohol
1, 000
1, 100

DA Plus 10 Page: 3
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Macronutrient Ranges for May 04, 2013, May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013

Recommended Yours
Carbs 45%-65% 921-1,330 kCal 60% 966 kCal
Protein 10%-35% 205-716 kCal 26% 421 kCal
Fats 20%-35% 409-716 kCal 17% 271 kCal
Alcohol 0% 0 kCal 0% 0 kCal

DA Plus 10 Page: 4
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Fat Breakdown for May 04, 2013, May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013

Source of Fat 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Saturated Fat 4%
Monounsaturated Fat 4%
Polyunsaturated Fat 3%
Trans Fatty Acid 0%
Unspecified 6%
* Transfat data is not yet reported by all sources and therefore may be under-represented.

DA Plus 10 Page: 6
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Nutrient DRI Intake 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Zinc 8 mg 13.47 mg 168%
Sodium 1500 mg 1,646.8 mg 110%

DA Plus 10 Page: 5
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Intake vs. Goals for May 04, 2013, May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013

Nutrient DRI Intake 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Kilocalories 2046 kcal 1,599.07 kcal 78%
Protein 48.26 g 105.2 g 218%
Carbohydrate 225.0 - 325.0
241.56 g
Fat, Total 44.0 - 77.0 g 30.13 g
Saturated Fat < 20 g 7.25 g 36%
Monounsaturated Fat * 7.29 g
Polyunsaturated Fat * 5 g
Trans Fatty Acid * 0.04 g
Cholesterol < 300 mg 436.01 mg 145%
Essential Fatty Acids
Omega-6 Linoleic 12 g 3.51 g 29%
Omega-3 Linolenic 1.1 g 0.6 g 54%
Dietary Fiber, Total 25 g 26.66 g 107%
Sugar, Total * 131.96 g
Water 2.7 L 2.59 L 96%
Alcohol * 0 g
Thiamin 1.1 mg 1.43 mg 130%
Riboflavin 1.1 mg 3 mg 273%
Niacin 14 mg 17.39 mg 124%
Vitamin B6 1.3 mg 2.5 mg 192%
Vitamin B12 2.4 g 7.32 g 305%
Folate (DFE) 400 g 736.33 g 184%
Vitamin C 75 mg 125.48 mg 167%
Vitamin D (ug) 15 g 9.36 g 62%
Vitamin A (RAE) 700 g 1,627.23 g 232%
Vitamin A (IU) 2333 IU 25,054.44 IU 1,074%
Alpha-Tocopherol 15 mg 6.37 mg 42%
Calcium 1000 mg 1,886.52 mg 189%
Iron 18 mg 17.56 mg 98%
Magnesium 310 mg 510.24 mg 165%
Potassium 4700 mg 4,786.35 mg 102%

DA Plus 10 Page: 7
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
MyPlate Analysis for May 04, 2013, May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013

Goal* Actual % Goal
7.0 oz. eq.
4.2 oz. eq. 60.5%
3.0 cup eq.
3.2 cup eq. 107%
2.0 cup eq.
3.4 cup eq. 168.4%
3.0 cup eq.
3.8 cup eq. 127.5%
Protein Foods
6.0 oz. eq.
7.1 oz. eq. 117.5%
Empty Calories
290.0 139 47.9%
Your results are based on a 2046 calorie pattern.
Make Half Your Grains Whole! Aim for at least 3.5 oz. eq. whole
Vary Your Veggies! Aim for this much every week:
Dark Green Vegetables = 2.0 cups weekly
Orange Vegetables = 1.5 cups weekly
Dry Beans &Peas = 2.5 cups weekly
Starchy Vegetables = 2.5 cups weekly
Other Vegetables = 5.5 cups weekly
Oils: Aim for 6.0 teaspoons of oil a day.
*MyPlate contains recommendations only for calorie levels up to 3,200
per day. If Diet Analysis Plus recommends more than 3,200 calories per
day for you, talk to your instructor for guidance on how to use MyPlate.
**CAUTION!Recipes are not included on the MyPlate Report, as plate
values for these cannot be calculated.

DA Plus 10 Page: 8
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Intake Spreadsheet for May 04, 2013

Item Name Meal Quantity Wt(g) Kcal(kcal)
Apple, Medium Breakfast 1 item(s) - 1
item is 1
medium apple
(3 in. diameter)
182 94.64
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal Breakfast 1 cup(s) 28 100
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
245 83.3
Water, Tap Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
Burrito, Bean and Cheese Lunch 1 item(s) 93 190.65
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
Lunch 1.25 cup(s) 91.25 14.6
Pineapple Lunch 1 cup(s) - Diced 155 77.5
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
Lunch 1 cup(s) 245 137.2
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained Lunch 0.5 cup(s) 90 20.7
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free Dinner 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
245 83.3
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat Dinner 2 ounce(s) 56.7 48.76
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
Dinner 0.5 cup(s) -
90 18
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled Dinner 0.5 cup(s) 79 102.7
Water, Tap Dinner 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
Pear Snacks 1 item(s) -
Medium, approx
2 1/2 per lb
166 96.28
Water, Tap Snacks 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
2,476.95 1,067.63
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Apple, Medium 0.47 25.13 0.31 0.05
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 8.26 12.15 0.2 0.14
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 6.84 29.04 5.63 2.15
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
0.76 3.08 0.15 0.02
Pineapple 0.84 20.34 0.19 0.01
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
14.04 18.82 0.44 0.28
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 2.67 3.38 0.23 0.04
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 8.26 12.15 0.2 0.14
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 8.64 0 1.34 0.31
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
0.82 3.88 0.28 0.06
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 2.13 22.25 0.22 0.06
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Pear 0.63 25.66 0.2 0.01
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
57.34 195.89 11.38 3.27

DA Plus 10 Page: 10
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
0.09 0 0.04 0.02
Pineapple 0.13 0 0.12 0.05
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.21 0 0.12 0.57
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.08 0 0.09 0.21
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.22 0 0.11 0.45
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0.05 0 0 0
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
0.08 0 0.04 0.04
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.05 0 0.13 0.01
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
Pear 0.14 0 0.02 0.04
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
2.2 0 1.35 2.41
Item Name Niacin(mg) Vit B6(mg) Vit B12(g) Fol (DFE)(g)
Apple, Medium 0.17 0.08 0 5.46
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 5 0.5 1.5 460.32
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.23 0.09 1.23 12.25
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 1.88 0.09 0.15 119.04
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
0.33 0.06 0 33.76
Pineapple 0.77 0.17 0 27.9
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.3 0.13 1.49 29.4
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.44 0.22 0 131.4
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.23 0.09 1.23 12.25
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0.72 0 0.74 3.4
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
0.46 0.06 0 18
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 1.17 0.07 0 76.63
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Pear 0.26 0.05 0 11.62
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
11.97 1.61 6.34 941.43
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
Apple, Medium 8.37 0 5.46 98.28
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 6 1 150.1 500
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 2.94 149.45 499.8
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 0.37 0.09 23.25 107.88
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
6.57 0 62.96 2291.82
Pineapple 74.09 0 4.65 89.9
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
2.2 0 4.9 17.15
118.35 8.96 1,040.19 13,787.49

DA Plus 10 Page: 9
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Apple, Medium 0.01 0.09 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.05 0.01 0 4.9
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 1.17 2.07 0.1 4.65
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
0.02 0.08 0 0
Pineapple 0.02 0.06 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.12 0.01 0 4.9
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.01 0.1 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.05 0.01 0 4.9
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0.37 0.26 0 31.75
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
0.02 0.12 0 0
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.07 0.06 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Pear 0.04 0.05 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
2.46 3.42 0.1 51.1
Item Name Omega-6(g) Omega-3(g) Diet Fiber(g) Sugar(g)
Apple, Medium 0.08 0.02 4.37 18.91
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0.53 0.02 3 1
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 0 0 12.47
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 1.74 0.31 3.91 1.61
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
0.06 0.02 1.19 2.1
Pineapple 0.04 0.03 2.17 15.27
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.01 0 0 18.82
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.02 0.08 2.16 0.39
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 0 0 12.47
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0 0 0 0
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
0.04 0.07 1.26 2.33
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.05 0.01 0.32 0.04
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Pear 0.05 0 5.15 16.27
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
2.62 0.57 23.51 101.67
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
Apple, Medium 0.16 0 0.03 0.05
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0 0 0.38 0.43
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.22 0 0.11 0.45
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 0.05 0 0.18 0.09
2.2 0 1.35 2.41

DA Plus 10 Page: 11
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 8.82 0 471.6 9432.9
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 2.94 149.45 499.8
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0 1.98 6.8 20.98
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
4.95 0 9.9 190.8
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0 0 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Pear 6.97 0 1.66 38.18
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
118.35 8.96 1,040.19 13,787.49
Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Calcium(mg) Iron(mg) Magn(mg)
Apple, Medium 0.33 10.92 0.22 9.1
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 0.19 100 8.1 40
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.02 298.9 0.07 26.95
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 0.5 115.32 2.2 31.62
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
0.25 17.34 0.28 9.12
Pineapple 0.03 20.15 0.45 18.6
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0 487.55 0.22 46.55
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 1.87 122.4 3.21 78.3
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.02 298.9 0.07 26.95
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0.44 14.17 0.13 12.47
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
0.13 24.3 0.32 21.6
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.03 7.9 0.95 9.48
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
Pear 0.2 14.94 0.28 11.62
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
4.01 1,554.12 16.52 349.48
Item Name Potas(mg) Zinc(mg) Sodium(mg)
Apple, Medium 194.74 0.07 1.82
GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS Cereal 170 3.75 190
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 382.2 1.03 102.9
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
Burrito, Bean and Cheese 242.73 0.8 523.59
Salad, Lettuce with Tomatoes and Carrots, No
186.15 0.16 17.34
Pineapple 168.95 0.19 1.55
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
624.75 2.38 188.65
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 419.4 0.68 63
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 382.2 1.03 102.9
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 111.7 0.22 205.82
Squash, Summer, All Varieties, Sliced, Boiled,
172.8 0.35 0.9
3,287.92 11.21 1,422.25

DA Plus 10 Page: 14
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
14.04 18.82 0.44 0.28
Orange 1.23 15.39 0.16 0.02
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.87 2.32 0.21 0.03
Tomatoes, Red 1.08 4.78 0.25 0.03
Shrimp, Steamed 34.54 1.55 2.94 0.56
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 2.52 22.39 0.88 0.18
Watermelon 0.93 11.48 0.23 0.02
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 8.26 12.15 0.2 0.14
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 3.68 21.75 2.71 0.58
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 24.66 0 2.11 0.57
Carrots, Baby 0.32 4.12 0.07 0.01
Lettuce, Looseleaf 0.49 1.03 0.05 0.01
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
14.04 18.82 0.44 0.28
Banana 1.29 26.95 0.39 0.13
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
4 4 18 1.5
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Banana 1.29 26.95 0.39 0.13
140.39 235.24 43.25 8.69
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 3.75 1.31 0 397.2
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 1.02 1.31 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.05 0.01 0 4.9
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.12 0.01 0 4.9
Orange 0.03 0.03 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.01 0.11 0 0
Tomatoes, Red 0.04 0.1 0 0
Shrimp, Steamed 0.43 1.14 0 258.53
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.32 0.31 0 0
Watermelon 0.06 0.08 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.05 0.01 0 4.9
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 1.05 0.85 0 0.44
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 0.61 0.65 0.02 55.28
Carrots, Baby 0 0.03 0 0
Lettuce, Looseleaf 0 0.03 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.12 0.01 0 4.9
Banana 0.04 0.09 0 0
10.24 6.16 0.02 731.05

DA Plus 10 Page: 14
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
14.04 18.82 0.44 0.28
Orange 1.23 15.39 0.16 0.02
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.87 2.32 0.21 0.03
Tomatoes, Red 1.08 4.78 0.25 0.03
Shrimp, Steamed 34.54 1.55 2.94 0.56
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 2.52 22.39 0.88 0.18
Watermelon 0.93 11.48 0.23 0.02
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 8.26 12.15 0.2 0.14
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 3.68 21.75 2.71 0.58
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 24.66 0 2.11 0.57
Carrots, Baby 0.32 4.12 0.07 0.01
Lettuce, Looseleaf 0.49 1.03 0.05 0.01
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
14.04 18.82 0.44 0.28
Banana 1.29 26.95 0.39 0.13
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
4 4 18 1.5
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Banana 1.29 26.95 0.39 0.13
140.39 235.24 43.25 8.69
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 3.75 1.31 0 397.2
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 1.02 1.31 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.05 0.01 0 4.9
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.12 0.01 0 4.9
Orange 0.03 0.03 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.01 0.11 0 0
Tomatoes, Red 0.04 0.1 0 0
Shrimp, Steamed 0.43 1.14 0 258.53
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.32 0.31 0 0
Watermelon 0.06 0.08 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.05 0.01 0 4.9
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 1.05 0.85 0 0.44
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 0.61 0.65 0.02 55.28
Carrots, Baby 0 0.03 0 0
Lettuce, Looseleaf 0 0.03 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.12 0.01 0 4.9
Banana 0.04 0.09 0 0
10.24 6.16 0.02 731.05

DA Plus 10 Page: 12
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Potas(mg) Zinc(mg) Sodium(mg)
Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 27.65 0.39 0.79
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
Pear 197.54 0.17 1.66
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
3,287.92 11.21 1,422.25

DA Plus 10 Page: 13
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Intake Spreadsheet for May 05, 2013

Item Name Meal Quantity Wt(g) Kcal(kcal)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat Breakfast 2 item(s) - 2
large eggs
120 156
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water Breakfast 1 cup(s) 234 166.14
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
245 83.3
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
Breakfast 1 cup(s) 245 137.2
Orange Breakfast 1 item(s) - 2 5/8
in. diameter,
131 61.57
Water, Tap Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded Lunch 1.5 cup(s) -
70.5 11.98
Tomatoes, Red Lunch 1 item(s) -
Medium whole
(2 3/5 in.
123 22.14
Shrimp, Steamed Lunch 1 serving(s) 129.26 180.29
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked Lunch 0.5 cup(s) 97.5 108.22
Watermelon Lunch 1 cup(s) - diced 152 45.6
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free Lunch 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
245 83.3
Water, Tap Lunch 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat Dinner 1 slice(s) - 3 3/4
in. x 5 in. x 1/2
44 119.68
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled Dinner 3 ounce(s) 85.05 117.37
Carrots, Baby Dinner 5 item(s) - 2 3/4
in. long
50 17.5
Lettuce, Looseleaf Dinner 1 cup(s) -
36 5.4
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
Dinner 1 cup(s) 245 137.2
Banana Dinner 1 item(s) -
Medium (7 in. to
7 7/8 in. long)
118 105.02
Water, Tap Dinner 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
Snacks 1 serving(s) 28 190
Water, Tap Snacks 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
Banana Snacks 1 item(s) -
Medium (7 in. to
7 7/8 in. long)
118 105.02
3,464.31 1,852.94
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 12.97 2.51 10.03 3.35
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 5.94 28.08 3.56 0.73
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 8.26 12.15 0.2 0.14
140.39 235.24 43.25 8.69

DA Plus 10 Page: 16
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
Watermelon 0.14 0 0.05 0.03
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.22 0 0.11 0.45
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 0.01 0 0.1 0.08
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 0.06 0 0.06 0.12
Carrots, Baby 0.05 0 0.02 0.02
Lettuce, Looseleaf 0.03 0 0.03 0.03
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.21 0 0.12 0.57
Banana 0.09 0 0.04 0.09
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 0 0
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
Banana 0.09 0 0.04 0.09
3.03 0 1.37 3.22
Item Name Niacin(mg) Vit B6(mg) Vit B12(g) Fol (DFE)(g)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.1 0.14 1.16 34.8
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 0.53 0.01 0 14.04
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.23 0.09 1.23 12.25
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.3 0.13 1.49 29.4
Orange 0.37 0.08 0 39.3
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.22 0.05 0 95.88
Tomatoes, Red 0.73 0.1 0 18.45
Shrimp, Steamed 3.91 0.16 1.78 5.1
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 1.49 0.14 0 3.9
Watermelon 0.27 0.07 0 4.56
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.23 0.09 1.23 12.25
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 1.58 0.1 0.01 14.96
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 9.11 0.77 0.57 5.95
Carrots, Baby 0.28 0.05 0 13.5
Lettuce, Looseleaf 0.14 0.03 0 13.68
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.3 0.13 1.49 29.4
Banana 0.78 0.43 0 23.6
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Banana 0.78 0.43 0 23.6
21.35 3.02 8.96 394.63
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0 2.04 147.6 658.17
133.95 8.09 1,367.03 20,035.5

DA Plus 10 Page: 15
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
2.5 0 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Banana 0.04 0.09 0 0
10.24 6.16 0.02 731.05
Item Name Omega-6(g) Omega-3(g) Diet Fiber(g) Sugar(g)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 1.1 0.04 0 2.68
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 1.27 0.04 3.98 0.63
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 0 0 12.47
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.01 0 0 18.82
Orange 0.02 0.01 3.14 12.25
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.03 0.08 1.48 0.84
Tomatoes, Red 0.1 0 1.48 3.23
Shrimp, Steamed 0.05 0.02 0 0
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.3 0.01 1.75 0.34
Watermelon 0.08 0 0.61 9.42
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 0 0 12.47
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 0.79 0.06 3.04 3.45
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 0.51 0.03 0 0
Carrots, Baby 0.03 0 1.45 2.38
Lettuce, Looseleaf 0.01 0.02 0.47 0.28
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.01 0 0 18.82
Banana 0.05 0.03 3.07 14.43
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 2 1
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Banana 0.05 0.03 3.07 14.43
4.42 0.4 25.53 127.94
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.09 0 0.07 0.49
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 0.2 0 0.18 0.04
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.22 0 0.11 0.45
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.21 0 0.12 0.57
Orange 0.11 0 0.11 0.05
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.07 0 0.05 0.05
Tomatoes, Red 0.12 0 0.05 0.02
Shrimp, Steamed 0.1 0 0.05 0.05
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.07 0 0.09 0.02
3.03 0 1.37 3.22

DA Plus 10 Page: 17
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 0 0 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 2.94 149.45 499.8
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
2.2 0 4.9 17.15
Orange 69.69 0 14.41 294.75
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 2.82 0 307.38 6140.55
Tomatoes, Red 16.85 0 51.66 1024.59
Shrimp, Steamed 2.72 0 0 275.54
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0 0 0 0
Watermelon 12.31 0 42.56 864.88
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 2.94 149.45 499.8
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 0 0 2.64 10.02
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 0 0.17 6.8 21.26
Carrots, Baby 1.3 0 345 6895
Lettuce, Looseleaf 3.31 0 133.2 2665.8
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
2.2 0 4.9 17.15
Banana 10.27 0 3.54 75.52
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Banana 10.27 0 3.54 75.52
133.95 8.09 1,367.03 20,035.5
Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Calcium(mg) Iron(mg) Magn(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.92 93.6 1.72 15.6
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 0.19 21.06 2.11 63.18
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.02 298.9 0.07 26.95
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0 487.55 0.22 46.55
Orange 0.24 52.4 0.13 13.1
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.09 23.26 0.68 9.87
Tomatoes, Red 0.66 12.3 0.33 13.53
Shrimp, Steamed 1.87 88.44 3.69 62.93
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.03 9.75 0.41 41.92
Watermelon 0.08 10.64 0.36 15.2
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.02 298.9 0.07 26.95
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 0.22 22.44 1.18 42.68
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 0.08 5.1 0.66 29.77
Carrots, Baby 0 16 0.45 5
Lettuce, Looseleaf 0.08 12.96 0.31 4.68
4.74 2,001.1 13.95 537.66

DA Plus 10 Page: 18
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Calcium(mg) Iron(mg) Magn(mg)
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0 487.55 0.22 46.55
Banana 0.12 5.9 0.31 31.86
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 20 0.72 0
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
Banana 0.12 5.9 0.31 31.86
4.74 2,001.1 13.95 537.66
Item Name Potas(mg) Zinc(mg) Sodium(mg)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 181.2 1.19 435.6
Oatmeal, Cooked with Water 163.8 2.34 9.36
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 382.2 1.03 102.9
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
624.75 2.38 188.65
Orange 237.11 0.09 0
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 174.13 0.16 5.64
Tomatoes, Red 291.51 0.21 6.15
Shrimp, Steamed 283.19 1.89 251.72
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 41.92 0.61 4.88
Watermelon 170.24 0.15 1.52
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 382.2 1.03 102.9
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 165.44 0.77 294.8
Ground Turkey, Patties, Fat Free, Broiled 288.32 1.86 50.18
Carrots, Baby 118.5 0.09 39
Lettuce, Looseleaf 69.84 0.06 10.08
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
624.75 2.38 188.65
Banana 422.44 0.18 1.18
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 0
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
Banana 422.44 0.18 1.18
5,053.47 16.6 1,722.83

DA Plus 10 Page: 20
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 1.16 3.09 0.28 0.04
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 12.96 0 2.02 0.46
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 1.86 5.6 0.32 0.06
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 2.52 22.39 0.88 0.18
Watermelon 0.93 11.48 0.23 0.02
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 8.26 12.15 0.2 0.14
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
5.67 9.41 0.85 0.11
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
17.59 0 2.02 0.57
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 3.85 11.21 0.28 0.06
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk 6.88 0.79 4.51 2.87
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 8.02 10.12 0.7 0.12
Raisins, Seedless 4.45 114.81 0.67 0.08
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
14.04 18.82 0.44 0.28
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
2 2 9 0.75
117.87 293.54 35.77 9.78
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 0.53 1.35 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.05 0.01 0 4.9
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 3.75 1.31 0 397.2
Tomatoes, Red 0.03 0.08 0 0
Banana 0.04 0.09 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Cucumber, Sliced 0 0.02 0 0
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.01 0.15 0 0
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0.56 0.39 0 47.63
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.03 0.13 0 0
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.32 0.31 0 0
Watermelon 0.06 0.08 0 0
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.05 0.01 0 4.9
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
0.23 0.45 0 0
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
0.7 0.44 0 48.19
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.06 0.1 0 0
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk 1.28 0.13 0 18.14
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.02 0.29 0 0
Raisins, Seedless 0.07 0.05 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.12 0.01 0 4.9
9.17 5.41 0 525.87

DA Plus 10 Page: 19
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Intake Spreadsheet for May 06, 2013

Item Name Meal Quantity Wt(g) Kcal(kcal)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared Breakfast 1 slice(s) 46 127.88
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
245 83.3
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat Breakfast 2 item(s) - 2
large eggs
120 156
Tomatoes, Red Breakfast 0.75 item(s) -
Medium whole
(2 3/5 in.
92.25 16.6
Banana Breakfast 1 item(s) -
Medium (7 in. to
7 7/8 in. long)
118 105.02
Water, Tap Breakfast 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
Cucumber, Sliced Lunch 0.75 cup(s) -
78 11.7
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded Lunch 2 cup(s) -
94 15.98
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat Lunch 3 ounce(s) 85.05 73.14
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained Lunch 0.5 cup(s) -
78 27.3
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked Lunch 0.5 cup(s) 97.5 108.22
Watermelon Lunch 1 cup(s) - diced 152 45.6
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free Lunch 8 fluid ounce(s)
- 8 fl oz is 1 cup
245 83.3
Water, Tap Lunch 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
Dinner 2 ounce(s) 56.7 68.04
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
Dinner 2 ounce(s) 56.7 93.55
Beans, Pinto, Boiled Dinner 0.25 cup(s) 42.75 61.13
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk Dinner 1 ounce(s) 28.35 72.01
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained Dinner 1.5 cup(s) 270 62.1
Raisins, Seedless Dinner 1 cup(s) - 1 cup
(not packed)
145 433.55
Water, Tap Dinner 8 fluid ounce(s) 237 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
Snacks 1 cup(s) 245 137.2
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
Snacks 0.5 serving(s) 14 95
3,020.3 1,876.63
Item Name Protein(g) Carb(g) Fat(g) Sat Fat(g)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 3.86 23.64 2.48 0.37
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 8.26 12.15 0.2 0.14
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 12.97 2.51 10.03 3.35
Tomatoes, Red 0.81 3.59 0.18 0.03
Banana 1.29 26.95 0.39 0.13
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Cucumber, Sliced 0.51 2.83 0.09 0.03
117.87 293.54 35.77 9.78

DA Plus 10 Page: 21
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Mono Fat(g) Poly Fat(g) Trans Fat(g) Chol(mg)
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
1.25 0 0 0
9.17 5.41 0 525.87
Item Name Omega-6(g) Omega-3(g) Diet Fiber(g) Sugar(g)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 1.21 0.15 2.76 1.77
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 0 0 12.47
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 1.1 0.04 0 2.68
Tomatoes, Red 0.07 0 1.11 2.43
Banana 0.05 0.03 3.07 14.43
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Cucumber, Sliced 0.02 0 0.39 1.3
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.04 0.11 1.97 1.12
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0 0 0 0
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.04 0.09 2.57 1.08
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.3 0.01 1.75 0.34
Watermelon 0.08 0 0.61 9.42
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 0 0 12.47
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
0 0 0 0
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
0.33 0.02 0 0
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.04 0.06 3.85 0.15
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk 0.09 0.04 0 0.32
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.05 0.25 6.48 1.16
Raisins, Seedless 0.04 0.01 5.36 85.83
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.01 0 0 18.82
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 1 0.5
3.49 0.82 30.93 166.28
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 0.02 0 0.14 0.1
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.22 0 0.11 0.45
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.09 0 0.07 0.49
Tomatoes, Red 0.09 0 0.03 0.02
Banana 0.09 0 0.04 0.09
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
Cucumber, Sliced 0.07 0 0.02 0.03
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.09 0 0.07 0.06
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0.07 0 0 0
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.07 0 0.05 0.1
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.07 0 0.09 0.02
Watermelon 0.14 0 0.05 0.03
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.22 0 0.11 0.45
2.55 0 1.58 3.38

DA Plus 10 Page: 22
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Water(L) Alcohol(g) Thiamin(mg) Ribo(mg)
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
0.04 0 0.14 0.05
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
0.04 0 0.04 0
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.03 0 0.08 0.03
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk 0.02 0 0.01 0.09
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.25 0 0.26 0.64
Raisins, Seedless 0.02 0 0.15 0.18
Water, Tap 0.24 0 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.21 0 0.12 0.57
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 0 0
2.55 0 1.58 3.38
Item Name Niacin(mg) Vit B6(mg) Vit B12(g) Fol (DFE)(g)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 1.83 0.09 0 35.88
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.23 0.09 1.23 12.25
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.1 0.14 1.16 34.8
Tomatoes, Red 0.55 0.07 0 13.84
Banana 0.78 0.43 0 23.6
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Cucumber, Sliced 0.08 0.03 0 5.46
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.29 0.07 0 127.84
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 1.09 0 1.11 5.1
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 0.43 0.16 0 84.24
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 1.49 0.14 0 3.9
Watermelon 0.27 0.07 0 4.56
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.23 0.09 1.23 12.25
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
0.79 0 0 0
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
7.77 0.34 0.19 2.27
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.14 0.1 0 73.53
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk 0.03 0.02 0.23 2.55
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 1.32 0.65 0 394.2
Raisins, Seedless 1.11 0.25 0 7.25
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0.3 0.13 1.49 29.4
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 0 0
18.85 2.88 6.65 872.92
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 0 0 0 1.38
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 2.94 149.45 499.8
124.12 11.04 2,474.46 41,340.32

DA Plus 10 Page: 23
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Vit C(mg) Vit D (ug)(g) Vit A (RAE)(g) Vit A (IU)(IU)
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0 2.04 147.6 658.17
Tomatoes, Red 12.64 0 38.74 768.44
Banana 10.27 0 3.54 75.52
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Cucumber, Sliced 2.18 0 3.9 81.9
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 3.76 0 409.84 8187.4
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0 2.98 10.21 31.47
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 50.62 0 60.06 1207.44
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0 0 0 0
Watermelon 12.31 0 42.56 864.88
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0 2.94 149.45 499.8
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
0 0 0 0
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
0 0.06 3.4 11.91
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.34 0 0 0
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk 0 0.09 36 136.36
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 26.46 0 1414.8 28298.7
Raisins, Seedless 3.34 0 0 0
Water, Tap 0 0 0 0
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
2.2 0 4.9 17.15
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 0 0
124.12 11.04 2,474.46 41,340.32
Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Calcium(mg) Iron(mg) Magn(mg)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 0.35 15.18 1.43 37.26
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.02 298.9 0.07 26.95
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 0.92 93.6 1.72 15.6
Tomatoes, Red 0.5 9.23 0.25 10.15
Banana 0.12 5.9 0.31 31.86
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
Cucumber, Sliced 0.02 12.48 0.22 10.14
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 0.12 31.02 0.91 13.16
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 0.65 21.26 0.2 18.71
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 1.13 31.2 0.52 16.38
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 0.03 9.75 0.41 41.92
Watermelon 0.08 10.64 0.36 15.2
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 0.02 298.9 0.07 26.95
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
0 57.83 1.25 0
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
0.15 8.5 0.59 16.44
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 0.4 19.67 0.89 21.38
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk 0.04 221.7 0.06 6.52
10.36 2,104.34 22.21 643.58

DA Plus 10 Page: 25
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Energy Balance for May 04, 2013, May 05, 2013, May 06, 2013

Date kCal Consumed kCal Burned Net kCal
May 04, 2013 1069 1592 -523
May 05, 2013 1852 1592 260
May 06, 2013 1877 1592 285
Total: 4798 4776 22
Daily Caloric Summary kCal
Recommended: 2046
Average Intake: 1599
Average Expenditure: 1592
Average Net Gain/Loss: 7

DA Plus 10 Page: 24
May 07, 2013
Juliana Raya,
Profile: Juliana Raya, 3 Day Average
Item Name Alpha-T(mg) Calcium(mg) Iron(mg) Magn(mg)
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 5.62 367.2 9.64 234.9
Raisins, Seedless 0.17 72.5 2.73 46.4
Water, Tap 0 7.11 0 2.37
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
0 487.55 0.22 46.55
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 10 0.36 0
10.36 2,104.34 22.21 643.58
Item Name Potas(mg) Zinc(mg) Sodium(mg)
Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 144.44 0.69 159.16
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 382.2 1.03 102.9
Eggs, Scrambled, No Added Fat 181.2 1.19 435.6
Tomatoes, Red 218.63 0.16 4.61
Banana 422.44 0.18 1.18
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
Cucumber, Sliced 114.66 0.16 1.56
Lettuce, Romaine, Shredded 232.18 0.22 7.52
Flatfish, Cooked, Dry Heat 167.55 0.33 308.73
Broccoli, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 228.54 0.35 31.98
Rice, Brown, Long Grain, Cooked 41.92 0.61 4.88
Watermelon 170.24 0.15 1.52
Milk, Non Fat Skim or Fat Free 382.2 1.03 102.9
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
Tortilla, Corn, with Wheat Flour (Tortilla de
Maiz y Trigo)
0 0 0
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only, Boneless,
Skinless, Roasted
145.15 0.57 41.96
Beans, Pinto, Boiled 186.39 0.42 0.43
Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skim Milk 23.81 0.78 175.49
Spinach, Chopped, Boiled, Drained 1258.2 2.05 189
Raisins, Seedless 1086.05 0.32 15.95
Water, Tap 2.37 0 7.11
Yogurt, Plain, Non Fat (13 grams protein per 8
624.75 2.38 188.65
BACK TO NATURE Nuts, Walnuts,
Unroasted, Unsalted
0 0 0
6,017.67 12.61 1,795.34

My Wellness Strategies
!"#$%&'(#")*+, -.,/#012,-,
laLs 1. Lxamlne
lacLs anel
2. SLeer clear
of fauy meaLs
3. urlnk non-
faL mllk vs.
whole mllk
4. use llquld
planL olls for
cooklng (ollve)
3. Mlnlmlze
buuer on egg
roLelns 1. LlmlL red
2. Choose
beans, sh, and
3. Avold
meaLs (hoLdog)

4. Carry a
sandwlch bag
of nuLs Lo
munch on.
3. Choose
lean cuLs lf
golng Lo eaL
1. keep 3 gal
P2C boule
full aL home
2. Carry a
rellable P2C
3. 8uy an eye
caLchlng sLraw
LhaL l would
love Lo drlnk
4. Add
sLrawberrles Lo
my boule of
waLer for avor
3. ln Lhe
wlnLer drlnk
cup of Lea
wlLh honey
AcuvlLy 1. 8rlsk
walk around
Lhe block
aer dlnner
2. ark aL Lop
of hlll aL
M1SAC & walk
Lo class
3. 8lke Lo local
markeL lnsLead
of drlvlng
4. 1ake a .L.
course even lf
noL requlred ln
3. lay a
game of
baskeL ball
My Wellness Strategies

Appendix D-1
Wellness Strategies

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