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Welcome to Taonui School…

This information book is intended to provide families with an understanding of

the ways in which our school functions. Should you require further
information, please contact the school. Similarly, should you at any time have
any concerns about your child, do not hesitate to get in contact with us. As,
doubtless, you do too: we much prefer to deal issues at the “just wondering
about it stage” rather than waiting until they become major problems. Thank
you for entrusting Taonui School with the primary education of your child. We
are confident that you have made a wise decision - we look forward to
working with you.

Stephen Snell

Your child’s safety and well being is paramount. If your child is absent from
school, please inform the school office (3234604) before 9.30am each day.
All unexplained absences will be followed up.

We prefer that pupils in years one to three not to cycle to school – the safety
issues for this age group are enormous. All pupils biking to school are
expected to know and obey the road rules. The wearing of helmets is
compulsory. All children must dismount and be escorted by an adult across
the railway line and Waugh’s Road. NO EXCEPTIONS. The same applies
when children are released at the end of the day.


The Board of Trustees is the school’s governing body. Trustee elections are
held every three years. Board meetings are held monthly: 7.00pm on a
Monday towards the end of the month. These are open to the public and are
advertised in the school newsletter.

Please ensure that your child’s clothing is clearly named. This makes the
reuniting of items and owner less of a challenge.

There will be times when you have concerns about aspects of your child’s
education and there will be times when error or confusion arises. On these
occasions, it is vital that you direct your concern to the school. We want to
know about and alleviate your concerns. In short, if you like what is
happening, tell your friends and neighbours. If you do not like what is
happening, tell us.


Postal: RD 5 Waugh’s Road, Feilding
Telephone: 06 3234604


Should you change address, telephone number, or emergency contact
information – even temporarily – please keep the school informed.
Accurate information is vital in the event of an emergency.

Should your child require urgent treatment, contact 06 3234679

Taonui School requires every individual to take responsibility for their actions.
To this end, an assertive discipline programme runs at this school. Parents
and caregivers will be contacted should lingering concerns develop in relation
to the behaviour of their child. Conversely, do not hesitate to contact us if you
have concerns.

During morning intervals and lunchtimes, designated teachers are on
playground duty – patrolling play areas and buildings. Staff also supervise
provide first aid for minor injuries.

Emergency procedures are practiced each term. Should you be in the school
at such time, you are expected to follow staff instructions and comply with the
relevant procedural practice. Please attach yourself to the nearest class or
staff member. Evacuation routes are marked on plans beside exits from all
rooms. The assembly point is on the court area behind the library.


This may be completed on any day up to and including your child’s first day at
Taonui. Should you wish to complete the paperwork prior to the big day,
contact the school office (3234604) to arrange a time to do so. Please bring
your five-year-old’s birth certificate and immunisation record certificate.
Parents and caregivers are welcome to tour the school at any time. Pre-
school visits are encouraged for all new entrants.

Our Public Health Nurse visits the school on request. If you have any relevant
issues that need to be addressed, please contact the school. All five year olds
have their hearing and vision tested. Those who fail are then retested on a
regular basis. Staff will notify parents if they have any concerns with a child’s
vision/hearing before a referral is made.

Homework is presently under review. At this stage it is sufficient to say that
most students and parents of more senior children do not want homework.
Recent NZ research clearly shows that primary school homework has little
impact on academic achievement. Recent media coverage, including the
local Feilding paper, shows that schools are not providing the traditional
homework. Keep watching the wiki for an update on our review.

Pupils are not permitted in the grounds before 8.20am and they must have
vacated the grounds by 3.20pm.

The rest of the day is organised as follows:

09.00 – 10.30 instruction - ninety minutes
10.30 – 10.50 interval - twenty minutes
10.50 – 12.30 instruction - ninety minutes
12.30 – 13.30 lunch – sixty minutes
13.30 – 15.00 instruction - ninety minutes


Taonui School is part of this cluster of Schools that includes Newbury,

Whakarongo, Hiwinui, Bunnythorpe, Awahou, Mt Biggs and Colyton.
In 2009 teachers from the cluster are working together in two areas:
1 developing our class writing programmes through sharing best practice
2 implementing ICT’s to support student learning. A facilitator is
employed by the cluster to support teachers.

Other cluster events include:

Athletics for juniors & seniors
Swimming sports
Winter sports tournament
Kiwi sports at Arena Manawatu
Basketball tournament
Dance for juniors
Junior tabloid sports
Tennis tournament

Academic & Cultural events

Extension classes – maths in 2009
Mathex and spelling competition
Speech competition
Every two years a fantastic concert at the Regent theatre.

We often hear how there are fewer opportunities at small schools. There is
nothing further from the truth as these events are open to all students – not a
selected few. Come and talk to us about any opportunities you want to
discuss for your child.

Lost property is stored until the end of each term. Generally, items are
unnamed. You are encouraged to search our lost property box for your child’s
missing items. Please make a request at the office or through the class

All money sent to school should be the correct amount and in a sealed and
clearly labeled envelope.

Newsletters are written and provided to each family every second
Wednesday of the school year. The newsletter is intended to keep families
informed of all aspects of school life. Please make sure you read them. You
are welcome to use the newsletter to advertise events etc. Any notices you
wish to insert need to be provided to the school office by noon on the
Mondays. The preferred format is by email as a word attachment.

One of our most valuable resources is the parent body of the school. Parents
provide vital assistance on trips and camps; with sports teams; fundraising;
working around the school grounds and on the Board of Trustees. All
volunteers are welcomed.

Schools are obliged to report on pupil progress to parents twice a year.
Taonui School reports to parents three times during the year.

Term 1
Initial parent interviews
Term 2
BOT curriculum report: numeracy & literacy reports & PAT analysis.
Parents can access this information in the Principals report on the school

Term 3 BOT curriculum report: science

Parents can access this information in the Principals report on the school

Term 4 BOT curriculum report: arts

Monday 7 December: end of year reports sent home
Parents can access this information in the Principals report on the school

However, we do encourage you to keep in touch with your child’s teacher

during the year. We continually monitor and assess your child and we are
happy to share our information at any time. Don’t wait for the next formal
report if you need to know something now.

The paying of school fees cannot be made compulsory by any state primary
school. However, the requesting of fees (in actual fact, a donation) is a
necessity for most schools and we are no exception. Fees are set annually
and requested initially by way of the school newsletter. We attempt to keep
ours as low as possible and we have a two-step scale, requesting an amount
for your one child or slightly more for a family.
The idea is that the greater the number of families paying this donation,
the lower the amount per family we need to seek. Please play your part
and pay your part.
For 2009 the School fees are:

The school fields one team in the Saturday morning Feilding Junior netball
competition. All other winter sports can be played with local club teams.

The school does not stock stationery for resale. Next year’s stationery list is
included with the end of year reports in December. Families can then take
advantage of the best deals available.

The wearing of appropriate sun protection is strongly encouraged at this
school. Please equip your child with suitable clothing, sun block, sunglasses
etc. The School presently supplies wide brimmed hats for the children to
This group of friendly and supportive parents meets approximately once each
term. The group undertakes a variety of tasks – including running functions
for pupils, informal gatherings for parents, and the odd bout of fundraising.
Families new to the school are especially welcome. Contact numbers for the
committee are published annually. All parents are encouraged to join and / or
support this aspect of our school life.

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