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PRESENT SIMPLE S/ES la persoana a3a sg. -exprima o actiune generala care se poate repeta! -Se formeaza din infinitivul scurt al verbului -La persoana a III-a sg. Se adarga s sau es -Negativul se obtine cu DO (DONT/DOESNT) -Interogativul se formeaza cu DO (DONT/DOESNT) asezat in fata subiectului -Poate fi insotit de adverbe ca : every, usually, generally, as a rule, often, sometimes, always, rarely, etc. e.g. We like to watch films every Sunday PRESENT CONTINUOUS am/are/is+VB+ing -exprima o actiune in desfasurare in momentul vorbirii (in progress now) -se formeaza cu prezentul lui BE (am, is, are) si verb ce se termina in ING -poate fi insotit de adverbele now, at present, at the moment, etc. e.g. She is washing the dishes now. We arent working at present. EXCEPTIE -poate exprima de asemenea o actiune viitoare, planificata subiectiv (subiectul face planul si tot el realizeaza actiunea) e.g. We are having a party next weekend. They are seeing the manager tomorrow.

PAST SIMPLE a2a forma a vb. /-ED -exprima o actiune trecuta, incheiata, fara legatura cu prezentul -este a doua forma a unui verb. Pt. verbele regulate se formeaza cu ajutorul lui -ed. PT. CELE NEREGULATE, SE INVATA PE DE ROST -negativul se obtine cu ajutorul lui DID (DIDNT) -interogativul se obtine asezandu-l pe DID in fata subiectului -poate fi insotit de adverbeca : yesterday, last., .ago PAST CONTINUOUS was/were+VB+ing -exprima o actiune in desfasurare (in progress) intr-un anumit moment trecut .Acest moment trecut poate fi exprimat cu ajutorul unui adverb de timp: this time yesterday, at 4 oclock last Monday -se formeaza cu trecutul lui BE(was/were) si verb cu terminatia in -ing e.g.She was travelling to Spain this time yesterday. They werent sleeping at 10 oclock last night. !!! insotit de adverbele always, never, forever, poate exprima sacaiala, iritarea, enervarea: e.g. You were always contradicting people. He was never writing his homework.

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE have/has+vb. La forma a3a -exprima o actiune care a inceput in trecut si care: -inca se continua -tocmai se incheie -s-a incheiat tot in trecut dar are rezultate in present e.g. We have lived in Galati for a very long time. I have waited for you for 5 minutes. She has written her homework twice. -de asemenea face referire la o perioada de timp nedeterminata; -poate fi insotita de Adverb. De timp nedefinit: just, already, always, never, often, lately, today, this/these days, yet, for(de, timp de), since(de,din de la, de cand) e.g. I have always been interested in Eglish. We have known them for 20 years. I have eaten sweets since I came home.

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS have/has been+VB+ing -exprima o actiune care a inceput in trecut si care :-inca se continua -tocmai s-a incheiat -se formeaza cu BE la present perfect (have/has been) + VB+ing -se pot folosi adverbele: lately, recently, this/these, today, for, since,etc. -se poate traduce atat prin perfect compus !!!! FORMA CONTINUA PUNE ACCENT PE CONTINUITATEA ACTIUNII FORMA SIMPLA FACE REFERIRE LA REZULTATE e.g. I have been waiting for you for half an tour. Mother has been cooking since she came home.

PAST PERFECT SIMPLE HAD+ VB la forma a3a -exprima o actiune trecuta care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni trecute -se formeaza cu trecutul lui HAVE (HAD) + VB la forma a3a -se poate folosi cu adverbele lui Present Perfect, in afara de lately si recently (care fac referire la o legatura cu prezentul) e.g.The train had already left when they arrived at the station. Bob was late because he had missed his bus.

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS HAD BEEN + VB+ing -exprima o actiune trecuta, desfasurata neintrerupt pana in momentul inceperii altei actiuni trecute -se formeaza cu BE la past perfect (HAD BEEN)+VB+ing e.g. It had been raining all day before they came back. He was very dirty because he had been working in the garden all morning

THE FUTURE Future Simple -se obtine cu shall/will + infinitivul scurt(forma scurta a verbului) Future Continuous -se formeaza cu shall/will be + VB. + ing -exprima o actiune in desfasurare intr-un anumit moment in viitor Future Perfect -se obtine cu shall have/will have + VB. III -exprima o actiune viitoare care a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni viitoare e.g. They will have graduated by this time next year. She will have heard the news before he gets back. Future Perfect Continuous -se formeaza cu shall have been/will have been + VB. + ing -exprima o actiune viitoare care s-a desfasurat neintrerupt inainte de inceperea altei actiuni viitoare e.g. They will have been playing chess for two hours before mother comes home. When the movie starts she will have been cooking for some time. Future in the Past -se formeaza cu should/would + VB.I e.g. She said that she would be late. I knew that they would buy the house. We heard that the show would be cancelled. Future in the past Continuous -se obtine cu should be/would be + VB.+ ing -exprima o actiune viitoare in desfasurare intr-un anumit moment e.g. She said she would be flying to Los Angeles on Monday. They wrote that they would be playing tennis at 10 oclock the following day.

Future in the Past Perfect -se formeaza cu would have + VB.III -exprima o actiune viitoare care va avea loc inaintea altei actiuni viitoare e.g. I knew they would have left by the time I got back He said he would have graduated by June. Future in the Past Perfect Continuous -se formeaza cu would have been +VB. + ing exprima o actiune viitoare care se va desfasura neintrerupt inainte de inceperea altei actiuni viitoare e.g. They wrote that by 2030 they would have been working in that factory for twenty years. Someone said that the shop would have been closed by the next December.


Sunt propozitii subordinate introduce prin IF, UNLESS (= if not), on condition (that), in case (that), provided/providing (that), supposing/ suppose (that). 1. Viitor, present sau imperative + IF + prezent - conditia exprimata este reala si posibila (90%sanse de realizare) -se refera la viitor, la o actiune care are aproape toate sansele sa se realizeze e.g. The pain will go away if you take some medicine. The sun shines if there are no clouds in the sky. Dont touch the wire if you dont know.

2. Conditional present (would + VB.I) + IF + past tense -conditia exprimata este probabila si imaginara (49% sanse) -se refera la prezent, la o actiune care s-ar putea realiza dar este foarte putin probabil. e.g. We wouldnt postpone the exam unless we could. Providing Jack were here he would know what to do. If I were you, I wouldnt turn him down.

3. Conditional perfect (would have + VB.III) + IF + past perfect -conditia exprimata este nereala si imposibila (0% sanse) -se refera la trecut , la o actiune care un s-a realizat conform asteptarilor dar nu se poate modifica e.g. If they had lost the match they would have been punished. If she had been sleeping she couldnt have heard the phone. ATENTIE: frazele conditionale de tipul III se pot traduce prin IMPERFECT EXEMPLU:Daca pierdeau meciul.?

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