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" The Blood of Juus Chrut Hu Sori ,;_. From All Sin.

= --===================================::::::::::=============
Vol. XIV. Los Angeles, California, November 11, 1909
No. 20
messages to tbe Saints.
It is not so much "dying grace " that we need but the
grace that doesn't die._
Stedfast unto Death.
How the heroism and self-forgetfulness of Jesus
shines out in His devotion to the accomplishment of His
great mission! As He nears the end of His earthly life,
with a full knowledge of the awful experiences through
which He had to pass, we have these words recorded of
Him: "When the time was come that He should be
received up, He stedfastly set His face to go toward Jeru-
salem.'' Before Him lay the agony of the garden, the
kiss of t.he traitor, the denial of Peter, the mockery and
of the soldiers, the jeers of the rabble, and all
the terrible sufferings of the cross; yet, with a full knowl-
edge of was coming to pass, He could ll)ok it_ all serenely
in the face and "stedfastly set Hi!} face" towards its
accomplishment. And this to purchase peace for us.
What a fibre ought t he knowledge of this to put into every
one of His followers! How easily are we 'turned from
stedfastness when suffering and self-denial face us; how
we avoid t he hardships and trial's of r eal service for our
Lord! How lustily we sing, " I'm going through, Jesus."
Well, is it so? Surely passage-way-to the throne is
by way of the cross. _
"Confess Your Faults."
the transgressor, there can be no reconciliation. Two
!tearts can never ''beat as one'' until all things between
are righted. 0 beloved, there must be an owning
\}P to clean up, and there must be a cleaning up to a true
fnaking up, and there must be a making up to feel good.
Now, isn't it so? Well, what about it?
of Bitterness.''
The Christian life is no slipshod go-as-you-please
affair. One who is going to make a success of it has a
-yery strenuous thing on hand. Evidently the Apostle
had. never heard of the "once in grace always in grace"
theory, for he enjoins a constant watchfulness, telling us
to "look diligently," lest we should " fail of the grace of
:God; lest any root of bitternes springing up trouble you.''
Wherever a "root of bitterness" springs up there must
be the old stump in the ground. It will not do to simply
get rid of the sprouts, but we' must -get the old carnal
stump rooted out. As long it remains there will con-
stantly be reasons for new sprouts to come out: for the
;unpleasant circumstances of life, the mean conduct of
-others t )ward us, the blasting of our hopes and failure of
' our plans, will be occasions for the putting forth of new
" roots." Thus the Apostle warns us. These "roots of
! bitterness" cause great havoc, for by them "many are
_defiled." A " root of bitterness" is a mother of revenge
: and robs the soul of all the sweet fruit of the Spirit.
. Brethren, let us heed the warning by-getting out the
. stump.
, .Self-Measurement.
A man who will not up" when he is wrong, is Evidently the apostleunderstood human nature pretty
a man who not only is tr:Ving to deceive others, but is well when he said, "Measuring themselves by
deceiving himself . If the confessions were as numerous ; and comparing themselves among themselves, they are
as the transgressions, this would be a good world to live ; not wise." This self-measurement is simply "commend-
in. But there are multitudes of professing Christians who one's self, and saying, "See how much better I am
say unkind things and treat others meanly and cause sor- { than the other fellow." They "stretch" themselves
to come to their lives, and yet go on indifferent to the- :: beyond their own measure, and ignore "the rule which
trouble they have caused, .even singing and whistling as God hath." There is certainly something wro!lg with
they go, and never confess their faults nor show regret : their measuring-rod, and likely they are like the httle boy
for what they done. I do not know how they are who told mother that he was six feet tall, and when
going to meet the Lord with the mountain of unconfessed she doubted his statement, he assured her that he had
faults standing before them. There is only one crowd for . just measured himself by his o-um feet . This stretching
them to find their place among. We have known people ourselves beyond our right measure, is sooner or later to
separated and a coldness to exist between them for weeks' bring us into an uncomfortable posit: on; for like a
and months, because of the of one toward the of elastic stretched to its utmost, when let go returns to
other, wb.en an acknowledgment on the part of the .; its normal size, so folks may see us in our own "stretched"
offender would' have brolight forgiveness and reconcilia- . cohdition and think we are wonderful; but they may also
tion and fellowship. A person cannot be really forgiven.j' see us at our own true s ize, and feel very much
unless that person has really confessed; for however much' < pointed, or disgusted; and this would be a very trymg
the injured one may be desirous of forgiving, unless there . place to be found in. Better be honest and stop stretch-
. is the condition for receiving forgiveness on the part of . ing beyond our measure. Say "Amen."
Contributed Articles
Bisli.op Rob;;.t
I saw, where Corn\vall 's headlands
The wide Atlantic's iron brink,
The sneering wrath of one who said:
"Hark, Sirrah! Tell me why no
Is sold. through all this countr y side,
With churches filled by night and
-The smiling peasant straight replied:
"A man named \Yesley passed this
I looked far down the lurid past,
Ancl saw the creeds, in conflicts dire;
The chronicles of the centuries vast
\Vere streaked with blood, and
seared with fire.
But lo! .these foeman saw the glo'y
Of love's great dawn, and felt the .
Of Christ the Lord for all men know
''A man named \Y esley passed this
I gazed toward heaven, in vision clear,
And watched the angel tall. who
To welcome those whom God draws
That city with the twelve white
I spake to him, ''\i\That . strong soul led
To Jesus' cr oss this bright array?"
His smile broke glorious as he said:
"A man named Wesley passed this
'II .,. _,
This law is as wide as the universe.
It is an agreement-a relation, a. con-
formity-as the affinity of sounds. of
colors. or of languages. In chemistry
it is the attraction that permits of com-
pounds. In the animal, vegetable or
moral world certain groups in families
or relations are permitted. We learn
how to control the electrical current by
knowing its affinities. The anointing
oil of the baptism will not mix or he
applied, where the waters of iniquity
are surging in an impure affection.
The sinner does not relish a seat in
the hallelujah corner. By . a law they
are unable to love the home of the puri-
fied. Impurityin them is outraged, so
/"they seek more congenial company.
This law allies the socialist and the
anarchist. A mob moved by one heart
and mind will sluff' off the pure and
separate the crowd. The maple and
the birch are trees that freely flow sap
in the spring-time, but the sap is as
diverse as the nature of the trees. The
Nazarene Messenger
nature of the devil, his kingdom, and :
his subjects have like affinities. 'rhe
sinner naturally gravitates downward
with all his crowd.
In my early experience I had a
\'ISion. The memory of it today is
very distinct. A wall of stone forty
feet high extended to the right and left.
This wall was perpen(licular and above
was extended a plain-the home of the
angels and the pure. I stood below and
sa" a pure worldling-the world is full
of them-who wished to live in t he
heavenly lmia above; but . to get there .
he cufniches in the wall and hand over
hand-went to a foothold above. I be:
held .an angel come with a chair, but
when he saw what dress sinning hac\
put upon him, backed away and left
him alone.
Then I remembeted Jesus had saicl',
"He that not by the door. into
the fold of the sheep, but climbcth up
some other way, the same is a thief and
a robber." It was a mystery why the
man at the marriage should dare to be
there without having on a wedding
garment. '' IJe was speechless.'' The
of the angels was to compel
him to gather with his
crowd. old sinner regenerated be-
comes a new creation. The old life
with its loYes out. In any case,
the unsaved sinner must experience the
fires of hell. It were a mercy to ex-
dude him from the purified for his own
sal<e. and for the sake of the saved.
Riverside, Cal.
.,. .,. .,.
\Yhat a word! \Vhat a grac<! What
a gift! Peace. yes. peace. The multi-
tudes in the centuries. that _long
since passed into ancient history,
longed and sighed for peace. and many
of them died without finding it. 'l'he
ery for peace, the peaee of God. has
echoed down through the centuries
from Eden. \Vhen siu entere<l t he
heart of man. the Dove of Pcaee went
out, and war and cnrnagc have wage<l
enr since. In the nation. in the state.
in the home, aud in the human heart
the diseord has gone on.
The Greeks and stained the
pages of history 'yith hlood. With
these great nations the word peace was
almost unknown; and war with them
was honorable. So far from Go<l were
that e,en in the social life i)eaec
was a stranger. But, just amid the
awful reign of sin and unrest. both ex-
and internal, the angelic host of
[November 11, 1909
heaven sang to earth . a new song.
Strange, indeed, for it contained not
the strains of Homer's glorious wars,
but a song of Peace, "Peace on em:th .
and good will to men.'' Had all Rome
this heavenly host, would. l:hcy
have thought of a "Thirty Y ars
Truce,'' perhaps, but. it was far lll<>l'C. a: st.range event! .The of
Peace had been born on the battle field
of fonr thonsaiHl years. His peaee was
to effeet the heart rather tha1i the state.
Isaiah tells ns that there is no
peace to the wicked, let him seck wlwre
he will, he never finds it. Sin bars !.he
Prince of Peace ftom . his heart, a11d
there is 110 peace apart. fnHn God. ,\ud
ngain, how well Isaiah draws a not her
picture of the sinner. "The wieke<l arc
like the troubled sen that. casts np mirC!
and dirt." I have stood on the Atlan-
tic beach and watch<><l the angry hit-
lows in a raging storm sweep asho1e,
casting np mire and waste which it. had
gathered in its fury. 1 have thought of
this Scripture, and then t urned my
m.ind to the surging masses who daily
anc!" nightly throng that favored I'e-
sort; tJ:tey could not rest, and they had
no peace. Envy and strife fillerl
hearts, but oh. what a change Christ
ean bring. He walks out on t.hc s<'a of
t.Jonhled. minds and hearts. and sp<'aks
to the angty billows of sin. "Pea<P,"
when lo! all is instantly <aim and.
peac<'fnl. \Vhcre arc t.hose
hillows .of sin-CJHi<'t.Nl hy the voi<< of
,Jeho,ah. Such a ehapgc! peace, pC'a<c,
IWlu:e. \Yhen God giveth p<'a<:e who
ean make afrai<l. 'rhc Prine<' of P<a' e
is l'l'igning.
'Phis is a glorious peaee. a won<l<r-
fnl rest., and yet we find Paul \VJ'it iug
t o the ehnrch at 'rhessaloni<a i1i thcsc
words, ''The God of peace s;HH!
yo11 wholly." These saints had
P<'H<:C with God, hut Apost.l< X
horts them to greater peaCl'. the P<'<H:C
of ent ire sanetifiration. Perfec:t. p<!a:c,
yes, perfe<:t. peac:e. The word perf<'d
means eompletc- finishcd .. . All the re-
generated have felt t.he peaec of God in
their hearts, hut. have at the same t imc
known that they cli<l not have pmfct
JWaCC'- finishcd pea<e. "Great p<;H!C
ha V<' they that love thy law and not h
ing. shall offend says Da,id.
The finishing tonch to a piece of: art
.makes sneh a ehangc< It. is a pi<t ure
now, but what a when the
master hand pnts on t he finishing
touch-completes it. How beantil'ul
the renee of t he regenerated, hut when
that divine hand, the "very Go<l of
November 11, 1909]
peace,'' puts on the finishing touch
what u ehangc. What peace! Nothing
cafF''otl'cnd, pence deeper 'thail the
oceiHl. There is now conti n ual peace,
although the tempest may rage with-
out, yet t here is peace within. Trials
and sorrows may come, but,
"There is . a peace that cometh after
Of hope surrender ed, not of hope ful-
'fhat looks not out upon a bright to-
But on a tempest that His hand hath
r ha VC been asked by Brother Gity to
rPport on the wor k here, so I will begin
with H ope School.
We !16 girls (including a few
boys ) now. lllld have admitted 21 dur-
tlH! yeat so far. Ilnmanly speaking,
none of these would have been alive
toda,\, if we had not taken them in.
This is til<' case with nearly all, though,
of our girls. Some of who have
(omc to us this year are famine
orphans. who wer e stn.r ving without
luHIII' or relatives, and others were
ntilll'll and slowl.'' d.'ing f r om disease,
nncl exhaustion. \Vhcn we rc-
IIH'lllher that nNtrl,\ nil onr girls nrc
ftom Hinduism or :J[ahommcdanism
(not. the children of native Cln:istians,
who fill all the other mission schools
in our pmt. of the C'Otmtry) we nrc in-
d!'l'll. hy this school , mnki ng inroads
into h1atlwtul om nnd ''snnt.ching brands
from I hl' lnllning" in tlw
of tlw word.
Il np<' School atl'orcls a home for the
honwh'ss and hop<>l<>ss. a school too for
IISI'ful studies and a training for Chris-
tian workers at the same time. All who
nrc well enough nrc trniued in house-
hold work, t heir c<lucation is started
and the elder girls and boys who nrc
bei ng trained for WOrk-
l!l'S. Rome nrc heginning to visit hos-
pitals. t eaching Scripture to the new-
aJHl preaching or visiting Hindu
women in their homes with experienced
Bible-women, hut many nrc t oo delicate
1 o <lo much outside w01k yet.
' Plui1 constitut ions nrc shatter ed.
They cannot wnlk. as t hey have hccn
shut u p in the zenanas until t hey came
t o us, hut still. t.}l(\r e is mnch that.
ca n do of inside work 'l'hey very
a nxious lo do for other s what. has bc<>n
don<! for them :m<l rc.ioiec at new
:i!lmission. The.'; n urse the s hlc day
Nazarene Messenger
and-night, and tea ch the little oucs and
are t he servants of all for t heir .Mas-
ter's sake.
I am, for the in England,
and have not got my books with me, so
cannot give from memory very a<:<:urate
statistics of the spiritual work of the
school, for which I have been asked,
but the girls ' personal letters and testi-
monies t o the supporter s have told their
own story. As I look at the two photo-
graph g r oups ( large and small) before
me, which I hope all have seen, and
after I have set aside the ba.bies and
new-corners, and some of the smallest
of last year 's girls (and I need not set
them all aside, either, by a good way),
I r ejoice in the thought that ITIOSt of
t hose left are converts in the truest
sense of t he word. 'fhen; too, as I look
at the pictures, several of t heir
s t and out before me as t hose who have
this year sought and found t he ful lness
of t he bl essing in the indwelling of the
Holy Ghost. "He shall be iti you" is
t he experience of at least ten of them,
I know. Others profess much, but until
we know by their actions and character
that t hey r eally possess what they pro-
fess, we cann ot count on their words,
for it is exceptionally easy for these
emotional Hindu minds to imagine that
they have attained what they have not.
Our hearts rejoice daily as we watc:h
the growth in grl;!ee and in the k nowl-
of the Lord . \Vc sec amongst
thetit increasing love for thcjr Bibles.
solicitude for the erring, love one for
the other, deeper dcsite to get other s
into t he school, and, although in a sm-
prising manner old snperstit ions aud
heathen customs sometimes 1top up
when you least expect them, yet when
we remember that the work is young,
our heai'ts take conntge and we go
ahead j oyfull y.
Now I hope I have said enough to
show everyone that Calcutta cannot get
a long without '' H ope School. '' There
is no p lace or work of this kiud on this
side of I ndia. Rama Bai is on the
west, n early 21/z days' journey f r om us,
and I know of no other like it, east or
west. These lovely gir ls must perish,
under t he most appalling and barbarous
at a very ear ly age un-
less we open our arms nncl our doors to
r eceive them.
.l\fr. Avetoom is petitioning t he gov-
crmucnt on behal f of these poor gi rls
under 12 year s of age, in evil l10uses.
He is t r ying to get the law nlt<>red and
many relensNl. Au otfi cia l told him
that if what lw wanted was done in Cal-
cutta almH'. thousands would have to
be provid<>d for , and added, "Can yon
take 1000 to star t wit.h ?" I pass his
question on to the Pcnt e<' ostnl C'hm\h
of t he Nnzar<'tl<! . Can Can you
give us a lmildi ng of our own whith
we need for lHalt.h and <',en now 7
Can you g ive us. lnhr on. a Rihle
school '! Can you 1 I think .''011 1'an
when t he L or<l , in His own tim<>. hrit_lgs
t hem. in.
E. ('. A ntoom.
This year has seen great progress in
our mission wor k. It has been a year
of sowing in the fa<e of increased op-
position, but we have also r eaped. The
open-air preaching has continued every
day in spite of the unrest which has
pr event ed many other preachers taking
theil stand at the street corners as
usua l. 'Ve have had to enlarge our
hands and close t he meetings h<>fore
clark, 6 p. m. (by or der of t he police,
for the safety of t he preacher s): 'l' he
op position has been more methodical
Questions a-re put to the preadt-
crs of nn cx t r aor dinnrv natur e and if
they cannot answer them, t hey are re-
fused a hearing. nut we have had
seekers from some of the most disturbed
meeti ngs, who have accompanied us to
t he hall for and help af tcrwnrds,
some of whom ha,e founcl Light of
the \Vorld.
The vi llages ha ,.e been well attended
to, and four converts ha,c come to Cal-
cutta, and ten more arc att<>ncli ng sen-
iecs regularly there and prof<'ss to have
found peace. T hey aJ'f'. howcnr. , cry,
very ignorant and ueecl much t t>lwhi ng,
as none of them can r eacl fot them-
selves. The Bible. women pr<>achers
visit t he ho!'pitals and homes and have
had man,\' inte1csting cotner sions,
especially amongst t he sick and dyi ng,
dur ing the Th<>y have distributed
trncts and Gospd port ions eYerywhere,
without nmnh<'r. and preached at the
idol festivals all th<> ,-car. until not one
of them has anY lt>ft at times. to
go on with. Tiwy arc. indeed: in ear-
nest. and as we hit,-<> amongst th<>m scv-
<>r al nat ionalit i<>s and languages. we
hav<> a large cirelc for work in many
T he hnll is open all as a free
r eacli ng room. chop in for n rest
and a r<ad. nncl t he preacher in at-
tendanee often gets a ni ce chat wit h
them. nrc held some even-
ings dur ing t he week and we have had
the room full often lately. which is a
Yast impro,cmcnt. \Ve ha, c had a
good conY<>rts. hut as t hey all
need motwtar.' help at first. on account
of t h<>i r being turned ont by their
Hindu J<>lations. and we eannot give it,
thc.>y han" mostly joined other miss ions
\Ve have ht>lpcd seven of them and
th<>,\ ar c all doing W('ll. "c have. had
a holiness meeting for workers c.>vcry
w<><>k this year. This has been
tlisturht>1l at ti mes hv nati,e Christ ians
g-en<'rnlly. who to our clo<'trines.
Rut some ha,e ha d their c.>yes op<>n to
t he Truth. and as t he.'' have sonl!ht t he
s<>eotHl blessing. t h<>y have had to find
tlw first. mtwh t o thei r snrptise. One
work<'l of nearl v :10 vcnr s' sen i1'e kn<>lt
to pray for t h.<> f ullness of t he H oly
Ghost. in lang nng<>. a nd fin ish<>d
with sobs. " Lord. if Thou wilt. Thon
!' anst mnk<> m<'. th<> fi lthilst of sinn<>rs.
1l<'nn." She h<>ard t he "I will." and
4 .
the next week obtained wl1at she sought
at first. At our last meeting bcfoie I
l eft. ten workers gave telling testi-
monies of having re<'eived the Spirit
and of having lcnrnecl t.hiugsin these
meetings t hat they had never dreamed
of. Pray HlllCh for these native broth-
t>rs and sisters.
K 0. A V<'toom.
$ $ $
Anwn. anot:ht>r N. azarene
chun' h "as mgani;wd at Livingston,
\Vis .. HtHl a pastor (allNl who is on the
gronnd, antl has tnk<'n hold with good
courage-Rev. Frank Gowlaud of :i\Iar-
shalltown, In. I expeet to visit them
again in Dcr.<'mber and will elect the
Church Boarll at that time. ")\e have a
prospect t.o organize another church
near Livingston. and will do so, Lord
willing at t hat time. 'fhc two churches
will make a good charge and a good
support.. Bto. Gowland came 'rnesday,
Oct. 26th, and preac.hed that night. He
made a good impression and feels that
God has called him to that field. We
have a new, neat little church building,
well located. lt is a small town , per-
hap- 500 or 600 inhabitants, with three
churches. but our pastor will be the
only one living in the town. A goodly
number of the citizens and church peo-
ple in the village were anxious to have
a resident. preacher and pastor. This
is a strong advantage in our favor. A
fine agricnltnral countr y surrounds Liv-
ingston. and a splendid class of people.
A good opportunity for a man filled
" ith the Holy Ghost and wisdom to
build a strong spiritual church.
Bro. Thomas is having good snccess
at Canton, also Bro. Ferguson at An-
burn. A good day of victory here at
Stockton yesterday. Bro. Fleming is
greatly beloved by this people. \Ve ex-
pect to get our District .Assembly
Minutes printed this week.
T. H . . Agnew. D.S.
. .
God has wonderfully blessed us as a
church this last year. \Ve have not
only had a good, clean, sane work of"
holiness here, but during our short his-
tory God has used us to spread salva-
tion abroad. A young man and his wife
went out from us six months ago to
take charge of a run-down discourag- work in Troy, Ohio. Scarcely a
week has passe(!.. since they left us but
they have had somebody converted or
sanctified wholly, new members have
been added to the church, and just now
they are in the midst of a glorions re-
vival, with Rev. D. F. Brooks and
David Hill assisting.
Next month two families leave us to
engage in the work of spreading scrip-
Naz a rl:n11 Messenger
tural holiness. One of them goes to old
Mexico, the other to Lynn, Mass., to
become pastor of our Pentecostal
Church of the Nazarene in that city.
In addition to .these we have a young
evangelist in the field, who was at the
. college in. \Vilmore, Kentucky, nearly
three years, and God is giving him
souls. Then we have two young men
stndying for the ministry, one at Mer-
idian Male College, Miss., the other nt
North Scituate, R. I.
And when all these are gone, to press
the battle elsewhere, we have about 100
t.rne. sonls left h<>re to pay. pray,
shout. and live holiness. Hnllcln.iah!
Martha E. Curry, Pastor.
TROY. 0.
. Our nH'etings closed last. with
house <>roweled to the <loors, and sev-
<'ral at. the altar, one of "hom was
san<>tifi<'d. \Ve re<'eiY<'d int.o member-
shi p into onr rhnrch ten new members.
All onr filratl('ial ohligat;ions will be
met and om <hnrch is bnilt. np spirit-
uali:v and numerically. Bro. Brooks
anll D . \.Hill make a fine t-eain.
George \Vard, Pastor.
The Lord bless you all. District
Supt>rintendent J ernigan has been with
ns the past few days nnd God has
blessed and giveti great victory. \Vhat
"as formerly known as the First Holi-
ness Chnreh is now a P entecostal
Church of the Nazatenr. The organiza-
tion "as <>ompleted Saturday night last.
\Ye nre glad to become a part of the
N"azarene famil.'' Vle are looking to
God and expcet great things in the
C. 13. \Vidmeyer.
"Oh. let ns magnify His llalllC to-
g<'ther." He still leads Ilis own and
honors the preaehing of His Word. 'rhe
meeting here was fine in many respcet.s.
Eleven precious souls were either saved
or sanctified and the cause of hol iness
more deeply inttenched in the faith of
the people. Salvation is rolling on, and
still greater victories are abroad. Oh
for more love, more zeal, more faith,
an cl more pt'a.yer. F:xpect to return
home next summer for a meeting. I
love this way.
Jos. N. Speakes.
'l'n1ly this one year old ha\)y church
is making rapid strides in pure and un-
defiled religion and holiness. and God
is signally honoring the prayers and
self sacrificing labors of His servant
and hanclmaiclen, Brother and Sister
Kclnoltnn , in their work of extending
the R<'<leemcr 's kingdom, Hnd prayers
arc Hseending daily from loyal hearts
and true, that the Pentecostal-Nazarene
Church in Poughkeepsie may be a
[November 11, 1.909
f?tanding .mo,nm'ncnt to holiness unti l
hope is change to glad fruition, faith
to sight, and prayer to praise.
M. E. P. W.
God is blessing the Pentecostal
Church of the Nm:m<'tH! of this place.
During the fom months of. my pastorate
here mnch good has been :weomplishcd.
Seekers for t:hc "douhlc cure" have
be<'n at our altars. fot whi<'h we praise
\Ve have had two s<n-ies of meetings.
Both have been. ownNl and blessed of
God! Souls wept tht>it way to victory!
'rhis church, l"hat. was ahout t.o he
closed, has benu savl'(l-to prcaeh holi-
ness in, and raise up t.he standard of
full salvnt.ion for saints and sinnets.
'l'his great summ<'r r esort. needs several
live holiness <"lnn<"hl's !
'l'herc have h<>en a numhe1 of nc<dcd
repairs made iu (hnr<'h and l'hapel
since \YC ea nrc. \Ve sha II compl(!te
those needed repairs this fall, and
then }rave a "Thanksgiving Conven-
tion " to last for a few weeks. \Vill
all the saints prny for Saratoga Springs,
N.Y.? .
"Sn.lvat.ion is of the Lord." "Keep
on believing." .. ,John Norherr y.
A few lines to let. yon know we are
still on the . victory's si(lc, aJHl doing
what <:_an for Jesus: \Vc have spent
t he most of the summer in Pennsylva-
nia, had the bl<'ssed of once
visiting our dear people whom we
se1'<'d as pnstor over a y<'al:, at. Lehigh-
ton. On Smrclav. Odoh<>r JOt.h, we
W('J' C at l'onghh:eepsir. N. Y. The " ;ri ter
preal'hc(l 111.orning and <'vening, and
Sister Cunningham hn(l charge of the
aft<'rnoon S<'rvi<'<'. and gave ns a help-
ful m<>ssage ftom ,John. sixth f'haptcr.
She also us th<' nH'ssag<' in
song at r.:uh scnice. Yest<rday: we
wet't' greatl:v hlessed antl r ejoice<l to
S<'<.' how onr Go(l is working in New
Bcrlford. 1\fav God hless llis work
r.verywher<'. hf.v lwalth is im-
proved. hut my throat. has not. Jccov-
ered as yet. so that I am nnahle to do
the amount of pr<>n<'hing I otherwise
would do. hnt shall do what preaching
I ean. TJnra A. Horton.
It may interest yon to know what
we are doing up in old New Hampshire.
The People's Penteeost.a 1 Chureh of the
N:u:anme is still doing business for t.he
l\[astet. I am preachi ng twie.c every
Snnday, with other week night services.
'fhe work goes slow hut we seem to
gain a little. The rlcvil has been giving
us spceial attention, but we have met
him with holy bol<ltHlss, wi<>lding the
sword of the Spirit with effect. vVe nrc
making plans to bnilcl a church in the
near fntnre, a good for building
November 11. 1909]
has been presented us UJH.l some mouey
and matmial already provided, but
motc needed at OIIC\t!. Any of om
chur ches that feel like lending a help-
ing hand by way of a special collection
for the benefit of this work, will aid us
.in permanently establishing our church
in this part of a needy field. I mean to
out. My battle cry is "Northern
New H a mpshire for God and holiness."
B. F. TJindsay, P astor.
Glorious victory Have had
and salvation ev<!ry Sunday
sin<'e camp meeting. Congregations
arc larger and Last Satur-
day a large crowd witnessed the bap-
tism of sixteen aclults in the Susque-
hanna river. Mo1e mill be immersed
at the same phH:c tomorrow. Nightly
services will begin Snnday, October
24th. Evang<!list .J. \V. JJee will be with
ns Octob'r 2Hth to Nov. lOth. Please
fOI' US.
II. G. 'l'rmn ba u'r, Pastor.
'Phc Pentecostal of the
r<'JH' in Oaldand is movi ng on nicely.
Tht saints nre hl'st and we
art t'll('Ouragcll in the war. lJast Sun-
Octoh<r :n st. we lwcl the pleasure
of n visit from Sister J,. J>. Knott, pas-
tor of the < 'ompton Ave. Church in JJOS
Ang-Hics, 11nd .Janssen and Bro.
V . J .. both nf t he same church.
Rist1J' Knott ga \'t a Ycry precious and
IH'l pf nl ml'ssag' in th<' a ftc1noon, a nd
B1o .. Ja c qms 1<'<1 the Young P eople's
me<'ting in thP evening. The TJorrl was
with us all and' some souls wl'r c
IH'! Ip<'cl. while con,id.ion was npon
Then' is n call for meet-
ings in East OaldmHl. Tlw r ,ord seems
to' h<' ll'adin::r that wn;v. No on' clouhts
thl' ll <'<'d of rNll holiness prc>aching in
that part of OaklarHl.
'V <' h'ld nm first qnartcl'ly mcl'ting
in San ,Tos(' , Octohlr 20-2:l. 'Ve !'all it
a nH'ting for want of a bct-
t'r name. The pastors W<'l't' all prl's-
ent. hut om a111l gave r eports of their
work. '\
hile th<> attendance was not
huge the interest wns good and all
were nmt h encouraged. We hope to
make tlwse meetings times of real 1'<'-
fteshing and salvation. The next one
will probably be held next month in
one of the ehurehcs ahont t h<! Bay. We
aJ'<' still saYed through the blood of the
Lamh. Amen.
P. G. JJinawenver.
'Vt fll ' <' prais ing God for Yictory in
San Di 'go. 'Ye !;egan J' <'vival tnc<>ti ng
OdolH' J' 27t.h, antl SJH'Ilt. fonrt.NHl days
in spPeial prnvions to this meet-
ing. 'Ve adv<>rt.isc(l th<! eoming of the
<'Yangelist. hnt. l'<'<'t'iYccl word God wns
hltssing thl'm so in the nw<.' in
Nazarene Messenger
which lw wall already engaged, t hat he
was uuaolc to close.
Gocl had some one else on hand at
the opening service, Rev. T. J. Camp-
hell, whom we asked to help push the
battle. It a took little time for some
to get over the disappointment of our
evangelist not coming, but we thank
God for a faithful band that stands by
the pastor under all conditions. \Ve
are having larger audiences and souls
are being saved and sanctifie<l, and we
also want to thank God that some
people have been heale<l.
We had an old-fashioned love feast
Sunday afternoon, the glory came down
and a good altar service with a good
number at the altar, and blessed vic-
tory. The night service \vas a wonder-
ful one. God gave the preacher a great
message, and souls prayed through at
the altar and a shout the camp. We
arc to continue over Sunday, Nov. 14.
H. J. Elliott, Pastor.
Praise the fJord for the victory He
giveth, and for the cheery testimonies
aud helpful articles that come to us
through the pages of The Messenger.
It. is a great source of blessing to my
soul, and am always anxious for its ar-
rival. I read many tltings in its col-
mnns that helps to bring heaven down
to my soul, a nd that lifts me up nearer
to onr l<'athcr 's kingdom.
' l'hc anxiety of wife and myself for
a church home in our town
is int:reasi ng reading of sweet
hlessNl vidor,\' the saints are having
whcre they arc having organized holi-
ness; it causes ns to feel <i sort of home-
sick, and we just keep on praying more
earn('stl.v that Olll' dear heavenly Father
will hear out c;ry and bring it
I o I was to the :M. E . ch nreh yes-
t<rday ami was rompellcd to listen to
auotl;er \\TittciJ sl'rmon reacl. and it
C'llllSCd IllY heart to bleed when f looked
into the fa11' of the souls that I knew
w<J'C longing for the bread from
h<aven, a nd still the preacher did not
han it. to them. Brother and
Ristct. t hat. is the best. we can get in
t.hc! way of preaching in our town of
s ix dmrches. \Vho can help us 1
Bless God we do have victory in our
holiuess prnyer me<' on<:>e a week.
" ' hen yon ptay remember us in 1\f c-
Minnvillc, Oregon.
S. D. C'rawford.
We are still pressing the b11ttle here
and looking to Qocl for vi<>tory. 'Ve
txpect. t.o give OYer our <>vening
stJvie<s ami uni te our C"tfotls wit.h t.hc
holiness JWOplt! in thl' lll<'l' to be
hdd hy E\'angelists f. G. Martin and
h 'M. \Villin111s. h<ginuing Nov. il. 'Ye
l'et>l that this llll'<'fing will he a real
lwlp to ns all and c:q>t'c t to our
time and tffort to its smt<ss.
'Ve have stnrt<'ll a Sunday Sthool
and Hunday Afternoon l\Icctings at
. Home Acres, a scttlcmeut about two
miles from Everett. \\'c: have just fin-
ishetl helping Bro. <art in a ten days'
revival at 1\Ionrlw. \Vc had some suc-
cess, a numbl!r of souls were seeking
for salvation and sanctification, five of.
whidt got the victory. \Vc are
ing God and expecting g r eater victory.
A. B. Culbertson.
,. .Jt' . .Jt'
A world Missionary Conference is
announced to be held in Edinburgh,
Scotland, June 14-24, 1910. Th'e con-
ference will embrace about eleven hun-
dred delegates, of which upward of five
hundred will be from the United
States and Canada. .Among the dele-
gates alrendy chosen. are some of the
most distinguishc<l of Qllr public men,
including cx-Pr csiclcnt Roosevelt, ex-
Vice-President Fairbanks, prominent
educators, jurists, editors, bishops, pas-
tors, as well as missiona ry secretaries,
managers and experts. \Voman 's
boards having separate Qrganization ..
also may appoint delegates. Among
the delegates appointed t>y the Ameri-
can societies will he missionaries and
native Christians from foreign fields.
The missionaries will he accompanied
by nati,c Christians from the Yarious
missions sQ that will be
something of an interdenominational
congress of the natiQns of the world in
the name of the on<' God. the one gos-
pel and the one <ausc. The confer ence
is a (onfcrcnee of missiQnary experts
and its chief business will be to hear
and discuss reports of the eight com-
missions which have been appointed to
investigate and r<>port upon all phases
of missionary work. Beside these re-
ports and discussions thereon there will
be addresses on missionary topics by
the most eminent speakers of the world.
The conference will not <>onsider or
adopt resolutions or Yote c,en upon the
reports of the commissions. Its aim is
to gather and present through its com-
missions and proceedings facts and
conclusions of missionary experts on
plans and methods of the missionary
enterprise and thus ''co-ordinate mis-
sionary <>xperience from all parts of the
world. "-Northwcst<>rn Chris tian Ad-

Notice to Pastors, Church Mission-
ary Secretaries or Treasurers:
A new lot of missionary envelopes
have been made up for us in the East,
these should be procured at once or
as needed from the following parties:
Rev. E. H. Sheeks, Beebe, Ark.
Rev. H. N. Brown, 85 Autumn St.,
Everett, Mass.
Leslie F. Gay, 2889 I dell St. , Los
Angeles, Cal.
Rev. C. E. Cornell, 6356 Eggleston
Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Nazarene Messenger
P. F. Bresee, Editor
R. Pierce, Office Editor
C. J. Kinne, Asst. E ditor and Bus. Mgr.
En!A!rcl at tho post-office. Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
Angeles, California. as IICCOnd-clBSS mnttcr.
Published Every Thursday.
TERMS - $1 a year In advance; to Ministers 76 cents;
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In t\cr_v problem there ' is on<' un-
known quantity. Probably the finding
out of the value of the u nknown quan-
tity solves the problem. This is espec-
ially true in Christian l if c. The un-
known quantity is what mak<.'s the life.
It is not diffi cult to form t h<' <'(!nation:
The problem
may never fnlh be solYC<l. \Yc may
Jll',:<.'r aitogt'th<.'r the valne
t he unknown but there can
be no getting on without the X. It is
easy to that X=Go<l . that
the unknown quantity t ha t mnk<>s our
lin's cffc<.' tive is th<.' DiYine
but what that r eall y means. and how
much its possibilities arc in the prob-
lem. who can tell ? It is easy to esti-.
mate the first factor "man, " for he of
himself is nothing; ""Without me ye
can do nothing." i\fan standing alone,
for Christ ian lif<.', is a cipher; and yet
a cipher can, on the right side, add
much, even mul tiply t he manifestations
of Di vi ne personality in the world.
\Vhile we my not know t he factor of
t.h(} Divine, nor how vast the addition
made to man by His union with him,
yet we may see t hat He alone makes
Christian living and ministry a r eality.
The more fully we realize the noth-
ingness of all human labor and effort,
that all our activities, all our works are
but the cold ashes of d eath; that He
alone is life, and. without iiim nothing
is done, either in us, or by us, or
through us, that there is no salvation
Nazarene Messenge,.
but hr His presence nnd ministry, and
that it is our one business and. aim, not
only to. be His rcprcscntn.tivcs, but in-
l'ar nations of Him, and avenues for
Him; the hct.tcr we shall be prepared
to Him, that He may live His
life in us and work th1ough us.
It is an unutterably snd fact that a
diYine salvat.ion hns so often been
tmncd into a human r eligion. Not
always nor usually, we t hink, by bad
intent: but by l\Icn have donbt-
1<-ss meant to serve nllll glorify God,
but. t ha vc fix ell the it eyes on
hmlwn and cart.hly forces and somces
of power, and have IIIHlertakcn to
mobi lize them as to bring to pass
the 1nds of making nH'n good, until the
wlwl< business is an earth-born affair;
nwu umlcrtaking to do what t he Holy
lws come from hcaYen to accom-
pli:-;h. How almost IIH.'aninglcss a nd
utterly powerless is cYeu a gol>pcl of
truth preached by a man without the
unction of God. This is t he sad lack
of our pulpits, and the very ideal has
largely died out of t he church. Truth
may interest and move t he sensibilities
a nd stir the emotions, but truth can-
not convict of sin nor draw men to
God, nor cr eate in t hem a new heart,
nor make for them a mount of trans-
figuration with the glory of Pentecos t .
Holiness is propagated in this world by
the Holy Ghost. The gr eat gift is to
prophesy-to tell out in the power of
the Holy Ghost, and with His unction
upon onr lips, the message of eternal
love. God Himself making it effective
t.o the awakening and saving and sanc-
tifying of human souls. Go.l in man
accomplishes His work in the
God never fails. As the rivers flow to
the sea. sometimes hindered hy up-
heavals and turned into this valley aud
that. but still flow on. so God in a
human soul finds His way to save.
''As the r ai n cometh down, and the
snow from and returneth not
thithC'r . . but watereth the earth, and
mnkcth it bring forth and bud, that
it may give seed to the sower, a nd bread
to t.hC' cater; so shall my word be that
goeth forth out of my mouth; it s hall
not return unto me void, but it shall
a ctomplish that which I please, nnd it
shall prosper in the thing whereto I
sent it.'' \Vhen the Holy Ghost is
come He convinces the world of sin,
o'f righteousness and of judgment. He
works on unfalteringly, unceasingly
and cffc<tivdy. Jesus said: Lo, I am
with yon and if He is with us we shall
not ;lor be discouraged. Not us,
[Novtmber 11, 19()9
not our ability, nor culture, nor elo-
quence, nor i.ttterances of truth, but
through us His Spirit is to \vork out
mighty accomplishments.
A celebrated English \Vl'iter after vi:-;.
iting the offi<'c of sir 'l'hom:ls Shaugh-
nessy, t.he hc;ul of t.IH ( 'anadian Pa<ifir:
Railway, wrote: "Never <licl I mcrt a
man so ;)hsolutcly iJHnwrscd iu tlw
purely matctial aspe<t of human I'll
dcnvor." It might. uot be clillil!Hlt In
find some CX<'.llSO for a man who is t
head of seventy-five thousand men and
eont.r ols Hncount.ctl millions of tn<>n <y
to sccm .t.lnts "Immcrse<l." But it i:-;
a sad thing for any person to he ah-
sorbcd in and takrn np with t.he thin gs
that arc "p11rely material." Fm t.h c
purposes and aims and labors of a llll\11
to end in material things, is to t.uru the
heart and thought of men into tlw
things that perish. \Ve must hnvc to
do \V.ith material things but t hey mc
inddcntal, while the spiritual and
eternal things absorb us. A man may
be directing mnny or few of !tis f ellow
men, and handling and disbursing much
or little money, it is all alike with the
t hought and cnre goes into "the purely
material aspect of human affairs;" with
no lifting of the eyes to and no struggle
afte1 that which is higher, he oul y
labors. to turn himself ;mel those whom
he di rects into physical things. To
coin brain and heart and human <'ffor t
into stone or wood. This is not the way
of development out of degeneracy. Wl!
arc to 11se the thing:> of this world as
not abusing them and ll(WCl' be all-
sorbed in them.
"Since mine eyes lun-c looked on Jl:su:-;,
l 've lost s ight of nll beside.
So enchained my spirit's vision,
Gazi ng at the ''
'There can be hut one absorbing pas-
sion and t hat should be J csus ( !hrist.
Hil> personality and work must com-
mand our highest possibilities. Other
things may have to he used, but the
end of this use as weir as t he purpose
through all is to glorify Uhrist aud
reveal Him to men. There can scarcely
be a sadder siglit or a more deplorable
life than one "absolutely immersed iu
the purely material aspect of human
. .II .,. "'
Dr. Bresee will preach at the morn-
ing service, First Church, J.JOS Angeles,
next Sabbath.
November 11. 1909)
At. a recent meeting of the District
Advisory Board, after catcfnl pl:uming
ud onsidcration, it was decided that
the t>ist.ri<:t Snperiutcndcnt., Hcv. J. W.
Good\vin, should lll'l'llllgc and hold a
sllris of Con vcu tions in
vari vus l<H'alit.ics for t he
mcn t aud iuspirat ion of. t.hc local
chur .. hcs. Several dnudtes that arc
coni to e;uh will mtitc in
n holiness tall y for a few days.
'l'lw past. in; a 111! lite Ill hcts--- of-- t he
mi)!'hh01iug unitiug for a f our
days' tally, and. if it seems to he provi-
dent ia I. f or t Disttid Supcrintcndcnt
to rntain with the ehtll'lh holdiug the
con,ntion tlw followiug. 8 abbath.
'l'h'"'' ouventions hegiuuing 011 Tues-
days and holding at least two services
dail.v, and an All-Day meeting at the
rlos- 'l'lw inaugural couveutiou of this
srri,.s will he held at the Grand Avenue
Chutl'h hegiuning ou 'Tuesday evening,
No\"<'IIIIH' t' 2:-hl, and (' Ontinui"ng ovm t.he
following Sabbath, with the 11sual All-
Day meeting on Ftiday, November
26th, in place of Thursday . . it being
Thanl{sgiving Day. Hcv. Goodwin. and
his workers will be in immcdiat<' l:harge
of tlwse spC<!ial da,\' s. Pray. plan and
he present.
.. J/1 J/1
'l'h Pasallt>na church gave thcir pas-
tot atHl family a 1ordial r cccption 011
Ftiday N o, emlwr 5th. Quite
a large numbm Wt'r<' present. Brother
nnd Sister Ely. with a unmber of the
s!ttd<>nts from the Bible Colle!!<' , pleas-
nut ly suqnisl' d us hy coming ovet and
bringing their musil'al instrnnwnts.
TIHy r<>nd<'r<d a nmnhcr of h{antiful
scld ions t.o t.he dl'light of all.
'l'hl' pastor mad<' a fl'W remarlts of
and wl'l collll'. aft<'t' whit'h
thP following spoke. ndding pl<'asurt> to
thl' oeeasion : Rev . J. H. Crowell, one
of the members of our church
and a mnn much loved by our people;
R<> , .. ,J. \V. Goodwin. our District Su-
perint.enrlent.; Dr. Kirk. our Sunday
School Superintendent, and Sister Ely,
who is in labors more abundant in our
college, hut whom W<' still claim as our
dcacom!ss. Bro. Darling, speaking for
himself and the church. made a few
remarks of appreciation of the pastor
anf his family, presenting the pastor
wi t h a nice purse. I<'ollowing this. Bro.
Ely all hearts to the throne of grn<' e
in an unctuous prayer.
'l'he time was &pent informally. a
number of solos being sung by various
pr.rsons. Friday evening will stm1d
out. as onr. of the pleasant occasions of
our life, Days, w<'cks and months
come and go; history is made but our
IJOI'd abides.
\V.0. W.
Nazarene Messenge1
Notes and Personals
Dr. Pearson says that the "New Re-
ligion'' is neither new nor religious.
In your offerings for the T.;ord 's work
do not forget the vnrions Res"cuc
Homes of our church.
Rev. Will H. Hofer , of Canton, 0.,
hns a call to the pastontte of
our chnreh at. Lisbon , 0.
Now! tnrn your paper over and look
on the first page and sec if yo11r snb-
s tri pt ion for the Messenger is d u<>.
Not less than $20,000 for the .Mission
cause of om ehureh for 11ext year. Oh,
that it could b<' double that amount !
Sist('t' H iehanls, of Cit icago First
Ch11nh, is to enter the work in :Mexico.
ha viug been I.' ailed to join our mission-
aries in South Mexico.
The Rev. ,V. W. Danner. dean of
Deets Pacific Bible College, will preach
the annual Thanksgiving Da,\' sermon
at First Church on Thursday, Nov. 25.
The constant mention of new church<'s
being organized may perhaps become
monotonous, but the work still goes on.
Pleasant Ridge. Texas, is one of the
':Vc give in this issue a very inter<'st-
ing report of the work of Hope Sehool.
C'al<>ntta. frbm Sister Avctoom, which
we hope all our readers will take time
to read, and think about.
Alt.hough th<> Paeific Bibl<' College
is in full because of it-
we hope our fri ends will not forgc>t to
send in donations of mon<'y. fruit. \'ege-
tablcs or good things for the table.
Rev. B. F . Haynt>s, of
Tenn. , writes to sny: "I have resigned
my pastoral charge and will devote my
tinw to e\angelistic work. I am now
open to engag<'m<'nts _for
Another gracious day was enjoy<'d
by the saints at the Vernon Chur<' h.
Sunday. One soul got back to God at
the Thursday night meeting. and thl!
truth is hci ng own<'d of the Lord.
Elder Mil<'s Grant. th<' First.
Yentist., who hns been an honored lead<'r
among that people for .many years and
who is a regular radical holiness advo-
<'ate and witness. has been attending
services in First {'hurt'h for th<' past
seY<'ral weeks. H e declares that a re-
<'ent Sabbath morning meeting tlH're
was "the crowiting S('rvicc" of his life.
Rev. P . F. Bresee, General 8npcrin-
tenclcm t of the Pentecostal Church of
UH Yisitecl the college. Octo-
ber 25, 2G. It. wns a r eal henedicti!>n
of grn<:(. Jlis set mons and nddresses
deli t lw dtUJ'<h nn<l stu-
dc>n t. hod,v will n<',.,.,. he forgotten.
On tlw 26t h,
cl<diatcd otn and
to the pntpos< fot whih the.' .have
hc<n ;wqnit'l' l.l. ,iz: 'J'o he a plat(: where
llii'Jl an<} \\'OilWil JnaY be fittr.cJ
t;, go ont a Jl(l I holi-
nr>ss ( )\'(! J' th<'S(! lan.Js." He wns ilS-
sistPd iu the: sctvi<<' hy Bro. f, p,;Jj p }<,_
Gay of T.JOS Angel es. ('alifol'llia. and
Rev. C. n .. Jernigan. Distl'ift
t.c>nclc>nt of the Oklahoma and K:msas
Dist.rid ; n .. , .. . J. II. :\fdntyt'<'. pnstor
at Poncn C'ity: President :\IiiiPr. ancl
members of the f:u:nlty M tlw .-ollge.
The work of Dr. Brese<' . so
soon after the opening of the (oll!ge,
was most opportune. He insp<'ded the
grounds and huildings and iuqnired
dilig<' utly into the plans for the pres-
ent and future of the (:ollegc.
God spare this. His senant. yet
man)' years to he a hencdidion to mul-
titudes of hearts . . The Oklahoma Hoi i-
ness College will eonstantly hold him
up before the throtw, and earn<'stly
hope to meet his high ideals.
Th<'re is a continued int'rease in the
number of t.hc student boclv. others
yet. coming this term. Goll is <onstaut-
ly raising up new of thP olll"!gc
in a surprising wa,\. .\\e f'al'll c>stl y
(' OYet the prayers of God's people.
H. H. Pr<'sidtllt.
Oldahoma City, Okla.
.oc .... ....
man net>d f <'ar sin when he is f11lly
prote<'ted against it.. And we may al-
wnys have su<' h protection. It is only
when we choose t o hf' unprot ect<'d that
sin works its destruction with us. The
insulation of safety to tlH' man who
must. handle live wires of the death-
dE-aling voltage is his ruhbr gloYes.
Clothed in that. his hand has nothiug to
f<'ar. Our insulation is f'Vt'll mote sm<' .
"Put on the armor of light .. " writ<'s St.
P[ml: and a moment. lat<'l adds. "put
Y<' on the Lord Jesus C'hrifit." Chris t
himself is our insulation a g<linst the
<' nrrcnts of death. \Ye may put Hiln
on. we may lit<'rally be elothc<l in Him.
EYil <'an not. tomh Him: therdor<'. it
not reach on<' who is in Him. .None
was ever <'Ontnminated by sin
aft<:>r haYing brokNt away from th<' pro-
t e<>ting pow<'r nnd person of th<' SaYior.
- S<'Ie<"ted.
Los Angeles and Vicinity
Holiness to the Lord,
Is our wat1hword and song,
IIolincsl'; unto Lord, .
As wo arc .movii1g along.
We nrc thnnking the Lord at Fitst
eh11reh fot irwrcasing congtcgations
and intctcst.. 'While what others mi ght
call n rcvivnl is the ordinnry thing with
us-there hut few serviees with-
out seekers at thl' altar for <'onvers ion
or sanet.ificntion, with frequent profes-
sions-still om people are praying for ,
wod:ing fot, and looking for an extra-
work of grace among ns.
Pastor \V;tlkcr prc:whcd last Sabbath,
moming and night. Bro. Leslie F.
Gay addressed the miss ionaty meeting
o t he yonng. people at 6 o'clock,
and Rev. J . P. < 'oleman led the three
o'clock hoi incss meeting.
In the morning I he text was, " J esus
said, Take ye awH)' the stone" (Juo.
11 :39). Thl t heme was, obstacles in
the wav of the salvation of men, ob-
st.aei<>s for whose ptesence the avowed
people of God are responsible, such as
(1) the grosser forms of worldliness
among chnr chlings; (2) the ignoring
- of, if not open oppositiori to holiness by
t he mRr-;s of prcaeh<'l'S nnd church mem-
bers; (3) the gingt'rly advocacy of holi-
by many who profess to be its
f ti cnds; ( 4) th<' failure of l10liness
people to mcnsnrc np to their pr ofes-
nnd b(' unit.ed in the Spirit nnd in
cnrncl';t endeavot for the right; (5) t he
many fads and folli<'s and foibl es and
f:ma.ti cisms of I he times which scatter
th<' holiness .forees; ete.
,\.t night t he l!xt was Jno. Hi :8,
'' ,\nd when He is Po tHe He .,dll r<:provc
the world of sin." \Ve are d ependcnt
on the Hoi,\' for the r eproof of
t.hl' unsav<'<l. so I hat tlwy shall not only
s<c but deeply fcwl their sin. And He
does this wol'l< for the world as He
c:omes to t he church ns the Comforter.
Then the nnsa vcd will be cut to tlHl
heart as on the Day of P entecost with
conviction. and they will begin to feel
t he exceeding sinfnlness sin. Partie-
Hiarly the s in of unbelief, which (1) is
insult to God, as it makes Him u liar,
and (2) ingtatitu<ls to God, as it
cl cr-;piscs and rejects the unspeakable
gift of the Son of H is love.
'l'he following p ersons wer e added
to m<' mbership with us: Mrs. E. Mel-
vi lle, 1503 E . 15th street; 1\'[rl';. Anna
n. Mason and Miss Lucy Ellen Barnes,
7GG Bncnn Vista. street; Mr. and Mrs.
E. II. Cowan nnd Miss Mary Cowan,
708 North State str eet; Mrs. Ida N.
flr('<'tH', Miss Ncllie Greene, Miss En-
1-{('tria Phillip, l\fiss Ethelyn Clmk and
frco. ,J. F'ranldin. G41 East 28th street.
'l'hronghont last. Rahhnth was a vcry
hiPssPd cla v :mel a forwnrcl movement.
WP thnnk 'ood ancl t.ake c>onrnge.
Nazarene Messenger
' :
\Vith hearts overflowing with per-
sonal victoJy, we are able to r eport
great victory and unity of spirit and
bnrd<'n of prayer for l ost souls at both
the morning and str eet meeting. At .
the street meeting the saiuts could not
have made a more earnest plea for lost
souls had they have known of Jesus
coming on the morrow. Let us not un-
derestimate t hese meetings, for
are following us to the church and find-
ing Jesus. The testimonies of our dear
brother s. Hunt, Matherson, Goosen and
W. E. Robinson brought tears to the
eyes of sinner s. The opening
message by Sister Davis was a heart
c>ry for the prodigal son that only such
mothcis can make whose hearts and
li ves have been filled and thrilled with
t he power of God. Would that we had
a t honsnnd street workers like Bro.
and Sister Davis. This street work is
JH'oving to be a power for good; and
tire faithful workers nrc true blue, for
which we give J esus all the glor y.
L. R.
The manifestation of divine love as
scPn and experienced in the insbuction
of the of God t hrough chatise-
ment Rnd t emptation was the theme of
tiHl morning service, nnd "The Shep-
h<' rd 's Psalm" was t he subject. at the
night scr.vice by the pastor at the Grand
.A venue church. Mnny new faces were
sc>cn for the first time in the congrega-
tion. nnd r enewed interest is felt by
all in the awakening conviction resting
upon the community. T'hc Lord's
Snppct, baptism of two children, and
reception of fiv<' adult persons from
two families were or.casions of encour-
ngcment and blessings. Beginning
nc>xt. Sabbath a two-weeks special series
. of services will he held, conducted
hy the pnstor. All the fri ends are in-
vited to come nnd help push the battle
for souls. The subject for next Sab-
bath evening is "The Psnlm of the
PPrfect. T.Jife. ''
c. v. r.J.
The cold weather puts us in need of
a good h eater for coal or wood to take
the place of the sheetiron one burned
out and unsafe to use.
Twenty-five at the sewing school Sat-
urday and ouly two teachers. Oh! that
some of God's would open
their hearts to om great need i n this
Sunday servi ces were full of bless-
ing-the observnnce of the Lord's Sup-
per nnd our missionary servic>e.
seekers for pari! on.
Vve now have l';ixteen students cn-
rollcd in our Mexican Bible Sr.hool,
with six tenehers and growing interest.
Very reports come from
[November 11, 1909
Bnkersfield and from Sister Santos in
El Paso . .
God's bl!-'Ssing arrd provillenc>e is upon
our Home' for Mexi can Girls ; it is prov:
ing good -praise hrat.erial, with all ex.
plnscs met. Add it to your prayer list.
Mrs. l'll. 1\'[c>R.eynolds.
Sunday. October 31. was a llay of
great rejoi1i ng nmo11g t he saints here.
Our pnstor. Bro. \\.ilson, prPnthcd hoth
morning mrd C\'<'ning. The t ext was
A<>t s xv: 8=9.
Bto. Tr-\'ing Spcith(r led the Young
P coplP 's me<:' at. (i ::JO ; I saiah 5!> was
the hsson shllli1cl. nnd r.onsidr.rable
time "ns gi\'C'II to t<'st.imonics; these
nrc alwa,\' S a hPip and inspitfltion for
one anot.lwt.
In t.lw tYrning. Bro. B. ft' . Sh<'t'IIHlll,
.of the D1ets Pn('ifi1 Bihl e Los
Ang<>IPs. wns with ns an<l INl in>r.
Bro. 'Vilso11 th1n annotttlc><'d his ttxt,
Gc>n <>s is 1 !l: 12. God wondcrfnll.v hlrsscd
His \\orcl. nn1l at t lw <lose of t it < ser-
mon. onP YOmHr innn knelt nt altnr
for pnrdo;1.
Ednn 1hutay.
\Veil. hallrlujnh ! Y<>stcrday, the
g1catrst day yd. Last. night traos-
cen<l<'(l :111ything I ever sa.w . in the
\Vest.. Grcat <:rowd, t<'rrifir eorwi rtion
an(l thr<'P altar Sl'l'\'ic>es. Glory to our
Christ! Fnmte1n smtls prll.n'<l through
to vic>tory; some of t lwm among I he
wildest. young mrn in the c>ounty. \\ell,
Amen! linn! srnic-<' tonight, tnn.' not
go any long1'r; hut. may. 1 :1111 a
solclier of f'hrist. J ohev ordetl'; from
my Cnptain.
F,,ar1. St. Clair.
On Nov<>mhcr T wrnt t.o Powona
to nr-;sist Pnstor Stonr in mnking the
closi ng atTnngcments for the dcdi cat ion
of our new church t hcr r.. This has
been one of the hardest bnttles for our
work in Southern California. But God
is giving the victory, and we found the
brethren hard at work putting the fin
ishing touches on everything, making
ready the temple for dedication. Wed-
nesday evening was taken up with re .
ports of finances and other matters re
lating to the building. After settiog
t he churc.h in order with the necessary
officials and arranging for the support
of the pastor, some time wns spcut in
prayer for the services of the morrow.
Thnrsdny was a day long to he re
membered by our little ch urch in Po
mona. 'fherc was the morning service
in which the people gave expression in
t hanl<fuhtc>ss for tlic manifest blessing
of God in providing such n comfortable
place of worship, then followerl a. YCl'Y
timely sermon by Bro. \Vilson on the
faithfulness of God. We were indeed
V<'l'Y glad to meet our pastor a f: l!p
lntHl. latc>ly from the East:, who :rave
November 11. 19091
\'('1'.'' sttong and convincing sermon in
the afternoon. "While we would symp-
nthir.c with I he many .friends in the
East oYer theit loss, yet we can not but
rejoicP with tlw Upland church that
.. tJuv ahlH to scc<lll'c him for their
pas.lcll'. A 1: the close of the service
thcr!' "as n. precious I ime of waiting
bcfon thc Lorcl, when the JJord drew
so HIISp('akahly JWar to hless all hearts.
'J'h scrvices of the day were hlf'sscd
,rith the pc:scrll'n of our Gcneial Super-
intC"ucl c nt.. D1. Bresee. \\'ho had charge
of till' cl!'dil'al:ory of: the evc-
nin).!. This St' l' Vil' e was I he . ('l'OWiliHg
of' thf' clay, nntl th<: c<ongrega-
tion ,,hid1 !illecl the d1urch gave close
. attC"iil ion to the c:l enr and plain truths
on holiness so fotl'cfully pnt hy the
cloclol'. At the <lose t.lw pf'ople laid
a lit t 1 .. O\'C'l' $!00 Oil t he tahlc, nwking
in all o\'1'1' $700 raisf'd in t he past few
Wl' <l;s. All scelll('(l llllwh encouraged
onr the prospect fen onr work in
Polllnlla. Bro. Stone is a hero. May
Gocl allllnclnllt.\y bless him.
,J. \V. Goodwin.
'fhl' spirit of revival is stH.l sweeping
on t luough t.he district and E\'lmgelist
St. 1 ' lair has more cnlls than he ran fill.
iJe is luning some of the best. meet-
ings I hat "c have had in y(ars, and
the Jlt'Oplc arc how to pray and
continue ill prayer. We nrc learning
mo1 an<l mo1c t ha t t.his is the great
secnt of success in our work. We rc-
joiP with Ontario in th<> pr<'t:ions work
of l!l'ac< ill lh<> ir midst nnd believe it
shall (on I inne in grca tc1 tides of sa ha-
tiou f' o1 the men of t he town.
Thf' tcrit. now bci11g h<>ld
nem tl11' Elysian Heights ehnrch is lllO\'-
along in victory, 11nd a good num-
b<'!' have sought. the Lord for
parc\on and for sarH'ti!ieat.ion. Bro.
Chellanlt is a fine worker and as true
as ste<l. He is b<>ing used by God in
a p1 cc: ions way in this mf'cting, and we
arc sol'l'y t.hat we shall not he able t.o
rctnin him on the District. By reqncst
I expect to be present to help push the
battle in t his meeting from Nov. 9th
to the 14th.
It. wns a vcwy great. pl<'asnrc t.o me to
be at. home in Pasadena Friday evening
and to be able to attend the reception
of our pastor, Bro. \Vilson: It was in-
deed a pleasant occasion with such a
large compnny of the dear friends who
had gathered at the home of the new
pastor with the view of making him
welcome to . our church. There was a
prccious spirit of unity and fellowship,
and with such a company to stand so
loyally by their leader, I feel sure that
great success must crown the efforts
of this. fall nnd winter campaign.
'I'hc tent. meeting at Downey closed
Snuday evening with a large company
of peopl e present. to hear t.hc
Nazarene Messenge,.
hom the lips of Dr. Bresee. While this
meeting has uOt been as frnitful as we
hacl hoped. yet we trust that some good
seed haH hcen sown which will ripen
into some future harvest. The untir-
ing labors of Sister Rogers and Sister
!Jove, as they so nobly stood by the
meeting were mneh appreciated by me,
and will hring fntnrc r esults, we feel
J. W. Gooclwin.
s;- "" K'
The work has been going on bless-
edly while our pastor, Bro. Jacques
and Sister Jensen have been on a lit-
tle outing trip the past two weeks.
Bro. Millar is supplying the pulpit.
Last Sabbath he preached in the
morning from Jas. 5:11, ' "The Com-
passion of God." In the even'ing
from the subject "The Dignity or
Authority of Jesus Christ."
This Sabbath the messages were
from Ps. 91:14, 15 in the morning and
from Eph. 2:4 in the evening. He
gave several of his own experiences
of deliverance.
'$ $
We are well alongintothe2nd quarter
of our church year and will need more
money towards the support of our
Superintendent. We will be
glad if some of the churches can send
in their second quarterly installment
now. Although some churches have
not done much as the general
average for the first quarter was
good. Let us see to it that our Super-
intendent is not hindered by lack of
funds .
C. J. KINNE, Dist. Treas.
Smith's Smaller Scripture History .80
Theological Compend. (Ellyson) .. 75
Manual of the Church . . . .25
Wesley's Five Sermons . .25
Quiet Talks on Power !Gordon) .80
Preacher and Prayer ( Bouncls) . .30
None Like It (Parker) . $1.25; paper .60
We can supply the whole four-years course
and will publish prices later. . .
San Pedro St . Los Anp;eles
Jacob the Heelgrasper,
Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages packed full of
striking lessons from the life ofJacob, writ-
ten in the clear and direct style of this emi-
nent Evangelist.
Boundin Cloth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Anp;eles, Cal.

Our Christmas Program.
"The Birthday of Jesus."
Not " Santa Claus," but Christ.
We mail to our Sunday School customers samples .of our
which we trust will be examined carefully. We hope
that every Sunday School will celebrate Christmas with
a special program by the school.
We would recommend that you go into the effort with
zeal and enthusiasm. Christmas represents to us the
birthday of our Lord. We should celebrate it thought-
fully and prayerfully and yet joyfully.
The event it commemorates means more to the human
race than any other event in the history of the world.
Get a liberal supply of "The Birthday of Jesus," and.'use
them in your school.
You will find that it will benefit your work in many ways.
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
l U Nazarene Me3senger
Deets Pacific Bible College
641 E. 28th S t. , Los Angeles, Ca l.
Chapel Service Each Morning at 8:30.
Monday, 1:. .. ::::::::::::::: .':::: .'Re'v.' w .v
11 A. M.-Hollness Biography .... ... . .... Rev. w. w. Danner
Tuesday, 9 A. M.-Engllsh ... .. . . .... . . . ... . .... . ...... . . .. Benj. D. Scott
10 A. M.- Theology . . .. ....... . ..... .. Rev. w. W . D anner
11 A. M.- AH About the Bible ....... . ..... . . Rev. W. W. Danner
Wednesday, 9 A. M.-Publlc Speaking ...... Miss Adelaide Haller, Teacher
In Cumnock School or Expreeslon.
10 A. M.-Sermonlzlng ........... . . . .. . .. .. Rev. W. W. Danner
11 A. M.-Isalah and Methods ot Work ... Rev. P . F. Bresee, D. D.
Thursday, 9 A. M.-Llte or Christ . . . . . .. ... . .... ... Rev. 'W. W. Danner
10 A. M.-Old Test .. Studies . . .... . . . ...... Rev. w. W. Danner
11 A. M.- Church History . . .. . ........... W . Burt Clark. L L . B.
Friday. A.M.-T ext Drill . .. .. .. .. ............ . .. . Fred C. Epperson
10 A. Test Studies ............ Rev. E . F. Walker, D. D.
11 A. M.-Hollness . . ................ . . Rev. E. F. Walker, D. D.
Thursday, 7:30 P. M.-Vocal Music and Sight Reading ............... .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Miss K. Slone, Supervisor Music, Los Angeles City Schools
Vocal Music .. .. .. . ...................... .. , .......... .. Miss Nellie Green
Plano ..... . ............ ..... ......... . ... .. ... . ............ Mrs. H. Scheideman
Advanced Piano .................. ....... ..... .... . ........ .... .... ..... .. ......... .......... . .. Miss L<lla B. Torrey
Arithmetic, Algebra, Physical Geography ... ..... ... . ... . . Miss Corn G. Snider
Greek History .. .. . ..... . ......... ; . . .... . ............ Mr. Leslie Gay, Jr.
English, U. S. History, Latin . .. . . .. . ... . . ............... Mr. l3enJ. D. Scott
Spanish ..... . .............. ..... . . ...... . .. . ........ .. . . .... Mr. D. Mata
Mrs. M. McReynolds, Superintendent and Teacher In English and Wood's
Perfect Love.
Th('Ology .. . . . ... ...... . ........ . .... . . ... . . . . ...... . ..... Mr. W. Brand
Philosophy of Plan of Salvation ....... ... ... .. .. .. .. . . . . . ... Mr. Warn
Biblical Geography ...................... .. .......... ....... Mr. S. D. Athans
Text DTIU. and Offices or the H oly Spirit ............. .. ...... Mr. S . D. A t hans
Music ... .. . . . .. ......... . ............ .. .. . . . . . .... Miss L . McKee
Spanish . .. . .......... ....... . ........ . .......... Mr. D. Mata
'l'\\'O rN:itntions wo1 postponed on
last Thm'sdny and the time gi_ven to
helping some souls to pray through and
gct. to Gt)d.
\Vhcn a person has been convicted,
by the Holy Spirit of their need of
salvation, the first step to he taken is
that of Repentance. is un-
like justification, r egeneration and
sanctification, in that it is the work of
the individual. God cannot repent for
D1. Brt'St'e, who hns so recently r c-
t:nl'llecl from his trip mnong the
dmnhts and Asselllblics in the East,
was in his class in Isaiah last
to the delight of us all.
A ft \\ IIIOI'e students haYC lll'!'ived r e-
<:<'n and we hea1 of others on the
fvr whidt we praisP. the Lord.
Gla<llr and inquiringly we look forwar<l
to the time when there will be a demand
for larger a ccommodations.
A enjoyable and profitable time
was had last Saturday evening when a
<,olored lady, Miss Diana B. .MeN eil,
110w taking post graduate work in U.
S. C., c-ame over and gave us a most
address on Africa and her
In two or thr ee instances recently
money has been sent to help a student
who was not able to do enough work
outside to pay expenses and stay . in
school. . vV e wish the gi could have
secu the blessing which attended that
givin.g at this end of the line. 'l'hcrc
a te still a few mo1c opportunities of
that kind.
The Greek meaning of repentance is
a "change of mind"-a turning from
sin unto God. The penitent is con-
s<:ious of sin and guilt, has deep heart
sorrow for sin, makes confession, resti-
tutio-n and abandons sin. To show that
repentance is the work of man and not
God, I would cite por tions of Ezk. 18:
:30.32, "Repent and turn yourselves
from all your transgressions,'' ''where-
fore turn yourselves and live yc." Re-
pentance precedes justification. Justifi-
cation is a diviuc act, whereby God for
Christ-'s sake forgives all past sin, mak-
ing us f tee from "the law of sin and
Regener ation ;wC>ompa-nies justifica-
catioJ; but. differs in that it is a work
of g r ace wrought by God in t he heart
of the individual, while justification is
an act of God for the penitent. Regen-
eration. is being ''born again,'' the re-
ceiying of the divine nature as t he gift
. of God, being made "a new cr eature
in J csus," whereby "old things
mc pnssed away and behold all thi ngs
arc become new."
LNovember u ,
Repentance, justification and regen.
cr at ion all come under what is cotu.
monly ter 'mcd the first works of grace
while. sanctification is a second work
of grace, definite and distlna front the
Sanctification is- t hat wor k of
which believers experience after

eration, or after t he heart has rc<'ived
the new .life in Christ J csus; but is not
yet free from t he sin pr incipal-car.
narity. Sanctification, instead of being
an addition to the heart life as

cration, is r ather a subtraction, pri111ar.
ily taking from t he heart of t he helicv.
cr the least. and last remains of' sin
eradicating t he old man of sin "t.llai
the body of sin might be desttoyed,
t hat hencefort h we should not serve
., .. sin." 1'his subtraction haYing taken
pla<'e the heart is left clean a nd pnrc
meet. for the l\1astct.i's pr<scJH'<'.
baptism with the Ghost, ot the
divine is t.lw sin eonsu111ing
power and ' lea Yes the heart. fill<<l with
holy love toward God and man.
The Manual
The usual prices in
Retail price 25c pos t paid.
1.\azarene Publishing Co.
73 0 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
Mohave Children
Stories f rom life by
Missionarv to Mohave Indians
A beauti ful book, illustrated with fi ne half
tone engravings, bound in Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as entertain
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among t hese lit tle known people .
An admirable g ift for Sunday School Teach
era to present to t heir classes.
15 cent s
two {or 25c
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
''Where Art Thou?"
or, Spiritual Earthquakes.
This book by this noted Evangeli st will
arous e, inst ruct and b less . Send for it.
Bound in Cloth. 32() Pages
Price, $1.00
GQspel Stamps
New. Unique, Attractive; a picture and text on
every stamp. Suitable f or placing on letters, pn
pcrs books, etc. Cheaper and more effective thau
tracts. 120 stamp& in book (60 varieties) , 10.: per
book ; 3 for 25<:. Agenta Wanted.
HAZAREIIE PUB. CO., 730 San Pedro St., Los An&etes, Cat.
November 11; 1009]
Our Young People
1 !wow a li ttle merchant
Who deals in sunny smiles;
1 fe always a stock on hand
Of various sorts styles.
II is prices are so very low
They're quite ahs.nrd;
1 fe'll sell his biggest and his hest
For a pleasant look and word.
-Youth's Companion.
.\ youth may jle his own cn<my .. with-
on I forming what arc commonl;\' called
bnd hahits. One who distrusts himself,
is his own enemy. when he takes it
fot. grnut.ed that snc'C"Clss is possible for
... othc:'rs. aud not for himself, when he
n!'ts on the hypothesis thnt he has some
handi c:ap which will prevent
him f rom ac<>omplishing anything real-
lv worth while. he is doing himself a
grPater harm thnn any enemy .
himself could do. The self-clistrustful
mau is his own enemy ancl a dangerous
.'l'hc half trained youth is no better
off. if he stops half way, than one who
is without t rai ning. Tn some rnspects
hP is worse off, for thP. < hmt<'C's arc tlfat
he wi ll r ely on his imomplctc prepara-
tion to that for which he is un-
fittccl. and which he would never think
oF t.1ying but for the preparation which
fails to prepare. The untrained
is gC' nerally modest. The one who is
half trained. if he dons not have ambi-
tion which wiU carry him further. is
lilwly to he conrC'ited. exnggC'rating
hoth his natural gifts ancl his ndntn-
llal f-traine(l is nnt1ainNl. l"nltss
:''on mc t horoughly compC'tC'nt .. nm nrc
'ro stop short of al't.nnl
ptrpaJation, is to he unprrpar(d.-Ex.
In th<' year 1811, the vcn<'rable rrvi-
Yal ist., \Villinm Bramwell of England,
''Tote a letter of advices to his claugh-
l!r Aun, who had recently left school.
Here arc some extracts, as founcl in the
unabridgccl edition of Sigston 's Me-
llloi r , that are so suitable for other
"Yon arc a child of God. a follower.
of your Savior. Yon will be notircd by
all; all will wateh, and yon shoulcl tx-
pcct it.
" In tlic first let ;\' Onr mann<'rs
he open. free, kind to all ; yet modest,
serious, withont the least gloom.
"T.Jct your clothes he quite plain-
bonnet, gown, shoP.s, cvi!rything yon
have. TJet th<: m be a lways clcnu aud
good. '!'hough dress is not religion. yet
plainness is becoming.
Nazarene Mes{lenger
'' r .. ct; your times be nxed for private
prayer; say, twice in the forenoon and
twice in the afternoon. Always seck
your next blessing by reading the
Word; and gain some . ground every
"At certain t.imes, visit the sick, and
pray with them. Break through in this,
and you will find great consolation-
will feel for t hem.
'' I pray for you every day, that you
may possess t hese virtues, and be a.H I
clC'sire. l\-lay your heavenly Father give
yon ever y blessing. "-Selected.
Tlicrc 's rertain old lady, who liVC'S in
a little old house, with a very li ttle in
it to make her comfortable. She is
rather <l eaf. ancl she eannot sec well.
C'it.ltc:'r. Her hands nnd feet nr c all out
of shap( and full of pain because of
hC'r rheumatism. But in spite of all
t.his, yon would find her f ull of sun-
shine. anct as cheery as a rohiu in .June.
and it would do yon good to set! her.
I found out _one...Jhly_ what keeps her
so cheerful.
"When I was a child, " she said, "my
mother taught me every morning. be-
fore 1 got out of bed, to Gocl for
<''ery good thing that I could think of
that he had g iven }.ne-for a comfort-
able bed;. for each article of clothing;
for my breakfast, for a pleasant home:
for my friends; and for all my bless-
ings: ealling each by name; and so I
begi n e,ery rlay with a heart full of
praise to God for all H e has done and
is cloing for me. "-Selected.
.. ,jl ,jl
''Apples of Gold" is just the book
for an inf?piring. gift. It. will bless the
soul and inspire faith. Sencl for onP..
25 cents 10 for $2

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kind made of Abalone shell .. with
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25c each
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Nazarene Publishing Company
The Purity Journal
A monthly magazine devoted
to rescue work and social pur-
ity. This is an ably-edited and
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The Purity Journal
Waves of Glory
300 songs. The best old hymns and the cream of
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and Greek courseS. Bible work equals
that done in any training school. Ex-
cellent place to prepare for either
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direct from this department to good
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MUSIC Cannot be surpassed by any school in the South. Com-
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Gotl ll (W<'r goes t o the la:-.y M the idle
wh<>n He needs .1111\ ll for His sl.'rYi<'C.
Wheu God wants a workt>r calls a
work<r. When .H e has work to be
doue Ilt goes to those who <\re al r eady
at work \Vhcn God wants a great ser-
Yant He calls i l busy man. Seri ptnre
and historv attest this truth.
Moses busy with his flock at
Gid<:>on " as husy t hrcshiug wheat by
tlw wine-pr<>ss.
Banl was hn:::y s<>arching for his fat.h-
t'l' '::; lost. hl'asts.
DaYid was h11sy eming for his fath-
<'1' 's sheep.
Elisha "as busy ploughing with
t."elY<' yoke of oxen.
"as busy bearing the
kiug's win<' l' llp.
Amos W<1S following the fiodc
Petl.'r and .Andrew were busy t'ast.-
ing a nct into the sea . ..
,Jaml.'s nnd ,John were ml.'udiug
th<>i1 n<'ts ..
l\[atthew was busy colleeting ens-
Saul was bnsy persecuting t he
friends of ,T esns.
\Villiam Carey was husy mending
an<l malting shot:>s.-Unknown.
There. nrc good people wh<) are hin-
<l eed the unscriptnral tht'Ot-y of
outgrowing sin :
There is this to be said in their favor:
theY do not denY the sinfnl nature of
lila;, as dt) some: nor do t hey deny t he
s inful nature as remaining in us after
r egenerati on. as some Otlll.'l,'S do, nO!' do
th<'Y clcnY that. there are two distiurt
<'X pr ri l.'n t:<'S- l't'gl.'nera tion and sanctifi-
c-ntion. clc) still Bnt t hey
think. no do11ht honestly, that sin is
\\-<' say hol;<'st ly beeause
th<'v misnntl<J;; t and the dol'triu<'. \Ve
thi.k- <' \' Cry candid mind must sc'e this,
fot t.he following reasons:
J. Thl.'rc ncYer have been witnesses
found t o that they are now cn-
tirclv sanctifit>d. and t hat it was accom-
plislied by growth. Many say they be-
it is so accomplished. hut none
it has bl'l.'ll M done. This theory is
tlw opin.ion of many, the experiPnce of
2. Growth takes time. It is some-
t hing not a<' (omplished in a moment.
Thr. man <>omert<.>d today, who dies to-
ill orrow, has no time to outgrow s in.
Gocl mtu:t san<:>tify him at once. or not
at all.
:1. This false tlwon nrises from a
misnndr rstnnding of the nature of
growth. whi r h Ml (ls to. \Vhat we want
is snhla..tic111 of sin. \\r<' no more ont-
gTn\\ sin thnn an appl l.' on tgtows its
r ol't<' n pn rt. 'l'h<> r. he more apple
hy growth. bnt no less r ot.
-1-. "\11 tl H pnssag<.>s in the Bible
which d es<'rihc the mannl.' r or condi-
Nazarene Messenger
t io c1f <'lltile declare that
it is by faith. There is not a si ngle pas-
sag-e in the \Vord of God t.hat directly
dt'elat'<$ \H' are ftom si n by
. g l'(nvt.h. "Purifying tlwit heart.s by
fn it h." (,\c'ts ] 5 :9). said Peter. "Sanc-
tifit'<l hy faith" (Aets 16:18) says
Paul. People who st.ick to a theory
onght t o have Bible gtonnd for it .. -
\Yay of Holiness.
A missionnry was toili ng amid
clistonrageml.'nts, in a far-off heathen
hmd. Oh. how homesick he was! He
felt. that he was laboring in vain, and
spending his sttength for naught. Bnt
suddenly. as he mused, his heart beat
with n ew Yigor; the sky seemed to
bright.Pn. nnd the tropical air to become
bal my. "\Vhat d oes this mean ?" h<'
rried. "Oh, I know. somebody is prny-
ing for Ill <'. ::\fessag<'s eoming from my
Christian friends at home, through tho
mcicy scat. and they say, 'Fear not,
faint not. f or God is wit.h you.' Yes,
God answers their prayers by sending
an angl.'l to strengthen me. I will go
forwn rd. eYen if it be martyrdom."
..:\ wife was sitting pensive and sad at
homl.' . HN .husband had gone out to
his store with a cloud upon his brow.
ShE> knew that the times were hard,
nnd that there "ere many failures.
'rh<>r e was a telephone in t he house, and
sli'l.' Sll id, "! will send a message to
cheer him. Then she thought for a
moment. "\\'hat <' an I say1 I may
onl.v him and distract his at-
t<>ntion. I <'annot help him, but God
ran." So she went into her closet and
pra yed. 1:' That night, the merchant
r.ame home with an unclouded brow.
The <>risis had passed. H is cr edit was
ll'fovember 11. 1909
!>afe. He that he seemed lo hav1
be<>n favored with special . providence
all clay; and l.hc happy wife did not
say, "I was praying for yon all day."
'fhat sectct was too sacr ed even for his
But she t hanked God in her
hear t, and det ermined to have more
faith henceforth in Him who hears
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REV. C. L. SHELBY, PARIS, TEXAS, says :- "1 consider 'Pentecostal Songs
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No. 10. Brother Martin's' ' Glory Song,' also No. 116, 'It's Real,' and No.
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Nazarene Publishing Company
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