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2, MAY 2009


An Advanced IPFC Model to Reuse Newton Power Flow Codes

Suman Bhowmick, Biswarup Das, Senior Member, IEEE, and Narendra Kumar
AbstractComplexities of computer program codes for NewtonRaphson load ow (NRLF) analysis are usually enhanced during power ow modeling of an interline power ow controller (IPFC). This is due to the fact that the contributions of the series converters of the IPFC are needed to be accounted for while computing bus power injections and Jacobian matrix elements. Also, the IPFC real power injection term along with its associated Jacobian matrix call for new codes to be written. In this paper an advanced IPFC model is proposed to address this issue, wherein an existing power system installed with IPFC(s) is transformed into an augmented equivalent network without any IPFC. To obtain the solution of the original network containing IPFC(s), the augmented network can easily be solved by reusing the existing NRLF codes, as this network is now devoid of any IPFC. Consequently, the complexities of the computer program codes are reduced substantially. Various practical device limit constraints of the IPFC can also be taken into account by the proposed model. Index TermsFlexible ac transmission systems (FACTS), interline power ow controller (IPFC), Newton power ow.

I. INTRODUCTION T IS generally known that the performance of voltage source converter (VSC) based exible ac transmission system (FACTS) devices are superior to those of the thyristor based ones [1] and as a result, lot of attention is being paid (both from academia and industry) for studying the behavior of these VSC based controllers. The family of VSC based FACTS devices comprises of the static compensator (STATCOM), the static synchronous series compensator (SSSC), the unied power ow controller (UPFC) and the interline power ow controller (IPFC). Among these four devices, UPFC [2] and IPFC [3] are more versatile as they can control multiple electrical quantities simultaneously which is not possible either by using a STATCOM or a SSSC. Therefore, in the coming days, especially in the light of deregulation, UPFC and IPFC are expected to play a very major role in power system control. Now, for studying the behavior of UPFC and IPFC, power ow solutions of networks incorporating UPFC or IPFC are required. Although the issues pertaining to load ow modeling of
Manuscript received April 01, 2008; revised July 26, 2008. First published April 10, 2009; current version published April 22, 2009. This work was supported by the All India Council for Technical education (AICTE) sponsored R & D Project in the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Research Laboratory at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, India. Paper no. TPWRS-00249-2008. S. Bhowmick and N. Kumar are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi 110042, India (e-mail:; B. Das is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, I.I.T. Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India (e-mail: Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPWRS.2009.2016643

UPFC have been studied quite extensively, relatively less attention has been paid in the literature for IPFC in this regard. References [4][9] present some excellent techniques for power ow modeling of IPFC. Detail studies of these methodologies reveal that the complexities of the software codes for incorporating an IPFC in Newton power ow algorithm increase manifold due to the following major reasons. 1) Modication of the existing power ow codes is required to include the contributions from the IPFC series converters in the power injection equations of the buses concerned. 2) Development of new codes is required to account for the active power ow equation of the IPFC itself. 3) A number of new Jacobian subblocks, which are exclusively related to the IPFC, are contained in the system Jacobian matrix. As a result, fresh codes have to be written to compute these new subblocks. To reduce the complexities of the software codes for implementing Newton power ow algorithm, in this paper, a novel approach for an IPFC power ow model is proposed. In this model, an existing bus system incorporated with an IPFC with series converters is transformed to an equivalent bus system, without the IPFC. As a result, the programming complexity reduces substantially because of the following reasons. 1) The power injection for the buses concerned can be computed in the proposed model using existing power ow codes, as it is devoid of contributions from any IPFC series converter. 2) In the proposed model, existing power ow codes can be used to compute the active power ow of the IPFC itself, which equals the sum of bus active power injections of additional load ow buses. 3) Only three major Jacobian subblocks need to be evaluated in the proposed model. Two of these subblocks can be computed using existing Jacobian codes directly, while the third one can be calculated with minor modications in the existing Jacobian codes. In the remaining part of the paper, bold quantities denote complex variables and matrices while regular quantities represent scalar variables. All the transmission lines are represented by their equivalent-pi models. II. NEW IPFC MODEL FOR POWER FLOW ANALYSIS List of symbols Magnitude of voltage at bus . Phase angle of voltage at bus . Magnitude of th (series) voltage source of IPFC. Angle of th (series) voltage source of IPFC.

0885-8950/$25.00 2009 IEEE



Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of IPFC incorporated power system network.

Fig. 1. IPFC with p series converters connected to an existing n bus power system.

Complex impedance of th coupling transformer. Complex series impedance of th transmission line. Shunt half line charging susceptance of th line. Magnitude of element matrix. Angle of element in bus admittance

in bus admittance matrix.

the impedance and is connected in series with the th transmission line (which is represented by its equivalent-pi circuit). The total current through the th series coupling transformer is , which consists of two parts: owing in the line series impedance and , the line charging current. , , and . Now, let Also, . From Fig. 2, the net injected current at any of the SE buses (buses , , and so on, up to ) or receiving end (RE) buses (buses , , and so on, up to ) can be written as

Net complex current injection at bus . Net active power injection at bus . Net reactive power injection at bus . Active power ow in line between buses and . Reactive power ow in line between buses and . Fig. 1 shows an bus power system network in which series converters of a single IPFC are connected. Without loss of generality, it is assumed that the converters are connected between the buses , , and so on, up to between buses . It is also further assumed that the th converter is connected at the sending end (SE), i.e., at th bus of the corresponding transmission line. The equivalent circuit of Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2, the IPFC is represented by (series) voltage sources. The voltage source (not shown) is in series with (1) Thus, the original bus system incorporating an IPFC with converters is transformed to an equivalent bus system without any IPFC. The net current injections at the additional load ow buses to representing the IPFC series converters can also be written very easily. In th bus (representing the th congeneral, at the ctitious verter of the IPFC), the net current injection is

(2) The detail derivations of (1) and (2) are given in Appendix A. The necessary modications required in the bus elements for the proposed model are also given in Appendix A.



III. POWER FLOW EQUATIONS IN NEW IPFC MODEL From (1) and (2), in the proposed model, the transformed active power injection equation at any SE or RE bus , can be written as

(3) Thus, it is observed that the active power injection equation at any SE or RE bus can be computed using existing codes. Similarly, the expression for the real power delivered by the IPFC in the proposed model is given by (4) at the bottom of the page. Hence, the addition of active powers of buses [computed from (3) using existing power ow codes] yields the IPFC real power. Again, using (A7) of Appendix A, in the proposed model, the containing any IPFC line active power ow in any branch (series) converter is

, , and represent vectors for the specied real powers for the IPFCs, active, and reactive power ows of transmission lines, respectively. In the above the and equations, it is assumed that, without any loss of generality, there are generators connected at the rst buses of the system with bus 1 being the slack bus. Thus, the basic load ow equation for Newton power ow solution is represented as

(5) Thus, the line active power ow can also be computed using minor modication of the existing codes. On the other hand, with the existing IPFC models reported in the literature, the codes for evaluating the expressions of bus (SE and RE) acand need to be modied, or tive power injections, written afresh. Therefore, the proposed model reduces the complexities of coding substantially. This is also true for all codes pertaining to the reactive power expressions. IV. IMPLEMENTATION IN POWER FLOW ANALYSIS If the number of voltage controlled buses is (m-1), the load ow problem for a bus system incorporated with IPFCs each having series converters can be formulated as Thus, (6) is transformed in the indirect model as (6) In (6), is the conventional load ow Jacobian subblock corresponding to the angle and voltage variables of the buses. The other Jacobian submatrices can be identied easily from (6). Now, with the proposed model, there would be buses. Thus, the quantities to be solved for load ow are and , where (7)



total number of series converters

, , and , , and are identied easily from (8). Now, it can be shown that in (8) 1) matrices and can be computed using existing Jacobian codes and simple matrix extraction codes; where





2) matrix can be computed using very minor modications of existing Jacobian codes. Thus, the computational burden is reduced substantially. The detailed explanations of the above are given in Appendix B. The steps in the Newton power ow implementation of the indirect model are summarized in the following. using existing Jacobian codes of Step 1) Compute , as given in Appendix B. from . Step 2) Extract Step 3) Form . Step 4) Extract from . Step 5) Compute with minor modications in existing Jacobian codes. Step 6) Form transformed load ow Jacobian using subblocks , , and . Step 7) Solve (8). It is to be noted that in production grade power ow program, (8) is not solved directly by inverting the Jacobian matrix. Rather, it is solved by an indirect method conserving the sparsity structure of the Jacobian matrix to minimize the memory requirement and computational time [10]. The codes for this indirect solution technique can also be reused for implementing the IPFC power ow method with minor modications as discussed in the following. 1) In the proposed model, there are a total of buses, with number of variables to be solved. Even though the Jacobian size is increased, the codes for its compact storage and factorization by Gaussian elimination do not change at all. 2) With IPFC(s) incorporated, the additional specied quantities are the IPFC real powers, the line active and line reactive power ows. Each line active or reactive power ow expression is a function of three angle and three voltage variables (Appendix B). Thus, depending on the buses to which the converters are connected (PV or PQ), there would be a maximum of six nonzero elements in each of the relevant rows. Similarly, there will be a maximum of 6p nonzero elements for each IPFC real power equation. With properly changed indices, the existing codes for the relevant bus ordering scheme would also arrange the new nodes in the descending sparsity hierarchy along with the old ones during each Gaussian elimination step [11]. This preserves the sparsity in the triangular factors of the Jacobian matrix. Subsequently, by only augmenting a few indices in the already existing code, the line active and reactive power ow pairs are

grouped together, while line active power ow rows are treated singly (like PV buses) along with rows for IPFC real powers. 3) With appropriate change in indices, the existing codes for back substitution can be reused to obtain the nal solution. Accommodation of IPFC device limit constraints in indirect model The three major device limit constraints [5], [12], [13] of the IPFC considered are: 1) injected (series) converter voltage magnitude ; 2) line current through the converter ; 3) real power exchange through the DC link . The device limit constraints have been accommodated by the principle that whenever a particular constraint limit is violated, it is kept at its specied limit, while a control objective is relaxed. Mathematically, this signies the replacement of the Jacobian elements pertaining to the control objective by those of the constraint violated. The control strategies to incorporate the above three limits are detailed in Appendix B. V. CASE STUDIES The feasibility of the proposed method was validated through a large number of case studies carried out in IEEE 30-bus, IEEE 118-bus, and IEEE 300-bus [14] test systems. In each of these test systems, IPFC with multiple series converters were included, and studies have been carried out 1) without device limit constraints and 2) with device limit constraints. In all p.u. has these case studies, a convergence tolerance of been chosen. Now, for solving the load ow problem, proper initial values of the series voltage source(s) must be chosen. In this work, the initial conditions were chosen as p.u. following suggestions of [15]. However, during the case studies it was observed that in several cases, adoption of the above initial condition gave an unrealistic nal power ow solution (unrealistic values of complex bus voltages, power ows and converter currents). In such cases, it was observed that changing the initial condition to p.u. yielded realistic nal power ow solutions. In this paper, due to lack of space, a small set of representative results of only the 300-bus system is presented. The details of the IPFC converters considered in the IEEE 300-bus system are as follows. A. Studies Without Device Limit Constraints In this case, an IPFC with three series converters has been considered on transmission line branches between buses 37 (converter 1), 319 (converter 2), and 3150 (converter 3). The control references chosen are: MW (line 1), and and (line 2), and (line 3). The results as well as the initial conditions adopted for this case are shown in Table I. It is to be noted that in this table as well as in subsequent ones, the nal values corresponding to only realistic power ow solutions are given. Also, in this and the subsequent tables, the notation NI denotes the number of iterations taken by the algorithm. It is to be noted that for base case load ow (without any IPFC), a convergence tolerance of p.u. is achieved with .







B. Studies With Device Limit Constraints In this case, for simplicity, a double converter IPFC is considered. The two series converters are assumed to be installed on lines between buses 23 (converter 1) and 86102 (converter 2). The control references chosen for this are: and (line 1) and (line 2). To demonstrate the performance of the developed algorithm for device limit constraints with clarity, the load ow results without any device limit constraints for this case are shown in Table II. Subsequently, IPFC device limits are now incorporated in the same line-converter conguration (with identical values of relevant control references) as considered in Table II. For these studies, two typical cases have considered. In the rst one, simultaneous limit violations of the injected series voltage of conand the DC link power transfer have verter been considered. The limits have been incorporated by relaxing and ) of the rst transmisthe control objectives ( sion line, following the philosophy described in Appendix B. The results also reect the same and are shown in Table III. It is observed that the values of and are converged at their respective limits, which are shown in bold cases. For the second line, no limit violation occurs and the line active power ow control objective is met. Table IV shows the results for another typical case considering simultaneous limit violations of the DC link power transfer , the injected voltage of the rst series converter (in the , and the line current of the second series conrst line) verter (in the second line) . From Table IV, again it is

, , and are observed that the nal values of converged at their respective limits (shown in bold cases). For and of line 1 as well as enforcing these limits, of line 2 are relaxed following the discussion of Appendix B which is also reected in the results of Table IV. To investigate the convergence characteristics of the proposed technique, load ow solutions were computed for different operating conditions (dened by control objectives and/or device limits thresholds). Only some typical results corresponding to and in Tables I and II, respecvariations of tively, are presented due to constraint of space. Additionally, results corresponding to simultaneous variations of all three deare also presented. vice limits vis--vis different values of The results are shown in Table V. From the results shown in Tables IV it is observed that even with the reasonable variations in the operating conditions, the quantity NI does not vary signicantly. Therefore, the proposed technique can be said to possess quite acceptable convergence characteristics. From these case studies it is found that the performance of the proposed methodology is quite satisfactory. However, before practical implementation, several other issues need to be considered, which are discussed below.





, . Also, from Fig. 2, the net injected current at bus is

C. Effect on Sparsity of Jacobian Matrix and Load Flow Convergence It may appear that because of the presence of IPFC, the sparsity of the Jacobian matrix would be compromised. However, in the proposed formulation, the sparsity of the Jacobian matrix actually increases as described below. It can be shown that if denotes the ratio of the , nonzero elements to the total number of elements in then this ratio in the new Jacobian matrix is given by . As , the effective sparsity of the Jacobian matrix increases after inclusion of IPFC(s). The derivation of the expression of is quite lengthy and therefore it could not be included in this paper due to limitations of space. D. CPU Time Requirement A comparison of the typical CPU time required is shown in Table VI for three cases on 300-bus systems: 1) base case load ow (without any IPFC), 2) load ow with IPFC but without any device limit constraint, and 3) load ow with IPFC including all three device limits. All computations were performed on a 3-GHz, 504 MB RAM dual core intel Pentium 4 machine. From Table VI it is observed that inclusion of IPFC in the Newton power ow code increases the computational time marginally. VI. CONCLUSIONS This paper presents an advanced IPFC model for Newton power ow analysis. In this model, incorporation of an IPFC with converters in an existing n bus power system transforms it to an equivalent augmented bus system devoid of any IPFC. In the absence of any IPFC, existing power ow and Jacobian codes can be reused, resulting in a substantial reduction in programming complexity. Practical device limit constraints of the IPFC can also be considered in this model. Validity of the proposed model is demonstrated on both the IEEE 118- and 300-bus test systems with excellence convergence characteristics. It is to be noted that the proposed technique can also be applied for power ow modeling of a FACTS device containing multiple shunt and series converters, such as a GUPFC. However, the complete derivation of the relevant equations for GUPFC is out of the scope of this paper. We are presently working on the power ow modeling of GUPFC and the ndings would be reported as and when acceptable results are obtained. APPENDIX A From Fig. 2, it can be shown that for the rst converter (A1)

(A2) where is the selfadmittance of bus for the existing bus system without any IPFC connected and accounts for the shunt capacitances of all transmission lines connected to bus , except the line in branch ( ). From (A1) and (A2), the net injected current at bus with IPFC becomes

(A3) where is the new value of self-ad, mittance for the th bus with IPFC, , and . Similarly, the net injected current at bus can be written as

(A4) where is the new value of self-admittance for bus , with IPFC and

Thus, the effect of the rst series converter of the IPFC is equivalent to an additional th bus without any IPFC. Now, from Fig. 2, the net injected current at this ctitious th bus equals the current owing into the transmission system from this bus, and is

(A5) In a similar way, it can be shown that the effect of incorporation of all the series converters can be treated as equivalent to addition of more buses up to to the existing bus system provided



bian codes. For this, we dene for the IPFC model proposed buses with

(B1) where, for the th converter connected line Subsequently, the Jacobian matrix is computed as

(B2) (A6) Now, in the bus equivalent model, the net injected up to currents at the ctitious load ow buses can be written as

and Since in the proposed model are governed by existing power ow codes [(3)], can be computed using existing Jacobian all subblocks of codes, unlike with existing IPFC models. is known, it can be shown that the maOnce the matrix trix can be very easily

extracted from the matrix . Hence, no fresh codes need to be written for computing the matrix . Again, from (6), (7), and (B1), we get where, corresponding to the th converter , with

(A7) Thus, in the proposed model, if the th voltage source of the IPFC is connected between say bus (SE) and bus (RE) with

(B3) and (B4) at the bottom of the page. From (4), . Thus, in (B4), the sum of the rst rows of equals (the rst element of the Jacobian subblock ). Similarly, the sum of . the last rows yields the last element of In a similar way, can be extracted from . Thus, it can be shown that the matrix can easily be computed from the matrix of by matrix extraction methods only without need of any extra code. We next proceed to show that unlike existing IPFC models, can be computed with very minor modications in existing Jacobian codes. denote the IPFC series converter number. Let Then corresponding to the th converter of the th IPFC , . With existing IPFC models, the expression for the active power ow of the line in series with this converter and connected between SE and RE buses and , respectively, can be obtained as

with alent

, and the net current injection at the equiv bus is


APPENDIX B Computation of Jacobian Blocks: We rst proceed to show and can be computed using existing Jacothat both

(B3) (B4)



In the indirect model, the above equation is transformed to

objectives, i.e., line active and reactive power ow of the rst line along with the line active (reactive) power ow of the second line, are relaxed. The corresponding mismatches are replaced, along with modication of the corresponding Jacobian elements. REFERENCES
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Similarly, the expressions for can also be written using very minor modications of existing codes. Since in the proposed model the expressions for the line active and reactive power ows can be computed using very minor modication of the existing codes, it can be shown that all the subblocks of can be computed using very minor modications of existing Jacobian codes, unlike with existing IPFC models. This reduces the code complexity substantially. Control Strategies to Accommodate Various Device Limit Constraints of the IPFC: For simplicity, we consider a single IPFC with two series converters installed in two different transmission lines, with the original power ow control specications and for Line1 and (or ) as for Line2. Then the strategies for accommodation of the device constraint limits of , , and are elaborated in the following. 1) If is violated, is xed at the limit and either the line active or reactive power ow control objective is relaxed for the rst line. Thus the corresponding relaxed active or reactive power mismatch is replaced by . The Jacobian elements are is violated, is xed changed accordingly. If at the limit and the line active (reactive) power ow control objective is relaxed for the second line with its mis. Again, the match replaced by Jacobian elements are changed accordingly. is violated, is xed at the limit and either 2) If the line active or reactive power ow control objective is relaxed for the rst line. Thus the corresponding relaxed . power mismatch is replaced by The Jacobian elements are changed accordingly. If is violated, is xed at the limit and the line active (reactive) power ow control objective is relaxed for the second line, with its mismatch and the Jacobian elements and changed accordingly. If however, both are violated, leniency is exercised on both the line active and reactive power ow control objectives of the rst and line, which are replaced by . The corresponding Jacobian elements are also accounted for. 3) If is violated, is xed at the limit and either the line active or reactive power ow control objective is relaxed. Thus the corresponding power mismatch is replaced by . The Jacobian elements are changed accordingly. If however all three quantities , , and (or say, , , and ) are violated, all the control

Biswarup Das (M02SM07) is presently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India. His current research interests are in the area of FACTS, distribution automation, distributed generation, and renewable energy sources.

Narender Kumar is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, India. His research interests include power system stability and FACTS.

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