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Study Guide Unit 5 English 1 I. Can for abilities and skills. Can = poder / cannot (cant) = no poder.

Forma Afirmativa I can play the piano. Forma Negativa I cant play soccer. Forma Interrogativa Can I play the piano? Yes, you can / No, you cant Can he cook Italian food? No, he cant. Can they drive a car? No, they cant.

She can cook Italian food.

He cant cook Italian food.

We can drive a car.

They cant drive a horse.


Countable and uncountable nouns: a, an, a pair of, some.

A / an (un, uno, una) Uso: Sustantivos en singular

Some (algo de, algunos) Sustantivos contables y no contables. Singulares y plurales. Some clothes Some money Some water Some toothpaste

A pair of = un par de Con objetos que normalmente constan de dos partes. A pair of walking shoes


A sleeping bag An umbrella

A pair of socks


Future use of the Present Continuous.

Elaboro: M.E.I. Nancy Cruz

El tiempo presente continuo se puede usar no solo para referirnos a acciones que se llevan a cabo al momento de hablar (presente) sino que tambin para hacer referencia a acciones futuras. Para saber en qu tiempo lo estamos usando podemos considerar las expresiones de tiempo. Cuando es una accin en presente usamos: right now (ahora mismo), at the momento ( en este momento). Y cuando nos referimos a acciones futuras usamos las expresiones: next (week, month, year), tomorrow (maana), this weekend (este fin de semana). Por ejemplo:

What are you doing this weekend? Im going out with my friends.

What is Ana doing tomorrow morning? She is going to school from 7 to 1:40.


Past simple (1): be, have, go.

Pasado Simple del Verbo to be

Forma Afirmativa I was (yo fui, yo estuve) He was (l fue, l estuvo) She was (ella fu, ella estuvo) It was (fue, estuvo) We were (nosotros fuimos, nosotros

Forma Negativa I was not in my house.

Forma Interrogativa Was I in my house? No, you werent.

He was not in the gym.

Was he in the gym? No, he wasnt.

She was not fine yesterday.

Was she fine yesterday? No, she wasnt. Was it rainy yesterday?

Elaboro: M.E.I. Nancy Cruz

estuvimos) You were (tu fuiste, t estuviste) They were (ellos fueron, ellos estuvieron)

It was not sunny yesterday.

Yes, it was. Were we classmates in Junior High? No, we werent. Were you in your house last Saturday night? Yes, I was.

We were not classmates in Junior High.

You were not in the school last Saturday night.

Were they hungry? No, they werent.

They were not hungry. Contracciones o formas cortas: Was not = wasnt / were not = werent

Pasado Simple del Verbo to have.

Forma afirmativa I had (yo tuve) He had (l tuvo) She had (ella tuvo) It had (tuvo) We had (nosotros tuvimos) You had (tu tuviste / usted tuvo / ustedes tuvieron) They had (ellos tuvieron)

Forma Negativa I didnt have a car. He didnt have homework. She didnt have a ring. It didnt have a room. We didnt have a bike. You didnt have a book. They didnt have a pet.

Forma Interrogativa Did I have a car? No, you didnt. Did she have earrings? Yes, she did. Did you have a notebook? Yes, I did. Did you have a book? No, I didnt.

Elaboro: M.E.I. Nancy Cruz

Notas: En el tiempo pasado simple usamos al auxiliar did + not = didnt para formar negaciones. Este auxiliar va entre el sujeto (o pronombre) y el verbo. Como podrs notar en los ejemplos, los verbos van en presente cuando usamos al auxiliar.

Por otra parte, este mismo auxiliar (did) es utilizado para formar preguntas en tiempo pasado. Con este auxiliar empezamos la pregunta y el verbo va en presente simple. Tambin, con este auxiliar respondemos a las preguntas ya sea de forma positiva (did) o negativa (didnt).

Pasado Simple del Verbo to go.

Forma Afirmativa I went (yo fui) I went to the church. He went (l fue) He went to the bookstore. She went (ella fue) She went to the hospital. It went (fue) We went (nosotros fuimos) We went to the park. You went (t fuiste / usted fue / ustedes fueron) You went to the restaurant.

Forma negativa I didnt go to the movies

Forma interrogativa Did you go to the church? Yes, I did. Did he go to the gym?

He didnt go to the gym No, he didnt.

She didnt go to the school

Did she go to the hospital? Yes, she did.

We didnt go to the movies

Did we go to the library? No, we didnt. We went to the park. Did you go to the restaurant? Yes, I did. Did they go to the store?

You didnt go to the library

Elaboro: M.E.I. Nancy Cruz

They went (ellos fueron) They went to the concert.

They didnt go to the store

No, they didnt. Did they go to the concert? Yes, they did.

Las expresiones de tiempo correspondientes al PASADO SIMPLE son: Yesterday = ayer Last week = la semana pasada Last (summer, spring, fall, winter) = el (verano, primavera, otoo, invierno) pasado Las year = al ao pasado Two days ago = dos das antes Two weeks ago = dos semanas antes Two months ago = dos meses antes Three years ago = tres aos antes

Estas expresiones de tiempo nos indican que las acciones se llevaron a cabo en un tiempo pasado.

Pasado Simple de Verbos Regulares Elaboro: M.E.I. Nancy Cruz 5

Los verbos regulares se conjugan en pasado simple aadiendo ed a los verbos. Revisa el Reference Guide en la pgina 7 para que revises las reglas especificas para agregar esta terminacin a los verbos.

Ejemplo: Pasado Simple del Verbo to work Forma afirmativa I worked He worked She worked It worked We worked You worked They worked Forma negativa I did not work He did not work She did not work It did not work We did not work You did not work They did not work Forma interrogativa Did I work? Did he work? Did she work? Did it work? Did we work? Did you work? Did they work?

La forma corta en las negaciones es did not = didnt.

La conjugacin, la forma negativa y la interrogativa es lo mismo con los dems verbos.

Elaboro: M.E.I. Nancy Cruz

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