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Dissertao apresentada ao Programa de PsGraduao em Geoqumica: Petrleo e Meio ambiente, na Universidade Federal da Bahia, como um dos requisitos para a obteno do ttulo de Mestre em Geoqumica: Petrleo e Meio Ambiente. Orientadora: Prof. Dr. Olvia Maria Cordeiro de Oliveira Co-orientador: Prof. PhD. Jorge Alberto Trigis

Salvador 2011


Moreira, caro Thiago Andrade, Avaliao da eficincia de modelos de remediao aplicados em sedimentos de manguezal impactados por atividades petrolferas. _ 2010. 221 f. : il.

Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Olvia Maria Cordeiro de Oliveira. Dissertao (Mestrado) Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Geocincias, 2010.

1. Fitorremediao 2. Biorremediao 3. Petrleo 4. Metais Pesados. 5. Manguezal I. Olvia Maria Cordeiro de Oliveira II. Universidade Federal da Bahia. Instituto de Geocincias. III. Ttulo.


Dedico este trabalho quele que eu considero o maior geoqumico das causas ambientais em atividade no mundo, PhD Jorge Alberto Trigis, s pessoas que vivem dos manguezais na BTS e ao meu anjo-irmo Mariposo - MMAM (in memoriam).



Dissertao apresentada ao Programa de Ps Graduao em Geoqumica: Petrleo e Meio Ambiente POSPETRO, Instituto de Geocincias, Universidade Federal da Bahia, apresentada como requisito parcial para obteno do grau de Mestre. Orientadora: Prof Dr Olvia Maria Cordeiro de Oliveira Co-orientador: Prof. Dr. Jorge Alberto Trigis Salvador, 08 de fevereiro de 2011.

BANCA EXAMINADORA .................................................................................................................... Prof Dr. Olvia Maria Cordeiro de Oliveira Orientadora (UFBA) .................................................................................................................... Prof. PhD. Jorge Alberto Trigis Co-orientador (UENF) .................................................................................................................... Prof. Dr. Srgio Lus Costa Ferreira (UFBA) .................................................................................................................... Prof Dr Eliane Soares de Souza (UENF)



Agradeo a Deus por ter me guardado, me governado e me iluminado durante este longo percurso cheio de obstculos e dificuldades, sobretudo por ter colocado tantas pessoas especiais neste caminho para que eu pudesse cumprir de forma digna, com muita determinao e amor, parte da minha misso aqui na Terra com este trabalho. Agradeo minha famlia, base da minha vida e dos meus princpios/valores, sobretudo a minha me, Vera Andrade e aos meus irmos: R, Binho, Psa, Pso, Iai, Kiko e Joo, que me banham de amor a todo o momento e que sempre vibram com as minhas conquistas. A minha futura esposa, Carla Paixo, a qual me inspira e motiva a todo o momento com muito amor e carinho. Obrigado a todos pela pacincia e me desculpem se mergulho fundo nesta aventura de ser pesquisador, mas o que amo. claro, amo muito mais vocs, no fiquem com cimes! Agradeo imensamente a mais competente orientadora, minha amiga Dr Olvia M. C. Oliveira, me acadmica, a qual eu tenho grande considerao e respeito. Obrigado por ser essa pessoa cuidadosa, que se preocupa com as pessoas que esto ligadas a voc e pela confiana de sempre no meu potencial. Tudo isso recproco! Gosto muito de voc! quele o qual considero o maior Geoqumico das causas ambientais em atividade, Jorge Alberto Trigis, pai acadmico. Estou aprendendo contigo muitas lies: profissionais, de tica e humanas. Obrigado pela amizade! Sou seu f! Ao coordenador da POSPETRO, Antonio F. S. Queiroz (A.F), pelo empenho constante na busca pela melhoria do nosso curso, pelo exemplo de gestor que s. Continue assim com esta humildade, respeito e preocupao com o prximo. Uma vez Pospetro, sempre Pospetro! Ao Dr. Srgio L. C. Ferreira, grande publicador em revistas cientficas da UFBA. Obrigado por ter me auxiliado a escrever com qualidade, por me incentivar a buscar sempre o melhor. Levarei seus conselhos durante toda minha carreira acadmica. Obrigado Serginho! Agradeo aos professores do POSPETRO, sobretudo a Dr Gisele Hadlich pelo exemplo de profissionalismo, ao Dr. Joil Celino pela disponibilidade em ajudar sempre, ao Dr. Paulo Mafalda pelo carinho que tem com os alunos e ao Dr. Ronaldo Montenegro (Ronaldo) pelas aulas divertidas. Valeu Drs! Aos meus colegas do POSPETRO, sobretudo a Xandinho, Alex, Aline, Eduardo, Paulinha, Consul, Joana, Bonfim, Odete, Ana Carolina, Olga e Mrcio. Obrigado pelos sorrisos de sempre nos seus rostos! Agradeo aos meus velhos amigos: Victor, Monica, Lucas, Czar, Wai, Brunno e Tain; e novos amigos: Rosenaide, Sara, Carine, Cintia, Claudia Reyes, Naraiana, Rafael, Marcelo, Gilmar, Clia Maria, Priscila e Rebeca. Vocs so muito importantes para mim! Obrigado por me colocarem sempre para cima! Amo vocs!


Aos meus irmos acadmicos: Dansia, Ana Luiza, Danilo e A.J.. Obrigado cambada, pelo trabalho em equipe constante! Fiquem atentos, pois mainha t de olho em todo mundo!! Aos colaboradores e grandes profissionais do NEA pela realizao das anlises qumicas. Sobretudo, a Gisele (F), os tcnicos: Sarah Rocha (Sarinha), Jorge Palma (Jorginho), Marcos Melo e nossa coordenadora Karina Garcia. Obrigado e me desculpem se em algum momento fui chato com a minha persistncia! Aos colaboradores diretos e indiretos da RECUPETRO. Sobretudo a Ccero Gomes, pelo seu carisma e alegria constante. A Clia Maria, pela amizade que me prestou. A nossa eternizada Isabel Biasi, pelo carinho de sempre. A Nan, que vai sofrer sem mais ningum para pertub-la. Priscila e aos motoristas Jairo e Deraldo, pela disponibilidade de sempre em viabilizar as idas ao campo. No se preocupem que estarei mais alguns anos com vocs! Agradeo Dr Tnia Barros (UFBA) por disponibilizar o seu Laboratrio de Microbiologia e Anlises Clnicas, para as anlises microbiolgicas. Tambm a Luina Benevides e Dr Vnia Maciel (UFCE) que possibilitaram o meu aprendizado na tcnica das microgotas. Muito obrigado! Ao Dr Jos Maria Landim, por ter disponibilizado o seu Laboratrio de Estudos Costeiros e seus colaboradores para finalizar minhas anlises de sedimento. Mais uma vez aos co-autores dos artigos presentes nesta dissertao, sobretudo Cintia (se continuar assim, vai longe!) pelo empenho e fidelidade, Carine (essa vai longe!) pelo mesmo motivo e a Brunno/Tain/Rose por terem me ajudado a conseguir reproduzir em escala piloto um manguezal com plantas (foi muito difcil!). Obrigado meus amigos! Vocs so os maiores e os melhores! FAPESB, pela concesso da bolsa e FINEP/CTPetro-Petrobras-CNPq pelo financiamento do projeto que viabilizou a presente pesquisa.

Que Deus ilumine todos vocs!!


Determinao, coragem e autoconfiana so fatores decisivos para o sucesso. Se estamos possudos por uma inabalvel determinao conseguiremos super-los. Independentemente das circunstncias, devemos sempre acima de tudo amar o que fazemos, ser humildes, respeitadores e despidos de orgulho. Dalai Lama (Adaptado)


MOREIRA, caro Thiago Andrade. Avaliao da eficincia de modelos de remediao aplicados em sedimentos de manguezal impactados por atividades petrolferas. 221f. 2010. Dissertao (Mestrado em Geoqumica: Petrleo e Meio Ambiente) Instituto de Geocincias, Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2010.


Neste estudo foi desenvolvido um experimento em escala piloto, durante 03 meses com intuito de avaliar a eficincia de 03 modelos diferentes de remediao (Biorremediao Intrnseca microorganismos autctones, Fitorremediao com Avicennia schaueriana mangue preto e Fitorremediao com Rizophora mangle mangue vermelho) para aplicao em sedimentos de manguezal contaminados por hidrocarbonetos totais de petrleo (HTP's) e metais traos. Aps 90 dias, uma maior eficincia na remoo de compostos orgnicos de sedimentos foi observada nos modelos da Fitorremediao (87% de remoo para a R. mangle e 89% para A. schaueriana). Em relao s diferentes fraes foi observado que os trs modelos avaliados apresentaram eficincia equivalente na remoo da frao 3A (C16-23), contudo quando se avaliou s fraes 3B (C23-34) e 4 (C34-40) os dois modelos de Fitorremediao foram muito superiores. Esta maior eficincia na descontaminao pelas plantas foi reforada com os resultados de crescimento das bactrias nas rizosferas, atingindo uma mdia mxima de 31 x106 UFC g-1 para o mangue vermelho e 16 x 106 para o mangue preto, enquanto que o modelo aplicado apenas com microorganismos obteve uma mdia mxima de 8,8 x 106, demonstrando a capacidade das espcies vegetais utilizadas na fitoestimulao. A presena dos metais pesados no apresentou relao direta com a degradao dos hidrocarbonetos na Biorremediao Intrnseca, com exceo do cobre (Cu) que pode ter inibido uma maior degradao pelos microorganismos autctones. J nos modelos da Fitorremediao o mangue vermelho apresentou correlao positiva entre a degradao dos hidrocarbonetos e alguns metais (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni), e com o mangue preto foram observadas com outros metais (Ni e Al). Foi observado um maior crescimento das plantas expostas a sedimentos contaminados em comparao com as cultivadas em sedimentos de referncia nos dois modelos da Fitorremediao, sugerindo uma boa adaptao. Os dados mostraram que os dois modelos de Fitorremediao foram mais eficazes do que Biorremediao Intrnseca na degradao de HTP's, tornando-se uma opo promissora ecologicamente correta na aplicao da tcnica em reas de manguezal impactadas por atividades petrolferas. Palavras-chave: Biorremediao, Fitorremediao, Hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo, metais trao, Avicennia schaueriana, Rizophora mangle, Manguezal, Sedimento.

MOREIRA, caro Thiago Andrade. Avaliao da eficincia de modelos de remediao aplicados em sedimentos de manguezal impactados por atividades petrolferas. 221f. 2010. Dissertao (Mestrado em Geoqumica: Petrleo e Meio Ambiente) Instituto de Geocincias, Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2010.

ABSTRACT In this study it was developed a pilot scale experiment, during 03 months with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of 03 different models of remediation (Bioremediation Intrinsic microorganisms indigenous, Phytoremediation with Avicennia schaueriana - black mangrove and Phytoremediation with Rizophora mangle - red mangrove) for use in sediment mangrove contaminated by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH's) and trace metals. After 90 days, greater efficiency in removing organic compounds from sediments was observed in models of Phytoremediation (87% removal for R. mangle and A. schaueriana 89%). For the different fractions was observed that the three models evaluated were efficient in the removal of fraction 3A (C16-23), yet when it was evaluated the fractions 3B (C23-34) and 4 (C34-40) the two models were Phytoremediation much higher the degradation. This greater efficiency in the decontamination by plants has been enhanced with the results of the rhizosphere bacteria growth, reaching an average maximum of 31 x 106 CFU g-1 for red mangroves and 16 x 106 for the black mangrove, while the model used only microorganism has an average maximum of 8.8 x 106, demonstrating the ability of the species used in phytostimulation. The presence of heavy metals showed no direct relationship with the degradation of hydrocarbons in the Intrinsic Bioremediation, with the exception of copper (Cu) which may have inhibited further degradation by indigenous microorganisms. In the Phytoremediation models the red mangrove showed a positive correlation between the degradation of hydrocarbons and some metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni), and the black mangrove it was been observed with other metals (Ni and Al). It was observed a greater growth of plants exposed to contaminated sediments compared to those grown in sediments of reference in two models of Phytoremediation, suggesting a good adaptation the plants. The data showed that the two models of Phytoremediation were more effective than the Intrinsic Bioremediation in the degradation of TPH's, making it a promising option ecologically correct application of the technique in mangrove areas impacted by oil activities.

Keywords: Bioremediation, Phytoremediation, Totals Hydrocarbons of Petroleum, Heavy metals, Avicennia schaueriana, Rizophora mangle, Mangrove, Sediments.



APRESENTAO ..................................................................................................... 12 1. INTRODUO ...................................................................................................... 13 2. CARACTERIZAO DA REA............................................................................. 16 3. REVISO DA LITERATURA ................................................................................. 19 4. MATERIAIS E MTODOS..................................................................................... 32 5. ARTIGOS SUBMETIDOS...................................................................................... 42 5.1. PHYTOREMEDIATION USING Rizophora mangle L. IN MANGROVE SEDIMENTS CONTAMINATED BY PERSISTENT TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPHs)....................................................................................... 42 5.2. INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTS OF METALS ON BIODEGRADATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS BY MICROORGANISMS AND Rizophora mangle L. ...................................................... 74 5.3. PHYTOREMEDIATION IN MANGROVE SEDIMENTS IMPACTED BY PERSISTENT TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPHS) USING Avicennia schaueriana ............................................................................................................... 92 5.4. MODELS OF BIOREMEDIATION FOR THE DEGRADATION OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS IN THE PRESENCE OF HEAVY METALS IN MANGROVE SEDIMENTS ........................................................................................................... 121 6. CONCLUSES ................................................................................................... 141 7. REFERNCIAS ................................................................................................... 143 ANEXOS ................................................................................................................. 160



A presente dissertao composta por 7 sees. Inicialmente na seo Introduo, realizada inicialmente uma discusso geral a cerca da problemtica, hiptese, bem como os principais objetivos do presente trabalho. Em seguida, na seo Caracterizao da rea feita uma breve descrio da regio onde foi simulado o experimento, bem como dos locais onde foram coletadas amostras de sedimentos e leo residual para iniciar a avaliao da degradao pelos diferentes modelos de remediao desenvolvidos. Na seo Materiais e Mtodos descrita a metodologia desenvolvida para a realizao dos experimentos. A seo Artigos Submetidos composta por 4 artigos submetidos a revista cientfica: - no artigo 1, intitulado Phytoremediation using Rizophora mangle L. in mangrove sediments contaminated by persistent total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) apresentado o formato final da submisso para: Microchemical Journal, Fator de Impacto: 2.626 (A1 Internacional; Peso: 100 em Geocincias). As normas de submisso de artigos desta revista compem o Anexo 1. - no artigo 2, intitulado Integrated assessment of the effects of metals on biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons by microorganisms and Rizophora mangle L. apresentado o formato final da submisso para: Marine Pollution Buletin, Fator de Impacto: 2.644 (A1 Internacional; Peso 100 em Geocincias). As normas de submisso de artigos desta revista compem o Anexo 2. - no artigo 3, intitulado Phytoremediation in mangrove sediments impacted by persistent total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) using Avicennia schaueriana apresentado o formato final da submisso para: Chemosphere Journal, Fator de Impacto: 3.253 (A1 Internacional; Peso 100 em Geocincias). As normas de submisso de artigos desta revista compem o Anexo 3. - no artigo 4, intitulado Models of bioremediation for the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the presence of heavy metals in mangrove sediments apresentado o formato final da submisso para: Environmental Science and Technology, Fator de Impacto: 4.630 (A1 Internacional; Peso 100 em Geocincias). As normas de submisso de artigos desta revista compem o Anexo 4. Na seo Concluses so feitas consideraes finais a cerca do trabalho, seguidas de sugestes para novas pesquisas na rea de pesquisa da remediao em sedimentos de manguezal contaminados por atividades petrolferas. Na seo Referncias so apresentados todos os autores citados para confeco das sees e dos artigos submetidos.



Palco de aes pioneiras na explorao do petrleo em territrio brasileiro, desde a dcada de 1950, diversas atividades ligadas indstria petrolfera (explorao, perfurao, produo, transporte, refino e distribuio) esto instaladas nas proximidades da Baa de Todos os Santos, Bahia, Brasil. A regio norte desta baa sofreu, na segunda metade do sculo XX, impactos decorrentes destas atividades. Um dos ecossistemas costeiros que considerado mais afetado pelos derrames de petrleo nesta regio o manguezal e os seus compartimentos ambientais. A presena de metais pesados e hidrocarbonetos derivados de petrleo em sedimento de manguezal representam um dos mais relevantes problemas ambientais neste ecossistema, devido, entre outros, capacidade de

biomagnificao destes poluentes na cadeia alimentar. Esta acarreta problemas mltiplos, tais como: riscos sade humana, a fauna, flora, segurana pblica, restries ao desenvolvimento urbano e reduo da qualidade, assim como, do valor agregado dos pescados. De acordo com o diagnstico realizado pelo IMA (2004), a principal problemtica do esturio do Rio So Paulo, localizado na regio norte da BTS, so justamente as grandes concentraes de alguns metais pesados e hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo em sedimentos de manguezal. Em funo deste cenrio surge a necessidade da elaborao e testes de metodologias para remediao destas reas, j que no existem estudos aplicados deste tipo na literatura para o caso local em estudo nesta pesquisa. A sobrevivncia dos manguezais depende de vrios fatores, que interagem de modo complexo. Embora o fator predominante seja geomorfolgico, processos que contribuem para a sedimentao destas reas e resultam em aumento do nvel do mar (como barramento dos rios) e mudanas dos regimes climticos regionais tambm influem na sobrevivncia dos manguezais (LACERDA, 2006). Alguns projetos objetivando a recuperao de manguezais impactados por hidrocarbonetos derivados de petrleo e metais pesados j foram realizados no Brasil, porm as tecnologias de remediao convencionais que so geralmente utilizadas so bastante caras e dispendiosas uma vez que em muitos casos a


maioria destas tem o risco de contaminao secundria quando os contaminantes so tratados de forma inadequada. Sendo assim, torna-se relevante, para o caso do esturio do Rio So Paulo, o estudo da eficincia das espcies vegetais de mangue na aplicao da Fitorremediao, que uma tcnica inovadora, expressivamente barata e ecologicamente correta. A sua aplicao em consrcio com bactrias hidrocarbonoclsticas (Biorremediao) para potencializar o processo pode se dar in situ. A relevncia de um projeto como este, est diretamente ligada importncia da recuperao, monitoramento e conservao do ecossistema de manguezal, devido as suas principais funes de acordo com Novelli (1990): - Funciona como rea de abrigo, reproduo, desenvolvimento e alimentao de espcies marinhas, estuarinas, terrestres e lmnicas, ponto de pouso para aves migratrias, contribuindo tambm para manuteno da diversidade biolgica costeira; - Age na absoro e imobilizao de contaminantes, alm de contribuir para o tratamento de esgoto; - fonte de produtos para as comunidades humanas costeiras, usado para fins culturais, recreativos, lazer, para pesquisa cientfica e como recurso paisagstico. Muitos estudos j foram realizados no Brasil tendo como base o monitoramento da qualidade deste ecossistema, gerando resultados relevantes para a comparao com os resultados deste projeto, tendo destaques: Cintrn e Novelli (1981), Lacerda (1984), Luiz-Silva et al., (1992), Lacerda e Novelli (1994), Menezes (1998), Carmo et al. (1998), Vanucci (1999), Oliveira (2000), Fidelman (2001), Souza e Sampaio (2001), Cunha-Lignon (2001), Soares et al., (2003), Veiga (2003), Fruehauf (2005), Silva et al., (2005), Rosa e Trigis (2006), Queiroz e Celino (2008), Oliveira et al. (2008), Santana (2009), Lima (2010), Moreira, et al., (2010a; 2010b; 2010c). importante que seja destacado que a aplicao de um projeto de recuperao de reas impactadas por petrleo, no mbito do Programa de PsGraduao em Geoqumica: Petrleo e Meio Ambiente (POSPETRO), com apoio Institucional e Laboratorial da Rede RECUPETRO, justifica-se como uma forma de contribuir para dotar a Regio Nordeste de condies para a avaliao de mtodos e tcnicas de recuperao de reas impactadas pela indstria do petrleo. Este apoio


se destaca pela avaliao da eficincia na remediao de reas impactadas pela atividade petrolfera aliada a tcnicas ecologicamente corretas. Os elementos norteadores desta pesquisa se basearam em dois principais pontos: i) partindo da premissa que h contaminao no sedimento estudado proveniente de manguezal do Rio So Paulo (poro norte da BTS) por metais trao e hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo (CELINO et al., 2008; ONOFRE et al., 2008; SANTANA, 2008; VEIGA et al., 2008; GARCIA, 2009; LIMA, 2010; MOREIRA et al., 2010a; 2010b) e que os modelos de remediao desenvolvidos em escala laboratorial podero auxiliar na compreenso do comportamento das espcies biolgicas empregadas nas tcnicas e da provvel eficincia das mesmas na degradao dos hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo; no entanto, ii) deve ser levado em considerao que as particularidades de um ecossistema de manguezal no que se diz respeito s suas condies biogeofisicoqumicas tm dificultado a elaborao de um modelo de remediao eficiente e ecologicamente correto para estes ambientes, principalmente quando so utilizados processos individualizados em um ecossistema, que no levam em conta que as interaes interespecficas em conjunto com os outros fatores ambientais so quem o dinamiza em uma restaurao. Portanto, dentro destas perspectivas, se teve como hiptese do trabalho: Os vegetais e microorganismos que vivem nestes sedimentos de manguezal devem possuir mecanismo(s) adaptativo(s) para degradao dos compostos orgnicos na presena de metais. Resta testar se este(s) (so) realizado(s) atravs de mecanismos intraespecficos ou de relaes interespecficas (consrcio); ou ainda se na presena dos poluentes estes organismos possam estabilizar os contaminantes ou at no se desenvolverem. A verificao dessa hiptese se deu a partir de linhas de ao que se seguiram: (a) construo do experimento, (b) monitoramento, (c) anlises qumicas, (d) obteno de resultados, (e) interpretao dos resultados e (f) divulgao destas aes atravs submisso de artigos para revistas e em reunies cientficas.


2. CARACTERIZAO DA REA A Baa de Todos os Santos considerada a maior e mais importante baa navegvel da costa tropical do Brasil localizada em uma reentrncia costeira, inserida na microrregio do Recncavo Baiano, entre as coordenadas 12 39' 4 S 13 S de latitude e 38 30' W 38 43' 30" W de longitude (LEO; DOMINGUEZ, 2000). Na poro norte desta Baa, entre os municpios de So Francisco do Conde e Candeias, ao lado da Refinaria Landulpho Alves, desgua o Rio So Paulo, conforme a Figura 1 (BAHIA, 2004). Este rio apresenta uma rea de drenagem de 37 km2, vazo mdia de 0,3 m3.s-1, uma extenso total de 17 km, sendo que 9 km do seu curso mdio so margeados por florestas de manguezais. No se constitui tributrio de nenhum outro rio, nem possui um grande afluente (BAHIA, 2000). Na regio que abrange a nascente do rio So Paulo, ocorre principalmente desenvolvimento de atividades agrcolas, sobretudo o cultivo de cana-de-acar e de espcies hortifrutigranjeiras. Predomina o tipo de vegetao formada por arbustos, rvores esparsas, gramneas e vegetao halfita tpica de manguezal na rea estuarina, destacando-se as matas de galerias (BAHIA, 2002). O clima da rea caracteriza-se pela constante umidade, sem estao seca bem definida, com precipitao anual superior a 1800 mm, com os maiores ndices registrados no perodo que compreende os meses de abril a julho. Nos meses de outubro, novembro e dezembro, as chuvas so menos intensas, com precipitao total anual variando de 1750 a 1900 mm. A temperatura mdia anual da ordem de 25,3 C. A amplitude trmica de 5,5 C. O clima mido, nesta rea, determina a constncia do verde, bem como a existncia de florestas com rvores de mdio porte, geralmente densas (BAHIA, 1994). A rea de estudo geologicamente integra a bacia intracratnica do Recncavo baiano, de idade cretcea. Os sedimentos desta regio so predominantemente arenosos e argilosos, sendo depositados em um sistema delimitado por grandes falhas (BAHIA, 1994). Geologicamente observa-se predominncia de sedimentos das Formaes Itaparica, Candeias e do Grupo de Ilhas, litotipos da Formao So Sebastio, alm dos depsitos quartenrios e recentes que constituem as praias, manguezais (local de estudo desta pesquisa) e pntanos (BAHIA, 2002).




Figura 1 Mapa de Localizao da rea de Estudo. a) Mapa de Situao e Localizao da Baa de Todos os Santos. b) Fotografia area da rea de coleta de sedimento. Fonte: Adaptado de Bahia (2004).


Em relao aos impactos nas guas superficiais e sedimentos existentes na rea, destaca-se agentes provenientes da indstria petrolfera. De acordo com dados do estado (BAHIA, 2002) na bacia de drenagem deste rio se desenvolvem diversos tipos de atividades de natureza predominantemente industrial como explorao, refino e armazenamento de petrleo. Na bacia hidrogrfica do rio So Paulo existem diversos poos de petrleo, com registro histrico de incidentes do tipo blow-out (exploso de poos), levando contaminao por leo cru (petrleo) aos ecossistemas, onde os manguezais ocupam um papel de destaque (BAHIA, 2002). No rio So Paulo tambm, observa-se contribuies de esgotos domsticos, principalmente da cidade de Candeias e descargas industriais (BAHIA, 2004). Vale destacar a importncia socioeconmica deste esturio, j que so praticadas atividades de pesca artesanal e mariscagem, provendo o sustento de populaes ribeirinhas (BAHIA, 2002).


3. REVISO DA LITERATURA Para a construo desta reviso foi feito um levantamento bibliogrfico baseado em artigos cientficos, dissertaes, teses e trabalhos publicados em anais de congresso nacionais e internacionais sobre a aplicao da biorremediao, fitorremediao e seus consrcios em solos e sedimentos impactados por metais pesados e hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo.

3.1 Metais pesados e hidrocarbonetos em sedimentos de manguezal

O sedimento um componente muito especfico da biosfera, agindo no apenas como um depsito de contaminantes, mas tambm como um tampo natural, controlando o transporte de elementos qumicos e substncias para a atmosfera, hidrosfera e biota (CONAMA, 2009). A biodisponibilidade e degradao dos metais pesados e hidrocarbonetos na sua composio so fatores importantes a serem avaliados em um projeto de remediao. Segundo Santos (2005), os metais pesados podem estar dispostos em sedimentos e no solo em diferentes formas: na forma inica ou complexada na soluo do meio, como ons trocveis no material orgnico ou inorgnico de troca ativa, como ons mais firmemente presos ao complexo de troca, como ons quelatos em complexos orgnicos ou organominerais, incorporados em sequixidos precipitados ou sais insolveis, incorporados nos microorganismos e nos seus resduos biolgicos, ou presos nas estruturas cristalinas dos minerais primrios ou secundrios. Para Adriano (1986), sua distribuio influenciada pelas seguintes propriedades do solo: pH, potencial redox, textura, granulometria, composio mineral, caractersticas do perfil, capacidade de troca catinica, componentes orgnicos do solo e na soluo, presena de outros metais pesados, temperatura do solo, contedo de gua e outros fatores que afetam a atividade microbiana. Segundo Pendias (2001), estes fatores que afetam a distribuio dos metais pesados no sistema controlam a sua disponibilidade, mobilidade do meio e disponibilidade s plantas.


Quando se trata de hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo, o processo de eliminao do leo uma vez presente no sedimento em um manfuezal determinado pela sua interao com o sistema e controlado por fatores fsicos, qumicos e microbiolgicos, tais como: sua composio, o hidrodinamismo local, a irradiao solar, a temperatura, a granulometria do sedimento, a composio da comunidade microbiana, a disponibilidade de nutrientes, entre outros (ATLAS, 1982; SUGIURA et al., 1997; COLOMBO et al., 2005). A maioria dos componentes do leo sofre intemperismo quando presentes em sedimentos de manguezal, mas a magnitude deste processo ainda de difcil conhecimento. As razes de n-C17/Pristano e n-C18/Fitano vm sendo usadas para avaliar a degradao. Porm esses isoprenides so relativamente lbeis e, alm disto, podem tambm provir da degradao da clorofila no meio ambiente, o que, muitas vezes, altera o resultado destas razes (FARIAS, 2006).

3.2 Remediao de reas contaminadas

O termo remediation, na lngua inglesa, refere-se abordagem de cunho educacional, uma ao ou processo de correo ou domnio do conhecimento ou problema. Porm, segundo Snchez (2004) este termo foi introduzido nos Estados Unidos e Europa, pelos formadores de opinio, como um conjunto de medidas objetivando a limpeza de stios degradados por atividades industriais, notadamente a disposio de resduos txicos, que tenha causado a contaminao do solo ou do aqfero. As tcnicas de remediao de reas contaminadas, por metais pesados e hidrocarbonetos podem ser feitas in situ (que realizado na rea contaminada) ou ex situ (que realizado fora da rea contaminada). Algumas tcnicas in situ, como: Air sparging, Biosparging, Bioventing, Barreira Reativa, Biorremediao (Bioaumento e Bioestmulo), Biorremediao Intrnseca (atenuao natural monitorada) e Fitorremediao. Assim como outras tcnicas ex situ so muito utilizadas tais como: Oxidao Qumica, Dessoro Trmica, Biopilha e Incinerao. Nos ltimos anos passou-se a dar preferncia por mtodos in situ que ofeream menores riscos ao ambiente e que sejam economicamente viveis. Dentro


deste contexto a biotecnologia oferece a Biorremediao e a Fitorremediao como alternativas que mais se enquadram s exigncias.

3.3 Fitorremediao

Embora a fitorremediao seja uma tcnica que tem sido mais estudada nos ltimos anos, vrios conceitos especficos tm sido empregados. Carneiro et al. (2002) definiram como sendo uma simples introduo de um vegetal em um solo contaminado. Ferreira et al. (2003) conceituaram como sendo uma tcnica que objetiva a descontaminao do solo e gua, utilizando plantas como agente de descontaminao. J Dinardi et al. (2003) afirmaram esta como uma ferramenta da biotecnologia capaz de empregar sistemas vegetais fotossintetizantes e sua microbiota como o fim de desintoxicar ambientes degradados ou poludos. A Biotech (2004) definiu tratar-se de plantas - geneticamente alteradas ou no capazes de absorver poluentes do solo ou de metabolizar as substncias nas suas variaes menos txicas. Pletsch et al. (2004) conceituaram como sendo a aplicao de sistemas vegetais (rvores, arbustos, plantas rasteiras e aquticas) e de sua microbiota com fim de remover, degradar ou isolar substncias txicas do ambiente. Grato et al. (2005) em um dos conceitos mais recentes afirmaram ser o processo o qual se introduz plantas no ambiente que toleram altas concentraes de contaminantes nas razes e partes areas. Essa tcnica, apesar de j ter sido utilizada por comunidades tradicionais naturalmente, foi empregada pioneiramente pelo pesquisador portugus K. Seidel em 1966. Este, em um experimento num aqurio utilizou uma planta aqutica e a sua microbiota associada, a fim de purificar uma gua contaminada por fenis e outros compostos qumicos, obtendo excelentes resultados (LIMA, 2001). As principais substncias alvos da fitorremediao incluem, alm dos metais pesados (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, As, Ni, Hg, Se), compostos inorgnicos (NO3, PO4), elementos qumicos radioativos (U, Cs, Sr), hidrocarbonetos derivados de petrleo, pesticidas, xenobiticos e herbicidas (atrazine, bentazona, compostos clorados e nitro-aromticos), explosivos (TNT, DNT), solventes clorados (TCE, PCE) e resduos orgnicos industriais (PCPs, PAHs), entre outros (CUNNINGHAM, 1996; SURESH; RAVISHANKAR, 2004; SINGH; JAIN, 2003; NEWMAN; REYNOLDS, 2004; ARCHER e CALDWELL, 2004; GRATO et al., 2005, VENNILA et al., 2009).


A fitorremediao oferece diversas vantagens que devem ser levadas em considerao. Grandes reas podem ser recuperadas de diversas maneiras, a baixo custo, com possibilidades de remediar guas contaminadas, solo, subsolo, ar e ao mesmo tempo embelezar o ambiente. Paradoxalmente, o tempo para se obter resultados satisfatrios, s vezes, pode ser longo. Segundo Dinardi (2003), a concentrao do contaminante e a presena de toxinas devem estar dentro dos limites de tolerncia da planta usada para no comprometer o tratamento. Muitas vezes esta tcnica empregada de forma incorreta, quando se utiliza plantas frutferas e outras de importncia alimentcia, pois corre o risco do contaminante entrar na cadeia alimentar. Hoje em dia, existe uma grande busca por vegetais com caractersticas diferentes dessas para utilizao eficiente e com menores riscos (MOREIRA et al., 2006). A estimativa mundial para os gastos anuais com a despoluio ambiental gira em torno de 25 a 30 bilhes de dlares. Este mercado, que j estvel nos Estados Unidos (7 8 bilhes de dlares), tende a crescer no Brasil uma vez que os investimentos para tratamento dos rejeitos humanos, agrcola e industrial crescem medida que aumentam as exigncias da sociedade e leis mais rgidas so aplicadas. Apesar das presses, so as tecnologias mais baratas, como a fitorremediao, com capacidade de atender uma maior demanda e que apresentam mais capacidade de desenvolvimento que tendem a obter maior sucesso atualmente (DINARDI et al., 2003).

3.3.1 Mecanismos da Fitorremediao

As espcies vegetais que podem realizar a fitorremediao apresentam vrios mecanismos fisiolgicos, a depender da natureza fsico-qumica ou da propriedade do poluente, podendo ser classificados como: Fitoextrao, Fitodegradao, Fitoestabilizao, Fitoestimulao e Fitovolatilizao. Fitoextrao








contaminantes pelas razes, os quais so nelas armazenados ou transportados e acumulados nas partes areas, sendo aplicada principalmente para metais pesados


podendo ser usada tambm para compostos orgnicos. Esta tcnica utiliza as plantas hiperacumuladoras, que tem a capacidade de armazenar altas

concentraes de metais especficos (0,1% a 1% do peso seco, dependendo do metal). Segundo Dinardi et al. (2003), as espcies de Brassica juncea, Aeolanthus biformifolius, Alyssum bertolonii e Thlaspi caerulescens so exemplos de fitoextratoras em solo e em sedimentos Rizophora mangle tem se destacado. Fitodegradao

Segundo Cunnigham (1996), neste mecanismo os contaminantes orgnicos so degradados e/ou mineralizados dentro das clulas vegetais por enzimas especficas, destacando-se as nitroredutases (degradao de nitroaromticos), desalogenases (degradao de solventes clorados e pesticidas) e lacases (degradao de anilinas), sendo Populus sp. e Myriophyllium spicatum exemplos de plantas fitodegradadoras. Fitoestabilizao

Na fitoestabilizao, segundo Cunnigham (1996), os contaminantes so incorporados lignina da parede vegetal ou ao hmus do solo precipitando os metais sob formas insolveis, sendo posteriormente aprisionados na matriz, evitando a mobilizao do contaminante e limitando sua difuso no solo, atravs de uma cobertura vegetal. Segundo Dinardi et al. (2003), exemplos de plantas cultivadas com este fim so os gneros de Haumaniastrum, Eragrostis, Ascolepis, Gladiolus e Alyssum. Fitoestimulao

Segundo Brooks (1998), neste mecanismo as razes em crescimento (extremidades e ramificaes laterais) promovem a proliferao de microrganismos degradativos na rizosfera, que usam os metablitos exudados da planta como fonte de carbono e energia. Alm disso, as plantas podem secretar, elas prprias, enzimas biodegradativas, porm as Pseudomonas so os organismos predominantes


associados s razes, ocorrendo com grande densidade em Rizophora mangle e Avicennia schaueriana em sedimentos de manguezal. Fitovolatilizao

Neste processo, segundo Brooks (1998), alguns ons de elementos dos subgrupos II, V e VI da Tabela Peridica, mais especificamente, mercrio, selnio e arsnio, so absorvidos pelas razes, convertidos em formas no txicas e depois liberados na atmosfera. Este mecanismo empregado tambm para compostos orgnicos derivados do petrleo.

3.4 Aplicaes no Brasil

As pesquisas sobre plantas hiperacumuladoras para serem utilizadas na fitorremediao e da sua prpria aplicao em solos contaminados, tm como referncias os trabalhos da USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency (1983; 1987; 1991; 1994; 2000). Porm no Brasil, existem alguns pesquisadores que esto avanados sobre maior conhecimento da tcnica. Outros j aplicaram ou esto em fase de aplicao, porm na maioria dos casos voltados apenas para contaminao por metais pesados. Carneiro et al. (2001) avaliaram o estabelecimento de plantas herbceas em solo contaminado por metais pesados e inoculao de fungos micorrizicos arbusculares, onde puderam observar que a mostarda (Brassica juncea) com a inoculao dos fungos teve o melhor resultado em relao acumulao do chumbo, cdmio e zinco. Em 2002, Carneiro et al. avaliaram o crescimento de espcies herbceas em misturas de solo com diferentes graus de contaminao com metais pesados. Como principais resultados, puderam observar que a populao de Ginseng brasileiro (Pffafia sp.) apresentou elevada tolerncia a altas concentraes de cdmio e zinco e sendo hiperacumuladora do primeiro. Pletsch et al. (2002) utilizaram culturas de razes geneticamente

transformadas da cenoura (Daucus carota) como modelo experimental para o estudo da tolerncia ao fenol e seus derivados clorados, obtendo bons resultados com alguns cultivares.


Melo et al. (2002) avaliaram a fitotoxicidade do tomate (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) e do repolho (Brassica oleraceae) em solo contaminado por metais pesados concluindo que estas espcies apresentam grande potencial para o teste por serem pouco sensveis aos contaminantes. Pires et al. (2003) fizeram um grande levantamento bibliogrfico quanto a espcies capazes de fitorremediar solos contaminados por herbicidas, ressaltando a Erva-de-queimada (Kochia scoparia) como grande potencial rizosfrico para fitoestimular a degradao da molcula de atrazine. Thassi e Barbafieri (2004) avaliaram a eficincias de alguns espcimes vegetais na fitorremediao de solo contaminado por metais pesados, porm adicionaram alguns agentes especficos de mobilizao dos contaminantes para os tornarem mais biodisponveis. A mostarda (Brassica juncea) apresentou os melhores resultados para o chumbo e o arsnio. Bernardes Jnior et al. (2004) testaram um sistema de fitorremediao com espcies nativas das florestas pluvial atlntica e estacional semidecdua e do cerrado brasileiro em um solo contaminado por organoclorados. Em seus resultados preliminares, em um perodo de 3 anos obteve resultados at ento no satisfatrios. Grato (2005) analisou a resposta antioxidativa de clulas do tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) submetidas ao cdmio observando principalmente que o principal mecanismo de defesa da espcie foi a produo de enzimas como substrato para fitoquelatinas, que so protenas ligantes de metais pesados Santos (2005) avaliou a eficincia de alguns espcimes em acumular alguns metais pesados, tendo grande destaque a mostarda (Brassica juncea) na absoro de zinco. Em um dos trabalhos mais relevante para o tema da futura pesquisa a ser desenvolvida, Crapez et aI., (2000) avaliaram a sensibilidade do consrcio das espcies vegetais de mangue vermelho (Rizophora mangle) e bactrias

hidrocarbonoclsticas em sedimentos contaminados por hidrocarbonetos, obtendo bons resultados.


3.5 Biorremediao

A biorremediao uma tcnica de despoluio de ambientes contaminados baseada na acelerao do processo natural de biodegradao de determinadas substncias no meio ambiente O processo dependente de algumas condies ambientais como, temperatura, presena de oxignio e nutrientes, e pH (COELHO, 2005). Essa tcnica de limpeza usa microrganismos ou processos microbianos para reduzir a concentrao e/ou a toxicidade de determinados poluentes acelerando o processo de biodegradao (ATLAS, 1981). Por tanto, pode se considerar que a biorremediao a otimizao da biodegradao, sendo que esta acelerao pode ser de trs principais tipos: pela adio de fertilizantes (bioestmulo), pela introduo de microorganismos (bioaumento), ou ainda atravs da atenuao natural monitorada (biorremediao intrnseca). A utilizao da tcnica de biorremediao foi descoberta atravs de pesquisas de investigavam da degradao de hidrocarbonetos no ambiente natural, nas quais foram identificados alguns microrganismos capazes de usar tais hidrocarbonetos como fonte de carbono e energia (ZOBELL, 1946; ATLAS, 1981). Mas s aps a anlise dos fatores biticos e abiticos envolvidos no processo de biodegradao que a tcnica passou a ser aplicada na limpeza de ambientes contaminados por leo (LINDSTROM et al., 1991). Em se tratando da remediao ex situ de solos contaminados por atividades petrolferas existem vrias tcnicas de biorremediao: landfarming, biopilhas e diferentes tipos de biorreatores (BERGER, 2005; COELHO, 2005). Os processos de biorremediao ex situ podem ser realizados com unidades mveis no local da contaminao (on-site) ou em estaes fixas de tratamento (off-site). Estas tcnicas produzem resultados mais rpidos, so mais fceis de controlar e apresentam uma maior versatilidade para o tratamento de grande nmero de contaminantes e tipos de solo. Todavia, requerem a remoo do solo contaminado antes da biorremediao acontecer, o que impreterivelmente eleva o custo do tratamento (ABBAS, 2003). Em relao biorremediao in situ esta tcnica visa tratar o solo no local da contaminao utilizando-se de tecnologias que vo desde a introduo de oxignio e nutrientes at a adio organismos selecionados para cada tipo de contaminante.


Neste caso no h remoo de material contaminado evitando custos e distrbios ambientais associados com o movimento de solos e guas. Os produtos finais de uma biorremediao efetiva so gua e gs carbnico, que no apresentam toxicidade para os organismos vivos. De acordo com parmetros como origem dos microrganismos, adio ou no de nutrientes, a biorremediao in situ pode ser realizada atravs de trs processos: biorremediao intrnseca, bioestmulo e bioaumento (ATLAS, 1997).

3.5.1 Mecanismos empregados na Biorremediao Biopilhas

As biopilhas so conhecidas como bioclulas ou pilhas compostas, sendo usadas para reduzir as concentraes de constituintes do petrleo em solos escavados, atravs do uso da biodegradao (EPA, 1994). Esta tecnologia envolve o empilhamento de camadas de solo e a estimulao da atividade microbiana do solo pela aerao e/ou adio de minerais, nutrientes e umidade (JORGENSEM, 2003). A utilizao do oxignio tem como objetivo estimular o crescimento e a reproduo das bactrias aerbicas que degradam os constituintes do petrleo. As biopilhas so aeradas forando-se o ar a se mover por meio da injeo ou extrao atravs de tubos perfurados colocados por toda a pilha (EPA, 1994). Muitos contaminantes orgnicos tm sido reduzidos com a utilizao de biorremediao atravs das biopilhas (JORGENSEM, 2003). Esta tecnologia tem demonstrado funcionar com sucesso especialmente para os hidrocarbonetos petrolferos, hidrocarbonetos poliaromticos (HPA) e cloretos. Landfarming

Landfarming uma tecnologia de superfcie de remediao do solo, onde o solo contaminado escavado em camadas finas e espalhado sobre a superfcie do terreno onde ocorre a estimulao da atividade microbiana aerbica por intermdio da aerao e/ou adio de minerais, nutrientes e umidade (AZEVEDO, 2006). Esta tcnica empregada com elevada eficincia no tratamento de rejeitos industriais,


especialmente na indstria petroqumica. O rejeito misturado ao solo por arao e dragagem e as condies fsico-qumicas do solo (gua, aerao e nutrientes) so monitoradas para maximizar a atividade heterotrfica (EPA, 1994). Esta foi primeira tcnica ex situ aplicada em grande escala e surgiu nos EUA. O processo pode ser aplicado com grande sucesso quando o material contaminado com substncias de fcil degradao aerbica (BERGER, 2005). Entretanto, a quantidade de resduo a ser aplicada determinada pelo ndice de toxicidade, e desde que uma taxa desejvel de atividade da camada reativa do solo esteja sendo mantido, o teor de metais s controlado porque ele prprio pode interferir nesta atividade (DAL FORNO, 2006). Biorreatores

Os biorreatores tm como diferencial o tratamento em um espao confinado, o reator. A sua aplicao apresenta como maior vantagem o fcil controle de degradao biolgica que permite um tratamento rpido e eficaz. As concentraes de oxignio e de nutrientes, o teor de gua, a temperatura e o pH so monitorados in situ e podem ser regulados de forma eficiente. Basicamente diferenciam-se dois tipos de reatores: biorreatores do tipo a seco e biorreatores do tipo suspenso (slurry bioreactors) (BERGER, 2005). Este ltimo baseia-se na principal tecnologia eletrnica utilizada no processo de biodegradao: aerbio (oxignio molecular), anxica (nitrato e de alguns metais ctions), anaerbio (sulfatos-redutores, metanognicos, fermentao), ou misto ou combinado de eltrons (GONZLEZ et al., 2008). Nesta tcnica, nutrientes e outros aditivos, tais como agentes neutralizantes, surfactantes, dispersantes, e co-metablitos podem ser oferecidos para melhorar caractersticas e taxas de degradao microbiana. Micrbios indgenas podem ser utilizados ou microorganismos podem ser acrescentados no biorreator ou podem ser adicionados continuamente para manter nveis adequados de biomassa (EPA, 1990).

29 Biorremediao Intrnseca (Atenuao Natural Monitorada)

A remediao natural um processo que se baseia em fatores naturais para remoo ou conteno de contaminantes e recentemente vem ganhado maior aceitao em locais contaminados por derramamentos de derivados de petrleo. Esta forma de aplicao refere-se aos processos fsicos, qumicos e biolgicos que facilitam o processo de remediao de maneira global (MARIANO, 2006). Neste tipo de atenuao no utilizada nenhuma ao de tratamento esta baseada basicamente no monitoramento do deslocamento da pluma. Dados obtidos em pesquisas de campo de vrios pesquisadores tm comprovado que a atenuao natural limita o deslocamento dos contaminantes e, portanto, diminui a contaminao ao meio ambiente (CORSEUIL e MARINS, 1998). A biodegradao se basear na capacidade de microrganismos autctones degradarem contaminantes que eventualmente tenham sido derramados em subsuperfcie sem qualquer interferncia de tecnologias ativas de remediao (MARIANO, 2006). Quando se trata dos hidrocarbonetos ocorre essencialmente uma reao de oxi-reduo onde o este oxidado e um aceptor de eltrons reduzido. H vrios compostos que podem agir como aceptores de eltrons, tais como o oxignio (O2), nitrato (NO3-), xidos de ferro (p.e. Fe(OH)3), sulfato (SO4-2), gua (H2O) e dixido de carbono (CO2). A seguinte seqncia de preferncia de utilizao desses aceptores foi observada: oxignio > nitrato > xidos de ferro > sulfato > gua (CORSEUIL e ALVAREZ, 1996). O monitoramento da atenuao natural se faz a partir do acompanhamento de indicadores geoqumicos (pH, EH, O.D., temperatura, aceptores de eltrons). A diminuio da concentrao de oxignio dissolvido (O.D.) na gua e um aumento da concentrao de dixido de carbono so indicativos de um processo aerbio de biodegradao, enquanto que a produo de ons Fe2+ ou diminuio de ons nitrato indicam a presena de processos anaerbios. Um declnio do potencial redox (EH) de valores positivos para negativos reflete a mudana de condies oxidantes (favorveis aos microrganismos aerbios) para condies redutoras (melhores condies aos processos anaerbios, que so mais lentos que os aerbios). Um aumento nos valores de pH pode ser creditado ao consumo de ons H+ durante a reduo de ons frricos ou do nitrato (MARIANO, 2006).

30 Bioventilao

A bioventilao uma tecnologia que aumenta a biodegradao natural dos hidrocarbonetos de petrleo mediante o fornecimento de oxignio aos

microorganismos presentes no solo. Utiliza baixa vazo de ar, suficiente apenas para manter a atividade microbiana. Na maioria dos casos, o oxignio suprido pela injeo direta de ar no solo contaminado, onde ocorre tambm a biodegradao dos compostos orgnicos volteis, que se movem lentamente atravs do solo biologicamente ativado (AZEVEDO, 2006). Esta tcnica tem um histrico em tratamento de degradao aerbica de contaminantes, como os combustveis. Na bioventilao aerbica, solos

contaminados com baixas concentraes de oxignio so tratados atravs do fornecimento de oxignio para facilitar a biodegradao microbiana aerbia. O oxignio normalmente introduzido pela injeo de ar em poos que empurra o ar no subsolo (EPA, 2006). Alm disso, utilizada principalmente para tratar

biodegradao aerbia de contaminantes, como os compostos orgnicos volteis e hidrocarbonetos. Bioventilao utilizada principalmente para tratar biodegradao aerbia de contaminantes, como os compostos orgnicos volteis e no-clorados (EPA, 2006). Bioaumento

O bioaumento ocorre pela adio de microrganismos especficos em regies impactadas, adaptados em laboratrio s condies ambientais. Ao usar essa tcnica, faz-se a avaliao dos microrganismos presentes no ambiente,

identificando-se os degradadores de leo. Em seguida, atravs de bioreatores estimula-se em laboratrio, o crescimento microbiano das espcies de interesse e, posteriormente, injeta-se o pool de microrganismos no local contaminado com o objetivo de aumentar a populao microbiana, responsvel pela degradao do leo (ROSA, 2003). Mas a aplicao do mtodo na descontaminao de ambientes costeiros no se mostrou suficientemente eficaz, devido atuao de processos intempricos, correntes marinhas, ventos, ondas, chuvas e competies

microbianas, que influncia diretamente na utilizao dessa tcnica (ATLAS, 1981).


A adio de culturas mistas de microrganismos alctones tem como objetivo aumentar a taxa e/ou a extenso da biodegradao, pois, normalmente, a populao autctone no est adaptada, e nem capaz de degradar toda a gama de substratos presentes em uma mistura complexa como o petrleo (SOUZA, 2003). Culturas mistas so produzidas com microrganismos coletados de regies contaminadas, mas para isso tem se alguns critrios para a escolha destes microrganismos como a habilidade de degradar a maioria dos componentes do petrleo, boa estabilidade gentica, elevado grau de atividade enzimtica, capacidade de competir com os microrganismos autctones, manuteno da viabilidade das clulas durante a estocagem, ausncia de patogenicidade e crescimento rpido no meio ambiente natural. Aps o isolamento, os microrganismos so bioaumentados em laboratrio e estocados (HOFF, 1992; SOUZA, 2003). Bioestmulo

O bioestmulo a acelerao da reproduo microbiana e de suas atividades metablicas, pela adio de oxignio, gua e nutrientes ao meio ambiente contaminado (ROSA, 2001). No bioestmulo de populaes de microrganismos autctones com o objetivo de aumentar as taxas de biodegradao freqentemente empregada em projetos de biorremediao (ATLAS, 1997). Para se utilizar o processo de bioestimulao, deve-se demonstrar que existe no local contaminado uma populao natural de microrganismos capazes de biodegradar os contaminantes presentes e que as condies ambientais so insuficientes para se obter altas taxas de atividade microbiolgica dessa populao (MARIANO, 2006). Durante o bioestmulo existem fatores limitantes como nutrientes e aceptores de eltrons que estimulam o metabolismo e a velocidade de crescimento dos degradadores o que acelera as taxas de biodegradao em condies ambientais favorveis adio de nutrientes em ambientes contaminados permite a degradao mais rpida e eficaz dos hidrocarbonetos por parte dos

microorganismos nativos (VALLEJO et al., 2005).


4. MATERIAIS E MTODOS A metodologia utilizada na presente pesquisa baseou-se na seleo de tcnicas e procedimentos adotados no mbito das Geocincias, relacionada a estudos de geoqumica e processos de biorremediao. Partiu-se da premissa que h contaminao no sedimento estudado proveniente de manguezal do Rio So Paulo (poro norte da BTS) por metais trao e hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo (CELINO et al., 2008; ONOFRE et al., 2008; SANTANA, 2008; VEIGA et al., 2008; GARCIA, 2009; e LIMA, 2010) e que os procedimentos de monitoramento escolhidos para esta pesquisa auxiliaro na compreenso do comportamento das espcies biolgicas empregadas nas tcnicas e da provvel eficincia das mesmas na degradao dos hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo. A verificao da hiptese do trabalho, apresentada na Introduo, deu-se a partir de linhas de ao que seguiram: a) construo do experimento, b) monitoramento, c) anlises qumicas, d) obteno de resultados, alm da e) interpretao dos resultados (de forma comparativa com resultados disponveis na literatura e com os dados encontrados nos diferentes modelos). Paralelamente foi dada continuidade do levantamento de referncias a respeito de tcnicas de biorremediao aplicadas em sedimentos com

caractersticas parecidas em outras reas, contaminao ambiental no Rio So Paulo (e norte da BTS) e fatores fsico-qumicos que afetam a biodegradao dos hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo em sedimentos de manguezal. a) Construo do experimento Esta pesquisa esteve voltada para o desenvolvimento de processos de biorremediao em reas afetadas por atividades petrolferas. Para tanto foi escolhida uma regio localizada nas imediaes da base de poo da Petrobras, Estao Pedra Branca, local onde est instalado o Laboratrio de Simulao dos Processos de Biorremediao (LEPETRO Unidade de Simulao) em So Francisco do Conde (zona de intensa atividade petrolfera no Recncavo Baiano). A realizao dos experimentos de simulao ocorreu no laboratrio implantado para realizao de pesquisas desenvolvidas no mbito da rede RECUPETRO (Rede Cooperativa em Recuperao de reas Contaminadas por Atividades Petrolferas).


Para a aplicao dos procedimentos foram utilizados acessrios como aqurios confeccionados especificamente para tal finalidade (Figura 2).





Figura 2 - (a) Vista lateral evidenciando o Laboratrio de Simulao, construdo e cercado; (b) Vista interna evidenciando as bancadas; (c) Tubos de ensaio para processos de biorremediao; (d) Tubos de ensaio dentro das unidades de simulao.

Para a construo dos ambientes (simulados nos aqurios) foram definidos locais de coletas (Figura 3) que representaram as condies mais prximas da contaminao do esturio. Sendo assim, foram coletadas aleatoriamente amostras de sedimento com borras de leo com auxlio de um testemunhador de metal inoxidvel em regies onde forem observadas exsudaes e em uma rea controle, definidas a partir de uma avaliao preliminar, foram coletados os sedimento sem contaminao por HTPs, baseados em estudo anterior (Moreira et al., 2010c). Posteriormente foi realizada a homogeneizao do sedimento com resduo de leo definindo ento o tratamento de sedimento contaminado, o qual foi usado neste estudo.


A gua dos aqurios foi captada diretamente do rio So Paulo (regio de interesse) para distribuio e simulao do regime de mar. Posteriormente foram analisadas as concentraes iniciais dos metais e hidrocarbonetos totais, a fim de realizar uma investigao confirmatria inicial e finalmente detalhada (CETESB, 1999; OLIVEIRA et al., 2008). Prioritariamente foram montados nos aqurios trs modelos de remediao (Fitorremediao I, Fitorremediao II, Biorremediao Intrnseca) com

monitoramento durante 90 dias, conforme o seguinte delineamento: 1) Fitorremediao I foram submetidas em sedimentos coletados na rea, mudas de mangue vermelho (pr-selecionadas em pesquisa piloto) coletadas no local (foram valiados os mecanismos da fitorremediao: fitodegradao,

fitoestimulao e rizodegradao); 2) Fitorremediao II foram submetidas em sedimentos coletados na rea, mudas de mangue preto (pr-selecionadas em pesquisa piloto) coletadas no local (foram avaliados os mecanismos da fitorremediao: fitodegradao, fitoestimulao e rizodegradao); e 3) Biorremediao Intrnseca (atenuao natural monitorada) onde foi monitorado a degradao dos hidrocarbonetos derivados do petrleo pelas bactrias hidrocarbonoclsticas intrnsecas, sendo caracterizada a densidade de bactrias nos trs modelos, a fim de avaliar a eficincia da tcnica, seguindo Romeiro (2001).


Figura 3 Mapa de Localizao da dos pontos de coletas de sedimentos e borras de leo na rea de estudo. Os pontos P1, P2 e P3 so da rea contaminada com borras de leo. Os pontos P4, P5 e P6 so da rea controle (confirmada em estudo anterior: Moreira et al., 2010b).


Esquema de montagem do experimento:

- 3 aqurios (contendo 06 cubas cada) com sedimento controle + R.mangle = 18 cubas;

Sed + R.mangle Sed + R.mangle Sed + R.mangle

- 3 aqurios (contendo 06 cubas cada) com sedimento controle + A.schaueriana = 18 cubas;

Sed + A. shauerana Sed + A. shauerana Sed + A. shauerana

- 3 aqurios (contendo 06 cubas cada) com sedimento controle + Microorganismos autctones = 18 cubas;
Sed +Microorg. autctones Sed +Microorg. autctones Sed +Microorg. autctones

- 3 aqurios (contendo 06 cubas cada) com sedimento contaminado + R.mangle = 18 cubas;

Sed + R.mangle Sed + R.mangle Sed + R.mangle

- 3 aqurios (contendo 06 cubas cada) com sedimento contaminado + A. schaueriana = 18 cubas;

Sed + A. shauerana Sed + A. shauerana Sed + A. shauerana

- 3 aqurios (contendo 06 cubas cada) com sedimento contaminado + com Microorganismos autctones = 18 cubas;
Sed +Microorg. autctones Sed +Microorg. autctones Sed +Microorg. autctones

TOTAL = 18 aqurios = 108 cubas


Esta metodologia teve como intuito avaliar qual o modelo mais eficiente na remediao, levando em considerao a segurana da populao e dos compartimentos ambientais local. b) Monitoramento Durante o desenvolvimento destes modelos, os organismos vegetais foram monitorados, por meio de parmetros morfofisiolgicos (Biomonitoramento). Em relao aos microorganismos, foi determinada a densidade de bactrias

hidrocarbonoclsticas em cada modelo de remediao a fim de estabelecer possveis relaes com a capacidade de degradao dos contaminantes disponveis nos sedimentos e a sensibilidade devido presena de metais. Foram monitorados tambm para cada modelo os parmetros fsicosqumicos (pH, EH, Salinidade, Condutividade e Oxignio Dissolvido) nos sedimentos e nas guas utilizadas, alm da biodisponibilidade dos contaminantes, sendo: a) oxignio dissolvido, usando-se um medidor de O.D. micro-processado, porttil, com preciso de 0,05%; b) pH, medidas efetuadas com medidor de pH porttil, digital, com preciso de 0,01 unidades de pH; c) EH, medidas efetuadas com medidor de EH porttil, digital, com preciso de 0,01 unidades de EH; d) salinidade, usando-se um refratmetro manual, com preciso de 0,5; e) temperatura, usando-se termmetro acoplado ao oxmetro anterior, com preciso de 0,5 C; f) condutividade, efetuada com condutivmetro porttil, digital, com preciso de 0,05 %. c) Anlises qumicas

Ao final de cada intervalo estabelecido T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 (conforme Quadro 1) foram determinadas em amostras selecionadas aleatoriamente s


concentraes quantitativas de hidrocarbonetos totais (anlises cromatogrficas) e de metais pesados (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Al, Fe), atravs de espectrofotmetro de absoro atmica, nos sedimentos para cada modelo. Foi avaliado tambm o mecanismo da fitorremediao empregado mais eficiente de acordo com a EPA (2000). As amostras foram encaminhadas para Laboratrio de Estudos do Petrleo (LEPETRO) para determinao das fraes dos hidrocarbonetos aromticos e alifticos atravs dos mtodos USEPA8270D e USEPA8015B. As anlises foram efetuadas utilizando padres internos e o programa analtico conduzido sob condies controladas de laboratrio como descritas a seguir. Quadro 1 - Intervalo amostral para o experimento de remediao de sedimentos provenientes de rea impactada por atividades petrolferas.
TO = No dia da primeira coleta* em campo (amostragem sem provetas), quando o experimento ser montado e iniciado = equivalente a 3 amostras (triplicatas) coletadas no campo gua, sedimento e mudas; T1 = 7 dia da coleta em campo = equivalente a 3 amostras (triplicatas) coletadas em cada modelo do experimento gua, sedimento e mudas; T2 = 15 dia subseqente coleta em campo = equivalente a 3 amostras (triplicatas) coletadas em cada modelo do experimento gua, sedimento e mudas; T3 = 30 dia aps a coleta em campo= equivalente a 3 amostras (triplicatas) coletadas em cada modelo do experimento gua, sedimento e mudas; T4 = 60 dia aps a coleta em campo = equivalente a 3 amostras (triplicatas) coletadas em cada modelo do experimento gua, sedimento e mudas; T5 = 90 dia aps a coleta em campo = equivalente a 3 amostras (triplicatas) coletadas em cada modelo do experimento gua, sedimento e mudas.

*A coleta da gua para esta avaliao ser feita no mesmo dia da coleta dos sedimentos, ou seja, nos 09 perodos acima mencionados. No entanto, a cada dia, juntamente com a simulao da mar, os parmetros fsico-qumicos (pH, EH, salinidade, temperatura, O.D., condutividade) sero quantificados ao inserir e ao retirar a gua do aqurio (intervalo de horas estabelecido: 2h).


- Cromatografia Lquida Uma massa de 5 g da amostra de sedimento, sem tratamento prvio, foi extrada com diclorometano ultrapuro em soxhlet. O extrato orgnico foi ento concentrado em um concentrador de clula fechada do tipo Kuderna Danish a um volume de 1 mL. A massa de leo foi determinada neste concentrado por gravimetria. A frao de hidrocarbonetos saturados foi separada deste extrato atravs do tratamento do mesmo com uma coluna de slica gel ativada e eluio com hexano ultrapuro. A frao de hidrocarbonetos aromticos foi separada atravs da eluio com uma mistura de hexano/diclorometano da mesma coluna, e a frao de NSO separada atravs da eluio do mesmo extrato na coluna com metanol. Todas as fraes foram determinadas por gravimetria. - Cromatografia gasosa de hidrocarbonetos saturados Uma massa de 5 g da amostra de sedimento, sem tratamento prvio, foi fortalecida com uma soluo de hidrocarboneto a concentraes definidas e extrada com hexano ultrapuro em soxhlet. O extrato orgnico foi ento concentrado em um concentrador de clula fechada do tipo Kuderna Danish a um volume de 1 mL. A massa de leo determinada neste concentrado por gravimetria e a frao de hidrocarbonetos saturados foi separada deste extrato atravs do tratamento com uma coluna de slica-gel ativada. O concentrado final foi diretamente injetado, sem diviso de fluxo, em uma coluna de fase estacionria 30m DB-5 instalada em um cromatgrafo a gs HP 6890. A programao de cromatografia gasosa (CG) foi a seguinte: injeo sem diviso de fluxo, com o injetor a 280 C; temperatu ra inicial da coluna 50 C, isoterma por 1 minuto, taxa de aquecimento de 6 C/ min at a temperatura final de 310 C, isoterma de 10 minutos. - Espectrometria de absoro atmica Em laboratrio, para determinar os teores de metais totais foi utilizado o mtodo de digesto com gua Rgia (FOSTER, 1995) utilizando a proporo 3:1 (clordrico - ntrico). Foi pesado 5 g de cada tratamento de sedimento para cada um


erlenmeyer de capacidade de 125 mL. Logo aps foi adicionado 10 mL da soluo submetida a um aquecimento de 95 C durante 10 minu tos sem ebulio. Em seguida, aps esfriar foram adicionados 5,0 mL de cido ntrico concentrado e colocados sobre refluxo de 30 minutos. Aps os procedimentos iniciais foi submetido s solues a evaporao para cerca de 5 mL, sem ebulio. Em seguida foi adicionado 5,0 mL de cido clordrico concentrado em 10 mL de gua deionizada, deixando sobre refluxo por 15 minutos, sem ebulio. Por fim, foi utilizado papel de filtro quantitativo para filtrar as solues em bales volumtricos de 50 mL. Aps a extrao dos metais pesados as amostras foram submetidas a anlises qumicas utilizando-se a tcnica de espectrometria de absoro atmica. - Biomonitoramento fisiolgico Durante perodo de trs meses as espcies vegetais sero monitoradas, sendo avaliadas as modificaes morfolgicas nas folhas e quanto ao crescimento. Ao final do trimestre foram medidos os tamanhos dos espcimes, em cada proveta e logo aps, calculada a mdia de tamanho (biometria) para cada uma no sedimento controle e contaminado. e) Anlises Microbiolgicas Durante os noventa dias de experimento foram coletadas amostras de sedimentos nos dois modelos e encaminhadas ao Laboratrio de Microbiologia e Anlises Clnicas, da Faculdade de Farmcia (UFBA) para avaliar a densidade bacteriana. Para cada amostra 25g de diferentes amostras de sedimentos foram transferidos para erlenmeyers contendo 90mL de gua peptonada estril a 0,1%. Cada amostra foi agitada a 200rpm/30 minutos. Para a contagem de colnias, foi utilizada a tcnica de plaqueamento por "microgota" (Romeiro, 2001), onde foram feitas diluies decimais em gar nutriente (AGAR). As placas foram incubadas a 25 C 1 C por 24 horas. Aps a incubao, as pla cas selecionadas foram as que continham entre 1-30 colnias. O nmero de colnias contadas foi multiplicado pelo inverso da diluio e os resultados expressos em Unidades Formadoras de Colnias (UFC).


f) Obteno de Resultados Os dados foram registrados e tabulados diariamente para o Biomonitoramento e tambm das medies parmetro no conservativos (Parmetros fsicos e qumicos). Para os resultados de anlises qumicas foram tomados a cada intervalo estabelecido (1, 7, 15, 30, 60 e 90 dia) e tabulados em planilhas Excel. f) Interpretao dos Resultados Todos os dados gerados foram analisados de forma comparativa com outros dados na literatura, assim como submetidos a tratamento estatstico, tendo como base a Estatstica Multivariada aplicada a projetos ambientais. Alm da utilizao das anlises estatsticas descritivas, para alcanar o objetivo proposto foi utilizado para o tratamento estatstico o aplicativo Statistica for Windows, verso 7.0 da Statsoft Inc.. Sendo assim, as etapas desenvolvidas no tratamento estatstico dos dados foram as seguintes: - Anlise descritiva para identificao de valores discrepantes, a partir de grficos do tipo Box-plot; - Utilizao do teste no paramtrico Kruskal-Wallis, para verificar se existiram diferenas estatisticamente significativas entre os valores obtidos de concentrao de hidrocarbonetos e metais pesados para cada modelo em cada intervalo amostral definido, avaliando-se a possibilidade de utilizao de dados em conjunto; - Comprovao da existncia ou no de significncia estatstica das diferenas observadas entre os dados nos diferentes modelos, para cada intervalo estabelecido, pelo mtodo paramtrico Anova, comprovando para propriedades fsico-qumicas, os metais e hidrocarbonetos, a possibilidade de utilizao como dados em conjunto; - Anlise descritiva dos dados em conjunto atravs da Correlao de Pearson e da Anlise de Componentes Principais (PCA).



Icaro T. A. Moreiraa, , Olivia M. C. Oliveiraa, b , Jorge A. Triguisa, Srgio L. Ferreiraa, c, Antonio F. S. Queiroza, Gilmar A. Nunoa, Marcelo O.M. Cruza, Taina C. A. Mamedea

a. Ncleo de Estudos Ambientais, Instituto de Geocincias, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. b. Instituto de Geocincias, Departamento de Geofsica Aplicada, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. c. Instituto de Qumica, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. d. Instituto Nacional de Cincia e Tecnologia, INCT, de Energia e Ambiente, 40170-290 Salvador-BA, Brasil. * Corresponding author: Tel: +55 71 3283 8632, Fax: + 55 71 3283-8632, Emails address:; (caro Thiago Andrade Moreira)

Capsule: Total petroleum hydrocarbons in the mangrove sediments can be removed more completely and rapidly by using the phytoremediation


In this study it was developed a pilot-scale experiment during 03 months on the implementation of a Phytoremediation model with species Rizophora mangle L. and a model of Intrinsic Bioremediation, in order to trying to compare which model


would achieve the maximum effectiveness of degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons in mangrove sediment. After 90 days a higher efficiency in removing organic compounds from sediment by Phytoremediation (87%) was observed. This larger efficiency in the remediation of the plant was enhanced with the largest growth of bacteria in its rhizosphere, reaching the highest CFU g-1, 31 x106. It was observed a larger growth of plants exposed to contaminated sediments (46.3 cm) compared to those grown in reference sediments (34.4 cm), suggesting a good adaptation. The data showed that the Phytoremediation is an effective in the degradation of TPH's, becoming a promising option in the application of the technique in mangrove areas.

Keywords: Phytoremediation, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs), Mangrove sediments, Rizophora mangle L., Red mangrove

1. Introduction

Accidents caused by oil spills have the potential to cause various environmental and economic effects on a wide variety of natural resources and services. Pilot studies based on environmental restoration of coastal regions are becoming increasingly necessary, given the importance of these ecosystems to the ecological balance and also because they are targets of major impacts of petrogenic origin, caused mainly by the oil industry accidents. The severity of these effects depends on the season, the discharge volume, type and location where such discharge occurs, and especially the environmental conditions at the time of


occurrence (Bossert, 1984; Peters et al., 2005; Wang and Stout, 2007). Contamination of the aquatic environment has become a serious problem in many parts of the world, with rivers and bays often seriously affected. Almost all marine coastal ecosystems have complex structural and dynamic characteristics that can be easily modified by human influence. Estuarine and marine sediments are sinks for various contaminants transported from other ecosystems (Fedo et al., 1996; Nesbitt et al., 1996; Nath et al., 2000; Adamo, 2005, Celino et al., 2008). Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) represents one of the most common groups of persistent organic pollutants in the environment. They have been studied much more because they are toxic to many organisms and human health. The main sources of contamination in soil and sediment by TPHs include the different sectors of the petroleum industry, such as extraction, refining and consumption (McNicoll and Baweja, 1995; EPA, 2000). Remediating persistent TPHs from soils is generally a slow and expensive process. This is particularly true for the most recalcitrant portion of TPHs. For instance, the high molecular weight fractions derived from oil refinery sludge are exceptionally hard to remediate (Mc Nicoll and Baweja, 1995; Huang et al., 2005). The process of TPHs removal in the sediments of aquatic environments is determined by its interaction with the system and controlled by physical and chemical factors, composition of the microbial community, the hydrodynamic site, sunshine, temperature, sediment grain size, nutrient availability, among others (Atlas, 1982, Sugiura et al., 1997; Colombo et al., 2005; Lacerda, 2006). Many TPHs removal techniques in soils and sediments are being applied to attempt the restoration of environments, such as ex situ: Chemical Oxidation, Thermal Desorption, Biopiles and Incineration. Moreover, other in situ techniques, such as: Landfarming, Air sparging, Biosparging, Bioventing, Reactive Barriers,


Bioremediation (Bioaugmentation and Biostimulation), Intrinsic Bioremediation (monitored natural attenuation) and Phytoremediation, were applied (Atlas, 1982; Seabra, 2008). In recent years, there was a larger tendency for in situ methods once they offer less risk to the environment, which are efficient and cheap. With advances in biotechnology, Phytoremediation has emerged as the alternative that best fit the requirements listed here (Espinosa, et al., 2005; Huang, et al., 2005; Parrish, et al., 2005; Doumett, et al., 2008). Phytoremediation is a biological technology that utilizes natural plant processes to enhance degradation and removal of contaminants in soil, sediments or groundwater. Broadly, Phytoremediation can be cost-effective in large areas with high residual-levels of contamination by organic, nutrient, or metal pollutants, when applied correctly (Kamath et al., 2004). The correct application depends on a previous study to be able to assess the efficiency of the plant specimen to be applied and the possible risks to the ecosystems where it is applied. In mangrove sediment, the capture, transformation, volatilization and rhizodegradation of TPHs are important processes that occur during

Phytoremediation. Microbial degradation in the rhizosphere (rhizodegradation) may be the main mechanism for cleaning a variety of soils contaminated by petroleum, including mangrove sediments. This occurs because the contaminants, such as PAHs, are highly hydrophobic, and their absorption into the soil reduces their bioavailability for capture by plants and consequently their phytotransformation (Kamath et al., 2004). The success of rhizodegradation depends on the presence of and interaction between specific microorganisms, adequate environmental conditions and the oil availability (Santos et al., 2010).


A promising species for the application of Phytoremediation in mangrove sediments is Rizophora mangle L. (red mangrove), due to its characteristics of absorber plant, of strong interaction with the microbial community, not being sensitive to the presence of TPH's in the sediment (Fruehauf, 2005; Moreira et al., 2010a). R. mangle L. are native species found along the Atlantic coast from Florida to Southern Brazil, and in western Africa from Senegal to Angola. The cold climate in the North sets the limits of mangrove forests in the region. For the R. mangle in the U.S.A. coast is the limit, Bermuda the most precise. (Thomas 1993, Smith 1998; Zomlefer et al., 2006; Stuart et al., 2007). The objective in this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the R. mangle application to the Phytoremediation of contaminated sediments by TPH's. The research was based on a controlled pilot-scale, where it was the closest simulated environmental conditions of a mangrove. The sediment used was monitored for 90 days, with six samples, using physical, chemical and geochemical parameters and nutrients.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Sediments sampling/collection and mixing

The sediments used in the models of remediation in this study were collected in an estuary located near the cities of Candeias and So Francisco do Conde, North of the Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia, Brazil. Sediment samples were collected from 0


to 30 cm depth at random from five locations. The sediment samples were sieved through a 4 mm sieve to eliminate coarse rock and plant material, thoroughly mixed to ensure uniformity. Five sub-samples were dried in a lyophilize cold for 72 hours and sieved through 2 mm mesh to determine selected soil physical and chemical characteristics (Table 1). Particle-size distribution was determined after the organic matter was removed with 30% H2O2, by the Folk and Ward (1957) method. Soil organic matter was determined using a modified Mebius method (Nelson and Sommers, 1982). Total N was determined by the Kjeldahls digestion, distillation and titration method (Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982) and available P by the Olsen extraction method (Olsen and Dean, 1982).

Table 1 - Some selected physicochemical properties of the sediment used in experiment.

Parameters Textural class Particle-size distribuition Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) Organic matter (%) Organic carbon (%) Total N (%) Avaible P (mg/L) 23,65 73 3,25 5,73 3,32 0,36 1,8 Value Sandy Mud


2.2. Addition of oil residual in the sediment

Sediment samples were mixed in a 1:10 ratio with oil residue found in the same area, a region with many activities in the petroleum industry (extraction, transportation and refining). Immediately after being mixed the oil residue with the sediment, five samples of the mixture were collected to analyze the concentration of TPHs. The composition of the oil residue used is shown in Fig. 1. It was collected a sediment in a reference area, as discussed in another research by Moreira et al. (2010b) for comparisons of the parameters analyzed in this study.
Figure 1. Gas Chromatography (FID) of residual oil used in the study

2.3. Sediment remediation

All experiments were conducted in a greenhouse (Laboratory deployed to conduct research developed within the network RECUPETRO/UFBA - Cooperative


Network Recovery in Areas Contaminated by Petroleum Activities, linked to the Federal University of Bahia) near the mangroves where they collected samples of sediments, in environmental conditions very close to the original ecosystem, with an average temperature of 24.6 C. The dynamics of a mangrove was simulated, with tidal regime, sediment used for the application of remediation techniques. These simulation units were made of glass (50X30X40cm). Within each unit of simulation 6 tubs of glass were added (30X10X10cm) and they were applied to two models of remediation compared in this study. These tubs of glass, were suspended in the unit simulation, allowing the simulation of tidal regime with water runoff. Tubs of glass were closed at the bottom to prevent loss of chemical residue when watering. All units received the treatment simulation of daily tidal regime with an adequate amount of water (approximately 10L) to maintain constant humidity of sediment, as in the mangrove ecosystem. The experimental projects are three replicates of each treatment and analysis of three samples from each repetition. To assess the efficiency of TPH's Phytoremediation in the sediment, each of the components described below were tested separately, taking into consideration public safety and local environmental compartments.

2.3.1. Phytoremediation

To evaluate the efficiency of Phytoremediation in mangrove sediment, the species R. mangle (red mangrove) was selected. This choice was based on pre-tests conducted earlier by our group as well as with other studies suggesting the use of this for Phytoremediation (Eysink 1997, Moreira et al., 2010a, Moreira et al., 2010b).


Seedlings of R. mangle were collected at low tide, taking into consideration their height (average of 3 months old), defining a standard sampling in order not to compromise the research results. The plants were submitted in sediments mixed with waste oil from the study area. In the laboratory simulation, the species were planted in glass tubes, where the daily regimen was simulated with the tidal water of the mangrove and morphophysiological monitoring was conducted during 90 days. During the growth period, plants were watered twice a week with bottled water as needed.

2.3.2. Bioremediation

It was used the Intrinsic Bioremediation (Natural Attenuation Monitored) where it was monitored the degradation of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum hydrocarbon by bacteria present in the sediment mixed. It was characterized the density of the bacterial community in order to compare the presence of microorganisms in phytoremediation.

2.4. Quantification of bacterial community

For microbiological analysis, 25 g of different samples were transferred to Erlenmeyer flasks containing 90 mL of sterile 0.1% peptone water. Each sample was stirred at 200 rpm/30 minutes. For colony counting, it was used the technique of


plating by microgota (Romeiro, 2001), decimal serial dilutions in agar nutrient agar (NA) (in g / L beef extract, 3; bacteriological peptone, 5; NaCl, 3; agar, 13). The plates were incubated at 25 C 1 C for 24 hours. After incubation, the plates selected were the ones that contained between 3-30 colonies. The number of colonies counted was multiplied by the reciprocal of the dilution and the results expressed as Colony Forming Units (CFU). Quantification of bacterial density was assessed in two models of remediation.

2.5. TPH extraction and analysis

TPH levels in the sediment were determined by assaying for total hydrocarbons. Sediment samples (approximately 50 g) from their remediation experiments were collected at 0, 7, 15, 30, 60 and 90 days after the start of the experiments they were stored at 4 C until analysis. The storage time for the collected samples was no longer than 10 days and the storage had no effect on TPH levels in soil (data not shown). The sediment samples were dried in a cold lyophilizer, constant temperature - 50 C. The drie d sediments (5 g) without previous treatment, were extracted with dichloromethane/hexane mixing (1:1, v/v). The extracts were concentrated to allow the solvent to evaporate completely, and then the amount of extracted sludge was determined gravimetrically. The extracted oil was weighed approximately 0.02 g for the fractionation of saturated compounds in an activated silica gel column and eluted with ultrapure hexane (30mL). After that the eluted was evaporated and then swelled to 1 mL with the same solvent elution. Extracts were quantified using a Varian CP 3800 gas chromatograph equipped with a


DB-5 capillary column (30 m length, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 lm film thickness) and Flame Ionization Detector (FID). GC conditions were as follows: injector temperature, 300 C, starting oven temperature, 40 C; 40 C (hold 2min) ramp 10 C min-1 to 300 (hold 12min); detector temperature, 300 C. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 1.0 ml min-1 and a split ratio of 10:1 was used. Standard was prepared from the same TPH (C10 C40) stock chemicals.

2.6. Statistical analysis

It was used analysis of variance in order to verify the existence or not of significant difference between the two models used. Whereas the condition to submit sample data to a parametric analysis of variance is that their variances do not show significant difference, it was applied the test of Bartlett described in Beiguelman, to test the homogeneity of variances. To check the normality of data the KolmogorovSmirnov test was applied. This test indicated, through a chi-square, that there is no significant difference between the variances of the samples. As variances were homogeneous, ANOVA was applied to a single parametric classification, which showed significant difference between the two models. But it has been done, "a posteriori", a test for multiple parametric Turkey-Kramer to affirm the significant difference between the models. These statistical analyses were performed using the GraphPad Software.

3. Results


3.1. The effectiveness of the models remediation for removal of TPHs from sediment of mangrove

With the intention of evaluating the effectiveness of remediation models employed in this research (Intrinsic Bioremediation and Phytoremediation) for removal of HTP's in mangrove sediments contaminated, an experiment was conducted in pilot scale to compare the different methods of correction. The results showed that after 90 days the Intrinsic Bioremediation (Natural Attenuation Monitored) was able to remove 70% of TPH's individually, while the

Phytoremediation (R. mangle) was able to remove approximately 87% of the TPH's present in the contaminated sediment (Fig. 2a). It was a statistically significant removal of the TPH's Phytoremediation with R. mangle regarding Intrinsic Bioremediation in contaminated sediments. These results indicate that the Phytoremediation with R. mangle has a larger capacity for degradation of TPH's in mangrove sediments. Analysis of TPH's removed by Phytoremediation with R. mangle showed that levels of contaminants in the sediment were reduced from 33.2 to 4.5 mg / g, while the Intrinsic Bioremediation has lowered from 33.2 to 9.2 mg / g in a growing season of 3 months (Fig 2b). Thus, Phytoremediation was able to remove approximately 17% more sediment TPH's than the Intrinsic Bioremediation.


Figure 2. TPHs removal for Intrisic Bioremediation and Phytoremediation (Rizophora mangle L.). The data are presented as percent of chemical removed relative to the sediment that contains 32,2 mg/g of 100% residual oil (n=3). a) Indicates removal percentage, b) Indicates the removal in mg/g.


Bioremediation Phytoremediation

Chemical Removal (mg/g)

24000 18000 12000 6000 0 90


Time, days


Bioremediation Phytoremediation

Chemical Removal (%)






0 90

Time, days

3.2. The effectiveness of the models remediation for removal of different fractions of TPHs from sediment of mangrove Based on Huang and employees (2005), it was used fractions 3A (C16-23), 3B (C23-34) and 4 (C34-40) which are the most TPHs of recalcitrant contaminants in


the sediment. These molecules are very resistant to remediation because of their fractions which are hydrophobic and have a high molecular weight. The results indicate that the Phytoremediation with R. mangle was more effective than the Intrinsic Bioremediation in the removal of all fractions of TPH's contaminated sediment. However in fraction 3A (C16-C23), both models remediation efficiencies gained quite close. In the fraction 3B (C23-34) the results showed that the degradation efficiency of Phytoremediation was moderately higher (82%) than that of Intrinsic Bioremediation (63%), while the fraction (C24-C40) this difference was the larger (Phytoremediation: Intrinsic Bioremediation and 70%: 21%). After three months of the Phytoremediation with R. mangle had fallen into major components of fractions 3A, 3B and 4, with an efficiency of about 78%, the Intrinsic Bioremediation declined only about 55%, taking into account the levels of total remediation TPHs (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Chemical removal (%) the fractions different in the remediation models, after 90 days (n=3).


Chemical Removal (%)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fraction 3A Fraction 3B Fraction 4 Totals Alcans Fractions different

Bioremediation Phytoremediation


3.3. Temporal analysis of the models remediation for removal of TPHs from sediment of mangrove

It was assessed the effectiveness of two models of remediation applied (Phytoremediation and Bioremediation Intrinsic) based on the total content of TPH's staying in the mangrove sediment a function of time (Fig. 4). The repair rate remained relatively constant for Phytoremediation, resulting in pseudo-zero order kinetics for the whole period of 3 months. This behavior of Phytoremediation became a more effective model than the Intrinsic Bioremediation, despite having degraded a higher rate at the beginning of the experiment, failed to keep their initial rates of recovery during the experiment. After 90 days, the total amount removed by TPHs R. mangle was approximately 87%, while for the Bioremediation was approximately 70%, with a strong decrease in the rate of removal.

Figure 4. TPH's removal in the mangrove sediment a function of time (n=3). a) Indicates removal percentage, b) Indicates the removal in mg/g.

Chemical Removal (%)

100 80 60 40 20 0 Bioremediation Phytoremediation



30 Time, day




TPHs remaining, mg/g sediment

40.000 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 0 7 15 30 60

Bioremediation Phytoremediation



Time, day

3.4. Temporal quantification of bacterial community of the models remediation

During the 90 days of the experiment, the total number of viable bacteria for the two models remediation (Phytoremediation and Bioremediation Intrinsic) applied to sediment contaminated with TPH's, were quantified in six pre-established samples. The results concerning the initial average count of bacteria are between 0.1 and 0.2 x 106 x 106 CFU g-1, determined at the beginning of the experiment. After being applied the models of the remediation in sediments, there was a significant increase in the number of microorganisms after the 7th day in the two models, showing significant difference compared to the initial sediment sample, 8.3 x 106 and 8.8 x 106 CFU g-1 respectively. After the 30th day there was a drastic drop in the number of microorganisms in the application model of Intrinsic Bioremediation (1.8 x 106 CFU g1

), however there was an increase in Phytoremediation of the microbial community,

and quantified values from 20.2 x 106 to 24.4 x 106 CFU g-1. Figure 5 presents the


total count of bacteria for 90 days, with data expressed in polynomial trend with a coefficient of determination R2 of 100% for total bacterial counts.
Figure 5. Total count of bacteria during 90 days, with data expressed in polynomial trend with a coefficient of determination R of 100% (n=3). (a) Comparison between models, b) Count of bacteria in the Intrinsic Bioremediation, observed and estimated, c) Count of bacteria in the Phytoremediation, observed and estimated.

Bioremediation Phytoremediation

CFU g -1







Time, day

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0

Log n cells g-1

Observed Observed Polinmio y = -0,0402x 5 + 0,7086x 4 - 4,5831x 3 + 13,076x 2 - 15,227x + 11,066 R2 = 1

15 Time, day






8 7 Log n cells g-1 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 7 15 Time, day 30 60 90

5 4 3 2

Observed Polinmio (Observed) y = 0,0053x - 0,0869x + 0,4351x - 0,6256x + 0,2723x + 4,9998 R2 = 1


3.5. Physiology of Rizophora mangle used for Phytoremediation

The sediments have high concentrations of TPH's, like those that were quantified in this study are quite toxic to plants, as these contaminants cause in many cases a negative impact on the vegetation growth of plants. Thus, the effects of TPH's in the sediment on the growth of R. mangle were evaluated by measuring the sizes of plants and their roots, by comparing the growth of plants of the contaminated sediment with the sediment reference (Fig. 6). Unexpectedly there was a higher growth in the experiments of Phytoremediation in contaminated sediments compared to the reference sediment, watching 22% increases in plant growth and root 4% bigger. Therefore, biomass accumulation of plants in contaminated sediment was higher than the plants in sediment reference non-contaminated. This growth increased in the red mangrove sediments probably indicates that the plant has a good adaptation to the conditions found in contaminated sediment, allowing for larger growth than plants in contaminated sediment.


Figure 6. Growth of R. mangle evaluated by measuring the sizes of plants (a) and their roots (b) (n=3).

80 70 Plant growth (cm) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 7 15 Time, day 30 60 90

Sediment reference Sediment contaminated


30 Root growth (cm) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 7 15 Time, day 30 60 90

Sediment reference Sediment contaminated


4. Discussions

The results of this study showed that the model of Phytoremediation with Rizophora mangle is more effective in removing each the TPH's fractions in the contaminated sediment in relation to Intrinsic Bioremediation. Despite this trend already observed in other studies (Yuan et al., 2001; Tam et al., 2008; Yergeau et al., 2009) of remediation processes applied in sediments contaminated by TPH's, it is still


observed an increased use of other techniques in the recovery of areas impacted by oil activities, such as the "Land farming" (McCarthy et al., 2002; Huang et al., 2004; Huang et al., 2005) that is a bioremediation technique in field scale at which the surface of contaminated sediments are removed by wind, enhancing the activity of endogenous microorganisms and Intrinsic Bioremediation. However, these

conventional techniques mentioned, although having a larger number of applications, especially in industrial areas contaminated, they have severe limitations in the removal of highly hydrophobic organic compounds, problems of degradation in sediments that have concentrations of contaminants at different heterogeneous depths, mainly when applied individually in the contaminated areas. This research shows once again that the Intrinsic Bioremediation is less efficient in the degradation of TPH's than the Phytoremediation. The results for the removal of different fractions of TPH's found in this study showed that application of Phytoremediation was more efficient for the three fractions analyzed - 3A (C16-23), 3B (C23-34) and 4 (C34-40) - after the 90 days experiment compared with Intrinsic Bioremediation. This is justified probably because of the Phytoremediation act in the removal of contaminants jointly with different processes which also includes transfer, stabilization and destruction of organic compounds in sediments (Rocha, 1997; Cunningham et al.,1996; Cunningham et al., 1995). Degradation mechanisms that may have used Rizophora mangle, ranges from phytostabilization, preventing the absorption and acts by phytostimulation of microorganisms present in its rhizosphere, therefore acting with rhizodegradation. One should also consider the possibility of the plant had absorbed the organic compounds and, later had achieved the phytodegradation. However, despite these possibilities, probably the mechanisms used by the red mangrove, had the lowest


efficiency for fraction 4 (C34-40), which was observed in the results, although quite significant compared with Intrinsic Bioremediation, which had a decrease in kinetic remediation after the degradation of the lighter compounds. This is because of the Phytoremediation which is a set of processes acting in the degradation of organic compounds, unlike the Natural Attenuation. The total number of bacteria that degrade hydrocarbons were evaluated during the application of two models of remediation over 90 days of the experiment, where the concentration in Intrinsic Bioremediation was higher until day 30, compared to Phytoremediation, hence indirectly the most initial efficiency degradation of different fractions of organic compounds. However, from the 30th day on it was observed an increase in bacterial density in sediment treated by red mangrove, reaching a count up to ten times more than the Bioremediation, which in turn may have caused a major acceleration in the kinetics of remediation and with it a more efficient process. The vegetated sediment microbial community is usually larger than that of non-vegetated sediment (Anderson et al., 1993). Importantly, the presence of contaminants and root exudates usually modifies the composition and activity of these communities (Walton et al. 1994; Espinosa et al., 2005). This higher concentration of bacteria in contaminated sediments, was also evidenced by other researchers in studies that evaluated the degradation of organic compounds (Nichols et al, 1997; Espinosa et al., 2005), confirming that the growth of hydrocarbon degraders was favored by the presence of the plant. Importantly, the actuation of the rhizosphere on the degradation of contaminants already well reported in surveys (Rovira et al., 1979; Melo, 2008). In the case of R. mangle, this plant should probably produce allelopathic compounds, similar to organic compounds that stimulate the defenses of the communities of


microorganisms in the face of environmental stress conditions, besides the possibility of entry of oxygen made possible by the rhizosphere (Siciliano et al., 2001; Weibner et al., 2002). Other studies evaluating the degradation of toxic compounds also found the presence of compounds exuded by the roots, such as carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids that probably might have stimulated the degradation of contaminants (Joner et al., 2002).

5. Conclusions

The study results in a pilot scale showed that the model applied to Phytoremediation with Rizophora mangle achieved larger efficiency in the degradation of different fractions of TPH's, reaffirming this technique to be promising in the recovery of areas contaminated by the activities of the oil industry, in addition to be an environmentally correct technique. The study found that the monitored natural attenuation (intrinsic bioremediation) has low efficacy when applied individually, although initially it has been more effective in the degradation of contaminants. Moreover, the data of microbiological analysis found that the association of plants with the community of microorganisms in the rhizosphere enhanced the degradation of organic compounds in the sediment, with 87% efficiency, and foster increased growth of these plants. It is suggested that a more detailed study would combine these processes into a new product for application in remediation of contaminated sediments by mangrove TPH's, especially when dealing with sediment contamination heterogeneous at different depths. New researches on the transformation of TPHs in the environment are needed to see whether this


transformation produces toxic co-products. Finally, it is important to assess whether the model of Phytoremediation produced in pilot scale in this study is as effective in situ, large scale, as it was observed under laboratory conditions.

Acknowledgements This study has been carried out with the financial support of the FAPESB, FINEP and PETROBRAS.


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caro T. A. Moreiraa, , Olvia M. C. Oliveiraa, b , Jorge A. Triguisa, Srgio L. Ferreiraa, c, Antonio F. S. Queiroza, Cintia M. S. Martinsa, Carine S. Silvaa, Brunno A. Falcoa
a. Ncleo de Estudos Ambientais, Instituto de Geocincias, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. b. Instituto de Geocincias, Departamento de Geofsica Aplicada, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. c. Instituto de Qumica, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. d. Instituto Nacional de Cincia e Tecnologia, INCT, de Energia e Ambiente, 40170-290 Salvador-BA, Brasil. * Corresponding author: Tel: +55 71 3283 8632, Fax: + 55 71 3283-8632, Emails address:; (caro Thiago Andrade Moreira)

Abstract In order to evaluate the efficiency of biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the presence of heavy metals in mangrove sediments, we applied two models of remediation (Intrinsic Bioremediation and Phytoremediation with Rizophora mangle) during ninety days on a pilot scale, with monitored physical-chemicals parameters. The results showed that both techniques were effective in the degradation of organic compounds from oil, being the Phytoremediation the most efficient (87% removal). It was also observed that the biodegradation model of Intrinsic Bioremediation did not


have a direct correlation with the concentrations of metals, however a positive correlation with some metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni) for the model R. mangle (red mangrove) was verified in the removal of hydrocarbons, being observed that the plant presents efficiency in the phytoextraction and in the phytostimulation. The results suggest that red mangroves through their rhizosphere mecanisms become a promising plant for the removal of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum in the presence of metals in mangrove sediments.

Keywords: Heavy metals, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Intrinsic Bioremediation, Phytoremediation, Mangrove.

1. Introduction The mangroves are transitional coastal ecosystems between terrestrial and marine environments characteristic of tropical and subtropical regions, of great ecological and economical importance and for the coastal geology. In recent years data ITOPF [1] found that the number of spills in mangrove areas has increased, especially in countries where the oil industry has recorded growth. These accidents have the potential to cause environmental and economic effects on a wide variety of natural resources and services in these regions. Studies on the application of remediation techniques in coastal regions are becoming increasingly necessary, given the importance of these ecosystems to the ecological balance and also because they are targets of major impacts of petrogenic origin [2-4].


Many mangrove areas that are hit by oil spill contain high concentrations of heavy metals that are enhanced by the composition of spilled oil. Heavy metals at certain concentrations may limit microbial activity and plant in the degradation of organic compounds, causing serious problems in the application of bioremediation and phytoremediation in mangrove sediments [5, 6]. Some studies have been conducted regarding the individual effects of heavy metals, biotic and abiotic factors in the degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons, however few studies have addressed the effects of all factors convergent in the biodegradation in mangrove sediments [7-9]. These sediments are rich in microbial diversity that in a set of interactions with the mangrove plant species are fundamental to the maintenance of conservation, productivity and recovery of this ecosystem when impacted by some type of antropic activity [10]. The decision to correct hydrocarbon contaminated areas should be based on pilot studies through integrated assessment of the presence of metals and also the main physical, chemical and biological agents that can act positively or inhibiting the biodegradation in sediments of mangrove. Therefore, the objective in the study was to evaluate how the presence of metals and other abiotic and biotic factors influence the degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments from two models of remediation: Intrinsic Bioremediation and Phytoremediation with Rizophora mangle L., simulated pilot scale.

2. Materials and methods


2.1. Sediment sampling and analysis Surfaces sediments mangrove samples used in the experiment were collected at 0-30cm deep, between the cities of Candeias and So Francisco do Conde (region with many activities in the petroleum industry: extraction, transportation and refining), Bahia, Brazil. These sediment samples were sieved through a 4mm sieve to remove rocks, and plant material was homogenized immediately after to ensure uniformity. It was collected five sub-samples of sediment that were homogenized and freeze-dried in a cold for 72 hours and sieved through 2 mm mesh to determine the initial physical and chemical properties of the selected sediment. Soon after, sediment samples were mixed in a 1:10 ratio with oil residue found in the same area and five samples of the mixture were collected to analyze the new concentrations of TPHs, metals and nutrients (Table 1). In the determination of metals in the homogenized sediments aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and nickel (Ni) were analyzed by USEPA method 3015. The total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH's) were determined by USEPA 8015B method. Particle-size distribution was determined after the organic matter was removed with 30% H2O2, by the Folk and Ward method [11]. Soil organic matter was determined using a modified Mebius method [12]. Total N was determined by the Kjeldahls digestion, distillation and titration method [13] and available P by the Olsen extraction method [14]. Measurements were taken for pH and Eh through the method of potentiometry using a pH / mV HandyLab1, SchottGlaswerkeMainz. The salinity was measured by the index of refraction, using the portable refractometer atoga S / Mill-E and dissolved oxygen (DO) was measured with a WTW Oximeter OXI 3151 (SCHOTT-GERTE).


2.2. Models for remediation During 90 days two models were used to evaluate remediation of contaminated sediment removal for TPH's. One type of remediation used to compare the removal of TPH's was the Intrinsic Bioremediation (Natural Attenuation Monitored) where the degradation by bacteria present in the mixed sediment was monitored. Other remediation model was of phytoremediation in mangrove sediment, the specie R. mangle (red mangrove) was selected. This choice was based on pretests conducted earlier by our group as well as with other studies, suggesting the use of this for phytoremediation [15-17]. Seedlings of R. mangle were collected at low tide, taking into consideration their height (average of 3 months old), defining a standard sampling in order not to compromise the research results. The density of the bacterial community was characterized in order to compare the presence of microorganisms with the Intrinsic Bioremediation.

2.3. Experimental design The project design was based on pilot-scale simulation of the dynamics of mangrove, where it was simulated with the tidal regime in the sediment used for the application for remediation models. This experiment was conducted in a greenhouse (Laboratory deployed to conduct research developed within the network

RECUPETRO/UFBA - Cooperative Network Recovery in Areas Contaminated by Petroleum Activities, linked to the Federal University of Bahia) near the mangroves, with environmental conditions very close to the original ecosystem, with an average temperature of 24.6 C. For this, simulation units were made of glass (50X30X40cm). Within each unit of simulation 6 tubes of glass were added (30X10X10cm) were


applied to two models of remediation compared in this study. These tubes of glass were suspended in the unit simulation, allowing the simulation of tidal regime with water runoff. Tubes of glass were closed at the bottom to prevent loss of chemical residue when watering. All units received the treatment simulation of daily tidal regime with an adequate amount of water (approximately 10L) to maintain constant humidity of sediment, as in the mangrove ecosystem. The experimental projects were three replicates of each treatment and analysis of three samples from each repetition.

2.4. Statistical analysis It was applied to principal components analysis (PCA) to the average concentrations of all the data analyzed in surface sediments of each type of remediation, in order to find the main variables that influence the degradation of TPH's. Other statistical tests were applied to the K-means, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for multiple parametric Turkey-Kramer test and Pearson correlation. All statistical evaluation was performed using the STATISTICA 6.0 and GraphPad Software.

3. Results and discussion 3.1. Initial chemical properties of sediments The Table 1 presents the data of physical and chemical analysis of sediments contaminated and not contaminated by waste oil, used in this study. The analytical results showed that, except for iron (Fe), all values of the other metals were increased after the homogenization of the sediment and residue of oil in two models of treatment, corroborating other studies [7, 11]. However, the values averaged for


the two different metals in the sediments below the TEL [12], and previously found that these concentrations do not influence the biota negatively. The pH values of the two sediments were consistent with estuarine waters between 7.51 and 7.59. These pH data are favorable to the majority of biodegraders microorganisms of TPH in mangrove sediments, not compromising the principle bioremediation processes [13]. The temperatures of the two sediments were also very close to being as expected for an optimal biodegradation, where there is a higher enzyme activity, between 25 - 38 C [14]. The initial concentrations of salts in the sediment confirmed the brackish characteristic of the medium, causing a selection of biodegraders microorganisms of hydrocarbons, but not bringing great harm to the application of remediation techniques [15]. Concentrations of macronutrients (N and P) and organic matter in sediments were also found in what is expected for degradation by the biota in sediments impacted by organic compounds [13]. After homogenization of the sediment and residue oil the initial concentration of TPH's was approximately 33 ug / g, and it is considered a moderate contamination in the sediment [16].
Table 1 - Some selected physicochemical properties of the sediments used in experiment. Sediment Cu (g/g) Zn (g/g) Pb (g/g) Cr (g/g) Ni (g/g) Fe (g/g) Al (g/g) pH Eh T (C) Salinity DO (mg/L) TPH (g/g) TOM (%) TOC (%) TN (%) P (mg/L) C/N Reference 13,37 12,66 6,02 7,43 7,49 12014,88 7401,69 7,51 -12 26,9 27 4,39 0,63 0,37 0,06 0,90 5,74 Contaminated 17,86 22,23 18,21 11,47 17,43 10739,67 7925,57 7,59 -12,3 27 24 4,53 33215,16 5,73 3,32 0,36 2,70 9,26


3.2. Temporal assessment of biodegradation During three months of the experiment, which evaluated the effectiveness of two models of remediation for the removal of TPH's in the sediment, the results showed that during the first days the Intrinsic Bioremediation was more efficient, but from day 30 on, the Phytoremediation with R. mangle has become more efficient (Figure 1). This may have happened because plants need an initial time to adapt to the environment contaminated by organic compounds [17]. After 90 days the analysis of the removal of TPH's removed, showed that the phytoremediation of contaminant levels in sediment were reduced from 33.2 to 4.5 ug / g while the intrinsic bioremediation decreased from 33.2 to 9.2 mg / g . Thus, phytoremediation was able to remove the sediment about 17% more than the TPH's intrinsic bioremediation. This increased efficiency of phytoremediation with respect to intrinsic bioremediation corroborates other studies in sediments affected by oil organic compounds [18-20].
Figure 1. TPH's removal (mg/g) in the mangrove sediment a function of time in the two models (n=3).

40.000 TPHs Removal (g/g) 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 0 7 15 Days 30 60 90 Bioremediation Phytoremediation

One must consider that the mangrove plants act in consortium with the microorganisms present in sediments, magnifying the degradation mechanisms. This


fact was proven in this study by the count of bacteria in two models of remediation (Figure 2), since after the thirtieth day there was a large drop in the number of microorganisms in the intrinsic bioremediation (1.8 x 106 CFU g-1), whereas in the rhizosphere of R. Mangle there was a large increase in bacterial density (24.4 x 106 CFU g-1), when compared to the initial 15 days. This higher concentration of microorganisms in the rhizosphere has been reported by other researchers [21], probably in the present study the red mangroves had produced allelopathic compounds, similar to organic compounds that stimulate the defenses of microbial communities on environmental stress conditions, besides the production of carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids that probably could have stimulated the degradation of organic compounds [22-24].
Figure 2. Total count of bacteria during 90 days, comparation between models (n=3).

Bacterial density x 10 6 (CFU g-1)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 7 15 Days 30 60 90 Bioremediation Phytoremediation

3.3. Integrated Assessment of the analyzed parameters To evaluate in an integrated manner how metals and other physic-chemical parameters influence the biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons the Pearson correlation was initially used, which aimed to get an indication of the


strength and direction of linear relationship between the variables in both remediation models, besides the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) which had as main objective to obtain a small number of linear combinations of all variables, which makes environmental events understandable, if not explained by Pearson Correlation. In Intrinsic Bioremediation (Table 2) strong positive correlations between metals and TPH's were not observed, however a strong negative correlation with concentrations of copper (Cu) was observed, which indicates that the more reduced the concentration of organic compounds, the higher the concentration of available copper in the sediment. There was also strong positive correlation between the concentrations of macronutrients (N, P) and dissolved oxygen (DO) with the concentration of TPH's, indicating that the more nutrients and oxygen available, the greater was the degradation of organic compounds in this model. This is probably because these factors are of great influence to the microorganisms in an efficient degradation [13]. In Phytoremediation (Table 3) strong positive correlations of TPH's four metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni) were found, with pH and DO. On the other hand, strong negative correlations were observed in relation to salinity TOM and TOC. These types of positive correlations between metals and organic compounds derived from petroleum found in sediments where they grew R. mangle, indicate that the plant in addition to contributing to the biodegradation of TPH's is probably doing phytoextraction of metals in the sediment, which consequently caused a decrease in the concentration of these elements after 90 days of experiment, corroborating other studies [25, 26].


Table 2. Pearson Correlation in Intrinsic Bioremediation

pH pH Eh T Sal DO Cu Zn Pb Cr Ni Fe Al 1 -0,92 -0,23 -0,80 1 0,18 0,58 1 0,31 0,10 0,04 0,93 0,76 0,88 0,64 0,79 1 0,74 0,73 0,27 0,71 1 0,90 0,09 0,46 1 0,17 0,57 0,11 0,30 0,39 1 0,85 0,97 0,87 0,72 0,59 0,13 1 0,86 0,84 0,84 0,33 0,60 1 0,92 0,70 0,57 0,14 1 0,54 0,60 0,27 1 0,40 1 1 1 0,92 1 1 0,86 1 Eh T Sal DO Cu Zn Pb Cr Ni Fe Al TOM TOC TN P TPH

-0,31 -0,07 -0,21 -0,09 -0,04 -0,39 -0,17 -0,01 -0,46 0,03 0,28 0,23 0,08 0,32

0,32 -0,02 0,29 0,65 0,03 0,50

0,48 -0,34 0,22

0,43 -0,30 -0,22 -0,14 0,05 0,85 0,86 0,89


0,57 -0,05

0,50 -0,23 -0,71 -0,82 -0,73 -0,68 -0,67 -0,87 -0,60 -0,50 -0,82 0,67 -0,38 -0,50 -0,91 -0,83 -0,68 -0,39 -0,72 -0,35 -0,23 -0,83 -0,52 0,24 0,43 0,91 0,86 0,87 0,46 0,83 0,44 0,46

0,00 -0,65 0,13 -0,79

0,76 -0,02

0,90 -0,91 -0,93 0,84 0,87

0,52 -0,16 -0,24 -0,85

0,91 -0,83 -0,18 -0,54 -0,09 -0,07 -0,49

0,44 -0,74

Table 3. Pearson Correlation in Intrinsic Phytoremediation

pH pH Eh T Sal DO Cu Zn Pb Cr Ni Fe Al TOM TOC TN P TPH 1,00 -0,15














1,00 1,00 0,37 0,50 1,00 0,19 1,00 1,00 0,55 1,00 0,11 1,00 1,00 0,96 1,00 1,00 0,26 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,04 0,40 1,00 0,04 1,00 0,40 0,87 1,00 1,00

-0,51 -0,16 -0,86 0,31

-0,55 -0,53 0,87 0,76

0,08 -0,76 -0,65 -0,55 0,16 -0,06 -0,48 -0,71 0,37 0,11

-0,05 -0,60

0,02 -0,40 0,71 0,81

0,78 -0,04 -0,77 -0,79 -0,54 0,82 0,19 -0,78 -0,75 -0,68 0,21 0,08

0,36 -0,10 0,50 -0,28

-0,09 -0,72

0,14 -0,37 -0,10 0,67 0,01

0,96 -0,01 -0,25 0,07 0,71 0,60

0,57 -0,42 -0,82 -0,49 -0,21 -0,86 -0,86 0,24 0,03 0,85 0,29 0,29 0,51 0,51 0,76 0,76

0,59 -0,62 -0,61 -0,33 -0,87 -0,80 -0,33 -0,65 0,59 -0,62 -0,61 -0,33 -0,87 -0,80 -0,33 -0,65 0,54 0,34 0,74 0,36 -0,72 0,19 0,45 -0,80 -0,06 0,14 -0,96 -0,32 0,90 -0,38

0,87 -0,47 0,78 -0,16

0,04 -0,65 0,10 -0,22 0,72

0,17 -0,88 -0,13 0,75 -0,30 0,78

0,31 -0,48 -0,76

0,25 -0,72 -0,72 0,52 0,30

The principal component analysis (PCA) in Intrinsic Bioremediation indicated that the two main factors can explain 79.74% of the considered analytical data variation, with the first factor alone explained 55.76% of the data (Figure 3). The values of TPH's, P, TN, Sal, C / N, Pb, Cu and Zn are well represented in the graph.


We observed strong positive correlation between pH and P with TPH's, suggesting that these factors acted convergent for biodegradation. However, it was evident that the degradation of TPH's was independent of the variables Al, Ni, Cu, Zn, Fe and Pb, confirming the results of Pearson correlation that showed that in this model of remediation the metals, apparently, did not influence the process. Finally, it was found in this model a negative correlation between the variables DO, TOC, TOM, Sal, C / N with the TPH's. This fact must have occurred, because the degradation of organic compounds in sediments with indigenous microorganisms was directly linked to the consumption of oxygen, organic matter and nutrients [13].
Figure 3. PCA in Intrinsic Bioremediation (n=3).

1,0 Al Cr Zn Ni T

0,5 Factor 2 : 23,98%


Pb Fe






-1,0 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 Factor 1 : 55,76% 0,5 1,0

For the model of Phytoremediation the two main factors could explain 80.56% of the variation of the analyzed data, and the factor 1 explained 52.56% of the data (Figure 4). In this case, the values of TPH's, TN, P, TOM, Cu, Ni, Pb, Fe, Cr and pH were well represented in the graph. Strong positive correlation was found between


Cu and Ni, with TPH's, suggesting that phytostimulation by plants in the microorganisms to degrade the organic compounds were also removing sediment from the two metals. However, it was evident that the degradation of TPH in this model's was independent variables: Al, Cr, Sal, C / N, TOM and TOC, suggesting that plants have provided allelopathic compounds for microorganisms to degrade. The PCA analysis in this model did not show a strong negative correlation between some variable and TPH's, although there is a moderate negative correlation between DO and TPH's with T, suggesting that the further degradation of the compounds happened with higher temperature and bigger concentration of dissolved oxygen. The fact that a higher oxygen concentration has occurred over time can be explained by the presence of the roots of R. mangle that may be helping the greater concentration of this variable in the middle, providing a greater degradation of TPH's [23, 24].
Figure 4. PCA in Phytoremediation (n=3).

4. Conclusions


This study showed that the R. mangle applied in phytoremediation was more efficient than the Intrinsic Bioremediation in the biodegradation of organic compounds derived from petroleum in the sediments of mangroves, through an evaluation in pilot scale. It was shown that metals do not show a positive correlation in the biodegradation model of Intrinsic Bioremediation, but that Cu may have been a negative factor in lower efficiency of the model. In Phytoremediation, the analyzed metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni) had a direct and positive influence on the degradation of hydrocarbons, confirming the important role of red mangrove in the mobilization and removal of contaminants joint, being a fundamental factor for the growth of microorganisms in sediment. The relevance of the interaction between the plants and the microorganisms in the model when evaluated Phytoremediation when the biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the presence of metals, since the presence of the plant caused the decrease of the concentration of toxic metals in the sediment. However, we must evaluate whether the concentrations of metals and hydrocarbons were larger and more diverse, it would be found the same results. However, for the present study, R. mangle was classified as promising in the application of remediation in mangrove sediments impacted by moderate concentrations of TPH's and heavy metals.

Acknowledgements This study has been carried out with the financial support of the FAPESB, FINEP and PETROBRAS. REFERENCES


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Icaro T. A. Moreiraa, , Olivia M. C. Oliveiraa, b , Jorge A. Triguisa, Sergio L. C. Ferreiraa, c, Antonio F. S. Queiroza, Cintia M. S. Martinsa, Rosenaide, S. Jesusa, Danusia F. Limaa

a. Ncleo de Estudos Ambientais, Instituto de Geocincias, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. b. Instituto de Geocincias, Departamento de Geofsica Aplicada, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. c. Instituto de Qumica, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. d. Instituto Nacional de Cincia e Tecnologia, INCT, de Energia e Ambiente, 40170-290 Salvador-BA, Brasil. * Corresponding author: Tel: +55 71 3283 8632, Fax: + 55 71 3283-8632, Emails address:; (caro Thiago Andrade Moreira)

Abstract This study evaluated the efficiency of Avicennia schaueriana in the implementation of Phytoremediation compared with Intrinsic Bioremediation in contaminated sediments mangrove by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH's). For three months the experiment was conducted in pilot scale under conditions similar to a mangrove swamp, the dynamics of the tides was simulated and the physical, chemical, microbiological and biogeochemical parameters were monitored. After the ninety days it was found that the Phytoremediation was more efficient in the degradation of TPH's, reducing the


initial concentration of 32.2 to 4.2 mg / g. A. schaueriana was also more efficient in assessing the degradation of different fractions of hydrocarbons, achieving a removal efficiency of 87%. The microbiological results consisted of higher growth in the model with plants, demonstrating the ability of the plant species utilized in phytostimulation. Finally, the experiment showed that the Phytoremediation is a promising alternative in mangrove impacted by oil activities.

Keywords: Phytoremediation, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs), Mangrove sediments, Avicennia schaueriana L., Black mangrove

1. Introduction

The mangrove is a coastal ecosystem of great ecological importance to tropical countries. It is in this environment where there are renovations of biomass and nutrients to the sea, acting as ecologically nursery of marine organisms, but IT is relevant to geochemical studies since a large part of nutrients is accumulated there, besides its economic importance and protection against erosion coast (Alongi, 2002; Lee et al., 2005; Duke et al., 2007; Santos et al., 2010). However, according to the Environmental Sensitivity Index for Coastal Areas published by NOAA (2010), the mangrove habitat is classified as a more sensitive tropical habitat to oil spills due to the difficulties of implementing a contingency plan. The existing remediation techniques for application in these environments impacted by Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH's) are expensive and limited when


one wants to apply them in field scale, in situ (Seabra et al., 1999; Burns et al., 2000; Huang et al., 2004; Yu et al., 2005; Oliveira, 2008; Brito et al., 2009; Moreira et al., 2010a). These toxic compounds represent one of the most common and persistent contaminants in the environment, being highly toxic to the mangrove forests that are particularly difficult to be protected, since many of the techniques will be applied in the other sites, subsequently they may cause other secondary impacts (McNicoll e Baweja, 1995; EPA, 2000). Advances in biotechnology have prompted several researchers to use the Phytoremediation, which can be an alternative potentially more effective in soils and sediments contaminated with TPH's and more profitable compared to alternative traditional existing remediation (Salt et al., 1998; Gnther et al., 1996; Susarla et al., 2002). This technique is well defined in literature as the method that uses plants to stabilize, extract, accumulate, degrade or transform contaminants in sediments, soils or aquatic environments. These plants use some processes, such as

phytodegradation, or phytostabilization phytoextraction of contaminants (Gnther et al., 1996). In the case of sediments contaminated by oil, the effect of phytoremediation is based mainly on the rhizosphere microorganisms

phytostimulation degrading, known as rhizodegradation (Garbisu and Alkorta, 2001, Santos et al., 2010). For maximum success in the implementation of Phytoremediation in the contaminated areas is essential to use plants endemic areas requiring treatment, since these plants offer significant advantages because they are adapted to local environmental conditions, besides having an interaction with the microorganisms of their own area (Anderson et al., 1993). In the case of mangrove ecosystem of the diversity of plant species is very low. It was found that the Avicennia schaueriana


(black mangrove) is a plant that does not have much sensitivity in the presence of sediments contaminated by oil, becoming a promising application of the technique (Moreira et al. 2010a; Moreira et al., 2010b). This plant species has its discontinuous distribution, being found mainly in Brazil (90% of coastal area occupied) and at the bottom of the Leeward Islands, the Atlantic coast of northern South America, south of Guyana and Suriname (Dodd and Rafii 2002; Wilkie and Fortuna, 2003). Within this perspective, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of A. schaueriana in Phytoremediation, compared to an Intrinsic Bioremediation in mangrove sediments contaminated by TPH's, in a pilot study using controlled laboratory conditions. It was the closest simulated environmental conditions of a mangrove. For 90 days the contaminated sediment used was monitored with six samples, using physical and chemical parameters, nutrients, microbiological and geochemical studies.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Sediment preparation and addition for residual oil

Surface sediment samples were collected at 0-30cm deep in a mangrove ecosystem in northern Bay of Todos os Santos, between the cities of Candeias and So Francisco do Conde, Bahia, Brazil. These sediment samples were sieved through a 4mm sieve to remove rocks and plant material was homogenized immediately after to ensure uniformity. It was collected five sub-samples of sediment


that were homogenized and freeze-dried in a cold for 72 hours and sieved through 2 mm mesh to determine selected sediment physical and chemical properties (Table 1). Organic matter in sediment was determined using a modified Mebius method (Nelson and Sommers, 1982). Total N was determined by distillation Kjeldahl digestion and titration method (Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982), available P by Olsen extraction method (Olsen and Dean, 1982). Particle size distribution was determined after organic matter was removed with 30% H2O2, the method of Folk and Ward (1957). After homogenization, sediment samples were mixed in a 1:10 ratio with oil residue found in the same area, a region with many activities in the petroleum industry (extraction, transportation and refining). Then, five replicates of

homogenized sediment samples were collected to analyze the initial concentrations of TPH's (Fig. 1). It was collected a sediment in a reference area, as discussed elsewhere (Moreira et al. 2010b) for comparisons of the parameters analyzed in this study.
Table 1 - Some selected physicochemical properties of the sediment used in experiment. Parameters Textural class Particle-size distribuition Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) Organic matter (%) Organic carbon (%) Total N (%) Avaible P (mg/L) 23,65 73 3,25 5,73 3,32 0,36 1,8 Value Sandy Mud


Figure 1. Gas Chromatography (FID) of residual oil used in the study

2.2. Simulation of the mangrove

The dynamics of a mangrove was simulated with the tidal regime in the sediment used for the application for remediation techniques. This experiment was conducted in a greenhouse (Laboratory deployed to conduct research developed within the network RECUPETRO/UFBA - Cooperative Network Recovery in Areas Contaminated by Petroleum Activities, linked to the Federal University of Bahia) near the mangroves where they collected samples of sediments, with environmental conditions very close to the original ecosystem, with an average temperature of 24.6 C. For this, simulation units were made of glass (50X30X40cm). Within each unit of simulation were added 6 tubes of glass (30X10X10cm) were applied to two models of remediation compared in this study. These tubes of glass were suspended in the unit simulation, allowing the simulation of tidal regime with water runoff. Tubes of glass were closed at the bottom to prevent loss of chemical residue when watering. All


units received the treatment simulation of daily tidal regime with an adequate amount of water (approximately 10L) to maintain constant humidity of sediment, as in the mangrove ecosystem. The experimental projects are three replicates of each treatment and analysis of three samples from each repetition. To assess the efficiency of phytoremediation of TPH's in the sediment, each of the remediation models described below were tested separately, taking into consideration public safety and local environmental compartments.

2.3. Application of Remediation Models

Two models were used to evaluate remediation of contaminated sediment removal for TPH's. To evaluate the efficiency of phytoremediation in mangrove sediment, the species A. schaueriana (black mangrove) was selected. This choice was based on pre-tests conducted earlier by our group as well as with other studies suggesting the use of this for phytoremediation (Eysink 1997, Moreira et al., 2010a, Moreira et al., 2010b). Seedlings of A. schaueriana were collected at low tide, taking into consideration their height (average of 3 months old), defining a standard sampling in order not to compromise the research results. The plants were submitted in sediments mixed with waste oil from the study area. In the laboratory simulation, the species were planted in glass tubes, where the daily regimen was simulated with the tidal water of the mangrove and morphophysiological monitoring was conducted during 90 days. During the growth period, plants were watered twice a week with bottled water as needed. The other type of remediation used to compare the removal of TPH's was the Intrinsic Bioremediation (Natural Attenuation Monitored) where


the degradation of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum hydrocarbon by bacteria present in the sediment mixed was monitored, and the density of the bacterial community was characterized in order to compare the presence of microorganisms in Phytoremediation.

2.4. Sediment extraction and analysis of the TPH's

The TPHs levels in the sediment were determined by assaying for total hydrocarbons. Sediment samples (approximately 50 g) from their remediation models were collected at 0, 7, 15, 30, 60 and 90 days after the start of the experiments and were stored at 4 C until analysis. The storage time for the collected samples was no longer than 10 days and the storage had no effect on TPH levels in soil (data not shown). The sediment samples were dried in a lyophilizer to cold, constant temperature - 50 C. The dried sediments (5 g) wit hout previous treatment, was extracted with dichloromethane/hexane mixing (1:1, v/v). The extracts were concentrated to allow the solvent to evaporate completely, and then the amount of extracted sludge was determined gravimetrically. The extracted oil was weighed approximately 0.02 g for the fractionation of saturated compounds in an activated silica gel column and eluted with ultrapure hexane (30mL). After the eluted was evaporated and then swelled to 1 mL with the same solvent elution. Extracts were quantified using a Varian CP 3800 gas chromatograph equipped with a DB-5 capillary column (30 m length, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 lm film thickness) and Flame Ionization Detector (FID). GC conditions were as follows: injector temperature, 300 C, starting oven temperature, 40 C; 40 C (hold 2min) ramp 10 C min-1 to 300 (hold


12min); detector temperature, 300 C. Helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 1.0 ml min-1 and a split ratio of 10:1 was used. Standard was prepared from the same TPH (C10 C40) stock chemicals.

2.5. Bacterial density in the two models

Quantification of bacterial density was assessed in two models of remediation studied. For microbiological analysis, 25 g of different sediments samples were transferred to Erlenmeyer flasks containing 90 mL of sterile 0.1% peptone water. Each sample was stirred at 200 rpm/30 minutes. For colony counting, it was used the technique of plating by microgota (Romeiro, 2001), decimal serial dilutions in agar nutrient agar (NA) (in g / L beef extract, 3; bacteriological peptone, 5; NaCl, 3; agar, 13). The plates were incubated at 25 C 1 C fo r 24 hours. After incubation, the plates selected were the ones that contained between 3-30 colonies. The number of colonies counted was multiplied by the reciprocal of the dilution and the results expressed as Colony Forming Units (CFU).

2.6. Statistical analysis

It was used analysis of variance in order to verify the existence or not of significant difference between the two remediation models used. Whereas the condition to submit sample data to a parametric analysis of variance is that their


variances do not show significant difference, it was applied the test of Bartlett described in Beiguelman, to test the homogeneity of variances. To check the normality of data the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied. This test indicated, through a chi-square, that there is no significant difference between the variances of the samples. As variances were homogeneous, ANOVA was applied to a single parametric classification, which showed significant difference between the two models. But it has been done "a posteriori" a test for multiple parametric TurkeyKramer to affirm the significant difference between the models. These statistical analyses were performed using the GraphPad Software.

3. Results

3.1. Removal of TPHs in remediation models

With the objective of evaluating the degradation in the remediation models employed in this study (Intrinsic Bioremediation and Phytoremediation) for removal of TPH's in mangrove sediments contaminated, an experiment was conducted in pilot scale to compare the different methods of correction. After 90 days, the results showed that the Intrinsic Bioremediation (Natural Attenuation Monitored) was able to remove 70% of TPH's individually, while A. schaueriana (Phytoremediation) was to approximately 89%, of TPH's in the contaminated sediment (Fig. 2a). It was a statistically significant removal of the TPH's Phytoremediation with A. schaueriana regarding Intrinsic Bioremediation in contaminated sediments. These results indicate


that the Phytoremediation with A. schaueriana has a greater capacity for degradation of TPH's in mangrove sediments. The Phytoremediation was able to remove approximately 19% more sediment TPH's than the Intrinsic Bioremediation, the analysis of TPH's removed by Phytoremediation with A. schaueriana, showed that levels of contaminants in the sediment were reduced from 33.2 to 4.2 mg / g, while the Intrinsic Bioremediation has lowered from 33.2 to 9.2 mg / g in a growing season of 3 months (Fig 2b).
Figure 2. TPHs removal for Intrisic Bioremediation and Phytoremediation (Avicennia schaueriana). Data were generated from CG(FID) analyses of the sediments samples collected after 90 days of remediation. They are presented as percent of chemical removed relative to the sediment that contains 32,2 mg/g of 100% residual oil. a) Indicates removal percentage, b) Indicates the removal in mg/g.


Chemical removal (mg/g)

12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 90

Bioremediation Phytoremediation

Time, days

Chemical removal (%)

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 90

Bioremediation Phytoremediation

Time, days

3.2. Removal of the different fractions of TPH's in the remediation models


It was used the fractions 3A (C16-23), 3B (C23-34) and 4 (C34-40) which are the most TPHs of recalcitrant contaminants in the sediment, based on Huang and colleagues (2005). The results indicate that the Phytoremediation with A. schaueriana was more effective than the Intrinsic Bioremediation in the removal of all fractions of TPH's contaminated sediment. However, in the fraction 3A (C16-C23), both models remediation efficiencies were quite close (81 and 77% respectively). In the fraction 3B (C23-34) the results showed that the degradation efficiency of Phytoremediation was moderately higher (78%) than that of Intrinsic Bioremediation (63%), while in the fraction (C24-C40) this difference in effectiveness was much greater (Phytoremediation: Intrinsic Bioremediation and 61%: 21%). After 90 days, of the Phytoremediation with A. schaueriana had fallen into major components of fractions 3A, 3B and 4, with an efficiency of about 73%, the Intrinsic Bioremediation declined only about 55%, taking into account the levels of total remediation TPHs (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. Chemical removal (%) the fractions different in remediation models, after 90 days.

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fraction 3A Fraction 3B Fraction 4 Totals Alcans

Chemical removal (%)

Bioremediation Phytoremediation

Fractions different

3.3. Temporal analysis of the models remediation for removal of TPHs


It was assessed the temporal degradation of the two models of remediation applied (Phytoremediation and Bioremediation Intrinsic), based on the total content of TPH's in the mangrove sediment (Fig. 4). The removal rate remained relatively constant for Phytoremediation, resulting in pseudo-zero order kinetics for the whole period of 90 days. This behavior of Phytoremediation became a more effective model for remediation than the Intrinsic Bioremediation that, despite having received a higher rate at the beginning of the experiment, failed to keep their initial rates of recovery during the experiment. After three months, the total amount removed by TPHs A. schaueriana was approximately 89%, while for the Bioremediation was approximately 70%, with a strong decrease in the rate of removal.
Figure 4. TPH's staying in the mangrove sediment a function of time.


Chemical removal (%)

100 80 60 40 20 0 7 15 30 Time, days 60 90 Bioremediation Phytoremediation


40.000 TPHs remaining, mg/g sediment 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 0 7 15 30 Time, day 60



3.4. Counting of bacterial communities in two models of remediation

During the 90 days of the experiment, the total number of viable bacteria for the two remediation models applied to sediment contaminated with TPH's, were quantified in six pre-established samples. The results concerning the initial average count of bacteria are between 0.1 and 0.2 x 106 x 106 CFU g-1 determined at the beginning of the experiment. After being applied the models of the remediation in sediments, there was a significant increase in the number of microorganisms after the 7th day in the two models, showing significant difference compared to the initial sediment sample, 8.3 x 106 (Intrinsic Bioremediation) and 1,5 x 106

(Phytoremediation by A. schaueriana) CFU g-1 respectively. After the 30th day there was an increase in Phytoremediation of the microbial community, and quantified values from 8 x 106 to 16 x 106 CFU g-1, however there was a drastic drop in the number of microorganisms in the application model of Intrinsic Bioremediation (1.8 x 106 CFU g-1). Figure 5 presents the total count of bacteria during the 90 days, with


data expressed in polynomial trend with a coefficient of determination R2 of 100% for total bacterial counts.
Figure 5. Total count of bacteria for 90 days, with data expressed in polynomial trend with a coefficient of determination R2 of 100%.

Bioremediation Phytoremediation

CFU g-1


0 0 7 15
Time, day




8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0

Log n cells g-1

Observed Polinmio y = -0,0402x 5 + 0,7086x 4 - 4,5831x 3 + 13,076x 2 - 15,227x + 11,066 R2 = 1

15 Time, day




9 8

Log n cells

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 7 Observed Polinmio (Observed) y = 0,0607x 4 - 0,9403x 3 + 4,8195x 2 - 8,6351x + 9,67 R2 = 0,9752 15 30 60 90


Time, day


3.5. Evaluation the physiology of Avicennia schaueriana used for Phytoremediation

It is very important to investigate the physiology of a plant used in the application of Phytoremediation, since the contaminants found in polluted sediments may often affect the growth of plant species, and from this point it is possible to say if the plant is able to degrade toxic compounds or not. The effects of TPH's in the sediment on the growth of A. schaueriana were evaluated by measuring the sizes of plants and their roots, by comparing the growth of plants of the contaminated sediment with the sediment reference (Fig. 6). It was not expected, but there was a higher growth in the experiments of Phytoremediation in contaminated sediments compared to the reference sediment, watching an increase of 24% in plant growth and a root 7% bigger. Therefore, biomass accumulation of plants in contaminated sediments was higher than the plants in non-contaminated sediment reference. It was proved that the plant species are very promising for the application of the technique, since this growth increased in the black mangrove probably indicates that the plant has a good adaptation to the conditions found in contaminated sediments.


Figure 6. Growth of A. schaueriana were evaluated by measuring the sizes of plants and their roots

80 70 Plant growth (cm) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 7 15 Time, day 30 60 90

Reference sediment Contaminated sediment

30 Root growth (cm) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 7 15 Time, day 30 60 90

Reference sediment Contaminated sediment

4. Discussions

In this research it was developed two models of treatment, using the Intrinsic Bioremediation and Phytoremediation by the A. schaueriana to assess the capability of removing organic compounds (TPH's) in mangrove contaminated sediments. The results showed that the Phytoremediation was more efficient in the degradation of organic compounds. The results corroborates with other studies that evaluated


similar situations (Yuan et al., 2001, Huang et al., 2004, Tam et al. 2008; Yergeau et al., 2009). However, despite many recent studies found the efficient use of plants in the removal of TPH's, the traditional remediation techniques are still the most used in these situations of contamination (Jorgensen et al., 2000, McCarthy et al., 2002; Huang et al., 2005). Some of the difficulties encountered by these traditional techniques in the removal of TPH's in polluted industrial areas are the different concentrations of organic compounds in soils, sediments and groundwater, the application of isolated remediation processes and high costs. (McNicol et al., 2005). The successful implementation in the remediation of sediments contaminated by organic compounds in oil depends on the efficiency of degradation of different fractions of alkanes present in sediments contaminated by TPH's, mainly alkanes most recalcitrant as fraction 3B (C23-C34) and 4 (C34-C40) (Huang et al., 2001). The results of this study with residual oil in contaminated sediments showed that Phytoremediation by A. schaueriana was more effective at removing all fractions of organic compounds evaluated (3A (C16-23), 3B (C23-34) and 4 (C34-40)) in the experiment after 90 days. However it is worth noting that the Intrinsic Bioremediation was also efficient in the removal of fractions 3A (77%) and 3B (62%) as well as the Phytoremediation (3A - 3B and 81% - 72%), suggesting that the two models of remediation can be used in areas contaminated by these fractions of TPH's. However, for the fraction 4 was verified a very significant degradation by the A. schaueriana (73%) compared to Bioremediation (21%). This greater efficiency found in Phytoremediation process for fraction 4 is probably due to the plant's capacity to act together from an interaction (phytostimulation) with microorganisms in their rhizosphere, promoting the rhizodegradation. It is also important to consider the degradation and transformation of compounds made by plants that grow in mangrove


sediments contaminated by TPH's (Rock, 1997; Cunningham et al, 1996; Cunningham et al., 1995). Another important theme in this research was the evaluation of the number of viable bacteria that grew in the rhizosphere of A. schaueriana, compared to the amount that grew on the model of Intrinsic Bioremediation. During the first 15 days of Bioremediation, growth was higher, but from the thirtieth day until the ninetieth day it was found a higher concentration of bacteria in the rhizosphere. These results corroborate the thirtieth day of the experiment in which the Phytoremediation has become more efficient in the degradation of TPH's in relation to Bioremediation. This suggests that plant species used in the experiment have high ability to stimulate the degradation of organic compounds by bacterial communities, through some allelopathic compounds, similar to organic compounds that stimulate the defenses of communities, corroborating other studies (Rovira et al., 1979; Anderson et al., 1993, Walton et al. 1994; Espinosa et al. 2005). Other compounds that are provided by plant roots act by stimulating the microorganisms that degrade TPH, such as carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids. (Joner et al., 2002). The oxygenation promoted by the presence of mangrove roots in the black anoxic sediment of the mangrove forest would be another factor stimulating the biodegradation (Siciliano et al., 2001; Weibner et al., 2002). The results of the comparison of plant growth in sediment reference with respect to contaminated sediment showed that plant species have developed the greatest biomass and roots in the substrate contaminated with TPH's. These results confirm that A. schaueriana has not been affected by the toxic effects of petroleum compounds present in the sediment, being different from what some researchers


report for sensitive species (Dowty et al, 2001; Culbertson et al, 2008; Peng et al, 2009; Nie et al., 2010).

5. Conclusions

The results of this research found that the model applied with Phytoremediation by Avicennia schaueriana was more efficient in the degradation of different fractions of TPH, although the Intrinsic Bioremediation has also been effective in the lighter fractions. However, it is noteworthy that the Phytoremediation by the plant species used was shown to be promising for the decontamination of contaminated sediments by the activities of the oil industry, and indirectly contribute to the minimization of global warming from carbon sequestration, a technology so ecologically correct. The study also found that Intrinsic Bioremediation has low efficacy when applied individually in the fractions of alkanes recalcintrantes , in addition, its maximum efficiency in just in the first 30 days. Furthermore, data from Microbiological analysis revealed that the association of plants with the community of microorganisms in the rhizosphere increased degradation of organic compounds in sediments, and thus promoted the major development of plant biomass in sediments contaminated by TPH's. However it must be evaluated if the model of phytoremediation produced in pilot scale in this study will be as effective in situ, as observed in laboratory conditions. It is suggested that a more detailed study would be to combine these processes into a new product for application in remediation of contaminated sediments by mangrove TPH's, especially when it comes to heterogeneous sediment contamination at different depths, and new research on the transformation of TPH's


in environment are needed to see if this transformation produces toxic by-products for the organisms and human health.

Acknowledgements This study has been carried out with the financial support of the FAPESB, FINEP and PETROBRAS.

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caro T. A. Moreiraa, Olvia M. C. Oliveiraa, b, Jorge A. Triguisa, Srgio L. Ferreiraa, c, Antonio F. S. Queiroza, Paulo O. Mafaldaa, Carine S. Silvaa, Claudia. Y. Reyesa

a. Ncleo de Estudos Ambientais, Instituto de Geocincias, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. b. Instituto de Geocincias, Departamento de Geofsica Aplicada, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. c. Instituto de Qumica, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Campus de Ondina, 40170-290, Salvador-BA, Brasil. d. Instituto Nacional de Cincia e Tecnologia, INCT, de Energia e Ambiente, 40170-290 Salvador-BA, Brasil. * Corresponding author: Tel: +55 71 3283 8632, Fax: + 55 71 3283-8632, Emails address:; (caro Thiago Andrade Moreira)

Abstract Contamination by oil spills in coastal ecosystems, especially in mangrove sediments, has been commonplace in countries with strong performance in oil industry. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of application of the two models developed in pilot scale remediation, Intrinsic Bioremediation (indigenous microorganisms) and Phytoremediation (Avicennia schaueriana) in the degradation of hydrocarbons associated with heavy metals in mangrove sediments, besides monitoring other biogeochemical parameters (nitrogen, phosphorus, TOC, pH, Eh, DO, salinity, temperature, bacterial density). The integrated assessment of data


showed that both techniques were effective in degrading organic compounds from oil, but the phytoremediation is the most efficient (89% removal). It was also noted that the model of Intrinsic Bioremediation has no direct correlation with metal concentrations, but a positive correlation with Al and Ni was found in the hydrocarbon removal in Phytoremediation, it was observed that the plant presents efficiency and phytoextraction in phytostimulation. The results suggest that the model of Phytoremediation through its various mechanisms may become a technique for the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons in the presence of metals in mangrove sediments near industrial areas.


The development of models and remediation processes has the objective of being applied to mangrove sediments affected by the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons in conjunction with heavy metals has become a major technological need in the countries of coastal regions with a strong oil industry (1, 2). Especially when it comes to an ecosystem with ecological and economic importance such as a mangrove that is ranked as one of the most sensitive habitats in the world ranking of coastal areas in the NOAA Environmental Sensitivity index, a tool that manages contingency plans for oil spills (3). The mangrove sediments have some special characteristics such as low or zero oxygen availability, average salinity and low diversity of microorganisms in relation to other environmental compartments. Such factors can provide a greater or lesser biodegradation of toxic compounds. However, the impact of oil on mangroves depend on the types of pollutants, concentration, toxicity, distribution and also the


retention time (3). In many cases the sediment can behave as reservoirs of pollutants such as heavy metals that are coming from marine or terrestrial environment, and thus, the toxicity of the contamination is higher and the degree of difficulty in the removal of organic compounds derived from petroleum becomes more complex (4, 5). A technique widely used in mangrove areas affected by oil is the Intrinsic Bioremediation (Natural Attenuation Monitored), which is a process based on natural factors in which indigenous microorganisms will act in the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons that are bioavailable in the sediment through a redox (6). However, this technique depends on the monitoring through geochemical indicators (pH, Eh, DO, temperature, nutrients) as well as the monitoring of microbial density. This remedial option has been used mainly for the users low cost and its wide acceptance (7). The Phytoremediation has also been applied with intensity in areas affected by oil in recent years. This technique can be defined as a process that applies plant systems, often associated with their microorganisms, with the intention of removing, degrading and immobilizing toxic substances in the environment or with tolerance to high concentrations of contaminants in the roots, stems and leaves (8). Plant species that perform phytoremediation have several physiological mechanisms, depending on the physicochemical nature of the pollutant or property and may be classified as: phytoextraction, phytodegradation, phytostabilization, phytostimulation and

phytovolatilization. Large areas can be retrieved in several ways, low cost, with opportunities to remediate contaminated water, soil, subsoil, sediments, while beautifying the environment. Paradoxically, the time to obtain satisfactory results can sometimes be long. The concentration of the contaminant and the presence of toxins


must be within the tolerance limits of plant used to avoid compromising the treatment (9). In contaminated mangrove sediments by heavy metals and hydrocarbon it is difficult to choose the best technique to be applied. Few organisms can tolerate a heterogeneous contamination, even though some microbes use oil as an energy source (10). Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of two models developed in pilot scale remediation, the Intrinsic Bioremediation (indigenous microorganisms) and Phytoremediation (Avicennia schaueriana), the degradation of hydrocarbons associated with heavy metals in mangrove sediments, and monitored other biogeochemical parameters (pH, Eh, DO, salinity, temperature, bacterial density).

Experimental Section

Sediment. In a mangrove ecosystem located in the North of Bahia de Todos os Santos, between the cities of Candeias and So Francisco do Conde, Bahia, Brazil, sediment samples at 0-30 cm depth were collected. These samples were sieved (4 mm sieve) and homogenized. Five sub-samples of sediments were collected, lyophilized for 72 hours and sieved through 2 mm mesh to determine the physical and chemical properties of the selected sediment. The organic matter in sediments was determined using a modified Mebius method (11). Total N was determined by Kjeldahl digestion, distillation and titration method (12), method of extraction to evaluate P (phosphorus) by Olsen (13). Particle size distribution was determined after organic matter was removed with 30% H2O2, the method of Folk and Ward


(14). After homogenization, sediment samples were mixed at 1:10 with oil residue found in the same area, a region with many activities in the petroleum industry (extraction, transportation and refining). Then, five replicates of homogenized sediment samples were collected for analysis of the initial concentration of TPHs. We collected a sediment in a reference area as found in another study (15) for comparisons of the parameters analyzed in this study.

Remediation Models. This research was developed on a pilot scale with two remediation models, the first being the model of Intrinsic Bioremediation (Monitored Natural Attenuation) and the second model was the Phytoremediation (Avicennia schaueriana - black mangrove). These models were developed by building units of simulated mangrove, and the material used was glass (50x30x40cm). Within each unit of simulation 6 glass tubes were added (30x10x10cm), each tube would be a repetition for each developed model, resulting in three units of simulation with six replicates for each model. The experiment was conducted during three months in a greenhouse near the mangrove in which the sediment and also waste oil samples were collected. The tidal regime was daily simulated in each unit, in order to provide models for remediation conditions closer to a wetland ecosystem. The choice of plant species used in the model of Phytoremediation of this study was based on pre-tests done earlier by our group, attesting to their ability to grow in sediments with high concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons (16). Seedlings of A. schaueriana were collected at low tide, taking into consideration their height (average of 3 months old), defining a standard sample.


Monitoring. For monitoring of the study sediment in the two models, the samples were collected in five pre-set times (7, 15, 30, 60, 90 days). TPH concentrations were analyzed by USEPA determined 8015B method, metals determined by USEPA method 3015, macronutrients (TN, P), TOC, TOM, pH and Eh through the method of potentiometry using a pH / mV HandyLab1, SchottGlaswerkeMainz. The salinity was Measured by the index of refraction, using the portable refractometer Atoga S / Mill-E and dissolved oxygen (DO) was Measured with a WTW Oximeter OXI 3151 (SCHOTT-GERTE). Was also analyzed using the bacterial density of the "microgotas" (17). The analysis of these parameters aimed at enabling an integrated assessment of biodegradation of organic compounds derived from petroleum in the presence of metals.

Statistical Analysis. Integrated assessment of the data for the two models of remediation was made possible also by statistical tests, such as principal component analysis (PCA) to the average concentrations of all data analyzed in surface sediments of each type of remediation, in order to find the main variables influencing the degradation of TPHs. Other statistical tests were applied to the K-means, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, parametric Tukey-Kramer and Pearson correlation. All the statistical evaluation was performed using the software STATISTICA 6.0 and GraphPad Software.


Results and Discussions

Monitoring of the experiment. Initially, before the start of the experiments, preestablished parameters were analyzed in the sediment before (Reference) and after mixing with the oil (Contaminated, day 0). During the three month experiment, the same parameters were also monitored, as shown in Table 1. The results found that after the homogenization of the sediment reference to the oil there was an increase in the concentration of most metals tested, except for iron (Fe), but all values were below the TEL (18), not being toxic to biota. In other experiments this behavior in relation to the higher concentration of metals in a sediment contaminated with oil was also observed (19, 20). During the experiment in Intrinsic Bioremediation the pH values found (7.79 + / - 7.31) and Phytoremediation (7.6 + / - 6.93) were within the expected range for optimum degradation (21). Regarding the monitoring of temperature (30 + / - 25 C), the averages were classified as ideals where the greatest enzymatic activity of microorganisms in bioremediation happens (22). The salinity during the experiment in both models showed a variation that would not jeopardize the degradation of microorganisms (23). Concentrations of macronutrients (N and P) and organic matter in sediments also were within what is expected for degradation by the biota in sediments impacted by organic compounds (21).


Table 1. Monitored parameters during the three months experiment (n=3). IB 0 PA 0 IB 7 PA 7 IB 15 PA 15 IB 30 PA 30 IB 60 PA 60 IB 90 PA 90 7,62 7,51 7,79 7,6 7,68 7,53 7,31 7,25 7,64 7,6 7,37 6,93 -23,7 -9,7 -43 -30 -36 27 -15 -9,7 -35 -33 -22 -7,6 28 27,2 27 27 25 25 27 27 30 30 29,1 29,8 25 27 23,67 22 28 27 30 30 29 26 32 32 4,58 5,49 5,01 5,17 5,27 5,14 5,18 4,46 5,32 4,58 5,36 6,32 17,86 17,86 18,25 17,60 19,50 19,35 18,59 18,07 19,23 18,30 19,43 18,60 22,23 22,23 19,95 18,69 19,27 18,99 19,43 17,53 24,60 20,82 22,91 22,31 18,21 18,21 11,06 15,26 16,87 20,91 16,87 18,92 27,15 19,45 25,63 28,87 11,47 11,47 6,34 5,87 6,75 8,53 7,38 7,09 13,11 8,74 11,33 10,61 17,43 17,43 13,56 16,57 15,81 16,51 14,01 15,34 18,39 15,10 17,04 14,43 10739,67 10739,67 9961,20 9867,57 10082,18 9960,58 12591,74 9441,30 14787,52 12916,35 12692,93 13095,78 7925,57 7925,57 6177,15 5665,04 6239,41 9098,65 5497,63 6386,87 9879,28 6936,10 4628,46 4542,79 33215,16 33215,16 24351,27 29494,29 20098,74 25253,30 19437,69 18396,79 18698,49 16041,15 9225,12 4222,98 5,73 5,73 5,56 5,53 15,40 5,51 13,85 9,84 15,13 12,73 14,08 14,08 3,32 3,32 3,23 3,21 8,93 3,19 8,04 5,71 8,77 7,38 8,16 8,16 0,36 0,36 0,35 0,30 0,33 0,32 0,30 0,30 0,23 0,32 0,21 0,29 2,70 2,70 2,50 1,80 2,30 1,80 1,80 1,50 1,70 1,50 1,60 1,70 9,26 9,26 9,28 10,79 26,74 9,90 26,45 19,09 37,94 23,26 39,32 28,13 1,33 1,33 2 0,2 8,8 1,5 1,8 12 1,2 19 0,9 3,1

pH Eh T (C) Sal DO (mg/L) Cu (g/g) Zn (g/g) Pb (g/g) Cr (g/g) Ni (g/g) Fe (g/g) Al (g/g) TPH (g/g) TOM (%) TOC (%) TN (%) P (mg/L) C/N -1 CFU g


Biodegradation. The removal of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum in the presence of metals was evaluated in two models of biodegradation during remediation of the 90 day experiment. Within fifteen days of the initial model Intrinsic Bioremediation of a higher efficiency was verified compared to Phytoremediation, which has become more efficient from the 15th day on . This result was expected, since plants need a period of days to adapt to the contaminated sediment to reach its maximum efficiency at removing contaminants (24). After three months it was observed that A. schaueriana showed a removal of compounds in sediments from the initial 33.2 to 4.2 g / g, while the intrinsic bioremediation decreased from 33.2 to 9.2 g / g (Figure 1). Thus, phytoremediation was able to remove the sediment about 19% more than the intrinsic bioremediation. This increased efficiency of phytoremediation with respect to the intrinsic bioremediation corroborates other studies in sediments affected by oil organic compounds (25-27).

40.000 TPHs removal (g/g) 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 0 7 15 Days 30 60 90
Bioremediation Phytoremediation

The values of metals in the two models during the ninety days have showed relatively constant, though we observed a moderate removal (18%) of nickel (Ni) and low removal (8%) of chromium (Cr) by the black mangrove (Figure 2). This sequence of


degradation and higher removal of the template for Phytoremediation was consistent with the results of the analysis of bacterial density in the sediment.


Chemical removal (g/g)

1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 0 7 15 30 60 90

Cu Zn Pb Cr Ni TPH


After applying models of remediation in sediments, it was observed a significant increase in the number of microorganisms after 7 days in both models, showing significant difference from the original sediment sample, 8.3 x 106 (Intrinsic Bioremediation) and 1, 5 x 106 (phytoremediation by A. schaueriana) CFU g-1, respectivel (Figure 3). After 30 days, an increase of microbial communities in phytoremediation, as well as the quantified values of 8 x 106-16 x 106 CFU g-1 were observed, but there was a drastic drop in the number of microorganisms in the application model of intrinsic bioremediation (1, 8 x 106 CFU g-1). These results suggest that the black mangrove should have high capacity to stimulate the degradation of organic compounds by bacterial communities, through some allelopathic compounds, similar to organic compounds that stimulate the defenses of communities or other compounds that are provided by the action of the plantsroots, stimulating the microorganisms, such as carbohydrates, organic acids and amino acids, corroborating other studies (28, 29).


Bacterial density x 10 6(CFU g-1)

20 16 12 8 4 0 0 7 15 Days 30 60 90 Bioremediation Phytoremediation

Integrated Assessment. To appreciate how the metals and other parameters in this experiment influenced the removal of organic compounds derived from petroleum, we used Pearson correlation to get an indication of the strength and direction of the linear relationship between variables in both models of remediation applied. In Intrinsic Bioremediation (Figure 4) it was observed a strong negative correlation between concentrations of copper (Cu) and TPHs throughout the experiment, indicating that there was a greater availability of the metal during the biodegradation of hydrocarbons, which may have inhibited greater removal of indigenous microorganisms (30). As for the other metals no strong correlation was observed. With regard to macronutrients (N, P) and dissolved oxygen (DO), the correlation was strongly positive with the removal of TPHs, indicating that in this model of remediation the oxygen and nutrients in the sediment were more available, the greater was the degradation of organic compounds which agrees with enough information published in the literature (31). When the model of Phytoremediation was evaluated, a strong positive correlation between the removal of hydrocarbons and nickel (Ni) and aluminum (Al), and the consumption of nitrogen and phosphorus has been observed, noting that this model A. schaueriana held phytoextraction of metals


in the sediment and associated with microorganisms also removed the oil, and this same behavior has already been seen applied to other plant species in contaminated sediments (32, 33). It was also observed that the degradation of the hydrocarbons in black mangrove may have used the mechanism of phytostabilization for lead (Pb), taking into account the negative correlation between the variables.

Table 2. Pearson Correlation in Intrinsic Bioremediation

pH pH Eh T Sal DO Cu Zn Pb Cr Ni Fe Al 1 -0,92 -0,23 -0,80 1 0,18 0,58 1 0,31 0,10 0,04 0,93 0,76 0,88 0,64 0,79 1 0,74 0,73 0,27 0,71 1 0,90 0,09 0,46 1 0,17 0,57 0,11 0,30 0,39 1 0,85 0,97 0,87 0,72 0,59 0,13 1 0,86 0,84 0,84 0,33 0,60 1 0,92 0,70 0,57 0,14 1 0,54 0,60 0,27 1 0,40 1 1 1 0,92 1 1 0,86 1 Eh T Sal DO Cu Zn Pb Cr Ni Fe Al TOM TOC TN P TPH

-0,31 -0,07 -0,21 -0,09 -0,04 -0,39 -0,17 -0,01 -0,46 0,03 0,28 0,23 0,08 0,32

0,32 -0,02 0,29 0,65 0,03 0,50

0,48 -0,34 0,22

0,43 -0,30 -0,22 -0,14 0,05 0,85 0,86 0,89


0,57 -0,05

0,50 -0,23 -0,71 -0,82 -0,73 -0,68 -0,67 -0,87 -0,60 -0,50 -0,82 0,67 -0,38 -0,50 -0,91 -0,83 -0,68 -0,39 -0,72 -0,35 -0,23 -0,83 -0,52 0,24 0,43 0,91 0,86 0,87 0,46 0,83 0,44 0,46

0,00 -0,65 0,13 -0,79

0,76 -0,02

0,90 -0,91 -0,93 0,84 0,87

0,52 -0,16 -0,24 -0,85

0,91 -0,83 -0,18 -0,54 -0,09 -0,07 -0,49

0,44 -0,74

Table 3. Pearson Correlation in Intrinsic Phytoremediation (A. schaueriana).

pH pH Eh T Sal DO Cu Zn Pb Cr Ni Fe Al 1,00 -0,17 1,00 1,00 0,29 0,23 1,00 0,36 0,40 0,28 0,82 0,52 1,00 0,16 0,69 0,69 0,60 1,00 0,02 0,56 0,23 1,00 0,52 0,89 1,00 0,56 1,00 0,03 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 Eh T Sal DO Cu Zn Pb Cr Ni Fe Al TOM TOC TN P TPH

-0,38 -0,66 -0,88 -0,58 -0,19 0,37 0,21

0,80 -0,22 0,58 0,45 0,31

-0,27 -0,11 -0,84 -0,33 0,67 0,33 0,24

0,20 -0,69 -0,60 -0,09 -0,23 -0,07 -0,67 0,89 0,34 0,43 0,16 0,76 0,65

-0,36 -0,32 0,63

0,55 -0,61 0,14

0,57 -0,65 -0,25 -0,38 0,87 0,87 0,62 0,62 0,16 0,16

0,42 -0,15 -0,38 0,13 0,13 0,35 0,35 0,69 0,69

0,64 -0,40

TOM -0,64 -0,32 TOC TN P TPH -0,64 -0,32 0,50 0,22 0,78

0,24 -0,94 0,24 -0,94 0,57 0,59

0,80 -0,61 0,80 -0,61

0,20 -0,27 -0,19 -0,05 -0,03 0,15 -0,27 -0,15 0,37 -0,26

0,39 -0,33 0,51 -0,20

0,73 -0,11 0,77 -0,15 0,97 -0,68

0,73 -0,49 -0,49 1,00 0,37 -0,56 -0,56 0,82 1,00 0,61 -0,93 -0,93 0,65 0,64 1,00

0,06 -0,68 -0,71 -0,30 -0,35 -0,24 -0,83 -0,17


With the objective of obtaining a smaller number of linear combinations than the ones found in the Pearson correlation, it was also carried out an analysis of the principal component models remediation (PCA). Intrinsic Bioremediation in the two main factors could explain 79.74% of the variation in the data analyzed with the first factor explaining 55.76% and second 23,98%. The values of TPHs, Pb, Cu, Zn, P, TN are well represented on the chart where strong positive correlations were noted between pH and P TPH's, corroborating the results of the Pearson correlation. However, this analysis showed that the concentrations of Al, Ni, Cu, Zn, Fe and Pb are independent of the removal of hydrocarbons, making it clear once again that all metals are likely to have influenced both the biodegradation. It has been shown that this model was a negative correlation between the variables DO, TOC, TOM, Sal, C / N with the TPHs. This fact must have occurred, because the degradation of organic compounds in sediments with indigenous microorganisms was directly linked to the consumption of oxygen, organic matter and nutrients (31).
Figure 4. PCA in Intrinsic Bioremediation.
1,0 Al Cr Zn Ni T

0,5 Factor 2 : 23,98%


Pb Fe






-1,0 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 Factor 1 : 55,76% 0,5 1,0


In the PCA applied to Phytoremediation, the two main factors explained 72.62% of the variance, with factor 1 explaining 51.08% and the second factor explaining 21.54% of the evaluated data (Figure 5). In this model, the graph represented well the values of TPH's, Ni, Pb, Cr, TN, P, Al and Ni strongly correlated with TPHs agreeing with Pearson's correlation. Moreover, it was evident that the hydrocarbons removal was independent of variables: Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb, Fe, DO and salt, suggesting that these variables did not influence the biodegradation, maybe by the phytostabilization in the metals, besides the A. schaueriana behavior as halophyte species in the presence of salts (34). Moreover, a strong negative correlation between some variable and the TPHs was not shown, although there is a moderate negative correlation between TPHs with TOC and T, suggesting that the greater degradation of compounds happened when the temperature was higher and the quantity of organic carbon was bigger in the environment (31 ).

Figure 5. PCA in Intrinsic Phytoremediation (A. schaueriana).

1,0 P TN 0,5 Ni Factor 2 : 21,54% TPH 0,0 pH T TOM TOC C/N Al Eh Cu Cr Zn DO Pb Sal Fe


-1,0 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 Factor 1 : 51,08% 0,5 1,0


The conclusion is, regarding the developed models applied to remediation of mangrove sediments simulated on a pilot scale, a higher efficiency of

Phytoremediation, in relation to the removal of the Intrinsic Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons was observed. The presence of metals did not influence directly on Bioremediation, except for Cu, which may have moderately inhibited greater efficiency in the process. On the other hand, Ni and Al seem to have been absorbed by A.schaueriana, while they were removed from the hydrocarbons, which may have favored more the growth of microorganisms in the rhizosphere, besides the stimulation by the allelopathic compounds. Finally, it was emphasized that the implementation of the Phytoremediation model in areas impacted by oil activities can be very important, since it is an inexpensive, environmentally friendly and socially correct technique. Moreover, this process may also contribute to reduce global warming through carbon sequestration by applied plants, showing its not only local but also global importance.

Acknowledgements This study has been carried out with the financial support of the FAPESB, FINEP and PETROBRAS.

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Os resultados do estudo em escala piloto, mostraram que os modelos de Fitorremediao aplicados com Rizophora mangle e Avicennia schaueriana

alcanram maior eficincia na degradao de diferentes fraes de HTPs, reafirmando que esta tcnica seja promissora na recuperao de reas contaminadas pelas atividades da indstria do petrleo. O estudo constatou que a Biorremediao Intrnseca tem baixa eficcia quando aplicada individualmente, apesar de inicialmente ter sido mais eficaz na degradao de contaminantes. Os dados da anlise microbiolgica revelaram que a associao de plantas com a comunidade de microrganismos na rizosfera aumentou a degradao de compostos orgnicos no sedimento, e consequentemente promoveu um maior crescimento dessas plantas no sedimento contaminado. As anlises integradas da biodegradao dos compostos orgnicos derivados do petrleo na presena de metais pesados nos diferentes modelos de remediao revelaram que as plantas desenvolvem mecanismos de fioextrao, que conseqentemente promove a remoo dos metais, alm da degradao dos hidrocarbonetos. Contudo, a presena dos metais pode ter inibido parcialmente a biodegradao por parte dos microorganismos na Biorremediao Intrnseca. importante avaliar se os modelos de remediao desenvolvidos em escala piloto neste estudo to eficaz in situ, em grande escala, como foi observado em condies de laboratrio. Sugere-se que um estudo mais detalhado a partir da combinao dos trs processos em um novo produto para aplicao em remediao de sedimentos de manguezal contaminados HTPs, especialmente quando se tratar de ambientes que apresentesetem uma poluio heterognea dos sedimentos profundidades. Novas pesquisas sobre a transformao do HTPs no ambiente so necessrias para avaliar se essa transformao gera co-produtos txicos ao ecossistema de manguezal. Por fim, vlido ressaltar que a aplicao da Fitorremediao em reas impactadas por atividades petrolferas de grande relevncia, visto que se trata de em diferentes


uma tcnica barata, ecologicamente e socialmente correta. Alm disso, este processo contribuir para a minimizao do aquecimento global, atravs do seqestro de carbono pelas plantas aplicadas, evidenciando a sua importncia no s local, mas tambm a nvel global.



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