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.. The Blood of Juu. Chmt Ht. $Q11 Clecuueth ,. From AU Sin..


Vol. XIV. Los Angeles, California, November 4, 1909 No. 19

What Is Pharisaism?
Guy Mark Peai'Se;o

"He began to say unto His disciples first
of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Phari-
sees. "-Luke 12:1. .
!ro]HESE words reach back to a
lEJ scene which gives them a great
fullness of meaning. The Phar-
isecs, unable to trap Jesus in t heir pub-
lic Pncountei'S with him, seek now for a
more private interview, and one of
thl'lll nsks .Jesus to share __ the morning
meal at his house. Now he sits with
the gaze of thci1 unfricmdly faces
watc:hing him. ,\t the outset they are
honified at seei ng him take bread with-
_out first washing his hands. Their mis-
erable formalism had exalted it into an
act of supreme religiousness. They held
that it was hett<'r to kill a man than to
commit such a crime as that. They are
the more indignant because the offense
wns aggravated in every possible way.
The Pharisee always bathed himself
whenever he came from the market, to
wash away the defiling contact of the
common people; and Jesus had been
pressed by a multitude so great that
we read of them as having trodden up-
on one another in their eagerness to
get near him. He had cast out devils,
and in many ways hnd come into con-
tad with the undcnn. The guest s turn
to cnch other with eyes thnt finsh in
anger at this outrage. Jesus at. once
avails himself of the opportunity: " Y c
Pharisees make clean the outside of the
cup and the platt<'l': but your inward
part is full of ra\cning and wicked-
ness. ''
"And as lw said these things unto
thclll, the and the Pharisees be-
gan to urge him vehemently, and to
proYoke him to speak many things; ly-
ing in wait for him, and seeking to
callh something out of his month, t hat
might nccusc him. " Doubtless
th( indignation spread to the di8ciples.
John 's <\yes flash indignant. fires; Peter
cau scarcely r estrain his fury; and
.cvtry f ace is full of tender est pity for
their dear Lord and Master thus beset
and assailed and thus. moved to indig-
Now that U.nhappy time is
ended. He comes forth again. Once
more he breathes. ' the. air of h eaven;
once more he meets the honest faces of
his disciples. We listen for a sigh of
relief, when, lo! he lQPks eagerly upon
his simple followe:t:a, and says to them
first of all, ''Beware- ye-ye of the
leaven of the PhariseetJ."
Beware ye-every 8ect of religion,
every var iety of character has its own
danger-perhaps it own form of Phar-
isajsm. It is easy for us to see the
Pharisaism of others. 'V e- can stone
the Pharisee in an indignant zeal- and
what then ? When the storm is over
and we have hurled the lightnings:
there stands the Master, with eyes t hat
sear ch us through, and, he bends over
us, and saith unto his -disciples, first of
all; "Beware ye of tlie leaven of the
Pharisees.'' We too may have our own
form of Pharisaism eating the life out
of us; spoiling all the T>eauty and bless-
edness of our religion: To those that
are nearest and dearest to him t his
word is spoken by the Lord himself.
pursuit. Bring your tests of a r eligious
life apply them here. Does ' it prayT
In.deed it does, with the unfailing reg-
ularity of stated p eriods, a clear half
hour by the clock. Docs it search the
Scriptures? Yes, indeed, it has the
Bible at its finger ends, and studies
nothing else, <:arrying out its directions
in the minutest particulars. Does it
freely 7 That is r eckoned a good
s1gn. Is the pocket convert<'d Y Yes,
indeed, a most t;xact a nd measured
tenth, down to its pnrslcy and pepper-
mint. Does it go to church ? \Vith a
splendid it is a v<>ry pat-
tern of revcr<'nt <le,otion. And yet
Christ hurls at it the most terrible de-
nunciations that ever fell from his lips.
Clearly 've must find a much mor.e deli-
cate test before we can detect this mis-
chief-the leaven that can creep alike
into Papist and Quaker , which can
thrive alike in High Church or Low
Church or Broad Church, and which
can be as much at home in Dissenter
as in either, and can flourish as well in
the Methodist as anywhere else. There
is one other test that we can apply, and
this Pharisaism is at once betrayed
wherever it lurks. Docs this religion
make its professor Christlike Y
What then is Pharisaism? We shall
mistake the whoie D}eaning of the
words if we think only of the coarse
hypocrite. who knows, himself
thnt he is n kmwc, weafing a piety only
t o hide his own foul purposes. Judas
was a hypocrite, but in no sense
a Pharisel'. The Phirisecs believed
themselves to be good people,
the only good people, the exalted favor-
ites of God, the very heirs of heaven.
The <nution will lose its forre if we
think only of the man who knows that
his whole life is a lie. :Pharisaism is a
far subtler thing than that. Pharisaism
is a poison germ that.:can only be de-
nloped in r('ligion. Here yon find it
in a religion that contr_bllcd everything
- a religion that was very earnest and
very sincere. 'Vith the Pharisee, reli-
gion was his one supreme thought and
There is its doom. Beliefs held with
a .i<'alous orthodoxy, but without any
liYing faith. 1' . ..&:, er regularly offered,
but wi t hout any lhing communion
with the Fnth<>r of Spirits. Scriptures
read, but without any aspiration .. ;ter
true holiness. Abundant in almsgiv-
ing, but without any touch of brotherly
kindness, without a breath of generos-
ity. Religious. very r eligious indeed,
yet an utter stranger t o all meekness
and graciousness and self-forgetfulness.
That is P harisaism. Religion without
, Is not this the supreme want of the
age, as indeed of all the ages T Alas,
that it should seem so far off! Churches
and ('hnpcls have y c-hymns, prayers,
missions, conferences, sermons, in be-
wildering abundance-but how want-
ing is the power that makes men Christ-
like ! Is it not even yet. a dream-that
because a man is called a Christian you
f!hall trust his yea . and nay as you
would another man's bond-to be sure
that the religious master will consider
his servant's interest as much as his
own, and that the religious servant will
do the work as well behind the mas-
ter's back as before his face; that . be-
cause a man professes to be a Christian
is he qi_ute sure to be generous and true
an.d brotherly; that because the man of
business believes in the Lord Jesus
Christ he shall be through and through
him an honest man, hating every lie as
damnabl e-the whispered lie, the lie
that is "well understood in the trade";
that every Christian is really and in
everything seeking first to live over
again the life of Jesus Christ.
And .if: our r eligion fail in this, is it
not all a failure? The end of our re-
demption is to r estore us to our first
estate, to the image and likeness of
God. .All things are at work to this
one end-that we be conformed to the
image of his Son. If we have not his
Spirit, we are none of his. If this like-
ness to our Lord be l acking, in vain we
plead our beliefs, our prayers, our rap-
tur'es, our associations, our gifts . . From
within the closed doors there comes the
answer, grieved, yet unalterable, I
never knew you. So rings the dread-
ful doom of t he r eligion that stops
short of Christlikcness.
$ $ $
I "onder how many dear r eaders of
t he Messenger each week pause to con-
sider the requests for prayer printed
therein. One dear brother having
struck a spiritual desert, asks that we
r emember him in prayer; another, for
a little flock somewhere who are str iv-
ing with God's help to procure a
much needed building for a church
home;, another for some one whom God
wants to heal, but is listening for earn-
est petitio.ns in behaJf of the afflicted
one. And so on each week new re-
quests from needy ones. The Holy
Spirit inspired the writer to take each
request separately, making a real heart
affair of it, that God might answer
these heart cries, and the promise is
that "where two or t hree arc agreed
touching any one thing" our God will
answer; and with another promise,
"while we yet call He will hear." As
we go in prayer for blessings to be
added to the lives of others, it keeps
our own hearts warm and tender, and
God pours the blessings in upon our
own souls ''even while we ask.'' Try
it, dear reader, and know of a: truth
whereof I write. C. E. Ely.
Niazarene '.Messenger .
Contributed Articles
The Lord's. my shepherd ;
Down in the pastures green,
When all is bright, serene,
He feedeth me.
Now by the waters still,
Now by the laughing .r.ill,
Safe there from every iil,
. He leadeth me.
Jesus, I love Thee !
All that I have is .thine,
All that Thou hast is mine,
They love is free.
For me thy blood was shed,
For me 'thy form lay dead,
To me these words were said :
''Rise, follow me.''
Thro' life I '11 serve Thee;
Thou shalt h!lve all my days,
Thy na'me my lips shall praise;
I love thy Word.
My soul is on the wing,
My heart for joy doth sing
To Thee my Savior, King,
J esus, my Lord.
When man disowns me,
When friends misunderstand,
Foes mock on every hand,
To Thee I '11 cry.
There on thy tender breast
My soul shall find sweet rest,
While there by heaven blest
The tempests fly.
Goodness and mercy
Sm;ely will follow me,
And I shall dwell with Thee
For evermore.
Soon. this frail house of clay
May crumble and de<:>ay,
But I shall fly away
To yon bright shore . .
" $ $
THE CHRISTIAN RACE. - Heb, 12:1, 2.
This text is addressed to believers
who have entered the race and are
pressing forward for the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
The pi cture here is drawn from the old
Olympi c games which '!_it' i held at
Atlwns in times of olcl: .... '-The term
"cloud of wi t nesscs" is drawn from
t he great r.rowds which wonlrl come to
see the races and matches held in the
Stadium, and as these were an incen-
tive to the races, so the great crowd
of saints on the golden shore looking
upon the Christian here below,
are an incentive and encouragement to
run the race successfully and win. The
race course brings to mind the Chris-
tian's course to heaven. The apostle
tells these peopl e that they are running
4, . 1909.
at a great disadvantage and also tells
them how they might .. run with more
satisfaction to themselves and greater
certainty as to final results.
First, the text brings us the picture
of the race course and the races. Some
good people who have been baptized
and take11 into the church, have talked
fluently about the Christian race, but
they are far from being among the
class. that Paul is addressing. Some
men who base their hope on morality
think they are in this race, bitt they
too are mistaken. The sinner can't run
. in this race for his feet are in the miry
clay. vVe first must be placed'on the
, ,rock Christ Jesus and have our sins
put under the blood before we can run
in this race. Another thing to notice
about the racer is, his forward move:
ment. No stand still, but a forward
going-a striving. It takes life and
push and energy to run the race. He
that endureth to the end shall be saved.
In the second place we are exhorted
to lay aside every weight. Every
Christian soon finds there are weights
which hinder his running and just as
these racers used to lay aside their
weights from the feet before the race,
so are we to lay aside the hindering
things which hold us back from being
at our best for God. With some it is
family cares, and they allow them to so.
bttrdcn them that they can not be at
their best for God and souls. Some
N azarencs allow the weight of church
problems to interfere and burden them
so that they lose the blessings of God.
vVith many it is the hurry of business.
\Ye get in a hun;y and push aside fam-
ily at times and so we allow one
t hing or anot her to interfere with our
eloset devotion and duties and arc h in-
dered. Paul docs not say quit your
business or stop work ot let t he churdt
affairs go, but he docs want us .t.o lay
them aside by casting all our cares on
Jesus and give proper time to prayer
and med-itation.
In the thi rd place we are told we
can run t he race with patience if we
have the besetting sin removed. 'l'he
apostl e here docs not use the term sins
but singular s-i-n. Believers arc not
troubled with actual sins, for he who is
born of God doth not commit sin. I3nt
ther e is a sin principle, an unit that
lies back of and produces actual sins
which Paul speaks of. There is a some
thing in every regenerated heart which
Paul calls the "old man" or "sin thnt
dwelleth in me'' which gives us
trouble. Every. saved person realizes
. 4, 1909]
it soon or later. God dedare!l in Ilos.
11:7, "My pcwple bnn l to l>adcslicl-
ing." Think of it, n.ot siuuertJ but my
people, a something which will bend
toward evil, a devilish twist in our na-
ture implanted by the devi l himself
which is contrary and seeks to get us
awtlY from God. Scores of souls have
fell down right here because they
would not this " besetting sin" re-
but on the other band many
baYc obeyed and are now running the
race with patience.
1\ nd lastly Paul says, now that you
ban: the besetting sin removed, "Keep
looking to J esus. " Be fixed in. purpose
and ai m. Don ' t look at the c rowd of
the world but be fixed in purpose and
ailll and look to J esus. It is not a ques-
tion if they are right or wrong, but do
tlu.' help or hinuer . Don't turn aside
for anything l10wever alluring-like
thl: racer, look straight ahead and keep
yo111 <'yes fixed on .T esus, the One who
braYed the r age of men and devils,
the One who stormed t he bloody tide
of Calvar y, the One who has gone on
before and endured the dcsJ?iscd
the shame and reproach of this old hell-
bound world, the One who triumphed
O\'Cl' death, hell and tl1e grave, t he One
,ho is now on the right of God
f or us. Hallelujah! look to
that Orin, t he blessed Christ. the One
altogether lo\' cly, t he fairest among ten
thousand to I he soul. lie will talce you
through, and at last you may have t he
crown and wave palms of \'ictory. I
say. giOl'.Y! I 'm going through ! Arc
.\[:m;halltown, Iowa.
"" "" ""
In t he formatiY.e prriod of any ,, mk
W1 often lw,e to d o some t hi ngs I.H:-
causc the conditions wit! not admit of
ns doit;g other wise. But when t he con-
di tions change, to continue doing these
things too l ong will be a fatal mistake
and possibly cause the failure of the
entire enterprise. Of course the begi n-
ning of the holiness n eeds
be evangelistic. Special evangelists
mnst go out and get people into th e
experience. And we shall never be able
to dispense with the spcnial evan gelist.
1-I P. is an essential to our work nnd
always will be. But when by the r evi-
val a number of p eopl e are brought
into the experience, to go off and lenve
them to drift is to make the revival a
failure in the end. How often we have
her e. We have r eported great
Nazarene Messenge'r
reYiYals iu many but how. little
t h< J'C is to show for it to what there
might' have been hud more care been
given to the organizing and feeding of
t hose receiving the experience.
To properly care for t he results of
the r evival calls for church es and p as-
tors. For a time a .pastor-evangelist
may do the work, but there comes the
time when to continue this will mean
the 'failure of the church. Let us be
careful just here. I h eartily join with
District Superintendent J ernigan in
his statement that we now need pas-
tors, not pastor-evangelists.
By I do not mean some one
holding a position bearing the name
pastor simpl y, neither do I mean a mere
resident preacher, but someone who
knows what a . pastor ought to do,
knows how to do it, and will do it. But
to do this calls f or more than the man.
It calls for churches which will so sup-
port t he pastor as to allow him to give
his time to the work. And by this I
do not mean five or six churches going
together and supporting one pastor.
This may do for a little while where
nothing better can be done, but no
church can make inueh success for any
length of t ime with preaching only
on<e per month, and but little pastoial
visiting. And no pastor can suc<:css-
f ull y work more than two churches,
and in fa<:t if he docs all that should be
done, one will keep him more t han
busy. \Ybcrcver possible each church
should have a r esident pnstor. I1et us
work t oward this as fast as possible. I
am persuaded we must g ive more at-
t.0.nt ion to pastoral arrangement and
support if our work is to be the perma-
tHnt s nccC'ss that it should be. Thank
God f(w what we haYe. hut let us push
out as fast as we a hlr. Is your
<hunh its b<sf as to past oral -sup-
port ?- IIolimss Evangcl.
.,. J/1
Selected Articles
What in its trnc sen se is a holy life?
I t is the life of J esus. Ilis whole man-
ncr of life was trnly holy. His life is
the ideal life. If we would live holy,
we mnst. li ve as He li ved. \Vc must
walk as He walked. The artist has his
i<l cal h<'forn him and wit h touches of
the brush hC'rc and there upon his
drawing, he forms n picture in an exact
image of the i<l cal. The life of J esus
is what we are to imitate. He sets the
example of holy living and calls us to
the same holy lif1!. ''As in all manner
of conversation." l P eter 1 :15. This
text has a better rendering in ,he Re-
vised Version : .. Like as He which
called you is holy, be ye yourselves a lso
holy in all manner of living." We, as
Christiana, are God's offspring and as
such arc like Him.
Holiness in the life of Jesus is found
not only in the great miracles which He
performed, but . also in the l esser hap-
penings of His life. The r estoring of
life to t he dead is no more bcautifnlly
holy t han the blessing t hem. His mem-
orable Sermon on the no more
portrays the lovclim!ss of His charac-
ter, t han the with the
woman by the wayside wt:ll. It is t he
l ittle thiHgs in e\er y-day life, if attend-
ed to and kr:pt in the nlcclmcss a nd sol-
eulllity of the Spi\'it of Christ, that
makes life truly lwantiful a nd holy. It
is nQt tlw cloqtwnt sr:rmon that iuakes
a life so subli me, but it is thl' t ender
smile, the kind word, grntle look that
is shown and g iven to a ll. I t is the
patient manner in whirh a ll the little
trying and provok ing things of are
You iuay JH'e;uh or \\Tite e ,cr so for-
cibly nud clorpwntly. anrl bring out the
sul:li:llc truths o[ tlu nihlc in gtcat
bcanty; hut if. in the pti ya cy of yonr
own hom<>, t IHre arc little f tcttings, a
litllt' pCI'YishtH:ss. a little crossness. a
littJ,. le,itv. a li tt!P a little
distrust, your life is not as truly holy
as it should be.
Jf you lun<' any ions for God's
i 11111 !!I' to he st a 111ped upon yonr
soul. couut enancc ancl yonr life,
yon must Htdully :n-oiu t he little
stwi nl-!s of lightulss, the litt le hits of
sloth anll illolenr:e. tonl'llls of forward-
ll<'SS. I itt II' a nd <JossnC'ss, and
ads of sl'lflshness. etc.
Pure helong to a holy lif e.
Yon should use the \'en r hoiccst
words. \\'mrls that ar(' free
f1om ,ulg-:ll'i ty. slang-. and t h e of
the worl<l. \tnd<'atmess,
and shabbiness nr<' not at
all beautiful omamrnts in a holv li fe.
But quiet-modesty and r eti cence are
gC'ms which s pa rkle in a holy life like
diamonds set in a band of gold. Give
nt.tcntion to your words. your thoughts,
your of '\oi<'c. your feelings. the
practice of self-denial, of little aC'ts of
benevolence, of promptness, of method
and orders. These nrc auxiliaries to
holy li,ing. .Arc ther e not many li ttle
things in yonr home life that yon <'an
improve upon? Seek God for help and
be t.rnly holy.-Selected.
"Apples of Gold" is just the book
for an inspiring gift. It will bless the
soul and inspire faith. Send for one_
25 cents postpaid; 10 for $2.
- '
We are having a very gracious rev.i-
val of 1;eal old-time power in this city
and people are being brought face to
face with the fact that the God that
saved Daniel is still saving from a
worse fate than that of the lions' den.
Every Friday for at l e'ast four weeks
be!'ore our meetings commenced, we
fasted and prayed that OlJl' God would
.. give us an old-time revival and save
snd sanctify the people. On October
] 5th Rev. D. A. Hill of Columbus,
Ohio, and Rev. Dr. D: F . Brooks of
New York, the veteran .holiness t0acher
a.nd evangelist. arrive'd and opened the
battle in our little church. Bro. Hill
preached at night anrl Bro. Brooks gave
his Bible readings in the afternoon,
This was the order of the meeting
1.hroughont. with a slight change now
and then as the Spirit led. They
shelled the woods and by Sunday night
made an altar call and from that time
on the altar was filled with seekers and
the battle was on.
On Tuesday night Bro. Hill told the
story of his life, and as he talked t o
people (the was crowded to the
doors) of his mother's love and prayers
for her boy, and portrayed .the power
cf the drink demon, people an over the
honse wept and when the altar call was
made the altar was crowded with seek-
ers. No tongue can describe the scene
1md no pen can portray the effect. Like
Bud Robins.on, there is only one Dave
But the best of the wine was kept
fo11 the last. Sunday morning we had
arranged for the baptismal service and
we went according to our church :Man-
nal. Bro. Brooks was to preach after
the baptismal ceremony. But the Holy
Ghost fell upon preacher and people as
Dr. Brooks was administering the rite
of baptism to the infants, and he was
so filled with the power of God he eould
hardly proceed ; and Bro. Hill "as
blessed and the saints were weeping
and shouting and God was there in
mighty power. After the baptismal
service we had t he communion of the
r.,ord 's Supper. This also was a time
of shouting. a time of power and glory.
It was at this time Bro. Brooks said he
had heard from Heaven and would
obey. He announced he would join the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene at
the evening service. The afternoon
meeting commenced at 2:80. Rev. D.
H. Hill preached and the fire fell and
the altar was filled., .
The evening commenced at
seven o'clock aild- the house was full
and overflowing. Every seat was filled
and many standing iri tlie back part of
the church and the vestibule crowded.
At this time we announced we would
take in the parties wishing to join our .
church, and Rev. Dr. D. F. Brooks of
the rroy, N. Y., of the 1\L
E. church stepned ont from the pulp;t
anrl. -himself at the altar rail;
with J;im came three others. My what
a shouting time we had, and after the
saints shouted and marched around
welcoming 1nto our church the new
memhP-rs we sang hymns and Rev. D.
A. Hill preaclu!d . 13ro. Hill preached
on Eternitir. and how he did portray
f\ternit.y fol' snint. and sinner. He held
.the nndienM spellbonnd for more than
1111 hOill' llS he poured Oll the truth to
that. d:ving <>ongre<rat.ion. and when he
ma(\1' t.he altnr <>all t.he altar, which was
a small one, was filled two and three
Bros. Hill nnd Brooks say they never
! SU<'h a dlly for <'Ontinnous power
from .till night. and it was the
most blessed communion service of
their lives. Tl1e. meetings will cont.inne
unt il Vl ednesday even with Dr. D.
F. Brooks in charge. At last night's
meeting we had five at. the altar. two
of whom, were beautifully sanctified.
To Jesus be all the glory. Pray for ns
beloved of the r,ord.
George Ward, Pastor.
Sunday, October 17th, closed a pre-
cious and enjoyable week. District
Superintendent C. A. Imhoff held a
short series of evangelistic services in
the Charles Street Gospel' Mission Hall
at Canton, Ohio. at the close of which a
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
was organized. A good-sized class en-
rolled as charter members, and the out-
look is very bright for a real strong
membership in the near future. Rev.
Arthur Bosler, a young holiness preach-
er , full of fire and the Holy Spirit. was
chosen as pastor. Until a permanent
place of meeting is established. the
chnrch has arranged .to r ('nt t he mission
hall. \e expect to build a new church
some time in the future.
These meetings will not <'onfli ct with
the r egular mission services in any way.
nor is the church at. llll connected with
th<> mission. which is interdenomina-
tional and will (}.}ways remain so.
Ruth A. Miller. Cor. Sec.
The glorious work of salvation Mn-
tinnes at the First Pentecostal Church
of the Nazarene, 6417 Eggleston ave-
nue. Rev. C. E. Cornell, pastor. Sun-
day. October 24th. was epochal. The .
audiences were unusually large and the
spiritual tone of the meeting high.
More than a score of souls wept and
prayed their \vay through at the mourn-
er's bench. In the afternoon Rev. J. M.
Taylor, outgoing missionary evangelist
to South America, delivered a most
telling, instrue.tive and spiritual mis-
sionary address.
Beginning Sunday, November 7th, al-
[November 4,: 1909
most immCaiately following the great
Gipsy Smith meetings, . this church is
planning to hold a series of special re.
vival 1)1eetings to continue during the
entire month. Rev. Isaac F. Hodge of
Wichita, Kans., known .as "cyclone')
will assist the pastor. Brother.
Hodge is one of the most successful
evangelists of the West. He is a man
of prayer, faith and sweetness and a
preacher of extraordinary ability. We
are anticipating that. hnndred!'> will be
con\rerted and snnetified wholly under
l1is minlsti;y. Brother Hodge will
preach each night except Saturday, nnd
will preach or give Bible readings
afternoon except Saturday and
Monday. 'l'liursd1iy of each week. will
be devoted to fasting anc' prayer. on this day will begin at 10 :80 a.
m. Friends ont .of the c.ity who
clesire to attC'nd t h ese great
can seeure honrd nnd lodging near the
clmrch at rcnsonnhle We ask the
of the readers that
of souls may find salvation.
\:.) -------
It has been a long time since I have
reported to the. Messenger, but I hnve
been busy in my new fi eld of labor at
Canton and St. David, Ills. God is pour-
ing out His Spirit upon us. Some are
being saved. reclnimed. sanctified, and
joining the chnrrh. Took in eigl1t nH:m-
bers today, making n total of eleven
memhers for t.l1e month of 0 <'tober M
well as two w.ell-saved children age
seven lfnrl nine years; and also one dear
old saint eighty yPar!'> of age, who had
been n Baptist fifty years the
Nn7.arene fire and jnst simply . said,
"I'll be 'one of them.' " Facts arc,
rain or this sister get.s to mer.t-
ing. even going to our St. David np-
pointment. abont. flve miles away. 'T'his
sist.l'r was in the Bnnt ist church so long
that the don't effect her; she is
not s<>nrccl of rain.
F. J. Thomas. Pastor.
'T'wo mor.C' l'lnnch<>s orgnni;r,('O in t 1!1'
\Ve orga.n.i?.eil '.a
Nn7.arene <>hurrh nt BPn-
tonvillP. Ohio. and one at Brndyvillr,
Ohio. October 21st nnd 24-t.h.
tiveb. At B0nt.onville t.h<>y worship in
a hall which t.he:v have pl11nned to pur-
chase and <>onvert i.nto a <'hnr<'h lmild-
ing, and nt. Bradyvill e they hnve a. good
substantinl chur ch building which will
be turned over to 011r church ns
arrangements can be mnde. The two
places me n bont seven miles apnrt nnd
will he made as one cirP-nit. and served
by the snme pastor. Thirty-five mem-
bers in the two places to start with and
good for a revival 11nd ag-:rres-
sive work at bot.h This will he
a good. opportunity for Rome young
man that can live on Arnall salary to
start with who willing to sacrifice
November 4, l!-JIJ9J
himself f<H' the suke of God and souls.
They are little country towns in Adams
. county, Ohio, but a thirldy settled com-
munity and large congregations to
preneh to.
'!'his is three new chm:chcs we have
organized within a week and expect to
organize one or two mclre on our way
home. Other calls ar e coming in and
God's blessin'g is upon the work. Amen !
Prn ise God !
C. A. Imhoff, Dist. Supt.
The Assembly was held this year at
Mnlcl cn, Mo., October 13-17. It was t he
grc;ll we have. ever had in attend-
. anc n and spirituali ty. The songs and
sermoris were unctuous and hcaven-
owrll'd. Burning messages ' vere deliv-
crcd by Bros. Ellyson, Dn11ns, Cha-pman
and others, and a few souls found God.
Brn. Martin's "glory song" took the
da.'' and was o,nr and over with
e,.,.,. inr.raasin g dcligh t. "Pen tccostnl
of the Na:r.nrenc" is fine throngh-
oul and worthy of wide patronar:e
among us. Bro. \ V. F . Dallas was re-
District Superintendent for the
thitd time and enters ngni n on the re-
sponsible nnd arduous duties of the po-
sition with t he love and confidence of
our people. He has labored faithf ully
and . Sist'r E. .J. Sheeks was
in c:lectecl as sec ret n ry, wh ich posi-
tiou she has. fill<'cl for year s with emi-
rwnt sat isfaet.ion . Tlw writer was
maclc assistant. Distti ct ..
Bro. Ellyson presidl'd with much
grnec ancl ahility. ITe is much loved
b, this district. His ser mons arc plain
a;ul powl'iful and hlC'ssecl of God in
sr-tt ling tlw
.. Bto. C'. L. \Villinnrs. onr pastor at
l\Taldc:m. put us mHlr.r a debt of
)o,e to him for the nntiring way h e
lnhorccl to mnkc tts feel at homC' . He
hns a fine peopl e to SC'rvr.. God
him and them.
.Jonesboro, Ark.. will c' ntcttain the
ncxt Assr.mhly HJHI of conrsc we nr c
looking fm a grC'alrr tinw still. for we
nr n growing in grac( and numlwts ovcr
The prcachcrs an<l workers lia,c
gone to their fields of lnhor with great-
ct rouragc ari d inspi r ation to push tire
fight and spread scriptural holi ness.
Jos. N. Spealtes.
\ V c have just started on a new year's
work. Our chur<'h has ncw li fe and WH
ntc looking forward for a good year
and we are p leased to have wit h us the
second year Rev. Bud E. Mullins as
our pastor. Our Sunday school is
growing and fine interest is being
tak en. We have our mid-week prayer
servic:cs at t he 'l'nher nael<'. also t h<\
cottage prayer services Sunday nights
out in the country. Our people are
. poor but they know God. Prcay for us
Nazarene MeBIIIJnger .
t hat God may keep us .in the' middle of
His way of holiness.
A. C.
------- -
Since our last report we have had
two weddings at our church. On Sep-
tember 26th, Miss Maggie Rine, f1 mem-
ber of our church, to Mr . Bay. They
make their home in this city. On Octo-
ber 5th, Miss Inez Creighton to Nelson
' Franklin, both happy Nazarenes. These
Franklin. boys act as wisely in choosing
wives as they do in choosing religion
and a church home. They want the
best. We pray God's richest blessing
upon these happy young people.
We have j ust closed a ten days' meet
ing with Rev. Alpin M. Bowes. He
stopped her e to visit friends for a day
on his way to California, and w.e per:
suaded him to stay over and hold a
meeting for us. So the meeting com-
menced unannounced. Our congrega-
tions kept steadil y increasing up till t he
meeting closed. It was a meeting
bl essed of God. Souls were saved and
sanctified a nd the church streugthened
all love Br o. Bowes
very much and esteem ltim highly be-
cause of his sweet Christian character.
The Lord bless him and make him a
blessing. J . T:.,Little.
\Ve are now in t he midst of a battle
for souls. Rro. A. B. Culbertson. t he
pastor at Everett. is present and help-
ing in the> work of t he Lord. \Vf!'
hcen t he pastor h('Je since June. 1 !lOS.
hut expcet to start n!!xt week for Los
An geles. <'al. After this we expect to
the _battle of t.hc Lord in Southern
C'a lifornia . mo. will ron-
tinnc> h'r<' as pnstor when we l1avc
gon1'. Rl' fot'<' our final depart.nrc we
plan t.o spend one or two days with
f ric>ncls in Vlc Jeavc there for
t h<' sont h on 5th. \Ve shall
alwaYs r<"ml'mhl'r t his great Northwest
wi t h. its peopl('. God is
Jaising np n mi..,htv nrmv hcr' to clo
His "ork. \\'(' pra'y .for 't hem.
.Tohn D. C'art.
\Yc closed the second of a series of
t hrcc-clav C'OnYcntions last evening un-
der the. rlitcction of the Snohomish
Count.y prcpara-
t orv t o t ltc hig tabernacle meeting
is to hcgit\ soon in Ever ett under
t he of IJ. 1\[i)ton 'Williams,
assisted th<' writer and wife. The
first of these three-days conventions
was held at Maryville in the Baptist
church. I t was a most blessed meeting.
Tbe pastor. Bro. Graltam. came out
cl ear in the experience of holiness and
nl rendy h e is looking for a . "place to
li ght. ,; Ther e were twenty-five or thir-
tY at the altnr for pardon or purity.
Onr second meeti ng which closed last
night was held in a union ch urch at
1\lnlkilteo. It was Among
those sanctified was a Spanish brother
by the name of Peter i\Ialdeau. The
Lord surely has done great thi ngs for .
him: Yesterday was a great day.
Quite a band came down from Everett
and Bro. McPhee came up from . .
and helped to shout on the battle. We
go next t o Machias, then to Monroe for
three days in t he Nazarene chnrch,
then open up in the big tabernacle at
Ever ett.
It was the prayer of J esus that his .
disciples might be sanctified that they
might be one. Surely the mind of the
Master . was that holiness would bring
a blessed unity among His followers .
Likewise, Panl, the great a postle, S;lid,
"Whereas t her e is among you . ...
divisions, are ye not Mrnal ?" negative-
ly showing this same thought.
So we may look to have the experi-
ence of entire sanetification proven by
unity in the Hol y Ghost, and. on the
other hand. expect to sc>e carnality
proven h y divisions. '
I t my great privilcg(.' to attend
the District Assembly of the> Pc ntecos-
tal Church of the Nazarf!'nc at :VIalden,
Mo .. the district emhrac:ing t he
of.Arkansas and Missouri. Tlwre were
preachers and delegates iu
attendance-men and women who had
given their lives to spr'acling the doe-
trine and 'XJWriem( of sl'ri ptural holi-
n<'ss over t ir es<' lmrrls. The proof of
holin<'ss was npon t he Assembly. for I
havr. s<'en lllOI'<' (omplete and
beautiful hll rmony in life . Unity
"as pC' r'f('(t in love. ancl thC' Ghost
mllnifcsted Himself in waY' nftcr wave
of il nring th' hnsinl'ss honrs as
well as at the pr eaching
.'I'hc worl} of Distrirt. Sup'rintendcnt
\ Y. F . nnlfas mny hC' t alcc>n llS typi cal
of thC' wml;: of th<' distti rt. Tie had
'"'iYen his \\hole t ime> to t he work. trav-
hnndr ccls of mer l1is large
(listril't. nncl hacl r'r ciwcl t hnn two
lmnclrNl clollars for th' support of his
nhovf!' his railroa(l far'.
'l'hC' rcports from thC'sc> Rpi rit-filled
prNl<' hf!' l'S. tC'llinl! of thC'il lnhors and
victories with S(?arcl'ly a hi nt of th' pri-
vations thC'Y had f!' nclnred. JWOYf!'d them
]awful l'hilclren of Rt. Paul.
'l'hf!' f!'vi d f!'nt hl'ssi nl! of Almight y
God is upon this yonnl! l'hurch. He ill
not wedclf!' cl to C'lmrch names. but. He
is wNld'cl to truth: and is go-
inl! to hav' t ltc> truth of <.'ntirc
eiltion . salvation from all sin,
preMhccl and propagated and <'Xpt'ri-
C' ll <'C<l . if TTl' has to raisl' np a new
church t.o work tl1r ongh . God bless-
i ng tl1is chur ch and will <'Ontinne t o
bless it as long .as it continues t o k (.'cp
t rnth to Him. as He will nny oth<>r
church . or any r ongr egation t hat will
sfand for t he full gospel of .T csus

General Superintendent Ellysort is an
icl'nl presiding officer . combining deci-
siveness with gentleness.-Penteco!ltal
Advocate .
. U}09
1\.r 111 to' visit one of its suburbs and with for yoting men. A .large;
1 yta2areQ-e lr.l.eSSenger eight miles from its Ifis building is .. expected to
here that ' our ow.n people have under- . . be built as soon .as These
taken to found a College and Rescue buildings are and .will ac-.
P. F.
R. .Pierce, -
C . J . Kinne, -
- Editor 1 d d
. . . omce Editor Home, which it is hoped_ )Vill not only when, entire y evote . to
Asst. and BIUI. Mgr. represel}.t, but greatly further our work tbe1r purpose !'t least .
in this rapidly growing and developing stud P eople are.
Loe . part of the .country, &.nd none pr,2mises build on .the lots. which . t_hey have pur-
. Published Every Thursday. . greater . fQr the .Pentecostal chased that may be near . col""': .
TERMs- $1 a year tn advance; to Mtniatera 'l5 centa: Church of the Nazarene than this, and lege. 1s ample room prov1ded
to foreign countries $1.60. Sample coplee free. f 11 th b td f
CaANo oF ADDRESS-Name thepoet-ofllceandState centers of education hy the or a e Ul mgs necessary or a.
to which the paper ha.s been sent, and tho office and State t t t t
to which you wish It sent. . . pec;uliar g' lory of .the h91Y of con- gr _ ea lllS
_on .
. ExPIRATION oF Tn4B- Subeerlptlons are payable IN B 1 d ful
ADvANcE. Unl""" payment 1a made or requeet 1a made tinued peniecosts are a special neces ut w tat 1s even more won er
to have the paper continued. it will be DlliCONTINUBD ' b 11 h tl t f th
the expiration of time. sity. This could neither be overlooked t an a: t IS IS 1e ere a ton o .e
SPECIAL NonCE-Address aU business conununleatlona 1 lf f 1
to C. J. KINNE, . . Neverwrltebuainesa nor neglected by SO wise imd intrepid SChOO Itse ; SO COmpetent a acu ty
matters on same postal or sheet with any other matters. 1 d c. d
It always causes trouble and delay, and may cause a l eader as District Superintendent C. brought toget ier an so une a stu tnt
B. J ernigan. A company just ready to body gathered. My very busy day and
tothemby some friendandtherewillbenobill . build a electric road offered ' a with them-addressing the st n.
In ease of any irregularity or failuro to receive your
paper, notify the Publisher by at once. him a pr'ese. n. t of t\venty acres of land d. ents, preaching, the build-
How TO REMIT - Rein it by Money Order or Bank
Draft. payable to and to sell him at reduced price twenty mgs and grounds and trymg to become
NAZARENE PUBLISHING co. acres more their road, would pass acquainted with the not
730 sAN PEDRO s1. ws ANGELEs, CAL. at the edge of, for collegiate purposes. pe.rmt .t.ted me to know. with su. ffi cient
Tel. Broadu;au 4831 Home F-2676 11 h b
This was .finally accepted and forty .. to try to te ow t .1s great
acres for a Rescue feat has been accomplished. Bro .. Jer-
Home. The forty devoted to col- tells me that_ be especially
lege purposes was piatted, with ten fortunate in securing a good board. of .
OKLAHOMA CITY. acres for .a: campus and the rest laid out' trustees-men who made a success of
After the dedication of the church in lots. The forty acres for the Rescue their own affairs. .'
in Ponca City, we remained and held Home was also laid out in lots, reserv- lt was . also seemingly a good pro vi-
meetings for a week, which were .well ing twelve or ' thirteen acres for build- deuce of God that He bad . the right
attended and a number of people pro- ings, gardening, fruit, etc. The land man-Dr. Homer Harrison Miller, a
fessed to be converted or sanctified, and was beautifully located on a rather man so well known .in these parts and
sev.eral more were received into the high .plateau of this prairie country, apparently so well fitted for the place
chur ch. On Monday, October 25th our and was. mostly covered with a burr -to be the president of the new inst i.
little company of traveler-s, consisting oak forest. It was only. last June . . that t ution. They seem also fortunate in the
of Bro. and Sister r. ... F. Gay of Los the arrangements were consummated, professors who with Dr. -Mille':' make
Angeles with Mrs. Bresee and myself, and work was soon after -begun. The up the faculty. The whole institution
augumented now by Bro. and Sister electric railroad even yet only runs seems to have the spirit and tread of
Mcintyre of Ponca City, proc.eeded to three miles from the center Of the city, the Nazarene movement. The end is to
this metropolis of this new state. This but the grading is nearly done, and the give the best cuiture enswatbed in the
is a beautiful and thriving city, with are being laid at the rate of half glory of the richest spirituality.
many buildings in process of erection, a mile a day. It was to new but The Rescue Home bas also been pro-
and every evidence of prosperity if not important' place that our steps were gressing. The grounds have been pre-
of boom. The s and business bent. W ago:ris met us at the end of th'e pared and one building of pressed
houses seem full of people, with the car line and took us the r emainder of stone; contafning nine rooms, lws been
manifest stir of western enthusiasm. the way. Though things are necessar- er ected,. apd another of the s'ame rna-
The color ed people are much in evi- ily much in the rough, we were not terial of sixteen rooms is to be com-
deuce, with the arrangements in public prepared to see .such great things ac- menced in a few days, much of the
places segregating the races, showing complisbed in so short a It pressed stone being on the ground.
that though this city is near the center seemed ; afmost . like the rubbing of Brother and Sister Jernigan have in' all
of the. conntry both east and west, and Aladin 's lamp and things springing this, together with the multiplied dn
north' and . south, that it is much into existence. ln the little time .which ties of this great district, . been a bun
touched with this great question of the has elapsed, streets have been cleared dant in labors. Indeed their courage
South. This is already quite a railroad through the forest, about three-foul,'ths as well as what they have accom-
center and . anticipates capturing the of the lots of the college have b een sold, plished almost . stagger me. But Qo(l
capital when the state can vote on a and 'two large fine buildings erected . has raised Up to them good helpers;
change, which will be in 1913. Some upon the campus, both intended for and His own right band brought
things remind one of boom days in dormitories ultimately, but furnishipg thin_gs to pass. .
some of our Pacific Coast .cities. I was room for 'school' work f.or tb'e No one can tell the possibilities of
told that enough land bad.been laid out In one is the chapel, and the large base- .this great district, with forty-three
. in lots 'to accommodate a million peo- ment furnishes dining room and kitch- churches, of which thirty-four haVI!
pie. It bas fine streets, homes, . en, and are a goodly number of been organized this yeat:, and it seems
churches, 'school houses arid other pub- girls' rooms. The gives place for quite probable there may be fifty by the
lie . buildings.: But we came especially much work, together time of of the District As-
November 4, 1009)
--: sembly, three weeks . .. In the
'.D)idst of it . this will be a
fountain of Jife pouring out streams of
living agenJ'ies for the redemption of
the world.
Homeward Bound.
At the end of each trip of service
there is l\ sense. of special thanksgiving
for -any service there has been t he pos-
sibility of r endering, and for the priv-
ilegcs of greeting so many of
our fellow worker s in differ ent parts
and for . the on 'Yard movement of the
work. Into this trip; six weeks has en-
tered, five thousand travel, t he.
holding of two District Assemblies-
Denver and Chicago Central-attend.:
ing the meeting of .the General Mission-
ary Boar d, the visiting of Oklahom"a,
with .the dedication of t he new church
at Ponca City with a week of meetings,
an(l to Oklahoma City and the visit to
the college with its services. Much
added pleasure has been given to
trip by t he presence of Brother and
Sister Gay who by arrangement have
been with us since the meeting of the
General Missiona:ey Board at Chicago.
His addr esses .and their songs .have
bern in gr eat blessing in many places
we have visited. Once we anti-
cipate the greetings of the liome loved
ones. . T . F. B.
''Keep yourselves in the love . of
Gocl" does not mean keep yourselves
lo,ing God, but keep believing and re-
joicing that God l oves you. Keep your-
selYcs in the conviction that God loves
yon. "Conviction" is a good. word
there, because it comes from <>On noel
victum- conquered, or vincultun-a
chain. Be conquered. be enchain<>rl, by
the thought thnt Gocl loveR you.
"Keep" means guard: protect, ns in a
fortress. Live in t his castle. nnd no
enemy of doubt or fear <an by nny
menns hurt you. "Keep yourselves in
the loye of . God. "-Selected.
J/1 .Jif J/1
We are well alongintothe2nd quarter
of our church year and will need more
money towards the s upport of our
Dis trict Superintende nt. We wiJl be
glad if some of the can send
in t heir second . quarterly ins talJment
now. Although some churches have
not d!)ne much as yet, the general
average for the first quarter was
good. Let us see to it that our Super-
intendent is not hindered by lack of
funds. h .
. ; C. J. KINNE, Treas.
Nazarei: Meaaenger
... ..
Notes aiu/;Personah
ness SchC?ol lloJP..e
of Hutchinson, Kan., which recently
voted to unite with the .Pentecostal
' . Church of the Nazarene,. writes : .
Are you preparmg make some one. ' we expecting the District . So-
thankful perintendent of the Naz!lrene -church
.Are your praying and believing
a great revival .t his. Call and winter7
thatour Bro. C. v. La .FQn-
taine is out for to the Los An-
geles school Let. 's elect him.
Pastors, our readers would_ be
pleased to -hear of the Lord's work
among you. Don ' t them.
It is good to see the
cif our dear General Superintendent
.moving once more among his home folk.
Any mission worker who can make
use of religious papers . can secure a
variety by calling at the
It is not too early to begin choosing
your holiness bookR for Christmas.
The House keeps a large
stock on hand.
Bro. C. B. Jernigan,
of Oklahoma has organized
and manned thirty-four churches on his
district this year ,. and is likely to have
fifty by the meeting of t he District As-
sembly. He still lives. but needs help
Evangelist I. G. Martin in acknowl-
edging the r eceipt of his evangelistic
commission says : 'I am glad to say
that I am still in full accord with the
doctrines and teachings of my church
arid I am doing my b('st to help spread
holiness over these lands."
The Vernon Church is enjoying gra-
cious seasons of refreshing through the
messnges of divine truth. A sweet,
spiri t of hnrmony and earnestness pre-
vails. One new member was received
on last Sabbath morning, and others
have signified t hei r intention
of unit-
Bro. L. H. Humphrey, pastor nt On-
tnrio. writes: "Our meeting is . still
going on. This is the fifth week. and
no sign of it closing. Awful convi<!tion
on the people. One hundred nnd twen-
ty have b<>en at t he altar since we <'Om-
;: are through.
St. Clai r is still wih us."
evening at this place to con-
summat e the maiTiage of :the :churches.
w e ar e. time .of victory.,
. . . ' .. Jl'
After thirty-five. year s of preaching
and being a me"Qlber .of the Troy Con-
fere.nce of. the M. .E. chtirch, I have
withdrawn and
Chur ch of. the to take effect .
from this date. Thi8 action is the re-
sult of a long t ime couviction and more
recently of sober and prayer.
I do not know what I sh all do nor.
wher e I am going, bnt one thing is cer -
tain, I shall mind God and be trne to
holiness, and follow my conviction& in
all things relating t hereto, as 1 have
done for twenty-seven years since God
sanctifi ed me wholly. God has plainly
called me into the N azareile Chnrch.
movement as t he best thing in sight for
the propagation a'nd preservation of
the doctrine and expcri<>nce of entire
sanctification as a second distinct work
of grace subsequent to regeneration. I .
am satisfied t hat it Mnnot be done by
me any longer in the M. E. chur cb.
Yours truly,
D. F. Brooks.
Troy, Ohio, Oct. 25th, 1909.
Dr, Brooks, who has so re4ently
joined the Nazarene church at Troy,
Ohio, conducting evangelistic
services th('re, has been a member of
the Troy f'on fer ence. M. E. church , for
thirty-fiv<> years. and no\V brings his
mature P.xperience and scholarship to
the Nazarene Church. For the last t('n
years b(' has traveled extensively in
holiness evangelism and as college pro-
fessor nncl has a nntional r eputat ion as
a n author and holiness preacher. He
was professor of N. T. Greek and
church histor y and Bible exegesis for
one year in the Oskaloosa HolinesS Uni-
versi t y, wher e many . wer e
sanctified under his ministry. He or-
gani zed was president of the S en-
lnh Heights Holiness ('ollege at Okla-
homa City for one year, where also
many were saved and sanctified. Be
has also taught in the Peniel Texas
Our Chicago church in the lnst year Holiness University with acceptability.
has tak.en about $10 each Sunday He states that God made it plain that
school . session, received nearly. $10,000 he should give the r emainder of his life
in all treasuries, seen hundreds seek to the Nazar ene movement. Be prefel'8
salvat ion, held many open-air meetings to enter . the pastorate among us t h1H
where many have knelt in the streets he may with other work finish his holi.
or raised their hands for prayers. One ne!JS.. commentary that he bas been
deaeoneslt maae nearly 1400 calls, and working on for several years, but bin-
other activities were on t he same scale. dered from finishing on account of so
--...., much- travel.
Sister of the Holi 'Ge9 .. Ward .

.l,us Angeles and Vicinity . scriptpres with .. brief comments. an'd
. . . . theri gave. for . testimony.
A.T THE-TABERNACLE.-. of time was 'occupied to
; v the clos.e and, yet there were hun-
. We were aU dehghted of the gry hearts waiting to testif . to' the
. t" 1 t . y
appearance m 10n as clensing blood. o'f the Lamb.
'Sabbath of Dr. P, F. Bresee and :wife
and .Bro. Leslie M. Gay and. . GRAND CHURCH .
. stnhvatts and standbys Nazarene "Herein is IJo:ve" and its man"lfesta-
work in general and First Church in tion In the llbly life and the "
. particular. They had -just returned bility of the will" were .the themes of
. .. from several \\:ceks of travel amon.g the the sermons at the Grimci Avenue
churches and Assemblies east, iind Church by_ the pastor. Members will
brought ns good tidings of the work of be received on Sabbath morning next.
the Lord ns advancing through the peo- A series special.ineeting will be held
pi e called Nazarenes. . November 14-28, conducted by the pas-
At night Dr. Bresee and Bro. Gay tor. C. V. I... ....
spoke in pati (rtlrtr of the good work
going on, whom. having the <ton- . SPANISH MISSION.
[November 4 .. 1909
6 :30 le4 by Miss Hallie Wilson and
was a very blessed -The 'text
for the evening was Galatians 6 :7,
''For whatsoever a man soweth, that.
shall he also reap.'' ':f.'he pastorbrought
home to the hearts of his hearers many
clear and forcible truths.. .
Edna Murray.
Mee.tings coniinue with in-
i.erest, great of the unsaved nt-
tending. Hallehij"ali! A life infi.
del saved last night. Others ploughed
through during the day. Some one
saved or sanctffied- at every service.
Glory be to our Christ'! .Continue over
this week. Cucamonga next.. .
St. Clair.
gregatiou. like those at Jerusalem of Sunday was a good day with ns. '
old at Peter's report of the prosperity Times of refreshing from the presence
of the 's work in his hands, glori-
fied God. At thr altar call-which is of tbe Lord at both services, afternoon
always_ in oider atnong us-four per- and night. Good congregations. ,
sons r ame forwarrl and professed to seekers knelt at t)le 1i1ercy seat, one for
.. finrl blessings for which they came. . . pardou and the other for reclamation
Dr. Bresee eonducted the service a.t from a backsllden We are mov-
3 p. m .. which was evidei1tly under the ing on steadily under God, praying and
guidance of the Holy Ghost; and the expecting greater manifestations of
people felt that it was good to he. God's power in the salvation of these
. Pnstor. at the morn- people from the they
mg st.11l usm_g for a text are in. The devil is after us r ed-hot
prayer of. "0 . but we are still ahead of him, praise
thy Vi htle the w.ork ts th:e:. God. The. students of our Mexican
Lord s. aud th<' excellency of _rower ts school are getting hold of tl1eir sturlies
nll of . ncvcrtheless. there IS human as be'st they can. Do not forget to p:ray
r <'sJ?onsJbtht.': fo1 a rev1val. Th? Lord for our Nazarene Home for Mexican
owns and testtmony, Girls attd to help with your means, as
anrl 1!1any means; but the Lord will lay it upon your heart.
the gcat and all 1mportant s. L. Athans . .
grace for the promotion of a revtval ts
what the text te.aches- prayei . . earnest
prayer . Not simply petition, :but real
soul-.throhs nnrl heart cries-" 0! 0!!
0 !! !' reyive thy work.,,
we do enrnestly thank the Lord .that
whil e He gives us constant spiritual
prosperity th(wc are signs among us
<!f' h<>avy showers of blessing.
E. F. W.
There was a very precious season of
song and prii)'Cr at the young people's
service. Many hear ts are hcing bur-.
dened with prayer for a continuous re-
vival of the work of God in. the church.
Sister Smoot gave a reading on John
14 " ' as made a blessing to us.
\Ve hope to have a general rally at our
monthly missionary meeting next Sab-
hath evening. Bro. L. F. Gay will de-
liver an adrlress on the subject of ;Mis-
sions. Returning from an extended .
visi.t among the churches, he will have
something . interesting to say. Come
Sunday, Octobe.r: 31st, completed our
first three months . as pastor at .:Latin.
And while we are unable to report any
startling results, yet we must say that
God is with us, and his. Holy Spirit is
working on 'the people. Our attend-
ance has . multiplied by about five .times
dt,ring this . three . . months. Conviction
is on the people, and we expect to soon
see our small building more than
crowded and souls saved. SomE> of our
most devoted saints are . seriol,lsly . ill
and canno.t GOIJle out to services; but
they lift .harO. by faith and praye;r.,
which 'much.. We expect soon
to hold some special services. Pray for
us, and as God wills, come and help us
in this very needy field.
T. S. Mashburn.
and hear him. . G. E. T ..
Sunday, October 24th; . was a day .. oir
' THE YOUNG PJ<:OPLE'S MEETING. ' victory. Praise the Lord! The .subject
Onr meetings are increasing in inter- for the sermon of the morning was
est and ::ipiritnal power. The last Fr1- . Sanctification: Wilson chose his
day evening was equal if not greater in text from Reb. 2 :11. In his sermon he
fervor -and inteQsity than the. preced- proved very -clearly that the work of
ing Friday. After. a !'leal)lon of _very sanctificatiOJ?. was performed by God,
earnest.. ... !!og __ __ __ .... thf! Son-and the Holy
leader, Bro. C. E. McKee, read . the Ghost. ' The Yot;tng People's meeting at
Sabbath a good congregation gath.
ered to hear Bro. Allen's sermon on
the atonement, and it was surely a won--
derful sermon, bringing out facts we
had not dreamed .. of, ancl making the
atonement more to us than" ever before,
making Christ dearer, and our obliga.
t ions so much greater.
"Oh for a thousand tongues to sing
my great Redeemer's praise." Bro.
Goodwin was also with tis in the morn-
.ing with encouraging words . concern- :
the work nll through Southern Cal-
Oh t hat people would see what a
it is to obtain and live full
salvation. .. E. Todd.
In Los Angeles, Cal., October 27th,
at tllC' home of Mrs. A. v.r. !Jyall, 2686
Pasadena avenue, Ray Carpenter anrl
Ruth Langdon. both of DOS Angelc,<>.
The bride is the daughter of '\V. D.
Langdon of South Hollywood, who is"
n brother' of Rev. C. B. Langdon, . offi-
eiating minister.
The Milton Nazarene church is en-
joying a good degree of the blessings
of God these days. During the pn!;t
four weeks quite a number have been .
either saved or sanctified or . both . .
Twelve members have been recived into
the church and there is a goodly. nu_m-
ber more to follow. was a
good day there. three seekers at the
altar, two to be saved and one for
heart cl eansing_ .. at the night service.
Three persons joined the church during
the day. The pasfor and . people . are
blest of God and are constantly pray,.
ing to see .souls saved or
How good and how pleasant it is for
brethren to dwell together in un,ity.
Nothing pays better than to live and
preach holiness. I haye been with the
Nazarene work about nineteen months
but I am more and more in love wi th
the : movement; while I have been
November 4; ' 19091
preaching holinef!!S for. over fourteen
years, yet I find a freedom here that
I never found anywhere else in the Naz-
arene work. .
. The writer was called to the Milton
work- (a new class) on the San Fran-
cis<:o District in June, and moved on
to the work about' July 14th; and found
.. an open-hearted, hospitable people that
. bad real holiness, and live it too. They
. took us into their hearts and homes,
bought a neat four-room cottage for a
parsonage an<) fixed it nicely for their
nelv pastor; then a horse and buggy
wctc needed, so one party furnished a
buggy, another a harness and yet an-
other a horse and a good supply of
hay, etc., to feed it. There is ground
faeing the street !>Y the cottage for to
erect a church. However, we hnvc de-
cided not to go too much in debt at
present so we have rented a storeroom
for the winter in which to hold our
.. meetings. The people hnve been very
kind and considerate. for our welfare
and furn.ished wood and fruit and veg-
etables in nbnndance; one lady gave
six chick ens. These people are aggres-
sive and several people have been saved
or sanctified in our meetings. Since we
came on the work we are now engaged
in special services and five people have
been converted during the pnst eight
days; several . are to join - the - church.
soon, and we are looking for greater
victory from now. on. God seems so
near these days t hat .it seems nlmost
like heaven. D. S. R<'ed .
\V n closed our special meeting last
Sundny 1_1ight and wish to say that we
had a very blessed tfme. Some sixty or
seventy bowed at the altar and many of
them were definitely saved, reclnimeo
or sanctified. Bro. Davis surely
, preached the old rugged truths from
the olrl Book and thank God some will
twver get over this \Vo
learned to lov(' Bro. Davis more than
ever. God bless him good is our
prayer .
Sister Eaton feels called to go to ln-
_dia and visit. Hope School. ns well ns
our other mission stations, in the inter-
est of our missionary work. She ex-
pects to stnrt about the middle of No-
vember. She is a marvelous missionary
both home and foreign and should have
the pray<!rs and support of every true
!'lazarene. Her going to India and look-
mg over the field in .. person will mean
much for our work there. Let each
church who r.nn pray about it and send
her a little to help her pay her fare
there and back-as our church here is
not able to do it all alone-send it to
. us at 514. E. Davjs. street, or direct to
her at 329 E . . Sixth Portland,
Ore. going was endorsed by the
General Missionary Board at Chismgo . .
Sister Eaton is trusting the Lord to
.. .
Na:zarene Meaaj,ng'fu
. .
send in. the money and is getting ready
to go, kn'owing will .provide.
A. O.!B enrick.s, Pastor.
Hirn who died for them. Those chosen-
in each age. who knew Him .were -
not without love and loyalty. They did
.. glorify JJ;im their lives and some-
M.\LDEN, . - .... _ ..... times by their deaths. They defended
.. . . . . . . . . . . . His . truth ; they . care.9 for His poor ;
God II gtvmg US a most -d.ebghtful they gathered. for: -His worship. . But
pastorate If there is a disco,..(iani, -::.:.b.ut:-the one grand purj>o11e of ,their
note 'I don.'t.know it. How love is flow. a spiritual church,
ing, a'nd of course .God is working . .'. Th.e .. sh.ould .be unto Bini
, . . . . . . . . . the parts of the
oro" ds are to come our way eartp, " 'that they should "preach the .
Rnd everythmg mdi_catcs gospel . to every cr eature," this they
of Rain." About fifty of our -own. . fa.iled to fulfil; it scarcely occurred to -
ple .out 'to street meeting Sunday night: them thnt they had to fulfil it. .Here
Brother Peavey says it was the.largest and there . an individual among them
street meeting in tl1e l1istory of' toe rise to a con ception of his call- .
church. God has blessed us with a fine mg; a Raymond Lull or John Eliot
chorus and a orchestra and it spend. and be spent for the per-
to me I never heard better sing- heathen; but the church: the.
Ill<! than. we had Sunday night. These sptr.Itual church, . was asleep. .At last
are the best days the world ever saw, few members of it awoke. ' rhey
nnd the very best in my experience. stirred up others. .The evangelization
How blessed .to be hid with Christ in of the world was undertaken. Yet
God where no hurtling storm can dis- how feebly i And all t his the
turb. It is just marvelous what God Lord, whose promised advent they pro-
will do for if we mind Him . . Oh, !essed. to look and long for, was tarry-
how ! ." love htm, my. best and dearest mg because the work was not done
Friend. Beloved, let us keep on board that must. be done before llis r eturn:
plenty of salvation and good sense and In- Eternity, we r epeat, will any fpature
we are sure to win. . of the Pa.c;t be more startling-than this?
M. Edward Borders. -Eugene Stock.
Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for
His ... mercy endureth forever! .. Old
"Ark is still coming up the road!"
Four precious souls seeking entire noli-
ness on Friday evening. Big time!
Fhc were received into membership
last night , . among thein a sister who
was once in evangelistic WQrk, and Bro.
Bachellor and \vife, who are much
gifted in. exhortation and in a musical
Bro. Bachellor is our cornetist.
\V.e no)v have an orchestra composed
of one. organ. one cornet, three vioHns,
and they. certainly are an immense help
to a hot gospel meeting! violin and
cornet helperl us in our big street meet,
ing last night. Tears ran down the
cheel<s of one or more bystafiders. Last
night . Bro. Borde,rs began a series of
sermons on a "Btbl c Hell, " and great
eonvi ctio,n was on the people. Give
glory ! r,. D. Peayey ..
.. .J/1 Jlj
In the great Eternity which is be:
.yond, among the many marvels that
will burst upon the soul. this surely
will be Ot]e of the greatest, the Son
of God came to' redeem the world, t11at
certain .individuals were chosen from
mankind to be the first-fruits of the
new creation, t hat to them was com-
mitted the. in conceivable honor of pro-
claiming the glad tidings of salvation
to their fello)v-creatures still in dark-
ness, and that they did not do it .. Cen-
turie.s were allowed to move slowly by,
while millions of the lost race were
into that mysterious and' awful
Eternity without the knowledge- of
. A remarkable book by Elder Can-
right, who was long one of. the leading
of Adventism. If you are at
all interested in tbP subject, or- if you
have any friends who are troubled on
. this subject, you should get this great
It is inte!lsely interesting, and
ts profitable readmg for any oue. Sent
postpaid for $1.00 in cloth binding, or
60 cents paper . .
Jacob the Heelgrasper,
So!Jle of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a voluine of 360 pages packed fuli of
striking lessons from the life of
Jacob writ-
ten in the e)e._!lr and direct' style of thi's emi-
nent Evangelist.
Bound in Cloth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
New. Unique, Attraet!Ye; a picture and text on
every etamp., Suitable for placln&' on letter, pa-
pere, boolce.etc. Ch-perandmoreeffec:Uvetban
120 a tampa In book (80 variet.lee). tOe 11ft'
book; a for 2lc. .Apnta Wanted.. .

.\ Messenger
.,, '
. ' '
Deets ; Pacific Bible ;
641 E. 28th St., Los . Angeles, Cal.-
' '
Chapel Service Each Mornin'g a:t 8 :SO.
Monday, 9 -A. M . ......:.HomileUcs ............... ;, ...... Rev. R. Pierce
10 A. M.-Moral Science .......... . Rev. W. W. Danner
'11 A. M.-Hollness Biography .............. Rev. W. W. Danner
Tuesday, 9 A. M.-Engllsh ........ , .......... .' .... : ...... Benj. D. Scott
10 A. M.-Theology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rev. W. W. Danner
11 A.M.-Ail About the Bible .............. Rev. W. W. Danner
-Wednesday, 9 A. M.-Public Speaking ... ; .. Miss Adelaide Haller, Teacher
_ in Cumnock School of Expression.- -
10 A. M.-Sermoniztng ......... , ............ Rev. W. W. Danner
11 A. M . ......:.Isalah and Methods of Work ... Rev. P. F. Bresee, D. D.
Thursday, 9 A. M.-Life of Christ ....... ; ........... Rev. W. W. Danner
10 A.M.-Old Test Studies ................. Rev. W. W. Danner
11 A. M.-Church HistorY ...... ........... W. Burt Clark, LL. B.
Friday, 9 A. M.-Text Drill ........................... Fred C. Epperson
10 A. M.-Neow Test Studies ............ Rev. E. F. Walker, D. D.
_ 11 A. M.-Hollness ..................... Rev. E. F. Walker, D. D.
Thursday, 7:30 P. M.-Vocal Music and Sight Reading ................ .
............ Miss K. Stone, Supervisor Music, Los Angeles City Schools
Vocal Music ................................................ Miss N,ellie Green
Piano ...................... ............................. Mrs. H. Scheideman
Advanced Piano............... ......................................... . .... ..................... Miss Lela B. Torrey
' . -
Arithmetic, Algebra, Physical Geography .......... A . Miss Cora G. Snider
Greek History ........ ...... .- .................... Mr. Leslie Gay Jr.
English, U. _ S. History, _ Latin ............................. Mi. Benj, D. Scott
Spanish ........................... ................ ......... Mr. D. Mri.ta
:Mrs. M. McReynolds, Superintendent and Teacher in English and Wood's
J>erfect . Love. .
Th.eology ................ ................................... Mr. W. Bra.nd
Philosophy of Plan of Salvation ............ , .................. , ..... Mr. Warn
Biblical Geography ........................................ Mr. S. D. Athahs
Text Drm and Offices of the Holy Spirit .................. ; .. Mr. S .. D. Athans
Music ......................................................... : . Miss L. McKee
Spanish . ..... .... .......................... ......... .......... Mr. D. Mata
' ' . .. .
that" is cherished. If a man of bad, char-
acter applies for admission . -to. our
dwelling we are not to blame for his
. application, but if we welcome him and
, ask him to remain, then we are respon-
sible for his presence and really en-
dorse him. So if a thought of evil
comes to us . and we cherish it and de-
light in it, then it becomes an evil
We believe one of the cunning
.methods by which Satan confuses and
. ..
badgers inany honest people .is in caus-

ing them to confound thoughts of evil
.LN ovember 4, .l009
' ' r
Following the meeting of the General
Missionary Board, the General Superin.
tendents held their . an.nual meeting.
According to the expressed desire of
theN orthwestern District at its last ses . .
sion, a new. district was organized em-
bracing North and South Da.kota and
Montana, and Rev. Lyman Brough of
Surrey, N. D., ' was District
. Superintendent.
The course . of study for licensed
preachers considered arid a reduc-
tion agreed upon.
. In a general way the time of holding
the District Assemblies for the next
year was arranged and it was agreed .
that Superintendent Bresee should hold
the Eastern Districts. Superintendent
Ellyson the. Western Districts and Su.
perintendent Reynold the Southern Dis-
P. F. Bresee,
H. F. Reynolds,
E. P. Ellyson,
General Superintendents.
Chicago, Ill .. Oct. 9, 1909.
The Manual
The usual prices in quantities .
Retail price 25c post paid.
. . . -
1\azarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal . .
'J .
Mohave Children
with evil thoughts. By this he causes
many honest souls to cast away their
confidence, ''which hath great re-
thought.-. . -. Stories from life by
If we come suddenly upon a viper MRs. ANNA LINBERG
The difference between the two is
great. Thoughts of evil are purely in-
tellectual and hence may and are often
involuntary. The human intellect is
mysterious in its action. No one can
understand many times how thought
springs up in the mind. A train of
thought may be started independent of
the will and go on in spite of it. Such
phenomena of the intellect are no more
culpable than the circulation of the
blood through the arteries and veins.
Orie of the methods that satan en:iploys
is to torment good people because of
thoughts of evil that come to the mind
by a purely .in process. We
have no doubt he holds up foul pictures
to the mind that are abhorrent to the
saints and then.twits them of meani-Iess.
It is just like him. .
When Jesus was tempted by the
devil, He could not help thinking about
the sin which the enemy to
His mind.
If He had not thought about the sin,
He could not have been tempted. ' But
He ne\'er once thou,ght about it with
pleasure or desire. Hence there was no
guilt to the mere act of think-

An evil thought is a thought of evil
and instantly and spontaneously recoil Mohaveindians
from him, it shows that we have no love A beautiful book, illustrated with fine half-.
for vipers. But if we take him up and tone engravings, bound in Onyx Bristol.
f ll l
't h h t d This book is instructive as well as entertain-
one e um, 1 s ows we ave a . en er . d . - t t' - t f .-
d f
If . . d' mg an giVe.s an m eres mg accoun o -rea
regar or VIJ?ers. . we repu mte a life among these little known
thought of evil as mstantly and An admirable gift .for Sunday School Teach-
taneously as we do the touch of a VIper, ers to present to their classes.
we .. may know by that, . that we have . NAZARENE PUB co.
purity of heart. But . if the thought of 15 cents 730 San Pedro Street
evil is pleasing, we may know that oni' two for .25c Los Angeles, Cal.
hearts are impure and that we need to
be sanctified whol-lY .
Those who have a pure heart as
earnestly from 3: thought of evil as
a backswoodsman climbs a tree when
pmsued by a bear. They wantnothing
to do with it, and . seek with all their
power to get away from it-Christian

The Nazarene Publishing Co. will
carry in stock . the Books in the Course
of Study for Licensed Preachers and
Evangelists. '. Mail Orders .will be
promptly filled. For further
tion write Nazarene Publishing Co.,
inclosing a stamp for reply, and they
will furnish you with all the needed
information. with -reference to cost of

books,_ etc. . 11 , .
II H. F. Reynoldla
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Smith's Smaller Scripture History . .80
Theological Com pend. (Ellyson) . . . 75
Manual of the Church . . . . .25
Wesley's Five Sermons . . . .25
Quiet Talks on Power (Gordon) . .80
Preacher and Prayer (Bounds) . .30
None Like It (Parker) . . $1.25; paper .60
We can supply the whole four-years' course
and will publish prices later,
730 San Pedro St., LosAngeles
Gospel Stainps
New, l.Tnique, Attractive; a picture and text on
every stamp. Su_itable for placing'otf letters, -pa-
pers, books, etc. Cheaper and more effective than
tracts. 120 stamps in book (60 varieties) . Ilk per
book; 3 for Agents Wanted. r;
. MAZAREIIE PUB. CO., 730 Saa Ped11 St., CaL
November 4, 1909]
Our Young People
After one of the hard fought
.of the war, a Confederate chaplain
:was hastily to see a dying sol-
di er. Taking his hand, he said:
"Well, my brother , what can I do
for you Y"
He supposed, of course, the young
fellow would want to cry to God for
help in his extremity; but it was not
so. .
said he, "I want you to
cut a lock of my hair for my mother
and then, chaplain, I want -yon to kneei
down and return thanks to God for
"For what?" asked. the chaplain.
''For giving me such a mother. Oh
she is a good "mother. Her
ar.c my comfort now. And then, chap-
God that by His grace I am
a Christian. What would I do now if
I were not a . Christian 1 And thank
God for giving me dying grace. He
has made this hard bed feel 'soft as
.downy P.illows arc.' And 0 chaplain,
thank Him for the promised home in
glo1y-I '11 soon be there."
"And said the chaplain, "I
kneeled by his bed with not a petition
to utter, only praises and thanksgiving
a good mother, a Christian hope,
grace and an et<>rnal home iu
glory. "-Selected.
A gentleman was not long since
called upon to visit a dying female.
On entering the humble cottage where
she dwelt he heard, in an adjoining
room, an infant voice. He listl'ncd and
found it was the child of t.hl' pool' d y-
ing woman, engaged in prayer.
"0 Lord, bless my poor mother,"
. cried the little boy, '' nnd prepare her
t o die! 0 God. I t hank Thee that I
have been taught to r ead my Bible ;
and there I learn that when my 'fathl'r
and mother forsalcc m<>, Thou wilt. take
me up!' This comforts me now that
poor mother is going to me.
and helps me -to say, 'Thy will he
done !' "
He ceased, and the visitor opened t he
door, approached the bedside of the
poor woman.
"Your child has been praying with
yon," said he; "I have listened tQ his
prayer." .
"Y " 'd I k' . ff . :>ni s 1e, rna mg nn c ort t1.'
r;se, he IS a dear child. Thank God
he has been sent to a Sunday school.
I cannot read myself, but he can and
he has read the Bible to me, and I
I have. reason to bless God for it. Yes
I have learned from him that I am
sinner. I have heard from him of
J.esus, and I do-yes, I do-as a poor
smner, put my trust in Him. I hope
Nazarene Messenger
has forgiven me!. I am going to
d1e, but I am not afraid; my dear child
has been the means of saving my soul.
Oh, how thankful I am that be was
sent to a Sunday school.--Selected.
A shepherd boy was keeping his
sheep in a flowery meadow, a!J.d be-
cause his heart was happy, be sang so
loudly that the surro'Unding hills
back his song. One morning
the king, who was out hunting, spoke
to him and said : . '
Why are you so
happy, my b"oy?"
"Why should I not be happy?" an-
swered, the boy. '
Our king is not rich-
er than I.''
"Indeed," said the king, "pray tell
me of your great possessions.''
The shepherd boy answered : '
sun in the bright blue sky shines as
brightly upon me as upon the
The flowers upon the mountains and
the grass in the valley grow and bloom
to gladden my sight as well as his.
would not take a hundred thousand
dollat:s for my hands; my eyes are of
more value than all the precious stones
in the world. I have food and cloth-
ing, too. Am I not, therefore, as t:ich
as the king?" .
ou right," said the king, with
a sm1le, but your greatest treasure ic;
your 'contented heart. Keep it so and
you will always be happy:
Brief articles on definite holiness
themes-about 400 or 500 words-are
always appreciated by' the editor from
our whether preacher or lay-
man. .Also items of news as to the
's progress . . Now, take your pen-
ml and pad and get to work. .
Pins ...
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The -Nickel-plated, such aa
we have heretoforesold, and a new
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black lettering.
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The PurityJ ourriaJ
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ity. This is an ably-edited and
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The Purity-Journal
Waves of Glory
300 110ngs, The best old hymn a and the cream of
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0rhgan . Violin, Viola . Cell?,
. , rc estra and Mandohn ClUb. ,.,
I . .. . Low Prlcee, Wo'rk.
L.===:lllaotnted Ca(olo. REV. E. P. ELLYSON, Pres. 11
. ': .
. 'I ,scasons .. of r e-
marl,nhle vi"sit.ations from
of the JJOl'<l. I weir iemen1hei o'n one
9ccasion, while paying a . ' :isit to.-it\y
Cam borne fiien'ds. , I was ot'te . i1ight in
bed, so fill ed. so !he
glory of God. that. had there b,eeil tt.
thousand stms shining at noonday, the
brightness of that Di:vin-e' glory would
have eclipsed t he whole:! I was . con-
strained to shont aloud for Joy. It wns
the oven\h<'hning power of.' Saving
grace. I'\ ow it was t hat I again .
the imptess of the seal, and the
(arnest of ntc Spirit in m;\: heart. Lan-
gnage fails in giving but a faint de-
::; cription of what I then exp(>riences. I
nevet forget it in time. nor to all
:\latty years hefoie, perhaps
not fewer than thirty, I was sealed by
the Spirit in \1 soniewbat similur .man-
ner. While walking one -:lay between
and Newlyn: I was drawn to
turn aside .from the public road, and,
under the canopy of heaven, kneel
down to prayer. I had not long 'been
with God before I was so vis-
ited from and overpowered by
t he. D}vine , glory, that my shouting
l.'ould be hemd at a distance. It was a
weight of glotj that I seemed incapable
of bearing in the body; and I, there-
fore, cried ont (perhnps unwisely),
'Lord, stay Thine hand!' In this
rious baptism, these words came to my
heart with indescribable power, 'I
have !!eale<l thee unto the day of re-
demption .. ' Giving glory to my God, I
enn say, to the present moment, I feel
t he blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth me
from .all sin. I am become a living tem-
ple,. glorious all within. I can now love
God with all my heart, with all my
mind, and with all my My
inward hea, cu of joy and peace was, I
think. ne,er so great as of late, 0 Lord,
help me to make some suitable return of
love and gratitude! 0 stupendous, re-
deeming grace. Feelingly I can sing:
' 0 Love, thou bottomless nhyss,
My sins are swallowed up in thee!
Cover'd is til:'-' unrighteou!>ness,
spot ,)f' guilt remains on me,
\\'hile Jesus' blood, through earth and
.. skies,
:VIer cy-free. boundless mercy-cries.'
Doing a1.1d knowing are blood rela-
tions. Obedience is the organ of spirit-
ual vision. so Robertson reissued the
truth that. if we would know God's
doctrine, we must do His will. Experi-
ment and experience spring from the
same root, and will not grow apart.
Do you wish yon had a Christian 'Ill .
perience? Will to make the. Christian's
IO'xperiment. would you know who
Christ is, and what He can do for you T
Obey Him: do as He directs-. Do not
.... :
cipcct . experience without experiment ..
" .Jfollow was Christ's way . of
sa; l,lnd see that the .Lor.d
is go.od. is the inan that trust-
eth in Him. "-S.elected .
. . ... . . . -. . . ....
Eternity is duration without limits.
bas nor end. In
,we are told. there is a huge
and magnificent : diamond rock, where
it is said .a' certain bird goes annually
to.smooth its 6iU, and by time th:at
large rock is:wasted by this bird, eter-
nity may be considered but begun. 0
eternity! ; incoinprehensible word to
finite mind! : W:hat a very great sum is
a billion ! A million seems large
enough, but a: million of 1nillions, how
. long do you suppose it ta:Ke you
to count it Y A mill making 100 pins a
minute, if kept at work night and day,
would make only fifty-two million five
hundred and ninety-six thousand pins
in a year; and at that rate the mill
would have to work twenty thousand
years without stopping a single moment
in order to turn out a billion pins. And
yet when a billion of years shall have
passed, eternity 'viii seem to have just
With such an inconceivable eternity
awaiting you, dear reader, where will
you spend it? It is a personal and a
very question. The Bible speaks
ofbut two places. where soul s will dwell
throughout eternity-with God, or sep-
arated from Him ; among .the saints in
light. or in everlasting night with all
those who rejected Christ.
God. through the prophet, to
every unsaved soul. "Behold, 1 have
placed before you life and death.'' The
responsibility of the choice falls upon
the individual. " Choose ye this day
whom ye 'will serve." '(Turn ye, turn
.ye, for why wiU-ye .. die, 0 , house of
Israel?'.! ... "The . Spirit arid. the . bride
say, and him . that heareth
say, Come; and him that is athirst
come, and whosoever will, let him come
and take the water of .lif(l fr-eely."-

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Rev. c:. L. PARIS, TEXAS, says :-"I consider 'Pentecostal Songs
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adapted revival work. It contains about forty new songstbathavenever
come to us before, as well as a choice lot of old, tried songs. There is a suffi-
cient number of older songs so that you will find no difficulty in taking the
book' riht. up in your church meetings. I would especially call to
No. 10, Brother Martin's 'Glory 8ong,' also No. 116, ' It's Real,' and No
. 120, 'The Year of Jubilee.' This is the song the New England girls sung. at
the General Assembly. .A1ao No. 136, 'MountiJ!g Up. ' This No. is oneof
the sweetest songs I have ever heard. These four songs alone are worth
more than. the orice of the book. It is just the book you need for your sum
mer meettngs . .,,
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