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Prof. Carla Allende-Aduana a/res/regimenaduanero/1896-09_ts_regimen_aduanero.

pdf Expectativas de logro: Reconocimiento del idioma ingls como instrumento esencial para la prctica profesional. Reconocimiento de las relaciones semntico-programticas dentro de la oracin, entre oraciones y entre prrafos. Identificacin de las estructuras y construcciones complejas del idioma ingls en textos de especialidad. Lectura y traduccin de textos de la especialidad Contenidos: Comprensin de oraciones simples. Comprensin de prrafos simples. Estructura de la racin simple en ingles. Verbo ser/estar. Pronombres: personales, objetivos, posesivos e interrogativos. Comprensin e interpretacin de textos. Verbo annimo can. Los nmeros ordinales. Presente simple. Presente continuo. Verbo tener. Verbos regulares e irregulares. Adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. Encabezamientos. Faxes y cartas comerciales Instrumentos de pago: letter of credit. Conversaciones telefnicas. Palabras bsicas. Mailing: encabezados y saludos. Uso del auxiliar will- going to. La voz pasiva: presente, pasado y futuro. Ejercitacin oral y escrita. Lectura y anlisis de noticias de peridicos y revistas relacionadas con el comercio exterior. Verbos modales: can-could-may-might-must-have toshoud-need. Expresin de posibilidad, permiso, obligacin y necesidad. Informacin sobre empresas y mercaderas.

Prof. Carla Allende-Aduana 1. En qu situaciones espera manejarse en ingls. Hacer un listado Sending parcels abroad. declaration forms 1

Customs declaration forms

All items with contents up to the value of 270 must have a signed and dated customs declaration formCN22 attached to the front. The current CN22 forms are white an older green version expired in 2003. Any item sent with a value in excess of 270 must have a fully completed CN23 customs declaration form. This should be attached using the plastic wallet available from any Post Office branch. Both declaration forms are also available at your local Post Office branch.

Encontrar la palabra formulario en ingls Explicar la diferencia entre Must y Should. La palabra this en la lnea 5, a qu refiere? Analizar el significado , forma y uso de esta frase: This should be
attached A qu refiere la palabra both en la lnea 6?

Imaginar que uno intenta mandar un objeto /producto a Reino Unido por una venta de Internet. Completar el formulario

Prof. Carla Allende-Aduana

Is the sign good or symbol that something is wrong?

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Who is responsible for the information on the declaration?

If you are ordering or sending any goods from abroad, you - as the importer of goods - are legally responsible for the information on the Customs Declaration and for any charges due. If you're ordering goods remotely, for example over the Internet or by mail order, it is in your own interest to make sure that the sender abroad makes a complete and accurate declaration. If you're sending goods from abroad to the UK, then the recipient is legally responsible for the information on the Customs Declaration. If no declaration is made, or the information is inaccurate, the package may be delayed whilst the UKBA makes further enquiries, and in some cases, the package and its contents may be seized. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Bringing pets to the UK

The import of live animals into the UK is restricted to protect health and the environment. You must normally have a British import (rabies) licence to import live animals, and they must be quarantined. However dogs and cats that meet the conditions of the Pet Passport Scheme can be imported without quarantine. Live birds must normally have a British health import licence. If you are bringing your pet into the UK from outside the EU, you need to declare your pet to customs by completing form C5. Es la legislacin similar en Argentina? Uso de diccionario monolinge

noun [U] /kwr.n.tin/ /kwr-/

a period of time during which an animal or person that might have a disease is kept

away from other people or animals so that the disease cannot spread:The horse had to spend several months in quarantine when it reached Britain.

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