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Abbey, Edward The Best of Edward Abbey 2002, 400 pag., 15.

.00 Sierra Club Books, San Fransisco, isbn: 0871567865 Here are 31 fiction and nonfiction pieces by one of America's most popular and celebrated authors, including sections from `The Monkey Wrench Gang', `Desert Solitaire', `The Brave Cowboy', `Abbey's Road', `Down The River', and `The Journey Home'. This collection has the distinction of being both authored, edited, and illustrated by Abbey, giving it a unity and consistency not found in any other collection of his work. Trefwoorden: Literatuur Abdul-Rahman Alawi, Rudi Friedrich, Endy Hagen e.a. Atrapados entre el terror y la guerra? Ejrcito, movimiento pacifista y antimilitarismo en Israel 2005, 110 pag., 9.50 Virus, Barcelona, isbn: 8496044564 Las diferentes etapas del dilogo en busca de la paz entre palestinos e israeles que, desde los aos setenta, jalonan el calendario parecan haber culminado exitosamente con los acuerdos de Oslo, cuyo proceso de negociaciones haba servido tambin para poner en marcha un amplio e influyente movimiento pacifista en Israel. Con el fracaso de las negociaciones de Camp David y el inicio de la segunda Intifada, o intifada de Al-Aksa, este movimiento entr en una grave crisis. Han quedado, eso s, numerosas iniciativas pacifistas y por la convivencia palestino-israel, y un significativo movimiento de rechazo al servicio militar o a servir en los territorios ocupados. Las reflexiones y testimonios que aqu recogemos -voces israeles y palestinas discrepantes, pero unnimes en su deseo de una paz justa- han de servir para entender lo complejo que resulta construir una alternativa que se salga de la lgica militar (y estatal) en un conflicto tan enquistado, tan marcado por una violencia casi ancestral y tan dependiente de coordenadas de la poltica internacional que se escapan a su influencia. Trefwoorden: Midden Oosten Ackelsberg, Martha Free Women Of Spain Anarchism And The Struggle For The Emancipation Of Women 2005, 230 pag., 18.15 AK Press, Edinburgh, isbn: 1902593960 Cowards don't make history; and the women of Mujeres Libres (Free Women) were no cowards. Courageous enough to create revolutionary change in their daily lives, these women mobilized over 20,000 women into an organized network during the Spanish Revolution to strive for community, education, and equality for women and the emancipation of all. Militants in the anarcho-syndicalist CNT union, Mujeres Libres struggled both against fascism, the state, and reaction; and the less than supportive attitudes and concerns of their male comrades. Martha Ackelsberg writes a comprehensive study of Mujeres Libres, intertwining interviews with the women themselves and analysis connecting them with modern feminist movements. This new edition includes additional research Ackelsberg carried out for the Spanish language edition, together with a brand new introduction written in the light of the new social movements, and resurgence of anarchism, post-Seattle. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Vrouwen, Zuid Europa Aglietta, Michel A Theory of Capitalist Regulation The U.S.Experience 2000, 448 pag., 26.95 Verso, London, isbn: 1859842682 A historical theory of the development of US capitalism, from the Civil War to the Carter Presidency. This new edition includes a postface by the author which brings regulation theory face to face with capitalism at the end of the 20th century and beyond. Trefwoorden: Economie Alcal, Csar Checas de Barcelona 2005, 256 pag., 25.80 Belacqua de Ediciones y Publicaciones, Madrid, isbn: 8496326446 El historiador Cesar Alcal, en `Checas de Barcelona' nos introduce, de forma documentada y pedaggica en el Terror y la Represin del bando republicano en Catalua y deja al descubierto las responsabilidades directas de las formacines polticas que controlaban la Generalitat del principado durante la guerra civil espaola. Entre 1936 y 1939 la ciudad de Barcelona y numerosas localidades de Catalua sufrieron una feroz persecucin, que de manera silenciosa, metdica y selectiva tena en las checas un eficaz sistema de detencin, tortura y matanzas masivas. Este libro deja tambin constancia de lo que signific la represin

religiosa, civil y poltica en la retaguardia catalana por los gobiernos de izquierda, las personas e instituciones que las inspiraron y materializaron, las guerras internas entre sindicatos y partidos que produjeron enfrentamientos y aniquilamientos entre militantes anarquistas y del POUM, del papel de la Generalidad de Catalua en la poltica de represin, de cmo operaba el temido Servicio de Investigacin Militar (SIM) y la Brigada de Investigacin criminal y detalla el minucioso funcionamiento del sistema represivo en las ciudades controladas por los partidos que conformaban el Frente Popular. Un libro polmico, exhaustivo y minuciosamente documentado que reivindica la verdad histrica y presenta con crudeza una de las etapas de terror y opresin ms silenciadas de la guerra civil espaola. Trefwoorden: Oost Europa, Zuid Europa, Repressie Andress, David The Terror Civil War in the French Revolution 2005, 448 pag., 33.25 Little Brown, London, isbn: 0316861812 The French Revolution marks the foundation of the modern political world. It was in the crucible of the Revolution that the political forces of conservatism, liberalism and socialism began to find their modern forms, and it was the Revolution that first asserted the claims of universal individual rights on which our current understandings of citizenship are based. But the Terror was, as much as anything else, a civil war, and such wars are always both brutal and complex. The guillotine in Paris claimed some 1500 official victims, but executions of captured counter-revolutionary rebels ran into the tens of thousands, and deaths in the areas of greatest conflict probably ran into six figures, with indiscriminate massacres being perpetrated by both sides. The story of the Terror is a story of grand political pronouncements, uprisings and insurrections, but also a story of survival against hunger, persecution and bewildering ideological demands, a story of how a state, even with the noblest of intentions, can turn on its people and almost crush them. Trefwoorden: Repressie, West Europa Annoniem Versteckspiel Lifestyle, Symbole und Codes von neonazistische und extrem rechten Gruppen 2005, 38 pag., 5.00 Een overzichtelijk en nagenoeg compleet overzicht van kleding- en andere codes die in het alledaagse leven binnen de extreemrechtse beweging in Duitsland, en ook in Nederland, een belangrijke rol spelen. Vooral voor jongeren zijn de kleding-, cijfer en andere codes interessant; zij zijn op zoek naar een subcultuur die hen een stevige identiteit verschaft en extreemrechts weet dat en probeert hen op deze manier aan zich te binden. Deze brochure geeft inzicht in de historie van de symboliek van extreemrechts, haar huidige toepassingen en veel uitleg over welke groepen, partijen en organisaties welke symboliek gebruiken. Voor iedereen die zich op een professionele of serieuze manier met extreemrechts en extreemrechtse jongerencultuur bezighoudt is deze brochure een must. De symboliek (of life-style) is onderverdeeld in die symbolen die verwijzen naar het nationaal socialisme, de logo's en beeldmerken die extreemrechtse partijen gebruiken, de symbolen die verwijzen naar het heidendom, een populaire (misbruikte) `religie' in extreemrechtse kringen, speciale aandacht is er voor de (cijfer)-codes in de extreemrechtse jongerencultuur, een apart hoofdstuk is gewijd aan de verschillende manieren van kleden (denk aan de codes van de veters in de legerkistjes) en de kledingmerken die door extreemrechts gecoupt zijn (Lonsdale), wat voor soorten muziekstromingen er zijn en welke symboliek zij gebruiken en tenslotte publicaties uit Duitsland die populair zijn in kringen van extreemrechts en de daaraan gekoppelde muziekstroming. Met veel foto's en illustraties. Trefwoorden: Extreem rechts, West Europa Appleton, Matthew A Free Range Childhood- Summerhill Self Regulation at Summerhill School 2002, 162 pag., 25.10 Gale Centre Books, Loughton, Essex, isbn: 1870258460 Established by A.S. Neill in the 1920s, Summerhill is one of the most famous schools in the world. In this work, the author Matthew Appleton provides an insightful account of his years as a houseparent at the school. Trefwoorden: Onderwijs Arasa, Daniel Los espaoles de Stalin La historia de los que sirvieron al comunismo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial 2005, 447 pag., 27.50

Belacqua, Barcelona, isbn: 8496326365 `Los comunistas espaoles', fueran del PCE o del PSUC, mantuvieron una fidelidad sin grietas a Stalin durante la Guerra Civil. Tenindolo como referente combatieron a Franco y liquidaron enemigos reales o supuestos en el seno del bando republicano. Nios de la guerra, dirigentes comunistas exiliados, antiguos marinos y aviadores republicanos, fueron a parar o tuvieron que quedarse en la Unin Sovitica tras la Guerra Civil. Durante la segunda guerra mundial, viviran epopeyas tremendas en aquel inmenso Estado que sufri ms vctimas mortales que europeos y americanos juntos. Los espaoles en la URSS no fueron sujetos pasivos de la tragedia. La mayora lucharon hasta la muerte por Stalin y la que consideraban su segunda Patria. No faltaron tampoco quienes sintieron hacia el rgimen sovitico el mayor de los rechazos y su destino fue el gulag. Daniel Arasa narra en este libro la peripecia de aquellos espaoles: las aventuras de los que se alistaron en el Ejrcito Rojo, su participacin en las partidas guerrilleras que combaten en la retaguardia alemana o los intentos de actuar de forma directa contra la Divisin Azul; y se sumerge en el sufrimiento de los que huyen hacia Asia por un mar de hielo y miseria, mientras algunos de los nios caen en la delincuencia. Detalla las luchas polticas dentro del propio PCE o da a conocer desertores de la Divisin Azul. Desde el rtico al Mar Negro, desde Polonia a Siberia, Arasa localiza a los espaoles de Stalin en aquellos terribles aos. La historia menos conocida del exilio espaol y del propio Partido Comunista. Trefwoorden: Communisme, Zuid Europa Arendt, Hannah Totalitarisme 2005, 448 pag., 39.90 Boom, Meppel/Amsterdam, isbn: 9053528784 Vertaling van Hannah Arendts standaardwerk over de wortels van het totalitarisme waarin ze de opkomst van nazi-Duitsland en het sovjet-stalinisme als manifestaties van het politieke kwaad analyseert. De auteur betoogt dat totalitaire systemen iets anders zijn dan dictaturen. In plaats van een instrument voor de handhaving van de macht is terreur hier tot doel op zich geworden. De ideologische fictie overheerst er. Dat verklaart de volstrekte willekeur van een totalitair regime. Trefwoorden: Filosofie Arndt, Moses Chaostage 1998, 217 pag., 16.75 Bender Verlag, Mainz, isbn: 3930559544 Der Trash-Roman "Chaostage" erzhlt ein Stck erlebte Punkgeschichte und ist dabei selbst schon fast Punkgeschichte. Ex-Szene-Knig Moses Arndt beschreibt im Buch nicht die berhmt-berchtigten, mediengerechten Chaostage von Hannover, sondern die alltglichen Chaostage im Underground. Erzhlt wird die Geschichte einer Gruppe Punks, Skins, Autonomer und einiger Polizeibeamter, irgendwo in Deutschland an einem ganz normalen Wochenende. Als sich die Wege kreuzen, kommt es zur Katastrophe. Trefwoorden: Verzet, Muziek, Subcultuur, West Europa Aronson, Ronald Camus and Sartre The story of a friendship and the quarrel that ended it 2005, 302 pag., 24.95 Chicago University Press, Chicago, isbn: 0226000249 Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre first met in 1943, during the German occupation of France. The two became fast friends. Intellectual as well as political allies, they grew famous overnight after Paris was liberated. As playwrights, novelists, philosophers, journalists, and editors, the two seemed to be everywhere and in command of every medium in post-war France. East-West tensions would put a strain on their friendship, however, as they evolved in opposing directions and began to disagree over philosophy, the responsibilities of intellectuals, and what sorts of political changes were necessary or possible. As Camus, then Sartre adopted the mantle of public spokesperson for his side, a historic showdown seemed inevitable. Sartre embraced violence as a path to change and Camus sharply opposed it, leading to a bitter and very public falling out in 1952. They never spoke again, although they continued to disagree, in code, until Camus's death in 1960. In a remarkably nuanced and balanced account, Aronson chronicles this riveting story while demonstrating how Camus and Sartre developed first in connection with and then against each other, each keeping the other in his sights long after their break. Combining biography and intellectual history, philosophical and political passion, Camus and Sartre will fascinate anyone interested in these great writers or the world-historical issues that tore them apart. Trefwoorden: Filosofie Arpaia, Bruno De engel van de geschiedenis 2004, 319 pag., 22.50 Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, isbn: 9028419861

In de winter van 1940 treffen twee mannen elkaar toevallig in een dorpje aan de voet van de Pyreneen. Beiden zijn op de vlucht. De een is een jonge Spaanse republikein die probeert te ontkomen aan de francisten. De ander is een Duitse filosoof, sinds 1933 op de vlucht voor de nazi's. Aan het einde van hun ontmoeting vertrouwt de filosoof de Spanjaard een manuscript toe waaraan hij jaren heeft gewerkt en dat hij als zijn levenswerk beschouwt. Later die nacht pleegt hij zelfmoord, geestelijk en lichamelijk uitgeput. De Spanjaard begint aan een barre tocht over de besneeuwde bergen. Het is ijskoud en wanhopig zoekt hij naar brandstof voor een vuurtje In een fascinerende mengeling van feit en fictie vertelt Bruno Arpaia de geschiedenis van deze twee zo verschillende personen. Aan de ene kant Laureano Mahojo, de jonge Spaanse revolutionair, een man van de daad, een wildebras en pragmaticus. Aan de andere kant de echte Walter Benjamin, een van Europa's grootste denkers van de vorige eeuw, weifelend, ziekelijk, onbegrepen en gekweld. Beiden vertegenwoordigen het idealistische Europa, dat de strijd heeft verloren en wordt geknecht door de fascistische terreur. Trefwoorden: Fictie Asger Jorn Open Creation And Its Enemies 1994, 48 pag., 4.50 Unpopular Books, London, isbn: 1871593204 Three texts from one of the founders of the Lettrists and the Situationist International, all translated from `Internationale Situationniste'. `Open Creation' establishes how Jorn used developments in mathematics to underscore the situationist project. Also included are his "Manifesto" and his critique of Isidore Isou "Originality And Magnitude". Trefwoorden: Situationisten Ashleigh, Charles The Rambling Kid A Novel About The IWW 2004, 286 pag., 15.45 Charles H. Kerr Publishing Compagny, Chicago, isbn: 0882862723 One of the best and more informative books concerning the IWW. First published in London in 1930, this is, astonishingly, the first American edition. Soapboxer, writer, poet, agitator, and publicist, the Britishborn Ashleigh was active in the IWW from 1912 until his deportation 9 years later. As a first-hand account of the Wobbly way of life in the 1910s, `The Rambling Kid' has few equals. "Charles Ashleigh's semiautobiographical novel fills a void in the record of the events that led to the federal government's brutal attempts to suppress the 'One Big Union' during World War 1. Ashleigh's characters ride alongside IWW job delegates, bindle-stiffs, and gandy dancers as they crisscross the country hopping freight trains en route to jobs and strikes and everything in between. intimate glimpse into pre-World War 1 workers' culture on the eve of the Russian Revolution. Steve Kellerman's superb introduction provides the critical and biographical context for understanding the importance of Ashleigh's work and the historical forces that produced The Rambling Kid" Trefwoorden: Anarchosyndicalisme, Fictie ATTAC (red.) Die geheimen Spielregeln des Welthandels (2. Aktualisierte Auflage) WTO, GATS, TRIPS, MAI 2004, 182 pag., 17.50 Promedia, Wien, isbn: 3853712002 Entgegen der weit verbreiteten Annahme, der Neoliberalismus kenne keine Regeln, sind zahlreiche weitreichende wirtschaftspolitische Abkommen in Kraft, die den Einfluss der groen Konzerne kontinuierlich vergrern. Diese Abkommen verstecken sich hinter Krzeln wie GATS, TRIPS, WTO, MAI oder DSU. Eine breite ffentliche Debatte ber die wichtigsten Spielregeln des Welthandels, die unseren Lebensalltag stark betreffen, findet nicht statt. Dieses Buch soll helfen, die Geheimschrift der globalen Wirtschaftspolitik zu entziffern. ATTAC ist ein Netzwerk von GlobalisierungskritikerInnen, das 1998 in Frankreich entstanden und seither weltweit in ber 40 Lndern aktiv geworden ist. ATTAC setzt sich fr eine sozial gerechte und kologisch vertrgliche Gestaltung der Globalisierung ein. Trefwoorden: Economie Auwera, Sigrid Van der Cultureel erfgoed in conflict- en Postconflictsituaties Plunderingen en Illegale handel in cultuurgoederen 2004, 68 pag., 11.25 IPIS, Antwerpen Op het einde van de twintigste eeuw stijgt het aantal plunderingen van cultureel erfgoed exponentieel. Ook hier doet de globalisering haar werk. Deze ontwikkeling heeft ervoor gezorgd dat het aantal publicaties omtrent dit probleem de laatste jaren enorm is toegenomen. Meestal echter, worden enkel deelaspecten belicht of wordt het onderwerp geografisch beperkt. In dit dossier trachten wij een meer

globale benadering uit te werken. In een eerste hoofdstuk wordt ingegaan op het belang van bescherming van cultureel erfgoed tijdens conflict- en postconflictsituaties. Vervolgens behandelt dit dossier de volkenrechtelijke reglementering ter zake, om daarna dieper in te gaan op enkele casussen: de plunderingen in Cambodja, Afghanistan en Irak worden onder de loep genomen. Daarna gaan we op zoek naar het profiel van mogelijke daders, motieven en methodes van plunderingen en illegale handel. In een laatste hoofdstuk wordt aandacht besteed aan preventieve maatregelen die een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan de bescherming van cultureel erfgoed. Trefwoorden: Noord Zuid, Economie Badiou, Alain De ethiek Essay over het besef van het kwaad 2005, 127 pag., 17.50 Ijzer, Utrecht, isbn: 9074328792 Ethische vraagstukken bepalen meer dan ooit de koers van het politieke en wetenschappelijke debat. Alain Badiou vaagt de gemakzuchtige aannames weg die achter deze ethische trend schuilgaan. Hij hekelt de verschijningsvormen van de 'ethische ideologie': de doctrine van de mensenrechten, de 'humanitaire inmenging', het slachtofferisme, het cultureel relativisme. Hij betoogt met kracht van argumenten dat een ethiek die uitgaat van een universeel Subject en een evident Kwaad een weerzinwekkende vorm van 'westerse' zelfingenomenheid legitimeert. Behalve een pamflet tegen de heersende ethische doctrine is `De ethiek' ook een schets van een alternatieve opvatting van het ethische - een ethiek van 'trouw' aan 'waarheden' (in politiek, kunst, wetenschap of liefde). Badiou pleit voor een bijzondere vorm van universalisme, die vasthoudt aan de idee van het Goede als horizon van de oordeelsvorming en zich verzet tegen het nihilisme van het absolute Kwaad. Het Kwaad - als terreur, verraad of rampzaligheid - kan volgens hem alleen vanuit het streven naar het Goede worden bepaald. `L'thique' is een aanstekelijke denkoefening waarin filosofische vindingrijkheid en politiek engagement elkaar voortdurend aanjagen. Trefwoorden: Avantgarde, Filosofie Bardach, Janusz Man Is Wolf to Man Surviving Stalin's Gulag 2003, 416 pag., 17.50 Scribner, London, isbn: 0743239814 An inspiring, heroic account of one man's struggle to survive the brutalities of the Russian gulag; When Janusz Bardach, a young Polish Jew, fled the Nazis to join the Red Army, he found himself enmeshed instead in the dangerous, paranoid world of Stalinist Russia. Falling foul of the regime, he was sent to Kolyma, the harshest of all the Siberian gulags. In this devastating memoir he describes in intimate detail the terror, cruelty, near-starvation and back-breaking physical labour of prison life. It is a moving testament to human endurance under unimaginable oppression. Trefwoorden: Repressie, Oost Europa Beaumont, Matthew Utopia Ltd. 2005, 216 pag., 55.00 Brill, Bedfordshire, isbn: 9004142967 This book uncovers the historical preconditions for the explosive revival of utopian literature at the nineteenth-century fin de sicle, and excavates its ideological content. It marks a contribution not only to the literary and cultural history of the late-Victorian period, and to the expanding field of utopian studies, but to the development of a Marxist critique of utopianism. The book is particularly concerned with three kinds of political utopia or anti-utopia, those of 'state socialism', feminism, and anti-communism (the characteristic expression of this last example being the cacotopia). After an extensive contextual account of the politics of utopia in late-nineteenth century England, it devotes a chapter to each of these topics before developing an original reinterpretation of William Morris's seminal Marxist utopia, `News from Nowhere'. Trefwoorden: Maatschappijkritiek Benhabib, Seyla The reluctant modernism of Hannah Arendt 2003, 320 pag., 33.15 Rowman & Littlefield, London, isbn: 0742521516 Interpreting the work of one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century, "The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt" re-reads Arendt's political philosophy in the light of insights into the historico-cultural background of her work. Arguing against the standard interpretation of Hannah Arendt as an anti-modernist lover of the Greek polis, Seyla Benhabib contends that Arendt's thought emerges out of a double legacy: German Existenz philosophy, particularly the thought of Martin Heidegger, and her experiences as a German Jewess in the age of totalitarianism.This volume reconsiders Arendt's theory of

modernity, her concept of the public sphere, her distinction between the social and the political, her theory of totalitarianism, and her critique of the modern nation state, including her life-long involvement with Jewish and Israeli politics. Trefwoorden: Filosofie Benjamin, Walter Selected Writings : Volume 2, Part 2. 1931-1934 2005, 480 pag., 21.60 Harvard University Press, Cambridge, isbn: 0674017463 Second part of this volume. For description see same title under part 1 (ISBN 0674015886). Trefwoorden: Filosofie Benjamin, Walter Selected Writings : Volume 2, Part 1. 1927-1930 2005, 480 pag., 21.60 Harvard University Press, Cambridge, isbn: 0674015886 In the frenzied final years of the Weimar Republic, amid economic collapse and mounting political catastrophe, Walter Benjamin emerged as the most original practicing literary critic and public intellectual in the German-speaking world. Volume 2 of the Selected Writings is now available in paperback in two parts. In Part 1, Benjamin is represented by two of his greatest literary essays, "Surrealism" and "On the Image of Proust," as well as by a long article on Goethe and a generous selection of his wide-ranging commentary for Weimar Germany's newspapers. Part 2 contains, in addition to the important longer essays, "Franz Kafka," "Karl Kraus," and "The Author as Producer," the extended autobiographical meditation "A Berlin Chronicle," and extended discussions of the history of photography and the social situation of the French writer, previously untranslated shorter pieces on such subjects as language and memory, theological criticism and literary history, astrology and the newspaper, and on such influential figures as Paul Valery, Stefan George, Hitler, and Mickey Mouse. Trefwoorden: Filosofie Bennett, Betty T. Mary Shelley in Her Times 2003, 328 pag., 31.40 John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, isbn: 0801877334 Author of six novels, five volumes of biographical lives, two travel books, and numerous short stories, essays and reviews, Mary Shelley is largely remembered as the author of "Frankenstein", as the wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, and as the daughter of William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft. This collection of essays aims to offer a more complete and complex picture of Mary Shelley, emphasizing the full range and significance of her writings in terms of her own era and ours.The book brings fresh insight to the life and work of an often neglected or misunderstood writer who, the editors remind us, spent nearly three decades at the centre of England's literary world during the country's profound transition between the Romantic and Victorian eras.The essays in the volume demonstrate the importance of Mary Shelley's neglected novels, including "Matilda", "Valperga", "The Last Man" and "Falkner". Other topics include Mary Shelley's work in various literary genres, her editing of her husband's poetry and prose, her politics and her trajectory as a female writer. The book is intended to advance Mary Shelley studies to a new level of discourse and raise important issues for English Romanticism and women's studies. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie Bernstein, M.A. De samenzweerders 2005, 601 pag., 29.90 Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, isbn: 9023412869 Galicia, 1913, een grensstadje tussen keizerlijk Oostenrijk en tsaristisch Rusland aan de voor avond van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Graaf-Gouverneur Wiladowski ziet machteloos toe hoe een reeks moorden het rijk en zijn provincie teistert. Als zijn familie wordt getroffen, geeft de gouverneur de joodse meesterspion Jakob Tausk verregaande bevoegdheden om het geweld een halt toe te roepen. Dan verschijnt de 'wonderrabbijn' Moses Brugger ten tonele en algauw dient Jakob Tausk twee meesters: de graaf n Moritz Rotenburg, de rijkste man in de provincie, die een persoonlijke belangstelling voor de wonderrabbijn koestert. De revolutionaire zoon van Rotenburg wordt gedreven door ambities die de loop van de geschiedenis ingrijpend kunnen veranderen. `Samenzweerders', gesitueerd in het brandpunt van een belangrijk historisch tijdsgewricht, is een intense, emotionele en intellectuele tour de force. Het is een dwingende en geslaagde zoek-tocht naar wat ons als onvolmaakte en bange wezens drijft; naar de keuzes die we moeten maken omwille van liefde en geld. Trefwoorden: Fictie, Oost Europa Bessis, Sophie Western Supremacy

The Triumph of an Idea 2002, 352 pag., 26.90 Zed Books, London, isbn: 1842772198 This history of colonial and developmentalist thought tells the story of the West's relationship with those parts of the world it came to dominate, from the conquest of the Americas, the slave trade and the scramble for Africa, through to decolonization, the ideology of development and structural adjustment. Sophie Bessis shows how notions of the West have been used to justify imperial economic interests and the emergence of a free trade ideology. Attempts to emulate the Western model have in turn had devastating consequences for the South. Human rights, in theory at least, have become an accepted nostrum throughout the world. Yet those who pride themselves on having invented this universality still lay claim to some privileged right to define its content. Bessis highlights the hypocrisy with which the North applies these standards: one standard for China, with its huge potential market, another for minor African states, one for Muslim oppression of women in Teheran, another in Riyadh. In other words, human rights are still entirely subordinate to economic interest, as everything else in our society. Trefwoorden: Economie Bonanno, Alfredo M. Revolution, Violence, Antiauthoritarianism A few Notes 2001, 36 pag., 1.70 Elephant Editions, London Translation and reprint of writings (originally in Italian) from the '70s and 80's - a few notes on Violence & Nonviolence, Revolutionary Struggle and Self-management. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Bookchin, Murray Post-scarcity anarchism 2004, 310 pag., 17.25 AK Press, Edinburgh, isbn: 1904859062 In a series of related essays, Murray Bookchin balances his ecological and anarchist vision with the promising opportunities of a "post-scarcity" era. Surpassing Marxist political economy, which was rooted in an era of material scarcity, Bookchin argues that the tools necessary for the self-administration of society have largely been developed and, that, combined with an ecological outlook have greatly altered our revolutionary landscape. Technological advances made during the twentieth century have expanded production greatly, but in the pursuit of corporate profit and at the expense of human need and ecological sustainability. Far from a time when "capital accumulation" could be considered a prerequisite for liberation, the working class now more than ever can dispel the myth that obstructions such as the state, hierarchical social relations and political parties (vanguards) are necessary appendages to their struggle for freedom. Bookchin's utopian vision, rooted in the realities of contemporary society, remains refreshingly pragmatic. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Bookchin, Murray The Third Revolution volume 3 Popular Movements in the Revolutionary Era 2002, 420 pag., 118.00 Continuum, New York, isbn: 0826450547 This major four-volume project is a comprehensive account of the great revolutions that swept over Europe and America during the past three centuries. Throughout, the emphasis is on the popular movements that propelled the great revolutions to radical peaks, the little-known leaders who spoke for the people and the liberatory social forms to which the revolutions gave rise. The four volumes form a dramatic ensemble that encompasses the hopes and social conflicts of past eras, as well as prospects for the coming century.The third volume begins with the Russian Revolution of 1905. The narrative moves to the crisis faced by international socialism on the outbreak of the Great War in 1914, and thence to the Russian Revolution of February 1917, the Bolshevik Red October, and the crucial German Revolution of 1918-19. The price is absolutely bizarre. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Bookchin, Murray The Third Revolution volume 2 Popular Movements in the Revolutionary Era 1998, 368 pag., 43.60 Continuum, New York, isbn: 0304335967 This second volume of "The Third Revolution" is a comprehensive account of 19th-century revolutions. Opening with the transition from Jacobinism to socialism, it explores the 1830 Revolution in France; the Lyons Insurrections of 1831 and 1834, where the red and black flags of socialism and anarchism were first

raised; the revolutions of 1848; and the Paris Commune of 1871. The transition from radical craft movements, prevalent in the early part of the century, to industrial working-class movements is traced, and a narrative of the First and Second Internationals brings this volume to a close. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Boot, Hans (red.) Om de Vereniging van de arbeid Globalisering en Vakbeweging 2005, 224 pag., 20.00 Solidariteit, Amsterdam, isbn: 9072854039 Na 23 jaar sluit Solidariteit, blad voor een strijdbare vakbeweging, zijn bestaan af met een stevig boek, waarvoor Greetje Lubbi het voorwoord schreef. De titel "Om de vereniging van de arbeid" suggereert terecht een plaats in de geschiedschrijving van een eeuw moderne vakbeweging. Na het trotse "Om de plaats van de arbeid" in 1956 van Frits de Jong en het hoopvolle "Voor de bevrijding van de arbeid" in 1975 van Ger Harmsen en Bob Reinalda, blijkt in 2005 de klassieke taak van de vakbonden hun achilleshiel. Behalve dat ze - genesteld in de macht - slechts een kwart van de beroepsbevolking weten te verenigen, hebben ze een blinde vlek voor de snelgroeiende rafels van het internationale kapitalisme. Voor werkende armen, flexmensen en langdurig werklozen. Voor al of niet 'illegale' werknemers en werkneemsters in de informele arbeid, jongeren en de velen in de marges van de gereguleerde arbeid. Allemaal 'perifere' groepen: onmisbaar voor de economie, afgesloten van de vakbeweging. Om "Vereniging van de arbeid" zoekt verklaringen voor deze dode hoeken in het blikveld van de vakbonden. In en buiten de globaliserende economie, in en buiten de Nederlandse en internationale vakorganisaties. Rode draad in zeventien hoofdstukken van onder anderen Richard Hyman, Alfred Kleinknecht en Marcel van der Linden: alleen door over de volle breedte te organiseren, maakt de vakbeweging kans op een progressieve toekomst die verenigt in plaats van uitsluit. Voor de inhoudsopgave of downloaden zie: Trefwoorden: Arbeid, Nederland, Sociale geschiedenis Bosch, Mineke Aletta Jacobs 1854-1929 Een onwrikbaar geloof in rechtvaardigheid 2005, 819 pag., 37.50 Balans, Uitgeverij, Amsterdam, isbn: 9050186572 Iedereen kent haar als de eerste vrouw in Nederland die werd toegelaten tot een universiteit, de eerste vrouw die afstudeerde als arts, de eerste vrouw die promoveerde, de eerste vrouw die een artsenpraktijk opende en de eerste vrouw die zich op een kieslijst voor de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen wilde laten plaatsen. Maar wie was deze eigenzinnige vrouw die met grote vanzelfsprekendheid haar plek in de wereld opeiste? Gedreven door een onwrikbaar gevoel voor rechtvaardigheid betwistte Aletta Jacobs waar zij kon de fatsoensregels die vrouwen belemmerden in hun vrijheid. Zij werd uiteindelijk de spil en de ziel van de Nederlandse beweging voor vrouwenkiesrecht. Haar wapens waren een scherp politiek en strategisch inzicht, humor, toewijding, idealisme, onuitputtelijke energie en doorzettingsvermogen. Met gevoel voor het sprekende detail beschrijft Mineke Bosch de lange weg die Aletta Jacobs aflegde van 'eenvoudig dorpskind' uit een joods doktersgezin in de Groningse veenkolonin tot wereldburgeres die op bezoek ging bij de paus n de president van Amerika om hen persoonlijk de resoluties van het Haagse Vrouwencongres voor de vrede aan te bieden. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie, Vrouwen, Nederland Bourgin, G. & G. Henriot (red.) Procs-Verbaux de la Commune de 1871, Tome 1 et 2 Fac-simil intgral en deux tomes 2002, 1223 pag., 66.00 Ressouvenances, Coeuvres-et-Valsery, isbn: 2845050267 Les procs-verbaux manuscrits des sances de la Commune furent sauvs, lors de sa dfaite en mai 1871, par un proche de Charles Amouroux, qui tait secrtaire de la Commune, et responsable ce titre de la rdaction desdits comptes rendus. Ils furent donns la Ville de Paris en 1894. Cette dition critique des procs-verbaux par Georges Bourgin et Gabriel Henriot, enrichie de notes considrables et d'un index, a paru en deux temps, en 1924 et 1945. G. Bourgin est l'auteur d'une Histoire de la Commune (Bibliothque socialiste, en 1907), d'articles rudits, et l'diteur d'un recueil consacr la Commune, o figuraient des textes d'douard Dollans, historien du mouvement ouvrier, de Lissagaray, d'lise Reclus et de Maxime Vuillaume. G. Henriot, qui a souvent collabor avec G. Bourgin, a poursuivi ses recherches sur la Commune travers diverses revues historiques jusque dans les annes 1950. Selon les bibliographes, l'dition que ces deux rudits ont ralise des Procs-Verbaux constitue " un modle du genre ". Elle est ici reproduite intgralement. Outre sa valeur de document historique, elle permet de mesurer l'action et la tche entreprises par des individus depuis oublis ou dcris (Longuet, Lefranais, Arnould, Pottier, Clment, tant d'autres) pour auto-organiser une utopie soudain actuelle, dans un environnement dmesurment hostile. Une telle passion complte aussi cette notion de " fte " que l'on a pu avancer

pour dfinir la Commune - cette fte qui n'est pas le charivari planifi ni la fanfaronnade, mais le courage d'assumer la libert. Dans l'Avant-propos au second tome de cette recherche monumentale, Georges Bourgin et Gabriel Henriot mentionnent la collaboration, cette dition, d'Amde Dunois (1878-1945), " membre du parti socialiste, puis du parti communiste aprs le Congrs de Tours, et de nouveau de la S.F.I.O. ", auteur d'tudes consacres Michel Bakounine, la Commune de Paris, la Premire Internationale, diteur notamment de Lissagaray, rsistant, dcd en dportation (R. Le Quillec, " La Commune de Paris. Bibliographie critique 1871-1997 ", d. La Boutique de l'Histoire, 1997, 826). Le facsimil des Procs-Verbaux que nous proposons a t effectu par notre atelier Ressouvenances, partir d'un exemplaire de nos archives. Le format initial du livre est de 16 sur 25 cm, et nous avons procd une lgre rduction graphique de l'empagement, de l'ordre de 10 %, qui n'altre bien sr en rien l'exactitude de la reproduction. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Brinton, Maurice De bolsjewiki en het arbeiderszelfbestuur, 1917-1921 De staat en de contrarevolutie 2005, 141 pag., 7.50 Dolle Hond, Amsterdam Om betekenis te hebben zal de komende revolutie diepgaand libertair moeten zijn. Zij zal gebaseerd moeten zijn op een echte verwerking van de hele Russische ervaring. Zij zal moeten weigeren het ene stel heersers in te wisselen voor een ander, het ene zootje priesters voor het andere, het ene autoritaire -sme voor het andere, de ene beperkende orthodoxie voor de andere. Alle schijnoplossingen die even zovele uitdrukkingen zijn van de voortdurende vervreemding van de mens, moeten ontmaskerd worden. Een echt begrip van het bolsjewisme moet een onderdeel van elke revolutie zijn die zich ten doel stelt alle vormen van vervreemding en zelfbedrog te overstijgen. Als de oude maatschappij ineen stort, dienen zowel de bourgeoisie als de bureaucratie onder haar puinhopen begraven te worden. De werkelijke bestaansgrond waarop zij opgegroeid zijn, moet begrepen worden. Bij deze gigantische taak zal de komende revolutie zijn kracht en inspiratie moeten halen uit de werkelijke ervaring van miljoenen, zowel in het Oosten als in het Westen. Wanneer dit boekje daarbij ook maar een beetje tot steun kan zijn, dan is ons werk de moeite waard geweest. Een opmerkelijke en unieke studie naar de gebeurtenissen gedurende de eerste jaren na de Oktoberrevolutie, waarbij deze worden geanalyseerd vanuit het perspectief van de arbeidersklasse. De chronologische behandeling geeft een ontluisterend beeld van de politiek der bolsjewiki tegenover de zelforganisatie der arbeiders. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Communisme, Oost Europa Brunelle, Dorval Alternative to Globalization A Better World Is Possible 2003, 224 pag., 23.50 Black Rose Books, Montral, isbn: 1551642360 `Alternative to Globalization' first explains the functions and powers of the main institutions that govern globalizationthe International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organizationalong with the ramifications, both good and bad, of their policies. Then, taking the World Social Forum as its source of inspiration, the book examines the evolution of alternative development thinking and ideas, exploring the current challenges NGOs face in trying to influence policy. Brunelle warns that if we want to see the world change from how it is now to how it could be, we need to take a somewhat different approach by understanding, and insisting on, a clear distinction between "globalization and free trade" and "the world economy and fair trade." The former he sees as the cause of most of the worlds problems, while the latter he suggests, would give more control to the people and take power away from corporations. In the end, what he presents is both a sober critique of globalization, as well as practical, thoughtful alternatives. Trefwoorden: Economie Bude, Eva von Verpit euch Sex and drugs and Hardcore-Punk 2005, 361 pag., 17.90 Europa verlag, Hamburg, isbn: 3203755262 "Verpisst Euch!" ist keine Erinnerung an wilde Zeiten, damals, ganz weit weg. Eva Bude stt den Leser mitten hinein in ihr Leben voller Ausschweifungen und Protest und erzhlt in einem treibenden Rhythmus, mit einer fesselnden direkten Sprache und einem sicheren Gefhl fr die Komik und Tragik eines Lebens jenseits aller Grenzen. Neben dieser faszinierend schnrkellosen Lebensgeschichte entsteht das Portrt einer Szene, die keineswegs so geschlossen war, wie es von auen scheint. Punk war gelebte Anarchie mit allen Freiheiten, und Bude erzhlt, wie sie viele Jahre ausfhrlich davon Gebrauch gemacht hat. Ein spannender Reisebericht in fremde Welten gleich nebenan - der unter anderem auch die Frage klrt, wie

man eine Schaufensterscheibe professionell einwirft, einen Gegenpapst ausruft und Hippies aus Herne verarscht Trefwoorden: Muziek, Subcultuur Buhle, Paul Wobblies! A Graphic History of the Industrial Workers of the World 2005, 305 pag., 23.65 Verso, London, isbn: 1844675254 The stories of the hard-rock miners shooting wars, young Elizabeth Gurly Flynn (the 'Rebel Girl' of contemporary sheet music), the first -sit-down strikes and Free Speech fights, Emma Goldman and the struggle for birth control access, the Pageant for Paterson orchestrated in Madison Square Garden, bohemian radicals John Reed and Louise Bryant, field-hand revolts and lumber workers strikes, wartime witch hunts, government prosecutions and mob lynching, Mexican-American uprisings in Baja, and Mexican peasant revolts led by Wobblies, hilarious and sentimental songs created and later revived all are here, and much, much more. The IWW, which has been organizing workers since 1905, is often cited yet elusive to scholars because of its eclectic and controversial cultural and social character. `Wobblies!' presents the IWW whole, scripted and drawn by old-time and younger Wobbly and IWW-inspired artists. Trefwoorden: Anarchosyndicalisme, Kunst, Noord Amerika C100 (Editor) The Art of Rebellion The World of Street Art 2005, 144 pag., 18.00 Gingko Press, Corte Madera, isbn: 1584232099 "A book about Streetart? Didn't this word already become too trendy? You might be right but I didn't find a better word that describes the kind of work shown in this book. And I think it doesn't really matter how you label it. You could also call it urban-art, post-graffitti-art, or ? - it wouldn't make a big difference. It is a form of art and a movement you can find in the streets rather than in galleries and museums. This book takes the chance to present the impressive work of streetartists from all over the world. It includes photos, interviews, action shots and gives a closer look into this phenomenon." [C100]. It's all full color, of course, and includes the work of 100s of artists, from Above to Zosen. And with an introduction from London's D-Face. And now at an affordable paperback price. Trefwoorden: Verzet, Kunst Cabo Vives, Francesc de Nuestros aos treinta Recuerdos de un militante del POUM 2005, 162 pag., 15.00 Sepha, isbn: 8493387479 Esta narracin histrica desvela experiencias personales de un militante revolucionario en la Catalua de la dcada de los aos treinta. Estn presentes las ilusiones juveniles del activismo poltico, la vida cotidiana durante la Repblica y el acontecimiento histrico frustrado de la revolucin obrera y libertaria de 1936 frente al levantamiento franquista. Tambin encontramos reflejadas de una forma sincera la crudeza y dureza extremas de la guerra civil (en el frente y en la retaguardia). Adems, esta obra incluye una memoria excepcional sobre la terrible experiencia de la represin estalinista contra sus adversarios de la izquierda. El autor, Francesc de Cabo, uno de los organizadores del trotskismo espaol, luego dirigente del POUM, estrechamente vinculado a Andreu Nin, quiso aos antes de morir dar a conocer sus recuerdos en este documento de indudable valor histrico. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa, Communisme, Biografie/Autobiografie Carson, Kevin The Iron Fist Behind The Invisible Hand Corporate Capitalism As A System Of State-Guaranteed Privilege 2002, 24 pag., 2.50 Red Lion Press, Montral An attempt to update anarchist economics. Examines the relationship between the State and Capitalism and shows how the latter could not exist without the former. A synthesis of Proudhon, Tucker, Marx and Rothbard. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Cavanagh, John & Sarah Anderson Field Guide To The Global Economy 2005, 208 pag., 17.15 New Press, New York, isbn: 1565849566 This fully updated and expanded second edition presents the latest facts to help make sense of the rapidly

changing international economy. Illustrated throughout with charts, graphs, cartoons, the book documents new trends, including the foreign "outsourcing" of US service jobs, as well as the increasing influence of mega-firms like Wal-Mart with its exploited labor force in China, the United States and elsewhere. This accessible guide explains how global institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and the North American Free Trade Agreement affect communities, workers, the poor, and the environment. It dispels the widely disseminated propaganda about current globalization policies and provides an update on the burgeoning movement that is challenging them, from Bolivian water warriors to US student anti-sweatshop activists. Trefwoorden: Economie Csar Vidal Checas de Madrid Las crceles republicanas al descubierto 2004, 364 pag., 9.25 Nuevas Ediciones de Bolsillo, isbn: 8497931688 `Checas de Madrid. Las crceles republicanas al descubierto' es la historia de la labor de represin ejecutada por las autodeterminadas fuerzas progresistas durante la Repblica espaola, con el respaldo directo de los aparatos del Estado y el apoyo o silencio de los que haban sido erigidos en referentes morales de la sociedad. El libro se divide en cuatro partes: la primera describe la forma en que se cre el primer estado totalitario de la Historia sostenido sobre la mxima del exterminio; la segunda, dedicada al establecimiento del sistema de checas de Madrid, muestra su funcionamiento durante los primeros meses de la guerra civil; la tercera se centra en el paso del sistema de checas a la prctica del exterminio masivo, el comportamiento de los intelectuales ante las detenciones, torturas y matanzas, y el final de los asesinatos en masa, y la ltima describe la mutacin que tuvo lugar en la represin practicada en la zona de Espaa controlada por el Frente Popular una vez que los comunistas, con el apoyo de la URSS, comenzaron a apoderarse de los resortes del poder. Un libro polmico, riguroso y clarificador, profusamente documentado con material indito y nuevas aportaciones que nos acerca a la realidad histrica de uno de los perodos revolucionarios ms silenciados, sangrientos y crueles de Espaa. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa, Repressie, Communisme Chabal, Patrick Amilcar Cabral Revolutionary Leadership and people's war 2004, 278 pag., 27.50 Hurst & Co, London, isbn: 1850655480 This book tells the story of Amilcar Cabral, who, as head of the PAIGC, Guinea-Bissaus's nationalist movement, became one of Africa's foremost leaders. He led Guinea-Bissau's nationalists to political and military success over a colonial power. Trefwoorden: Afrika, Biografie/Autobiografie Chomsky, Aviva (Translator) & Francisco Cuellar The Profits Of Extermination How U.S. corporate power is destroying Colombia 2005, 150 pag., 14.30 Common Courage Press, Monroe, isbn: 1567513220 Published to acclaim - and death threats against its author and bombings of his union's offices - in Colombia, The Profits Of Extermination uncovers the role of multinational mining and energy companies in Colombia's violence. Through legal maneuvers, corruption, and direct use of paramilitary violence, foreign companies have taken over Colombia's resources, displacing and murdering those who have challenged them. Illustrated throughout with photographs - and with a wealth of accompanying documents - this English edition is translated, and introduced, by Aviva Chomsky. Trefwoorden: Zuid Amerika Chomsky, Noam Ideals and ideals Second edition 2004, 300 pag., 26.95 Cambridge university press, Cambridge, isbn: 0521546885 Noam Chomsky is one of the leading intellectual figures of modern times. He has had a major influence on linguistics, psychology and philosophy, and a significant effect on many other disciplines, from anthropology to mathematics, education to literary criticism. In this rigorous yet accessible account of Chomskys work and influence, Neil Smith analyses Chomskys key contributions to the study of language and the study of mind. He gives a detailed exposition of Chomskys linguistic theorizing, discusses the psychological and philosophical implications of Chomskys work, and argues that he has fundamentally changed the way we think of ourselves, gaining a position in the history of ideas on a par with that of Darwin or Descartes. This second edition has been thoroughly updated to account for Chomskys most

recent work, including his continued contributions to linguistics, his further discussion on evolution, and his extensive work on the events of September 11th, 2001. Trefwoorden: Filosofie Chomsky, Noam Problems of Knowledge and Freedom 2003, 111 pag., 17.50 I.B. Tauris, London, isbn: 1565848098 Noam Chomsky, a professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has achieved world renown as a linguist and political activist. This book brings together his political and linguistic analysis. In this series of talks originally given in memory of Bertrand Russell in 1971, Chomsky applies empirical principles of human understanding to then-current issues, including the war in Indochina, the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis and Richard Nixon's foreign policies. Trefwoorden: Media Churchill, Ward Kill the Indian, Save the Man The genocidal impact of American Indian residential schools 2004, 128 pag., 14.50 City Lights Books, San Francisco, isbn: 0872864340 For 5 consecutive generations, from roughly 1880-1980, Native American children in the United States and Canada were forcibly taken from their families and relocated to residential schools. The stated goal of this government program was to "kill the Indian to save the man". Half of the children did not survive the experience, and those who did were left permanently scarred. The resulting alcoholism, suicide, and the transmission of trauma to their own children has led to a social disintegration with results that can only be described as genocidal. Trefwoorden: Noord Amerika Cobo Romero, Francisco Revolucin campesina y contrarrevolucin franquista en Andaluca Conflictividad social, violencia poltica y represin franquista en el mundo rural andaluz, 1931-1950 2004, 396 pag., 25.00 Universidad de Granada, Granada, isbn: 8433830996 El libro une los anlisis generalistas con la microhistoria de carcter local. No pierde de vista la importancia de unir las dimensiones inmediatas y mediatas de la explicacin para que, con independencia de criterio, se logre sintetizar una imagen de conjunto de Andaluca. As puede utilizar los casos puntuales de determinados municipios como ejemplos prcticos de las hiptesis defendidas y representaciones de comportamientos ms extendidos. Tenemos como muestra de lo anterior el modelo micro de causas de la violencia poltica durante la Guerra Civil personificado en el pueblo de Alcal la Real, cuyo estudio abarca desde comienzos del siglo XX hasta la finalizacin de la contienda civil. As a una perspectiva espacial amplia se le suma una temporal ms abierta a presentar interacciones de larga duracin. Las races del conflicto y la represin no estn slo en las luchas desatadas por el inestable sistema poltico de la II Repblica. Hay que rastrear ms atrs para que haya que apreciar cmo el proceso de fragmentacin o segmentacin interna- del campesinado andaluz iniciado y sostenido por un proceso de "modernizacin relativa" fue la piedra angular de buena parte de los acontecimientos que se sucedieron desde 1936 a 1950. La violencia poltica desatada en la retaguardia de ambos bandos durante la guerra y con posterioridad a la misma naci del enfrentamiento entre aquellos que buscaban una nueva forma de entender las relaciones de produccin y el acceso al cultivo de la tierra y los que pretendan la erradicacin de estas posturas y la influencia que los partidos y sindicatos de izquierda haban ejercido sobre la masa de jornaleros. Los resultados de la investigacin demuestran que en los lugares donde fue ms feroz el terror franquista estos tienen un largo historial de reivindicaciones agrarias y conflictividad social. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa Coll, Steve Ghost wars The secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan and Bin Laden 2005, 736 pag., 13.67 Penguin, London, isbn: 0141020806 The news-breaking book that has sent schockwaves through the White House, Ghost Wars is the most accurate and revealing account yet of the CIA's secret involvement in al-Qaeada's evolution.The journalist Steve Coll has spent years reporting from the Middle East, accessed previously classified government files and interviewed senior US officials and foreign spymasters. Here he gives the full inside story of the CIA's covert funding of an Islamic jihad against Soviet forces in Afghanistan, explores how this sowed the seeds of bn Laden's rise, traces how he built his global network and brings to life the dramatic battles within the US government over national security. Above all, he lays bare American intelligence's continual failure to grasp the rising threat of terrrorism in the years leading to 9/11 - and its devastating consequences.

Trefwoorden: Midden Oosten, Noord Amerika, Geheime Diensten Collins, John Occupied by memory The Intifada Generation and the Palestinian State of Emergency 2004, 304 pag., 24.95 New York University Press, New York, isbn: 0814716385 `Occupied by Memory' explores the memories of the first Palestinian intifada. Based on extensive interviews with members of the "intifada generation," those who were between 10 and 18 years old when the intifada began in 1987, the book provides a detailed look at the intifada memories of ordinary Palestinians. These personal stories are presented as part of a complex and politically charged discursive field through which young Palestinians are invested with meaning by scholars, politicians, journalists, and other observers. What emerges from their memories is a sense of a generation caught between a past that is simultaneously traumatic, empowering, and exciting - and a future that is perpetually uncertain. In this sense, Collins argues that understanding the stories and the struggles of the intifada generation is a key to understanding the ongoing state of emergency for the Palestinian people.The book will be of interest not only to scholars of the Middle East but also to those interested in nationalism, discourse analysis, social movements, and oral history. Trefwoorden: Midden Oosten Crimethinc Recipes for Disaster An Anarchist Cookbook 2004, 650 pag., 14.30 CrimethInc., Olympia, isbn: 0970910142 Beautifully designed A-Z of the totality of revolutionary politics. This brand new Crimethinc book is the action guide - the direct action guide. From affinity groups to wheatpasting, coalition building, hijacking events, mental health, pie-throwing, shoplifting, stenciling, supporting survivors of domestic violence, surviving a felony trial, torches, and whole bunch more. Incredible design, and lots of graphics give it that hip situ feel. Loads to read, to think about, and to do. At 650 pages, you could always throw the damn book at a suitable target. What are you waiting for? Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Dearling, Alan & Graham Meltzer Another kind of space Creating ecological dwellings and enviroments 2003, 168 pag., 25.75 Enabler publications, Lyme Regis, isbn: 0952331659 This is a co-operative effort compiled by Alan Dearling and Graham Meltzer, who have been globetrotting for many years to study the huge variety of low impact housing. There is a lot of inspiration in this very personal book, ranging through low impact villages, intentional communities, eco-tourism, modern-day nomads, and the international green community. The first part of the book sets the scene for the remaining bulk of the text, introducing two major threads running throughout the book, those being environmentalism, and the kindred spirits inherent in the various types of alternative lifestyle. The main part of the book gives more detail about various projects throughout the world, ranging from a secret village community in Wales, through the Vales autonomous houses, Roger Deans futuristic pod structures, to strange floating villages reminiscent of those in the film Waterworld. Trefwoorden: Woonvormen, Milieu Debord, Guy Panegyric Volume One and Two 2004, 192 pag., 22.67 Verso, London, isbn: 1859846653 All my life I have seen only troubled times, extreme divisions in society, and immense destruction; I have joined in these troubles. Such circumstances would no doubt suffice to prevent the most transparent of my acts or thoughts from being universally approved. But, I do believe, several of them could have been misunderstood Guy Debord, as founding and pivotal figure of the Situationist International, pursued one of the 20th centurys most arch and exciting assaults on modern life. His 1967 `Society of the Spectacle' (followed, twenty years later, by `Comments on the Society of the Spectacle') was a fierce critique of latecapitalist culture and became the signal text for those involved in the political events of May 1968 and beyond. `Panegyric' is Debords audacious autobiography. Guy Debord was born in 1931 in Paris. He committed suicide in 1994. Trefwoorden: Situationisten

Dedrabbit Manifesto 2005, 200 pag., 5.00 dedrabbit, Northhampton MANIFESTO is about: punks, delinquents, drug-culture, growing up, dreaming, jazz, insanity, graffiti, absurdity, delirium, hope, darkness, dropping out, not liking anything, farming, moving around, maladjustment, not fitting in, wanting to be good, being drunk, misunderstood, disenfranchised, bored, alone, cold, alienated, scared, confused, sick, dispossessed, hungry, tired, sad, self-absorbed, disappointed, deranged, disgusted, fed-up, strung-out, lost Trefwoorden: Fictie DePastino, Todd Citizen Hobo How a century of homelessness shaped America 2005, 350 pag., 23.30 Chicago University Press, Chicago, isbn: 0226143791 n the years following the Civil War, a veritable army of homeless men swept across America's "wageworkers' frontier" and forged a beguiling and bedeviling counterculture known as "hobohemia." Celebrating unfettered masculinity and jealously guarding the American road as the preserve of white manhood, hoboes took command of downtown districts and swaggered onto center stage of the new urban culture. Less obviously, perhaps, they also staked their own claims on the American polity, claims that would in fact transform the very entitlements of American citizenship. In this work Todd DePastino tells the epic story of hobohemia's rise and fall, and crafts a stunning new interpretation of the "American century" in the process. Drawing on sources ranging from diaries, letters, and police reports to movies and memoirs, `Citizen Hobo' breathes life into the largely forgotten world of the road, but it also, crucially, shows how the hobo army so haunted the American body politic that it prompted the creation of an entirely new social order and political economy. DePastino shows how hoboes--with their reputation as dangers to civilization, sexual savages, and professional idlers--became a cultural and political force, influencing the creation of welfare state measures, the promotion of mass consumption, and the suburbanization of America. `Citizen Hobo's' sweeping retelling of American nationhood in light of enduring struggles over "home" does more than chart the change from "homelessness" to "houselessness." In its breadth and scope, the book offers nothing less than an essential new context for thinking about Americans' struggles against inequality and alienation. Trefwoorden: Woonvormen, Noord Amerika Do or Die Weg met het Empire! Laat de Lente komen! 2005, 191 pag., 10.00 Baalprodukties, Sittard, isbn: 9075825285 In de jaren 1990 beleeft de radicale actiebeweging op de Britse eilanden een krachtige opleving. Tegenover een ingeslapen politiek establishment - behalve de mainstream partijen en media, ook onder andere de gevestigde milieubeweging - neemt een bont assortiment groepen het zlf op tegen de wegenbouw, de bio-industrie, de vossenjacht, de praktijken van bedrijven als Shell en McDonalds, de teelt van genetisch gemanipuleerde gewassen, het gebruik van tropisch hardhout en veel meer.... En van de grote drijfveren van deze opleving was de Britse Earth First! en `Weg met het Empire! Laat de lente komen!', geschreven door een van de oprichters daarvan. Het blikt uitgebreid terug op deze periode en wat erop volgde. Uit zoveel 'maatschappelijke praxis' valt veel te leren - over organisatiestructuren en strijdmiddelen, over solidariteit en repressie, over idealisme en realiteitszin. Het boek vervolgt met een kritische zelfanalyse van de beweging, weerslag van talloze discussies op Earth First- gatherings en elders. Maar het gaat ook verder. De klimaatveranderingen zijn nog niet eens in volle hevigheid losgebarsten, overstroomde gifbelten en een tweede golf immuunziekten kunnen ons nog danig verrassen, om nog maar te zwijgen over de rampen die vooralsnog geen naam hebben... Dit alles onder ogen zien is niet gemakkelijk. De ernst en de urgentie van de situatie zijn bijna niet te vatten. En toch zullen we de noodtoestand cht onder ogen moeten zien, haar dynamiek doorgronden en samen met anderen een handelingsperspectief en -praktijk ontwikkelen. En dat is precies wat de schrijver van dit boek, vanuit zijn jarenlange ervaring bij de radicale milieubeweging Earth First!, op boeiende en doorwrochte wijze doet. Niet vanuit een idealistisch perspectief maar door de enorme, existentile problematiek van onze tijd in haar sociaal-economische, haar materile en historische, context te plaatsen. Helder worden de contouren van een mogelijke politieke strategie voor de komende jaren geschetst. Vanuit een analyse van de sterke en zwakke kanten van de tegenbeweging, zoals deze zich de laatste jaren concreet heeft gemanifesteerd, stelt de schrijver dat we nu voor een aantal belangrijke 'opgaven' staan, vanuit de ecologische tijdsdruk en het politieke krachtenveld waarin we nu als activisten moeten leven en opereren. Want, zo zegt hij nuchter: "We moeten onszelf niet alleen zien als rebellen tegen het Empire, zoals zo velen vr ons, maar als rebellen op het meest kritieke moment in de geschiedenis van de mensheid." Het boek bevat meer, veel meer, en is een boeiend geschreven en gengageerd relaas dat nergens terugdeinst om dingen bij

hun naam te noemen en de huidige strijd in een historisch en daarmee (r)evolutionair perspectief te plaatsen. Trefwoorden: Milieu, Activisme Do or Die Bastions Pirates Une histoire libertaire de la piraterie 2005, 62 pag., 12.00 Aden Diffusion, Brussel, isbn: 2930402083 Une histoire libertaire de la piraterie. Durant lAge dOr de la piraterie, entre le XVIIe et le XVIIIe sicle, des quipages composs des premiers rebelles proltariens et des exclus de la civilisation, pillrent les voies maritimes entre lEurope et lAmrique. Ils opraient depuis des enclaves terrestres, des ports libres, des utopies pirates situes sur des les ou le long des ctes, hors de porte de toute civilisation. Depuis ces mini-anarchies des Zones dAutonomie Temporaire ils lanaient des raids si fructueux quils dclenchrent une crise impriale, en sattaquant aux changes britanniques avec les colonies, et en crasant le systme dexploitation globale, desclavage et de colonialisme qui se dveloppait. La socit euro-amricaine des XVIIe et XVIIIe sicles tait celle du capitalisme en plein essor, de la guerre, de lesclavage; la famine et la misre ctoyaient une richesse inimaginable. LEglise dominait tous les aspects de lexistence et les femmes avaient peu de choix hormis lesclavage marital. En opposition cela, les pirates crrent un monde qui leur tait propre, o ils avaient le choix en eux-mmes un monde de solidarit et de fraternit, o ils partageaient les risques et les gains de la vie en mer, prenaient collectivement les dcisions une pope libertaire. Trefwoorden: Banditisme Dohrn, Bernardine & Bill Ayers & Jeff Jones & Celia Sojourn Prairie Fire The Politics Of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism - Political Statement Of The Weather Underground 1974, 151 pag., 9.50 You've seen the movies, read the biographies, and its time to get back to basics. Here, in all its glory, is the original (published in 1974) manifesto, statement, and critique, of the Weather Underground. Trefwoorden: Gewapende strijd, Noord Amerika Dorren, Nanne De duivel groef een paradijs Het verhaal van een Zuid-Limburgs dorpje op de rand van de afgrond 2005, 200 pag., 14.95 Lemniscaat, Rotterdam, isbn: 9056376942 Het Zuid-Limburgse dorpje 't Rooth balanceert op de rand van de afgrond. Meer dan de helft van het gebied is al van de aardbodem verdwenen: afgegraven door de mergelindustrie. Anno 2005 zijn er nog maar elf huizen over - en op honderd meter afstand bevindt zich een gapend gat. In `De duivel groef een paradijs' vertelt de journaliste Nanne Dorren het prachtige, dramatische verhaal van 't Rooth. Een verhaal over intriges van politiek en bedrijfsleven, boeren die om grond twisten, de listen van de duivel en de lotgevallen van de geelbuik vuurpad die, paradoxaal genoeg, een paradijselijk onderkomen heeft gevonden in de mergelgroeve. Dit boek gaat niet alleen over dat kleine Zuid-Limburgse dorpje met zijn veelbewogen geschiedenis. Overal in het land voeren mensen strijd tegen de aanleg van Betuwe en hogesnelheidslijnen, nieuwe snelwegen, bedrijventerreinen en luchthavens. `De duivel groef een paradijs' is een verhaal waarin velen zich zullen herkennen. Trefwoorden: Nederland Duberman, Martin Left Out The Politics of Exclusion: Essays 1964-2002 2002, 528 pag., 22.00 South End Press, Boston, isbn: 0896086720 The author argues that identity-based movements - black power, gay liberation, feminism - have created a vital and controversial change in American consciousness. His collection of essays here traces this evolution of thought to the history of dissent from abolitionism through the New Left to contemporary organizing. Presenting summations of Duberman's views on such matters as race, foreign policy, gender and sexuality, the book offers incisive analyses of the split between class-based and identity-based politics on the Left. This edition, updated through 2002, includes three new essays: "The State of Gay Studies", "Queer Economic Justice", and "Jewish Radicals, Effeminacy, and the Rise of Gay Chauvinism". Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie Duberman, Martin & Alissa Solomon (eds) Queer Ideas

The Kessler Lectures In Lesbian And Gay Studies 2003, 215 pag., 16.35 The Feminist Press, New York, isbn: 1558614494 This volume brings together ten core thinkers in the field of lesbian and gay studies. Participants in the outstanding Kessler series, hosted by CLAGS, the premiere US think-tank in the field, they present ten diverse approaches to the experiences, history, and culture of lesbian and gay people, and in the process they think new and queer ideas into being. Beginning with Joan Nestle, who explores the outsider status of lesbians through the complex life a black lesbian domestic worker, and ending with Judith Butler, who speaks on human rights in the aftermath of September 11. The collection includes the pantheon of queer theorists: Edmund White on queer fiction and criticism, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick on the dialogics of love, and John D'Emilio on gay civil rights activist Bayard Rustin. Trefwoorden: Queer Durand, Pierre Louise Michel La passion 2005, 180 pag., 21.00 Le temps des cerises, Pantin, isbn: 2841095525 Louise Michel, ne en 1830, tait la fille naturelle d'une servante et d'un chtelain. Trs vite elle est rvolte par l'exploitation des ouvriers et la situation faite aux femmes. Bientt, elle va essayer de contribuer l'mancipation des femmes. D'abord en devenant institutrice "libre" (ayant refus de prter serment Napolon III). C'est cette poque qu'elle se lie avec les milieux rvolutionnaires. Puis vient la guerre de 1870, le sige de Paris par les troupes prussiennes et la capitulation. Elle participe au soulvement du peuple de Paris qui proclame la Commune et se lance dans l'action en devenant infirmire volontaire. Elle sera arrte durant la semaine sanglante. Devant les juges du Tribunal militaire elle revendique firement sa participation la Commune. C'est l'issue de ce procs que son ami Victor Hugo va lui ddier son pome Viro major. Condamne la dportation vers la Nouvelle-Caldonie, elle s'intresse au pays, aux Kanaks et organise une cole pour leurs enfants. En 1880, suite l'amnistie des Communards, elle rentre Paris o elle reoit un accueil triomphal. Militante infatigable, elle multiplie les confrences, les meetings, les appels la rvolution. A sa mort, en 1905, 120 000 personnes vont suivre son cercueil de la gare de Lyon au cimetire de Levallois-Perret. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Biografie/Autobiografie Earle, Duncan & Jeanne Simonelli Uprising of Hope Sharing the Zapatista Journey to alternative development 2005, 344 pag., 47.10 Altamira Press, Oxford, isbn: 0759105413 The Zapatistas of Chiapas, Mexico, have often been portrayed in reductive, polarized terms; either as saintly activists or dangerous rebels. Cultural anthropologists Duncan Earle and Jeanne Simonelli, drawing on decades-long relationships and fieldwork, attained a collegiality with the Zapatistas that reveals a more complex portrait of a people struggling with self-determination on every level. Seeking a new kind of experimental ethnography, Earle & Simonelli have chronicled a social experiment characterized by resistance, autonomy and communality. Combining their own compelling narrative as participantobservers, and those of their Chiapas compadres, the authors effectively call for an activist approach to research. Trefwoorden: Midden Amerika Edge, Brian 924 Gilman 2004, 417 pag., 16.35 Maximum Rock 'n' roll, San Francisco, CA, isbn: 0975568000 Known to most only as the place where punk rock legends Green Day, Operation Ivy, and Rancid were spawned, and home of the 'East Bay' sound, there's actually alot more that's impressive about Gilman Street. What you get here, in words, and over 200 photographs, is a thorough historical account of the first 17 years of the all-ages, volunteer-run punk club in Berkeley, CA, as recounted by those that actually worked there, went there, and occasionally played there. Some of the names you may know - some of them are (in)famous scenesters, zinesters and play(ed) in bands too - most of them you won't. Which is, of course, what makes the project, and this documentation, so incredible. Heartfelt and inspiring, these stories, anecdotes, complaints, exultations, analyses, and reminisces truly capture the huge impact the club has had on the lives of those who've been involved there. In the words of the books editor "it's not your age or experience that matters most, it's your dedication and enthusiasm." Trefwoorden: Muziek Eisenfeld, Bernd & Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk & Ehrhart Neubert Die verdrngte Revolution

2004, 847 pag., 29.90 Edition Temmen, Bremen, isbn: 3861083876 Mit diesem Buch versuchen die Autoren die Ereignisse des 17. Juni 1953 in ihrer Gesamtheit zu erschlieen und diesem Tag seinen Platz in der deutschen Geschichte zuzuordnen. Die Wirkungsgeschichte des 17. Juni 1953 wird aus verschiendenen Perspektiven betrachtet: vom offiziellen Bild, einschlielich der Geschichtswissenschaft der DDR, ber die literarische Auseinandersetzung mit dem 17. Juni und der Rezeption autobiographischer Texte von Spitzenfunktionren der DDR, bis hin zur Erinnerungskultur des 17. Juni in der heutigen Zeit. Trefwoorden: Oost Europa Eisner, Willie The Plot The secret story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion 2005, 160 pag., 25.20 Norton, London, isbn: 0393060454 Completing `The Plot' in the last month of his life, Will Eisner tackled what he regarded as his most powerful work. Deeply disturbed that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which purports to be the actual blueprint by Jewish leaders to take over the world, continued to be published and disseminated to millions of people around the globe, Eisner hoped that his own graphic account of this outrageous fabrication could reach a mass audience in a way that no academic work possibly could. In presenting this history, Eisner takes the reader on a journey that begins in late nineteenth-century Paris, where an agent of the Russian secret police stumbles upon an old French philosophical work, which he plagiarizes, often word for word, creating a new document that seeks to implicate Jewish leaders and bankers in a plot to take over the world. Thus hatched as an antisemitic scheme to deflect widespread criticism of the tsar's repressive government, the Protocols was first published in Russia in 1905. In time, as World War I engulfed both Russia and most of the Western world in a deadly conflagration, the lie became an internationally accepted truth. Not even the venerable Times of London, which exposed the Protocols as a crude hoax in 1921, could put a stop to the publications, which soon sprang up in dozens of countries. Presenting a pageant of historical figures that includes, among many others, Tsar Nicholas II, Adolf Hitler, and Henry Ford, Eisner powerfully depicts the rise of modern antisemitic thought as seen through the spread of the Protocols itself. Written during the height of the Dreyfus Affair, which bitterly divided turn-of-the-century France, the Protocols, as Eisner reveals, was quickly adopted by numerous racist organizations, parties, and religions, be it the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, or Islamic fundamentalists. Yet, despite periodic denunciations and new French revelations, the Protocols continues to be published throughout the Arab, Asian and European continent. Trefwoorden: Comic Elzen, S. van De zigzagmuur Israel en Palestina tussen twee staten 2005, 168 pag., 12.50 Van Halewyck, Leuven, isbn: 9056175963 In Isral en Palestina lijkt de tijd van de `twee-staten-regeling' nu wel definitief voorbij. Wat de staat Palestina moest worden, geraakt onderhand volledig volgebouwd met Isralische huizen, terwijl het Isralische leger er de hele tijd Palestijnse huizen afbreekt. Hoe kan men twee staten maken als Isral alle grond wil, maar geen Palestijnen? En hoe kan Isral twee staten maken als er met de Palestijnen niet te praten valt? Als er geen twee staten naast elkaar kunnen leven, moet er dan gekozen worden voor n, democratische, binationale constructie? Afgezien van enkele Isralische zieners en vermoeide Palestijnen gelooft niemand dat dit mogelijk is. Als twee staten niet kunnen, en n staat kan niet, wat zijn dan nog de mogelijkheden? De kolonisten terugtrekken en alle Palestijnen opsluiten achter de `veiligheidsmuur'? Oorlog tot de finish? Of is er met de dood van Arafat ruimte ontstaan voor een onderhandelde vrede? Sus van Elzen schreef met `De zigzagmuur' een prangend en dringend essay over de weinige opties die er voor Israli's en Palestijnen nog overblijven. Trefwoorden: Midden Oosten Enderwitz, Ulrich Konsum, Terror und Gesellschafskritik Eine Tour dhorizon 2005, 124 pag., 13.95 Unrast, Mnster, isbn: 389771437X Ulrich Enderwitz unternimmt hier den Versuch, den Zusammenhang zwischen den chronischen Absatzproblemen der sptkapitalistischen, westlichen Gesellschaften und ihrer panischen Terrorismuskampagne herauszuarbeiten und im Lichte dieser Analyse ein besseres Verstndnis sowohl des arabisch-israelischen Konflikts als auch des Verhltnisses zwischen Imperialismus und Islamismus zu gewinnen. Hand in Hand mit der systematischen Darstellung geht eine kritische Interpretation anderer Beurteilungen der Weltlage, insbesondere des unter dem Schlagwort antideutsch unternommenen

Versuchs, unter dem Eindruck des weltweiten Bedrohungsszenariums Gesellschaftskritik durch die obsessive Bornierung auf Faschismus und Antisemitismus in eine Affirmation des Kapitalismus und seiner globalen, alias imperialistischen, Entfaltung umzufunktionieren. Trefwoorden: Economie Engdahl, William A Century of War Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order 2004, 303 pag., 24.75 Pluto Press, London, isbn: 074532309X Scandals about oil are familiar to us. From George W. Bush's election victory to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, American politics and oil enjoy a controversially close relationship. The US economy relies upon the cheap and unlimited supply of this single fuel. William Engdahl takes the reader through a history of the oil industry's grip on the world economy. His revelations are startling. Moving from the postWorld War 1 period to the present day, he shows how oil is - and has always been - the motivating factor in international policy and conflicts. Trefwoorden: Nieuwe Wereldorde English, Richard Armed struggle The history of the IRA 2004, 492 pag., 18.50 MacMillan Press, London, isbn: 0330493884 This is a detailed history and analysis of the IRA from the dramatic events of the Easter Rising in 1916 to the peace process. In it, Richard English examines the guerrilla war of 1919-1921, the partitioning of Ireland in the 1920s and the Irish Civil War of 1922-23. Here, too, are the IRA campaigns in Northern Ireland and Britain during the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s.The author explains how the Provisionals were born out of the turbulence generated by the 1960s civil rights movement. He examines: the escalating violence; the split in the IRA that produced the Provisionals; the introduction of internment in 1971; and the tragedy of Bloody Sunday in 1972. He then details the prison war over political status, culminating in the hunger strikes of the early 1980s, moves on to describe the Provisionals' subsequent emergence as a more commitedly political force, and concludes with the peace process. Trefwoorden: West Europa, Gewapende strijd Eschle, Catherine (red.) Critical theories, International Relations and 'the Anti-Globalisation Movement' The Politics of Global Resistance 2005, 264 pag., 30.75 Routledge, London, isbn: 0415343917 From the Zapatistas to Seattle and beyond, the 'anti-globalisation movement' has been grabbing headlines and capturing political imaginations worldwide. This book explores the interface between diverse resistances to neoliberal globalisation and a range range of critical theories within international relations. It provides a comprehensive and nuanced analysis of the 'anti-globalisation' struggles taking place in many different parts of the world. It shows the complexity and diversity of these movements and illustrates this with a number of detailed empirical studies of local, national and transnational resistance in the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. The authors inroduce a variety of competing theoretical perspectives from international political economy, social movement theory, globalisation studies feminism and postmodernism, explaining how activism has influenced theory and how theory can help activists to modify their tactics.The global protest movement has made a huge impact on world politics and this book is essential reading for students, scholars and activists with an interest in this area. Trefwoorden: Verzet, Economie, Sociale bewegingen Fabel van de Illegaal De wegbereiders van Wilders Gebladerte-reeks nr. 27 2005, 60 pag., 3.00 Gebladerte reeks Nederland wordt overspoeld door rechtse opiniemakers die dag in dag uit columns en tv-programma's vullen met hun racistische praat. GroenLinks-Kamerlid Femke Halsema betitelde hen terecht als "de voorgangers" van "de conservatieve commune". Deze opiniemakers grijpen elke gebeurtenis aan om hun racistische gedachtegoed aan de mens te brengen. Inmiddels hebben ze in Nederland een sfeer neergezet waarin niet-westerse "allochtonen" uitsluitend nog als probleem worden waargenomen. Zo leggen ze de basis voor de opkomst van de rechts-extremist Geert Wilders. "De wegbereiders van Wilders" bevat een uitgebreide analyse van de ideologie van opiniemakers als Jaffe Vink, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sylvain Ephimenco, Arie van der Zwan, Paul Frentrop, Pamela Hemelrijk, Marcel Roele, Syp Wynia, Theo van Gogh, Afshin Ellian, Emerson Vermaat, en natuurlijk Geert Wilders. De brochure bevat artikelen die eerder werden

gepubliceerd in de krant van `De Fabel van de illegaal'. Trefwoorden: Nederland, Extreem rechts Fabel van de Illegaal Christenfundamentalisme 2005, 63 pag., 3.00 Stichting Gebladerte, Leiden Er wordt tegenwoordig terecht veel kritiek geleverd op het moslimfundamentalisme. Dat ook het christenfundamentalisme een gevaar vormt, komt helaas veel minder aan de orde. Maar het gaat in beide gevallen om extreem-rechtse stromingen in een religieus jasje. Christenfundamentalisten nemen de teksten van de bijbel letterlijk. Ze geloven dus echt in "de satan", "de eindtijd", "de Antichrist" en de aanstaande wederkomst van Jezus. Ze misbruiken de godsdienstvrijheid om anderen openlijk te discrimineren en criminaliseren, verwerpen het zelfbeschikkingsrecht over lichaam en geest. Ze bestrijden liberalisme, socialisme, feminisme, athesme en alle andere emancipatiestromingen die de menselijke autonomie centraal stellen. Want er zou er maar n de baas zijn: God. In deze brochure uitgebreid aandacht voor het katholieke fundamentalisme, zoals belichaamd door het Vaticaan, Opus Dei en de film `The passion of the Christ'. Daarnaast komen ook het protestantse en evangelische fundamentalisme aan de orde in analyses van de SGP en de ChristenUnie, en van eindtijdverwachtingen, samenzweringstheorien en anti-abortus activisme. Trefwoorden: Religie, Extreem rechts Federici, Silvia Caliban And The Witch Women, The Body And Primitive Accumulation 2004, 256 pag., 15.95 Autonomedia, New York, isbn: 1570270597 `Caliban And The Witch' is a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hunts and the rise of mechanical philosophy, Federici investigates the capitalist rationalization of social reproduction. She shows how the battle against the rebel body and mind are essential conditions for the development of labor power and self-ownership, two central principles of modern social organization. In the neoliberal era of postmodernism, the proletariat is whited-out from the pages of history. Federici recovers its historical substance by telling its story starting at the beginning, with the throes of its birth. This is a book of remembrance, of a trauma burned into the body of women, which left a scar on humanity's memory as deep and painful as those caused by famine, slaughter, and enslavement. Trefwoorden: Filosofie, Economie Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley The Rebel Girl An autobiography 1994, 351 pag., 18.25 International Publishers, New York, isbn: 0717803686 An epic firsthand account of women and labor in the early years of the 20th century. The fiery IWW, labor defense and Communist leader writes vividly of her early life. Trefwoorden: Anarchosyndicalisme, Anarchisme, Noord Amerika, Biografie/Autobiografie Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley Alderson's Story My life as a political prisoner 1972, 228 pag., 13.20 International Publishers, New York, isbn: 0717800024 Alderson is the Federal women's prison where the author spent 28 months as a Smith Act "political prisoner" in the 1950s. One of the first prison accounts by a woman. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie, Anarchisme, Noord Amerika, Anarchosyndicalisme Foner, Philip The Case Of Joe Hill The Story Of The Trial, The Mass Defense Campaign, And The Execution Of The Famous IWW Poet, Songwriter 2000, 127 pag., 5.85 International Publishers, New York, isbn: 0717800229 A rare in-depth study of the life, and case, of the Wobbly legend. Trefwoorden: Sociale bewegingen Gee, Teoman Militancy Beyond Black Blocs

An Essay 2001, 12 pag., 1.95 Alpine Anarchist Productions A sympathetc critique of the black bloc, and its methods. To criticize certain aspects of the black bloc without having to side with 'the pacifists. to criticize the black bloc without denouncing one's solidarity with the comrades constituting it. To reflect upon the possibilities of militant resistance outside of the black bloc. Trefwoorden: Verzet George, Susan Another world is possible if,,, 2004, 288 pag., 16.65 Verso, London, isbn: 1844675106 Participants in the world-wide citizens' movement for social change and global justice like to proclaim that "Another World is Possible". But is it? To this popular slogan, Susan George adds the cautionary two letters If", and explains how we can indeed reach that Other World. Shifting the balance of power in favour of citizens takes a hard-headed understanding of globalisation, knowledge of the adversaries who prevent change, intelligent organisation, and exciting yet practical proposals and strategic thinking. In clear and straightforward prose, George cautions against pitfalls like violence or basing one's actions on all-toocommon illusions. Trefwoorden: Economie George, Susan Het Lugano rapport 2005, 271 pag., 14.95 Lemniscaat, Rotterdam, isbn: 9056376977 Tien specialisten krijgen de opdracht om de bedreigingen van het huidige vrijhandelssysteem in kaart te brengen en maatregelen voor te stellen om de neoliberale globalisering in de toekomst veilig te stellen. De tien experts vergaderen regelmatig in het Zwitserse Lugano. Hun conclusie: er zijn te veel mensen op de wereld. Om optimaal van de gestegen welvaart te kunnen profiteren, besluiten ze alle overbodige mensen op deze aarde te laten sterven. Niet zoals de nazi's het deden -- dat zou te veel weerstand oproepen. Het is beter ervoor te zorgen dat de armen geen toegang meer hebben tot gezondheidszorg, schoon water en dergelijke, waardoor ze vanzelf ziek worden en sterven. Hoe? Door privatisering en afbouw van gemeenschapsvoorzieningen. Verovering, Oorlog, Hongersnood en Pest doen de rest. Trefwoorden: Economie Giorgi, Alessandro De Tolerancia cero Estrategias y prcticas de la sociedad de control 2005, 184 pag., 13.50 Virus, Barcelona, isbn: 8496044513 La crisis del fordismo y del Estado del Bienestar ha trado consigo un cambio profundo en las formas de concebir y ejecutar el control social. Esto ha sido posible gracias a la creacin de un ambiente de inseguridad ciudadana, a la estigmatizacin de determinados grupos sociales y a una oportuna gestin del miedo. Cada vez ms alejada de consideraciones socializadoras, la criminologa neoliberal apuesta decididamente por el control preventivo del delito, ms que por incidir en sus causas, y por la exclusin permenente (reclusin o expulsin) ms que por opciones de reintegracin social. El caso de la inmigracin extracomunitaria le sirve a De Giorgi para ilustrar el peso que las nuevas filosofas penolgicas de "tolerancia cero", procedentes del mundo anglosajn, estn adquiriendo actualmente en toda Europa. Trefwoorden: Repressie Glass, James Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust Moral Uses of Violence and Will 2004, 224 pag., 34.90 MacMillan Press, London, isbn: 1403939071 It is an all too common belief that Jews did nothing to resist their own fate in the Holocaust. However, the parallel realities of disintegrating physical and psychological conditions in the ghetto, and the efforts of ghetto undergrounds to counter both collaborationist judenrat policies and the despair of a beaten down population, could not but lead to a breakdown in spiritual life. James M. Glass examines spiritual resistance to the Holocaust and the place of this within political and violent resistance. He explores Jewish reactions to the murderous campaign against them and their creation of new spiritual and moral rules to live by. He argues that the Orthodox Jewish response to annihilation, often seen as unduly passive, was predicated in the insanity of the times and can be seen as spiritually noble. Trefwoorden: Verzet

Goldner, Colin &, Heiner Keupp & Klaus Weber Niemand kann seinem Schicksal entgehen. . . Kritik an Weltbild und Methode des Bert Hellinger. 2005, 240 pag., 16.47 Alibri, Aschaffenburg, isbn: 3865690076 Bert Hellinger gilt mit seiner besonderen Form der "systemischen Familienaufstellung" als absoluter "Superstar" der Therapieszene - jedenfalls sofern die Anzahl seiner Verffentlichungen sowie die Zahl der nach seiner Methode arbeitenden "TherapeutInnen" zugrunde gelegt wird. Fr die PatientInnen birgt die Behandlung "nach Hellinger" jedoch unwgbare Risiken: der ehemalige Missionar hat (ebenso wie die meisten seiner praktizierenden Anhnger) keine solide therapeutische Ausbildung und verstt gegen einfachste Regeln der Psychotherapie. Stattdessen propagiert er ein erzreaktionres Familienbild, in dem die Frau dem Mann untergeordnet ist, Konflikte nicht ausgesprochen werden drfen und die eigene Situation als Schicksal "angenommen" werden muss. Selbst sexueller Mibrauch und Vergewaltigung werden auf diese Weise als "Schicksalsereignis" dargestellt, fr das der Tter letztlich nicht selbst verantwortlich sei. Seine "Erkenntnisse", zu denen er nicht aufgrund wissenschaftlichen Studiums gelangt, sondern durch "hhere Eingebungen", wendet Hellinger nicht nur auf zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen an. Auch die Geschichte interpretiert er nach diesem Strickmuster neu. Insbesondere dienen seine "Erkenntnisse" zur Relativierung der Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus. Der Band stellt die zentralen Kritikpunkte an Hellingers Menschen- und Geschichtsbild kompakt dar, unterzieht seine Vorstellung von systemischer Therapie einer kritischen Betrachtung und wirft einen Blick auf das Netzwerk seiner Anhnger. Trefwoorden: Sektes Goldstein, Bernard & Leonard Shatzkin Five Years In The Warsaw Ghetto 2005, 200 pag., 17.25 AK Press, Edinburgh, isbn: 1904859054 Born in a small town outside of Warsaw in 1889, Bernard Goldstein joined the Jewish labor organization, the Bund, at the age of 16 and dedicated his life to organizing workers and resisting tyranny. Goldstein spent time in prisons from Warsaw to Siberia, took part in the Russian Revolution and was a respected organizer within the vibrant labor movement in independent Poland. In 1939, with the Nazi invasion of Poland and establishment of the Jewish Ghetto, Goldstein and the Bund went undergroundorganizing housing, food, and clothing within the ghetto; communicating with the West for support; and developing a secret armed force. Smuggled out of the ghetto just before the Jewish militia's heroic last stand, Goldstein assisted in procuring guns to aid those within the ghetto's walls and aided in the fight to free Warsaw. After the liberation of Poland, Goldstein emigrated to America, where he penned this account of his five and a half years within the Warsaw ghetto and his brave comrades who resisted to the end. His surprisingly modest and frank depiction of a community under siege at a time when the world chose not to intervene is enlightening, devastating, and ultimately inspiring. "His active leadership before the war and his position in the Jewish underground during it qualify him as the chronicler of the last hours of Warsaw's Jews. Out of the tortured memories of those five and a half years, he has brought forth the picture with all its shadingsthe good with the bad, the cowardly with the heroic, the disgraceful with the glorious. This is the valedictory, his final service to the Jews of Warsaw." Trefwoorden: Oost Europa, Repressie Goossens, Jesse Vrouwen die de wereld veranderen 2005, 216 pag., 17.95 Lemniscaat, Rotterdam, isbn: 9056376330 `Vrouwen die de wereld veranderen' gaat over vrouwen die zich met alles wat ze hebben inzetten voor een andere, betere wereld. Zij verzetten zich tegen de huidige vorm van globalisering en strijden voor een wereld waarin aandacht is voor zorg, onderwijs, milieu, armoedebestrijding en culturele diversiteit. Een wereld waarin mensen weer kunnen beslissen over hun eigen leven. `Vrouwen die de wereld veranderen' is een levendig en aanstekelijk portrettenboek. Jesse Goossens laat zien wat vrouwen als Naomi Klein, Vandana Shiva, Anita Roddick en Susan George beweegt. Wat zijn hun passies? Waarom zijn ze tot actie overgegaan? Hoe benvloedt deze beslissing hun manier van leven? Wat voor problemen komen ze tegen? Vinden ze voldoening in wat ze doen? Trefwoorden: Vrouwen Gordon, Jennifer Suburban sweatshops The fight for immigrant rights 2005, 384 pag., 31.60 Harvard University Press, Cambridge, isbn: 067401524X In 1992, Jennifer Gordon founded the Workplace Project to help immigrant workers in the underground suburban economy of Long Island, New York. In a story of determination and hope, she weaves together

Latino immigrant life and legal activism to tell the unexpected tale of how the most vulnerable workers in society came together to demand fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect from employers. Immigrant workers - many undocumented - won a series of remarkable victories, including a raise of 30 percent for day-laborers and a domestic workers' bill of rights. In the process, they transformed themselves into effective political participants. Trefwoorden: Arbeid Gordon, Lyndall Mary Wollstonecraft 2005, 576 pag., 43.62 Little Brown, London, isbn: 0316728667 In this stunning new biography of the eighteenth- century writer Mary Wollstonecraft, Lyndall Gordon explores the life of a woman often criticised by biographers, historians and feminists alike. Gordon challenges such slanders, and portrays instead the genius of this extraordinary woman. The twogeneration approach to her life examines not only Wollstonecraft herself, but also her effect on her daughters and heirs (Mary Shelley, Fanny Imlay, Claire Clairmont and Margaret Mount Cashell), and the ways in which they carried her influence into subsequent generations. Gordon takes stock of Wollstonecraft's life in accord with her own values rather than through the reputation history has given her. The author looks at her important relationships with Gilbert Imlay and William Godwin, and her ideas about issues such as the problems of communication between the sexes and parenthood. Through this brilliant study, Gordon, the author of biographies of Virginia Woolf and Charlotte Bronte among others, successfully reinterprets Mary Wollstonecraft for the twenty-first century. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie, Anarchisme, Vrouwen Graham, Robert (ed.) Anarchism: A Documentary History Of Libertarian Ideas Volume One: From Anarchy To Anarchism (300CE to 1939) 2005, 304 pag., 26.30 Black Rose Books, Montral, isbn: 1551642506 Beginning with some of the earliest writings from China and Europe against feudal servitude and authority, this collection then goes on to document the best of the anti-authoritarian writings from the English and French Revolutions and the early development of libertarian socialist ideas, including, but not limited to, such writers as Winstanley, Godwin, Fourier, Stirner, as well as the early anarchist writings of Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Elisee Reclus, Tolstoy, and Emma Goldman. It deals both with the positive ideas and proposals the anarchists tried to put into practice, and with the anarchist critiques of the authoritarian theories and practices confronting them during these years with their revolutionary upheavals. A wonderfully comprehensive collection - especially impressive are the chapters on Chinese, Japanese & Korean, and Latin American anarchism. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Graybill The Black Cat sabotage handbook. Beware! We never sleep 2004, 136 pag., 9.80 Finally, back in stock! Both a philosophical /political and eminently practical extension of Ecodefense and the Earth First Direct Action Manual. A huge compendium (over 150 oversize pages) of the theory and practice of monkeywrenching - how to do it effectively, and how not to get caught. As the sage says, If You Can Bake A Cake - You Can Make A Bomb...not to mention the old adage: Factories Don't Burn Down By Themselves. Trefwoorden: Verzet Grunenberg, Christoph & Jonathan Harris Summer of love Psychedelic Art, Social Crisis and counterculture in the 1960's 2005, 320 pag., 39.25 Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, isbn: 0853239290 A Fascinating book of essays by a host of international experts will be published to coincide with the eagerly awaited exhibition Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era at Tate Liverpool and will complement the illustrated catalogue of the exhibitions (Tate Publishing). While the exhibition catalogue provides a general and richly illustrated introduction to the theme, this book provides a range of academic texts by some of the leading scholars of the period. Background and contextual essays investigate indepth the art, history and culture of psychedelia, providing a rich and varied interpretation of the 1960s and its long-lasting legacy. Psychedelic art and culture is presented as an international creative phenomenon that made an essential, unjustly neglected contribution to the art and culture of one of the most turbulent periods in 20th-century history. While highlighting the expansive nature of psychedelic art, related aspects such as counterculture, student revolution, sexual liberation, drugs, literature and poetry,

music, fashion, comics, typography are also investigated.This collection of essays will be an invaluable addition to the growing body of literature on the 1960s, highlighting a particular significant and exciting aspect of the period. It will be of interest to the general reader as well as students and scholars of the art and culture of the 1960s. Trefwoorden: Kunst, Subcultuur Grupo Surrealista de Madrid Los das en rojo Textos y declaraciones colectivas 2005, 240 pag., 11.75 Pepitas de calabaza, Logroo, isbn: 8496044475 Se cumplen casi veinte aos del inicio de la actividad del Grupo Surrealista de Madrid como tal, y de su ms significativa publicacin, la revista Salamandra. Y sin conocer ni mucho menos esperar cuando llegar su final, reunimos aqu, dispuestos en orden cronolgico, los escritos redactados de forma colectiva con la intencin de cortarle el paso a los acontecimientos y aportar su particular punto de vista con respecto a la omnipresente cuestin social. El lenguaje, la creacin, el intercambio, el trabajo, el deporte, la relacin con la naturaleza y lo salvaje, la psicogeografa, el juego, el encuentro de distintas cosmovisiones, etc., son perfectas coartadas para activar una crtica implacable al modelo actual de civilizacin, al que en todos sus aspectos se trata de hostigar, a la vez que se arroja nueva luz sobre las viejas formas de accin que se tornan dainas a la tarea de hacer avanzar la crtica al Viejo Mundo. Para llevar a buen puerto estos fines, el Grupo Surrealista de Madrid hace uso de la percepcin, la experimentacin, el juego, la deriva y, en definitiva, de la experiencia de lo maravilloso. Todo esto se concreta en el plano prctico en un proyecto poltico de vida potica, o lo que es lo mismo, en una actividad colectiva empeada en realizar los sueos. Tal proyecto y tal actividad hacen del pensamiento de sensibilidad surrealista (lo que algunos definieron cmo el padre al querramos ver muerto) un sujeto enteramente vivo, que camina en direccin opuesta a las modernas ideologas radicales televisadas que ahora se nos ofrecen como manuales de supervivencia. Sin entrar de momento en la discusin de si el surrealismo es el padre al que odiamos o al que amamos, y al margen del etiquetaje dispuesto para el consumo, proponemos dejar los prejuicios a un lado y embadurnarnos en la harina que mancha este libro, para llegar a constatar en qu medida la carga subversiva del surrealismo esta an muy lejos de ser desactivada. Trefwoorden: Avantgarde Hahnel, Robin & Michael Albert Unorthodox Marxism An Essay On Capitalism, Socialism And Revolution 2002, 379 pag., 22.00 South End Press, Boston, isbn: 0896080048 A serious inquiry into social theory and social change will ask where we are, where we would like to be, and how we might move from here to there. In an extremely ambitious and provocative work, Albert and Hahnel face all of these questions and offer thoughtful and specific answers to them. Their study ranges widely, from consideration of innate and social factors in human personality, to critique of the idealizations of economic theory, to an inquiry into the core features of modern industrial society, an outline of the institutions of a libertarian socialist society, and discussion of revolutionary strategy. they have produced a penetrating work that merits careful attention and study. Trefwoorden: Communisme Hajo, Siamend & Carsten Borck & Eva Savelsberg & Sukriye Dogan Gender in Kurdistan und der Diaspora Beitrge zur Kurdologie Bd. 6 2005, 352 pag., 26.35 Unrast, Mnster, isbn: 3897710145 Die Beitrge behandeln Themen wie den Zusammenhang zwischen politischer Mobilisierung und Geschlechterideologie, den geschlechtsspezifischen Einfluss auf die Konstruktion nationaler Identitt, Wechselwirkungen zwischen Migration und politischer Mobilisierung, Frauen im organisierten Widerstand, Heiratsstrategien und Partnerwahl in der Diaspora, Identittskonstruktionen in der Diaspora anhand eines autobiografischen Romans sowie eine Analyse zeitgenssischer kurdischer Frauenzeitschriften. Geografisch gesehen befassen sich die Beitrge sowohl mit Kurdistan selbst als auch vor allem mit der kurdischen Diaspora von Oslo und Gteborg ber London, Leipzig, Istanbul bis Melbourne. Trefwoorden: Midden Oosten Harrison, Shirley Sylvia Pankhurst The Life and Loves of a Romantic Rebel 2003, 304 pag., 34.90 Aurum Press, London, isbn: 1854109057

The third daughter of Richard and Emmeline Pankhurst, Sylvia was undoubtedly the most complex and unconventional of the Pankhurst girls. Expelled from the Women's Social and Political Union by her mother in 1914, Sylvia continued to fight tirelessly for the rights of women and other repressed people all over the world. Born in Manchester in 1882, Sylvia grew up in a bohemian household that played host to great activists and artists such as Keir Hardie, George Bernard Shaw, William Morris and Thomas Mann. Sylvia's father, Dr Richard Pankhurst, was a militant feminist who jeopardised his own legal career in order to found the Manchester National Women's Suffrage Movement in 1865. He was a compassionate and visionary man, and Sylvia adored him; but sadly, in 1898, when she was just 16, he died in her arms.Sylvia inherited her father's unshakeable idealism, and this set her on a collision course with her mother and sisters. In 1914 she protested vehemently against the WSPU's support for the war effort. On her subsequent expulsion from the movement, she took over an East End pub and converted it into a maternity clinic, a Montessori school and a day nursery, renamed "The Mothers' Arms". She also founded a toy factory nearby to provide work for women left unemployed after the closure of local clothing factories.Up until his death in 1915, Sylvia was involved in an anguished love affair with Keir Hardie, cofounder of the Independent Labour Party. Wherever they travelled in the world, they wrote each other long, passionate letters about love, life and politics. Later, at the age of 47, Sylvia gave birth to a son, Richard Keir Pethick Pankhurst, who she brought up in the leafy London suburb of Woodford Green, together with the baby's father, the Italian revolutionary Silvio Corio. Corio ran their teashop, The Red Cottage, while Sylvia wrote and travelled.Sylvia finally made her home in Ethiopia, enthusiastically joining the people in their struggle for independence. On her death in 1960, she was honoured with a state funeral. Drawing on her journals, letters, writings and paintings, this is the story of her colourful life. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie, West Europa, Communisme, Vrouwen Hawthorne, Susan Wild Politics Feminism, Globalisation and Bio-Diversity 2002, 464 pag., 23.30 Spinifex, Melbourne, isbn: 1876756241 The personal and the political, the local and the globaldivergent perspectives are synthesized in this visionary examination of globalization and how it affects individual lives. Personal stories of urban and rural living reveal the many varieties of experience and how Western culture has created both immense wealth and poverty. Discussions of primary production, neoclassical economics, and international trade agreements accompany writing about nature and how rural life is deeply connected to land. Trefwoorden: Vrouwen Herling, Gustav Een wereld apart Vroege verhalen uit Sovjetkampen 2005, 320 pag., 22.50 Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, isbn: 9023417054 Herling was een nauwgezet waarnemer, met oog voor detail n voor grote verbanden. Met de titel `Een wereld apart' verwees hij naar Dostojevski, die zijn `Aantekeningen uit het dodenhuis' begon met: `Binnen de omheining was een aparte wereld, anders dan die wij kennen, met eigen wetten, eigen zeden en gewoonten. Dit is het huis van de levende doden - een apart leven en mensen als nergens anders.' De verschillende hoofdstukken bestaan uit verhalen rond een aspect van het kampleven. Herling vertelt over martelingen en verraad, willekeur en geweld, maar ook over onvergetelijke blijken van menselijkheid. In de tientallen jaren van zijn leven die hij in Itali woonde, ontpopte Herling zich als een groot schrijver van historische verhalen en unieke dagboeken. `Een wereld apart' is in twintig talen vertaald, maar nimmer in het Nederlands. Na ruim vijftig jaar is het eindelijk toegankelijk voor de Nederlandse lezer. Na al die tijd heeft het nog niets van zijn authenticiteit, zijn kracht en zijn wrede schoonheid verloren. Trefwoorden: Oost Europa Herrern Lpez, ngel La CNT durante el Franquismo Clandestinidad y exilio (1939-1975) 2004, 480 pag., 24.00 Siglo veintiuno, isbn: 8432311529 La CNT desempe un papel importante en el convulso siglo XX espaol. Su momento de mximo esplendor tuvo lugar durante la guerra civil, perodo en el que lleg a contar con cerca de dos millones de afiliados. Sin embargo, ya en los ltimos aos de la dictadura franquista la CNT haba prcticamente desaparecido. Las vicisitudes que condujeron a la central anarcosindicalista a esta situacin no han obtenido repuesta hasta el momento. Este libro analiza el devenir de la organizacin anarcosindicalista durante los casi cuarenta aos de dictadura en nuestro pas, y desgrana aquellas situaciones que influyeron en el eclipse cenetista tales como la represin, la actuacin de los grupos de accin anarquista, las relaciones de la CNT con el Sindicato Vertical y con otras organizaciones opositoras al rgimen, el enfrentamiento entre el interior y el exilio y la evolucin ideolgica. Para ello el autor ha recurrido a una

importante combinacin de fuentes, desde las ms de treinta entrevistas realizadas en Espaa, Francia y Mxico, hasta los archivos de instituciones internacionales de las organizaciones polticas y sindicales antifranquistas. Una parte importante de la investigacin se basa en fuentes del propio rgimen como los Archivos Policiales, los Archivos de Gobiernos Civiles o el Archivo del Tribunal Militar de Madrid, algunas de ellas inditas, lo que ha permitido realizar un primer balance sobre la dura represin sufrida por la CNT. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Zuid Europa Herzog, Heike & Eva Walde Sie suchten das Leben Suizide als Folge deutscher Abschiebepolitik 2004, 205 pag., 17.00 Unrast, Mnster, isbn: 3897718103 Seit der Grundgesetznderung im Jahre 1993 starben mehr als 3.000 Flchtlinge in Deutschland und bei dem Versuch, die deutschen Grenzen zu berwinden. Einige von ihnen beginnen Suizid aus Angst vor einer bevorstehenden Abschiebung. Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Geschichten von zehn Flchtlingen, die aus unterschiedlicher Motivation nach Deutschland kamen, aber alle in Folge bundesdeutscher Abschiebepolitik ihrem Leben ein Ende setzten. Die Autorinnen haben das Leben dieser Menschen vor und nach der Flucht sowie ihre letzten Monate und Tage und den Verlauf ihres Asylverfahrens recherchiert und in einen politischen Kontext gestellt. Traumatisierung, Deutschland als Hoffnung, Endstation Abschiebehaft um diese Themenkomplexe kreisen die Biographien der Flchtlinge. Trefwoorden: Vluchtelingen Hobsbawm, Eric Interesting Times A Twentieth-century Life 2003, 464 pag., 18.48 Abacus, London, isbn: 034911353X Born in 1917, the year of the Russian Revolution, the 85 years of Eric Hobsbawm's life are backdropped by an endless litany of wars, revolutions and counter-revolutions. He has led a remarkably fulfilling and long life; historian and intellectual, fluent in five languages, a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, until it dissolved itself, and writer of countless volumes of history. He has personally witnessed some of the critical events of our century, from Hitler's rise to power in Berlin to the fall of the Berlin wall. Hobsbawm has kept his eyes and ears open for 85 years, and has been constantly committed to understanding the "interesting times" (as the Chinese curse puts it) through which he has lived.His autobiography is one passionate cosmopolitan Jew's account of his travels through that past which is another country, where they do things differently, and how it became the world we now live in. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie, West Europa Hoelz, Max Ich grsse und ksse dich - Rotfront Tagebcher und Briefe, Moskau 1929 bis 1933 2004, 450 pag., 30.00 Dietz Verlag, Berlin, isbn: 3320020536 Max Hoelz: Ein im Vogtland und im Mansfeldischen auch heute noch von Sagen umwobener Name. Sein Leben kann sinnbildlich fr den Beginn des "Zeitalters der Extreme" (Hobsbawm) und die Konfrontationen im 20. Jahrhundert stehen: Das Erleben des Ersten Weltkriegs fhrte ihn vom weien Kreuz zur roten Fahne. Er wurde zum Rcher der Armen und Erniedrigten. Im Juni 1921 zu lebenslangem Zuchthaus verurteilt, im Juli 1928 freigelassen, setzt er sich fr die Politik der kommunistischen Partei ein und reist Ende August 1929 in die Sowjetunion. Am 16. September 1933 wird sein Leichnam aus der Oka geborgen. Tagebuchnotizen, Briefe, Berichte, ergnzt mit einigen Dokumenten aus der Hand Dritter dokumentieren das Leben dieses zu jener Zeit partei (Stalin) glubigen Kommunisten und Rebellen in einem. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie, Communisme Hoffman, Abbie Revolution For The Hell Of It 2005, 259 pag., 14.30 Thunder's Mouth Press, New York, isbn: 1560256907 Hoffman's firsthand accounts of his legendary adventures, from the activism that led up to the founding of the Youth International Party - the Yippies! - to the 1968 Democratic National Convention protests ("a perfect mess"); levitating the Pentagon and dropping handfuls of dollar bills onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. This new edition also contains a facsimile edition of his rare first book, Fuck The System, a foreword by Harvey Wasserman, and an introduction by Reverend Billy. Trefwoorden: Subcultuur Honderich, Ted Terrorism For Humanity

Inquiries in Political Philosophy 2003, 232 pag., 26.00 Pluto Press, London, isbn: 074532133X What can be said for and against terrorism and political violence? When is such terrorism right, if it ever is, and when is it wrong? Here, Ted Honderich challenges the presuppositions, inconsistencies and prejudices of liberal-democratic thinking. He tackles such emotive subjects as the IRA, the PLO and the ANC, arguing the importance of understanding the justification for political violence in all its manifestations. Exploring the moral issues that lie at the heart of these difficult questions, Honderich reminds us that political philosophy should be an attempt to inquire with an open mind and - and that to open one's mind it is not necessarily to lose one's convictions. Trefwoorden: Filosofie Hubbard, Gill & David Miller The Arguments against G8 2005, 248 pag., 22.15 Pluto Press, London, isbn: 0745324207 What is the G8? Every year world leaders convene for their annual conference, accompanied by thousands of protestors and anti-globalization activists. In Genoa in 2001, street battles between police and demonstrators made world headlines, as one protestor was shot. This book is a one-stop guide for anyone who wants to know more about the G8, what it is, and why it's a problem. Leading writers including Noam Chomsky, Walden Bello, George Monbiot and Caroline Lucas explain in brief, succinct chapters, why the G8 encourages unjust and unsustainable policies. Chapters cover G8 attitudes to the key issues: war, corporate power, climate change, immigration, trade, food. Ideal for anyone who is troubled by the current direction set by our world leaders, this book is also a great tool for activists. Trefwoorden: Economie, Verzet Hudema, Mike An Action A Day Keeps Global Capitalism Away 2004, 160 pag., 14.30 Between the Lines, Ontario, isbn: 1896357903 This lively, challenging, and decidedly fun book is designed for activists and concerned citizens who want to change the world. The book contains 52 tried and tested actions, one for every week of the year. Each action includes a rationale--what you need to pull it off, and examples of where it could be used. Including Radical Cheerleading, Critical Mass, Gas Mask Car Shopping, Fishing in the Sewers, and many others, this is the creative direct action activist book of the year. Trefwoorden: Verzet Hutt, Michael J. Himalayan People's War Nepal's Maoist Rebellion 2004, 322 pag., 28.00 Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, isbn: 0253217423 The eruption of a violent Maoist insurgency in Nepal in the late 1990s was met with bewilderment even among many who claimed to know the country well. The so-called "people's war" was launched in 1996 by the Communist Party of Nepal to overthrow the political establishment, including the monarchy. Tactics have included killing members of rival parties as well as attacks on police stations, banks, and power installations. The indiscriminate nature of the government's military response has been widely criticized. In 2001, Nepal's political situation came to the attention of Western news media with the murders of members of the royal family. This book provides historical, social, and political background on the movement and related events in this ongoing struggle. The contributors examine the war's origins and antecedents, provide ethnographic accounts from rural and urban perspectives, and draw comparisons with other Maoist movements elsewhere in the world. Includes full text of key documents by the rebels and government. Trefwoorden: Gewapende strijd, Zuidoost Azi International Communist Current The Russian Communist Left 1918-1930 2005, 275 pag., 10.00 Internationale Kommunistische Stroming (IKS), isbn: 1897980108 The Left Communist currents in Russia bear comparison to the groups of the communist left in Germany and Italy, even if the speed and brutality of the Stalinist counter-revolution succeeded in burying the Russian left communists earlier and more thoroughly than their European counter-parts. For example, the Workers Group around Miasnikov and others, formed in 1923, formulated a critique of the Communist Internationals opportunist tactic of the United Front and the Workers Government in terms very similar to those elaborated by Bordiga in the same period; and its understanding of the tasks of revolutionaries faced with the degeneration of the proletarian party are certainly on the same wavelength as the

conception of the left fraction which was developed most coherently by Bilan in the 1930s. Other groups, such as the Democratic Centralists, had important insights into the process of the degeneration of the Bolshevik party and the Soviet state. Trefwoorden: Communisme Ives, Peter Language and Hegemony in Gramsci 2004, 216 pag., 28.30 Pluto Press, London, isbn: 074531665 `Language and Hegemony' in Gramsci demonstrates how Gramsci's writings on language illuminate his entire social and political thought. It documents Gramsci's concern with language from his university studies in linguistics, where he initially derived his famous concept of hegemony, to his last prison notebook. Hegemony has been seen as Gramsci's most important contribution, but without knowledge of its linguistic roots, it is often misunderstood. It is only from the vantage point of Gramsci's writings on language that the full explanatory power of hegemony, and his unique combination of Marxist economic analysis and social critique can be fully appreciated. Trefwoorden: Filosofie, Communisme Jappe, Anselm Die Abenteuer der Ware Fr eine neue Wertkritik 2005, 256 pag., 17.60 Unrast, Mnster, isbn: 3897714337 Noch vor wenigen Jahren wollten Viele an das Ende der Geschichte und den Endsieg von Marktwirtschaft und liberaler Demokratie glauben. Aber das Ende der Geschichte hat nicht lange gedauert. Die herrschende Unordnung sieht sich berall auf der Welt erneut in Frage gestellt. Allerdings: die Unzufriedenheit mit dem Bestehenden uert sich nur sehr diffus. Der Blick fr die grundlegenden Ursachen der gesellschaftlichen Verwerfungen und Zerfallserscheinungen bleibt verstellt, weil nach dem Niedergang des traditionellen Marxismus eine konsequente und umfassende Gesellschaftskritik fehlt. Um diese Lcke zu schlieen, mssen ganz grundstzliche Fragen neu aufgeworfen werden: Was ist eigentlich eine Ware? Was bedeutet es, dass eine Gesellschaft auf Warenproduktion beruht? Welche Zwnge, Krisen und Katastrophen ergeben sich hieraus? Es ist notwendig, die Basiskategorien der kapitalistischen Modernisierung als solche zu kritisieren, und sich nicht nur ber ihre angeblich bessere Anwendung und Regulation den Kopf zu zerbrechen. Karl Marx Kritik der Ware, der abstrakten Arbeit und des Geldes ist nicht lnger eine Art Geheimphilosophie, sondern hchst aktuell geworden. Dieses Buch fasst diese Kritik zusammen, stellt die Autoren vor, die sich darauf beziehen, zeichnet die Geschichte der Warengesellschaft nach, stellt Verbindungen zur Kulturanthropologie her und diskutiert mgliche Alternativen zum warenproduzierenden Weltsystem. Trefwoorden: Economie Jones, Chris & Genevieve Jolliffe The Guerilla Film Maker's Handbook Hollywood Edition 2004, 460 pag., 28.60 Continuum, New York, isbn: 0826414648 The two authors have interviewed hundreds of film industry insiders, resulting in, without doubt, the most comprehensive, entertaining, information-packed book available in America on how to produce a lowbudget movie for the US market. The book has three main sections: Anatomy of a Movie, Case Studies, and The Toolkit. Anatomy of the a Movie features in-depth, candid interviews with a huge cast of people already working in the film industry - from script readers to bank managers, casting directors to costume providers; and from sound mixers to negative cutters. Case Studies tells the stories of a selection of lowbudget movies, and how they were made. These include Chris and Genevieve's own films. As well as international successes like The Blair Witch Project and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. The Toolkit is an amazing resource for new filmmakers, incorporating a huge range of sample legal contracts and agreements, as well as templates for production forms like locations checklists, shooting schedules, and call sheets. Trefwoorden: Media Judith Vidal Hall Writing on the Walls 2005, 224 pag., 17.55 Index (tijdschrift), isbn: 0904286975 Walls make ghettos. The first one was born in Venice in the 16th century and its political and social resonance is still with us. Indeed the inclination to separate, enclose and contain seems stronger than ever. This collection looks at lives disrupted by man-made borders. There are also articles on 'The New Europe' and 'Loot'.

Trefwoorden: Repressie, City-vorming Julicher, Peter Renegades, Rebels and Rogues Under the Tsars 2003, 296 pag., 46.25 McFarland & Company, Jefferson (North Carolina), isbn: 0786416122 In Russia in the time of the tsars, individuals who criticized the government were treated like enemies and suppressed. Those trying to change government policy were well aware that their only hope was to overthrow the system. Many people attempting such change were aided by the government itself, whose acts were so irrational and self-defeating that they only encouraged more opposition. The author describes the activities of the most important dissidents and agitators from the reign of Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II and the fall of the Romanovs in 1917. Some were fascinating individuals, serious activists, and some of the individuals covered were opportunistic scoundrels and adventurers. The author explores the causes that provoked them and the consequences they faced, and demonstrates that the tsars, time and again, were goaded into overreacting. The effects of this constant push and pull endured into the Communist era. Trefwoorden: Oost Europa Kapellen, Michael Doppelt Leben Bernward Vesper und Gudrun Ensslin: Die Tbinger Jahre 2005, 160 pag., 20.50 Klpfer und Meyer, Tbingen, isbn: 3937667652 Bernward Vesper und Gudrun Ensslin verbrachten die prgenden Jahre ihres Lebens in Tbingen, "wo sich so vieles entschieden hatte", wie Vesper spter in seinem autobiographischen Romanessay "Die Reise" resmierte, der von der Kritik hymnisch als "Nachla einer ganzen Generation" gefeiert wurde. (Peter Weiss nannte das Buch gar den "intellektuellen Hhepunkt der Bewegung des Jahres '68".) Bernward Vesper und Gudrun Ensslin, der sptere APO-Aktivist und das knftige RAF-Mitglied, lernten sich am Anfang ihres Studiums in Tbingen kennen und engagierten sich schon bald gemeinsam in uerst widersprchlichen Aktivitten. Zum einen grndeten sie den kleinen avantgardistischen Verlag "studio neue literatur", zum anderen betrieben sie die Herausgabe der gnzlich vorgestrigen Werke Will Vespers, des Nazi-Dichters. Michael Kapellens Buch "Doppelt leben" bringt nun eine ganze Flle bislang unverffentlichter Texte und Dokumente aus Vespers und Ensslins Tbinger Zeit, es ermglicht somit einen differenzierteren Blick auf beider Biographien - und erzhlt damit gewissermaen eine Vorgeschichte der '68er und auch ein erstes Stck aus der Motivgeschichte der RAF. Neben Briefen und Photographien werden in Michael Kapellens biographischem Essay erstmals auch einige frhe literarische Arbeiten Vespers beigebracht, die seine Ambitionen, sein Talent als Autor und auch seine inneren Widersprche auf sehr eindrucksvolle Weise illustrieren. Trefwoorden: West Europa, Biografie/Autobiografie, Gewapende strijd Kaplan, Esther With God On Their Side George W. Bush and the Christian Right 2005, 336 pag., 16.00 New Press, New York, isbn: 159558031X When asked which single issue most affected their vote in the presidential election, the greatest number of Americans - including 80 per cent of Bush voters - said "moral values." As Esther Kaplan shows in her richly detailed investigation, it's no wonder the Christian right voted for Bush in droves - their loyal support has produced results. While organizations that offer abortion counseling and services or help to prevent HIV see their funds cut, church groups receive millions in federal dollars to promote sexual abstinence and marriage (provided, of course, it is heterosexual). Bush has appointed a Christian right dream team to the federal courts, deadicated to tearing down what one such judge calls the "so-called separation of church and state." Religious zeal even shapes Bush's foreign policy, as Chritian belief in the end times spurs the administration's support for hard-line policies in Israel. A comprehensive and prescient stud of the Christain right's growing political clout, With God on Their Side is essential reading for anyone concerned about America's direction under the second administration of George W. Bush. Trefwoorden: Noord Amerika, Religie Kaufman, Alan (Editor) The Outlaw Bible of American Literature 2004, 920 pag., 23.85 Thunder's Mouth Press, New York, isbn: 1560255501 650 pages of the history of underground literature. From William S Burroughs to DMX, Patti Smith to Boxcar Bertha. Plus Jack Kerouac, Ray Bradbury, Norman Mailer, Lou Reed, Hunter S Thompson, Henry Miller, Emma Goldman, Eldridge Cleaver, Kathy Acker, John Rechy, Ken Kesey, Sapphire, and over 150 more. In riotous bebop prose and spooky cult sci-fi, rock confessional, and in bloody dispatches from America's murderous prison yards, these are writers in headlong revolt against room-termperature

America. Trefwoorden: Subcultuur, Fictie Keefe, Patrick Radden Chatter Hoe iedereen wereldwijd wordt afgeluisterd 2005, 319 pag., 19.50 Balans, Uitgeverij, Amsterdam, isbn: 9050186793 Hoe gemakkelijk is het voor een hacker of voor de overheid om je telefoon af te luisteren of je email te lezen? Welke veiligheidsdiensten hebben toegang tot welke informatie en waarom? Welke beslissingen worden genomen op basis van 'chatter'? Patrick Radden Keefe deed drie jaar wereldwijd onderzoek naar wie wie afluistert, en hoe, om de waarheid te achterhalen achter de vele geruchten en complottheorien die de ronde doen. Zijn meeslepende verhaal voert ons van een geheim afluister-station in het Engelse Yorkshire naar de inlichtingendiensten in Washington en Londen; en van een verlaten NSA-basis in NorthCarolina naar het Europees Parlement. Hij sprak met medewerkers van geheime diensten, die hun dagen doorbrengen met het afluisteren van andermans privgesprekken, met politici die pleiten voor meer toezicht op de inlichtingendiensten, met voormalige spionnen, en met de journalisten die het bestaan van Echelon onthulden. In Chatter wordt voor het eerst duidelijk welke rol dit wereldwijde afluistersysteem speelt in de oorlog van Amerika tegen het terrorisme. De 'chatter' van terroristen wordt systematisch onderzocht. Tot welke hoogte zijn onderschepte gesprekken betrouwbaar bij het voorspellen van naderende aanslagen? Waarborgen de geheime diensten onze veiligheid nu het terrorisme steeds verder toeneemt? Of schenden ze voornamelijk onze privacy? Trefwoorden: Geheime Diensten, Repressie Koch, Egmont R. Atomwaffen fr Al Kaida Dr. No und das Netzwerk des Terrors 2005, 348 pag., 21.95 Aufbau Verlag, Berlin, isbn: 3351025882 In Pakistan wordt hij als een nationale held vereerd, in het Westen houdt men hem eerder voor Dr. No: Abdul Qadeer Khan, de man die Pakistan de atoombom bezorgde. Kahn werkte jarenlang in Nederland, o.a. bij Urenco in Almelo. Koch is een van de weinigen die Kahn daadwerkelijk genterviewd heeft. Dit boek verhaalt over het zicht van Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten op de nucleaire ontwikkelingen van Pakistan oftewel hoe Pakistan aan zn atoombom kwam. Speciale aandacht daarbij voor het smokkelnetwerk van Kahn om Al Quaida aan een atoombom te helpen en de dubieuze rol daarin van Duitse zakenlui. Minpunt aan het boek is dat het veel gebruik maakt van moeilijk verifieerbare (anonieme) bronnen. Trefwoorden: Militarisme, Midden Oosten Koonings, Kees & Dirk Kruijt Armed Actors Organised Violence and State Failure in Latin America 2004, 224 pag., 28.00 Zed Books, London, isbn: 184277445X Recent evidence illustrates how partial state failure in Latin America interacts with new forms of organized violence, undermining the democratic consolidations of the past two decades. This 'new violence' stems from a variety of social actors: drug mafias, peasant militias and urban gangs, the so-called actores armadas, and includes state-related actors such as the police, military intelligence agencies and paramilitary forces. The results include both 'governance voids' - domains where the legitimate state is effectively absent - and the erosion of the capacity and willingness of state officials to abide by the rule of law themselves. These tendencies in turn raise the threat that authoritarian regimes under the control of political armies will be re-installed, or, at the very least, that state violence in one form or another will spread. This book explores these developments and discovers links with the weakening of state structures undertaken in the name of neoliberal economic reforms. Trefwoorden: Zuid Amerika Kraushaar, Wolfgang Rudi Dutschke, Andreas Baader und die RAF 2005, 150 pag., 13.00 Hamburger Edition, Hamburg, isbn: 3936096546 Der idealisierte Rebell und der Dandy des Bsen beide sind unzweifelhaft Schlsselfiguren gewesen. Ohne den einen wre die 68er-Bewegung und ohne den anderen die RAF nicht zu verstehen. Und der eine wie der andere figurieren inzwischen als Objekte einer postumen Bewunderung. Obwohl sich Dutschke und Baader in ein- und derselben historischen Strmung bewegt haben, so schienen sie als Personen und in ihren jeweiligen Rollenfunktionen doch diametral entgegengesetzt zu sein. Whrend der eine als Verkrperung einer neuen Moral galt, so der andere die des infernalisch Bsen. Eine grere

Polarisierung war seinerzeit wohl kaum denkbar. Dennoch existiert ein Zusammenhang, der sie miteinander verbindet. Beide setzten kompromilos auf den Kampf, auf eine Strategie der Eskalation und beide besaen eine obsessive Affinitt zur Gewalt. Gleichermaen bewunderten sie die Figur des Guerillero. Jeder wollte fr sich genommen einem heroisch Gescheiterten nachfolgen. Auf je eigene Weise glaubten sie sich als Reinkarnation eines Che Guevara begreifen zu knnen mitten im Kalten Krieg, im gespaltenen Deutschland, an dem am weitesten vorgeschobenen Posten des Westens, in der Frontstadt West-Berlin. Dutschke ist der erste gewesen, der hierzulande die Idee von der Stadtguerilla aufgriff bereits lange vor dem Ausbruch der Studentenrevolte. Und Baader war derjenige, der sich nach ihrem Ende wie kein anderer als ein solcher stdtischer Guerillero begriff. Was Dutschke noch mit klassenkmpferischer Diktion propagiert hatte, das wurde von dem Abenteurer, dem Auto- und Waffennarr Baader ohne groes ideologisches Federlesen praktiziert. Wer die Geschichte der RAF verstehen will, der kommt deshalb nicht an dieser lange Zeit bersehenen Beziehung vorbei. Diejenigen, die unter dem fnfzackigen Stern und der Kalaschnikow als Rote Armee Fraktion antraten, waren alles andere als fehlgeleitete Idealisten. Sie waren Desperados. Ihnen ging es ganz im Gegensatz zu ihren Deklarationen - nicht um irgendein politisches Konzept, ber das sie gar nicht verfgten, ihnen ging es im Kern um die Befriedigung eines narzitischen Bedrfnisses. Nicht Ohnmachts-, sondern Machterfahrungen sind fr sie mageblich gewesen. Die obsessive Machtausbung wurde ihnen, zuerst im Untergrund, dann im Knast, zu einer Art eigener Lebensform. Ohne deren Attraktivitt zu begreifen, lassen sich auch die affektiven Beziehungen der radikalen Linken zu ihr nicht verstehen. Und ohne diesen Kitt lt sich auch die Geschichte der RAF nicht verstehen und noch weniger ihre mythologische Aufladung. Es ist an der Zeit, sich endlich von jener so beraus klebrigen Beziehung zu verabschieden, die den Gefhlskitsch vom bewaffneten Kampf selbst nach der Auflsung der RAF noch am Leben erhalten hat, und einen vernderten, einen khlen Blick auf jene terroristische Herausforderung zu werfen, die im nachhinein kaum vorstellbar ber so viele Jahre hinweg Staat und Gesellschaft in Atem zu halten verstand. Trefwoorden: Gewapende strijd, West Europa Lefranais, Gustave Histoire du mouvement communaliste Paris, en 1871 suivi de documents 2001, 520 pag., 29.50 Ressouvenances, Coeuvres-et-Valsery, isbn: 2845050178 Fac-simil intgral de l'dition originale, augment d'un index historique ralis par Ressouvenances. Lefranais, n en 1826, instituteur interdit 'enseignement, emprisonn en juin 1848. lu la Commune par le IVe arrondissement, il participa ses diverses Commissions. Oppos au Comit de salut public, il signa le manifeste de la minorit. Rfugi ensuite Genve, o il rejoignit la Fdration jurassienne (tendance anti-autoritaire de l'A.I.T.). En Suisse, il contribua des feuilles anarchistes, et devint ensuite collaborateur d'lise Reclus. Il publia la fin de 1871 la prsente tude..., tmoignage majeur parmi ceux des participants la Commune, et qui, selon Kropotkine, fut le seul mettre en lumire "la vritable importance historique - communaliste - de ce mouvement". Trefwoorden: West Europa, Anarchisme Lester, David (Illustrator) The Gruesome Acts Of Capitalism 2005, 112 pag., 9.95 Arbeiter Ring, Winnipeg, isbn: 1894037020 A beautiful book full of hard numbers. Located at the intersection of the statistical and the artistic, this catalog of corporate horrors - poverty, exploitation, and injustice - is a damning indictment of capitalism created with both love and rage. 1 in 5 American children live in poverty. 135 million of the world's women and girls have undergone genital mutilation. In Bangladesh, an estimated 500,000 people are slaves. The amount of money spent on ice cream in Europe would be enough to provide reproductive health for all women in developing countries.....unfortunately, there's alot more to learn. Trefwoorden: Cultuurkritiek Liptrot, Michelle Bondage Up yours Experiences of female Punks in the Nineteen Nineties 2004, 56 pag., 2.50 In the spirit of Emma, London The result of a degree study by Michele a long in the tooth female punk from the UK. This is an interesting collection of comment, interviews and history of womens participation in punk. Trefwoorden: Vrouwen, Subcultuur, Muziek Lorenzo, Anselmo El obrero militante Memorias de un internacional 2005, 480 pag., 13.00 Confederacin Sindical Solidaridad Obrera, Madrid, isbn: 8460941167

Anselmo Lorenzo Asperilla (Toledo 1841-Barcelona 1914) puede ser considerado como el gran patriarca del Movimiento Obrero espaol. Cofundador de la Primera Internacional en espaa (forma parte del grupo de Madrid con quien contact Fanelli a su llegada a nuestro pas), llega a intervenir asimismo en la fundacin de dicha organizacin en Portugal. Participa en la Conferencia de Londres de la AIT de 1871, donde conoce a Marx y Engels. Su trayectoria militancial est estrechamente ligada a la versin antiautoritaria del Movimiento Obrero, estando involucrado en la creacin de Solidaridad Obrera, y en la conversin de sta en CNT, en cuyo congreso inaugural leyse una salutacin suya. Si hubiramos de elegir un puado de obras que nunca deberan faltar de la biblioteca de todo militante obrero, sta ocupara un lugar destacadsimo, tanto por su importancia historica como por su carcxter formativo y educacional de futuros y presentes militantes. Importancia an ms acusada si tenemos en cuenta la actual situacin de postracin del Movimiento Obrero. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Zuid Europa Maandag, Ben & Tonny van der Mee De Asocialen Heropvoeding in Drentse kampen 2005, 143 pag., 15.90 Ad Donker, Rotterdam, isbn: 9061005736 Het is vrijdag 13 juli 1945, de Tweede Wereldoorlog is koud twee maanden voorbij. Rotterdam leeft in de euforie van de bevrijding maar voor 225 Rotterdammers barst de hel opnieuw los. 'Het was nog vroeg in de ochtendschemer om half vijf 's morgens toen de nachtmerrie begon. Opeens waren er Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten, met geweren in de aanslag. Er werd op deuren gebonsd, iedereen eruit. Namen werden geroepen. We moesten in bussen stappen, samen met de BS-ers en gewapende politieagenten. We wisten niet waar we naartoe gebracht werden', zo herinnert een van die mensen zich. Deportatie. Niets meer en niets minder. Na de oorlog werden in Drente speciale kampen ingericht voor, zoals het in een ambtelijke nota werd omschreven: gezinnen als een schip zonder roer; losgeslagen op de woeste zee, de zeilen gebold door de windhozen van degeneratie. Ze drinken te veel, verwaarlozen hun kinderen, vervuilen zichzelf en zijn sexueel losbandig. Ze werden 'asociaal' of 'onmaatschappelijk' genoemd. Heropvoeding in gezinsoorden op de Drentse heide was voor de overheid de enige oplossing om het kankergezwel van de samenleving te elimineren. In hun nieuwe onderkomens werden de gezinnen nauwlettend in de gaten gehouden. Trefwoorden: Nederland, Sociale geschiedenis, Woonvormen Madeley, John A People's World Alternatives to Economic Globalisation 2003, 224 pag., 16.90 Zed Books, London, isbn: 1842772236 Providing practical alternatives to economic globalization, this book is based on original interviews with prominent thinkers and campaigners from across the world. The author interviews some of the world's most corageous and innovative campaigners and progressive thinkers on what globalization really is, what's wrong with it and what alternatives are available. This is a book of ideas and practical proposals for a new world that is more just, humane, stable and conducive to the diversity of human cultures. Particular attention is given to regulating transnational corporations; changing the rules by which the WTO seeks to govern the global economy; switching the economic emphasis from the global to the local; and cancelling foreign debt. Trefwoorden: Economie Mak, Geert In Europa (gebonden set in cassette) Reizen door de twintigste eeuw 2005, 59.90 Atlas, Amsterdam, isbn: 9045007398 "Begin 1999 verliet ik Amsterdam voor een reis door Europa die een vol jaar zou duren. Het was een soort laatste inspectie: hoe lag het continent erbij, aan het eind van de twintigste eeuw? Maar het was ook een historische reis: ik volgde letterlijk de sporen van de geschiedenis, door de eeuw en door het continent, beginnend in Januari, bij de resten van de Parijse Wereldtentoonstelling en het bruisende Wenen, eindigend in december, bij de runes van Sarajevo. Dat hele jaar reisde ik zo met de eeuw mee, in een krakeling van routes, langs Londen, Volgograd en Madrid, langs de bunkers van Berlijn, de geparfumeerde kleerkasten van Elena Ceausescu in Boekarest en de speelgoedauto's in een verlaten crche in Tsjernobyl. En ik praatte met de getuigen: met schrijvers en politici, met verzetsmensen en hoge officieren, met een boer in de Pyreneen en met de kleinzoon van de Duitse keizer, tientallen Europeanen die hun verhaal vertelden. Dit reisverslag gaat over het verleden, en wat het verleden met ons doet. Het gaat over verscheurdheid en onwetendheid, over historie en angst, over armoede en hoop, over alles wat ons nieuwe Europa scheidt en bindt."

Trefwoorden: Sociale geschiedenis, Europese Unie Marin Silvestre, Dolores Ministros anarquistas La CNT en el gobierno de la II Republica, 1936-1939 2005, 312 pag., 9.50 Nuevas Ediciones de Bolsillo, isbn: 8497935055 Nunca se dio en la historia del anarquismo una paradoja como la acontecida durante la Guerra Civil espaola, en que varios anarquistas, envueltos en la disyuntiva de participar o no en la recuperacin del gobierno constitucional, aceptaron ser ministros del gobierno de la II Repblica. Y, asumido el reto, cmo se las ingeniaron para gobernar sin gobernar? Federica Montseny, ministra de Sanidad europea; Juan Peir, ministro de Trabajo; Juan Lpez, ministro de Comercio, y Juan Garca Oliver, ministro de Interior, son los cuatro Ministros anarquistas que Dolors Marn recupera para la historia reciente del estado espaol. Algunos de sus innovadores proyectos ley de parejas de hecho, ley de adopcin, exenciones penales, uso de pisos desocupados, alquileres subvencionados, comedores sociales han seguido siendo punta de lanza de las reformas sociales hasta nuestros das. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa, Anarchisme McGiffen, Steven P. Biotechnology Corporate Power Versus the Public Interest 2005, 250 pag., 28.50 Pluto Press, London, isbn: 0745319742 A review of the EU legal framework concerning biotechnology Analyses how corporations lobby the relevant institutions (both in the EU and in the US) to influence favourable legislation A clear and accessible reference similar in spirit to the author's critical guide to the European Union Frankenfoods, designer babies, Dolly the Sheep and Raelian fantasists: few subjects generate as much controversy and misinformation as biotechnology. This book takes the reader behind the headlines to examine the new laws on genetic-based technologies, who's making them, and why. Steven P. McGiffen offers a lucid analysis of the real implications of biotechnology legislation in the US and the EU, and contrasts it with approaches to agricultural and medical biotech in the rest of the world. He argues that the EU and America are removing decision-making power from the people and their elected representatives. Biotechnology regulation is a local manifestation of a global process of transferring power: from the people to corporations, from poor countries to rich ones, from the public to the private.He shows that biotechnology demands effective and democratic international decision-making procedures -- and that we are very far from achieving them. Ideal for the general reader, this is an indispensable guide for activists and anyone who wants to know more about how to control biotech regulation and how to resist handing control of our future to corporations. Trefwoorden: Milieu McLeod, Cynthia Die revolutie niet begrepen 2005, 289 pag., 18.00 Conserve, Schoorl, isbn: 9054292016 Rita, een doorsnee Surinaamse vrouw beleeft het allemaal en zit er middenin. Ze houdt een dagboek bij, eigenlijk begonnen om haar scheidingsfrustraties van zich af te schrijven, maar allengs verandert het en schrijft ze op wat er gebeurt, wat haar familie en vrienden meemaken, wat ze voelt en denkt tijdens 'de revolutie', vooral omdat haar zoon rechtstreeks bij alles betrokken raakt, aangezien hij in het begin van die omwenteling toevallig dienstplichtig militair is. Via Rita beleven we de hoop, de frustraties, het verdriet en de onmacht van de Surinaamse bevolking in deze veelbewogen periode. Trefwoorden: Zuid Amerika McLoughlin, Barry & Kevin McDermott Stalin's terror High politics and mass repression in the Soviet Union 2004, 256 pag., 36.50 MacMillan Press, London, isbn: 1403939039 The British, Irish, Russian, American, German and Austrian contributors examine the intricate nature of the mass repression unleashed by the Stalinist leader of the USSR during 1937-38. The first part of the collection deals with annihilation policies against the Soviet elite and the Communist International. The second section of the volume looks at mass operations of the secret police (NKVD) against social outcasts, Poles and other 'hostile' ethnic groups. The final section comprises micro-studies about targeted victim groups among the general population. Trefwoorden: Repressie, Oost Europa

McLuhan, Marshall Understanding me Lectures and interviews 2005, 344 pag., 29.60 MIT, Cambridge, isbn: 0262633175 In the last twenty years of his life, Marshall McLuhan published a series of books that established his reputation as a world-renowned communications theorist and the pre-eminent seer of the modern age. It was McLuhan who made the distinction between "hot" and "cool" media. And it was he who coined the phrases "the medium is the message" and "the global village" and popularized other memorable terms including "feedback" and "iconic." McLuhan was far more than a pithy phrasemaker, however. He foresaw the development of the personal computer at a time when computers were huge, unwieldy machines available only to institutions. He anticipated the wide-ranging effects of the Internet. And he understood, better than any of his contemporaries, the transformations that would be wrought by digital technology -in particular, the globalization of communications and the instantaneous-simultaneous nature of the new, electric world. In many ways, we're still catching up to him. In Understanding Me, Stephanie McLuhan and David Staines have brought together nineteen previously unpublished lectures and interviews either by or with Marshall McLuhan. They have in common the informality and accessibility of the spoken word. In every case, the text has been transcribed from the original audio, film, or videotape of McLuhan's actual appearances. This is not what McLuhan wrote but what he said -- the spoken words of a surprisingly accessible public man. He comes across as outrageous, funny, perplexing, stimulating, and provocative. McLuhan will never seem quite the same again. Trefwoorden: Media McNeil, Legs & Gillian McCain Please Kill Me The Uncensored Oral History of Punk 1997, 450 pag., 17.00 Penguin, London, isbn: 0140266909 As its sensationalist title suggests, this stresses the sex, drugs, morbidity and celebrity culture of punk at the expense of the music. Starting out with the electroshock therapy Lou Reed received as a teenager, working through such watersheds as the untimely deaths by overdose or mishap of Sid Vicious, Johnny Thunders and Nico, as well as the complicated sexual escapades of the likes of Dee Dee Ramone, the portrayal here of the birth of an alternative culture is intermittently entertaining and often depressing. McNeil, one of the founding writers of the original 'zine, Punk, in 1975, is certainly qualified to tell this tale. But the book's take on punk rock as "doing anything that's gonna offend a grown-up" overemphasizes the self-destructive side of the movement. Details of Iggy Pop's drug abuse and seedy sex with groupies receive more attention than important bands such as Television and Blondie, which had comparatively puritan lifestyles. Constructed as an oral history, the book weaves together personal accounts by the crucial players in the scene, many of whom seem to have been so drugged out most of the time that their reliability is questionable. McNeil and McCain (Tilt) provide a vivid look at the volatile and needy personalities who created punk, if they do not offer perceptive musical or cultural analysis. Trefwoorden: Muziek, Subcultuur Meershoek, P. De slag om de chimpansees 2005, 256 pag., 17.50 Veen, Utrecht, isbn: 902040668X Parool-verslaggever onderzocht de voorgeschiedenis van het verbod op het gebruik van mensapen bij dierproeven. Met felle acties wisten dierenwelzijnsorganisaties in binnen- en buitenland voor elkaar te krijgen dat de chimpansees in het Biomedical Primate Research Center te Rijswijk met pensioen konden. De schrijver interviewde vele betrokkenen. Trefwoorden: Dierenstrijd Meiksins Wood, Ellen The origins of capitalism A longer view 2002, 213 pag., 21.00 Verso, London, isbn: 1859843921 In this concise analysis of the origins of capitalism, of which large sections were published previously in various articles between 1994 and 1998 , Dr Wood first examines the main historiography, of both classical and Marxist origin, and assesses the famous Marxist debates among writers such as Paul Sweezy, Maurice Dobb, Robert Brenner, Perry Anderson and E.P. Thompson. In her own analysis, she refutes these existing accounts and concludes that the origins lie in English agrarian capitalism, challenging the association of capitalism with cities and bourgeois values. Trefwoorden: Economie

Meltzer, Albert (red.) De internationale revolutionaire solidariteitsbeweging Een mei groep 2005, 89 pag., 2.10 X-anoniem Een 20e eeuwse geschiedenis van de activisties anarchistische beweging, aangevuld met communiqus van de Een-Mei Groep en een chronologie van 1960-1972. Oorspronkelijk in 1976 verschenen bij Cienfuegos Press. Trefwoorden: West Europa, Zuid Europa, Gewapende strijd Melvern, Linda Conspiracy to Murder The Rwandan Genocide 2004, 256 pag., 22.70 Verso, London, isbn: 1859845886 In April 1994 up to a million people were slaughtered in Rwanda during a murderous campaign of horrifying efficiency. The ferocity of the killing and the cruelty inflicted on defenseless people has no comparison in modern times. Conspiracy To Murder is the story of how that genocide was planned. It reveals how, from as early as 1990, the political, military and administrative leadership of Rwanda became involved in planning the complete extermination of the Tutsi population. A vicious hate campaign filled the media, urging Hutus to kill; a network of roadblocks was devised to prevent any escape; civil-defence groups were established through the country, with eventually every third Hutu being armed; half a million machetes and other agricultural tools were imported, and 85 tons of munitions distributed countrywide, in the year leading up to the genocide. Melvern reveals the full story behind the conspiracy, detailing the involvement of world governments: how the French military trained the killers and how their 'humanitarian' intervention in June 1994 enabled many of those killers to escape justice; how the British government misled Parliament about what was really happening; how the US is still withholding wiretap and satellite evidence showing that the genocide had begun; and how significant was the knowledge of the then Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Gali Trefwoorden: Afrika Mies, Maria Patriarchy & Accumulation on a World Scale Women in the international division of labour 2001, 251 pag., 24.00 Zed Books, London, isbn: 1875559582 In this book Mies focuses on third world women, the international division of labor, and the capitalist system from a Marxist perspective. She claims that there is an intrinsic relationship between capitalism and patriarchy and that we can no longer accept a classical Marxist explanation of the capitalist system, because it does not include women. She goes on to propose that capitalism usurps the labor of women through a patriarchal system, which labels it as housework or subsistence work. In turn this "subsistence" work is not accounted for in the cost of labor (i.e. production), which leads to the accumulation of capital. This means that the labor of women is exploited by the system of capitalist-patriarchy, because it is not given credit for the economic benefits that it provides for the system. In Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale Mies goes on to evaluate womens role within the International Division of Labor (IDL), which she represents as a sexual division of labor. With the rise of multinational corporations (MNCs) and the global economy, womens labor has been increasingly exploited, for women are viewed as docile, low wage, flexible workers with low visibility and little power. Trefwoorden: Vrouwen Moore, John I am Not A Man, I Am Dynamite! Friedrich Nietzsche and the Anarchist Tradition 2004, 192 pag., 13.60 Autonomedia, New York, isbn: 1570271216 This collection of essays is intended to examine various dimensions of the interactions between anarchism and Nietzsche. The aim of this volume is twofold: first, to provide instances of the historical appropriation of Nietzsche by anarchists, and second, to provide instances of appropriations and readings of Nietzsche by contemporary anarchist thinkers and commentators. The volume is thus divided into two sections, the historical and the contemporary, or in other words the periods of modernity and postmodernity. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Filosofie Murphy, Timothy S. & Abdul-Karim Mustapha The Philosophy of Antonio Negri Resistance in Practice 2005, 320 pag., 29.00

Pluto Press, London, isbn: 0745323375 This collection of specially commissioned essays is the first of its kind in English on the work of Antonio Negri, the Italian philosopher and political theorist. The spectacular success of 'Empire', Negri's collaboration with Michael Hardt, has brought Negri's writing to a new, wider audience. A substantial body of his writing is now available to an English-speaking readership. Outstanding contributors including Michael Hardt, Sergio Bologna, Kathi Weeks and Nick Dyer-Witheford - reveal the variety and complexity of Negri's thought and explores its unique relevance to modern politics. Negri is one of the most sophisticated analyists of modern political philosophy. Philosophers and critics alike find his work both difficult and exhilarating, engaging as it does with Marx, Spinoza, Deleuze, Guattari, Tronti and others. This book is ideal for readers who want to get to grips with Negri's key themes, in particular his theories on labour, capital, power, the state and revolution. It makes a great introduction to his work for students of political philosophy, as well as providing a comprehensive critical approach for Negri enthusiasts. Trefwoorden: Maatschappijkritiek, Filosofie, Economie Negri, Antonio Negri on Negri 2005, 201 pag., 24.95 Routledge, London, isbn: 041596895X Political philosopher, convicted activist, leftist intellectual and coauthor of the bestselling Empire, Antonio Negri is one of the most controversial thinkers at work today. In this booklength conversation with Anne Dufourmentelle, Negri offers thoughtful responses to twenty-six terms, alphabetically arranged, that have had special significance for his life and work. Negri speaks openly here of his involvement with political movements, his exile, his return to Italy and years there in prison, and his life since. But beyond the biographical there is much here to explain Negri's ideas on globalization, the future of social change, and the history of political thought. The book's subjects - fascism, Heidegger, the Red Brigades, Wittgenstein, empire, Kant, the unconscious, and many others - are often thresholds from which Negri shares his views on still larger topics. Negri on Negri provides a fascinating glimpse into his mind and life. Perhaps nowhere else can one engage so readily the ideas of this major contemporary thinker. Trefwoorden: Filosofie, Communisme Negri, Antonio Time for Revolution 2005, 271 pag., 14.95 Continuum, New York, isbn: 0826479316 Time for Revolution explores the burning issue of our times: is there still a place for resistance in a society utterly subsumed by capitalism? Written in prison two decades apart, these two essays reflect Negri's abiding interest in the philosophy of time and resistance. The first is a central work in Negri's oeuvre, tracing the fracture lines which force capitalist society into perpetual crisis. The second essay, written immediately after the global bestseller, Empire, provides a conceptual toolbox, deepening our understanding of the two key concepts of empire and multitude. Translated by Matteo Mandarini Trefwoorden: Politieke Theorie O'Harrow, Robert No place to hide Behind the scenes of our emerging Surveillance Society 2005, 348 pag., 26.00 New Press, New York, isbn: 0743254805 In `No Place to Hide', Washington Post reporter Robert O'Harrow, Jr., lays out in detail the post-9/11 marriage of private data and technology companies and government anti-terror initiatives to create something entirely new: a security-industrial complex. Drawing on his years of investigation, O'Harrow shows how the government now depends on burgeoning private reservoirs of information about almost every aspect of our lives to promote homeland security and fight the war on terror. Consider the following: When you use your cell phone, the phone company knows where you are and when. If you use a discount card, your grocery and prescription purchases are recorded, profiled, and analyzed. Many new cars have built-in devices that enable companies to track from afar details about your movements. Software and information companies can even generate graphical link-analysis charts illustrating exactly how each person in a room is related to every other - through jobs, roommates, family, and the like. Almost anyone can buy a dossier on you, including almost everything it takes to commit identity theft, for less than fifty dollars. O'Harrow tells the inside stories of key players in this new world, from software inventors to counterintelligence officials. He reveals how the government is creating a national intelligence infrastructure with the help of private companies. And he examines the impact of this new security system on our traditional notions of civil liberties, autonomy, and privacy, and the ways it threatens to undermine some of our society's most cherished values, even while offering us a sense of security. Trefwoorden: Repressie, Geheime Diensten

Olivera, Oscar Cochabamba! Water Rebellion in Bolivia 2003, 160 pag., 14.55 South End Press, Boston, isbn: 0896087026 A new phase in the international movement to turn back the rising tide of corporate globalization was marked by U.S. protests in Seattle and the triumphs of grassroots activists in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Volumes have been written about the struggle to shut down the World Trade Organization meetings, but little has been documented about the arguably more successful struggle to regain control of Cochabamba's water supply and kick out the transnational corporation that privatized it. Cochabamba! Water Rebellion in Bolivia tells this story-the story of the first great victory against corporate globalization in Latin America. Oscar Olivera, a 45-year-old machinist, was at the center of the movement that brought tens of thousands of ordinary people to the streets in the Andean city of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Olivera, in collaboration with Tom Lewis, presents the ideas and emotions of a first hand participant in the victorious rebellion and street battles that have inspired activists in social movements around the world. Cochabamba! explains how the city's water supply was sold to Aguas del Tunari, a subsidiary of the U.S.based transnational corporation Bechtel. Water prices subsequently rose astronomically and povertystrapped Bolivians refused to pay. Olivera explains the process of organizing an opposition movementthe Coordinator for the Defense of Water and Lifeand relates the dramatic struggles that eventually defeated the neoliberal privatizers. Olivera reflects on the themes that emerged as a result of the war over water; the fear and isolation which the Cochabambinos overcame through a spirit of solidarity and mutual aid; Bolivia's criminalization of social movements as part of Bush's global "war on terrorism"; and the challenges of democratically administering the city's water supply. Cochabamba! also discusses the impact of the "water wars" on subsequent resistance. Trefwoorden: Zuid Amerika Organic Chaos Network e.a More fun 4 animals! Multimediale doe het zelf gids + CD ROM met filmpjes 2005, 40 pag., 10.00 Organic Chaos Network, Leiden Kleurrijke do-it-yourself publicatie op A3-formaat voor de beginnende activist. Met laagdrempelige info over de verschillende wijze waarop er in de wereld no fun is voor dieren: in het circus, als proefdier etc. Voorzien van verwijzingen naar diverse websites voor meer info en (doorgaans lieve) tips over welke acties jij kan ondernemen. Wat mist zijn wat (web)tips over wat te doen als de sterke arm zich met je actie gaat bemoeien. Voorzien van cd-rom met filmpjes, stickers en spuitmal en crea bij elkaar gehouden met boutjes (komen nog wel een keer van pas voor je fiets). Trefwoorden: Activisme, Verzet Orndorff, Kata Bi Lives Bisexual women tell their stories 1999, 251 pag., 13.95 See Sharp Press, Tucson, isbn: 1884365094 Along with the interviews come safer-sex guidelines and a bisexual resource list, which round the book out as a valuable resource for collections strong in sexuality issues and women's studies. Bi Lives is a good addition to the growing library of bi-related non fiction books. It gives an interesting view into bi women's lives and the intricacies of life in general. A collection of 18 in-depth interviews with a wide range of bisexual women of different races, ages, and economic classes involved in a very wide variety of lifestyles. Trefwoorden: Vrouwen, Queer Ozon, Diana Bronwater 2005, 95 pag., 17.50 Passage, Groningen, isbn: 9054521287 Na twaalf jaar weer een nieuwe bundel gedichten van Diana Ozon. `Bronwater' is helder en transparant. Deze bundel bestaat uit vier delen waarin de natuur, de wereld, de mens en de samenleving een geheel vormen. `Bronwater' wordt geschonken in Ozons eigen stijl: de prikkelende gedrevenheid van een sprankelende dichteres. Trefwoorden: Pozie Pateman, Barry (red.) & Noam Chomsky Chomsky on Anarchism 2005, 256 pag., 16.20 AK Press, Edinburgh, isbn: 1904859208 His brilliant critiques of--among other things--capitalism, imperialism, domestic repression and

government propaganda, have become mini-publishing industries unto themselves. But, in this flood of publishing and republishing, very little ever gets said about what exactly Chomsky stands for, his own personal politics, his vision of the future. Not, that is, until `Chomsky on Anarchism', a groundbreaking new book that shows a different side of this best-selling author: the anarchist principles that have guided him since he was a teenager. This collection of Chomsky's essays and interviews includes numerous pieces that have never been published before, as well as rare material that first saw the light of day in hard-tofind pamphlets and anarchist periodicals. Taken together, they paint a fresh picture of Chomsky, showing his life-long involvement with the anarchist community, his constant commitment to nonhierarchical models of political organization, and his hopes for a future world without rulers. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Peet, Richard Unholy Trinity The Imf, World Bank, and the World Trade Organization 2003, 256 pag., 26.90 Zed Books, London, isbn: 184277073X This work shows how the world's leading financial institutions - the IMF, World Bank and WTO - have been hijacked by the economic ideology of neoliberalism and the interest behind it, particularly from the 1980s onwards and in relation to their global financial, developmental and trade management roles. Instead of their original clearly defined, circumscribed and even benign responsibilities, they have now become the financial policemen of a global economy characterized by mounting extremes of rich and poor, recurrent instability, and failure over a half century to solve the problems of the developing countries. The story of the mounting opposition to these institutions is told. And the book concludes with a trenchant review of the various ideas now being canvassed not simply for their radical reform, but for alternative principles that might guide a very different form of globalization. Trefwoorden: Economie Pekelder, Jacco en Frits Boterman (red.) Politiek geweld in Duitsland Denkbeelden en debatten 2005, 386 pag., 23.00 Mets & Schilt Uitgevers, Amsterdam, isbn: 9053304398 Welke rol speelt geweld in de politiek? In Duitsland is daar als in geen ander land over nagedacht. Radicalen van links en rechts raakten steeds opnieuw in de verleiding om met geweld een politieke oplossing te forceren. De traditie van het Duitse idealisme bleek te sterk. Taaie autocratische structuren lieten zich gelden. De gebroken verhouding tot de Duitse natie eiste haar tol. Het onvoltooide, beschamende verleden dwong tot zuivering door geweld. Auteurs uit Nederland, Duitsland en Oostenrijk schrijven over deze Duitse worsteling met politiek geweld. Het gaat onder meer over de verwerking van traumatische geweldservaringen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog en het Derde Rijk, over geweld in de politieke arena van de Republiek van Weimar en over Rudi Dutschke, de RAF en de linkse kritiek op het geweld der kameraden. Nieuwe perspectieven op geweld worden betrokken op de Duitse geschiedenis, vanuit historisch, filosofisch, politicologisch en sociologisch standpunt. Trefwoorden: West Europa, Gewapende strijd Pierre, Jose (Editor) Investigating Sex Surrealist Discussions 1928-1932 2004, 224 pag., 12.00 Verso, London, isbn: 0860916030 In January 1928, long before Kinsey or Masters and Johnson began their clinical surveys, the Paris surrealists initiated their own remarkable 'researches into sexuality', in the form of 12 round-table discussions, transcribed here for the first time in English. The participants in these impassioned debates included many of surrealism's best-known figures - Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, Louis Aragon, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Antonin Artaud and more. Though there is plenty of humor in these transcripts, the surrealists were engaging in the most rigorous self-exploration, trying scrupulously to record every aspect of sexual love, and eroticism. With questions posed such as 'Would You Show Your Wife A Stain On Your Trousers' and the ever thorny subject of homosexuality (they were all rampantly homophobic, with the notable exception of Benjamin Peret), there can be few who have ever explored sexual desire with such honesty or such desperate hope. Trefwoorden: Kunst Polet, Francois & CETRI Globalizing Resistance The State of Struggle 2004, 336 pag., 28.25 Pluto Press, London, isbn: 0745323553

A handbook for global activists that takes the reader on a round-the-world tour of resistance to neoliberal globalization. Although the anti-globalization movement is truly global, each region has its own specific groups and agendas. Most books concentrate on the European and American movements. This book is different -- writers and activists from every continent summarise what's going on in their area to provide a truly international view of alternative social and political struggles. From Bolivia to New Zealand, from South Africa to Russia and China. Struggles against capitalism, privatisation, social exclusion and exploitation. Increasingly, these groups are exchanging ideas, particularly at the new Social Forums of Porto Alegre and Mumbai. The authors examine the World Social Forums as a dynamic for moving things forward. They explore the global anti-war movement and the successful mobilisation for the protests of 15th February 2003; analyse new media strategies; and offer a disturbing account on new police arrangements to control demonstrators. Trefwoorden: Verzet, Economie Politkovskaja, Anna Poetins Rusland 2005, 350 pag., 15.90 Geus, de, Breda, isbn: 9044507486 `Het is nog te vroeg om afstand te nemen. Ik leef in het heden en noteer wat ik zie', schrijft de Russische journaliste en mensenrechtenactiviste Anna Politkovskaja in haar voorwoord van Poetins Rusland. Haar aantekeningen in de marge van het leven van Rusland geven een onthutsend beeld van het beleid van president Poetin en de uitwassen waartoe dat leidt. Het werk van Politkovskaja is internationaal vermaard vanwege de menselijkheid en de passie, en haar focus op individuen en hun verhalen. Haar boek is dan ook niet zomaar een biografie of een analyse van het presidentschap van Poetin. Ze schrijft over grootschalige maffiapraktijken en schandalen in de provincie, over dodelijke corruptie in het leger en de rechtspraak. Over de grootschalige omkoping die het gevolg is van de opkomst van de straathandel, en de waarheid achter de bestorming van het Moskouse theater aan de Doebrovskaja-straat, waar zij als bemiddelaar optrad. En altijd staan individuen centraal: moeders van zonen die zich ophangen in militaire dienst, of vrienden van vroeger die tot moord in staat blijken te zijn. Trefwoorden: Oost Europa Pons Prades, Eduardo Realidades de la Guerra Civil 2005, 804 pag., 45.00 La Esfera de los Libros, isbn: 8497342798 Han pasado casi setenta aos desde el golpe militar que origin la Guerra Civil, la ms cruenta de nuestra historia; pero la polmica no cesa. No es extrao: el franquismo como toda dictadura cont los hechos a su manera, sin detenerse en la ocultacin o deformacin de los que no le convenan. Y hoy, en la Espaa democrtica, se vuelven a escuchar aquellas tesis que, con renovada virulencia, recuperan la versin oficial del franquismo para explicar nuestra tragedia nacional, las mismas ideas que estuvieron repitindose durante cuarenta aos para adoctrinar a la poblacin. Testigo e investigador de los hechos, Eduardo Pons Prades, figura seera en el estudio de la guerra civil y del quehacer de los republicanos tras la derrota, recoge en esta nueva obra el testimonio de muchas vctimas del terror: jornaleros, intelectuales, polticos, maestros, peritos, mdicos, asesinados por el mero hecho de simpatizar con la Repblica. Relata tambin cmo los caminos de Espaa se llenaron de humildes, huyendo del pnico a ser fusilados sin piedad contra las tapias del cementerio de cualquier pueblo, tras la matanza de la plaza de toros de Badajoz, la sangrienta represin de los pueblos andaluces o los bombardeos sobre la poblacin civil de Barcelona, Guernica o Madrid... Y aborda aspectos inusuales de la historiografa como la asistencia mdica en campaa con figuras como el doctor Trueta, la evacuacin de heridos, la salvacin del tesoro artstico nacional o los espectculos pblicos con Pablo Sorozbal apoyando con su msica la resistencia. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa Posada, Jose Guadalupe (Illustrator) & Carlos Cortez (Editor) Viva Posada! A Salute to the Great Printmaker of the Mexican Revolution 2002, 96 pag., 10.00 Charles H. Kerr Publishing Compagny, Chicago, isbn: 0882862618 Because of the high quality and the quantity of his art, Jose Guadalupe Posada is the one Mexican printmaker who has acquired posthumous and international fame. Posada was at his peak at the turn of the 20th century, during the closing years of the Diaz dictatorship. He has long been recognized as one of the personifications of the ensuing Mexican Revolution, which he did not live to se e completed. He illustrated many broadsides of revolutionary ballads, printed on cheap paper and sold for centavos in the streets." [from the Introduction by Carlos Cortez] Published on the 150th anniversary of Posada's birth (1852-2002), this book features 121 of the finest works by the great popular engraver and relief etcher who inspired not only the Mexican muralists but also the international Surrealist movement as well as poster artists and radical cartoonists from all over the world. Also included here are excerpts from classic texts on the artist by Jean Charlot, Jose Clemente Orozco, Frida Kahlo, Andre Breton and others, as well

as statements by poets and artists of our own time - Dennis Brutus, Rikki Ducornet, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Franklin Rosemont, Joseph Jablonski, Ted Joans, Casandra Stark Mele, and many more - all published here for the first time. Trefwoorden: Kunst, Midden Amerika Presley, Sharon & Crispin Sartwell (red.) Exquisite rebel The essays of Voltairine de Cleyre 2004, 224 pag., 25.25 State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, isbn: 0791460940 Emma Goldman called Voltairine de Cleyre "the most gifted and brilliant anarchist woman America ever produced." Yet her writings and speeches on anarchism and feminismas radical, passionate, and popular at the time as Goldman'sare virtually unknown today. This important book brings de Cleyre's eloquent and incisive work out of undeserved obscurity. Twenty-one essays are reprinted here, including her classic works: "Anarchism and the American Tradition," "The Dominant Idea," and "Sex Slavery." Three biographical essays are also included: two new ones by Sharon Presley and Crispin Sartwell, and a rarely reprinted one from Emma Goldman. At a time when the mainstream women's movement asked only for the right to vote and rarely challenged the status quo, de Cleyre demanded an end to sex roles, called for economic independence for women, autonomy within and without marriage, and offered a radical critique of the role of the Church and State in oppressing women. In today's world of anti-globalization actions, de Cleyre's anarchist ideals of local self-rule, individual conscience, and decentralization of power still remain fresh and relevant. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Quincey, Thomas de Over moord beschouwd als een der schone kunsten 2005, 44 pag., 1.80 Dolle Hond, Amsterdam Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859) was bevriend met zijn grote tijdgenoten Coleridge en Wordsworth en werd bewonderd door Baudelaire. Hij raakte vooral bekend door zijn `Bekentenissen van een Engelse opiumeter'. Zijn essay `Over moord beschouwd als een der schone kunsten' geldt als een der klassieken van de zwarte humor. Sommigen zullen in deze heruitgave door de Dolle Hond wellicht een verwijzing naar de Nederlandse actualiteit zien. Zulke suggesties wijst hij echter krachtig van de hand. Wel wil hij wijzen opeen hardnekkig misverstand: er bestaat ons inziens namelijk een groot verschil tussen zwarte humor en zieke humor. Zieke humor zien wij als een correcte omschrijving van de wereld waarin wij thans leven. Zwarte humor is slechts een bescheiden wapen waarmee wij ons tegen die wereld teweer kunnen stellen. Trefwoorden: Fictie Read, Simon Everything you ever wanted to know about Anarchism But were afraid to ask 2004, 63 pag., 4.50 Rebel Press, London, isbn: 094606106 A good, short, introduction to anarchist ideas. There is probably more rubbish talked about anarchism than any other political idea. Actually, it has nothing to do with a belief in chaos, death and destruction. Anarchists do not normally carry bombs, nor do they ascribe any virtue to beating up old ladies.It is no accident that the sinister image of the mad anarchist is so accepted. The State, the press and all the assorted authoritarian types, use every means at their disposal to present anarchy as an unthinkable state of carnage and chaos. We can expect little else from power-mongers who would have no power to monger if we had our way. They have to believe that authority and obedience are essential in order to justify their own crimes to themselves. The TV, press and films all preach obedience, and when anarchy is mentioned at all, it is presented as mindless destruction. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Regemorter, Jean-Louis van L'insurrection paysanne de la rgion de Tambov Luttes agraires et ordre bolchevik 1919-1921 2000, 211 pag., 21.50 Ressouvenances, Coeuvres-et-Valsery, isbn: 2845050097 Nous sommes en 1919-1921, dans une grande rgion agricole au sud-est de Moscou, qui va se soulever contre les rquisitions et la conscription. Nous prenons connaissance de la situation au travers de documents darchives, ceux de la police bolchevique, les proclamations des insurgs (socialistesrvolutionnaires), etc. Il est donc assez difficile de se faire une ide claire de la situation sociale, puisque nous ne disposons que de la propagande des uns et des autres. Affreux koulaks ou vaillants dmocrates socialistes ? Gardiens de la Rvolution ou assassins la solde dun pouvoir dj totalitaire ? La question reste ouverte. Nous trouvons pourtant des documents trs intressants sur la dcomposition de larme,

sur la rpression mise en uvre par ltat qui se reconstruit Plus largement, en tudiant cette rbellion peu connue, on pourra se faire une ide certainement plus juste de la situation en Russie dans les annes de rvolution. On comprendra mieux ainsi les choix faits par les libertaires, on valuera mieux la justesse plus ou moins grande de leurs tactiques. Il est utile aussi de mettre en rsonance ces vnements et ceux dUkraine, pour apprhender mieux le rle jou par les anarchistes, pour en cerner mieux lampleur et les limites. Prcd par Le concept d'une rvolution paysanne unique de 1902 1922 . Trefwoorden: Oost Europa, Sociale bewegingen Richardson, Joanne Anarchitexts A subsol anthology 2003, 256 pag., 15.95 Autonomedia, New York, isbn: 1570271429 `Anarchitexts' brings together a global mix of voices from the new "underground" in over a dozen countries: engaged artists intervening in local struggles on the streets, media produers promoting technologies based on sharing and cooperation rather than privatization and competition, activists participating in global networks built through electronic democracies and decentralized forms of cooperation, and extraordinary people creating an alternative society through their everyday practices as a matter of principle. Anarchitexts reflects the first-hand perspectives of those involved at the point of production, not distanced reflections by critics, specialists, or armchair theorists. Contributors number over 60 and include Peter Lamborn Wilson, Matt Fuller, Luther Blissett, MediaArtLab, Simon Pope, RTMARK, Howard Slater, Felix Stalder, and Ernie Yacub. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Ridgeway, James It's all for sale The control of global resources 2005, 240 pag., 24.00 Duke University Press, Durham, isbn: 0822333740 Seven companies dominate the global petroleum industry. Five control the worldwide trade in grain. Two have cornered the private market for drinking water. In terms of actual dollars, trade in heroin and cocaine ranks alongside that in grain or metals. There are more slaves in the world today than ever before. With brief sections on broad categories of resources, `It's All for Sale' is an reference guide to who owns what: who controls the world's natural resources and what exactly is bought and sold. Some - such as fuel, metals, fertilizers, drugs, fibres, food, forests, and flowers - have, for better or worse, long been thought of as commodities. Others - including fresh water, human beings, the sky, the oceans, and life itself (in the form of genetic codes) - are more startling to think of as products with price tags, but, as James Ridgeway shows, they are treated as such on a massive scale in lucrative markets around the world. Revealing the surprisingly small number of companies that control many of the basic commodities we use in everyday life, `It's All for Sale' confirms in specific detail that globalization has been accompanied by an extraordinary concentration of ownership. At the same time, it is about much more than what company has cornered the market in corn or diamonds. Corporations and captains of industry, wars and swindles, oppressors and the oppressed, empires and colonies, military might and commercial power, economic boom and bust - all these come alive in Ridgeway's fascinating and surprising reporting about the global scramble for power and profit. Trefwoorden: Economie Rosemont, Franklin Revolution In The Service Of The Marvelous 2003, 149 pag., 14.00 Charles H. Kerr Publishing Compagny, Chicago, isbn: 0882863509 Twenty essays by one of contemporary surrealism's major poets and theorists, Chicago Surrealist Group co-founder Franklin Rosemont. These essays focus on the ways in which surrealist perspectives have continued to evolve and expand since the movement's worldwide resurgence in the 1960s. This wideranging and well-illustrated collection includes prefaces to international surrealist exhibitions and texts concerning wilderness, the politics of humor, the black radical tradition, and the critique of whiteness documenting key developments in surrealism's collective evolution. Other essays explore the work of individual poets, paints, musicians and dancers whose creative activity exemplifies the movement's ongoing transformative project. Rosemont remarks in his Introduction: "As a book about surrealism, this is also inevitably a book about freedom, desire, surprise, love, play, humor, black music, painting, collage, dance, film, ecology, subversion, revolt and revolution. Above all it is concerned with the practice of poetry: poetry as audacity and insubordination, a source and method of knowledge, a model for a better society, an adventure and experience that makes all the difference in the world." Trefwoorden: Avantgarde

Rosemont, Franklin & Charles Radcliffe (red.) Dancin' In The Streets! Anarchists, IWWs, Surrealists, Situationists & Provos In The 1960s - As Recorded In The Pages Of The Rebel Worker & Heatwave 2005, 447 pag., 15.50 Charles H. Kerr Publishing Compagny, Chicago, isbn: 0882863010 While square critics derided them as "the left wing of the Beat Generation," the multi-racial, working-class editorial groups of The Rebel Worker and its sister journal Heatwave in London became well known for their highly original revolutionary perspective, innovative social/cultural criticism, and uninhibited classwar humor. Rejecting traditional left dogma, and proudly affirming the influence of Bugs Bunny and the Incredible Hulk, these playful rebels against work expanded the critique of Capital into a critique of daily life and developed a truly radical theory and practice, rooted in poetry, provocation, blues, jazz and the pleasure principle. Active in strikes, free-speech fights and other tumults, they also introduced countless readers to important writings by and about surrealists, situationists, IWWs, anarchists, libertarian Marxists, Provos, the Japanese Zengakuren, and other political/cultural revolutionary-minded individuals and movements from all over the world. This lavish tome provides dozens of selections from all the editions of both journals, with a wealth of related documents, communiques and articles, a bibliography, and detailed introduc tions by the original editors. Trefwoorden: Verzet Ross, John Murdered By Capitalism A Memoir Of 150 Years Of Life And Death On The American Left 2004, 353 pag., 16.00 Thunder's Mouth Press, New York, isbn: 1560255781 An incredible, hallucinatory, magical-realistic (in the best Galeano style), history and autobiography. Ross has been around for a while - hobo revolutionist, junkie, poet, journalist - "the Willy Loman of the Zapatistas". He's performed with Mingus, sold drugs to Dizzy Gillespie, logged 20,000 miles last year bringing the story of the Zapatista's struggles to North America, and was a human shield in Baghdad. This is entertaining, inspiring, invigorating, amusing, astounding, and downright educational. Trefwoorden: Economie Rupieper , Hermann-Josef & Daniel Bohse & Inga Grebe (Red.) Und das Wichtigste ist doch die Einheit Der 17. Juni 1953 in den Bezirken Halle und Magdeburg. 2003, 423 pag., 29.90 LIT Verlag, Mnster, isbn: 3825867757 Am 17. Juni 1953 demonstrierten in weit mehr als 500 Stdten und Gemeinden der DDR Hunderttausende gegen die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen der SED-Diktatur. Das mitteldeutsche Industrierevier - die Regionen Bitterfeld/Wolfen, Halle/Merseburg und Magdeburg - mit den Grobetrieben der chemischen Industrie und des Schwermaschinenbaus war ein Zentrum des Aufstandes. Er begann als Arbeiteraufstand und weitete sich durch Einbeziehung anderer Bevlkerungsgruppen zum Volksaufstand aus. Die Protestbewegung erfate fast alle Schichten der Gesellschaft und machte die verbreitete Unzufriedenheit mit einem System deutlich, das ohne die Prsenz der Roten Armee nach Kriegsende nicht htte errichtet werden knnen und ohne das Eingreifen der sowjetischen Besatzungstruppen auch nicht berlebt htte. Der vorliegende Band behandelt in Fallstudien den Ablauf der Ereignisse in Halle, Magdeburg, Kthen, Bitterfeld/Wolfen, Quedlinburg und im Mansfelder Bergbaurevier. Auerdem werden in Fabrikstudien die Streikaktionen der Arbeiter in Leuna und Buna genauso vorgestellt wie die Situation der buerlichen Bevlkerung im Kreis Jessen. Trefwoorden: Oost Europa S.A. (Paul Pomonis (Translator) The Early Days of Greek Anarchism The Democratic Club of Patras' & 'Social Radicalism in Greece 2005, 30 pag., 2.90 Kate Sharpley Library, London During the days of the First International, Anarchism took root in Greece: the first Greek Anarchist Publication came out in 1861. The Democratic Club of Patras (founded in 1876) was organised to spread Anarchist ideas. Their newspaper `Hellenic Democracy' brought down the first wave of government repression, but the seed had been planted... Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Zuid Europa Saad-Filho, Alfredo Anti-capitalism A Marxist introduction 2002, 280 pag., 26.60

Pluto Press, London, isbn: 0745318932 Political protests against neo-liberal globalization, corporate power and the inequities of contemporary capitalism are increasing all the time. Demonstrations in Seattle, Prague, Genoa and elsewhere have fuelled the debate on the possibility of a radicallly different future. This is a collection of essays from leading Marxist economists on the problems of globalization and the evolution of modern capitalism. It provides a cohesive critique of the weaknesses of the existing system and puts forward an agenda for anti-capitalist thought and action. Covering key issues such as globalization, the nation state, money and finance, conflict and war, technological change, the environment, class struggle, economic crisis, capitalism in the Third World, the collapse of the USSR, and the transcendance of capitalism, this is a useful introduction to some of the most pressing problems of our time. Trefwoorden: Communisme, Economie Saage, Richard Utopische Profile (Bd.4) Widersprche und Synthesen des 20. Jahrhunderts 2003, 600 pag., 31.70 LIT Verlag, Mnster, isbn: 3825854310 Band IV dokumentiert die wichtigsten utopischen Entwrfe, die auf die Krisen des 20. Jahrhunderts reagierten. Sie schreiben nicht nur das utopische Projekt der Industriellen Revolution in radikalisierter Weise fort. Darber hinaus kommt es dem vorliegenden Band darauf an, vor allem zwei Strmungen zu bercksichtigen: Zum einen sind die sogenannten "schwarzen Utopien" bzw. Dystopien gemeint. Sie reagieren auf das Destruktionspotential des technischen Fortschritts, knnen aber auch als Selbstkritik der autoritren lteren Sozialutopie gelesen werden. Und zum anderen ist die Tradition der "Frauen-Utopien" zu nennen, die am nachhaltigsten den postmateriellen Zuschnitt eines zuknftigen "guten Lebens" in einer befriedeten Gesellschaft beschrieben und in den 70er Jahren einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Innovation des gesamten Genres geliefert haben. Diese Trends werden durch die folgenden klassischen Entwrfe dokumentiert: Herbert George Wells "A Modern Utopia" sowie "Men like Gods". Alexander Bogdanows "Der rote Planet" und "Ingenieur Menni", Charlotte Perkins Gilmans "Herland", Jewgenij Samatins "Wir", George Orwells "1984", Aldous Huxleys "Schne neue Welt" und "Eiland", B. F. Skinners "Futurum Zwei" sowie Ursula K. Le Guins "Planet der Habenichtse", Marge Piercys "Frau am Abgrund der Zeit" und Ernest Callenbachs "kotopia". Auch in diesem Band sollen Texte mit bercksichtigt werden, die unterhalb der Klassenebene als Multiplikatoren gewirkt haben. Trefwoorden: Filosofie Said, Edward Orientalisten 2005, 480 pag., 35.00 Mets & Schilt Uitgevers, Amsterdam, isbn: 9053303960 In dit wereldwijd geprezen, fel bekritiseerde en veel geciteerde boek, na ruim een kwarteeuw eindelijk in het Nederlands vertaald, beschouwt Edward Said (1935-2003) de aard en de geschiedenis van de houding van het Westen ten aanzien van het Oosten. Said beschouwt orintalisme als een invloedrijke, effectieve, Europees-ideologische creatie, die schrijvers, filosofen en koloniale bestuurders de mogelijkheid bood om te kunnen omgaan met het andere van de oosterse cultuur, gewoonten en godsdienstige overtuigingen. Hij volgt verwoed en bewonderend het pad door de werken van Homerus, Nerval, Flaubert, Disraeli en Kipling, wier fantasievolle beschrijvingen flink hebben bijgedragen aan het romantische en exotische beeld dat het Westen kreeg van het Oosten. Ook gaat hij uitvoerig in op de geschiedenis van de wetenschappelijke orintalistiek. Said onderzoekt, steunend op zijn eigen ervaring als Palestijn die leefde in het Westen, hoe de orintalistische beeldvorming een reflectie kan zijn van Europees imperialisme en racisme. Trefwoorden: Noord Amerika, West Europa, Filosofie, Midden Amerika Saleem, Hiner Het vuur van mijn vader 2005, 143 pag., 19.90 Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, isbn: 9023414926 Een vrij Koerdistan, dat is waar Azad van droomt, net als zijn vader, een vertederende held op sokken, die zijn eigenwaarde ontleent aan een oud Tsjechisch geweer uit de jaren veertig. Azad en zijn familie worden na de putsch van Saddam Hussein gedwongen hun huis in Irak te ontvluchten en vinden nu eens onderdak in grotten aan de Turkse grens, dan weer in krakkemikkige huizen. Ze komen terecht in vluchtelingenkampen in Iran, om ook daar kennis te maken met de terreur van de veiligheidsdienst van de sjah. En als ze uiteindelijk kunnen terugkeren naar Irak is het leed nog niet geleden. Maar Azad blijft genieten van kleine gebeurtenissen: zijn moeder die eindelijk weer lacht, de onhandige capriolen van zijn vader die probeert te vissen maar niet blijkt te kunnen zwemmen, het bemachtigen van coca-cola, de onverwachte aanblik van grote, blonde Russinnen, de verliefdheid op een meisje van betere stand, het zonlicht op de besneeuwde bergen, de terugkeer van een verloren gewaande broer, een vogel die hem volgt... `Het vuur van mijn vader' is geschreven in een potische taal en met een onbevangen toon. Dit

boek dompelt je volledig onder in een andere, onbekende wereld en laat je na lezing wijzer en rijker achter. Trefwoorden: Fictie, Biografie/Autobiografie, Midden Oosten Saa, Heleno Don Quijote in Deutschland 2005, 273 pag., 21.75 PapyRossa, Kln, isbn: 3894383224 Vom Geist des Helden von Cervantes tief geprgt und vor dem Hintergrund seiner Jugend in FrancoSpanien, zieht Heleno Saa Bilanz seiner Erfahrungen in seiner deutschen Wahlheimat. Aus der Sicht seines Andersseins berichtet er von dem schnen und weniger schnen Deutschland, von den vielen Menschen aus Kultur, Medien und Politik, denen er begegnet ist, von seinen positiven und negativen Eindrcken bei seinen zahlreichen ffentlichen Auftritten. Aber er spricht auch von seinem persnlichen Leben und seiner deutschen Frau, von dem, was er ihr verdankt und was sie beide verbindet. Und immer wieder setzt sich Saa mit echt quijotischer Leidenschaft mit der moralischen und geistigen Krise unserer Zeit auseinander, ohne die eigenen Schwchen und Irrtmer zu verschweigen. Der Leser erfhrt von seinen Phasen innerer Einsamkeit, aber auch von seinen Hoffnungen auf eine Welt ohne Gewalt und Machtmibrauch, ohne Ausbeutung und Elend. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie Sandos, James Rebellion In The Borderlands Anarchism And The Plan Of San Diego, 1904-1923 2005, 237 pag., 28.50 University of Oklahoma Press, isbn: 0806124334 A fascinating, and scholarly investigation into the anarchist agitation (leading to at least two attempts at outright revolution) on both sides of the Mexican-American border, in the first quarter of the last century. A more than welcome inquiry into some of the lesser known actions of the Magn brothers, Villistas, and Zapatistas...not to mention the repression, and oft-times strained collaboration between the two nationalist and capitalist governments arrayed against them. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Sans Auteur Izvestia des marins, soldats rouges et ouvriers de la ville de Kronstadt (1921) 1988, 144 pag., 24.00 Ressouvenances, Coeuvres-et-Valsery, isbn: 2904429840 Journal publi par le Comit rvolutionnaire provisoire lors de l'insurrection de Kronstadt contre les bolcheviks (mars 1921). Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Oost Europa Scagliotti, John & Janeane Garofalo Dangerous Living DVD Coming Out In The Developing World 2005, 22.70 First Run Features, isbn: Without The first documentary to deeply explore the lives of gay and lesbian people in non-western cultures. Traveling to five different continents, we hear the hearbreaking and triumphant stories of gays and lesbians from Egypt, Honduras, Kenya, Thailand and elsewhere, where most occurrences of oppression receive no media coverage at all. By sharing the personal stories coming out of developing nations, Dangerous Living sheds light on an emerging global movement striving to end discrimination adn violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. Narrated by Janeane Garofalo. Bonus features include: shocking footage of the Cairo 52 trial; Interviews with the Director and Howard Dean; Human Rights Watch film notes; biographies; trailer gallery. Trefwoorden: Queer Schaffer, Kirwin R. Anarchism and coultercultural politics in early twentieth-century Cuba 2005, 304 pag., 62.40 University Press of Florida, Gainsville, isbn: 0813027918 This is the first critical in-depth study of the anarchist movement in Cuba in the three decades after the republic's independence from Spain in 1898. Kirwin Shaffer shows that anarchists played a significant until now little-known - role among Cuban leftists in shaping issues of health, education, immigration, the environment, and working-class internationalism. They also criticized the state of racial politics, cultural practices, and the conditions of children and women on the island. In the chaotic new country, members of the anarchist movement interpreted the War for Independence and the revolutionary ideas of patriot Jose Marti from a far left perspective, embarking on a nationwide debate with the larger Cuban establishment

about what it meant to be "Cuban." To counter the dominant culture, the anarchists created their own initiatives to help people - schools, health institutes, vegetarian restaurants, theater, and fiction writing groups - and as a result they challenged both the existing elite and the U.S. military forces that occupied the country. Shaffer also focuses on what anarchists did to prepare the masses for a social revolution.While many of their ideals flowed from Europe, and in particular from Spain, their programs, criticisms, and literature reflected the specifics of Cuban reality and appealed to Cuba's popular classes. Using theories on working-class internationalism, countercultures, popular culture, and social movements, Shaffer analyzes archival records, pamphlets, newspapers, and novels, showing how the anarchist movement in republican Cuba helped shape the country's early leftist revolutionary agenda. Trefwoorden: Cariben, Anarchisme Seierstad, Asne De boekhandelaar van Kaboel 2005, 320 pag., 5.99 Geus, de, Breda, isbn: 9044507990 In het voorjaar na de val van de Taliban bracht de Noorse sne Seierstad een aantal maanden door bij de familie van een boekhandelaar in Kaboel. Ze werd als lid van het gezin opgenomen, droeg een boerka en voelde zich n van de vrouwen. Haar ervaringen legde ze vast in `Boekhandelaar van Kaboel', dat laat zien hoe een gezin zich een plaats probeert te verwerven in het nieuwe Afghanistan. Wat zich in het gezin afspeelt, loopt parallel met de ontwikkelingen in Afghanistan. Een land dat verwoest is maar de hoop op een betere toekomst levend houdt. Trefwoorden: Midden Oosten Sharpe, Kevin Reading Revolutions The Politics of Reading in Early Modern England 2000, 358 pag., 14.50 Yale University Press, New Haven/London, isbn: 0300081529 Based on the voluminous reading notes of Sir William Drake, the book shows how readers formed radical social values and political ideas as they experienced civil war, revolution, republic and restoration. Trefwoorden: Politieke Geschiedenis Sheppard, Brian Olivier The Inefficiency Of Capitalism An Anarchist View 2003, 36 pag., 3.00 See Sharp Press, Tucson Instead of engaging in the usual moralistic leftist critique of capitalism, this pamphlet tackles the subject head on, on its own turf - economics - and demolishes the common belief that 'capitalism delivers the goods'. Sheppard does this through close consideration of 10 of the most outstanding inefficiencies of capitalism - things such as manufacture of false desires, product duplication, cost-shifting, systemic unemployment, waste of unsold goods, and the inefficiency of hierarchies. Through this analysis, Sheppard shows that, given the labor and resources at hand, capitalism is a horribly wasteful system that produces a pitifully small amount of useful goods and services. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme Silva, Emilio Las fosas de Franco 2005, 256 pag., 16.50 Ediciones Temas de Hoy, Madrid, isbn: 8484604241 Despus de localizar el lugar donde estaban los restos de su abuelo, Emilio Silva consigui exhumar su cuerpo y el de doce personas ms que yacan en una fosa comn, tras ser asesinados por fanticos falangistas durante la Guerra Civil. En su libro `Las fosas de Franco', Silva narr su historia y gener uno de los debates politicos ms importantes de los ltimos aos sobre la recuperacin de la memoria histrica. Muchas cosas han pasado en los dos aos que han transcurridos desde su publicacin, y Silva cuenta en esta nueva edicin la segunda parte de una de las historias ms emblemticas de la Espaa contempornea. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa, Repressie Sitrin, Marina Horizontalidad Voces de Poder Popular en Argentina 2005, 336 pag., 18.15 Chilavert, isbn: 9872194300 Este libro relata la historia de una socieada en cambio, contada por personas que estan tomando sus vidas y sus comunidades en sus propias manos. Halban en su propias voces. Es una historia de cooperacion,

vision, creacion y descubrimiento. Es una historia contada por personas en las empresas recuperadas, las asambleas barriales, los medio independientes, los coletivos de arte, y los movimientos de los desocupados. Mas que una historia en contexto, este libro refleja y explora lo que la gente esta haciendo, que los motiva, como se relacionan entre si, y como han cambiado individual y colectivamente en el proceso de creacion. No se trata tanto de un movimiento de acciones, sino de un moimiento de nuevos actores sociales, nuevos sujetos, y nuevos protagonistas. Trefwoorden: Zuid Amerika, Sociale bewegingen Sitrin, Marina Horizontalidad en/in Argentina 2005, 40 pag., 4.90 Zonder, isbn: Without A short bilingual introduction to the social movements that have sprung up in Argentina since the popular rebellion that began in December 2001. Sitrin provides a short introduction, then a series of oral testimonies from participants in those movements. A crucial gateway to certainly the most important uprising this century to date. Trefwoorden: Zuid Amerika, Sociale bewegingen Smith, Winston All Riot On The Western Front The Montage Art Of Winston Smith, Volume Three 2004, 102 pag., 23.85 Last Gasp, San Francisco, isbn: 0867196165 The trilogy that started with Artcrime and Act Like Nothing's Wrong is at last complete. Winston Smith's third volume of hand-carved collage art is a rich compendium of "old school" cut-and-paste compositions that juxtapose traditional Americana images with insightful visual twists. Dinosaurs ravage suburbia while dodos frolic with Gibson girls. Guaranteed to shock and awe. Smith's work has been featured on album covers for Dead Kennedys, Green Day, DOA, George Carlin, and more. Introduction by Carlo McCormick. Trefwoorden: Verzet, Kunst Smith, Winston Act Like Nothing's Wrong 1994, 95 pag., 24.00 Last Gasp, San Francisco, isbn: 086719345X A full color anthology of the incredible collage work of Winston Smith, long-time Dead Kennedys cover artist and all-round genius. His work ranges from the bitingly political to the hilariously surreal. An expensive tome, but beautifully produced, and worth every penny. Every page should be in a picture frame on your wall. Trefwoorden: Muziek, Kunst Snelders, Stephan The Devil's Anarchy The Other Loose and Roving Ways of Life & Very Remarkable Travels of Jan Erasmus Reyning, Buccaneer 2004, 208 pag., 10.05 Autonomedia, New York, isbn: 1570271615 Scholarly history of Dutch pirates that doesn't shy away from a good story. First English translations of some key Dutch texts in pirate history. Unique focus on the politics of piracy in the 17th and 18th century. This book explores pirate culture as radical social organization: a salty picture of anarchic pirate life, liberated, pleasurable and violent. Rebelling against hierarchical society and choosing the Jolly Roger, pirates entered the political spheres of anarchist organization and festival, with death and violence everpresent. Pirates created an upside-down world full of heroics as well as the deep horrors of life outside authority. Examining piracy as limited social rebellion, `The Devil's Anarchy' travels from the Hollywood pirate-as-hero to the stories of two great Dutch pirates: Claes Compaen, who terrorized the seas from 1623 to 1627, and Jan Erasmus Reyning, who ruled the seas a half-century later. Trefwoorden: Banditisme, Sociale geschiedenis Solnit, David (ed.) Globalize Liberation How To Uproot The System And Build A Better World 2003, 448 pag., 17.50 City Lights Books, San Francisco, isbn: 0872864200 33 articles and essays from activists from the heart of the global justice movement, and community struggles. How we can extend the struggles, both outwards, and inwards, learn from the past, and actually win! Contributors include Betita Martinez, Starhawk, Walden Bello, Naomi Klein, Giullermo GomezPena, Midnight Notes Collective, Ruthie and Craig Gilmore, Cindy Milstein, Rachel Neumann, George Lakey, Tom Knoche, Chris Crass, Chris Carlsson, Coalition of Immokalee Workers and U'wa Traditional Authorities.

Trefwoorden: Economie Souto Kustrin, sandra Y Madrid? Qu hace Madrid? Movimiento revolucionario y accin colectiva (1933-1936) 2004, 456 pag., 23.15 Siglo veintiuno, isbn: 8432311588 "Y Madrid? Qu hace Madrid?" era la pregunta que se hacan desde toda Espaa las organizaciones obreras sublevadas en octubre de 1934. El anlisis de la evolucin de dichas organizaciones tras la insurreccin, al que la historiografa espaola ha prestado escasa atencin, muestra que el bienio radicalcedista, el periodo ms olvidado de la Segunda Repblica, no fue ni tan "santo" ni tan "negro" y desde luego no fue la antesala de una guerra civil inevitable. Este libro aborda el estudio del desarrollo y la actividad de las diferentes organizaciones obreras y su participacin en los conflictos sociales y polticos en la provincia de Madrid, que culmina con la articulacin y represin del movimiento revolucionario de octubre de 1934, ahora que se cumple su setenta aniversario. En la obra se conjugan una abundante y hasta ahora desconocida documentacin sobre el periodo con conceptos y recursos tomados tanto de la historiografa como de otras ciencias sociales, para convertirse en una investigacin "crucial para entender un momento especialmente crtico de nuestra historia contempornea", como afirman en el prlogo Julio Arstegui y Eduardo Gonzlez Calleja. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa Spencer, Amy DIY The Rise Of Lo-Fi Culture 2004, 256 pag., 16.35 Marion Boyars Publishers, London, isbn: 0714531057 An ambitious history of much of the do it yourself 'movement' - encompassing zines (of course), independent political magazines, bands, record labels, pirate radio, shows and events. From zine archives to SchNEWS, Queercore to Riot Grrl, Situationists to punk rock, rebel radio to rave, its all here. Largely grouped around several lengthy interviews (with the likes of Aaron Cometbus, GB Jones, Lisa Jervis of Bitch and more) this is an engrossing read, and worthy attempt to grapple with, and pull together, a vast amount of material. Trefwoorden: Subcultuur Starr, Amory Global revolt A guide to the movement against globalization 2005, 224 pag., 18.50 Zed Books, London, isbn: 1842774832 Direct Action presents social activists with all they need to know about the key concepts and manifestos in the richly diverse popular mobilization that makes up the worldwide anti-globalization movement. It opens with a useful history of the movement, showing that it long pre-dates Seattle and has its origins in Third World political struggles. It provides a user's guide to the key concepts, positions and current debates in progress in the movement. It describes and explains the amazing array of popular tactics and actions which are being used around the world to put pressure on the powerful to move away from free market globalization. It emphasises the political alternatives available now and stresses the positive contribution individuals can make. Trefwoorden: Economie, Verzet Stolle-McAllister, John Mexican social movements and the transition to democracy 2005, 272 pag., 41.60 McFarland, Jefferson, isbn: 0786419997 Between 1995 and 1996 in Tepoztlan, Morelos, a movement was made against the construction of a large tourist development project. The case gained international attention as community members rejected their elected officials, designed their own local government and eventually won bitter victory against both the state and the internationally financed corporation developing a golf course and country club.This work focuses on how, in a time of generalized political change in Mexico, activists blended local, national and transnational courses of identity and social change to produce political practices that allowed them to win redress of their grievances, to alter local social relations and to contribute to changes within the national political system. Here, the anti-golf movement is chronicled. Important symbolic and organizational networks within Tepoztlan that took part in the conflict are explored.The role of global influences on the community's everyday life is examined, as well as the ways in which the movement contributed to the evolution of a more democratic culture. Parallels in the more recent movement in Atenco against the construction of Mexico City's new international airport are analyzed.

Trefwoorden: Midden Amerika, Sociale bewegingen Subcomandante Marcos Los del color de la tierra Textos insurgentes 2001, 224 pag., 15.70 Txalaparta, Bilbao, isbn: 8481362123 ...aqu ya no ms vergenza por la piel; huasteco, por la lengua; huave, por el vestido; quicap, por la danza; kukapa, por el canto; mame, por el tamao; macatzinca, por la historia; mixteco, aqu ya no ms la pena; nhuatl, aqu el orgullo de sernos, el color que somos, el color de la tierra; ah, aqu la dignidad sin vernos, ser vistos, siendo del color que somos, del color de la tierra; odam, aqu la voz que nos hace y alienta; pame, aqu ya no el silencio; popoluca, aqu el grito; purpecha, aqu el lugar que estuvo escondido; rarmuri, aqu la luz y el tiempo y el sentido Trefwoorden: Midden Amerika, Gewapende strijd Subcomandante Marcos Questions and swords Folktales of the Zapatista revolution 2001, 112 pag., 19.95 Cinco Puntos Press, El Paso, isbn: 0938317539 This beautiful full-colored edition contains two bilingual stories by Marcos: The Story of Questions, and The Story of the Sword, the Tree, the Stone and the Water. Notes on when the stories were writter plus commentary from Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska, Native American poet Simon Ortiz, and Marcos himself bring the book to a rich completion. On New Years Day, 1994, the Zapatistas, wearing their trademark ski masks, erupted on the world scene by declaring war on the Mexican government and attacking San Cristobal, Chiapas. Since that time Marcos, because of his charm, intelligence and charisma, has become a post-modern revolutionary icon. It is his person, more than any other factor, that has pushed the Zapatista movement and the plight of the indigenous people in Mexico onto the international scene. Marcos continues to be the focus of media attention in Mexico, in the States, and internationally, despite the Mexican governments attempts to discredit him. Alma Guillermoprieto in The New Yorker has remarked that the most visible and critical part of the Zapatistas revolution were the letters that the Mexican press publishes regularly, particularly the long, sometimes irreverent, personified postcripts that are the Subcomandantes contribution to epistolary art. Now swaggering, now full of righteous fury, now impudent and hip, the Marcos of the postscripts is at all times both elusive and intimate, and this seductive knack has allowed him to become a faceless stand-in for all the oppressed, an anonymous vessel for all fantasies from the sexual to the bellicose, a star. In his communiqus to the Mexican people, Marcos has often related folktales that the very wise Viejo Antonio has told him, stories that reflect the culture and wisdom of the indigenous peoples of Chiapas. `Questions and Swords' contains two of those tales. Trefwoorden: Midden Amerika Swobodnik, Sobo Fallers Held 2005, 260 pag., 20.30 Klett Cotta, Stuttgart, isbn: 3608937358 Am 9. April 2005 jhrt sich zum 60. Mal der Todestag von Georg Elser. Georg Elser und Faller - zwei Einzelkmpfer: der eine scheitert 1939 im Mnchner Brgerbrukeller mit seinem Attentat auf Hitler, der andere mit dem Versuch, diese Geschichte fr unsere Gesellschaft zu rekonstruieren. Sobo Swobodnik legt ein einfhlsames Doppelportrait aus kunstvoll komponierter Fiktion und authentischer Geschichtsschreibung vor. Trefwoorden: Fictie, Sociale geschiedenis Tapia Jimnez, Enrique El ojo del exilio 2004, 136 pag., 25.00 Milenio, Madrid, isbn: 8497431324 Las fotografas de Enrique Tapia recogen en esta obra el exilio de los espaoles a partir de 1939. Desde su exilio hasta su muerte en 2001, Enrique Tapia, recoge con su cmara la mirada incisiva y sobrecogedora las imgenes del xodo, del exilio y la vida de los espaoles. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa Tavera, Susanna de Fderica Montseny La indomable 2005, 352 pag., 25.50 Ediciones Temas de Hoy, Madrid, isbn: 848460101

Destacada anarquista, Federica Montseny fue la primera mujer que lleg a ministra en la historia de Espaa, adems de una escritora revolucionaria y una intelectual comprometida. Sus transgresoras ideas sobre el sufragio universal o sobre la interrupcin voluntaria del embarazo y sus propuestas en materia de sanidad levantaron polmica y la han convertido en uno de los personajes ms interesantes aunque desconocidos de la poltica en el periodo republicano. La historiadora Susanna Tavera se documenta en fuentes inditas para descubrirnos la apasionante vida de una mujer adelantada a su tiempo. Trefwoorden: Anarchisme, Zuid Europa, Biografie/Autobiografie, Vrouwen Testcard; Beitrge zur Popgeschichte Nr.12 Linke Mythen 2003, 300 pag., 15.95 Bender Verlag, Mainz, isbn: 3931555119 Ein thematisch nicht unhnliches Feld beackert die sehr verdienstvolle aktuelle Ausgabe der poptheoretischen Mainzer Halbjahresschrift testcard, wobei der Zugang hier schon alleine durch die akademischere Sprache und den strker historisch angelegten Ansatz distanzierter und analytischer anmutet. Thematisch gewohnt breit gefchert, untersucht das Team um Martin Bsser diesmal linke Mythen der Popkultur, wobei es weniger um die Zerstrung derselben als vielmehr um die Beschreibung deren Entstehung, Bedeutung und Vernderung sowie um das Aufzeigen von Schnittmengen zwischen politisch motivierten Kulturen und realen politischen Bewegungen geht. Ein interessanter Beitrag zeichnet beispielsweise nach, wie der schwule Anarcho und Ton-Steine-Scherben-Frontman Rio Reiser sptestens seit seinem Tod relativ problemlos in den deutschen Rock-Kanon aufgenommen und beinahe schon zu einem alternativen Schlagersnger umgedeutet wurde. Im krassen Gegensatz dazu trgt ein Gesprch mit dem einstigen RAF-Mitglied Irmgard Mller - sie hatte die so genannte Todesnacht von Stammheim im Gegensatz zu Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin und Jan-Carl Raspe einst schwer verletzt berlebt - den sinnigen Titel "Zur Mythenbildung nicht geeignet". Neben weiteren Beitrgen zum Dauerbrenner "RAF" spannen die Texte einen thematischen Bogen von linken deutschen Buchverlagen ber die historischen Wurzeln des aktuellen Dance-Punk-Undergrounds und den afroamerikanischen Pop der Black-Panther-ra bis zu linken Perspektiven in der Avantgarde der Sechziger- und Siebzigerjahre. Die Analyse musikalischer Subkulturen beschrnkt sich schlielich nicht nur auf die in diesem Kontext unumgnglichen Grogenres wie Punk, Reggae und Industrial, sondern es werden auch weniger gelufige Szenen beleuchtet; aktuell etwa Antifolk oder Neue Musik historisch die kompositorische (Post-) Avantgarde der Sechziger- und Siebzigerjahre. Trefwoorden: Gewapende strijd, West Europa Thalheimer, August & Waldemar Bolze & Joaquin Maurn e.a. Der spanische Brgerkrieg 2005, 240 pag., 13.50 Gegen den Strom c/o T. Gradl, Nrnberg, isbn: 3000102965 Der Band ist Neuauflage einer lange vergriffenen Broschre von 1987. Er birgt wie diese Artikel aus der Nrnberger "Arbeiterstimme", die Spaniens Entwicklung in der Zeit vor dem Brgerkrieg bis zu dessen bitterem Ende nachzeichnen, einen IVKO-Rundbrief vom 26. 8. 1936, Thalheimers Rapport ber seinen Katalonien-Besuch und Berichte Bolzes (gleichfalls KPDO) ber Aragonfront und Einkerkerung auslndischer Mitarbeiter einer Flugzeugfabrik im Mrz 1937, durch die ein Verfahren nach Art der Moskauer Prozesse mit vorbereitet werden sollte. Der Zweitauflage wurden u. a. Artikel zur aktuellen Auseinandersetzung ber den Brgerkrieg hinzugefgt. In der Neuauflage enthaltene Artikel ber Streitigkeiten der 90er Jahre, so mit Kurt Hager ber die tatschlich von Revolutionsgegnern provozierten Barrikadenkmpfe 1937, mit dem ehemaligen Offizier der spanischen Volksarmee Fritz Teppich ber den Film "Land and Freedom" von Ken Loach sowie ber den Franco in die Hnde gefallenen Maurn, tragen zu erweiterter Geschichtskenntnis und erhhtem Verstndnis dafr bei, warum der "Realsozialismus" so, wie er war, zugrunde gehen musste. Eine Analyse Maurns ber den Anarcho-Syndikalismus belegt wichtige Ursachen fr die Degeneration jener linken Strmung. Die abschlieende Selbstdarstellung der Gruppe Arbeiterstimme drfte fr alle wichtig sein, die Kommunisten in Brandlers und Thalheimers Tradition ungengend kennen. Trefwoorden: Communisme, Zuid Europa Tobocman, Seth Sketches of Israelis and Palestines Portraits for My Parents 2003, 120 pag., 22.15 Soft Skull Press, New York, isbn: 1887128832 During the summer of 2002, Seth Tobocman taught art to children in a village outside of Ramallah, Palestine. To explain his purpose to his parents, lifelong Zionists, he sent them 20 pages from his sketchbook of the trip. These charcoal drawings, as presented in this book, strip away the historical, religious, and political complexities to reveal the stark humanity of both sides, and pare the dialogue to its essence: How to recognize and respect each other's humanity?

Trefwoorden: Comic Turcotte, Bryan Ray and Doug Woods Punk Is Dead Punk Is Everything! 2005, 240 pag., 36.00 Gingko Press, Corte Madera, isbn: 1584231084 Sure to be as successful as the 1999 bestseller, Fucked Up + Photocopied, Punk Is Dead: Punk Is Everything! broadens its scope to expose the lasting impact of ''punk'' on visual culture worldwide. Described as the ''last organically incubated 'oppositional youth' movement'' of the pre-MTV era, punk slipped quietly under the cultural radar before rising again to inspire new generations of creative and idealistic artists and musicians. Independent bands such as Crucifix, the Plugz, and Bad Religion, found that success was best measured in terms other than Units sold Features a hard hitting essay by one of the most respected voices of the fiercely independent DIY music underground, Ian Makaye (Teen Idols / Minor Threat / Fugazi). And others by Malcolm McLaren, Vincent Gallo (the Grey), and Matt Burosso (Crucifix). Trefwoorden: Muziek Tyson, Timothy Radio Free Dixie Robert F. Williams & The Roots Of Black Power 2005, 416 pag., 16.35 University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, isbn: 0807849235 This book tells the remarkable story of Robert F. Williams--one of the most influential black activists of the generation that toppled Jim Crow and forever altered the arc of American history. In the late 1950s, as president of the Monroe, North Carolina, branch of the NAACP, Williams and his followers used machine guns, dynamite, and Molotov cocktails to confront Klan terrorists. Advocating "armed self-reliance" by blacks, Williams challenged not only white supremacists but also Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights establishment. Forced to flee during the 1960s to Cuba--where he broadcast "Radio Free Dixie," a program of black politics and music that could be heard as far away as Los Angeles and New York City-and then China, Williams remained a controversial figure for the rest of his life. Historians have customarily portrayed the civil rights movement as a nonviolent call on America's conscience--and the subsequent rise of Black Power as a violent repudiation of the civil rights dream. But Radio Free Dixie reveals that both movements grew out of the same soil, confronted the same predicaments, and reflected the same quest for African American freedom. As Robert Williams's story demonstrates, independent black political action, black cultural pride, and armed self-reliance operated in the South in tension and in tandem with legal efforts and nonviolent protest. Trefwoorden: Black studies, Biografie/Autobiografie, Noord Amerika Valtin, Jean Out of the night 2005, 720 pag., 22.70 AK Press, Edinburgh, isbn: 1902593863 Jan Valtin's life is an intimate insider's account of the dramatic events of the 1920s and 1930s, where he rose both within the ranks of the Communist Party, and on the Gestapo hit list. As eventual head of the Party's maritime organizing, he crossed Europe, and the globeprofessional revolutionary, agitator, spy,and assassinincluding America, where a botched "hit" on Party orders landed him three years in San Quentin. Captured by the Gestapo, he endured years in a concentration camp, engineering his release by convincing his captors he could work as a double agent. Narrowly escaping the murderous clutches of Stalin's thugs, who brooked no deviation from the Party line, he eventually washed up in America, where he wrote this memoiran unlikely bestseller that sold over a million copies in 1941. A brilliant, humble account of a young life filled with idealism and devotion, disillusionment and loss, in a world full of revolutionary promise and totalitarian reaction. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie Veen, Hans-Joachim Die abgeschnittene Revolution Europische Diktaturen und ihre berwindung (Bd.2) 2004, 248 pag., 19.90 Bhlau, isbn: 3412171034 Der Volksaufstand vom 17. Juni 1953 gehrt in die Reihe der groen demokratischen Bewegungen in Deutschland, die Freiheit und Demokratie erkmpfen wollten. Sowjetische Panzer walzten ihn gleich zu Beginn nieder, so dass wir es hier mit einer unvollendeten, quasi abgeschnittenen Revolution zu tun haben. In diesem Band werden der Gesamtzusammenhang des Volksaufstandes in seiner Zeit und sein historischer Stellenwert in der deutschen Geschichte diskutiert. Die internationalen Rahmenbedingungen sowie die lokale Bedeutung jener denkwrdigen "fnf Tage im Juni" fr Thringen und Sachsen werden

ebenso analysiert wie die Reaktionen im Westen und die Festreden des Deutschen Bundestags zum "Tag der deutschen Einheit".. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt sind die Nachwirkungen in der DDR selbst, die von der rigorosen und brutalen Verfolgung der Beteiligten ber die Tabuisierung des Themas in der historischen Forschung und der DDR-ffentlichkeit bis hin zur Legendenbildung eines vom Westen gesteuerten "faschistischen Putsches" und einer gro angelegten Geschichtsklitterung reichen. Abgerundet wird der Band durch die Analyse der DDR-Literatur zum 17. Juni, durch eine strafrechtliche Bilanz sowie durch eine revolutionstheoretische Bewertung. Trefwoorden: Oost Europa, Sociale geschiedenis, West Europa Venemous Butterfly Where is the Festival? 2005, 42 pag., 3.25 Elephant Editions, London Four essays from the always critical Venemous Butterfly, specifically dealing with the socalled alterglobalization movement. Contains: `Notes on summits and counter-summits', `Genoa is everywhere', `Vultures', `On the trial of the rebels of Genoa'. Trefwoorden: Verzet Verbij, Antoine Tien Rode Jaren Links radicalisme in Nederland, 1970-1980 2005, 224 pag., 16.95 Ambo|Anthos Uitgevers, Amsterdam, isbn: 9026317484 In de jaren zeventig van de vorige eeuw leek de wereldrevolutie voor de deur te staan. Overal stond 'links' op het punt de macht te grijpen. Ook in Nederland waren de verwachtingen hooggespannen. Radicalen, verspreid over talloze groepen, partijen, bonden, fracties, cellen en comits, bereidden zich voor op de grote omwenteling - die niet kwam. In `Tien rode jaren' onderzoekt Antoine Verbij waar dat revolutionaire elan van de jaren zeventig vandaan kwam, waar het op stukliep en hoe het van karakter veranderde. Hij sprak met communisten, trotskisten, maosten en anarchisten over hun motieven, hun hooggestemde idealen en hun onderlinge twisten. Aan feministen, milieuactivisten, vredesbewegers, krakers en antimilitaristen vroeg hij hoe het hen na de teloorgang der ideologien is vergaan. `Tien rode jaren' biedt een bont panorama van het rijke linkse leven in die eigenlijk zo onbekende jaren zeventig. Trefwoorden: Nederland, Verzet, Sociale bewegingen, Sociale geschiedenis Verstraten, Joop Het Gestolen Huis De stille oorlog tegen de Papoea's 2005, 151 pag., 15.75 Ijzer, Utrecht, isbn: 9074328741 Reisverhaal over Nieuw Guinea. In deze voormalige Nederlandse kolonie nam Indonesi de rol van kolonisator over nadat Nederland vertrok in 1962. Inmiddels staan de Papuas onderaan de sociale ladder in hun eigen land, dat geteisterd wordt door milieuvervuiling, AIDS, repressie, en andere moderne gemakken. Trefwoorden: Zuidoost Azi Vidal Manzanares, Csar Checas de Madrid 2004, 364 pag., 13.00 Debolsillo, Madrid, isbn: 8497931688 Checas de Madrid. Las carceles republicanas al descubierto es la historia de la labor de represion ejecutada por las autodeterminadas fuerzas progresistas durante la Republica espaola, con et respaldo directo de los aparatos del Estado y et apoyo o silencio de los que habian sido erigidos en referentes morales de la sociedad. El libro se divide en cuatro partes: la primera describe la forma en que se creo et primer estado totalitario de la Historia sostenido sobre la maxima del exterminio ; la segunda, dedicada al establecimiento del sistema de checas de Madrid, muestra su funcionamiento durante los primeros meses de la guerra civil; la tercera se centra en et paso del sistema de checas a la practica del exterminio masivo, et comportamiento de los intelectuales ante las detenciones, torturas y matanzas, y et final de los asesinatos en masa, y la ultima describe la mutacion que tuvo lugar en la represin practicada en la zona de Espaa controlada por et Frente Popular una vez que los comunistas, con et apoyo de la URSS, comenzaron a apoderarse de los resortes, del poder. Un libro polmico, riguroso y clarificador, profusamente documentado con material indito y nuevas aportaciones que nos acerca a la realidad historica de uno de los periodos revoiucionarios mas silenciados, sangrientos y crueles de Espaa. Trefwoorden: Oost Europa, Zuid Europa, Repressie Vries, Ellen de Suriname na de binnenlandse oorlog (1986-1992)

2005, 160 pag., 17.50 Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT), Amsterdam, isbn: 9068324993 De gevolgen van de Binnenlandse Oorlog zijn vandaag de dag nog steeds merkbaar. In november 2005 is het 30 jaar geleden dat Suriname onafhankelijk werd. De republiek was nog maar vijf jaar oud, toen militairen meenden orde op zaken te moeten stellen. Op verdenking van het beramen van een tegencoup doodde het leger op 8 december 1982 vijftien vooraanstaande intellectuelen. Na de verkiezingen van mei zullen de moorden eindelijk onderzocht worden. De auteur sprak met vluchtelingen, strijders, overheidsdienaren en hulpverleners. Hoe is de stand van zaken nu en hoe blikken ze terug op de voorbije oorlogsperiode? De interviews werden op verschillende tijdstippen in 2003, 2004 en 2005 gehouden, aangevuld met zoveel mogelijk schriftelijk materiaal. Als n ding uit de vraaggesprekken duidelijk wordt, is het wel dat deze oorlog nog velen in Suriname bezighoudt. Trefwoorden: Zuid Amerika Vukmirovic, Nenad & Andrea Tomasevic The Wonderful World of Doomsday Graphics and Shaved Women 2005, 77 pag., 11.75 Louarn Kounnaret Releases, London, isbn: Without An A4 collection of artwork from Nenad who does the dark H.R. Gigeresque `Extinction of Mankind' style of artwork and Andrea who does full colour J.Yates style photomontage. A well produced first production from Louarn Kounnaret Releases. Trefwoorden: Comic Walton, C.S. The Voice of Leningrad The Story of a Siege 2003, 167 pag., 16.30 Garret county press, New Orleans, isbn: 1891053825 This is your book if you're searching for a well-researched, but thrilling introduction to the World War II siege of Leningrad. The narrative is powered by the story of Zinochka who must travel back to Leningrad to sort out her past -- powerful details from the siege reveal themselves as Zinochka travels through a dreamy landscape of old friends and lovers. This is a wonderfully paced, slender read peppered with elements of magical realism. Trefwoorden: Fictie Warschawski, Michael Mit Hllentempo Die Krise der israelischen Gesellschaft 2005, 128 pag., 12.80 Nautilus, Hamburg, isbn: 3894014482 Warschawski beschreibt die rasende Geschwindigkeit, mit der Repression und Gewalt der Besatzung in die israelische Gesellschaft zurckschlagen: die Zerstrung der demokratischen Grundrechte, die Infragestellung aller demokratischen Normen im alltglichen Leben, die perverse Gewhnung an Gewalt und Tod. Er denunziert die verbale Verrohung von Medien und Politikern, den Einfluss des Kriegszustands auf Schule, Universitt und Kultur. Warschawski diagnostiziert den Verfall des Rechtsstaats sowie den der Gesellschaft, die mit der "vorbeugenden Selbstverteidigung" einhergehen. Unverhltnismige Gewaltttigkeit in Armee und zivilem Leben bewirken das rapide Abdriften der politischen Klasse nach rechts. Warum ist die Euphorie der Oslo-Vertrge so schnell verflogen? Wie wurden aus den palstinensischen Mitbrgern innere Feinde? Wird Israel ein fundamentalistischer Staat, der gegen die Mauer des Hasses prallt und der, in der Allianz mit den USA, zur "Ausrottung des Terrorismus" auf eine Katastrophe zurast? Nach seiner Autobiographie An der Grenze liegen jetzt aktuelle Texte dieses streitbaren israelischen Autors vor. Trefwoorden: Midden Oosten Warschawski, Michel On the Border 2005, 228 pag., 24.94 Pluto Press, London, isbn: 0745323251 `On the Border' chronicles a radical political education in a time and place charged with idealism and danger. A Polish Frenchman and a rabbi's son, Michel Warschawski left for Israel at the age of sixteen to to study the Talmud, and eventually became one of the most renowned figures of the Israeli left. Warschawski's involvement in radical politics led to inspiring alliances with Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Marxists. Yet as the border lines hardened, he became targeted by the Shin Bet, Israel's notorious intelligence agents. Finally arrested, incarcerated and interrogated for 20 days, Michel gives his readers an insider's view of the psychological and political pressures that Shin Bet brought to bear, even on Jews, and never lets you forget the severity of treatment that his Palestinian colleagues faced. In touch with the Jewish diaspora, and inspired by a socialism without borders, the book mixes sharp analysis of the

ongoing conflict with deep personal insight into the events of the last three decades. The lessons he draws from his experience on the border between Israel and Palestine should be instructive for all the places where cultures rub against each other for better and worse. Warschawski's perspective offers hope for the rich cultural and political exchange that these places offer their inhabitants, and hope for his adopted land. unded the Alternative Information Centre in Jerusalem, a Palestinian-Israeli organization that disseminates information, research, and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, while promoting cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis. Trefwoorden: Midden Oosten Weiss, Peter Die sthetik des Widerstands 2005, 1100 pag., 19.75 Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, isbn: 3518456881 Der Roman `Die sthetik des Widerstands' ist zu einem Kultbuch geworden. Was erzhlt der Roman? Er berichtet von jungen Arbeitern, die 1937 in Berlin ihren Standort umreien. ber die Tschechoslowakei gelangt der Erzhler nach Spanien und nimmt teil am Brgerkrieg. Der zweite Teil schildert die Vielschichtigkeit der Erlebnisse im Stockholmer Exil. Der Autor verfolgt die Wege der Personen: Endstation fr viele sind die Hinrichtungssttten des Dritten Reichs. Dennoch bleibt der Widerstand ihr Vermchtnis. Trefwoorden: Filosofie, Fictie, Maatschappijkritiek Wenzel, Otto 1923 Die gescheiterte Deutsche Oktoberrevolution. Diktatur und Widerstand Bd.7 2003, 374 pag., 36.95 LIT Verlag, Mnster, isbn: 3825872467 Mit einer Einleitung von Manfred Wilke. In Otto Wenzels Buch "1923 Die gescheiterte Deutsche Oktoberrevolution" wird ein weier Fleck im historischen Gedchtnis der Deutschen getilgt: der gescheiterte Griff der sowjetischen Fhrung nach der politischen Macht in Deutschland. Das Politbro der Kommunistischen Partei Russlands beschloss ber die Kpfe der deutschen Parteifhrer hinweg einen bewaffneten Aufstand der KPD, und Kriegskommissar Trotzki war bereit, mit der Roten Armee einzurcken, sobald er in Gang gekommen war. Die Operationsbasis waren die von SPD-KPD-Koalitionen regierten Lnder Sachsen und Thringen. Trefwoorden: West Europa Wollstonecraft, Mary The Collected Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft 2003, 512 pag., 52.35 Allen Lane (Penguin), London, isbn: 0713996005 Mary Wollstonecraft is one of the most distinctive letter writers of the 18th century. She talked and thought on paper - her letters were a large part of the drama of her life. In them she grows from an awkward child of 14 to a woman of 38 facing death in childbirth. At different times they reveal her very modern desire to reconcile the irreconcilable: integrity and sexual longing, the needs and duties of a woman, motherhood and intellectual life, fame and domesticity, and reason and passion. Written on the hoof in cramped lodgings or swaying boats, the wilds of Scandinavia or freezing Paris, they form an extensive autobiographical document. Trefwoorden: West Europa, Biografie/Autobiografie Wood, Andy Riot, Rebellion and Popular Politics in Early Modern England 2001, 256 pag., 32.35 MacMillan Press, London, isbn: 0333637623 This book provides the first critical overview of the new social history of politics in early modern England. It examines the shifting place of popular politics within the polity, focusing in particular on collective disorder. Rebellions and riots are examined alongside the deeper political cultures of the commons of Tudor and Stuart England. Attention is given to enclosure and food riots; seditious speech; elite perceptions of plebeian politics; ritual, gender and the forms of popular protest; literacy and the impact of print. Trefwoorden: West Europa, Sociale geschiedenis Yes Men The Yes Men The True Story Of the End Of The World Trade Organization 2004, 191 pag., 14.25 Disinformation Company Ltd., isbn: 0972952993 This is the story of the Yes Men. It follows two anti-corporate activist-pranksters as they impersonate WTO

spokesmen on TV and at business conferences around the world. The story begins with Andy and Mike setting up a parody of the WTO's website. Some visitors don't notice the site is a fake, and send speaking invitations meant for the real WTO. Mike and Andy play along and soon find themselves attending important functions as WTO representatives. Delighted to speak for the organization they oppose, A & M don thrift-store suits and set out to shock their unwitting audiences with darkly comic satires on global free trade. Weirdly, the experts don't notice and seem to agree with every terrible idea the two can come up with Trefwoorden: Economie Zamoro, Patxi A ambos lados del muro 2005, 244 pag., 16.00 Txalaparta, Bilbao, isbn: 8481363073 Patxi Zamoro, detenido tras un intento de atraco a principios de los ochenta, fue el primer preso al que se aplic el rgimen especial FIES. Pas los 18 aos de su vida en cautiverio en un empeo loco y heroico, terco e incansable, por huir de sus captores. Lo intent de todas las formas posibles y comprob cmo a cada huida le segua un encierro con ms candados, ms saa y ms venganza. Zamoro narra en este libro los pormenores de esa batalla librada contra las instituciones penitenciarias, al tiempo que nos exhorta a quienes estamos a ?este lado del muro? a reflexionar sobre un sistema que utiliza la crcel como un revlver que apunta a la sien de cualquier ciudadano; una gran celda de castigo, un submundo donde el ansia de libertad es lo nico que puede llevar al preso algo de calma y esperanza. ngel Zamoro, Patxi (Badajoz, 1958 - Irua 2001). A los cinco meses de su nacimiento su familia se traslada a vivir a Cornell de Llobregat (Barcelona). All creci y vivi hasta que en 1979 fue detenido y condenado a once aos de prisin. Ah comenzara su periplo por las crceles espaolas. Protagonista de la mayor parte de los motines en la dcada de los ochenta, su rebelda y su ansia de libertad le llevaran a acumular cientos de aos de condena. Fue el primer preso al que se le aplic el rgimen FIES (Fichero de Internos de Especial Seguimiento) y lleg a permanecer en cautiverio hasta 18 aos. Tras cumplir condena, las campaas de denuncia y concienciacin que impuls contra el rgimen FIES le llevaron incluso hasta Italia. En 2001 una enfermedad acabara con su vida casi cuando sta comenzaba a despegar. Trefwoorden: Bajes, Repressie, Zuid Europa Zavala, Jos Mara En busca de Andreu Nin 2005, 582 pag., 25.50 Plaza y Janes, Madrid, isbn: 840130539X Quin asesin al dirigente comunista Andreu Nin? Cules fueron las causas de su muerte? Fue realmente cmplice el Gobierno republicano? El asesino obedeca rdenes de Mosc? Era Nin, como aseguraba el PCE, un agente al servicio de Franco? Mayo de 1937. Lderes republicanos y pistoleros de diversas nacionalidades, espas de la KOMINTERN, aventureros comprometidos con los ideales de justicia y libertad, y destacados comunistas enfrentados entre s forman un complejo dramatis personae donde nadie es inocente. Un entramado que, en la zona republicana, acaba trgicamente con la vida de An-dreu Nin, mximo dirigente del POUM y uno de los escasos espaoles que conoci de cerca la Revolucion rusa. Oculto bajo un interesado manto de silencio, este crimen uno de los ms significativos de la Guerra Civil reaparece ahora con toda su carga simblica e histrica gracias a la labor de investigacin de Jos Mara Zavala, que ha reconstruido con minuciosidad la vida, pasin poltica y muerte de este desaparecido poltico y sindicalista cataln que os enfrentarse al poder de Stalin. Un trepidante relato en el que el autor ha sumado al rigor de la documentacin un extraordinario trabajo de campo, que aporta testimonios exclusivos y descubre el lugar donde probablemente fue ejecutado Nin. Trefwoorden: Biografie/Autobiografie, Communisme, Zuid Europa Zibechi, Raul Genealoga de la revuelta Argentina, la sociedad en movimiento 2005, 240 pag., 11.50 Likiniano Elkartea, Bilbao, isbn: 8496044599 Este libro es la historia de un movimiento que es importante no solamente para Argentina sino para el mundo entero, un movimiento que quiere cambiar el mundo sin tomar el poder. Es la historia de cmo cambi la lucha durante los noventa, a partir de una serie de movimientos que mostraron su fuerza en la gran explosin del 19 y 20 de diciembre de 2001. Desde 1989 las viejas formas de lucha haban perdido su relevancia; la nica opcin fue encontrar nuevas formas para llevar adelante un cambio social, que no puede esperar al futuro, como estos movimientos dejaron en claro. La lucha contra el capital es al mismo tiempo la construccin de un mundo alternativo, no hay trminos medios (construccin del partido, conquista del poder) entre los dos procesos. En este proceso, el desarrollo de redes alternativas de produccin y consumo asentadas en un concepto diferente de trabajo es de crucial importancia. Este es un rasgo central de la lucha de los piqueteros (John Holloway). El estallido social de finales de 2001 mostr otra realidad sustentada en nuevos valores y prcticas que tratan de romper con la escisin entre lucha y

vida cotidiana, que aportan una nueva visin del cambio social. La inestabilidad, la flexibilidad, la informalidad, el "desorden" creativo, la multiplicidad, la autonoma, la horizontalidad, el apoyo mutuo, la recuperacin de los lazos sociales, la economa solidaria, el desarrollo comunitario, la territorialidad o la visin no instrumental de las relaciones humanas son algunas de las caractersticas de estos movimientos sociales, cuyo valor es fundamentalmente cualitativo. Un magma que no quiere ser representado ni conducido y que muestra la potencialidad de lo vivo, que es a la vez permanencia y cambio, vecino de la incertidumbre y que pretende decirnos en ltima instancia que lo importante es vivir como soamos. Trefwoorden: Verzet, Zuid Amerika Zinn, Howard (Editor) The People Speak: American Voices, Some Famous, Some Little Known - Dramatic Readings Celebrating The Enduring Spirit Of Dissent 2005, 96 pag., 10.20 Harper Collins, London, isbn: 0060578262 Short extracts from a plethora of folks, interwoven with commentary from Zinn: Columbus on the Arawaks; Plough Jogger, a farmer and participant in Shays' Rebellion; Harriet Hanson, a Lowell mill worker; Frederick Douglass; Mark Twain; Mother Jones; Emma Goldman; Hellen Keller; Langston Hughes; Eugene V Debs; Genova Johnson Dollinger on a sit-down strike at General Motors in Flint, Michigan; an interrogation from a 1953 HUAC hearing; Fannie Lou Hamer, a sharecropper and member of the Freedom Democratic Party; Malcolm X; and James Lawrence Harrington, a Gulf War resister, among others. Trefwoorden: Noord Amerika, Sociale geschiedenis Zizek, Slavoj Welkom in de woestijn van de werkelijkheid 2005, 172 pag., 18.50 Boom, Meppel/Amsterdam, isbn: 9053529306 De retoriek van de War on Terrorism stelt ons voor keuzes die we niet moeten accepteren, stelt de spraakmakende filosoof iek. Na 11 september biedt een wereldbeeld van democratie versus fundamentalisme geen oplossing voor de problemen van onze tijd. iek ontwikkelt in dit boek een originele kritiek op de liberale democratie, die doorgaans wordt gezien als ht alternatief voor het moslimfundamentalisme. Het mondiale kapitalisme als basis voor de democratische systemen heeft namelijk zelf sterk fundamentalistische trekken.Vanaf 11 september 2001 had Amerika kunnen zoeken naar nieuwe kansen voor een stabiele wereldorde. Het streven naar verantwoordelijkheid echter heeft plaatsgemaakt voor schuldverklaringen aan het adres van wat men als de niet-westerse wereld ziet. iek levert met dit boek een vlijmscherpe bijdrage aan het politiek-filosofische debat over de nieuwe wereldorde. Prikkelend, relevant en toegankelijk voor studenten, politici, jou rnalisten en vakfilosofen. Trefwoorden: Filosofie Zonder auteur De Angry Brigade Communiqus en chronologie 2005, 72 pag., 2.10 X-anoniem Eerste Nederlandse vertaling van communiqus van de Engelse gewapende klassenstrijdgroep `Angry Brigade'. Aangevuld met een chronologie en vertaalde fragmenten uit Gordon Carr's monografie over deze groep. Trefwoorden: West Europa, Gewapende strijd Zonder auteur Panptico nmero 7 (nueva poca ) 2 semestre 2005 2005, 232 pag., 10.00 Virus, Barcelona Panptico tiene por objetivo desenmascarar los discursos dominantes que el Estado moderno emplea -basados en la exclusin social, la criminalizacin y el desarrollo de sistemas de control policial, militar y penal- con el fin de asegurar la pervivencia de una sociedad donde la marginacin y la desigualdad son las claves para entender la lgica de la aplicacin de las leyes y la interpretacin de los derechos. Trefwoorden: Bajes, Zuid Europa Zoon, Cees Zonen van Noach Basken op zoek naar een verzonnen land 2005, 192 pag., 15.95 Nijgh & van Ditmar, Amsterdam, isbn: 9038887361 Baskenland is vooral bekend door de ETA, die al dertig jaar lang met terreuraanslagen onafhankelijkheid probeert te bewerkstelligen. De ETA is de meest extreme versie van het Baskisch nationalisme, maar bepaald niet de enige. Sinds 1980 is het gematigde nationalisme de dominante politieke stroming in

Baskenland en ook de aanhangers hiervan hebben maar n ding voor ogen: onafhankelijkheid. In `Zonen van Noach' laat Cees Zoon zien hoezeer het nationalisme het dagelijks leven in de deelstaat heeft ontwricht. Alles is ervan doordrongen, van de politiek tot de cultuur, van de media tot het voetbal. Andersdenkenden wordt het leven onmogelijk gemaakt. De nationalistische, door rassentheorien genspireerde politici behandelen de Spanjolen als tweederangsburgers. Maar het door de nationalisten aanbeden Baskenland is een verzonnen land. Als staat heeft het nooit bestaan, het is een constructie die volledig uit de literatuur komt. Een mengeling van mythen en sterke verhalen die de pretentie heeft geschiedenis te zijn. En die fictie is sterk genoeg om een hele maatschappij te ontregelen. Trefwoorden: Zuid Europa Zuckerman, Frederic S. Tsarist Secret Police in Russian Society, 1880-1917 1996, 368 pag., 117.95 MacMillan Press, London, isbn: 0333633962 A portrait of the history of the Russian secret police - the so-called 'Okhrana' - its personnel, world view and interaction with both government and people during the reigns of Alexander III and Nicholas II. The secret police harassed, infiltrated and subverted Russian radical and progressive society as it struggled to preserve Tsardom's traditional political culture in the face of Russia's rapid socio-economic transformation - a transformation which the forces of order scarcely understood, yet deeply despised. Trefwoorden: Geheime Diensten, Repressie, Oost Europa

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