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Francisco Javier Garca Rodrguez A01260686 Science, Technology and Society Prof.

Francisco Cardona 14/03/2013 Second Partial Examination Climate change Introduction The activities of human beings on Earth have negative consequences, some with an immediate impact, and other long-term one. Overall damage caused by these activities become irreversible to Earth.

We as Earth's habitants, try to avoid these activities or decrease their use to protect the place in where we live and avoid catastrophe. All issues relating to the Earth and the possibility to disappear, have a big impact on humans, in some only generate fear and encourage others to take greater care of the environment.

The trash, gases, deforestation, etc.. are product of man's daily activities that alter the balance of the environment, generating global warming and therefore climate change

By Global Warming understand the progressive and gradual surface temperature of the Earth, creating a disorder worldwide. Global warming is caused by the concentration of gases in the atmosphere. A natural process of global warming is the greenhouse effect, in which the atmosphere acts as a layer, with which the rays enter the Earth's surface, but they cannot return to outer space.

The problem arises is that despite knowledge of these phenomena, certainly not know the consequences if the Earth continues to increase the concentration of gases and no additional heating.

But really we should take climate change as seriously? Is it a natural process of the Earth is the beginning of the end of the Earth?

It is difficult to answer this question, because for most climate scientists is a reality, not yet certainly know that

it originates. There are people who think that climate change is just a natural act of the environment and will only last a while without any consequences, but for most climate change is caused by human activities, and may end with the planet.

Through various scientific papers discuss climate change and whether you can now become a concern or not.






There are countless opinions on the origins and causes of climate change, usually said to occur due to human activity. A clear example is the scientific paper by Cristina Garcia, declaring that climate change is purely generated by human activities since the change in greenhouse gas concentrations, changes in land cover and solar radiation, alter the energy balance of the climate system. In recent years, there is evidence that human activities driving the gas concentration, causing a warming of the earth's surface.

In the analysis of Martha Gonzalez, a planet's climate is determined by its total mass, its distance from the sun and the composition of its atmosphere. The Earth's climate variability, on the other hand, is determined by three factors: the change in the concentration of greenhouse gases, solar activity and volcanic activity.

The global average temperature has increased over the past century, as studies by Jacoby and colleagues found that temperature changes in global temperature increases progressively, so unusual compared to the past 450 years. Through his studies and comparisons, Jacoby and colleagues found that the three factors mentioned above played an important role in global climate variability, but the concentration of greenhouse gases became the main factor in the twentieth century. So we can say that the consequences of climate change are the human activities that produce some emission.


By the Cristina Gonzlez paper , we have scientifically proven to several consequences from climate change. One is that we can see that over the last century has reduced the land area covered by snow has reduced the time of freezing rivers and lakes, more sea, more winds, etc., ie climate change has affected the environment. A consequence of the reduction of these surfaces, the temperature increases and becomes more difficult planet predicting the weather.

We can see that climate change has consequences for the entire system, from the oceans to the clouds. In the seas and oceans can see this absorbs and stores CO2, but the amount that is released depends on the thermal structure of the oceans. With warming tends to accelerate the release of CO2 into the atmosphere which increases the greenhouse effect. This becomes a vicious cycle because with global warming seas not act properly and act properly but there will be more warming.

The effects in clouds are complicated because there are different types of clouds with different properties. Global warming evaporation rate increases causing more clouds are formed. Creating an additional cover on the Earth.

As a result of these changes, internally generated climate system phenomena such as hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc., Which have increased in frequency and intensity during the twentieth century. Soluciones

Solution For Kevin Bulls, climate change is a serious problem, which makes predicting disasters and phenomena. In the last century, it is more difficult to predict climate change. To have a stable level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is that of 350 parts per million, but in recent years has risen to 385 parts per million.

We have many solutions, but politicians have passed laws to reduce emissions, but this has had no effect, since the emissions rather than decreasing, increased periodically.

It has sought other alternatives, such as Geoengeneering, with which many people are against, but others look good as it is but to do nothing.

The geoengeneering, is using technology to combat global warming. It covers several strategies such as water management of the seas, clouds treatment, etc.

This technique is not widely used, but if it developed, I think you can change the fate of the planet. With Geoengineering can change the Earth's climate.

Geoengineering techniques can be divided into three main areas: solar radiation management (reflect sunlight back into space), removal of greenhouse gases and climate change. Geoengineering can refer to a wide range of techniques, from injecting sulfate particles into the stratosphere or whitening clouds to reflect sunlight, pouring iron filings into the oceans to stimulate plankton flourish (and CO2 capture); bombard clouds with silver iodide to induce rain or certain genetically modified crops for their foliage may increase the Earth's albedo.


I conclude the essay, saying that after I have read and written, climate change is currently experiencing is a phenomenon by increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly CO2 emitted by human activities.

It is something that should concern us, but most of all we must deal. Climate change may lead to more natural

disasters, risking the lives of the entire population, the extinction of spices, diminishing resources. We must invest more money for more research on techniques to save the planet.

A technique is presented Geoengineering, which may prove to be a good idea if the man used in the right way, and not abusing it to adapt the planet, because eventually the human being want to play as God.

Bibliography Bullis, Kevin. The Geoengineering Gambit. Technology review (2010): 50-56.

Garcia, Cristina. El cambio climatico: los aspectos cientificos y ecnomicos mas relevantes. Nmadas (s.f.): 1 28. Gonzalez, Martha. Cambio Climtico Mundial:Origen y consecuencias. Ciencia UANL (2003): 377-386. Villers, Lourdes. Impacto del cambio climatico. Interciencia (1998): 10-19.

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